#12 year old me would've lost it
kvtnisseverdeen · 11 months
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Monologue: Taylor Lautner on Failing to Stand up for Taylor Swift at the VMAs (2009) | "I Can See You" Music Video (2023)
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anotherpapercut · 10 months
I love when I'm talking to someone and someone else who I don't know like that butts in to ask a really personal question that informs the conversation they are not a part of
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Damon Salvatore x fem!reader
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Summary: Y/N drops some books off at the Salvatore residence, she expects to find trouble, being the odd one out and everything, she doesn't expect his name to be Damon Salvatore.
Warnings: For mature Audiences, themes of assault, drunk Damon (well isn't that new? Said no one ever.), uh, does a 'takes no shit' !reader count as a trigger?, Elena being a mysterious plot point
Words: 1.7k
I watched Elena Gilbert make this weird expression at me... Caroline was saying something stupid, Bonnie was arguing with that judgemental gleam in her hazel eyes, but what caught my attention, was that foreboding purse of Elena's lips. The furrow of her flawless brow, the way her eyes sparked with something that scared me. It was almost hidden, she smiled wryly in my direction. Her eyes like daggers that penetrated my skull, it made me shiver; as I felt like I had been stripped bare of anything that belonged to me in that moment. Any ground or loyalty I had in our friend-group, I knew was gone, with the flick of Elena's hair behind her shoulder- my other friends hadn't even realised yet, but they would. Come morning I would be a stranger, even to my closest friends since kindergarten. I would be on the fringe of everything I used to know.
I was 12 when I stopped hanging out with the most popular girls in Mystic Falls. Strangley, I never regretted that day. What I had seen in my closest friend, that unexplainable glint about her that still gave me nightmares, had opened my eyes to something dark in the shitty little town I'd spent my entire life in. I said I'd never regretted that day, that was until the vampires came...
"Yes Care, i will be there before dark." I pinched the bridge of my nose, willing the annoying voice on the other end of the line to go bother someone else. "No, I did not tell Stefan." I responded dryly. Elena was in danger, yet again. Klaus was on the prowl, for the daggers, for Elena's blood, for all of us... And Caroline was bugging me about my communication skills. "Well seeing as I'm dropping these old spellbooks for Bonnie at the boarding house, I figure, 'Hey, why not kill two vampires with one study session from hell." I groaned internally as Caroline got heated over the phone. I slammed the back door to my dad's old Toyota corolla, opening the drivers side and collapsing into the leather seat. "Then take it up with someone who cares Caroline. Sorry, I'm driving through a tunnel, on an airplane, while hanging up the phone."
I can't even remember what I did with my phone, all I know is that I started my engine and reversed out of my driveway, heading for the outskirts of the town and towards the infamous Salvatore residence.
It had been 4 goddamm years since I called those girls my friends. I had seen an entire 'nother leap year, in the time it took for these bitches to deem me useful. I travled with my mom, Rome, Paris, India, Africa. I would've gotten my high-school diploma six months ago, if I hadn't had to move back to this ancient cesspool of a town.
And don't misunderstand me, that is the time it took for my life to go to crap. Vampires, the Salvatore Brothers, Elena... I shuddered in my seat, clenching my hands around the wheel as I thought about her.
I was so lost in my thoughts, that I jumped when I reached the boarding house. It was tall and looming, with an ominous darkness catching the corner of my eye. I sighed as I parked, readying myself for the chaos of the two people I despised more than Mystic High's Queen Bee. You see, in the last 6 months I had discovered something about myself, I was perceptive. Yes, I have always been a little more aware than perhaps usual, but it was more than that. I was something supernatural, I didn't know what but I did know that I could see magic, hear a vampires nearly imperceptible heartbeat and feel the forces of nature that others couldn't even dream about.
It was strange, knowing you could see other people when they never expected to be seen at all. I could read their faces, know their tells, pick apart their lies. It was why I was suddenly on the Mystic Falls supernatural hit-teams most wanted list. I could see. I scoffed as I pulled the back door of my car open. Heaving the heavy books into my arms, shifing my weight into my lower back as I ambled up the porch steps to the front door. If all these people needed me for was my sight, then these assholes should really get their eyes checked.
The door was already open, I ducked in sideways, trying to keep my balance while toppling books inched out of my grip. "Let me take those off your hands." I audibly groaned, the voice that assaulted my ears was silky smooth, like fine wine pouring into my ears.
"Damon, look what the bat dragged in." I couldn't see him over the pile of scripts and dusty memoirs of old witches, but I could hear his stupid smirk as he took the pile away from me.
"Still as snarky as ever Y/N. Didn't your mummy ever teach you to be nice to charming men who carry your books?" Anyone else wouldn't have noticed the foe-disdain in his voice, or the slight quicking pace in his pulse, of course, I'm not anyone else.
"Oh! That's what the karate classes were for." I looked at him now, this tall,brooding, Greek God of a man was attracted to me. Stupid I know. That's what I thought too, but I've never been wrong. Especially not since I came into my powers. Normally I would take the shot, go for it, but I had no chance. He was in love with his brothers girlfriend, a stupider decision if you ask me.
"Glad I've only ever seen you in action once or twice then." He smirked. I walked past him and into the living room. The fire was roaring, as I often found it was when Damon was alone on a Thrusday through Sunday afternoon. Where he was the rest of the time, I hadn't had the stomach to ask. I laughed unconvincingly.
"Didn't I almost shoot you in the face when you first tried to use me as a human pincushion?" He set the books down with a thud on the ornate coffee table. I set mine down with a far greater deal of grace. He frowned at me.
"Details, details. Besides," He took a step towards me, he smelled like alcohol and something else..."the way to a vampire, is always through his heart." He grabbed my hand, gently at first, clinging onto it as I tried to pull away. He made me touch his chest, it was firm and rising jaggedly with air he didn't need.
I glared at him. "You're drunk. Go leech on something else," i paused "leech." He laughed, it sent shivers down my spine, his eyes were deadly and cold. He pulled me flush against him. I wasn't unused to this radical "Damon Behavior", but there was something wild about his eyes. Something needy. To be honest, maybe I was needy too.
"Someone should teach you manners little lady." Or maybe not. I timed it perfectly, jutting my elbow out from between us into his diaphragm, he caught my arm, blocking it and shifting my upper body to the right. His lips found my ear, his breath tickled as he whispered into my hair. "One day that mouth of yours will bite off more than those pretty little lips can chew.
"Someone should teach you the modern cure for the insufferable womanizer." I spat. Then suddenly- I was on the couch, the fire crackled so loudly in my ears I thought my head would explode. Damon was leaning over me. His ebony hair feathered against his forehead, his lips were inches from mine, our breath mingled into each other. I felt his body become hotter above me, it was almost startling compared to his cool demeanor at the door. "Damon, please. Use at least one brain cell to think about this stupid decision you're making-"
He cut me off, "See that's the thing Y/N, you talk to me with that foul little mouth of yours and think it's okay. No one talks to me like that." For the first time in an agonizing ten minutes he looked away from me. "I never let anyone talk to me like that. But its like this-" if we had been having this conversation like normal people, I would've smiled at the hint of Italian in his accent. "I do let you. You drive me crazy. I hate you for that."
I tensed. "Well people who hate each other don't treat one another like this. So one of us is lying." I don't know if I knew who was lying to themselves between the both of us, but maybe that would give me enough of a chance to distract him and then-
And then he was kissing me. It was deep and firey. He moaned against my lips as he parted them with his tongue, his grip around my waist tightened as he explored my mouth. It all happened so quickly, I barely began to understand what was happening before "I don't like lying Y/N."
What the hell was that?
He bolted away from me and was on the other side of the room so fast he was only a blur. He started to say something, probably to shout at me in his drunken stupor, but I was quicker- "Did you say that out-loud?" I asked, I was breathless and disgusted and fascinated all in the span of 5 seconds.
