#5e maps
lutethebodies · 1 month
LTB Worldbuilding Wednesdays: Intro/How I Got Here
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When I spun up this blog my goal was simple: a place to dump screenshots of my Tavs and other BG3-related brainrot. My personal site's blog wasn't a good place for it, since I'm a freelancer and it's gotta have at least some concessions to "professionalism," so here we are. But it feels a bit too aloof to do these "Tav Tuesdays" posts chock-full with names and places unfamiliar to 99.9999% of readers here, so "LTB Worldbuilding Wednesdays" have arrived.
They won't be convoluted or super lore-dumpy, but they will provide context for my characters, who've been my 5e mainstays for years—with lives and stories and whatnot—before I imported them into BG3 and forced tadpoles in their heads. For every subsequent post in this series, I'll try to distill the TL;DR of a place or faction or whatever—but only enough for it to be relevant to a given Tav's story, because (again) I don't want to drown a reader in lore (unless that's your thing, which is totally fine and I'm down for asks about that).
I'm also in the middle of churning out a second homebrew fantasy atlas (more on the first one below the fold), so ideally these posts will keep me in the mindset of getting that work done instead of running yet another BG3 playthrough. Wednesdays are the weekly game night for my tabletop 5e group, so it's already a good day to be in worldbuilding-brain.
While it's been extremely fun and fulfilling to do over the past five years, I won't claim that it's the right way or only way to worldbuild, because that's silly given the wealth of other resources out there and the galaxy of creativity we're all capable of. It's worked for me, though, so it's not nothing. Here's a quick rundown of how I got here, with "here" being "a sufficiently fleshed out campaign setting with plenty of room to grow":
Creating a Unique Map Style
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I'm a huge map nerd, and have reached a point in my life/career where I get to do freelance map design as a part-time job. I'm shaking off the aesthetic snobberies I learned as a graphic designer, because snobbery is too close to gatekeeping, but I'm still enough of a snob about map style to want my own stuff to be unique. In a sea of samey-looking hand-drawn-hobbit-maps, I wanted my homebrew world to stand out, so here's how I did that:
Creating "Homeworlds" - a brief process piece about my April 2019 digital map illustration project.
Creating "The Game Board" - process and background for my 2019 found-texture fictional map project.
Creating "Found Islands" - a smaller 2021 side-project that sorta refined that found-texture style.
Creating Compelling Names
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Once I had a unique visual style, I had to populate the world (or at least start to, one region or place at a time), which required some decisions about toponymy for names of places, people, and in-world history/lore, because pretty world maps can still feel boring without stories of who lives there:
What’s in a Name? Fictional Toponymy for Fantasy Maps - process piece for how I developed naming conventions.
Custom Fantasy Map Illustration - portfolio page for my found-texture digital map work.
The Game Board, 2022 Version - One result of all this was a big fat map poster I'm still proud of.
Creating a Homebrew Fantasy Atlas
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A map can only show the names, though—it can't tell the stories to a compelling level of detail—so here's where I got to combine lots of my different personal and professional interests and experience: my own fantasy gazetteer. I made all the maps (aforementioned map nerd), I did all the design work (two decades of experience in publication layout), I created/edited all the iconography/imagery (two decades in design plus two more before that as a generally creative person), and I composed/compiled all the lore (I have an English BA and I dabbled in journalism for a few years). Et voila: "The Nua Gazetteer, Vol. 1" was born.
The Nua Gazetteer, Volume 1: Lands and Lore of Aviridia - portfolio page for the main gazetteer project.
The Nua Gazetteer: Announcement - kickoff/kick in the pants for me to get going on this beast.
The Nua Gazetteer: Production Notes - process and influences on the project as a whole.
The Nua Gazetteer: Release Notes - posts for the digital (2022) and print (2023) gazetteer release.
And that's not even getting into the recording project I did for seven of my bard's songs. Maybe I'll do, like, a brief "Music Monday" series. None of this will ever have the juice of my one runaway Minthara post, but whatever. If it's compelling for me (a brain-rotted lore-bard), it won't be bullshit for you. Thanks for reading all the way to the end!
