#3am is the death of Logic
me, whisping furiously to myself: you don't need to post all the chapters you have written for a story at once, you don't need to post all the chapters at once, you don't need to-
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 11]
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As I've mentioned, Kerubim and Julith have Beef.
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As far as she is concerned, whether he was behind her framing (he wasn't) he is one of the people to blame. He defeated her that fateful day, and then she never saw her son again.
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I've already went into detail, on the way "killing" her has affected him, (A mixture of horror and duty. Killing a mother and making a child an orphan for the sake of a city. Being grateful for her dying because it made him a father instead. Feeling awful for that thought.) but it is interesting, how he reacted to her turning out to be alive, when he killed her with his own hands.
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Seething. Perhaps even coping.
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This is chichala, which we had seen. I suppose he uses it to buff himself up before the boss fight. Drinking alcohol before a fight is very much RPG logic.
Sadly, there are no interesting buffs to it in-game:
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I think a lot about the way Kerubim, Joris, and Atcham would be characterized in video game logic, by the way. I still have no working theory of how the hell their fighting styles would synergize. Would Joris be their buffer/debuffer? Their glass canon? Both? And do any of them take ranged weapons on missions...?
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They probably do. It'd be kinda dumb not to. Personally, I like to imagine that Atcham would be the one using those, most of the time. He has that "skyrim stealth archer" vibe to him. (Though they're all melee users, through and through.)
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Despite how smug he is at a couple of moments, he really was struggling during this fight.
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My honest reaction whenever Kerubim does this fucking face is just:
This is very much a "deeply mentally ill adoptive father (who inadvertently ruined his child's life by adopting them to atone for his sins + because he was abused as a child) fighting through an army for his child before dying in their arms and saying they're the only good thing he ever had" look for him.
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Another reason that one has to support both women's rights and wrongs when talking about Julith, is that, like.,.. what was she playing at, here? There are two possibilities:
That she would destroy whoever has the dragon's soul and set it free, giving her an advantage.
That Kerubim would shield that person.
Either one is good. :)
Either way she was perfectly willing to risk/attempt blowing up a random, innocent person, who was hiding from her.
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My personal headcanon is that while Julith is physically stronger than Kerubim, she lost ten years prior because she couldn't stop thinking about The Baby. Where were they taking Joris? Did Bakara leave with him? Is Joris alright? Didn't Jahash give him to this cat man, who was now trying to kill her? What the fuck is going on, who did this, why, why, why?
I imagine seeing him lose for the exact same reason brings her great pleasure.
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the nonbinary slay here was insane
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Guys I think this might be bad for Joris's long term mental stability.
On a more serious note, I think there should be more content about Joris fucking hating Julith. During the movie? There's too much going on to work out what he feels.
But after? He has all the time in the world to hate her for everything she did.
I do think that he probably grew up and found whoever framed her to take revenge on/to get justice. But hating her, and wanting to clear her name of the crimes she DIDN'T commit so she could have some peace in death, so that people would stop smearing her name, — are two things that can coexist.
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Like to slap his bald scaly head, reblog to slap his bald scaly head.
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Kerubim never changed his stupid ass baka "George George the Farmer Farmer" name.
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Though we've been knew.
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AND she recognizes him by the blue eyes. AND, this implies that, for the entirety of the Dofus show, — and the entirety of Wakfu as well, since he, once again, has yellow eyes there, — he had dragon eyes.
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Imagine being Simone, waking up at 3am, realizing because you forgot something in Joris and Kerubim's bedroom, sneaking in, and seeing this.
It also raises some questions about adult Joris, because we know he no longer has Grougalorasalar in him. The easiest explanation is that he spent so much time with the dragon, that after their final separation, his eyes couldn't change anymore.
After all, — the changes the dragon made to his height/skin/hair are permanent. It would make sense that, with time, even his eyes would be permanently altered.
I don't think it's a sad thing, by the way. Imagine going your whole life with beautiful brown eyes that look a bit like your adoptive father's. Then imagine suddenly having blue eyes (scary) and that they're your Dead Father's Who You Never Met but whom everyone misses. Like which pair of eyes would you choose? Because I think there IS a right answer to this riddle.
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I think Julith has convinced herself that whoever took her and Jahash out wouldn't want loose ends, and that Joris was taken out as well, or something. Maybe that's why he wasn't really on her mind.
Mind you, this is a tinfoil hat headcanon.
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This is so beautiful, to me... She was so emotionally stricken by seeing him again as his mother, that his father, who was both fatally wounded and stricken by seeing her perform deeply painful dark rituals on his son after traumatizing him, could land one last hit on her to save said son.
Julith has been a mother for a grand total of a few days to a month, while Kerubim has been for 10 years. Of course, her first concern is getting surprised it's him, and not that she hurt him. Because she couldn't even dream that she'd ever see him again.
There's a tragedy in that. She never even had a chance to learn how to be his mother, or who he is as a person, — she was the mother of an infant. Her love for him is far more theoretical than Kerubim's.
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It's a love for Joris not as a person, but as a lost opportunity.
So she has no regrets about hurting him, — and she will hurt him as many times as it takes, if that's what it takes to get back her family.
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gender-thief2 · 10 months
random death note sleeping headcanons:
light needs like total darkness to sleep and L’s blue laptop light shining on him at 3am just might cause him to become kira again
meanwhile L’s totally oblivious and on his 10th lollipop not planning on winding down anytime soon because sleeping for the week obviously.
L totally insists that sleep deprivation helps him with cases, because when he’s well rested he’s more hesitant to make insane (but oddly accurate) leaps in logic, and when he hasn’t taken a break in 36 hours, kira needing specifically a name and a face to kill makes perfect sense (like maybe he just decided not to kill you tf).
misa stays up until ungodly hours writing in her diary (she has gorgeous handwriting and doodles hearts in the margins). she also doodles her and light holding hands, with “misa yagami san” (aka mrs misa yagami), over it.
L sleeps even less on the kira case than he normally does, because he doesn’t want light to be alone with him while he’s vulnerable. eventually he passes out of course.
