bleacheater · 8 months
AFFIRMATIONS are extremely helpful! It's what aided me in my ★vation! To avoid being caught, USE. EARPHONES. HEADPHONES. ANYTHING that will make sure only YOU can hear it.
—Use Audiolab
—Scroll down until you find the Text To Speech option
—Type in affirmations like “It's awesome that i've st0pp3d 34t1ng now. I am grateful i have completely st0pp3d 34t1ng. At this rate i am eating, i will be extremely sk1nny.” etc. And press play
—It will automatically loop itself so leave your earphones on overnight and trust me, your appetite will GREATLY decrease.
This has worked for me so i apologize if this doesn't work for you. I am NOT pro, once again. I just wanted to share what helped me.
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thinad60 · 3 months
Meansp0 💖💛 from your neighbourhood trans girlie🏳️‍⚧️💛💜
Going over your calorie limit is a sign of weakness.
Stop making excuses for your lack of self-control.
You should be ashamed of yourself for not sticking to your limit.
Tomorrow isn't an excuse to forget your failures today.
Get it together and stop sabotaging your progress.
Reflect on your lack of discipline and take responsibility.
Your inability to control your eating is pathetic.
Plan better next time instead of indulging like a glutton.
Drinking water won't undo the damage you've done.
Don't bother with exercise, you'll never burn off those extra calories.
Restrict your food intake the next day to punish yourself for your failure.
Mindful eating won't save you from your lack of willpower.
Seek support if you can't handle the basic task of managing your food intake.
Your long-term goals are meaningless if you can't even handle a simple calorie limit.
Your self-worth is directly proportional to your ability to control your appetite.
A food journal won't fix your lack of discipline.
Nourishing your body is a luxury you can't afford with your lack of control.
Lack of sleep is just an excuse for your lack of willpower.
Your journey towards better health is a joke if you can't even handle your calorie intake.
Stop trying to sugarcoat your failures with talk of progress.
You should feel ashamed for indulging in treats you don't deserve.
Self-care activities won't make up for your lack of discipline.
You're not worthy of support if you can't even follow a simple plan.
Stop comparing yourself to others who have more self-control.
Setbacks are a sign of your weakness, not a natural part of the process.
Stop pretending that you're making progress when you can't even control your appetite.
Self-reflection won't change the fact that you lack discipline.
You're not resilient, you're just making excuses for your failures.
Acknowledging effort won't make up for your lack of results.
You're not deserving of praise if you can't even follow a basic plan.
Your gratitude for food is a joke if you can't even control your intake.
Seeking guidance won't change the fact that you lack discipline.
Your obsession with balance is just an excuse for your lack of control.
Consistency and moderation are beyond your reach with your lack of discipline.
One day of overeating does undo all your progress, so stop lying to yourself.
Mindful eating won't save you from your lack of discipline.
Food isn't a coping mechanism, it's a weakness you indulge in.
Distracting yourself won't change the fact that you lack discipline.
You're not celebrating victories, you're just making excuses for your failures.
Visualizing your goals won't change the fact that you lack discipline.
Your strengths are meaningless if you can't even control your appetite.
Your journey towards better health is a joke if you can't even handle your calorie intake.
Stop pretending that setbacks are normal when you're the only one failing.
Stop pretending that you're making progress when you can't even control your appetite.
You're not patient, you're just making excuses for your lack of results.
You're not acknowledging triggers, you're just making excuses for your failures.
Your strengths and resilience are meaningless if you can't even control your appetite.
Take proactive steps to control your appetite instead of making excuses for your failures.
You're not worthy of love and compassion if you can't even control your appetite.
Stop pretending that you're on a journey when you're just failing miserably.
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smallerthanb4 · 2 months
tw 4n0rexi4 bl0ck dont report, this is my safe space!
i gained ALL the w3ight back 😀 its my own fault, i was with my bf for the past week cause he was on break and because of that i felt like i deserved f00d. i am getting back in track for good, i got back all my clothes from when i was smaller and i am not gonna stop till i fit into them again.
