#AU Headcanons
polutrope · 21 hours
If you like: AU where Feanor & Co. comes to Middle-earth *without* the first kinslaying...
AU - First Kinslaying Didn't Happen
I've had to ponder this for a while. So much conflict and plot gets sacrificed if the Noldor don't have their Fall at Alqualonde! But okay, here's what happens:
Feanor, speaks to the Teleri t Alqualonde. But ,,this time, he uses better rhetoric, and Finarfin gets there earlier to do some damage control. Feanor stirs up longing in the hearts of a least half the Teleri to return to their forsaken kin.
Olwe wishes to return and find his brother, but as leader he feels bound to remain with those who wish to stay. But his daughter Earwen goes. The Teleri follow Finarfin and Earwen.
Now there are three hosts under the three sons of Finwe, with Feanor's being the smallest.
So the Noldor & Teleri have boats (yay!) but far, far too few for so big a host. And, because the boats belong to the Teleri, the deal is Finarfin and the Teleri gets to sail them up the coasts.
Now Feanor is being humiliated (as he sees it) by not one but both of his brothers.
Earwen (Finarfin is there, but he is tired; he doesn't really want to do this, honestly) informs the Noldor that they will be sailing to Endor first. They are the better sailors, after all, and there are those among them who dwelt on the very same coasts they are returning to. Once they've scouted it out, they will come back for the others.
Feanor is not having it. He is not letting those Teleri come at Morgoth first!! He plots with his sons to steal the ships. But Earwen is not blinded by kinship and inferiority complexes wrt Feanor; she is one step ahead of him. Earwen and her children set sail in the night.
Finarfin stays behind with the noble but misguided hope that his presence there will somehow keep things peaceable between Feanor and Fingolfin, and reassure them that Earwen intends to come back.
The Teleri have an easy journey over the sea. (Osse is pleased to see them returning to Beleriand, and Ulmo and the rest of the Valar have no reason to try to stop them.)
But it's not so easy when they land. They are immediately spotted by the orc host besieging the Falas. Seeing as they did not listen to Morgoth, they have few weapons and no knowledge of warfare. If not for Finarfin's children and their small contingent of people, who do have some knowledge of war, they would have been completely destroyed.
Angrod and Aegnor drive the host back to Angband... however, they are themselves killed in the valiant push.
Back in Araman, things are tense. Feanor has got it in his head that they should cross the Helcaraxe. There's no way Fingolfin is leading his people across the Helcaraxe, that would be insane. Swords are drawn in council -- Maedhros and Fingon have to wrestle their fathers away from killing each other.
Realising it's better for everyone if they are separated, even Feanor's more reasonable sons get behind his plan to cross the Helcaraxe; in bitterness, they set out without Fingolfin's people.
Meanwhile, in Beleriand, the Teleri of Aman have made contact with the Sindar. Cirdan and Thingol's people agree to help the diminished Teleri sail back for the Noldor they left behind.
They reach Araman to find Fingolfin in conflict with his children over whether to return to Tirion (Fingolfin) or push on to Beleriand (his children). There's also poor Finarfin who would definitely go back if his wife and children were not already over there.
After much debate, everyone decides to take ship, some with more enthusiasm than others. They come to Beleriand.
Meanwhile, on the Helcaraxe, Feanor falls through the ice and dies. (Yep, just like that.)
His sons press on under the determined but untested leadership of Maedhros.
The brothers bicker a lot. Amrod gets pissed off enough to try and turn back, but within sight of his brothers he is swallowed by the ice. So: that's what happens if you try to walk away from the Oath, they all think.
The remaining six come into Beleriand with the first rising of the Moon and Sun and march unhindered straight to the gates of Angband and bang on the gates. No one answers.
The sons retreat south ...
... where they find Fingolfin fully established as a vassal king to Thingol. Fuck that: a) that's not your kingship; b) you made the kingship of the Noldor a vassalage to a Teler?
They also do some mental gymnastics to make it Fingolfin's fault they crossed the Helcaraxe. They had to leave! How else could they have kept peace between their father (dead now btw!) and Fingolfin?? And it's not like they could turn back to Tirion, they had their Oath, you know.
The situation among the Noldor is bad. And no one's captive in Angband to provide an opportunity for conciliatory rescues. What a shame.
Eventually, with all the conflicts brewing, there's still Elf-on-Elf war, but it's in Beleriand. And it's bigger, and worse, with slaying of actual close kin.
Morgoth makes popcorn and laughs.
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miss-conner3 · 3 months
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En Español: Aquí
It seems like now I manifest myself once a month; it's terrible (QuQ)… but well…
Revealing more things about Ando, the revived sheep, and some of his little history (owo)
I'm still defining my style for this, but I think it turned out well 👍
For now this is all (UuU)
I hope you like it!
Extra: Another look from Narinder because I also liked this version, although I discarded it because it was not in line with what I wanted to achieve (U-U)
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He looks like he's looking at a new toy, the sheep, please protect your brother XD
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kame-writes · 1 month
Random Media overlord facts:
Before Voxtech became the big brand name, the company was known as 'Audio-Visual entertainment', that name is now retired and not many people even remember it. Alastor still owns things with that brand because he doesn't update equipment unless it's necessary
Alastor attends overlord Meetings, but for himself, not representing the Vees. If it's Important Vox goes along, because no one trusts Alastor to accurately relay information to them.
There is a large basement room of the tower with no doors or windows. It's just a soundproof room with a single outlet and dim lights. Vox can access it by the electricity, And Alastor by his shadows.
