#13rw one shot
audrey-library · 2 years
Clay Jensen Fic Recommendation
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it has to get better by @pinkykitten
11 - “You’re an idiot” “And who’s the dumbass who fell in love with me?” 13 - “I’m right here, I’m safe” by @writingfortoomanyfandoms
Jealous Clay by @clay-dylan
Dating Clay Jensen by @lilxberry
Dating Clay would include by @joelsgeetar
Being Clay (and Justin’s) Sister Headcanons by @clay-dylan
Dating Clay Jensen would include by @underratedcharactersimagines
dating: clay jensen by @teenwolve
sex with clay jensen by @teenwolve
imagine... by @jensensfanfic
Imagine being the only person Clay told about the tapes because he needed your help by @some-multifandom-imagines
clay jensen imagine: you’re pregnant by @13r3asonswhyimagines
I need you by @13rw-imagines-blog
The Love Act by @jensensfanfic
Nightmare Lullaby by @purestxblood
Make Me Cry by @xbarrjallenx
Things That Mattered by @xbarrjallenx
All About Us by @xbarrjallenx
my knight in shining armor by @pinkykitten
Sweet Dreams by @jensensfanfic
Until You Love Yourself by @purestxblood
Silly by @statticscribbles
Left Behind by @peterpparkrr
Safe Heaven by @xbarrjallenx
Heart Sick by @clay-dylan
Thunderstorms by @clay-dylan
Pillow Fight by @jensensfanfic
I’m Here by @xbarrjallenx
Here For You by @jensensfanfic
You’ll Get Over It by @purestxblood
Project? by @xbarrjallenx
Prom by @killmybadthoughts
Galaxy by @statticscribbles
Polar Opposites by @chocolatenightmaremoon
Healing by @cynicallystiles
I See The Light by @statticscribbles
Come What May by @statticscribbles
Rainy Afternoon by @xbarrjallenx
Falling Star by @xbarrjallenx
Rescue You by @xbarrjallenx
Half A Man by @xviminds
I’m here for you by @pinkykitten
Fanfiction by @statticscribbles
Please Don’t by @mackloveswriting
Back To You by @team-free-winchester
a soft kind a love by @atkinsreeds
What’s Your Problem? by @misfit-imagines-blog
Grenade by @xbarrjallenx
Those Magic Changes by @statticscribbles
forgotten by @nctloveclub
we’ll all float on alright by @back-atkins-it
Apology Kisses by @wildestimagines
Knock Knock by @xbarrjallenx
conflicted by @nctloveclub
Stop Running by @hesmymarinebiologist
Sign of the Times by @imaginethisimaginethat
You Like Me? by @reasonswhyimaginesmatter
Tolerance by @xbarrjallenx
A Love Letter From Mr. Clay by @hesmymarinebiologist
I Really Like You by @imaginefan
Exhausted by @kristinee
Twinkling Nights by @purestxblood
Clay Jensen Dating Preference by @xviminds
how you met them by @unhappytan
Social Media 
bf!clay | snaps + texts by @dizzyingdaze
For You I Will by wattpad-@pureblood/ @purestxblood​
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orangecoluredsky · 5 months
WIP Tag Game
I was tagged simultaneously by my beta @poisonousbeautifulhope & our pal @annaistryingao3. Thanks guys! Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the WIP files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a snippet of it or tell them something about it and then tag as many people as you have WIP's.
My Current WIPs
Forgotten Sandalwood - a Theo/Regulus/Hermione fic
Lost in the Snow - a Theo/Regulus one-shot
Into The Unknown - a Regulus/Hermione fic
The Day The Magic Died - a Theo/Hermione fic
A Timeless Glitch - a Fergus Fraser AU
Another Life - an HP/13RW Crossover
Tagging: @itscometothis @strixxinxiang @wrenfinchly @submissivebookmark-motherofchaos - and... I don't have that many friends on here that I know do fanfic...
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visionaxry · 5 months
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this prequel to grease tells the story of how the “pink ladies” gang was created. it follows new original characters, although the younger versions of some movie characters are also shown/mentioned. it is a beautiful musical about feminism, love, friendship, racial relationships and queerness in the 50s. the songs stuck in my head & my heart. and it quickly became one of my favorite shows ever. incredibly devastating that it only got one season, because it was very unique and important.
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on my block’s spin-off. it’s just as unhinged, dripped in magic and ridiculousness. less violent than its predecessor, it follows a group of four friends who come into possession of a “cursed” box, and as they try to get rid of it, shenanigans ensue. you’ll see a few familiar faces from omb and fall in love with the new ones. experience this block’s craziness again or for the first time. be gnomes ahead.
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tells the story of mia as she returns from rehab for ed, and tries to catch up on her teenage experiences. secret hookups, betrayals, love triangles, lying and pretty people. similar in tone to heartbreak high & genera+ion.
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it’s about a royal vampire and her half-vampire protector, as they navigate their duties after a tragic event changes their lives.
rose and demitri’s love story certainly carries the show. the cast is great and it’s a fun watch. definitely a step up from the movie.
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jason segel plays a therapist who starts telling his patients what he really thinks, while trying to maintain a relationship with his daughter (lukita maxwell) and estranged friends.
it just felt very fun and warm to watch.
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a girl is shot in the central park. and it intertwines lives of a boy who’s in love with her, a rock band and a rich powerful family. in trying to figure out what happened to sam, charlie realizes the girl of his dreams had more secrets than he suspected.
the cast is perfect and billy is the best character, that’s all i have to say. this show’s exciting, dramatic, in parts reminded me of gossip girl, succession, 13rw and grand army.
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twin sisters in the 90s grow closer as they learn how to write music. they experience first love, make new friends and deal with family issues.
the true story of how tegan&sara became the musical duo that they are.
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after a traumatic accident mickey moves to his dad’s childhood home, where he uncovers mysteries connected to his parents’ work.
reminded me of teen wolf, because the storyline is dark but the friendship and humor of the main characters shine through.
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a group of classmates try to overcome the loss of their friend. heartbreak high made me interested in aussie shows. and this had similar energy.
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a fictional story of a young queen’s marriage to the king of england. bridgerton’s spin off which imo was better made than the original show.
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Things I figured out/just think are funny about season one and episode one of season two of 13 reasons why.
1) the song run boy run is played in season one episode two of both 13rw and the umbrella academy. It is the exact same part of the song and the time they are played in the episode is inverted with ua playing at the beginning and 13rw playing at the end
2) despite how depressing this show is it has the best/funniest sequence of lines I’ve ever heard.
“Clay, you know I’m gay, right?”
“What? No, I didn’t know that! Why didn’t you tell me?
“I thought everybody knew that.”
“I feel like there’s a lot of people who don’t know that.”
“I think there’s a lot of people that do know that.”
3) Alex Standall is a direct parallel to Kurt Cobain in the sense that they both play electric guitar, both have stomach pains caused by severe stress, and both shot themself in the head with the intention of ending their life. (Yes I am aware that cobain was probably murdered but that’s besides the point). Also, Alex has a ton of music posters in his room (including Joy Division, big slay) that are from similar time periods and genres as Nirvana.
4) Clay and Alex see the same therapist
Anyway, Alex Standall is my favorite fictional character, second favorite person (fictional or real), and he’s my precious little meow meow.
However, he is a dumbass (buddy, suicide notes aren’t something you typically bring to school on your first day back in months), so it’s worth mentioning Tony is a VERY close second for my favorite character.
But also, in all seriousness, if you are going through shit and you want to talk to someone, here’s a link for finding helplines.
Stay safe.
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mightyavngrs · 4 years
golden boy | jeff atkins x reader
summary: liberty's golden boy (also known as your designated best friend) has been ignoring you for a week now but you've had enough of that
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It all started with a text to your best friend. A simple "hey atkins! sorry but i can't make it to your practice today :/ Thomas asked me out to the movies and i have to get ready. good luck tho <3". You didn't think he would mind, really, you spent all your time with the golden boy, your best friend and partner in crime, an evening shouldn't change that. But here you were on the cafeteria having lunch with Clay and Hannah, the day after, and Jeff was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't at his usual spot next to your locker in the morning but you brushed it off thinking that maybe something had come up and he couldn't make it, but now, a few hours later, he still hadn't talked to you and you were starting to get worried.
"Earth to y/n!" Hannah called out waving a hand in front of your face. "What's wrong? You still haven't touched your food and you've been staring at that coke for 5 minutes."
"I'm good" you assured her, locking eyes with the brunette "It's just... Jeff hasn't talked to me yet today..."
"Really?" she asked with a mocking tone. "C'mon y/n he's probably just busy or something. I'm sure nothing happened."
"Yeah." Clay agreed "I heard something about the jocks having a meeting of some sort. He'll show up eventually."
"You're probably right..." you mumbled playing with your fork but something still felt wrong.
