#92 g/t prompts
coffehbeans · 10 months
Prompt 38: Break (Royalty Part 3)
Part One
Part Two
Masterpost of Stories (92 prompts)
Finally, after so many months, they're back. I might make another part of these two before I move on but, who knows. Anyway, enjoy!
Summary: Estelle's first day living a new life in the giant kingdom. Things look gloomy for her but, perhaps her safest company is the one she most used to fear.
Estelle did not sleep that night.
Yes, the prince conveyed his true intentions when he said he would not bother her. He kept his word as he lowered her in front of her new house and let her be by herself for the night.
And yes, the dollhouse exuded luxury. Its intricate decorations carved in marble or wood. But the furniture's rough finishing gave away the fact that a giant made the structure. A sumptuous, plush bed lay at the center of her new bedroom, even bigger than the one back at her home.
Yet, Estelle tossed and turned while her heartbeat rocked faster against her chest. She closed her eyes, but shot them wide open when a tremor shook the house. Or when she heard the creaking of metal springs from the prince's bed when he moved on it. Every single amplified noise from the giant made her shudder. The sultry air increased her shortness of breath.
She turned on the bed for the millionth time that night, reaching for her doll, but her arm met empty space. She forgot to bring it alongside her suitcase.
Estelle's arm slumped, gripping the sheet of the bed instead. She buried her head in the thick fabric of the pillow.
'That's right, I am the doll instead.'
At least her mother and father would have a recollection of their daughter's favorite toy.
Her mother and father. When could Estelle hope to see them again?
She felt tears welling up her eyes, but she blinked them down. Gulping down her sobs, again and again, when they clogged in her throat. No, she was not going to cry again. She was a brave girl, wasn't she?
Then, why couldn't tears stop falling down her face? Why couldn't she stop crying?
As if a dam had broken, Estelle hiccupped and sobbed, wetting the pillow with her bitter tears. She missed home, she missed her family. And at the moment, even the thought of glancing at the giant sent shivers down her spine.
Because he reminded her of the reality that has fallen upon her.
Here in the land of the giants, Estelle was no princess. She was no person. Only a toy for their amusement. The conversation with Alaric stirred hope but, how long until he gets bored of her and treats her like an object?
On her first night at the Giants' Kingdom, Estelle wept until dawn came.
Unbeknownst to her, laid on the bed, Alaric could hear every whimper from the little princess.
When the birds chirped outside and the room brightened from the rising sun, Estelle got up from her bed. She approached the cloudy mirror in the room, and gasped. Her eyes appeared baggy from the lack of sleep, and her hair doubled in volume and frizz, braids undone. The purple dress she wore wrinkled, a result of not changing into her sleeping clothes. Estelle sighed. The reflection in the mirror looked as miserable as the torrent of emotions inside her. Tears resurfaced in her eyes again, but she blinked them away, and took a deep breath. She needed a bath, and water, and food. She combed her hair and, after finishing it, walked through the dollhouse. But when she opened the cabinets, insects and emptiness met her. She turned on the washroom's hose, but no running water came out.
‘Of course, there’s no food or water’. They made that house with toys in mind, not for a human like her. Estelle felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Hunger? Fear? It resurfaced again, harder this time.
No, she had no other choice.
She'd have to ask the giant prince.
The silent room got loud, as the theavy footfalls shook the house. The chandelier swung on the ceiling above her. Estelle's heartbeat hammered against her ribcage, her breathing frantic.
How will she handle this for the rest of her life?
"Princess, are you awake?"
Alaric's whisper thundered in her ears, his silvery, flat voice echoing around her. Having to face those wide, brown eyes as they scrutinized her diminutive frame, feeling the timbre of the prince's vocal cords... No, she deemed such a task impossible, like a knight without armor challenging a dragon. But she had to go out and face him, in order to at least drink water and have a bath, like a decent person would.
The realization of her overdependence on these giants sank deep in the pit of her stomach.
"Are you in need of anything?" - he spoke as if reading her mind. Did he have a nagging feeling? Or was he already breaking his part of their deal?
Regardless, Estelle would have to show herself to him.
With shaking steps, she went to the second floor and reached the balcony, stepping out towards the massive room outside. From where she stood on, Estelle faced the prince's desk, while he and the bed remained out of her field of vision.
She took a deep breath, and exhaled.
"Y-your highness." She whispered in a squeaky voice. No response. The prince would not hear her at this volume. She mustered up courage again, heartbeat accelerated.
"Your highness!" She shouted in a tremulous voice.
Thunderous footsteps amplified as the prince approached her, sending shivers down her spine. Her heart leapt to her throat. Do giants not realize how terribly loud they sounded? The booming steps stopped when a wall of thick, navy blue velvet covered Estelle's vision. It crumpled as he lowered and revealed large, curious brown eyes.
"You're awake." Alaric spoke in the same monotone voice, although his eyes contained a subtle glint of wonder.
Estelle took another heavy breath. It's okay. He has been nice to her so far, she needed to trust he would continue being so.
She had no other choice.
"I... U-um, yes. I... I need something. I'd like some water. There's no water inside here. M-maybe a bath too..."
Her meek voice stuttered the words as she lowered her head and squeezed her eyes shut. Would he be annoyed that she was ordering him around?
"Oh... Right." The prince's fading tone of voice caught her attention, and she looked up. His face remained emotionless, but the rosy tint on his cheeks hinted at his embarrassment.
What an odd reaction.
"I should have figured this out sooner, it's a dollhouse, after all." Alaric rubbed his nose with a hand. "I'll talk to a maid."
Alaric rose and strode out of his room, closing the door with an ear-splitting sound. Estelle stood on the balcony, shocked at how easily he accepted her request. Her heart slowed down to a normal pace.
Although the memory of that embarrassed expression made her heart flutter.
'Of course the princess would need basic living conditions'. How could he be so foolish? And of course his father would not provide those. Alaric strode through the lengthy halls. The princess needed to feel comfortable, or she would not be willing to share anything with him. She was already skittish as she is.
Alaric had a hard time sleeping that night. Having a human prisoner in his room contained its fair share of discomfort. But his mood improved a little at the prospect of knowing more about humans. And upon looking at the princess, who looked so small and delicate, yet acted brave and willing to speak to him, his curiosity increased more and more. So, if he wanted to get any information out of her, he needed to make her feel well adjusted to life at the new palace.
He found a maid in the corridor, who greeted him with a curtsy.
"Your Highness, good morning. Breakfast is being prepared, and will arrive shortly at the great hall.”
"I have a request for you. Come with me."
Estelle was floating.
The warm water rushed over her head as she dived inside the basin. If she closed her eyes and paid attention only to the sound of rushing water, she could imagine she was back at her palace.
When she resurfaced to breathe, Estelle wished to remain her eyes closed.
"Is the water temperature to your liking, human?" the booming voice stirred Estelle out of her daydream. The giant maid set a massive towel beside the basin, which settled over the stone ground.
'Princess Estelle, not just some "human,"' she thought. But would correcting a massive being even be worth it? The immensity of the giant maid's face intimidated her enough to succumb to fear-induced submissiveness.
She muttered a timid "yes", and the maid let her be inside the washroom.
"Very well. When you're finished, shout out my name".
And the maid stomped out of the room, closing the door with a deafening clink and making her ears ring from the sound. But when the place finally went silent, she sighed in relief. The princess let herself relax, leaving her anxious and painful thoughts behind.
After she finished her bath, Estelle got dressed with an elegant, but stiff, basil green dress. She combed each lock of hair until they felt soft against her touch, braiding two of her strands. The texture of her silky locks and the smoothness of her skin filled Estelle with new energy and vigor. Simple, external actions like this could renovate her strength.
Now it came to the matter of calling the giant.
"It's alright, I've done this before." She said to herself. Deep breaths, in and out. She could do it.
"I'm finished!"
Loud stomps rattled the floor she was on. No, Estelle would never get used to this feeling. The door clicked and opened, its towering wood creaking under the force of the maid. Without further word, she kneeled, sending another tremor through the ground...
And snatched Estelle into a first.
"AAH!" the princess screamed, the pressure of the hand expelling air from her lungs. The muscles at her waist burned as the rough, calloused digits tightened around it. She clutched her eyes shut as she left the floor, screaming loud for help. But the maid paid no attention to her pleas.
Why, why would she treat her like that? What has she even done to anger that giant?!
"Let me go! Help!" She yelled from the top of her lungs, to no avail. A thumb pressed against her face, reducing her words to muffled begging.
"Stop bothering the inhabitants of this place." Said the giantess, as she strode out of the washroom, shaking the human with her careless steps.
Shortage of breaths. The air became scarcer as seconds tickled by and the clink and clank of giant heels echoed in the large, infinite corridors. Spinning, everything twisted and turned and blurred as the room, the hand, everything spun around her. Nausea gathered at the pit of her stomach and bile rose in her throat, meeting the hard surface of her teeth before she forcibly gulped it down. The mound of flesh pressed harder against her face and obstructed the passage of air. She heaved, panted, scratched her fingers against the skin and begged for air, but it would not fill her desperate lungs. Tears cascaded down her face. Throat dry from unheard screams. No air in her lungs. She's going to die, she's going to die, she's going to-
'Mother! Help, help me please! Mother!-"
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" A blaring voice blasted inside her ears. The pressure against her sides and mouth loosened. Vision turned dark, but recovered shortly after as she saw blurred shapes of a tanned color. Another hand. But a different one. It was a different one. It allowed her to breathe again, so she did, gasping like a fish snatched from the water. Tears fell on the leathery surface.
"Y-your highness?!" The exasperated voice of the maid boomed in the corridor.
"Haven't I told you to treat her with care?! What do you have to say in your defense?" - Alaric's voice lowered.
The maid crumbled to her hands and knees.
"I'm sorry, your Highness! I'm sorry! Please, forgive me!"
His dark eyes glowered at her.
He's a prince, albeit a young one. He held a level of authority over the servants.
He could punish her the way he seemed fit.
“Take her to the disciplinary chamber.”
A guard approached the maid and lifted her up by her arms. He pushed her towards the opposite direction, her face turning pale as she wobbled away from the prince's sight.
Estelle saw nothing besides a few glimpses of the maid far, far away. Her main priority was to focus on her breathing and stop her tears from falling on the prince's hand. But she heard it, and listening to such commanding words from a royal her age sent her shaking to the core. Never in her mind would Estelle think of acting this way, so... Harsh. Cold. The maid frightened her but, what type of punishment would befall that poor soul? No, she will not think about it or the bile in her stomach would threaten to rise in her throat again.
Alaric said no word as he strode, cradling the princess against his chest. The smooth yet fuzzy texture of velvet fabric pressed against her. Warm, so warm.
The prince, not yet used to carrying humans, rocked Estelle back and forth as he walked. Her heart had not stopped beating loudly against her chest, but... Odd. That feeling of danger, the fear that she would die...
They were gone.
She trembled. She trembled so much in his hand. Alaric quickened his pace, sending an unseen apologetic look at the human princess. How did it feel to her, being carried over like this?
As for himself, anger threatened to break his composure. Anger at the servant who disobeyed him? Anger that she harmed the human? His human?
Was she his? In a verbatim manner, yes, but that did not feel right.
No. He was only angry at the maid for disobeying orders, that was it. And the princess seemed terrified again, and under heavy stress. So fragile, too fragile. Like a porcelain vase, when a single push makes it fall from its pedestal and it breaks into a million pieces. The small, trembling girl in his hands was alike those broken vases of porcelain.
But he needed her. He needed to know more about these fragile pieces that symbolized the humans. Their culture, mannerisms, looks, the latter so akin to that of a giant's. They held too much untapped potential, hidden history that remained untouched by his kind. She was his key, and he was willing to do what it took to safekeep her.
Alaric opened the door to his room, closed it and locked it. His tutor would have to wait.
He lowered his palm to the desk, and looked at Estelle.
She kept her head down. Tears fell in tiny dots onto the dark wooden table, her tremors clear. She winced as she clutched her side, closing her eyes.
"Are you alright? Did she hurt you?"
No response. Only the faint sound of her sobs.
"Answer me." - He hurried her in a softly spoken voice. Rushing the princess weighed on his conscience, but his time was limited, and waiting would not solve their problem.
The princess gasped and sniffed. She turned her head towards him, but still stared down at the desk.
"... Yes. She, grabbed me tightly, I... I couldn't breathe." Her voice turned quiet.
Was he mad? Would he discard her now that she was hurt? Would he injure her more? She gulped again. No, no more sobs, ‘please Estelle, get yourself together!’
'I'm not brave, Mother. I never was...'
"She'll bear the brunt of her actions."
Alaric sounded even, but the gravely undertone of his monotonous voice hinted at his anger. But, upon seeing the princess wincing and looking down, he controlled his tone of voice. He took a deep breath, and exhaled through his nose.
"I told her to handle you with care. And yet, this happened. I'm sorry, princess."
Estelle shot her head up. Did she hear it right? Or has her mind betrayed her?
Her change of behavior surprised Alaric. She acted like he grew another head, or as if he uttered improper words. But, why?
Her strange reaction compelled the prince to repeat what he had said. This time staring at the tiny set of green eyes.
"I'm truly sorry. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way. I'm not a physician but, I could bring some poultice to ease the pain."
He reached for the far end of the desk and picked a glass of water, pouring some of the liquid on top of a tea spoon. Alaric then put a saucer next to the glass, with cut pieces of fruit and vegetables.
"I've brought some water, and some food from breakfast too. It's not much, but it can help. Please try to drink and eat some."
With trembling hands, Estelle reached for the tea spoon of water and drank it. It quenched her thirst and soothed the pain from her dry throat. She glanced up at him with wide eyes and, without a word, he poured more water for her.
This giant, the prince, of all people, helped her. When that maid had carried her harshly, the lack of air and the pain all convinced her she would meet her end. However, he prevented those bad outcomes from happening.
Maybe, just maybe, she could hope.
Maybe, just maybe, she could trust him.
After all, even if she currently found herself on top of a giant table, glancing up and up at a giant boy around her age, who watched her with attentive eyes, those striking eyes, which frightened her so at that night when she lost it all...
Despite all that, at least in that moment, he made her feel... Safe.
"Thank you." Estelle's voice, albeit faint and tired, missed the previous trembling it had earlier.
Warmth filled Alaric's heart and soothed his consciousness. Yes, he did the right thing by paying attention to the human and her needs, by treating her like a guest, instead of a toy. A compulsory guest, but... A guest nonetheless. And Estelle gained back some trust towards him. Their agreement was still up.
He just needed a little patience. Humans are broken porcelain vases after all, but...
... He found himself quite fond of putting the pieces back together.