L is a very heavy sleeper, he doesn’t snore, and sleeps curled up on his side. Light is a very light sleeper, and wakes up at least once every night. Light also has nightmares a lot, even after having his memories erased, so he tosses and turns a lot, and whispers things. L has taken to writing down what he says whenever this happens, and quickly develops a habit of just watching Light sleep when he gets bored of working.
im not sure how to end this so goodbye
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thereapersgambit · 8 months
Here's a 3am post about Lenore and Annabel Lee's death. If the logic isn't...there it's because I just woke up from it being too hot to sleep.
Anyway, in some earlier posts I made it clear that I believe Anna and Leo most likely died by their fathers' hand after they were found out to be scheming to get married and run away together.
But I was having my daily Nevermore brainrot when a thought popped up in my head about the latest class specifically it's location, Mystery Manor. The goal: to get to the Widow's watch and ring the bell.
But if a student were to get up there after getting past every Specterd being, they have to face the last one: The Lady in White.
Now, I've been thinking that it may not be just a coincidence since the Widow's Watch correlates more to Annabel's Spectre than anyone. It also led me to believe that Annabel wasn't the one to die first. Lenore was, making her a widow. Technically, it doesn't make sense sense she was yet to be married but died before it but I still went along with the thought.
It got me thinking of the next person who could've taken an opportunity to find out who Lenore was and kill her which is the other potential suitor and childhood friend of Annabel. Okay, now I still think Annabel's father still killed her but back to the suitor. Her social season is ending and he just so happens to show up to take what he thinks was always his. Annabel's hand in marriage.
So he pulls up and sees this Leo guy succeeding to court Anna and gets suspicious. It reminds me of Jafar from Aladdin so can we just refer to him as such in this post for now lol. Anyway, Jafar suddenly wants to get to the bottom of who this Leo guy is and find out that he isn't a guy at all. He may even fimd out he's plotting with Annabel Lee.
This causes him to go start snitchin to Anna's father. Or even wanting to get revenge on their big day because Mr. Whitlock doesn't believe him at all. So he shoots Lenore first and tries to expose Annabel for their scheming.
There would be conflict between Annabel, Jafar and her father about knowing she was a girl. This could lead to Mr. Whitlock killing her for this. It's unexpected from everyone, especially Annabel Lee who expected to habe her father by her sode always. Whether he thought killing her would be, in a sick and twisted way, for her own good I really don't know.
But that's the gist of this theory. It's been forty minutes and I might look for a snack or go back to bed but thanks for reading and don't be afraid to add on, debunk, whatever it is but just no hate or I'll cry and that's a threat.🚶🏾‍♀️see ya.
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thepringlesofblood · 11 months
Major ACOC Spoilers
so, there are a few posts out there pointing out two math errors in acoc ep9 - Liam’s damage to Ciabatta being miscounted as 67 instead of 77, and Jet’s riposte for 13 damage not hitting Ciabatta when it should’ve. this is true. this might lead one to wonder, “well, if those extra 23 points of damage were counted, would Ciabatta be dead? would Jet have lived?”
I wanna clear things up for all of yall who are watching ACOC for the first time after the ravening war, so i did the math (under the cut) by counting his hp in the finale as he took damage.
Ciabatta had 118 hp
it wouldn’t have made a difference. if both errors were fixed and he was dealt the full 77 + 13, he’s still walking out of there with 28 hp.
to be clear: absolutely no shade on the intrepid heroes/brennan. no one clown on this post about whether they should’ve done this or that. it was 3am in a warehouse in Hollywood on a wicked messed up shooting schedule. Jet’s death was a beautiful, emotional scene, and it’d be weird and narratively dissonant to go back and redo it bc some math was wrong.
i did this math bc my logic brain just needs to know how the numbers do for my own personal peace of mind. given the several other posts I’ve seen trying to calculate this same thing, others have the same problem. so. enjoy.
Ciabatta doesn’t physically appear in the finale until pt 2
“The last Ceresian force musters, appears at the front of the wall with Imperator Ciabatta” is at 1:33:00ish
first damage done to him is by Saccharina, when she Cone of Colds his whole force in front of the castle for 41 damage (1:37:08). it hits him and the forces he was leading, and they do not save for half.
after that we have this exchange:
Zac: Ciabatta's-
Brennan: Ciabatta is still very much alive.
Emily: Okay. He's very much alive though, he's doing really well?
Brennan: Yes.
Emily: Okay. Then just to fuck with him, I'm gonna fire breathe on him.
and she does. Cinnamon uses his breath weapon to deal 57 damage, demolishing the rest of the forces
Brennan: He does not save for half. He goes from looking wounded but okay to injured, badly injured.
then of course the final damage is done by Ruby w the water-steel dagger
Siobhan: It's 4d6.
Brennan: 4d6, he just rolled a natural 4 on his Constitution save.
Siobhan: Great, it's actually three Constitution saves. It's 12.
Brennan: 12 damage, but you also add your sneak Attack.
Ally: Oh!
Brennan: Yeah.
Siobhan: 12, 14, 16.
Brennan: More than 20?
Siobhan: Yeah.
Brennan: Standing in the burned and frozen remains of his soldiers, what happens to Imperator Ciabatta?
[as a 7th lvl rogue, Ruby has 4d6 sneak attack dice]
so, presumably, Ciabatta had 20 hp left before being stabbed.
