#2011-2013 loki supremacy
abby118 · 2 days
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youlackconviction · 5 months
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yeh go on, tell me again how LOKI can't fucking fight 😤
#mcu salt
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Yeah this fandom on Twitter is not for me anymore...
Saw something earlier where someone said they preferred original Loki and one of the responses was "I'm happy you like the traumatised version instead of the one who gets to be his true self"
And I'm like...*Googles is it possible to roll your eyes super hard at someone telepathically through several thousand miles and a computer screen*
Sigh. SIGH.
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celerieth · 9 months
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Because I spent last night reading Marvel quotes, I came across this gem and spent the whole night analysing it instead of sleeping (oops). Honestly, I might be reading too much into it, but it has very deep connotations when you think about it at 11pm. Anyways, the ants are humans. Loki is the boot. That's fairly obvious. But what stood out to my tired brain is the fact that, on its own, a boot is an inanimate object, with no mind, will or true desire to squish the human race. There has to be someone's foot in the boot, making it move. Which could be a very subtle nod to the mind control CONFIRMED FACT theory. Honestly, the only reason I'm posting this is because my brain is too hopped up on caffeine to be embarrassed, feel free to ignore me.
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loveloki555 · 1 month
Sylvie meets Avengers Loki
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Brazen self-indulgence. After 1 x 6 episode. Anti-Sylvie. Anti-Sylki.
Sylvie set her Tempad to a new branch of time as soon as something went wrong and she fell into the space-time vortex. As she crashed into the heavy concrete, she saw the Tempad of the man who had destroyed her life fall to pieces. It was terrible. But now she didn't have to run from TVA anymore, she just hoped this wasn't some dangerous timeline. She opened her eyes. She was in a glass cage. She wasn't alone. It was Loki. Of course it was him. He wore elegant green and black armor with gold accents. However, there was something different about him. He always sounded pathetic when he talked to her. Not now. He looked at her with curiosity, but his curiosity was cold. Very cold. Was he still mad about the fake kiss, he probably was… wimp.
''What are you doing here?'' he asked coldly.
''Don't use that tone with me, clown,'' she snapped.
He raised an eyebrow. He burst out laughing. A cruel, cold laugh that seemed to freeze the bones in the body.
''I've been called many things, but never a clown…little girl,'' he hissed.
She pulled out one of her swords and charged at him. But instead of gently pushing her away like she expected… He threw her so hard against the walls of the glass prison that the cage shook and she felt heavy bruises forming on her face.
''What are you doing, still angry that I dumped you while we were kissing?''
''I don't remember ever kissing a puffball like you.
''What…'' she looked at him in surprise.
''I like beautiful women, I don't know what you're talking about, because I would never kiss a puffball like you… You have no class or charm,'' he laughed.
She lunged at him again, but suddenly he disappeared from the cage and appeared on the other side.
''You ruined my plan… then we'll check how strong you are'' he walked up to the panel and suddenly the cage was moving down.
Sylvie flew down…until the cage shattered and some of the fragments got stuck in her body. What kind of timeline was that…
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zombie4life92 · 1 year
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The good old days 😉
Sadly there is no new content 🥺
Will we ever see him again?
I doubt it 😭
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gloriousburden · 6 months
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these being a year apart
LOKI 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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sillysomeone · 15 days
Does Thor knows at what point Odin was replaced by Loki?
Correcte me if I'm wrong, but I assume that Thor does not know when exactly Loki took Odin's place.
So, may we assume that Thor believes it to only to happen after Odin (who, surprise, is not Odin) has shown some descend parenting? I would really like if it this moment was adressed in the movies, but as far as I know it isn't.
Like, think of it. Thor in starting to connect with his father. Then is being gone on some long ass journey. And when he comes back Odin is missing or, for all he knows, might even be dead. How can he possibly know?
And there's also Loki whom he believed dead.
Imagine what a following conversation might have looked like. Thor's thoughts are now being halfed. One part of his brain is super happy that his brother is seemingly safe and sound, while the other is furious for the lose of his dad. What would his reaction be when (if?) finds out that his actual father never told his those words at the end of TDW?
