#AND the lyrics. soooo sweet. so adoring. i love this song.
iamyounicorn · 5 months
forever obsessed with gthe little poem recited at the start of Interestelar by Mulamba. "Forgive me. I don't apologize easily, but that's what I have for today. Looking at your small fingers while you talk about things you've been learning to value. That you've been insisting on carving inside my skull so the eyes will see when they roll, until the hole is covered and I forget how to count, one, two, three, four, and start to breathe dust. Star dust. Give me your hand. There is nothing greater than you here, incomparable importance. Emergency. I love you like one who lights a candle in space. I love you since the difficulty of lighting a candle in space. In the infinite dimension of a universe with no oblivions, here, filled with sounds, I sing your codename."
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joelsdolly · 8 months
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part two
plot: you have a crush on your best friend but sadly she doesn't reciprocate
warnings: angst/no comfort, boring asf, bad writing, plus not proofread!!
word count: 1.2k
notes:hey fruity people, this took me a couple days because I'm soooo busy(listening to radiohead) if any of you sad little gays want a part two tell me and PLEASE give me plot ideas😛 and the title is a mitski lyric💯
ellie had been your best friend since you moved to Jackson, you were both just fourteen years old when you met. over time you slowly but surely development a crush on her, I mean, who wouldn't? she's a cocky but funny girl with great hair, of course as you started to develop feelings so did she, but not for you...
her first girlfriend was when she was 17 and her name was cat. hearing ellie talk and talk about her for hours was a real punch in the gut, no matter how many times you heard the same things over and over again it still hurt like hell. when they broke up you couldn't tell if you were happy or sad, I mean yeah she's single now, but now you have no reason why she doesn't like you, before you could tell yourself that she's only in love with her girlfriend, now she doesn't like anyone and you were no exception.
now she was at her second girlfriend, Dina, you adored but couldn't help your jealousy corrupt you. you wanted to like her so bad, you wanted to look at her and Ellie and be happy for them, but you couldn't, you just couldn't. you were supposed to go out with ellie, dina and jessie tonight, there was a dance or a party, you didn't even know and you didn't care, you just didn't want to go.
it was 7pm and you were supposed to leave at 7:30pm, of course as worrier you are you wanted to look perfect, so you had already been ready for an hour. when it finally came time to leave, you slipped on your shoes, grabbed your bag and left the comfort of your home. as you stepped outside you were immediately hit with the cold air spring and your arms got goose bumps.
reached the "gathering" you could smell alcohol and sweat and hear old country songs play, right then and there you almost considered leaving but you musterd up the courage to walk in, the minute you walked in ellie and jesse turned their heads towards the door, they smiled and indicated for you to come over, you walked over to them and sat down on a bar stool.
"hey guys!" you grinned and hugged them, you guys talked for a good ten minutes but when the conversation died down you looked over at the and saw that they were staring at the dance floor, why? you turned your head to look at what they were paying so much attention to and you saw Dina, dancing with some random guy, she looked beautiful, somehow in this overcrowded and loud bar she still stood out with her beauty.
when the song ended Dina came rushing over to you guys, you said hello to her before she stole ellie drink, she pulled her to dance and that's when you decided it would be better for you to look away. you continued talking with jesse while they danced, you snuck in a couple glances towards them every once and a while, lucky they never saw you, while jesse was talking with someone else you shifted your attention to them again, they were so in love and it hurt you so bad.
you had never actually seen them be together, you always tried to avoid that, if they invited you somewhere you usually would just make up some dumb excuse like you were sick or maria needed you for something, you just couldn't bring yourself to watch ellie be a couple with someone again. they leaned in a little closer and you could see ellie blush and chuckle, after a couple more seconds of chatter they finally kissed, you wanted to look away so bad, but you couldn't, it's like you wanted to hurt yourself.
after they shared that sweet kiss you quickly looked away and wiped a tear from your eye. you put your hand on Jesse shoulder to get his attention, he flinched before turned around, "hey what's up?" he questioned, you cleared your throat before speaking up, "I'm gonna rain check I'm really tired so I think I should get some rest" you put on your best fake smile, he nodded and said goodbye. you quickly rushed out of there.
walking home you couldn't stop thinking about how ellie didn't love you before and she doesn't love you now, you just couldn't understand why you couldn't get that through your head. opening your door was a struggle, do to not being able to see the key hole from the tears forming in your eyes.
when you finally opened the door you took of your shoes and laid down in bed, you sighed and closed your eyes hoping you could just disappear. you woke up to the sun peeking through your window, you sleepily grumbled and rubbed you eyes. you got up and got ready for the day taking your time, you thought you had nothing to do today, just a calm sunday, when suddenly you heard a knock at your door.
you opened the door and the warm air rushed in, it was ellie. 'not to be rude but are you doing here?' you awkwardly put your hand in your sweater pockets, 'oh uhm...yesterday you left really early and I wanted to check if your okay I guess...and you know we beraly see each other anymore' and she was right you've only been seeing each other about twice a month for a while. 'oh yeah I was just really tired last night and uhm I guess I just wanted to go home' ellie nodded, 'can I come in and maybe we can...talk?', you really didn't want to talk to anyone right now, especially not her.
but I mean you couldn't say no...? 'oh yeah sure' you moved from the door and she stepped inside closing it behind her, 'you got a new lamp' ellie pointed to the tall lamp in the corner of your living room that you found on patrol, 'yeah it needed more light in here' you awkwardly chuckled, you both sat down on your couch before ellie spoke, 'what happened to us?' she questioned, you turned you head around and tried to blink tears away, 'i don't know' you lied.
'i mean we used to hang out and tell each other everything, I feel like I don't even talk to you anymore' you sighed and put your knees to your chest, 'i know and I'm sorry' your voice cracked mid sentence, 'did I so something wrong?' she whispered, you thought maybe it was time to actually tell her, you lifted your head from between your knees and looked into her eyes, 'no you didn't, it's just I've always had these...feelings for you and they won't go away, so I guess watching you be with someone else is hard but uhm...talking to you is somehow worse...'
to say the least ellie was shocked at your confession, I mean her best friend was in love with her? and somehow she didn't realize, 'oh' with her mind racing a hundred miles per hour that's all she could say, 'yeah I know' you whispered, ellie thought about what to say before blurring out a quick 'I'm sorry' before getting up and rushing out the door, you watched her leave and sat there with tears streaming down your face. honestly you didn't know if you and ellie would ever be as close again.
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t4tails · 4 months
19. ponies
theyre just saying ponies over and over again in an autotuned voice. hyperpop for eight year olds except without the charm
18. shishis lullaby
once again the simplicity is its downfall... there is nothing going on here! somebody get shishi a hankey!!