And you were right. A week had passed and still no word from liberty's golden boy. You had tried to talk to him multiple times but every time you came close he would just shrug you off coming up with some weak excuse to leave. Even on Saturday when you asked him to join you on a movie marathon he declined, mentioning something about tutoring with clay who you knew to be at the cleamont's on an extra shift to help pay for his mom's birthday present. You decided you'd had enough when Scott Reed came up to you one day, and asked you if you were going to some party taking place the following day.
"What party?" you'd asked with a confused look.
"What party? Jeff told me he had already asked you to come." he stopped, waiting for some sign of recognition on your features but after getting one more confused look, he proceeded. "Anyway, the party is at mine tomorrow. Make sure to show up ok? Everyone is going." he finished with a smile.
"Yeah i'll be there. Is Jeff going too?" you asked, hoping for an opportunity to finally talk to your best friend somewhere he couldn't just run away from.
"Yep. Mentioned something about needing to get drunk." he answered with a shrug, turning away to leave for his next class.
The party had finally come around and with it your chance to talk things out with the baseball player. You knocked on the door softly, being greeted by the smile of your friend Scott.
"You here early?" he asked letting you in.
"Yeah. I had nothing better to do and figured you could use some help setting things up." you smiled back at him.
"Appreciate it y/l/n" he thanked you with a fist bump.
A few hours had gone by and a couple beers in you were still going strong. The big house was crowded turning your task to find your best friend ten times harder and the fact that you were starting to get a bit buzzed didn't help. Struggling to make your way through sweaty bodies you finally took a stop when you found Hannah.
"Hey, girl! I've been looking for you for ages! You having fun?" the pretty girl asked taking your hands to make you dance with her.
"Yeah! Actually I've been looking for Jeff, have you seen him yet? This is like my only opportunity to talk to him somewhere he can't run away from you know?" you asked, swaying your body to the sound of the loud music.
"I think i saw him somewhere in the living room? Pretty sure he was playing some game with the others."
"Thanks, Han, i'll come back to you alright? Don't get too drunk." you warned winking at your friend before leaving to the living room picking up one more beer on your way.
When you finally got to your destination you immediately made out the figures of some of your friends, including Jeff, playing suck and blow, the card dangerously close to the pretty girl by your best friend's side.
"Jeff!" You'd managed to call out and as his head turned to you the girl dropped the card and pulled him into a kiss. You stood where you were, paralyzed by whatever the emotion you were feeling was, as tears threatened to run down your face. It felt like an eternity until Jeff pulled away and looked at you again, but this time instead of confusion, his eyes were filled with regret and worry. You finally woke up from your transe running away from the room and making your way to the backyard through watery eyes. But when you got outside a hand on your wrist stopped you from getting much further.
"Are you ok?" the concerned voice of your best friend was heard on top of the loud music coming from inside.
"Why do you care?" you asked rudely, yanking your arm away from his hold.
"Because i'm your best friend? What am i supposed to do ignore you-" he started, raising his voice, but stopped right as he realized his mistake.
"Yeah, ignore me! Like you've been doing for the past week! It wasn't a big deal then why should it be a big deal now?" At this point the few people at the backyard had already left leaving you and Jeff to your fight.
"Wait, so you get to hang out with other guys but i don't get to hang out with other people too?"
Shocked by his words and by how childish the boy was acting you kept yelling back. "Are you kidding me? I went out with one guy once!"
"Yeah and it was a fucking date!"
"You were kissing that girl just now for fuck's sake!" you yelled back at him.
"She was the one who kissed me but why do you even care?"
"Because i love you!" you finally snapped letting the tears you were holding back set free. "I love you but i know you could never love me back. That's why i went on that fucking date, to try to get over you! 'Cause you're liberty's golden boy, you are the most beautiful, funniest and sweetest guy i've ever met and you're way out of my league and sometimes... shit, sometimes you make me feel like i'm not good enough." you finally say, letting out a sigh while trying to stop a sob from escaping your lips.
And suddenly his hands are on your face, and his lips are on yours. And it takes you a second to process what's happening but once you do you start kissing back. His lips are soft and warm and it's like they were made to be on yours. And it's sweet but so needy and you can't help but be upset when you finally have to pull away for air as Jeff rests his forehead on yours before muttering.
"I love you too. That's why I was ignoring you. I couldn't bear being next to you thinking that you didn't like me back. I know it was selfish but-"
You pressed your lips to his to cut him off.
"It's fine." you mumbled tiredly after the alcohol and heat of the previous argument finally started taking the best of you.
"I hate it when we fight." he confessed, wrapping his arms around your waist while pressing you as close to him as possible. You wrapped you arms around his neck mumbling under your breath "You kinda started it."
"Hey!" he exclaimed with a pout, pulling away from the embrace to look in your eyes but you pulled him in right away. "I'm sorry" he mumbled into your neck after pressing a kiss to your soft skin.
"You're okay, Atkins." you chuckled lightly playing with his hair in means to calm him down. "Just hold me." you'd requested in a whisper.
The poppy music from inside had been replaced by slow songs, the teens' strategy to avoid noise complaints at the late hours, and you and the golden boy could finally find peace in each other's arms as you swayed to the muffled sound of lord huron's voice in the warm spring night.
a/n: thanks for reading <3
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hey guys
So I’m basically new to this whole stuff (even 13rw lmao i’ve been living under a rock) but I’ve been writing for quite a while now and decided to give it a shot and post my stuff on here. Hope you guys will enjoy spending time on here and it will bring you smiles to your faces!
You can request anything from imagines to self-ships (which I’d love doing, so I guess I should start with that one?). I write for any gender, so everyone is welcome here!
Have a great day and an even better week!
Love you
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jjmaebank · 6 years
Scott Reed - Your First Time
Request: hey could you do a scott reed smut about their first time together after a year, where both of them are virgins and y/n is confused by that and it's just really goofy and fluffy + possibly a morning after? can it still be when they're in highschool?
Warning: **SMUT, smut, smut and more SMUT !!**
Words: 2.3k
You and your boyfriend Scott had both planned a movie night for tonight. Your parents were out of town for the weekend, but instead of throwing a party like many had suggested, you decided you finally wanted to lose your virginity to Scott. The two of you had been together a year and you decided you were finally ready for him to take your virginity, but you were also taking his which made the ordeal all the more special.
Scott would arrive any minute now, but you’d yet to tell him of your plans for the night. As if on cue, the door bell rang and you sprinted downstairs to greet your boyfriend. You opened the door and saw your boyfriend standing there, grinning with a bunch of movies in his hand.
“Hey, babe,” he said, giving you a quick kiss, “ready for the movie marathon of the century?”
“Of course, what are we watching?” You smiled.
“Well, I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I brought a whole range. We have ‘Finding Nemo’ if you’re feeling Disney, I brought ‘Saw II” if you’re feeling horror, and hm, well I brought the Notebook well because apparently girls like that shit? But let’s please not watch the Noteboo-”
“We’re watching the Notebook,” you smiled, then laughing at Scott’s expression dropping.
“I didn’t even finish the list (Y/N), I beg,” he pleaded, following you to the TV, closing the front door behind him.
“Well, think about it this way, Scott, I’ve seen the Notebook plenty of times, and you’ll find it boring, meaning well...we’ll have no other option than to do other stuff as a source of entertainment...” you said, wiggling your eyebrows flirtatiously.
Scott seemed to see where you were going, “Oh on second though, I love the Notebook, let’s watch the Notebook.”
The both of you began to watch the Notebook, and in all honest opinion, you’d seen it so many times it was just a chore for you now. You snuggled up to Scott under a blanket and you could tell he was impatient for you two to do anything other than watch the movie.
“Who even made this poor excuse of a movie?” Scott complained.
“Shush, Scott, you have to admire the beauty that is Ryan Gosling,” you said, causing him to roll his eyes.
You made it to the scene where they begin to have sex when you turned to Scott and decided it was an appropriate time to let him know how you felt.
“Scott?” You asked.
“Mhm...?” Scott responded, now of all times his attention being entirely focused on the screen.
“Are you all of a sudden paying attention because they’re having sex?” You laughed.
“W-what? No...I just-” He stuttered, going a little red. The two of you obviously having never had sex, didn’t talk much about the matter.
You paused for a bit before saying, “Scott, I’m ready.”
“Huh? Ready for what?” Scott said, sounding confused.
“I’m ready to you know...do it...have sex. I want to lose my virginity to you,” you said nervously, awaiting his reaction.
Scott perked up and devoted his full attention to you now.
“Wait...like now?” He asked, excitement showing through his voice.
You nodded, taking his hand in yours.
“(Y/N), are you sure? We don’t have to yet if you’re not 100% ready...I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything,” he said, looking into your eyes to see any signs of regret or anything that might hint to him you didn’t truly want to.
“No, Scott, I am sure of this, I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I know that it’s you who I want to lose it to and I’m ready, are you?”
“What, oh my god yes...yes I am so ready babe, I just want to make sure you are,” he said, a bounce to his words.