41 + 57 + 20 = 118
now, I highlighted those exchanges for a reason. It is technically possible that Brennan was using a similar mechanic for Ciabatta leading his troops as the PCs leading theirs- being attacked as a troop by another troop does deal the commander as an individual some of the damage, but not all. so, the Cone of Cold may not have dealt all 41 points of damage to him. here’s how he’s described after the Cone of Cold
“very much alive” “doing really well”
after breath weapon “He goes from looking wounded but okay to injured, badly injured“
so it is possible that the Cone of Cold did not do full damage bc of troop mechanics. however. personally I feel like since Saccharina is not attacking as a troop but as an individual (with a dragon), it’s not troop v troop action.
fun fact: Saccharina’s breath weapon attack + Ruby’s finishing blow is 77 damage - the same amount of damage Liam (should have) done to Ciabatta in episode 9 (that didn’t take him down)
so as long as Saccharina’s Cone of Cold did more than 13 damage [Jet’s riposte] to Ciabatta (which I’d fucking think it would even w very unlikely troop mechanics), then it wouldn’t have made any difference.
and bc we know he took at the very least a non-zero amount of damage from the Cone of Cold (“wounded but okay”), nothing would’ve saved Jet. the other assassins had already hit, and even with the math fixed on Liam’s damage 77 would never have taken him down. the only difference even possible is that her 13 damage riposte might’ve downed him, but even that is extremely unlikely - Ciabatta would’ve had to take less than half damage from Cone of Cold, and he did not save.
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howam-i-theparent · 11 months
Sanders sides incorrect quotes based on my friends/family
Janus: I knew one of us was a vampire, and I’m surprised that it wasn’t me
Roman: What are you talking about? Of course you are a vampire, O tried to wake you up that one time, and you just hissed at me
Janus: I guess I am a vampire
Virgil: and the way you dress is a undead giveaway
Janus: Fair
Virgil: not to mention that you have the darkest room, that doesn’t get any sunlight, in the entire mindscape
Janus: Okay! I get it!
Remus: Jeffery Dammer is my inspiration and husband
Virgil: We need a Logic and a Lesbian, a logical lesbian
Roman: at least I’m hotter than you!
Remus: at least I have a mustache!
Remus: Logan, if you don’t stop dipping your carrots in your cheese, I’m kicking you out of the table.
Virgil: Whatcha watching?
Roman: It’s not gay
Virgil: Never-mind then
Remus: What’s up Broskis! *does a anime girl pose while dressed as a flower fairy*
Virgil: I want everyone to be guilty of my death
Remus: Hachoinkers! *hits Roman on the head*
Patton: If you get hurt… , I’ll- I’ll- take care of you.
Remus: You are being Shuned! Cmon Roman! Shun with me!
Janus: See you in hell!
Virgil: I’m going to kill you-
Roman: You can’t, you love me too much
Roman: Holly snickerdoodles!
Janus: I am your mother! And your father! I can be both!
Logan: Hey, fun fact! did you know, *spits out a obscure (and kind of gross) science fact that no one understood*
Janus: You guys are all on drugs
Logan: Okay, fine, I’ll play along
Logan (letter to Patton): What did I agree too?
Roman: Fudge you keyboard, you can eat my potatoes
Roman: Okay, so, I just pushed up the lid- and- the water just spilled on me!
Virgil: *starts laughing* How-
Roman: The stupidity magic!
Virgil: I feel bad for his girlfriend * Watching one of those 3am videos*
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lily-janus · 2 years
The Thankless Job I Gotta Do
Summary: Janus forces Logan to sleep.
Pairing: platonic Loceit
Warnings: none but let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 563
@loceitweek2022 day 1 - Self care/Mental health
Janus sighed, looking at the sight in front of him.
Logan was typing away at his laptop, eyes red from staring at the screen for so long and brow forrowed from concentration. On the coffee table beside him were way too many empty coffee mugs and a half full one he was currently sipping from.
Janus cleared his throat, hoping to catch the logical side's attention but to no avail, he would even bet Logan didn't realize what time it was.
Letting out another deep sigh, he reluctantly walks over and shuts Logan's laptop closed. Causing him to flinch and blink at the sudden darkness.
"My my, looks like someone lost track of time, why don't you continue this in the morning and get some sleep?" Janus offered, keeping a firm hand on the laptop to prevent Logan from opening it.
Logan scoffs. "Preposterous, my sense of time is flawless, I know exactly what time it is. It is currently 3am in the morning."
Janus raised an eyebrow. "In that case you stayed up late on purpose? Why, I'm disappointed, teach, thought you knew better than that. Weren't you the one to lecture Thomas about his circadian rhythm?"
Logan rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses and took another sip from his mug. "One night shouldn't have any significant effect and this needs to get done before noon tomorrow. I can't afford sleep at the moment but I will make up for it once I'm finished." Logan explained calmly, though exhaustion was clear in his voice. "Now if you'll remove your hand from my laptop and let me resume my work, that will be greatly appreciated."
Janus shook his head. "No can do, Logan. I'm afraid I can't let you do that, I take my self preservation role very seriously."
Logan sighed. "No need for that, I know how to take care of myself."
"Clearly." Janus said dryly and snapped his fingers. The laptop disappeared from the table.
"Janus!" Logan protested. "All my files are there-"
"Calm down I merely moved it for safe-keeping in my room, now go to sleep, you clearly want to." Janus cut him off.
"What I want is for this to be finished, I won't be able to properly relax-"
"Shh-sh-sh Logan, the world will not end if you take some time to rest, I'm sure you'll work better in the morning once you get some sleep." Janus interrupted him again, stroking his shoulders soothingly.
Logan shook his head, fighting off his exhaustion, his eyelids growing heavy. " 'm fine… don't-" he yawned. "Don't need sleep."
Janus tutted, grabbing his hand and sinking them both to Logan's room.
Logan squirmed weakly in Janus' arms as he laid him on his bed. "Told you… don't need rest, need to get this done…" but his eyes fluttered close as soon as his head hit the pillow and as Janus turned off the lights, he was fast asleep.
Janus shook his head as he sank to his own room. How can someone so intelligent manage to act so stupid? 
These idiots would work themselves to death if it weren't for Janus, and yet he gets almost no credit for it.
But he's used to this thankless job, and since, thanks to Remus, he hadn't managed to sleep until now, he think he deserves a me day tomorrow.
After all, self care is important.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
Maybe it’s because it’s 3am but like I can sympathize with Samson far more than any judgements for dai (apart from alexius).
Sure, does he serve Corephyus? Yes. He’s a villian and I’m not trying to say he wasn’t.