17. bad to the biscuit
i do NOT like how he yells gimme those gummy buttons :/
16. shoney the amazin blazin raisin
shoney is a menace to moshi society. what a nothingburger of a song
15. go do the hoodoo
i actually think this one slaps but the racism definitely knocks it down significantly. i wish they werent like that because dont look now but i think i heard a twig crack 🕺
14. coco loco
gets a groove going and then RUINS it with a BURP joke. STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE
13. moshi twistmas
ill freely admit the vocals in this one kind of suck because of the childrens chorus but i think it has charm the ones lower than it lack... its cute
12. the pooky song
11. the moshi dance
okay this one fucks. we are getting into fucks territory. the bangers. this one gets held back by the weird fucking baby lyrics is all... i understand its the joke but i do not want to hear lady googoos voice like that. but then the chorus hits and yessss bitch
10. i heart moshlings
this ones adorable but im not a fan of the soft singing. and the chorus prioritizes the gimmick over rhymes so it feels a little clunky, but the mv is soooo cute ^_^
9. diggin ya lingo
the hip hop genre does not gel well here but once again the chorus is so groovy i cant help but do a little shimmy. a little shakin
8. sweet tooth stomp
im not as big a fan of this as some others but i can appreciate game. and sweet tooth has game
7. head over heels
the worse of zack binspins iconic singles. but this ones pretty hilarious like why is blingo such an asshole 🤨
6. the iggy chomp
i have no excuse for this being so high up. im literally dancing to this like its 2009. sorry
5. the missy kix dance
i never heard this one as a kid but its suoer catchy. missys adorable too. she should stay away from zack binspin. she deserves better than him
4. do the doodle
LETS FUCKING GO MR SNOODLE 😩 hes so real. this unironically bangs it fucks it goes hard do the doodle mr snoodle live ur truth
3. moptop tweenybop
this is the one that personally gets stuck in my head the most but the ones above it have better artistry so it gets 3rd. i wake up at 2am on the regular with this chorus haunting my mind
2. uptown fifi
the STYLE the GRACE the sleekness...! and it tells a story about a cute little diva dog? what is not to love!!
okay not to be predictable but somehow the "villains songs are always the best" rule continues even in moshi monsters. 10/10 thank you moshi for these fantastic songs
1. dr strangeglove
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oooof ask for hozier recs and i shall deliver!! i've been obsessed with him i fear...
my personal rn is probably Too Sweet, but my most played song of 2023 was All Things End. beautifully moving (as in i was sobbing for the entire song the first time i heard it), i just adore the way he describes love.
more personal favorites: Through Me (this song is insane actually!! can't describe it with words.), From Eden (one of the best love songs i've ever heard), Angel of Small Death (soo insanely addictive, his voice in this one ugh) and Movement (soft and beautiful and the very first song of his that I heard). The Eat Your Young EP is a wonder in itself but tbh so is everything else,,,,
now for some specifically sugu coded songs: Through Me and All Things End, Who We Are from his last album (the lyrics... my days the lyrics are so beautiful), Blood Upon the Snow!! (written for God of War Ragnarok, it's so good ??), Almost (Sweet Music) (be still my foolish heart, don't ruin this on me ✊😔)
but like i said, every time i hear a Hozier song it's sugu coded in my head... the lyrics always make sense to me. the way they're always so poetically romantic, yet in many of them there's a lingering pain underneath, wether it's because the love is already gone or because the love is simply way too much for just one heart to handle... i'm not okay.
fun fact, i once fell asleep listening to him and dreamt that it was suguru singing... and you know what it makes so much sense, i'll take it.
this got kinda long i'm sorry :(( anyways i hope you have a great day/night
(perhaps i shall write a lil' sugu thing inspired by too sweet)
NOE !!!! finally getting to this……. thank you so much for the recs!!! 🥺🥺 i appreciate it sm…… putting some of my thoughts under the cut hehe
I LOVE TOO SWEET . SO MUCH. it was the first song of his i listened to and wowwwwwww does it go hard….. so catchy and good and just. augh. IT’S SO SUGUCODED TO ME…. esp depression era sugu….. the lyrics are just gorgeous and so him. “but while in this world // i think i’ll take my whiskey neat // my coffee black and my bed at three // you’re too sweet for me”…. :’3 my baby
FROM EDEN IS SUCH A BOP . i loveee the instrumental ……. AND THE LYRICS . ”honey you’re familiar like my mirror years ago // idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword” <- BANGERRRR I CRIED . i am thinking many knight sugu thoughts ngl…. “i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door” THINKING MORE SUGU THOUGHTS but specifically cult leader sugu …. aughhh 😔😔
angel of small death & the codeine scene……… tell me why this one made me so insane . such a tasty title and instrumental and lyrics i’m just????? i feel this way abt all of these but this one is so sugucoded too 😭 “freshly disowned in some frozen devotion”…. that’s our guy <333
EAT YOUR YOUNG IS SO CRAZY GOOD OUGHH….. i love love loveeee the “seven new ways that you can eat your young” part 😵‍💫😵‍💫 soso addicting. the lyrics are great and his voice is just soooo……. i don’t even know . i’m a little obsessed . “it’s quicker and easier to eat your young”…….. hhhhhhhhHH very sugucoded too ofc . any mention of eating is automatically a sugu reference 🙏
movement is super catchy !!!!! kinda relaxing too…… very soft. i rlly like the chorus :33 gives me waltz vibes…… kinda haunting…….
all things end + through me are soso pretty!!!! goshhhh his voice is nice……. i love the final part of all things end!!! w the synchronized clapping!!!!! so good …. and the lyrics for through me are so tasty . “with each grave, i think of loss // and i can only think of you // and i couldn’t measure it”…….. nomnom
ohhhhhh who we are is so beautiful :(((( his voice sounds so tender ….. i def get the sugu vibes here too!!!!! the feeling of something important slipping through your fingers …. “this phantom life, it sharpens like an image // but it sharpens like a knife” 😵‍💫😵‍💫 vert tasty . very sugu.
