#*pjo brainrot
talleryn · 3 months
Genre of show I’ve been watching recently:
“Hey you see that kid who is very cool and also very talented”
“Yeah why?”
“Yeah they’re like 12”
“Want to go traumatise them?”
“… yeah absolutely”
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applecidersstuff · 1 month
Pjo AU, but the plot stays more or less the same, the only difference is that pjo!ares is replaced by myth!ares
So onto the differences:
Ares is a girls girl. He goes to feminist protests and pro-choice protests. Is the kind of person to beat up a guy who tried to drug a girl. Will pretend to be a girl's husband if sees her being harassed by a creepy dude, after the guy leaves calls an Uber for the girl.
He's a girl dad, despite having very few daughters over the last couple of centuries. Clarrise, and everyone in camp, know that she can ask him to become a goddess and he will make her one. Because she usually gets mistaken for a golden child some new campers think she's weak and is a counselor because she's Ares' favorite. They quickly find out that she can, and will, beat your ass if you try mocking her.
And don't think that just because Ares is a girl dad he doesn't love his sons. He's the kind of dad to have pictures of his kids in his wallet and tell about their achievements to anyone who'll listen.
He has a tradition of hosting a party for his children's birthdays(which he remembers) and he gets them gifts.
At some point after tlt he learns what Sally did to Gabe and immediately starts fangirling after her. They become friends. He's her maid of honor at her wedding with Paul.
Clarrise also has beef with Percy in this AU, but not why you think. Annabeth tells Luke she thinks Percy might be the son of Poseidon and this idea spreads among the counselors and gets back to Clarrise and she's mad, because she knows the story of Alcippe and Halirrhothius and automatically doesn't trust any children of Poseidon, so she has beef with him in the beginning, that goes down the same way, and that's why Ares has beef with Percy later on.
Because he's friends with Sally, at some point, after her and Paul start dating but before she tells him about the whole "my ex is a greek god" thing, she gets Ares and Aphrodite go on a double date with them, because in her eyes there are no better judges for her new boyfriend then the goddess of love and the god protector of women.
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imnotrealdeadass · 5 months
Athena punishes Annabeth for challenging the narrative because she is essentially a god of logic and strict, fine tuned structure and the structure of the gods and their narrative is, to her, the greatest structure of all
And Poseidon appreciates Percy's bite and impertinence because in his own words "The ocean does not like to be tamed"
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mydairpercabeth · 4 months
are yall ready for my next ten posts to only be dissertations about this show???
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lovvjaii · 2 years
a nico-jason-percy sleepover where they start rating guys at chb, leading to nico using pillows to absolutely body percy and jason for making faces at each other once they mention will
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burninbriight · 11 months
after reading the sun and the star my semi-dormant pjo obsession has risen and is infesting my brain side by side with bsd. so.
bsd percy jackson au: a series of self indulgent hcs
skk is the percabeth of the situation. iconic duo. unstoppable. EVERYBODY has heard about them. literal legends among the demigods baby
dazai is a child of athena, chuuya a child of ares
dazai's team beat chuuya's during capture the flag once and chuuya went aight bet. and kicked dazai's ass during the next capture the flag. his team still lost but at least he got an excuse to fight that annoying know-it-all bandaged and beautiful son of athena
the rest is history
the akutagawa sibilings are children of hades. goth mfs
now imagine them having the same storyline as the di angelo sibilings... now in this au you can see why akutagawa talks like he belongs to another age
gin would consider joining the hunters of artemis, but in the end they end up refusing to not leave their brother alone. plus, being immortal would mean seeing him and all of their loved ones die, and gin has had enough of her loved ones dying
if skk is percabeth, shinskk is solangelo
does atsushi fit the standards for a child of apollo? idk but i can't think of another godly parent for him so be it!
unlike will solace, healing is not atsushi's strongest task but he still spends a lot of time helping in the infirmary
and that's where he meets ryūnosuke
unlike solangelo the initial hostility is NOT one sided. ryū behaves like a bitch? atsushi gets bitchy right back.
