loneheir · 2 months
is it sending love to selena time? let me jump on the bandwagon bc hi ilu
*it isn't its loving on rowan hours. you are so talented and!! i am so glad i met you in this hellscape. love you sm
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sirthisisa-wendys · 10 months
Ahhh Wendy! I hope you get this before your askbox closes! Pls pls pls write a part 2 for “It’s Just An Arrangement” if you can! I’m dying to see what happens next!
It's Just an Arrangement (Part 2): Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 561
tw: kidnapping
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Finale
The first thing you realize when you wake up is that you have a very dry mouth. You smack your lips together, hazily coming-to as your mouth tries but fails to start up your saliva glands.
The second thing you experience is a sharp smell. You jolt, your nose curling as the odor of ammonia cuts through the darkness. And it's dark. You only have a vague awareness of the space around you - but you confirm with a few glances that you are, in fact, not in your bedroom where you slept without Ran. You're somewhere else, somewhere... awful.
A dull ache echoes in your bones as you try to sit up, but as you wriggle your arms and legs, you can't seem to free them. Panic rises in your throat, and you shout for help, the piercing cry echoing in the empty room.
Your voice is nothing more than a croaking of doom. But you won't stop fighting. "Hello?" You yank at your bodily restraints and hear the clinking of metal against metal.
You pause in your efforts, feeling something in your memory come back to you. You had an argument with Ran. Another endless, drawn-out way for him to tell you that the arrangement would never change. You weren't permitted to look outside of the marriage for companionship either. It would be too risky, too shame-inducing. So, you had to pretend. Then you remember Ran walking out of the kitchen while you were mid-sentence, and--
Light floods into your eyes as a door opens, and for a brief second, you hope that whatever you're suffering is simply a vivid nightmare. You hiss and look away; eyes stinging from the sudden contact.
"Looks like you're awake." Your skin crawls as a shadow waltzes into the room, and someone chuckles lazily. "Sorry to bring you here like this, Mrs. Haitani. But it seems that people aren't getting the message in Bonten."
"What do you want from me?" you ask, voice shakier than you intended it to be.
"I don't want anything from you except full cooperation. If that happens, you'll get out of here in no time, alright?" Another light switches on - but this one is further away. You try to catch a glimpse of who the man is, but you can't seem to make out any features.
You don't reply to the comment, but as soon as you see a flashlight shining your way, you flinch. "Say 'hello', princess." You look back and see the phone aimed at your face. "Tell your husband you're here with me."
"H-hi..." You want to interrupt the man and tell him that you're the last person he should have kidnapped if he wanted to get a ransom. But he continues in his drawling.
"You've got five days if you want to see her alive again. Five days. I want my money, Haitani. You owe me." The flashlight clicks off, and you exhale, looking away from the camera and at the ground. "Thank you for being so good." The man's cooing disgusts you, but you swallow your words and nod.
"I need some water," you croak, but the man doesn't pay any attention to you. He just gathers his things and leaves you alone, still tied up and immobile.
All your life, you've been a pawn. And now is no different.
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elryuse · 1 year
Red Birthday
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"Y/n do you remember that today is my birthday".
"Of course I Remember dear, I even bought you some presents".
"You do omooo Thank you love".
"Hehe open it, I hope you like it".
"Omoooo Y/n... This is such a wonderful gift".
"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Irene, Happy birthday to you".
"Hehehe stopp".
"Ahahaha... Okok let's eat".
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"You wanna cuddle Y/n"?
"I want you here with me forever".
"Me too".
"Don't you ever leave me okay? I won't ever forgive you if you ever leave me".
"Yes ma'am".
"Hehe good".
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"You promised that you won't ever leave me? Then who is that girl. Why do you cheat on me Y/n".
"Irene it's not what you think, she's just a friend".
"Huh a friend. A friend would never go on a hotel room together Y/n".
"Please just stop this madness".
"Why. Do you think I'll ever forgive you, no You made me do it".
"Do what"?
"You'll see".
"Look Irene I'm sorry, I just think that I don't love you anymore. I started to think that you're so toxic in our relationship".
"Haha okay so"?
"I hate to say it Irene, I did love you then. But you felt like someone else, I felt like you're not Irene".
"So you cheated on me, Because of that. What a fucking dumb excuse Y/n".
"Ahh fine, if you don't care just let me pack my things. I'll go peacefully".
"Huh, what do you mean Irene".
"I'm gonna make you stay".
"What are you saying, I've had enough of this relationship Irene".
"But I don't".
"I-i-irene Why are you holding a knife"?
"Don't worry, dear".
"Irene stop what are you doing".
"Punishing you for being a bad boyfriend hehe".
"Irene no aghh stop".
"I'm gonna mark this fucking useless body of yours".
"Aghh Aghhh ahhh stop it hurts".
"Shut up".
"Irene what are you doing".
"I'm gonna rape this virgin body of your's, I know you and Wendy never fuck raw. So I'm gonna take this chance to fuck you".
"N-no no no anything but that please".
"Nah ah... You're mine Y/n. Forever and ever and ever".
"No stop ahhh no Stop".
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mirrorshards · 1 year
I am not even the biggest Stan and Kenny shipper in the world but I love how you do them. I love the cute Stan and handsome Kenny vibes I feel from your work. I was curious what your perspective is on their romantic dynamic? Does Kenny take the wheel a lot, more of the comforter?
ahhh thank you so much!! I'm so happy you like how I portray them! 🥺🥺💞💘
that's a great question! I don't think I get too much into it in my comics, but I like to think of them as sort of messy in their romantic life! they don't fight too much but I imagine they'd have a lot of funny/awkward misunderstandings!
I love thinking of kenny as someone who does know how to read stan, since it's fairly easy and kenny is a very good emotional reader. but he's never done an actual relationship before so he might be still in his "i keep to myself" or "it's none of your business" kinda mindset. also he does need to tone down his libido eventually cuz stan is just some guy with a some guy libido 😆
for stan I headcanon he's dated wendy for like 6-7 years on and off before dating kenny, so he's used to being in a relationship but he's used to a very specific one. his only reference point is wendy and kenny cannot be further from her as a person-- so he might try to be a little romantic, but as one would towards a girl. and kenny immediately picks it up and bursts out laughing. he's pretty corny, but kenny loves it of course (also loves laughing about it).
as a couple I imagine kenny would generally take the wheel very gently, but every once in a while he still gets a little bit insecure about how serious stan is about them or if it was just a whim thing (of course not sharing any of these fears).. and each time stan is there to catch the wheel when that happens >:3
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How are you doing with the beginning of spring?
Hariet: *Sneezes*
Topper: *Using his inaler*
Spewart: *Cleaning pollen out of his fur*
Rango: "Spring is already off to a delightful start!!! My flowers are coming in just beautifully!!!"
Peasley: "Oh boy, there is so many things I can take my sisters to go do now that the snow is gone!!"
Motley: "Like what?"
Peasley: "... Well, I don't know yet, actually..."
Nabbit: "Hehehe~... People will be going onto their "spring breaks" soon and leave their houses alllll unsupervised, hehehe..."
Ludwig: "I'm still so coooold!!!"
Roy: -_- "HOW?!?!"
Iggy: "It's the perfect weather to take Nibbles on longer walks around the courtyard! Wanna come with me, Princess?"
Wendy: *Working on something* "Uh... No, you go on, on your own... I'm a bit busy..."
Morton: "Ahhh, time for some annual spring cleaning~!!"
Larry: "You mean daily?"
Morton: "Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess so! Whatever! Same thing!" *Chuckles*
Larry: "... Huh."
Lemmy: "I can't wait to be able to use the trampoline again!!"
Jr: "Yeah, and my dad will probably start doing more barbecues!!!"
Lemmy: "Will WE be invited to these ones...?"
Jr: "... Maybe!"
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futuremrsdrcullen · 2 years
Aren't We Just Terrified - Part One
Part one of the New Moon reader insert fic that I've been promising for FAR far too long.
Summery- The idea of facing mortal danger just to see a ghost of him almost sounded rational here.
I watched as Bella hugged her chest to keep herself whole. I stood by as she chased adrenaline for the smallest glimpse of Edward.
I didn’t feel perfect- standing there didn’t heal me. I let out a small humorless laugh and shook my head accepting that I couldn’t keep pretending that there was never a wound in the first place.
Word Count- 12,214
Warnings- This is New Moon, so it's a lot darker than the first. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ I'm Always in This Twilight READ THAT FIRST!! Depression, abandonment, misunderstandings, break ups, Age gaps because of vampires, angst! It's very angsty, but it gets better! I promise it has a very happy ending.
Notes from me- My name is Claire and this is my second love child. I have finally finished my version of New Moon and I could not be more excited for you guys to see it.
This is book 2 of probably 5 so stayed tuned for the rest of them.
I DO NOT own The Twilight Saga. All rights go directly to S. Meyer.
Read on AO3 <3
Masterlist <3
Thank you for being here, I Love you <3
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Aren't We Just Terrifed - Part One
Unlike Bella, I was very excited for my birthday. It was a little different, I guess. Carlisle was still older than me and Edward would always be stuck at 17. It made sense that she wouldn't want to be another year older. Especially since she was already ready to be a vampire.
I was not. I wanted, at least, another 5 human years. To be with Carlisle, to experience human things. I hadn’t told anyone this. I tried not to think about it around Edward, and hadn’t really decided anything, so I hoped Alice couldn’t see my plans. If you could even call them that. 
When my 21st birthday rolled around, I could not wait for what the day had in store. 
“Happy birthday, Y/n!” Alice, Bella, and my dad were rushing into my room. Alice and Dad had gifts, Bella didn’t, though I think she just didn’t want me to return the favor.
“You didn’t have to get me anything.” I said.
“For the record, I did tell them that, and I listened.” Bella added as she showed her empty hands, and I laughed.
“I just knew you’d love it!” Alice added a wink at me “Carlisle will love it too.” My eyes went wide as she laughed.
Dad's brow furrowed “Ahhh-ba! Mines not wrapped, so we can do that first and then I’ll leave you girls to it.” He handed me the gift. “One of, if not the best, single malt whiskey. Made right here in the pacific northwest.” He said with a grin. Around the top of the bottle of Westland Whiskey he had handed me, was a silky blue ribbon.
“Thanks Dad, this is great.”
“The ribbon is part of the gift too. You had one just like it as a kid. You’d wear it all the time, pretending to be Wendy.” He smiled at the ribbon and the memory it held before his eyes met mine again. 
“I remember Dad, Thank you. It’s perfect.” I got up and hugged him. I leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Alright, enough of me. Happy birthday, kid.” he left and softly shut the door behind him. When I turned around to face them Alice was grinning from ear to ear.
“Really? In front of my dad?” She put her hands up.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I’ve just seen you wear it tonight and, of course, he loves you in it.” She laughed, “It will look so cute with the ribbon in your hair.”
I pretended to gasp “Don’t spoil it!” We laughed and Alice handed me the box.
“Open it! I can’t wait.” I smiled back at her and opened the gift.
I pulled out the stunning deep blue dress. It was maybe knee length, and full of glitter. I thought that was fitting for my dinner date with a vampire tonight.
“You can wear it tonight!” Bella exclaimed then added. “Billy and Jacob will be here later.”