I’VE HEARD BLOOD UPON THE SNOW BEFORE BC OF RAGNAROK….. godddd it’s so. chillingly beautiful. the instrumental scratches my brain just right …… and the LYRICS . “too all things housed in her silence // nature offers a violence”….. “the parent forced to eat its young before i grows”…… it’s very . Raw . i like it a lot :3
AND FINALLY….. almost (sweet music). SO GOOD. i adore this instrumental and vibe so much + the lyrics are obv super pretty….. “i laugh like me again — she laughs like you”…… i love how light this one sounds in comparison to some of the other ones!!! a summer song for sure… a lil bittersweet….. and the chorus is literally SO addicting i can’t stand it……. BUT YES THIS ONE IS SO VERY SUGU. NOE. IM TEARING UP 😭😭 “be still my foolish heart // don’t ruin this on me”…. the idea of sugu thinking this…. maybe an au where he slowly recovers after his almost-defection….. or a childhood friends to lovers au…… i dunno. but my brain is spinning. i love him :(((((((
PHEWWW THOSE WERE GOOD . i love his voice sm….. i think my favs out of these options are too sweet, almost (sweet song), from eden and maybeeee angel of sweet death/eat your young…. but they were all super catchy :’3 thank you sm for these recs noe… sugu has invaded my brain
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seongclb · 1 year
You seem to really enjoy music so can you do your mutuals as songs!
i love asks like these omg appreciation for my moots always ! i did all of my moots so sorry for the tag and scaring u guys 😓
@woon2u : vibes by chase atlantic
this song always puts a smile on my face, it’s always the song i listen to on the days i feel happiest and carefree just like how em makes me feel, she’s so vibrant and sweet.
@delcakoo : the night is still young by nicki minaj
i chose this song bc remie and i have such fun conversations (evident from the mistakes we make and the auto caps) but also we’re the same age so the lyrics are relatable
@flwrshee : adore you by harry styles
i really wanted to say moonlight but i chose this one off the vibes ri gives and like to the instrumental makes me feel like i’m floating, since ri is always soooo sweet on blr she just fits this song
@eulris : afraid by the neighbourhood
i think this is just picked from the type of songs you like since all i know ab u right now is ur funny asf and cool asf !!
@yrhome : ivy by frank ocean
idk ur so like mellow and calm, similar to this song or at least how i feel when i listen to this song so yeah i chose this one for u
@dazed-hee : do i wanna know by the arctic monkeys
maybe bc this song is like cool i chose it for you too but i reckon that this will change as we get closer but also ur a hee stan so i feel like u like edgy music
@sngvhs : glue song by beabadobee
idk this song is just so cute it low-key reminds me of ur account ???
@tyunni : i wish you roses by kali uchis
maybe it’s bc i read a lot of ur work while listening to this but also bc i think ur so kind tbh :( i hope we get closer bc u seem so lovely
@hoonvrs : radio by lana del rey
idk man ur account is soo aesthetically pleasing to me that it makes me think ur one of those cool ig people too and idk like this song is so fitting for how i see you??? IDK WHY OR HOW TO EXPLAIN but ur so lana coded just like hoon
@tnyhees : about you by the 1975
i had to think about this one bc honestly i was like theres something about this song that screams you?? i have to be in a particular mood to listen to this even tho i love this song sm it’s like not a frequent tune but always makes me so so happy when i hear it
@hanniluvi : daylight by taylor swift
hi we’ve literally like never spoke but this song is pretty and ur account is too but u also seem like a pretty person if that makes sense
@flwoie : flashing lights by kanye west
your account aesthetic just makes me think of this song, it’s so well done and idk tbh fhsishsid but it looks super dope also omg not me picking kanye for u and taylor for soph SORRY DHSISHS
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onlyswan · 8 months
okay art angsty feelings aside hahahaha let's look back at the first cheek kiss at the photobooth mcdonalds hair clips baby cough syrup date of jungkook and oc while listening to clairo's softly hahaha it is so jungkook coded during the early days of their relationship its so cute Is it alright To feel this way so early? And in my blood All the sweet nothings fallin' in love overnight this reminds of the part where jimin asked "does she even know that you're courting her?" Didn't mean to get so close And I know that I should probably go But I got this feeling Tell me, girl, I gotta know them almost kissing but got interrupted by his manager and oc sending him home and he was like "nope you cannot send me home yet" And all my life Been wanting this forever, oh And in my mind Think of ways to ask you, "Why don't you come over sometime?" this part reminds me of the texts he send to oc after their date he is so sweet and cute and so so so genuine with his feelings despite being so nervous 80% of the time thats my favorite drabble ever, it speaks on how and what kind of love they have for each other despite it just blossoming like you already know what they have is something that will last
omg anonie your favorite drabble ever??? 😭🫶🏼 glad someone’s on the same page as me hehehe i loved writing it and i love reading it myself too i think the hopeless romantic in me was at its peak fr
the first cheek kiss at the photobooth mcdonalds hair clips baby cough syrup date of jungkook and oc
i’m crying seeing it summarized like this make it sound soooo adorable 🥹🥹🥹
them almost kissing but got interrupted by his manager and oc sending him home and he was like "nope you cannot send me home yet"
the most endearing stubborn babie ever
it speaks on how and what kind of love they have for each other despite it just blossoming like you already know what they have is something that will last
oh my heart is bursting oc and jk are u hearing this!!! enough with the we might be doomed to fail nonsense!!! (shakes them aggressively)
oh anonie listening to the song currently and it’s so pretty and well, soft :") i lovelovelove how you associated the lyrics with the drabble i’m so emo let me give you a forehead kiss <333
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n0quart3r · 1 year
1) Top 5 Zep songs
2) Top 5 most underrated Zep songs
3) Top 5 Jimmy eras
With explanations! Hey, you said you were bored 😝
hello!! im gonna do my best on the explanations because i suck at explaining everything 😂
1) no quarter, when the levee breaks, the song remains the same, heartbreaker, the rover
no quarter: the song in its entirety is an absolute fucking masterpiece, but a few of my favorite things about it is THE riff, organ solo, guitar solo, and robert’s vocals towards the end. it is such a powerful song in my opinion and it’s my favorite hehe
when the levee breaks: i remember when i first listened to this song, and i was just amazed. the drums are so catchy like??? AH it’s what makes the song so special y’know? and the harmonica parts, the guitar.. THE GUITAR! just fucking beautiful. i also love how it ends haha
the song remains the same: literally a song i can just dance to, it’s so happy and upbeat and my favorite lyric is “california sunlight, sweet calcutta rain, honolulu starbright, the song remains the same…” lol it’s great. this song is a 10283727289/10 😊
heartbreaker: once again, THE riff, that swinging bass, so fucking groovy i love it. and of course the iconic guitar solo in this song, no other instruments, just the guitar.. robert’s vocals are so sexy too HAHA
the rover: one of my favorites off of PG, i love how bonzo’s drums start off the song in the beginning and then jimmy’s guitar just comes in.. fucking magical. the guitar throughout the song is like my favorite thing ever, it sounds so good. i love this song so so so so much 😍
2) white summer/black mountain side, traveling riverside blues, sugar mama, for your life, the crunge
white summer/black mountain side: the danelectro. the fucking danelectro. when jimmy performed this song live at RAH 1970 he just seemed so into it, like he was in some sort of trance almost (i mean he seemed like that for every song he performed LMAO) he put his whole heart and soul into this song, it’s so beautiful like.. the vibes i get from it as well.. it’s very mellow but happy. it’s hard to explain i just really enjoy listening to it
traveling riverside blues: squeeze my lemon till the juice runs down my leg.. squeeze it so hard i fall right out of bed 😂 lol but this is my favorite off of coda, the slide guitar is very catchy and the music video for this song is great haha.. didn’t know it even existed till a while ago, i always have to go back and watch it because of something (not jimmy, not him at all..)