Husk doesn't actually own his Casino anymore, it's properly of the Vees, he just works there. He hasn't been an overlord for so long that people either forgot, or like to taunt him about it. Any soul Husker wins/owns can be taken by Alastor if he thinks they'd be useful. Mostly Husk is treated like passive income, for both money and souls
Angel is initially scared of having Alastor at the hotel, since he's technically one of his bosses, despite barely interacting or seeing him prior to the hotel. But once he realises that nothing that happens at the Hotel seems to follow him back to work, it doesn't take too long for him to start flirting and being more comfortable teasing him like everyone else.
Sir Pentious was still sent by Vox to spy on the hotel/Alastor. Alastor is annoyed, but also amused that Vox messed up so badly with his choice of spy. He makes it very clear to Charlie and Vaggie that he had nothing to do with it, and he'll "ensure nothing like that happens again". Vox goes quiet after that, and doesn't show his face at the hotel for a long time. No one asks what happened, and Vox gets tense if it's ever mentioned.
The whole scene with Charlie and Valentino still happen. When Alastor confronts him about it, Val is tense (and a little scared, but he'd never admit it), but Alastor only demands to watch the recording on the security cameras. Surprisingly, he isn't overly angry at Valentino, just his usual disgust for his work and treatment of the souls in his possesion. He's more interested in seeing Charlie losing control briefly in her anger.
Rosie sometimes visits the tower, and has modeled for Velvette aswell as been on a cannibal cooking segment of one of the shows.
Velvette is the only member of the Vees that Alastor has not had a physical fight with. All their fights are verbal, and she has never given him a reason to physically hurt her, or put her in her place like the boys have.
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inviisiiblelee · 3 months
just a little note so I don't forget this about my Overpowered!Vox AU, in which Vox becomes the strongest Overlord entirely on accident and through necessity.
The idea of deaths as a Sinner and regeneration having long term effects. You get sent to maybe purgatory, or some sort of void, and must make your way back to fully return. A sort of maze. It gets easier the more you experience it, but typically it only take a month max for most people. And usually they come back faster.
Vox himself doesn't do well in the dark. His first death, if he ever experienced one, would take twice as long. Three and a half months before he returns to his body, or reforms, whichever is easier.
My interpretations of Vox and Alastor insist they've known one another and have been close since they met, Alastor took him under his wing, so to speak. But when Alastor left for seven years, he left Vox behind, who had always been weaker. He wasn't a fighter; he preferred words.
But he was a mess without Alastor, and they had left on poor terms, and he was vulnerable. When he finally died, being attacked for his vulnerability, people didn't stop trying to kill him, trying to take the credit of killing the Media Overlord, who once was protected but was no longer.
Over and over again. Three deaths, twelve, twenty-five. He only needs a week now. After forty-five deaths, he started getting forgetful. He started losing track of time, forgetting how things happened, and becoming paranoid. After fifty deaths, he upgraded his body to support on hand weaponry, including holy weapons.
After fifty-three deaths, he started attacking first, reacting to every little movement. Carmilla and Zestial deemed him a liability, in spite of his many, many soul contracts making him prime need for Overlord meetings, requesting Valentino or Velvette permanently take his place. He would corner those he attacked, if he could refrain from killing them, demanding their souls in return for mercy. They would usually accept, with angelic steel pressed against their necks.
After fifty-seven deaths, he had a hard time recognizing anyone, and remembering what was reality, and knowing whether people were trying to threaten him or not. People die by his hand often because they look at him wrong. He doesn't fall apart emotionally anymore- he fixed that after death forty-seven. He's almost indestructible, safe from himself, at least.
His mind is never quiet. His thoughts are too loud. Sometimes he thinks people can hear them. He scares everyone. People run from him, now. It's odd. But he can make them stop. He is so powerful ... a single turn of the spiral in his eyes and none can resist his commands. He is paranoid. Anyone as fragile as he once was gets his protection. He will lose his mind if you tell him no, or give the slightest hint of attitude or what he may deem as odd behavior. Killing is daily. Accustomed to. He may not be very good at fighting, but who needs to be when he can shape up to be roughly the size of Godzilla itself? He would eat Adam whole and spit him back out if he wanted to, and while Adam would be capable of beating him, he'd have to react fast enough.
Vox has turned into the single most powerful and most terrifying Overlord, but also the single most insane being in Hell. He has no sense of self anymore. He lost everything, including his mind, after Alastor left.
When Alastor returns, Vox doesn't recognize him at first. It's only lucky he ran out of holy-tipped bullets that day or he'd have killed him! Haha!
"How long has it been? Twenty years? Oh. Only seven? That's good. It's been too long, still, old friend, let's catch up!"
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periodically-possum · 5 months
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Drarry fanfiction art I made awhile ago. I got into Drarry and love this ship and the fandom’s interpretation of Draco and Harry’s relationship.
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zootopiathingz · 3 months
That one scene in Titanic where she jumps off the lifeboat and back onto the sinking ship bc she can’t bare to leave behind the man she loves; that but make it Charlastor✨ I just know damn well Charlie would refuse to leave Alastor behind in any scenario but I know this one in particular would work best in a human AU. Plus imagine them having that same reunion moment where they’re both in tears and trembling as they embrace each other?? Al kissing her while repeatedly screaming “you’re so stupid!! Why did you do that?!” AND THEN SHE DELIEVERS THE ICONIC “you jump, I jump” UGHGHGHG
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cevans-is-classic · 1 month
I can make each one of the Teen Titans into a supernatural character in my head except Cyborg.
