#AI and human partnership in scientific discovery
ai-cybersecurity · 1 year
Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Replace Human Curiosity?
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kitcat992 · 1 year
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Forbes Magazine
Special Innovation Edition
Unleashing the Future: Norman Osborn's Biotech Triumphs and the Rise of Robotic AI.
In the realm of groundbreaking innovation, one name stands out, captivating the world with a vision that pushes the boundaries of possibility. Meet Norman Osborn, the visionary entrepreneur at the forefront of biotech advancements and the brilliant mind behind OsCorp's meteoric rise. In the Special Innovation Edition of Forbes Magazine, we delve into Osborn's ongoing success, revealing his exceptional breakthroughs in biotechnology and the enduring synergy of his founding partnership with robotic AI expert Spencer Smythe.
Norman Osborn's Unparalleled Success and his insatiable thirst for scientific advancement has propelled OsCorp to the zenith of the biotech industry. In this exclusive feature, we explore Osborn's trailblazing accomplishments that have redefined the future of medicine and transformed the way we perceive human potential. From revolutionary genetic therapies to cutting-edge regenerative medicine, Osborn's vision and commitment to scientific excellence have set a new standard in biotech innovation.
Prepare to be astonished as we uncover the groundbreaking achievements in the field of robotic AI resulting from the extraordinary partnership between the mastermind behind OsCorp's biotech empire, Norman Osborn, and the visionary robotics genius Spencer Smythe.
From the very inception of their collaboration, they have been at the forefront of spearheading the development of sentient machines that promise to revolutionize industries. In this edition, we delve deep into the remarkable journey of their enduring partnership, unveiling how their combined brilliance is set to reshape the world and open up uncharted possibilities for the future of automation and artificial intelligence.
Our in-depth interviews with Norman Osborn and Spencer Symthe provide a glimpse into their brilliant minds. Gain firsthand knowledge about their motivations, challenges, and the sheer determination that fuels their relentless pursuit of innovation. Learn how their breakthroughs are not just reshaping industries but also impacting society as a whole.
This Special Innovation Edition is your passport to the forefront of scientific discovery, where biotech triumphs and robotic AI revolution converge to unlock a future brimming with possibilities.
Don't miss out on this captivating edition of Forbes Magazine, available at newsstands nationwide. Immerse yourself in the world of Norman Osborn's visionary leadership, as we explore the exciting biotech advancements and the rise of robotic AI that are reshaping our world. Step into the future and discover the extraordinary possibilities that lie ahead!
Follow the third and final installment of the Identity Saga, out now — Identity Within
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jcmarchi · 1 month
Top 10 Takeaways from Stanford’s AI Index Report 2024
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/top-10-takeaways-from-stanfords-ai-index-report-2024/
Top 10 Takeaways from Stanford’s AI Index Report 2024
The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI recently released the 2024 edition of its highly influential AI Index report. This comprehensive study offers an in-depth look at the current state of artificial intelligence, analyzing key trends, advancements, and challenges across various domains. As AI continues to reshape our world at an unprecedented pace, the 2024 AI Index provides a timely and invaluable resource for understanding the complex landscape of this transformative technology.
This year’s report is particularly noteworthy for its expanded scope and depth of analysis. With a wealth of original data and insights, the 2024 edition delves into crucial topics such as the soaring costs of training state-of-the-art AI models, the lack of standardization in responsible AI reporting, and the growing impact of AI on scientific discovery and the workforce. Moreover, the report features a dedicated chapter exploring AI’s influence on science and medicine, highlighting the technology’s potential to revolutionize these critical fields.
As we navigate the rapid evolution of AI, the 2024 AI Index serves as an essential guide, empowering policymakers, researchers, industry leaders, and the general public to make informed decisions and engage in constructive discussions about the future of this powerful technology.
1. AI’s Performance vs. Humans
The report highlights AI’s impressive strides in surpassing human performance across various benchmarks, such as image classification, visual reasoning, and English understanding. However, it also acknowledges that AI still lags behind humans in more complex tasks, including competition-level mathematics, visual commonsense reasoning, and planning. This nuanced assessment underscores the importance of recognizing AI’s strengths and limitations as the technology continues to evolve.
2. Industry Dominance in AI Research
In 2023, the AI industry firmly established its dominance in cutting-edge AI research. The report reveals that industry players produced a staggering 51 notable machine learning models, dwarfing academia’s contribution of just 15. Interestingly, the year also witnessed a record high of 21 models resulting from industry-academia collaborations, signaling a growing trend of cross-sector partnerships in AI development.
Image: Stanford AI Index report
3. Rising Costs of Training State-of-the-Art Models
The AI Index report sheds light on the soaring costs associated with training state-of-the-art AI models. According to their estimates, OpenAI’s GPT-4 required a staggering $78 million worth of compute resources for training, while Google’s Gemini Ultra model demanded an even more astronomical $191 million. These figures underscore the immense financial investments required to push the boundaries of AI capabilities and raise important questions about the accessibility and sustainability of frontier AI research.
4. U.S. Leadership in Top AI Models
The United States has solidified its position as the global leader in cutting-edge AI development, according to the 2024 AI Index report. U.S.-based institutions were responsible for originating an impressive 61 notable AI models in 2023, far outpacing the European Union’s 21 and China’s 15. This disparity highlights the U.S.’s continued dominance in AI innovation and its ability to attract top talent and resources in the field.
5. Lack of Standardization in Responsible AI Reporting
As AI models become increasingly powerful and influential, the need for responsible development and deployment practices has never been more critical. However, the AI Index report exposes a significant lack of standardization in how leading developers report on their models’ risks and limitations. Companies like OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic primarily test their models against different responsible AI benchmarks, making it difficult to systematically compare and assess the potential hazards associated with these technologies. This finding underscores the urgent need for industry-wide standards and collaboration to ensure the safe and ethical development of AI.
Image: Stanford AI Index
6. Surge in Generative AI Investment
While overall AI private investment experienced a decline in 2023, the generative AI sector defied this trend, witnessing a remarkable surge in funding. The report reveals that investment in generative AI nearly octupled from 2022, reaching an astounding $25.2 billion. Major players in the space, such as OpenAI, Anthropic, Hugging Face, and Inflection, reported substantial fundraising rounds, reflecting the growing excitement and potential surrounding generative AI technologies. This influx of capital is expected to fuel further innovation and competition in the field, as companies race to develop more sophisticated and powerful generative models.
7. AI’s Positive Impact on Worker Productivity and Quality
The 2024 AI Index report delves into the growing body of research examining AI’s impact on the workforce. Several studies conducted in 2023 suggest that AI technologies are enabling workers to complete tasks more efficiently and to a higher standard. These findings indicate that AI has the potential to augment human capabilities and bridge skill gaps between low- and high-skilled workers. However, the report also cautions that utilizing AI without proper oversight and guidance can lead to diminished performance, emphasizing the importance of responsible implementation and human-AI collaboration in the workplace.
8. AI Accelerating Scientific Progress
The past year has witnessed a remarkable acceleration in the application of AI to scientific discovery, as highlighted by the AI Index report. Building upon the groundbreaking AI-driven scientific advancements of 2022, 2023 saw the launch of even more transformative applications. Notable examples include AlphaDev, which optimizes algorithmic sorting efficiency, and GNoME, which streamlines the materials discovery process. These cutting-edge AI tools are revolutionizing the way scientists approach complex problems, paving the way for unprecedented breakthroughs across various scientific disciplines.
9. Increase in U.S. AI Regulations
As AI technologies become more ubiquitous and influential, governments are grappling with the challenge of regulating their development and deployment. The AI Index report reveals a sharp increase in the number of AI-related regulations in the United States over the past year and the preceding five years. In 2023 alone, there were 25 AI-related regulations introduced, a remarkable increase from just one in 2016. Moreover, the total number of AI regulations grew by 56.3% from 2022 to 2023, reflecting the growing recognition among policymakers of the need to establish clear guidelines and oversight mechanisms for AI technologies.
Image: Stanford AI Index Report
10. Growing Public Awareness and Concern About AI
The 2024 AI Index report also sheds light on the evolving public perception of AI and its potential impact on society. A global survey conducted by Ipsos reveals that the proportion of people who believe AI will dramatically affect their lives within the next three to five years has increased from 60% to 66% over the past year. Additionally, 52% of respondents express nervousness toward AI products and services, a significant 13 percentage point rise from 2022. In the United States, Pew Research Center data indicates that 52% of Americans report feeling more concerned than excited about AI, up from 38% in 2022. These findings underscore the growing public awareness of AI’s transformative potential and the need for open, transparent dialogue to address the concerns and aspirations of individuals and communities worldwide.
Assessing the State of AI
The 2024 AI Index report offers a comprehensive and nuanced assessment of the state of AI, highlighting the rapid advancements, challenges, and societal implications of this transformative technology. From the soaring costs of training state-of-the-art models to the lack of standardization in responsible AI reporting, the report underscores the need for collaboration, innovation, and responsible development practices to ensure that AI benefits humanity as a whole. As public awareness and concern about AI continue to grow, it is crucial that policymakers, researchers, industry leaders, and the general public engage in informed, inclusive discussions to shape the future of this powerful technology. The insights provided by the AI Index report serve as a valuable resource in navigating the complex landscape of AI and charting a course toward a more equitable, sustainable, and beneficial AI-driven future.