“And Carlisle is picking you up at 5pm, so you’ll have plenty of time to get ready.” Then she added, a little quieter, “The rest of us are going hunting tonight. It will just be the two of you.”
I blushed at her implication and looked back at the dress. “Right… Cool, thanks.”
“We’ll let you get ready. Happy birthday, Y/n! I’ll see you again tomorrow.” She hugged me quickly before grabbing Bella’s arm and leading her out of my room.
I just stared at the dress. 
I was going to spend a full night… Alone… With Carlisle .
I let out a breath I didn’t fully know I was holding and tried to pull it together.
I heard the welcoming voice of my dad when his friend got there and spent a few more seconds looking at myself in the mirror before deciding that I looked as good as I was going to.
I had the dress from Alice on. It was a perfect fit, of course, and I tied my hair back with the ribbon from my dad.
I went downstairs to see that Billy and Jacob Black were, as expected, here. Bella’s face lit up when she saw me come down the stairs.
“Y/n! You look amazing!” She complimented, and everyone looked at me. Only a small part of me died of embarrassment.
“Happy birthday!” Jacob said. He had grown quite a bit since I had last seen him, but he still had a boyish look to him. 
“It’s good to see you, Y/n. You’re looking very… Alive.” Billy said from the living room.
"Uhm, Thanks?” Confused, I forced out a laugh. 
“We got you a card. Charlie said you’re hard to shop for.” Poor, sweet Jacob tried to shift focus.
“Only ‘cause your dad told me not to just get you a case of Rainier. It is your 21st, right?” Billy asked
“Yep,” putting emphasis on the p and I walked into the kitchen. 
“You’ve got so much living left to do, ya know?” He added.
My eyes shot to Bella; she looked just as confused as I felt.
“I have full intentions of living…” I tried to not glare at him from the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee.
Billy went to say something else that would have probably been equally as confusing, but Dad, thankfully, interrupted. “Well, this is a grim topic for a birthday. What do you have planned for the day, kid? Is that the dress Alice got you? It’s beautiful.” I will forever be grateful for my dad.
Jacob mouthed a quick sorry to Bella, who just let out a soft chuckle.
“It is. She has great taste.” I turned to show him the ribbon in my hair. “It goes great with the ribbon. Thanks again, Dad.”
“Sure kid. It looks great.” he kissed the top of my head, looking happy to see the ribbon already being put to good use. 
It was already around 4pm, so I only had to suffer for one hour before Carlisle whisked me away. I knew if I had texted him, he would have come home early and I could have avoided this conversation all together, but I also knew he needed to hunt. 
Then again, it was very hard to not see or hear from him for three days. Of course Billy was making that feeling so much worse.
I wish I was allowed to know that they are werewolves, so I didn’t just have to think that the only thing off with them is that they have this big secret. I hated all this “it’s not my secret to tell, mon coeur…” From Carlisle. Billy hinted at so much, like, not only did he know the Cullens were vampires, but he also had a secret life of his own. I thought werewolf, maybe, or vampire hunter, made the most sense. 
I respected the game they were playing and I kept my mouth shut. My plate was full with the supernatural already. Why stir the pot any more?
Bella said something in response to Billy. Something I’d missed entirely, because I was thinking about Carlisle.
“Is it wise to spend your birthday with them?” Billy asked. He looked at me like a disapproving father. All of which was annoying, considering my actual dad was right there and he didn’t have a single problem with my choice of birthday companion. 
“I spend most days with Carlisle, so I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I smirked at him and took a large sip of my coffee.
“Why don’t we move to the living room and watch the game?” Dad, bless him, interrupted our stare down to suggest.
“That sounds great!” Jacob, bless him too, added and wheeled him, after Dad, into the living room. Bella and I stayed in the kitchen and the second they were out of hearing range we looked at each other, both of our eyes wide. 
“That was… uncomfortable.” She laughed, “Why are they like this?”
“They act like the legends are more than just legends… you know?” I added, trying to gauge what she knew. It wasn’t my secret to share either. She shrugged, staring confusedly back at me. It didn't seem like she knew anything more than I did, or if she did, she wasn’t going to tell me. I just laughed it off, “I’ll just ask Carlisle about it later. Maybe it’s nothing.”
She shook her head in confusion. “We gotta get back in there before they ask anymore questions.”
The hour ticked by painfully slowly; I thought I was actually going crazy, but then there was a knock on the door.
I stood and ran to the door, eager to get it before anyone could get it first, not that anyone even moved to. I still lost my breath when I saw him. His eyes a bright golden color and his hair just a little damp from the rain. I stepped out on the porch, shut the door quickly behind me, and wrapped my arms around his neck. 
He rested his hands on my hips and kissed the crook of my neck. “Happy Birthday, Cara .” I leaned back to look at his face again. “You look… stunningly beautiful. ”
“Alice said you’d like it.”
“I like everything you wear. I like you. ” He leaned in to kiss me.
“Oh, I’m demoted to only like now?”
I could feel his laugh against my lips, “Hmm, I love you so much.”
“Just checking…” I leaned in to meet his kiss. Our first kiss after 3 days apart felt like a breath of fresh air. The only thing keeping me grounded these last few days was knowing that this kiss was just around the corner. That, soon, I would get to kiss him again; he would run his fingers through my hair and hold me to him like he needed this just as much as I did. If I let myself, I could stay here in this kiss forever. 
Sadly, the need to breathe out weighed my wants and I had to pull back. I rested my head on his shoulder. 
“As much as I really don't want to, I've gotta get my shoes and things.” He laughed and I turned to get the door before I remembered who was inside and froze. “Oh uhm… Billy and Jacob Black are here and Billy’s been kinda weird… Weird like he knows things…” I raised my eyebrows and looked at him.
He didn’t seem surprised at all. “Oh I’m sure he has been.” He let out a soft sigh, “ Thank you for the warning, but it will be alright.” He kissed my forehead and went to open the door. 
“ You know I’m gonna ask you to elaborate on that later, right?” 
“It’s not my secret to share.” He smiled at me as I opened the door and pulled him inside.
I whispered “I hate that response and you know it.” and he laughed again.
Dad was standing near the doorway to the living room when we came in, “Doctor,” nodding in Carlisle’s direction “How's it going?”
“Well, Charlie, and yourself?”
“It’s going-”
“Dr. Cullen,” Billy came into the room and I grabbed Carlisle's hand. He gave my hand a soft squeeze to reassure me. 
“Always a pleasure to see you, Chief Black.”
“Sure. Of course, I hope things are good, especially with the girls. I hate for something to happen…” He tilted his head towards me.
“See what I mean…” I whispered, barely audible, still knowing he heard me. I heard his soft laugh in response and felt his hand move to my back.
“Alright. Back to the game.” Dad saved the day again, though I’m sure he was confused on where this all was coming from, but I was still grateful. He kissed my forehead, “Have a great night sweetheart.” They went back into the living room and I heard dad say “You drunk already, old man? What is up with you?” and Billy just laughed.
I made quick work of grabbing my bag and sliding on my shoes and once we were out of the door I asked again. “So, do you know what all that’s about?”
“Like I said before, I shouldn’t say. It’s not my secret to share.”
“But you’re gonna tell me , right?”
“No, probably not.” he shook his head and walked me to the car door. “If someone told you we were vampires, before we were ready, we would have been pretty upset.”
I sighed as I got into the car. “My money is still on werewolves.” 
He laughed at that and smiled at me as he sat in the driver seat. “I love you,” He was still chuckling as he pulled out of the driveway.
At the restaurant, I ate a hefty salad and he pretended to sip a black coffee. He of course picked out an expensive wine for me to try. How he knew I’d like it, I’ll never understand, but it was very good. It was white and fruity and sweet. I couldn’t pronounce the name if I tried but it made me melt when he said it.
As he took another fake sip of his coffee I asked, “So what’s the story behind the black coffee? It's, like, the only thing you order.”
“Well, It’s very common for restaurants to sell black coffee, and the cups keep my hands nice and warm.” He wiggled his fingers and I definitely didn’t follow his fingers with my eyes.
“Oh… that makes a lot of sense actually,” I blushed and tore my eyes from his hands back to his face.
He just smirked at me and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Yup.” I popped the “p” to fill the awkwardness that was almost palpable on my end. I could feel my blush deepen even as I looked back at my glass of wine. 
He spent just about the whole dinner chuckling at me, as if he knew that all that was going through my head was our upcoming night alone together
By the time we pulled into the driveway, I don’t think the reality had fully set in.
“So, you said I wasn’t allowed to get you a gift but I may have bent that just a little…” He admitted sheepishly.
“Don’t worry. It’s not especially crazy.” He laughed.
“Everything you guys do is crazy.”
“Trust me?”
“With my life…” I blushed and tried to contain my grin.
“We’re throwing a whole party for Bella. I’m keeping you to myself, just us.”
“She’s going to be difficult about that.”
“We are fully prepared for that, we’re just hoping she’ll secretly love it.”
He took my hand as we walked in the door. The house was dimly lit, mostly with candles and there were rose petals everywhere. He chuckled softly when I turned to face him, my eyebrows raised. “Alice took over when I left. I just set out the champagne.”
“She has a hidden motive for everything.” I retort
“I dont think it’s all that hidden.” He kissed my forehead, before going into the kitchen and grabbing the champagne and a glass. I followed behind him. 
“I kinda hate that you can’t share this with me.”
Without looking up he poured some in a glass and took a small sip meeting my eyes. “I can, it would just be a waste of a good bottle of champagne.”
I rolled my eyes and laughed softly. “I get it, you can hold your liquor.” He laughed and I took the drink from him. “It takes the fun out of it, but I’m just happy to be here with you.”
“So, how was your birthday so far, Cara?”
I took a second to consider. The gifts from my dad, Alice and Bella. My hand twirled the end of the ribbon in my fingers. “ Simple. Wonderful. Perfect.” I set the glass down and stepped closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a quick kiss to my lips “Thank you.”
“Anything for you.” another short, sweet kiss. “You should be celebrated every day.” 
“So should you, but you don’t even remember your birthday…”
“You make me feel more celebrated than I could ever deserve.”
“Ah ba ba- Nope! On my birthday, you deserve the world.”
He laughed, “I don’t think that's how it works.”
“Nope. It’s my birthday, I get to decide.” he leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose. I probably could have stood there for the rest of the night; sipping champagne and making dumb jokes. We did stay there for a while doing just that.
“Would you like to finish your drink?”
I pretended to gasp. “Carlisle Cullen, are you trying to get me drunk?”
With a laugh he responded, “Definitely not, but I just have one more little gift-”
“Carlisle!” I really did gasp that time. It was the one thing I agreed with Bella on; this beautiful family had already given me so much and I could never return the favor, no matter how hard I tried. I wasn’t going to throw a fit because they bought me something, but they didn’t have to. I would rather they didn’t.
“I know, I know. We agreed, no gifts. Honestly, it's just something I bought for that house. That you will benefit from, on your birthday.”
Playfully, I glared at him, “But it’s not a gift.”
He smiled again and put his hands up. “Not if you don’t want it to be.”
“Hmm…” I swirled my drink around the glass like fancy people do in fancy movies. “Should I finish this?”
“You don’t have to finish it now-” he chuckled. “You could bring it with you if you want.”
I smiled at him then, “Well, why didn’t you start with that.”