I'm really sad with the turn that the films took after TDW. There where so many things to unpack, yet they didn't. (Like Loki's heritage. I want to know if the ''small for a frost giant'' part was bs or not).
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abby118 · 2 days
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youlackconviction · 5 months
Okay look I love tom, I really really do, but why has he recently become the thing he used to hate? He talks about Loki as if he deserves all the shiy he gets through the TV show, if 2013 Tom and 2023 Tom were to meet each other, 2013 Tom would have been absolutely pissed, like why Tom? Was the paycheck that good? Come on my man, I mean I know he can't criticize them too much or at all but does he have to talk about his character like that? He worked so hard on this character and he doesn't care anymore? I guess he doesn't really have much of a choice but it's really heartbreaking that someone who used to defend Loki and acknowledged his trauma, calls him narcissistic now.
yeh trust me we all feel bad for 2011-2013 tom. 😭
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sellout is a harsh word, but...
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Seeing as I've been on a bit of an Avengers Loki nostalgia spiral recently, I thought I would post about perhaps The Greatest Piece of Merch I Own. I took these photos when I was faffing around with my display cabinet a couple of weeks ago and only realised after I looked at the images HOW dusty he was - maybe this is why I feel like he's always scowling at me? This figure was a Christmas present in 2013. I was going to buy it myself about a month before but was too embarrassed/shy to ask the no doubt lovely shop assistant in the comic book store. My husband went in and bought it for me instead. There's a few details on the costume that have always bugged me for being wrong, but undoubtedly it's an impressive figure.
Stressful highlights of owning this Loki have included:
Finally getting him out of the box around New Year's Day 2014 only for my husband to immediately knock him off the table onto the floor headfirst! The helmet re-separated and fell off his head but everything was fine, I think the horns broke the fall...
Having to hold him on my knee in the moving van passenger seat when we moved a couple of years ago because he won't really fit back in his original box and I didn't want to risk any damage putting him loose in another box. I also didn't want to risk sticking bubble wrap to him!
The absolute fear any time I need to wipe him with a wet cloth of warm water!
His left hand falling off if I ever try to re-pose him slightly!
The rage-inducing struggle that was attaching the cape and helmet so those are ON there now forever!
The occasional and probably ridiculous intrusive thought that "what if someone breaks in and steals him?" (I guarantee there's much more expensive/sellable stuff in my flat but my brain is just a bit silly sometimes...)
But he's the jewel in the crown of my action figure collection and worth all that stress. 10/10.
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littlebean2905 · 1 month
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It’s you, despite everything it’s still you
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loveloki555 · 7 days
Thor: The Odinforce
AU for Thor Ragnarok part 2
part 1 - https://www.tumblr.com/loveloki555/750039954682445824/thor-the-odinforce?source=share
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''How do you know that?'' Thor asked as he approached her.
''I was with him in this hour, he had last wish… before that…'' she said, looking at Thor without fear. Loki was there, trying to be diplomatic. Let's hope Thor doesn't spoil everything as usual.
''What was his last wish?'' both of them asked, in sync.
''He wanted to reconcile with his wife…I gave him access to talk to her spirit form,'' the woman said.
''It's impossible…such a spell is not possible.'' Loki looked at her.
''Not for humans, not for ordinary gods, but I know how to do it,'' she said.
''I would know, I would know such a spell,'' Loki said.
''No, not you… because this spell is more than seidr,'' she said.
Loki looked at her. The woman was incredibly beautiful… She was essence of beauty. Could she trick the gates of Valhalla itself with her beauty and do the impossible. He would do anything to take back his last words. Frigga was his mother. If he could ask… he would give anything to talk for a while…
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''Did Odin see her ?''Loki asked. Thor was curious too, because he was silent. Not easy thing for God of Thunder.
'Yes… I made this spell and after then…he died… I buried him in a boat on the river until his body returned to Valhalla'' she said.
So he died like his. Mighty Odin died with one woman, who buried him. He was not buried with Asgard's honors.
''How did he die?'' Thor asked, looking at Loki.
''It was, well…I don't call it peaceful death… it was more like full of regret…and maybe I told also many sharp words… but in the end he found peace���after meeting his wife'' she said.
