I’m disgusting. I’m disgusted. How have I let myself gain so much weight. I’ve never been this fat before. I’m 275lbs. Might as well round up to 300lb. I have so many new stretch marks forming. I can’t stop the bingeing. I haven’t purged thankfully. I need other ways to calm my stress and my anxiety. My arms are jiggly. My legs look like cottage cheese. I feel so defeated on my journey. One night I ate 3 double burgers and hid it when everyone got home. Another night I ordered delivery and binged. I couldn’t stop. I had nuggets, 3 burgers, 2 chicken burgers. Fries. I’m sure there was more. I’m a big fat liar.
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mpx-ls · 2 years
I’ve decided to do official weigh-ins every second Friday. I have a lot of extra weight that I’m planning to cut. I’m not at a normal BMI rn, and my goal is healthy. So just pointing out that I’m not a normal sized girl aiming for a skeleton body. This is me getting rid of my overweight to have a healthy happy body.
With that said, if I keep it up now I’ll probably lose fast in the beginning and then it will slow down. So there’s no magic trick to lose fast, you just automatically do that when you’re big.
SW July 8th: 319 lb
CW July 22nd: 308.4 lb
Loss so far: -10.6 lb
My goal is somewhere between 155 - 175 lb, that’s a healthy weight for my height (5’8). My first goal is under 300 and I’m almost there. Second goal is 250, and I’m hoping to reach that before the end of the year or close after the new year. After that I don’t really have any specific time I want to reach my third goal, which is losing 100 lb.
In the end I’m not looking for a quick fix. If I can keep up healthy habits that’s the biggest win for me 😌
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chubbychiquita · 9 months
sometimes i forget how desensitized to obesity ive become looking at women who are 600lbs+, i feel like i've barely gotten started but then i remember im already carrying an extra 200lbs of blubber and can't even fit in a standard bathtub or airplane seat 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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jackdaw-and-hattrick · 4 months
Big fan of Tall and Lean Danny combined with even Taller Amazon Jazz. Just this 6’7” twunk being teased by his 6’11” buff sister about how tiny he is compared to her and their 7’3” dad.
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starts shaking. 2003 thomas.
he's such a giant. i wouldn't mind having him on top of me. i wouldn't mind him crushing me lik
not even fucking me but by preference semi naked and sweaty just laying on top of me and squeezing me.
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housecow · 3 months
Any reactions from friends or family? Do you notice yourself being treated differently or judged as you get bigger?
ooooh i love talking about this.. i haven’t gotten a single reaction from family or friends!! and i’m 20lbs past my previous heaviest, so… haha i’m honestly just very lucky, they’ve never commented much on my body or anything?? as a teen i think it was painfully obvious how uncomfortable i as with my boobs, so that may be part of why :))
the only comment i got was years ago when my gma just said “300 comes fast” and i could tell she regretted saying anything… ANYWAYS hope she’s right hehe :3
as for being treated differently… certain things are different?? it largely depends on how i present myself, lol. with a cute outfit/hair/makeup or whatever i get treated very well still, but like. a t-shirt and baggy jeans and a chubby round face w minimal makeup bc im on my period?? people sometimes don’t make eye contact lmfao
on the other hand, sometimes there are ppl who treat me VERY well when i’m looking especially chubby/fat and i always kinda wonder…
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chanstopher · 3 months
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scandals-r-us · 10 months
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You can't tell me Gabri wouldn't use his brother in the classic "call my big bro to get my ass out of fights I picked I know I can't win" and Migs "i love my brother so much" o'hara would absolutely help every time EVEN when on da trabajo
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chubbychiquita · 8 months
Is it me or are you finally getting fat again?
it's not just you ;)
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mizbrit · 11 months
Do you think the punisher has ever fallen through the floor. Like Wolfwood dropped it to a hotel floor a little too hard and it breaks through the floorboards
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When I realize well after the fact that a hot femme was in fact flirting with me
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adracat · 1 year
G Witch Ep 20 thoughts
WHOOO YEAH that was great. The show is always great but I greatly enjoyed the entangling of plot threads as the sidecast get to stretch their legs. It's not the reunion we were hoping for yet, but good things come to those who wait
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First up we have a few establishing scenes to convey where our cast are in the aftermath of Quinharbor. A bit surprised we don't get another timeskip, but this ups the chance for Mio Earth shenanigans so I'm not complaining. Guel is hellbent on making Shaddiq answer for his sins. Coincidentally, Shaddiq is just as furious with Guel.
