#AHS Audrey Tindall
dreamypqulson · 1 year
— and i know we got some potential, cause that look you gave me was so gentle
summary: cordelia tutors you when you fall behind in your herbal class unbeknownst to her that the reason your so lost is because you can't take your mind off of her.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
word count: 1200
a/n: i know i haven’t posted in awhile and i have requests that i have to write but this was just a little scrap that i’m deciding to post so nobody forgets about me! :)
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It was awful, really. And you felt bad for it. For wasting her time. This is not going to help. If you needed some extra help in your herbal class, then you need assistance from Zoe, or Queenie, or Myrtle, someone who is not this woman.
It was comical, and you almost laughed right in her face when she ask you if you wanted her to tutor you later in the evening. You didn't need help. You were a smart and powerful which. You just needed her out of you head. There was too much of her to even pay attention to the task at hand.
And it hurt too. There was no denying that. With the many obvious signs that she was helplessly in love with you, you ignored them all. She's the supreme for god sakes. She was so close yet felt so out of your reach.
You were just wasting time in this goddamn greenhouse. Every minute with her counts, but right now, you were just staring straight at the wall behind her, daydreaming of what you could be doing instead. What— no, who you could be kissing and showing you truth to.
You hear her snapping and it pulls you out of your deep trances. It's honey brown eyes and hair golden in the moonlight that's shining through the roof window that you notice first. "Are you even listening?" She doesn't sound annoyed, but she's clearly had enough of this. All this. What even is this?
"I'm sorry, Miss Cordelia. I am, I just—"
"You don't have to call me that, ya know." It hurts too much to not call you it. If you call her Cordelia then it seems to real. She's not your mentor, not your supreme, she's Cordelia. And so you stand behind that Miss Cordelia barrier that you build. The one that Cordelia tries so hard to break down.
"I know." As you stare into her eyes so warm that you feel as though your melting, as they soften as they stare back at you, she cups you heated cheeks. You know that she feels how hot they are, you know that she knows what is going on with you, but still, she asks,
"What's really going on? You're one of my strongest witches, sweetie."
You truly want to tell her that she's so distracting because you've unwillingly fell in love with her. Because, then, maybe you'll be able to pay better attention in class. But instead you tell her, "I just haven't been sleeping right," sugarcoating your love for her and letting it melt in your mouth.
It's not a complete lie; because you cannot sleep when she walks by your room to assure that you are safe in bed. You cannot sleep when you've see her only an hour before your rest in a simple pajama slip. Milky silk and see-through if it were any thinner.
"We should make you a sleeping potion then." She knows your lying, but she is not going to force you to be honest. That's not what she is here for. She just wants you to be ready. She would wait forever for you to tell her how you feel.
And then she's gathering the ingredients. Patting around the greenhouse as soft as a spring day, and you have to look to see if she is even walking. Look to see that she's not flying around instead of walking like an angel that you could mistake her to be.
She stands behind you and her arms are locking you in between the table and her body. She's wearing a nightgown like every other night and you can feel her breasts press against your back. Your breath hitches and you think she notices because she asks if you're okay. You nod, because you cannot speak, you cannot do anything besides stand there as if you were built with cement.
Her blonde hair falls against your shoulder and you get a strong whiff of her lavender shampoo. She smells so sweet and you feel like you are being embraced by a fresh pastry.
"Do you remember one of the key ingredients for our sleeping potion?" She tests you, because she knows that the day she taught this, her shirt seemed to be just a little shorter cut than usual. She knows you weren't paying attention to sleep and potions and herbs that day.
"Um...," you feel so pathetic for not knowing. So useless. "No, not really."
She smiles still. You can hear it in her voice, "That's just alright. Chamomile is one of the main ingredients." She speaks softly and begins grinding the chamomile into the mixture. Her freckled arms rub against yours with each movement. Bare skin against bare, and you yearn for more.
These emotions are too strong for your body to handle. They cannot fit as you are too much already filled with Cordelia. You are going to explode if you don't let it out somehow. And so you stand there and permit silent tears to roll down your face.
You assume that Cordelia won't notice, but a warm tear ends up landing on her hand and she cannot stand there and pretend that it didn't happen. She doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, but the only way she knows to make everything better is to be upfront and loving.
She grabs your waist, gently, and turns your body so your facing her now. It's so close; you can feel her soft breath against your face and her legs are practically intertwined with yours. "I don't want you to lie to me anymore," she doesn't sound angry still, just so desperate. And you know you look a mess right now but she thinks you're so pretty.
"I don't think I know how to not do that," more tears fall down. You are so afraid because you know that it's too far this time. There is no going back to what you once were with Cordelia just an hour before this.
"Show me?"
Your trembling hands cup her cheeks this time, smooth beneath your palm. You don't want to pull her forward, you need her to show you that she isn't the supreme right now. You always need her.
"It's okay," she merely whispers, nods, and smiles softly. And you forget about you fears, about the sugarcoated emotions on your tongue. You lean forward and everything's so fuzzy and blurry around you; like a fever dream, but it's oh so real.
She moans into your mouth. She sounds so pretty against you. It's the perfect combination of her vanilla chapstick and your strawberry one to create the sweetest taste.
Her hands are still on your waist and she pulls back, but only her lips so she can rest her forehead against yours. "Not so scary, right?"
"Well i'm scared that I just fucked everything up."
She shakes her head and smiles delicately at you. "You didn't fuck anything up. I would've been out the door by now." Your laugh and hers are a soft melody that echo against the four walls of the greenhouse. She grabs your hands and tangles her slim fingers with yours. "I. love. you."
"Promise me that it's what you want." You still can't believe it. But you can't have it if it's not real.
"It's what I always wanted. What I wanted when I met you. What I want, still, now."
"Then you should know that I always wanted it. I love you too. So much."
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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stayevildarling · 2 years
Y/N: „Stop“
Cordelia: *smiles* „Why sweetheart?“
*Y/N yawning, half asleep looking up at Cordelia as she gently trails her fingers through your hair*
Y/N: „Because you are gonna make me fall asleep“
Cordelia: *whispers* „That‘s the point darling“
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inspired by: @littlewhispersofsolitude
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thedarklinkfell · 3 months
Hadn't seen one of these before so here we go! No middle of the road choices, just one vote for your fave. Evan poll [HERE]
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justsierrasart · 11 months
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I drew every Sarah Paulson character in AHS 🤭 This was honestly so much fun. The small details the costume designers and makeup artists made to give Sarah a whole new character to okay is so neat. It’s in the eyebrows, in the way her lips are lined and the way her eyeliner shapes her eyes. The thoughtfulness is awesome. Just awesome. Loved it.