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my spreadsheet (public version)
so i have this spreadsheet that i use for prompts for this fandom, comprised of several prompt lists and the exact order of which is not easily publicly available. if you want to send me a prompt, send me a ship and a number between 1-725 (subject to change) and receive a sort of mystery box surprise of a fic. through the use of this list, you can see what prompts have already been done. if it’s for another ship, you can certainly send me the same prompt that was already used in another fic. if a prompt has been used three times, that prompt will be closed. thank you for your cooperation <3 listing under the cut!
possible progress statuses: prompted, in progress, editing, posted. if a prompt does not have one of these statuses, it has not been sent in thus far.
in progress || shaymien
prompted || amangela
prompted || nintendogs
in progress || spommy
66. drawing circles and patterns on their chest
posted || shaymien || 6.3k, rated E
117. they have never raised their voice around you, always talks softly
posted || nintendogs || 28k, rated T
prompted || nintendogs
in progress || shaymien
251. kisses to calm the other down
posted || tommien || 3.6k, rated T
274. "you're my everything."
posted || shayncer || 10.6k, rated E
prompted || shaymien
362. hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters
posted || spommy || 4.4k, rated T
367. wearing the others’ clothes so that it can at least feel like they’re hugging them, even for just a moment
posted || jackmien || 1.8k, rated G
prompted || spommy
401. “Stop saying sorry! It’s always ‘I’m sorry’. When you really aren’t”
posted || nintendogs || 12.3k, rated E
prompted || nintendogs
prompted || shaymien
prompted || nintendogs
prompted || spommy
prompted || shaymien
704. washing the other’s body
posted || tommien || 3.1k, rated T
prompt sources: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
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hp-flowers · 2 years
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May Spring Round Masterlist
May was such a busy and amazing month filled with so many flower creations for different ships! We had a total of 37 works created for this round. That’s 32 fics, 2 art pieces, 2 fic AND art pieces and 1 podfic, with top 3 ships being Snarry, Tomarry and Drarry. The challenge may be over for now, but folks can still pick any HP Flowers Spring prompt card, make a creation and submit it to the AO3 collection, which will stay open until the end of the year. Without further ado, here are all the works that were submitted:
Snarry (Severus Snape / Harry Potter)
🌷 Fallen Marigolds by alphacentauri  | @luendland (T, Art, WIP)
Harry, unable to hide his hanahaki affliction any longer, is confronted by the object of his affections, Severus Snape.
🌷 But you may feel a little sick by deliciousblizzardshark | @deliciousblizzardshark (M, 11.4k)
Post-war, Severus Snape is doing just fine, thank you, until he suddenly finds himself caring for a suicidal Harry Potter. 
🌷 Hawthorn by emeraldlove | @givereadersahug (G, 1.2k)
Harry keeps constant vigil by Severus's bedside after the Battle of Hogwarts.
🌷 Marigold by emeraldlove | @givereadersahug (G, 1.3k)
The first time Severus gave Harry the concoction, it was after Sirius died, back when Severus was still his professor and he was still called Snape.
🌷 Orange Blossoms by danpuff | @danni-the-puff (T, 3.5k)
These are foolish times to have hope, and more foolish still to be in love.
🌷 Blooming Heart by SerenaEW (T, 8.7k)
Magical heart failure ends in suffocation from flowers instead. From the very first petal, Severus knew he was doomed. The orange lily.
Drarry (Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy)
💐 May We Think of Freedom by makeitp1nk | @makeitp1nk (Unrated, 458, WIP)
The eighth year table was packed, and he didn't want to throw the table in disarray by elbowing and squeezing himself to his friends’ side. So he took a seat at the only place that had clearly been left empty on purpose—next to Draco Malfoy.
💐 White, the colour of flowers by lumosatnight | @lumosatnight (E, 3.2k)
Draco is anxious, overwhelmed, and scared of his own shadow. He does not tell anyone about the flowers. The flowers tearing his lungs to shreds, the vines climbing up his throat, the heart that beats wildly in his chest whenever a certain Gryffindor sneers at him in the halls. Draco tells no one, and that is his first mistake.
💐 Undergrowth by amorsindolor and corvuscrowned | @amorsindolor and @corvuscrowned (M, 2.5k + Art)
Draco learned long ago that the way he wants is wrong. But he wants anyway, and the flowers begin to grow. It is painful to become something beautiful.
💐 We Need to Talk by flavor_of_melodrama | @flavorofmelodrama (T, 3k) 
Harry has been asking about Draco all summer, Draco has been avoiding him, and Ginny can barely track down her boyfriend anymore. What will happen when Neville gives Harry the balm needed for him to smooth over the past and start a new beginning with Draco?
Tomarry (Tom Riddle | Voldemort / Harry Potter)
🌷 A Field Anew by CruciatusFoe (T, 656)
Harry had chosen his side, the same could not be said for the others.
🌷 Ivy by insert_keyboard_spam_here | @insert-keyboard-spam-here (Unrated, 446) 
Vines of ivy covered the Gaunt Shack, running up the outer walls, across the dirt path, and would have been growing on the cobblestone road if not for the ‘proper’ people having it removed.
🌷 Ivy and Hellebore by insert_keyboard_spam_here | @insert-keyboard-spam-here (G, 92)
They quietly left the room, but not before sending one last sorrowful glance towards the notebook, the cup, and the ivy and hellebore.
🌷 dead man's bells by skiamachy (T, 1.8k, WIP)
A few weeks after making public his relationship with Tom Riddle, Harry finds foxgloves laid out on his bed. (It's a secret, a riddle, a warning.)
Wolfstar (Remus Lupin / Sirius Black)
💐 A Well Planted Flower by momstiel (T, 3.8k)
If having an innumerable amount of lost loved ones taught an individual anything, it was how to be one hell of a gardener. Or, how Remus manages to find love in a cemetery.
💐 A Hopeful Sky by bluefay | @thesleepiesthufflepuff (T, 4.7k)
“I can’t,” Remus urges. “I don’t know the first thing about parenting—” McGonagall places a sturdy hand on his shoulder. “Lupin, I’ve watched you be an extra parent to this child from the moment he was born. If there’s anyone in this world who can give him the love and care he deserves, it’s you.”
💐 Lingua Florum read by roseszain | @roseszain (G, 1.8k, podfic)
Flowers are a common theme with Sirius recently.
Jily (James Potter / Lily Evans Potter)
🌷 Lazy Sunday by Patriceavril (T, 2.2k)
The dismal state of the world weighs heavy on the Potters, but James refuses to let bad news ruin their lazy Sunday.
🌷 I tend my flowers for thee by Patriceavril (T, 3.9k) 
James realizes he’s been an insensitive idiot, but a simple apology just won’t do. Lily deserves more than just a bouquet of flowers, and James can’t pass up an opportunity to show off.
🌷 Fireflies and Four-Leaf Clovers by Patriceavril (T, 5k)
When James set Lily’s hair on fire during an unfortunate Exploding Snap incident, he never would’ve guessed they would end up having a heart-to-heart down by the lake. He certainly didn’t expect the night to end with a hug – but then again, Lily Evans was full of surprises.
Dramione (Draco Malfoy / Hermione Granger)
🌻 Draco Malfoy’s Heartbreak Bouquets by magical_traveler | @magicaltraveler3 (M, 9.7k)
Hermione retired from public life to own Ivy Garden, a flowershop hidden away in Diagon Alley. One day a familiar face comes in ordering flowers, making old feelings sprout to the surface and bloom.
Hermione Granger / Theodore Nott
🌻 May is for love confessions by BlueSundayCake | @bluesundaycake (T, 165)
In which Theo tries to woo Hermione via Victorian poetry and flower language.
Daphne Greengrass / Theodore Nott
🌻 Silent Garden by thistlecat | @thistlecatfics (T, 1.3k)
Daphne stopped speaking one year, two months, and three days after the war ended.
Rose Weasley / Scorpius Malfoy
🌻 love grows (where my Rosemary goes) by prima_vera | @girl-with-goats (G, 562)
Rose and Scorpius are crushing on each other and they exchange messages via the bathroom wall in the coffeeshop where Scorpius works. (And Albus is there to play a matchmaker).
Severus Snape / Lily Evans
🌻 may day, mayday! (or, the hazards of love) by skiamachy (T, 12.6k, WIP)
Lily wears lilacs on May Day. And aster, tucked in her braid. (For first love, says Mother, when you’re still unsullied, unconsumed.) Lily feels chips of herself crack off everywhere she goes. Or, no, maybe like a ripe fruit, ripe for the picking, and everyone she meets passes her around and takes a bite. So she learns to bite back. To consume.
Grindeldore (Albus Dumbledore / Gellert Grindelwald)
🌻 an inconclusive and somewhat lachrymose evening by skiamachy (T, 1.3k)
Gellert might even think he means it, this time. (He doesn't.) Gellert brings flowers in apologia, not apologies.(Or, A Spectre Haunts Albus.)
Deamus (Dean Thomas / Seamus Finnigan)
🌻 A Home Away From Home by bluefay | @thesleepiesthufflepuff (G, 208)
The movers lose their couch somewhere between London and Dublin.
Perciver (Percy Weasley / Oliver Wood)
🌻 Thoughts That Count by sugareey | @sugareey-makes-stuff (T, 2.1k + Art, WIP)
The exchange of letters, plants and flowers somehow reunites two Gryffindors who never should have been separated in the first place.
Ginmione (Ginny Weasley / Hermione Granger)
🌻 Just bring me flowers by Anakletos | @imanakletos (M, 297)
You deserve flowers that live.
Ginsy (Ginny Weasley / Pansy Parkinson)
🌻 A Moment to Live In by bluefay | @thesleepiesthufflepuff (E, 1.9k)
Now, nine years after the war, the hawthorn tree isn’t so much a haven as it is a treasure trove of memories. Of simpler times.
Poly / Triads
🌺 And when I come home by deliciousblizzardshark | @deliciousblizzardshark (M, 21.1k, Draco Malfoy / Severus Snape / Harry Potter)
Harry thought that life after the war was going to be different. He was going to be happy, get together with Ginny, become an auror, have 2.5 kids. Instead he's stuck in a tiny house in the middle of nowhere with Snape and now Malfoy, unable to do magic. Snape has stopped bathing and Malfoy's gotten super clingy, but in them both Harry has begun to find a home.
🌺 Forgive me for my near death experience (and the pain it has caused you) by Alikandre (G, 3.2k, Luna Lovegood / Ginny Weasley / Rolf Scamander)
He adjusts the bouquet he’s holding against his chest, tugs on the blue cloth lightly and then pulls out one of the small hyacinth flowers. Rolf holds it between two fingers, takes in every detail and then sticks it above his ear just before Apparating in front of the cafè."
Multiple Ships
🌻 Flor Fievre by RarissimaAvis (RareAvian) | @nevertickleasleepinghydra​ (T, 8.2k, Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger / Viktor Krum, Neville Longbottom / Luna Lovegood, Nymphadora Tonks & Ginny Weasley)
It is Hadria's seventh year at Hogwarts. The war is over, but something else has spread across the continent. And suddenly, the new school year became a lot more interesting, what with people coughing up flowers left and right. Hadria is fascinated by this turn of events, until she finds herself faced with a problem: she's spitting out flowers herself, except... is she expected to know who they're for?
🌸 Overgrowth by camomiletea | @chamomileteafuel (G, Art, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger )
A collective for @hp-flowers for each week of the challenge
🌸 Harry Potter and the Anonymous Bouquet by @guljerry (G, 1.5k, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Severus Snape)
All eyes were on Harry as he held the flowers by their stalks which were all tied together with a thin string of scratchy twine and there was a small tag that read ‘Harry Potter’. 
🌸 Arborvitae by Patriceavril (T, 5.7k, Severus Snape & Lily Evans)
The language of flowers became their secret code. He would pass her notes in class with the names of various flowers scribbled in his tiny, cramped handwriting.
🌸 Moonwort, For Opening Locks by slashaholic666 | @lapsed-bookworm (T, 8.7k, Sirius Black & Severus Snape)
How Severus Prince né Snape escaped Azkaban. To the Aurors reading this: That is clearly a metaphor. How Sirius Black hopes to escape the Dementors. To the Aurors reading this: That is all metaphorical, floral stuff.
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between-thepages · 5 months
2023 writing round up
Tagged by @dancingwiththefae, thank you <3
It's been almost two weeks, and I'm finally getting around to doing this xD
I published 92 fics in 2023, so I'll spare you (and me) the linking of all of them and just go with my favourite each month.
Stitch you up good
Fandom: The Witcher 3
Rating: T
Pairing: Shani/Ves
Summary: When Ves gets injured on a mission, she knows just who to ask for help.
Scars to your beautiful
Fandom: The Witcher 2
Rating: M
Pairing: Ciaran aep Easnillien/Iorveth
Summary: Ciaran is still beautiful, even if he can't see it himself.
To be Young
Fandom: The Witcher Books
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Pairing: Meve/Calanthe, Meve & Calanthe
Summary: Just two princesses trying to figure out the world (and kissing)
The Witcher Books/Games
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Isengrim Faoiltiarna/Iorveth
Summary: Isengrim may be the commander of the Vrihedd Brigade, but he knows where his true loyalty lies
His Beautiful Fox
Prompt:  Teasing in Public
Fandom: The Witcher
Relationships:  Isengrim Faoiltiarna/Iorveth
Rating: Explicit
Content Warnings: Semi-Public Sex, Alley Sex, Dry Humping
Summary: Isengrim is not used to seeing his lover without armour - and it awakens something in both of them.
Reach me
Fandom: The Witcher games
Relationships: Ves/Ciri, background Ciri & Bea, Ves & Bea
Rating: T
Additional Tags: mentions of canonical character death (Vesemir), Grief/Mourning, Modern AU
Summary: Ves meets a beautiful woman in a bad situation, but maybe there are second chances…
Early Mornings
Fandom: Lord of the Rings/Silmarillion
Pairing: Celebrían/Elrond, Elrond/Gil-Galad
Rating: G
Tags: Early Mornings, Sleeping Together, Polyamory
Summary: Celebrían thinks Elrond and Gil-Galad look cute sleeping in each other's arms.
She came in through the window
Fandom: Silmarillion
Pairing: Amarië/Galadriel
Rating: T
Tags: Infidelity, Cheating, Background Amarië/Finrod
Summary: Amarië may be in a relationship with Findaráto, but that doesn't stop her from pursuing his sister…
Beautiful like Starlight
Fandom: Silmarillion
Pairing: Elenwë/Turgon
Rating: G
Tags: First Meetings, Love at First Sight, Awkward Conversations, Finrod is a good friend, Courtship
Summary: During a ball in Ingwion's manor, Turukáno meets the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.
Fandom: Silmarillion
Pairing: Anairë/Nerdanel
Rating: T
Tags: Hand & Finger Kink, Kissing
Summary: Anairë cannot get enough of watching Nerdanel work.
Additionally, some stats, because I like looking at them:
Most written pairings:
1. Isengrim Faoiltiarna/Iorveth 2. Iorveth/Vernon Roche 3. Erestor/Glorfindel (Tolkien)
2. Most written characters:
1. Iorveth (The Witcher) 2. Vernon Roche 3. Ves (The Witcher)
3. Most used tags:
1. Kissing 2. Alternate Universe - Modern Setting 3. Oral Sex
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melynen · 2 years
Mely’s 007 Fest 2022 Masterpost
This year was such a lovely Fest experience. ✨ I really enjoyed being a co-captain and our team was absolutely amazing. ❤️ Even though I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to (which just means moving those to next year’s Fest), I had a lot of fun. 😊
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Balloons - Q/Alec Trevelyan - G
Dark Side of the Paw - Q/Eve Moneypenny - G
Fine Morning - James Bond/Vesper Lynd - G
Mayhem is Never Unnecessary - 00Q - G
Pay Up - 00Q - G
Within Reason - 00Q00 - G
For the AO3 Tags prompt table’s prompt ‘Mission Fic’
For Polyamory Day
Trapped - 00Q - G
Based on the following prompt: Q is trying to take a picture of his cats, who have decided to claim Bond's lap as their new territory. Bond is not sure how to respond to the fluffy monsters.
