artist-issues · 1 year
And another thing.
The original The Little Mermaid is about understanding. One of the main plot devices is that the witch takes what from Ariel, ladies and gentlemen?
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Her voice.
Ariel did not leave the sea “for a boy.”
Ariel left the sea to be understood. Because for the whole first part of the movie, we’re shown hints of what her life is already like, and how she’s tried to be understood but nobody’s listening or communicating.
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She’s introduced by describing a ship as amazing and wonderful, while her fish friend clearly does not understand and wants to get out of there.
Even her best friend doesn’t share her love for another world.
Her first interaction with her father, count how many times he’s speaking over her.
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He has this prejudice against humans, and because she’s disobeyed him, he won’t listen to any of her evidence that they may not all be bad.
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Even when she has a voice and a cavern full of proof that humans aren’t all barbarians, her father won’t listen to her, so he can’t understand.
And the truth is, she doesn’t have that much proof. She knows that humans are clever and make “wonderful things,” and that’s what she bases her belief in them on. But those beautiful objects, and her pretty ideals, are not enough to make her abandon her family and culture and world.
When she sings and talks about why she wants to be Part of That World, it’s because she wants to understand it. And, subconsciously, Ariel also hopes to be understood up there. Where they make cool devices, and maybe daughters can stand instead of being reprimanded. There’s this hope for freedom and being known associated with the surface.
But it’s not until she meets Eric that those ideals are really, actually, proven true.
Ariel sees Eric out on the sea exploring instead of staying in a palace on his birthday. He gets a gift from the closest person to him, and it’s clear that even the closest person to him doesn’t understand his tastes—he doesn’t want an over-dramatic statue of himself. He sticks to his ideals in an argument that somewhere out there, is the right girl for him. But he doesn’t have to leave the argument in frustrated tears. In the end, he risks his life to not only watch out for his friend, but nearly dies going back to a burning ship to save his dog.
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Eric personifies everything Ariel has always idealized about the Human World—AND he might understand her.
In her one observation of him, she finds out that he, a human, is:
A Prince, but nobody can tell him what to do.
More interested in activity and exploration than palace ceremony.
Unable to relate to his closest companions.
Handsome—beautiful, not a savage.
Criticized for “silly, romantic notions” but sticks to the idea of something wonderful out there in the great beyond.
Brave, self-sacrificial, and compassionate to animals.
Eric is, all at once, everything Ariel always hoped a human could be, and yet still so like herself. They have twin souls.
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She’d rather be exploring human ships, he’d rather be out exploring the sea. She believes the surface world is good and beautiful, he believes in the girl of his dreams, no matter what anyone says. She has nobody who gets excited about new adventures, and he has nobody who gets excited about new adventures.
When she sees him, she falls in love not just with his upstanding character, or even the human world he represents—she falls in love with the hope that he might understand her in away nobody under the sea does.
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Then the ironic thing is, she’s got to make him understand who she is and what she should mean to him without a voice. And unfortunately, that’s really hard because he is suddenly associating his dream girl with a voice and a magical rescue.
As close as they may get when she finally does meet him face to face and gets herself human legs, Ariel and Eric can’t be together until he knows who she is, for real. After all, how can love be true without understanding?
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And we’re not DONE with understanding. Because even after he learns what and who she is and still commits to her and saves her and loves her, Ariel’s back to having a tail. She’s back to being in a world where he can’t be.
Except now, Triton is the one who understands. He finally sees what they’ll do for each other—and that Eric, ”savage, spineless, harpooning fish eater with no regard” saved his daughter. He sees that they love each other and are each worthy of the other’s love.
It’s not until Triton understands what Ariel has known and felt all along that he gives her human legs the right way.
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That’s the point of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. “True love is found in understanding and sacrificing for one another.”
Triton had the sacrificing idea down, but he didn’t have understanding. Eric had understanding, but he didn’t have the chance to sacrifice for it.
Ariel has both. She understands that Eric’s world is not only barbaric, but beautiful, and she’s willing to sacrifice her tail to be understood in that world.
That is what this movie is all about. And because they’re probably willing to sacrifice critical scenes, like the Prince saving the day (which is important because it provides Triton with a new understanding of humans) or the girl leaving the ocean to be with the boy (which is important because what she really wants is to be understood) the creators of the Live Action Little Mermaid are going to miss the point and ruin the movie.
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kotos-and-smiles · 1 year
Ch.124 Analysis and Rambling
As I often do, I’ll be referencing tessenpai’s rough tl which you can find here
Felt so good to have a new chapter after last month’s break! And we have the very interesting return of Uzuki with characters I was not expecting to see him interacting with.
