#31 Days of Summer
nocturna-iv · 11 months
August Challenge 2023
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Week 1
“Technically, it’s not illegal.”
Flowers in my hair and demons in my head.
“Is it possible to love too much?”
Magic Curse.
“I don’t need luck; I have ammunition.”
“I don’t regret anything.”
Meaningful glances.
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Week 2
If you’re excited to think about it, imagine doing it.
“I would like you to stay.”
Paralyzing Poison.
“There can’t be someone so good.”
Coffee Shop.
“Bestow upon me a smile.”
Pretend to be Allies.
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Week 3
It’s difficult to be unpleasant by accident.
“I can’t concentrate without you here.”
Mind Control.
“No matter what I want.”
The sunset is the dawn of those who work in the shadows.
“You possess innate talent.”
Infiltrate in Disguise.
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Week 4
“Would you reconsider your answer if I wasn’t drunk?”
Body Swap.
“Don’t touch what is not yours.”
In feelings, the most difficult thing is to coincide.
“I adore you.”
Devil’s Advocate.
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Week 5
“My thoughts... wander as we dance like this.”
Kiss or Death.
The truth.
“Are you using my cologne?”
The calm before the storm.
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wiiildflowerrr · 2 months
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@Calum5SOS: Night guys;) x
31 March 2013
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compacflt · 11 months
what are bradley’s earliest memories of ice and mav? the bits of his perspective on them that you’ve written are so fascinating
fairly unsurprising answer but: ice: when he came to see Carole to apologize for killing goose in ch 2 of wwgattai (sets the tone of their relationship)
mav: something very benign like mav doing magic tricks for him as a little little kid. you know how your earliest memories are always a little fuzzy and always afternoon sunshine? imagine a desaturated maverick sitting crosslegged in the grass in pale afternoon southern california sunshine showing Bradley how he can detach his thumb from his hand and then put it back again. no blood, no bone, no pain, and he’s got this daredevil grin like he’s enjoying separating his thumb from his hand. can’t see his eyes behind his aviators. the best magicians are the ones who can make even their pain disappear. or, playing “got your nose,” holding Bradley’s nose up so he can see it right in front of his very eyes, NO PAIN!, and then making it disappear. “where’d your nose go, Gosling? oh, my gosh, I lost your nose!! how’re you gonna smell? i bet you’re gonna smell bad. get it? get it? —here it is, i found it, don’t worry, it’s all good!” and putting his nose back so everything’s ok. that’s Bradley’s earliest memory of mav.
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Doctor Dawn
Buffy slumped onto the sofa, let her head thump back. Everything hurt. I’m only twenty, she thought. Why do I feel so old?
“Rough patrol?” Dawn asked from the doorway.
“I feel like I rolled down a mountainside,” Buffy said, wincing. It hurt to talk.
“Hold that thought,” Dawn said. She disappeared into the kitchen.
“This’ll help,” said Dawn, wrapping Buffy’s hands around the mug she’d brought from the kitchen.
Heat seeped into Buffy’s hands, soothing the ache. “Hot chocolate.” It was more of a moan than she’d intended.
“Pretty sure chocolate can heal anything,” Dawn said with a smile.
31 days of ficmas, day 6 - cocoa
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keanherself · 8 months
In a world where happiness is permitted...
They stumbled back towards the car, arms around each other. Angel observed Buffy as she steered him carefully into the passenger seat and gently strapped him in.
"What?" she asked, a quizzical expression on her face.
"You were born for this, weren't you?"
She stood up straight, arms on her hips. "Hauling your ass home after you get yourself beaten half to death?"
He had the decency to at least look slightly chastised when he met her eyes.
"No," he said, "being a fighter, saving people."
She shrugged. "Maybe?"
She turned towards the salt silo that they had just climbed out of, where she had come to his rescue and finished off the Mohra demon. It seemed to Angel that she was seeing the fight play out again in her mind.
