#ANYWAY. we are home now. yippee!
ahaura · 6 months
it has been a long day but. finally home 🧎‍♀️
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Oouuhh. EVIL tired ....
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gender-euphowrya · 2 months
they should invent a my grandma who understands other people not being like her
#like. objectively i should go on walks. it would benefit me & my health#but in fucking practice I HATE IT. i don't like it. i don't enjoy it. it fucking sucks. i don't want to do it.#forcing myself to do it is fucking terrible. it makes my body hurt. it feels like a waste of time.#it requires an amount of prep work that i just Don't have the energy for on most days#and i just am 0% motivated to do it because I Do Not Like Walking. if it's walking to go somewhere then. fine.#walking just for the sake of walking ? with no destination ? pure fucking bullshit. boring. pointless. awful.#how am i supposed to be motivated for it when there's no end goal ?#if i go outside to idk get groceries then that's what keeps me going. i need to get groceries#if i'm outside and the only goal i have is one i set up myself which is just a nebulous ''go around the block a few times''#which i am in no way obligated to do Or interested in doing and that i can just. decide Not to do without consequences#then i won't have the fucking drive to do it ! man i can just walk back into my home right now#SO ANYWAY grandma is like the exact opposite of that. bitch loves walking. walks Everywhere. can walk miles. will walk in any weather#and she just... doesn't get that we feel very different ways gkfjdjd#''oooh you should walk and walk everyday It's Good For Youuuu'' and she acts like i don't walk because I Don't Understand That It's Good#sis i'm not fucking stupid i know the health benefits & everything I DONT ENJOY IT THOUGH#same way i know the health benefits of eating veggies but i still Don't do that because i can't stand them !!!!#god fuck Whatever about my health lmao like. i'm here for a good time not a long one !!!!#do you think when i'm old and dying i'm gonna be like ''aaah i'm glad i spent so much time doing things i hated so i could live longer''#nah mate i'm gonna think ''well this was a GOOD one i got to do all the stuff i loved yippee'' and croak
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 months
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Name: Swirlypod
Debut: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
YIPPEE YAHOO! A brand swirlin' new snail fresh for 2023! It has been quite a long time now since we've gotten a new Mario snail, and even since I've posted about one, since I covered all the snailiest Mario snails a while ago. But lookie here! Snaily snaily snail for me to see and for you to view!
Swirlypod is so delightful! To get this out of the way first, yes, its eyes are not on the ends of stalks. Yes, this is good and okay. Some snails are like that! Especially freshwater snails. And that's the kind of snail that this snail seems to be! While sometimes seen on land, it is also seen emerging from (poisonous) swamps. It can breathe that!
Swirlypod's face is just so, so precious. Its big, innocent, curious eyes experiencing the world in the way only a snail could! Its big ol' bulbous antennae, more bulbous than they have any right being, more like a nudibranch's than a normal snail's! And its mouth! I think that's its mouth? It's like three scrumbly tentacles ready to scrumble down some delicious fungus!
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Did you know that the salt marsh snail Littoraria irrorata is able to FARM fungus? They damage marsh grasses to create large wounds for fungus to grow in, and even use their own poop as fertilizer! Snails can FARM!
Yes, indeed, what a wonderful snail we have here! Thank you, Super Mario Bros. Wonder!
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...Hey! That shell comes right off! Now it's all Pod, with no Swirly! Does this mean Lime is The Impostor? I may have just asked you, but that was rhetorical. Don't ask me, because I don't know! Removable shells are a common ability for cartoon snails, and of course, the turtles of this world also have removable shells. I think it doesn't really mean much at all! Though, the idea of a "hermit slug" is very amusing. A snail who can't be bothered to grow its own shell. Maybe it wants to switch shells for different styles sometimes. A slow victim of fast fashion!
Wonder is one of those games where Koopa Troopas retreat into their shells when stomped, so Swirlypod is sort of a way to have Beach Koopa in the same game as the more standardly-behaving Koopa! Once it gets back on its foot, it will try to squirm back into a shell, if one is available. You can give it back! Just drop it down at your feet, and Swirlypod will have a home once more!
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Another thing that sets Swirlypods apart from Koopas is that they are sticky slimy and can slither up and down vertical surfaces! Just like in real life! They don't only climb on the left and right sides of surfaces, either. They can even go on the surface facing the screen! Not just anyone is allowed to do that!
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I am saving what may be the best tidbit for last! There is a good chance Swirlypod's bulbous antennae look familiar to you. That's because they look just like Leucochloridium paradoxum, the green-banded broodsac, everyone's favorite snail parasite! The flatworm that inhabits a snail's eyestalks, making them look more like caterpillars to get a bird to eat them so they can continue their life cycle! Swirlypod definitely isn't supposed to be like, ACTUALLY infected by this funny worm, but I think the resemblance is very much intentional, between the shape and coloring. And that is so awesome to see! This isn't even meant to be a scary snail or anything, but they represented a freaky parasite anyway!
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dayseedrawz2 · 1 month
This is gonna be a Looooooong post.
I wrote so much-
This is practically a retelling of the entire episode so...
Well, now that that's outta the way...
I can't express ENOUGH how much I enjoyed this!!
Here are some highlights/thoughts I had during my first watch:
The new GLITCH intro looked pretty cool!!
The dream sequence at the beginning was really good!
We kinda get to see how Pomni really felt through the first day in her dream. And her fist impression on the others...
I wasn't expecting this to take place the day right after episode 1, but it makes a whole lotta sense.
We already saw this in the trailer, but the part where Pomni glitches through that block lol
Ragatha tried to comfort Pomni even when she was abandoned by her <33 ALSO-
I got so hyped when Caine came on screen
I am so normal about him
Caine ominously stands for a few frames before starting the explanation of the adventure... hmm...
The maple syrup thing got me thinking (forgive me if I'm incorrect, but-) Isn't Caine's VA Canadian? If so it makes sense to have Caine and Maple syrup in the same room. (That was the first thing I thought of BEFORE the episode, btw)
"Sounds like alot of [BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP]."
"Bubble, you can't say that..."
Mmm, very good delivery 👌
Caine seemed kinda in a rush to get them out also...
"Hmm?" "No thanks, I'm trying to quit."
Also another great line delivery
"Look!! The princess is already friends with us, Pomni!!"
"Im not a child. You don't have to hype me up."
Jax needs a life sentence for Gangle abuse >:(
Auzzie gators go brrr
"Do it, or I'll tell Ragatha about the figurine thing."
I'm sorry, WHAT-
(Fast forward a teensy bit)
Gummigoo coming across his own model...
Realizing that he never actually had a mom...
It was all just elaborate programming to give him a backstory...