He made a face at me. "The hell, "did I say that?" He mocked my question,he was agitated, borderline disbelieving. "I was in the middle of kissing you, moron. I did not say that. What the hell did you do?" He held his arms close to his chest, obviously he felt as violated as I did. I scowled at him.
"Then, moron, did you think it?" He looked at me with big, blue, question- filled eyes.
"Y/N?" Shit, Bonnie, i glanced to the door. I turned back to the fireplace and the leather-clad, bad boy vampire was gone. I pinched the bridge of my nose... worst timing ever Bonnie Bennet...
What the hell just happened?
Ta-da! Ooo la, la... I'm a sucker (haha, get it?) for mystery and suspense.
Did you like the little nudge towards something Elena related, without having to deal with like, Elena..?
But chill, there will be a little bit of everything for all you shippers.
I don't know where I'm going to take this story yet, so feel free to Ask, or request or whatever and maybe things will turn in your favour... :0
Read pt 2 here:
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nikolai-vincent · 2 months
Y'all I have a big list of Byler things and I need help to make sure that everything I've stated is actually true and not my mind making things up💀🤣🤭 so prepare for a long list and I'll cut it down so it doesn't take years if you wanna scroll by it lmao
Mike tried calling Will all the time while he was in Cali (& could be the reason for weird airport interaction) Mike can't use a telephone to talk to El bc of of government listening in, so Dustin's words are about Mike calling Will but not being able to reach him.
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It wasn't love at first sight, the offical season 1 trailer with the scene where they first find El, Mike's first thought is "That's not Will." And also this is Mike's plan to get rid of her from the night they found her, even though he is supposedly already in love with her since he said he loved her the moment he saw her?🤨
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His monologue didn't help/wasn't fully true, El didn't have a single flashback of her and Mike throughout their whole relationship except for when they found her in the woods. They've been dating for roughly 9 months before breaking up for 3, then getting together again and currently at 6 months (so 1 year and 3 months of officially dating, having known each other fully for 3 years, although not fully because she was gone for a whole year) and yet she didn't have a single other memory besides the night they saved her?
Mike and El didn't speak that much for 2 full days while they were stuck in the van?? Even after Mike's love confession, all El was apparently talking about was how she feels like she lost the battle with Vecna and how Brenner had put it into her head and stuff.
Mike has a sort of superhero idealization for El. He's mentioned multiple times that she's a superhero, she's a machine that can help find Will, and it's shown throughout the seasons how much Mike loves superheroes. In my opinion, that's not a super great thing to compare your girlfriend to, especially after she has shown to want to be more than that, but feels like that's all she's good for now.
They never see eye to eye/always disregard the others feelings/attempt to be understanding. All of their arguments I've seen, they both try to be understanding at first, but then they shut each other down and speak for the other person when they're doubting each others thoughts (one scene perfectly showing this is their fight in El's room in season 4).
Mike and El knew each other for roughly a week (at 12 years old) before getting together and then immediately getting separated for a whole year, only to become reunited and jumping immediately into a relationship at 13 and ignoring their friends to only kiss each other for 6 months and not deepen their bond emotionally?? Then they break up like it's nothing and Mike doesn't know what she likes when he tries to buy her a gift to apologize (only after Lucas says something) (then getting into a fight with Will for the first time and apologizing as soon as possible on his own choice).
Mike has issues saying I love you (tried saying it once in s3 and couldn't even say the word "love", instead going for "blank makes you crazy" which El didn't understand. Only time he says it was in a high stress situation and he blurted it out to everyone except her, with a look of shock and confusion. S4 he doesn't say it at all, writing "from, Mike" all the time, to which he is confronted by her and only is able to say "I care for you... so much." And "I say it." ("It" being I love you) (which is a lie) That fight in El's room would've been the perfect time for him to tell her he loves her after he sees her crying to him about it, he could have perfectly said something like, "El, of course I love you. I'm sorry I don't say it, I'm just not used to feeling this way, but thank you for talking to me about it, I'll try to work on it." Or something to comfort her. In the end he is only able to say it in a high stress situation (AGAIN) and only after having a whole speech from Will, and needing Will to tell him not to stop and to say whatever it was he couldn't before. (Which, Will didn't know that Mike couldn't say I love you to her) Mike was given false hope that El needed him and felt better for being different because of him, which was a lie and those feelings were from Will himself, his speech was a veiled love confession.
Mike subtly (or unintentionally) compared both of his relationships with Will and El by saying that meeting Will "was the best thing he's ever done" but meeting El was "Not fate. Not destiny. Just simple, dumb luck." (He chose to befriend Will, by actively going up to him and asking, whereas he didn't choose to meet El, it was an accident).
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Mike struggles to switch his focus between El and Will, we've seen throughout all of the seasons how Mike acts with Will and how he acts with El, and I'll be honest, they're pretty similar. He's soft, sweet, and casual with Will, and he's nice, gentle, and kind with El (just in general, relationship stuff aside). But then you put them in the same room and Mike doesn't know how to act properly with either of them, and we honestly don't see the real interactions with these three until season 3. I've noticed a lot that when Mike and El are in a relationship, they ignored everyone and just made out, but after they broke up, the whole group was together and had no issues with doing so (I guess the flayed helped with that, though lol).
Will is the only person that Mike will immediately try to apologize to if he did something wrong, whereas anyone else he blames others and doesn't apologize until someone tells him to (examples: Dustin told Mike to apologize to Lucas in season 1 after they fought, Mike was blaming Lucas and didn't want to apologize even though Mike was the one that started the fight. He didn't apologize to El in season 3 for the way he was acting, instead choosing to lie and needing help from Lucas on what to get for El as an apology (again, Mike knows nothing about El by this point still), and yet later on after he has a fight with Will, he bikes to Will's house to apologize, he blames himself, calls himself an asshole (with Lucas following, not leading). Seasone 4, the second fight that Mike and Will have is in the skating rink, Mike calls Will a douche and says he sabotaged the whole day by moping, rolling his eyes, and not talking but later on he goes to Will and immediately starts apologizing and says he was being a self pitying idiot, and telling Will that he wasn't being a douche and Will didn't deserve to be called that).
Mike and Will are very different compared to their friendships with Dustin, Lucas, or Max. (With proof being from Mike himself, saying "Max and Dustin and Lucas.. they're-they're great.. they're great, it's just-it's Hawkins, it's not the same without you. And maybe I was worrying too much about El, and I feel like I lost you or something." (Something along those lines lol)
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The Duffers have compared Mike and El's relationship to Elliot and E.T, a friendship between a kid and an alien.
El was upset with Mike during the cabin cleaning scene (giving him a side eye and sighing heavily before going to her room) after Mike's supposed love confession.
Mike agreed (by nodding) when Will was talking in the desert about how it's scary to open up to people you care about the most bc of them possibly not liking the truth (Will was comforting Mike about El during this, sort of) (Why would El not like the truth if the truth was that Mike loves her?? Sus).
Mike showed a big difference in priority when it came to searching for Will vs El. In season 1 after Will went missing, Mike (+ the party) was told by the police to stay home and not interfere in the investigation. Mike disobeys and goes out (+ the party) to search for Will in the dark and rain. After meeting El, they use her as a weapon to continue searching for Will. After finding Will's "body" in the quarry, Mike switches on El and is mean and blames her for not telling the truth about Will. El then shows Mike through the walkie-talkie that Will is alive and Mike believes her (even after seeing Will's body, he has hope again that Will could be alive), he's nice to El again after this. Vs, when El goes missing at the end of S1 and going into S2, Mike believes she's dead (although not seeing a body), and doesn't go searching for her. He sees her through the window on the same night she disappeared, but he never goes out to look for her. The only thing he does for the whole year is try to talk to her through a walkie-talkie, but he never leaves his house to try and find her (even though he's seen proof of her being alive) while she's gone, Mike's priority is fully focused on Will and his possession. In season 3, Hopper threatens Mike to stay away from El (similarly to what he said about staying home and not looking for Will in season 1) and he immediately agrees and doesn't try to see her.
