#7th Street W Side Trail
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Turkey-tail mushroom. Trametes versicolor
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starscheme · 4 years
Bleeding Hearts
A/N: For all my Miraculous fan out there. This is my Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction. It is a Drama/Mystery/Romance, but please note: it does get a bit graphic with blood and violence. It takes a while for that happen and it’s not in every chapter, but still.
Chapter One: Stay With Me
Paris was pitch black. The street lights shot out and shattered amongst the pavement. Shrill laughter echoed through the alleyways as a masked figure in red dashed desperately away from the darkness, carrying a young masked man in black as best she could.
A young woman's voice chimed like a mad melody through the darkness, "Laaaadybuuug…!"
The masked girl gasped when the sound reached her ears. She was already panting for breath, a cold sweat running down her face as her arms and feet ached from the weight of the young man in her arms. Her heart raced at a dangerous pace and the cold night air pierced her lungs with each gasp for breath. If Ladybug could hear her, she still hadn't run far enough. She had to go faster. Chat Noir, her partner, her friend, was bleeding in her arms and struggling for breath. Though she had done her best to wrap the wound at his side to stop the blood, it was still dripping out and marking their trail.
"Come on, Chat. Stay awake…" she pleaded in a desperate whisper, pressing on through the alleys after only a moments pause to catch her breath.
"…you…need to leave me…" Chat breathed out weakly. He opened his eyes as best he could, but to his dismay, was unable to see her face clearly. His vision was blurred and with every conscious second, the pain of his wound shot through him without mercy. Though he never wanted to deny a request from his princess, his eyelids were heavy and his strength slipping from him without his consent.
"I can't. I wont!" insisted Ladybug quietly. It was true enough. She couldn't bring herself to leave him behind. This wasn't supposed to happen. This was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be like every other mission, but it wasn't. There was no akuma to capture this time. The villain wasn't even after their miraculous'. This masked woman struck so quickly and without reason. Her target was Ladybug for sure, but Chat had gotten in the way. Everything happened so quickly that Marinette barely had time to process what had happened or see the girls face. All she could do was focus on getting her partner out of there. They had been hit before by many weapons, but somehow, this woman was able to deeply wound Chat. Which meant she was very dangerous and Ladybug's main objective had to be getting Chat Noir some help.
"…sh…she'll…catch up…" Chat tried protesting, but his strength was fading fast and his voice barely audible over Ladybugs gasps for breath as she ran away with him.
"Stop talking!" Ladybug ordered in a gasp, her voice cracking as she choked back tears. This was the first time Marinette had seen so much blood and she was doing her best to keep her head. She had to get Chat to the hospital. She'd used her lucky charm already in order to get away and had very little time to get him help before she returned to normal. Still, her identity was of little consequence right now. Chat took priority and she wasn't about to stop until he was safe. Her strength was leaving her as well, having carried Chat as far as she could with all her might.
When Marinette could no longer hear the strange woman calling for her, she stopped and knelt down to carefully place Chat down against the brick wall of a dark alley. She left him alone for only a moment as she grabbed the nearby dumpster and pulled it over to quickly devise a cover of some sort. Chat watched with shallow breath as Ladybug heaved trash bags at his sides to stack them around her friend. She had to hide him from that woman and then lead her away. Chat couldn't take another hit. She wouldn't let him.
"My lady….stop…" he pleaded weakly. Chat may have been too weak to move, but he could hear the faint beeping of her Miraculous. She would soon be defenseless. "You need…to…-"
Without allowing him to finish speaking, Ladybug knelt down and covered his mouth with her hand. Chat was surprised by her reaction, but more so when he began to feel her hand trembling as she covered his lips. He struggled to open his eyes and though it was dark, his night vision allowed him to just barely see the face of the woman he loved. Blurry as it was, he could see her bright blue eyes shine in the dark.
"Chat…j-just please…don't speak." Ladybug implored with a shaky voice, unable to hold back her tears any longer. She was scared. In times of self-doubt, Chat was the one to give her strength, but she had to keep it together for him now. She kept her hand over his mouth as she pulled out her yo-yo with her other hand and called the police chief. She had to make the most of the time she had before her miraculous ran out. "Lieutenant Roger! We need an ambulance! The alley just off of 7th Avenue! A boy has been hurt, the criminal is still at large! Hurry!"
Ladybug only waited for the officer to confirm an ambulance was on the way before she cut off the call and turned her attention back to Chat. He kept his gaze on her face and his heart ached when he noticed the blurred stream of tears that left her beautiful blue eyes. She was so close. So close that he could reach out and touch her, but he hadn't the strength. It broke his heart. The woman he loved was upset and he wanted nothing more than to comfort her. To tell her that everything was going to be okay, to kiss her lips and silence her sobs.
Her expression was wracked with pain, but she refused to look away from her friend. Even as she took her hand from his face and pressed at his wound with both hands to add a little more pressure. "I'm sorry…" she whispered when she saw him wince painfully. "I-I need to stop the bleeding. …here." She gulped down a sob and took his hands, placing them over the wound in her place. "Put pressure on it."
He did as he was told, but it was difficult with what little strength he had left. "…W..what are you…?"
"I'm going to lead her away," answered Marinette without giving him the time to finish. "Take off your miraculous when you hear the sirens…that way, they won't know who you are. You'll be fine. Y-you'll be okay…" Her miraculous beeped again and Chat tried to move. She grabbed his shoulders and forced him to stay seated. The transformation was wearing off, she could feel it, but even if she changed back to plain old Marinette, she could still lead that woman away from Chat to buy the ambulance time.
"Princess…please…don't go." Chat pleaded. Not out of fear for his life, but out of fear for her. She was about to run off where he could not follow. He didn't have the strength and who knows what would happen to her. She could get hurt just like this and he wouldn't be there to help her this time. Even if it was dangerous for him, his heart screamed out for her to stay near him. So he could look into her eyes and know she was going to be okay, even if it might be the last thing he saw.
"For once Chat…please…shut up…" replied Ladybug, placing her trembling palm against his cheek to keep his attention. Forcing a smile, she met his eyes with her own and tried to appear brave for him. "...I can do this. …and when you're all better…we'll fight together again. Even if…I'm not Ladybug…I can do this for you…"
Her voice shook while she attempted a brave front and while she spoke, a faint red glow began to rush up her body. Her transformation was wearing off and their time was running out. It was harder than anything she had done before, but Marinette pulled what little strength she had in order to pull away from her injured friend and get to her feet. Despite his best efforts, Chat was losing consciousness and everything seemed to get darker. Her bright blue eyes were still a point of focus for the masked young man however, and he watched as she stood up. The red light reached her face and unmasked the young girl. She was only in sight briefly before she wiped her eyes and turned to run from the alley. Adrien heard her voice calling out and taunting the villain as she ran off. It wasn't until his ears picked up on the sirens that he forced himself to move. It was the last thing his princess told him to do. With an unsteady hand, he slowly pulled his ring from his finger and felt his transformation leave him. Once he knew he was back to being Adrien Agreste, he slipped the ring back on slowly.
"Adrien?!" Plagg exclaimed in a panic when he returned to his proper form and saw the damage on the young boy. The sirens were louder now and when Plagg saw humans rushing into the alleyway, he quickly hid in Adriens shirt. "Help is here…hang on!" Plagg whispered urgently.
Adrien saw blurry figures looming over his body now and a light shined in his face. They were speaking to him, no doubt asking him questions or trying to keep him conscious, but it sounded as if they were speaking to him through a thick glass. Without his Cat-like senses, it was more difficult to hear them. He could feel them move his body and as the darkness began to cover his vision, he allowed himself one last thought. Her black hair, her crystal blue eyes, the way she smiled at him as tears rolled down her cheeks…it was the last thing he wanted to remember. Even the vision he was granted before she ran off, he burned that into his memory as well. He didn't have the strength to react at the time, nor did he have the breath to speak, but he saw her. He was sure that he saw her face, no matter how blurry it may have been to him at the time.
"…Marinette…?" breathed Adrien softly. It was the last thing he said aloud before his eye closed and he finally lost consciousness. His voice was barely above a whisper and with all the commotion, the paramedics didn't register that he had even spoke as they quickly rushed him into the ambulance.
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whimsicalwhimsicott · 6 years
Human!Connor x Android!Hank AU
To the anon that sent me the reverse AU! I'll be writing more on this specific fic definitely.
Connor first found the android loitering while he was on a case, dressed up in dirty sweatpants and a t shirt that looked too thin and too cold to be out in this weather. He looked down at the picture in his hand, laced between his thumb and palm. It looked as though this was the android he was looking for, although he was surprised to see an android in such a state. He was aware that there were many types of androids, but unaware just how many. This would be a learning experience.
When he approached, the android groaned as though he was the one to be inconvenienced. “Hello, my name is Connor, I’m the officer sent by the Detroit Police Department.” He held out his hand to shake the others, but it got slapped away. Confusion took his features, but he put his hand back at his side quietly.
“I don’t give a shit about who you are,” he snapped, and then turned to walk away. Connor decided he couldn’t let this happen and grabbed the man's wrist. The deviant turned around on him and pushed him back.
“My apologies, but you are the one who called us, correct?”
“Yeah, I called y’all, but I didn’t ask for someone to actually come out.”
“Unfortunately, the request and information you called about required a face-to-face interview. They sent me to do that. If I recall, you said you saw the murder that happened here recently? I would appreciate it a lot if you told me in person what you saw,” he smiled. The deviant grimaced.
“Why aren’t you…less…you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Cops hate androids, especially deviants.”
“Oh, I don’t mind them in particular, I think their cause was wonderful and historic.”
“…How about this, you tell me what I want to know and I'll tell you what you want to know.”
“I don’t make deals,” he spat.
Connor just shrugged and turned away from the android, “Well, if you don’t want access to a crime scene, there’s no helping it…” he trailed off, starting to walk back down the sidewalk the way he had come from. He heard a disapproving noise, followed by one of thought behind him.
“My name is Hank.”
Connor stopped, turned to look at the deviant – Hank – and waited.
“My name is Hank, and I want to see the crime scene. I knew the guy, so I want to help.” It was Hank's turn to keep Connor there, but the human couldn’t say that it didn’t please him. He had expected his ruse to not work considering how hostile Hank had been at first, but maybe there was something else going on entirely. He also thought it odd that Hank's definition of friendship consisted of ‘I knew the guy.’ Nonetheless, Connor smiled and led Hank across the street and up the four floors. The scene was blocked off by tape with no officers present. Other than Connor, that is.
“Wow, he really lived in a shithole,” Hank murmured, stepping over trash and piles of clothes. Connor walked around carefully, noting each piece of evidence – just in case Hank got a little grabby – Connor honestly wouldn’t put it past him as he picked up a magazine from the floor. “I’ll be honest I didn’t think a kid would be part of this investigation.”
“I’m not a kid, and I’m the one they designated all android cases to so…” he murmured, trailing off and hoping that Hank got the point.
“Well, no offense, but anyone who looks younger than me is a kid.”
“Is that in your programming?” Connor asked, genuinely curious.
Hank went to answer, stuttered on his words, and then shut his mouth. The air became tense with the aftermath of a wrong question and Connor noticed it. He was first to apologize. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Hank coughed. He was trying to create noise to drown out how awkward these next few words would be. “Its not part of my programming, that’s something I picked up on my own.”
“Can I ask another personal question, Hank?”
“What, you’re asking me? I thought you were going to be rude this whole time, shoot.”
“What was you model designed to do before you became deviant?”
“Oh, when you say personal, you mean it. Uh, oof…”
“You don’t have to answer the question,” Connor said trying to be polite about it, “How did you know the victim?”
“He was a friend that found me a place to stay, gave me a few things to help me survive.”
“He didn’t let you stay with him?” Connor inquired.
“It was…well, right after the revolution. Humans were angry, androids were being attacked everywhere. He didn’t want attention drawn to himself and I didn’t want to draw attention to him either. Obviously it didn’t work.”
Hank knelt down to examine the blue blood splattered on the ground. “Poor bastard.”
Connor turned away to let Hank have a moment, pulling out his phone as it buzzed away in his pocket. A message from Fowler asking what he’d learned. It really hadn’t been much, so Connor texted him back as much. Looking out the cracked window, Connor determined that any more investigating beyond this point would be difficult. With the lack of electricity in the apartment, he decided it was time to wrap up. “Its getting dark, we can continue the investigation tomorrow,” he announced. Hank looked up from the floor and sighed, starting to get up and leave.
“You have a place to stay? It’s supposed to be well below freezing tonight, and I hear that while androids can’t feel cold it’s not beneficial for them to be out in this weather.”