Fudge monster go brr
He did what-
Aww, pomni trying to comfort Gummi was so cute...
She offered to take him back to the circus...
I'm sure he'll have a great time :)
Pomni, knowing how to break the game to get them out, was not what I was expecting.
But this whole episode is not what I expected, so here we are-
(One cool truck flying scene later...)
Blah blah blah, they end the adventure, Jax causes some chaos, and they finally take Gummigoo to his new home!
I'm sure he's gonna love it here in the c-
*Sreams at my computer for 5 minutes*
*highlights this as if I wasn't screaming the entire episode*
Oh wow, Zooble didn't abstract yippee :D
And then, the end scene...
The little funeral for Kaufmo oh my word-
And Pomni realizing that the others actually care...
They all got her back...
*The end card begins*
No, you can't just leave us with this!! Wh-
Aaaaaand that was my experience! :>
I... am not okay rn...
What are yall's thoughts???
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snailstrailz · 4 months
Ok so I SUCK at comics and post-sleep clarity compels me to just outline my alternative ending for OATD. I'm kinda on the fence about the ending, but whatever AU where the night entities are real or whatever.
This is kinda long so it's below the cut!
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After Dark fades away Orion gets like super pissed at Light and yells at him for not stopping. Light weakly defends himself and flies off, leaving Orion alone to break down on the beach.
Cut back to present Orion and Hypatia, who's like "wow bummer ending dad" and Orion is like"I'm not finished tho!!"
The scene with the night entities realizing they fucked up plays out basically the same, but they all come together and have an argument about what to do. They all really regret just leaving dark but nobody has any ideas on how to fix things.
Finally, they listen to quiet, who suggests they go back for Orion, because maybe they can get Dark back though his memory.
The entities go find Orion, who's still hopeless. The entities all pitch in and talk about how he's helped, but it's not working. Finally dreams appeals to him by just stating the truth. "We need to get him back, or there will be nothing left for anyone."
Orion finally agrees and the whole crew goes into Orion's head this time, but searching through everything they can't find Dark.
This causes Orion to start having a panic attack and then the whole thing with the black hole happens pretty much the same with Orion deciding to face his fears. This dissipates the black hole and Dark is left behind in its wake.
He too, though is completely hopeless. He's reading the list again, crying.
Everyone tries to convince him to come back but Dark won't budge. Completely given up.
Then light shows up. He's like "dude, if you don't come back nobody will ever feel the cool, calm, dark again bro. It kinda blows when it's just me."
Dark turns around. "People have been terrified of me from day one." He turns to Orion, "you're still pretty afraid of me too. But... Maybe that's ok."
Dark gets up and declares that they're going to go fix the world and again the scene plays out pretty much the same.
Dark brings Orion home and they hug one last time. Orion goes inside and it fades to Orion on the field trip. He gathers his courage and talks to Sarah, and even though his voice cracks, he tells Ricchi Panichi to leave him alone.
In the present Orion and Hypatia are going back home. Hypatia doubts the story, thinking it's just made up. Orion knowingly smiles, before something for the poorly lit park from before catches his attention. Beyond the flickering street light, is Dark.
Hypatia is stunned and Dark is like, "long time no see!" Orion is elated to see Dark again, giving him a hug.
"I guess you're here to convince me you're not so bad now?" Hypatia says but Dark says "nah, I don't really mind." Sleep pops in alongside the others and saying, "it's past your bedtime anyway."
Boom title comes on screen credits roll yippee yay
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 6 months
Ever heard the ‘Foolish and Bad are divorced’ theory? Here’s totally what happened.
Bad probably lost one of his lovers, and it happened to coincide with Foolish losing one of his lovers, and usually what happens is they seek each other out and cry about it (well Bad cries, Foolish makes a bunch of really sad and deprecating jokes because humor is his coping mechanism).
Well when the coincidence happens, they both end up finding each other and just, venting about mortals and how immortality sucks sometimes, until Bad is like, “gosh darn it Foolish I can’t go through this again. Can you just marry me so we can find love together and not get love-trapped by stupid mortals again?”
(I’m aware the words are out of character but if it was in character the amount of dodging and implying would take up several paragraphs and I’m not doing that)
And Foolish laughs and is like “Aaa fuck it. Might as well try I guess, your stupid ass is the only one who doesn’t leave anyways”
It’s very unofficial, they don’t go to a church or anything, and their rings are just mismatched random rings that Bad stole, but they both have weird and mixed feelings about this.
Bad says he’s sure they’ll love each other eventually (I hc him as demiromantic because it’s on the spectrum and because also that’s me too so yippee)
It takes a day or too before Foolish can’t take it any longer. Not only is it too soon, but when he takes a step back from his grief and actually imagines being in a somewhat romantic relationship with Bad, he wants to puke and roll over and die somehow. Also probably had something to do with the fact that Bad started moving in to his current build project and setting up space there and usually it’s not a promising sign for a marriage if you started the day after absolutely strangling your partner.
Bad also realizes this too. The thought of a traditional marriage at ALL has never sounded appealing. He isn’t one to get domestic with it, and despite trying to set up a home with Foolish sounds unappealing (noooo had nothing to do with the current bruises on his neck right now…) Bad lived for adventure, and liked solitude once in a while, and marriage was just a tether that promised no benefits except for tax purposes and he already evades taxes anyways.
They both fight each other to be the once that divorces the other, and they start by making this EVERYONES problem. They never had a traditional wedding, but they DID go to an official divorce court, making it a point to hire the best talent with divorce lawyers out there. Not that there was much to go on, they were only married for a handful of days, and it wasn’t even official so the lawyers have no clue what to do. They go with it anyways because it’s a totem shark and a demon and they are already beating the shit out of each other in the middle of the court, and the lawyers did NOT want to get in the middle of that.
Bad of course tries to weasel his way into getting 50% of Foolish’s build, and Foolish gets impatient with the court and just attacks Bad himself, fed up at the consistent attempts to steal his build.
They both roll around on the ground, biting, kicking, punching, and both of them are smiling through it. They can lean on each other when times get tough, but Landduo will NEVER stoop to petty human traditions ever again.
(whoops this turned into a mini hc fic)
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rupertsfangirl · 5 months
Ron Weasley Imagine-Comforts you after a rough day at work (Smut)
Disclosure: Spanking, oral (female & male receiving), Probably missing sum but idk.
Summary: You have a long and rough day at work and your doting husband Ron takes care of you when you get home (IYKYK). 