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Firstly, damn, Tetsuki really does try to ditch Isaki immediately after he’s able. Unfortunately for him, Isaki is the type to be forcefully ‘courteous’. Isaki was so amazing in this chapter, specifically with regards to Uzuki. Firstly her anger is very justified and relatable (I still wouldn’t completely mind punching him in the face, but I get we’re past that now). I enjoy the humor of the situation as well, and Isaki could indeed take down Uzuki if she wanted to. She’s both rightfully mad and also polite, as expected both Isaki and Tetsuki respecting Chika’s decision to invite him. I cannot handle at all the little panels of 103 flashbacks though of Chika in pain. And then Isaki just invites Uzuki out to lunch with a threatening smile on her face, and like how great is that? Also adore how afraid Tetsuki is of the women in Chika’s life. He knows what’s up.
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I love that Momoya is able to honestly express that he’s tired when Takezou asks, instead of brushing it off with an ‘I’m fine.’ I don’t know, this chapter just really conveyed how much more comfortable Momoya seems with the club and allowing himself to just be himself. I also forgot about Yoshinaga’s “Chikaism” though and it is beautiful as always. Takinami’s appearances lately being purely to convey how annoyed he is are still wonderful. What Keishi said about how some competitors don’t listen to their competition’s performances because they don’t want it to affect their own was interesting because it made me just think about how Tokise is definitely the type of school that benefits a lot from hearing many different people’s sound. And there’s enough value in hearing those performances to them that it’s basically the only thing that’ll keep them from practicing, I think. That and they’re such dedicated koto nerds that want to hear everything they can.
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Loved seeing Momoya talk about Chibana and be a bit savage towards them. And also accepting the club’s affectionate shenanigans even if he’s not used to them yet.
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Ooof, Tomoe. How does she even perform if she’s like this every time? That’s some dedication to performing, I guess. Seeing Hiro and Satowa be so encouraging though is great to see.
I am never getting over that Satowa carries around the same strawberry candies as Chika once gave her because they help calm her down. Like, she carries a whole tin of them and is sharing them when she sees someone else obviously in distress because she wants to help even if Tomoe hasn’t been the nicest to Tokise. All of it’s so sweet, and yeah, I’m gonna be thinking about those strawberry candies for a long while now. And Hiro calling Satowa out on it, my god, I just love all of that.
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We see a bit of a look into Tomoe’s mindset around Tokise, but I really like what her friend said about finding out what Tokise is really like when they hear them perform. Because that’s what it’ll really come down to, the music, the performance, and how it’ll carry the heart and voice of the people playing. But for now, Chibana will just have to focus on their own performance, and considering we know nothing about their sounds, and I don’t think we’ve heard much of their strengths and weaknesses either, though I could be forgetting, I’m really interested to see how their performance goes.
Honestly poor Tetsuki, now having to deal with both Isaki and Uzuki also getting roped into everything. Isaki went into full on Aunt Mode with Uzuki, like I may not like this kid but he’s gonna eat on my watch, and I really love that type of interaction. Isaki in general and how she understands Chika’s situation with some of the people around him but is also gonna protect Chika first and foremost is beautiful to see. She’s able to see through just her anger or resentment and relate how Chika has acted to how Uzuki’s acting, and again, she doesn’t want to let that happen on her watch. That little detail of Chika not eating when he first moved into with her even kind of surprising Tetsuki was really good and also so sad. In general, just hearing about how Uzuki feels about food does remind you of just how bad of a place Uzuki is in mentally. How she pushes the food issue with Uzuki by not making it an obligation for him to eat it all, but asking him simply to order something even if he only has a bite was a really great way of doing it and shows Isaki’s compassion, again even if she doesn’t like this boy, hasn’t forgiven him, much like Chika, she’s also not gonna let him just destroy himself either. 
“It takes a hell of a lot of strength to face what you’ve done and live with it. If you don’t have that kind of resolution, you don’t deserve to hear Chika and the rest’s performance.” These lines are really impactful. She’s telling Uzuki he has to face what he’s done, but it also takes a lot of strength to do that, so he better step up or he won’t be deserving of the chance Chika is giving him. While Chika still has some remaining self-worth issues when it comes to protecting himself, Isaki and those around him value him so much that they’re going to both respect his wishes and be angry and expect something of the people who have wronged him. They’re not gonna hesitate to make it clear how much protecting him is their first priority. Isaki just bridges the understanding and the knowledge Uzuki did something very wrong so well. She expects for him to step up and face it, and she knows that’s hard, but damn if he doesn’t deserve the hard process. But as Chika said in ch.111, hopefully Uzuki will come to learn with the performance what people can be to each other, what caring about someone really means, and while that may be hard in the face of his previous actions, facing it will allow him to better himself and move on, if he so chooses, if he’s strong enough to.