She looked at him and tilted her head, considering. "What were you born for? Vamp detective? Champion for the Powers That Be? Most stubborn man alive?"
Angel smiled and took her hand in his. "I was born for you," he said simply, and opened his arms to her.
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geekynerfherder · 8 months
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'I Know What You Did Last Summer' by Laz Marquez.
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toongirl18 · 8 months
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Day 25: Susie McCallister
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doctorcurdlejr · 8 months
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tubi is literally one of the most reliable platforms for horror enjoyers
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coconut530 · 8 months
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Stephpotterdrawtober & 31 Days of Nevermore Day 16: Honey & Kiss of Death
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rabbitcruiser · 10 days
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National Heat Awareness Day
National Heat Awareness Day is observed annually on the last Friday of May, which falls on May 31 this year. National Heat Awareness Day is an effort by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Weather Service to alert workers, employers, and the public at large about the (preventable) health dangers related to heat, in order to reduce the overall rate of illnesses and deaths caused by it. This day was specially founded as a reminder that many outdoor workers or laborers are at risk of serious heat-induced conditions like heat exhaustion, dehydration, heatstroke, and even death. We bring you tips on how spreading awareness about these conditions and their prevention can help mitigate such unnecessary medical emergencies.
History of National Heat Awareness Day
National Heat Awareness Day was founded by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Weather Service, an agency of the U.S. Federal Government. While there is no record of its first observance, the importance of this day and what it stands for is why we are including it.
The reality is that every year, in the U.S. alone, people suffer and die from heat-induced illnesses, which could easily have been prevented with the right protective measures and intervention. Groups that are especially vulnerable to heat are outdoor workers (like farmers and manual laborers), young children, elderly adults, people with chronic medical conditions, and pregnant women. Heatwaves have been on the rise over the past few decades, with a definite correlation to climate change and the crisis of global warming. In the U.S. itself, recent history shows the shocking death toll due to heatwaves. While various measures are being taken to adapt to rising temperatures and humidity, there is a need for awareness to be spread in order to mitigate the losses.
Therefore, this day was created in order to spread awareness to overcome the high-temperature-related issues. This day is also observed to encourage the consumption of water to avoid heat-related illness. Americans seem to still underestimate the health risks related to conditions of extreme heat or temperatures, even though it’s the deadliest weather condition in the country. With factors like pollution causing temperatures to rise earlier each year, the onslaught of the heat of summer is coming faster every year. For this reason, it is imperative that the nation at large begins to sit up and take notice of the fact that there are many groups in need of protection from an unexpected killer.
National Heat Awareness Day timeline
1600s The Term ‘Heatwave’ is Born
The term heatwave originates in America.
198o Heatwaves Turn Deadly
A heatwave kills 1,250 in the U.S.
1995 Chicago’s Killer Heatwave
A heatwave in Chicago kills 700 people.
2003 Worst Heatwave in Europe
A heatwave across Europe becomes responsible for over 50,000 deaths.
National Heat Awareness Day FAQs
What are three signs of heatstroke?
Symptoms of both heat exhaustion and heat stroke include fatigue/weakness, headaches, and confusion or dizziness. However, in the case of heat exhaustion, your heartbeat slows down, muscles can cramp and there is excessive sweating accompanied by intense thirst. In the case of heatstroke, your heartbeat quickens, you can experience shortness of breath and your skin feels hot, with decreased sweating and urination. In both cases, the person affected should be moved to a cool, shaded location, given sips of water to drink and their skin needs to be cooled with water or ice (until medical help arrives).
Why is heatwave dangerous?
“Heatwaves can kill via the dehydration caused by heavy sweating; the altered sodium and potassium concentrations in the blood confuse both heart and nerve cells, and so breathing or heartbeat may suddenly stop,” according to DownToEarth.
What is the highest heatwave ever recorded?
The National Weather Service recorded a temperature of 130℉ in Death Valley National Park, California, in 2020. This could be the highest temperature ever reliably recorded on earth!