sugar mama: i first heard this song on here actually, someone posted it (forgot who😅) and i remember i couldn’t stop listening to it for a little while, i was obsessed. i haven’t listened to it lately but i should i miss it haha. it’s on coda (deluxe edition) and if you haven’t heard it yet, please give it a listen it’s soooo good and for what? my favorite thing is the drums and guitar, how they just work together, y’know.. it’s great
for your life: is this song even underrated? not sure lol but i like it. i don’t know why, but i love robert’s voice in this.. and jimmy’s lil guitar riff haha
the crunge: gonna be appreciating jonesy a lot in this one.. cause SYNTHS, BASS, HELLO?? perfection. he ate this song up😍 it’s definitely different from any other song they wrote, but that’s why i love it.. it’s so fun to listen to. i cannot get enough of the synths. cannot get enough of bbg’s talented, sexy ass😏 also the ending is funny, “where’s that confounded bridge?” so iconic
3) i apologize this post is so goddamn long but i really wanted to answer this ask lol. but i think im gonna put pictures of my fav jimmy eras in this part
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hot damn.. long haired, princess pagey era. isn’t this everyone’s favorite jimmy era? cause like i cannot with how pretty he looks. he’s got such a sweet, soft face 🥺 ugh my top favorite for sure
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he looked so sexy with the beard, but also still looked absolutely adorable too at times. i need him LMAO he’s perfect
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erm.. THIS! his hair, jesus christ help me.. he looks so good i could cry 😩 also his face started to mature a bit during this time as well, which made him look EVEN MORE handsome (also.. ass in the last gif)
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do i even need to explain myself here?
long hair is back.. beautiful face.. 🤭
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yardbean jimmy! he’s such a baby i love him i love him i love him i love him 🫶 i wanna just kiss him, n hug him, n hold him ☹️ sweet boy
whew! this was probably the longest post i’ve made ever, especially for an ask.. it’s been an hour LMAO but i hope my explanations were.. understandable, and made sense LOL. thank you @lzep for the ask! love ya❤️
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phantypurple · 1 year
Post 10 songs you like with names in the title!
@aftermidnightwriting thank you! 💜
Not necesary in that order, but 10 of my fav songs.
(The whole album actually)
(This is because of SPN, my babies)
(Of course cause Dio is amazing and it reminds me of Eddie too, so yeah)
(This?!?!? This man is amazing! I swear it, he is he most talented and sweet artist out there. I adore him with all my heart and I hope I can go to another concert cause it was the best I've ever gone)
(This one is a Spanish classic. I think everyone knows this one. Its a song about revolution and freedom from the powerful ones. You should listen to it and translate the lyrics. Not one of my fav but it always stir something inside of me. Great song.)
Soooo! I am tagging only a few of you but feel free to ignore or join!
@vankaar @bari-the-witch @unclewaynemunson
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mirohtron · 1 year
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then it send to the last ten people in your notifications (anonymously). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity. ♡
this is sweet :) ty !
ok uh no. 1 i love music
so i took singing classes so i can hold a note decently but i have a tendency to go flat nowadays but like yaaaa music is just so versatile n i love it lol I adore lyricism poetry storytelling the care people take into producing songs it's great i love it, and the years of work people put into their voices or mastering their instruments is admirable. i actually wanted to be a singer when i was young but it's not a viable career soooo
no. 2 i love cinema haha who would've guessed
anyway tbh the arts in general is very VERY fascinating to me because unlike stem there's no "correct" answer if you will bcs everyone is free to be interpreted i think that's great. also cinema is also sooo diverse ?? when it comes to storytelling it can be such a beautiful medium & i love it some of my favourite movies are killukkam & interstellar & badhaai do i rlly think these movies r just sooo good and fun to watch... it's amazing to see how film has evolved over the years and stuff
^ the arts is just so beautiful imo performance & visual arts have their own unique quirks that make them stand out individually i think that's great
no. 3 i love writing
this list is in no given order but like yaaaa arts again I've become really attached to some of my ocs now and i just really love how writing can touch one's heart deeply i love it i love writing i love you books i love you folklore i love you storytelling i love you
overall though creating meaningful stories & worlds is such a fulfilling thing for me like i adore creating all types of characters within the genres ive played with till date it's so fun and it really really opens ur eyes honestly... just doing it makes you think critically as you try to dismantle certain tropes or archetypes in a way you're happy with or satisfied with it's actually great and i love writing
theres a couple books that have straight up Fucked Me Over and i forever thank them for it 🙏
no. 4 space
no joke space is great i love space i adore all these planets & galaxies & clusters & nebulas we've found & the work and time and money we've put into exploring this universe it's actually admirable i adore earth i adore all the planets we've named after figures in myths etc i love our solar system and think it works in beautiful ways the countless phenoma we've discovered are simply breathtaking i love you black holes i love you jupiter i love you space objects which defy what we know of physics i love you i love you so much
no. 5 nature
i think the balance that nature on earth has created is beautiful i love trees i love ecosystems i love how the earth works & i adore the fauna & flora it has i love megadiverse countries i love diverse green fields i love waterfalls i love crevasses in glaciers i love how horrific nature can be sometimes god is good
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himbo-kronk-stan · 2 years
Top 5 Lazytown songs for the meme
You know, this took me forever because I was originally going to take an afternoon to listen though the LT Soundtrack and really analyze for this answer- but eh screw it, being able to think of songs on the top of my head says a lot about their staying power and what they mean to me. (It also took a while bc if you save an ask you’re answering as a draft tumblr buries it.)
5. You are a Pirate; I set this as my alarm in 2018 and I still wake up to DO WHAT YOU WANT 'CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE- YOU ARE A PIRATE! YAR HAR-
It's such a fun song, and one of those times you can tell Robbie got lost having fun with the kids. The "Wind at your back lass ware-ever you go!" lyric is so cute. Of course I can't listing to it without a jolt though my body like I just woke up, but that's worth it.