“Well I am,” you murmured, then pulling him closer to you.
Scott pressed his lips against yours, your entire body igniting with a firey passion and lust for him. You turned your head slightly and deepened the kiss whilst changing your position so that you were straddling him. Scott’s hands fell to your hips and then slowly lowered to your ass, squeezing it gently, causing you to gasp. He took his opportunity and dove in, his tongue battling yours for dominance. You wrapped your arms around his neck and began to run your fingers through the roots of his bronze locks, tugging at them slightly, making him groan. Hearing him groan turned you on even more, knowing you were causing him pleasure.
“(Y/N), we should...we should go up to your room don’t you think?” He said in a husky voice in between kisses.
“Mmm, that sounds like a good idea,” you nodded, connecting your lips to his again.
Scott picked you up, your legs wrapping around his torso while his hands supported you from beneath. He was strong enough to carry you up the stairs while maintaining contact with your lips. Once he reached your room, he gently laid you down on your bed, clambering on top of you, pinning your arms to the bed. Scott pulled away from the kiss before pressing open mouthed kisses down your neck, causing you to close your eyes, your mouth agape. Scott continued to kiss down your neck, reaching your chest, beginning to unbutton your shirt with his hands.
You took this as an opportunity to roll him over so that you were straddling him again and you removed your shirt in front of him, his eyes lustfully wandering over your exposed skin. You tossed the unwanted clothing to the side and reattaching your lips to his. You bit his bottom lip, softly tugging at it, desperate to hear that sound escape his lips again. Scott moaned into your mouth and his hands falling to your hips again.
All of a sudden, Scott began to move your hips against his in a rocking motion, causing you to take a sharp breath in at the euphoric sensation that began to spread between your legs.
“Scott...” you moaned, squeezing your eyes shut.
He let go of your hips, letting you take control which you did. You started grinding your hips against his growing erection, small grunts escaping his mouth.
“Fucking hell, (Y/N), I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” he said, before flipping you over so he was hovering over you on the bed again.
Scott’s hands ran down your body and stopped at the waist line of your pyjama shorts, before slowly tugging them off. You grabbed Scott by the hem of his shirt, pulling it off him swiftly to expose his toned abdomen. You watched as he moved down your body, pressing hot kisses against your skin making you shudder at the sensation. He kissed down your stomach, making you bite your bottom lip. You wondered where he’d learnt all this.
You turned your head to the side as you felt his breath near your entrance, your face going hot when he slid your underwear off smoothly, disposing of it swiftly.
“Are you still sure about this?” Scott murmured, hesitant and worried he’d made you uncomfortable.
You nodded, “Are you?”
He nodded back and pressed a quick kiss to your lips before moving down again. You moaned loudly when you felt his tongue on you, your back arching off the bed. Why the fuck were you just now doing this?
“Oh my god, Scott,” you moaned as his tongue swirled around in you, your hips gently bucking against his face.
You ran your hands through Scott’s hair, breathy moans escaping your lips as he continued to work wonders with his mouth.
“Please...” you whimpered, not even sure what you were asking but at this point you didn’t care.
“Fuck!” You cursed as he hit a bundle of nerves, your heart pounding and your breathing becoming erratic.
After a few moments, you feel Scott slide a finger inside you, making you suck a breath in, the feeling a bit uncomfortable.
“This is going to help stretch you out,” he reassures.
“How do you know all this,” you ask in between breaths.
“I-uh, I read a lot about it...you know...I just wanted to make sure I would do it right with you...” he said, getting a little flustered, but you admired how he wanted to know how to please you in advance.
“Whatever site you got this off...got it damn right...” you panted as you felt him place another finger inside you, his fingers pumping in and out, distracting you from the uncomfortable feeling.
Suddenly, your legs tensed up as Scott’s finger hit a spot but he removed his fingers before you felt it again. He sat up, connecting his lips to yours once more before grabbing a condom from his wallet in his back pocket. You looked at him, confused as to why he had one with him if he hadn’t known this would happen.
“I-uh always carry one around...you know incase someone else needs one...” he stuttered.
“I’m sure that’s the case Scott,” you laughed.
He blushed and got back on the bed before hovering over you, unhooking your bra from behind, with a little difficulty.
His hands went straight to your exposed chest after he discarded your bra, his lips attaching to your breast while his hand kneaded the other.
“Scott,” you moaned quietly, making him look up at you, “I’m ready.”
He looks into your eyes once more before nodding. He pulled off his trousers, then boxers, his erect member slapping his abdomen. Your eyes widened and your cheeks reddened as he slid the condom on. 
“Sorry, babe,” he blushed.
Scott crawled on top of you, looking you in the eye, searching for your approval which you gave through a smile and a nod. He kissed you passionately as he lined himself up at your entrance. He slid himself up and down your folds, causing you to buck your hips.
“I’m not gonna lie, this might hurt,” he said, maintaining eye contact with you, “or at least it’s uh-supposed to.”
He interlocked fingers with yours before murmuring, “I love you.”
He slowly pushed inside of you and you bit your lip to keep from crying out as he hissed.
“Fucking hell,” he moaned out as you whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut.
His face contorted into a worried expression, “Oh fuck, (Y/N), am I hurting you that bad, shit, I’m so sorry.”
He began to pull out hurriedly, worried he was hurting you too much but you stopped him.
“No, Scott...I’m fine, you just have to let me adjust...” you said, trying to forget about the burning sensation between your legs.
“O-okay...” he said, unsure.
“You just have to keep going or it won’t work...” you said.
You nodded for Scott to continue and he kissed your forehead as you breathed deeply, trying to ignore the pain. You gasped as you felt him completely inside of you, the stinging sensation taking over.
“It hurts,” you whimpered again, causing him to hold you in his arms and kiss you.
“I know baby, but it will go away soon,” Scott said, his voice tense.
“You’re really tight,” he added, you laughed despite the pain you felt.
“What did you expect?” You retorted, focusing on the look of pleasure on his face, which was doing unexplainable things to you.
“I think...I’m okay now,” you said after a minute.
“Are you sure, (Y/N)?” He asked, and you nodded in response.
You arched your back slightly as he pulled back out, before pushing into you completely.
“Shit,” you moaned, gripping Scott’s biceps tightly as the pleasure sparked up your spine, your insides twisting.
“M-move Scott...please, I need you,” you moaned, the stinging sensation still there but only as a numbing sensation in the back, it was bearable.
You began to move your hips to feel the euphoric sensation again. Scott started moving back and forth, your eyes closing as he thrusted into you, your body now becoming completely overcome by pleasure. This wasn’t like anything you’d felt before, it felt so goof you couldn’t even describe it.
He began thrusting deeper and deeper inside you, grunting with each thrust, making you moan even louder and causing your legs to tremble.
“Oh my god....fuck, fuck!” You moaned, running your nails down his back as he brought you to another world while he groaned loudly.
“You’re so beautiful,” Scott whispered to you before attaching his lips to yours, moving position slightly so that he could hit you at a new angle, causing your stomach to clench.
“S-scott,” you cried, feeling the pressure build up in your lower region.
“I love you (Y/N)...so...fucking...much,” he groaned, burying his face into your neck.
“I love you too,” you said, your voice three octaves higher as you focused on the immense pleasure you were feeling.
Scott began to pound into you faster and harder, making you moan out louder than you’d done the whole night, every thrust making your toes curl. You couldn’t do anything but moan and gasp in ecstasy as your body started to shake as your orgasm washed over you, wave after wave of pleasure.
Scott’s thrusts became sloppier as he groaned and neared his high. He pounded into you a few more time before stilling and groaning loudly as he attached his lips to yours again, both of you coming down from your highs.
You let out a deep breath, your entire body covered in sweat as you wiped the tears you’d released initially due to the pain, from your face.
“That was fucking amazing,” Scott gasped, pulling out and then falling on his back on the bed.
“I know...” you said, taking deep breaths, still recovering.
“I love you so fucking much, (Y/N),” Scott said, looking over at you.
“I love you even more, Scott,” you replied, voice still shaky.
“Impossible,” he smiled, kissing you on the lips gently.
You’d finally lost your virginity to the boy you loved and you couldn’t have been more ecstatic about it.
A/N: jeeez i didn’t realise how long that was oops, i feel fuckin dirty but enjoyyyy ;) 
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louvrewriter · 6 years
13 Reasons Why Masterlist
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Tyler Down
Imagine Tyler always taking pictures of you...
One Shots
Baking Battle
To Relish in a Moment
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purestxblood · 6 years
For You I Will • Clay Jensen
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I understand it's eating at you, Hannah's death constantly hovering in the back of your mind. You've changed so much since her passing, that it's as if you too have disappeared alongside with her. You could have done something – well all could have done something, but we've also, all have accepted that we didn't.
We're all battling our own demons, Clay. We just fight them in our own way that suits our bones. It's not that we no longer care – we're just trying to move on. Something, you – yourself – need to do.