He laughed and took my hand. He led and I followed up the stairs and to his office door. It was the room I spent most of my time in while at the Cullens’ and also the closet thing he had to a bedroom.
When we got to the door he turned his back to it and faced me.
“Close your eyes.” Though he was a master at hiding it, I could see the smallest, excited smile on his lips.
“For something that's not a gift, this sure feels like a gift.” I smiled back at him and closed my eyes. I felt the cool press of his lips to mine before he pulled back and opened the door.
He pulled my hand and led me into the room. I took a very trusting step into the room and heard the lights flip on then the door closed.
He kissed me again before saying, “You can open your eyes now, Y/n”
As I did, I noticed the rose petals had followed us into the office, across the floor, and were scattered all over a beautiful bed that had not been there four days ago. I tried to hide my shock, but I felt the flush rise to my cheeks.
Somehow he was behind me, his lips were on my neck and he was placing small kisses where my skin showed there. I shivered under his icy touch.
“You don’t sleep.” my voice was barely audible.
“No, but you do. This is a gift for you.” I turned to him and playfully glared. He just laughed. “Also, it means I get to spend significantly more time with you. It’s a doubly beneficial  situation honestly.”
Though I continued to glare at him, a small smile danced across my lips. I had to admit, I did like his reasoning. While I have slept here a few times, I'd just fallen asleep on the couch in his office before. 
The couch was gone and now, there in its place sat one of the fanciest beds I'd probably ever seen. The dark satin sheets and fluffy pillows looked so enticing. The frame alone probably cost more than three of my paychecks, not that money was a problem for him, being a doctor for like 300 years and all. 
I looked back at the man I'd grown to love and smiled deeply, "It's absolutely lovely, Carlisle." His smile deepened as he leaned in to kiss me. "I'll have to text my dad that I won't be home tonight."
He laughed against my lips before kissing me. Every time he'd kiss me that night it felt like there was a fire building there, but it never led to more than just long make out sessions. I did want more; I think he wanted more too, but I never wanted to press him and he was too much of a gentleman. 
And a vampire.
Which I'm sure played a huge role in the matter of control. 
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my hands going to his hair. He lifted me with ease and then we were on the bed. He was sitting on the edge and I was then straddling his lap. I giggled and kissed him again, parting my lips. He took the lead and deepened the kiss only for a moment before he pulled back. 
"Mon coeur…" He sighed,  his brow furrowed. "We don't… we never have to do anything you aren't comfortable with." He placed a very small kiss on my lips again.
"I know." I kissed him as he had kissed me "I am very comfortable." Another small kiss before I whispered, "I want to. I just never have…"
He let out a breath I didn't know he was holding and quickly kissed me again. "It would take a considerable amount of control on my part."
"If you don't want-"
"I'm not saying no, Y/n." He brushed my hair behind my ear. His eyes were soft. "I'd never be able to live with myself if I was the cause of your pain, so bare with me, okay? Stop me if it becomes too much."
I kissed him, slow and deliberate this time. "I trust you. I've never trusted anyone the way I trust you." He held my face, scanning my features for a clear sign of consent. If I could scream it from the rooftops I would. I wanted this, wanted him. I trusted him. I loved him.
"I want you to be sure. If-"
"Hmm?" He winced slightly
"Please…" He swore under his breath. Then, kissing me again, his hand found the zipper of my dress.
I definitely could get used to waking up in his arms. I knew he could tell I was awake but I still tried not to stir too much. I wanted to just lay there and absorb this feeling, the dull ache in my muscles left no desire to move. I would have been completely fine not moving ever again. I loved it.
Caving, I leaned up to kiss his nose. "Hmm. Good morning." 
"Good morning, love. How did you sleep?"
"Better than I probably ever have." I giggled and blushed, hiding my face in his chest. Slightly disappointed in myself for actually saying that out loud. "Did you stay here all night?"
He laughed "Not the whole night. Rose called after you fell asleep, and just a bit ago your phone was ringing downstairs so I went to get that for you." He picked it off the end table. 
"Oh no, I completely forgot to text my dad." A shot of panic ran through me as I sat up and grabbed my phone from him.
5 MESSAGES FROM Chief Father
11:30pm: I'm going to bed assuming you're staying at the Cullens and staying safe.
7:02am: Still haven't heard from you. Are you alive?
7:33am: I know you're an adult but I'd like some kind of response soon.
8:05am: You have an hour before I'm going over there.
8:06am: with guns
It was 8:45. "Crap…" I quickly got out of bed and wrapped myself in his shirt that was wrapped on the corner of the desk. I called him, as fast as I could dial the number.
"Oh, so you are alive." His sarcasm proved his annoyance but there was a hint of relief lying there.
"I'm so sorry, Dad. I meant to text you that I was staying with Carlisle, I just got distracted.”  I leaned against his desk and pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to bite back a laugh.
"Ahh that's okay! It's fine." He was desperate to stop me before I said more. I felt Carlisle wrap his arms around me and laugh softly into my hair. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Were you really going to come out here?"
"Well yeah, in like an hour or so. I do trust you, I just worry."
My heart melted a little. "I know, I'm sorry. I'll be sure to text you next time."
"That's all I ask. Love ya, kid." We said the rest of our goodbyes and I looked up at Carlisle who was still chuckling. 
"In my defense," he started "I was under the impression you had already sent him a message."
I glared at him, playfully. "When would I have had time to do that?"
"Okay, that's fair." He lifted my chin to kiss me. "He knows you're safe now, and we still have the house to ourselves for a few hours. Any suggestions on how we should make the time pass?"  implications played in his voice as his hand trailed up the back of my shirt- well, his shirt that I was wearing.
"I might have a few ideas." I pressed my lips to his again and we got lost for a few more hours.
Bella turned 18, ten days after my 21st birthday and she tried very hard to let it go unnoticed.
However, you only turn 18 once, so I felt like it at least deserved to be acknowledged. I worked with Alice to plan Bella a semi surprise party,  I didn't want another prom situation since she hardly talked to me for weeks after that. This time she knew what was happening, we just let Edward take most of the fall.
Soft Jazz music drifted through the house while Alice had me on candle duty. There were pink taper candles on pretty much every surface and she wanted me to light them all.
I danced around the room, twirling from candle to candle, humming along to the music. Carlisle caught me by the waist and spun me into him. He kissed me softly and I couldn't help laughing with him.
"Ya know, I think I could get used to seeing my old man this happy." A familiar woodsy voice called from the doorway.
"Emmett!" I laughed and pulled away from Carlisle to run and hug him. He and Rosalie had traveled to Africa after their graduation and I had missed his presence. Despite Rosalie's displeasure, Emmett had grown to really enjoy hanging out with Bella and me. "I didn't know you were coming into town.” I looked toward Rosalie, who was still in the doorway and smiled at her. "It's really nice of you."
She nodded once, I knew it was hard for her. She hated what she had become and although I couldn't agree with her, I respected her for wanting better for us. She didn’t dislike me as much, mostly because I didn’t beg to be turned on a regular basis. I only wished she wouldn't be so hateful about it towards Bella. 
"I just wish we could have made it back in time for your birthday." She added.
"It's totally fine."  I assured them as Carlisle wrapped one of his arms around my waist. It was extremely comforting, I'd grown to love his family like my own and when he stood next to me and held me, even in front of Rose, it felt like he was proud to have me there.
"We bought you a present, since we couldn't make it." Rose smiled at me. It didn't feel forced, I think she did want to like me. She handed me a very neatly wrapped box and I knew it was mostly from her. The paper was shiny gold with a black ribbon and I almost didn't want to damage it. "It's a ceramic tea set from the town we were staying in. There's a family who makes them by hand."
I unwrapped it as she was explaining "It's truly lovely, Rose. Thank you." She smiled at me and I walked to the kitchen table to set the beautiful tea set down safely. 
"Oh! Y/n did you get the key to Bella's truck?" Emmett called after me.
"Yep!" I tossed him the keys and he barely looked before catching them with ease. Being surrounded by vampires had its perks sometimes. 
When they all turned to face the door I knew that Bella and Edward were there, I was just the only one who didn't hear them pull in. Alice's face was bright with excitement, she had Jasper put on a more modern and up beat CD before they walked in.
I couldn't help but smile at Bella's face as she took in the room; she winced like she was in physical pain.
I hugged her anyway and pulled her into the room. Carlisle hugged her as well. "I have to apologize for all of this, Bella. We couldn’t rein Alice in." He laughed under his breath. There was never a chance of that anyway. We all knew that very well.
Bell's eyes drifted to Rosalie and Emmett and softened a bit. I knew she'd be happy to see them. Rose didn't shift at all but Emmett just looked happy to be there.
"You haven't changed at all." Emmett said with mock disappointment. "I expected a perceptive difference, but here you are, red faced just like always."
"Thanks a lot Emmett." Her face got even more red.
He laughed and tapped the key in his pocket . "Well, I have to step out for a second."- he paused to wink at Alice. Bella totally saw, but she didn't say anything, I laughed softly under my breath. "Don't do anything funny while I'm gone." He pointed at Bella.
"I'll try." She said through a laugh.
Alice and Jasper stood on the other side of the room. Alice skipped across the room to meet Bella and Jasper stayed leaning against the stair railing. Resisting human blood was still hard for him, even now he kept his distance from us. He was still trying his best.
"It's time to open presents," Alice spoke in a floaty voice, probably to distract Bella from Emmetts shenanigans. She pulled Bella towards the piano, which didn't really have that many presents on it.
"Alice, I know I told you I didn't want anything." She was dragging her feet. 
"I listened." I piped up but she still glared at me. "I may have given Carlisle an idea, but I spent no money." She didn't want me to get her a gift. She said it because she didn't get me one, and if I got her one then she'd look rude, but I think it's because she didn't want to celebrate. 
"I didn't listen." Alice added placing a small box in Bella's hands. "Open it."
That was the empty box from Rose, Emmett and Jasper. Once she got it open I could tell she was trying to hide her confusion. 
"Uhm... thanks?”
I pressed my lips to Carlisle's shoulder to hide my smile, giggling softly. Rosalie actually cracked a smile.
"It's a stereo for your truck." Jasper grinned from across the room. "Emmett is installing it as we speak.” She thanked them, calling loudly to Emmett. His booming laughter reached in here from Bella's truck.
I smiled up at Carlisle, whose arm was still wrapped around me. I reached up to kiss him, my hand cupping his cheek, his smile growing as his eyes met mine. I wrapped myself up in the feeling of family in the room. I never noticed she had started to open Alice and Edwards present.
I didn't have time to react when she cut her finger.
It all happened in a flash. I was smiling at Carlisle, then he was gone. I heard glass shatter across the room and I watched Edward and Emmett throw themselves at Jasper. 
Jasper tried to get away from them. He tried, and thankfully failed, to break Emmetts grip to get to Bella. Bella, who was now on the floor. Edward moved to crouch over her, holding the spot on her arm that had somehow been cut. The glass shattering, I figured.
I tried to appear as small as I could; I wanted to be invisible, if it was possible. The shock was setting in, I could feel the panic. I heard them say things I couldn't process. I didn't move, I didn't breathe.
Carlisle somehow remained calm. Even as Emmett dragged a growling Jasper from the room.
"Let me by, Edward." He murmured. His voice was clear, and the only one I could hear amidst the noise. Edward's stance over my sister didn't change. He was protecting her from even his father; which probably would have been endearing in any other circumstance.
