#33 bet
nhacai33betuk · 5 months
Chi tiết về Kèo rung là gì? Phương pháp đặt kèo rung chuẩn 100%
Một số người hâm mộ bóng đá có thể đã quen thuộc với cụm từ “kèo rung”. Hoặc bạn đã biết cách đánh rung như thế nào? Nhưng bạn đã thực sự hiểu rõ về kèo rung là gì chưa? Hãy cùng khám phá và tìm hiểu chi tiết nội dung này từ 33Bet!
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9474s0ul · 1 month
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love me some fan made mobian Metal Sonics @artkotaro (these two belong to them!!)
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charliescharming · 1 month
Do you think with the number of times we heard Max say inchident that Charles lost a bet and has to suffer through Max referencing it whenever he can OR Max lost a bet to Charles and had to say that except it backfired on Charles because dude enjoys saying it a lil too much :)
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emile-tb · 9 months
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self imposed déjà vu
(this is why i can’t bring my old man son anywhere. he’s rude 😔)
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All comically exaggerated ofc lol
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neuvistar · 2 months
you guys can’t look at me n say he doesn’t look like he eats n devours pussy for breakfast snack lunch and dinner 😭🙏 like.. he’s literally an award winning pussy eater bro
aventurine ik what u are………. ik u think abt pussy often……..
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badnewswhatsleft · 2 months
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adanseydivorce · 13 days
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Everything about this Bluedam conversation is insane and I’m obsessed with all of it but the thing that is most hysterical is Adam ‘horniest character in the books’ Parrish blatantly projecting on Blue like that… like he has no right to call her irresponsible (I’m willing to give him a little slack for only having this convo with Blue rather than addressing his issues with both of them based Solely on the fact that he knows there’s a good chance Gansey will die and he can not have his last words to him said in anger, therefore Blue is a safe person to be angry at and Gansey is not. Even considering that he is on Thin Fucking Ice for word choice and Blue would be justified in smacking him putting a pin in that atm), but more importantly his segue is Bonkers especially because he is textually admitting that he’s been imagining different scenarios for how a Gansey and Blue kiss could occur … sir care to elaborate on these obsessive daydreams that I’m sure you tell yourself you only think so much about for practical and logical reasons. Blue should have pressed him on this further I want to hear the justifications!
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tenderdnp · 1 year
google search “is it possible to third wheel a set of instagram holiday photos captioned the phan and the phurious and japan 2023 — it was a dream”
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i dont know if you answered this before, but whats your favorite Codywan headcanon?
I hope you have a great day, bye :)
that they openly flirt with each other without knowing that they are doing it.
eheh for example
obi-wan purposely leaving his lightsaber around the ship for cody to find (only spots cody would look) or purposely dropping it in battle for cody to grab and emphasiseing to anakin when cody is close to him that “this lightsaber is your life”
and with cody
just straight up calling him sweetheart in mando’a (cant think of it rn) and obi-wan being the dumbass he is it goes over his head
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summerfrwrks · 2 years
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article of the s2 date announcement + sneak peeks
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craacked-splatters · 4 months
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"I know"
"Do u want to see what I added today?"
"Sure buddy"
(insane rambling below!)
Scrapbooks! Scrapbooks! Hell yeah!!
Hello to the 5 ppl seeing this👋 Ima be real Im running on 7 hours of sleep after 5day grind brain mushy rn and I scribbled everything maniacally by memory at 3am after having one of those revelation moments so I have no idea what I'm missing lmao. This is actually the first time drawing them like this 2. Really proud of it
and B4 u ask anything hear me out.
So like tmnt2012 mutant apocalypse am I right?
Yeah it's flawed and pacings off and stuff BUT! The implications it left behind are haunting and it has been stuck in my brain for years. One of the things that stuck with me was the fact that Raph and Don had stuff like April's tessen, Mikey's stuffed bear head, The Creeps containment jar, and Casey's skull(horrifying btw) with them and that it's like :((
I fully believe it was Donnie who collected and carried them everywhere in their car. Not only for Raph(to help with this memory)but also for himself.
Why? Well maybe I'm reading 2 much into it and it's also partly a HC of mine but also bc canonically Donnie has a bit of a hoarding habit collecting trinkets and pictures and stuff. He likes to keep things around that hold a lot of significant value to him.
We see this in The Creeping Doom during the intro
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AND I swear he's got a literal wall of family photos in his lab somewhere I can't for the life of me find it but I know he did! He even took some to the farmhouse with him when they escaped during the invasion.
They're memories yk? Reminders..
Ok im having difficulty expressing this shit rn words r failing so like give me ur brain 4 a sec.
Imagine ur donbot.