How to Observe National Heat Awareness Day
Chug, chug, chug that H2O
Commit to protecting the vulnerable
Get the word out
Dehydration is one of the most preventable things, which, if left ignored, can lead to more serious health issues. Therefore it is recommended by experts everywhere that eight glasses of water a day is a good standard to maintain. Not only does your body stay hydrated, but water also helps flush toxins out of the body.
There are many online campaigns and grassroots petitions being signed to support the need for outdoor workers to have adequate laws to protect them from heat and other work- environment-related health hazards. Read up and get involved, because every voice does matter!
With powerful tools like social media at our disposal, we can rally our communities (both virtual and real) to spread awareness about the very real risks of heat-related medical conditions that could affect anyone at any time. Train yourself and someone you know to recognize the signs and take action — a little bit can go a long way.
5 Tips On Beating The Heat This Summer
Stay hydrated
Keep your fashion light and breezy
Slather on sunscreen
Avoid going outdoors in peak times
Limit your activity
The manifold benefits of drinking enough water and fluids cannot be stressed enough.
Wear loose-fitting and lightweight clothing, made with breathable fabrics like cotton.
The importance of sunscreen as protection against the sun is never going to get old.
Avoid stepping out into the sun during its peak hours, especially without protection.
Leave the intense workouts for early mornings or nights, and take it easy during the midday heat.
Why National Heat Awareness Day Is Important
Lobbies to protect the vulnerable
It educates us on prevention methods
It resonates with people everywhere
Several years ago, OSHA began a Heat Illness Prevention Campaign to spread awareness about the dangers of working in conditions of extreme heat. Their petition for change could be boiled down to three simple demands for workers — shade, rest, and water. The onus falls on employers to ensure that their workers are receiving these basic requirements and are being protected from extreme heat and other hazardous conditions.
By reinforcing such basic preventative measures, National Heat Awareness Day brings the reality of things we take for granted (like water) to the forefront and makes us more mindful of our own health.
Heatwaves and heat-related health issues are on the rise all over the world, thanks to climate change. Therefore the message of National Heat Awareness Day is relevant to people across the globe, especially as many nations do not even have access to resources like drinking water and electricity. It opens one’s eyes to the larger realities of social injustice and climate change.
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mement0--m0ri · 5 months
Last leg of my amazing 150 days abroad. Sitting in Rome's Fiumicino airport waiting to catch a flight back to Frankfurt. My flight was delayed 35mins when I was checking in my bag. By the time I got through security they added an extra 1.5 hours to the delay.
I haven't slept in 24 hours. My eyes are so dry they feel like sandpaper. My phone is at 40% and it's still snowing in Frankfurt so Im really hoping I get back to Germany today.
Pray for me.
I just wanna check into my hotel and fucking sleep.
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wiiildflowerrr · 1 year
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@Luke5SOS: 'Meet petunia, she's the sweetest thing I've ever met 😍'
31 January 2017
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werewolf-girlfriend · 2 years
its always "why did u go outside" and "isnt it cold" and never "how was the rain" "was it fun" "the rain looked fun"
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theroguejackal · 1 year
For Today’s month til summer Challenge we have…
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(I’m terrible at drawing hands, hopefully by the end of this challenge I’ll be better at it)
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
Between pmdd and whatever the fuck is wrong with me when the weather is hot I haven't been able to not be clinically fucking depressed on my late August birthday in well over a decade and I think this is the year I start lying and telling people it's in mid October so that I can actively fucking enjoy some kind of get together and not spend the day crying and dwelling on everything wrong with my whole life instead. I've had it. I figured out I was trans sometime in the fall of 2012, might as well assign my trans birthday to a day I'm capable of being an actual human with working thoughts and proportional feelings that can be directed positively.
Tldr I'm a libra now, fuck you.
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isatoru · 2 years
literally why the fuck doesn't google docs have dark mode on desktop too not just the app please my orbs burn like hell
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