cue to atsushi looking extremely pissed while bandaging ryū's arm and them muttering insults at each other
ryūnosuke swears he hates that fucking failed doctor and atsushi would almost believe him if it wasn't for the amount of times ryūnosuke has tried sacrificing himself to save him during their quests
also in this au rashomon is a hellhound like mrs. o'learly. she's a sweet doggo that devours space and souls
or she's one of ryū's cocoa puffs? (does this count as a tsats spoiler taken out of context?)
you know that one scene in tsats where nico kisses the back of will's neck and says "i'm proud of you"? now picture that as atsushi to ryūnosuke. yeah.
also atsushi has plague powers bc i say so
yosano is the real will here: overworked healers who feel extremely guilty for every patient that died under their watch to the point of considering themselves murderers
she runs that infirmary like it's the navy
she's also a hell of a fighter, both with bows and arrows and with her own fists
bff with ranpo, who's the oracle!
they gossip abt apollo (boyfail) and complain abt their respective fundamental but hella hard roles at chb
also besties w/ chuuya
also hear me out on kousano in this au... yosano falls helplessly in love with hunter of artemis!kouyou. kouyou tries to convince herself that she's not falling for that bossy and selfless and brave doctor because she has an oath to keep and she couldn't let love knock at her door again. so everytime the hunters come to chb kouyou keeps yosano company and it's all longing looks and painful yearning. yosano wishes she could convince the redhead to break the oath and stay.
but she won't. i <3 kousano angst
moving onto happier lesbians. gin loves wandering by themselves in the forest or by the lake. people know them as the demigod who just fucks off to take a stroll in the woods and disappear there for an indefinite amount of time
and that's how she meets an awkward, stubborn but lovely dryad: you guessed it, it's higuchi!
gin was having a bad day and kicked a tree because they were just so angry— anger turned to guilt when the tree fucking yelped
gin immediately apologized and higuchi asked them what was bothering them. gin never loved to talk, so they were very surprised by themselves when they started rambling about their problems to a dryad they just accidentally hurt
from that day gin began spending even more time in the forest
sometimes they bring higuchi to camp
it isn't unusual for dryads to wander around camp, but higuchi usually kept on her own before meeting gin
higuchi helps gin to open up about their emotions and lower their walls, gin helps higuchi to make friends and to value and love herself
chuuya's fatal flaw is loyalty, dazai's is pride, ryūnosuke's is holding grudges, atushi's is holding too tight onto the past, gin's is also loyalty, yosano's is guilt
tachihara is a child of hermes. parallels between two regretful traitors el oh el
except that luke fucking sucks while tachihara has my heart
lucy is deffff a child of aphrodite but she's so lovely she doesn't even need to use charmspeak to get what she wants. whatever you say beloved princess
idk why but i can picture her throwing an hairbrush at an ancient titant like rachel... her and rachel are acc pretty similiar imo but i will not elaborate
poe is an athena kid! the biggest loser in cabin 6!
lucy and yosano tease him on his crush on ranpo
ranpo is there like damn. is this guy gonna confess or do i have to tell him we are going to date via prophecy
poe is a surprisingly good archer, the apollo kids are almost jealous
nikolai is an hecate kid. a little trickster. a silly magician. he will steal your nose but like in the literal sense and he might not give it back
his best friend is sigma from the aphrodite cabin. sigma cannot fucking stand him
nikolai is actually the reason why sigma has split colored hair. it used to be fully white but one day nikolai went heyyy girlie look at this new hair trick my sibiling taught me :] and sigma ended up actually loving the look? so they kept it
the dryads love sigma and he spends a lot of time with them. they braid flowers in each other's hair and chill
nikolai on the other hand somehow befriended the arpies
fyodor is a child of nemesis. edgelord
jouno is a child of hermes, the eldest in the cabin
half of the camp wants him, the other half wants him gone
teruko is a child of hebe, the goddess of youth!!!!
she's ones of the oldest campers along with jouno, but she prefers to keep her child form for unknown reasons
also i can see her joining the hunters tbh
that's it for now folks i hope someone appreciates my brainrot xoxo
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thatoneangryduck1 · 3 months
Me: "huh that Percy Jackson book is getting a TV series... I heard the movie was really bad so I should read the book just in case. Maybe it's good?"