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silvercompassmaps · 3 months
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Fey Tavern
Tucked away in a wild forest is this enchanting tavern, a place where the senses are energized and the body is nourished.
This tavern is ran exclusively by Fey creatures, who delight in meeting new guests and treating them with delicious food, hot steamy baths, and warm beds, all free of charge.
However, there is a catch. Once someone enters this tavern…they don’t feel like leaving.
This map is part of my Dwarven, Elven, & Orc taverns pack. You can download the first three maps for free here.
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dungeonmapster · 9 months
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The Cursed City Megamap, finally finished.
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losttrailsmaps · 6 months
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Delve into the depths of a mesmerizing aquatic realm, where shimmering coral cities and bioluminescent creatures coexist amidst the currents of magic. This realm harbors arcane wonders, vibrant sea life, and hidden mysteries waiting to be unveiled by brave adventurers!
Howdy everyone! Welcome to another map pack, one that is influenced by a very classic setting!
This pack includes 17 total maps including Ocean Floors, Sunken Ruins, Underwater Temples, and more!
Check out the full map pack here.
My full Table of Contents
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thechekhov · 1 year
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Hey, do YOU want to play a no-stakes oneshot where your party are all staff working at the Essek Thelyss estate, and the biggest problem you have to face is getting some mail? 
Well boy do I have a zip file for you!
Long story short, this is a game I played with some friends, and because it was a lot of fun and I already made it all anyway, I’ve decided to slap it into a PDF and make it available for others!
It’sdownloadable for free at the link below on my Patreon. 
Check it out! And hey, if you like it and think I should do more stuff like this.... tell me maybe! Because this was fun to put together. 
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lightsandsoundgo · 3 months
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Photos of the three-story set I designed and built for my D&D Curse of Strahd finale session last weekend! At 1" scale, it's just over 18" tall and about 2 feet wide, and features a grid of ~130 WS2812B LEDs under the floor which I used to indicate various environmental effects over the course of the battle.
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Props such as the pews and statues as well as the minis were either purchased or downloaded from shapeways or thingiverse, though I did construct the wooden golem made of pews myself and all but a few minis were hand-painted by myself or my partner.
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mapdoctor · 2 months
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Temple Ruins [20x35]
Dear friends,What's better when casually strolling through a random forest than bumping into ancient temple ruins? I know - combat that follows because one of your light-hearted party members stepped on the wrong dry branch!
My supporters get Hi-Res maps, a total of 10 map variations, PDFs for print, and Foundry modules.
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bearworkshq · 10 months
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Coastal Harbor | Nestled behind sturdy walls of stone and brick, the harbor stands as a bastion of safety, shielding the townsfolk's ships from the wrath of the tempestuous sea. A bustling port of call for fishermen and adventurers alike, it offers a sanctuary to both those setting sail to uncharted realms and those returning with bountiful catches from the deep waters. Within this fortified haven, tales of bravery, camaraderie, and untold wonders are woven, beckoning all to find solace upon its welcoming shores or to embark on daring quests beyond the horizon.
30x40 | 100 ppi | 70 & 140 ppi versions available for free download on my Patreon or see what other maps I have to offer.
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rustymaps · 9 months
Lonelystar City
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evydraws · 1 year
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One giant tabletop map in ink & watercolors on A2 paper.
This was a custom piece for a DnD homebrew campaign setting, and so much fun to make - especially all the little critter drawings!
If you’re interested in something similar for your own game or book, let me know!
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spookyactiongames · 6 months
Need a festive NPC for your game? You can use Jack Frost.
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Do you need a festive NPC for your game? You can use Jack Frost.
For the Player The urchin that stands before you is almost deathly pale, his hair so blonde it might as well be white. Looking to be of an age caught between the innocence of childhood and the disquiet of adolescence, his clear blue eyes have an ageless quality to them, where mischief and wisdom twinkle in equal measure. A chill surrounds the boy, who seems altogether untroubled by it, despite his threadbare clothes and bare feet.