Word count:2.5k
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Ron Weasley
Note: HOLY HELL I APOLOGIZE! I know I released the original all fluff version like weeks ago but the holidays came around and then my birthday and a bunch of other things but anyway I’m back for now (hehe). I am starting school up again but I should have a bunch of free time due to most of my classes being extracurricular ones since I took college courses to do the other classes early (Yippee for me). Anyway I really hope you enjoy it. I know I had fun writing it even though it took me like a million years. I do plan on making a twins one but I kinda need to rewrite it cuz I accidentally set it in a time period making them underaged sooo yea gotta redo that, oopsies. 
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Ron stood in the doorway and let his blue eyes trace your figure. 
“You look beautiful.” You blushed at his compliment. 
“Well today is important.” He walked up next to you and took the necklace you planned to wear off the desk. He placed it around your neck while you lifted your hair allowing him to clasp it together. 
“Perfect,” he whispered, placing his hands on your waist from behind. You smile as you put your matching earrings in. 
“Alright, I'm ready.”
“Do you have everything prepared?”
“Yes, it's all in my organizer.”
“Well then don’t forget you are amazing and you’ve got this, go get’em.” You hug him feeling a surge of extra confidence from his words. You walk out of the room and down the stairs to the fireplace, Ron trailing behind you. He presses a kiss onto your forehead. While stepping into the fireplace you grab a palm full of floo powder,
“Ministry of Magic.” You watch as Ron disappears behind the flames and the ministry's black brick walls appear. You start towards the conference room feeling the sweat on your palms, you take a deep breath and reassure yourself. 
“You got this.” You step into the room first, as you expected. You begin to set up your presentation; it was an important one because it would allow your department to expand and potentially lead to a promotion for yourself. Once everyone had arrived you began the presentation. You glided through with ease feeling quite cool and collected the whole time. Why had you been so nervous before, you thought of Ron’s words and smiled internally. After the presentation you were feeling pretty good about it. You left the room and started back toward your office however you heard a few of the wizards and witches who had been in the room talking badly about your presentation. It made you upset and questioned whether you had hallucinated that you were so calm while presenting. You tried to shake it off but remained in a funk the rest of the day. And add that you were behind on just about everything due to being understaffed, it was a combination of all the things that made you overwhelmed. 
You had stayed about 3 hours overtime and got home later than you planned; but even still the second you got home Ron was there to greet you. He took your bag, giving you a kiss while grabbing it, and placed it on the couch. 
“How was work?” You only groan in response. “That bad sweetheart?” You nod and place your head onto his shoulder letting out a big sigh. Ron tries comforting you by rubbing your back and holding your head. 
“Why don’t you get out of those clothes and we can just relax.” 
“Alright,” you say, grabbing your bag and heading upstairs to change into something comfy. You take your hair out of the tight bun it's been in all day and fling off the narrow pumps your feet were squished into; sitting down you take out your earrings and necklace. 
Suddenly Ron shouts from downstairs, “I have a surprise for you!” You can’t help but feel excited using a spell to quickly and cleanly remove your makeup. You make your way back downstairs to see a table set with two plates of delicious looking food, candles, and glasses of the good stuff (nice wine). Ron looks pleased with himself and you can’t help but feel like you drooled a bit when you saw the food. 
“Oh my goodness, what did I do to deserve you?” You give him a tight hug and you both sit to eat. You tell him all about the rough day you had and he shows all his emotions on his face like he usually did: anger when you told him about the people who talked bad about you, worry when you told him about all the work you have, and excitement when you told him that you still felt the presentation went well. Then he told you all about the day he had at work which was usually light hearted as he co-managed the joke emporium with his brother George. He always managed to make you laugh with something crazy that happened. You guys finished eating and took the plates to the kitchen placing them in the sink then Ron used a spell to start washing them. 
“What do you feel up to, darling: a bath, a movie, or maybe me?” You giggled at his proposal and rubbed your finger on your chin pretending to think really hard. 
“Hmm, what about a massage; my back and feet are killing me.” 
“I can make that happen.” He had placed his hands on your shoulders and squeezed them lightly. “Go up to the room, I’ll meet you up there.” 
“Okay.” You head up the stairs and into the room, you lie face down on the bed placing your head into your arms. Ron walks in a minute or so after with a bottle of oil. 
“Well you have to take off your shirt,” he chuckled while giving you a knowing look. You roll your eyes at him making sure to face away from him while removing your shirt. You quickly lay back down on the bed and soon after Ron drips the warm oil onto your back instantly soothing you. He begins to glide his hands along the sides of your back to your shoulders where he puts pressure and squeezes causing you to let out soft moans. 
“You have magic hands Ronnie,” you mumble jokingly. He chuckles quietly and continues to massage the knots out of your shoulders. He then slowly moves his hands down to your lower back and using his thumbs he presses into it and moves out slowly; you gasp lightly feeling loose and calm. 
“Did that feel good?” You nod into the bed and he smiles feeling happy he can please you. Ron’s rough yet gentle hands rubbing from your neck, to your shoulders, to your tailbone. You feel as though you're on a cloud and you allow your mind to wonder. You sense his fingers slip into your pants, slowly pulling them down; you think about telling him off but it’s been awhile since you two had been sexually intimate, so you let him continue. His hands caressing your ass; starting from the bottom of your cheeks and squeezing while sliding up. He pulled the spandex waistband of your underwear letting it slap back down onto your waist and swiftly slapping your ass making you tremble. While sliding your pants off all the way, his hand came down a second time leaving you a shade redder. 
He smirked at his ability to make you squirm and leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Ass up.” You bite your lip, abiding his demand, getting on your knees and arching your back to lift your backside into the air. He ran his thumb under the trim of your underwear, lifting it and planting another slap on your cheek; you jump, letting out a slight squeal. 
A pleased grin spread on his face, “You’re so wet for me.” Placing the pad of his finger on the forming wet circle, beginning to rub it; the friction of the fabric against your entrance causing a moan to escape your lips. His fingers traced over your lips gradually moving inwards towards your more sensitive areas; slowly working up the pressure but keeping the same pace. 
“Your hands really are magic.” 
“That's not all that's magic,” a sly smile forming on lips. He roughly pulled off your underwear revealing just how wet you really were. His tongue gently skimming your thigh until slowly reaching your vagina. You softly call out his name as he draws circles and places kisses; soon after pushing his tongue into you. Sultry breaths and rough hands accompanied by a soft tongue brought a rising heat. Contrasting with the coldness of his fingertips as they explored your legs before placing another slap on your ass, pulling a whine from your throat. His mouth hovered just above your clit, placing gentle kisses around the hood and releasing light slow breaths onto it, making you ache for his tongue on your clit. Your hips seemed to take control attempting to move closer to his mouth; prompting Ron to plant another slap on your already rosy cheek. 
“You have to be patient,” he tutted before treating your ass to several quick slaps. The sensations drawing out sounds you were unaware you could make. 
“Please,” you whine.