Mike has a lot of familial/platonic parallels with El's father figures than he does romantic, he's always paralleled with Brenner (with proof in season 4, the "what did you do?" / "what have you done?" scene at the rink) which is so bad and sad, and some scenes similarly with her and Hopper.
Gotta say it, Mike has looked at Will's lips multiple times (at least 4, off the top of my head) (which is 4 times more than he has with any of his other friends probably) and he barely does it with El. If it was a mistake during filming, they would've shot it again, bc they were obvious but they stayed in.
And just with the way Mike looks at Will compared to his other friends or even El, that boy looks more in love than the one canonically in love.💀
In both season 1 and season 2 (besides their first kiss and the snowball (which weren't planned originally, I believe)) Mike has never been the one leaning in or attempting to kiss El, he just stands and stares confused as she does all the work.
Mike has Will's art all over his basement from when they were children (and some in his room, I think?) But he throws away and crumples all of the letters he receives from his long distance girlfriend? Sus.
The difference in Mike's reactions to being broken up with romantically vs platonically in season 3. His face shows a sort of disgust and almost guilty when El breaks up with him, and his face is full of guilt and sadness when Will tells him he wanted to stay with him forever.
Mike was fruity af during his apology to Will in S4 Ep4 just saying.
Canonically Mike only smiles in pictures when Will is in them as well. (Photos in tags bc I'm at the limit😔)
It's been confirmed that Mike is clueless about Will's feelings for him, so I'm wondering why he was so affected by the 6 months away with only a couple phone calls that lead to him not even wanting to hug Will at the airport (even though he saw how happy and excited Will was to see him again) when he hugged Will perfectly fine at the end of S3 (even though they never actually resolved their first fight in the rain?) Hm. Sus.
Mike has Smalltown Boy on his (OFFICIAL) spotify playlist?? A song about "the need for gay men to flee small-town intolerance and pursue reinvention in the big city. " ???
Just a cute thing about Mike and Will beings friends since the first day of kindergarten (when they were 5 years old) and having the longest friendship out of everyone in the party.
Kind of iffy about this one but the song Tarzan Boy was playing at the roller rink (a song about being free and doing what you want) when Will, Mike, and El were at the table. (Probably not a lot of significance but still a thing).
From an outsiders perspective, Mike and El were not happy when they were skating at the rink together, from Will's perspective, they were super happy and laughing together while Will was left behind. This is shown when Angela walks into the rink with her friends, we see Mike and El from her pov and their faces are very stoic while they hold hands.
That's all I have for now, I've had these written in my notes for like 2 years lmao but please, if you've even gotten this far, let me know if anything looks inaccurate and I'll fix it:) and also feel free to add anything you've noticed as well! I'd love to see it.
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shadowwolfmemes · 22 days
I'm disappointed in you, @mean-bf777
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Okay, Mean, I'mma need you to start explaining right now. I don't give a shit on how old your reblog was, this is just SICKENING! Telling people to kill themselves just because they said something you don't like is just absolutely vile!
If I knew the type of person you currently are sooner, I would've never defended you from getting your precious little feelings hurt. But that's not all!
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You hate bad dramas and bullying, huh? That's funny considering that you're saying shit like this:
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I get that you're 12 years old, but there's no valid excuse for this disgusting behavior. If you come to me talkin' about "I was just feeling dEPreSseD", then this is a horrible way of venting!
You have NO IDEA what someone might be going through behind the screen! If you're going through a hard life as well, then I'm sorry, but you have no respect towards people whatsoever. You don't need to inflict your pain towards other people!
Not to mention this:
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And when I tried to talk to you maturely, you pull up with this bullshit:
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Oh wow, you got me quivering in my leather-made boots. What am I ever going to do? 😱
But seriously, you're not making this situation any better for yourself. I just have one genuine question for you, Mean-bf.
Are you feeling proud of yourself right now? I'm sure you do. If you want respect, you give respect.
I also want to mention one more thing before this rant post ends: @sillay-silly-blogz, I'm sorry for cussing you out on a post. I didn't realize the type of person @mean-bf777 was until now. I know I apologized to you in private, but I wanted to make it formal at least.
And as for you, bf, I don't feel a single ounce of empathy for you anymore. You lost every ounce of respect I had for you.
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revscarecrow · 8 months
saw the other asks, thought i'd join in to show another perspective. i'm a trans person living in texas, where you have to be 18 to start hrt. like many trans people i seemed like a happy normal kid, then puberty hit and i became incredibly depressed at around age 12. nothing fixed it until i got on hrt, but i had to wait so long.
i knew i wanted to medically transition when i was 17, unfortunately the same time the state started investigating families with trans kids for child abuse. i believe having earlier access to hrt would've given me a much better youth. after starting i've felt much healthier and at peace. i'm happy in a way i could've never imagined. unfortunately there are many lost years i feel i have to make up for, but c'est la vie.
anyways i appreciate you being an ally, we really need people like you in texas. it's very stressful for a lot of us living here but even just knowing we have allies out there helps a bunch. keep it up.
Solid testimonial of what being trans in a hell state is like. Thank you. I'm really glad to just be helpful in even a small way. Keep up the strong fight we need old trans people.
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dollcieee · 2 months
Finding Fluffy
Platonic! Kid! Cloud Strife x Kid! fem reader
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Tifa and Y/n have been begging for their father to get them a cat for a long time now. When Tifa's twelfth birthday came up, Zander, one of the village elders, decided to give Tifa the white and mischievous kitten Fluffy.
Y/n was so ecstatic to see Tifa carrying a small kitten that she instantly took the cat and ran outside to find it a collar.
She got Fluffy a red bandana, but the kitten jumped out of Y/n's arms and ran off, leaving for Y/n to chase after it.
'Kitty, come back!'
Fluffy was much faster than her. In the end, she couldn't find her. She walked back to their house but stopped when she imagined an image of an angry Tifa scolding her for losing Fluffy.
Y/n started crying heavily and crouched, the ends of her pink sundress touching the ground, covering her face with both of her hands still holding the bandana. 
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In the peaceful village of Nibelheim, a now 12-year-old Tifa wanders around the house in search of Y/n, her younger sister. Going out of their house, she finally finds her sister, her back facing Tifa.
"O-oh no.. Fluffy.." Y/n continues to sob while holding the red bandana she was supposed to make Fluffy wear.
"Y/n what's wrong?" Tifa pats her sister's back, concern written onto her face, but Y/n continues to cry, "Hey you can tell me what's wrong, you know" this time Tifa embraces her in a comforting hug.
"Fluffy.." Y/n whispers, trying not to cry anymore, Tifa now notices the absence of their new kitten and looks around and asked "Y/n, Where's Fluffy?" upon asking her that Y/n cries again, holding the bandana tightly this time "I lost her and I d-don't know where she is now *hic an-and I tried lo-looking for her b-but *hic I can't find her Tifa!".
"It's okay, we'll find her together, okay?" Tifa says as she lets go of her and urges Y/n to follow her, "Let's start looking at the village square".
"Wait- Tifa!" Tifa turns around towards her sister, tilting her head in a questioning manner.
"Hold hand" Y/n in a much better mood grabs Tifa's hand and they both go to the village square.
☪ ·̩
"You see anything there Y/n?"
The Lockhart sisters moved to another place near a trailhead leading to a gate. It's been almost an hour now, but the sisters were determined to find their cat.