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latent-thoughts · 10 months
Maybe the (not)Loki series season 2 is not getting the hype this time. Or maybe my unfollow+block game is very strong.
Whatever it is, I'm feeling blessed that the season 2 promo hasn't been hitting me in the face on my dash. 😌😌😌
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welpjesuisla · 4 months
Tagged: 10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄ Thank you for the tag @x-authorship-x 🥰
John Doe (UnOrdinary)
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First off, yes, his name really is John Doe LOL. He's not a very popular type of main character - at least in my experience. He's fiercely protective and cunning. And he struggles a lot with figuring himself out. He's the kind of main character that you have to follow around even when you don't agree with his decisions.
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto)
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Underrated fr. Like we have so very few braincell holders in Naruto and Shikamaru is a reluctant holder of one. Despite his genius we all are aware of just how human he is. He still is vulnerable to the natural things of life and his own emotions.
Yes i am going to go on living life pretending that the Burrito version of Shikamaru doesn't exist :)
Ochaco Uraraka (Boku No Hero Academia)
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The cute girl that could and would fight you and WIN.
She has a special place for me. She could have so easily been left at just the cute best friend girl or the poor girl gag or quirky love interest. But she isn't! And it's refreshing! She takes the path she set out on seriously. She has a kindness about her but she is also determined to do what's right. And she's prepared to take what steps she needs to protect herself and others. If you say her match with Bakugou didn't change your brain chemistry YOU'RE LYING!
Obi (Akagami No Shirayukihime)
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The man that he is. Full disclosure, I've read a lot of Shoujo but OBI is truly the first character that I craved more of. Seriously, I want his backstory so bad but I fear we'll never be allowed to have it. He's an assassin turned official knight. He's roguish but just as seamlessly can be a gentleman. He's dangerous but he chooses to be soft and fond. Don't even get me started on the found family dynamics!!
Minhyuk (I Love Yoo)
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The best big brother/best friend ever.
Minhyuk is THE BEST. And I accept Nothing Else. He's the pillar needed in crazy situations. Even if he's not physically there. He understands when to push and when to play around. Genuinely the only guy I trust with Shin-ae's literal life (Sorry, Dieter). He has her best interests at heart even when he's not completely in the know about what's going on. Dude is willing to try fighting CEOs to protect her and DID fight her stalkers.
Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
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Okay her taste in men is to be taken with a bucket of salt BUT!!
Come on! Queen!! Undercover specialist - posing as her on Lady-in-waiting is such a boss move! Unafraid of active warzones and assassination attempts! Fashion icon!
Loki (Thor MCU)
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As you may be seeing: i have a tendency to gravitate to characters that are usually inclined to manipulation and violence complex. I could genuinely go on and on about the beautiful depth of his character but then I'd get sad about what he became in Ragnarok and onwards. But yeah, love Loki - adore him truly!!!
Koushi Sugawara (Haikyuu!!)
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Chaotic good at its finest.
THE Morale!! THE Refreshing!! THE Mom!! OUR Vice Captain!! The lovely Suga!! The biggest chaos gremlin of them all! Would literally win in a fight with every single member of the Karasuno team (with merciless cheating lol). I love the diversity in him: he can be the steady senpai, flipping at a switch between happy-go-lucky and excitable aggression, seems like the least threatening member when he loves screwing with the other side mentally. He's great >:)
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
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Literally my favorite rendition of Wonder Woman. She's sheltered but well-intentioned. She's determined and doesn't let things like social norms get in her way. She brought humanity to a setting we constantly forget the humanity of. She's not afraid of being emotional because there's no shame in it. She showed us what some heroes forget to show us, that things aren't always good and bad guys.
Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader Viewpoint)
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He's such a mastermind, he's great!! A MENACE UNLEASHED!
Okay so admittedly, i don't think I'll even be able to scratch the surface of the genius that is his character. He's literally Upgraded Coping Mechanism on top of Well-used Coping Mechanism. A Reader given the same detachment from reality that protected them but debilitated them but now it makes them the most powerful and prepared. And he uses it with so much tangible smugness
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