“Well, when he kicked the bucket, all bets were off with my host. So I figured I’d find an abandoned car or something to sleep in.”
Connor seemed taken aback, and Hank rose one artificial eyebrow. “What? Why are you giving me that look?”
“Do you want to stay with me?”
It was Hank’s turn to swivel around and stare at Connor wide-eyed. “What?”
“I have an extra bedroom I’m not using, you can use it for the night. Besides it’s beneficial if we stay together. After all, you’re witness to the crime right?”
“I wouldn’t say witness…”
“You saw something, and that’s worth something. Please, I would feel bad if you froze out there.” Hank noted the way Connor smiled, and he wasn’t sure if it was sincere. He never got sincere smiles – mostly the ‘I’m going to kick the shit out of you’ smile – and was immediately wary of it. He stepped out of the apartment as Connor locked it up tight, re-tying the tape.
“You some kind of android lover or some shit?”
“I was empathetic to your cause, even going as far as to house some before the government granted your freedom.”
“What? You helped deviants?”
“Of course, they needed help and police officers are supposed to help.”
“Ah ah,” he clicked at Connor, “There’s more to it than that. You like androids.”
He hadn’t expected to get the kid to blush just from that, but he supposed he had uncovered a huge secret or something that hadn’t been told before. “Wait…you haven’t told anybody at your job have you?”
“It was illegal...I couldn’t exactly do that, I would have been arrested on the spot.”
“Shiiit, maybe I did misjudged you, kid. But yeah, a place to stay would be nice.”
“Not a kid,” Connor murmured hastily as they made their way down the stairs, “But I don’t live too far.”
As it turned out, Connor did live really REALLY far away from the crime scene, and even his job, and he walked that distance almost every fucking day. If Hank hadn’t been an android, he was positive this walk would have killed him, yet the kid hadn’t even broken a sweat. “I'm used to it,” he had said when Hank asked. Nonchalantly brushing it off as though it really wasn’t a big deal. Hank suggested buying a car, to which Connor laughed. “In this economy? I can’t even drop a quarter without feeling it,” he joked.
Eventually, they reached Connor’s apartment complex (a skyscraper, Hank swore) and took the elevator up to the 7th floor. It wasn’t that far, he figured Connor might have a penthouse view or some shit, but when they entered it seemed fairly normal. “The department provided me with the funds to rent this place, and I've been paying for it since with my paycheck.”
“I mean, it’s nice, I guess. I figured it would be more…decorated, but you don’t look like a decorating kind of guy.”
“I don’t have a lot of…” Connor started, but decided against admitting the obvious as he shut and locked the door. “Make yourself at home,” he said cheerfully, showing Hank the guest bedroom. Once he was sure that Hank was settled, he moved to the kitchen to start his dinner. He glanced at the calendar on the fridge, detailing what he would have each day of the week, before opening the fridge and pulling out lean hamburger meat and vegetables. As he prepped his food, he heard Hank rummaging around in the guest room. He tried to think nothing of it, surely he wouldn’t steal from Connor after such hospitality was extended.
He still worried, but didn’t investigate. He needed to trust Hank if Hank was going to trust him. The next thing he knew, his dinner was in the oven and he turned to see the android just standing there half naked. He jumped in surprise, eyes wide. “Uh, yes?”
“I almost forgot to ask if I could use your shower before I used it.”
“Of course you can,” Connor coughed, unable to keep his eyes from roaming. Hank was pretty damaged, as far as he could tell, and rather dirty. Several open wounds and burns distracted Connor from hearing the next words, and instead left him once again stumbling over his words. He didn’t want to ask…
“Humans are shitty,” Hank answered for him, “Get a good look, this is what you’re trying to turn around, right?”
“I certainly am,” Connor affirmed. If he had ever been unsure about it, he wasn’t now. Androids, deviants…people didn’t deserve this. “Is there anything I can do about that? I may not be rich but I could probably afford to get those fixed up.”
“Nah, it’s not really damaging to me, just a cosmetic issue really,” he tried to reassure Connor as he traced a finger over one of the open cuts. “Anyways thanks for letting me crash here, really.” And he disappeared back into the hall. It wasn’t long before Connor heard the water running. He stood there, stunned, feeling stiff as he finished baking his dinner, eating it in silence as the last of the light outside died down.
This was the right thing to do.
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onestowatch · 5 years
Durand Jones & The Indications Share 5 Tips for Spreading Love in ‘American Love Call’ Album
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Photo Credit: Horatio Baltz
With our current nationwide tensions, it’s about time America figures out how to spread love and avoid hate, and Durand Jones & The Indications is doing just that with their outstanding new album, American Love Call. Durand Jones & The Indications is a soul/R&B group from Bloomington, Indiana, but their profound sounds are adored by listeners worldwide. Recorded at Brooklyn’s Studio G, Durand Jones & The Indications’ sophomore LP draws attention to their developed songwriting and intricate instrumentals reminiscent of ‘70s soul. With melodic songs about all types of love (“What I Know About You” focuses on platonic love and “Sea Gets Hotter” hones in on undying passion), American Love Call is Durand Jones & The Indications’ call to action for human beings to embody love in every aspect of life.
Speaking on American Love Call, drummer Aaron Frazer shared:
“We’re in a time when so many in this country romanticize the past -- wishing to return to a place of simplicity and former glory. But the reality of our history can be disillusioning. For so many in America, the past represents violence, oppression, fear, and colonialism. As America grows more diverse, we have the opportunity to form the strong, interwoven tapestry that we’ve long claimed. When we find a way to unite across our various movements and see the commonalities of our struggles, we can begin to push forward together. We can begin to see the threads connecting our goals as disparate rallying cries blend into a single song. An ‘American Love Call.’”
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Below, you’ll find Durand Jones & The Indications’ five tips for spreading love in modern-day America:  
Life isn’t always fair, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t love.
Addressing stark contrasts between the living conditions across America, “Morning in America” channels Durand Jones & The Indications’ relentlessness and brutal honesty when it comes to pressing matters. Touching on the luxurious upper class through playful lyrics, “Congressmen in Washington / Receive their brief n’ brew,” and immediately toning it down to, “While lead it fills the pipe lines / In a Detroit county school,” Durand Jones & The Indications is endlessly blunt with their opinions. Although they truly call out modern day America’s bullshit, Durand Jones & The Indications also suggests that we have the ability to rally together if we ignore our seemingly irrelevant differences: “And in towns across the country / It’s color that divides / When in working men and ladies / We could find our common side.” With Durand Jones & The Indications’ optimistic mindset, our divided world just might have a likely shot at growth and progression amongst all of the tragedies we face.
Love is so worth the pain.
Have your ever been so consumed by someone’s pure beauty and found yourself in a constant cycle of overwhelming emotions? The talented guys of Durand Jones & The Indications definitely have, so they devoted a captivating song to this unexplainable feeling. “Circles” is a proclamation of unrequited love, interestingly opening with the enchanting chorus: “Got me goin’ in circles / Got me goin’ in circles around you.” After a stage of desperation and complete lust, a simple lyric in second verse speaks volumes: “It drives me crazy that / You treat my love like a game.” Many of us have dealt with unreciprocated feelings, but we continue to pursue romantic relationships with certain people, knowing that they may end up breaking our hearts.
Love is patient, love is kind.
Another strings-infused track on American Love Call, “True Love” rewards those who are willing to be patient when it comes to love. Durand Jones & The Indications demonstrates incredible vulnerability in the sweet lyric, “Can’t sugarcoat it / I’m devoted to the notion of me and you,” as they discuss the questionable potential of a nonexistent connection. They’re persistent with this concept of patience throughout the entire song, as they sing, “So I’m waiting on you girl / Come and find me.”
Trust people with your heart and ask that they do the same.
Durand Jones & The Indications understands that human beings are naturally curious creatures and we’re bound to seek the unknown possibilities. In regards to the relationship narrative of “How Can I Be Sure,” they assure us that at one point a strong love connection existed, but now that distance is thrown into the mix, things have gotten fairly complicated. A moment of realization is showcased by the candid lyric, “I used to think our love was reason enough to stay / That was all before,” during which a serious reevaluation of commitment is explored. “How Can I Be Sure” desperately begs us to be honest with ourselves and our partners about our changing emotions to avoid hurting one another.
Know when your heart deserves better.
The clever chorus of “Too Many Tears” says it all: “One lonely heartbreak / Too many tears / Three makes a heart ache / For all these years.” This witty wordplay makes the liberating message of this song that much more memorable as Durand Jones & The Indications stresses the importance of knowing our self-worth. Dealing with someone who apparently can’t treat their significant other with the respect they deserve, they hit us with the straightforward lyric, “Just look in the mirror and love yourself / So goodbye.” Trailing off with “too many tears” and calming acoustics, Durand Jones & The Indications refuses to admit defeat by leaving the toxic situation on their own terms.