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Could you do a character preference with sarah paulson characters with dating someone who's very showy with their affection? If not that's okay <3
This idea is really cute, absolutely! Hope you like it <3
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate
Warnings: swearing, slight mentions of insecurity, references to Lana's past trauma, mentions of Ally's anxiety attacks
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Billie Dean Howard
I'm gonna be completely honest: Billie is really fucking cocky about it
She'll proudly shows you off wherever she goes and to whoever's with her
You wanna sit in her lap in public? Then by all means, go right ahead
If you lace your fingers through hers while you're out walking together, she'll keep them there without protest
She does draw the line at playing with her hair, though, because of how long it takes her to get it styled the way she likes
Sometimes she'll take you with her when she goes investigating the paranormal so she can show you off to the camera
Bonus points if you end up leaping into her arms or grabbing ahold of her at any point because you got scared
Lana Winters
Lana isn't used to someone's soft touch after everything that went down with losing Wendy and getting kidnapped by Bloody Face
It's something she has to be re-introduced to, so don't hold it against her if she's a bit stiff the first few times you go in for a kiss or give her a hug
Just give her some time, and she'll warm up to it eventually
When she finally does you'd best believe she's gonna pay you back for every stolen kiss and then some
Sometimes the press will print photos of the two of you holding hands while you're out together, which just causes you to show her public affection even more
She thinks it's cute how you'll to kiss her in public while simultaneously flipping off the reporters who are trying to get pictures of the two of you together
Cordelia Goode
Pre-Supreme Cordelia would be really flustered by it
Her mother wasn't the most loving person around, and after she dropped her off at Robichaux she felt more alone than ever, so your constant physical reassurance of your love for her makes her so happy
Supreme Cordelia, on the other hand, is a bit more different
Obviously she loves it either way, but she's not flustered by it at all; in fact, you might say she's a little cocky, maybe just as much as Billie is
Like, if she has a emergency council meeting with the warlocks, she'll bring you along just to show you off
But while she doesn't give a fuck what they think of her, the second they start coming after you is when the claws come out
She refuses to let them use you as a bargaining chip in that pathetic little game of theirs
Bette and Dot Tattler
Bette adores your affection, and often says so, whereas Dot was suspicious of it at first, thinking you wanted something from them; but after she realized you didn't, she grew to love it almost as much as her sister
Obviously, you can't just mosey about in public with those two, as it's unsafe, but you'll happily stroll with them through the carnival grounds with your hand around their waist
Bette will sometimes ask you to comb her hair out for her, just so she can feel your gentle touch as you rid her hair of tangles
Dot usually doesn't ask you to do it for her, but you brush her hair anyway, not wanting her to feel left out (and you always notice how less grumpy she is than usual when you do)
You always meet them backstage before they go on, giving them each a kiss for good luck
Sally Mckenna
Sally loves it, she fucking eats it up
Look, she's a very touchy person, so she's gonna be all over you whether you like it or not
But you being super touchy back? Boosts her self esteem and raises her confidence levels super fucking high
You'll be at the bar talking with Liz while she's sitting in your lap, practically purring with delight as you casually stroke her hair
Or you'll be in your hotel room, holding hands while cuddling on the bed and only letting go so she can light up another cigarette
She absolutely hates it whenever she's not with you; she has to be by you side 24/7 or else she gets super pissy
It makes her so happy to know you love her and won't leave her, ever
Audrey Tindall
Audrey finds it adorable, especially when you're affectionate in public
The press has gotten multiple photos of the two of you walking down the street together, hand in hand, as well as a few pics of you kissing when you thought no one was looking
You always visit her in her trailer between shoots so you can give her a hug and wish her good luck
Sometimes, though, she ends up late to set because the two of you started cuddling on a couch or chair and lost track of time
Most of the time you'll crash her Instagram lives just so you can give her a kiss or a hug, but she doesn't mind. She loves showing off her loving partner to other people, especially her adoring fans
Ally Mayfair-Richards
Ally views your constant display of admiration and love as refreshing, since her relationship with Ivy fizzled a long time ago and its been awhile since anyone has shown her just how much they adore her
Whenever you kiss her forehead lovingly after a long day or give her a hug from behind while she's doing the dishes, it makes her feel appreciated
She's especially happy whenever she sees you getting along with Ozzie, as her son is the most important person in her life (other than you obviously)
If you see her on the verge of an anxiety attack, you always know just what to do in order to get her to calm down; and if she's already having one when you find her, you stay with her and help her work through it
You make her feel safe, more than Ivy ever did
Wilhemina Venable
Wilhemina is certainly more reserved than most people, so the first time you surprised her with a kiss on the cheek when you visited her at work she buffered like an old computer
You stopped showing her excessive physical affection for awhile, thinking it made her uncomfortable; little did you know she's actually severely touch starved and did enjoy it, she just didn't know how to react
She became quite colder than usual to her coworkers at your lack of affection, before finally offhandedly mentioning to you one day that she missed your touch
You picked back up on your random kisses and hugs after that, glad to know she enjoyed them
She'll glare at anyone who'll give you judgmental stares for how affectionate you are; it's none of their goddamn business anyway
Tuberculosis Karen
You? Giving affection to her? You must be joking
Karen honestly can't believe that you love her as much as you do, considering most people in town think she's just trash
The fact that you will willingly walk hand in hand with her down the harbor when most people wouldn't even think to take a glance in her direction means a lot more to her than you know
I mean, her name starts with tuberculosis for christ's sake, so you know she's not the most healthiest person around to have a nickname like that
Still, you'll kiss her for everyone to see, because you love to express your love for her, regardless of what other people think
Taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @corn3liiia @nevilleismywhore @ethrealzzz @your-next-daydream
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tatelangdonsweater · 1 year
Criminally underrated AHS couple
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Like… I wish somebody would look at me the way these two look at each other
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amwritesitall · 2 years
Audrey: Relationships should be 50/50. (Y/N) cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
Source: twitter
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crown-ov-horns · 4 months
That Evan Peters actor character had it right in Roanoke.
I mean...
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I'd marry her too.
If I had the guts to ask her out in the first place
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Paulson’s AHS Characters As Bake Off Contestants:
Welp. I watched eight seasons of Bake Off in about three days and this happened. Enjoy 😂🙈
Billie Dean 
The attractive baker. Prue’s favorite. The surprise lesbian that doesn’t come out until episode three (and I mean you were invested in her because she’s stunning, but now she’s definitely your favorite). At least two bakers have a crush on her and drop everything if she needs help. Never dresses practically for baking. The only one who doesn’t sweat when the tent gets hot. Surprisingly makes it to the final
The scholarly baker. Somehow always ties her work/degrees into her interviews and package. Always good at technicals because she can follow a recipe like a boss. Tries exotic recipes but they don’t always work. The only one to get clean lines on her Battenberg. Should be in the final, but gets voted off unfairly because she has one off week 
The perfect baker. Gets star baker at least three times. Is first in technical at least four times. Sits in front of her oven. Definitely planned ahead. One of those rare bakers whose concept art actually looks like what she makes. Always hugs the person who gets voted off. She wins the whole thing
The vegan baker. They don’t actually bake vegan, but they make all of their bakes “half and half” (two separate bakes smashed into one cake/biscuit/pastry) even when it’s not practical. You know they’re going to be a problem from the first episode, but they miraculously don’t get voted off first
The messy baker. Always spills things or accidentally smashes half of her cakes. Her flavor saves her every time. Will lace everything with alcohol. It always works. 
The old lady baker. Has the refinement and coziness of a 70 year old grandma who has baked for her family all her life. Her technicals might not be great, but her showstoppers are always top. She’s that baker that does things “her way”, that gets an “interesting” from Paul on her unconventional process, and then blows him out of the water every time
The mom baker. Talks about how much she loves baking for her kids at home, but is actually a complete disaster. Gets a handshake on her first signature challenge, and it’s all downhill from there
The silent but deadly baker. She keeps to herself and minds her own business. The one that you note on the first episode and then kind of dismiss until the halfway point because she’s always at the top and you never have to worry about her. Always knows the unusual technical recipes. Bakes with exotic flavors but it’s always stunning and unusual. Definitely in the finale 
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safic4-m · 2 years
~Master list~
😁🌈List fluffy
🔥😏List of obsenity
Lana Winters
❤️🚬Did you find everything you were looking for?