"Y/n! I'll go to the other side" Tifa shouted, running to the opposite direction Y/n is currently in.
"Okay!" Y/n shouted back and continued on looking at the bushes.
Y/n flinched when she saw movement in the bigger bushes in front of her. Thinking it might be Fluffy, she sneaked inside the bush to take a peek. She saw nothing except a top of someone's head.
'This one has a very sharp hair' she thought as she called out to whoever this mysterious blond person was, "Hey!" the boy stood up and looked around him surprised by the sudden voice.
"Hey Chocobo head!" She shouted again.
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Okay, that actually irked Cloud a little bit. Whoever was calling him should just show themselves to him. He was so close to catching the white cat he's been following.
"Pssst... helloooo over here!" Cloud finally found the voice who's been calling to him, when he looked to where she was his eyes widened when he recognized the face of the girl, it's Tifa's younger sister, Y/n Lockhart.
"What are you doing here?" He started to walk towards Y/n, looking down at her as she tried to stand up properly.
"Your Cloud right?" She asked, patting her dress to remove whatever dirt particle landed in it.
"Yeah, that's me, what do you want?" He asked back, arms crossed to his chest "Well um.. I was hoping that.. By any chance, you saw a white kitty around here?" She looked at the ground and back to Clouds piercing blue eyes.
"I did, I would've caught it by now if it weren't for your shouting" He nonchalantly answered.
"Oh, sorry..hehe" She apologized, a sheepish grin forming on her face, Cloud sighed and started walking away from her.
"Where are you going?" She asked, following him from behind, "To find the cat"
They both walked to the darker part of the forest.
"I hope Fluffys nearby" she whispers to herself, but Cloud hears her.
"Fluffy is the name of the cat?" Cloud asks.
"Yeah.. me and Tifa just got her today, but she just had to run away and I lost her. Now we have to look for her in the middle of the woods" she ranted to Cloud even doing hand motions to prove her statement.  
Cloud just nodded to whatever she said and looked around while walking deeper to the forest, Y/n started to close her distance with Cloud, the dark forest was starting to scare her.
"Stay close, don't worry I know my way here" Cloud exclaims eyes not looking away at the front. Y/n felt a little sense of relief from what he said.
"Do you go here a lot?" She asked, wanting to get to know the loner boy, "Yeah, I find it peaceful here"
Y/n nodded looking at him for a minute, "Why don't you hangout with us next time? I'm sure everyone would've loved to play with you" she continued but before Cloud could even reply a meowing noise can be heard close to them.
"That could be Fluffy-!" Y/n ran, leaving Cloud behind "Wait-" he sighed in frustration but went after her anyway.
☪ ·̩
"Y/n you there?" Tifa came back to where she had last seen Y/n, looking around, she doesn't see her little sister. She looked up at the sky, the suns about to go down and they're not close to home.
'Dad must be worried' Tifa thought, looking at the place she had last seen Y/n, she thought about it for a moment and walked into the forest to see if she could spot her sister there.
"Y/n you better be safe.." she whispered to herself.
☪ ·̩
"Fluffy! You silly-silly cat!" Y/n carried Fluffy in her arms, hugging the kitten while swaying side by side.
"Don't you 'meow' me, you made me worried.."
"Don't just run *pant off like that you could've been *pant hurt.." Cloud scolded while trying to regain his steady breath back, Y/n didn't seem to care as she finally found her sister's cat. In a moment of silence they hear the shouts of Tifa nearby.
"Y/n? Y/n you there? Let's just look for Fluffy tomorrow. It's almost night-time"
"Tifa! We're here! Cloud's here too!" Y/n shouted back, looking at a now stiff postured Cloud, "Cloud, you'kay there?" She asked, leaning close to his face "ye-yeah I'm fine..".
"Hmm, okay then tomorrow we should-" "I gotta go now, don't tell Tifa anything" Cloud whos about to sprint stops for a moment and faces Y/n "about earlier I'd like to hangout with you" he runs off to another direction leaving a confused Y/n "Whatta weird kid..".
"Y/n there you are we should- you found Fluffy" Tifa said excitedly, grabbing Fluffy from Y/n's grasp "Also where's Cloud? I thought he was here as well" she looked around, no spiky-haired boy in sight.
"He went away I think I dunno" Y/n answered, tying the red bandana around Fluffy's neck.
"Well let's go home, dad's gonna get worried" Tifa holds Y/n's little hand
"Yeah! I'm hungry!"
The Lockhart sisters got home safe and sound, and ate dinner happily with their dad and new kitty Fluffy.
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sebsdaniel · 5 months
12 Questions about F1 through the years
I was tagged by @twinkodium Thank you sm girl! This one's my fave so far <3
I tag whoever wants to do this in F1blr <3
1. Who or what got you into F1?
My dad. He grew up in a racing/car family and automatically transfered that love to me when I was just five days old and he held me up in the hospital to show me the German GP of 1999 on TV. We always joke I've watched F1 since I was born, which is no lie. Since then, we've seen almost every race together. We've also gone to 15 F1 GPs together.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
Michael Schumacher. My dad is a Jenson Button fan and he's convinced I started supporting Schumi just to annoy him. I don't fully remember why I chose Michael, but my best guess is I fell in love with the red car that kept winning. I love him still and still hope he gets better someday.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
After 16 years of supporting Sebastian Vettel, I ended up supporting Max Verstappen in 2023. My dad's been supporting him ever since his debut, and made him his main since Jenson retired. However, I didn't get there that quickly. I adored Max when he began F1. Got annoyed with him a lot in 2018 and 2019 when he kept having run ins with Seb (fave bias I guess), but once 2020 I grew to adore him and in 2021 I fell in love. He'll never reach the same level for me as Seb did in my heart (he's my hero after all, since I was 6), but I love him sm already.
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
I love so many F1 duo's, but my two faves are Sebastidan and Lestappen.
Sebastidan got me out of my high school depression phase in 2017. I remember feeling extra down when Seb lost his chance at the title that year in Japan. I was so frustrated and watched video's of them as teammates the whole day. I've adored them since and while they aren't a fanfavorite, I can't help but enjoy the bits and pieces we still get from them.
Lestappen. I got into them last year during their - sadly short - title fight. The history they have, the connection, is something so unique. They also seem to become better friends with each passing month. I'd love to see them as teammates someday.
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
Dad's a Max and RB fan. He hates Mercedes and especially Toto. His past faves are Senna, Hill and Jenson. Mom has watched F1 since she's been with dad (1985), but never got into it. She always liked Nico Rosberg though!
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
Belgium 2014 as it was my first live GP. Belgium 2018 as it was the first time I saw Seb win live. Abu Dhabi 2012, which was epic Abu Dhabi 2021, I'll never forget that day Brazil 2008, it was mind blowing.
And probably many more!
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
Spa. It's my home track which I've been visiting since I was a toddler. And Zolder, for the same reasons.
I also adore the Red Bull Ring, Yas Marina circuit and Monza.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
15 in total! 14 times the Belgian GP (would've been 15 if it weren't for 2020) and 1 time the Austrain GP. It's always amazing! The organisation of Spa has changed for the better as well!