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dralirezaminagar · 2 months
How AI Is Transforming Neuroimaging
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The integration of AI in neuroimaging holds immense potential. It can detect and diagnose neurological conditions and improve the overall efficiency and quality of patient care. AI's ability to handle vast amounts of neuroimaging data efficiently transforms the landscape of brain research and clinical practice.
In addition, the partnership between AI and neuroimaging is making strides in enhancing workflow management, reducing patient wait times, and optimizing resource allocation. Through the analysis of historical data, AI algorithms predict patient wait times, leading to improved satisfaction and the efficient utilization of neuroimaging services.
Moreover, AI in neuroimaging has shown proficiency in image interpretation and analysis. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can identify intricate patterns and features in neuroimaging data, surpassing human observers in certain aspects. The breakthrough aids in the timely identification and accurate diagnosis of neurological disorders, significantly impacting patient outcomes.
Automated image segmentation is another area where AI shines in neuroimaging workflows. Through AI algorithms, researchers and clinicians can precisely delineate brain structures, quantify their volumes, and reduce inter-observer variability. The adoption of automated segmentation not only saves time but also ensures more reliable and consistent data for subsequent analysis.
Plus, the diagnostic capabilities of AI extend beyond workflow management and segmentation. Neural networks, including deep learning models trained on extensive datasets, exhibit remarkable precision in identifying brain lesions, tumors, and abnormalities. AI's analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data provides valuable insights for the timely identification of conditions, enabling personalized treatment approaches and interventions.
As AI becomes more integrated into neuroimaging, ethical considerations become crucial. The reliance on extensive datasets introduces the risk of biases and disparities, potentially perpetuating healthcare inequalities. Rigorous data acquisition, organization, and algorithm training methodologies are essential to ensure just and unbiased AI implementation in neuroimaging. Transparency and explicability in AI algorithms are paramount for building trust among healthcare professionals and patients, paving the way for smoother integration into clinical practice.
Looking ahead, the future of AI in neuroimaging holds more possibilities. The amalgamation of AI with multimodal neuroimaging data, including structural MRI, functional MRI, and diffusion tensor imaging, promises a more comprehensive understanding of brain structure and function. The integration opens avenues for unveiling novel perspectives on complex brain disorders and expediting the development of precise interventions.
Neuroinformatics platforms and databases powered by AI may revolutionize data exchange and collaboration within the scientific community. These platforms facilitate the consolidation of extensive neuroimaging datasets, fostering collaboration among researchers worldwide. The collaborative approach accelerates discoveries and enhances the applicability of AI models across diverse populations.
In conclusion, integrating AI and neuroimaging marks a paradigm shift in brain research and clinical practice. AI's role in processing extensive datasets, analyzing complex images, and aiding decision-making processes has significantly transformed neuroimaging. While navigating ethical considerations and addressing potential biases, the full potential of AI in neuroimaging can occur, contributing to enhanced patient care and groundbreaking scientific advancements. As the field continues to evolve, the careful exploration of AI's expanding role and its ethical implications will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of this transformative partnership.
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luxurypropertiesworld · 4 months
Neuralink, the implantable brain chip developed by Elon Musk
Elon Musk's Neuralink is a ground-breaking program that seeks to combine artificial intelligence (AI) and human brain capabilities in the field of cutting-edge technology and bold endeavors. The creation of an implantable brain chip, which is at the center of Neuralink's ambition, has many intrigued and worried about the possible ramifications of this ground-breaking technology.
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The goals include enhancing human potential, treating neurological conditions like Parkinson's or ALS, and maybe even establishing a mutually beneficial partnership between humans and artificial intelligence.
  The Neural Network's Brain:
Elon Musk established Neuralink in 2016 with the goal of creating a seamless future brain-computer interface. The main objective is to treat neurological disorders and eventually improve human cognition by directly connecting the brain to external equipment.
  Important Elements of the Neuralink Brain Chip:
Neuralink's concept is based on a tiny implantable device called the Neural Interface, which is intended to communicate directly with the human brain. Electrodes are contained in incredibly tiny threads that make up the device—thinner than a human hair. To create a high-bandwidth connection, these threads are surgically inserted into the brain.
  Redefining Neurological Treatments:
Neuralink's principal objective is to transform the way neurological diseases are treated. The brain chip has the potential to treat epilepsy, improve movement and functionality for people who are paralyzed, and offer innovative treatments for a range of neurological conditions, all of which would greatly enhance the quality of life for those who are impacted.
  Bidirectional Brain-Machine Communication(BMI):
The brain and external devices can communicate in both directions thanks to Neurolink's brain chip. This innovative function enables information to be sent back to the brain in addition to reading neural signals. This ushers in a new era of adaptable and interactive technologies that can work in perfect harmony with the human intellect.
  Possibility of Neural-Computer Cooperation:
The technology developed by Neurolink creates the groundwork for a new phase of brain-computer coperation. The distinction between artificial and human intelligence may become more hazy as a result of this partnership, resulting in more natural and effective interactions with digital technologies. This smooth transition has effects in a variety of domains, including professional work, education, and artistic pursuits.
  Enhancing Research on Brain-Computer Interfaces:
Neurolink makes a major contribution to the field of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) with its efforts. Neurotechnology is being pushed to its limits by the research and development needed to create a brain chip that is both safe and dependable. This development affects the scientific community and our comprehension of the brain in larger ways.
  Cognitive Enhancement:
Neuralink's brain chip has the potential to improve cognitive function in areas other than medicine. By facilitating seamless interaction between users and external devices, the technology has the potential to enhance cognitive abilities and pave the way for the discovery of new frontiers in human intellect.
  Difficulties and Ethical Issues:
Risks and Surgical Procedures:
Because Neuralink's brain chip installation requires surgery, there are worries over the potential risks involved. Critics draw attention to the risks involved and the necessity of strict safety protocols when using such cutting-edge technologies.
  Privacy and Security:
There are a lot of privacy and security issues because of the direct connection between the brain and external equipment. It becomes critical to protect the data sent between the brain and linked systems, which calls for strong encryption and defense against unwanted access.
  Ethical AI Use:
As Neuralink progresses in integrating AI with the human brain, ethical questions about the proper application of AI technologies become increasingly important. Making sure AI applications respect human rights and values is a difficult task that needs to be carefully considered.
  Informed Consent and Autonomy:
Neuralink's brain chip is optional, which raises concerns regarding informed consent and personal autonomy. An important ethical challenge is striking a balance between giving people access to transformational medical treatments and guaranteeing them complete autonomy over their decisions.
The implantable brain chip developed by Neuralink is a groundbreaking innovation that has the potential to completely change the fields of neuroscience, medicine, and human-machine interaction. Even if the technology has a lot of potential to treat neurological conditions and improve cognitive capacities, managing ethical issues, guaranteeing safety, and maintaining personal liberty will be crucial to navigating the long-term effects of this ground-breaking project. The social and ethical implications of brain-machine interfaces will need to be carefully considered as Neuralink pushes the envelope of what is conceivable.
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artspace11275201418 · 6 months
Crossing the Boundary: Artificial Intelligence and Human Cooperation in the 21st Century
The Mergence of Artificial and Human Intelligence:
As the twenty-first century progresses, the rapidly changing technological environment offers us both unheard-of potential and difficulties. Artificial intelligence (AI) and humans are deeply collaborating at the forefront of this digital frontier. This contemporary journey explores the complex web created by artificial intelligence (AI) and human intellect, a collaboration that could fundamentally alter our future in ways we have only just begun to understand.
We set out on an excursion to discover the depths of this convergence. Along the way, we'll tackle ethical conundrums, explore the ramifications of AI-human collaboration in a variety of sectors, and learn about the complexities of AI-human collaboration.
To enhance your knowledge must visit and read this book:
The Start of a Novel Collaboration
Collaboration between AI and humans has its roots in the idea that AI should support human pursuits rather than take their place. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a tool, a technological creation of human creativity, intended to increase human potential and open up new paths. We'll examine the beginnings of this collaboration and its development over time in this chapter.
AI as a Tool to Enhance Human Intelligence
Fundamentally, artificial intelligence is a digital marvel that performs very well on jobs requiring large datasets, intricate pattern recognition, and quick calculation. AI is our ally in industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and finance because it can automate tedious jobs, make data-driven forecasts, and support decision-making. It acts to enhance human intelligence. It increases human intellect by multiplying the power of our cognitive capacities.
The Function of Data: AI's Lifeblood
Data is the foundation of artificial intelligence (AI). Machines can quickly sort through enormous amounts of information to find trends and patterns that would take people years to notice. We will examine the crucial role that data plays in the AI-human partnership and how it influences our relationship by providing the machine with information that feeds its learning algorithms, making it more capable of helping us.
Teamwork and Originality
The effect that AI-human collaboration has on human creativity is among its most fascinating features. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be more than just a tool for processing data and solving equations; it can also be an inspiration, pushing the limits of artful and imaginative manifestation.