Become a love doctor with Durand Jones & The Indications’ American Love Call below:
You can catch also Durand Jones & The Indications on tour this spring:
Mon. March 18 - Houston, TX @ White Oak Music Hall Tue. March 19 - Dallas, TX @ Club Dada Thu. March 21 - Santa Fe, NM @ Tumbleroots Fri. March 22 - Phoenix, AZ @ Crescent Ballroom Sat. March 23 - San Diego, CA @ Casbah Mon. March 25 - Tustin, CA @ Marty’s On Newport Wed. March 27 - Los Angeles, CA @ Teragram Ballroom Thu. March 28 - Santa Barbara, CA @ SOhO Restaurant & Music Club Fri. March 29 Oakland, CA @ The New Parish Sat. March 30 - San Francisco, CA @ The Independent Mon. April 1 - Portland, OR @ Wonder Ballroom Tue. April 2 - Seattle, WA @ Neumos Thu. April 4 - Salt Lake City, UT @ The State Room Fri. April 5 - Denver, CO @ Bluebird Theater Sat. April 6 - Kansas City, MO @ recordBar Sun. April 7 - Omaha, NE @ The Waiting Room Tue. April 9 - Minneapolis, MN @ 7th Street Entry Wed. April 10 - Madison, WI @ High Noon Saloon Thu. April 11 - Chicago, IL @ Thalia Hall Fri. April 12 - Columbus, OH @ A&R Music Bar Sat. April 13 - Carrboro, NC @ Cat’s Cradle Sun. April 14 - North Charleston, SC @ High Water Festival Tue. April 16 - Washington, DC @ Rock & Roll Hotel Wed. April 17 - Brooklyn, NY @ Music Hall of Williamsburg Fri. April 19 - Philadelphia, PA @ First Unitarian Church Sat. April 20 - Uncasville, CT @ Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun Resort Sun. April 21 - Boston, MA @ Brighton Music Hall Mon. April 22 - Baltimore, MD @ Ottobar Wed. April 24 - Cincinnati, OH @ The Woodward Theater Fri. April 26 - Nashville, TN @ The Basement East Sat. April 27 - Oxford, MS @ Double Decker Arts Festival Sun. April 28 - Atlanta, GA @ Terminal West Sat. May 11 - Bloomington, IN @ Indiana University w/ Neko Case
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guapo-t-w · 5 years
Local Tidewater VA Beer Festivals
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UPCOMING BEER FESTS AND FESTIVAL FORECAST: Sat, Feb 23 - 6th Annual Bull & Oyster Roast, Hosted by Capt'n Crabby, 12 - 9:00 pm, Smartmouth Brewing Co., 1309 Raleigh Ave, Norfolk. Join Capt'n Crabby at the Annual Smartmouth Beer Bull & Oyster Roast! Enjoy awesome live music and an all You Can Eat Extravaganza! Tickets on sale soon and at the door! Email [email protected] to request your tickets! Sat, Mar 2 - Pillow Fight! Winter Beer Invitational, O’Connor Brewing Co., 12 - 6:00 pm, 211 W 24th St., Norfolk. Featuring the juiciest, pillowy beers from 20+ east coast breweries. Have you ever been to a beer festival so chill that you can literally show up in your pajamas? We’re hosting Pillow Fight, a craft beer festival featuring unlimited pours from some of the best breweries on the east coast. It’s our successor to last years Dazed & Consumed Virginia Brewery Invitational, but this time we’ve added PJs, DJs, all the hazy beers you could possibly dream of, and the nostalgic excitement we all once felt going to childhood sleepovers. Pillow Fight will be taking over the brewery for two sessions of amazing beer, tasty noms from local food vendors, DJs spinning lush vibes, and a bunch of people wearing their best onesies and pajamas: Session #1 - VIP 12:00-12:30 pm | GA 12:30-2:30 pm; Session #2 - VIP 3:30-4:00 pm | GA 4:00-6:00 pm. 25 VIP tickets per session | 200 General Admission tickets per session. The GA ticket is $35 and gets you entry to the festival, as well as a limited edition festival taster. The VIP ticket is $75 and gets you early access to the festival, access to our mezzanine area with 4 more VIP only beers (not available to General Admission ticket holders), and an exclusive swag bag with a limited edition commemorative glass, a 16oz can of our event-exclusive beer release, a limited edition trucker hat, and a Pillow Fight branded pillow case. Must be 21+ with a valid ID to get a wristband. No pets or strollers in the festival area please. Sun, Mar 3 - 43rd Annual VBVRS Oyster Roast and Craft Beer Festival, 1 - 5:00 pm, Hosted by Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad, Virginia Beach Convention Center, 1000 19th St., Virginia Beach. One of our favorite events, the annual Oyster Roast and Craft Beer Festival is the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad’s largest fundraiser of the year! Don't miss all this fun... Raw, Roasted & Fried Oysters, Local Craft Beer, Exclusive Brew Crafted by Back Bay Brewing Co., Pungo Catering BBQ, Fried Chicken, Sides and Soft Drinks, Rescue Squad Demonstrations and Equipment, Silent and Live Auction + Raffles, Local Artisans + Children’s Activities, Live Music, Casino Tables, AND MORE! Get sponsorship or individual tickets today! Sat, Mar 9 - Shuckin Me Mollusk-4th Annual Oyster Roast, 2 - 6:00 pm, Commonwealth Brewing Company, 2444 Pleasure House Rd., Virginia Beach. Get your shuck on with us this year at Commonwealth with All You Can Eat OYSTERS (roasted & raw bar)! The Wampler Brothers Band will be serving up bluegrass jams from 4-6pm. We'll also have Pittsburgh's Best serving up their delicious eats. $30 ticket covers AYCE roasted and raw oysters from 2-6pm.  Tickets can be purchased in advance at Commonwealth Brewing Co or on the day of the event. Sat, Mar 16 - 2019 Ocean View Saint Patrick's Day Parade & Party, 10:00 am, Ocean View, Norfolk. The parade begins at Northside Middle School; from that point it travels North on Granby; turns left at A View Ave.; turns left on First View Street; and ends at the intersection of First View and Government Ave. On-street parking is available on most of the adjacent blocks along the parade route. Off-street parking is available at the Sarah Constant Beach Park, Ocean View Beach Park, and Ocean View Elementary. The parade after-party is thrown by the Columbian Club of Ocean View at 211 W. Government Ave. from 12-4 pm. There will be food, refreshments and live music. Free admission and open to the public. Come join the fun! Check us out on the web at: www.NorfolkParade.com Sat, Mar 16 - OBC's 9th Anniversary & St. Paddy's Day Celebration, 12 - 10:00 pm, O'Connor Brewing Co., 211 W 24th St., Norfolk. ...and just like that, our brewery is 9 years old! New brews, local food vendors, and live music? That's right, it's our anniversary and we're throwing ourselves a big party. Our specialty releases: Chocolate mint stout; Breakfast stout with cinnamon, maple and vanilla; PB & J stout. Of course, we'll have our Green Beer specials in addition to our ODIS Dry Irish Stout, a World Beer Cup gold medalist and a staple for any St. Pat's party. Live music by Hampton Roads' own: Donnaka, a native Irishman's rock n' roll one-man band; Esoteric Ramblers, local favorites singing beer-drinking music. Featured food trucks serving Irish-inspired menu items: Redwood Smoke Shack, slinging the best Texas-style 'que in Hampton Roads; Taste of Asia 757 with twists on your favorite dishes. This event will also be the official 2019 re-opening of our outdoor bar and beer garden, so plan on partying outside with us if the weather cooperates! Parking is limited, so please plan on biking, carpooling, or utilizing our friends at App A Cab, a Norfolk-based company.***To keep beer flowing and lines moving, we will not be pouring flights or fills. Thank you for understanding!*** Sat, Mar 30 - 2019 Kiss My Cask Festival, Hosted by Back Bay Brewing, 2 - 6:00 pm, Back Bay Brewing, 614 Norfolk Ave., Virginia Beach. Kiss My Cask is back and better than ever! Save the date for this year's Kiss My Cask Festival. Come and judge over 30 different local, regional and national breweries! There will be games, live music, delicious food trucks and of course a massive supply of beer! Pucker up, because this is going to be one hell of a festival. Tickets go on sale February 1st. Stay tuned for more details! Sat, Apr 13 - Smithfield Wine & Brew Fest Weekend, Windsor Castle Park, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, Downtown Smithfield. Held the second Saturday in April, come celebrate our 7th anniversary! Experience everything that "Gen-u-Wine" Smithfield has to offer: Fabulous Dining, Hotel Packages, Friday Night Concerts, Shopping, Art Galleries/Studios, Walking Trails, Kayaking & The ?Best Fest in Coastal Virginia! Over 100 different types of wine & brew tastings, live music on three stages, fantastic food & retail vendors. ?21 & Up only. No infants/babies/pets. GENERAL ADMISSSION TICKET RELEASES: 1st Release: WED, FEB 20, 2019 AT 7:00 AM.  2nd Release: THURS, FEB 21, 2019 AT 8:00 PM  https://www.smithfieldvawinebrewfest.com/ Sat, Apr 27 - CoVa Battle of the Burgers 2019 Southside, Hosted by Coastal Virginia Magazine, 12 - 5:00 pm, Military Aviation Museum, 1341 Princess Anne Rd., Virginia Beach. Join Coastal Virginia Magazine as we invite local restaurants to the battle it out to become CoVa's Best Burger at the 2019 CoVa Battle of the Burgers. Last year Coastal Virginia Magazine hosted the inaugural Battle of the Burgers at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, and crowned Coastal Virginia’s best burger. Local restaurants battled it out as they served slider-sized versions of burgers paired with refreshing Virginia craft beers. Attendees and food judges voted for their favorite burger after sampling sliders from several local eateries, and guests voted for their favorite craft brewery after tasting beers, served in a commemorative souvenir glass, from several regional breweries. Guests also enjoyed live music, fun games, and offerings from local vendors. http://www.coastalvirginiamag.com/ Sat, Apr 27 - YSC Spring Party, Hosted by VB Youth Service Club, 1 - 6:00 pm, Camp Pendleton, Birdneck Road, General Booth Blvd., Virginia Beach. Join us once again on the last Saturday of April and be part of raising $100,000 for Virginia Beach charities at our 48th annual Spring Party at Camp Pendleton. Some of the best food at any event around cooked by our members on site include pulled pork, BBQ chicken oysters and much much more. Live music, beer, wine, corn hole and all the good tmes you can possibly have make this the best event of the year. Save the date and get your tickets early. This event always sells out. Sun, May 5 - The Mariners’ Craft Beer Festival, 12 - 5:00 pm, The Mariners' Museum and Park, 100 Museum Dr., Newport News. Great beer, good food, and live music! The Seventh Annual Mariners’ Craft Beer Festival will feature craft beers in the unique setting of The Mariners’ Museum’s outdoor courtyards. Ticket Prices: General Admission Advance Tickets: $35 (through May 5); Day-of General Admission Tickets: $45; Museum Member: $30 (Advance tickets only, No member price day-of); Non-drinker tickets: $15. Tickets include 20 four-ounce craft beer tastings, a souvenir tasting glass, live music, beer talks by brewery representatives, and the day’s admission to The Mariners’ Museum! Non-drinker tickets include complimentary water but does not include a souvenir tasting glass. Food trucks will be onsite for an additional charge. Drink Happy - Be Safe Follow the blogs at: www.brew-n-rock-tidewater.blogspot.com or www.guapo-t-w.tumblr.com and follow the latest listings of local brew events on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/hamptonroadsbeerforum/
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rosaetae · 7 years
the best thing he never had ; one
one , two , three , four , five 
pairing; jungkook x reader
genre; best friend!au 
word count; 3.7k 
a/n; for @elicuh​ ! a wonderful human bean who requested this ! this will most likely be a mini series,,, idk i don’t plan ahead lol 
summary; in this story, you have known your best friend for more than 15 years and you were utterly and wholly in love with him
The city lights became more visible as the bright neon colours had contrasted from the darkening, moonlit sky as you felt yourself become more wide awake as you walked down the streets of the bright city that lit up the mood whether be day or night. Your legs were carrying you from your house in pajamas and a warm leather jacket wrapping you up as you had just awakened from a rather nice sleep that you were enjoying until a certain someone had rung you in the midst of your slumber.
But as always, you could never say no to that certain someone as you had gone through many lengths for him that this particular situation was just a nub on a stick.
You arrived at the night club in which everyone knew who you exactly were since it were nights like these that they expected you to come. From the bartender, to most of the bouncers, to even the regular customers who come and go. As you walked in, the smell of strong alcohol and sweat roaming around the room as it felt warmer inside than it was outside. You turned over to the bar of drunken people where the bartender was your very good friend, Jin, was able to tell you where that certain someone was.
"Jin, nice to see you again on this fine night," You say sarcastically while you nod towards him, him greeting you with his usual welcoming and wide grin.
"Y/N! Nice to see that you're wide awake and looking for your best friend in pajamas again," He winks at you while cleaning a champagne glass with a fresh white cloth in his hand.
"Where is the idiot? Is he throwing up in the bathroom yet?"
Your friend laughs, shaking his head as he walks over to you to speak over the loud music that started to accelerate. "He's over at the VIP section, a bit tipsy, if I have to say."
"VIP," You mutter and Jin shrugs, not sure why he was in the VIP section as well.
Then you sent him a farewell, easily slithering through the drunken people as you had done this many times before. Walking over to the restricted area in which the VIP-only members sat in, a bodyguard who seemed new to you had stopped you with his arm extended in front of you and you had looked up at him with bored eyes.
"Name?" He prompted his eyes looking at the clipboard in his hand but you tilted your head to the side.
"Really?" You rhetorically asked and he looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
Rolling your eyes, you just sighed, attempting to walk past him, but he stops you again.
"Mam, you can't come in here. You're not a VIP member."
You closed your eyes in irritation and looked back up at the bodyguard who had been giving you a challenging stare. "Listen, I know you're following orders, but you see that guy over there? The guy who's sleeping on the table with drool coming out of his mouth?" You point over to your best friend of 15 years who was completely dozing off with his face planted onto the round table. "Yeah, I'm just here to pick the idiot up and take him home."
As you were trying to get past him one more time, you purse your lips and cross your arms. "I'm not here to sneak into your VIP space, because as you can see, I'm wearing pajamas and that son of a bitch woke me up at this very hour and I don't feel like fighting when I've only had a total of 13 hours of sleep this whole week."
"No name on the list, no access," The stubborn bodyguard continued and you sighed loudly, almost to a groan while pinching the bridge of your nose.
"If it makes you sleep any better at night, you can watch me take him out of the VIP area, okay? I'm not here to stick around for a long time- and I very much do not plan to. Let me just show him the exit and we can all move on with our lives."
The bodyguard gave you one last weary look until he finally gave in, removing the attached velvet rope from its pole as you thanked him quietly before rushing over to Jungkook and shaking his body to wake him up. He quietly groaned as he moved his head up from the table slightly, his eyes barely opening. Putting your hand on his shoulder, you shook him again.
"Jungkook, wake up," You say. "It's me."
Once he seemingly heard your voice, his eyes opened a bit, eyebrows furrowing as he barely saw your face through the dim lights of the club.
"Come on. I'm taking you home," You say as you position him to sit up, throwing his arm over your shoulder as you pulled him out of the booth, and tried your best to make your way out of the VIP area itself due to his heavy weight on you.
You nodded over to the bodyguard who nodded back as you tried to weave through the people who endlessly danced to the music. You waved over at a chuckling Jin as you were exiting the venue.
"Have fun," He cheerily said and you rolled your eyes as you struggled to pull him out.
As you hit the cold air of the night, you sighed as you heard Jungkook's shoes drag behind you.
"I've brought you home countless times, but I have yet to gain some upper body strength," You muttered quietly and as you were walking down the lit ally, you felt Jungkook stop you. Once you looked over at him, you had to automatically close your eyes as you heard him hurl in front of you both.
You sighed, peeking an eye open to see Jungkook doubled over, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Yeah, we're taking the bus ride home."
"W-why?" He stuttered, trying to walk on his two feet while you tried to make him stable.
You looked at him for a second before continuing to walk towards the bus station. "I'm not hauling your fucking drunk ass for 3 blocks just to get to my house. You're lucky I even got you out of that place without you falling onto the ground like last time."