Once Edward relaxed a little, Carlisle knelt next to Bella and examined the wound on her arm. It was huge and bleeding a lot. Alice tried to hand him a towel, but he shook his head. "There's too much glass in the wound." He made a tourniquet with a scrap of table cloth. Bella looked like at any  point she would barf, or faint… or both.
I still couldn't move. I wanted them to focus on her. I wanted them to forget I was there at all.
"Bella," his voice was still soft and clear. "Do you want me to drive you to the hospital, or would you like for me to take care of it here." I panicked briefly, thinking about Dad.
"Here, please." She sounded distant. She must have been thinking about Dad too. If he found out what happened, he'd have questions. I knew because I had questions and I was here. I still didn't know how to answer any of them.
"I'll get your bag."
"Lets get her to the kitchen table," then they were there. "How are you doing Bella?"
"I'm fine," the steadiness in her voice was almost comforting.
I looked at the scene around me and tried, for the first time, to assess the situation. Though it had just happened, I felt completely zoned out. Then Edward was gone and Alice ran an apologetic hand down my arm as she also left the room.
I stood there in the center of the room looking at all the scattered roses and broken glass and blood, very much still in shock, but trying to power through it. I let out a shaky breath and took a few steps towards them, only pausing when Carlisle’s head snapped sharply to me. As if he had only just noticed I was still there.
“Y/n” my name rolled off his tongue like he breathed it. So much concern painted his features.
“I’m fine… I‘m right here.” Even my voice sounded distant. He was not convinced, but he nodded once and focused back on Bella’s arm.
I think he was always afraid I would snap out of the comfortable illusion I had painted for myself and run away from him. I’m sure that today's events had set that belief in. I think, for a normal person, it would have driven them away.
But I was a Swan and I fell in love with a vampire, nothing here was normal.
And of course this was Bella. A perpetual danger magnet even on the best days. Even on her birthday she managed to nearly die.
Bella sighed, “I can clear a room at least.”
“It’s not your fault,” He chuckled softly. “It could happen to anyone.”
“ Could. ” Bella repeated, “ But it usually just happens to me.”
He laughed again, glancing quickly at me. He’d ask me 100 times tonight if I was truly alright. I didn’t really know how to reassure him if I didn’t know that I was alright; I was still in shock.
I walked over to the table where Bella was sitting and grabbed her free hand. I gave it a soft, comforting squeeze. Her gaze drifted from me to Carlisle's face, like she was studying the two of us.
“How can you do this?” she asked. “Even Alice and Edward…” She trailed off, shaking the thought from her head. Carlisle was the only one with complete control of his thirst.
“Years and years of practice.” He admitted. “I barely notice the scent anymore.”
“Even with her?” she mentioned me like I wasn’t in the room, but her grip remained firm on my hand. His eyes floated to my face and he smiled a little.
“With Y/n, there's a few extra challenges.” I couldn’t help but blush softly. “Her scent isn’t as strong as yours, but there are a few added desires .” 
Bella nodded as if she understood the hidden meaning to his words. I looked down at where our hands were intertwined, smiling softly. My face was red hot. 
Since my birthday we hadn’t been able to keep our hands to ourselves. We were both fully indulging in those ‘added desires’.
“It’s just Edward…” she shook her head again. “ Do you think it would be harder if you took a vacation from the hospital for a long time? And weren’t around blood?”
“Maybe,” He shrugged while his hands remained steady. “I’ve never felt the need for an extended holiday.” a smile crossed his face and I fell for him all over again. “I enjoy my work too much.”
“What is it that you enjoy?” I think she was trying to distract herself from what he was doing with her arm. He seemed to think about it for a moment.
“Hmm. What I enjoy most is when my… enhanced abilities help me save someone who would otherwise have been lost. It’s pleasant knowing that, thanks to what I can do, some people's lives are better because I exist. Even the sense of smell is a useful diagnostic tool at times.”
I tried to smile at him, my voice still didn't sound much like my own. “Your existence makes my life better.”
“And yours mine.” His smile was soft, his voice had more confidence.
“It’s not like you asked for this. I think you try too hard to make up for something that was never your fault. You didn’t choose this life and yet, you work so hard to be good. It’s admirable.” I suggested this just to keep Bella distracted. He knew I loved this about him. He never stopped making an effort to be more than the ‘monster’ he believed he became. I didn’t have to tell him that there was no way he could ever be a monster; he knew how I felt, but I wanted Bella to see him this way too. 
“I don’t think I’m making up for anything,” he disagreed lightly “Like everything in life, I just had to decide what to do with what I was given.”
“That makes it sound too easy.” Bella sided with me, it was hard not to.
He looked back at her arm. “There, all done” He was covering her arm in iodine. The smell was worse than the blood, but probably not for them. I looked around the room again.
“In the beginning though,” She pressed. “Why did you even think to try a different way than the obvious one?”
His smile changed to a more private one “Hasn’t Edward told you this story?”
I had heard this story. His face was on me again as I stood. “I’m going to clean up.” I barely whispered before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
I zoned out while he retold his origin story to Bella. I grabbed baking soda and white vinegar from under the kitchen sink then the bleach from the bathroom closet and went back to the main room.
I swept up the glass on the floor, making sure to double bag it before getting to work on the floor. The baking soda and vinegar got out most of the stain. I used the bleach to finish the job, hoping it would cover the smell, even for them. It took a few minutes, but as I was finishing, Edward came in the door. HIs hands in his pockets.
“Thank you. It helps quite a bit actually.” I knew he’d heard the question in my thoughts. His gift only affected me sometimes. There were times when I really didn’t want him in my head though, and then, somehow, he wouldn’t be able to hear my thoughts. They had running bets on the reason. I told them I didn’t want to know, but I was thankful that I got to keep some form of privacy. 
“No problem.” I looked over his shoulder and out the open front door. 
“They’ll be out for the night.” He shut the door behind him. His eyes met mine and a look crossed his features that looked pained, or confused… or constipated. His brows furrowed as he said, “I’ve always feared this. Carlisle does too, if he’s never told you. Either of you getting hurt, because of what we are.” 
Carlisle hadn’t told me. I had kind of suspected, I guess. Bella and I spent our lives with one of the human world's most dangerous predators. I knew that he feared that I would be afraid of him. I’d never really considered that I should be afraid, until tonight.
“Exactly.” I heard Edward mumble before he went into the room where I had left Bella and Carlisle. I stayed and finished the last bit of sweeping and mopping. He was only in there for a few moments before drifting through the room and going back outside.
“It’s not his fault.” Bella spoke to them, trailing slowly behind them.
“It’s not yours, either.” Carlisle countered. I couldn’t help but agree with him.
Her eyes drifted from his face to the floor then to me. I was still holding the mop but the work was done. “Y/n, Let me do that.” She blushed and moved towards me. 
“It’s already done, Bells.” I smiled softly at her and then at Carlisle for confirmation. He nodded once and mouthed a ‘thank you’. I was just glad that I could help them. I glanced back at Bella and asked. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. Carlisle sews faster than any doctor I’ve had” She huffed a laugh but it sounded forced. I think the gravity of the situation was starting to weigh on her.
I stepped over to Carlisle and wrapped an arm around his waist. He kissed my hair and I felt more than heard the ‘thank you’ he whispered there as well. Alice and Edward came back in. Alice going to Bella’s side and Edward lingering by the door.
“Come on,” Alice said. “I’ll get you something less macabre to wear.” She all but floated out of the room with Bella. 
Once they were out of the room it was clear that Edward and Carlisle were speaking through his thoughts. Edward nodded here and shook his head there. I tried not to let the panic set in. I bounced on the balls of my feet and stole a glance at Carlisle’s face. Edward shook his head in response to something and Carlisle seemed almost angry.
The worry grew in my chest and I knew that I would break soon. Carlisle simply kissed the top of my hair to soothe some of the worry away. 
Edward shook his head again, clearly growing more annoyed and went to the front door. Bella and Alice came back downstairs and I glanced at Alice. She looked tired, I glanced around the room at all of them. They all look tired; I don’t think I’d ever seen them look so tired. 
I could only imagine how I looked. 
Edward held open the door for her. “Take your things!” Alice floated the rest of the way downstairs and handed them off to her. “You can thank me later when you've opened them.”
“Goodnight Bella, Happy Birthday again…” Carlisle called after them.
“I’ll… Uhm, I’ll meet you at the house.” I whispered, though I knew they could hear me. I just hoped Edward didn’t read my thoughts and know how long I planned on staying. I craved the comfort that only Carlisle could give. I wanted to stay as long as he’d let me. Bella just nodded and slipped out. Alice went out the back, presumably to be with Jasper. 
Just me and Carlisle stood in the room. 
“We should go get your things…” He said and took my hand, leading me up the stairs. When we were in his room and the door was closed behind us. He turned to me and asked softly “Are you alright, Cara?” and I just fell apart.
There in the room, I felt like I had nothing to hide and the panic washed over me, no longer feeling the need to hold myself together. He wrapped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed. 
He held me there until the shaking stopped. He kissed my tears away and brushed the hair behind my ear. He mumbled more apologies in the space where my neck met my shoulder between kisses. I didn’t even know why I was crying. I was fine, Bella was fine, and yet, the panic held on to me.
I knew the worst was over and yet I couldn’t shake the impending doom.
“I… why do I feel like everything is… wrong now, somehow?” I mumbled.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. You should have never been put into this situation. I understand why you’re scared-”
“I’m not-”
“You should be. You could have easily been hurt. Every second you spend in our world you’re in danger. I wish I could protect you from it all, but I don't know how.” As he spoke his voice got more and more soft. His eyes held a cold I’d never seen in him before.
I could feel my heart breaking.
I watched his break too.
We were both quiet for a long time. I broke the silence first “I’m not scared of you, Carlisle. I’ve only ever felt safe with you.”
He sighed and kissed my forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you.” I added.
“Are you feeling better? I should get you home.”
“I suppose…”
Without saying another word, he helped me up and I grabbed my overnight bag. I knew it would be easier on his family if I wasn’t here when they got back. I didn’t say it outloud though. He would have told me not to worry about them.
I hated how much this part hurt.
We drove home and the car ride was mostly silent. Soft jazz music played from the radio. I hummed along to the songs I’d grown to love. He smiled softly at me from time to time, he brought my hand to his lips. When we turned into the driveway my eyes met his. The porch light was on and the light came through the heavily tinted windshield. I could still see the worry painting his features. 
I gave his hand a soft squeeze, “I’ll see you tomorrow?” I didn’t mean for it to sound so much like a question.
He nodded. “I’ll swing by the cafe after work.” His words didn’t soothe my worry much. “I love you, Y/n”
“I love you… So so much.” I kissed him softly. I wanted it to make me feel normal. It didn’t do much to calm the feeling that everything was off still.
His hand rested on my cheek as he kissed me back, like he also needed it.
I pulled back and nodded. “Tomorrow then.”
I got out of the car and headed inside. Waving one more time as he pulled out of the driveway.
Dad was asleep on the couch. Most of the lights in the house were off. The tv played some rerun of a game. I shut it off and pulled a blanket up over dad. I kissed his head then headed upstairs. 
Bella’s light was also off, though there was the faint glow from her lamp. I shut my door loud enough for her to hear and know I was home. 