However, Samson is a man betrayed so repeatedly by the world that it makes sense. He was on the streets for sympathizing with mages, suffering from a lyrium addiction. Yet Casandra chose the person who saw mages as less than people to join the inquisition as it’s commander. Yes, Casandra chose cullen due to him being a knight commander and had real no way of knowing of Samson’s existence, but think about Samson’s perspective to that�� someone so riddled with lyrium withdrawals at sporadic periods wouldn’t think logically enough to grasp that she’d have no way of knowing of his existence (or even thinking to search for an ex-Templar).
Then he meets Corephyus, while still dealing with lyrium withdrawals because he doesn’t have a constant source, and is offered lyrium. Lyrium that can make him more powerful. Lyrium that can make his body sing again, feel like a part of a collective.
So who was he to question why Corephyus needed a vessel? If he could make himself useful, ensure his next dose of lyrium, he would have probably done anything. Anything to keep from feeling how he did on the streets of Kirkwall.
He knows it’s wrong. He knows he shouldn’t. He can see that working for a Tevinter magistrate is a bad idea (it’s engrained into anyone non-Tevinter that Tevinter is inherently evil). He even says in his judgement that he inspired loyalty and confidence in his men because he knew what their cause entailed. He gave them hope he did not have so they would die with honour. Just because their fate was death did not mean they should die in pained silence. Men with hope tend to fight stronger/better/longer.
He was a product of his addiction.
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brbuttons · 1 year
So are telling me that, you’re shipping Ms. Bucket with Willy Wonka? Or is like one-sided? I need answers
Yep! It was not planned, and usually we'd never ship Wonka with anyone; but as we went over plot points everyone listening along went 'oh. oh this works really well.'
It's two-sided, but it's one of those relationships that defy titles: they simply know that they enjoy eachother's company, that they bring out a side in eachother that no-one else does- at least, for Mrs. Bucket, not since her late husband- but Wonka doesn't care for any label outside of a product's (not to mention, Wonka has a complicated relationship with the feeling of 'love') and so they simply are.
Molly Bucket understands Wonka in ways others don't; she knows his moods, its tells, her hiding places, how to clean his office without stressing him out, how to put her back to bed when she begins to spiral at 3am. And Molly never intended for it to be this way- in fact, she initially spent time with him to try and convince him into therapy for her son's sake; she was quite certain for a long while that the chocolatier was leading Charlie along, and would soon enough drop their whole family back into poverty.
But over time, over hot chocolates and talks and listening to William's ideas and rants, she realised he really did love the factory, that he did want the best for Charlie, but that he was so complicatedly lost in his own psychology's labyrinth that his logic and methods were beyond anyone's understanding… until, as she listened, she realised some of them did make sense.
And Wonka didn't like her in his office; he doesn't like anyone in his office. But she came with hot chocolate- his favourite- and she didn't pry in the way others pry and she didn't have annoying habits and- oh her voice. Like a siren on the outskirts of a whirlpool, her voice made Wonka feel so soothed, so feminine, so delicate, like none of the stressors mattered anymore, like time had stopped and death was no longer encroaching slowly.
He began to call her petnames like Gumdrop, Butterscotch, Cupcake. She calls him Dumpling, Teddy Bear. Sickingly sweet, but what do you expect from a confectioner? Still, it's not all cutesy- Wonka's still Wonka, and still has the energy of that one cat-knife meme; he'll say something with a sinister edge, and Molly'll give him a "Oh Will!" and William will reply with a "What?! It was called for!". She can only keep him in line so much.
But over time, realising she loves this woman dearly, Molly finds it's time to drop the 'Mrs.' in her name. That perhaps her husband would've wanted this for her. And the two help eachother out in hard times.
there's your infodump if u ever have specific questions happy to answer lmao
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kizanakinnie · 1 year
Maybe I’m a weeb under a rock but tell us a bit about Kokichi. Show a favorite gif, manga/anime panel, something. Use this ask as a free space to speak.
I got so excited when I saw this HSHSJBSHS I love him with all my heart
I didn't really know how to introduce this so I'm just gonna speak and answer the first two thingies about Kokichi then say whatever comes to mind so this might just be a blubbering post about what a good boyfriend he would be with some hints of other anime characters I love dropped in 😀
Okay so his favorite gif would be this hands down.
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Literally only bc it shows up when you search his name 💀 he's a self absorbed babe.
He probably really likes death note. His favorite character is Misa. He probably screams "GET IT GIRLLL" anytime she does anything 💀💀
He also says he likes attack on titan but only actually watches clips of levi Ackerman and says he would date him if he was real. (new kinnie unlocked /hj)
Okay so here's where I had no idea what to say next so get ready for something. I don't know what that something is but its gonna be something.