He only gives you a smug look before his eyes closed and you were back to dragging him with his arm wrapped around your neck and trying to drag him to the bus station.
Once the next bus came after a few minutes of waiting, you dragged him into a seat where you sat next to him and let him sleep on your shoulder.
You let out a deep sigh again before your eyes met the ones of a middle-aged lady sitting on the opposite end of you. You give her a kind, friendly stranger smile before she opens her mouth to ask an innocent question.
"Why are you here with a drunk man like him? It's late, you should be sleeping."
You laughed at her curious question slightly before answering it. "Oh, I'm just his friend. I was just picking him up. He's not good with getting himself back home after drinking."
She light-heartedly chuckles at you. "I could imagine- but that's sweet of you. You're a good friend."
And the subtle compliment made you smile that never left your face that night.
Mornings were sometimes not your favorite. Especially that morning when you had shrieked at the sight of the figure sleeping on your sofa, but an instant wave of relief washed over you as you remembered you had to drag him out of that night club to the 7th floor of your apartment complex- in which was a terrible experience once again as the one time the elevators decide to break down was of course, the time you had to bring your idiot of a friend up to your place.
Seeing that your shriek had only made him groan into his pillow and remain back to sleep, you walk over to the kitchen, preparing to make your famous hangover soup that only you can make for him on these type of mornings.
And as you were in the middle of making it, Jungkook had woke up, trudging over to your kitchen table, plopping down with a loud sound that made you check to see if he broke the table or not.
"You know," You began to sing. "You should really stop calling me late at night just to pick you up."
He groaned, lifting his head up to shoot you a glare through his narrowed slits of eyes. "Then why do you always come when I do call you?"
You opened your mouth to interject, but you closed it as you poured the hangover soup in his very own custom bowl that he would only ever have his hangover soup in when he would come to your house.
Seeing that you didn't bother to say anything else, he victoriously laughs as you set down the soup in front of him with Advil right next to it, your turn being the one to shoot him a glare.
"Checkmate," He finally says and you rolled your eyes at him, forcing him to down his soup and be quiet.
And that, is your usual friendship with Jeon Jungkook- your best friend since day one and the person you were utterly and wholly in love with.
You had mistakingly fallen in love with the man who only sees you as his best friend through his dark eyes and you seemed to be fine with that as you had stuck with him for a long, long time. It was this random eruption that waved over you during sophmore year when he had stolen your first kiss.
Technically, he was a criminal for stealing your lip virginity without knowing- and he had stolen a lot of girl's virginities back in high school, but to him, stealing your first kiss was a crime that he could never be forgiven for. And as much as you said 'it was fine, it was okay, don't worry about it', he only ever endlessly apologizes without listening to you and that completely intrigued you.
When he had intentionally stole other girl's first kisses and hopped from one girl to another, he had never apologized to them and left a trail of hearts behind him every step he took. But, with you, when he realized that his very lips touched yours, the look on his face was washed with terror as it seemed like he kissed his sister and the words "I'm glad you're my first kiss" never was said from you.
However, you could say you were glad you never said that- in fact, you were glad you never said a lot of things. From "I'm glad you're my first kiss" to "I am terribly in love with you and I don't ever want to ruin our friendship" were words that were hushed behind your lips.
But at least, those words were only ever restricted from him, because he was utterly oblivious to your love for him and you were okay with that as his best friend, Park Jimin, only knows- at least you think.
Park Jimin, being the person whom had immediately approached you at a big party Jungkook dragged you to, you both exchanging sober talks and him knowing about your undying love for his best friend before you could ever tell him. He put it into words of, "anyone with eyes could see that you are in love with him" and as you had tried denying it, you had eventually gave in. Then ever since, Jimin had been there for you to hear about your talks about the person you're in love with and you were there for him to hear him out about his problems with his girlfriend.
One day, the day that had felt like you were going downhill, you and Jimin were both studying at your local cafe when you were discussing a topic unrelated before his eyes had trailed over to look at someone behind you. You furrow your eyebrows when you noticed that he was continuously mouthing "let's go, let's go" and started to pack everything by throwing his pens into his pencil case and shutting his textbooks under .01 seconds.
Taking his word for it, you shoved your pencils into your pencil pouch looking at Jimin hesitantly before shoving everything in your backpack.
And as Jimin was going to get up from his seat, someone had just walked over to your table. You noticed Jimin closing his eyes in frustration before looking up to meet the eyes of the figure who stood in front of you.
Your eyes met Jungkook's dark ones and next to him, stood a girl with long black hair and bored eyes.
"Hey guys," He greets cheerily and Jimin was the first to greet both of them.
"Hey," Jimin says, faking a smile.
"You guys studying?" Jungkook asks and you nod slightly, not saying anything. "That's cool... Oh! I want you guys to meet Seoyeon, my girlfriend."
You bit your tongue and tense slightly, but tried to maintain your relaxed composure.
"Girlfriend," Jimin repeats almost dumbfounded as the girl standing next to Jungkook scoffs, presenting a bad first impression. "For how long?"
"Can we leave?" She urgently asks, quickly dodging the question and totally disregarding you and Jimin's presence as you look away from the two, surprised by her abrupt attitude while Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line at the rudeness that radiated off of the girl.
Jungkook turned to give his girlfriend a warning, telling her to be nice.
But as he did so, Jimin took that moment to stand up, grab your arm, and dash out of the cafe to make your successful escape from Jungkook and his rude 'date'.
As you and Jimin finally left the local cafe and had ran all the way to the convenience store to get a snack rather than to eat an expensive grilled cheese from the cafe, he hesitantly asks you while choosing your choice of snack, "How do you feel?"
You turn your body, looking up at him as you heaved in a sharp breath. "When you met Minji, how did you tell her you love her?"
Jimin thinks for a moment and tries, "I said the three magic words that could make any girl go weak?"
You hit his arm as he Jimin looks at you with a teasing look, but seeing that you were being absolutely serious, he pursed his lips and shrugged.
"Okay okay... Well... telling someone you love doesn't always have to be planned. It can be for some people because that just means that they're nervous if the person reciprocated the feelings or not. For Minji, I knew she loved me back and when I told her that I love her out of the blue, I didn't even realize it until she stared at me for a long time and asked me to repeat what I said."
You groaned at your friend's cheesy love story and he responds with chuckles, looking back at the varieties of snacks to choose from.
"You asked for it!"
Pouting at him, you nodded, knowing that you did ask for it and that that you were a tad jealous about his healthy relationship with someone he truly loves and loves him back.
Jimin then looks back at you again with all sorts of worry and curiosity written on his forehead. He only ever gave you that look if it had to deal with Jungkook.  
"No, but seriously... are you okay? I know that Jungkook's 'date' was pretty-"
Your lips curled into a smile as you reached out to pat his shoulder several times. "I'm fine, Jimin. I've been through much worst things. This, is really nothing."
The ecstasy of sleeping in on a Saturday morning with nothing to worry about later in the day has always been your favorite as you finally get to engulf yourself into catching up onto your sleep after all the sleepless nights you had spent doing countless things that after some point, you had immediately forgot. However, finally taking the advantage of that Saturday was this glorious feeling as no one had disturbed your awakening and no one was trying to ruin your enjoyment of sleeping. That was, until someone had proclaimed a death wish.
"Y/N! Wake up!" Jimin yells, smashing his fist onto your dorm room door very abruptly that he probably woke up the whole building. "It's 11 am!"
Groaning loudly, you shift around your bed while bringing your covers to your face, trying to keep all the warmth inside your sheets as best as you could. Hearing that he still didn't leave, you groaned again, sitting up with hair dissipated all over your face.
"Go away, Jimin!" You yelled with annoyance.
You heard him sigh in defeat from the other side of the door and you plop onto your bed again, hoping he had stopped waking you up on that Saturday morning.
"I hope you didn't forget about that interview for that internship you kept going on about- which starts in about 10 minutes!"
Hearing that simple statement, you shot out of bed, checking the time on your phone that blinked 11:21 am. You quickly jumped out of bed, grabbing your printed resume that you had put into a black folder and quickly jumped out of your pajamas into the clothes you planned the night before. Going at the speed of lightning, you rushed out of the door, pushing aside Jimin who had laughed at your disheveled state when you had ran out of the dorm building with shoes that were mix-matched while you tried to tie your hair with the folder in between your chin and chest.
As you had crossed across the street which gained you a lot of car honks and drivers throwing fits of swear words of anger at you, you had reached to the third floor where the interviews were led. You met the pairs of eyes of those who also applied for it, but you finally made it on time when the lady in a gray blazer and pencil skirt had called out your name the third time.
"Here! Present!" You say while trying to catch your own breath.
The lady had smiled at you, bringing you into the room in which it determines if you were going to be able to see the world through your own eyes or stay in the same place again.
You raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's vague question while he plopped onto his suede sofa right next to you. "So... what?"
Jungkook chugs on his bottled soda and looks at you with eyes twinkling in interest. "How did it go? Do you think you got the internship?"
You groaned loudly at the word 'internship' and grabbed one of his clean throw pillows you had to wash and pressed your face into it, leaning over to left to rest your head on the left arm of the sofa. "I really don't know. I was too nervous, I wasn't mentally prepared.. I didn't even brush my teeth."
Jungkook chuckles into his bottle, "Woah, what?"
You groaned once again, sitting up into a position where your legs were in criss-cross apple sauce position and your entire body had faced him. "I woke up late yesterday morning through a rude awakening by Park Jimin himself and I got there with my left shoe on my right foot and my right shoe on my left foot. I was a mess and I'm 100% positive I butchered my interview and now, I won't be able to go out and see the world and I'll be stuck here in the same place listening to my boss complain about tacos."
Jungkook looks at you with full eyebrows raised at your rant while your lips had moved into a pout.
"Hey, hey, don't sell yourself out so short," He encourages while patting your arm. "You're a lot more than what you hold yourself to, Y/N. You're intelligent, you're determined and ambitious. I bet you a hundred bucks and an ice cream cone that you did get that internship and you'll be able to see all of the world and its treasures as soon as you can."
You looked at him with uncertainty and he nudges you a bit, his hand now resting on your knee as he smiles at you with all the motivational expressions he can express.
"I don't like ice cream," You comment and Jungkook laughs at that.
"I know, which is why I bet on it because I know I'm gonna win," He winks.
You hit his arm with the pillow that sat on your lap lightly and he responds with a sonorous chuckle, calming you down instantly by pulling you into a hug where he kissed your forehead, your stomach churning at the mere touch of his contact on his lips.
He looked at you with this new profound look in his eyes as you stared at him, finding yourself not worrying about your failed interview anymore and instead, you were admiring him again.
"Have hope in yourself for once," He mutters and his eyes were now taken off of yours as he had forced himself to look away. Realizing this, you nod and take in a sharp breath, hugging the pillow that smelled just like him and the sofa.
"Jungkook?" You squeaked after a moment of silence and he hums in response. "If I do get the internship- or if I have a job of my own and I may or may not be traveling every now and then- do you think we would still keep in touch?"
Jungkook looks at you as if you had asked the most dumbest question that existed on planet earth and for you, you were completely curious. It seemed like a stupid question for him, but it sure wasn't to you. Because even if you are planning to travel around the world, you knew he was going to move on with his life with someone around his arms, making him happy. And the very thought had you left in bittersweet emotions.
"Do you think after all our years of friendship, I would let you go without making sure you can deliver a call or text to me?" He rhetorically asks and you shrugged. "Well, if you're legitimately asking, then yes, Y/N. Yes, we will keep in touch no matter how many miles or oceans away you are."
You fiddled with the corners of the throw pillow in your lap without looking at him. "How can you be so sure?"  
"Let's just say, you're the only person who keeps me sane around here."
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
All The Austin Bars And Breweries That Have Reopened, For Now (1) added to Google Docs
All The Austin Bars And Breweries That Have Reopened, For Now (1)
Back in June, Governor Greg Abbott ordered all bars closed following a surge of COVID-19 cases. Since then, many breweries have been allowed to reopen. And starting in late August, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) approved emergency rule changes that allowed bars to apply for food and beverage certificates and then reopen. Essentially, bars need to serve food in a large capacity, so get ready to order a $5 bag of chips or be asked to buy some chicken wings.
Meanwhile, restaurants remain open - see our patio guide and our outdoor Happy Hour guide for the best options. For more takeout and delivery options, check out our guide to alcohol delivery and takeout, our guide to cocktails to-go, and the Ultimate Austin Delivery & Takeout Guide.
As always, before heading out, it’s best to check online or call ahead first.