I didn’t turn my light on; I didn’t change.
I just curled up in my bed and prayed for an ounce of normalcy.
I don't think I slept at all.
I heard Bella leave for school the next morning. I heard dad in the shower getting ready for work. I opened my eyes and saw the soft gray light coming through the window. I watched the rain drops for a while until I finally convinced myself to get up and go downstairs.
I started making breakfast for Dad. I fried eggs and bacon and made some toast. I couldn’t bring myself to eat, but I made myself a glass of orange juice.
“Morning kiddo.” I jumped at the sound of his voice and the glass fell to the floor, completely shattering on impact.
“Shit… Dad… Sorry.” I got the broom and started sweeping up the glass. He laughed at my clumsiness.
“You don't have to apologize. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He held up the dust pan for me. “I’ve been down here for a minute. You didn’t notice?”
“Oh, uhm, No?” I blushed, slightly embarrassed. “I was lost in thought I guess.”
“Sure.” he took the glass and dumped it in the trash. The sound made me shiver. “How was the party?”
“Fine. You know how Bella is though, they spent money, she acted grateful while they were in the room, complained when they left.” 
“What happened to her arm?” I winced. I knew that was coming.
“She fell. I swear, she can take the smallest thing and turn it into life or death.” I forced a laugh. He didn’t need to know how truthful I was being. “Carlisle cleaned her up though. No big deal.” I shrugged and smiled at him. 
“Well, thank him for me.” He sat down and started eating. I made another glass of juice then started the dishes. 
A minute or so later he kissed my head and left for work. If he said anything else, I didn’t hear him.
I was alone with my thoughts for most of the day after that. Both Dad and Bella had work but I didn’t go in until 8, so I just floated around the house trying to stay busy. 
Then It was 7:30, and I’d lost track of time. Everything still felt off.
I hoped that seeing Carlisle at work would help. I slid my shoes on, grabbed my apron and headed to the cafe.
Carlisle’s Point of View
Edward made it very clear.
We had to leave.
I had finally found the one thing that made me feel alive again and yet there stood a gap between what I truly wanted and what my family believed was right.
If I looked at this from purely a safety standpoint, it made sense. Bella would never be safe as long as she was human. If I had any say she wouldn’t still be human, she would have turned the night James bit her. She would be safe, and we wouldn’t have to leave.
It would save all of us this pain. Not to mention it's what she wants anyway. It wasn’t my place to make that kind of decision for them. If we weren’t going to change Bella, logically I knew she’d only be safe if we left. I did not feel the same about Y/n. 
Y/n was very different then Bella in many ways. Mostly in the way that Y/n had some self preservation skills. When Jasper lost control, it was as if she wasn’t even in the room. Victoria and James never thought twice about her. 
I couldn’t… I wouldn’t just leave her behind.
I decided to go with them for Edward and Alice's sake. She would see my decision to go with them and be content enough to not press, but I could leave clues for Y/n. Alice would only see it when she decided to come find me, then I’d explain myself to the family. I could leave clues and hide my thoughts from Edward and when she knew, she’d come find me again. 
I could live knowing that, in the end, it was her decision. She had every right to choose her own fate. I would always respect her choice.
However if I saw her tonight, I wouldn’t be strong enough to leave. She’d also see right through me. I couldn’t go and pretend everything was alright. I couldn’t lie to her. 
I hadn’t noticed I was pacing. My steps were hardly audible as I crossed the office over and over. From the other side of the room I stared at the bed I had bought her, solely so she could be more comfortable when she stayed over. 
Even when I’d laid with her, though normally such an act would put her in great danger, she kept me grounded. With me, I knew she was safe. The idea of abandoning her, even knowing that I wasn’t really, made my heart ache in a way I’d no longer thought possible.
I flashed across the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Her scent lingered in the sheets, like she was still sleeping there. I breathed in deeply, taking in the smell of the woman I loved. She always smelled like warm honey and damp earth. Like the sweetest parts of the only home she had ever known.
Like the first place I felt I truly belonged since the loss of Esme. 
And now we had to leave it. To protect Bella and Y/n. We had to leave. 
It made perfect sense.
She was very understanding when I called to tell her I wouldn’t be at the cafe. I could hear the disappointment in her voice. I hated it, but I made dinner plans with her anyway.
I reserved a table at the quaint restaurant in Port Angeles. I’d taken her there on a few dates and for her birthday. I told her I would meet her there, she needed to have her car to drive herself home.
That was the first bread crumb. The first little clue, so she knew what was coming. So she’d look for more. Next, the key to the house, the ‘plants in the office’, the letter, the plane tickets, the money. All left for her to find, so she could find them and choose to look for more. She could choose to find me; so she could choose me. I wrote her the letter and left it on my desk. I couldn’t leave it in her possession, Edward would be too thorough. Everywhere but the house itself, he’d make sure there was no trace of us. I’d give her a key to the house.
I would get there before her, get a table, explain why we had to leave, and she’d see through it. She would follow the trail I’d left for her. She just had too.
Alice wouldn’t see it til Y/n made the choice for herself. I’d force myself to think about other things until Edward was gone. 
She’d find the letter after we were gone. It would explain everything. With the letter she’d find the tickets.
I hoped she would choose to find me too.
Y/n’s Point of View
The air felt wrong. I think Bella could feel it too.
The events of Bella’s birthday affected us all pretty hard. Alice and Jasper left that night, not saying where they were going, I just assumed they flew up to Denali. Edward wasn’t at the house much and felt distant. Carlisle was… Well…
He was acting completely normal, calm and collected. It just felt… off. 
Still, I got ready for the dinner he had planned. I pulled my hair out of my face and I hoped for the best.
I saw his car as soon as I pulled into the parking lot. I parked in the spot next to him and cut the engine. I sat there for a second trying to breathe, trying to calm my nerves, even though I didn’t know why I was nervous in the first place. 
He opened my door for me and I hugged him like I always did. The kiss he gave me was slow and deliberate. He held my face in his hands even after he broke away. He rested his forehead against mine.
I couldn’t tell why, but it was all starting to feel like a goodbye.
I shuddered at the thought and hoped it couldn’t be. It very easily could have been.
“I know you like this place. I’ve already gotten us a table.”
“Oh, good.” I stepped back and took his hand. He led us inside. He felt normal, The restaurant felt normal. Hell, even this date, if that’s what it was, felt totally normal. 
Yet the dread still loomed there like a bad aftertaste of a single bad night.
The hostess took us to the table and asked for our drinks. I got a cabernet. He, of course, got a black coffee. Yea, totally normal.
I didn’t look at the menu, I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him. When the waitress came back with our drinks he told her we would need some privacy. 
The air left my lungs.
“Y/n…” He started. His hand reached across the table to hold mine, and he gave my hand a soft squeeze. I didn’t say anything, I just couldn’t. “We’re leaving.”
This really was a goodbye.
He continued, “Most of the others are already gone. Edward is saying his goodbyes to Bella…” Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye . It rang in my head. I didn’t move, couldn’t move . “Edward thinks it would be safer for Bella, if we weren’t around.” 
I thought I heard a slight pitch in his voice, a hesitation in the way he phrased that.
It was just the tiniest glimmer of hope. “ Edward ?” Not Carlisle.
He shook his head, not him. Edward. “We’re not good for Bella.”
“Bella?” not me. My voice still shook. He nodded. Not me, Bella. Not him, Edward. This didn’t have to be about us. “But you’re leaving too?”
“Yes… I have to go as well. It’s for the best, Y/n.” I scanned his features. I tried to find the meaning of his words, like they would somehow be clearer if I looked deep enough in his eyes. This all felt so wrong. “What happened with Jasper-”
“Was nothing. Everything is fine.”
“It’s not fine. Bella… and You- you shouldn’t be in that kind of danger. I’ve never wanted that for you.” I thought I heard his voice break, but I don’t think that’s possible.
A moment of silence passed as I looked into his soft golden eyes. I tried to convince myself to breathe. “Don’t, don’t do this.” My voice definitely did break. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
“I have to, Y/n. For Edward and Alice. For Bella. For you.” He took a deep breath. It reminded me to do the same, though mine was much more shaky. “Bella will never be safe. As long as she's human. As long as we’re around. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.”
“Nothing happened.”
“This time.” he sighed “We have to leave.” he said again, I just nodded as more tears fell. “I’ll always love you, Y/n. This doesn’t change that. Nothing ever could change that.”
I shivered. I wasn’t cold but I couldn’t stop shaking. I nodded anyway, my voice barely audible, “What now?”
“Now I leave-” he took some money from his wallet and set it on the table. It was way more than the cost of our drinks. Then he stood. I didn’t trust my legs to hold me up, I didn’t move. “If you don’t mind, could you do something for me?” I’m sure he saw the confusion on my face, he held out a key to me. “This is the key to the house. It’s yours, as long as you want it. I’ve got some plants in my office-” he almost looked like he was in pain, like he didn’t want to ask. “They’ll need to be watered.”
I let out a short humorless laugh “Sure.” I didn’t move to take the key, so he placed it on the table next to me. My eyes met his again and I felt the pain spread through my chest. I could see how sad he truly was, maybe if vampires could cry he’d even shed a tear. I could feel the last goodbye coming.
He kissed my forehead. My eyes fluttered closed. I held on tightly to his hand like that would keep him from going. “Please… Stay safe, Cara.”
I couldn’t move, my eyes stayed closed, and tears stained my cheeks. If I was kidding myself, I would have sworn he said ‘I love you’ into my hair. Could have felt the goodbye he placed there.
But then my hand was empty.
And he was gone, truly gone.   
Some time later, though I had no real perception on how much, the waitress came back to the table. “Are you alright, sweetie?”
I didn’t look up at her, just shook my head. “Could you bring the bottle?” I request, gesturing to the now empty glass of cabernet.
When she came back I handed her the cash, her eyes went wide at the amount. I hadn’t bothered to see how much there was. “You can keep the rest. I won’t need anything else.”
If she said something else, I didn’t hear her. I sat in the corner of the restaurant. I watched as normal people came and went, regular families eating dinner, cute couples on dates, while I was frozen in place.  I wanted to believe that if I sat there long enough- if I blinked enough times- he’d still be sitting in front of me and none of it would have been real.
Tears ran down my cheeks. The sun set. I didn’t move.
The waitress came back. I didn’t hear what she said. I waited a moment, a small “Hmm?” was all I could manage. 
“Oh, we're closing.” her voice was soft and filled with pity. I cringed.
“Right… Sorry.” I stood. Surprisingly my legs held.
She looked apologetic immediately. “No, it’s okay. Just, get home safe, alright?”
I nodded and mumbled my thanks. I managed to get to my car and just sat in it for a second. My tears had stopped, but the pain in my chest grew with every breath. Besides that pain, I was completely numb, almost lifeless somehow. 
In the quiet of my car I could hear my phone ringing. It was after 10pm. I had 16 missed calls from Dad, and he was calling again.
“Y/n” He was panicking. 
“Dad, sorry I left my phone-”
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine…” It was a lie. I’m sure he knew that, but he didn’t press the issue. I just wanted to calm him down, the panic in his voice was enough to sober anyone. “What’s wrong?”
“Have you seen your sister?” he was still frantic.