 He smirks into your skin and shakes his head, “But I love watching you beg.” His finger trailed from the top of your vulva to the bottom; his breath still seemingly rubbing your clitoral hood. As his finger was just to touch your clit he pulled away skipping over the area then continued down. Every time he did this you whined and squirmed, craving his finger pads on your deprived clit. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, the feeling of Ron’s muggy breath and his coarse hands that knew all the spots to make you scream. 
“Ronnie, I-” 
“You're close, I know.” His voice trailed as he put his tongue back to work making you moan at the sudden warm stimulation. He slowly licked up to your clit and finally allowed it some love. Your voice filled the room and you could feel your climax on the tip of your tongue as could he (literally). You felt as if you were filling up until it spilled over, spreading throughout your body making you shiver and moan Ron’s name. Your legs become wobbly and weak causing you to fall flat back onto the bed. Ron flipped you onto your back and wiped your watery eyes. 
“How does my princess feel? Can she take another round?” his hands rubbing your cheeks and head. You felt all the warmth from his body next to yours. You turn your head to face him and biting your lip you nod. He smiles, “We can take a break.” Suddenly you feel a surge of energy from the very last remnants of your orgasm; quickly you straddle Ron who looks shocked but also extremely turned on. You slide his pants down slowly with his boxers in tow, revealing his hard cock. 
“It's so perfect. Perfect for me.” You place a kiss on the head, Ron smiles as his cheeks turn a light red. You slide down his legs to make it easier for your mouth to reach. You reached for the oil on the floor and put a bit on your hand. Placing your hand he twitched at the temperature change. You gripped the center and began slowly moving up and down placing kisses along the side. 
“Sorry it's cold.” He only mumbled under his breath in response. Your other hand made its way to his balls cupping them and beginning to massage them. Dragging your tongue across the head you heard Ron let out stifled moans, using his hand to cover his mouth. His eyes locked with yours, he seemed nervous but you maintained the contact seemingly making him more sensitive. You smile to yourself as you continue to navigate your tongue around his sensitive head, licking up a bit of precum in the process. 
“Does that feel good?” You watched as he brought his hand to grab the back of your head; he lightly tugged your hair letting you know he liked what you were doing. “You need to use your words darling,” you whisper smugly. Using his arm to cover his eyes he mumbled, “Yes.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes it feels good.” His whines and reactions to your hand and tongue only tempting you to mess him up further; but you want to take your time teasing him until he can’t hold it. You start to quicken your pace as you feel Ron getting closer from his expressive voice and face as well as the abundance of precum flowing from him. His hand gripped to your hair hard pushing himself deeper into your mouth just as he came. You felt it slide down your throat as you swallowed, wiping some from the corner of your lip. You continued to run your hand up and down as he was feeling out the final traces of his climax. “If i’m magic you must be mythical,” he huffed catching his breath. You laughed a bit at his joke and crawled up to his chest laying your head on him. 
“I guess I must be.” He stroked the back of your head while planting kisses. Your hand remained on his penis, idly rubbing it through which you felt it regain the stiffness it had just moments ago. You slid back down so that his penis was against your stomach. 
“I thought you were tired. And yet here you are taking charge,” He chuckled while sliding a hand on your waist. 
“You’ve invigorated me.” You practically beam with confidence; giving him a sly look, you sit up on your knees to guide his dick inside. Placing your hands on his chest you began to roll your hips, looking at his pleasure stained face. You leaned over pressing your lips to his. His fingers snaking to your hair and pulling you away from his lips leaving a trail of saliva. You had stopped moving, catching your breath from his sudden aggression. His hips started to entertain you with small thrusts making you moan. Releasing your hair, he sat up keeping you in his lap. Pressing your foreheads together you breathe heavily into him soon after your lips are locked with his once again. The kiss is deep and messy matching his hip movements; you can feel him getting closer. He quickly flips you onto your back, catching you by surprise. You look upon his face, admiring him: his heavy breath, the way he looks at you, it makes you squirm a little. You move your hand to stimulate your clit as Ron drags his tongue against your neck, making you shiver. Both yours and Ron’s bodies were nearing their limit. A warm and powerful sensation began to overtake your body until it suddenly burst and felt like a wave crashing and soon after dissipating back into the ocean. At the same time you could hear and see Ron climaxing with you. You felt him fill you up and then fall next to you both of you catching your breaths. Ron turns his head to face you, pushing your head to face him.
“Your brilliant-” you glare a bit, “-and beautiful” he whispers quickly as he caresses your cheek. You smile leaning into his hand, your whole face a bit red. Bringing yourself closer to him you lay your head on his chest, allowing you to hear his fast beating heart. 
“I think I’ll take tomorrow off.” you chuckle. Looking up you give him a suggestive look, he seems to blush but it's hard to tell as his face is all a pinkish red. 
“Y…yeah maybe you should.” He slides his hand down the back of your hair as he speaks, while trying to avoid eye contact. 
“You're cute.”
“And you're perfect.”
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elysia-nsimp · 7 months
TWST Headcanons!
Hi everyone! This is the second post in the series where I share with y’all my headcanons for the twst characters.
On todays chopping block, the loves of my life, the fuckers that haunt my every waking moment, the Leech twins!
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Alright, let’s get started! There’s a lot to cover, so let’s just touch on physical changes right now.
Both of them look less human, YIPPEE
Their ear fins from their eel forms show even in their more human form. (Floyd’s are broader and face outward, while Jade’s are thinner and face upwards)
Their yellow eye is brighter and constantly gives off a dim light (which gets brighter the darker it is around them)
Their lips and eyelids have a soft teal tint to them
The purple under their eyes is just a lighter variant of their dorm uniform makeup.
Both of them carried over the spots from their eel form in the form of teal freckles across their faces.
Floyd paints his nails! Sometimes Jade does as well.
We don’t really know if it’s canon or not, but the twins have pharyngeal jaws in the back of their throats like real life moray eels.
Great! So what does that all mean?
These changes are actually pretty straight-forward.
The twins revel in freaking people out. Floyd especially doesn’t particularly care how human he looks, so the both of them kind of alter how much of their Be Human medication they take to appear more or less human (they are absolutely not supposed to do this but there’s no major repercussions). All of the physical changes are just bits and pieces of their true forms shining through. They can appear more like they do in canon the higher dosage of their Be Human meds they take.
Any new abilities?
Yes, as a matter of fact! Let’s talk about them!
The twins are sirens, not normal merfolk like Azul. When they sing (genuinely), anyone in earshot will feel compelled to move towards them. They both use this just to mess with people.
Both of them can purr as well, as well as a lot of other more animalistic sounds (ex: tongue clicks either when pleased or in Hunting Mode, they’re very different clicks, a deep growl from the backs of their throats, soft chips when content, even a sound kind of like barking etc etc). These are all things they can do no matter what form they take. Also in Hunting Mode (TM), their pupils get thinner.