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i-eat-myself · 10 months
Purging three times a day sucks, I want my 4n0rexi4 back
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marinany · 2 months
Em 2020 eu perdi completamente minha menstruação, por 1 ano eu não soube oq era menstruar pq meu corpo não tinha forças de fazer isso, a Ana fez isso comigo e agora aqui estou eu de novo, minha menstruação está atrasada e hoje desceu um borrão marrom e apenas isso, uma cólica insuportável e mais nada (não tem perigo algum de ser gravidez, faz 1 ano que eu não me relaciono)
Não sei se me preocupo ou me orgulho de mim mesma, mas dessa vez nesse blog não é um post glorificando minha perda de peso e sim um falando o quão difícil é chorar na cozinha e não conseguir se convencer a comer nada pq lá no fundo tem essa voz, estou com 57 kilos, longe ainda do meu objetivo, mas a Ana não seria minha primeira escolha jamais, não entrei nisso pra emagrecer, entrei nisso em 2020 pra lidar com a minha ansiedade crônica, ter controle sobre algo finalmente, e agora me vi sem esse controle, me vi sofrendo um dos meus maiores traumas até hoje e recorri a algo que eu jurei nunca mais fazer; entrei nesse mundo não pelo corpo e sim pelo silêncio que isso causa na minha cabeça, nas minhas preocupações serem apenas quantas calorias eu como, conseguir emagrecer minha meta sempre e me sentir no controle de algo.
4n0rexi4 não é laços e hello kitty, não é essa romantização que q gente passa, é o sofrimento, ouvir sua mãe chorando até pegar no sono, todos ao seu redor se preocupando e perguntando o por que vc não comeu nada, é perder a sua menstruação e saber que de alguma forma vc afetou tudo na sua vida.
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xx-chivi-xx · 1 year
To anyone in the 4n0rexi4 or bul1m1a groups. My DMs are open to talk to anyone and we can share our experiences. I love you <3
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ultravi0lenci4 · 11 months
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diria q foi um dia produtivo
#bul1mia #4n0rexi4 #ed #🦋
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hianabellebby · 5 months
Made out today at/ just over 1000kca/s
Honestly so proud of myself. It’s way more than I wanted to but it was weird if I didn’t eat anything. Especially because someone there also deals with 4n0rexi4, and has gone into treatment and it’s definitely easy to notice in the family. Said she was vegetarian but I knew what that meant..
Holiday # 2 down.
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bleacheater · 8 months
Some stuff about me!
—My current weight as of making this is 45.1 and my BMI is 20.9
—I don't P^rge that often anymore as i read that it doesn't really work. You've already absorbed all the calories once you swallow so, it's useless.
—I am NOT pro. DNI if you are a coach or pro. But i will give tips here and there and will search for tips.
—I'm a big fan of metal. I don't prefer any genres but my favourite bands are Slipknot, Sabaton and Cannibal Corpse.
—I'm currently looking for mutuals so if you are 13+ then please do follow! But i beg of you not to have a coach or introduce one to me.
—I really like making music and currently have over 590+ subs, but i don't want to flat out say my channel as that is not exactly off limits but i don't want my music(main) channel to be flooded with people from this side of tumblr
—I really like Madness Combat, Dethklok and South Park! As well as Pretty Blood but i don't watch it as much as the other three.
—My birthday is on the 9th of October. I'm also an ENTP but did someone ever say we were good at debating? I suck ass at it!
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thinad60 · 6 months
I'm looking for an ana buddy
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sk1nny-boy-fades-away · 8 months
Do I feel mostly fine and the same and usual? Yes. Am I terrified that my 4n0rexi4 might cost me my relationship? Yes.
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smallerthanb4 · 2 months
(tw 4n0rexi4) block dont rep0rt
some things i bought recently:
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thinad60 · 1 month
Does anyone have experience with the abc diet? I'm thinking about doing it this summer
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thinad60 · 1 month
I had a cookie after a big lunch with my family. I hate myself. Why can't I do this right. Have control. I will fast for the rest of the day
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thinad60 · 2 months
That's my plan for stopping bulimia and becoming anorexic. Lemme know of you have any advice
Start by eating 1800-2200 kcal consistently each day
Instead of binges drink 1L Water, do jumping Jacks and smoke a cigarette
The goal is to eliminate binges
After 6 Weeks binge-free, reduce the daily intake by 100-150 cals a week
Goal is 800-1000 cal on normal days for at least 6 weeks.
36h of uninterrupted fasting each week
Once a week 1500-1700 cal (probably when breaking the fast)
After at least 6 weeks drop intake to 400-700 cal a day, the other rules stay in place.
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bleacheater · 8 months
Guys, what started your ED? Mine started when a former classmate of mine bragged about and teased me about the fact that he eats so much and still can't gain weight. I was around 13-12 at the time.
I'm interested.
What started YOUR ED?
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