For the DM Jack Frost may be a harbinger of winter, cold, and ice, but he's also a consummate prankster who brings in his wake the joys of ice-skating, the fun of snowball fights, and the beauty of frost crystals. As a result, his reputation among mortals is mixed, but his incarnation responds in equal measure to the way he is treated. With a short fuse and a distaste for metaphysical debates, Jack exists for the present moment with both grim purpose and childlike glee.
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raakdos-battlemap · 5 months
[Ravnica Battlemap]Zonot Seven 32x56
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The Simic Combine's watery habitat is made up of huge sinkholes filled with the overflow from a subterranean ocean. Zonot Seven is the only zonot within Ravnica City proper, and it contains Zameck, the Simic guildhall. ln contrast to the rest of the precinct, the zonot is a bustling place, with activity at all hours. A huge chamber just below the street surface serves as a gathering place for all the Simic speakers, as well as a place where visitors can meet with Prime Speaker Vannifar or other Simic emissaries.
More variations of this map:
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silvercompassmaps · 2 months
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Rise of the Undead - graves are torn open as the walking dead flood the earth…
The rumored night has come. According to the legend, the dead will begin to rise on the full moon. Graves will be torn open by emaciated fingers, tombs will be shattered by maleficent forces, and the land will be flooded with undead. That is, unless our heroes manage to stop it...
This map depicts graves being torn open as undead rise and flood the graveyard. This could serve as a "last stand" for the players, or even a survival encounter if the undead become too numerous.
You can download all 8 phases for free here.
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dungeonmapster · 9 months
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Public Version Downloads:
Harp's Run is prosaic, a home to a handful of families and simple, hard-working folk from the country's heartland. Horses roam free to the East, near the wood, farm animals bah and oink from nearby pens. The only time travelers stop by this sleepy town is on the occasion they need to stop by Clemp's general store to restock on supplies. What could ever go wrong?
If you'd like to see more maps or support my work, you can find it on my patreon
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losttrailsmaps · 6 months
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Welcome to FrostFall
This desolate landscape, strewn with treacherous crevasses and hidden ice caves, challenges adventurers to navigate through the bone-chilling cold, where each step is a battle against frostbite!
Hey everyone! Welcome to another map pack, one that is inspired by many of the world's icy and unforgiving landscapes!
This pack includes 18 total maps including Icebergs, Frozen Caves, River Crossings, Winter Cities, and more!
Check out the full map pack here.
My full Table of Contents
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thechekhov · 10 months
I have a question about the map you made for Essek's house, how do the stairs work? I can't figure out how they connect to each other or which direction they go.
Oh, fair enough. I did not make that very clear.
If you overlay the maps on top of one another you should actually see the places where the stairs overlap. What I forgot to add was arrows for which way is up. But basically:
Arrows (→) indicate when a stairs is going UP and the letters indicate a linked staircase.
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So for example, Floor 1 we have the 3 towers. There is the Spiral staircase (A) in the Greeting Room which goes up to the (A) spiral staircase in the Library. The O staircase in the Kitchen leads to the O staircase on the second floor of the Domicile Tower, the Closet. The E staircase in Storage leads up to a (hidden) E staircase in the Alchemical Lab.
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On Level 2, in the Alchemical Lab we have the E staircase hidden underneath the I staircase (which goes up to the Arcane Ritual Chamber). The Domicile Tower and the Closet has two staircases. O comes up from the kitchen and lets out there. U leads further up to Level 3. In the Library, the spiral staircase continues up to the Gardens.
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On Level 3 we have the I staircase in the Arcane Ritual Chamber. The U staircase in the Bathing chamber from Level 2, and the Y staircase that leads up to the Bedroom Study.
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And these last two are kinda self explanatory I think.
In general, I would greatly recommend either downloading the free PDF that explains all this in more detail...
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