Robin = Dean
Starfire = Cas
Beast Boy = Gabe
Raven = Sam
But Cyborg makes my brain go empty
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I just love cottagecore Merlin. Like I love thinking, dreaming, drawing, writing about Merlin living in a cute asf cottage that looks like a mushroom/or hobbit home and him gardening whilst wearing a pretty dress and fairies flying around him, sprinkling flower petals on him.
Of course he lives with cats whom hes named after the people he knew like King Arfurr, Mewlin(gotta have one named after himself lol) Sir Meows-a-lot, Sir Lion, Sir Purrsival, Sir Felyan, Sir Grrlwaine, Sir meowdred, Meowgana, Gwenpurr, Gwaipuss, Freynya, etc. I just think it's cute lol
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Vigilante Au ideas I have
Izuku is a quirk less vigilante called Nox and has been since 8 years old. (Now 16)
He is dating Shinso who is aware he is a vigilante.
His best friend is Dabi who he met at 9 years old after Dabi ran away.
Dabi is 16 when they met and immediately adopted this feral child as a brother.
Dabi and Hawks are dating in secret until Izuku blackmails the commission into letting Hawks live his life.
Izuku has like 15 Cats that he found on the streets that all live with him in a cafe he owns.
Izuku does not want to be a hero because All Might is an ass but he does enjoy fucking with Aizawa.
Aizawa took one look at Izuku and went Mine. He has been trying to lure him home since
Adoption papers are ready to go in a second thanks to Nedzu.
Mic is alright with it as he thinks Izuku is adorable.
Shoto met Izuku at 12 after catching him pranking his dad. He decided that they were best friends from then on.
Izuku hates endeavor and spends like 80% of his time fucking with him with help from Dabi.
Izuku and Nedzu are friendly rivals in chess and have tea together weekly
Dabi has a problem with kidnapping kids in bad situations but he does sort out homes for them after.
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joannasteez · 2 months
T.O.B.- headcanon thingz!
authors note: the following content is merely being created for fun and to supplement the major plot(s) of the original story. all headcanons will be labeled as such, and will feature a hand full of little facts and tidbits about the third generation members of the blood line during their youth!
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they called him pretty boy rhodes. too blue eyes and that punchable perfect smile. "my boy dashin' ain't he?", his father would say all the time. but it was true. cody was more pretty than the biker world needed him to be. 
"they voted me most handsome"...he said once, very nonchalantly. and they did, the last year of HS. which surprisingly did nothing to affect his meekness.
when cody was eighteen, dusty gifted him a harley davidson fatboy. black, silver, and so damn beautiful.
when cody was sixteen he randomly got a nose piercing that he kept up with faithfully until his mid twenties. "chicks dig the piercing". he attempted a septum but dean told him it was ugly and cody had never heard that word come his way ever and it surprisingly scared the shit outta him. he stuck with his little diamond stud till the tattoos started rollin in more heavily. apparently committing to both was too much work. he got a very weird, oddly placed neck design that made everyone grimace. (he was drunk and orton was practicing)
cody fucking hates beer. "its effervescent hot piss. fuckin miss me please". he much prefers rum based drinks.
he's an affectionate drunk. tells all the guys "he loves them". when he starts getting teary eyed, they know he's had too much.
cody was slightly affected by the "dashing" thing. on his inner arm theres a small black inked square covering what used to read "PBR", which means pretty boy rhodes. once again. kinda drunk, and jey was practicing.
cody was very briefly the tattoo test dummy. he stopped when he realized he was wasting skin on amateur work.
cody doesn't think he has superior music taste, but he likes what he likes. radiohead, the smashing pumpkins, jeff buckely (a girl he dated for 2 weeks in HS introduced him to jeff. probably the only fruitful thing from those two weeks of hell) when he's feeling a little angsty and stevie wonder because dusty played the classic shit.
leather jackets. dark browns and old worn black leather jackets. always smelling like cinnamon. the girls fucking loved it. most times with worn boots. a lot of layering in the winter/fall. long sleeve white tees under crew necks. band tee tanks in the summer.
cody loves the matrix.
cody is a bare knuckle kinda boy in a fight. people who don't know him underestimate him because of the "PBR" stigma. but he's a bloodline kid through and through. gets bloody and a little dirty like the rest of them. has definitely let you wrap his knuckles a time or two after a particularly bad bar brawl. some asshole sliced his hand with a bottle. he used to be a tattoo test dummy though, so high pain tolerance.
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cosmoaxolotl · 8 days
One Piece x Pokémon AU headcanons: Vinsmoke edition!
* they each have a specific eeveeloution that matches their “ranger” color. This is a reference to Eevee’s genetic code being very unstable, and how the Vinsmoke siblings were genetically altered.
* Sanji’s eevee happens to be a shiny. Because of this, the eevees belonging to Ichiji, Niji and Yonji would purposely beat it up for being different.
* Sanji and his eevee have a very strong bond. One night, when he was locked up in the cellar, he thanked eevee for always being there for him. That’s when his eevee finally evolved into a beautiful Shiny Umbreon.
* each sibling has a team mainly based on their ranger name (poison pink, sparkling red, etc) with their ace obv being their eevee evolution
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miss-conner3 · 16 days
Do you have any wholesome non "canon" senerios/endings for au cult leader ando. I'm crying :'(
I have a canon happy moment from the AU; does that work for you? (óvò)
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Ando, unlike the lamb in the main AU, does tell his little brother what the golden skull necklace is, and as you can see, that blessed one only understood «immortality = you can't die». Deciding to immediately test that theory by jumping off a cliff.
My lamb is something special.