For the Scavenger Hunt #95: It's take your civilian to work day! Collab on a fest creation with a member of Team Civilian!
Postcards - 00Q - G - 7/7
For the following prompts:
Epistolary fic, any character or pairing. Letters, emails, memos, texts--anything in a written mode of communication counts.
"Now that's something you definitely should not try at home." (Auckland)
After this last mission Bond has a new least-favorite country. (Rio)
For all the Cities prompt table’s prompts except for the Free Space prompt.
00Q Tinyfics - G - 10/10
Fluff & humor was written for the following prompt: Why Q doesn't wear suits.
Angst was written for the following prompt: Use this generator to get a random Hozier lyric, then write a fic inspired by/using that lyric. — my lyric was ‘no grave’
Slice of life was written for Angel for the following prompt: A stay-in day cuddling with Q's cats. Would be nice if it's set in winter, where they could get warm and toasty near the fireplace.
Outsider pov was written for Characters of Color Day.
And this completes the AO3 Tags prompt table for me, too.
Louder Than Q - Eve Moneypenny/Bill Tanner - T+
For forger from the following prompt: ok ok so moneytanner move into the flat next door to 00Q. it’s not… we’ll soundproofed. What do they hear?? That’s my prompt
For this prompt: A fic that begins with "I've made a terrible mistake."
Also for this prompt: MoneyTanner. Seriously. Anything where Moneypenny and Tanner are in love.
Beautiful Things - James Bond/Alec Trevelyan - G
For cal from the following prompt: how about: ' "Blowing things up is usually his expertise" "My expertise and your hobby" ' ?
For Agent Day
The Bond Way - G
For NTS from the following prompt: Q, R, M, and Moneypenny in Q branch budget meeting. 👀 How does it come down? What trickery did Q do to get more funding? Did M spotted it, or pretend he didn't notice?
Not Fair - Eve Moneypenny/R - G
For Storm from the following prompt: how about: secret relationship/marriage 😁
For Q Branch Day
Lucky - James Bond/Felix Leiter - G
For Soup from the following prompt: how about “a penny for your thoughts”?
Also for the AO3 Tags prompt table’s prompt ‘everybody lives/nobody dies’.
How to Surprise a Spy - Eve Moneypenny/Alec Trevelyan - G
For Oliver from the following prompt: I’ve got "there was what in the cake?" "how do you surprise a spy" "terrible choice of password"
Rainbow - 00Q - G
For Merc from the following prompt: how about 'summer rain' or... 'rainbow'? or both combined?
Also for this prompt: A fic featuring a conversation in a language other than English. You can do it however you like, whether it is Bond in the field, Q talking to his counterpart at another agency, or characters practicing their foreign language skills, etc.
Fake It (Till You Make It) - Alec Trevelyan/Bill Tanner - T+
For Felix from the following prompt: How about fake relationship with some nice idiots to lovers in the mix?
For the Cities prompt table’s prompt ‘Free Space’ which was Zagreb, Croatia for me.
Also for Scavenger Hunt #92: Pick 2 or more characters. Using this generator, generate a set of dialogue. Use it in your fic or artwork.
My set of dialogue is this:
Tanner, tending to Trevelyan’s wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Trevelyan: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Felix is Ace
For Queering the Characters Day
Q’s Newest Moomin Mug
For Headcanon Day
Sometimes Q Gives Bond Mugs, Too
Q Loves the Taika Series
Q’s Newest Mug
Bond Likes Japan, Too
Some of Bond’s Surprises Are Local
Bond’s Retirement Plan
Scavenger Hunts
#1, #45, #45 x2, #48, #50, #73, #83, #88, #95
Watchparties etc
Our Flag Means Death, 5 episodes
Fic Readalong
London Spy, 1 episode
Casino Royale ‘67
00QAD Fandom Chat Night
Beta work x 3
This for Villain Day
+ other bonuses
Total: 825 points
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
2022 Fanfiction So Far:
Apparently when I get into a fanfiction writing mood, it tends to all pile up at the other end of the year, so thought I’d do a masterpost of sorts of all the fanfics I’ve written this year so far (as of October 5/6)! I’m gonna pin this and add to it when I remember. Pretty much all from Cats the Musical so far, unless otherwise noted. Putting the list under a “read more” as something tells me this is gonna get pretty long (must be muses making up for being so absent all year.)
First Snow - a very smol Mistoffelees experiences his first snow as a kitten. Zurich production, mute Mistoffelees inspired by Lindsay Chambers’ interpretation in aforementioned production from the early nineties. Rating: G.
In Profound Meditation of His Name - Once again, hi Zurich Misto. Features Tugger and Misto as kittens, with the former wondering if the always-silent Misto has a second name. Rating: G.
The Mute and the Maine - Tuggoffelees, inspired by Lindsay Chambers’ mute Mistoffelees from the early ‘90s Zurich production of Cats. Rating: T, with trigger warning for implied suicide ideation.
Of Bushy Tails and Quiet Mischief - As with previous, inspired by the Zurich production of Cats with Lindsay Chambers’ Mistoffelees. Tuggoffelees, with some Plato/Tugger/Misto that can be read as either shippy or platonic. Rating: G. Not my personal fave but it deserves a spot just as much as the others.
“Pretending to be a celeb” prompt - Modern day, anthropomorphic cats, with Tugger pretending to be a celeb while laid up in hospital. Misto does not fall for it at all. Mix of Zurich and 1998 Mistos (not mute--so leans more towards Jacob Brent’s Misto than to Zurich). Trigger Warning for Hospital Setting (but nothing serious.) Rating: G.
“Sharks in the water? Awesome!” prompt - Cryptid Mistoffelees (for once, not Zurich!) and Tugger, the latter discovering the former can feel how warm/cold a rock is for him. Rating: G.
Vibrancy of Magic and Hope - A “prequel” of sorts to “The Mute and the Maine”, set right before and very early into “Magical Mr Mistoffelees”. Zurich production, with mute Mistoffelees. Trigger warning for implied suicide ideation. Rating: T.
“Would you please just kiss me?” prompt - Tuggoffelees, set in Zurich-inspired mute!Mistoffelees universe. Rating: T, for mildly suggestive content.
Flufftober 2022
From this list of fluff prompts for October 2022.
Day 1: “Wearing Each Other’s Clothes” - Beauty and the Beast - Belle and Adam try on each other’s ballroom clothes because they can and want to. Rating: G.
Day 2 [alternate used: “Falling Asleep Together”] - Cats the musical - Jemima and Mistoffelees (Lindsay Chambers’ mute Misto from 1991/92) fall asleep looking at the stars. Ficlet, friendship fic. Rating: G.
Day 3 [alternate used: “Kiss Up Against A Wall”] - Cats the musical - Zurich!Misto as always - Tuggoffelees - A bit of catnip ends up with a kiss against a wall. Rating: T.
Day 4: “Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies” - Cats the Musical - Tugger challenges Mistoffelees to a spinning contest, knowing full well he won’t win. Rating: G.
Day 6 [alternate used: “Winning a teddy for the other”] - Beauty and the Beast - Belle and Adam are at a carnival when the latter spots a stall where he can try to win a teddy for his beloved. Rating: G.
Day 7: Movie Marathon - Cats the Musical - Tuggoffelees - University AU - Tugger wants to cheer Misto up with a movie marathon at the weekend. Rating: G.
Day 8: Shooting Star - Cats the Musical - Tuggoffelees - University AU - Mistoffelees texts Tugger at 1 am asking if he is also watching the meteor shower tonight.
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lilofest · 1 year
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I posted 112 times in 2022
That's 112 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (29%)
79 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 92 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#lilo fest 2022 - 23 posts
#lilofanfiction - 22 posts
#timezone reblog - 14 posts
#final recap - 12 posts
#ask - 10 posts
#anon - 7 posts
#week 2 recap - 6 posts
#lilo - 5 posts
#trackinghome - 5 posts
#tracksintheam - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#whatever happens there’s nothing wrong with more than one fic from the same prompt so go wild!
My Top Posts in 2022:
just see those hometown lights by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed 
T | 12k | Fic post
Puppy Love by @neondiamond
G | 5k | Fic post
One Step, Not Much by @dykelouis
G | 18k | Fic post
Eight Days by @ladyaj-13
T | 23k | Fic post
Should Have Known by @allwaswell16
NR | 3k | Fic post
but i’ve never been so defenseless by @sup3rbloom
T | 5k | Fic post
  Ready Or Not by @beelou
G | 3k | Fic post
It's easy to be loved (I know you wanna be loved) by @djtommotomlinson
T | 14k | Fic post
nothin' i wouldn't not do by @halien
G | 4k | Fic post
Not the Jealous Type by @overfireandwater
T | 2k | Fic post
As long as you're not afraid to feel by @quelsentiment
T | 5k | Fic post
you've got a hold on my heart by @zou-i-am
T | 1k | Fic post
47 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Lilo Fest 2022
Sign up | Rules | List of prompts
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edit by @anditwentlikethis​
53 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Sign-ups are now open!
They will remain open for the duration of the fest.
Please double-check the rules & schedule before signing up!
For authors who wish to claim a prompt, here is the list of prompts.
After signing up, if you haven’t received an email confirmation within 48 hours, contact the mods directly either on tumblr or at [email protected]
69 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Lilo Fest 2022 - Interest survey
Hi guys! If you’d be interested in a Lilo fest this year, please head over to this survey and help us brainstorm a little 😊
71 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hi there!
We’re excited to announce that the Lilo Fest 2022 is officially underway!
Prompt submissions will be open until March 1st. Please read the information on the form before submitting your prompt(s). You can view the list of submitted prompts here.
We look forward to seeing your ideas! 😊
Submit your prompt(s) here!
79 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tachyonpen · 3 years
G/T Writing Prompt #92
Character A receives an invitation to the wedding of someone they haven't talked to in years, and is absolutely confused. However, it's not like they're going to turn down the opportunity to stand next to a chocolate fountain and eat marshmallows and strawberries, so they go.
And is treated to a catering table with food in incredible excess. Character B, that former friend, knew that Character A was cool with giants, so decided to both rekindle that friendship and invite someone they knew who would support their new marriage.
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tunemyart · 3 years
Prompt! How about 92, post-Forget Me Not, X and G discussing G’s true motives in Chin. I hope you’re doing well!
(Getting to these a little later than I meant to bc of all! the!! national!!! stress!!!! I hope you’re doing well too!!)
Gabrielle looked up from where she sat apart from the fire, hugging knees to chest, to find Xena extending a mug to her. 
“Thank you,” she murmured, unfurling herself enough to accept it. “What is it?” 
Xena shrugged, but seemed to take Gabrielle’s acceptance of her offering as acceptance of her presence - she wasn’t wrong - and dropped lightly down next to her. “Try it,” was all she offered.
Gabrielle had already cradled its warmth to her chest and let herself inhale the sweet and musky fragrance. Warm spiced wine. She smiled and did as Xena suggested. “It’s good,” she said, and offered the mug back to her. “Do you want some?” 
“Nope. That’s all for you. Drink up.” 
A suspicious reply, but it was too good and Gabrielle was too tired to resist her or the care behind the gesture. Knowing Xena, she’d put something soothing in there to help calm her nerves or help carry her off to sleep when she was ready. 
It had become more and more common again recently for them to enjoy silence in each other’s nearness; and if Gabrielle hadn’t made the decisions she had today, she would have gratefully sunk into the newly refamiliar, to let it warm her from the inside and loosen her limbs like the wine she sipped, an easy relief that could never be simple again.  
If only because it couldn’t be, Gabrielle mustered her voice and murmured, “I’m sorry.” 
Even without looking at her, Gabrielle could sense Xena’s worry. “That’s the second time you’ve apologized,” she said, the lightness of her tone belying it. “And I’m getting the sense you don’t mean for Chin.”
“No,” Gabrielle agreed. 
“Okay. Well, I’m not going to accept your apology until I know what you’re talking about.” 
Gabrielle smiled, and finally looked her way, pleased to see some of Xena’s somber gravity falling away as she caught sight of it. “Fair enough,” she said. “I suppose I mean I’m sorry for not being strong enough to go through with it.”
“What? In Mnemosyne’s temple?” Xena said. Gabrielle was surprised to see that Xena looked vaguely horrified when she nodded. “Gabrielle, I never wanted you to. Surely you must know that.” 
Gabrielle didn’t. “Then why send me in there?” 
“You were…” Xena sighed. “In such pain. You didn’t trust me enough to talk to me. I thought - I guess I thought you deserved a chance to confront it. To let it go, if you needed to. If it’s what was best for you.”
“I don’t know how you can look at me,” Gabrielle murmured, looking down into her wine. The warmth still bled into her fingers and knuckles, soothing some pain or chill she hadn’t even been aware of. 
But Xena laughed, and the sound was self-deprecating. “All the hurt we’ve dealt each other recently, and you wonder that?” she asked. “I don’t care. Not anymore. Please believe me.” 
“I do,” Gabrielle said, looking to her again and taking the hand she found held out to her. Xena’s hands were warm too, large and violent, capable and hesitant, calloused and soft, a mess of contradictions that held such a tenderness for Gabrielle that Gabrielle, feeling the way Xena’s thumb pressed it into her palm, couldn’t doubt it. “I think it’s because of all the ways we’ve hurt each other that I do. Is that strange?”
“Maybe for anybody else,” Xena said. “Anybody else in any other place, who hadn’t been through what we’ve been through. It would be weirder if I didn’t get it, too.”
“Would it?” Gabrielle asked. Xena’s hand flipped hers and held it, palm to palm. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you do.” 
After a long silence, Xena offered quietly, “Nobody’s perfect. Not even you. Least of all me.” 
Gabrielle might have been offended if she hadn’t understood perfectly, and she chuckled wryly. “We set ourselves up to hurt each other, didn’t we? And ourselves.”
“Maybe,” Xena agreed. “It’s hard to see, sometimes, past the person you think you are.” 
“Mmm,” Gabrielle agreed in turn, and fell silent for a moment. “I don’t think I really understand that until today.”
“In Mnemosyne’s temple?” 
Xena grinned lopsidedly in a way that had always been unbearably charming. “Then maybe this is where you say thank you, Xena instead of I’m sorry.”
Either the wine or the herbs Xena had put in them were starting to take their effect in Gabrielle, who would feel something loosening within her in a way that left her safe, warm, drowsy. The night was soft instead of numbing. Even Joxer’s snoring in the near distance was comforting in its own, ridiculous way. 
And Xena - 
Xena was still smiling, imperfect and real and beautiful in whole new ways that stole Gabrielle’s breath, that made her want to dedicate entire new lifetimes to learning. 