You're stuck in a cold metal limbo for the rest of ur last remaining family members life. Everything and everyone you knew and cared about is dead and gone. Over thousands of species and ecosystems that made ur world unique wiped out. No more animals no more wild things no more blue clear skys. Death can't come for you. Not in a way that matters anymore.
And no matter where u go you are haunted by shadows of what once was. There are so many echoes and ghosts and cultures and stories and lives that were buried & left to rot by the gaping maws of fear & the desperate need to survive. No one cares for the past and the only other person around you can't remember it. Time will claim its domain again and there will be nothing left except empty metal husks to show sentience even existed in the first place.
Like holy shit he was just a kid bro and he never got the chance to even reach full adulthood!!! I can't possibly imagine the grief and guilt he must've carried with him all those years. He lost EVERYTHING
His family. His home. His world.
Did Donnie even get the chance to mourn??? Do u think his new body allowed it? Do u think he even ALLOWED himself to mourn? He had a hurt amnesiac brother who still needed to eat, who could still starve and bleed and die if they weren't careful enough.
So between his habits and the ✨Angst✨ and human pollution, him hoarding random ass things Wall-E style and making these shitty little scrapbooks or keepsakes didn't seem so far fetched to me. I also highly doubt there was enough time or resources to build shrines or graves in the middle of apocalypse. But yk honoring/preserving the memories of the things and ppl we love is natural for us so like SORRY if its a bit cringe of me wanting him to have SOMETHING to comfort him during the really bad days.
Even if its more bitter than sweet
Bonus doodads cuz I was indecisive:
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The 1st was purple tinted cuz of donbot vision get it hehehe
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omg omg omg imagine if we could have side characters interacting with units other than the ones they're associated with
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Mai running into W x S...
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eeriefeelingsat3amuwu · 5 months
So, because my friend wanted me to draw hunky men in corsets, have some Kaer Morons, in all three versions.
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Yes I did forget their pendants, yes I realized it after I finished doing lineart, yes I am mad at myself. Anyways, hope y’all enjoy lol-
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kiwi-smug-silvalina · 7 months
send sona
I had to laugh so much u have no idea, this is like the good version of send nudes
Here you go, my little wolpertinger, i never posted this ref i think
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feral-teeth · 1 month
Spommy week 2024 - prompt “Florida”
Enjoy the drabble i made for the prompt a few week ago when I first heard of spommy week and got inspired by the prompt for the second day - Florida! Hope this gets me out of my writing posting hiatus to post something silly - maybe this could become something more one day!
I was inspired by @funeralroast to post this! And thank you to the creators of this and the rarepair smosh server for everything and for inspiring me everyday <33
“What are you doing here?” Spencer gasps as the hot chocolate cup that was warming up his hands in the hot weather flips back all over him.
Tommy gasps. “Oh shit! Im so sorry! mean… wait what are you doing here?” He recognizes those eyes anywhere.
They were both visiting their small town that they grew up in for the annual Christmas in summer jingle jangle stockings and crazy fun times fairytale lighting nighttime Christmas tree hanging stockings and hanging wreaths ball Christmastime but not actually Christmas because its summer jingle ball jangle ball Christmas bulb bash thats actually not during the winter because its more fun to have Christmas in the summer as well, but we also have Christmas during the usual time in the winter, so its more fun that way and we get more of the Christmas spirit all year round.. festival ball bash and they would never miss it.
Until both Tommy and Spencer decided to move out to the big city of LA and New York, both big seperate worlds that decided that they could work there instead of help out at their family farms against their seperate parents better interest.
The apple sauce farm and the chicken coop farm, the first owned by the Bowe family and the second by the Agnew family.
They didn’t really know why they separately decided to get on a plane and make their way all the way back to their family home, but they did.
Maybe it was the way Tommy’s mother’s voice sounded different. Older. Sadder than last year when he couldn’t make it. She wasn't trying to hide her disappointment this time.
It was the same for Spencer. His father had called him with a gruff voice, begging him to come back in his own cold way.
“We miss you son. The chickens miss you.” Which was weird for an Agnew, so he was on the next plane over.
His father had cancer, and didnt know how to tell him. So he didnt. His mother had to tell him. Over a zoom call. How sterile.
“Oh so youre here for the…” they both repeat the dumb long ass title in synch for the event that they were pulled back into celebrating because it was a bad omen to not say it every time you mention it or else a bad Christmas. Or something. So they would always say the entire thing, no matter how much time they had to wait, or if they were ever running late somewhere. Like all of those dumb Hallmark movie titles.
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sillywabbits · 7 months
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(Ram and I are spouses btw fjfjfjf) ✨
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