You keep pointing your fingers at yourself, putting the blame of her death upon you. You didn't know Hannah was going to kill herself; how could you have known? You're frozen in time of the idea you could have saved Hannah. You're wilting over the fact someone lost their life underneath the tips of your fingers; but there's so much more to you.
You may not have been able to save Hannah Baker, but Clay, truth be known, you did save someone that night – and that person was me. I just wish you knew it. I guess now you do sort of do, huh?
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buckyseddie · 2 years
secret relationships
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pairings — zach dempsey x fem!baker!reader, featuring bff!justin foley x bff!fem!baker!reader
summary — in which, she’s sick of being a secret and it’s up to zach to prove how much she truly means to him.
word count — 1.1k.
warnings — angst, fluff, mentions of hannah.
notes — i had this idea from the plot of the whole secret relationship zach had with hannah, so here we go! gif and divider creds to owner!
p.s., feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated <3.
main masterlist
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“WE HAVE FIVE MINUTES BEFORE the bell rings, [y/n]! why can’t we just do this later?” zach asks, almost as if he’s anxious someone will find them together.
“why does it matter?” she asks, giggling, not getting why he’s so nervous.
“because i don’t want to be late to class!” he sternly excuses, pulling away from her kisses.
this time, she hears the anxiety and frustration in his tone, causing her to realize what he’s really worried about.
“no, that’s not it. y—you’re embarrassed of me… aren’t you?” she asks calmly, hoping that she’s wrong.
“w—what?” he asks, taken aback.
“well, why else would you be worried about a fucking class? you’re never worried like this when we end up making out when we should be studying after school!” she whisper-yells, trying to keep her cool.
“n—no. [y/n]. i can’t believe you’d think that i’m embarrassed of you! i love you.” he states, brows furrowed together, hating to see the hurt look on his girlfriend’s face.
“no, you don’t. you know how i know that? because i know that if you did love me, you wouldn’t want us to be a secret. you’d want to show me off. and normally, i wouldn’t care about being shown off since i’m not one to like attention. but, this secret relationship makes me feel like i’m not good enough. and remember, i’ve heard the tapes. i know that you did the same thing to hannah. i know you’re scared to open up and everything, but i will not let you break me like you did to my sister.” she exclaims, not keeping quiet this time.
“i don’t think that i can do this anymore, zach. this, us, we’re over — we’re done.” she states, the tears building up in her eyes, her heart completely shattering to pieces.
zach stays silent, not being able to understand what’s happening.
but, as she reaches for the door handle, he snaps out of his paralyzed state; he grabs her wrist, stopping her from pushing the door open.
“please. don’t do this. you know i love you. and you know more than anyone that i never meant to hurt hannah! why do you think i was so hesitant on moving on from her with you? i already have the guilt of a lifetime for hurting her, i can’t have multiplied guilt for doing it to you too!” he pleads desperately, trying to convince her to stay.
“if you did love me, you wouldn’t have made us a secret in the first place and let me get attached to you.” she states slowly, before ripping her wrist out of his grip.
then, she pushes the door open and steps out, leaving him in shock and heartache.
it’s hard for her to get through the rest of the day, but she manages.
the way she ‘manages’ is by remaining quiet — which is unlike her — and repeatedly staring off numbly.
“what the hell’s going on with you?” justin asks [y/n] later in english, noticing his best friend’s heartbroken state.
“nothing. i’m just thinking about hannah.” she mumbles dejectedly.
that’s a lie.
well, not really.
although, she’s really upset about zach and their break up, hannah is one of the main reasons they broke up.
how could she stay with the boy that hurt her sister and was one of the reasons she ended her life? she didn’t understand how she ignored that before.
“i know that’s a lie. is it something to do with zach? i saw that he was upset today earlier in bio. did you confess your feelings and get rejected or something?” he asks gently, knowing that anything can set her off.
“yeah. something like that.” she states, her eyes brimming with tears.
the rest of class is, well, miserable for both [y/n] and zach.
neither of them could tell their friends the truth — something that they both really needed.
LATER THAT DAY, DURING LUNCH, [y/n] goes to sit with clay’s little group of friends; justin, tony, alex, jessica and tyler — all who are also her friends.
halfway through lunch, zach walks in, ignoring the stares from monty and bryce as he walks straight to where [y/n] sits besides jessica.
“can we talk?” he asks, standing in front of her, making her gaze meet his desperate one.
“why? there’s nothing to talk about.” she states numbly, causing the rest of her friends to become confused at the two’s hurt moods.
zach sighs at this.
“fine. if you won’t let me talk to you, then i’ll just tell the entire school what’s really going on.” he states, turning around and walking over to an empty table.
before she can even do anything, he steps onto the table and whistles loudly.
“hi, everyone. i have an announcement to make and i think that everyone here should hear it. i, zachary shan-yung dempsey, am saying with pride and satisfaction, that [y/f/n] [y/m/n] [y/l/n] is my girlfriend and has been for a while now — for almost a year. and she helped me realize that us being together in secret wasn’t going to make us happy. so, here i am, announcing that i love her so much and that i’m not embarrassed or ashamed of her. the reason i kept our relationship a secret, was because i thought i was protecting her from being made fun of or bullied for being with me. because not everyone likes her, even though she’s a joy to be around. so, if any of you have a problem with her, keep it to yourself because she makes me happy.” zach finishes proudly, before stepping off the table, only to be met with [y/n] standing in front of him.
“why’d you do that?” she asks, head tilted to the side.
“because i love you. and you made me realize that i made you feel as ashamed as hannah did when i ended up doing that to her. and i know i can never ever take back how i treated you or hannah. but, i would in a heartbeat, if i could. i’m so sorry that i made you feel worthless and like you weren’t enough. because if you haven’t figured it out already, i’m in undoubtedly, completely, undeniably in love with you.” he says, voice breaking slightly as tears slip down his cheeks in pain.
she doesn’t say anything.
she just pulls him in for a gentle kiss, before pulling away.
“i’m sorry, too. instead of blowing up on you without letting you explain yourself, i should’ve came to you specifically about how i was feeling. i love you.” she mumbles, resting her forehead against his as his hands go around her waist.
“don’t apologize for that. you had every right. i love you and i’ll never stop, till the day i die.” he says, pulling her in for a deep, passion-filled kiss, not having a care in the world for the people who “aww,” at the adorable couple.
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blueeyedheizer · 7 years
Worth Coming - Alex Standall x Reader
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Pairing : Alex Standall x Reader 
Fandom : 13 Reasons Why
Warnings : -
A/N : Here's a new Alex x reader, yay ! I miss my baby and I hope he's fine. Enjoy :)
“Y/N, I'm begging you ! ” Hannah was pulling on your arm, and you rolled your eyes.
“Thank you Han, really, I appreciate that you want me as your wing-woman, but I don't want to be third wheeling. Besides, this is your date, not mine !” You said, as you scrolled through your feed.
“But...What if he doesn't come ? Or...What if I mess everything up ? What if I suddenly can't talk?” You chuckled.
“Oh dear god, Hannah. You and Clay work together, you see him litterally everyday.'' You rolled your eyes..
''But Y/N!''  She said
''What, Hannah ?'' You rolled your eyes and groaned in frustration.
''...Please ?'' she gave you the puppy eyes and pouted.
''...You know what ? Fine. I'll come. But you better kiss him, I swear.'' you said, and she pulled you into a hug.
“You look beautiful. I bet Jensen won't be able to keep his eyes off you.'' You smiled brightly at Hannah who was a blushing mess. “Thanks, Y/N. But hey, you have to wear something cute too ! Maybe you'll also find someone” she winked at you, trying to avoid the subject between her and Clay
''Uh, nope. I'm gonna wear this.'' you said, looking down at your simple jeans and t-shirt.
She frowned ''Y/N, you're not wearing that to my date''
''Hannah, as you just said, it's your date.'' you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
''Fine, fine ! What do you expect me to wear, miss Baker?''
''You must wear a dress or something'' she smiled, then went digging through all of her stuff.
''A dress ? Really ? Hannah, you know it's not prom, right ?''
''It's a date, which is better ! Look...What do you think of this one ?'' she said, as she handed you a beautiful purple dress.
''It's a bit too much, Hannah.'' “You’ll look so beautiful in it, Y/N!” She pushed you into the bathroom so you could change and checked her phone. A few minutes later, you opened the door, revealing your outfit. “I can't wear this...” You muttered “Oh my god. You look stunning Y/N ! You are going to wear this, period. Come on, let's go !''
she grabbed your arm and you both ran downstairs.
You entered the diner and immediately saw Clay, already waiting for Hannah.
''Y/N, he's there. He's alone.'' she said, as she nervously grabbed your hand.
''Oh really ? Who would bring someone to their date anyway ? Yup that's it. No one, except the one and only Hannah Baker.'' you scoffed
''Oh, shut up...''  she quietly said, as you both walked towards him.