Gabrielle lightly punched her thigh with their joined hands, and, though she rolled her eyes, she smiled too and said, “Thank you, Xena.”
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nakunakunomi · 3 years
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Wootwoot! We made it you guys! May 4th is my one-year anniversary on Tumblr. With some ups and downs and over 300 requests written, I'm gonna go ahead and say it was a successful year!
Monday until next Sunday I will do another Mini HC event, like we did for valentine! Open for all my fandoms, with mystery prompts to choose from.
Until then, I wanted to do a sleepover event. Unlimited asks and interactions for the weekend cause I feel like I haven't talked to a lot of you in a long while!
You can send me any classic sleepover question
Kiss, marry, kill
Would you rather
Top 3/5/10...
Questions about me
Questions about my anime, writings...
Theories (keep em spoiler free though!)
For this event, I will engage in a little bit of selfship talk if anyone were to be interested. Ask me about my F/o's and tell me about yours! Dynamics, habits... anything!
Questions about OCs
If you need some inspiration, I have included a couple of lists below the cut with questions id be 100% okay with.
Also, if you just want to chat, tell me about your week, a funny thing that happened to you, or a fun fact (i love fun facts especially if it's creepy or an animal fact)... A N Y T H I N G is welcome! There is no limit to your asks, spam me if you want! ♡
Look forward to talking to you guys!
Ps, I'll tag these #1yearSleepover if you want to block something against spam
Questions for OCs - Specify which one! Taken from here
1. How many different places have they lived?
2. What is their dream vacation?
3. What is their favorite color?
4. What is their favorite book?
5. Have they ever cheated on anyone before?
6. Have they ever been cheated on?
7. How many partners have they had?
8. What is their favorite food?
9. Are they a liar? Are they good at lying?
10. Introvert or Extrovert?
11. Have they ever been arrested and why?
12. Who would they sacrifice their life for?
13. What are their spending habits?
14. Do they like hot or cold temperatures better?
15. Are they religious?
16. If they could describe themself in one sentence, what would they say?
17. Do they have any overused catchphrases?
18. What makes them laugh?
19. Have they ever lost anyone close to them? How did it affect them?
20. Do they have a fast reaction time, or slow?
21. How do they react to praise?
22. How do they react to criticism?
23. Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?
24. What are their biggest pet peeves?
25. Do they have any type of handicaps? How do they manage them?
Other ask game - taken from here
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
6: do you keep plants?
7: do you name your plants?
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
12: what’s your favorite planet?
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
22: are you a morning person?
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
33: what’s your fave pastry?
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
39: what color do you wear the most?
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
59: what’s your favorite myth?
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
68: what’s winter like where you live?
69: what are your favorite board games?
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
73: what are some of your worst habits?
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
75: tell us about your pets!
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
82: are/were you good in school?
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
89: are you close to your parents?
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
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jkknight98 · 3 years
hiya! i hope you're doing well!
if your requests are open, i have one! Maybe G!Quackity and T!Revivebur soft noms?? you don't have to if you're uncomfortable or don't wanna though!
Hello anon, I'm actually doing pretty well. I just finished my final and got a 92 so I can celebrate.
And well~~ I have been wanting to do another Revivebur story for a while, I even had a little prompt pop up in my mind after reading your ask. Sound like a fun story?
Wilbur should have known better than to play cards with Quackity, but the prize was too tempting. Getting to keep his newest rival in his stomach for a few hours was a opportunity he wouldn't miss, even if the same would happen to him if he lost.
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coffehbeans · 7 months
Prompts 35 and 70: Sleepover and Snacks
Masterpost of Stories (92 Prompts)
Talking about fluffy g/t scenarios turned into angst, have my writing after two months of nothing ashaush featuring characters from this future story that I hope to turn into a book one day.
As always, feedback appreciated! This one was challenging with the dialogues and I'm not a native English speaker, so if something's unnatural, please lemme know.
Synopsis: After losing most of his friends when he got diagnosed with hyperon syndrome, Ethan relies on the two that haven't left his side. But a relaxing sleepover turned-wrong puts their friendship to the test.
Nothing had to change. That's what Ethan thought when he returned to university, one week after being diagnosed. Yeah, he did have twenty-or-so less friends than usual, after growing four feet in a week and all that, but who wouldn't? People with hyperon were feared, that's a natural reaction. He used to fear them before as well. Before he started to become one of them. There's a stinging pain that pang in his chest sometimes, though. It happened every day when the class ended. Ethan yawned as the class ended, shaking off his sleepiness. He sat on the floor, as he could not fit in a chair, and took notes in a tiny, to him, notebook as he left the brown curls of his hair cover his face and shield him away from the others' gazes. He waited for all the students to leave, focusing his hazel eyes on his lecture notes. It's best this way. He never was the tallest before the mutation, so he used to be one of the first to leave class with friends, but now... It felt too weird. Too much, he realized, as his presence was enough to scare people, since he loomed over everyone, covering them with his shadow. That feeling, of accidentally intimidating someone... He hated it. So it was best to wait for all of them to leave.
When the teacher dismissed them, Ethan sprung up from his seat after diligently taking notes of constitutional law class. He'd be a great public defender after all, his scores had to be top notch. Forgetting all about it for now, he rushed to one of his friends, patting him on his shoulder. "Let's grab a bite to eat, I'm starving!" His friend chuckled while the others joined in. "Finally someone got their ass out of the seat." "We had to wait ten minutes this time." another friend groaned, but her smile showed the complaint wasn't serious. "Quick, let's get him outta here before he decides to ask the teacher something." Another friend said as he shoved Ethan towards the door." "H-hey! I'm not gonna ask anything! Not this time, at least." He chuckled. And the group of friends walked together to the food hall, telling whatever came up in their minds.
… Ethan glanced up at those same friends, taking his eyes out of the notebook. ‘Amanda, Carson, Thomas...’ Through that moment frozen in time, their eyes met. Ethan put on a friendly smile and waved at them. Those three darted their gaze away, rushing through the crowd of students and out of the classroom. Ethan's wave froze in place, and he slowly retracted them back, heart sinking. His smile waned. ‘It's okay.' he thought. 'They're scared. It's normal that they'd be.' But still... Yeah. Ethan couldn't figure out a way for this to stop hurting. Ignoring the familiar pain, he got up, the ground getting far away under his feet as he rose to his full 12 feet stature. Was the ground even further this time? Has he grown again since yesterday? Probably. He won't think about it. Ethan was an imposing-looking man. After being diagnosed, his physique changed, along with his stature, in order to adapt to the increased mass. Naturally, he got stronger. Ethan already had an athletic build before, being part of the basketball team and all that. But now? It was too much. He was too much and he hated every part of it. Even hiding his body under his clothes, he still looked as bulky and broad as a heavylifter, the countour of his prominent muscles hinted beneath the cloth. And although his square face remained the same with his friendly, round eyes and his charming smile, the sheer thickness of his neck contrasted with his amicable expression. In short, although Ethan hasn't changed his personality at all, and he knew of this fact, it clashed so heavily with his new, intimidating body that most people preferred to not give him the benefit of the doubt. Ethan could understand that, he's been avoiding the mirror for a good few days now. And the added feet in height didn't help. In fact, the extra inches would not stop anytime soon.
Ethan ducked through the ten feet tall classroom door. The university prepared a pretty big door for him, but he saw himself having to duck more and more through the doorframe as days pass. He walked through the college corridors, looking at the ground and watching his step. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a few scared or shocked faces turn to him only to walk further away, ‘away from the monster’, he supposed. 'I'll get used to this.' He repeated this mantra in his head, over and over, but it was getting harder and harder to believe in it. Ethan took slow steps, one at a time, hands in his hoodie pockets. Heel first, then the rest of the foot, one after the other. He continued those steps until he reached the food hall. As he entered it, some tables turned empty when people fled in silence upon seeing his towering form, taller than a garage door. Sure, he could understand their reasoning. But really, do they think he's a high school bully that will crush their skulls if they don't lend him a seat, or something? Whatever. He won't stay long in there, anyway. He doesn't want to bother people. Last time he ate at the food hall, only nine feet back then, people would gawk at him when he ate his mountain of food. To call that experience uncomfortable was an understatement. Every day has been an embarrassing experience. His thoughts were, thankfully, cut short when Ethan saw two familiar faces. They waved at him, and he smiled back at then. At least he had Zora and Seb. Seb treated Ethan the same. He assured Ethan, again and again after he met Ethan at his new stature, that he was not scared. But the plump brunette also acted the part, remaining relaxed, hands in pockets as he addressed Ethan with the same chill look he always had. Seb had to look much, much more up at him now but, other than that, nothing changed, and Ethan's size wouldn't provoke a gasp of fear from his friend. He appreciated that. He really did.
Zora treated Ethan the same. But her case happened a bit differently. Well, it's fair she'd react the way she did: curious. The long haired Biotechnology student had a instigative nature. Zora asked him questions if she saw Ethan was comfortable to answer then, about how it felt to have the worldwide-feared hyperon syndrome, and if he got injured during his growth spurts. But aside from that, no flinch, no jolt, no trembling at his sight. On the contrary, she'd remain short tempered, climbing the big guy to yell at his face: "stop hating yourself, you dumbass", whenever Ethan distanced himself from them out of insecurity. When she scolded him, it looked way more comical than it should've been, as her 5 feet stature in comparison to his 12 feet one caused the size difference between the two friends to be the most extreme. Zora made Ethan feel too tall, but at the same time, it was as if nothing had changed between their friendship.
They really cared. "Hey." Zora called for Ethan in the distance. "How's it going?" Seb's much quieter voice followed. Both him and Zora got up, walking towards Ethan with no hesitation at all. "Hey guys." Ethan flashed his signature dimpled smile. One he used to show all the time to everyone. One he only shows now to these two. He appreciated them more than his "thanks" could ever achieve to say. Ethan wished for their friendship to remain like this, the same before the syndrome, the same after. They were the only friends left. And that's all he needed.
  "You guys should swing by my place tomorrow." - Zora started after they met up and left the food hall, to Ethan's relief. The outside part of the campus was open, not cramped, and he appreciated the lack of scared eyes. Even though the sight of him walking way slower than his two friends, who barely measured up to his thigh, looked strange to random bystanders. "Ya know, seizing the moment and all that. You should totally come." "It's midterms though. Why now?" Seb, the introvert, chimed in. "Ugh, don't be a buzzkill. Besides, I just got the PS6 and I need some test subjects." "What time will it be?” Seb changed his mind in an instant. The latest game console with the best graphics. No way he'd miss that. "What about you, Ethan? Friday night at my place?" Ethan came back from spacing out, stopping mid-yawning, and looked down, way down at Zora's short stature. He's spacing out a lot, he noticed. Maybe because that conversation reminded him of when he had something to do every week, going out to party and de stress after a stressful college test week at his Law major. He'd go to different houses, from different friends, or they'd all hang out together, Seb and Zora included. Drink, eat good stuff, dance. Ethan would talk to people until his throat went dry and he'd quench his thirst with beer untill he'd forget it all. As if he needed any drinks to be talkative, always laughing and bringing people along the conversation with his stories. People used to call him "life of the party" and he'd proudly admit it as true.
"Look who it is!" "If it isn't my best buddy Ethan!" He came running to them and tackled one of his friends in an aggressive hug.
"Aw, you miss me way too much, man!" "How was the game today?" "Scored." Him and his group of friends cheered in unison. "But wait, hear me out. You guys won't believe what happened till that match." And Ethan went on and on, while the friends who also played that basketball match added some details to the story. The rest of the group laughed in unison at the random antics Ethan told. … That's usually how Ethan would arrive at the place. Looking at himself now, he barely recognized himself. That confident, outspoken guy turned aloof and often quiet, his mind always drifting somewhere else, towards anywhere but the reality. "Hey! Earth to Ethan!" He blinked and looked down, way down at Zora. "Right. Um, sorry. Friday night at your place? Can't make it." "Why not?" Seb and Zora asked in unison, the latter raising an eyebrow. "Well, it's your house. Ceilings are low, all that. I don't wanna accidentally break stuff." He let out a lame chuckle. "Dude, seriously? You don't remember Zora's place?" "Yeah that's right. My house could fit two of you on top of eachother!" Zora teased as she pointed at Ethan. Ethan winced. House was an understatement, that place was a mansion. Ethan always was terrible at coming up with excuses, and now he had no more of them. "I don't know, guys. I just don't think it's safe." Seb sighed and looked to his side, while Zora groaned at Ethan. "Oh c'mon, we don't have all the time in the world. What if we won't get to hang out like this anymore? Carpe diem and all that, you know?" "Though 'carpe diem' at my house doing nothing sounds just as good." - Seb added. Zora nudged him to shut up, earning a laugh from their much taller friend. 'Zora's right', Ethan thought. He knew too well the weight of those words. Every day that passed, he felt new pain under his skin, in his muscles, his joints. And when he felt pain, he knew he'd gotten taller. And stronger. And broader. And too big and intimidating for his taste. The city got less and less adequate for him by the day, and Ethan knew that soon he would not be allowed inside the safe borders of Steelfort anymore.
And that soon he'd be as big as the other 130-feet-tall, unfortunate souls, that also got cursed with the blasted syndrome and that now roamed the wastelands outside of the city bounds. 'One month before they scort you out.' One month. His doctor's words echoed in his head. "I mean, that'd be great, I really think so. But..." - Ethan paused when he heard his voice too loud again. He can't get used to the deeper tone of voice coming from his mouth. He turned towards Zora as she cocked an eyebrow at him  "I reaaally don't want to stomp around and accidentally break stuff at your house." "Cut the crap, Ethan." - Zora snorted. - "You're probably the most careful mutant in this town." "Maybe even the most careful in America." - Seb said. - "Remember that time when we saw him walking down the corridor and someone tripped next to him, and he apologized over and over thinking it was him who made her fall?" Zora chuckled. "The girl was at the opposite side of the corridor, and even then you somehow still thought you stomped too hard or something. Honestly, Ethan, you're just a big softie." Ethan chuckled. How could he even go against these guys? "Alright, alright. I... I can make it." "Then I'll see y'all at my place this Friday, at eight." "Why so late though." Seb protested. "Quit being an old man." Zora retorted.
... Dusk had come to the neighborhood as the sun shone its last rays on the wide sidewalk. Ethan shook his doziness off with a yawn, as he treaded the fragile pavement with slow steps, flinching when he heard a louder thud than usual. It compared to walking on eggshells. He supposed he could walk faster, after all he's not big enough to destroy a sturdy sidewalk yet, but the significant amount of people walking, or rather, rushing past him indicated otherwise. He had to be careful. Being big also meant being prone to stumble, and if he so as much as hit someone accidentally, his days inside Steelfort would be over. And he'd never see his mom and friends again. Ignoring the chills crawling down his spine, Ethan walked painfully slow until the crowd dwindled. Relieved, he picked up his pace. Hyperon individuals can't take any form of transport, so he had to walk to his destination, which was a long trek, even for him. By the time he arrived at Zora's house, the sun had long set. And wow, what a house that was. It was sleek, with sharp angles, towering and grand. Pillars of marble adorned its extravagant front wall. Ethan whistled at the sight. He now knew why Zora told him not to worry, the ceiling of the first floor looked taller than his 12 feet tall self. That, was impressive.