This also reminded me of what honestly might be one of my favorite quotes from this manga, though I have many, that Isaki said in ch.115. I don’t think I ever wrote anything about it, but this quote hit me so hard the first time I read it and still gets me with how true I feel it is
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“But people change. Even when they don’t want to. They can’t stay as they were. And yet, when they do want to change, they’re unable to do so. We’re awkward creatures like that.”
Humans really are awkward like that. Much like in ch.115 with Isaki calling Chika’s dad, she has handled both him and Uzuki so, so beautifully. She is fully respecting Chika’s wishes while also letting these people in his life who have wronged him know where he’s at and that really they should be concerned with what they’ll do with the chance of listening to Chika, because Chika is living his own life. It’s up to Uzuki and Chika’s dad alike if they want to be any part of that or listen to what his music has to say, but they’re also sure as hell not gonna ruin that for Chika ever again. I don’t really know how much this specific quote even relates to ch.124, I just wanted to talk about it because I think it’s such a well-stated point. Sometimes we change when we don’t want that, and other times we can’t seem to change no matter how much we might want to, but it’s just a truth all of us sometimes have to face. The attitude both Chika and Isaki are taking on the subject, and that it seems Uzuki is trying to pick up as well, is that all that anyone can do now is move forward though the past will never change and never disappear, but there is still growth and peace to be found if people are open to working on it. Here’s hoping that Uzuki both does want to change and will be able to do so.
Anyway, going back to ch.124, it was hilariously predictable how everyone ended up staying to hear the rest of the performances despite their exhaustion. Takinami expecting it was amazing, and while he’s exasperated with it I love how happy Akira is about it. Also Yoshinaga just staring intently, sparkles included, at Momoya until he wordlessly gives in to staying was so damn cute.
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Also, there were just so many cute little panels from this chapter
Anyway, I loved this chapter so much, pretty much as always, but I never get any less appreciative of how great every chapter that comes out is. I am very much in need of a reread of this entire manga, so hopefully what I was saying still made sense. As always, feel free to share your thoughts on the chapter as well!
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hey it’s me again you’re favorite ghost🤪 I vanished but it’s currently 2 AM and I have a list on my phone of all the things I haven’t read and this makes for a perfect occasion to binge read all of them😀 Don’t want to bore you lol so I’ll try to be quick: Namjoon and Michele: YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE WRITTEN ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. NOW I WANT THE WHOLE STORY. damn. I’ve been waiting for so long to know what happened between these two. This is the perfect moment to say that I’m a *sucker* for “fwb” -ish tropes and honestly after the latest flux chapter I needed Namjoon’s POV so THANK YOU!!
A bouquet of flowers: I’m just very thankful every time I find out you wrote something starring yoongi. You’re probably the only writer that makes me read yoongi and not feel like he’s found something “out of character” (not that we know his character, but I hope you get what I mean lol). And his grandma being gone in Hawaii is so savage and chaotic she’ll always be my favorite 🤩.
The Mishka/JK cockring situation: hilarious. Poor naive Jk not even questioning why she was so snappy towards the vendor lol. Also around the time you published this I was in Treviso (not Dragon Age Treviso, but still!) so I may or may not have crossed paths with these two👀
Fae Jimin: I LOVE THE CONCEPT OF INTERACTIVE STORIES! Don’t know if you’re familiar with the game “Life is Strange” but I loved it and kind of reminded me of it. And both endings were kind of creepy tbh💀 also I loved the line “beautiful. Humanesque but definitely not entirely human, no mortal man could look like that” because that’s exactly how I would describe jimin in real life😅
And I just finished the jk and pippa wash the dishes Drabble and I only have one question, probably stupid but I’m curious: do women’s bodies after birth/nursing actually react like that when they hear a baby cry? I saw multiple videos on this topic on tiktok the other day (don’t ask why they popped up I have no idea lol) and now I read this so I’m like “wait is it all true??” Not that I don’t believe people’s experiences, I just don’t trust people on tiktok 😃
I think that’s all? Oh I have to read asunder but I’m waiting for more chapters to pile up because I realized every update I kept forgetting stuff, I introduce you to my short term memory 😃
Also two things (since I’ve been lurking on your Tumblr anyway👀): you took days off work to write?? You’re now my role model, what I aspire to be when I’m an adult (because I’m not, I’m still 12 didn’t you know?). I suck at taking time for myself🥹 show me your secrets. I also hope you’re doing well❤️ don’t stress!