❤️🚬I would love that
Cordelia Goode
💛In love with Cordelia
💛So beautiful
💛💜You were different.
💛Just don’t look
💛I think I love you
Sally McKenna
🚬🦁Yes honey?
💜🚬🦁Put me down!
🚬🦁Are you going to finish me?
🚬🦁You promised
Audrey Tindall
💛🎭Oh my God
💛🎭I am
💛🎭Please don’t go on..
Ally Mayfair-Richards
❤️What are you two up to?
💜❤️She’s ours
❤️I like it
Wilhemina Venable
💜 Hug me
💜The perfect life
💜🚬🦁Put me down!
💜Good girl
💜Hello my dear
💜Can I kiss you?
💜❤️She’s ours
💛💜You were different.
💜Hello pumpkin
💜It’s time, let’s go
TB Karen
🚬💔Stop mocking
🚬💔Take off your clothes
🚬💔She’s not my girlfriend.
Alma Peregrine
💙I am Catrina
💙Happy Anniversary
Alice Macray
💖I hate being a woman
💖Do you like what you see?
Diane Sherman
🤎💉I like the rain
🤎💉 Welcome
🤎💉Cum for me
Larissa Weems
🤍Nothing is more important than you
🤍Am I in hell?
🤍It won’t
🤍I came back for you
🤍I like you too
🏳️‍🌈Characters in Pride month🌈
Lady Dimitrescu
❤️‍🔥Lady Lesso
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sheloooveswomen · 2 years
quarantine - headcanon
prompt: this is so two years ago but i felt like imagining it. idk this is kinda boring sorry. working on something else.
includes: billie dean howard, lana winters, cordelia goode, sally mckenna, audrey tindall, ally mayfair-richards, wilhemina venable, diane sherman, alice macray, tammy, and xandra terrell.
☆ billie dean howard ☆
• feels like long needed time off at first but then she doesn't know what to do with herself
• signs up for every streaming service
• hamilton being added to disney is a very good day for her
• learns the art of massage (wink wink), gets a variety of scented oils and lotions, it's a win win
• BILLIE: "If I see any cleavage, a hardened nipple through your shirt- even a sliver of ass or midriff while I'm on this video call, I will have your head."
Y/N: "Billie Dean! You want me to give you head during office hours?! I know we're at home but still."
BILLIE: "I love you but so help me god. I'm a weak woman."
☆ lana winters ☆
• gets an audible membership to stay busy
• listens while reading a kindle copy because although she loves hearing it performed, she neeeeds a 'book' in her hands
• dabbles in watercolor/landscape painting when boredom really hits her
☆ cordelia goode ☆
• supreme immune system
• consistently up to date on all the facts
• always checking on the girls (whether they're staying at the academy or attending virtually)
• casts protection spells and makes remedies for the witches
• tries to have non-school activities planned so no one gets cabin fever, let's them have 'parties'
• big group sleepovers (nail painting, hair braiding, baking, ride a mattress down the stairs, play wii/just dance, karaoke)
☆ sally mckenna ☆
• oh wait she can't leave the hotel anyways lmao
• gains a true crime show/forensic files obsession tho
☆ audrey tindall ☆
• Audi is a real people person so staying inside is hard for her
• starts and stops a crazy amount of hobbies
• puzzles, paint by number, jewelry making, glass cutting, making clay picture frames, crochet, friendship bracelets, resin earrings, nail art, diy-ing clothes she doesn't wear anymore
• does zoom skits with fellow actor/theater friends for fun and to raise money
☆ ally mayfair-richards ☆
• her anxiety doubles during the pandemic
• takes every precaution to keep you all safe and takes setting guidelines for Michigan very seriously
• she distracts herself by making sure Oz is on track for school and isn't ever bored
• orders a lot of board games for all three of you (and some couple ones for just the two of you)
• makes a sapphic/queer movie and show list to go through together
• tries new recipes (puts the best ones on a list to add to the menu when the restaurant opens up eventually)
☆ wilhemina venable ☆
• this woman loves her home and hates interacting with anyone that isn't you
• quarantine is a dream for her
• mina doesn't like to sit and 'relax'
• goes through majority of her library before ordering a shit ton of books to add to her collection
• won't admit it but the great amount of time together opened her up to cuddling more often and listening to/"suffering through" your music
• reading with headphones playing her classical music while you lay with your head in her lap as you watch tv is one of her favorite pastimes
• she will not tolerate distractions while working
☆ diane sherman ☆
• becomes obsessed with podcasts and asmr
• goes hand in hand with her expanding gardening time
• gets more house plants
• rearranges the furniture a lot
• crochet and macramé addict (she's freakishly good at it)
• makes coasters, cup cozies/sleeves, hats, scarves, cardigans, vests, hanging plant holders
☆ alice macray ☆
• home renovation shows/magazines/blogs are her new hobby
• finds projects/little things to fix around the house and researches them before ordering supplies online
• online shopping addict
☆ tammy ☆
• AU where she doesn't have kids
• binge watches all the housewives shows
• quarantining with the gang at Loubbie's fully stocked house (borderline mansion) in upstate new york
• video/board game tournaments with the group
☆ xandra terrell ☆
• at home date nights
• bartender/chef at heart = quarantine cocktail and dessert connoisseur
• mixes drinks to go with dinner, eventually tries to make them blindfolded or with bottle tricks, has you quiz her on the recipes, learns new ones
• makes cake/cupcake flavors you didn't even know existed, tries fancier pastries too
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— my only sunshine
summary: you’ve been struggling in silence but it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
warnings: depression, anxiety, self-harm (pretty detailed, be careful)
word count: 2700
venting again lol
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Your leg shaking up and down was becoming excessive. You could see the girls next to you becoming annoyed, but you hardly realized that you were doing it. Tears pooled in your eyes and it burned so badly to hold them in. Why does Cordelia have to look at me so much? Why can't she just glance over me like everyone else and let me wallow away in the corner?
Everyone knew that you were Cordelia's special girl. You didn't think it had anything to do with your powers, she just liked you. And you liked her. But that was it; you were both too afraid to acknowledge it. What she wasn’t aware of was your history with mental health, which you tried so hard to conceal from her.
You don't think you were doing a very good job hiding it this time. How could you hide the fact that you don't want to live anymore?
Everyone knew you looked terrible lately. Madison had even pointed it out. Your eyes were dark, and hollow, and you just didn't look like yourself. Madison said you were just a freak that was too caught up in your studies to barely allow yourself some time to sleep, but Cordelia knew that wasn't true. Matter of fact, it was the complete opposite.
Cordelia dismissed yet another class that had completely gone through one ear and out the other. Spacing out is the one time that you actually feel safe and you so happen to be the best at it during class.
Everyone rushed out. You were a little slower because you were so exhausted and picking up your books felt like you were ripping open the cuts on your wrist. You thought you could feel like blood dripping down, but it might've just been your anxiety freaking you out.
"Oh, y/n, could you stay for a minute, love," Cordelia asked when you were by the doorway, ever so sweet but you still bit the inside of your mouth until you could taste blood.
You spun slowly on your heels. You loved Cordelia but you didn't want to stay. You were terrified of confrontation and you just wanted to throw yourself into your bed again.
You didn't respond and kept a great distance between you and Cordelia. She was so warm, she was your comfort, and you ached to have her hold you, but you just wanted the darkness right now.