okay so how do you think he keeps his hair up? He's gotta be using like a shit ton of hair spray so like how DRY and CRUNCHY would his hair be brushing through it? His hair has gotta be SO unhealthy. Also like he loves panta so imagine if he drank so much panta his hair turned purple. I know that's not logical but like I can see him staring in the mirror one morning being like "I could've sworn my hair wasn't purple before..... Oh well!" JSGJSGSG OR OR OR YKNOW THAT TREND GOING AROUND WHETR PEOPLE WOULD DYE THEIR HAIR WITH JUIVE PACKETS?? HE DID THAT WITH PANTA 100000%. Oh how I want him to dye my hair with panta 😩😩😩 /j do you think he uses emojis? Istg he unironically uses the poop emoji and the 😈 emoji 😭😭 anyway 10/10 boyfriend would recommend even though he'd be super fucking annoying. Now that'sall I have to say bc its 3am and I need sleep 💀
Nighty night 😍
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beckface · 2 years
Wait, how can Zombies turn LRW copies into zombies, wouldn't just the contact be enough to turn them back to paper? And while things being Grimm would make sense since it is a zombie AU, wouldn't Fair City do a pretty good job at handling the apocalypse and eliminate the zombies with ease given the evil scientists and super-powered beings? DTB could just turn all the zombies into cheese, LOL
i’m gonna be completely honest I made this up at 3am so it’s not the MOST logically sound au but LRW’s copies don’t actually get zombified WKDJ
I should have made it more clear but I’ve always picture that her copies have some sort of magical property along with regular ink and paper that gets absorbed back into her when the copies are destroyed. So when the zombie bites the clone, for a split second it gets the smallest amount of infection before turning into paper. The infection gets absorbed back into her slightly
It’s kinda convoluted but so is trying to explain LRW’s powers don’t @ me LMAO
I did think about that! Half of it is just that SO MANY zombies happen in a short amount of time, a lot of it being while most of the city is asleep- and the other half is that DTB is working on a supposed cure. They’re holding out hope that they can get their loved ones back
They DO fight off zombies very easily though, especially those with long-ranged weapons. They try to bury all of the bodies at first, but over time some people start getting sick of waiting for a cure and start petitioning for a zombie extinction
and THEN that’s also a struggle because there is no way that characters like DTB and Tobey who can make this big, multiple-death causing machines, don’t have any materials imported. So Becky is the only one who can bring the out-of-fair city materials, but she’s 100% against mass killing the zombies
Sorry I forgot to explain some of this KDJAJDJA
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wordsofahoneybee · 2 years
Ghosts as a concept fascinate me. Humans are obsessed with the idea that, even after you die, there is something of you left behind. I don’t believe in ghosts, personally. It makes more sense to me that humans are so good at recognizing other people, that somewhere along the way we started finding them even when they aren’t really there. If we were being scientific, we’d call that a false positive. Like seeing faces in rocks and Jesus in burnt toast, we see the people we miss in creaking floorboards and flickering lights. I have friends that do believe in ghosts and have stories of seeing them, though, and I’m not about to call them liars. I have respect for what I don’t understand and cannot prove, and does it matter if they're real when they affect us just the same? I possess a sort of cognitive dissonance on the subject of ghosts in that respect. Ghosts aren’t real, but I believe my best friend when she tells me she and her father both saw the same shadowy old man hovering over their beds at night. 
Similar to ghosts, I also don’t believe in God. Except in a sort of abstract way that only someone raised by an ex-Catholic mother can. Meaning that God, if He does exist, is a right bastard and I tell Him this regularly. But mostly I don’t believe in God. Instead, I have my own off-brand flavor of spirituality; a delightful mix of optimistic nihilism and bastardized shintoism. This is a very pretentious way of saying nothing matters, so why the fuck wouldn’t we choose kindness? I think that life leaves something behind and that the something left behind deserves acknowledgement, even though I definitely do not believe in ghosts.
I wish ghosts were real (and that I believed in them). I think generally life would be much cooler if sometimes people decided to stick around after beefing it, but at 15% opacity. I also think my grief would be easier to hold if I believed my loved ones persisted After. Or maybe not. I’ve woken in the night more than once in a fit, hoping only that they aren’t cold. I’m not sure that logic or reasoning are effective weapons against mourning, but I would certainly give it a good effort. I would also obviously use the existence of ghosts to become a necromancer which would be --quite frankly-- fucking rad, and possibly have the added benefit of solving the cold problem. If God were real, I would put together a PowerPoint presentation and petition for Him to make ghosts real as well. Pros: Carrie Fisher and Betty White could potentially still be hanging out. Cons: my evil dead hamster could come back to kill me.
I do believe in hauntings. I think of them as separate from ghosts, which I know is unusual. What’s also unusual is that I don’t believe hauntings require death. There are two kinds of hauntings in my mind: ones that are funny, and ones that are memories. The funny ones are mostly a joke; another way of acknowledging a liminal space in a cheeky wink-nudge way. Denny’s parking lots at 3am and abandoned farm houses are haunted, mostly because I think that would be hilarious, but also because they’re the kind of places you expect to be haunted. I think placebo hauntings still count, after all, ghosts aren’t real. The second kind of haunting is more genuine than this. I’ve found that there are some places that have been full of people or life for so long that they start to feel alive themselves. Childhood homes, old churches, historic sites; so much life has passed through that I find it hard to believe that it doesn’t have some kind of memory. It should not come as a surprise to learn that I am incredibly sentimental. I'm the kind of person that says hello to the ocean and greets the birds on my deck each morning. I often keep items I do not need or even want because throwing them away feels unkind. Like something alive within them will take offense at my abandoning them. It’s a childish belief, and in my mind, not so different from believing that the dead can haunt us. Which might make me a hypocrite, but I never claimed to be otherwise.
If ghosts were real, I think there are a couple of changes we would need to make as a culture on how we view them. Horror movies and ghost busting ‘reality’ shows give spirits a horrible rap. Don’t even get me started on Ouija boards. To this day I do not understand how a piece of cardboard branded by Hasbro could inspire so much fear in my friends. That being said, I know my horror movie plots and I’m not about to go tempting fate. 
I love the vibe of edgy horror and gothic chic as much as the next My Chemical Romance fan; I just don’t think graveyards and ghosts deserve to be labeled as something scary. Rot is disturbing, yes, and zombies set off a primal fear of disease and rabies that makes evolutionary sense, but graveyards are just a resting place for people we loved and ghosts are just people who didn’t get the memo that the party’s over and they need to go home. Popular ghost lore insists that spirits remain due to some unfinished business or strong emotion, but I refuse to believe that if our emotions are strong enough to hold us back from true death, only anger achieves it. I know of people who believe their passed family members stay and watch over them; a haunting made of love. That’s not scary, that’s your Great Grandma Gladys sticking around to slam the cupboards a bit.
We didn’t always think of ghosts and graveyards as scary, and plenty of cultures still don’t. In the early 20th century, Americans treated graveyards like public parks. People would spend afternoons on the grass among the dead in a cheerful affair, picnicking and generally having a good time. I for one believe we should bring this back, and not just because I view Mary Shelley as my personal hero. It’s been pointed out to me that cemeteries, for the most part, are public spaces, if people so chose they could go picnic there. My point is, when was the last time you saw families gathered on the ceiling of the dead for anything other than tragedy or a holiday? Ability is not in question, rather cultural willingness. 