“No? Not since she left for school.” I started my car. Edward must be gone. I didn’t know where she would have gone, but I needed to help Dad find her. 
“Her truck was here, but the door was locked. There was a note, but I just can’t find her anywhere.”
“I’ll be there soon. I’m in Port Angeles.” I’d be at least 40 minutes.
“Be safe, I love you.” My chest ached.
“I will. I love you too, Dad.” Once he hung up I drove as fast as I could within legal limits. I was too much of a mess to get pulled over.
When I got to the house, there were over around ten cars in the driveway. Dad had a map of the forests near our house spread out on the hood of his cruiser. He hugged me tight when I got up to him. I tried not to flinch away when he kissed the top of my head. I couldn’t stop the tears that fell.
“They’re really gone?” I couldn’t answer. I just nodded. He hugged me tighter. Billy and Harry exchanged a look that I tried to ignore.
“We’ll find her, Charlie.” Harry said.
“They wouldn’t have taken her wit-”
“No,” I cut him off. “No, they went alone.” 
“And he just left her in the woods?”
“We don’t know the whole story.” I tried. Billy scoffed. I wanted to punch him. 
I didn’t, I just let the silence surround us and tried to focus on the mumbles and police code over Dad's walkie. I think hours passed by in a hazy fog.
Then I saw Sam Uley. I could barely process anything, though I heard him say she wasn’t hurt.
“- she just keeps saying ‘he’s gone’”
He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone .
She wasn’t saying it anymore, but I could hear it in my head. A broken record that could only play, “He’s gone, He’s gone, He’s gone” and “Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye .”
Dad took Bella from Sam and pulled her into the house. I followed a few steps behind. Dad wrapped her up in his jacket on the couch. He gave some of the boys directions to where the spare blankets are kept, but I waved them off, opting to get them myself.
All of these people were here to find Bella. And me, I guess; had I never answered my phone. I handed the blankets to Dad as she confirmed she wasn’t hurt, she’d just gotten lost in the woods. 
The doctor left, the volunteers left. Bella hardly moved. I gave Dad the other blanket I had grabbed, knowing that as long as she was down here he’d stay here too.
“Go to bed, sweetheart. I’ve got her.” He said as he settled into the recliner.
“I will…” my voice was flat. The phone rang again, Dad moved to get it, but I was faster. “I’ll get it, just… rest.” 
A classmate of Bella, Laura, Lauren maybe? She did sound concerned, but also nosey somehow. 
“She’s fine, she just got lost; we’ve found her.” I repeated this to everyone who called. The phone rang on and off for a while. Once it got too late- or early, I guess- the calls stopped. I went back to the living room and sat on the floor. I sat directly in front of the window, pressing my face to the cool glass. I didn’t sleep, didn’t move; I  just watched the sunrise on a day I wasn’t prepared for.
The day felt like it was mocking me; because of course it would rain today. I wondered if they planned that. It was a Saturday, too. Bella didn’t have to go to school or work, I didn’t work. They probably wanted to make it easier. It wasn’t.
After some time, the phone rang again. This time Dad was up and to the phone faster than I could get there. 
“Where?” he paused. “you're sure it’s outside the reservation… But what could be burning out there?” He sounded both worried and mystified. Bella started to stir a little. “Look, I'll call down there and check it out.”
He hung up and called another number, his hand pinching the bridge of his nose as it rang. I could tell Bella was awake now, and listening too.
“Hey, Billy, it’s Charlie- I’m sorry I’m calling so early… no, she’s fine. She’s sleeping… Thanks, but that's not why I called. I just got a call from Mrs. Stanley, and she says from her second-story window she can see fires out on the sea cliffs, but I didn’t really… Oh!” He suddenly seemed much more annoyed than he was before. “And why are they doing that? Uh huh. Really?” He said it sarcastically. “Well, don’t apologize to me .  Yeah, yeah. Just make sure the flames don’t spread… I know, I know, I’m surprised they got it lit at all in this weather.”
Dad got quiet again before adding, “Thanks for sending Sam and the other boys up. You were right- They do know the forest better than we do. It was Sam who found her, so I owe you one… Yeah  I’ll talk to you later,” he agreed, still sour, before hanging up.
He muttered to himself as he walked back in the living room.
“What’s wrong?” Bella’s voice startled us both. He hurried to her side.
“I’m sorry I woke you, honey.”
“Is something burning?”
“It's nothing,” he pushed some hair out of her face. “Just some bonfires out on the cliffs.”
“Bonfires?” I knew she wanted him to clarify, but there was no inflection in her voice. She didn’t even sound alive.
“Some kids from the reservation being rowdy,” He tried to explain, the irritation still in his voice.
“Why?” She pushed. 
I could tell he didn’t want to answer, His eyes danced between her and the floor and over to me. “They’re celebrating the news.”
I let out a bitter laugh. Of course they were. I grew up around these people, but who cares about that. The vampires left town, what else did I expect the werewolves to do? Maybe I thought they’d be a bit more polite about their victory, but clearly I was wrong.
“Because the Cullens left,” Bella barely mumbled. “They don’t like the Cullens in La Push- I’d forgotten about that.”
I silently started to cry again. Neither of them noticed. I needed to stop thinking about them. The pain was nearly unbearable. 
“It’s ridiculous,” Dad spluttered.
There was a long silence before he spoke again, “Bella?” Her eyes drift from the window behind me to his face. “He left you alone in the woods?”
“How did you know where to find me?” She deflected.
“Your note… When you didn’t come back, I called the Cullens and no one answered. Then I called the hospital, and Doctor Gerandy told me that Carlisle was gone.” His name still took my breath away. Bella’s eyes shot to me. I wiped away the tears that fell.
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye .
He’s gone, He’s gone, He’s. Gone.
“Where did he go?” Her eyes didn’t leave my face. I wasn’t sure who she was asking, but Dad answered.
“Edward didn’t tell you?” Bella winced, clearly in the same pain I was. Dad looked at me. I shrugged and shook my head. “Carlisle took a job with a big hospital in Los Angeles. I guess they threw a lot of money at him.”
I sighed, there was no way they really went to California. That was just the cover story.
“I want to know if Edward left you alone out there in the middle of the woods,” Dad insisted.
She grimaced again, shaking her head. “It was my fault. He left me right here on the trail, in sight of the house… but I tried to follow him.”
Teenagers… I shook my head. At least Carlisle had the sense to leave me in a public place. More pain shot through my chest.
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye.
He’s gone, He’s gone, He’s. Gone .
Dad tried to say something again. “I can’t talk about this anymore, Dad. I want to go to my room.” Then she shot off the couch and up the stairs.
“Y/n…” I looked at him, he hadn’t moved from the crouch. “Why would they just leave like this? Didn't they know how hard it would be on her?” I raised my eyebrows and his questioning. “And you. God, honey, I’m so sorry…”
I shrugged. There was some shuffling upstairs in Bella's room, I heard the creek of the floorboards, then silence.
“We should give her some space.” I mumbled.
“What about you?” His voice was soft, comforting almost. 
“I… I don't know.” I barely recognized the monotonous drone mine had become. 
“Space, then.”
I nodded “Space.” He moved to kiss my head, then sat back in the chair. 
Without another word, I drifted upstairs to my own room. The door was cracked just a bit. I pushed it open slowly, as if I expected he would be in there.
He wasn’t; of course he wasn’t.
The polaroid Emmett took over the summer, of me and Carlisle dancing in the rain, was no longer on my bedside table. I shut the door behind me needing to lean against it for support. The weight of the day brought me to the floor.
I couldn’t stop the tears from falling.
He’s gone, He’s gone, He’s. Gone .
Part Two <3
@jakanddexter67 @a-not-so-poetic-poet @bridge597 @cestlavie03 @gaymazinglula
(I know like two more people asked but I can't for the life of me find where, so if I left you out I'm so sorry and I will add you to the next one. <3)
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peachmangopie323 · 8 months
I stumble upon your comic Idol Amy AU on other social media and I was so amazed! Your art style is one hella good! I'm a new fan!!!
Idk if you also listen to kpop but if you do, do you know red velvet? If not, most of their 'colorful' songs reminds me of Amy! Especially the song "Dumb Dumb"! When I read the english lyrics of that song I can imagine about amy's thought about sonic!
The "Day 1" reminds me of the sudden confession of Amy for shadow!
Lastly, "Like Water" from their main vocalist WENDY from red velvet! I can imagine it for Amy singing it for her fans who loved/supported her wholeheartedly!(it can be for shadow lol)
I just wanna share it with you! Since their songs are masterpiece and it fits Amy so well! It might help in your story! Ahhh! I wish you a goodluck for this story! You're one of the people who made my day! Especially the day I saw your comic!!
>v< I wish I can meet you and get your autograph! Not only your drawings made my art block go away for a bit since I've been stressing nowadays and can't draw and it frustrates me sadly.
I hope you have great day! Remember to stay hydrated and eat well!!!
I am familiar with red velvet and thank you for letting me know these songs reminds you of my comic!! 🥺
I'll make sure to give them a listen when I can!!
And also aaaawwhh!!! Im so sorry for replying late, you are very sweet and I would love to give you my autograph if I could!
I may not know what you're going through but I'm pretty sure you'll overcome it very soon! I wish you good luck on your art and have a nice day!
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matchacowbee · 8 months
What are some of your favourite drawings that you have done?
hii!! ok this is a hard question.
Some of the drawings I make I really like and some I’m like, ugh I made that??
But I will link some of my fav tk drawings down below 👇👇
Kyle and Heidi tickles ahhh this one is so cute
Stan, Wendy and Kyle tickles this is one of my favs
Creek + stripe no cuz this is just 🩷
Literally all of my Kyle drawings haha 😭😭those are just a few, but I enjoy a lot of them !!
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fairytailbaddie · 2 years
Nalu Fanfic
Wattpad name: thefairytalewhore
The Resort
Lucy’s POV
Natsu and I finished up breakfast and we headed to the guild. During our walk we were talking about what kind of job we wanted to go on together.
"So, Natsu. Where's happy at? Do you think he would want to go on the job with us?"
Natsu looks over at me and says, "Nah, he's been hanging with Carla. They are probably going to go on a job with Wendy today."
"Oh okay.. So what job do you want to go on?!" I ask enthusiastically. I have been wanting to go on a job with just Natsu since I met him. I have always had a crush on him, but he is just to dense to notice. I wish he liked me back. He is my best friend. Someone I would always get along with...
"Hmmm..," Natsu was contemplating. "I will have to look at the board when we get to the guild. Hopefully they will have something that will be a fun challenge for both of us!" 
"Yeah, sounds good to me. We don't want anything too easy that you do all the work and I just sit back and watch." I say with a wink at him. Natsu blushes and rubs at the back of his head.
"You're right. Sorry if I do that a lot. I just want to protect you from getting hurt. I know you can handle yourself, but I feel like that should be my job." Natsu was really blushing now. I have never seen him act this way.. Hmm.. 
I grab Natsu's hand holding it tight. He looks up at me with a look of shock on his face.
"It's okay. I like it when you protect me. It makes me feel safe. I know I can always count on you to save me when I need you to Natsu" 
Then, Natsu's face turns from shock to predatory.. oh no..
Natsu's POV
'Mavis help me.' I think to myself when Lucy says those words. There is a  tightening within me with her admission that she likes when I protect her. Something clicks into place and all I can do is let my instinct take over. 'Mine.'  Where that thought came from? I'm not sure. But everything in me is telling me that nobody else is allowed to touch her. Only me. 
