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liampayne: Pleasure to meet one of my inspirations and idols, great show and really beautiful to hear David speak on his works 🧑‍🎨 @_lightroomldn
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caeliriva · 1 year
Lob der Lauchigen
im Laden oberstes Regal
Würzgemüse erster Wahl
knollige Ballerina
aus Spanien und China
durchs Netz zu erspähen
spreizt sie die Zehen
Seidensocken an den Füßen
scharf im Biss mit Hang zum Süßen
vom Duft her sehr apart geraten
riecht man sie an den besten Braten
sie sorgt dafür, dass Blutdruck sinkt
Vampire finden, dass sie stinkt
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montagsgedicht · 1 year
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Einladung zum Montagsgedicht
Das Stichwort für Montag, den 20. Februar ‘23 ist:
Jeden Montag um 16 Uhr gibt es hier Texte zu einem gegebenen Stichwort. Wer will, kann mitmachen: Am Montag den selbst verfassten Text zum Thema in den eigenen Blog einstellen und ihn mit ‘montagsgedicht’ und ‘knoblauch’ taggen.
William Woodville: „Medical botany“, London, James Phillips, 1793, Vol. 3. Plate 168: Allium sativum
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painting-aphrodite · 1 year
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New Moon in Pisces
20th February 2023 7:05 GMT
Pisces is associated to ;
Sacrifice, charity, welfare, prayers, mysticism, spirituality, far away lands, isolation, behind the scenes activity, those who live a secluded life, emotions, creativity, illusions, confinements, self- undoings, hidden activity, spying, mafia undertakings, hospitals, mental health and endings.. etc.
Parts of the body - The feet, liver, lymphatic system.
Places - the seas, oceans, swimming / fishing sites, religious places, where chemicals, oils and medicines are kept.
The Sun and Moon will be conjoining at the first degree of Pisces. The specific details highlighted above shall become significant to both the general masses and the state - internally and externally.
A reemergences of traditional values, religious groups and a particular concentration can be placed upon all those workings which are usually hidden from sight. Spiritual aspirations, dreams and other ethereal realities become evident. Creating mental maps or indulging in the imagination can be common and beneficial throughout the month.
Seriousness and structure will be enforced, from behind the scenes and due to far away land activity. Do not believe all that you hear, as many things will be exaggerated, filled with lies. Many mannequins of deception shall be found posing - instigated by the left wing, criminal type currents.
Overshadowing the lunation is Saturn which is in a close conjunction to the celestial event - entering Pisces on the 8th of March ( see my Post for the New Year) new beginnings may require an extra push and disciplined approach - eventually leading to longer / more fruitful ripenings. Avoid acting on rushed or less thought out decisions.
Globally and politically some unconventional news is imminent, technological difficulties, hackings, re- scheduling’s, surprising or unexpected information communicated.
Completely fresh, inspirational and enlightening interactions on topics with other people. A heightening of senses and broadening of the intuitional faculties.
Venus moves out of its exaltation into its fall - in Aries. Women, finances, artists, relationships and all those affairs under the lordship of Venus are expanded.
There is fiery nature to Venus while passing through this sign - physical amusements, rise in opportunities linked to women , creatives or those domains tied to the planet.
Conjoining Jupiter, shedding light on opportunities, alluring experiences, financial gains and attraction towards faith, far away travel, philosophical and law related themes. ( see the new year post discussing Jupiter)
Countries ruled by Pisces.
Russia, Netherlands, Colombia, Portugal etc.
Inbox me for Astrological readings.
• Painting Aphrodite
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animasmusicdiary · 4 months
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bekindtoyou4007 · 1 year
Slept hard last night, felt tired this morning even after nearly 10 hours. Did an hour of cleaning the living room, had a walk, and, did some health and grooming things for the dog, but mostly binged my latest TV show. Deliberately didn't do any studying but should probably hit the books tomorrow seeing as I'm stuck out of the home anyway for a few hours. I think I'll get a coffee and go to the library then see if I'm up for a swim. The weekend really surprisingly took it out of me, which I guess makes sense because there was a 180 mile journey sandwiched around a lot of catching up (and some beer) with old friends, in the space of 24 hours. I feel sort of winded sometimes when I do a lot too quickly. I thought I would miss work by now but the past >7 days I've been more recovering from it all. I think I also struggle with wanting to do everything at once and sometimes you just need to say no. I love hanging out with friends but it does sometimes mean the weekends don't feel particularly restful. I will prioritise low maintenance friends so I can still do social things and get that benefit but not feel like I'm exhausted from it all. I have weirdly missed driving but I think it's more 'missing' as in realising it isn't happening, as in my muscle memory and routines are wondering why I'm not doing these massive long haul drives almost daily... I was even offering to drive this weekend to see our friends because I thought it might make me feel better! But thankfully husband said no. Husband has noticed me being more preoccupied with home renovation thoughts lately which I guess is a by product of seeing our friends house recently but also having more time on my hands. I do struggle not to keep busy so will continue looking for little small projects to do that aren't stressing me out.