Now I would like to comment that in this AU, the theme of the golden skull necklace is used for what it is: a necklace that only grants one more long life, but it does not make you immune to death itself. So it was quite obvious that that fall would have ended the life of our favorite little lamb with just a few days back in the land of the living.
Luckily for him, Ando knew what he was getting into when he decided to bring him back XD
Although his return ended up having an adverse effect on Ando's mental state...
But you asked for something wholesome, so ignore that last /(>u<)\
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kame-writes · 2 months
Concerning the media overlords au:
First of all: I love it! Thank you for sharing the idea with us <33
Second: Does Alastor live in the tower with the other Vees? And does Alastor still move into the hotel? If yes, on a scale of one to absolutely how sad/pissed/jealous is Vox after receiving this info?
3. I'd like to imagine Velvette's fingers are constantly itching to get ahold of that handsome deer man, who doesn't know how to dress himself properly or trendy, and give his wardrobe an upgrade. Could you imagine this happening? (Maybe with lots of alcohol involved. So that he would at least temporarily let her experiment with his clothes. Bonus points if she is able to take picture too. Vox would obviously make himself some copies for.. private reasons...) Do you see my vision?? Can you see it??
4. Can Vox convince Alastor to do more audio features within their network? Like podcasts or interviews and the like? Or are they just screams as well? (I recently discovered a podcast about cooking, where each week they talk about one ingredient and explain a recipe with it. I think this would fit Alastor's preferences very well.. tho the ingredients might not be as commonly used now that I think about it... anyhow... now I can't stop thinking about Hannibal and Alastor hosting a food podcast.. oops.. sorry, but not really)
5. You mentioned that Husk still works in his casino, if he isn't needed. Do you have any headcanons for Niffty's whereabouts?
Anyway that's all for now! Have a lovely day/night! <33
p.s. Sorry if this ask is intrusive. For some questions it's pretty clear that I've already imagined something for myself that may or may not fit with your vision of this au. If you feel like I overstepped, feel free to ignore this or send me an alastor_fuck_u. gif :D
Im am very happy to have questions asked! You have no idea how many ideas i have and dont know what to do with xD
I'd love to see other peoples headcanons and ideas for this universe, if anyone does anything for it then please tag me so i can see ^^
This is gonna get long so I've put it under a read more
2: No one is really sure if he lives there or just works there. He HAS his own suite in the tower, but he's not always there when they go look for him, and not being able to find him is very a common occurrence, made more frustrating because he refuses to carry or awnser the mobile phone they forced on him. He hangs around in the common areas like the kitchen and living room sometimes. And if they do manage to rope him into something like a movie night its a huge hassle, because he will insist on a black and white or silent film if he HAS to engage with the tv, and Vel and Val hate those.
The whole top of the Tower is dominated by his large Radio tower though, its slightly seperated from the rest of the building, suspended above it with a staircase/ladder to enter the hatch. Valentino is usually not brave enough to check there for Alastor.
Its the same with the hotel. He does move into his own room there, but goes back and forth a lot, and doesnt have a schedule. Vox tires to pretend hes fine with it at first but often ends up the hotel to be a pain in the ass to Charlie, and getting kicked out by the staff of Alastor. Hes convinced himself that Alastor will lose interest sooner rather than later, and the others just tune out his whining at this point. No one buys it when he claims he didnt even notice Alastor was gone as soon as the Radio Demon gets back to the tower.
3: I may be planning to draw this haha He does let her dress him up ocassionally, he has a few differant suits he's approved of and kept, but does wear his original the most the time. Velvette has a line of 'Vintage chic' clothing that partly started as a way to get Alastor to agree to changing his 'ratty ass old man style' by appealing to clothes that were updated takes on his era. He still very rarely leaves the tower in anything but his own usual attire.
He does on rare occasions allow photos to be taken of him by the vees (and once, later on by charlie, under strict instructions that she keeps it to herself) but no video. And none under any circumstances are allowed on social media. He has blown up a few phones that have attempted, both the Vees and employees.
4: Alastor has agreed to be on a podcast a few times, but its rare, and only if its somehting hes really interested in talking about. It's one of the few modern things he approves of since its just a version of a radio talk show. Same with interviews, he keeps them even more extremly rare, and the mystery of the radio Demon keeps sinners in fear more than him being in the public. Vox always wants him to do more since the ratings sky rocket when Alastor features.
When Alastor has done an interview it is with his back to the camera, and sitting in a large wingbacked stupidly over the top ornate chair, that hides him from being seen, except maybe the top tuffs of his ears and antlers. And he doesnt reveal much about himself when he does. The chair is partly to hide him, and partly to stop the equitment form glitching too much. He likes to pulls faces and makes gestures deliberatly made to make Vox falter and look stupid on camera, since hes the only one who can see him in that chair.
He has teased on his own radio show that one 'lucky' sinner may get the chance to be on both a guest star on his radio broadcast AND a livestream if the mood takes. Valentino had to inform him that what he's referring to is called a snuff film
5: Niffty gets moved to the hotel pretty much full time once Alastor gets involved, Husk is a part time employee, but ends up spending less time at his casino as time goes on.
Valentino is happy Niffty is gone because she creeps him out, she ocassionally hung around his studio during work hours, especially if theyre doing a scene with 'bad boys'. Vox isn't bothered. Velvette is not happy, especially that Niffty is reduced to a maid/janitor for the hotel, and makes that very known to Alastor. Velvette loves Niffty, they are chaos sisters and work on very sketchy sounding potions together, and gang up against the boys.
Niffty is also a great seamstress herself and brings her designs to Velvette like an excited child showing off their latest art project. Almost none of these get used, but Vel has fun forcing models to parade around the studio and work in something Nifftys made, they often include bugs and bodyparts, Velvette finds this halarious.