4. Always a way; I also downloaded that onto my phone in 2018- the same year a started collage and finally learned how to drive. Playing/Sinning that song prevented/helped me though a lot of panic attacks. Sometimes you just need a douse of unapologetic hopefulness and boy dose it deliver.
3. Íþróttaálfurinn; It’s so cute and fun, you bet your ass I try to sing and dance along to it alone at home, and it’s a good way to learn how to pronounce his name!
2. Good to be bad; You can hear Robbie's accent, the acting is so silly it fits wonderful with every character that has "villain" as a job title, and theirs the old mic/radio slice near the end I love that!!! I'm tempted to say this this is tied with another song but I don't want to cheat..... Wait, that's what a proper willan would do!!! This spot is tied with Wooof Woof Woof, I always play it right after Good to be Bad. It's delightfully theater kid villain and just adorable, plus it was made so Stefán could tap dance! What more could you want? I think for a sound track made to get you to dance, the best ones at it encourage that musically without having to literally tell you too (I know, I know, preschool show, but some interviews have said that they hoped different ages would respond and I remember being 5 when it aired and 13 when it came back, you lose kids in that middle with a Dora the explorer approach)
6. -Honorable Mention- LazyTown Forever; It's not technically an official song but
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It's not my best singing or anything but you can defiantly hear my voice pretty prominently if you already know it, and that's soooo cool. The whole song is such a sweet thank you to Stefán and the rest of the crew, I'm really grateful I got to be apart of that.
Versti Fantur; Man it just slaps. Master of disguise is fun too but the vibe hits different. Robbie is singing is resume, Glanni is laughing to himself about a score he’s about to hit. It’s very fun sinister, the main part kinda has an Eartha Kitt Yzma vibe and then it gets all gloating cheerful just to swing back.
Thanks for the ask @lazycraze1991 that was fun!
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Okay, so first of this was inspired by a fill from It-Ezz-What-it-Ezz, who did the same thing but for Guzma and Team Skull, so this doubles as a shout out to them, because I fell absolutely in love with the idea and would like to see the same done for Piers and Team Yell.
The Yell grunts figure out that Piers has a crush on the reader but for some reason hasn't made a move yet. Team Yell decides they are gonna help him out by playing wingmen, they are supportive fans! Go Piers! Piers deserves a nice significant other ! But since this is Team Yell we are talking about and they aren't exactly known as one of the smartest Pokemon antagonist teams their way of trying to set those two up is predictably chaotic.
Basically Team Yell causes well meaning havoc with Piers looking on in horror and embarrassment when he realizes what the fuck is going on while reader is just extremely entertained by all of it.
I ADORE It-Ezz-What-It-Ezz! I am such a big fan of their work. Goodness, I would pay to be as good as them! That imagine of theirs with Guzma is soooo cute too!
You had dropped by Spikemuth to attend one of Piers concerts. You and him had been friends for a while, and you often came by to see his concerts whenever you could make the time.
The town was lively. Fans from Spikemuth and beyond floated about, going between the stalls of food, merch, and some homemade goods the locals were selling. Team Yell were there too, gathered in small groups, getting ready to hype up their boss. You smiled at the team, acquainted with most of them through Piers. They waved and yelled over the chatter of the crowd at you, mostly nonsense you couldn’t make out. You laughed and waved back before making your way towards the stage.
Piers told you your were allowed up in the “VIP” area with Team Yell. It was a roped off area right in front of the stage that had no real security to separate it from the rest of the crowd. There was a few Team Yell members around, though, and they kept back the other fans before the concert started and everyone would swarm the stage.
And, as the sky darkened, it was a surprising number of Team Yell members that swarmed forward. You were immediately squished between shouting fans, smeared in paint and enthusiasm. You laughed, and cheered with them, infected by their energy. As you all shouted, Piers and his band took the stage. He noticed you amongst his subordinates almost immediately, and cocked a brow at how they all seemed to focus on you.
Whatever, he thought, ignoring the tinge of worry that gnawed on the back of his mind, time to play. Hope they like it. I wrote it for them.
He began to sing, heavy music with sweet lyrics of devotion. The spotlights faded between pink and red, the beats vibrating through the floor up into your chest. Your heart flutters as Piers makes heavy eye contact with you as he sings. You sway to the music and smile at him. His lips quirk up too, and you have to stop yourself from swooning.
“It’s for the boss!” One person yelled, to your slight confusion. But Piers was starting to sing his newest song, a love song, so you ignored the commotion to try and fantasize that he was singing to you.
“For the boss!” Several others chimed. Suddenly, several pairs of hands were on you. Without warning, you were lifted into the air, crowd surfing except they were shoving you forward?!
“Oh, bloody-” Piers quit singing to dive forward and catch you. Thrown onto the stage, wrapped in Piers’ arms, you were frozen like a Deerling in headlights. “Hell!”
“Kiss!” Team Yell cheered. The rest of the crowd, at first confused, quickly followed lead as they realized what was happening. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
Piers, a rosy red under the spotlights, glanced at you, unsure. “You alright, love?”
You blinked at him, at the crowd, then back at him. With a small smirk, you nodded. “Mhm, but aren’t you gonna kiss me?”
Piers eyes blew wide, then lidded as he smirked. He knew he liked you. “Guess I shouldn’t disappoint the crowd.” He leaned in, the crowd exploding with cheers as he kisses you.
Those knuckleheads. He thought hazily, lost in the feeling of your mouth against in. He dips you back to feel you gasp against his lips. But I guess I have to thank them for this.
I love love love meddling friend fics. Team Yell are just doing what they think is best for their boss, lol. Have a great day everyone!!
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arcanadreams · 3 years
Hi If it’s not a bother could you write a hc for the new dateables as hozier songs?? Loved the one you wrote for the brothers
(´∀`)♡ I'm so very happy to hear you liked those. Sure thing, anon!! I'd love to do the dateables!! Fair warning though that I've never written anything for them before soooo let's hope this goes well LMAO
Diavolo - From Eden
Diavolo is far more tragic a figure than anyone in the Devildom knows. The second his mother died giving birth to him, his innocence died screaming while his father held his small body in his arms. All he knew from that point was harshness from the king, who wanted a son that would grow to a strong ruler. He never knew the joys of childish idealism, of discovering his own passions. He was too busy sitting on his father's throne.
But then you came along and yanked him right off the pedestal his father had erected. He expected a rough landing, but instead it was smooth. Your arms were waiting.