She still walked closer towards you and you almost started to cry from the nerves. You started scratching at your band-aid covered wrists. You don't know why you do that when your nervous, it just feels good in the moment.
She looked down at your arms, then back up at you. Does she know? Did your sleeve rise when you went to reach for something? "Relax, honey. You're not in trouble. I just want to check on you."
"I'm fine," it came out weak.
She raised an eyebrow at you and gave you that look. Anyone could tell that you weren't okay, it was just a matter of who would be there for you when you fall apart.
Your bottom lip started to tremble. A clear indication that you were ready to break down. Cordelia just watched, letting you control yourself before she made you explode completely.
"How about we take a walk outside, around the house, and get some fresh air, yeah?" You nodded and you were suddenly following her out the door. Anything someone says to you hasn't really been processing in your head. You truly just feel like a leaf being blown in every direction.
It was nice out, slightly chilly with a breeze, but it did not seem to snap you from your state of mind. It was quiet for a minute before Cordelia began talking to you again. You knew she was trying to distract you from your thoughts, but it's not really want you want right now.
"So what have you been up to, missy? Are you still writing?" She looked over at you, gently smiling. She loved reading all of your work, but it had been a few weeks since she had. She's been a little bit busy and you've been locking yourself in your room.
"Yeah, a little bit, I guess." It was a complete lie, but your didn't feel like getting into the fact that you could hardly bring yourself to even get out of bed, let alone write.
She wanted to have a full conversation with you, but you weren't having it. She just became silent as you both finished the walk around the building. She always takes you to walk around the city with her, but she had an inkling that you weren't going to want to leave the property.
Cordelia didn't want to let you go yet. She had a bad feeling and she knew something just wasn't right with you. She felt uneasy. But she couldn't hold you back when you told her you had to go study. You would never pass up hanging out with Cordelia to study, and she knew that, but she just let you go.
When you got to your room, it was all messy. Had you had the energy to keep it as tidy as you always did then maybe your anger levels wouldn't have increased when you walked in. You decided to ignore it and step over the pile of clothes and make your way into the bathroom.
There, you dug through your drawer, looking for the blade that you kept hidden in the back. It was the one place that nobody could accidentally stumble upon it.
You sat down on the closed toilet lid and pulled up your left sleeve. Ripping off the bandaids had not even hurt as much as they should, you didn’t even flinch. You began cutting any free skin on your inner arms that you could. You hated that there wasn't that much room anymore due to all the other cuts, but you just couldn't seem to stop.
Sometimes it made you feel crazy but it mostly made you get some release. You knew you should at least try to stop with summer approaching but getting clean is never your top priority in the moment. Not when your arms start aching for more.
You just sit there with a blank face and watch as drops of blood start pooling at the thin lines and then you start dabbing it away with a tissue and apply some pressure.
Your heart absolutely drops when you hear a knock on your bathroom door. You weren’t expecting a visitor at your room, but living in this busy house, you never really get alone time.
"Y/n, it's me darling. Dinners ready." How could you have been so in your head that you lost track of time. You hardly even had an appetite but you knew that Cordelia was already having suspicions about you. You just had to act like everything was alright.
"Okay I'll be right down." Instead of wrapping your arm up, you simply just ran it under water for a moment and then pulled your sleeve down. It definitely stung, but you were starting to enjoy it.
When you walked out of the bathroom, Cordelia was waiting on your bed for you. You were expecting her to already be downstairs with the other girls, but she clearly had other plans.
"You're always neat, sweetie. What's going on with you?" You shrugged again, and soon, you thought, she's going to forget what your voice even sounds like. You began to walk out your room, and you can hear her shuffling behind you before she finally catches up. "Not in the mood to talk today?"
You'd rather Cordelia just hold you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear without expecting an answer. But at the moment, she's completely worried and just wants you to open up. "Not really, Cordelia."
She lets you slide again, but she can't take her eyes off of you all throughout dinner. She's sitting at the head of the table and you're at the first seat next to her. When you reach for your plate, she notices something that she wishes she didn't. She wishes it wasn't even there.
Your sleeve slides up, only slightly, and she can see smeared crimson on your wrist. Her heart sink and she has to swallow down the lump in her throat. After that, she cannot even look at you, or anyone for that matter, for the rest of dinner. She wasn't angry or embarrassed of you. Just so, so upset over the fact that her girl was hurting so badly.
Dinner finishes fairly fast. You notice there's not much chatter, and it must be from Cordelia's lack of interest in any of the conversation. You start worry that you hurt her feelings. She's always catching up with you and the girls - mostly you - during dinner, but today she hadn't even said a word.
"Y/n, meet me in my room please," Cordelia says, and it sounds almost cold compared to her typical soft voice. She walks away and heads towards her bedroom and your heart completely sinks. You fidget with the hem of your shirt and make way towards her room.
The door is ajar and by the time you're there, Cordelia is sitting on her bed in tears. This is it; she's going to kick you out.
"Cordelia?" You say and gather her attention back to you. She quickly wipes away her tears like you weren't supposed to see that, but there's no hiding her red, puffy eyes.
"Sit down please," she hardly looks you in the eyes. It's terrifying.
"I—" you attempt to argue. She has no part in that.
"Just sit down, y/n."
You sit beside her and it's so close that you bunch up your sleeve in your hand. You're consistently terrified of it rising. "Show me your arm."
"Show me, y/n. I know what's going on. I know that you are hurting yourself."
You hug your arm closer to your body and can feel the sting like it's mocking you. Tears are instantly sprung to your eyes and it's clear that this situation isn't just a big misunderstanding.
"No! Leave me alone, Cordelia. What is wrong with you? Why would I ever do that." But you do do it and those words hurt so much. You wouldn't ever be so harsh to Cordelia, but you're not in the right mental state right now.
Cordelia's crying again and all you can think about is cutting up your arm for making her feel like that. You need to hurt yourself to pay for the faults you're causing and Cordelia can see right through that.
Her voice is very quiet and desperate as she speaks, "Baby, please. Please let me help you, I can't just pretend that it's not going on. I care about you too much."
This completely causes you to break down. You never had someone truly care about you. This is something that you've been yearning for forever.
You melt into Cordelia's body and she hugs you tightly, as if she let go, all of the pieces of you would just shatter everywhere. You can feel her tears start leaking through onto your shirt and you know she feels it too. "Please, y/n," she whispers, "I love you. Let me in, it's just me, it's only Cordelia."
You finally pull back and wipe away your tears. It doesn't stop another fresh batch of warm tears to roll down your face. You don't want to keep hiding this anymore. You need help. You need someone. You need her.
You take a deep breath and tug up your sleeve. You can't even bare to look at her face. Ashamed, and embarrassed, and scared. But you hear a sharp intake of breath from her. The bleeding from the cuts before dinner only made it look far worse on your fucked up skin.
"Oh, my baby," she sniffles and grabs your arm, gently. Your heart is too heavy. She's trying so hard to be strong for you. "Why," she looks up at you with watery eyes, waiting for an honest answer.
"Everything's just too much, Delia. I don't want to be me anymore. I hate being me, I hate living!" You started sobbing again and the crack in your voice doesn't go unnoticed. This is new and weird and you don't like it. You don't want to talk about yourself anymore. You can see her heart breaking in half from your words.