And number two: Halloween is coming up! I read your kids costume ideas and they’re so cute😭❤️ I’m so jealous of every other part of the world when it comes to Halloween because it’s my favorite holiday here no one celebrates it here, apparently they are boring and care about Christmas🙄. Anyway, if you need ideas on your costumes I’ll be Yor Briar from SpyxFamily👀 (if my costume arrives in time. If not I’ll do what I did last year aka tied my hair in a bun, drew red lines across my face, called 🌚, gave her a red scarf and then went “boom Eren and Mikasa”😅)
Hot damn girl your novels are such a delight to read!
OK let's start with my favorite part of this, the question about physiological response to babies crying: yes! Caveat, all women are different, even between different postpartums can be different. But my experience and I heard this from many others too is that often especially with a newborn who's freaking out, the mother's body responds in a similar panic and it's much easier for the father to handle the screaming baby because he may not have the same response. For me, I would start shaking, heart racing, sweating, sometimes crying, just total overwhelm (also if you're nursing, sometimes your milk drops at the sound of a baby crying, not even your own.) Sometimes babies just cry, there's nothing even wrong, and it was unbearable at times. It got more manageable for me over time, especially once I was done nursing, but I definitely still have a physical response to my kids crying (even when I know they are perfectly fine!) I'll wake up from the dead of sleep at the faintest chirp (save me please I need to sleep.) When it was strongest, it definitely happened with other children too (though stronger for my own.) I could not watch a movie with a crying baby in it, I'd start freaking out. Hormones are crazy as shit.
Now onto the rest! I'm so glad you're enjoying all the other stuff. It's a lot to binge! Flux Namjoon will definitely get some more attention. I had actually hoped to start his collection a little earlier, so maybe i'll go backwards too. I just really want to do all the members justice, and it's sort of a sad arc with Michele but he'll get to the happier place he deserves 😊
Fae Jimin was great fun though I wish now I'd let myself write even more leading up. I love interactive fiction and have long wanted to do projects in that vein, blending my writing and my video game career. It's why I play around with the reader insert stories sometimes too. I hope to explore some more, although to really do what I want would be a massive undertaking, so probably not in the near future haha.
I'm so flattered you like my Yoongis!! I used to think he was the hardest member to write but lately I've just been really enjoying getting into his head as a character, I'm looking forward to writing more about him through drabbles and Owl Yoongi. Also I'm working on a Min Je-ni drabble from when she and her husband first married and it's being fun, I love that chaotic granny too, she's so not coming back from Hawaii.
Asunder will probably get easier to follow too once we're to their adulthood, because then there weren't be as much time jumping and meeting people and stuff. Lowlander was super condensed and told from an outsider's perspective so it was a lot simpler; Asunder has SO much world building, it's a lot to keep up with!
As for the days off, yes I did haha, Because I also suck at taking time for myself too! I never stop moving and doing things and had really gotten to a breaking point after such a rough transition to fall so I actually took 4 days off and portioned them out so some were productive and some were restful --which for me meant writing. I wish I could have had a few more days to like just watch TV shows or something, you could argue that writing is not truly restful and you would be right lmao. But it's what I wanted to do and it soothed my heart.
I hope you manage to still have some fun for Halloween. Your costumes sound fun! Yor is a great costume idea!! I really should put some effort into doing something this year. We did our first trick or treat tonight but we've still got 3 Halloween parties/trick or treats to do... Last year I only got to do one because of my surgery right before. Can't believe that's been a whole year!!
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loyaloutwear-a · 6 years
@puhddin // sc. 
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                    ❛ why aren’t you on stephen’s list? ❜ she doesn’t need the woman’s name to know she’s dangerous --------- it radiates off of her. but maybe it was a good dangerous.
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tweedstoat · 3 years
im sorry, but reading ur last couple posts it kinda sounds like you think Ned should have been more overtly racist and bc he wasn’t grrm is racist, but on the flip side giving arya prejudice thoughts also makes grrm a racist and a bad writer? like grrm for sure has dodgy bits but you’re giving him a bit of a no win scenario here. if he had made the targs black like originally planned do you think that would have been better or worse? (1/2)
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ok im going to address this point by point because there is a lot of reaching and misunderstanding here
1. I am not here to present a ‘win’ scenario for GRRMs writing. I am discussing the shortcomings of the way he writes racism and yet uses racist tropes. A lot of these are as you state ‘no win’ scenarios because he decided to craft a world where racism exists while having extremely few characters of colour in important positions, AND while using racist tropes. There are many no win scenarios simply because of this tension.