When Diavolo looks at you, he sees something familiar, like his mirror years ago, reflecting back a part of himself he thought his father had defeated. His mischievous streak had definitely returned after his father fell into slumber, after all the exchange program is something his father would never have agreed to. But he still didn't quite feel like all of himself was within reach until you were at his side.
Sometimes he, the future king of the Devildom, looks at you and wonders what he did to deserve you. He is a beast that slithered from the depths of Hell, what right does he have to be at your side? At the side of someone who carries such a light with them wherever they go? At the side of someone who makes him feel that maybe his birthright isn't a curse...not if you're there to carry the burden with him.
The lyrics I think resonate with him the most:
Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door Babe, there's something wretched about this Something so precious about this Where to begin Babe, there's something broken about this But I might be hoping about this. Oh, what a sin
Barbatos - Wasteland, Baby!
In his visions, Barbatos has seen just about everything yet to come, seen a fire ending the world, the death of the sun, and yet he still did not anticipate the impact you would have on him. He couldn't have, he believes in retrospect. Not when the first smile you directed at him looked so much better than it had when he foresaw it previously.
After that smile, for the first time in his life, Barbatos did not want to see the future. He did not want to see the outcome to your story. He didn't want to have to witness your shattered body bleeding out onto the cobblestone streets of the Devildom, is what he told himself. But, in truth, he did not want to see you falling in love with someone else. And, even more than that, he did not want to see himself falling in love with you. Because then he would have to admit it. Have to admit that he was already in love with you.
Inevitably, he gave in to his curiosity and looked. He already had a feeling before it was confirmed, but it still made him smile bitterly to know; in every timeline you met, he would inevitably fall for you. But you wouldn't always fall for him, and that was okay. He just hoped you would in this one.
The lyrics I think resonate with him the most:
All the things yet to come are the things that have passed Like the holding of hands, like the breaking of glass Like the bonfire that burns That all words in the fight fell to Wasteland, baby I'm in love, I'm in love with you And I love too, that love soon might end Be known in its aching Shown in the shaking Lately of my wasteland, baby Be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking Though quaking, though crazy That's just wasteland, baby And that day that we'll watch the death of the sun To the cloud and the cold and those jeans you have on And you'll gaze unafraid as they sob from the city roofs Wasteland, baby I'm in love, I'm in love with you
Simeon - Talk
Loving someone isn't a sin. No, loving someone isn't a sin. It never has been. But, Simeon is fairly sure that wanting someone the way he wants you is one. Wanting someone as unceasingly, as irrevocably, as he wants you, must be one.
Simeon is an angel; he is supposed to be the embodiment of immediate forgiveness, of hope, of purity...and yet he finds himself breaking all his rules when it comes to you. He cannot forgive Belphegor for almost taking you from him. He came to the Devildom hoping to help the exchange program go smoothly, but now all he can focus on is his dreadful need for you. And he may talk refined, but there is no purity in the way he imagines you.
You once told him that true love was a lost myth to humans; a fairy tale. But he knows it isn't when he looks at you. His every glance, every brush of the fingertips, every kiss to your eyelids is his attempt to show you that. He knows what you have is true love. The human world myths all had to have a basis somewhere; he doesn't mind being relegated to a fairy tale if it means he gets to have you.
The lyrics I think resonate with him the most:
I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee That made him turn around Hey yeah And I'd be the immediate forgiveness In Eurydice Imagine being loved by me I won't deny I've got in my mind now All the things I would do So I try to talk refined For fear that you find out How I'm imagining you I'd be the last shred of truth In the lost myth of true love
Solomon - Work Song
It took a long time for Solomon to begin to fall for you. You were both off having your own adventures in the Devildom, after all. But it seems after you wrangled all the brothers in that you managed to ensnare him as well, and now he understands just why they all adore you.
He used to worry that you wouldn't, couldn't, want him. He was an immortal sorcerer; he'd given up his humanity a long time ago. Wasn't that disgusting to other humans? Wouldn't that disgust you? But he learned very quickly that you would never fret none about what his hands and his body had done before you met. You never once asked him about the wrong he had done in him life previously. Not unless he deigned to tell you on a dark night of his regrets. Even when he admitted atrocities to you, you kissed him so soft and sweet.
Solomon knows now that even the grave will not separate you from each other. You may not be immortal, but he is; no grave could hold his body. No grave could keep him from you. And, should you allow it, he intends to give you the option to stay with him endlessly.
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My top 15 Girl Group/Solo songs (2021)
Remember guys, this is just my personal list.  Let me know what yours are! Love sharing music with eachother etc so let’s all just have fun.
TOP 15
1. Next Level - Aespa May 17th 
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Might be a bit unexpected, I don’t really talk about Aespa on this blog, HOWEVER. I would be lying if I said, I don’t know all the lyrics and the whole choreography. Pretty sure my mom knows the lyrics, I play it so much. So Aespa ate this up and I think it’s deserving of number 1 for me. Aespa have the power to take sounds that I never in a million years would enjoy and make me enjoy them. 
2. Zombie - Purple Kiss (Hide & Seek) September 8th
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I needed this song so bad, you don’t understand. i love intense music but I really needed a break from heavy drops and seriousness. THen Purple Kiss decided to drop the most fun song. I love the colors, the campy music video, Swan’s voice and the choreography. It’s just so fun and it was on repeat for me for a while. Cast pearls before swine and ZzZz are great b-sides off the album. 
3. Unnatural - WJSN (Unnatural) March 31st
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I really practice my vocals when listening to this song, trying to match Yeonjung’s range lmao. I love this song so much. The choreography where they point and pat the air next to them is so iconic to me. I adore it so much. Sadly I haven’t checked out the album (shame I know, i will eventually) but it says enough that this song is so high when i haven’t even listened to the album. Stan WJSN for clean skin. 
4. I’m Not Cool - HyunA (I’m Not Cool) January 28th 
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HYUNAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Look Hyuna was the first woman in K-pop I ever listened too. I have such a special place in my heart for her. So when she dropped this banger I had it on repeat. The outfits, the drop, the choreo, it radiates Hyuna. She’s weird and fun and everything I wanna be so she dropped this and I was so incredibly happy. I recommend: Good Girl and Party, Feel, Love (Ft. Dawn) on the album. 
5. We Go - Fromis_9 (9 way ticket) May 17th
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The most fun girlgroup summer song. The definition of a fun summer song. It reminds me of editing my vacation pictures, it reminds me of driving down to the beach with the windows rolled down. The girls all looked so cute too and the song is so good and upbeat. The concept photos were also amazing and managed to incorporate covid related things without depressing me. Airplane Mode is such a fun song too!