"My little sunshine...do you know I love you? I love the person that you say you hate so much." You don't have anything to say to that. Cordelia loves you. And you don't know how, but she does. You don't know how this whole could have any room for the broken half of you. “I couldn’t live without seeing your pretty smile and listening to you ramble to me about all the little things you love. So if you hate living so much, then let me love it for the both of us until you learn to.”
It’s silent for a couple moments that pass by until she looks back down at your arm again. It's a bloody mess and you don't want her to look anymore but she's still holding on. "Can I clean it? Can I do that for you?"
You nod and then you're being walked to her bathroom. It's bigger than yours and the entire room smells like her lavender shampoo that you always love taking in when she hugs you. She helps you to sit up on the counter. Your arm feels heavy from all the attention being on it but she so carefully cleans away the blood and it makes you feel a little bit better.
She covers it with bandaids. Not because she is disgusted by it. She's not at all. She just doesn't want anything infecting the fresh ones.
When she’s done, she lifts your arm up to her lips and, so delicately, kisses the covered cuts. A few tears start rolling down your face again. You’re too emotional for this. “Delia…”
“I love you,” she looks back up to you. Her words are so clear and genuine. “Come to me. I don’t care where we are or what time it is. Come to me whenever you feel like this.” You nod, your bottom lip trembling. She reaches her hand up and brushes her thumb over your lips. “It’s not going to be easy but i’m going to help you. We can make a plan and safe alternatives, anything that’ll help.”
She leans in and kisses your forehead, slow and light and your heart beats a little bit faster. “I love you too, Cordelia,” you croak out and she gives you that little smile.
“Come on, my little sunshine, let’s get some rest, hm?” She grabs your hand and brings you to her own bed. You’ve never slept with Cordelia before but it all feels natural. You lay your head on her chest and her arms wrap around your body. For once, you feel a sliver of happiness that you’ve been deprived of for so long.
The room is silent besides her soft breaths and the sound of cars rushing by. You finally break that silence after a few minutes.
“Hm?” She peaks down a you and a small smile is present on her face again.
“Why do you always call me your little sunshine?” You say it with a slight giggle in your voice. You love all the nicknames she has for you, but this one stands out and makes your heart warm.
“Because, sweetie, I was in a very similar situation as you. But then you came into my life and suddenly there was light again.”
You looked up at her and bite your lip. You could’ve never imagined a woman like her feeling as terrible as you do. She’s too…perfect. But maybe, suddenly, you won’t feel so ashamed of your emotions anymore. You lean forward and place your sweet lips on hers. Just for a moment, for the first time in your life, you see a bit of sunlight shine through the cracks of your eyelids.
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stayevildarling · 2 months
American Horror Story Masterlist:
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One shots:
Cordelia Goode:
Fix you ✩
Take my hand, Take my whole life too
On different ways ❆
In the silence
Traitor - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7, Pt 8
Mildred Ratched:
First sight
Audrey Tindall
Chasing you
Wilhemina Venable
When the time is right - Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3
Who knew?
Holding on for dear life
Fade into you
Safe and Sound
Billie Dean Howard
The haunting of your medium
I wanna be yours ✾
Until I found you
It's you
Craving ✾
You can‘t escape my affection ✾
Like I can
Slow dancing in a burning room
Ally Mayfair Richards
Heart like mine
✩ = mental health, ✾ = smut, ❆ = no happy ending
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betchiwilleatyou · 1 year
6 notes · View notes
invaderdoom78 · 2 years
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Concept: You are Scathach first born child and during your many years alive you meet Edward Mordrake.
Edward Mordrake x F Witch Reader
~ You weren’t sure who your father was, no one had ever told you, and the people in the colony, outside of Tomasyn and Ambrose, who was the closest thing you had to a grandmother and older sibling, only interacted with you when it was absolutely necessary so it was unlikely that any of them were your father, and if they were they would never admit it. So there were times when you’d wonder if maybe part of the ritual that gave your mother her powers in the New World was to conceive a child for the old gods, which would explain why you were immortal and the rest of your siblings weren’t.
~ The first time you left the hallowed grounds, outside of going an hour or two away, was when you and one of your siblings, that had been born in the mid-1800s, decided that you wanted to see what England was like. 
~ The both of you had decided to stow away on a ship to get to England, just like your mother had, and you were able to procure a room at the first hotel you’d both come across.
~ Coincidentally, there was also a Freak Show being held right across the street so that was the first thing you and your sister did. 
~ You weren’t that impressed with it at first, only seeing a bunch of people being exploited for little to no compensation.
~ Then you heard it, someone was playing the piano and it wasn’t some shitty saloon music either; it was beautiful.
~ Walking through the crowds you found what you were looking for, right when the song ended and the crowd was running away in terror.
~ Soon you were the only one that remained looking up at the face on the back of the man's head while it looked down at you and the man it was attached to seemed to be confused, judging by how he was moving at least, before he turned around to face you. 
“Hi,” You said
“Hello...” Edward said, placing his hat back on his head. There was a long pause as the two of you looked at each other “how rude of me. I am Edward Mordrake” he took your hand in his 
“Y/N,” You said as he kissed the back of your hand
“You are from the States I take it?”
“What brings you across the pond then?” Edward asked before hissing at his second face “don’t be vulgar!” 
“I’d think that would be pretty difficult for you to do considering you’re just a face on the back of his head” You said, tilting your head like you were trying to see 
“Bitch” the face called you 
Edward looked horrified at what you’d just been called, but all you could do was laugh. 
~ Edward was relieved when you didn’t run away; happy that he seemed to have found someone he potentially have a connection with. It didn’t even register that his demon had gone quiet.
~ You didn’t get to stay long as your sister had come to get you, letting you know she was hungry and ready to leave.
~ Obviously, Edward was disappointed that you had to leave and he went back to playing his piano in an attempt to block out the voice once again.
~ He couldn’t describe the amount of joy he felt when he saw that you’d come to visit him the next day to listen to him perform. Even the demon seemed to be content that you’d shown up again; maybe it was because you could hear it and found amusement out of what it said or, more than likely, it could sense what you were and knew it would be best not to gain your ire.
~ It turned into a daily thing for the rest of the time you were in England, visiting Edward while your sister went off and did her own thing.
~ At first he was worried about what associating with him would do to your reputation, but it quickly became apparent that you didn’t give a shit about what others thought. 
~ You’d often spend your time together listening to him playing his piano or listening to him reading his poems aloud.
~ The fine arts weren’t really something the colonists knew much about so you weren’t really exposed to much outside of the occasional folk song, and hymn. So it was nice to learn about other forms of music and how to paint.
~ He even taught you how to ballroom dance, despite how worried about stepping on his feet you were. 
“Alright,” Edward said one hand holding yours as the other hovered over your waist “now the first step” you moved your hand from where it was resting on his shoulder to move his to your waist, a light blush dusting his cheeks before you put your back on his shoulder. 
~ For all the months you were in England for you’d been staying in the hotel you’d chosen but there were some nights you’d stay in his tent with him, Edward allowing you to use his bed while he somehow managed to sleep on his piano seat, regardless of many times you told him you were comfortable with sharing the bed.
Edward was taking a nap while you sat in the chair that was placed next to his bed, reading one of the few books he owned.
“Why do you stay?” The demon face asked as it was facing you since Edward was sleeping on his side “you are one of the most powerful witches on this planet and yet you choose to spend your time hanging around a spineless fool instead of indulging in the darkness inside of you”
“Well,” You started, placing a marker in the book before closing the cover “is it so hard to believe that I enjoy both of your companies?” 