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
Several times the whole grid before 2020, because it wasn't as difficult to get close to them. In Spa they organized hours long signing sessions at la Source for everyone with a weekend ticket. Since then I've seen them mostly from a distance. The closest I've come to talking a while to someone was Charles in 2018, Seb several times and Daniel also a few times. I still get butterflies thinking about it <3
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
RB19 (2023), it's such a precious car <3 Seb's 2010 RB. The Ferrari from 2004. Brawn GP car from 2009.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
Not really. Unless, you count Oscar's sprint win from last year.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
‘If you no longer go for a gap which exists you are no longer a racing driver’ - Aryton Senna -
'Enjoy these moments. We know they won't last forever.' - Sebastian Vettel -
'Enjoy the butterflies' - Daniel Ricciardo -
'If I get a few more, I think I'll headbut someone' - Max Verstappen -
'God might be with him, but he's no God' - Max Verstappen -
Thank you so much for this tag, hun <3
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littlest-nightingale · 2 months
Clara sighs. Sometimes, being a teacher is difficult- especially when she has to read what may be the world's most nonsensical, incorrect, poorly written essay that has ever been written, and not call her student a dumbass. Seriously, how do you only have 12 sentences in a 2000 word essay? Why is there no intro paragraph? How does a 14 year old misspell "you"?
She leans back in her chair. She's probably used an entire red pen on this essay alone- she's not even halfway done yet. A break, she figures, is well deserved.
She had lost track of the Doctor a while ago, which was a bit concerning considering that last she knew, he was regressed, but she trusted him enough that she wasn't worried about him blowing something up or somehow breaking the TARDIS.
The Doctor wasn't very high maintenance when it came to regression. About an hour ago, before she sat down to do her work, she had sat him down on a blanket with a sensory board, a few small toys, and his pacifier, and left him to his own devices. In hindsight, maybe she shouldn't have put him behind her so she could watch him, but in her defense, normally he stayed put.
"Hello?" Clara asks. The only response she gets is a series of beeps and boops from the TARDIS. "Not you, where's the Doctor?" The TARDIS responds with another beep, as if to remind her that she can't really answer that.
"Right." Clara huffs. She stands there for a moment before pivoting on her heel and walking down one of the corridors.
The TARDIS is huge. Honestly, getting lost in here is way too easy- and the complete lack of signage definitely wasn't helping. She knew she wasn't his first companion. Had none of them complained about the absolute labyrinth that was the TARDIS hallways?
About half an hour passes before she finds herself back in the console room, which she hadn't even known she was heading for. Feeling slightly confused, she heads back down the hallway, only to pop up in the same place again. And again. And again.
"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" she asks the TARDIS. Still, it can't respond with much more than a few beeps and boops.
Clara huffs. "This isn't funny y'know."
Beep boop.
"I'm serious."
Boop beep.
Clara groans. "You're going to let me find him this time, alright?" she says, in her best disappointed teacher voice, as if the time machine was able to feel ashamed.
Beep beep boop.
She gives the console one last glare before heading back down the corridor. If she would've listened, she would've heard the playful giggle from behind her.
"Okay, seriously, this is getting annoying." She says. Behind her, someone- the Doctor, actually, erupts into a fit of amused laughter.
Clara spins around. "Have you been there the entire time?" She asks.
The Doctor nods. "Hiding."
"You were hiding, and doing a very good job of it!" She responded. He was sitting on a bean bag next to her desk, looking rather cozy under his favorite blanket while aimlessly fiddling with a rubix cube.
"Silly." He says.
"You are very silly, Doctor." She says, crouching down to his level and booping his nose affectionately.
"No." He says, booping her nose in return. "Silly."
"I'm not silly!" She gasps, bringing a hand to her heart in mock offense, illiciting a chuckle from the Doctor.
Clara smiles. "Okay, maybe I'm a little bit silly."
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7amaspayrollmanager · 6 months
There's this quote from I think edward Said I'm not sure but it was basically like "one can learn everything and find all the answers to how the Nakba happened how we lost our country in minute detail and yet still ask why it happened." Like as a kid I started to read probably around 11/12 years old what I could process and understand thanks to actual palestinians on tumblr who r mostly not active on here and they'd have faq lists. And at this age I've read illan pappe, nur masalha, Walid khalidi, and plenty of palestinian databases and plenty of zionist literature and I know how it happened and I know about British complicity and I know how damaging the British crushing of the revolt was and I know it paved the way to the Nakba and I know and I know but I still have that part of me that is angry that it happened and how it feels like almost a glitch in the timeline. What should've happen was the end of British occupation and independence and who knows how reactionary that rule would've been and who knows if the Jordanian monarchy would've taken over and who knows but that's what should've happen.
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greatqueenanna · 1 month
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Lost Legends: The Fixer Upper
A GreatQueenAnna Review
Released: October 17, 2023
Type: Series
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Audience Score: 4.4/5
My Score: 3.8/5
With the films focusing their attention on the sisters, sometimes Kristoff can feel like a side-character more than a tritagonist. So, hearing that Kristoff was getting a whole novel to himself, and exploring a bit of his past, I was of course excited for this book.
Overall, it was a cute story that gave us a much needed glimpse into Kristoff's childhood, with some themes being very compelling. There were some things that were a bit strange and the story does tend to move a bit slow, but overall it is very nice side content for Frozen fans. I can only hope that Kristoff continues to get more content in the future (especially within the films) that explore even more.
More in depth review under the cut.
The Fixer Upper seems like a more expansive version of the Disney Frozen: The Hero Within graphic novel by Joe Caramagna. Both stories feature Kristoff's difficulty within the orphanage, even Gustav comes in to play a major role. I do enjoy catching all of the connections made within the novel canon - it really makes it feel like the authors do indeed care about creating a coherent universe, even if the novels are not 100% part of the film's world.
The story begins with the family playing charades during game night. Kristoff is compelled to tell the story of his experiences as a child within 'human' school. However, his story first starts with Kristoff explaining to the sisters and Olaf how he met Sven and left the orphanage at 8 years old, and his relationship with Tor - his ice harvesting mentor.
After a few instances of the narrative going back and forth from the story to present day, we time skip to Kristoff going to school at 12 years old and then the instances of present day become less occurring, and the story becomes a bit more focused.
The narrative focuses on Kristoff trying to figure out where he belongs - with humans, or with trolls. He struggles to fit in with the humans, and he feels as though because he is not a troll, that the trolls don't' want him around as much anymore.
This is actually the most interesting part of the story for me - I understand how Kristoff feels as a mixed-ethnic person. Feeling like you don't belong in either part of your family or heritage because the other side of you is "in the way. " Kristoff couldn't get along with other humans because he was raised by trolls, but also felt he didn't belong with the trolls because he was human. This is incredibly compelling.
I really like the style of how at the beginning of every chapter, we get a quote from the The Ice Harvester's Guide to Ice and how the quote seems to match the scene. It was a very nice touch.
One this that was disappointing was how it seems that the Ice Harvesters are not specifically tied to being Sámi - even though this was alluded to in Dangerous Secrets. Unless I missed it (which is possible, my ADHD is all over the place when reading anything, especially novels), there were no references at all to Kristoff being Sámi or a fictional equivalent, like the Northuldra. Now, I know that this is probably not something the writers are allowed to delve into, but it would've been nice if a small reference was made - like in Dangerous Secrets.
Another thing that was a bit weird was how Grand Pabbie tells Kristoff that one of the reasons they were adamant on him going to 'human' school was so that he could meet his true love. Why would a 12 year old need to be told that he needs to interact with humans so that in the future he can meet a girl? He's 12. I get that the trolls are love experts, and this is meant to be a foreshadowing of his relationship with Anna...but come on. Again. He's 12.
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lavander-gooms · 7 months
Fellas, I think I finally got (noir) Peter Parker's age.
Alright, I know what you may be thinking, that you've read posts like this before that basically end with "erm they say he's a kid so I uhh guess he's 19" (we've all thought this ngl).
Let us begin, shall we?
This mostly began because I hated Felicia and Peter together.
I love Peter's noir comics so much, everything Peter goes through is such awesome writing and symbolism (Peter swearing to take power away from people who abuse it and then ends up abusing his own power ahgdgsgdgag) but Felicia' and Peter's "love story" weirdo lust pedo sub plot gave me the major ick.