6. First - Everglow (Last Melody) May 25th
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Girl groups who dress like they’re in Star Wars, they win. Everglow is the winner winner winner. First has so many things I like about it. THe outfits, the heavy drop, the futuristic vibe, the special effects, THE CHOREOGRAPHY. Everglow truly never disappoint. I listen to this song so much. Don’t ask don’t tell is also a great song. 
7. Alcohol Free - Twice (Taste of Love) June 11th
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Fun fact: I didn’t like this song at first and now it’s probably my most listened to Twice song. I thought it sounded like a travel agency commercial and now I love it so much it’s hysterical. All the girls look so incredibly stunning, I love summer concepts on them the most. They always look like they’re glowing. Nayeon really stood out to me in this one though, she looked so beautiful. Aside from that the song is just really fun. Scandal and Conversation are my fav b-sides on the album. 
8. Love so Sweet - Cherry Bullet (Cherry Rush) January 20th 
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FNC give these girls a comeback thank you very much. This is the first Cherry Bullet song that grabbed me and pulled me in. I get it stuck in my head soooo much and I think about Remi 24/7. The choreography is so fun, it’s such a lowkey song. I adore. Keep Your Head Up is my favorite b-side on the album and deserving of it’s own album. Stan Cherry Bullet!!!!
9. BEcause - Dreamcatcher (Summer Holiday) july 30th 
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BEcause I like Dreamcatcher all of their songs are a hit. This one reminded me of Dreamcatcher debut era a little more than their more recent comebacks and I think that is why I enjoyed it so much. Not to mention HANDONG, thank you that is all.... OH, Airplane is my favorite b-side, it’s cute and fresh. 
10. Savage - Aespa (Savage) October 5th 
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Aespa, my girls. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy Aespa as much as I do, really. I heard about their concept pred-debut and got really concerned but I ended up really, really, really liking them. Their album was phenomonal too. It showed really fun sides to their music. So it’s natural for this one to be on the list too. Aenergy and Yeppi Yeppi are my most listened to b-sides on the album. Yeppi Yeppi really being my favorite. 
11. Queendom - Red Velvet (Queendom) August 16th
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Red Velvet finally came back. Alot of people didn’t think it was worth the wait, but I did.I love that they came back with the red concept. I love Queendom so much, it’s such an empowering song. Not to mention they all looked so cute and their outfits were so adorable and the whole little witchy concept was so great. Pose was the best song on the album to me.  
12. Chi Mat Ba Ram - Brave Girls (Summer Queens) June 17th 
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We are gonna be summer queens! The title is up for grabs so I’m totally okay with them taking the title. I love songs like this so summery and fun. I’m so glad Brave Girls is getting the recognition they deserve, I really hope it lasts. Pool Party (ft. E-Chan) and Summer By Myself are my favorite songs on the album. Brave Girls man, just love that they’re doing the damn thing. 
13. Odd Eye - Dreamcatcher (Dystopia: Road to Utopia) Januray 26th 
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DREAMCATCHER!!!!!!!! Okay Handong coming back was such a blessing. Odd Eye is such a bop and blonde Siyeon was such a serve. Dreamcatcher always serve though, the rock elements in their songs always hit so hard. Odd eye was a great addition to their Dystopia series. Poison Love  is my favorite b-side off the album. 
14. Hwaa - (G)i-dle (I burn) January 11th
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One of the first (G)i-dle songs that instantly got me. I think the concept is just so stunning and they all looked beautiful. I think I loved the traditional vibes in this song the most, it just really got me. I adore how Minnie and Miyeon’s voices sounded in this song. I didn’t listen to the album so I can’t recommend b-sides, but check it out regardless.
15. Red Lipstick (ft. Yoonmirae) - Lee Hi (4 Only) September 9th 
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Misses Lee Hi returned and dropped this banger. This is my dance in the shower song tbh. Her voice is just unmatched and disco suits her so well. Not to mention Yoonmirae’s great addition in the song, they should collaborate wayyyyy more often. Savior (ft. B.I) and Only  are great songs on the album.
Favorite Debuts
Purple Kiss ‘Ponzona’ March 15th 
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They served creepy, vocals and a not intense in your face drop and I loved it. Swan I want your hand in marriage for your vocals in this song. It’s laced with crack. 
Pixy ‘Wings’ February 24th 
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They served creepy, vocals and an intense drop with screams in it. Look I love creepy girls and they freak me out so it’s great. All of their releases have been sooooo amazing so far, so I’m curious to see how they’ll continue. 
Rosé ‘Gone’ March 12th 
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Controversial but I love Gone soooooo much more than On the Ground. I love her voice and the feeling this song gives me. Not to mention the whole vibes of music video and how pretty she looked. There’s so much raw emotion in it that it qualifies for my favorite solo debut. 
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pennielane · 2 years
“Who knows how long I've loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime
If you want me to, I will”
It’s just a perfect little gem. Spare, not a word out of place.
Me to ME!!! I stan I Will SOOOO hard. It’s one of my top 5 Beatles songs probably. I adore adore adore the lyrics, they are so sweet. It’s such a beautiful way of longing for your person who you haven’t met yet. Such a lovely concept by Paul
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seokwoosmole · 2 years
My Ranking of Songs From B.I's COSMOS
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7. Buddy Buddy
Hanbin really is the king of friendzone songs isn't he😭Despite the bittersweet lyrics, this song is actually quite cute, in the way Remember Me (from Waterfall) is – the melody feels very playful but the meaning of the song is really sad and deep. The chorus is scarily catchy (in the same way Remember Me is too). While this song is my least favorite on the album, I still really enjoy it.
6. Flame
Lyrically, this song is superior – then again, what B.I song isn't? I love the video too (the choreo was executed beautifully as always) and all the references to his real life. The blurring and face covering was such a MC moment. I'm terrible at distinguishing instrumentals but whatever that buzzing-like sound was gave such flavor to the track. Tbh, it's not a song I listen to very often, but I appreciate its significance and the quality is still there, it's just not my usual vibe.
5. Alive
Again, the lyrics are amazing on this track – definitely gave me WATERFALL vibes. I loved the musicality of this song though; the chorus is so catchy and I love the instrumentals too. The rap is so good too, so pleasing to the ear – not just because it was delivered in B.I's beautiful voice but the rhythm was perfect too.
4. NERD (feat. Colde)
Soooo many things to say about this track! While there are some similarities, I think there is a pretty clear distinction musically between B.I and iKON songs. But this song felt like a good mix of both. I think many songs with the B.I touch in general radiate a sense of warmth and comfort – this one definitely does. I love how it's musically a calm and mellow song and the rap and vocals match that vibe. Also, I discovered Colde through this song! I've never heard him sing before but I love his voice! It's just so smooth but it has great texture to it and it complemented Hanbin's excellently.