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natsuki208 · 1 month
One thing I will say about my Dadbastian AU is that no matter how many times little Ciel said ‘I love you, Papa.’ Sebastian was never able to say ‘I love you’ back to his son.
It’s not that demons aren’t able to say those words, (Hannah says it to Alois all the time lol) it’s just part of Sebastian’s own nature. The fact that he never felt so positively about any other human before doesn’t help either.
Also he seems more like a ‘actions speak louder than words’ kinda character in my AU.
But it did set Ciel off if his father really loves him as his child, fuelling why he stopped seeing him that way once he found out the truth. 🥺🥺
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jazzyrazzy157 · 5 days
Gomorga: Pansexual
Techne: Asexual
Snowflake: Genderfluid (She/He/Them)
Holly Jolly: Demisexual and possibly Bisexual
Mittens: Aromantic
Malice: Bisexual
Yami: Pansexual
Ellis: Transgender (MTF) and Lesbian
Rasp: Lesbian
Deirdre: Lesbian
(Some of the pre-existing characters…)
Wally: (Possibly) Transgender
Abigail: Bisexual
Franny: Lesbian
Chad: Gay (Closeted)
Henrietta: Transgender (FTMTF)
Justin: Gay
Father: Gay
Toiletnator: Bisexual
Knightbrace: Gay
Mr. Wink: Gay
Mr. Fibb: Bisexual
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hazel-of-sodor · 9 months
The Concept of Family in British locomotives
Let's talk about the family concept in British locomotives. This concept has changed through the history of railways in Britain, so we will be primarily focusing on the North Western Railway's Flagship Express Locomotive, No.4 Gordon, once we reach the 20th century.
In the early days of steam, all Locomotives were cousins, as there were so few, but as their numbers grew, locomotives began to associate locomotives sharing the same builder as kin, and the concept of all locomotives being related would slowly fade. The concept of classes of steam locomotives was at best primitive at the time, as technology progressed with such speed that oftentimes an engine was outdated before construction was completed. All engines of the same builder were seen as cousins or ancestors. Siblings were a rare concept at the time, reserved for unusually close engine pairs
As the form and technology of the steam locomotives settled into established forms, classes began to appear with greater frequency. Batches of engines began to appear built to the same design. Built alongside each other, these engines quickly were recognized as siblings and often had close relationships. Complimenting the existing cousins of the same builders.
By this time Railways were growing (and absorbing each other) rapidly. The idea of all engines of a railway being family fell to the wayside quietly on the larger lines, with fleetmates instead being seen as team members.
It was into the end of this era that Great Northern Railway No.100 was first steamed. One of the first Pacifics to be built in the British Isles (and the first successful standard gauge one). No.100 Gordon was the testbed for Sir Nigel Gresley's next-generation express locomotive. As an experimental express testbed, he represented the vision and hope for the future of the railway and was held in high esteem by the other engines on the railway. His high-performance levels only increased his status. However, this status came with the fact. While amicable with the existing express 4-4-2s and 4-6-0s, they were hardly family. While Gresley had designed other locomotives, they were either shunters, freight engines, or smaller mixed traffic designs, and as such rarely crossed paths with their younger cousin. This would change in 1922 with the introduction of No.1470, Great Northern.
Great Northern was the result of Gordon's testing, the first production pacific on the GNR (or Britain). Finally, Gordon had a sibling. Gordon was quickly found to be protective of his little brother, determined that they would never know the loneliness he felt. They were soon joined by No.1471 Sir Fredrick Branbury before the event that shook their world. Grouping arrived with the dawn of 1923.
Grouping saw the railways of the British mainland organized into 4 new railways. The London Midland and Scotland Railway, the Great Western Railway, the Southern Railway, and the A1s new home: The London North Eastern Railway. Seemingly overnight the idea of the railway being your family would be struck down for the majority of lines in Britain, as those railways suddenly no longer existed. Each of the "big four" fleets responded differently. The LMS largely let the concept lie, indifferent to how their locomotives saw each other as long as they performed to expectations.
The Great Western aggressively pushed the concept of The Great Western Way, and the idea they were all "Great Western." Decades later in the 1980s, the surviving pre-grouping locos would adopt a TV line to describe the experience with the phrase, "Resistance is futile, you will be Swindonized."
The Southern came together as a team out of sheer necessity to keep the railway running, but the pre-grouping locomotives would never quite see each other (or the Southern-built engines) as family. Teammates for certain, but the majority still identified themselves by their pre-grouping line.
The LNER closed ranks under the leadership of their express engines. The A1s, including the newly built 1472. found themselves suddenly sharing sheds alongside the Raven-designed Rival A2 pacifics, City of Newcastle and City of Kingston upon Hull. Many expected the two classes to clash, but when No.2400 and 2401 pulled into the sheds, No.100 saw the same weight and loneliness he had borne before his sibling's construction. Before any of the others in the shed could speak Gordon firmly welcomed the former NER engines as cousins. This precedent would be followed by the other express classes, eventually spreading throughout the LNER. In the end, the Gresley A1 would be chosen as the LNER's flagship express engine, but 8 more A2s were built, 2402-2409. No.2402-2404 had begun construction prior to grouping, but 2405-2409 were authorized by Gresley himself. Why he did this is uncertain, but it noted that No.100 had visited Doncaster for unscheduled maintenance the day before the decision was made.