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gokyuzununaynasi · 1 year
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do you realise how hard it is to actually have a good conversation with someone you are slightly if not actually quite a bit enamoured with? a crush, if u will. what do u even talk about??? anyway i almost had a crisis of a person removing me from a group chat because i thought we were good friends. turns out he just deleted the gc because having two gcs with the same people was a waste of time. so… i was acting as if i was not hurt, “oh, honestly i don’t really care.” but do u know me? have u ever poked a look through my head? i care. it hurt. only for a bit, yet it hurt.
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wecandoit · 1 year
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20.02.2023 // still struggling with the depression but at least classes start in a week
🎧: 𝑰'𝒎 𝑰𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒀𝒐𝒖 • 𝑫𝒗𝒘𝒏
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caramelcuppaccino · 1 year
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20.02.2023 • day 5 of my language learning challenge:
-> how do you improve or practice your speaking skills?
by listening and repeating! being in germany and hearing locals speak helped me a lot. right now even though my vocabulary is limited, i can read german well :] also the german course i attended three years ago was very helpful because i could communicate with people of my language level.
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Dolce & Gabbana via their IG stories - 20.02
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nonsensical-pixels · 11 months
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pinkpatchy's scourge dress converted to ts2! [download - sfs]
originally requested by @grilledcheese-aspiration on the simscord! this would be @pinkpatchy's scourge dress for the sims 2 😊 i think it'll look great on your spooky sims in particular! 👻
i edited the shape quite a bit to fit the ts2 body, flattening the skirt slightly and filling in the hole there, so your sims won't have their undies on show when they sit down😅
@pinkpatchy for the lovely original ts4 creation! 💝
important info
- non-hood version only - yf-af only, 9430 polys - five original swatches - uses the scourge boots that came with the original dress - skirt may have some minor clipping issues, i tried my best 😔
if you downloaded this dress from the simscord around its original 20.02.2023 release, please do redownload it now! the original was converted in milkshape and has some significant issues around the skirt; this one is much better fitted to the ts2 bodyshape and is just much more updated in general.
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if there are any unmentioned issues, feel free to let me know! happy simming and much love 💖 and as always, keep in mind,
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8iunie · 1 year
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maneskinofficial: It’s already been one month since the release of our new album RUSH! ❤️‍🔥 We really can’t wait to play it live all around Europe during our Loud Kids Tour! Which song would you like to hear live the most?? ⭐️ - 20.02.2023
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track2hack · 1 year
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New project time!! 🙌
This is Forrest (aka Run Forrest Run), he’s an 11yo by Pentire out of a McGinty dam! He raced 45 times for 2 wins and 18 placings
Since retiring in 2020 he’s been a Clerk of the Course and Huntsman’s horse but it wasn’t really his thing, so he came to me to find him a new life in the slow lane!
He’s a big boy, sold as 16.1hh but he makes Ed look small so idk how true that is 🥴
Forrest is also the only horse to ever need the vet out on the day of arrival, he smacked his head on the float ride over and nearly took an eye out! He’s also got stitches in his left leg below the hock 🤦‍♀️
So far he seems like a really nice dude! Loves a scratch and a cuddle, he is a bit pushy on the ground but he’s been out of work for 2 weeks so I’m not surprised 🤷‍♀️
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lottiestudying · 1 year
20.02.2023—cheeky study timelapse clip for the first day back at uni for 2023 (Australian academic year is flipped). getting on with some coursework. good luck to anyone going back now/soon 🤍✨
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animasmusicdiary · 4 months
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