The second floor, from what he could see outside, had a much shorter ceiling, but it still added to the house's impressive height. The front of the house had a monumental, luxurious wooden door, adorning its limestone grey walls. Ethan reached for the door, and sighed. No matter his worries, he agreed to go, after all. There was no going back now. He extended the tip of his pinky finger and gently, slowly, tapped the ring bell. He hoped he hadn't broken it by accident. Three seconds later and he heard the pitter patter of Zora's tiny footsteps. She opened the door and he backed away, allowing her to crane her neck to glance up at him. "Finally. You’ve arrived just in time to see Seb absolutely failing at this game." "Hey!" Seb's muted voice echoed lightly through the room. Probably the loudest voice Ethan heard from him in the three years they knew each other. "Must be a hard game he's playing." He smirked. "Yeah, right. He doesn't know the difficulty is set on easy." Zora's grin widened. "Anyway, come in." After going through the doorframe, Zora led Ethan to the living room. It was spacious, with a open layout that merged the dinner room and the actual living room. In it, there was a large, rectangular sofa, a fluffy carpet, and a 72 inch ultra-wide TV, in which a grim-looking FPS game was playing, with Seb's back turned to Ethan. The frantic pressing of controller buttons and the violent gunshots from the game were the only background sounds of the room. Upon the screen changing to a red "Game Over", however, Seb turned to his friend.
"What's up, big guy." "The ceiling, I guess." Ethan grinned, and Zora groaned at the awful pun. He sat crisscross in front of the sofa, on which Seb was sitting, both facing towards the TV screen. "Heard you're showing your pro-player skills at the new console." He said with sarcasm. "Shut up."  Seb kicked Ethan's left arm with a smile on his face. Zora disappeared at the kitchen, picking a drink and chips for herself, while Seb tried yet another failing match, with Ethan teasing him and his poor gaming abilities. After a while, Zora set her stuff on the ground table in front of the sofa, while Seb paused the game to pick a drink for himself. They spent the next hours like this, drinking soda and eating snacks, most of which Ethan had paid, since he knew he'd consume much more than both of his friends combined. They brought over some chips and popcorn, Zora and Seb playing competitive games while Ethan cheered on whoever was winning. Both were utterly terrible at it.
Maybe if he could still play games, he'd teach them a thing or two of its mechanics, but his hands already got too big for the controller. After a while they chose an action movie to watch, for which Zora turned the lights off, and before they knew it, midnight had arrived. Ethan's eyes tried hard not to close. He felt sleepy, too sleepy. The movie was heavy-paced, and he had a good last night of sleep so, why couldn't he keep his eyes open? "Hey, you can get comfortable, you know?" - Zora said, noticing Ethan was hunched over. - "You're in the same position for hours now, I can push the sofa a little so you can lie down." "Ah, don't worry, it's ok-" "Dude. Don't worry. It's no problem at all." She got up and started pushing the sofa away, to which Ethan helped her with much ease. She also moved, with Seb's help, the ground table further away from them. "Won't your parents be mad that you changed stuff around?" Seb teased "Wait, so there was a problem after all?" "They won't arrive till next week. I'll move the stuff back tomorrow. Simple." "What the eyes don't see, the heart won't feel." Seb replied. Later on, Ethan laid down on his side, facing towards the action movie in front of them. That position was better. Although, he was sure he'd fall asleep now. Was he tired from class? He still didn't get it. Usually, he has less energy than normal with his condition, but this was far too much- Wait. His stomach sank. Had he forgotten to drink his pills? His heart raced against his ribcage. No, he remembers taking it after lunch. It was okay. He was okay. The symptoms were controlled, and there was no major growth spurt predicted for the week. He took a deep breath and sighed.
He'd be okay. -than? Ethan?" He snapped back to reality to Zora's calls for him. "Falling asleep already?" Seb grinned at him. "Ah, Sorry. Got distracted a bit. What is it?" "Well, I was just suggesting Seb that we use you as a human cushion." "Oh. Wait. What?" "Yeah, what she said." - Seb replied. "You see, the sofa is far away, and you happen to have much more space that it anyway, so..." "Be our backrest for a while, will ya?" "Um... Sure, I don't mind."
Zora and Seb laid their backs against Ethan, in front of his chest. That was... Weird. But he supposed he shouldn't feel that way. It's just weird when not long ago the three would each sit at a corner of the sofa, with a bit of space left. And now he was the "sofa substitute" instead. But still, Ethan had to admit, seeing his two friends so small and huddled up in front of him was kinda adorable. He contained an amused smile, and they kept watching the movie, laughing and saying a snarky remark here and there about its comically horrible plot. It didn't take long for the three to fall asleep, Ethan's friends unconsciously leaning back against him and using him as a pillow. They slept like that peacefully for the remainder of the night.
Ethan opened his eyes to the sight of a square, closed-off room. No windows, no doors, only the grey walls and the suffocating smell of mold. His heart started to beat fast. 'It was that nightmare again', his subconscious said, but Ethan himself had little to no awareness of it. He looked down at his hands, noticing his appearance. He was back to his original shape. Skinnier, shorter, as if no hyperon had taken hold of his body. Yet, he couldn't find relief in this, a sense of dread washing over him. His breathing became labored by the second. 'Where the hell am I?' He thought. His eyes darted around the place as he twisted his head around, searching for an exit. No matter what, he had to leave that place. He had to. If he did, he'd be free. He would- A deafening rumble of the walls shook Ethan to his core. Realization hit him, eyes widening. The walls started to move, closing in on him. Ethan gasped, darting to the nearest wall and banging against the concrete until blood dripped from his knuckles. Out. He had to get out. He had to leave. 'Please, please-!' he begged in vain as the room moved further towards him. The ceiling lowered as well, brushing against his head and forcing Ethan to crouch and shield himself with his arms. He hyperventilated, pushing in vain the walls that ate away at the leftover space. Widened eyes, racing heart, stomach sinking to the bottom and he'd die, he'd die, he would- When the walls, the floor, the ceiling, everything started pressing against him Ethan let out a blood curling scream, gritting his teeth as he heard and felt the cracking of the walls against his skin.
Zora awakened to the sound of trees uprooting from the soil. Wait. Wasn't she inside? There were no trees where she fell asleep. The feeling of something pushing against her back jostled her awake. She opened her eyes, only to widen them when she noticed how much closer to the television she was. The ever-present sound of trees uprooting and rubber bands snapping filled the room.
As well as the pained grunts and shivers of a sleeping Ethan.
Her heart fell, deducing what could most likely be happening at that moment. Sitting up on the carpet, she slowly turned to her right. A hand on the carpet twitched as its fingers extended upwards, bones cracking as it did so. A mound of flesh lumped and pulsated under the stretching skin. Chills crawled up her spine. Shaking, she turned around. Her friend was growing at a rapid pace right in front of her. And he was not awake, shifting in a disturbed sleep. She shot a glance at Seb, who was still asleep, settled in a tricky position between Ethan's arm and his torso. If he stayed there while Ethan grew, Seb would... She rushed to him and shook her friend under the expanding arm. "Seb. Seb, wake up! Quick!" "Ugh. Whaat isss it..?" He replied sleepily. "Get away from here. Ethan is-" she hissed. Seb noticed movement around him, the space becoming cramped and warm, and jostled awake, scrambling away from the once-comfortable spot. The two friends watched Ethan for that split second, struck by shock. Ethan closed in the space between them and the TV as he expanded. The floor groaned under him and it wouldn't be long until his back crushed the sofa behind them and the table on his side. Zora was the first to break from the stupor, rushing towards Ethan's face and smacking it with her trembling hands. "Ethan. Ethan! Wake up! You idiot!" Her insult had no meaning under her worried, shaky voice. Seb broke from his shock a while after, approaching Ethan as his friend still didn't manage to wake him up, with Ethan tossing and turning as if he was having a nightmare. There was a risk those heavy arms would hit them while he's unconscious. Seb halted in thought. How to even wake up a giant? And there was the danger of him accidentally hurting them in a fright, too. But…
‘I have no other choice.’ Seb approached Ethan's ear, knowing very well the danger of it as Zora looked at him with widened eyes. And Seb screamed from the top of his lungs. "ETHAN! WAKE UP!" He jolted awake with a huge gasp, rising into a seating position so fast his arm collided against Seb, throwing him over the sofa and to the ground. Ethan gasped while Zora ran towards Seb with a frantic voice. "What's. What's happening...!" Ethan looked down at his hands. Cracking. Expanding. His stomach dropped to the ground.
‘No.’ He looked down at his friends who looked horribly terrified. No. Nononono. He scrambled away from them in fright, only to accidentally support his enlarging hand on the sofa, breaking it in half. He looked back at it. Heartbeat faster. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe.
This was a dream. This was a nightmare. It wasn't real. It can’t be!
Panicked, he scrambled further and further away from the paralyzed friends. Their faces pale, widened, worried eyes. But most of all. Scared. His remaining friends were scared of him. Ethan groaned when he felt pain surging through his body as he grew more. He aimed for the opposite side of the room, crawling backwards until he reached the door for the courtyard. He slid it open, breaking more furniture in the process, and squeezed his enlarging body through the doorframe until he left the house and stopped it from collapsing. Once over the spacious backyard, only the sound of his own bones snapping could be heard. His frantic heartbeat and his gasps added to the cacophony of noises, until the sounds of his growth spurt subsided. Ethan was left exhausted, lying down on the grass and gasping for breath, parts of his clothing completely ripped apart like he's a freak show. …
His ears buzzed at the doctor's diagnosis. His mother, Helena, held his oversized hand with her shaking ones. "The exams confirmed it, but it was clear to us before: it's Hyperon syndrome." The female doctor stated in a professional tone. Helena suppressed sucked in a breath, holding back her tears. She strengthened her grip on Ethan's hand. Ethan looked at the doctor in disbelief, reality not yet sinking in. A delusional part of his mind kept affirming it wasn't the syndrome, just a normal growth spurt, even when at that night his body changed so painfully and so drastically and the bones protruding from his skin and the muscles tearing through his clothes and- None of that was real, right? It must've been a joke destiny played on him. It can't be. It won't be. Any moment and he'll wake up, he had to- He had a basketball match to win next week, Carson would make a birthday party tomorrow, he had a criminal law test to pass. He'd be a public defender one day. Damn it! He couldn't just be diagnosed with an incurable mutation that turned him into, into a... "The good news is that his growth is not the instant type, otherwise his chances of survival would be slim." The doctor continued informing Ethan and his mom, the former half-listening, half-drowning in the sound of his own racing heartbeat, waiting, praying, begging for the moment he'd wake up.
"The bad news is that it's not the slow type of growth either. His type of hyperon is harder to predict as each growth spurt vary in amount and frequency." Helena glanced up at her son with worried creases on her eyes, noticing how out of it he seemed. Yet the doctor continued, looking up at Ethan's distraught face with a composed expression. "I give him around one to two months before he's 20 feet tall." “20 feet?!" - Helena reacted. "We need to begin treatment as soon as possible in order to reduce any painful side effects of your growth." This was not a nightmare. It was real. It was happening. To him. A void formed in his heart. And his mom couldn't contain her tears any longer. “I'm really sorry, Mr. Greenwood."
He was curled up on his side, a ringing sound in his ears, the frantic heartbeat in his chest, and the sore throb under all his muscles. Tears gathered in his eyes as he gritted his teeth. His friends. They must be terrified of him now. No. They must have run away from here already, to alert the police officers that another hyperon host had grown uncontrollably inside the house, breaking everything in it. It was what he deserved. He destroyed his friend's home. He broke the furniture. He almost hurt them. Heck, wasn't that Seb who he threw off him when he awoke? Was he even alright?? No, he was hurt, that must've hurt him. They were having such a great moment too, enjoying each other's company. Having fun. And he ruined it. It was his fault. Ethan rose to a sitting position, hugging his knees and attempting to take deep breaths. If he panicked, it would only make things worse. The worst thing than a giant monstrosity, was a giant monstrosity that didn't act rationally. Deep breaths. In and out, in out in out in out- "... Ethan...?" A feminine voice coming from inside the house jolted him from his panic and he looked up, incredulous. Zora and Seb were standing just by the doorframe, looking at him with worried, but afraid eyes. "You guys..." Ethan's voice was all but a whisper. Shame attempted to take over him. He hugged his exposed stomach and crawled even further away, trembling from head to toe, looking much more scared than they did.
From Zora and Seb's point of view, they never saw their friend so vulnerable. From his curled-up position, the grown 22-year-old man looked like a kid scared of the monster under their bed. Ethan was the first to break the stifling silence. "It's... It's not safe here. You should go to the nearest police station and tell the incident. They..." He gulped down his trembling voice. "they'll find a way to get me out of here for your safety. And..." He looked at Seb who still wore a pained expression on his face, most likely from his injuries. "They'll give Seb medical treatment." "Hey. I'm fine." Seb interjected. "…Doesn't seem like it to me." "Ethan, look." Zora chimed in, approaching him slowly. Her steps still shook a little. Dang it, if only she could control her shock. But how would she even lie about being calm? She isn't. The living room is all over the place and she saw her friend fill up the room in minutes and almost crush Seb. She. Was not. Calm. But Zora knew Ethan thought of all of this. Ethan dreaded this happening since the beginning, she was the one who convinced him to come to her house. And heck, she knew she had made the right call. So she stepped forward, leaving Seb to lean on the glass door and pretend that he wasn't with sore ribs. "Look. I know what you're thinking. You're probably on a load of self - hating bullshit right now but, it's not your fault, okay? I'm fine, we're fine. See?" She walked closer and closer to her friend who, while sitting down, towered over her by what she guessed was 10 feet. She clenched her teeth. Crap, he got big. So that's how hyperon-affected people all turned out? So monumental... No, even worse than that.
Ethan finally looked down at Zora with a hollow expression on his face. He reached out for her with a hand and- She flinched and backed away. He knew it. He fucked up so badly. "Damn it! Warn a soul!" - Zora hissed. She knew her facade fell down right at that instant. Ethan sighed loudly and looked at her with the most crestfallen expression she saw her friend ever making. Hopeless. The face of someone who thought he made a grave mistake. Zora knew that was not the truth and she had to convince him it wasn't. But the instinctive part of her certainly wasn't helping with the whole "don't feel like a monster" spiel. She cursed under her breath. But Ethan said nothing. He just looked at her with those dejected eyes. Like all hope had been drained. Like he was losing both of his friends on that day. And Zora had, no, she needed desperately to convince him it wasn't the case. Because it truly, faithfully, wasn't. She opened her mouth to say something, but Ethan looked at Seb and spoke before she could. "How... How bad is it? Something's broken?" He attempted to even out his voice but it came out trembling and faint. Seb sighed. He knew that Ethan would not fall for his and Zora's trick at pretending everything was fine. It wasn't. And it's about time they're 100% honest about it. So Seb walked forward, as Zora looked back at him with an expression that screamed ‘don't tell a thing.’ "It's sore all over, yeah, but no ribs broken, I think" - he limped towards the looming figure of his friend, grunting from the effort." - everything hurts but, not in a unbearable way. Might get a purple spot here and there though." With both of his friends now close to him, Ethan could properly look at them. They looked so, so small now. Much smaller than before. He wanted nothing more than them to treat him like everyone else treated him. At least that way, they wouldn't be hurt. A knot clogged in his throat and his stomach twisted and turned at the realization. There was no going back. This was real. It was happening to him. His previously happy, fulfilling life was running out, scurrying through his fingers. "I really... Really screwed things up, didn't I?" - his voice turned grave and faint, and Ethan hung his head low. He took in a shaky breath - "I... I don't mind if you guys don't want to stick around me from here on out." "Ethan." - Seb, surprisingly, spoke up first. - “Not gonna lie. You scared the shit out of me back then." He walked closer to Ethan, shortening the distance between them. "But that's all there is to it, it was a scare. None of us were in control of the situation at that moment, that includes you." "And, and also, we got scared of what was happening, but that doesn't mean we're scared of you, you know?" - Zora interjected, seeing the perfect opportunity to make Ethan understand her point. "Yeah. So like she said, no self-loathing okay?"