3. Lover
"Fun" is such a boring word, but I can't think of a better one to describe this song. One of my favorite things about songs with B.I is his ad-libs and the way he plays with lyrical and vocal execution (i.e. iKON's Bling Bling [bling bling!], Lee Hi's No One [ttokttok nan yeogi isso], B.I's Remember Me [brrrr]). I love that "shot me down bang bang [bang bang!]". It's adorable and such a satisfying ad-lib. Honestly, his voice during this whole song is so audibly aesthetic – when he rapped, every word bled and blended into each other in such a beautiful way. Also I just love B.I love songs lyrically.
Honestly, this song made me so nervous – I mean, like prior to hearing it. illa illa is such an amazing song – musically, lyrically, and production-wise; it's one of my favorite songs in general and I truly believe it's one of the best songs of all time. So I was a bit nervous as to how B.I could step up his game for his comeback when the last one was so no pun intended iconic. But my doubts were useless! Never doubt Kim Hanbin – that's a valuable lesson I learned. I've ben tying Hanbin to sad and angsty songs so much that I forgot that he's just as capable of writing blissfully happy ones. This song really was such a good choice for the title track of this comeback. After all the angst and struggle and sad times, a lighthearted, happy, whimsical song like this is exactly what ID needed. This is one of those songs that gives you serotonin through your earbuds. I dare you to be sad after listening to this song – actually, you will be, because it's over. Like, whoever this song is written for has got to be the absolute luckiest most loved human being in the world...or shall I say cosmos. From the cheerful melody to the sweet lyrics, the whole song radiates happiness and love in the air.
THIS. Just THIS. If COSMOS gave me happiness, NINETEEN gave me something I could relate to. THIS is my illa illa. I deeply feel for Hanbin seeing these lyrics and what meaning they hold for him, but I also empathized with a lot of them too. One of Hanbin's greatest writing talents is being able to so vividly paint a picture of a certain emotion and make you feel it, and he's done it here. He's so accurately portrayed the struggles of youth and not wanting to mature knowing that adulthood only brings more struggles. And if the lyrics and meaning behind the song weren't enough, musically it's spectacular. I love that (what I think is) electric guitar intro and the almost early 2000s punk-rock vibe to the song, the strong heavy beat, and THAT CHORUS?? AMUGEOTDO CHAEGIMJIGO SIPJI ANA!! PLEASE!! I cannot think of many songs with a hard-hitting chorus like that that make me want to scream the lyrics out and headbang this bad. This song is utter perfection and will not be getting over it for a very long time.
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starlyte-writes · 3 years
Here’s my thoughts on Pebble Brain under the cut even though I know no one cares, just wanted to write it all out for my sake lmao
Changed list:
1) Perfume & It’s All Futile! It’s All Pointless! (they’re too good to decide)
2) Concrete
3) The Fall
4) Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry
5) Model Buses
6) You’ll Understand When You’re Older
Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry (#4): I’m gonna be repeating myself when I say it’s soooo goooood. In Wilbur’s “Songs We Listened To When Writing Pebble Brain” playlist the song “A-Punk” by Vampire Weekend is on it and I can absolutely hear it in this one. God, just the vibe of the entire album is immaculate, perfect summer with best friends vibes. Also it’s so cheeky I fucking love it.
Model Buses (#5): Love love LOVE the instrumentation of this one, especially the funky bass (Ash you wonderful lad)!! I love the mix of how you can dance like crazy to this one, but also just casually vibe to it, I totally get why it’s James’ favorite lmao
Concrete (#2): THE COUNT IN AT THE START GETS YOU SO PUMPED! AND THE DRUUUUUMS MARK YOU KING. I ADORE this song. The lyrics are so fun, and the chorus is so goddamn catchy!! I really like LoveJoy songs where the vocals are more sing-songy. Like where more riffs or longer notes are allowed and they can really show off their vocals, if that makes sense. Just GOD WHAT A BANGER.
Perfume (#1): PERFUME MY BELOVED. Right off the bat I want to thank TommyInnit for saving this song because how THE FUCK could they dare even consider dropping it. (/lh) Again, the goddamn instrumentation my love. THE DROP BEFORE THE CHORUS SWEET JESUS IT’S SO GOOD. You KNOW I’m gonna be screaming these lyrics till the end of time. Oh my god, the ending, THE FUCKING ENDING. LOVEJOY HOW COULD YOU EVER THINK OF DROPPING THIS IT’S SO GOOD I’M IN LOVE WITH IT DEAR GOD. That note he sings??!?! It’s so good, there’s nothing else to say, fucking legendary.
You’ll Understand When You’re Older (#6): This one also really holds “A-Punk” vibes for me and surprise surprise, I love it. For me it’s like the “Cause For Concern” of this album, which of course is in no way a bad thing (they’re all good songs there’s no such thing as a bad one.) It’s a lot more instrumental/story-based and I really like that. Also, the “and if you think that it gets better” line just MMMM
The Fall (#3): THE FUCKING EVERYTHING WITH THIS SONG OKAY. Right off the bat instrumentation is off the charts holy shit. I just love the creativeness of this song, y’know? Like it’s so vastly different, and the stuff with the vocals, the shouting, the way the music cuts off, cuts back in IT’S SO NEAT. Not to mention how much of a jam it is. It’s so cool and feels super experimental compared to the rest AND I ADORE IT PLEASE MORE LIKE THIS. The ending man, THE ENDING. 
It’s All Futile! It’s All Pointless (#1): Completely and utterly biased but BEST SONG OF ALL TIME THE GREATEST THING TO EVER BE MADE. It’s All Futile was always my favorite Maybe I Was Boring song, so as soon as we found out it was getting remade I was PUMPED. AND I HAD EVERY RIGHT TO BE. Dude, the contrast between Wilbur alone with his guitar and just EVERYTHING in this song is SO AMAZING. I’ve always loved the lyrics, the chorus, just everything AND THE ENDING HOLY SHIT. Best song, forever, you can never change my mind. 
Overall, best album ever, I’m in love, dear god it was everything I could’ve wanted and more lmao. Also, with the overall EP, I really like the stuff they’re doing with vocals! All of it between the screaming, the bits where the music cuts leaving just the voice, the echoy parts in “The Fall”, the shouting repetition, just ALL OF IT. It’s so neat and different and I can just picture us all screaming it at a concert. That, and the songs feel so much more personal this time, y’know? Like, not in a sad way, but the story is a lot clearer in each song and I love it god this album is so good props to everyone y’all killed it once again.
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