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plus more restaurant intel you won't find anywhere else. ATL ATX BOS CHI LDN LA MIA NYC PHL SF SEA DC Subscribe Smart move. Excellent information will arrive in your inbox soon. Do you have friends and family who also eat food? Enter their emails below and we’ll make sure they’re eating well. (Don’t worry, we won’t subscribe them to our newsletter - they can do that themselves.) Help Your Friends No Thanks Well done. You’re a good person. All good. We still like you. Want to quickly find restaurants on the go? Download The Infatuation app.   The Spots 4th Tap Brewing Cooperative $$$$ 10615 Metric Blvd
The brewery 4th Tap has reopened its taproom with limited hours and capacity. They’ve also launched a new beer garden. They encourage people to use their new reservation system, and they also have contactless ordering and payment. Additionally, they continue to offer curbside beer to-go.
8 Track $$$$ 2805 Manor Rd
The neighborhood restaurant and bar full of adult games, 8 Track on Manor Road, is open.
Acopon Brewing Company $$$$ 211 W Mercer St
The English-focused brewery, Acopon Brewing, in Dripping Springs is open with a new menu of empanadas and cheeseburgers.
Adelbert's Brewery $$$$ 2314 Rutland Dr #100
The microbrewery Adelbert’s Brewery has reopened its taproom and outdoor patio.
The Alibi $ $ $ $ Rainey Street $$$$ 96 Rainey St
Rainey Street bar The Alibi is open.
Apt 115 $$$$ 2025 E 7th St
The wine bar Apt 115 has opened its sidewalk patio and is taking reservations.
Augustine Cocktail Lounge $$$$
Rainey Street cocktail bar Augustine is open.
Austin Beerworks $$$$ 3009 Industrial Ter
The North Austin brewery, Austin Beerworks, has opened its patio.
The Austin Winery $$$$ 440 E. ST ELMO RD A1
The Austin Winery has reopened and they’re taking reservations.
Back Lot $$$$ 606 Maiden Ln
The bar Back Lot has reopened, and they even installed a new deck.
Barfly's $ $ $ $ North Loop $$$$ 5420 Airport Blvd
Barfly’s is open for business.
Barking Armadillo Brewing $$$$ 507 River Bend Dr
Georgetown brewery Barking Armadillo is open again.
Barton Springs Saloon $$$$ 1300 Barton Springs Road
The South Austin dive bar Barton Springs Saloon has opened back up.
BB Rover's Cafe & Pub $$$$ 12636 Research Blvd Ste B101
B.B. Rover’s is open, starting with patio service only for the first few weeks.
BD Riley's Irish Pub $$$$ 204 E 6th St
The downtown location of BD Riley’s Irish Pub is open.
B.D. Riley's Irish Pub at Mueller $$$$ 1905 Aldrich St.
The Mueller location of BD Riley’s Irish Pub is open to the public.
Bell Springs Brewery Co. $$$$
Bell Springs Brewery and Winery in Dropping Springs is open with outdoor seating.
 The Blind Pig Pub $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 317 E 6th St
Popular multi-level Dirty Sixth bar The Blind Pig is open.
Blue Owl Brewing $$$$ 2400 E Cesar Chavez St #300
Blue Owl Brewing has set up a “sour sanctuary” and is now open with limited capacity.
The Brass Tap $$$$ 10910 Domain Dr Bldg W #120
Craft beer bar, The Brass Tap, is open in The Domain.
The Brewtorium $$$$ 6015 Dillard Cir
The Central Austin brewery/restaurant The Brewtorium has reopened and moved their beer garden and picnic tables to a large green space right next door.
Broken Spoke $$$$ 3201 S Lamar Blvd
The legendary honky-tonk/bar/restaurant/dancehall Broken Spoke is open in a limited capacity.
Buckshots $$$$ 422 E 6th St
The downtown shot bar Buckshots is back open.
Buck Wild $$$$
Buck Wild on Dirty Sixth is open.
The Butterfly Bar $$$$ 2307 Manor Rd
The Butterfly Bar at The Vortex on Manor Road has reopened.
Celis Brewery $$$$ 10001 Metric Blvd
Celis Brewery has opened their doors to the public.
 Central Machine Works $ $ $ $ Bar Food ,  Burgers ,  Pizza  in  East Austin $$$$ 4824 E Cesar Chavez St
The East Side brewery Central Machine Works is open, including their very spacious patio. They are taking reservations.
Circle Brewing Company $$$$ 2340 W Braker Ln
Circle Brewing Co has limited seating inside and on their patio. There’s also the new Gulf Coast-inspired food truck Huckleberry that recently opened.
 The Container Bar $ $ $ $ Rainey Street $$$$ 90 Rainey St
Rainey Street’s Container Bar is open.
 Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden $ $ $ $ Tacos ,  BBQ  in  South Congress $$$$ 121 Pickle Rd
Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden has opened their patio to guests.
Crow Bar $$$$ 3116 S Congress Ave
Crow Bar has opened their doors to the public.
Dogwood Austin $$$$ 715 W 6th St
The Dogwood has opened both their West Sixth and their Rock Rose locations.
 Draught House Pub & Brewery $ $ $ $ Bar Food  in  Rosedale $$$$ 4112 Medical Pkwy
Draught House has opened their patio and food trailer.
The Far Out Lounge & Stage $$$$ 8504 S Congress Ave
The Far Out Lounge has opened their patio to guests.
Friends and Allies Brewing $$$$ 979 Springdale Rd
Friends and Allies Brewing, the East Austin brewery, has opened its taproom and patio.
Gibson Street Bar $$$$ 1109 S Lamar Blvd
The South Austin spot Gibson Street Bar has opened up its indoor space and outdoor patios.
Gourmands Neighborhood Pub $$$$ 2316 Webberville Rd
Gourmand’s has opened up their patio, and they’re accepting reservations.
Green Light Social $$$$ 720 W 6th St
Green Light Social on West Sixth is open.
Half Step $ $ $ $ Rainey Street $$$$ 75 1/2 Rainey St
Rainey Street cocktail bar Half Step is open, with limited patio seating. The interior remains closed.
HandleBar $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 121 E 5th St
Handlebar downtown is open.
Haymaker $$$$ 2310 Manor Rd
East Side sports bar Haymaker opened its dining room and outdoor patio.
 Hold Out Brewing $ $ $ $ American ,  Bar Food  in  Clarksville $$$$ 1208 W 4th St
Hold Out Brewing, the new brewery owned by and next to Better Half Bar, is open for reservations on their outside patio.
Hops & Grain $$$$ 507 Calles St
Hops & Grain has opened their indoor tasting room by reservation only. Their patio is open to the public.
Hopsquad Brewing Co. $$$$ 2307 Kramer Ln
Hopsquad has opened their patio with limited seating. The taproom will remain closed.
Icenhauer's $ $ $ $ Rainey Street $$$$ 83 Rainey St
The Rainey Street bar Icenhauer’s has opened.
Infinite Monkey Theorem $$$$ 702 Shady Ln
East Side urban winery, Infinite Monkey Theorem, is now open with limited indoor seating. Masks and hand sanitizer are available to guests.
The Iron Bear $$$$ 121 W 8th St
The Iron Bear downtown is open, and they’ve opened their kitchen as well to dine-in and takeout. Masks are required for entry.
The Jackalope $$$$ 404 E 6th St
Dirty Sixth bar The Jackalope is open.
 Jester King Brewery $ $ $ $ Hill Country $$$$ 13005 Fitzhugh Rd
Jester King has come back from a brief dine-in hiatus stronger than ever, with brand new picnic grounds, hiking trails, and multiple stations to fill up on their ever-changing selection of wild-fermented farmhouse ales. Right now, spots are available by reservation only.
 Kinda Tropical $ $ $ $ American ,  Bar Food ,  Burgers ,  Vegetarian ,  Cafe/Bakery ,  Brunch  in  East Austin ,  Govalle $$$$ 3501 E 7th St
Kinda Tropical on the East Side has opened their patio with limited seating.
 Kitty Cohen's $ $ $ $ East Austin $$$$ 2211 Webberville Rd
The East Side Bar Kitty Cohen’s has reopened its patio.
 Kung Fu Saloon $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 716 W 6th St
Both locations of Kung Fu Saloon are open.
 Lala's Little Nugget $ $ $ $ Bar  in  Crestview $$$$ 2207 Justin Ln
Christmas-all-the-time bar Lala’s is open.
Las Perlas $ $ $ $ Tacos  in  Downtown Austin $$$$ 403 E 7th St
Downtown mezcal bar Las Perlas is now open.
Last Chance Bar & Dancehall $$$$
Last Chance Bar and Dancehall is now open.
Last Stand Brewing Company $$$$ 12345 Pauls Valley Rd
Last Stand has opened their patio to guests and are offering contactless tab payment.
Lavaca Street Bar & Grill $$$$ 405 Lavaca St
All three locations of Lavaca Street Bar - South Lamar, downtown, and Domain - are open.
 Nicolai McCrary Lazarus Brewing Company $ $ $ $ Bar Food ,  Tacos  in  East Austin $$$$ 1902 E 6th St
The patio at East Side brewery Lazarus Brewing Company is open to the public (it opened back on May 8th). There’s a full menu of tacos, tortas, and more.
The Liberty $ $ $ $ Bar Food  in  East Austin $$$$ 1618 1/2 E 6th St
The East 6th Street bar The Liberty reopened in a limited capacity, including its spacious backyard. The East Side King trailer is also open.
The Little Darlin' $ $ $ $ Bar Food ,  Burgers ,  Bar  in  South Congress $$$$ 6507 Circle S Rd
The Little Darlin’, the bar/restaurant with the huge outdoor patio, has reopened for dine-in service. The indoor space has limited seating.
Little Woodrow's $$$$ 520 W 6th St
All five Little Woodrow’s locations in Austin (Burnet, West Sixth, South Park, Tech Ridge, Parmer Lane) are open
Live Oak Brewing Company $$$$ 1615 Crozier Ln
Live Oak has reopened its beer garden and disc golf course. They’re taking reservations.
Longhorn Daiquiris $$$$ 2410 E Riverside Dr
The bar/restaurant Longhorn Daiquiris on East Riverside has reopened its patio.
Lost Lei $$$$ 117 W 4th St
Downtown tiki bar The Lost Lei is open.
 Lucille $ $ $ $ Rainey Street $$$$ 77 Rainey St
Rainey Street bar Lucille is open.
 Lustre Pearl $ $ $ $ Rainey Street $$$$ 94 Rainey St
Rainey Street bar Lustre Pearl has opened their patio and their interior.
Mean Eyed Cat $$$$ 1620 W 5th Street
The Clarksville honky tonk/bar Mean Eyed Cat is open once again.
Mercer Street Dance Hall $$$$ 332 W Mercer St
Mercer Street bar and dancehall has opened up, with live music and dancing.
Midnight Cowboy $$$$ 313 E 6th St
Midnight Cowboy, the cocktail/speakeasy on 6th Street, is open and taking reservations.
Moontower Saloon $$$$ 10212 Manchaca Rd
Moontower Saloon opened their doors to the public. Masks are mandatory to enter.
Mort Subite $$$$ 308 Congress Ave
Downtown Belgian beer bar Mort Subite has limited seating available, both indoors and in their front and back patios.
 Nickel City $ $ $ $ Bar Food ,  Hot Dogs  in  East Austin $$$$ 1133 E 11th St
The East Side bar Nickel City has reopened and is taking reservations. They’re also still offering curbside pickup.
Nomadic Beerworks $$$$ 3804 Woodbury Dr
The South Austin brewery/coffeeshop Nomadic Beerworks has opened its patio with picnic tables out in the parking lot.
Oddwood Ales $$$$ 3108 Manor Rd
The East Austin bar Oddwood Ales has reopened with limited seating on its patio.
P6 $$$$ 111 E Cesar Chavez St
Downtown rooftop bar, P6, is open for food and drinks.
Parker Jazz Club $$$$ 117 W 4th St Ste 107B
Parker Jazz Club has opened with limited seating by reservations only.
Parmer Lane Tavern $$$$ 2121 W Parmer Ln Ste 101
Parmer Lane Tavern, or PLT, has opened their inside and their patio, with live music three nights each week.
Posse East $$$$ 2900 Duval St
Posse East has opened their patio to guests.
 Nicolai McCrary Radio Coffee & Beer $ $ $ $ Tacos  in  South Austin $$$$ 4208 Manchaca Rd
Radio has opened up their front yard and greenhouse for limited outdoor seating.
The Ranch $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 710 W 6th St
The Ranch on West Sixth has reopened.