Tbh I got tired of people defending this ship because they "didn't know Peter's age". I really wanted to prove them wrong. So I am.
And I just want to know.
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Let's boogy.
Peter is referred to as a kid numerous times.
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Above are most of the times Peter is called/referred to as a kid in the first comic run (which was only three issues).
I couldn't fit all of them, gosh darn Tumblr.
Anyways, it's clear that Peter appears as a child to all of the character, due to all of them referring to his as a kid. Every character he interacts with as Peter Parker calls him "kid" or "son" or "boy" (etc.). He obviously appears as/is a kid, or they wouldn't have made it a point to keep saying this.
Okay, so this means Peter's a kid. We can eliminate all ages over 21 and under 12. You were considered an adult at age 21 (age of consent was 18- https://worldhistorycommons.org/age-consent-laws -). And I think we can all agree that Peter isn't 12.
My next idea was to turn to the original age of when most Peter Parkers were bit. The problem is, it's all at scattered ages. The most common one I found was he was bit at 15.
But is noir Peter Parker really 15? No. Bear with me.
I came to this conclusion and sank to the ground and cried out in agony. Truly noir Peter Parker's age was a mystery, I thought. So I gave up.
But I was rereading the comic, and noticed a tiny tiny detail I overlooked upon my past rereads.
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Here is the comic panel where the Goblin dies via spidery-Kraven, and Peter just watches. While Peter is watching, he thinks back to the time Uncle Ben snuck him in to see Frankenstein.
Okay, there are two versions of Frankenstein Peter could be talking about here.
The first Frankenstein that ever came out was the 16 minute long version on March 18th, 1910. Now, that's way further back than I think Ben would've taken Peter to go see it, as AT MOST (if he's 21) Peter was born in 1912. It is possible Ben took Peter to see a rerun of the 1910 version, but reruns were incredibly rare and the 1910 version of Frankenstein was deemed to be lost until the 1950s (I don't know WHEN it was lost). If Peter was taken to see the 1910s version as a child it could have given him nightmares. But I really doubt this is the Frankenstein movie Peter was referencing.
The second movie is the one I believe to be the movie Peter saw with Ben. This Frankenstein came out on November 21st, 1931. It fits much more with the time line, and fits the whole "couple years back" things (a couple means two to you guys too, right??).
Okay, so we know the date of the movie that Ben snuck Peter into. But, there is one very important word in that sentence. Snuck.
Either, a- Peter wasn't old enough to see the movie,
Or b- Aunt May didn't want him to see the movie.
The 1931 Frankenstein revolutionized the horror movie genre, and brought with it an outrage from the church and adults. It was censored mercilessly, and brought around the "H" rating that deemed anyone under the age of 16 was too young to see. But this came as a result of Frankenstein, in 1932ish in Britian and 1934ish in America. So when did Peter see the movie?
This is where my argument gets flimsy.
We can assume he saw the uncensored version as it gave him nightmares, so I speculatate he saw it around the same time as it's release date.
Peter was under 16 when he saw the Frankenstein movie, due to Ben having to sneak him into the movie.
Peter was freshly 16 and begged Uncle Ben to let him see the movie, he's old enough isn't he? And Ben can't say no to his nephew so they sneak around Aunt May to go and see it together.
Either of these two are plausible, but I'm going to go with the second.
Mostly all the Peter Parkers were born around August/October, so we'll keep that.
On November 21st, 1931 (or whenever he saw the movie) Peter Parker is 16 years old.
Which, one year later, makes him 17. And as the comics take place January 1933, we can make the safe assumption that Peter is 17. Which means in September, he's 18/about to turn 18.
Whew. I think I got it. If you have any other stuff please give it to me 🙏
Felicia and Peter relationship study coming soon.
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The rope analogy for pregnancy/abortion really clicked with me as someone who was a camp counselor! We had a rock climbing wall and all staff and campers were female. Younger campers as old as 12 were allowed to use the wall, older were not. Idk about you, but I was the same size I am now at 12. So naturally some of our campers about 10/11 and up were our size or bigger. I worked exclusively with teenagers. One day I was near the rock wall with my campers while a group of 10-12 year olds were on the wall. I noticed some of the campers were larger than the staff member on the other end of the rope. It was easy for our staff to help the little 7-year-olds down, and they were absolutely responsible for not letting go. But then one of the 12-year-olds had to get down and the staff member almost completely lost her footing. Without missing a beat, 3 of us who were nearby ran over to protect her and the camper by grabbing her harness and pulling back. It became all of our responsibility to not see either of them hurt. And I think that's what we're meant to do for women and their children. Not allow them to flounder or get hurt when we can be there to help. Just a little story to throw my two cents in there. Women should be able to rely on others. If she'd needed help with one of the smaller campers, we would've been there just the same, but we were especially needed when things got harder.
👆🏻this is exactly what I am talking about, anon! Thanks for this!
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
What makes each (canon and playable) Belmont unique, because they deserve it
Leon: The clan's founder, very first Belmont to use the whip, the one who completed it. He's the whole reason why the clan hunt the night and he also killed his own vampire lord <3 Also, he used to be very close to Mathias.
Trevor: First Belmont to kill Dracula. The whole country rejected him and he still came forth and defeated the bitch. Probably the SASSIEST of his clan, holy shit, i mean look at his scenes in CoD, i'm crying. Also the first to befriend Alucard. And if it wasn't for him, Sypha and Grant would still be cursed, trapped respectively in a stone statue and a monster's body.
Christopher: The only Belmont who failed to slay Dracula in his first attempt. It lead to Drac' kidnapping his son years later and Chris having to go save his boy and finish the job. (he's trying his best)
Simon: Killed Dracula twice. The second time he was cursed (by him), actively dying from it, tried to get help from the people but a good chunk of them either didn't help or gave him false informations so he would fail... He's the reason why his clan became liked by the people again, and who's success let to a whole village being build around them. <3
Juste: The most magical Belmont boyo. Didn't exactly fought Dracula but his wraith is close enough (who knows what would've happen if he didn't succeed in killing it). His best friend almost got him and their GF killed but it was because he wanted Juste to be relieved of his fate, he didn't mean for it to go this far :( (it also hints at Juste wishing he had a different fate, aka not having to spend his whole life hunting) Also the only Belmont we know the passion of: Interior design <3 (his "nice room... maybe a bit tasteless" dialogue and overall rude speeches makes me wanna put him second in the sassiest Belmonts list)
Richter: OOOOOH BOY. The one Belmont who adores hunting mayyyybe a bit too much... so much it got him to get hypnotised and possessed by Shaft <3 Interesting to think about <3 He did not save one, but four girls, and one of them is a 12 yrs/old who helped him defeat Drac and became his little sister. Adorable. <3 Also, not many people can brag about having dolls made of them. Oh, and HYDRO STORM-
Julius: He "destroyed Dracula for good". Basically the opposite of Leon who kinda helped in creating him. Cowboy Belmont. Lost his memory but never stopped kicking asses. Also, 55 yrs/old ?? He OLD.
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woodchipp · 2 months
So I didn't want to keep blowing up your messages on that post, so I'll try to respond as concisely and respectfully as I can here :)
Some of these are my opinions, some are speculation, and some are pulled directly from the Canon, but feel free to disagree all the same. This isn't me trying to argue, but tbh, I like engaging in debates/talking to people about media that I enjoy so I can get a different perspective on what to do/not as a writer. So here we go.
"That's basically the issue I take with the twist - a good chunk of the foreshadowing could be construed as Sunny feeling guilty about Mari's *suicide*, not his *manslaughter*. We're also not shown much of the process of Sunny's frustration growing until it boils over and he breaks the violin, so it just makes him flipping out at his sister feel out of left field."