However, No.100 was not destined to remain with the newly formed LNER. By August of 1923 the 10th A1, No. 1480 Enterprise had been completed at Doncaster Works. The LNER board decided that No.100 was no longer needed, preferring to replace the non-standard prototype with a production A1. Gresley argued it would be cheaper to bring No.100 in line with the production A1s, but the board wished for Great Northern to be seen as the first A1, no prototypes required, and No. 100's existence interfered with that.
Fortunately, Gresley convinced the board to sell Gordon to a Railway that desperately needed him. LNER No.100 left Doncaster and his eleven siblings in August 1923, bound for the North Western Railway.
The North Western Railway had been formed in 1915 from the existing standard gauge railways on the Island of Sodor off the coast of Barrow in Furness. The mainline had connected the western coast of Sodor to the British mainland by rail to facilitate the movement of troops and supplies during the Great War. Following the war, the island had seen a massive industrial boom with rising population levels to match. The railway's fleet was primarily composed of pre-1900 castoffs and former Railway Operating Division locomotives. None of which were suitable for the Express service between the western terminus of Tidmouth and Barrow in Furness. One may be excused for wondering why the problems of a western island railway would bear any attention from the London North Eastern Railway. The answer, as is so often true in railway politics, is spite.
In 1923 the North Western Railway had, through a combination of politics, bribes, and actions of questionable legality, managed to remain independent, much to the ire of the London Midland and Scotland Railway. The LMS, already the LNER's sworn rival, had made it their mission to absorb the NWR by any means necessary, as they felt cheated by the line's exclusion from the Grouping Act of 1923.
The LNER saw an opportunity to screw over the LMS with the sale of No.100 to the NWR. With the acquisition of the Gresley Pacific, the North Western could then manage a competitive timetable with its express without doubleheading. Gordon was checked over at Doncaster Works, painted in an express variation of North Western Passenger Blue, and sent off to the NWR with a line of older express coaches that had also been purchased.
Gresley himself turned Gordon over to the NWR, but not before telling the newly renumbered number 4 to make him proud.
The former No.100's early days on the NWR were a success from a performance standpoint, but not a social one. This point in the NWR's mainline fleet, as with many sheds following grouping, was perhaps most comparable to a pack of feral hounds fighting over a bone. Half the fleet were engines purchased during the war, older designs desperate to prove their worth to avoid the fate of their siblings on the mainland. The other half were newer, stronger, engines loaned on trial just before grouping, which saw themselves as inherently better than the rest. They believed the NWR should purchase them before they were returned to the LMS the following year and scrap the older engines. Each engine was fighting to prove themselves, especially at the cost of their competitors.
Throwing a top-of-the-line LNER Pacific into the mix only inflamed tensions. The wartime engines saw him as their worst fears confirmed, the railway purchasing new engines to replace them. The loaned engines loathed him not only for actually being everything they saw themselves as, but also for being LNER, suggesting the North Western may turn to the LNER for new motive power rather than the LMS. Gordon, stripped of his home and his siblings, was in no mood to manage either group's fears or egos.
It is impossible to guess how much longer this state of affairs may have went on for had it not been for the NWR's No.3. No.3 "Henry" was the North Western's previous attempt at purchasing a suitable express locomotive. A 4-6-2 built from stolen Gresley plans, Henry had been a poor steamer, and had struggled with the lesser Expresses, and was utterly incapable of pulling the flagship Wil'Nor'Wester. It had all come to a head two weeks after Gordon had arrived when the pacific had stopped in a tunnel during a storm and refused to come out, resulting in the Railway's general manager, the future Sir Topham Hatt, lifting the rails and bricking the tunnel entrance. Gordon, used to Gresley's high standards for express engines, initially held little sympathy for the confined engine, and even less hesitation in letting said engine know his opinion as he shot past. However as time passed, and Gordon's loneliness grew, he could help but see his siblings in No.3's place. Finally, in late 1923, Gordon took charge of the mainline fleet. He had developed a working (if reluctant) respect for the oldest engine in the shed, a 4-4-0 of Furness origins, and together the two created a plan to save the imprisoned locomotive. One night in late autumn, the first of many "indignation meetings" on the NWR was held as Gordon faced the other engines and told them in no uncertain terms that they would be saving their fleetmate.
The plan went flawlessly. Gordon "failed" outside the tunnel and Henry was pulled out to save the train. While it was revealed that STH had known about the plan, it was still considered a success by Gordon and the majority mainline fleet. However, there was a side effect Gordon hadn't seen coming.
Gordon had expected for the engines to execute the plan, then return to fighting each other. Instead, they unified behind the flagship pacific. Whilst several engines (mostly the newer loaners) would try to challenge him for leadership, they quickly found there was no competing with the Gresley. In performance, he was both the fastest and strongest engine on the railway, as the railway's flagship engine he held the favor of the board and STH, and his willingness to damage his own performance to save another engine had earned him the fleet's loyalty.
Slowly, reluctantly, the No.4 came to see the North Western fleet as family. First came No.3, Gresley in design if not name (or performance) he was the closest Gordon had to a sibling. The old 4-4-0 (No.2 Edward) would earn the Pacific's grudging respect by his work ethic. The following year an experimental mogul from the LMS would arrive (No.5 James) which would quickly become the annoying sibling No.4 never wanted. Throughout all of this, Gordon would occasionally encounter his siblings. It became a tradition for any new LNER express locomotive to make the run to meet Gordon on the NWR, so he would eventually meet all 79 of his siblings, and many of his cousins.