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I was assuming from the preview that this demonic Haro would be an alarm, but no. Just some weird interrogation of Martin. That poor kid is so bullied. He does it to himself, but still. Super funny that he went to the lounge just to give Secilia an update on his relationship with Earth House. Does someone have a crush? Join the club, buddy. You have like half of gwitch twitter to contend with. I respect a man who wants a woman to dom him
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OOF. We knew it would happen, but it still stings to see all of GUND-ARM and Miorine being held responsible for Earth. Miorine canonically a problematic fav 😔 It's ok girl, I'm a Fire Emblem and Gundam fan. War crimes are a plus!
It was nice to see the kids, while confused, not angry or throwing accusations around. And the verbal support from Lilique was very appreciated. While they don't have the context, they believe in Miorine. She would probably break down crying if she knew. Or allow herself to feel anything more than pitch black despair
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New hazing technique just dropped. Text someone about their accused warcriminal ex murdering people and see how they react. We don't see who it might be, but Suletta is justifiably unnerved. Whoever they are, probably dead now *spoilers*
Interesting bit of lore in this segment though. They emphasize the push into space by the corps led to mass casualties and it's a bit eerie when we consider real world parallels. Gwitch's corporate space overlords could be a dark glimpse into our future.
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Petra speaking to Suletta wasn't on my bingo card but I liked it. Suletta's line here conveys she's just continuing to go through the motions of a happy school life because it's all she has. Prospera told her it would fill her heart after all.
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Lol right for the jugular. But her guileless question here is interesting because of the connection Suletta made. She recognizes the girl's feelings because Petra admits she'd be lost without Lauda. You can see Suletta linking her love for Miorine to Petra and Lauda, which is paralleled again later.
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This episode went from 0 to 60 in like two seconds flat. Shaddiq finally takes Michaelis out for a stroll and is embroiled in a heated clash with Guel who wants answers for his father. And ofc Shaddiq is still on his princely BS trying to defend Mio's honor lol. You're looking at the wrong person buddy. And I don't mean Prospera 😉
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Meanwhile, the school is put on red alert as Kenanji tries to evacuate the students. I may not trust him but at least he has good priorities. But this is futile since the most toxic room is the galaxy finally opens. Norea runs off, looking for blood and her gundam as 5lan follows. This will turn out amazingly. So funny how Nika just leaves without comment, poor girl gonna have nightmares from the 5nore gauntlet.
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This scene was great. Norea is feeling so much and overflowing with grief for Sophie mingled with rage at Spacian oppression. She can't waste time listening to 5lan, only vent at this injustice and take as many spacians as possible.
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The Sophie bracelet kills me so much. They were together for years under Naji, pledged their lives to this cause, and now Sophie is gone. More on this later, but I had goosebumps from Norea's scenes throughout the episode. So good
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Warcrimes! Warcrimes everywhere!! Norea has officially gone apeshit and now the school will pay for it. Shouldn't have locked her in with the gremlin tbh. He did not help her state of mind. This shot with Earth House is striking though. God this show is a looker.
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Again, we have Suletta relating to Petra with these words. You can see as they wash over Suletta. She too wants nothing more than to be with her precious person. Props to Petra for taking the initiatve to aid her fellow students btw. Suletta isn't a surprise since we know her history on Mercury, but an average spacian girl drives home these are normal kids. They might benefit from their parents wealth, yet they aren't combatants or the callous suit husks of Benerit.
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Guel finally gained his answers during this power struggle, and I have to say I appreciate Shaddiq's candor. He isn't lying or twisting words, straight up I manipulated your father and did all these terrorist hijinks. Points for honesty. Guel isn't happy with that ofc but then Shaddiq throws his own actions at him. Due to his prior rash behavior, his father is dead. Not because of Shaddiq.