“Considering that you could easily attract someone just as illustrious as you are. Yes it is”
Smiling, you set the book off to the side so you could stand up. Arching a curious eyebrow the demon face watched as you leaned over the bed; keeping eye contact with you before you placed a kiss next to the corner of it’s mouth. Pulling away you saw that the face had become pink and it appeared to be pouting. Chuckling, you sat back down and grabbed the book, the face not saying anything else letting you read in peace until Edward woke up; greeting you with a kiss to the corner of your own mouth while the second face refused to make eyecontact with you for the rest of the day.
~ Eventually you had to go home though as the blood moon was nearing.
At first, you’d tried to work through the week but the blood lust and rage that came from the moon's cycle became too much and you lashed out against the carnies; lifting several of them into the air with your telekinesis, cutting off their airways until Edward intervened, snapping you out of your rage induced haze so they could drop to the ground.
“Are you alright, my love?” Edward asked, a hand resting on your shoulder, as he walked you back to his tent
“The blood moon is nearing” You sighed 
“Blood moon?” Edward asked, holding the flap to his tent open. Taking a seat on the bed you explained everything to him “perhaps you should go home, it may help”
“I don’t know” You sighed, running your fingers through your hair “I like spending time with you and I’m afraid if I go home I won’t be able to come back” 
There was a long pause before Edward spoke again “I’m sure we’ll meet again” he gave you a reassuring smile
~ Since your magic was much stronger than your sisters you were able to get home within a few hours as you didn’t need to take a boat back to North Carolina.
~ You’d found out what had happened when your mother and Granny Tomasyn brought you the chest he kept his poems and music sheets locked in, along with a newspaper from England about what had happened, it had even added the legend of his returning on Halloween.
~ After that you began frequenting Freak Shows on Halloween in hopes that you would come across him, you did a handful of times but they were few and far between and some of them were only for a couple of minutes as the workers would find you and quickly remove you from the grounds.
~ Then you met Elsa.
~ It didn’t take much more than showing her your actual magical abilities, not just the sleight of hand she was used to, to get her to allow you to join the show; though you were mostly used for special effects and crew work as she was worried you would upstage her.
~ It was nice having another group of people you could call family, especially ones who didn’t try to pry into your life before the Freakshow, like the freaks in Edward’s show had done. It’s not like it was difficult to talk about, it just brought up a bunch of questions that you don’t want to answer. 
~ That was until Bette and Dots first Halloween night in the show. 
~ Ethel had just finished telling the twins about the legend of Edward Mordrake and Jimmy was about to get on her about her drinking when you told them your version of the story. 
“But eventually I had to go home, and I left two weeks before...” 
Everyone was quick to notice how upset you’d gotten and Eve got up to sit next to you, pulling you into her side as she rested her cheek on top of your head to comfort you. 
“You two were in love?” Bette asked 
“Ew!” Jimmy started screaming suddenly, grabbing the sides of his head “ew! Ew, no!” he ran out of the tent, still freaking out “no” 
“What was that?” Dot asked 
“I think I know,” Paul said “it’s somethin’ dirty involving the seco- wait. Mordrake was born in the 1800s, how old’re you?”
You took a drink from your cup “Don’t worry about it” 
~ Paul refused to leave you alone about how old you were after that, accusing you of being a cradle robber and anything else similar to that he could think of, until you hopped onto the ferris wheel and moved yourself to the top and refused to let it work until he left.
“Oh,” Ethel said, stopping Mordrak before he could leave her caravan after he’d asked his questions. “Y/N might be actin’ a bit weird tonight. She gets a bit stir crazy durin’ the, what’d she call it, blood moon, probably out by the water”
Edward felt his ghostly heart fluttering in his chest upon hearing your name “Y/N/N is here?” He gripped his cane 
Ethel immediately noticed how nervous the spirit had become “Yeah, I can take you to where she likes to go if you’d want”
“…Thank you” 
Readjusting her shawl Ethel lead Edward down to the water’s edge, a bit confused when the ghost seemed to be frozen in place when they reached where you were; until she saw the demon face rolling its eyes before it yelled at him to go and talk to you. 
~ It was the week of the blood moon and tonight it was at its fullest so you weren’t fully aware of what was happening around you as you kept your rage in check. That’s why you didn’t notice the green fog that had rolled in. You didn’t even notice that Edward was behind you until he placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Edward!” You said, turning to face him fully
“Hello, Y/N,” Edward said, taking off his hat “how have you been, my love?”
“Good. You?”
“Not much changes when you’re in my state I’m afraid,” Edward said with a chuckle as the wind started picking up “are you cold?”
“I’m fine,” You said, suppressing a shiver 
Edward gave you a look that told you he didn’t believe you so he took off his cape and draped it over your shoulders and clasped it into place so it would be secure.
~ You walked with him around the grounds, standing outside your friend's tents, and listening as he asked his questions. You already knew their stories but it still upset you having to listen to them re-live everything again.
~ Then you got to Elsa and you weren’t sure how to feel, you just knew that if she was the one to be taken she probably deserved it.
“What’s wrong?” You asked when Edward stepped out of Elsa’s tent
“Do you hear music?” Edward asked looking around and walking past you
“No,” You said following Edward, grabbing hold of his sleeve so you could keep up with him in his trance-like state to Twisty’s camp 
~ With how fast Edward was walking the trek through the forest would have been difficult if you hadn’t grow up in a forest that was far less traveled than this one, and thankfully he didn’t vanish; so you were able to find the camp with him.
~ You decided to stick around the edge of Twisty’s camp while Edward went to investigate. Once Twisty was out of his caravan you approached. 
~ Edward raised a hand to cover your eyes when Twisty removed his mask, but you stopped him letting him know you’d seen worse. To which the demon face made a comment that to anyone else would have come off as snide but you knew was meant to be a compliment.
~ You sat next to Twisty, resting a hand on his shoulder as he told his story, feeling sympathy towards him for how he’d been treated; until he got to the murders and kidnappings. 
~ Once his story was finished Edward held out his hand for you to take so he could help you up before confronting Twisty about his story.
~ As Edwards carnies swarmed the clown’s body you noticed movement out of the corner of your eye. Turning you saw Jimmy looking out at you in a panic and all you could do was motion for him to stay hidden.
~ After his soul was claimed Edward walked you back to your tent and, though neither one of you said it out loud, you were both terrified that this was going to be the last time either of you would see each other. All of your touches lingered, the hug you gave him, the kiss he placed on your cheek before holding open the tent flap for you; wishing you goodnight; you’d even had your arms linked together as you walked back one of his hands resting on top of the one you had placed in the bend of his arm.
~ The first thing Jimmy did when he saw you the next day was to wrap you in a bear hug, obviously having thought that you’d been taken by the spirit, refusing to let you go until it got annoying and you had to transmutate out of his hold. 
“Shut up,” Jimmy said walking into the main tent and onto the stage, carrying the chest “shut up. Everyone be quiet” 
“What’s wrong?” Ethel asked 
“He wrote poems about her” Jimmy said setting the chest down 
“Who?” Suzie asked
“Edward Mordrake!” Jimmy exclaimed, handing out sheets of paper for the others to look at “about Y/N. And you know what I saw when I went into Y/N tent to get this? She was sleeping with a black cape draped over her that had the letters MD embroiled on it” 
“He did give her his cape,” Ethel said
“I think it’s clear what we have to do, isn’t it?” Jimmy said
“We are not summoning Edward Mordrake next year!”