Ethan felt like crying right then and there. How did these guys even manage to walk up to him like that? And say all those things, and choose to remain there with him? He couldn't understand it. But oh, was he so, so grateful for that. Even though inside he thought he would burst into tears, Ethan only gave a sad smile to them, softening his eyes as they pooled with tears. "You both are crazy, do you know that?" Seb laughed. "Of course that's what you'd say." Zora pouted, a sad glint behind her eyes. "Last night... It was really fun. Thank you. I just don't think my size will allow for it to happen again, though." "Hey, in the end Zora made the right call." "It's just like I said before." - she rolled her eyes. - "Seize the opportunity, and all that." 'Because it was my last.' Ethan painfully remarked in his head.
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isamijoo · 2 years
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I posted 377 times in 2021
93 posts created (25%)
284 posts reblogged (75%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.1 posts.
I added 330 tags in 2021
#drarry - 71 posts
#isamijoo - 63 posts
#draco x harry - 48 posts
#drarry fic - 45 posts
#self reblog - 31 posts
#drarrymicrofic - 25 posts
#isamijoo got tagged - 14 posts
#exploding snap - 13 posts
#gameofdrarry - 10 posts
#is a writing advice - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#f draco wants to tangle his fingers in harry’s hair along with the wind and leave them there
My Top Posts in 2021
Paper Crane
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Written for @drarrymicrofic prompt: Paper. 852 words. No warnings! Rated G. Thank you so much to @phoebedelia for looking through this!
Very much inspired by that not-in-the-books scene in the PoA movie where Draco blows a paper crane at Harry (which cracks me up every time). Enjoy! <3
also available on AO3
Teddy Lupin hates strangers.
At four years old, he is wary of unfamiliar faces. He is only comfortable with Grandma and Uncle Harry, because he spends the most time with the two of them. Without either of them, he doesn’t feel safe. He cries loudly whenever he finds himself around people other than his grandmother and his godfather, much to the chagrin of Uncle Harry’s friends. Initially, everyone attributed Teddy’s reactions to ‘stranger anxiety’, and accepted it. But lately, Uncle Harry has begun looking more troubled whenever Teddy acts up around his friends.
One day, while playing with his stuffed baby dragon in the sitting room, Teddy overhears Uncle Harry talking to Grandma in the hallway.
“What if he doesn’t like him?” Uncle Harry sounds distressed.
“We won’t know until we try,” Grandma says kindly.
Teddy continues playing with his dragon, turning his hair green to match the stuffed toy’s colouring.
Several days later, Teddy is playing with the dragon again, but this time he’s in his own bedroom. He looks up to see Uncle Harry standing by the door with a nervous smile on his face.
“Hi, Teddy, may I come in?”
Teddy nods, and Uncle Harry steps in and sits wordlessly next to him on the carpet.
Uncle Harry waits for a while before speaking. “There’s someone I want you to meet. He’s your family.”
“Only Uncle Harry and Grandma are family,” Teddy protests petulantly, hugging the stuffed toy close to himself.
Uncle Harry heaves a heavy sigh. “We are, but you’re allowed to have a bigger family than just the three of us. Give this person a chance, please. I love him and he’s been looking forward to meeting you and he is literally your cousin.”
He trails off and sends Teddy an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Teddy. If you’re uncomfortable, I can tell him to come another day.”
“No,” Teddy blurts out, immediately biting his tongue after. Seeing Uncle Harry upset makes his chest feel heavy and he hates it. “I can meet him today.”
Uncle Harry sighs again, but this time in relief. “That’s great, Teddy! Er, wait here. I’ll go get him.” He leaves Teddy’s room for a short moment. When he comes back, he is followed closely by a slender man with a strikingly fair complexion, sharp features and sleek blond hair. He is dressed entirely in dark colours.
When he steps into Teddy’s room, Teddy immediately stands up and hides behind Uncle Harry’s legs.
Uncle Harry starts to grumble but stops when the man places a gentle hand on Uncle Harry’s arm.
Then he slowly lowers himself to his knees until he is just below Teddy’s eye level. He looks at the stuffed dragon trapped between Teddy’s chest and elbow. “Is he your friend?” he asks softly, almost like a whisper.
Teddy nods, gripping Uncle Harry’s trousers.
“Then I’m your friend, too,” the man says cheerfully, holding out a pale hand at Teddy. “My name is Draco. It means dragon.”
Teddy takes a moment to study this new man. He reaches out, taps Draco’s fingers and instantly draws his hand back.
Draco appears amused. He places both palms on the carpet and regards Teddy fondly. “What do you like about dragons?”
Teddy glances up at Uncle Harry, who nods at him in encouragement. “They can fly,” he answers.
“Then you’ll like this gift from me.” Draco reaches into his jacket and takes out a square piece of yellow paper. He shows it to Teddy and then starts folding it.
Teddy watches Draco’s nimble fingers work, entranced. Uncle Harry is just as silent and probably just as mesmerized.
When Draco is done, the paper has taken the shape of a creature with wings, a long neck and a sharp beak. “This is a paper crane,” he explains, balancing the paper crane on one palm. “I can make it fly. Look.”
Draco purses his lips and blows on the paper crane. Teddy gasps when the paper comes to life and starts flapping its wings. It leaves Draco’s hand and flies around Teddy’s head, much to the boy’s delight.
“More!” Teddy squeals, jumping back and spinning as he watches the paper crane fly. “Draco, more!”
“Yes, let’s make more. Together,” Draco says. “If we fold one thousand of them, Uncle Harry will grant you a wish!”
Teddy looks up at Uncle Harry, who laughs at the hope in the boy’s eyes. “Sure, anything you want, Teddy.”
They don’t manage to make one thousand paper cranes that day, of course, but Teddy manages to fold one entirely on his own without Draco’s help after about twenty attempts. He is so happy with his achievement that he gives Draco a hug, his own hair mimicking Draco’s shade of blond. When Teddy pulls back, he catches Uncle Harry smiling happily at them.
It takes them a week to finish one thousand multicoloured paper cranes. When Uncle Harry asks him for a wish, Teddy glances at both his godfather and Draco, who are sitting together with their clasped hands between them.
“I wish,” Teddy says, beaming, “for a big, happy family.”
86 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 16:19:58 GMT
Waiting For You At Platform 9 and Three Quarters
Written for @drarrymicrofic prompt 'King'! My own prompt, yey! CW: 392. No warnings. Features Professors!Harry&Draco. Spans over a period of 10 years. Thank you to @curlyy-hair-dont-care for the beta! Title is the English translation of a song title by the Kpop group Tomorrow X Together.
Ten years ago, their eyes met when the Wizengamot sentenced Draco to four years of probation and not Azkaban.
Nine years ago, Draco pretended not to recognise Harry when they bumped into each other after Harry had just walked out of his Mind Healer’s office at St Mungo’s.
Eight years ago, nobody dared to kick the Saviour out as he followed and watched Draco prepare potions for the ill and injured at the hospital.
Seven years ago, Harry faked stomach aches and headaches just to skip Auror training and watch Draco some more.
Six years ago, they laughed in each other's arms after pulling a prank on a paparazzi who had tailed them throughout their dinner date.
Five years ago, Harry gave Draco a long, deep kiss before a Portkey whisked him across the globe for his Potions Mastery.
Four years ago, Harry quit the Aurors and moved into the quarters at Hogwarts.
Three years ago, Harry broke the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts curse.
Two years ago, Harry paid an extravagant sum of money to spend a romantic holiday with Draco in Prague.
Last year, Slughorn retired (again) and Harry told the Headmistress that he knew somebody, but they needed to wait a little bit.
Last month, Harry received a postcard from Moscow that boasted “I passed with distinction.” but what it really promised was “I’m coming home, Harry.”
Today, Harry finds Draco at King's Cross Station, sitting on one of the benches on the Hogwarts Express platform, slender legs crossed and hands clasped over one knee as he glances at the crowd expectantly. He is facing away, allowing Harry several moments to drink in Draco’s appearance: he has grown into a handsome man, short white-blond hair curling at his nape and around his ears, still pale and pointy just the way Harry likes, dressed in dark emerald robes that are so unapologetically Slytherin, Harry can't help but smile.
Then Draco sees him and stands up. Waits for Harry to come closer. Curls a hand on the front of Harry’s robes, over his heart, and inhales, eyes falling shut.
“Good to see you again, Professor Malfoy,” Harry mutters, placing a hand over Draco’s.
His eyes open and Harry finds himself once again lost in the sea of silver. “It’s good to be back, Professor Potter.”
86 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 13:59:52 GMT
Written for BOTH @gameofdrarry Exploding Card 2021 and @drarrymicrofic prompt 'Wolf'. Killing two birds with one stone! Thank you to @softlystarstruck for the excellent beta work!
My card prompt was: Write a Drarry fic of 400-680 words following this prompt: Werewolf Harry needs help with his new heightened senses; Healer Draco enters. Rating: Teen. WC: 617
When Harry was first bitten, he hadn't expected how lycanthropy would transform his receptors. Initially, his heightened senses were impossible to deal with. Everywhere he went, his ears eavesdropped on multiple strings of conversations, his nose picked up both pleasant and foul scents and he saw too many details of his surroundings.
He hated it.
At St Mungo's, he smelled Draco Malfoy before he saw him. The Healer had just finished a surgery, so he was fresh from a shower. His soap was citrus, his shampoo vanilla. The sanitiser he had rubbed over his hands before stepping into the consultation room was infused with tea leaves extract and he had applied musky cologne behind his ears before coming to work that morning.
His hair was still platinum-blonde down to the roots, short yet stylish. His eyelashes and eyebrows, slightly darker than his hair, were still as pale as his flawless skin. He wore silver-rimmed spectacles (ironic, as Harry had stopped needing spectacles), a dark shirt, grey waistcoat, and black trousers. The only hint of colour in his attire was a silk lime green tie down the centre of his chest.
When Malfoy sat opposite Harry, his rapid heartbeats were loud in Harry’s ears, belying Malfoy’s calm demeanour.
Malfoy explained that he would teach Harry to control and compartmentalise his heightened senses by means of certain exercises, meditations, and spells. During the initial process, Malfoy would prescribe him potions to help.
Harry met Malfoy every week. Most of the exercises involved training himself to block out unnecessary stimuli and focus on one or a few. At first, Harry performed rather badly at these exercises because Malfoy kept asking Harry to "focus on this metronome" or "smell this cup of coffee" when all Harry could think about was how delicious Malfoy always looked and how his scent made Harry's mouth water.
Harry hated the potions, because they numbed his receptors and made him feel sluggish. Since they made Harry fail to accurately feel Malfoy’s pulse or smell his aftershave, Harry worked hard on the meditation and exercises so that he wouldn't need the potions.
Eventually, Harry learned to focus on the tasks while still being aware of Malfoy; that was a big achievement and things became easier after this breakthrough.
"You're doing very well, Potter. You can do these meditations on your own," Malfoy remarked while flipping through Harry's records. "Soon you won't need these potions anymore."
"When I stop needing the potions,” Harry asked, “I won't have to see you here anymore, right?"
Malfoy's face remained cool and lacking expression, but Harry saw the way his shoulders stiffen and his muscles tensed. "Yes, you won't have to," he replied quietly, avoiding Harry's eyes.
On the day Malfoy discharged him from follow-up, he was distant and professional. He told Harry that as soon as he walked through the door, he wasn't Malfoy’s patient anymore.
Harry nodded resolutely, muttered "Thanks" and sauntered out of Malfoy's consultation room. He waited outside the door, listening to Malfoy's soft but distressed sighs. He stalled for a minute before entering the room again.
Malfoy jerked up from where he had been slumped over his desk, gaping at Harry. "Potter? What's wrong?"
"I'm not your patient anymore," Harry declared, smiling. "Would you like to go out for dinner with me?"
Flustered, Malfoy pushed up the bridge of his spectacles and looked down, shielding his flushed face with a hand but Harry could see it anyway. "I… I'm free tonight."
Later, Harry discovered that Malfoy's — Draco’s — lips were as soft as he had always imagined. As they fell into bed together, Harry's senses swam in the sea of Draco Malfoy, and he could not be happier.
91 notes • Posted 2021-06-13 01:29:18 GMT
Written for @drarrymicrofic prompt, ‘Hold It Against Me’. Thank you to @softlystarstruck for the amazing beta work!
WC: ~900. TW: (almost) Suffocation. Hurt/Comfort with a hopeful ending.
To a wizard, especially a pureblood who has lived with it his whole life, magic is as essential as air.
That’s why ever since Draco Malfoy is sentenced to exile from the wizarding world, he keeps having bouts of wheezing and shortness of breath. His Muggle colleagues at the fast food joint he works at grew worried enough to bring him to a clinic. They ran multiple tests on him but didn’t find any abnormalities in his blood or chest scans. He was slapped with an “asthma” diagnosis and given inhalers in colourful canisters.
The inhalers ease his symptoms a bit, but they’re no substitute for magic. The feeling of chest tightness never goes away, and while Draco continues pretending to live as a young man in Muggle London, he feels at least thrice his real age.
On a chilly autumn night, Draco walks along a sidewalk toward his flat, arms hugging his skinny body. He’s desperate for warmth that his thin jumper fails to provide him, so he quickens his steps, feeling the usual constrictions in his throat. He focuses all his effort on breathing and fails to recognise that the goose pimples on his nape is not due to cold, but from being watched.
He barely registers the loud clanging of metal bins and a cat’s angry shriek before he is thrown back by a burly body pushing him. Draco falls to the ground, but not before hearing the telltale crack of Apparition. Although not wounded, Draco is winded, the familiar sound sending a sick sense of nostalgia within him. It has been a long time since he last Apparated.
His throat clamps up, and high-pitched wheezes escape him. His inhaler is somewhere in his backpack, but he makes no move to fetch it. Maybe this is how he meets his end; lying on the ground of a Muggle city, staring at the starless night sky and desperately missing magic. Soon, he doesn’t have the strength to keep his eyes open, so he allows himself to sink into darkness, his chest burning and screaming for air, but he can’t… he just can’t…
The voice is far away, like a dream, and Draco is too tired to notice why the voice sounds familiar. He’s quickly losing grasp on his own consciousness.