From 1925 to 1939, Gordon led the NWR in his battle for survival and independence in the world of the big four, but by 1939 his conjugated valve gear was worn and fouling. Many expected Gordon to be sent to Doncaster to be rebuilt to A3 standards like many of his siblings. Instead, STH called in a favor with the LMS's chief mechanical engineer, William Stanier. Gordon arrived in Crewe Works stoic and dignified, expecting to be treated as the enemy by the LMS Pacifics and 4-6-0s. Instead. He received a hero's welcome.
While the two companies were rivals, Gresley and Stanier knew each other, and CMEs were often known to discreetly share ideas and progress. Gordon was Britain's first (successful) pacific, and the Princess Royals and the new Princess Coronations saw him as their predecessor. Furthermore, No.3 had been previously rebuilt at Crewe into Black 5 4-6-0 following a 1935 accident, so as Henry's adopted sibling, he was considered their cousin at least.  His Gresley origins could be easily ignored, he'd be a Stanier engine soon enough. For the first time, Gordon was exposed to the idea that not just LNER Pacifics, but all British Pacifics, were his family.
Then war broke out. Gordon had been scheduled for testing on the LMS following his overhaul, but instead his overhaul, but instead the Crewe workmen worked day and night to expedite his return to Sodor. On his final night on LMS metals, Gordon embraced his position as the eldest pacific in Britain for the first time. He spoke to a gathering of the premier express locomotives of the big four at London's King's Cross Station. They were no longer four railways, rivaling each other, he said, but one country standing against a common foe. Gordon departed King's Cross in the dead of night, pulling a long line of coaches filled with evacuating children.
The war on the North Western saw Gordon switch over fully to goods work for the first time in his life. With travel discouraged except in emergency, the express could be handled by smaller engines, leaving the power of the newly rebuilt express engine free for war traffic.
The binds between the NWR fleet were reforged again in steel as the railways of Britain pulled together for the war. Sodor possessed multiple ports, and these were desperately needed safe havens in the uboat-infested waters of the Atlantic. Through it all Gordon led the North Western with a firm hand, pushing all to work their hardest, but keeping overzealous engines and men from pushing his fleet mates too far. Sodor fared better than the mainland, but even this western island was not exempt from the horrors of the blitz. An image of Gordon pulling a line of flatbeds lined with tanks and artillery through Tidmouth the morning after the Blitz strike which decimated the city would become famous as a sign of both Sudrian and British resolve.
The end of the war saw Gordon return to passenger service, returning troops from the mainland to Sodor. The morning he finally returned to head the Wil'Nor Western, freshly repainted in NWR Express Passenger blue, was greeted with cheers and fanfare along the line. The war was over, but its effects were not.
On January 1st, 1948, the standard gauge railways of Britain were nationalized. The big four no longer existed, instead, there was one giant railway with four major regions...in theory. In reality, it was far more difficult to join four rival railways together than signing legislation. It was one thing for the railways to put aside their differences for the good of their country, that was quite simply an engine's duty. It was another to tell the engines and their crews that their rivals of nearly three decades were now their fleet mates. The early days of British Rails were strange indeed. While many had gained a professional respect for their peers during the war, for many engines, their railway was as integral to their identity (and the identity of other locomotives) as being British was to their crews. This was exasperated by the fact that many sheds were led by their express engines, who were built and run in direct and often intense competition with their rivals. The arrival of new locomotives which had only served under British Railways further complicated the already complex situation.
It was into this situation that Gordon would return to the Mainland in 1949. As the unofficial fifth region, the North Western had largely been ignored by British Railways, as there were enough problems managing the former big four without creating the headaches dealing with the Sudrians always invoked. Nonetheless, the North Western Region was invited to send a locomotive for the 1949 Exchange Trials. The trials were meant to directly compare the mainline locomotives in service with the newly nationalized Railway, which did absolutely nothing to dissipate the former rivalries. Gordon was the first and only, choice to represent the North Western Region. Gordon thrived in the trials. His rebuild may have lowered his top speed, but his greater power allowed him to accelerate his trains faster, even up hills. He would routinely match or exceed his Big Four peers in timings. During this time he ran expresses and fast freights alongside many of his cousins and siblings from the LNER, as well as his adopted LMS relatives. He would also develop a rivalry with the Great Western 4-6-0s at this time, as they were the only ones who could challenge him on the hills. British Railways were impressed with his performance, and many of his design elements would be translated into the future Standard 7 class Britannia. It was during this time that he would meet No.34090, Sir Eustace Missenden. She was a Battle of Britain class Light Pacific of Southern Design. Newly built, the young pacific struggled with passenger work. Young and excitable, she worked well with trucks but was deemed too flighty for express work. No one but No.4 himself knows exactly what about her caught his attention, but perhaps she reminded him of his younger siblings. In any case, the first pacific took the youngest under his wing, requesting the management arrange for them to double-head several expresses.
The southern region's management was far from stupid, and eagerly arranged for the two to work together so that she could be mentored by him. Gordon was a stern but knowledgeable teacher, and 34090 was eager to learn. By the time No.4 left for the next set of trials, 34090 was considered one of her shed's best Express engines, and although it would be years before he admitted it, Gordon had a new youngest sibling, Rebecca.
Gordon would return to the Island of Sodor after the trials, and with him came the attention of British Railways. The two organizations began circling each other, but that mattered little to Gordon, his job remained the same. With the exception of an incident in 51, Gordon's existence would remain the same as always, hauling the express and occasional freights. That would all change in 1955.