''Hey, Helmet!'' Clay quickly directed his glance at the both of you. You waved at him, and Hannah took a seat in front of him. As you were about to sat beside your friend, you noticed Alex, who was sitting alone, a few tables back.
''Oh, uh...I-I brought Alex. I hope you guys don't mind.'' Clay explained as he noticed you staring at him. He scratched the back of his neck and you heard Hannah sigh in relief.
''Well, I brought Y/N so, we don't mind'' she turned to you and winked, as your eyes widened.
''Well-uh...I guess I'll have to leave you two alone then.'' you said, as you waved at them and walked towards Alex, with a small smile on your face.
''And I thought Hannah Baker was the only one bringing a wing-person to her dates'' you smiled and took a seat beside him.
''Hey Y/N !'' he said with a wide smile. ''Seriously ? Did she also brought you here ?'' You chuckled and explained why she brought you here, and as if the coincidence wasn't big enough, Alex explained that Clay's reasons were the same.
''Oh my god.'' Alex said, and he laughed.
''What ?'' you frowned and smiled. ''Do you think they planned a double date?'' he whispered, and you both tried to hide your red cheeks, before bursting out laughing.
''And so I made sure he wasn't wearing this to meet up with her.'' You laughed as Alex finished speaking. The two of you had been exchanging stories about Hannah and Clay's relationship over a milkshake. You talked about how cute they were together and you both wished they'd kiss before the end of their date, but you almost forgot they were actually here.
''How's your love life going ?'' Alex asked out of nowhere, changing the conversation.
''Not much happening, just like yours.'' you chuckled. ''I have a great relationship with being single though.'' you added, making him laugh.
''Oh come on. None of us can be worse than Hannah and Clay.''
''Yeah...I don't want to be like them.'' you said leaning on your elbow, your head resting on your hand so you could look at him in the eyes.
''Then tell me.''
''What do you mean ?'' you answered, feeling your cheeks start to burn
''Cut the shit, Hannah 2.0'' he laughed and cupped your cheeks in his hands, making your heart beat a little faster. After a few seconds, he leaned in and you did the same, closing the gap between the both of you. The kiss was soft and gentle, just like you always imagined. He pulled back to catch his breath and looked into your eyes.
''Stop looking at me like that, you're making me blush.'' you laughed, before looking down at your hands.
''It's all good you're beautiful when you blush.'' he smiled and lifted you chin with his hands forcing your eyes back up to his, then pecked your lips.
''Please tell me they already kissed, or I swear we're leaving this place.'' you said, and Alex laughed.
''I don't know. I was busy staring at you the whole time.'' he teased, and you hit his shoulder playfully. ''I hate you.''
''We both know you don't, babe.''
''Yeah, maybe...'' you said bringing him in for another kiss.
You definitely had to thank Hannah for bringing you to her date.
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writingandimagines · 2 years
Dating Justin Foley would include…
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Dating Justin Foley Would Include...
Warnings: Mentions of Addiction
He'd be protective of you
Especially around Bryce
Going to his basketball games
And supporting him when he chooses to start playing again
Never missing a game of his
Half time kisses
Being there for him when for him and helping him with his addiction
Always staring at each other in class
Him sneaking in through your window when its bad at home for him
Your parent/parents would definitely find him in your room at some point
Him trying his best to make a good impression on them
Lots of kisses
Him showing you off whenever he has the chance
Constant flirting between the two of you
He'd always have his hands somewhere on you
The two of you having secret signals with each other (sequeezing each others hands when either needs reassurance)
Him trusting you enough to tell you about his past
Being close to Clay and the Jenson's when he moves in with them
Lots and lots of cuddles
While he'd mostly be big spoon he always has moments where he just wants to be held too
Posted on 11/04/2022
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alexstandall · 3 years
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Alex Standall + Favorite Outfits
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riverdalee · 7 years
The One With The Countdown
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Pairing: Jeff Atkins x Reader
Summary: You and Jeff find yourself in the peak of your relationship: arguing, making up, talking about your future together. Little do you know there’s a clock on your relationship that’s running out of time. 
A/N: died a lil inside writing this not gonna lie
MASTERLIST (mobile and desktop) (you can like it and save it for later!)
5 DAYS BEFORE Friday, 8:17 pm Most days, you and Jeff barely argued. You’d been dating for over a year and it had been a great year. You were young and in love, as cliché as that was and nothing in the world mattered more. Or at least it hadn’t. But for days you’d been arguing about where he’d been spending his time.
“No. Not Bryce’s. Not again,” you shake your head firmly, “Don’t you get it, Jeff? He is a terrible person and going to his parties-“
“Makes me a terrible person?” he raises a brow. You inhale sharply, resting a hand against his chest and looking into his eyes, “You’re a good person and I wouldn’t want anything to change that.”
“I don’t go to those parties so I can hang out with Bryce and his douchebag friends,” he promises you, “I go for Clay who goes for Hannah who goes for Jessica,” he says, all in one breath, “Is it so wrong to want to help my friend?”
“Can’t you just help him at school? Nothing good ever happens at those parties.”
Jeff raises a brow, “You know, we’ve never really talked about-“
“And I don’t want to,” you sigh.
Freshman year you’d dated Justin for a short while and that time in your life was a living hell. You hadn’t ‘put out’ and he’d invited you to one of Bryce’s parties just to break up with you and humiliate you in front of his friends. The jokes people made still rung in your ears when you saw him in the hallway.
Lucky for you, Jeff had driven you home from that party and you’d ended up good friends which turned into more eventually.
You knew everyone at school loved him and that he was big on the social scene and you didn’t mind it, it’s just each time he told you he ‘had’ to go to one of Bryce’s parties, you couldn’t help but feel disgusted. What happened to you wasn’t the worst of what happened at those parties and you both knew it.
Jeff rests his hands on either side of your face, “I’m not going to let anything bad happen tonight.”
You nod. At least you felt reassured by the fact that Jeff would help someone in trouble if there was any, just like he’d helped you.
“Why don’t you come?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your forehead before walking back to his wardrobe.
“Because I haven’t stepped into one of his parties since freshman year,” you scoff, “What time will you get back?”
“As soon as I have Clay and Hannah talking to each other,” he smiles widely. You thought it was cute that he’d taken it upon himself to help Clay out, though you were a little jealous that they were spending more time together than the two of you were these days.
“Mmm,” you hum, hugging him from behind, “When will I get all of your time the way Clay does?”
“You can have me the whole of tomorrow,” he promises, “A whole Saturday where you can make me watching Young Wolf-“
“Teen Wolf,” you correct him, chuckling, “Fine,” you sigh, “Be safe. Don’t drink too much.”
He rolls his eyes as he pulls on his jacket. You stand in front of him, adjusting the collar and shooting him a stern look, “Call me if you need me to pick you up, okay?”
“I’ll be fine, y/n,” he laughs, tracing a finger down your cheek, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“But I do anyway,” you sigh, hugging him. He wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your forehead.
“Look, I’ll text you all night,” he says, “I’ll give you an hourly update on how Clay isn’t talking to his crush.”
You half smile, ruffling his hair, “Alright, get out of here before I strap you down to the bed so you can’t leave.”
“I’m not completely opposed to that,” he smirks before swiping his phone off the night stand and pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I’ll be back by 11. I promise,” he says.
You spend the entire night watching re runs of Gilmore Girls despite the same three episodes being played in a loop. It didn’t really matter since all you were thinking about was Jeff.
Every time he went to one of these parties, the two of you would end up fighting. Today you’d let it go but that just made it that much harder on you, having to internalize your fear all on your own instead of talking to him about it. You knew he wouldn’t brush you off but you also knew you couldn’t change his mind.
You knew Jeff wasn’t at risk of anything in particular but you knew that there was always drama around Hannah and Jessica and that if anything were to go down, he would step in on Clay’s behalf and that worried you. You couldn’t live if something happened to him.
“Screw it,” you mumble to yourself, an uneasy feeling growing in your stomach despite your best efforts to suppress it. It was already 1am and you hadn’t heard from him at all. You jump into your car, driving towards Bryce’s house. As you pull up his driveway, your heart begins to race.
The front lawn was littered with a few passed-out people, unsurprisingly, not all of them were fully clothed. You dodge around them, frowning, your eyes raking the house for Jeff as you walk in.
You could feel eyes shifting to you and a few scattered whispers. You hadn’t really considered what walking in here would do or what kind of rumours there’d be by Monday – after all, you’d avoided these for most of your time in high school. You pull your phone out of your pocket, dialling Jeff again, only to feel a hand grab your shoulder.
“What are you doing here?”
Bryce’s voice is a loud sneer that seems to echo over the loud music. Justin was standing by his side, shifting from foot to foot – he looked concerned.
“I j-just-“ you stammer. You could see his hand reaching out for you and you dodge it quickly, stumbling backwards and to the floor.