“Fuck, his lips are blue. What should I do?” There is that voice again, and the concern in it confuses Draco. It isn’t supposed to sound like that, is it? Where has he heard it before?
A warm hand presses the side of his neck, feeling for a pulse while another brushes his long hair away from his forehead. There are conversations happening, another voice further away giving the first person instructions, but Draco cannot comprehend a single word.
To his surprise, as soon as those hands make contact with his skin, his throat eases and his lungs expand with air; the burn in his ribcage subsides and his mind becomes clearer.
“Malfoy?” The voice says again, and now Draco recognises it. How can he misplace the voice of the Saviour, when the words are spoken so close to his face? “Can you hear me?”
After taking a couple of deep breaths, Draco slowly opens his eyes.
Harry Potter is sitting on the dirty road in his maroon Auror robes, cradling Draco’s head and upper body in his lap. His hand has moved from Draco’s neck to his cheek, thumb wiping at the corner of his eye, which Draco only then notices is wet.
The next thing he notices is how, for the first time since his sentence began, he can breathe easily.
Potter smiles, albeit worriedly. “Hey, are you alright?” he asks very softly.
Draco is speechless. The last time they had seen each other, Draco was being given his sentence and Potter was standing within the crowd. After his punishment had been read out in its entirety, there was a loud roar and commotion as Potter’s wild magic whipped across the room and everyone crouched down or hid under their desks. Draco, fearing for his life, had covered his face with his hands, a movement made difficult by the heavy chains around his wrists. After about a minute, nothing happened to him, so Draco lifted his head and saw that Potter had left. The whirlwind of his magic was also gone, but not before ripping all the curtains to shreds and leaving deep, angry gashes on the walls.
And now it’s this powerful magic that helps Draco breathe. His chest tightness, which he has learned to grudgingly live with, is gone. He feels young, like a child. He feels alive.
It’s like finding an oasis after being in a desert for years.
Draco’s lack of verbal response must have made Potter self-consciously aware of their proximity. Cheeks flushed pink, he attempts to pull back but Draco slaps his hand over his own cheek, trapping Potter’s hand there. Potter’s green eyes widen momentarily, and Draco gazes into them.
“Please,” he rasps, his throat feeling raw and tortured. “Hold me.”
“The suspect’s gone, mate. I can’t trace the Apparition signature–” Ron Weasley pauses.
Draco cannot see him – he is still holding Potter’s eye contact – but he can imagine Weasley turning away, as though the sight is indecent.
Potter caresses Draco’s cheek, possibly subconsciously. They have never done this before, after all. They have been in separate worlds. The wizarding world that never lets Potter out of its sight no longer welcomes Draco.
But Potter simply smiles again and brings Draco closer with an arm around his shoulders. “I got you,” he promises.
114 notes • Posted 2021-05-30 02:26:46 GMT
Adoption, a Drarry microfic
Written for @drarrymicrofic prompt, ‘Adoption’.
The baby was abandoned just shortly after birth, the Healers had said.
During the few months the baby was in the neonatal intensive care unit, Harry and Draco got all the paperwork settled. The baby had no family, no name, no one coming to claim her. The process was surprisingly quick. Harry suspected the officers had bumped their case ahead of the queue because of who he was, and was a little irritated about it, but Draco had told him not to "worry your silly little head."
The night they brought the baby back home with them, Harry didn't sleep. He stood in the nursery, rocking his daughter -- their daughter -- in his arms. 
"I don't know if I'll be a good father to you. I was raised in a cupboard, you know. But I'll do my best. I promise you will be safe. You will be loved. No prophecies about killing Dark Lords for you."
Harry felt Draco's arms wind around his waist from behind. Draco rested his chin on Harry's shoulder and added, "I promise I won't raise you to be a prejudiced git."
Harry chuckled. "You will choose your own future." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, around the spot where his lightning scar was on his own forehead. "You will be free."
141 notes • Posted 2021-04-30 23:20:50 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kieraswriting · 4 years
100 G/t Prompts, by Arc
1 / 40 / 41 / 100 The Giant Friend
2 / 19 / 72 “Light sides in the Dark side”
3  Monster
4 / 5 / 6 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 15 / 23 / 38 / 39 / 42 / 44 / 56 / 70 / 86 / 87 / 90 Tiny Artists
7 / 82 Tinker, Lantern
8 Adapt
9 / 21 / 57 Accidental Repression
10 / 22 / 27 / 30 / 33 Ro and the Beanstalk
14 / 16 / 24 / 28 / 45 / 47 / 48 / 52 / 58 / 61 / 63 / 64 / 73 / 74 / 76 / 79 / 80 / 91 / 93 Tiny Tenants
17 / 18 / 20 / 26 "Fae Family"
25 / 43 / 59 / 83 Green Thumb
29 Dew
31 / 32 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 46 / 53 / 54 / 55 / 60 / 62 / 66 / 67 / 68 / 96 When Shadows Bloom
34 Slam
49 Creaking
50 Freefall
51 Landing
65 / 75 / 97 Songbird
69 / 77 / 78 / 84 / 88 / 89  Aquarius
71 Stomp
81 Miscommunication 
85 Conspiracy
92 / 94 / 95 “Fairy Patton and Sort-of Assassin Virgil”
98 / 99 Clipped Wings
Masterpost in Numerical Order
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taina-eny · 4 years
Bad Dream
As promised, this is the one shot I wanted to upload last Weekend.
Enjoy, and if you see mistakes, please tell me^^
G Callen x Reader
Prompt: none
Words: 3.352
Tagged: @imnot-typical-92 @susan1333 @coffeebooksandfandom 
“You shouldn´t eat so much sugar.” You told your boyfriend as you two walked through the halls to the bullpen.
“I like sugar, what is wrong about it?” He asked with his big bag slung over his shoulder. You looked at Callen.
“Nothing is wrong about liking sugar, but only if it isn´t the base of your nutrition. We should cook more.” He looked at you and raised his brow.
“I can´t cook and we both don´t have enough time for it.” You sighed and walked towards your desk. 
“I know, but maybe we could buy healthier take out?” You looked at G hopefully with your big (E/C) eyes. He put his bag down and went over to you.
“Of course (Y/N).” He gave you a quick kiss and you smiled. You looked in his blue eyes.
“Everything for you.” He whispered and put his hands on your waist. You locked your arms around his neck and leaned in for another kiss.
“Good morning!” You broke your kiss and turned your head to Sam. You smiled.
“Morning Sam!” Sam smiled at you two. “Had a nice night?” He asked innocently, but you and Callen knew his intentions.
“It was a good workout.” Told your boyfriend his partner and both you and Sam began to chuckle.
“What was a good workout?” Asked Deeks curiously when he and Kensi turned around the corner. Now Callen was the one chuckling with a smug smile on his face, while Sam just shook his head with a smile on his lips. Deeks stopped in the middle of the desks, while Kensi just sit down and started to smile too. You walked out of Callens grip and took your bag. When you walked past Deeks with a smug smile on your lips and winked sheepishly, it was only a matter of time until you heard his “oh”. It let your smile brighten up on your way up to OPS. Up there you began to work with Nell and Eric, when a new case came in.
“I get the others”, said Eric and walked out of the room. In the meanwhile you looked at the screen.
“There are too many”, you whispered.
“Exactly.” The prompt and unexpected reply would cause anybody to jump out of their skin, but not you. You merely turned your head to look at your small boss.
“And that´s why the team needs help.” You were about to ask her what she meant with that, but Eric came back in with the team in tow. You took some steps back, so you wouldn´t stand in front of the screen, and ended up between Kensi and Deeks.
“We found the video footage from this night ten minutes ago.” Explained Nell and started the video. You could see one victim and about ten attackers. They were brutal, the victim didn´t stand a chance against their hits. In the end they burned the victim alive, even though he was unconscious.
“Wow.” Deeks flat comment was the mood of everybody.
“Yeah, the victim was one of our informants”, told Nell and Eric continued.
“The attackers are all part of a Mexican cartel. We suppose they are still in LA.”
“Why do you think so?” Asked Sam, who leaned against the table with crossed arms.
“The victim was just one of our two informants. He was the older brother and his younger brother is still alive and somewhere here in LA. If they want to finish the job, they need to find the younger one”, you explained while you put a picture of the victim and his younger brother on the big screen.
“So, we don´t know where the younger brother is?” Asked Callen and looked to you, but Hetty beat you to the answer.
“Exactly. This is your job Mr. Callen. Find the boy and protect him. The cartel shouldn´t get a hold on him.”
“We don´t have enough time to search everywhere for him, we aren´t enough people.” You shared this opinion with Kensi. Your time was limited and you´ve got to many opponents to find and beat.
“I know Ms Blye. That´s why Ms Jones and Agent (L/N) will help you in the field.” You stared wide eyed at Hetty. You were shocked, but in a very positive way. You were a trained field agent after all.
Two years ago you were assigned to Callens team by Hetty, when your old team got separated. Well, you were alive, two of your three team members were killed and the last one was chained to the wheelchair. To be honest, you survived by mere luck, nothing more. This was your last job out in the field and since you came into this team, you were banned into OPS to work as an analyst and advisor.
At first you begged Hetty to let you work in the field, but after months of begging and nothing happened, you just accepted your fate. One year ago you and Callen started to date, and your ache for the field was gone. But now you realized that this fire was still burning inside you, this ache for the field was still there and you were eager to go out and fight the bad guys. You smiled, but before you could open your mouth, someone beat you to it, again.
“What?” It was Callens voice that reached your ears. You looked to your boyfriend and saw his worry.
“No, we are able to do it alone.”
“Mr Callen” Hetty stood her ground against your boyfriend and you were glad she did.
“Your girlfriend is a perfectly trained field agent and was stuck too long up here. If you already forgot it, she worked on more difficult cases then you and always succeeded with her team.” Callen wanted to argue back, but Hetty raised her hand and with a pointed look, he kept his mouth shut.
“Ms (L/N), if you would follow me?” She begged you to follow her and as you walked past Callen, you shot him a pissed look and an ironic thanks. You followed her into the weaponry.
“Ms (L/N), here is your clothing and the weapons you prefer.” She pointed to a stack of clothing and to the different weapons that laid on the table.
“Thank you” you told her surprised, “but how do you know all of that?”
“I would be a bad boss if I didn´t know my agents. Now get changed and come in the bullpen when you are ready.” She smiled and left you alone. After you were ready, you walked into the bullpen. Even though no one was directly looking at you, you felt every stare of your team, and your boyfriend in particular.
“I´m ready Hetty.” You called to your boss. And on cue, Nell walked down the stairs, also in another set of clothing.
“Shall we?” She asked you and gave you a weapon. You took it and gave her a small smile.
“We shall.”
  After that the whole team left HQ and searched after your target. The day was very exhausting, but eventually you found a lead. You were currently in the weaponry to prepare your weapons. The whole team worked in silence. When everyone was finished, they left quietly, so at the end only you and Callen were left. He eventually stopped and looked at you, but you just ignored him and prepared for the strike.
“Are we gonna keep this silence?” G asked you. You shrugged.
“Hell, (Y/N)! Could you please talk to me?” You set the weapon down, a bit harder than necessary, and looked sharp at him.
“What do you want me to say?” You asked sour. He looked at you quizzically.
“You wanted me to talk to you. About what?” Callen rounded the table and stood behind you, so you had to turn around.
“Are you gonna be angry with me forever?” He cocked his head and looked into your (E/C) eyes.
“You questioned my skills as an agent in front of the whole team. What do you expect me to be? Grateful? Happy?” “I was worried about you.”
You snorted.
“I´m worried about you too, but I don´t question you in front of everyone. That stings, G. It hurts.” You turned around and looked over the weapon. You heard a sigh behind you. Callen wanted to say something and opened his mouth, but Eric ran into the armory.
“We know where they are.” You grabbed your weapons and left, leaving Callen to follow your lead.
   You haven´t found your informant, but you found the guys that wanted to kill him.
“Everyone ready?” questioned your boyfriend with a small voice through your earpiece.
“We´re at the back”, said Kensi.
“We´re at the side entrance”, you replied, confirming the position of Nell and you.
“On my mark…now!”
As Callen gave the clear, Nell opened the door, so you walked in first, a small detail, but you wanted to make sure Nell was save. You heard shots being fired over your earpiece, but you needed to focus on you and Nell and every possible threat. You saw a man behind crates and fired your gun. Three shots and he went down. You spun around and saw how a second man was shot down by Nell. Both of them were armed with machine guns.
“Everything alright?” You asked her and waited.
“Yeah.” She nodded and you signaled her to search the room. After you looked everywhere and no enemy was found you turned to Nell and nodded.
“Everything is clear”, she told you.
“Status?” Callen asked over the earpiece.
“Everything´s clear”, explained Deeks.
“Same goes for us”, replied Nell and you walked to the man you shot down. Neither Nell nor you saw the woman, who came in from the floor.
   Callen nodded to Sam, after everyone told him they were alright. He looked around in the big hall. Kensi and Deeks walked to them, when he suddenly heard a shot.
All four of them went down. Then they realized, that the sound came from the other room. He shot up again as he heard a second one directly afterwards. He could feel his heart beating faster with each passing second.
“(Y/N)? Nell?” He asked with wide eyes and heavy breathing. He looked at his team, when Nells voice rang through their earpieces.
“Eric, I need a helicopter, fast!” He felt a sudden pressure on his chest.
Without a second thought he started running to the other room, all caution to the wind. He heard the footsteps of his team following. When he burst through the door, Nell turned around and pointed her weapon at them. When she realized it was Callen, she turned back around, her focus at the limb body lying next to her.
“No”, he whispered.
He didn´t saw the dead woman at the other door, neither the two dead men. He just saw the limp body that wore the same clothes as you.
When Nells sob reached his ears, he broke out of his trance and ran to you. Falling to his knees, he skidded to a stop next to you.
He felt a pressure behind his eyes.
He stared at you.
Your already dull eyes looked at the ceiling, your mouth gaped open like a fish out of water. When he saw the cause of your state, his tears slipped out of his eyes.
“I- I don´t know how to put more pressure on it without strangling her.” Nell´s voice broke at the end. Her hands were full of your blood.
He put his hands over hers, adding more pressure on the wound. He lifted his hands when he heard a shocked squeak from you, knowing he cut off your airways.
“Don´t,” he sobbed, “don´t die on me. You can´t die on me. You hear that? I don´t allow you to die (Y/N).”
He felt his own body beginning to shake.
“Eric? How long?” Sams voice was something he could focus on.
“Three minutes.”
“That´s too long. She won´t survive!”
A sob escaped his lips at his partners statement.
“G.” He looked down. Your weak voice sounded like heaven to him, your dull (E/C) eyes looked as radiant as ever. You could talk, you could survive. You looked directly at him.
“(Y/N)…”, he whispered, hope filling his voice.
“I love you.” Your voice sounded better, but why were your eyes rolling back? Why couldn’t he hear your gaping after air? Why couldn´t he feel your pulse any longer?
“No…” He searched your face. “No.”