I agree and that's where most of Omori's problem comes from. We're never shown the gap between when the photo album takes place and where the argument happens and I always had a feeling that it was tact on. We're told that Sunny was dealing with pain from the violin in a random throwaway line, but that was never conveyed. There should've been more of a build-up for what Sunny did, but I always saw it as more of the heat of a moment thing since the recital was happening, giving Mari a reason to be harder on him, on top of him already feeling nervous because, unless I'm mistaken, Sunny did deal with feeling nervous about the recital and only took up the violin because he wanted to spend time with her, not because he wanted to play. But nonetheless, that doesn't excuse the poor writing.
Again, feel free to disagree with him, but his breaking the violin shows where his priorities lay, and that was never on the violin, but his relationship with Mari. The violin was supposed to serve as a tool he could use to spend time with Mari, but all it ended up doing was driving them apart and having his doubts about himself fully realized because, from what we can tell, he always thought that he wasn't really good at anything (as evidence by what the books say in the Lost Library) and was more a less of a burden on his friends (which things ends up being proven to be true since his killing Mari burdens his friends AND his cowardly running away from the action stunts his growth and turns him into a being devoid of any meaning or purpose in life but to escape from the guilt he brought onto himself.)
So basically, already not feeling good enough was proven because he kept messing up his part, wanting to spend time with his sister and then indirectly driving their relationship into something that can only be indulged in if he's doing something he doesn't want to do. And I get it, "If he didn't want to, he should've said something," but tbh, it's more realistic for preteen kids to try to hang out with their "big kid" older siblings on their terms because they want to feel closer to them. My evidence? Like I said, having siblings with roughly the same age gap as Sunny and Mari.
(Ironically, I also played the violin and there were so many times my siblings wanted to play with me to spend time with me, so eh, funny coincidence there.)
11/12-year-olds are very emotional and reckless at times, and they tend to take a lot of things at surface level. I'm not attempting to justify Sunny's actions, but I've seen in action how QUICKLY rambunctious they get, ESPECIALLY in arguments or physical altercations with siblings.
My issue with Omori is that Mari is displayed as perfect and NOT the typical sibling, which makes their fight unrealistic to me. Sunny at the moment was a realistic child, but you can't honestly expect me to believe that someone as perfectly shown as Mari would've got into a physical altercation with Sunny in good faith, no matter how angry she was.
Mari needed to be aged closer to Sunny and to be closer to the average sibling for the fight to have been believable. Give a reason for the fight to be believable, because fights between siblings resulting in more harm than what was intended occurs A LOT in real life, age gaps be damned, but part of the emotional impact needs to be about the siblings' closeness, so why not just show a normal sibling relationship with ups and downs rather than this idealistic "mother-son" bond that they had?
That's what breaks it for me. In this case, yes, I believe that with how perfectly Mari was displayed, they should've gone for a suicide angle, whereas if they wanted to do a "younger sibling accidentally killed older sibling" they needed to make said older sibling believable. But I guess they thought that if Mari wasn't showcased as perfect, then the audience wouldn't have been endeared to her, which is just stupid logic because Aubrey is a problematic character (tbh they all are), and yet a lot of people still like her? Omocat confuses me sometimes.
Sunny should've had to explore the implications of the suicide while also piecing together that Mari WASN'T a perfect person, but the game seems to want to double down on that for some reason. You can't have your cake and eat it too game; either she was a good person who never would've engaged with her brother to such an angry and jarring degree OR she was a flawed, realistic person who got into a fight with her brother over a stressful thing that neither of them could communicate properly on, but the game doesn't seem to want to explore either of those things. Headspace Mari being perfect makes sense. He killed her. The least he can do is idolize her and make her an "angel figure." But then real world Mari is ALSO idealized? And I'm just like, that doesn't make any sense, but sure, ok...
"Also, from what I've heard (although so far it's unconfirmed), Mari was actually intended to have killed herself and the whole manslaughter twist was added MUCH later on, which would probably explain why it feels so inorganic with the rest of the story."
That makes sense and I also had a feeling that was the case.
"Isn't the whole good ending about how he's free to move on and how he'll no longer feel guilty? I mean, the additional secret cutscene even shows his and Basil's Somethings fading away entirely."
Ok, so here's where I start to disagree a bit. Sunny shouldn't feel shame (which is what I think you mean rather than guilt, but I could be mistaken", he should feel guilty. And I'm sure you going to ask, "Well what's the difference?" (Or maybe you already know, and it's my fault for assuming you don't.)
Shame, in this case, is a selfish thing. What Sunny did was a selfish thing. He killed his sister, albeit accidentally, and then pretty much hid said shame under the guise of an idealistic dream."
Guilt is feeling bad because you did a bad thing to another person, shame is believing you ARE a bad person. The guilt never goes away, it's the shame that does. Guilt is a healthy thing, shame typically isn't (it depends on the action tbh.)
The problem with shame is that it doesn't drive anyone to do anything but wallow in self-pity. If you truly believe you're a bad person, then 9 times out of 10, you're not going to make the effort to prove said belief wrong because shame goes deeper than a thought process. It's an entire evaluation of your character that doesn't even have to exist because you did something wrong, some people just feel shame naturally. Shame is heavily related to OCD (guilt can be too, but people with shame-related OCD usually believe they're bad people rather than they simply did/thought a bad thing).
Whereas you're constantly in a cycle of blaming yourself and feeling terrible and as a result of being in said cycle of shame, you never FORWARD yourself, and if you never do that, then you never take the time to try to right the person(s) you wronged.
Sunny should feel guilty and it's never said that it goes away, he still did a terrible thing to another person and as long as that fact remains, the guilt will always be there. It's the belief that he's an inherently evil person that goes away.
Guilt is healthy, shame isn't, and it's the guilt that drives him to come clean in the first place and the shame that drives him to, well, *glances at a bad ending.*
I feel like this is an issue with Omori fans when they say that Omori embodies the guilt because that's not true, he embodies that shame.
And we can see the logic, "I did a bad thing, so I'm bad and therefore I don't deserve to live," (and tbh I feel like the only people who don't deserve to live when they do bad things are like, r@pists and people into children and serial killers,) not a child who unintentionally killed their older sibling. Now if it was an older child who intentionally killed their younger sibling, I could see an argument there, but like I said, as a big sister, I couldn't in good faith believe that a younger sibling deserves to die over something they did unintentionally when they were twelve.
Whether or not Sunny is an inherently evil person once he's older is up to you when, but again, I can't as an older sibling say I wouldn't forgive my sibling for doing something to me like that. Maybe that's just me, but that's how I feel about it.
I noticed you said that you take issue with Mari forgiving Sunny in another post, but to me, as a big sister, that was the more realistic part of her character. Maybe it's not for everyone to agree on, but I couldn't see myself being angry/not forgiving my sibling over an accident, especially for causing said accident when they were twelve.
Anyway, that's just my thoughts. It's a bit of cluster fuck of ideas and concepts, and you're free to tear into them, but they're all just opinions at the end of the day.
We're told that Sunny was dealing with pain from the violin in a random throwaway line [...] unless I'm mistaken, Sunny did deal with feeling nervous about the recital
I don't think it was either pain or anxiety. He apparently viewed violin practice as a "nuisance" that prevented him from watching Saturday morning cartoons for as long as he wanted to and that's pretty much the only info you're given until the Black Space photo album lol
And I get it, "If he didn't want to, he should've said something,"
Eh, never saw any reason to apply that argument to him. Although I suppose it'd have been kinda interesting to see him initiate their big argument by blowing up at Mari because she got too harsh on him or something along these lines
part of the emotional impact needs to be about the siblings' closeness, so why not just show a normal sibling relationship with ups and downs rather than this idealistic "mother-son" bond that they had?