Bryce sniggers, crossing his large arms over his chest and stalking towards you. Justin quickly steps in front of him, “Come on man, she looks wasted,” he says.
“That’s how I like them,” Bryce leers, crouching down beside you. He traces a finger down your arm, before wrapping his thick fingers around it and yanking you up.
“Come on man,” Justin sighs. Bryce brushes him off.
“That’s what she’s here for, a good time,” Bruce shrugs.
“Actually, she’s here to see me,” Clay says, tugging you out of Bryce’s grasp. Bryce just rolls his eyes and falls back into conversation with his group.
“Are you okay?” he asks. You just stare at him wide eyed, unable to speak. He steadies you, walking you over to the backyard where it was a little quieter and points to a corner.
Jeff was slumped against a pool chair, his head lulling side to side.
“It’s my fault. We started playing beer pong against Hannah and Jessica and he drank so I wouldn’t have to,” he says apologetically.
You felt like you were going to throw up from what had just happened but your priority was to get the two of you out of there.
You walk over, crouching beside him.
“Y/N,” he mumbles, a small smile spreading across his lips. He closes his eyes, letting his head hang back and you loop one of his arms around your neck and help him up. He staggers all over the place until Clay links his other arm around his neck.
You avoid the eyes of Bryce and his posse as the three of you go through the front door. You didn’t need to look to know Bryce’s eyes were on your ass.
It was a struggle getting Jeff into the car but once he was in, he rested his head against the cool glass and was out like a light.
Clay frowns deeply, wringing his hands, “I really am sorry.”
“it’s not your fault,” you tell him, “Are you okay to get home?”
He nods toward his bike across the street, making his way over. He pauses, turning back to you, “Don’t be too hard on him,” he sighs.
You climb in, turning the key in the ignition. Your breaths were short and shallow, you felt like the air had left your lungs since you’d walked into that house.
You were half way to Jeff’s house when you realized you could barely see where you were going. At first you thought it was the tears that had been streaming down your face the whole time you’d been driving but soon noticed there were black spots all over your vision. You squeeze your eyes open and shut several times, your breathing so loud you could hear it over the music, but it made no difference.
“Fuck,” you croak, pulling over. You’d completely sweat through your shirt. You knew you were hyperventilating but you couldn’t get yourself to stop. You hadn’t had a panic attack since that incident freshman year. You rest your head against the steering wheel, letting our choked sobs.
“I’m sorry,” you hear Jeff mumble from beside you. He rests his hands on top of yours and nestles his head against your shoulder, “I’m really, really fucking sorry.”
4 DAYS BEFORE Saturday, 11:03 am
Despite your agreement to spend the weekend together, you’d dropped Jeff home on Friday around in the early hours of the morning and gone home, ignoring all his calls that had started shortly after..
He’d tried to comfort you in the car and apologized profusely for scaring you like that and dragging you into a situation you didn’t want to be in. You didn’t say a word, nor did you tell him about what had happened with Bryce. You simply drove him home once you could and told him you’d talk to him the next day.
But as you woke up in the morning, you couldn’t deal with it or him. You’d scrubbed your skin all night, just to get the smell of alcohol out – just to make sure there wasn’t an inch of you left that Bryce had touched.
But you should’ve known better than to ignore Jeff, he was persistent if anything.
“You ignored all my calls,” he says, standing in your doorway, “Y-your mum let me up,” he explains.
“I was tired,” you shrug him off, standing up and walking over to him with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Please don’t be mad at me,” he sighs, “I didn’t mean for any of that. I didn’t expect you’d show up – I thought I could sleep it off then go home to you.”
“You didn’t expect I’d show up? Do you know how much I freak out every time you go to one of Bryce’s parties?”
“I know,” he sighs, shaking his head, “I know and I’m not going to go to one ever again, I swear. I should have never put you through that.”
You run your fingers through your hair, biting down on your lip, “I need some time, Jeff.”
“Wait, what?” he frowns, inching towards you, “Come on, I just said I wouldn’t go.”
“But that’s your life,” you throw your hands up in the air, “You like parties and going out and I don’t want to stop you from doing that stuff if you enjoy it. I don’t – I don’t want to be the girlfriend that controls everything you do.”
“You’re – you’re not that girl. You’re just looking out for me, those parties are the worst place to be and I know that and I know that you’re right.”
“If you knew that then you wouldn’t have gone,” you deadpan, “I can’t keep having this same argument with you over and over again.”
“And I promise you’ll never have to again,” he pleads, taking your hands in his.
You pull them away, balling your fists up by your sides, “I know,” you sigh, walking over to the door and waiting for him to pass you.
3 DAYS BEFORE Sunday, 5:22 pm
After you’d broken up with him, you’d avoided all his attempts at trying to fix things between the two of you. Even when he’d shown up at your window at midnight. Even when he’d gotten drunk and dialled you a dozen times Sunday morning. Even when he’d pleaded with your mom to let him see you at lunch.
“I’m sorry man,” Clay says, skipping a stone across the lake. After a day of failed attempts of trying to get you to talk to him, he’d caved and called Clay to pour his heart out, but the words felt stuck in his throat. He could have never imagined the pain that came with losing you.
“Yeah,” Jeff sighs, lying back on the grass. He’d planned to spend the entire weekend with you and here he was with Clay in the middle of a deserted park, watching the sun set.
“Maybe she’ll come around. She said she needed time, right?”
Jeff shakes his head grievously, “It was the last straw, I could see it on her face. She was so hurt,” he rests his arm over his eyes, “I should have listened to her.”
Clay rests a hand on Jeff’s shoulder, “She was pretty shaken up, huh?”
He looks up at him, “Right, I forgot you saw her when you helped me into the car.”
“Actually, I was there when that whole thing happened with Bryce,” Clay says with a frown, “He’s such a dick.”
Jeff sits up in confusion, “Wait, what happened with Bryce?”
Clay raises his brows, “She didn’t tell you?”
Jeff shakes his head, “What happened?” he asks slowly, knowing he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself no matter how minor it was.
“Bryce kind of grabbed her and knocked her around a bit, said some pretty gross stuff too. God knows what would’ve happened if I hadn’t dragged her away,” he explains, “You know Bryce get’s what he wants, even if it’s in the middle of a party. The guy is disgusting.”
Jeff had stopped listening. He could hear ringing in his ears as he thought of you breaking down in your car, inconsolable. He could feel himself shaking, whether it was with remorse or anger, he couldn’t tell.
He’d put you in a position that you never should have been in and worse, you’d been so distraught about it you hadn’t even been able to tell him. Of course you’d broken up with him – you couldn’t have beared to stay with him knowing there was a possibility that it could happen again.
Jeff shoots up and Clay pulls him back.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to talk to her,” he says, growing agitated. He had to tell you how sorry he was.
“Jeff, she didn’t want you to know. And she probably doesn’t even want to think about it and you confronting her won’t help. Just give her a few days, let it die down a  little. God knows it’ll be a big deal at school tomorrow.”
2 DAYS BEFORE Monday, 8:33 am
You could see Jeff watching you from his locker, hesitantly walking toward you with flowers in one hand and his other shoved into his jacket pocket.
You crack a small smile when he comes to a stop. Truthfully, your weekend had been miserable without him. It was only two days but it felt like lifetime – your days felt incomplete without him. And it felt worse to not have him to talk to, to not be able to tell him how humiliated and disgusted you felt about the party.
He holds the bouquet out to you, “I am really, really sorry. And just to be clear these aren’t ‘get back together with me’ flowers, they’re ‘I was an asshole and I’m sorry’ flowers and ‘even if you just want to stay friends or ignore me forever, it’s okay and I promise I’ll never step foot into one of Bryce’s parties again’ flowers.” He seemed out of breath by the time he’d finished saying it.
“How long did you rehearse that?” you raise a brow with a smirk, taking them out of his hands.
“The very long walk from my locker to yours,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck, “So?”
“So, we can stay friends, Jeff,” you nod. A wide smile spreads across his face, “Good. Great, I mean,” he claps his hands together, “So then why don’t we skip Jessica’s party on Wednesday and go to that Italian restaurant you like?”
“I can’t skip Jessica’s,” you sigh, “I promised I’d wingman one of my friends.”
“Jessica’s?” you hear a voice boom from behind you.
You both turn around to find Bryce and Justin leaning against the lockers on the opposite side of the hallway.
“Will I be seeing you there?” Bryce asks, “Maybe we can pick up where we left off last night?” he chuckles lowly. Within a blink, Jeff is throwing him to the floor and pinning him down, hitting him until his knuckles are bloody. You were watching on in horror, unable to move for a good few minutes until you noticed that Bryce was about to turn the fight around.
You pull Jeff up despite finding it rather enjoyable to see Bryce being beaten to a pulp. When Bryce lurches forward you reach into your bag and pepper spray him between the eyes. He screams loudly doubling over and digging the heels of his palms into his eyes.