Next thing I know I am picking up Lucy bridal style and running us to the guild.
"Ahhh! Natsu!" Lucy screams from the unexpected change. She buried her head into the crook of my neck, holding onto me tightly. It's all I could do to stop myself from growling in pleasure at how she feels this close to me. 
I run us to the guild kicking open the door with Lucy still in my arms. "WE'RE HERE!!" I yell out.  Everyone glances over to us, not really paying us any mind. Except for Mira. She is practically shaking with excitement. I can see the glee in her eyes and with my dragon slayer's hearing I can hear her squeal to herself,  "Ahhh! NaLu! Finally!" I just roll my eyes and walk me and Lucy over to the job board. 
"Natsu you can put me down now.." Lucy says with a blush staining her cheeks.
"Nah, I'm keeping you right here." I say with a wicked grin on my face. I change the way I am holding her so she has to wrap her legs around my waist. Her blush deepens and she gasps as she can feel my now very aroused member pushing up against her thigh. I can't help it. This position is sooo much better. I like the way she feels against me. Her large breasts pushing into my chest and her legs squeezing around my waist. I internally groan. 'Now if only we were laying down with nothing on...'  
As much as I want to keep daydreaming about those options I really do want to go on a job just the two of us. So I turn to the board to start looking. I know I want to change my original plan for a job. I need something that will bring Lucy and I closer together..I gaze around and my eyes snap to the perfect job. Snatching it off the board, I show Lucy and she giggles at the job I chose. 
"Really, Natsu?" she can't stop laughing at the absurdity of the job. But hey, I think it's perfect. "This is so not your style! You always want to do a job where we are fighting monsters and you can make a big mess of things! Not this... You want to go to a resort to test out their new opening?"
"Hey come on, we kinda need a break and it would be fun to get paid to test out a new resort. Come on Luce. I know it will be a good time.." I say in a husky tone adding a wink to try and persuade her.
She physically shivers against me and squeezes her legs tighter around my waist. 
"O-okay.." she nervously replied. 
I give her my signature grin.
"Alright! Let me talk to Master first, then we will go!"
Natsu is starting to make his feelings more known to Lucy. His urges getting stronger. What will happen when they go on their "job" together?  Will things heat up? To be continued..
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But not the animated one the 2003 one
Listen you do not understand why this is the best thing ever listen listen (it also helps it’s literally kind of the same era ish, I think the movie is based like a few years earlier but ahh)
First of all obviously they’re aged up a bit on this like the movie characters, I believe they’re about 13 in it (can I also just say when I was a kid I had such a huge crush on both leads like holy crap Wendy and Peter? My 8 year old self was d y i n g)
Look look here’s my whole ass TedTalk on how this would go:
Anya ran away from her adoptive family and ended up meeting Becky (who is Tink!) and they all went to Neverland (yayyy)
Damian is Wendy, except less Wendy ish lmao.
He is the same as Canon Damian except he was forced to grow up so quickly, to cope he began to write fairly tale stories!
Erwin and Emile are the only ones who know about this but one day his father found out and well- Damian got his stories journal (hE rUinEd mY dReAm JoUrNaL) destroyed.
Emile and Ewen come to his house for a sleepover to comfort him, and that night when they go to sleep Anya goes to retrieve her shadow.
Damian wakes up and sees her trying to stick her shadow on and literally screams i “who the heck are you!!” Obviously all flustered bc a girl is in his room and poor Anya is so startled she punches him (yeah the punch is back) and Damian is like hOW DARE YOU
And Anya obviously apologizes and Damian goes to scream again but oh no she’s crying and it’s because she can’t stick her shadow D:
So to get this girl out of his room (it’s not to get her to stop crying yall) he helps sew her shadow back on.
Skipping forward Anya convinces Damian to leave with her. “Don’t you want to go somewhere you can be free? Where you can do anything you want? You don’t have to follow people’s expectations?”
Damian is convinced and he reluctantly takes her hand. They all go to Neverland where they find Hook! But who is Hook you might ask? (I struggled with this but screw it) the scientists! (dun dun duuun)!
I was struggling between them and Donovan but fuck it.
Yor, Yuri and Loid are with the lost kids (not lost boys bc well- pft no) and Damian is happy to finally be able to tell stories and just be himself yknow?
When Anya asks him to be their Father he is a blushing mess and can barely speak! But he agrees. “F-fine, I’ll do it- b-but it doesn’t mean anything ok?!”
So as time passes and Anya teaches Damian so many things (he gets DIRTY! Anya gets him to finally not care about his clothes lmao) Damian starts catching the feelings™️ and Anya does too- but she doesn’t want to- I mean feelings are for grown ups.
bUt the ideas like Anya and him flying around and going on adventures aH
Them finding a lost treasure! Teaching Damian how to sword fight! Mermaids! AHHH
Also the whole reason for this (also why I struggled so much with deciding roles) are this scenes:
(Damian is Peter in this one tho)
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(Imagine Damian blushing and guiding Anya on how to dance? “No, no, see you need to place your feet here, and your hand…” he notices Anya is so close to him and he almost chokes “s-stop looking at me and pay attention cuz I’m only saying this once shrimp!” While the only thing in his mind is ahhhh she’s so close oh we’re holding hands oh my god oh my god oh my god
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Damian finally gets the courage and lets it slip that he may actually like Anya, but she’s so afraid she runs away and Damian thinks Anya rejected him. (MY POOR BABY LIKE it’s the only time he finally speaks up for himself and chooses to do something that can make him happy and he gets REJECTED T_T)
The scientists takes this chance to yknow use Damian for their advantage and use his insecurities against him and let him join the pirate (scientist?) crew.
Damian then decides he’s done and wants to leave, even if his dad isn’t the best he wants to go back, he is too hurt. He ignores Anya and says some hurtful things and decides to leave Neverland. They both have a fight (Anya also said some things she didn’t mean) and it’s very dramatic and angsty and sad.
Damian convinced everyone else to come with him so now Anya is alone but oH NO THE KIDS GET CAPTURED.
Anya after being saved by Becky from the poison goes to get them!
Afterwards there’s a huge fight and the climax happens where Anya gets all sad and is about to die when Damian comes and gives her a THIMBLE (aHHHHHHH SO CUTE THE LIL KISS AHSHSYAGA) and Anya is so happy and BAM they defeat the scientists (pirates?)!
Anya finally realizes she likes Damian and hey, maybe growing up wont be too bad, so along with the lost kids they all leave and go back.
Anya helps Damian confront his father and chose his dreams (yay!) and Damian keeps writing stories while Anya helps him with her adventures (also maybe Yor and Loid are actually the eldest of the kids, so as soon as they grow up and are in a stable place they adopt the others so Damian doesn’t have to be with his family any longer and can be freee yay!)
Ans then later when Anya and Damian grow up they get married and live happily ever after the end ✨✨
This idea just came to me tho so more bits and pieces may be added later on. I also struggled a bit with this one ahshshs it was hard placing roles since they were both perfect for both but in the end Anya turned out to be a better Peter lmao.
Like I said might add things to this later since rn it’s 3:40 am oop
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ojacksonscohen · 1 year
Hellooo! I saw your post about getting out of a book slump and reading loads this year. I was wondering if you could share a list of your favourite ones this year!
I seriously love all your content you post and wish you nothing but the best!
ahhh this is the nicest message!!! thank you sm. i realized after i started writing this list it was long so i tried to organize it a bit! if you have any questions about any of them hit me up 😈 non-fiction - i heard you paint houses, charles brandt (been obsessed with the mob since i was little, absolute weirdo child) - jews don’t count, david baddiel - bad blood, john carreyrou - kitchen confidential, anthony bourdain
poetry / playscripts - bright dead things, ada limon - dancing in odessa, ilya kaminsky - anecdotal evidence, wendy cope - postcolonial love poem, natalie diaz - cock, mike bartlett (play) on its own, a fairly weak script that’s core concept is “is bisexuality real?” HOWEVER i got my hands on the audio version of the 2009 production with andrew scott, ben whishaw and katherine parkinson and it is absolutely marvelous!!! totally elevates the writing imo - cat on a hot tin roof, tennessee williams (play) - fleabag, the scriptures, phoebe waller-bridge (script)
graphic novels i don’t really read a lot of graphic novels but while trying to break my slump i wanted to be more open to different types of fiction! most of these are short series (5 volumes or less!) - maus I & II, art spiegelman (read in the first half of the year when it became a banned book. devastating and beautiful) - the book tour, andi watson - the delicacy, james albon - the me you love in the dark, skottie young
fiction ok this is long but i wanted to give you my (brief) thoughts on each one!!! the bright lands, john fram (horror) a quarterback goes missing and his brother, shamed out of their small town ten years ago for being gay, returns to find him. this one is hands down the best book i’ve read this year & been chasing the high of reading it since i finished!!! and OKAY i understand that maybe doesn’t sound exciting but trust me it’s a fucking banger and so worth all the football talk, please read it!!!! - thin air, michelle paver (horror, ghosts!) michelle paver is my no 1 arctic ghost queen!!! imo not as good as dark matter, but still so so good. - the last house on needless street, catriona ward (horror) batshit insane, go into this as blind as possible, but be warned it’s v trigger heavy. If you have any q about them i will try to answer as non spoilery as possible. - the hacienda, isabel canas (horror, ghosts!) feels very ‘rebecca’ in the beginning but swiftly moves into it’s own realm of magical realism and the sexual tension between beatriz and the priest that helps her....oof. the ending made me cry. - the last thing to burn, will dean (horror, psychological thriller) big fan of will’s tuva series but his stand alones have been hit and miss (didn’t care for first born) but this one was suffocating, i devoured it in a day. - the count of monte cristo, alexandre dumas (classic, adventure) i read the three musketeers last year and enjoyed it, but absolutely adored the count! dumas has a compelling voice that makes reading 1200 pages fly by - the daughter of doctor moreau, silvia moreno-garcia (science fiction, retelling) much more science fiction-y then i usually go for but i ended up enjoying it more than i thought! - dracula, bram stoker (classic, horror) i mean we all read it this year right! jon x mina 4ever - dubliners, james joyce (classic, short stories) can’t say i enjoyed all the stories in this collection, (my faves were araby, eveline, a little cloud, clay and the dead) but i listened to it via audio read by andrew scott…. absolutely stunnin - small things like these, claire keegan (historical fiction, novella) a sweet christmas time book about ireland's infamous magdalene laundries. ends on a very uplifting note!!
would love to hear what your favourites have been!!! love giving and receiving book recs so pls 🙏
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umtrem · 11 months
Hii, my name's any (or you can call me gio, it's your choice), I'm new to tumbl and I admit I look like an old man using this site lol, but I learn as I go;
ahhh yes yes I am an "immigrant" from twitter, I am leaving there for several reasons and here it seems comfortable to me, I hope I have fun;
Firstly, I want to say that I would be posting a lot of my art already done and new, eventually.
I also intend to post a lot about headcanons and ships that I appreciate, I'm open to suggestions for ships and drawings too.
If you want to interact, please don't be afraid. Let's chat and talk about some common interests. I love making new friends and talking to people!!