Artistic AI
AI compositions and helpful technologies allow musicians to explore hitherto undiscovered sonic territories. AI-generated images serve as a source of inspiration for visual artists, who employ AI algorithms to produce art that combines inventive machine vision with human vision. AI is used by writers to come up with story twists, come up with ideas for new content, and even help with editing. We'll take a tour through the worlds of literature, music, and art, examining how AI may be a creative person's collaborator and muse.
Discovering Your Creative Potential
The combination of artificial intelligence and human creativity pushes the boundaries of human imagination. By doing away with some of the tedious work and offering original insights, AI helps writers, musicians, and artists concentrate on the core of their work, advancing their creative careers. We'll explore how, in the digital age, this partnership is changing what it means to be an individual creative.
Using AI to Spark Discovery
Collaboration between AI and humans goes far beyond the arts; it serves as a spur for scientific research and a helping hand in the quest for knowledge and creativity. We'll look at how AI is changing scientific research, medicine, and astronomy in this chapter.
AI in Astronomy: Opening Up the Cosmos
Large-scale data analysis is essential to astronomy, and artificial intelligence (AI) has shown itself to be a potent tool for recognizing celestial phenomena, forecasting cosmic events, and assisting astronomers in their space travels. We'll set out on a cosmic voyage, seeing firsthand how artificial intelligence functions as a telescope to the invisible, unveiling mysteries concealed in the night sky.
AI and Medicine: A Curative Collaboration
AI is used in medicine to help physicians with disease diagnosis, individualized therapy planning, and system management. We'll look at how AI's analytical abilities are changing the healthcare industry and providing promise for better patient care, illness prediction, and more effective healthcare administration.
AI in Science: The Contemporary Alchemist
Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in science to evaluate complex data, execute simulations, and test theories. In particle physics, climate science, genetics, and other fields of science, researchers have discovered that AI is a trustworthy ally in the process of solving complex scientific puzzles. We'll explore these scientific fields where artificial intelligence is advancing research and knowledge.
The Path of Ethics
A pilgrimage is never really accomplished unless the moral conundrums and issues that crop up along the way are addressed. Concerns about algorithmic bias, employment displacement, and data privacy are raised by AI-human collaboration. We will address these ethical issues head-on in this chapter.
Security and Privacy of Data
Because AI-human collaboration involves enormous volumes of data, protecting privacy and securing sensitive information is critical. We'll look at the moral issues related to data privacy and investigate the safeguards that must be put in place to keep people's personal information safe.
Employment Shift: Human vs. Automated
Given that AI has the ability to automate work in a variety of industries, the worry of job displacement is a serious concern. We'll talk about the idea of "creative destruction" and how society may change to accommodate this evolving labor market.
How Dangerous Bias Is
AI systems may inherit biases from the data they are educated on, which could result in moral conundrums including discrimination. We'll look at how prejudice can infiltrate AI systems and the actions needed to address these problems so that AI and human collaboration is equitable and fair.
The Journey Goes On
We are on a trip without a definitive destination, an expedition without a conclusive discovery as we venture into the unexplored realm of AI-human partnership. As co-authors of this story, we are aware that the narrative is still unwritten, just as the future is not yet envisioned.
The Changing Collaboration
AI and humanity have a dynamic and ever-evolving partnership that is not static. We'll talk about how we're always pushing the limits of our cooperation, looking into new uses, and broadening our perspectives.
The Endless Possibilities
Humanity and AI have an amazing partnership that gives us meaning, purpose, and a shared future. It pushes us to reconsider our responsibilities, our potential, and the seemingly endless possibilities of our teamwork. This collaboration is evidence of the countless opportunities that lie ahead of us.
In conclusion, the ongoing journey
As this journey into the realm of artificial intelligence and human cooperation comes to an end, we find ourselves on the cusp of a future fashioned by our combined creativity. AI is our partner and collaborator; it is the key to unlocking new aspects of human understanding and potential. This partnership's story is still being written; there are further chapters to come. We know for sure that the trip matters just as much as the goal and that the 21st century is continuing to redefine possibilities through the union of artificial intelligence and human.
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Biotech Giants Transforming Industries
In the grand tapestry of human progress, biotechnology has emerged as a vibrant thread, weaving its way through diverse industries. Biotech giants, with their innovation, expertise, and unwavering commitment to advancing science, are spearheading a transformation that promises to reshape the future of healthcare, agriculture, and beyond.
The biotechnology sector, marked by rapid advancements in genetic engineering, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices, is undergoing a profound transformation. Biotech giants like Amgen, Genentech, and Gilead Sciences have risen to prominence as they leverage groundbreaking scientific discoveries to create novel therapies and applications.
In the realm of healthcare, biotech has unleashed a wave of innovation that is revolutionizing how we diagnose, treat, and even prevent diseases. The introduction of gene therapy has opened the door to personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to an individual's genetic makeup. Companies like Genentech have been pioneers in this arena, creating biologic medicines that target specific disease markers, offering hope to patients with conditions previously considered untreatable.
Additionally, biotech giants have played a crucial role in the rapid development of vaccines and therapies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through cutting-edge research and development, companies like Moderna and BioNTech have shown the world that biotechnology can be harnessed to confront global health crises.
Beyond healthcare, agriculture is experiencing a biotech revolution of its own. Companies such as Monsanto, now a part of Bayer, have harnessed genetic modification to enhance crop yields, increase resistance to pests, and reduce the need for chemical pesticides. By optimizing plant genetics, biotech is helping to address the challenge of feeding a growing global population while minimizing the environmental impact of agriculture.
Biotechnology has also transformed the pharmaceutical industry, enabling the development of innovative drugs that target previously unaddressed diseases. Giants like Gilead Sciences have been at the forefront of developing antiviral medications that have transformed the treatment landscape for HIV and hepatitis. Their research and development efforts have not only improved patient outcomes but have also significantly reduced the transmission of these diseases.
One of the most exciting prospects in biotechnology is the fusion of biology with artificial intelligence. Companies like Illumina are harnessing the power of AI to analyze vast amounts of genomic data rapidly and accurately. This has led to breakthroughs in understanding the genetic basis of diseases, enabling earlier diagnoses and more effective treatment strategies.
As biotech giants continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, the ethical and regulatory considerations surrounding their work become increasingly important. Ensuring that genetic information is used responsibly and that the benefits of biotech are equitably distributed is paramount. Companies must navigate complex ethical dilemmas and remain committed to transparency and accountability.
Another challenge facing the biotech industry is accessibility. Many cutting-edge treatments and therapies can be expensive, limiting access for some individuals. Biotech giants must work in partnership with governments, organizations, and advocacy groups to make these life-changing innovations accessible to a wider range of patients.
The biotech industry is also expanding its focus on sustainability. As the world grapples with climate change and environmental degradation, companies are exploring biotech solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. From biodegradable plastics to sustainable agricultural practices, biotechnology has the potential to help mitigate the environmental impact of various industries.
In conclusion, biotech giants are at the vanguard of a transformative wave that is reshaping multiple industries. Through their innovative research and development, they are providing hope for those suffering from devastating diseases, revolutionizing agriculture, and addressing global health challenges. The potential for biotechnology is boundless, as it continues to push the boundaries of what science can achieve.
However, with this remarkable potential comes significant responsibility. Biotech giants must ensure that their work is conducted ethically, equitably, and sustainably. They must strive to make their innovations accessible to all and work hand-in-hand with regulatory bodies to ensure the safety and efficacy of their products.
In the end, biotechnology is not just a field of science; it's a promise of a brighter and healthier future for all of humanity. The giants of biotech are the architects of this future, and their transformational work will leave an indelible mark on our world, one that is bound to be celebrated for generations to come.
For More Info:-
Biotech Giants Transforming Industries
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annechen279 · 8 months
Top 9 AI Consulting Companies in 2023
In the dynamic landscape of 2023, the strides made in machine learning and artificial intelligence are unparalleled. As organisations across the globe grapple with the ever-expanding AI ecosystem, the demand for AI consulting companies has surged. These companies are pivotal in enabling businesses to harness the potential of AI through their cutting-edge and specialised solutions. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve deep into the top AI consulting firms, each of which has carved its niche in this rapidly evolving industry. If you're seeking AI Consulting Services, this is your compass.
Selecting the Best AI Consulting Companies
Amidst an ever-evolving technological milieu, identifying the leading AI consulting firms demands a multifaceted evaluation. This exploration transcends mere financial statistics and market presence. It necessitates a judicious blend of methodical considerations that weave together scientific innovation and the practical applicability of AI solutions.
Innovation and Technical Brilliance: These companies are more than just technologically adept; they are the crucibles of innovation. Their hunger for discovery goes beyond functionality, delving into avant-garde paradigms like deep learning and predictive analytics, marking them as champions of technological poetry.
Tailored Specialization: The art of AI implementation is in the precise adaptation of solutions to the unique intricacies of organizational architectures. These firms demonstrate a nuanced understanding of specific business contexts, transforming the ethereal complexity of AI into tangible, impactful solutions.
Unwavering Ethical Compass: In an age where AI touches the most intimate facets of human existence, upholding moral standards, privacy, and regulatory compliance is paramount. These companies view this not as a constraint but as a solemn commitment to the dignity of humanity amidst progress.