“YOU FUCKING BITCH!” he shouts, grasping around blindly.
Jeff half laughs, staring at you in surprise before taking your hand in his and sprinting down the hallway until you’re both through the front doors and out in the carpark.
“We’re going to be in so much shit for that,” he gasps, out of breath.
You study him intently, “Why did you do that back there?” you ask.
“Clay told me,” he confesses, his eyes reddening, “I should’ve known there was more going on. I should’ve known you were hurting.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that – that – I don’t even know,” he says frustrated, “I’m so sorry that right now if you asked me to walk into traffic, I would.”
“I’m not going to ask you to do that,” you laugh softly, slinging your arms around his neck, “Thank you, for what you did back there.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I knew you already felt terrible about me having a panic attack, I didn’t want to add to your guilt,” you say, resting a hand against his arm and your forehead against him, “I don’t blame you.”
“I feel terrible,” he whispers.
“I know,” you nod, “But don’t. Clay told me you cried all weekend and that I should take you back,” you say with a small grin.
“Of course I cried all weekend,” he scoffs, “I lost the love of my life.”
“You didn’t lose me,” you reassure him. You take his hands in yours, examining his bloody, bruised knuckles, “Should we go back to my place? Get you cleaned up?”
“Is that code for let’s get back together and make out?”
You roll your eyes and nod, “What else would it mean?” you wink, kissing him softly.
1 DAY BEFORE Tuesday, 1:07 pm
“Stop eating my fries,” Jeff groans, nudging you playfully. You roll your eyes, reaching for them anyway. He picks one up and dips it in ketchup before swiping it across your nose.
You stare at him, surprised, laughing before a small food fight ensues.
“Seriously, how old are you guys?” Clay grumbles as he sits opposite the two of you in the cafeteria.
“Sorry we have love lives,” Jeff teases, “I’ve been telling you all along to get yourself a girl,” he winks, slinging an arm around your shoulder. You shrug it off.
“Don’t listen to him Clay,” you chuckle, “You’re fine as you are.”
Clay mumbles something under his breath with an awkward smile, “So, Hannah is going to be at Jessica’s party tomorrow,” he says, “Should I talk to her?”
“Yes,” you both say in unison.
Clay stiffens, his palms growing sweaty, “W-well, w-what do I say?” he stammers, visualizing the conversation in his head.
You’d both been planning to go to Jessica’s party but now that her and Justin were together, it was guaranteed that Bryce would be there. Your friend had understood when you’d told her you couldn’t come but something about the puppy look in Clay’s eyes made you want to reconsider.
“Are you guys coming?” Clay asks.
Jeff shakes his head firmly, resting his hand over yours, “We’re spending the night in.”
It had been Jeff’s idea not to go and to have a date night instead. Those parties were insufferable anyways, he’d told you, and he didn’t want to have a hangover ever again.
“We can help him a little,” you whisper to Jeff.
Jeff raises his brows, “Really?”
You knew Jeff didn’t care how many parties he missed as long as the two of you were together, the same way you didn’t care how many he went to as long as he was safe. But you also knew how much he wanted to help Clay since Clay as the only reason he hadn’t flunked out, and you felt like you owed it to him.
“Yeah, really. We can be in and out,” you say, turning to Clay, “But you gotta stick to our plan.”
Clay nods firmly even though all of you knew he’d probably freak out at the last minute.
PRESENT DAY Wednesday, 8:54 pm
“You look beautiful,” Jeff says, leaning against the front door as you come downstairs. You were wearing a silk, red mini dress with black boots and a leather jacket hung over your shoulders.
“You too,” you laugh, running your fingers through his hair as he kisses you.
“I can’t believe I’m dating the most beautiful girl in the entire world,” he says in disbelief.
You scrunch your nose up, “You’ve been paying me these corny compliments for two days straight. When will it stop?” you laugh.
“It’ll never stop now that I know what it’s like to lose you,” he says, his expression serious. He holds the car door open, waiting for you to climb in before getting in and switching the headlights on.
He stares ahead for a little, “Are you sure you want to go tonight?”
“It’s fine,” you nod, “We’re going early. We can be in and out before Bryce even gets there,” you tell him, “I know how much you want to help Clay.”
He nods appreciatively, “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you tonight,” he whispers protectively.
“And I will never let anything happen to you,” you say with certainty, resting your head against his shoulder as he begins to drive. Your house wasn’t far from Jessica’s. It was opposite the intersection where the alcohol store was and you could spot a few seniors in there and few juniors, trying to get away with fake I.D’s.
“I remember when that was us,” you laugh.
“And look at us now,” he says, resting a hand over yours, “And imagine us in five years,” he sighs wistfully.
“Five years?” you raise a brow.
“Graduating from college. You do law like you’ve always wanted and after a lot of struggling, I finally get into Medicine so I can help people like I’ve always wanted. We get married, have two kids – one boy and one girl.”
“Let me guess, Jeff Junior?” you laugh. You felt warmth wash over you as you envisioned your future together, more so due to the fact that he’d thought about all this before you had.
“Jeff Junior If it’s a boy and if it’s a girl,” he pauses, “Wait for it…. Jeffica.”
You snort, laughing, “I am not naming our daughter Jeffica.”
“We can name our daughter whatever you like,” he leans over, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I just like the sound of it… our daughter; our family.”
“Me too,” you grin.
You pull up down the street form Jessica’s house and climb out. The party wasn’t in full swing yet, much to your relief.
Clay arrives at the same time as the two of you, looking slightly suffocated as he joins you.
“I feel like I can’t breathe,” he mumbles.
“Tonight is your night, my man,” Jeff says, trying to hype him up. His frown only grown deeper.
An hour into the party, Clay had disappeared upstairs with Hannah. You and Jeff smile at each other, impressed with your handiwork.
“Nice job,” you whisper to him.
“Couldn’t have done it without you,” he replies, kissing you. At that moment, a few of his friends walk in.
“Should we get going?” he asks unsurely, knowing if he walked over to his friends that you’d have to stick around longer.
You shake your head, “No, have some fun,” you smile at him, “This party seems pretty mellow so far.” You join the group in walking to the front yard where they take over the ping pong table.
When you step away, Jeff rushes to your side, “Wait, where are you going?” he asks.
“I was just going to walk home, I’m getting a little tired.”
“Let me take you,” he says, reaching into his pocket for the keys.
“C’mon man,” Zach says, “You said you’d grab us some drinks form the corner store.”
Jeff sighs in defeat, leaning in, “I can totally ditch them.”
“We can hear you,” Zach calls out.
“It’s okay,” you say. You adjust the strap of your bag against your shoulder, looking up at him, “Just meet me back at my place?”
He never would have let you walk home alone but the street was filled with your classmates and you only lived a few minutes away.
“I’ll be there in 10,” he swears. He pulls you against him, kissing you so hard you could barely breathe. You could hear his friends hooting in the background and you both pull apart, laughing.
“I love you,” he hums, breathlessly.
“I love you too,” you say, pecking another kiss to his lips before turning away. You could feel his eyes on you until you rounded the corner.
Suddenly you were tempted to stop by the corner store and grab some chocolate. You knew you and Jeff would probably grab dinner afterwards but you felt a serious sweet tooth coming on. You cross the street from outside your house to the corner store.
As you gather up a few candy bars and lay them on the counter, the cashier flashes you a wide smile, “Your boyfriend was just in here,” she says. The two of you had been in there so many times you were practically regulars, if that was a thing at convenience stores. You look over your shoulder through the door to try and spot Jeff but it’s too dark out.
“He’s a good boy, that one. You make a very sweet couple.”
“Thank you,” you nod, “He is. He’s great.”
You could see Jeff’s smile in your head. And then you hear it. The sound of bending metal and broken glass. You hear the crash.
You feel your chest tighten as you rush outside to see the an all too familiar car bent out of shape and an all too familiar face through the shattered glass of the window.
“NO!” you scream, rushing towards Jeff’s car where his body was slumped against the door, covered in blood. You feel arms wrap around you and pull you back just as you pry the door open. You turn around to find Clay staring at you, pale faced. You were already hysterical and in tears.
“Don’t move him,” he says, “You could make it worse. I already called an ambulance.”
“W-w- Clay, let me go!” you struggle, shoving against him. He barely flinches, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around you as you flailed around, kicking and screaming.
“I have to help him!” you sob, “I have to help him!”
You said it repetitively, even after the ambulance arrived. Even after they tried to save him and couldn’t. Even after they announced his time of death. Even after they pulled that god damn white sheet over his body and wouldn’t let you past the crime scene tape.
You rip through it anyways, pulling the sheet off his face and shaking him slightly, “Please,” you whimper, “I – I can’t live without you.”
Your mind replayed every kiss, every hug, every smile. Every night you slept next to him and every morning you woke up in his embrace. He’d changed your entire life and the plan was for him to keep changing it, beyond your five-year plan. You were meant to be together for the rest of your lives. He couldn’t be gone. You wouldn’t let him.