The Modernization Plan of 1955. The plan to scrap all steam locomotives on British Railways in favor of diesel locomotives. Up to this point, the North Western Region and British Rails had been trying to play nice with each other. British Railways was established with the sole purpose of bringing all standard gauge lines in Britain under one ruling body. Sodor had a history of nodding their heads whenever 'foreigners' gave them orders, then ignoring said orders. Relations between BR and their fifth region had always been strained at best. The announcement of the Modernization Plan brought on a full-on cold war. Sodor was a safe haven for steam and would remain so, even if they had to cut ties with the mainland to do it.
The North Western Region was in a fight for its very existence, and Gordon was at the head. As their Flagship express engine, Gordon was the image of the North Western to many. Every time British Rails sent a diesel for the NWR to test, Gordon would shatter their timings, proving the NWR could not only keep up with BR while using steam but beat them. As the Hatts took the political fight to London, Gordon joined a very different fight.
Sodor had long been a place where engines could escape scrap, but now there were far, far more in need. Gordon's strength and power were needed more than ever. In most cases, the mighty pacific would never see the engines snuck into the rear of his Night Express, but he always felt their weight. When the last day of steam came in BR, Gordon had never once been late with the midnight express to Tidmouth in the thirteen years since the modernization plan was announced. Even when he did see his charges, it mattered not where they came from, they were all steam engines, and they were all under threat. Even when Gordon received work of the final A3s scrapping, leaving only Flying Scotsman and himself of a class once 80 strong, he did not falter. In the latter years of steam, he faced a challenge of another type, diesels, the very engines his kind were being scrapped for, began seeking refuge. British Rails wasn't satisfied with many of its early diesels, and sent them to die with the steam engines BR had once promised they'd replaced. In 1966, Gordon found BR 10000 and 10001 hiding in the barrow yard while he went to fetch his coaches (the shunter had derailed to distract officials so Gordon could collect the engines) He stared for a long moment, the sisters nervously staring at the former LNER pacific before he sighed deeply, coupling up and shunting them to the end of his train.
Engines will often say the Lady rewards those who work hard, and few worked harder than North Western No.4. Gordon was not left to believe Flying Scotsman was his only living sibling for long. The end of 1967 saw his eldest sibling, Great Northern escape to Sodor, years after she had been thought scrapped. She was no longer an A1 or A3 (or male) due to a "rebuild" by Thompson, but that didn't stop Gordon from bashing British Rails D5701 hard enough to create micro-factures in the diesel's frames when it tried to lunge for her. British Railways sent out a notice, any steam locomotive that made it to Sodor was to be considered irretrievable. It wasn't worth losing more diesels to the mighty Pacific. Hatt was willing to pay more than the scrapyard anyway. When it came time for 34090 to be retired, British Rails reluctantly but quietly allowed Gordon to personally collect his adopted little sister.
The 11th of August 1968 saw the end of steam on British Railways, but it still took several months for the stream of steam engines to slow, and years for it to stop. Gordon worked through it all, never refusing to take an engine, determined to save as many of his kin as possible, no matter how distant. He also made efforts to greet visiting engines. He spent more time with former mainline engines, but he always made sure to at least whistle hello to even the smallest tank engines and diesels.
The group he spent the most time with, however, were the pacifics. LMS, LNER, BR, or Southern didn't matter. Gordon would always make time for fellow 4-6-2, often giving them chances to pull his express trains, even if that meant he was left pulling goods trains. Many human observers ascribed his focus on the pacifics to grief for his fallen siblings, but the surviving pacifics didn't care. No matter the cause, his care was genuine, and having another to call family was beyond priceless to those few left.
By 1973 Gordon was firmly established as the leader of both the surviving Pacifics and Gresley engines. A role he took with solemn duty, he could not look after his lost siblings, but he would not fail the rest of his kin.
Flying Scotsman had left to tour America in 1970 and was finally returning that Autumn, now partly owned by the NWR. Gordon and Great Northern meet Olympic at the docks to welcome their brother home. However, no sooner than 4472 had touched back down onto British metals, a whistle sounded out over the docks. The three pacifics froze at the familiar impossible sound. 6'8" driving wheels turned as another pacific rolled onto the dock. Her British Rails Passenger Blue livery could no more hide her LNER form than a grain of sand could blot out the sun. 60061 Pretty Polly's whistle of greeting was drowned out by her siblings in a sound her as far as Suddery. Secretly purchased from British Rails, the contract requiring her survival be kept hidden had run out days before.
Over the coming years it would be revealed that British Railways had in fact sold many engines listed as scrapped into preservation, hidden under contract for 10 years in the hopes of making the engines seem more rare, and therefore more valuable. Among these was Prince Palatine, who had been promised to the NWR before she was reported 'accidentally scraped' when a preservation group unknowingly outbid the North Western Others still were revealed to be hidden away as British Rails slowly but surely lost power over the years. Among these was 4480 Enterprise, yanked from an out-of-use siding by NWR No.5 James in the early sixties and hid on Sodor itself by Caomhnóir. When her survival was revealed, James had tried to claim he had done it to finally win one over Gordon. Gordon had simply pressed their buffers together and sincerely thanked him, saying he was happy for James to hold it over him as long as he liked. James had huffed and asked why he'd had to take the fun out of it, the smile on his face revealing the lie. 2009 would see a new mainline steam engine built on the mainline in over fifty years in the form of Peppercorn A1 Pacific Tornado. When the young engine began waking early, a nearby railtour was hastily diverted so another Steam Engine would be present when she awoke. Tornado awoke to the tearful face of her oldest cousin, though she would quickly pronounce him her older brother. Gordon is suitably overprotective of his youngest sister. In the present day, Gordon is the leader not only of the LNER veterans, surviving pacifics, and the North Western Railway, but is the eldest of the Gresley Pacifics, over twenty strong and counting.
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