Synergetic Client Alliances: Creating AI is a collaborative symphony. Leading firms have mastered the art of collaboration, incorporating client insights, vendor partnerships, and their own ingenuity into a seamless fabric. This harmonious dance results in heightened complexity and superior outcomes.
Persistent Post-Implementation Vigilance: An AI project's lifecycle extends far beyond its initial stages. It requires vigilant care and an understanding of the ever-shifting technological landscape. The top firms respond with agility, continuously nurturing, refining, and adapting their creations.
Global Resonance and Transformation: The world recognizes the names of firms whose work transcends borders. Their achievements extend beyond awards; they resonate in businesses across industries and continents. Their work epitomizes not just technical mastery but also the harmonious convergence of technology's potential with human aspirations.
In a world driven by AI's transformative power, these consulting firms are the architects of change. They stand ready to guide organisations on their AI journey, ensuring that the promise of this remarkable technology is fully realised. Explore more about these Top AI Consulting Companies
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willow-boop · 10 months
Unlikely Chemistry (Chapter 1)
Step into a world of bright neon lights and cutting-edge technology within the Quantum Leaf Robotics headquarters. Amid the sleek and complex architecture, Dr. Ari Sokolov, a brilliant yet detached scientist, is challenged to push the boundaries of AI with unscrupulous ambition. Meanwhile, Gabriella Garcia, an unassuming engineer with unparalleled expertise, seeks solace in machines over people.
What will happen when these two very different souls meet? Will their common interests be enough to unite them?
Chapter 1: An Unlikely Encounter
A chance encounter in the depths of Sokolov's chaotic lab sparks an unlikely partnership, where their divergent strengths merge in a symphony of innovation.
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The bright fluorescent lights kept the main halls of the Quantum Leaf Robotics headquarters well lit even into the late hours of the night. The late hours when only the most determined and obsessed people were still lurking. Clean, sleek and cold like the edges and architecture of the solid white buildings, a mix of sleek minimalism and chaotic complexity. The drab shades of grey and white were occasionally interspersed with blue and orange neon accents.
Vertical gardens, adorned with bioluminescent flora, cling to the sides of the structure, offering a striking juxtaposition between nature and technology. Likely at the request of the founder as they mainly served an aesthetic purpose as opposed to a practical one. A lattice of luminescent cables and conduits crisscrosses the exterior, connecting to various entry points and serving as a visual reminder of the building's cybernetic underpinnings.
The massive archway was like a portal to another world, adorned with several holographic displays. Several robotic and human guards patrolled the perimeter, their tactical body armor sporting that familiar blue and orange glow.
Amidst the sprawling industrial complex, within the large maze of white and orange hallways, behind securely locked doors, in a dimly light lab buried deep within, Dr. Ari Sokolov worked fervently on their latest experiment. A tall pale man with a scar across his left cheek, beauty mark on under that eye and two piercings above his right eyebrow. Their long raven black haired was held together in a loose braid, dark bags under those green eyes.
“I’m looking for someone cold and detached. Someone who is willing to keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible. We need someone like you, Dr. Sokolov. Too many people are becoming sentimental towards robots or too comfortable at their jobs.
They lack ambition. Drive.
We have been missing that. Would you be prepared to set aside your feelings for the sake of the company, for the sake of scientific discovery?”
The corners of the raven haired man’s mouth lifted as they played that memory back in their head.
“Of course. I have no intention of letting my emotions control me. I want to build, I want to discover, I want to create artificial life.
If you are looking for a brilliant unscrupulous individual driven by scientific curiosity.
I am the perfect candidate for you.”
This disregard for certain moral boundaries and determination to push the boundaries in terms of what was possible in terms of AI had certainly drawn the attention of William Neilson, the CEO of the company and quickly landed them a rather high paying job as well as a personal laboratory.
Meanwhile, in the same complex, a small shy dark haired woman quietly shuffled down the hall. Gabriella Garcia worked as an unassuming engineer at Quantum Leaf Robotics. A loud yawn escaped her lips, the small curvy woman rubbing her eyes. Downing her third cup of coffee, she stretched and paces around her work space before getting back to fixing up a damaged robotic unit. This job could wait another day but she was determined to finish. In all honesty, she has stuck behind partially to avoid going out for drinks with her colleagues. It wasn’t that she hated them, she just found more solace in the company of robots and AI rather than people. Her knowledge of engineering was unparalleled by most, she had a gift for understanding the intricacies of technology.
She let out a loud yawn, her tired eyes drifting to the clock as it struck midnight.
“Oh fiddlesticks. It‘s so late. Just a little bit longerrr.”
Gabriella leaned back in her chair, letting out a quiet whine, fidgeting and playing with the straps of her jean overalls before snapping back to work. Little did she know that she would cross paths with a certain infamous dark doctor.
As Gabriella was adjusting the machine’s wiring, an ominous hum filled the air, and the lights flickered. Unbeknownst to her, the experiment in Sokolov’s laboratory had gone awry, causing a power surge that affected the entire floor.
“Darn it. I was almost done.”
With her workplace plunged into darkness, Gabriella hesitated, sitting motionless. It was then that she noticed a dim green glow emanating from the distant corridor. Curiosity overcame her shyness and the small woman decided to investigate. She pulled her curly long black hair into a tight ponytail.
Following the eerie glow, Gabriella found herself standing before the entrance to Sokolov’s laboratory. An ominous heaviness lingered in the air, unease gnawing at her, but her engineer’s instincts pushed her to explore further. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the heavy door open.
Her heavy steel toed boots made her footsteps echo throughout the lab, foiling any attempt to keep her presence a secret. Inside, she found the laboratory in chaos. Blueprints and papers were scattered, beakers shattered and the loud buzzing of broken machinery filled the air.
At the center, there was a singular robot in perfect condition. She could see a faint red light flickering in his chest. Her technological instincts kept her in place, the small woman only taking a moment to realize what part it was missing. Her brown eyes darted around the messy tables, widening when she finally spotted the piece she was looking for.
Gabriella snatched the metal part, quickly getting to work inserting it in the robot’s chest cavity. A green light hit her brown complexion, a satisfied smile forming on her face. She couldn’t help but do a little dance.
Oh how quick she had been to forget where she was. Her happiness quickly turned to fear when she felt a cold shiver run down her spine. The engineer could feel a harsh stare upon her back.
“Who are you?”
Their voice was sharp and commanding, a thick Russian accent evident in his raspy deep voice.
The meek woman slowly turned, immediately cowering like a frightened little mouse upon meeting Dr. Sokolov’s gaze. Their glowing emerald eyes were filled with a mix of frustration and curiosity.
Gabriella stammered, clasping her hands together in front of her, her shyness causing her to shrink down like a frightened mouse.
“I-I-I’m Gabriella Garcia, an engineer here.”
Sokolov’s eyes narrowed as they took in the sight of this unexpected intruder.
They let out a hiss, their tone cold and impassive.
“You shouldn’t be here. This is a highly classified area.”
“I-I-I’m sorry.”
Gabriella’s voice shook, the scared woman attempting to make herself even smaller by walking backwards. Unfortunately a bit of slick oil caused her to slip back. The doctor quickly moved to grab her waist, stabilizing her. She shivered, feeling the warm caress of their breath on her face as they were only about an inch away from her face. Those glowing green eyes met her gaze for only a brief moment before Sokolov released her body. A wave of embarrassment washed over her, Gabriella quickly dusting herself off.
“The lights went out in my workplace and I followed the glow.”
The raven haired scientist’s hard glare made her tremble with fear. They let out a sigh, their anger subsiding slightly as they noticed genuine fear in Gabriella’s eyes. Despite their sinister reputation, the man couldn’t help but feel a flicker of sympathy for the shy engineer. Not that they would ever want to express it.
They gestured toward the now functioning robotic figure that stood in the corner of the dimly lit laboratory, its mechanical form still partially disassembled. The robot's gleaming metal exterior was marked with scorch marks and exposed wiring, a testament to the chaotic events that had unfolded earlier. Gabriella's eyes flickered with a mix of trepidation and intrigue as she followed Sokolov's gesture.
"I might as well put your skills to use,"
Sokolov's voice resonated in the still air, carrying an air of calculated determination.
"I could use help in fixing this mess."
Gabriella's heart skipped a beat, caught between the awe of being acknowledged by the enigmatic scientist and the nervousness of the task at hand. She took a hesitant step forward, her movements cautious yet tinged with a newfound eagerness. The laboratory seemed to shrink around her as her natural curiosity overcame her shyness, pushing her to venture further into uncharted territory.
As she approached the damaged robot, its intricate mechanisms and exposed circuitry seemed to beckon her with an unspoken challenge. With a deep breath, Gabriella immersed herself in her element. Her fingers danced delicately across the twisted metal and scorched components, her keen eyes assessing the extent of the damage.
Sokolov's imposing presence cast a long shadow over her as she worked, their analytical gaze following her every move. It was an unusual juxtaposition — the towering figure of the scientist and the petite engineer, both absorbed in the intricacies of the task before them.