Red Horn Coffee House & Brewing Co $$$$ 13010 W Parmer Ln Ste 800
Red Horn Brewing has opened their patio to customers.
Reina $$$$
Reina on Rainey Street is open with seating by reservation.
Rentsch Brewery $$$$ 2500 NE Inner Loop
Rentsch Brewery in Georgetown has opened their patio to customers.
Revelry Kitchen + Bar $$$$ 1410 E 6th St
Revelry Kitchen + Bar is open for food and drinks, but will only be offering seating on their patio to start.
Rio Rooftop Bar $ $ $ $ Downtown Austin $$$$ 601 Rio Grande St
Downtown rooftop bar Rio is open to the public.
Roughhouse Brewing $$$$ 612 Oakwood Loop
Roughhouse Brewing out in San Marcos has reopened, but only its outdoor space.
Rustic Tap $ $ $ $ Bar Food  in  Downtown Austin $$$$ 613 W 6th St
Downtown bar and music venue The Rustic Tap is open with live music.
SanJac Saloon $$$$ 300 E 6th St
San Jac Saloon downtown is open.
School House Pub $$$$ 2207 Manor Rd
School House Pub on Manor Road is now open with indoor and patio seating.
Sellers Underground $$$$ 213 W 4th St
Sellers Underground on 4th Street is open.
Seven Grand $$$$ 405 E 7th St
Downtown whiskey bar Seven Grand is now open.
Shakespeare's Pub $$$$ 314 E 6th St
Popular Dirty Sixth bar Shakespeare’s Pub is open.
Shenanigans $$$$ 13233 Pond Springs Rd
Shenanigan’s Nightclub has opened their doors, but most bar activities (shuffleboard, jenga, darts) are unavailable.
Shooters $$$$ 11416 N FM 620
Both locations of the billiards/sports bar Shooters - North Austin and Cedar Park - have reopened their indoor spaces and patios.
South Austin Beer Garden $$$$ 10700 Manchaca Rd
The bar and beer hall South Austin Beer Garden is open.
Speakeasy $$$$ 412 Congress Ave
Downtown bar Speakeasy is open.
Stagger Lee $$$$ 87 Rainey St
Rainey Street bar Stagger Lee is open.
Star Bar $$$$ 600 W 6th St
Star Bar is open to the public. All guests must wear a mask and have their temperatures taken upon entry.
St. Elmo Brewing Company $$$$ 440 E Saint Elmo Rd Ste G-2
St Elmo Brewing Company is open and accepting reservations.
Stereotype $$$$ 510 Rio Grande St
The West 6th St bar Stereotype is open.
Techo Mezcaleria & Agave Bar $$$$ 2201 Manor Rd (Upstairs)
Techo, the mezcaleria on top of Mi Madre’s, has opened back up.
Texas Sake Tasting Room $$$$ 1206 W 43rd St
Texas Sake Company is open with limited seating in their new taproom.
Tipsy Alchemist $$$$
Rainey Street cocktail bar The Tipsy Alchemist is open.
Two Bucks $$$$ 503 E 6th St
Downtown bar Two Bucks is open.
unBARlievable $$$$ 76 Rainey St
Rainey Street bar Unbarlievable is open.
Valhalla Esports Lounge $$$$ 710B W 6th St
The gaming bar Valhalla Esports Lounge on W 6th St is open to the public.
Violet Crown Social Club $$$$ 1111 E 6th St
The East 6th bar Violet Crown is open once again, including its spacious patio.
Vista Brewing $$$$ 13551 W FM 150
Vista Brewing in Driftwood has opened their beer garden, by reservation only.
Warehouse Billiard Bar $$$$ 509 E. Ben White Blvd.
Warehouse Billiard Bar will be opening their doors early next week. Guests may need to have their temperature taken upon entering.
WhichCraft Beer Store $$$$ 1900 Simond Ave Ste 200
The beer shop/bar WhichCraft in Mueller has reopened their indoor and outdoor seating.
Whisler's $ $ $ $ East Austin $$$$ 1816 E 6th St
Popular East Side cocktail bar Whisler’s is back open with patio service.
Whitestone Brewery $$$$ 601 E Whitestone Blvd Ste 500 Bldg 5
Whitestone Brewery in Cedar Park has opened their tap room at limited capacity and their patio with limited table seating.
Wonder Bar $$$$ 11500 Rock Rose Ave suite d
Wonder Bar, the Instagram-bait bar in the Domain, is open.
Workhorse Bar $$$$ 100 N Loop Blvd, Austin, TX 78751
Workhorse, the North Loop neighborhood bar, is back open, including their patio out back.
 Yellow Jacket Social Club $ $ $ $ American  in  East Austin $$$$ 1700 E 5th St.
The East Side bar, Yellow Jacket Social Club, has reopened its patio and interior.
Zilker Brewing Co. $$$$ 1701 E 6th St
The East 6th brewery Zilker Brewing Co. has reopened it patio.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/austin/guides/austin-texas-bars-reopen Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created September 4, 2020 at 04:42AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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supervidyavinay · 4 years
It’s probably safe to assume that you have by now heard of the Galwan river. Its valley is one of the flashpoints of the ongoing high-altitude standoff between the Indian and Chinese forces.The river, which runs 80 km westwards from its origins in Karakoram range through Aksai Chin and east Ladakh to join the Shyok river, a significant tributary of the Indus, is deemed to be of strategic significance in this region, with simmering border tensions between India and China. The valley was also a flashpoint during the 1962 India-China war.It is named after Ghulam Rassul Galwan, a hardy Ladakhi adventurer and explorer who assisted many famed European explorers at the turn of the 19th century. He later brought alive that world — of treacherous expeditions through high Himalayas during The Great Game, as Russia and Britain jostled for dominance in the region — in the book Servant of Sahibs.He was also my great-grandfather.Born in 1878, Galwan either led or was part of numerous expeditions into Tibet, Yarkand (now in the Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang, China), the Karakoram range, the Pamirs and other Central Asian regions — mostly through inhospitable geographies with altitudes ranging from 5,000 m to 7,000 m above the sea level and where temperature plunged to -30 degree Celsius in the winter. At that temperature, an inadequately clothed person develops hypothermia in 10 minutes.Galwan assisted and travelled with the legendary names of those times. In 1887, he travelled with Major HH Godwin-Austen, the English geologist who determined the height of K2, the world’s second tallest peak, also known as Mount Godwin-Austen. In 1892, he travelled with Charles Murray, the 7th Earl of Dunmore, on a trip thought to be a diplomatic or espionage mission. In 1890 and 1896, he travelled with Sir Francis Younghusband, the architect of the Anglo-Tibetan Treaty of 1904, which ensured long-term trade concessions for the British government. In 1913, he accompanied Italian zoologist Filippo de Filippi. These were just the better known among the expeditions of a man who appears to have been travelling nearly all of his relatively short life — he died at 47, in 1925.During the 1892 mission with Murray, the 7th Earl of Dunmore, the group had hit a wall of tall mountains and steep gorges with no possible way out. Galwan, a 14-year-old boy at the time, went ahead searching for a possible route out of the labyrinth. To the group’s surprise, the boy found a relatively easier passage through the ravines that helped the expedition to go ahead without much difficulty or any casualty. Impressed, Dunmore decided to name the newfound passage through the edge of the gurgling water the “Galwan Nullah”, according to Ladakhi historian Abdul Ghani Sheikh.“I have never heard of an instance of naming of major geographical feature after a native explorer. British names have been given but never heard of one being named after a local,” says Harish Kapadia, mountaineer, author and long-time editor of the Himalayan Journal.The Ladakh of those days was a landscape stricken with poverty. Galwan was forced to go on risky, long-distance expeditions when he was just 12, to supplement the meagre and inconsistent income of his single mother, a winnower. But the path he chose due to compulsion later became a passion and he never looked back even after his material circumstances improved.Starting out as a porter and pony man, he rose through the ranks to eventually become the aksakal or the chief assistant of the British joint commissioner at Leh.For about 35 years, he assisted or led expeditions with British, Italian and American explorers. He spoke the native Ladakhi, Turki and Urdu and had working knowledge of Kashmiri and Tibetan, according to Ghani Sheikh. During the courses of his trips, Galwan also learnt English language and eventually wrote his autobiography. Ghani Sheikh reckons Galwan was probably the first person in the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir to write an autobiography in English.“When he joined my husband, he had an English vocabulary of a dozen words, and therewith an ambition to write ‘the story of his happened’ in English,” Katherine Barrett, who edited the book, would write in the Editor’s Introduction. In a bid to increase his vocabulary, her husband, the American adventurer Robert Barrett, spoke to Galwan in his style of broken English, exchanged notes and gave him the King James Bible and a copy of a 17th century travel book to read. Galwan kept jotting down the experiences of his trips and about various sahibs on thin paper and kept shipping them to the American editor for more than a decade.“The thin sheets of manuscripts have been following us all over the world for fourteen years,” wrote Barrett. “Unintelligible early chapters have been sent back several times for rewriting. At last, Rassul has acquired a style with which we do not tamper.” The book, Servant of Sahibs: A Book to be Read Aloud, was finally published in 1923 by Cambridgebased W Heffer & Sons Ltd, with an introduction by Sir Francis Younghusband, then a British army officer who was dispatched by the British India government to gather intelligence on the strategic and trade routes of the Pamirs and Central Asia.During Galwan’s life, his homeland was part of the famed Silk Route, which was volatile (how some things never change), with different kingdoms and tribes trying to maintain their control over the lucrative paths, swarming with robbers.Galwan was born in Leh, possibly in 1878. He was raised by his single mother; both of them got by doing menial jobs and household chores for a government official. The book offers early glimpses of his doughty spirit. Once to protest being chided by his mother, he left home for a friend’s house, and walked defiantly for miles in the freezing winter, without shoes.During those days, Leh, the capital and principal town of Ladakh, was an important hub on the Silk Route, where traders from Kashmir, Punjab, Afghanistan, Tibet, China and Central Asia would congregate and barter their goods — teas to turbans, creams to carpets. The triangular town, situated at an altitude of 13,500 ft above sea level, was a melting pot of various ethnicities.Petty fights would often break out between them. In one such scuffle, Galwan and his friends were chased through the streets of Leh and were badly beaten by a group of Chinese traders and their aides, according to his autobiography.As he lay on the ground, Galwan recalled in his book, “I thought: ‘This people will kill to me.’” 76363896Dead Man WalkingThe same fear of being killed by the Chinese would be experienced by another member of my family seven decades later. This was when a hail of bullets from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) rained down on a search party of Indian security forces in October 1959 near the Hot Springs check post near Aksai Chin, close to the Galwan river.In that patrol party was a 24-year-old recruited by the Intelligence Bureau — my father Abdul Majeed Bailay.Tensions were brewing between India and China that year. During the 1959 Tibetan Uprising, the Dalai Lama had fled to India in March and India had granted asylum to the Tibetan spiritual leader.On October 21, one of the three reconnaissance parties that had gone to the Hot Springs area did not return to the base. Sensing something amiss, a search team of about 20 members, comprising Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) jawans and Intelligence Bureau (IB) men, including my father, went searching. At around noon, when the Indian search party was passing through ravines, looking for their lost colleagues, they were ambushed by the Chinese PLA forces. Bullets and grenades rained down from the PLA vantage on the high ridges. Despite their precarious positions and with their modest firearms, the Indian contingent fought bravely but 10 Indian lives were lost in the incident.My father was wounded but survived. The survivors were captured by the PLA, which made the hostages carry the bodies of their deceased colleagues back to the Chinese side. For more than a month, they were kept in underground bunkers. With no news from the border, my father was considered dead. My devastated grandmother performed his last rites as per Islamic rituals and local Ladakhi traditions.Then as part of an agreement after five weeks, China released the hostages and handed over the bodies of Indian jawans who died in the Hot Springs shootout.On a winter afternoon, children playing at Stalam, near the Leh Palace, saw an approaching party of security forces on horseback. When some of them recognised my father among the soldiers riding the horses, the children were stunned. Old-timers say the children ran scared, shouting, “ghost... ghost”, as he was believed to be dead.After that episode my father gained some notoriety in Leh as datlok, loose translation for “dead man walking”, in Ladakhi. He married Galwan’s eldest granddaughter (my mother) in the late 1960s.In 2018, a year before he passed away at the age of 84, my father and three other surviving members of the Hot Springs search party were honoured by Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he inaugurated the renovated National Police Memorial and Museum in New Delhi. The sacrifices made by the brave personnel of CRPF and IB at the Hot Springs in 1959 is remembered every year on October 21, observed as the National Police Commemoration Day.I grew up hearing the tales of my father’s hostage saga as well as the storied adventures of Galwan. The treks lasted months and ran through dangerous trails in gorges with the ever-present threat of snowstorms. While the European sahibs got mountains named after them, the porters and pony men did the backbreaking work. Poverty and lack of opportunities led many Ladakhi locals to take up dangerous jobs. Tours were so tough that many had to amputate all toes and fingers due to frostbites.But Galwan’s sacrifices bestowed good fortune on successive generations of his family. As Ladakh over the years became a highlight of the domestic tourism circuit, the land Galwan owned in and around Leh town became prime property and the clan produced a new breed of hoteliers.Whenever I build a modest hotel on the Galwan land I inherited in Leh, a friend suggested that I should name it after my greatgrandfather. But my uncle already runs an establishment across the road — Galwan Guest House. from Economic Times https://ift.tt/37rWRRP
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wikitopx · 5 years
Built upon oil booms of the early 20th century, the modern city of Tulsa offers many fine hotels.