The twins are hermaphroditic, like regular eels, meaning they can change their sex.
Other things about merfolk culture that should be noted!
They don’t celebrate the same holidays we do. It’s more seasonal than specific days… except birthdays!
Gift giving is seen as a romantic courting ritual. Be careful when giving the twins gifts, because they might immediately assume it’s romantic unless you state otherwise… Floyd especially.
Biting is TYPICALLY an affectionate show from eelmers, especially if they make an effort to not break any skin. Cheek, hair, and hand biting are more platonic, while shoulder and ear biting are more romantic. Biting can also be a playful gesture (Floyd randomly bites Jade's arm when he's bored, for example)
They speak a whole ass other language in the Coral Sea, so the twins are multilingual.
…I’m not gonna say cannibalism is normalized… but……
Elvers (all children really) often huddle together like otters do to avoid floating away from one another. Most of the time, they have to hide in small holes between rocks if they don't have a structurally sound home to stay in.
Wait, this wasn’t in my Jamil post! And correct you are, viewer whom I am 100% projecting onto! Jamil’s backstory didn’t change much, but we don’t really… know much about the twins’ backstory. Because of this… let’s just say I did a lot.
To be fair most of it is in relation to Floyd, rather than Jade, as I worked more on Floyd. A friend of mine does way more with Jade than I do, so assume my comments about Jade are references to that friend.
So I’m not gonna say the twins’ family is running a mafia… but….
Anyway, let’s meet their parents, Hitori and Mirai Leech. Hitori sure wants to be a good father, but he’s… not doing well. Mirai is also trying her best, but she’s doing better. The twins do not appreciate their father, but they love their Momma very much. :)
Eels can have clutches of maybe 10,000 eggs, so… imagine how many siblings they had! Many didn’t even hatch, some died after hatching… some may or may not have been eaten, but then, there were the ones that made it to childhood. There were several, really. More than just the twins.
The Leech family had to move often due to NOT mafia reasons, so they were nearly always on the move from one place to another. During their travels, some elvers would wander off and never return, some were hunted by bigger predators, some even gave themselves up so the rest of the family could eat. Everyone was always sad when they lost another, but it became so normal that the twins grew… mostly numb to it.
Once the family was solidified in one place, and… nearly all of the twins siblings were already gone, the elvers could actually start going to school. While Jade was rather solitary, Floyd was… Floyd, really. Always up and moving, clearly undiagnosed auDHD, unable to fully control his emotions, the whole ordeal. His parents got a LOT of notes from teachers and other staff that he was a PROBLEM at school.
This turned into evening arguments, groundings, lectures, all sorts of things. Floyd hated hearing “why can’t you be calm like your brother?” time and time again. He was trying, but it hurt so bad. It got to the point where Floyd tried to run away, like several siblings before him, on SEVERAL occasions. He was always either found days later, or dejectedly came home, hungry and wanting dinner… Jade worried one day Floyd would leave and never come home, but he always came home somehow.
Of course, the twins met Azul in elementary school and forcibly became friends with him then, but really, he was their only friend.
At one point, late elementary, Floyd had enough of all the nagging because of his behaviour. One day, Floyd just went dead silent. No one could get him to talk. Not his parents, not Jade, not Azul. This lasted YEARS. No one could truly figure out why he did this, as he wouldn’t… yknow. Tell them. Now, only notes of concern for Floyd came in from teachers. With each passing week of no noise from Floyd, everyone grew more and more concerned.
In late middle school, maybe a half a year before the NRC acceptance letter came in, Jade was talking to Floyd, hoping he’d get his brother to snap out of his silence, when Floyd suddenly spoke again. All he said was “Jade, I hate myself.”
It turned into a conversation about Floyd’s mistreatment—how he was jealous that Jade was so seemingly perfect, while he couldn’t do anything right, and how their parents had always wished he was more like Jade… Jade expressed similar feelings of inadequacy, which… turned into both of them crying while hugging the other.
Jade asked Floyd to make him a promise. A promise to never hide who he was, even if others didn’t want to accept it. It hurt more to see him force down every part of himself than anything else… Floyd agreed, saying he’d try.
That brings us to their acceptance at NRC, alongside Azul. Floyd needed a few months in their first year to fully recover from his habits, but without familial pressure to hold him back, he opened back up. That brings us to the Floyd we know and love today. Jade is incredibly proud of Floyd’s progress, actually, but he’s still scared that Floyd may disappear one day and he’ll lose it all.
Haha. Abandonment issues from both of them frfr.
Anyway, that’s the basics of the backstory… mostly from Floyd’s perspective (and off the top of my head). I may add more about Jade’s perspective if I REMEMBER more
Other headcanons
Assorted other stuff, as usual~
While both of the twins go by he/him, neither are cis. Floyd is genderfluid, Jade is agender. Floyd is also pan, while Jade is ace. They joke about how Floyd took all the gender and sexuality in the eggs.
These fuckers EXTREMELY AUTISTIC. Both of them. They’re so autistic it’s unbelievable. Actually they’re both ADHD/ADD as well. And depression
Floyd has BPD.
Concept from twistedblunderhand here on Tumblr, but Floyd especially is understimulated on land due to the lack of water pressure! The pressure gives the feeling of a weighted blanket, so it’s easier to reign in focus when underwater.
Their strand of black hair is actually a hair extension made from their mother’s hair. It’s tradition in her family to give a part of yourself, literally, to loved ones so you can always be with them, even when apart.
Floyd swaps sexes during his afab peers’ time of the month “so they don’t have to feel alone” in the all-boys college. Jade also swaps sexes from time to time for a range of reasons. Both of them hate it when the other does that because their scent changes drastically.
Jade keeps a journal of all his siblings who were lost over the years. Every single entry has their name, the age they were lost, and everything he knows or remembers about them, including any happy memories. The journal is one of his most prized possessions.
Floyd absolutely does not take notes in classes. Instead, his notebooks are full of drawings and sketches. He took up drawing to pass time on land!
The twins are used to being showered in gifts from “family friends” they don’t really care about on their birthday.
Floyd's hugs CAN be deadly, but he has a pretty good sense of his own strength. When hugging people he DOESN'T want to crack the spine of, he's very good at not hugging too tight.
Jade collects shiny trinkets :)
Jade has a major case of golden child syndrome in the worst way possible (for him, that is)
Because of needing to huddle together as elvers, both twins are rather cuddly once they've deemed you trustworthy. It's not a shocker for Floyd, but not many people really think of Jade as a cuddly type.