✰ About my interests (currently) ✰
i love works like one piece, jojo, mob psycho 100, but currently i'm more focused on south park and i'll talk about them a lot for a while.
my favorite ships are: stolkien (OTP), bunny/kenjorine, creek, reidi, thyde, cartmark (new to me, but interesting) and sometimes I can talk about candy (I find the dynamic interesting,but nothing too serious)
My Favorite Brotp/Broships (Friendship Only): Cartman and Kenny, Cartman and Butters, Craig and Clyde, Stan and Wendy, Stan and Kyle, Clyde and Tolkien, Craig and those guys, Stan's gang + butters/marjorine, Stan and Butters/Marjorine, and many others
Apparently I don't know how to make a good presentation lol, but it's a bit about what you'll see on my profile. I really enjoy exploring headcanons and thinking of them as just something separate from canon that can (or not) make sense to some. But, well, hey, feel free to disagree and say yours too.
I think I'm saying goodbye here. Byeeeee, I see you later! :)
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kagejima · 1 year
Pls I was like bouncing excited for when you finally got to see it hehe —I was like gotta gotta feed Rae Ushi things more
I have a WIP for him rn from my lil Christmas event that I’ll hopefully have out soon too so.. ☺️ more Ushi!!
FHJDFKASFSA NO SHHHHH, I'VE BEEN GOING THROUGH IT WITH USHI LATELY. i have been on the feels train with mister oliver barnes lately and wendy was like "bITCH YOU THOUGHT" and sent me like 700 ushi art things so now the ushi brain rot is real :((((
also PLEEEEEASE tell me when that event ushi thing drops (I still have to work up the courage to read your osamu series. if I don't read the angst parts, then they don't exist. that's definitely how it works mmhmm mhmm mhmm)
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yeolyeah27 · 2 years
Starry Night - a wenmyeon one shot au
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She was his star. She was his dream. She was his everything. Until he was left with longing and memories.
Ship: Wendy x Suho Genre: angst, romance, english-tagalog drabble
Junmyeon poured a cup of tea from her favorite teapot. She had this whole collection of teapot in their house. And he loves it when he is seeing in their cupboard the color-coded arrangement of her collection. It is a clear night sky and there are a lot of stars that could definitely be seen on their balcony.
He couldn’t help but wonder if she could see how beautiful the night sky is tonight.
"Junmyeon c’mon! Ang daming stars ngayon. Gusto ko makita ‘yong orion belt. That’s in our bucket list since we were in college."
Wendy was setting up their telescope and laying down the picnic mat. He couldn't help but be thankful they were together. He would trade anything in the world to freeze this moment with her.
"Dahan-dahan, mahal. Mabigat yung telescope. Makikita natin ‘yong orion belt, don’t worry.” He came closer to her and helped her setting up the telescope.
They stared at each other intently and smiled widely. He could feel his heart pounding in this quiet garden as he sees glimmers in her eyes.
Oh, how they mirrored each other's gaze with love.
Junmyeon still falls in love with Wendy over and over again after eight years of being together. Heck, he'll do it in another lifetime as well. She was someone he would give everything he had for. She was a woman worth every moment of his life.
"I am so happy that we’ll both witness shooting stars tonight. Do you remember your promise that you’ll name a star for me?” Wendy wrapped her arms around his neck and tiptoed to place a quick kiss on his lips.
"Ahhh. I thought you forgot that. Inuunahan mo ko sa mga plano ko, mahal.”
Wendy pouted at him and scrunched her nose. Junmyeon couldn’t help but chuckled at his favorite expression of her. Sulky Wendy means she wants attention from him. And he would gladly give it to her even without her asking.
“Close your eyes, Wendy.” He suddenly asked her and she just frowned at him. “Basta close your eyes lang mahal and open your hand.”
"Sige na nga. Wag mo ko biglang iiwan dyan ha. Ang dilim kaya dito.” Junmyeon just laughed at her remark but she followed what he asked her to do.
A sigh escaped him as he pulled out a velvet box and a paper from his back pocket. He was nervous because even after years of being together, he was still afraid to lose Wendy.
All he wished tonight was that she would say yes.
Junmyeon pulled out a glistening silver ring adorned with a star stone and slipped it in her ring finger. Wendy felt it in her hand and slowly opened her eyes with tears in them.
"Let’s get married, Wendy. I hope you agree.”
Wendy couldn’t hold her emotions any longer and cried hard. He wiped her cheeks with his left thumb. “Junmyeon, wala ka pa nga pinapangalan na star sakin.”
He laughed and she lightly smacked his shoulders. “Sino nagsabi sayo na wala pa kong pinapangalanan na bituin para sayo?”
Junmyeon handed her the folded paper. And when Wendy read it, her eyes rounded and returned her gaze at him, crying. “You really named a star after me, Junmyeon.”
"I love you, Wendy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He put his arms around her waist and let their foreheads touch. He could hear her heart beating for him, and he knows her heart belongs to him. "I am yours, Wendy." He told her. "I am yours.”
Wendy lightly touched his nose and gave butterfly kisses to his face. “I love you too, Junmyeon. How could I say no if you already put the ring on my finger.”
After hearing her answer, Junmyeon finally closed the inch gap between them and kissed her. They were both smiling between their kisses, for they knew that they would never let go of each other as they faced the future together.
But fate had its different story.
Junmyeon finished his cup of tea before scanning his surroundings. Their home felt so different but at the same time it still reminds him of Wendy.
Her bean bag that she used since they were college is still on the floor and still smells like her. Her collection of Paulo Coelho books that he can't bring himself to give up because he remembers how often she read them. And most importantly, the crochet blanket she just finished six months ago, complementing their sofa.
Junmyeon’s musings about their home was suddenly interrupted by a loud cry of a child. He suddenly went to the room on the right. At the sound of his footsteps coming to the baby crib, their child stopped crying.
He carried the baby from the crib and hummed a lullaby. Baby Brida yawned in her sleep and he couldn’t help but smile how his daughter got almost all features of her mother.
“Sssssh. Tahan na baby. Dito na si daddy. Did you miss your mom?” His daughter cooed at his question. The familiar ache in his chest is there whenever he is having this kind of moment with Brida. “Me too baby. Daddy misses mommy so much too. Today is her birthday, baby.”
Junmyeon continued humming a lullaby to his daughter while walking towards their window. He wanted to continue seeing the beautiful night sky with their daughter. He wanted to witness a shooting star tonight on her birthday.
Because even if Wendy is already gone, she left a blessing to him. She left memories with him. And his heart will always belong to her.
After all, she is a star that will forever guide them.
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miinesweeper · 2 years
ahhh hello!!! i just found your account and i’m super excited to see that you write for ozark and you also do matchups!!! ❤️ i’ll probably send a matchup request soon but for now could i please a marty byrde x reader where maybe reader is in her 20’s, lives/works in the ozarks and meets marty when he brings his family, then they start hooking up? maybe there’s some angst since technically he’s still with wendy, and reader ends up pregnant? honestly you can change it however you’d like, i’m just excited to see what you’ll come up with! thank you so so much!!!
sure thing !! i rlly like this plot actually, but it’s gonna take a hot sec for me to write it bc it’s def gonna be a bit of a long one !! in the mean time feel free to send ur matchup request whenever <33
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bowser-is-the-best · 8 months
Bowser had headed out early today, Junior said he wanted to explore the island and who was he to say no to his son? The two were just going around route 8 near the Lush Jungle looking for anything interesting. Well it was more Junior was but Bowser was going along with his son.
Everything was normal until what sounded like a big branch, no a few branches, breaking came from nearby. Soon after came what sounded like a bunch of people yelling at each other, those voices sounded very familiar.
Junior seemed to have taken note of it too, immediately turning his attention away from whatever pretty rock he had found.
"What was that?", Junior asked looking towards the source of the sound.
"I don't know...", Bowser replied.
"Well then let's go find out!!!", Junior said as he began running towards where the sounds were coming from.
"Wait Junior-", Bowser tried telling his son not to go but before he could he was already gone.
The Koopa King simply followed behind his son to the source of the noise. As they got closer it was easier to hear the exact words that were being said and separate the voice better.
"I'M BEING SQUISHED HELP ME!!!", one very strained voice said.
"Excuse my language BUT WHOEVER IS SITTING ON MY TAIL GET THE FUCK OFF", Another one said, that particular phrasing and how it was said was very familiar to Bowser.
"SORRY BUT MAYBE IF ROY COULD GET OFF MY LEGS I COULD!!! NOT MY GODDAMN FAULT I CAN'T!!!", this voice was distinctly more feminine than the others.
Now that he thought about it, that did sound like Wendy. Oh fuck did this mean the rest of the Koopalings were here now?
Finally getting to the source of the yelling, yep that was a pile of kids alright. Junior had stopped nearby a tree, and his father joined him soon after. Bowser was still trying to figure out if these were in fact his other kids. He didn't have much time to think before another voice spoke right next to the two.
"Who are you two?", a small kid probably only a few years older than Junior with multicolored hair asked.
"AHHH!!", Junior exclaimed as he jumped into his father's arms.
Bowser was equally surprised as he caught Junior. This was probably Lemmy judging by the hair color, how'd he get out of the pile so fast?
"Uhhh...", Bowser didn't have a good response.
"WAIT WHERE'D LEMMY GO?!", one of the people from the pile, which was no longer a pile, exclaimed.
"HI I'M OVER HERE! THERE ARE TWO WEIRDOS HERE AS WELL!", Lemmy replied pointing and Bowser and Junior.
The other seven people that were other there looked over at the two. They definitely reminded the Koopa King of his kids and Kamek.
"Hi?", Bowser said, not knowing what to do now, as he put Junior back down.
The person who Bowser assumed was probably Kamek took a long look at the two before seeming to recognize them.
"Your Surliness, is that you?", Kamek asked
"It's nice to see you again Kamek...", Bowser replied trying not be be awkward.
All the Koopalings looked over at Bowser and Junior with wide eyes.
"WAIT THAT'S KING DAD?!", Larry asked.
"It makes sense if you ask me, we were turned to humans, well mostly human, upon arrival I wouldn't see why he and Junior wouldn't as well.", Ludwig responded.
The twins Larry and Iggy didn't even wait another second before running up to Bowser and just hugging him.
"YOU'RE NOT DEAD YAY!!!!", Iggy said extremely happy.
"AND YOU'RE ALL HERE NOW TOO!!!", Junior added as he joined the hug.
It devolved into everyone just joining in the hug, Bowser liked this. It had been a while since he had seen his whole family and this was nice. After the hug he quickly explained the basics of the world and the situation, he wanted his kids to be up to date on this all. He'd need to have a more private talk with Kamek about this later however. Right now he just wanted to head back to the Pokemon Center.
YES I DID BRING ALL THE KOOPALINGS PLUS KAMEK HERE!! PEER PRESSURE GOT THE BEST OF ME! Plus now Bowser gets to actually be happy for a bit, and I get to roleplay the little shits. I don't have designs done for all the Koopalings yet and not all of them are Pokehumans because Idk what to make them all or just think it'd be funny if they were just human.
The ones I have figured out are Kamek (Alakazam), Lugwig (Braxin), Morton (Quilladin), Iggy (Froakie), and the twins (For now human but will change if someone has a funny Pokehuman idea for them)
Yes I did to Kalos starter trio for three of them I thought it fit.
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