I don't believe in an afterlife, but I do worry still that death might be lonely. Thinking about this for too long makes me feel silly, considering how greatly the dead outnumber the living, but as I said before, logic doesn’t work on grief. I do know, though, that the idea of sitting in a plot six feet under, preoccupied only with being forgotten scares me. 
Light travels at 186,282 miles per second through the vacuum of space. It takes over four years for the light from Proxima Centauri, our closest neighbor, to reach us here on Earth. If for some reason, Proxima Centauri ever went out, it would take over four years for us to notice. For those four years, we would look up at the night sky and see a star that doesn't exist anymore. So, perhaps under certain circumstances, I do believe in ghosts.
"We are made of star stuff" to quote the late Carl Sagan. Billions upon billions of years ago, the first stars died in rapturous, scintillating fashion and their supernova corpses created the foundations of life. I am a firm believer in the romanticization of decay. If only for my own sake and peace of mind, I must believe there is something beautiful about the hunger of rot. Like passing down the name of a loved one, our bodies pass down their flesh to the earth.
When you bury a body, it creates a nutrient bloom; an overabundance of minerals causing a concentrated explosion of plant life. Death becomes another kind of life. This, I think, is why I’ve latched so tightly onto the idea of haunting as a kind of love. I want to think of ghosts as what happens to the leftover love we never got to give away, the parts that are scared of being alone; light from a long-dead star. I am a poet, though, and I think most things are about love in some roundabout way. 
So, really, what I mean when I say something is haunted is that there is love left behind. I mean that tombs are a kind of memory. They are I love you, I hope you rest well. They are I hope whatever comes After is kind. 
They are grass that grows that slightest bit greener, life persisting in the only way it knows how.
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genderdisaster · 9 months
The Doorway
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I sat in the driver's seat, A/C blasting my face while the sun beat through the windshield. Phone perched precariously on the steering wheel, camera pointing back at me, I waited to be connected to my clinician. The loading animation continued to spin, and I wondered what the hell I had gotten myself into. I had, without knowing, picked the hottest day of the year so far to book my telehealth visit, and even with the air conditioning on high, the back of my shirt was already soaked through with sweat. Every step of this process was difficult, and it made me wonder if this was all the universe giving me a sign that I was making a grand mistake. My fan belt squealed with protest as the AC compressor kicked in again.
This strange arrangement was the product of a grand revelation from three weeks prior. Laying in bed in the wee hours of the morning, I had this sudden realization--what if I'm not the man I always resigned myself to be? Why was I so worried about fitting into this mold of masculinity that felt so alien and foreign to me? What if I could be something else? Something different? Why didn't I take the plunge and finally make an appointment for HRT like I had been dreaming of ever since I had learned about informed consent prescribing? I had run out of excuses and, at 3am on a work night, I scheduled a consultation at the local clinic.
I postponed the first date.
I nearly postponed the second date.
But I couldn't keep putting this off forever.
A face suddenly shot into view on the cell phone screen. A medical assistant was there to walk me through the initial steps of the consultation and to gather medical and billing information. She told me her pronouns, asked me for mine, and I was hit with the full weight and realization that "Oh, this is a thing I need to start thinking about." I had gone my entire life fitting neatly into the "he/him" box because it seemed like the logical choice given where I was positioned in my family and in society writ large. By extension, I felt safe in that role because I felt invisible. I enjoyed a considerable amount of privilege because of those pronouns, but they never really felt like me. I sheepishly replied "they/them, please."
And then my phone shut down.
As it turns out, resting your phone on the dashboard of a car in full view of the sun on a 95 degree day is not a great idea. Neither is using that same phone for a teleconference via 5G and charging it at the same time. My poor phone, overwhelmed by the elements and the task at hand, had overheated halfway through the intake and put itself into "safe mode." I could make phone calls, but all other apps were off limits until the temps came down. Unofficially, I told myself that even my phone couldn't take the vulnerability of the situation. The medical assistant called me back, thankfully, and we were able to get through the rest of the intake portion. My phone, for its part, gradually came back from the brink of self-immolation and played nice during the phone call--provided I kept the cool air blowing over the back of it. All cleared and ready to go, I was placed into holding-mode for my appointment with the doctor.
There's something about being on hold on a telemedicine app that makes it so much more fraught than in an actual office. In an office, even if the doctors and the rest of the staff forget about you, there will inevitably be a kindly janitor or cleaning crew to come by and tell you "everyone's gone, bud. Go home." But on a telehealth call? Does the app disconnect? Does the clinician get a reminder? Do I just wait for the inevitable heat death of the universe? All those questions (and more!) swirled around in my head as I waited for the clinician. Five minutes turned into ten, which turned into twenty, eventually closing in on an hour. I worried that, given the issues with our initial connection, I was missing the actual appointment and this screen would just keep refreshing. Maybe, in a more realistic sense, I was worried about this timing because I felt so vulnerable and downright …weird sitting here, waiting to talk to someone about all of this from inside my car in a strip mall parking lot. I made a mental note to come back at some point and try the barbecue spot near the end.
After an eternity, the screen finally changed to indicate that I was being placed into a session with a clinician. As the screen momentarily blinked out, however, I caught my reflection in the blackness of my phone. I saw my face, my full beard, my square jaw and well-coiffed hair. I felt like a fraud. How could I be anything other than a man? Who was I kidding? What would this clinician think of all this? I imagined her looking at me with complete incredulity, asking "Are you sure this is what you really want to do? Maybe you should come back in a few weeks or a month, just to see if you change your mind? Is this all some Weird Sex Thing™?"
"Hello, can you hear me?" she started.
At least, that's what her lips were indicating as they moved. The audio was still utterly silent on my end. On the screen sat a young woman clad in a fuzzy micro-fleece half-zip, the wall behind her emblazoned with slogans about safety, validity, and acceptance. She looked friendly, accepting, safe.
"I cannot hear you." I began, "Can you hear me?"