Also, if the twins like you, they may randomly appear to protect you from the most minor things, as something as simple as a limp or a sore wrist could mean death in the Coral Sea. Just know, if they're overprotective of you, it's likely because they (Floyd especially) have trouble distinguishing what's a major threat verses a minor threat on land.
^ Going off of the above, yes they will back off if you ask them too, but it will make them VERY anxious. If you don't like the overprotectiveness, you may have to assure them you're NOT gonna die from tripping over a rock.
And there you go! May edit to add more if I think of more, but until then, enjoy my headcanons of the Leech twins! BTW, I'm absolutely not demeaning any of the morally grey aspects of either character. Those are absolutely still a part of them, but since that doesn't really change with my AU/headcanons, I don't have much to talk about in regards to that.
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vind3miat0r · 4 months
Hush EA spoilers
(also a whole lot of word vomit. and for once its not copied and pasted from texts i sent to my boyfriend)
okay wow theres a LOT to unpack here. uhm.
so the general theory that demons dont go to Death when they die has been confirmed!! yippee!! their magic just gets scattered to the winds and it seems like its up to someone to stitch said magic back together in order to revive(?) the demon that was killed. yay!!
taking a moment to talk about Hush because HUSHH?? Hush freaking out about how he killed Vega and how Vega confused him was just. heart-breaking. omg. i was expecting many things today, but not Hush of all people having a breakdown. that really hit too close to home </3
now, Hush mentioned something when talking about Vega: he used the term "anacruses" to refer to our beloved manipulator. hello? sudden lore drop?? question mark??
more lore drops is Hush talking about how he met Vega before he was formed, and how he thinks he wasnt supposed to remember the demon, and i quote: "But a part of me, a tiny echo within me is made of those who made me, and that’s the part of me that knows him. Knows… Vega. The daemon before the demon. The voice before the song broke from the stave. I don’t think I’m supposed to remember him."
focusing on the "voice before the song broke from the stave" part; i looked up the term "anacruses", and what i find interesting is that the word "anacrusis" popped up. "anacrusis" has multiple meanings, but one of them caught my eye: "one or more unstressed notes before the first bar line of a piece or passage."
now, i dont know much about instrument lore, but (correct me if im wrong) this is referring to music. personally, i think this is really interesting (this may be the autism speaking), because we know that d(a)emons have some sort of connection to the spellsong. im sure Gavin or Hush maybe explained it once, i cant really remember. we also know that Hush is literally the silence in the spellsong. the plural of "anacrusis" is "anacruses". you can see where this is going.
we know that Vega is really old. we know he was around before the Cacophony, which makes me think that he was one of the first daemons to be created. like, "within the first ten" kind of first. Hush calling Vega "one of the Anacruses" has me thinking some things.
firstly, the term "Anacruses" may just be a sort of title for d(a)emons who were created before the Cacophony. this is plausible, and i think it would make sense. it could also refer to d(a)emons who were created before the existence of the spellsong, maybe?
we dont know much about the spellsong, other than that its this non-corporeal thing that d(a)emons and Hush have a connection to (and if we really want to reach, the Sovereigns as well). we know that every empowered person's core has a "voice" in the spellsong, and that if said person dies, their "voice" goes silent.
we dont know when it was created, or how it was created. but the definition of "anacrusis" got me thinking... maybe the "Anacruses" daemons are the ones who created the spellsong. its a bit of a reach (thats an understatement that a very long reach), but i think it's plausible. its like FNAF lore: if you dont think about it, it makes sense.
you must be thinking, "wow vinn thats a lot of word vomit! what are you trying to say?" what i said a few paragraphs ago: "Anacruses" just means "old demon" but with significant lore and meaning attached to it. thats it.
(i really like how Erik's brain works — props to him for working this into the possible spellsong lore)
i dont really have much to say about Hush saying he existed before he... well existed. what i take from that is that he could have been a non-corporeal being who physically couldnt take a physical form until very recently. whatever created him took parts of themself to make him. i dunno, im still trying to understand it myself.
uhhh anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk, youve been a great audience as per usual :D
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enchxanting · 1 year
our love is god [ethan landry] pt. 2
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read part 1 here || all parts
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
warnings: light angst, mention of drugs/alcohol
a/n: hey, thanks for all the love on the last part! i promise I'm not churning these out like crazy lol, i wrote the first chapter way before posting it here. not a lot of ethan in this one because we have to flesh out the lore, but i make up for it with some tara/sam angst! yippee!
“I can’t believe it. I actually can’t believe it.” Chad’s eyes are wide with amazement. “Y/N, at a loss for words? Because of a guy?”
“Dude, I’m telling you, it happened!” Tara said.
I was beginning to get tired of this back and forth. 
Friday nights were usually fun, the whole gang gathered in Tara’s room, getting ready for the night’s festivities (in this case, a house party at the Woodsboro Community College), but today, my friends seemed more interested in rehashing today’s lunchtime events.
“Do you know what his name was?” Anika asks.
“Oh god, please don’t egg them on,” I groan. “No, I didn’t catch it.”
“Hey, he didn’t throw it, either,” Tara teases. “He was probably just as nervous. The dude could barely even make eye contact with her.”
Chad sits up on Tara’s bed. “What did you say he looked like?”
“Uh, tall, really tall. Curly brown hair? He was new, I’d never seen him before. And neither had Tara, so don’t chalk it up to my being a newcomer.”
“Wait. Oh my god.” Mindy suddenly chimes in. “I know who he is. His name is Ethan Landry, he’s in my American History.”
I can’t lie; I’m excited by this. “Really? Why haven’t we seen him before?”
“Because he just moved here.” She grins. “Hey, I thought you’d given up on high school boys, anyway.”
I tinge pink. “Never say never, I guess?”
Chad and Tara whoop. Anika rolls her eyes at them. “Do you think he’ll be there tonight?”
I scoff. “I doubt it. We already have to lie about being college students to get in, anyway.”
Tara’s eyes glimmer. “Hey, you never know. That means you have to get extra dressed up for tonight, just in case he’s there.”
I am not prepared for one of Tara’s evil-genius machinations, especially not a makeover. But I entertain the fantasy for a second too long, and she takes my silence as agreement. 
That’s how I find myself in one of Tara’s old dresses, a strappy black thing that hangs too low on my chest for my liking. After fighting over it for a long while, she eventually agrees to add a long-sleeved top underneath, if only to stop my whining.
Yet even though my getting-ready process was the most involved, I’m still the first one downstairs, which is typical. I’m debating whether or not to run for the hills and go home when Sam comes through the front door.
“Oh, hey, Y/N. Is Tara upstairs?” She sets down a few bags of groceries and turns to lock the four deadbolts freshly nailed to the door. 
“Hey, Sam. Yeah, she is. I think everyone will be down soon.”