20 books later: "what just happened"
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nmqii · 3 months
poodle intimidation
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poppitron360 · 1 month
Okay so I'm reading MOA rn and I've just discovered Brason. And I'm wondering-
Pls reblog to get a wider area!
Also is Jason x Stapler called Stason or Japler? I want answers!
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moodyjazzyblues · 9 months
idk why but mermaid ghost king nico- bro i love this literally ugh
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the digital one was smt i rushed for my portfolio class but i really like the perspective and foreshortening on the pose ahwiwoaihwoehekfkgb
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applecidersstuff · 2 months
I think people don’t talk enough about the fact that by casting people who look differently from the book description Uncle Rick not only scowled us that percabeth are soulmates in every universe, but also he showed us how similar Percy and Luke are.
I just saw a video about Percy and Luke. They put arts there. I caught myself on being unable to understand who I saw on the picture. I couldn’t understand who it was at first, Percy or Luke?
Percy had black straight hair. Luke was just like Hermes, he had ashy blond hair that was chaotic.
They became each other.
They were always the same.
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aceing-on-the-cake · 4 months
I'm aware that the gods being different beings to humans and to their demigod children does not excuse them for the way they still treat and look at their children, but like I've was thinking about annabeth, because I think often, always maybe, and I was thinking about the fact that Athena was never a child. She was born fully grown.
Which again, that doesn't excuse her behavior. That doesn't excuse her lack of empathy because you don't need to experience a situation to be empathetic to it, but regardless the point still stands, Athena was never a child.
Meaning she doesn't know what it's like to be young as Annabeth. She doesn't know what it's like to be young, and to need a parent. Not just want a parent, but need one.
She is the goddess of wisdom, so how is she to know what it's like to be young and dumb. To be young and unsure. To be, young.
And Annabeth, is always going to have to live with the fact that Athena doesn't know. That she'll never know. That she'll never understand.
That might actually have all been acceptable, I think Annabeth might have even been able to live with that, if Athena at least tried.
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which one of you is bringing back the Ask The Seven Memes because my mental health quite literally depended on them and it sure as hell thrived when they were a thing
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justaz · 2 years
aww wait do y’all think percy ever took his family on deep sea trips? i can just see sally, annabeth, and paul all in an air bubble at the bottom of the sea as percy shows them cool things like a bunch of different sea creatures. i could see him encouraging them to play with the sharks and going on rescue missions together to save turtles and fishes that were trapped (and almost killed) by pollution.
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slices-of-naranja · 5 months
Percy Jackson….. Percy Jackson my boy.
Just a kid. Just a kid who loves his mother and has been called “different” and “special” all his life and has never really fit in. 6 schools in 6 years, no matter how hard he tried. Who only feels loved and at home with his mom. Who finds out his only friend betrayed him and lied to him. Who finds out that his mom has been protecting him from so much more than he thought, not just an abusive stepdad. Who shows up to camp, at the Hermes cabin, expecting a fight, only to be greeted warmly by a kid who’s so much more similar to him than he realizes. Yet who goes down such a different path.
A kid who did not ask for this weight on his shoulders. A kid who does not want to carry out the will of the gods, a kid who does not want to be a hero, a kid who just wants a father who will answer his fucking questions and take responsibility for what he put Percy’s mother through.
A kid who will grow up to one of the most famed and feared demigods in modern history, regarded as a battle torn warrior, with too many scars to count, some of them too deep to even see. Will have walked through hell itself for the people he loves. And that warrior will want nothing more than to see his mom for the holidays and to kiss his baby sister good night and to go to college with his girlfriend. A kid who will make the gods answer for their neglect. A kid who the world owes so much without even knowing it. I can’t. I love him.
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k1ttnz · 1 year
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