The woman nodded her head and began fiddling with some wires on her desktop, mildly flustered with the technology issues. After a few failed attempts, (was this another sign?) she began chatting with me via the app--
"I can hear you, is this XXXXX?"
I indicated yes.
"Great, can you verify your birthday for me?"
I told her my date of birth, and she responded that she would call me to finish up the assessment. The little voice again, echoing from the back of my mind--"This is a siiiiign!"
My phone started ringing. I picked it up.
"Hello?" I began.
"Hello! Can you hear me now?" she asked. I could, to my relief, hear the chipper and friendly voice coming from the other end.
Things smoothed out considerably after that point. We went over my medical history (high blood pressure, anxiety, neurodivergence), my feelings about gender (neither feeling masculine or feminine strictly, but leaning more fem in overall feeling), goals for transition (to demasculinize, first and foremost), and we mapped out a game plan moving forward. I would be starting on a normal dose of transdermal Estrogen as monotherapy; my blood pressure medications wouldn't interact well with Spiro, but I could always add that on in the future with the blessing of my regular GP. In terms of social transition, we discussed the issues that I face with coming out as anything other than strictly cis-passing in my day-to-day professional life. Finally, we would follow-up in 90 days to see where my levels were at and how I felt. She sent the script off to my pharmacy, as I actively felt my heart rate returning to normal and my shoulders relaxing for the first time in hours.
I did it. I took the first step through the doorway to a new me. I had been lingering on a threshold for most of my life without even realizing it, and I had taken the first step at last. I finally began to move past the fear and shame, and towards the feelings that simmered under the surface for years.
I felt a new and exciting feeling. Hope.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'UPDATED: India’s minister for information and broadcasting Anurag Thakur has asked for the sex scene in “Oppenheimer,” which features a line from Hindu holy scripture “Bhagavad Gita,” to be deleted, reports NDTV, quoting sources.
PREVIOUSLY: A sex scene in Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” featuring a line from Hindu holy scripture “Bhagavad Gita” has led to protests even as the film rakes it in at the box office.
The film was passed with a U/A certificate by India’s Central Board of Film Certification.
SPOILER ALERT: The sex scene features Cillian Murphy as Robert Oppenheimer and Florence Pugh as Jean Tatlock. Pugh stops during intercourse, gets up and goes over to the bookshelf, picks out a copy of the “Bhagavad Gita” and asks Murphy to read from it. Murphy reads the line “I am become Death, destroyer of worlds,” the quote from the “Bhagavad Gita” that Oppenheimer famously thought of when the first nuclear bomb was detonated – as intercourse resumes.
The 700-verse “Bhagavad Gita” – literally the word of God – is a part of the Indian epic “Mahabharata” and consists of a dialogue on a battlefield between the prince Arjuna and the divine Krishna as the former undergoes a moral dilemma.
India flocked to see “Oppenheimer” in Imax and other formats from shows beginning as early as 3am, as Nolan is a huge draw in the country. Protests began on social media almost immediately after.
Among them was Uday Mahurkar, a journalist who was appointed by the Indian government as an information commissioner in 2020. Mahurkar is also the founder of the Save Culture Save India Foundation.
In a letter addressed to Nolan on Twitter, Mahurkar wrote on behalf of the foundation:
“It has come to our notice that the movie ‘Oppenheimer’ contains a scene which make a scathing attack on Hinduism. As per social media reports, a scene in the movie shows a woman makes a man read Bhagwad Geeta aloud while getting over him and doing sexual intercourse. She is holding Bhagwad Geeta in one hand, and the other hands seems to be adjusting the position of their reproductive organs. The Bhagwad Geeta is one of the most revered scriptures of Hinduism. Geeta has been the inspiration for countless sanyasis, brahmcharis and legends who live a life of self-control and perform selfless noble deeds. We do not know the motivation and logic behind this unnecessary scene on life of a scientist. But this is a direct assault on religious beliefs of a billion tolerant Hindus, rather it amounts to waging a war on the Hindu community and almost appears to be part of a larger conspiracy by anti-Hindu forces.”
The letter goes on to say that Hollywood “is very sensitive about the fact that Quran and Islam is not depicted in any manner that may offend the value system of a common Muslim, even if you make something based on Islamist terrorism,” and asks, “Why should not the same courtesy be also extended to Hindus?”
The letter urges Nolan to “remove this scene from your film across world” and adds, “Should you choose to ignore this appeal it would be deemed as a deliberate assault on Indian civilisation.”
Meanwhile, the film is a box office success in India, grossing $3.6 million in its first two days of release, comfortably outperforming “Barbie,” which collected $1.2 million.
This is not the first time a quote from the “Bhagavad Gita” has been used in a Hollywood studio picture. An orgy scene in Stanley Kubrick’s last film “Eyes Wide Shut” (1999) featured the lines “For the protection of the virtuous, for the destruction of evil and for the firm establishment of Dharma, I take birth and am incarnated on Earth, from age to age.” Following protests from Hindu groups, Warner Bros. edited out the lines from the soundtrack.'
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purplehoodiesimon · 2 years
It's DST in America and I know it's not for another few weeks in Europe but I am awake and the time is wrong and I am annoyed so
- Wilhelm is the fucking weirdo who just. Changes. With the clocks. Boom it's a different time and he wakes up at the right time without feeling like death or anything. Doesn't understand why people make such a big deal, you just. Wake up earlier. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
- Simon will be getting his sleep thank you very much what the fuck does the clock mean it's 8am? No. It's 7am thank you and he will be sleeping in for another hour. Would like to abolish Daylight Savings, it's a bit of an outdated practice for society at large now. He can accept losing the extra hour in autumn if it means not having to go through this.
- Sara is neutral on it. She doesn't like having to get up earlier/later and change her schedule, but she doesn't particularly care that much about it. It's just another part of life and society and she can deal with the schedule change. It's always very difficult getting up at the right time though.
- Felice is the weirdo in the opposite direction of Wilhelm. She cannot get up at the right time ever, it completely throws her body and routine off, it takes like a month for her to adjust and get back to a regular schedule. The first week she just sleeps straight through all her alarms and is late to everything.