There’s an uncomfortable energy between us. Sam has never liked me much. Not because of my character or anything, as Tara has reassured me, but she’s overly wary of outsiders ever since last year’s attack. I try not to blame her, but I can’t help but feel a little hurt when she keeps her distance, giving me a once-over instead of asking about my day.
The tension is broken when I hear the rest of the gang come down the stairs. Sam smiles when she sees Tara, but it fades when she notices that we’re all dressed up. “Hey, Tar, where are you guys going tonight?”
Tara shifts her weight from foot to foot. “My friend at Woodsboro Community College offered us an in, so… we’re taking advantage of our youth?”
Sam’s face darkens. “No. No way, Tar. You remember the last time someone had a party around here? We nearly died.”
“Jesus Christ, Sam,” Tara groans. “You were out of my life for five years now you can’t let me be alone for five minutes..”
I look at Chad, uncomfortable. He slightly shakes his head at me– better not to interfere.. Still, I feel like I have to say something. “Hey, Tara, maybe she’s right, we could just–”
Tara whips around to glare at me. “You’ve got to be kidding, Y/N. Butt the fuck out.” Her words sting, but I step back and sit on the couch.
“I’m not interested in living in the fucking past, Sam,” she continues. “I’m not gonna let what happened to me for three days define me for the rest of my life.”
Sam is quiet. I expect her to snap, to yell at all of us, but she just stares at Tara for a few seconds.
Finally, she picks up her bag again. “Alright. Fine. Go to the party, bring your taser, or not, I don’t care. I won’t be here when you get back.”
Tara’s eyes widen. “Wait, Sam. Wait. I’m sorry, I–”
“No, it’s really fine.” She glances around the room, where the rest of us are trying to blend into the shadows. “I hope you guys have fun. If some psycho killer tries to get you, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
With that, she marches upstairs, and I hear her bedroom door slam and lock. 
No one knows what to say. Tara turns her back, and I see her wiping away angry tears. Without looking at us, she opens the front door. “Okay! Who’s ready?”
“Tara, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Anika says. “We can stay back if you want, I mean–”
“Nope! What I want is to get so shit-faced I don’t remember this conversation. Let’s go.”
My stomach still feels hollow, but I silently follow Tara out of the door. Anika and Mindy follow close behind. 
Chad takes a second before making up his mind. He grabs his keys. “Yeah, okay. Let’s go, then.”
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holy. fucking. shit
okay so i did all of it in one go the SECOND the update dropped and first of all???? kaeya actually being somewhat open about his past at dawn winery and talking about sneaking off to sumeru to see if he could find anything about Khaenri'ah,,,
part of me wonders if he was trying to find his way home. that was my first thought, at least
either that or he could've just wanted to investigate the possible remnants of his homeland
also the mental image of crepus traveling to sumeru to drag kaeya back to dawn winery is SO funny omg
anyway. this confirms that as a kid, kaeya was great at hiding and going unnoticed (for a short period of time, at least)
he described it as a "short-lived adventure" as if it was just something he did for fun, but i feel like it was more of a "i don't know where my father went after leaving me here and i know i can't ask for help from anyone around me so i'm going to take matters into my own (tiny) hands and try and get home/learn about home"
also, on that note, kaeya knowing khaenri'ah is near sumeru is...interesting
honestly, just the location is interesting to me
sumeru is, for the most part, surrounded by other nations (liyue, natlan, maybe fontaine? idk i'd need to look at a map) so unless khaenri'ah is west of sumeru, it's somewhat central to the other nations and has gone completely unnoticed since it was destroyed
anyway, back to talking about kaeya
in the weinlesefest, we heard kaeya's father's voice for the first time, and it was the line about kaeya being their nations only hope. however, i guess that line doesn't really affect kaeya in the way we thought it did. while we assumed he was always being torn between mondstadt and khaenri'ah, he was actually starting to think that his father left him there for his own good
honestly, healthy mindset there, king!
anyway after that he says "A happy life sounds good to me, of course. Even if it means being cut off from... certain things."
king. hey. are you talking about being cut off from your birthplace or being disowned by diluc; you gotta give me some direction here. personally, i'm going to assume he's talking about diluc now
kaeya had a very happy life when he was with crepus and diluc, and maybe he's including other people's happiness in his definition of a happy life. he's a people pleaser--if others are happy, so am i--and he thinks diluc is happier without kaeya
also him just saying that alberich is his surname makes me :(
like. listen. i know diluc disowned him so he cant really use the surname ragnvinder. but like cmon :(
and him saying his surname is "probably" the only link to khaenri'ah he has left,,, very interesting
ALSO DAIN???? "...One Death After Noon please, Boss." YOU LITTLE SHIT???? he REALLY just went in there with "i'm going to look you in the eyes, sit at your table, and order your favorite drink from your estranged brother's tavern. just for fun, ofc" like bitch????? omg
the tension between kaeya and dain is...yeesh
anyway. kaeya is the descendant of the abyss order's founder! yippee :) and now that he knows that for sure, there's definitely going to be SOME kind of interesting thought process he has
okay just my thoughts on kaeya for this post but the caribert quest fucked me up omg. like.
okay :)
how am i supposed to live knowing that this man spend SO many years trying to save his son only for it to fail and for him to be buried with a lover
also i love paimon!! she cares for the traveler and it's so sweet i don't get how people don't like her :(
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stardustshimmer · 10 months
We’ve shared our Headcanons, now it’s your turn! /pos
Yippee! The mic has been passed off to me!
I already elaborated on my Pretend Theater hc, so I’ll go ahead and dive into the ones I’ve never mentioned before.
Alright, here we go:
After the events of Triple Deluxe, Taranza built a garden in Castle Dedede as an apology gift for all the trouble he put Dedede through.
While Gooey lives with Kirby, the animal friends all live together in a treehouse in the forest.
Bandana Dee is close friends with Whispy.
Marx (and sometimes Magolor) goes all-out with pranks on April Fools.
Dedede hosts a big event called the Dream Land Olympics every summer, where all residents of Dream Land come together and compete in various activities such as Gourmet Races, Hide and Seek, Dodgeball, Laser Tag, and a bunch of sports. Whoever comes out on top gets to take home a huge trophy. It usually lasts about a week.
Meta Knight can sing well, and he plays the acoustic guitar. So if Kirby is having trouble sleeping or something, Meta will sit with him and lightly strum until Kirby falls asleep.
Marx uncontrollably shifts between his normal self and his Soul counterpart, but it only happens when he’s in a high-stress situation.
I once wrote a fic that involved this machine controlling Dream Land’s weather cycle, but I don’t think I’ll get into that right now because it’s a little confusing-
Anyways, that’s about all I’ve got for now.