The steady rhythm of Gabriella's hands at work was punctuated by the occasional sound of her voice, offering suggestions and insights in a voice that grew stronger with each passing moment.
To her surprise, Sokolov listened intently, their usual air of detachment giving way to a measured interest.
They nodded in approval at some of Gabriella's proposed solutions and modifications, acknowledging her contributions in a way that both surprised and emboldened her. As the collaboration continued, the initial hesitance that had clouded the atmosphere between them began to dissipate, replaced by a shared focus and a growing connection.
The laboratory hummed with energy as the duo worked in tandem, their skills intertwining in a symphony of innovation. Sokolov's analytical brilliance meshed seamlessly with Gabriella's intuitive understanding of technology, creating a dynamic partnership that defied their initial differences. The quiet determination that Gabriella exhibited was a stark contrast to the bold and calculated moves of Sokolov, yet their strengths seemed to complement each other in a strange and mesmerizing dance.
As the night wore on, the laboratory underwent a transformation. The scattered debris and chaos were gradually replaced by order and purpose. The robot that had stood as a symbol of destruction was now on the path to rejuvenation. Gabriella looked up from her work, her gaze meeting Sokolov's with a newfound sense of respect. The enigmatic scientist had revealed a facet of themselves that transcended their cold exterior, and Gabriella found herself drawn into the orbit of their brilliance.
The walls of the laboratory seemed to fade away, leaving only the shared pursuit of knowledge and creation. It was a moment suspended in time — two minds working in harmony, forging an unlikely alliance amidst the sea of gleaming blueprints and custom equipment that surrounded them.
"You're a genius."
Gabriella whispered in a tone of awe, her words a delicate breath of admiration that hung in the air. The compliment was both a genuine acknowledgment of Sokolov's brilliance and an invitation for them to consider a different path.
"Buttt you could do so much more if you worked with other people!"
Sokolov's dark, penetrating eyes bore into Gabriella, a mixture of surprise and intrigue flickering within their depths. It was a sentiment they hadn't expected, a glimmer of truth that resonated in the quiet of the dimly lit lab. For a fleeting moment, a spark of camaraderie kindled within their guarded heart—a connection that had long been absent from their solitary pursuits.
They gave a terse nod, a subtle admission that Gabriella's words had pierced through their armor of detachment. Yet, the walls they had meticulously built around themselves couldn't be dismantled in an instant. It would take more than a single encounter to thaw the ice that had encased their soul.
The silence lingered, Sokolov's emerald eyes narrowed as they regarded Gabriella,
“Thank you for your help. You can go if you would like.”
Gabriella's eyes widened, a mixture of uncertainty and desire swirling within her. Her fingers toyed with a strand of her hair, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh," she mumbled, her voice a hesitant murmur.
"I don't want to go."
A flicker of confusion danced across Sokolov's features, an emotion rarely seen.
"You want to stay?" they echoed, incredulous yet intrigued by her unexpected request.
"If that is okay!"
Gabriella's words tumbled out, her enthusiasm unabated. Her eyes glimmered with wonder as she continued, "This is... your lab is so cool!"
Sokolov's icy veneer cracked, their features contorting with a mixture of surprise and bemusement as they watched her vibrate with excitement.
Without a word, Sokolov reached into their labcoat pocket, retrieving a thin green keycard. The shiny sleek texture gleamed under the dim lights, only a simple green strip and engimatic symbol etched into its surface. They handed it to Gabriella, the gesture a tacit acknowledgment of her presence and her potential.
“Tomorrow morning. 9:00am sharp. Don’t be late.”
Gabriella opened her mouth to speak, ready to express her gratitude only to realize the doctor had vanished from sight. She examined the card that had been placed into her grip.
It just had a green stripe and unfamiliar logo, nothing much of note.
As she stepped into the illuminated hallway, the abrupt increase in brightness made her jump. A deep breath calmed her racing heart, and she walked away with a skip in her step, sliding the unknown card into the large pocket in the front of her overalls, her anticipation for the morning's rendezvous a sweet secret she held close.
With a final glance over her shoulder, she waved to the empty laboratory, before scampering away to clean up her workplace and head out for the night.
The small nervous woman couldn’t help but be excited with what tomorrow would bring.
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thxnews · 11 months
Driving National Security: IronGate's Innovative Investments
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  IronGate Capital Advisors, a prominent venture capital investment firm specializing in dual-use national security technologies, has announced the successful final closing of its inaugural discretionary fund. With commitments amounting to $25 million, the fund marks a significant milestone for IronGate's mission to invest private capital into early-stage companies and venture capital partnerships supporting dual-use and dual-benefit technologies. These advancements not only bolster the national security of the United States and its allies but also create new industries, jobs, and innovative civilian applications that are transforming every aspect of society.   A Strategic Investment Approach The fund has been strategically deployed into direct and partnership investments across IronGate's six target investment segments, namely: Segment Description (i) Robotics, Unmanned Systems, and Hypersonics Investments in cutting-edge robotics and unmanned systems, including hypersonics technologies. These advancements play a vital role in national security and various civilian applications. (ii) ISR and Integrated Sensors Focus on investments in Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) technologies along with integrated sensor systems. Enhancing data collection and analysis capabilities for improved national security. (iii) Cybersecurity Investments in cybersecurity technologies to combat evolving threats and protect critical assets from cyber attacks, safeguarding national security and economic interests. (iv) Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Processing, and Human-Machine Interface Investments in AI technologies, advanced processing, and human-machine interface solutions. These advancements have dual-use applications, ranging from intelligence to civilian industries. (v) Space Investments in space technologies, driving advancements in satellite systems, exploration, and space-based communications. A critical domain for national security and scientific endeavors. (vi) Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Protection Focus on investments in technologies safeguarding critical infrastructure and key resources from potential threats, ensuring national security and resilience.   Visionary Leadership Paving the Way Hon. Tidal McCoy, Co-Founder, and Chairman at IronGate (Washington, DC), expressed the firm's foundational premise: ignoring the competition paradigm for new technologies can lead to being overtaken by adversaries. Emphasizing the importance of a rigorous discovery process, well-organized funding, and agile execution, IronGate is at the forefront of renewing this vital approach through public statements, technological discovery, and advanced technology funding.   A Strong Foundation for Future Growth Andrew Magliochetti, Co-Founder, and Managing Partner at IronGate (Chicago, IL), asserted that the successful closing and deployment of the first discretionary fund have laid a robust groundwork for IronGate's future endeavors. With a commitment to benefit investors, the nation, and allies, private investments in cutting-edge dual-use technologies strengthen intelligence and warfighting capabilities while safeguarding national security and economic prosperity.   Peace through Strength and Innovation Ryan Morfin, Co-Founder, and Managing Partner at IronGate (Dallas, TX), viewed the recent milestone as an opportunity to broaden the mission of achieving peace through strength and innovation for the United States and its allies. He highlighted the significance of achieving primacy in developing and deploying the most advanced technologies to shape the geopolitical future and gain substantial economic benefits.   Supporting Strategic Innovation Amid Growing Adversarial Challenges Hamlet Yousef, Co-Founder, and Managing Partner at IronGate (West Palm Beach, FL), emphasized their leading role since 2018 in advocating for private capital investment in dual-use technologies that enhance national security and economic interests. As the global landscape becomes increasingly adversarial and hostile towards the U.S. and its allies, supporting strategic innovation becomes imperative.  
About IronGate: Revolutionizing National Security Investments
Founded in 2018, IronGate is committed to directing capital toward high-performing ventures in advanced technology, with a specific focus on aerospace, defense, intelligence, and national security innovations with dual-use applications in the civilian economy. The firm's multidisciplinary team of experts in finance, national security, and technology drives its investment approach, offering investors a diversified venture capital portfolio while supporting early-stage companies that can meet the most demanding national security requirements.  
And, Finally
In conclusion, IronGate Capital Advisors has achieved a major milestone with the successful closing of its first discretionary fund, empowering the firm to invest in groundbreaking dual-use national security technologies. With visionary leadership and a strategic investment approach, IronGate is poised to pave the way for technological advancements that safeguard the nation's security, foster innovation, and strengthen the economy. As the world becomes more adversarial, IronGate remains committed to supporting strategic innovation and shaping the future of national security investments.   Sources: THX News & IronGate Capital Advisors. Read the full article
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GESDA - UNITAR Science and Diplomacy Week 2023.
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The world is experiencing breakthrough science and technological advances at an unprecedented speed. These discoveries will reshape how we view ourselves as humans, how we relate to each other in society and how we care for our environment. To prepare for this future, our current and future scientific, diplomatic, and business leaders need to understand and jointly promote anticipatory Science & Diplomacy as an effective tool for a renewed multilateralism.
Initiated by the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator, the Geneva Coalition on Anticipatory Science and Diplomacy was created in 2021 by 14 Swiss and global institutions to empower the current and next generation of leaders with a «multilingual» mindset in science and diplomacy to navigate the science-diplomacy interface and foster boundary-spanning professionals and institutions.
Hosted in the historic Palais des Nations – the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva – and organized in partnership with the key international agencies, diplomatic missions, academic institutions, global NGOs and technology leaders shaping the future of multilateralism, the Science Diplomacy Week will provide an unparalleled immersion, learning and networking experience into the Science and Diplomacy ecosystem of International Geneva.