Whether for business, pleasure, or a little bit of both, Tulsa features romantic suites, boutique hotels, and very affordable accommodation options. For an extended stay or a quick family trip, one of the best places to stay and experience Tulsa, including its abundance of Art Deco architecture, is downtown Tulsa near the Arkansas River.
Downtown is home to Tulsa's most creative neighborhoods, like the Brady Arts District, and hotels here are near many theaters, restaurants, and shopping. With pet-friendly accommodations and spacious suites, some with Jacuzzis in room, downtown hotels also have quick access to Tulsa attractions, including the Tulsa Performing Arts Center and the Tulsa Art Deco Museum. An easy getaway from any downtown hotel, the nearby Arkansas River Trail provides stunning open environments and scenic stops along the way.
Surrounding the downtown district, points of interest like the Tulsa Fairgrounds to the east are near other great hotel options. To the north, the Tulsa Zoo is one of the most popular family-friendly attractions of the city, with proximity to the Tulsa Airport, and many quality hotels can be found on this side of the city. In surrounding suburbs, like Broken Arrow and Catoosa, more affordable hotels and motels are great options for budget travelers looking to be close to the city
1. Ambassador Hotel Tulsa, Autograph Collection
Built for oil barons in the late 1920s, this historic hotel was brought back to life in 1997 with a multi-million-dollar renovation. The ornate entranceway of the Ambassador speaks to the hotel's history, as does the spacious lobby, adorned with an elegant chandelier, and the class only continues after checking into a room at this downtown Tulsa hotel. Ranging from classic guest rooms to Ambassador suites, only seven rooms occupy each floor of this 10-story hotel, each featuring hand-picked furnishings and Italian stone walk-in showers.
Surrounded by great restaurants, shops, and many top attractions of downtown Tulsa, the Ambassador Hotel is a destination within itself. The Chalkboard restaurant, located off the lobby, provides an elegant dining experience with a wide variety of locally sourced fare. Special packages are available at The Ambassador, including the Tour of Tulsa package with a self-guided walking map and two tickets to either the Gilcrease Museum or Philbrook Museum of Art.
Address: 1324 S Main Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma
2. The Mayo Hotel
Near the Tulsa Performing Arts Center, The Mayo Hotel is one of the most luxurious accommodations in the city. Multi-million-dollar renovations in the late 2000s brought back the former decadence of this historic hotel, which was built in the early 20th century, treating guests today with modern, upscale amenities and ornate guest rooms. With nine separate event spaces equipped with state-of-the-art lighting and sound, as well as a full-time wedding planning team, The Mayo Hotel is a popular spot for weddings and other formal events.
Featuring celebrity suites and deluxe two-bedroom rooms, The Mayo Hotel also accommodates extended stays with over 70 luxury apartments equipped with stainless steel kitchenware, individualized furnishings, and daily housekeeping services. Fine dining can be found at The Boiler Room restaurant at The Mayo Hotel, and the hotel's balcony space provides a stunning view of the surrounding Tulsa skyline. Romantic packages are available for couples looking to celebrate a relationship.
Address: 115 W 5th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma
3. Fairfield Inn & Suites Tulsa Downtown
Kitty corner to Woody Guthrie Center, this family-friendly accommodation provides a great downtown location. Rooms and suites at the Fairfield Inn feature separate work and sleeping areas, big windows with generous views, and a reputation for cleanliness. Surrounded by great downtown restaurants, the hotel's own Prhyme Downtown Steakhouse is often noted by culinary critics for its fine-dining offerings and casual atmosphere.
Other popular city attractions easily reached from the Fairfield Inn include Guthrie Green Park, Cain's Ballroom, and the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame.
Address: 111 N Main Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma
4. Hyatt Regency Tulsa
In the heart of downtown and adding to the Tulsa skyline, this Hyatt Regency provides all the attention to detail for a luxurious stay. Overlooking the sculpture gardens of the Williams Center Complex, the Hyatt is only a few blocks from the Tulsa Performing Arts Center and nearly as close to the Brady Arts District. A big selection of award-winning restaurants surrounds the Hyatt, and the in-house Daily Grill features a long menu of casual fare for all three meals of the day.
Guest rooms at this pet friendly accommodation feature additional seating and great city views, and the suites at Hyatt Regency offer a decadent experience, with stylish furnishings and an abundance of space. In-house spa services are available at the Ihloff Salon within the hotel, including manicures, pedicures, facials, and waxing. Featuring two customizable ballrooms and additional meeting space, this downtown hotel is also very popular for weddings and business events.
Address: 100 E 2nd Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma
5. Doubletree Hotel Tulsa-Downtown
Directly connected to the Tulsa Cox Convention Center, and the official host hotel of the nearby BOK Center, this DoubleTree by Hilton has a great reputation for a first-class stay. This high-rise hotel's spacious guest rooms and decadent suites feature modern decor and comfortable furnishings, many with great views of the surrounding downtown district.
It's popular for all types of travel, and the access to the rest of downtown makes this pet-friendly hotel a common first choice when traveling to Tulsa.
Address: 616 W 7th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma
6. Hampton Inn & Suites Tulsa Downtown
Adjacent to the BOK Center downtown, this Hampton Inn & Suites is popular for business travel, family vacations, and downtown events. Featuring modern guest rooms and suites, as well as a comfortable lobby to enjoy the complimentary breakfast, and with proximity to many great local restaurants and boutique shopping opportunities, this downtown hotel also provides an affordable stay.
A naturally lit indoor pool is popular with families visiting the hotel, and the fully equipped fitness studio with free weights and machines is perfect for those interested in keeping an exercise routine.
Address: 211 W 3rd Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma
7. Best Western Plus Downtown Tulsa / Route 66 Hotel
A modern ambience and stylish decor define this Best Western Plus, as well as proximity to historic Route 66 before it crosses the Arkansas River. Great for families, business professionals, and pet owners, this pet friendly accommodation also provides close access to other prominent city attractions including ONEOK Field, the Arkansas River Trail, and the Brady Arts District.
The modern decor of each guest room at this Best Western exudes comfort without breaking the vacation budget, and the 24-hour business center keeps everyone connected throughout their stay.
Address: 707 S Houston Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma
8. The Campbell Hotel
On the National Register of Historic Places and adjacent to the campus of the University of Tulsa, The Campbell Hotel provides a modern stay within 26 uniquely decorated rooms. Overnight spaces range from single queens to luxurious suites, some including Jacuzzis in room, and the common areas of The Campbell Hotel are meticulously furnished by top designers in the Tulsa area. A popular spot for weddings and other formal events, the event spaces at The Campbell Hotel are often filled with good cheer.
The in-house Spa Maxx within the Campbell Hotel adds to the pampering offered by this boutique getaway, with services including hot stone treatments, detoxifying mud wraps, and couples massages. A great place for vacation travel or family getaways, The Campbell Hotel also caters to romantic weekends with special packages available including a Dynamic Duo bundle featuring massages and special room service.
Address: 2636 E 11th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma
9. Ramada by Wyndham Tulsa
With a reputation for great customer service and attention to detail, this Ramada by Wyndham is located conveniently close to Expo Square and the Tulsa State Fair. Pet-friendly and accommodating for the whole family, the guest rooms at Ramada have a modern flair and comfortable furnishings including pillow-top beds.
The indoor pool and fitness facility are well utilized by families and those who keep an exercise routine, and the complimentary hot breakfast and morning newspaper are often enjoyed in the spacious lobby and dining area.
Address: 8175 E Skelly Drive, Tulsa, Oklahoma
10. Embassy Suites by Hilton Tulsa - I-44
Alongside the spacious rooms offered by this suite-exclusive hotel, the Embassy Suites by Hilton is a popular accommodation thanks to its great location near many top attractions of Tulsa. Families and interested tourists can visit the Oklahoma Aquarium, Oklahoma Air and Space Museum, and the Tulsa State Fair within a short drive from the hotel.
Well utilized for family and business travel, the separate living and sleeping spaces at the Embassy Suites provide extra room to spread out your things.
Address: 3332 S 79th E Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-cheap-hotels-in-tulsa-701618.html
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Some close-up pics of the dryad's saddle mushrooms, Polyporus squamosus.