“Y/N,” Clay says, resting a hand against your shoulder.
A paramedic moved the stretcher with a sympathetic look on her face after a cop nudges the two of you away, pushing you back behind the tape.
“I promised I would never let anything happen to him,” you croak, watching his body being loaded into the back of the ambulance in disbelief.
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back-atkins-it · 7 years
cuddle day // justin foley x female reader
request:  Can you write an imagine where you and Justin have a cuddle day?
warnings: fluffffff
word count: 410
a/n: this is sooo much shorter than my other imagines and i’m sorry, i just didn’t want it to become too rambly... but i’m so happy that people seem to like my imagines! feel free to request something if you want to, and i hope y’all enjoy!!
you woke up to the doorbell ringing. your clock read 7:30 am. rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you rolled out of bed and shuffled to see who was at the door at this ungodly hour on a saturday morning.
when you got downstairs and opened the door, you were greeted by the cheerfully awake face of your boyfriend, justin foley.
“justin?” you croaked, not even halfway awake yet. “what are you doing here?”
“baby! let’s go on an adventure!” he exclaimed, his grin fading slightly at the sight of your pajama-clad figure. you opened the door a bit wider and he stepped into your house.
“justin, i love you,” you started. “but did you happen to look at the time before you came?”
“no, but the sky’s awake, so i’m awake!” you giggled at his reference to one of the first movies you’d watched together.
“sweetheart, you know how much i love a good adventure, but i was planning on staying in my pajamas all day,” you told him. he thought for a moment before responding.
“we can make an adventure right here,” he replied. “how about we build a blanket fort and stay inside it all day?”
you smiled at the blue eyed boy. “that sounds like a perfect saturday.”
an hour later, you and justin had constructed the coolest blanket fort you’d ever seen. you’d gathered pillows and blankets from all around the house to create a cuddle nest, set up a snack storage area, and placed your laptop up on a chair so you could watch movies.
when you’d officially decided that the fort was complete, justin crawled in and you followed close behind. he curled up in the cuddle nest and opened his arms for you to join him. you laid your head on his chest, listening to his steady breathing, while he played with your hair.
“i could stay like this forever,” you hummed after a while.
“i wouldn’t complain,” he replied before pressing a soft kiss into your hair. you felt your eyelids begin to droop.
“baby, do you want me to put on a movie now?” he asked.
“don’t you dare move,” you mumbled. you felt the vibrations of his chuckle as he held you tighter.
“i won’t,” he said. “i’ll stay right here all day if you’d like.”
“good,” you murmured, just before you drifted back to sleep in justin’s warm embrace, where you stayed for the rest of the day.
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lausscribbles · 7 years
Chemical Reaction x Jeff Atkins
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requested by girlinmanyfandoms123 ; Can you write an imagine where Jeff wants me to tutor him at chemistry and he comes to my house but the studying takes many hours and so I end up asleep on him and he stays for the night? We aren't still a couple but we have feelings for each other ; 
[Y/N] had been nervously walking around her house, waiting for Jeff to come over. He had asked her earlier in the week if she wanted to tutor him in chemistry, since [Y/N] was on top of the class. She felt nervous about it because Jeff was, well, Jeff. [Y/N] had always found him attractive, to say at least. He was one of the only good guys in the school, and wasn’t a self-centered asshole like Bryce and his group of friends. [Y/N] looked at the table, where she had placed her books and notes, some paper and a few colored pencils. She didn’t quit get why Jeff had asked her, since he normally always had Clay to tutor him. She had seen them together in the library more than a few times. Maybe Clay was busy … Or maybe, silly, he wanted to ask you since he likes you, a little voice in her head whispered. But she wouldn’t dare to really believe that. And she didn’t had the time to think it over, since the doorbell rang, announcing Jeff’s arrival. [Y/N] walked to the door, making sure she wasn’t too fast, or too slow; and then opened up. ‘Hi!’ She greeted him, smiling. Jeff looked up at her and smiled back. ‘Hey, [Y/N]. Ready for some chemistry?’ He said, grinning. Did he … Just … ‘Yeah, sure,’ She laughed, letting Jeff inside. ‘Want anything to drink? We got homemade lemonade.’ ‘That sounds amazing,’ Jeff smiled again, dropping his backpack on the floor next to the chair he took a seat in. [Y/N] filled two glasses with lemonade in the kitchen, trying to calm down her heartbeat. When she walked back to Jeff, all her efforts had been for nothing. ‘Your notes are actually pretty sick.’ Jeff said admirable, while he flipped through her pages. ‘Oh, eh, thanks,’ [Y/N] said, a bit uncomfortable, placing down the two glasses and taking a seat on the head of the table, so Jeff was next to her, with a table corner between them. ‘Eh, just a question, why did you ask me? I mean, isn’t Clay your tutor?’ ‘He is,’ Jeff said, while twirling around a pencil he had just took out of his backpack. ‘But he didn’t have any time for me this week. Not that I’m mad about that.’ Jeff admitted, smiling. [Y/N] had no idea how to respond to that, so she decided to just not. ‘Let’s start then, huh?’ ‘Okay, okay, how about this one. What do you do with a sick chemist?’ [Y/N] looked at Jeff, while grinning. ‘Eh, I don’t know? Go to the doctor?’ Jeff said, laughing. ‘No!’ [Y/N] laughed, hitting Jeff with a pillow. ‘If you can’t helium, and you can’t curium, then you might as well barium.’ She grinned, looking at Jeff, while his smile got bigger and bigger, until the point he was laughing out loud. ‘That’s a pretty good one.’ He said between laughs. They had moved upstairs to [Y/N]’s room, since her parents had come home, and they still weren’t finished with the tutoring. Mainly because they had been telling chemistry puns for the last hour or so. ‘Okay, my turn,’ Jeff grinned. ‘What did one ion say to the other?’ [Y/N] smiled already, waiting for the answer. ‘I got my ion you!’ Jeff said, already laughing before even finishing the pun line. ‘Okay, okay,’ [Y/N] laughed, softly shaking her head. ‘Let’s stop making bad chemistry jokes.’ ‘We have to make bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon.’ Jeff grinned. ‘That’s a good one, I have to admit,’ she laughed again. It had been a long time she had laughed this loud and long. Her stomach was hurting, but it was a good hurting. ‘I think you got the whole chemistry pun thing. Maybe it’s time we focus on the actually chemistry again.’ [Y/N] said, yawning right after she had finished the sentence. ‘How about we take a break?’ Jeff proposed. ‘I mean, I think I’m going to need more than today anyway to understand it all.’ ‘A break sounds good,’ she agreed, smiling. They pushed away their books from the bed, and leaned against the headboard. They talked about school and classes for a bit, but it was starting to get harder and harder for [Y/N] to stay awake. Her sleepless nights the last few weeks weren’t really helping out. Eventually, she couldn’t open up her eyes anymore, and gave up, falling asleep on with her head resting on Jeff’s shoulder.
The next morning, [Y/N] woke up, a bit disorientated, even though she was in her own bedroom. She was tucked in under her duvet, still fully clothed. Just when she was about to get up, her door opened up again. It was Jeff. He was still here? ‘You’re awake,’ Jeff smiled. ‘We have to be in school in about an hour. So you still have time to get ready and have some breakfast.’ ‘You stayed over?’ [Y/N] asked, frowning. ‘Yeah, eh,’ Jeff was starting to get red cheeks. ‘you kinda fell asleep on me, and I didn’t want to wake you up. It seemed that you needed that. I tugged you under, but I, eh, didn’t want to undress you because … Yeah.’ He nervously rubbed the back of his neck and looked back at [Y/N]. ‘Thank you,’ she smiled, appreciating that he had thought it through like that. She had heard stories, and was glad that she had been right about Jeff. ‘Eh, yeah, no problem. You shouldn’t have to thank me for it.’ ‘But I do.’ ‘That’s okay,’ Jeff said, a bit awkward. ‘So, I should go now. See you in school?’ ‘Of course!’ [Y/N] smiled, pushing the duvet of her body and standing up. ‘Oh, and [Y/N], think you could make some time for me to tutor me a bit more? I think I don’t understand it quit yet.’ ‘Sure, it’d be my pleasure.’ ‘And maybe we can go somewhere after? Like grab some food? As in, like, a date?’ [Y/N] wasn’t used to Jeff being this nervous. He usually was pretty smooth around girls. ‘A date?’ She whispered, now nervous too. ‘That’d be lovely.’ ‘Great!’ Jeff smiled, and all the nerves seemed to disappear. He started to walk out again, but then changed his mind and turned around. ‘Hey, [Y/N]? I think I got an ion you.’ He grinned, gave her a wink and walked away. There was the Jeff she knew again, she thought, while her heart seemed to beat faster than before and her whole body tingled with a new sort of sensation. Was this the chemical reaction called love?
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