Learning Objectives
The Science & Diplomacy Week will help you:
- Understand the growing importance of anticipatory science diplomacy as an emerging discipline that unites science with world affairs. - Learn about the most significant scientific breakthroughs in five, 10, and 25 years and their impact on people, society and the planet. - Jointly devise with science and policy leaders from around the world the future diplomatic envelopes needed to embrace science advances for the greatest benefit of humanity, while minimizing their risks and undesirable consequences. - Learn to apply cutting-edge anticipation methodologies, scientific insights and quantitative methods to diplomatic practices for improving negotiation processes, international conflict resolution and global governance for responding to global challenges. - Get an insider view of International Geneva as the global hub of Science and Diplomacy for multilateralism and network with its key actors. - Participate in a “Multilateralism Lab” with simulations and scenarios to help shape the future of science diplomacy
Content and Structure
The programme will focus on the four GESDA thematic areas:
- Advanced artificial intelligence and the quantum revolution - Global health and human augmentation - Climate change, decarbonization and the future of the global commons - Anticipatory science diplomacy tools and new diplomatic methods
Programme content:
- Interactive workshops, simulation exercises and negotiations based on the GESDA Science Breakthrough Radar® and anticipatory “Situation Room” methodology, on topics ranging from carbon capture and climate-altering technologies to neuro rights, gene editing, AI and quantum technologies. - Expert dialogues, institutional visits and receptions with members of the Coalition and external partners on key anticipatory science and diplomacy topics. - Public activities and events to stimulate engagement and reflection outside the disciplinary expert circles and promote public outreach on Anticipatory Science & Diplomacy. - Private visits to key institutions and high-level networking opportunities with Geneva-based international actors. - Skills building and career development sessions to foster the next generation of ‘multilingual’ scientists and diplomats.
Moving away from the one-way training model, all participants in the Science Diplomacy Week are experts in their own fields, and will simultaneously act as trainees and trainers, with ample opportunities for peer exchange, mutual learning and expert input.
Most sessions will be delivered in an experiential learning format (e.g., interactive workshops, simulation negotiations), where participants are assigned different roles, sometimes close to their background, expertise and sector, but most of the time they will be placed in the shoes of another stakeholder to learn about their perspective, understand the trade-offs and competing interests, build trust across sectors, and develop a “multilingual science and diplomacy mindset”.
Participants will also have access to public lectures, events and networking opportunities during the Science Diplomacy Week Open Forum.
GESDA - UNITAR Science and Diplomacy Week 2023.
8 May 2023 - 12May 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.
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tastydregs · 1 year
How generative AI and E. coli are speeding up new drug discovery
Check out all the on-demand sessions from the Intelligent Security Summit here.
For many, hearing the word E. coli is often a reason to be concerned, as the bacteria can lead to incidents of food poisoning in humans.
As it turns out, E. coli might well be the panacea that enables a new form of generative AI for healthcare that could help enable researchers to generate new antibodies. Generative AI in recent years has captured popular imagination by enabling users to generate text or images on demand, but its uses go much deeper, too. Generative models that provide large machine learning (ML) models that can create new things is an emerging area in science helping to accelerate discovery.
Sean McClain, founder and CEO of Absci, came up with the idea of engineering E. coli to produce antibodies that have the potential to improve human health. Absci has been able to build out a generative AI model using data collected from testing with E. coli. Today, the company announced that the generative AI model has been able to create an entirely new (de novo in scientific terms) antibody in software, thanks in no small part to the often-maligned E. coli bacteria.
“A lot of people think of [E. coli] as a complete negative, but it’s an organism that has turned out to be the hero for healthcare,” McClain told VentureBeat.
Intelligent Security Summit On-Demand
Learn the critical role of AI & ML in cybersecurity and industry specific case studies. Watch on-demand sessions today.
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The science of using E. coli to build antibodies
Generative AI is typically built using some form of large language model (LLM) that has been trained on a large number of parameters.
The initial set of data to train a generative AI model is critically important. A challenge with developing antibodies is that they often need to be made in a living organism, such as mammalian cells, which McClain said can have scalability limitations on the number of antibodies that can be produced. With E. coli, he said that an order of magnitude more antibodies can be produced, which enabled the development of a large dataset to train the generative AI model.
The promise of the generative AI model for antibody development is that it can dramatically accelerate the path to new discoveries. McClain said that on average it takes five and a half years for researchers to be able to get a new antibody into clinical testing. Once those drugs make it into testing, only approximately 4% are likely to be successful.
McClain said that his company’s new breakthrough is that it is now able to use its generative AI model to build an antibody that can bind to a specific target. The process creates an entirely new antibody and is done all on the AI system.
“This is a huge paradigm shift within the industry and, ultimately, it’s going to drive to getting drugs into the clinic in 18 to 24 months, instead of five and a half years, and it’s going to increase that 4% success rate,” McClain said.
Taking the prompt approach to generative AI
Among those helping to lead the generative AI efforts at Absci is chief AI officer Joshua Meier, whose career has included stints working as a research engineer at Facebook, where he was part of a group working on generative biology.
The Absci model was trained using a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning. Meier said that data is fed into the model and it learns how different proteins interact with each other.
With a typical generative AI model, a user will provide a prompt — that is, a description of a desired output to get a result. With the Absci model, a scientist will prompt the model with a protein to target in order to generate an antibody. The prompts can become very specific in order to generate very unique and specific antibodies.
In terms of the hardware that enables the Absci system, the company has built its own in-house supercomputer for its generative AI model, benefiting from a partnership with Nvidia.
“We formed a partnership with Nvidia and we’ve been working with them with a focus on model scaling,” Meier said.
Scale is one particular area that Absci has been able to excel. McClain said that his company is currently able to validate approximately 2.8 million AI-generated antibody drug candidates per week. Overall, McClain is hopeful that the generative AI approach will lead to a new era for medicine.
“This type of technology is going to enable personalized medicine,” McClain said. “Being able to take a patient sample, find a target that’s relevant for a disease, and then instantaneously be able to design a drug or an antibody that’s going to cure that particular disease — and all at a click of a button.”
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A Free, Open Resource for the Global Research Community
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Allen Institute for AI has partnered with leading research groups to prepare and distribute the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), a free resource of over 51,000 scholarly articles, including over 40,000 with full text, about COVID-19 and the coronavirus family of viruses for use by the global research community.
This dataset is intended to mobilize researchers to apply recent advances in natural language processing to generate new insights in support of the fight against this infectious disease. The corpus will be updated weekly as new research is published in peer-reviewed publications and archival services like bioRxiv, medRxiv, and others.
CORD-19 Explorer is a quick and easy way to search the CORD-19 corpus, and CoViz allows you to discover associations between concepts appearing in the dataset. Or, get started by downloading the complete data below.
Participate in the CORD-19 Challenge
Kaggle is hosting the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge, a series of important questions designed to inspire the community to use CORD-19 to find new insights about the COVID-19 pandemic including the natural history, transmission, and diagnostics for the virus, management measures at the human-animal interface, lessons from previous epidemiological studies, and more.
Download CORD-19
By downloading this dataset you are agreeing to the Dataset License. Specific licensing information for individual articles in the dataset is available in the metadata file.
Additional licensing information is available on the PMC website, medRxiv website and bioRxiv website.
Download here: https://pages.semanticscholar.org/coronavirus-research
Latest release contains papers up until 2020-04-10 with over 40,000 full text articles. (Changelog from previous release.)
Commercial use subset (includes PMC content) 350Mb:
Non-commercial use subset (includes PMC content) 73MB:
Custom license subset (includes PMC, Elsevier content) 630MB:
bioRxiv/medRxiv subset (pre-prints that are not peer reviewed) 22Mb:
Metadata file -- 74Mb (with Microsoft Academic ID mapping)
CAS COVID-19 Anti-Viral Candidate Compounds (description - dataset provided by CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society)
Paper embeddings (API)
PDF - 9524 full text (new: 174, removed: 15)
PMC - 9148 full text (new: 174, removed: 21)
PDF - 2490 full text (new: 130, removed: 17)
PMC - 2217 full text (new: 128, removed: 4)
PDF - 26505 full text (new: 3647, removed: 294)
PMC - 7802 full text (new: 3081, removed: 52)
PDF - 1625 full text (new: 353, removed: 70)
Each paper is represented as a single JSON object. The schema is available here and previous versions of the dataset are available here.
The dataset contains all COVID-19 and coronavirus-related research (e.g. SARS, MERS, etc.) from the following sources:
PubMed's PMC open access corpus using this query (COVID-19 and coronavirus research)
Additional COVID-19 research articles from a corpus maintained by the WHO
bioRxiv and medRxiv pre-prints using the same query as PMC (COVID-19 and coronavirus research)
We also provide a comprehensive metadata file of 51,078 coronavirus and COVID-19 research articles with links to PubMed, Microsoft Academic and the WHO COVID-19 database of publications (includes articles without open access full text).
We recommend using metadata from the comprehensive file when available, instead of parsed metadata in the dataset. Please note the dataset may contain multiple entries for individual PMC IDs in cases when supplementary materials are available.