- August drags himself out of bed an hour earlier than the time would be with an hour earlier (normally gets up at 5AM). Logically he knows how it works but he fucks up his alarms every time. The ridiculous part is that he doesn't mind and just gets up at 3AM to do his workout stuff.
- Maddie is in the drafting process of her 14th letter to the President asking him to abolish it in the US already. It's hell. It's worse than the US to Europe jet lag. She would know.
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hi! omg i luv ur blog 💘 can i request/suggest (kinda angsty but then fluffy) where r has trouble sleeping and a lot of nightmares/anxiety & mother!nat is there to comfort her? 🥺 like the whole team is super understanding and comforting but especially nat (bc we love mom nat around here!) anyways thanks so much ily bestie!
Hey Bestie! thank you so much for being patient and for supporting my blog! I know this has been in my inbox for so long but still! here it is. Sending my love to you <3 i have just realised that there is not a lot of comfort in here oops.
warning: this does include details of death and blood so keep that in mind if you read this <3
It’s Okay
You had always gotten nervous in public spaces 
Or at night when you couldn’t sleep
Or when you didn’t know all of the details of a plan 
Or when it was 3am and you were too scared to sleep
The point is you always seemed to have 100 thoughts plaguing your mind 
“Y/n sweetie I’m gonna need you to concentrate on my voice okay?” Wanda's voice waded through the watery noise in your head. You knew she was right and that logically there was no reason to be so upset, but you just couldn’t help it. It had all started after the group had decided to not tell you about the meal they had planned at this fancy restaurant that Tony wanted to try and of course this had sent you into a spiral and you were now very very aware of every possible outcome. “Come on kid, you’re alright, breathe slowly” Tony tried, or was it Steve maybe it was Bruce. When you got like this, voices sounded the same and nothing felt real. You couldn’t breathe and that was your main worry.
The team had gotten used to it and always reassured you that it was okay 
They didn’t mind and would always be there
And no matter how much you appreciated all of the support there was 1 person the team always knew to call
Crash, thud, bang. The noise coming from outside the room had woken you from the sleep you had allowed your brain to indulge in for once. Whenever you did this though your mind would be over run with the horrors of life and death. 
Peeling the covers off of you, you slowly crept from out of the bed. Where was the rest of the team? Had they woken up? You hadn’t heard anyone else get up but in your hazy state of mind shrugged it off as them just being deep sleepers. Something you would later regret telling yourself. 
As your hand pulled the handle of your room down to open it you heard another noise. Laughter? Hesitating you looked around in the hope of finding a clock but as your eyes frantically moved in an effort of finding one the floor seemed to start to sway beneath your feet. Soon the darkness engulfed you.
For the second time that night your body jolted forward and you gasped for air, the dryness of your mouth hitting you like a punch to the gut. When was the last time you had a drink? Where did the laughter go? Why had you passed out? So many questions and yet it felt like you were trapped in an endless game of hide and go run with a twist, you didn’t know who you were running from and how much time you had before they found you. 
Before you could even begin to think logically again the loud twang of metal hitting the ground sounded from down the hall. Slowly stepping outside the room you had woken up in which you had realised wasn’t your own, you guessed you had been in Steve’s bedroom which was odd given that he wasn’t in there. Maybe he was out helping Bucky with his nightmares? 
Bare feet slapping against the cold marble floor of the tower you tried to navigate your way through the dark to wherever the team had gone. The sounds of machines whirring stopped you, the lights must be getting turned on. Sure enough, bright white light blinded you, spreading through the faster Pietro could run. Blinking away the pain and blind spots from your eyes you were met with big red letters painted on the floor.
 ‘The crowds will come and flood your world, yet you will remain empty and incomplete’ the red bleeding off into a winding path that would probably lead to whoever had wormed their way here. Even with this in mind the words seemed to swim through your mind; you had always felt empty even when your life was full but you never told anyone but Natasha and she would never tell anyone your secrets she had promised. She wasn’t like that. Repeating that phrase like a prayer that would save you, you followed the red wet paint. 
Red can signify many things: energy, passion, lust and the one you should have paid more attention to. Danger. 
Instead of being faced with some psycho who broke in all you were greeted with was the horrifying image of your family dead on the floor. Blood trickled out of anything it could noses, ears, mouths. Eyes open with a stare of pure terror. A scream tore its way though your throat. The familiar metallic substance flooding your senses. 
Knees crashing to the ground as you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. Because when you have nothing, when all you have is gone, what can you do but cry yourself a river and let your soul float away on the memories of simpler times? 
You knew your knees would bruise from the mpact but you didn’t care. You didn’t deserve to go through this painlessly after what they had gone through in their last moments. 
A creak made itself heard above the sound of your cries, head slowly lifting to see what it was, damaging your throat further when you saw the lifeless bodies of the avengers sitting up and staring back at you. Salty tears streaming even quicker as you tried to scramble away. Slipping on nothing. Suddenly the lights shut off again. You didn’t move. You didn’t scream. You didn’t even breathe. 
“Wake up y/n”. What?
It had been Nat that woke you up from the nightmare
Even though the whole team had been aware of what was happening all they could do was watch in horror as your body writhed in fear
After making your way to Nat’s room where you knew you would spend the night
Unable to brave it alone
You finally found it in yourself to talk
“You were all dead” you croaked from the cocoon of blankets the redhead had wrapped you in. sitting down next to you and wrapping her arms around your body, you found yourself desperate for the comfort of her hugs. “We don’t have to talk about it right now, just know that I will never ever abandon you. How could I leave my little sunflower to fend for themselves? You give me a reason to be better and I will never leave you. Nor will anyone on this team for that matter” she spoke softly, as if cooing a terrified animal out of their hiding spot. You had and always will have a family as long as you have Natasha. She would make sure of it. And soon you drifted off into a peaceful slumber to the sound of her sweet hums. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you’ll never know dear, how much I love you. So please don’t take my sunshine away”.
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