“Why not, ma?” Jimmy asked “I saw what they were like together”
“Look at this, Ethel,” Paul said, holding up a piece of paper, that had been folded closed and held shut with a wax seal, that had several sketches of you on it “he drew a bunch of hearts around her pictures that he drew of her, have you no soul?”
“Have you forgotten that every time he’s summoned he adds one more freak to his collection?” Ethel asked “don’t get me wrong, I saw how he looked at her and I want Y/N to be happy but it ain’t worth the risk”
“But” Jimmy started “what if he doesn’t take anyone. Y/N said it herself, the demon face is quiet when she’s around, so”
“The answer’s no” Ethel said before getting up and leaving the tent
“Let’s go find a witch,” Jimmy said once his Ma was gone
“Y/N is a witch” Suzi pointed out 
“Let’s go find a different witch” 
~ After everyone was killed and Dandy was dealt with, you decided to go to Briarcliff to keep an eye on Pepper and make sure she was being treated right. 
~ It wasn’t that bad since Pepper wasn’t really a threat most of the guards and nuns let the two of you be.
~ One day Sister Jude had decided to allow the patients to celebrate Halloween by letting them make paper plate masks and have a contest to see whose was the best, and Pepper was so excited to participate that she’d performed part of her act when it was her turn.
~ You didn’t think much of it since this wasn’t technically a Freak Show, but you were wrong; it took a few hours but eventually, the green fog reached your room, creeping in under the crack in your door, and you jumped off the bed; running through the halls until you found him. Almost tackling Edward to the ground with the hug you gave him. Then you kissed him and his face instantly became red, but that didn’t stop him from kissing back, only hesitated for a moment, before resting his hands on your hips.
“Does that guy have two faces?” Frank asked having just rounded the corner as he was also following the fog
“Frank?” You asked, pulling away from the kiss
“Answer the question, Y/N” 
~ Frank noticed the things you did, not doing anything about it as he realized you were only here to protect your friend and didn’t question what was happening. He just wanted confirmation and once he was given it he went back to doing his rounds.
~ Edward had let you know what had become of your family in the afterlife. 
“That sounds like something a parent tells their child when their pet dies,” Frank said from where he was eavesdropping around the corner 
“Frank!” You exclaimed
“I’m just doing my job” 
“Don’t you dare take Frank!” You told the second face 
~ You wouldn’t be able to follow him around this time because Frank was the only one who would be alright with you doing it. 
~ Thankfully, the demon face allowed him to stay within the confines of Frank’s section, for the most part as after an hour of being in the same section it had gotten impatient and wanted its soul.
~ After the death Sister Jude was adamant that there would never again be a Halloween party. 
~ There wasn’t much that happened to you in Briarcliff after that, though the demon inside Mary Eunice seemed to have developed some kind of obsession with you and you and Lana had become good friends, she’d even come vacation at your house in North Carolina once a year. 
~ At some point a second house had been built on the property and that was the one that ended up being where you, your siblings, and your nieces and nephews would live in so you wouldn’t have to deal with the spirits that lived in the Shakers Mansion.
~ Once you were out of Briarcliff you made sure the basement was filled with the banners from Fraulein Elsa’s Cabinet of Curiosities and that the devil face that sat in front of the big top was in front of the house.
~ You knew that with the new show being filmed at the mansion it was going to be a cluster fuck this year, so you decided to go hang out in the tunnel with Edward Mott to avoid it; going to the house since you could never remember where the tunnel let out.
    “Who the fuck broke the chandelier?” You asked, having dawned the cape Edward had given you the night he claimed Twisty, lifting the chandelier into the air and fixing it
    “Who the hell’re you?” Lee asked 
    “Y/N,” You said taking in the state of her leg
    “Are you one of them?” Audrey asked 
    “You got away from the Polk’s, huh?” You asked 
    “Yeah,” Lee said, “and we need to go back!”
    “Why?” You asked 
    “We need the cars to get out of here,” Audrey said 
    “Have fun with that” You said, starting for the basement 
    “Hold on,” Dylan said walking over to you “I’m not sure what’s going on here, but it’s safer if we all stick together and that includes you. What was your name again?”
    “Y/N,” You said getting a good look at his face, almost immediately recognizing the similarities to Edward's
    “Dylan,” He said offering his hand for you to shank 
    “You played Ambrose right?” You asked, shaking the offered hand
    “Yeah,” Dylan said smiling at you
    “It’s getting late,” Audrey said, helping Lee walk on her hurt leg 
    “I know the quickest way to get there,” You said
    “Lead the way then,” Dylan said motioning towards the door
~ During the walk you kept looking at him, sometimes without realizing it, as this was the first time in a while that you realized just how much you’d been missing Edward.
    “I think she likes you” Audrey whispered so that you wouldn’t hear what she was saying “you should ask her out”
    “You think?” Dylan asked 
    “Why are you worrying about this?” Lee asked
    “Because,” Audrey started “we are in a horrendous situation and I want to focus on something positive!” 
    “I would be more focused on staying alive than getting your friend laid if I was you!”
Once you all got to the Polk’s farm you stuck around the truck with Dylan, watching him from the other seat as he hot-wired the vehicle.
    “So, why’re you out here?” Dylan asked grabbing the wires he needed
    “Reasons” You shrugged 
    “Are you trapped here?” 
    “No,” You said feeling that someone was watching you from the forest, turning around you looked around to see who it was
    “So,” Dylan started as the engine roared to life “what are you-?” His sentence was cut off by Lot’s attack 
Turning away from the trees you saw what was happening behind you.
    “Hey!” You yelled, flinging Lot away from Dylan as he lay on the ground injured. Glaring at the Polk you walked around the truck to check on Dylan “you ok?” You knelt next to him, searching for a pulse eventually giving up on it, placing your ear over his heart to listen for the beat
    “Y/N?” Dylan groaned 
    “You bitch” Lot groaned, slowly getting back up “why’re you helpin’ him?”
    “Fuck you that’s why,” You said, getting a closer look at Dylan’s injuries “it’s not that bad”
    “I’ll take your word for it,” Dylan said when Lot finally got to his feet, gripping his weapon tightly and debating on whether or not he wanted to take the risk and retaliate 
    “Ishmael” Lot suddenly screamed as the colonists approached “Ishmael they comin’! The blood moon’s full, Mama’s gone”
    “Then I’d suggest you run,” You said, resting Dylan’s head on the ground so you’d be able to talk to the approaching colonists about sparing him 
That’s when you saw an unnatural fog rolling in, at first you didn’t think anything of it until you noticed the color and you ran into the forest to find its source.
~ Because of the brief interest you’d shown in Dylan he was spared, having been dragged away from the Polk’s farm and dumped next to the main road so the police would be able to find him when they arrived in the morning. 
~ Edward was confused as to why he’d been summoned, he could tell it wasn’t Halloween and his companions weren’t with him. 
~ He was also concerned about the oddly familiar darkness that surrounded him and then he felt it, the fear coming from his other face. Turning around he saw a woman looking at him from inside the forest.
~ He knew that this woman before him was like nothing he’d ever encountered before and he wanted to run but something was stopping him, even forcing him to kneel when the witch of the woods approached him.
“Such a handsome young man,” Scathach said, gently cupping his face in both her hands 
“I-I don’t” Edward started stammering out as he couldn’t come up with a coherent thought 
“If thou wish to stay then surrender thy soul to her” 
“Surrender my soul?” Edward asked, noticing the blood moon looming in the sky above him and things began piecing themselves together “Y/N/N?” 