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AND GUESS WHO'S LISTENING? 'Oops sry Lauda, didn't have the chance to tell you while I was off being Miorine's secretary. Oh and don't mind the gundam in the closet. Later bro.'
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Welp, goodbye metephorical haven for Miorine and Suletta and the place when their bond was cemented. We'll miss you. I want to see Suletta return afterward and find Cool-san. She can't leave little buddy in the rubble and not return it to Mio! (But really? The left orb, like her left eye that she's totally gonna lose? Okouchi, plz)
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I'm happy the animals were well looked after. That was honestly my major concern throughout this episode. Tycho especially is an icon and she's stolen my heart. Suletta's goat mom must live🥺 And Demi-barding reveal! I had a feeling it was a Chuchu suit from the name so that's very neat. She's an understated pilot compared to the witches/Guel etc but no less cool/competant.
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Nika and Chuchu's moment was cute. Their trust and affection for each other is a nice reprieve from all this dire mess. It also shows Chuchu's emotional growth from a fist-first talk later girl to someone who is willing to listen.
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Shaddiq's rant here is rather illuminating, because while his methods MAY have led to a Cold War ceasefire, terrorist violence upon civilians can't be excused. The next statement about Miorine and the repeated insistence HE would be the one to play hero without staining his prize makes his actions seem like a narcisictic bid rather than genuine. As Delling said, a throne is vested with power and an egotistic boy isn't a fitting king.
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However, this bit here gives Shaddiq a sad bit of poignance. He's right. Benerit and the SAL didn't care when it was Earthian lives. Norea says as much earlier, too. But they finally act when Spacians are the one's dying. If it wasn't for his idealized view of himself/others, he just might have succeeded. We'll see if the cuffs stick but with multiple eps left there's a good chance he wriggles free. The Space Assembly League are backing him/Ochs Earth after all.
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I'll be honest, this got to me. She's reaching for a ghost, who was paradoxically the most alive person she knew. Sophie was nothing like the dead things in Norea's book, her private altar where she feared and worshipped death. It became an obsession for her as 5lan alludes, but he tried to reach for her and offered a living hand instead. He says they can leave and live instead of dying pointlessly. And just when we think she's reaching for him too, Norea dies and Sophie's bracelet burns. Stunning artistry here. It just might be the blow that sends 5lan on a quest to destroy Peil and Elan prime. I sure hope so!
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Similarly, we have Suletta witness Petra's body. She's reaching out a hand, and it's not hard to draw the lines between the last scene and this. They were both reaching for a loved one, dying in pursuit of it.
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Now there's Suletta who sees the potential cost of hesitation. What if she, like Petra, never sees Miorine? What if Miorine dies before she can reach her? Delicious pain
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In the aftermath of death, we have Suletta resolved. She tends to the rubble in search of wounded and spurs Earth House to help. Considering her time as a rescue worker on Mercury, she isn't a stranger to this sight but the context is different. This was a school, a supposedly safe and normal place. Her mother was wrong again.
Without the school, greenhouse, and the illusion of normality, Suletta must now confront where to go from here. I think we all know what that means. EARTH PLEASE, but grab the Schwarzette before you leave. Hope next episode is a Mio centric episode! Unless reunion~
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quiet-admirer · 3 months
Okay, question for writing reference because I don't have a way to test it out myself: at what weight does someone start feeling "heavy" to you when they're sitting/lying/fucking on top of you?
I'm sure it varies person to person but I'm curious what people's answers are :)
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zumurruds · 1 year
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'a few of the wispier pets' babygirls polite way of calling himself thicker than a bowl of oatmeal...
i desperately need to see the army that was required to lift brick shithouse damen in a litter
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helixobesity · 4 days
Ok I know I haven’t made any encouragement posts recently holiday weekend beat me up blease hold
However I must say…
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That’s all
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oculusxcaro · 3 months
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As troublesome as Gotham can be, Pauli's is one of those places that rarely gets hit. It's open 24/7 and offers good food to all regardless of who they are and Pauli isn't afraid to hire former criminals like Jerry who used to be muscle for Scarface. Petty thugs who threaten the place for cash are just as likely to receive backlash from their fellow crooks as they would from law-abiding citizens because where else are you going to get a decent meal at 4am?
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