He took his hands from your wound and started to reanimate you. After some seconds, he cried harder.
“No!” He said loudly. His tears were streaming down his face freely, his sobs ragged his body.
He took you in his arms, don´t caring that your blood would be all over him. He put his head against yours, his nose softly nuzzling yours.
“No…“ He couldn´t believe it.
“It´s too late Eric, she´s gone.”
He lost you. He lost the love of his life.
   The next day Callen sat on the couch at the bullpen. He stared in the room, not focused on anything except his aching heart. He was so sad and angry. Angry with himself, with you and with Hetty. You died, and the last thing you two were talking about was a stupid argument, because he was worried sick about you. But you didn´t saw this, you saw him as a backstabbing boyfriend, who didn´t trust in the skills of his girlfriend.
“Mr. Callen?” He looked up at his boss. He didn´t knew she was there. He changed his position and opened some space for Hetty to sit next to him.
“What is it, Hetty?” “The autopsy of Miss (L/N) is finished. I need to talk to you about the results.” He furrowed his brow.
“She was shot in the throat, the bullet hit the artery. She bled out.” It felt wrong to talk about you just like another victim. Hetty sighed.
“You are right. But the medical examiner found something. Something different.” She paused. Hetty wasn´t someone to pause, only if it was a difficult situation.
“Hetty?” He asked and leaned forward to look at her.
“Miss (L/N) was pregnant.” He felt like throwing up.
He let himself sink back in the couch. A lump was suddenly in his throat. He felt his eyes burning again and he couldn´t feel anything except the sorrow. He gulped.
“How long” he asked breathless.
“At the beginning, third week. She didn´t know.” He nodded.
“If she knew she-“, he sobbed quietly. “She wouldn´t have gone in the field. She would protect the child.” He knew that, they talked about it, when she thought she was pregnant. This was before they were in a relationship, and after the shock she was on birth control, or so he thought.
“Thanks Hetty” he told her quietly and focused on nothing, he just stared in the room. He didn´t realized when Hetty left. He was just so hurt.
First he felt all alone on this world, with the whole foster families, than with his jobs. The first family he had was his team here at NCIS. Then he found you, the new addition to his team. You weren´t very open, no one of the team was, but you weren´t even friendly or tried to get along with the team. At the first case everyone was pissed at you, even Eric and Nell. You worked on your own, so he thought you were a lone wolf, like him, but then he overheard a conversation between you and Hetty, just a week after you first showed up.
   “This isn´t fair!” You sounded angry. Callen hid at a spot, where he couldn´t be seen, but could hear you perfectly.
“This isn´t about fairness, Miss (L/N). It is about you and your ability to work as a field agent again.” You were an agent? He didn´t knew, he thought you were a profiler or something like this, or a technician, because you worked up in OPS.
“And as far as I can see, you aren´t able to work again.” He heard you snort.
“I am perfectly fine. I am healthy and the psychologist and the doctors gave their all clear, so what holds me back?”
“You aren´t working with my team, you were incredible unfriendly and cold towards them, how am I supposed to let you work with them?”
“That´s because I don’t want to work with them. See, I´m grateful that you took me under your wings, without you I wouldn´t be standing here, I would´ve lost my job, but I don´t want to work with anyone, I want to work alone.”
“That´s not possible. You are a team player and we both know it. You´re staying in OPS until you learn to work with my team.” Callen heard your footsteps and watched you leaving.
“It isn´t nice to eavesdrop on someone.” He looked at Hetty, who was standing now.
“What do you mean that she is a team player?” He didn´t even try to lie to Hetty.
“That, Mr. Callen, is a question you should ask her.” He huffed.
“She doesn´t even talk to me.”
“Then you should find another way. It´s worth a try.”
   It was worth it.
It was totally worth it.
He trusted you like no one else, even if it took its time.
“G?” Callen heard your voice, he was crazy. He felt crazy. He felt sleepy.
“G.” He felt heavy, he couldn´t keep his eyes open.
  He woke with a start. He didn´t know where he was. He started to panic.
“Shhh. Everything is alright, you´re safe.” He could hear your voice, loud and steady.
He realized he was in his bedroom, or better in his and your bedroom, in your shared bed.
He looked to the side and saw you there, healthy and alive. You have cocked your head, and he could see the worry in your (E/C) eyes. He couldn´t believe his eyes.
He frantically cupped your face and went down to your neck, where the bullet opened your skin and you bled, and now was your strong and steady pulse. He let his hands wander all over your body.
You sat quietly there and waited for your boyfriend to finish his checking. You knew how he was when he had a bad dream, but this was even new to you.
When he cupped your face on both sides, and put his forehead on yours to lightly nudge your nose, you knew something was very wrong. You waited in this position until his breathing got even.
“You wanna talk about it?” You asked him, knowing that he would possibly deny your question. So you were surprised when he nodded and started kissing you. You broke the kiss and lay down, guiding his head to your chest, so he could hear your heartbeat during his telling and you could cradle his head.
You listened to him till he finished, never pushing him to tell you something he didn´t want to and waiting for him on difficult passages. He finished and you didn´t know what to say. You died in his dream and were pregnant.
“G?” A humming noise came as response.
“You know I´m on birth control, right?” He made an approving noise.
“And you know I want to work in the field again?” He nodded.
“But you know, I wouldn´t decide anything without talking with you first. We are a couple, we should decide together about our future.”
“You are right.” He murmured. You decided to talk with him now.
“G? Do you want children?” You stopped caressing his head, when he put his head up to face you.
“Do you want children?” He empathized your addressing. Slowly you began to nod. 
He leaned forward to capture your lips with his. The kiss was passionate, the way his lips moved over yours was feeling like caressing.
When he backed away, you slowly opened your eyes to see him smirking at you.
“Then let´s start, and stop the birth control.”
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unbelievableholland · 4 years
A/N: It is finally hereee. Sorry if it's a bit late, I'm like, at 117 followers now AND I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Thank y'all so much for supporting me and reading my fics❤️❤️❤️ OH, and sorry if the prompts aren't that great, I'm still not used to writing prompts but, I really tried my best because I want this celebration to be good.
And for the requests that I have YET TO FINISH, I apologize again because I don't have great time management. I'll be working on the requests in order as well. Let's just hope school doesn't get in the way of this one😂 send in requests as much as you can guys! I love your ideas so much and it keeps me motivated to get through school so I can continue to write my heart out😂❤️
I'll be extending the time limit to this by the for a month because why not😂
I'll be accepting requests from this prompt list within this period of time:
February 14, 2020 — March 14, 2020
A N G S T :
1. “I’m sorry, but I can’t stay”
2. “You said you’d never leave me, so why are you walking away?”
3. “You promised! You promised me that you’ll stay!”
4. “That’s exactly the thing y/n, I loved you”
5. “Where were you!? I’ve been waiting for 5 goddamn hours!”
6. “I am really sorry, darling.”— “It’s ok. I’ll be here I guess.”
7. “I know I promised, but—”— “It’s fine. Just know that I’ll always be here for you.”
8. “You idiot! Why did you keep this from me!?”
9. “Cut the crap, I know you’re hurt!”
10. “You don’t have to pretend, I know you pretend every goddamn day. You’re hurting yourself, you’re hurting me.”
11. “Before I leave, I have one more request.”— “What?! After all of this, what else could you possibly want out of me?!”— “Be happy. Move on. Please, look after yourself.”
12. “You told me you loved me, did you tell her that to?!”
13. “You know you don’t have to hide anything from me, so please tell me why there are cuts on your arm”
14. “How stupid could you be to think that you could handle that yourself?!”
15. “I wanted to see you, but not like this. Never like this.”
16. “Am I really that bad?”
17. “You’ve walked away so many times but I took you back! This is too much. I’m so sorry but it’s my turn to leave.”
18. “Don’t please I—”— “You have to let go sweetheart. You know you’ll have to eventually.”
19. “So, what, you’re just giving up on me? On us??”
20. “What happened?”— “It’s like— I-It’s like I forgot how to love you”
21. “Don’t force it, please. You already know that it’ll end like this even if we try again.”
22. “I don’t owe you anything. I don’t owe you a fucking thing”
23. “Everyone thinks she’s not the one, but she I think she’s damn near close to that if she isn’t. I know I can’t risk losing her.”
24. “Just know that I’d go to the moon and back just to get the chance to love you again.”
25. “Stop— Stop! Please, stop you’re hurting yourself!”
26. “I don’t deserve you. I never did, and I never got how you can love me the way you do now.”
27. “I realized how easy it is to live without you”
28. “I-I could’ve left but I didn’t”— “but you should’ve”
29. “You caught me, but you let me go”
30. “Go. Go to them. You always do anyway”
31. “I should’ve left when I had the chance.”
32. “You know, people warned me. Warned me about you.”— “What did they say?” “That you’d end up breaking my heart. I should’ve listened to them.”
33. “I—I think I broke her.”
34. “H-hey, it’s me. Y-you remember me, r-right?”
35. “You want to know the worst part, hmm?”— “I—”—”It’s been 5 fucking years and I still love you”
36. “Please let me explain!”— “I think you explained well enough last time. I understand, you love her, not me”
37. “I trusted you!”— “And I trusted myself enough not to hurt you, but I still did”
38. “This wouldn’t have happened if you just listened to me!”
39. “You know what they say…cut off one head, two more shall take it’s place.”
40. “Am I not enough for you??”— “You were”
41. “You told me you were over her”— “I lied”
42. “Making you fall in love with me was never my intention”
43. “You let me down when I thought I finally had someone to build me back up.”
44. “”Hey— hey baby? Come on, keep your eyes open for m-me. You can d-do this, b-babe— look a-at m— look at me! Y-you can do this, alright?”
45. “I’m fine, really. I always knew that he wasn’t the one. I guess you can say he’s just my almost”
46. “You could’ve died!”— “I did! I died the moment I saw him snap his fingers!”
47. “I’m sorry! I know I should’ve been better—” — “but you weren’t. You could’ve been but you weren’t!”
48. “H-Hey Pete. I just wanted to call you to say sorry. I know you’ve moved on, but I haven’t. I don’t know how long I have, but I wanted to tell you that, please, take care of dad, take care of yourself and take care of MJ. My life has been a wreck, but it was way better with you in it. When I lost you, I lost myself, and I’m sorry for that. I should’ve just been happy for you. God, I hope you don’t delete this voicemail.”
49. “He won’t be back! He’s dead and all you can do is accept it!”— “No! He’s not dead, he can’t be! He told me he’d come home, he promised me he’d be back!”
50. “It’s my fault, this is my fault. You’re not safe here, just— just leave. I don’t want to hurt you.”
51. “Never, in my life, have I felt so much love for one person.”
52. “Don’t worry, love. I’m here, and I never plan on leaving”
53.“Stop! Tickling me won’t work!”— “I doubt that, love. I can do this all day”
54. “My heart belongs to you, my London boy.”
55. “Don’t tempt me, babe”— “What? I’m not tempting you to do anything”— “Yes, yes you are. Everyday, just looking at you makes me want to love you even more than I already do, which—quite frankly— I didn’t think was possible.”
56. “W-will you go on a d-date with m-me?”— “Only if you kiss me again”
57. “Is that my hoodie?”— “uhhhhm, no?”
58. “Where were you?! I called so many times!”— “Yeah, but my phone died. I was at work. Why’d you call so many times though? I told you I was working today.”— “I remembered that I forgot to tell you that I love you before you left”
59. “C’mon, time to get up.”— “Noooo. I wanna cuddle some mooreee”
60. “You’re not sick anymore. Now can I kiss you?”
61. “I love you”— “No, you love Taylor Swift.”— “Shhh, you’re ruining the moment”
62. “Move. I want to cuddle”
63. “You’re an idiot.”— “Your idiot.”
64. “I know you’re only here for Tessa.”— “I mean, yeah, but playing with Tessa isn’t the same without you.”
65. “Can you do me a favor and NOT break your nose for once?”— “Sure, but only if you kiss it better.”— “Ew Tom, no. It’s all bruised and bloody.”
66. “I’m not afraid of the dark anymore.”— “Oh really? And why is that?”— “Because now, you’re here to light up my world.”
67. “You look cute when you’re mad. You’re like a cute little bunny with a frown”
68. “Oh come here. I know you can’t resist me.”
69. “I’ll go to sleep only if you sing to me first.”
70. “Will you be MJ to my Peter Parker?”
71. “Hey, can you take Tessa for a walk?”— “Yeah sure, but I thought you wanted to walk her?”— “I never said I wasn’t”
72. “I’d dance with you around the stars if I could”
73. “It’s a prank! It’s a prank, it’s a prank”
74. “Can you stop checking me out and actually try to clean the house?”
75. “Here, close your eyes and take my hand. Do you trust me?”— “No.”— “Oh come one, you don’t mean that.”— “Yeah you’re right, I don’t”
76. “I won’t be able to take you seriously if you keep wearing my cloths. Looks too good on you.”
77. “Let me go, I have work.”— “Not until I get my good morning kiss”— “Gross. You have morning breath.”
78. “You’re such a dork, but I guess that’s why I fell in love with you in the first place.”
79. “Don’t pout. That’s cheating because you know I can’t resist you when you pout”
80. “You? Ugly? Impossible.”
81. “I can’t think of anything other than you that can make me this happy.”
82. “NO! Don’t open your eyes!”— “Wha— Why??”— “Because then it won’t be a surprise, duhh!”
83. “Have you ever stopped to think, that maybe in another universe, we’re with other people? Maybe we don’t even know each other or—”— “You have to stop watching those documentaries, babe. Anyway, I don’t think I could ever be with anyone other than you. Even in another universe.”
84. “I hate you.”— “No, I know you love me.”— “I do, and I hate you for it”
85. “One day, I’m going to propose and you’ll say yes. It’s going to be the best day ever.”— “Yeah. It definitely will be.”— “And with that, Y/N L/N, will you make today the happiest day of our lives?”
86. “I like it when you’re sick”— “Hey!”— “It gives me more reason to take care of you.”
87. “So, there’s this house party RDJ’s hosting. Wanna be my date?”
88. “Awwww, I never realized how cute you are when you sneeze!”
89. “Hey, uh, we have thin walls here and I uh, I heard barking so I figured you have a dog. Is it alright if I play with them for a bit? I love dogs i-if you can’t already tell.”
90. “We could be soulmates you know.”— “I know, and I don’t mind one bit.”
91. “I really want to kiss you right now.”— “Kiss me then”
92. “You’re such an ass.”— “I know right. Been doing a lot of squats lately.”
93. “Ugh, it’s still too early. Wake me up later.”— “Too ea— it’s 4pm!”
94. “I love you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t laugh at you when you do something stupid”
95. “Get a life, you dummy.”— “I already have one. You.”
96. “Do you want to sed something beautiful?”— “I’m already looking at her.”
97. “It’s hard to think when I’m drunk.”— “That’s why you have me, sweetheart.”
98. “I did this for you, you know. I got drunk so I could be confident enough to tell you how I actually feel about you.”
99. “Don’t believe anything they say. I love you, and only you.”
100. “I missed you! But probably not as much as baby Holland did.”— “Excuse me, baby who now???”
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