Sunny should've had to explore the implications of the suicide while also piecing together that Mari WASN'T a perfect person, but the game seems to want to double down on that for some reason. You can't have your cake and eat it too game; either she was a good person who never would've engaged with her brother to such an angry and jarring degree OR she was a flawed, realistic person who got into a fight with her brother over a stressful thing that neither of them could communicate properly on, but the game doesn't seem to want to explore either of those things. Headspace Mari being perfect makes sense. He killed her. The least he can do is idolize her and make her an "angel figure." But then real world Mari is ALSO idealized? And I'm just like, that doesn't make any sense, but sure, ok...
Yeah, exactly.
It baffles me to no end. We're told Sunny is quite the unreliable narrator right before the game reinforces his unreliable perception of Mari by portraying her as perfect in tne real world as well and it's just. ?????????????????
But I guess they thought that if Mari wasn't showcased as perfect, then the audience wouldn't have been endeared to her, which is just stupid logic because Aubrey is a problematic character (tbh they all are), and yet a lot of people still like her? Omocat confuses me sometimes.
People like Aubrey because she's *checks smudged writing on hand* an absolute girlboss and cunty. And if you don't like her, you're sexist. Seriously, that's most of the arguments I've seen being used in her defense when people talk about her lmao
I've spent quite a while dissecting this game and trust me, Omocat confuses me all the time. OMORI's writing desperately wants to be taken seriously but kinda just. falls apart when you actually take it seriously and think about it for more than 0.5 seconds
Omori representing Sunny's shame instead of his guilt would make the former disappearing after the DUET cutscene make sense. Huh, that's an Interesting interpretation
I noticed you said that you take issue with Mari forgiving Sunny in another post, but to me, as a big sister, that was the more realistic part of her character. Maybe it's not for everyone to agree on, but I couldn't see myself being angry/not forgiving my sibling over an accident, especially for causing said accident when they were twelve.
Ironically, my issue with Mari forgiving Sunny is that it kinda makes her look even more perfect than she already is. Like she's so perfect that she can't even get angry at her brother for cutting her life short
In any case, this was a pretty nice and civil discussion. Thank you for writing me! :D
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the-vixen · 8 months
𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥 : 𝙀𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
When you are sent on a mission to rescue Ethan Hunt from prison, the events that domino will force you to face the ghosts of your past and your guilt tied to Ethan.
This takes place throughout the events of ghost protocol. There will be a change in the story and the events of the mission impossible 2 and 3. Ethan and Julia never got married, a certain amount of information will be changed that will be revealed in the story.
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You sighed as you dumped your old bandages, after replacing them with a fresh one. According to Jane you lost a good amount of blood by the time you went to go help brandt; killing wistrom in the process. 
She was upset by your disobedience, you could've stayed and covered Benji in the time she went to provide backup to Brandt. 
You were a little bit out of it by then, but Brandt got you help in time. 
Now you were in Seattle. 
Ethan took a lot of damage while stopping Hendricks, as usual in Ethan Hunt fashion, he drove a car off a ramp and let it drop 100 meters to the ground. He was in the hospital for a couple of weeks before being discharged. 
The IMF was back in the process of being reinstated, most of the work had already been done, just yours and Benji's evaluation, Brandt's position and Jane's ranking left in processing. 
Ethan had met up with Luther, catching up with him after his time away and updating him on what happened during the mission. You missed Luther, but you haven't spoken to him lately either.
Of course, only Ethan would blurt out "mission accomplished" while aborting a nuclear warhead. 
He had requested the rest of the team to meet him there, you didnt go. 
Not that it mattered, you've been listening to everything Ethan's been saying by bugging his table. 
But you couldn't bring yourself to see Ethan again, not anymore now that he had no reason to stick around with you either. You didnt see him when he was at the hospital but you did send little tidbits to keep him entertained under an anonymous identity. 
You knew that Ethan knew it was you, the two of you used to play games like this and follow a language that only the two of you could speak. 
You just also knew you didnt have the courage to meet him face to face again after the kiss. Even more so if Jane told him you got hurt again cause of Wistrom. 
You listened to the bug, hearing how Ethan expressed his gratefulness that the team functioned well, and how he was glad that they ended up together. A bitter part of you felt like he wouldn't have been so positive and vocal about the mission going well if you were there. 
But you knew Ethan was kind. He probably wouldn't do that. 
"y/n's not coming huh?" the sound of your name from his mouth making you stop. 
"no...havent heard much from her.." Jane shook her head. 
You swallowed and closed your eyes, continuing to listen as Ethan explained to Brandt that Julia didnt die, he just faked her death for her safety...for her protection. But as to why he went to prison, he just told him that he had his own reasons. He had to protect someone he cared about. 
Listening to Ethan reassure and reconcile with Brandt, putting the man at ease after the years of guilt hes faced, made you wonder again. 
Why not you?
Why didnt he do the same for you?
You wanted to kill that wounded part of you. 
That pathetic part of you that's probably metamorphosed your platonic feelings for Ethan into feelings of love. 
"Are you ever gonna see me again?" Ethan's voice came through, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked at your laptop. 
"its impressive...bugging the table I would be on...bugging my hospital bed...bugging my apartment..." he spoke. "although I would've preferred to see your face. catch up." he spoke through to you. 
You bit your lip, a slight flare of confusion and frustration at his tone and statements. It feels like hes playing with you...just not in the way youre used to. 
You waited by your laptop, waiting for anything else to be said. 
At the stretch of silence, you disconnected the bug, getting ready to pack your stuff up. 
You weren't sure where'd you go, but you were not needed here. You only followed Ethan to Seattle to make sure hes okay. 
After packing your stuff, you heard the apartment door unlock. 
On alert, you grabbed your gun and headed for the door, suspicious at the presence of an intruder. Carefully, you walked out, your gun up and pointed in the direction of your attention. 
"move and I shoot." you turned to the front door, finding Ethan standing there with his hands in his hoodie pockets. 
Unexpected but unsurprised, you lowered your gun, "picked the lock?"
"Already knew where I was?"
"Here to scold me some more?" You looked at him. 
Ethan shook his head and smiled softly, locking the door again behind him. You watched him in apprehension, putting the gun away. 
"what do you want Ethan?" you looked at him before walking into your room. 
He trailed behind you, "to talk. face to face preferably. it makes the conversation more interesting watching your reactions." he said. 
A smile quirked up your lips before you shoved it back down. It wasn't fair. He doesn't get to do that. You turned around, maintaining a poker face as you looked at him, "so talk."
"Im sorry. About how I treated you during the mission.." He began. 
You crossed your arms, "that doesn't cut it Ethan...you..you can't just..undermine me and treat me like a kid and then go and enact your hunches on me. Im not a sidekick for you to use and dispose." You sat down on your bed. 
Ethan's gaze analyzed you, before he took a step forward. "I had to make sure you were safe."
You shook your head, "if I wasn't safe the secretary wouldn't have put me on the mission--"
"--not that kind of safe." he interrupted. "your safety. I had to make sure your safety was---"
"--it still doesn't matter! I know I make mistakes but that can't be a reason for you to treat me so shittily. if it's a personal reason because I got you sent to prison then say that. be transparent. dont say shit like my safety mattered and then go and tell me you'd much prefer that I was out of the team completely!" you stood back up, upset. 
Ethan watched you, "you weren't the reason I went to Rankov Y/n.." he said, making you scoff as your emotions bubbled up. "dont give me that bs Ethan...I know. the secretary all but confirmed it. You went to prison after rescuing Julia cause of the Ukraine mission fuck up and the Serbians that followed you to Moscow. you took the punishment because you were responsible for keeping me in line and I didnt listen to you and got the asset killed. it was my fault and youre upset about it so youve been unable to trust me and that's why you've been treating me like shit--" 
"Y/n you weren't the reason I went to rankov! you were in a coma!" Ethan snapped. 
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