Thank you for all those headcanons y’all sent in. You can continue to share them with me anytime! <3
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prince-less · 1 year
HI. UM. Sorry for the sudden Welcome Home post, but this arg has been plaguing me and my roommate all fuckin day.
When we got to the Duet webpage and listened to the singing, I felt like I knew the tune but couldn't place it. It wasn't until i was driving home while listening to it again that I finally bit the bullet and looked up the only word I could parse from his singing:
Beautiful Dreamer
Low and behold, it's literally the name of the song he's singing. He's shaky in voice, but it's the same tune and listening with lyrics pulled up makes me parse it even better. He's singing Beautiful Dreamer by Stephen Foster, but it sounds most like the Bing Crosby cover of it. It matches best with how Wally sings it.
Now, after figuring that out I went digging on the song itself and it's meaning. Apparently, a lot of Foster's songs are tunes about young dead women. This is no different. This song is described as, and I quote, "a lover serenading a 'beautiful dreamer' who is oblivious to worldly cares and may actually be dead."
I have no clue if this has already been found out, but it made me so excited to finally figure out I had to share it. If it hasn't been figured out yet, yippee I unearthed a dinosaur !!!!!
Anyways, super excited for this arg and of course go support @partycoffin and the Welcome Home team !!!! Everything is absolutely stunning and im ready to get digging when the next phase comes out :]] !!
Here's a link to their Ko-fi if you're interested !!
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tahthetrickster · 16 days
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@saving-stark yes! my parents had been considering a new kitty playmate for their sad boy Mister E for several months now ever since we lost his previous playmate, my elderly childhood cat Abby… early on, we thought perhaps miss Fiona could be his new playmate but both Mister E and Fiona said that she was NOT indoor cat material and had to go RIGHT NOW
so then they were thinking about adopting one of the jellybeans to be his new friend, but would foster them both in the meantime till i found a new home for the other baby… i’d been looking into some possibilities for homing the other baby, but unbeknownst to me, the jellybeans were putting in overtime at the small and cute factory at my parents’ place, and they decided to adopt them both!! now i get to see them both grow up together yippee!!!!!
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also, mama Fiona is doing great! my mother was worried that Fiona was going to be distraught that the kittens vanished suddenly, but honestly since they were already weaned anyway her reaction seemed to mostly just be “oh thank fucking god the babysitter finally came and picked up these kids i can finally relax” 💀
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she’s been kinda spoiled by me these last several months while taking care of the jellybeans so she’s decided she has a pretty cushy gig in my backyard and would like to stick around here awhile. and i’m good with that! she seems to be past the indoor-socialization window unfortunately, but such is community cats sometimes. but my parents and i do agree that while the jellybeans have been very cute we don’t need any more of them to try to figure out home situations for so we’re going to get her TNR’d at the vet in a few weeks 👍
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puppy-coded · 2 years
warnings: swearing, reader’s kinda a witch[no pun inteded]
pairing: Neville Longbottom x slytherin!reader
word count: 712 words
A/N: Did I age up reader and Neville? Yes. Did I use a picture of him from GoF? Also yes. It’s cute and panicky and I love it. Anyway, this whole thing started because of this picture.
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Neville was panicking and you could tell. You could also tell that you suck at comforting people unless it’s urgent.
He’s been pacing and muttering to himself for about thirty minutes before you turned around.
“Neville, are you okay?” You asked, trying not to sound annoyed. He made you look up from your book, how could you not be slightly annoyed?
He put his hands in his hair and looked extremely panicked. This was way above your pay-grade. “My family wants to meet you!”
“So?” You asked. “I’m a fucking delight.”
Neville sighed and sat next to you. “I know but... what if they don’t want me to be with you?”
“Then they suck.” You looked over at his expression and rubbed his arm. “Deep breaths... just... don’t think about it for a while?” You tried. You leaned on him and tried holding his hand.
He stood back up and went back to pacing and muttering, making you fall over on the couch.
“I got it!” He exclaimed out of nowhere after ten more minutes of pacing. “Etiquette classes!”
“Not optional (Y/N). You’re a Slytherin, I need them to trust you since they already won’t.” He explained, crossing his arms.
“Won’t?” You asked. “What does that mean?”
“Well...” He squeaked out.
You realized why he was stalling his answer. “Do you not... tell them about me?” You asked, smiling a little.
“You’re a secretive person! I didn’t want to invade your privacy,” He defended. “But I’ve been so vague and they want to meet you to make sure you’re real.”
You glared at him for a few moments before giving in. “Fine, I’ll take your stupid classes to impress these morons.”
“And that leads us to our first lesson!” Neville said excitedly.
“Don’t call them morons?”
“Good instinct!”
. . .
Neville, despite you not wanting to bother your friends, contacted everyone who might have clothes that would fit you. He soon had multiple outfits that were decent.
After a little back and forth Neville agreed to the good leather jacket i.e. the one without bleach stains.
Now that the outfit for the next night was settled it was time for everyone’s favorite part.
Refining school.
. . .
“Neville I do not see the point in this!” You exclaimed, grabbing at your hair. “I should be able to say whatever the fuck I want.”
Neville sighed. “I know but if Gran heard you swearing she’d have our heads and we wouldn’t be allowed to see each other again.” He explained patiently, despite your current nastiness towards him.
You crossed your arms and started mumbling. “Whatever happened to being yourself?”
“A lot.”
You only looked over and glared at him. 
“Just a few more things and we can go to bed, yeah?” He tried.
“It’s 3 in the morning!” You said, laying down on the ground. “Wake me when it’s over.”
Neville shook his head and took you to your shared room. “I guess I shouldn’t stress you out.”
You leaned on him to walk since you weren’t used to staying up as late as you were. “You’re only stressing yourself out. Stop it. If she doesn’t like us being together then who fucking cares? I don’t.” You told him. “But I do understand that she’s harsh and she raised you. Don’t worry, I won’t blow it.”
. . .
Neville trusted you when you said you wouldn’t blow it. And you didn’t.
You were the embodiment of prim and the personification of proper. 
Everyone loved you and you even broke out the French to super impress them.
It was great.
After dinner when you to were walking home Neville was super impressed.
“When did you learn French?” He asked, bewildered. “I didn’t know you spoke it.”
“I don’t,” You shrugged. “Remember my bathroom break? I kinda used a small spell on myself...” You admitted. “I do know the cutest nickname of all though!”
“What is it?” He asked.
“Never mind that now mon amour,” You winked.
Neville smiled at that. “Cute.”
You grabbed his hand and went the rest of the walk home in silence and staring at the sky.
You had to thank our lucky stars that you had a wonderful boyfriend and half a mind to use the spells you did that night.
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