This repository is linked to the WHO database of publications on coronavirus disease and other resources, such as Microsoft Academic Graph, PubMed, and Semantic Scholar. A coalition including the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Microsoft Research, and the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health came together to provide this service. We also thank and acknowledge Unpaywall for providing open access license information for portions of the dataset.
When including CORD-19 data in a publication or redistribution, please cite the dataset as follows:
In bibliography:
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). 2020. Version 2020-03-20. Retrieved from https://pages.semanticscholar.org/coronavirus-research. Accessed YYYY-MM-DD. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3715505
In text:
(CORD-19, 2020)
The Allen Institute for AI and particularly the Semantic Scholar team will continue to provide updates to this dataset as the situation evolves and new research is released.
Contribute to CORD-19
To maximize impact and increase full text available to the global research community, we are actively encouraging publishers to make their research content openly available for AI projects like this that benefit the common good.
If you’re a publisher interested in contributing to the CORD-19 corpus, please contact [email protected].
Join the active discussion and share ideas in the CORD-19 forum.
For research inquiries, please contact Kyle Lo ([email protected]) and Lucy Lu Wang ([email protected]). For inquiries regarding CoViz and knowledge discovery, please contact Tom Hope ([email protected]).
Resources from the Allen Institute for AI
CoViz: tool for exploring associations between concepts appearing in CORD-19
CORD-19 Explorer: full-text search engine
SciSpacy: a text processing toolkit optimized for scientific text
SciBERT: a BERT model pretrained on scientific text
Semantic Scholar API
Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus
Create an AI-powered customizable adaptive feed of COVID-19 research
View the latest search results for COVID-19 on Semantic Scholar
Additional Resources
COVID-19 Research Database (provided by the WHO)
LitCOVID (provided by the NIH)
COVID-19 Resource Page and CORD-19 AI Powered Search (provided by Microsoft)
COVID-19 Research Export File (provided by Dimensions)
Day-Level COVID-19 Dataset (hosted on Kaggle)
COVID-19 Global Cases (provided by Johns Hopkins University)
COVID-19 Open Patent Dataset (hosted by Lens.org)
COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Registry (provided by the Global Rheumatology Alliance)
COVID-19 Literature Review Collection (hosted by Cochrane Library)
CORD-19 Search Engine (provided by Verizon Media)
COVID-19 Policy Dataset (provided by Overton)
COVID-19 DOC Search Engine and Resource Page (provided by Doctor Evidence)
COVID-19 Clinical Trials Tracker (provided by TranspariMED)
ASReview - Active learning for Systematic Reviews (provided by Utrecht University)
Blog Post: Computer Scientists Are Building Algorithms to Tackle COVID-19
Go here for more...
Publisher Resources
American Society for Microbiology
Elsevier (Coronavirus Research Repository)
New England Journal of Medicine
Springer Nature
Compute Resources
AWS Resources and programs supporting COVID-19 research:
AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative Web Portal
Registry of Open Data on AWS, COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)
Please contact us [email protected] if you’d like to request to add other resources.
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itsabhayyadav9999 · 4 years
Best summer schools in India
Top 10 Summer Schools In India:
Symbiosis Summer School: Meant for students of class X, XI and XII. Duration 6th May to 27th May 2019. Students can choose one module from available options: (Each module will include a mix of sessions from the different SIU UG institutes)
Law + Economics + Liberal Arts
Design + Media + Photography
Business +Computer Studies + Engineering
Health Sciences + Nursing + Biomedical + Culinary
Fees: INR 120, 000 (including accommodation and meal)
Website: Symbiosis Summer School
2. The Young Scholars Programme at Ashoka University: A unique summer residential programme which introduces high school students to the idea of a liberal arts education. This is an excellent program for outstanding high school students in Class 11 and 12
Dates: Two-week programme
Location: Ashoka University, Sonipat (Haryana)
Application Fee: INR 500/- to be paid along with submission of application form
Programme Fee: INR 40000/- (inclusive of taxes)
Need-based scholarships available
For questions: [email protected] Young Scholars Programme for High School Students
3.Jindal Global Summer School: It’s a 2-week program that offers a unique opportunity to have fun, learn new things, make friends and in the process embark on a great voyage of self-discovery. Students who are currently pursuing class 9,10,11 and 12 are eligible to apply regardless of the board or school they are studying in.
Courses on offer are
Business Management, Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Media, Communications & Public Affairs
Law, Justice & Democracy
Diplomacy, International Relations, and Peace
Economy, Public policy, and Development
Liberal Arts, Culture, and Humanities
Architecture, Planning and Sustainability
Banking, Finance and Accounting
Location: Sonipat, Haryana
Fees: Website: http://www.jgu.edu.in/event/jind...
4. Amity University Summer School Programme: Amity University offers two-week summer programs in Science & Technology, Management, Communication, Creative Programmes, Law, Hotel Management, Travel & Tourism, Psychology, and Foreign Languages.
Dates: 27th May 2019 to 7th June 2019
Location: Noida
Fees- Course Fees: Rs. 10,000/- (Fees subsidized by Amity Youth Found).
Hostel Fees: Rs. 4,000/- (Including Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner).
5. Young Leaders for Active Citizenship: Founded by Harvard and Oxford alumni in 2016. YLAC aims to increase the participation of young people in the democratic process and build their capacity to lead change.
The high school achievers program is one of its kind. It is designed to help young adults become active agents of change in their communities. The program will take place at three cities that is Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.
Fees: 20,000(depending on the modules).Scholarships are provided based on merit and the amount ranges between 25% to 75% of the total program fee.
Website- Reflect | Act | Transform - Young Leaders for Active Citizenship
6. Summer Immersion Program at Flame University: If you are a high school student between the ages of 15-18 or in grades X, XI, XII, FLAME University’s Summer Immersion Program is the ideal place for you to invigorate your mind and imagination, to figure out what interests you, and to strengthen your skills through various academic and non-academic modules.
The modules that will be covered in the program include:
Critical Thinking
Reading Literature and Writing
Contemporary Issues and Debates
Public Speaking and Debate
Painting and Sculpture
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Environment Studies with Fieldwork
Film Appreciation
Leadership and Group Dynamics
Sports (Tennis, Football, Basketball, Swimming, Badminton, Cricket)
Organic Farming
Date of the program- Batch 1 – May 12, 2019 – May 25, 2019, Batch 2 – June 30, 2019 – July 13, 2019
Fees- INR 50,000/- which includes tuition, course materials, meals, on-campus accommodation and service tax. http://Website-https://www.flame.edu.in/academics/summer-immersion-program.
7. Young Technology Scholars: is a two-week intensive summer program where students are exposed to real-world engineering and problem-solving. The program curriculum has been designed by senior faculty from leading universities of the world, in collaboration with alumni from top institutes like Stanford, UC Berkeley, HBS, IITs, and the IIMs. It’s a great program for the kids who want to explore the scientific, creative (design) and business aspects of AI, Robotics, Electronics, Optics, Data Sciences, and Bioinformatics.
Location- Gurgaon.
Program Date- 1st June 2019- 14th June 2019.
Fees: Program fee for Early Bird applicants: Rs 75,000. The program fee for Final Round applicants: Rs 90,000. Scholarships (up to 100%) are available for students, on need basis.
8. Doon’s Summer School Program on Leadership- An intensive but lively and enjoyable programme based on case studies, creative experiential learning, design thinking, problem solving, outdoor adventure, social service, self-reflection and group interaction, guides students through modules drawing on The Doon School’s immense experience in developing influencers, social activists and thought leaders. The Summer at Doon programme is open to interested students aged 14-18 years in Grades 9-12.
Admission Criteria: Interested candidates are required to provide the following:
A completed application form obtainable from the website:
www. Leadership - Doon School
A short personal essay
A reference from a teacher
Payment once acceptance has been acknowledged
The course cost is Rs. 1,45,000/- . This is inclusive of everything apart from pocket money and transport to and from school.
9. Summer Programme at UWC Mahindra College: The summer programs at the UWC Mahindra College is excellent programs to experience social awareness and multicultural diversity. The programs are usually 1 to 3 weeks long. If you want to undergo experiential learning within an international community while focussing on real-world issues (waste management, food & agriculture, sustainable human habits, religion, gender equality, politics etc.), then this is a must-attend the summer program.
Following Programmes are being offered in 2019:
YES: Youth, Environment & Sustainability (1 – 9 June 2019)
TGIF! Theatre, Gender, Identity, Film (9 – 22 June 2019)
Encounter India (22 June – 14 July 2019)
Location: Various locations in India (mostly rural and semi-urban)
Fees: INR 31, 000 to 193, 000 (depending on course modules and duration)
Website: Become a Summer Student
10. India Summer School by King’s College London: In addition to the summer programs in London, King’s College London (in partnership with Lady Shri Ram College) also offers summer programs in India. You could study International Relations or Marketing Management with International Marketing. Students also get the opportunity to attend the summer program in Mumbai and Berlin.
Location: Delhi, Mumbai, Berlin, London
Fees: £500
Website: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/summ...