Smiling Scathach placed a kiss on his forehead “Her feelings for you have never faded” she looked toward the part of the forest she knew you’d be coming from before vanishing
It didn’t take much longer for you to emerge from the trees or for Edward to raise to his feet, meeting you halfway.
“You kept my cape” Edward whispered, a look of fondness gracing his face as he looked at you 
“Yeah,” You said as he placed his hands on your shoulders “I, uh, have your music sheets and poems too. I’m not sure how, but my mom got them for me”
“So my work has not been lost to the world?” Edward asked, as a joke rather than being serious, pulling you to his chest in an embrace “this is where you grew up?”
“Yeah,” You said, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head against his chest, that’s when you heard it; it was faint but you could’ve sworn you heard a heartbeat
You didn’t have much time to think about it because not long after three young adults walked out of the trees together.
“Look at the moon,” Sophie said “it’s so full and bright”
“Hey,” You yelled getting their attention “the hell’re you doing here?”
“Uh,” Milo stammered as they all looked at you and Edward “l-looking for the house”
“Why?” You almost shrieked, walking up to them, Edward following close behind you “you all need to leave right now”
“But” Sophie tried to say
“No but’s,” You said, using the mom voice that you’d perfected after centuries of helping raise your siblings and their children “go now!” 
There was no need to use your concilium as they were all running off just from your tone.
“Idiots” You mumbled, rubbing your left temple “this’s all that guy’s fault”
“I thought you enjoyed the carnage?” The demon face asked 
“Enough people have already been claimed tonight,” You said linking your arm in Edwards “come on” 
“Where are we going?” Edward asked as you began walking
“Take us to the bonfires,” The demon face said
“I don’t know” You sighed “they can be, a lot to handle”
“And we’ve spent decades in hell” 
“Good point,” You said changing your direction 
~ When the two of you emerged from the forest it was by the mansion, you two were the only ones around so you brought Edward over to the hot tub. Where you rolled up your pant legs/skirt so you could soak your feet in the warm water. 
~ Motioning for Edward to sit you patted your lap offering to let him use it as a pillow.
~ He took the offer and rested his head in your lap, looking up at the stars as you set his hat off to the side.
“You comfy?” You asked, running your fingers through his hair
“Yes,” Edward hummed, both of you hearing the muffled agreement from the demon face, who was obviously enjoying the position “it is beautiful out here”
“Yeah,” You agreed as Edward took off one of his gloves so he could rest it on top of the hand you’d placed on his chest, caressing the back of it with his thumb
As Edward caressed your hand you noticed that his skin was slowly warming up so that it felt like a living person’s. 
“It’s a shame that I won’t be able to enjoy this with you for much longer,” Edward said assuming that he would vanish when the sun rose like he always did
“Trust me,” You chuckled “if my mother summoned you, you’re not going anywhere” 
“Are you sure?” Edward asked, sounding hopeful 
“The one thing she’s ever wanted for all of her children is for us to be happy,” You said noticing that Monet and Audrey were looking down at you from the bedroom window of the mansion, so you motioned for them to go and hide in the cellar Elias had hidden in 
Audrey and Monet were quick to make their way outside and ran to the cellar as fast as their legs would take them, making it inside just as the faintest sound of the colonists' approach reached them. 
“We can go out and get you some books tomorrow and see if there’s somewhere nearby that sells pianos if you want” 
“You don’t need to go through the trouble,” Edward said sitting himself up straight 
“I need to get groceries sometime this week so I have to go out anyway” You said, as Edward looked at you for a moment before kissing your cheek
~ Before the colonists could get there the ghost of the Butchers victims appeared, minus Mott who was still hiding in the tunnel, all of them looking at you curiously wondering just who this man you were with was.
“They’re coming,” You said, Edward quickly getting to his feet before you could, so he could offer you his hand. Chuckling you took his hand and let him help you get to your feet. 
“Is there anything I should know before they arrive?” Edward whispered 
“I don’t think so,” You said as you got down from the hot tubs deck “but then again, I’ve never brought anyone home before” 
“What about them?” The demon face asked, eyeing the spirits that were around them
“They’re fine,” You said knowing that none of the spirits held any hostility towards you and your siblings for what happened to them 
“Are you two wearing matching capes?” Miranda asked as she and her sister walked up to you 
“Disgusting” Bridget sneered 
“It’s cute” 
“... No” 
The others were about to approach you both as well, wanting to ask their own questions but were very quick to back off when the Butcher approached, Ambrose and the Piggy Man dragging, a violently struggling, Lee behind her.
“Thou must be Edward Mordrake,” The Butcher said “I am the Butcher”
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you,” Edward said, giving his signature bow
You could feel the nerves radiating off of Edward, so you rested a hand on his back.
“Would thou like to do the honors?” The Butcher asked motioning toward Lee
Ambrose and Piggy Man brought Lee forward and forced her down to her knees before the two of you. Looking at you Edward wasn’t quite sure what to do, despite the second face yelling at him to stab her, he only acted when you gave him a nod. Gripping his cane he pulled out the dagger that was hidden inside and plunged it into Lee’s neck. Once the dagger was removed the colonists grabbed Lee and impaled her on a stake before setting her on fire, leaving her to burn for everyone to see. 
    “We should have come with her when she left England,” The demon face said “this is quite enjoyable”
~ Edward was about to reprimand his other face when a feeling, that he wasn’t quite sure how to explain, overcame him; he felt weightless but also like he was being crushed into the ground and when it faded he could’ve sworn that he could feel his heart beating in his chest once again. 
~ One by one the colonists vanished until only you and Edward remained and the sun was rising into the sky; Audrey and Monet emerging from the cellar having been drawn out by the sound of the approaching sirens.
    “Is it over?” Audrey asked limping over to the house
    “For this year, yeah,” You said, Edward, placing a hand on your upper back as he took a step closer to you
    “Thank God!” Monet gave a sigh of relief “who’s this?” She motioned toward Lee’s burnt body 
    “Lee,” You said as the police finally arrived
    “Serves her right”
    “Two more survivors?” The sheriff asked getting out of his car
    “Yeah,” You said as he radioed in for an ambulance while Audrey and Monet were taken to separate police cars so they could be questioned “and like three bodies in the house and who knows how many studio workers out in the forest”
    “Christ!” The Sheriff said before motioning toward Edward “who’s this?”
    “My boyfriend, Edward,” You said, wrapping both your arms around one of Edwards
The sheriff just looked at the two of you, not saying anything he just walked away.
~ It took a moment for Edward to process what he’d just heard but once the lingering fear that his feelings weren’t reciprocated vanished and he realized that this was the happiest he’d ever felt in his life, even the demon seemed to be pleased by the title. 
    “Let’s go home” You sighed, transmutating both of you to the front of your house
    “If only your mother could see you now,” The second face said “finally having a woman on your arm and a chance to start the family she always wanted you to have”
    “Will you stop!” You said knowing this wasn’t the first it had taunted Edward about the societal pressures his parents had put on him
    “Mother would have liked you had she gotten the chance to meet you,” Edward said, smiling fondly at you 
    “I’m sure I would’ve liked her too,” You said before Edward pulled you into a kiss
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naomi-m3ndez · 2 years
*T/n hasn't put the phone down all day.
Audrey: I want you to treat me like your phone.
*T/n looks up confused*
Audrey: Give me the finger all day long.
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