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Fall is here in Memphis, and that means it’s time for pumpkin patches, Halloween parties, haunted houses, corn mazes, ghost tours, and plenty of costume contests. Here are a bunch of ways to celebrate this time of year in Memphis. – Historical Haunts Memphis (ongoing) Historical Haunts hosts ongoing spooky tours, haunted pub crawls, and ghost hunts at various downtown locations, plus the Woodruff Fontaine House. This goes on year-round, not just during this spooky season. – Backbeat Tours (ongoing) Backbeat hosts walking Ghost Tours downtown on a regular basis as well as a haunted pub “crawls” where you pedal the Sprock ‘n’ Roll pedal bar to three stops with a side of haunted history (Wednesdays and last Fridays). – Mid-South Corn Maze (Sept. 15 – Nov. 4) Get lost in the annual corn maze at the Agricenter September 15 through November 4. It’s open Thursdays through Sundays in September and Wednesdays through Sundays in October. It is HAUNTED on September 30, October 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28, 31 and November 3 and 4. Check out their website for exact hour. It’s $7 for adults, $5 for kids 6-12, and free for kids 5 and younger when it’s just corn. When the maze is haunted, it’s $15 for everybody. My pro tip is to go early because the line when it’s late and haunted can get long. – Zoo Harvest Fest (Sept. 23 – 24) Head to the Once Upon A Farm exhibit inside the Memphis Zoo for some old-fashioned fun. You can “learn from local craftsmen, hear folk music, churn your own butter and even stamp your own leather”. This is included in entry to the Zoo, but I imagine the vendors’ stuff might cost extra. – Priddy Farms Pumpkin Patch (Sept. 29 – ?) Head out to Priddy Farms (4595 N. Germantown Rd.) opens on September 29. You will have to contact them directly to confirm exactly the prices and activities available, but in years past they were open Wednesdays through Sundays with pumpkin patch, train, and hayride. It’s been free to enter, but $1-$5 for activities and $1 – $12+ for pumpkins. – Falcon Ridge Farms  (Sept. 29 – Oct. 31) It’s a 1.5 hour drive from Memphis, but Falcon Ridge in Toone, Tennessee, has a Fall Festival that will be open September 23 – October 31 every day of the week (click here for hours) with a pumpkin patch, pre-picked pumpkins for sale, a hayride, pony rides, petting zoo, corn maze, and more. It’s $10 general admission plus extra for pumpkins, rides, food, etc. Details here. – Dia De Los Muertos Parade & Festival Preview (Sept. 29) Get a taste of what to expect at the October 7th parade (see below) at this Preview Party from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. at the Tower Courtyard at Overton Square. – Wicked Ways Haunted House (Sept. 29 – Oct. 31) I’m no haunted house aficionado, but I hear this one’s the scariest in town. They make it clear that it’s NOT for the faint of heart. It’s in a warehouse at 160 Cumberland Street near Wiseacre Taproom. Tickets, as far as their website says, are $20 for adults or $13 for kids – or pay $35 to skip the line – and some proceeds benefit St. Jude. They’re open on select days (mostly Wed. – Sun.) from September 29 through October 31. Hours here. – Second Baptist Church Pumpkin Patch (Sept. 30 – Oct. 31 + Festival on Oct. 21) Purchase your flowers, hay bales, and pumpkins (prices vary) at 4680 Walnut Grove this fall from September 30 through October 31. It’s open Mondays – Saturday from 10 a.m. ’til sunset and on Sunday from noon to ’til sunset. There’s also a free-to-attend Pumpkin Festival on October 21. – Shadowlands Festival of Fear at Jones Orchard (Oct. 6 – 31) For more than ten years, Jones Orchard has turned their picturesque farm into a scary Halloween horror story. They have a creepy corn maze ($13) and a haunted hayride ($10) – $21 for both – open on Fridays and Saturdays in October only, plus on October 31. – Dia De Los Muertos Parade & Festival (Oct. 7) The Brooks Museum, Cazateatro Bilingual Theatre Group, and Danza Azteca Queztalcoatl will host a parade and fest in midtown this year to mark Dia De Los Muertos. The parade begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Tower Courtyard and makes its way to the Brooks Museum for a fest with face painting, art-making, music, dance, theatre, and more. It’s free. Click here for details + parade route. – Shelby Farms Fright-Day the Thirteenth Outdoor Movie Night (Oct. 13) Shelby Farms will host a movie night on October 13 and screen Hocus Pocus at 6:15 p.m. and Friday the 13th at 8 p.m. on the Great Lawn. It’s $10 per car for non-members or free for members. Bring your chairs and blankets, buy food/popcorn, and leave your booze at home. If you keep your kid there for the rated R movie at 8 pm. they might get scared or hear a swear, so keep that in mind. – Elmwood Costume Twilight Tour (Oct. 14) Tour guides dressed as Elmwood Cemetery’s residents take you on an all-walking tour of the historic resting place with groups departing from the Cottage every ten minutes starting at 3:30 p.m. You must buy your ticket ($20) online ahead of time; there are no gate admission – also, this event will sell out if it hasn’t by the time I publish this post today. – Creepshow Peepshow Burlesque (Oct. 14) Sock-It-To-Me Burlesque hosts a tribute to George Romero and scary movies with burlesque, song, and dance, at the RockHouse Live on Raleigh Legrange. GA tickets are $12 and VIP seats are $20. Music at 9 p.m.; burlesque begins at 10 p.m. – Cerrito Trivia Halloween/spooky themed nights (Oct. 17 – ?) Cerrito Trivia will host a couple of spooky-themed trivia nights: The Walking Dead (+ costume contest) on Oct. 17, Friends Halloween on Oct. 19, The Office (+ costume contest) on Oct. 24, Stranger Things (+ costume contest) on Oct. 25, Hocus Pocus (+costume contest). Check out his website for more details and locations, or to reserve your team’s spot. – Zoo Boo (Oct. 20-22, 27-31) Take the kids to a Halloween-inspired Le Bonheur Zoo Boo visit after regular hours on October 20-22 or 27-31. They’ll have a “frightening” forest trail, haunted hayride, singing pumpkins, crafts, trick-or-treat, straw maze, kiddie rides, magic shows, and more. Advance tickets are $13 non-members; day-of tickets are $15 non-members. Members get discounts. There are additional fees for some of the activities. Keep in mind that most of the animals are asleep at night. The Zoo recommends that you go the first weekend or avoid Saturday nights to skip some of the crowds; or get there right at 5:30 p.m. – Haunted Happenings at the Woodruff-Fontaine  (Oct. 27) Take a guided tour of the Woodruff-Fontaine House and enjoy Victorian-themed fun like fortune telling, a paranormal investigation, and treats. Costumes are welcome; tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for kids. – Elmwood’s Spirits With The Spirits (Oct. 27) If you’re looking for a fancy soiree in a cemetery this fall, this event – on Friday from 7 p.m. – til is for you. Dress is casual black and white or costumes; expect food and drink, tarot readings, music, wagon rides,  a silent auction and more. Tickets are $70 “per body” or $125 per couple, which includes drinks. – Festival of Fun and Fright (Oct. 27) Put the kids in costumes and head to the Bob Hailey Athletic Complex in Germantown for the Fairy Tale Trail and/or the haunted Trail of Terror from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will also be concessions, games, and moon bounces. Tickets are $4 per trail. – Day of the Dead Fiesta (Oct. 27)  This fall festival is a celebration of Latino culture, food, and fun, held this year at The Columns from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Friday October 27. Your $50 advanced ticket gets you entry, apps, and plenty of live entertainment. You can also purchase a $10 or $20 bar pass for beer, wine, and liquor. Don’t wear Halloween costumes; this isn’t a Halloween party. Do wear your snazziest black and white getups. 21+. It’s $65 at the door and online tickets sales end on Oct. 26. The Witch’s Dungeon Halloween Party (Oct. 27) The Mystic Krewe of Pegasus hosts their third annual Halloween Party at 1819 Madison Avenue from 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. Tickets are $30 and include food, open bar, and entertainment all night. Costume contest at midnight; proceeds benefit The Metamorphosis Project. – Whatever Dude’s Halloween Rocktackular (Oct. 27) Murphy’s pub hosts a Halloween party on Friday night from 10 p.m. to 1 p.m. – Millington Farmer’s Market Fall Festival (Oct. 28) The market at 5152 Easley St. in Millington hosts a fun day with yoga, bouncy house for the kids, food truck, vendor booths, crafts, storytelling, and a cornhole tourney. – Elmwood Scandals & Scoundrels Tour (Oct. 28) Learn about Elmwood Cemetery’s most famous and infamous residents in an all-walking guided tour. Advanced registration ($20) is required. The tour is 90 minutes, starts at 1 p.m., and is for grown-ups only. – Flick-or-Treat at the Botanic Garden (Oct. 28)  This not-so-scary movie night is in My Big Backyard at the Memphis Botanic Garden and includes activities related to the Big Bugs exhibit and screenings of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” and “Hocus Pocus” starting at 7 p.m. Gates open at 5 p.m., event ends at 9 p.m. Tickets are $8 for nonmembers and $10 for members; reservations are required. They’ll have food and adult spirits, etc., for sale. – Alice in Daisyland Halloween w/ The Crystal Method (Oct. 28) The New Daisy hosts a Halloween bash feat. The Crystal Method, DJ Tree, Scotty B, and Defcon Engaged from 10 p.m. until 3 a.m. Ages 18+ only. Tickets are $10 + about $5 in fees if you buy ahead online. Just read the details here. They’re also have a costume contest where the prize is $500. – Spaceface Halloween at the Hi-Tone (Oct. 28) Throw down at the Hi-Tone on Saturday night (doors at 8 p.m.) with a half dozen bands including Spaceface, China Gate, Love Bomb Go Go, Harlan T Bobo, and Louise Page. Tickets are $10, this event is 18 and up. – Sinners For Saints III (Oct. 28) Throw down with half of Memphis at this year’s Sinners for Saints at 345 Madison, featuring tunes from AQUANET, Charvey Mac, DJ Superbrad, DJ Lil’ Eggroll, and more. The party is from 9 p.m. ’til 1 p.m., is 21 and up, and proceeds benefit the Church Health Center. Tickets are $50 in advance or $60 at the door (they sell out/reach capacity every year though) and include open bar (beer, punch, JELLO shots, more), photos from Amurica, costume contest, and some food while supplies last. You will be the only person not dressed up if you don’t wear a costume. – Vine To Wine Spooky Spirits (Oct. 31) The Memphis Botanic Garden hosts a costume-friendly wine tasting event on Tuesday evening from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Get your tickets here. Did I miss something? Add it to the calendar. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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joesbrownusa · 7 years
Houses For Sale in Elkville, IL
458 Lacy Rd, Elkville, IL
Price: $125000
This is approximately 12.5 acres located close to town with a rural setting. There are 2 large pole barns (64 x 67 and 40 x 64), with water and electric on the premises along with a large stocked pond. There is ample room to build your dream home or start your own farm. Don’t miss your opportunity.
507 N 7th St, Elkville, IL
Price: $120000
Well kept three bedroom two bath ranch on a large lot in quiet neighborhood. This home has everything you need! Tons of storage, spacious rooms, a two car garage and beautiful landscaping.
610 N 6th St, Elkville, IL
Price: $134900
Beautifully remodeled 4 Bed, 2 full bath ranch. This spacious home offers character and comfort in every room! Open kitchen with dining area, as well as, breakfast bar. The finished basement offers a family room with fireplace, large rec room, storage room, and utility room with a 3rd stand up shower. 2 car attached garage leads to either the kitchen or outside to the above ground pool. This house is priced to sell and will not last long! Book your showing today!
295 Chamness Rd, Elkville, IL
Price: $120000
Nice 3 bedroom 2 bath home with pole building on 9 plus acres with large lake. Built on mine ground.
60 Schnauzer Way, Elkville, IL
Price: $101900
What a great property! This home is tucked away off the highway and features beautiful scenery everywhere you look. The home features a open floor plan with a wonderful kitchen with dual oven, spacious bedroom & walk-in closet plus a wood burning stove, covered front porch and patio area for your morning coffee or evening sunsets. There is also a 2 car detached carport, above ground pool and the concrete is poured for a detached garage. There is walking trails & several camp sites near the pond, Call today to schedule your appt & see for yourself all that this property has to offer!
701 Tuthill Ln, Elkville, IL
Price: $99700
Very well kept home, low maintenance, spacious, possible 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, c/a, new siding 2013, newer roof, some newer windows, above ground pool w/ decking in 2009, wood fireplace, sitting on over ½ of an acre in a beautiful country setting, and priced to sell!
315 N 3rd St, Elkville, IL
Price: $45000
Move in ready. 3 bedroom home on 2 lots with garage and carport. Great location corner lot at the end of 3rd street. New windows, roof new in 2008. Pinckneyville pest sprays once a year.
409 N 6th St, Elkville, IL
Price: $42900
PRICED RIGHT! 1st time home buyers or investors take a look at this home situated on a lot and a half. Has the potential of adding two large rooms and a bathroom upstairs. A great VALUE for the money. This one wont last long!
504 Atkins St, Elkville, IL
Price: $34900
This cute 2 Bedroom Home is ready for a new Owner! Large yard, attached Carport, Large Utility Room, Nice, Clean Bathroom, just add some paint and move right in!
407 Milster St, Elkville, IL
Price: $56500
Very nice corner lot, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath ranch home, appliances in kitchen plus washer & dryer included, high speed internet and cable, 30 amp RV hookup with RV carport. Attached garage, detached caport plus RV carport. Newer flooring inhome. Generator hookup, fenced pet area. New roof shingles in 2014, new outside AC unit 2014. Ready to move into.
204 7 Th St, Elkville, IL
Price: $42500
Great starter home, rental unit or one for those wishing to downsize.The partial basement is finished with a second kitchen & family room. Glassed in 15’9 x 13’8 patio/Florida room. The updated bathroom features a walk in tub/shower unit
508 6th, Elkville, IL
Price: $49900
Very nice updated in town property at a great price. 20×30 Garage and workshop
202 N Poplar St, Elkville, IL
Price: $29000
Very Cute 2 bedroom, 1 bath home that has been completely updated and needs a new owner. Perfect starter home, or investment property. New Carpet, new windows, roof replaced in 2009. HVAC replaced in 2011. Crown molding throughout. Why rent when you can own for much less! Book your showing today! You will be pleasantly surprised!
501 S 6th St, Elkville, IL
Price: $95000
This newer home built in 2006 has 2 bedrooms 2 bath and is move-in-ready condition. It has a 15×29 spacious living rom, 15×24 kitchen/dining area w/stainless steel appliances, 1 car detached garage, storage shed, covered front porch, privacy fence in back yard, above ground pool w/ tri-level decks, maximum insulation to help cut utility cost. Make your appointment to see this beautiful home.
501 E Kimmel St, Elkville, IL
Price: $130000
This is a very nice 2 bedroom home with 3 bathrooms on the main level. This house is very well kept and has many extra amenities with a detached workshop/shed, attached sun room that is also heated, large walk in closet for the master bedroom. The basement is partially finished if you need additional space and the heating and cooling have been updated. In addition there is a large front porch and large patio. This home is move in ready!
503 S 6th St, Elkville, IL
Price: $78900
This maintenance free home has vinyl siding replacement windows and a metal roof. Updated electrical service, furnace/air new in 2012. The family room could be used as a 3rd bedroom-has a 5×11 storage/closet, large 11×12 full bathroom w/garden tub & laundry, 10×10 storage shed 30×40 4 car pole barn/garage w/220 amp, 18′ above ground pool w/new liner & pump and walk around deck. Call today to make you appointment.
1051 Hallidayboro Rd, Elkville, IL
Price: $249900
Your dream home is waiting Unbelievable brand new home on 4 acres all open country home with custom cabinets in your amazing kitchen with state of the art appliances. Master suite upstairs and the kids bedrooms are located downstairs. 3 car garage with bonus room
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-elkville-il/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158087390870
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