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10 best Summer Schools In India
1.Symbiosis Summer School: Meant for students of class X, XI and XII. Duration 6th May to 27th May 2019. Students can choose one module from available options: (Each module will include a mix of sessions from the different SIU UG institutes)
 Law + Economics + Liberal Arts  Design + Media + Photography  Business +Computer Studies + Engineering  Health Sciences + Nursing + Biomedical + Culinary  Fees: INR 120, 000 (including accommodation and meal)  Website: http://www.symbiosissummerschool.in/programm
2. The Young Scholars Programme at Ashoka University: A unique summer residential programme which introduces high school students to the idea of a liberal arts education. This is an excellent program for outstanding high school students in Class 11 and 12
Dates: Two-week programme Location: Ashoka University, Sonipat (Haryana) Application Fee: INR 500/- to be paid along with submission of application form Programme Fee: INR 40000/- (inclusive of taxes) Need-based scholarships available For questions: [email protected] https://highschool.ashoka.edu.in/Login.aspx
3.Jindal Global Summer School: It’s a 2-week program that offers a unique opportunity to have fun, learn new things, make friends and in the process embark on a great voyage of self-discovery. Students who are currently pursuing class 9,10,11 and 12 are eligible to apply regardless of the board or school they are studying in.
Courses on offer are · Business Management, Leadership and Entrepreneurship · Media, Communications & Public Affairs · Law, Justice & Democracy · Diplomacy, International Relations, and Peace · Economy, Public policy, and Development · Liberal Arts, Culture, and Humanities · Architecture, Planning and Sustainability · Banking, Finance and Accounting
Location: Sonipat, Haryana Fees: Website: http://www.jgu.edu.in/event/jindal-global-summer-school-aspire-india-scholarprogramme-high-school-students-ixxxi-xii
4. Amity University Summer School Programme: Amity University offers two-week summer programs in Science & Technology, Management, Communication, Creative Programmes, Law, Hotel Management, Travel & Tourism, Psychology, and Foreign Languages.
Dates: 27th May 2019 to 7th June 2019 Location: Noida Fees- Course Fees: Rs. 10,000/- (Fees subsidized by Amity Youth Found). Hostel Fees: Rs. 4,000/- (Including Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner). Website-http://www.amity.edu/summerschool/programmes.asp
5. Young Leaders for Active Citizenship: Founded by Harvard and Oxford alumni in 2016. YLAC aims to increase the participation of young people in the democratic process and build their capacity to lead change.
The high school achievers program is one of its kind. It is designed to help young adults become active agents of change in their communities. The program will take place at three cities that is Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.
Fees: 20,000(depending on the modules).Scholarships are provided based on merit and the amount ranges between 25% to 75% of the total program fee. Website- https://ylacindia.com/
6. Summer Immersion Program at Flame University: If you are a high school student between the ages of 15-18 or in grades X, XI, XII, FLAME University’s Summer Immersion Program is the ideal place for you to invigorate your mind and imagination, to figure out what interests you, and to strengthen your skills through various academic and non-academic modules.
The modules that will be covered in the program include:
Critical Thinking
Reading Literature and Writing
Contemporary Issues and Debates
Public Speaking and Debate
Painting and Sculpture
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Environment Studies with Fieldwork
Film Appreciation
Leadership and Group Dynamics
Sports (Tennis, Football, Basketball, Swimming, Badminton, Cricket)
Organic Farming
Date of the program- Batch 1 – May 12, 2019 – May 25, 2019, Batch 2 – June 30, 2019 – July 13, 2019
Fees- INR 50,000/- which includes tuition, course materials, meals, on-campus accommodation and service tax. Website-https://www.flame.edu.in/academics/summer-immersion-program.
7. Young Technology Scholars: is a two-week intensive summer program where students are exposed to real-world engineering and problem-solving. The program curriculum has been designed by senior faculty from leading universities of the world, in collaboration with alumni from top institutes like Stanford, UC Berkeley, HBS, IITs, and the IIMs. It’s a great program for the kids who want to explore the scientific, creative (design) and business aspects of AI, Robotics, Electronics, Optics, Data Sciences, and Bioinformatics.
Location- Gurgaon. Program Date- 1st June 2019- 14th June 2019. Fees: Program fee for Early Bird applicants: Rs 75,000. The program fee for Final Round applicants: Rs 90,000. Scholarships (up to 100%) are available for students, on need basis. Website-https://youngtechscholars.org/
8. Doon’s Summer School Program on Leadership: An intensive but lively and enjoyable programme based on case studies, creative experiential learning, design thinking, problem solving, outdoor adventure, social service, self-reflection and group interaction, guides students through modules drawing on The Doon School’s immense experience in developing influencers, social activists and thought leaders. The Summer at Doon programme is open to interested students aged 14-18 years in Grades 9-12.
Admission Criteria: Interested candidates are required to provide the following:
A completed application form obtainable from the website: www. doonschool.com/summer.doon/leadership A short personal essay A reference from a teacher Payment once acceptance has been acknowledged The course cost is Rs. 1,45,000/- . This is inclusive of everything apart from pocket money and transport to and from school. Location-Dehradun Website-http://www.doonschool.com/summer-at-doon/
9. Summer Programme at UWC Mahindra College: The summer programs at the UWC Mahindra College is excellent programs to experience social awareness and multicultural diversity. The programs are usually 1 to 3 weeks long. If you want to undergo experiential learning within an international community while focussing on real-world issues (waste management, food & agriculture, sustainable human habits, religion, gender equality, politics etc.), then this is a must-attend the summer program.
Following Programmes are being offered in 2019:
 YES: Youth, Environment & Sustainability (1 – 9 June 2019)  TGIF! Theatre, Gender, Identity, Film (9 – 22 June 2019)  Encounter India (22 June – 14 July 2019)
Location: Various locations in India (mostly rural and semi-urban) Fees: INR 31, 000 to 193, 000 (depending on course modules and duration) Website: http://uwcmahindracollege.org/join-us/become-a-summer-student
10. India Summer School by King’s College London: In addition to the summer programs in London, King’s College London (in partnership with Lady Shri Ram College) also offers summer programs in India. You could study International Relations or Marketing Management with International Marketing. Students also get the opportunity to attend the summer program in Mumbai and Berlin.
Location: Delhi, Mumbai, Berlin, London Fees: £500 Website: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/summer/spotlight/india-summer-programmes/indiasummer-programme
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ADME Toxicology Testing Market Growth, Size and Dynamics To 2027
ADME Toxicology Testing Market – Key players
Many major players are entering into partnership agreement for sustaining in the market. For Instance, in September 2017, BioIVT acquired Qualyst Transporter Solutions, LLC. The company intends to integrate Qualyst’ s cell-based testing approach for predicting its new drug impact on the liver. As ADME testing has been proven to be an efficient time and cost testing procedures.
Some of the key players in the global ADME toxicology testing market are Promega Corporation, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Beckman Coulter, Inc., Cellartis AB, Cyprotex PLC., Life Technologies Corporation, Optivia Biotechnology, Inc., Accelrys, Inc., Molecular Discovery Ltd., Cyprotex PLC, MultiCASE, Inc., Caliper Life Sciences, Inc., Xceleron, Inc., ACEA Biosciences, Inc., Albany Molecular Research, Inc., CeeTox, Inc., and others.
ADME Toxicology Testing Market – Regional Analysis
North America holds the largest share in the global ADME toxicology testing market mainly due to content or throughput screening emerging as a major contributor. This is owing to ongoing technological advancements in the field, particularly in U.S. The drug discovery techniques using cell cultures has especially gained popularity among companies competing to reach the market with a new drug molecule.
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ADME Toxicology Testing Market – Segmentation
The global ADME toxicology testing market is segmented on the basis of method, technology, application, and end-user. On the basis of method, the market is categorized into cellular assay, biochemical assay, in silica, and ex-vivo. The technology segment is categorized into cell culture, high throughput, molecular imaging, and OMICS technology. Based on application, the market is segmented into systemic toxicity, renal toxicity, hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and others. On the basis of end-user, the market is segmented into hospitals and clinics, diagnostic centers, pathological labs, and others.
ADME Toxicology Testing Market – Overview
ADME toxicology is pharmacology term that refers to absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion with the help of toxicity testing. All these four criteria are important for studying the kinetics of drugs exposure at the tissue level hence ADME toxicology testing is crucial for drug development. The rising adoption of toxicology testing specific for ADME in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology companies along with the growing demand for cell-based assays in drug discovery is major driving factor fueling the ADME toxicology testing market growth.
Browse Complete 90 Pages Premium Research Report Enabled with 77 Respective Tables and Figures at https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/adme-toxicology-testing-market-6945
Major Table of Content by “ADME Toxicology Testing Market Research Report – Global Forecast till 2023”
Chapter 1. Report Prologue
Chapter 2. Market Introduction
2.1 Definition
2.2 Scope Of The Study
2.2.1 Research Objective
2.2.2 Assumptions
2.2.3 Limitations
Chapter 3. Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Primary Research
3.3 Secondary Research
3.4 Market Size Estimation
Chapter 4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Drivers
4.2 Restraints
4.3 Opportunities
TOC Continued………!
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