2. I dont want Ned to be a more vocally racist character? And please point out where I said that Grrm was racist because Ned wasnt portrayed as having overt anti-dornish sentiment? I stated that because GRRM created a world where racism exists everything now has to be analysed bearing that in mind. It’s the same as stating that because misogyny exists in universe male characters are possibly (and likely) somewhat misogynistic and their interactions with with women and the way they treat female characters must be analysed in such a way.
Me stating that anti-dornish racism could have been a possible reason why Ned reacted less vehemently to the deaths of Elia and her children is me analysing it within the frame-work that GRRM set up. I’m using this to point out that when white authors add fantasy racism into a story they dont see the raicst implications of what they are writing because they dont understand the way racism impacts almost everything in real life.
For example in our world when non-white children or women go missing or are murdered their deaths are much less publicized than when white women or children get murdered or go missing. So yes racism affects the way that people are treated in such scenarios and when you decide to include fantasy racism in your story you have now included all of this extra stuff and need to do work to make sure that what you are writing does not perpetuate or enforce racism.
3. I literally never said arya having racist thoughts made GRRM a racist and bad writer. I have no clue where you got that. I used Aryas remark to highlight how anti-dornish sentiment clearly exists in the North because 9 year old children dont develop racist ideas in a vaccuum.
4. Where did I ever state that everything that happens to the martells was a micro aggression? I’m also confused as to where you got the word “micro” from??? Because idk about you but things like characters not really caring about the rape and death of a non-white woman and the deaths of her biracial children, a child being shunned because they “smelled dornish” and dornish women being hypersexualised in the narrative are some pretty macro aggressions.
5. Finally you deciding to ‘not discuss the essoss stuff’ is missing one of the main points of what I am trying to say. GRRM’s writing isnt racist because sometimes bad things happen to the Martells. The combination of his writing of the dothraki as savages with no introspection when compared to the free folk, the brutal killing of many martells for shock value, the contrast between the way he portrays Lyanna and the way he portrays Elia, the exotic/erotic trope he uses when writing dornish women, the fact that he hasnt named the princess of dorne while all her male counterparts have recieved names AND backstories and the fact that he made a white character the centre of the essoss plotline and a whole host of other decisions combine to make his writing....kinda racist. If it happened one time it may be a coincidence. If it happens about 10 times its a pattern.
Would it be racist if the Starks were written as inuit and then split up? Probably - given the history of murder and brutal seperation indigenous families have faced! Would making the more visibly indigenous stark children plainer while making the more white passing stark children better looking be racist? Probably - considering the way that eurocentric beauty standards are still upheld! With GRRM his issue is that he doesn't use 1 or 2 racist tropes in isolation. That could be a mistake. He uses several in succession.
Regarding the Targaryens being Black I think that if he wrote them in exactly the same manner (unlikely given how he treats other characters of colour) it likely wouldnt be racist but that the fandom probably would take it as an excuse to be racist.
So now that weve gotten through all of that straw-man criticism about my “take” I’m actually going to suggest some ways that he could have still written about fantasy racism without accidentally perpetuating it
1. If he is going to brutally kill off Elia he needs to AT LEAST have more discussions surrounding her death. Who Elia was as a person (dont just make her a sad cardboard cut out - I want to see some background on who she was outside of being an abandoned wife and mother). One story about Elia by Oberyn isnt enough. I also want to see more societal shock about Elias death because theres a weirdly small amount. The rape and murder of the crown princess shouldve been an extremely huge scandal and should have horrified many more people.
2. Theres no real way to kill off two non white children and have their white sibling be a prophetic hero without dicey implications so Aegon needs to survive and be the actual Aegon and not a secret blackfyre. We dont know if he is a secret blackfyre or not so this may just be a case of the fandom taking an excuse to be racist and running with it
3. Have more Dornish characters that dont die brutally for shock value (Elia, Oberyn, Quentyn). Furthermore when you only have 2 povs of dornish characters,,,,and you kill one of them off, yes that is not a great look
4. Dont introduce the only WoC pov in the whole damn book nipple first and as a blatant play on the brown seductress when she has legitimate political concerns and greivances
And thats only the dornish characters! With the dothraki and most of essoss just.....anything aside from what he’s done would be better. But of course im sure none of this is actually racist writing decisions. No its simply complex characterisation of course!!1!
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casterlygldcs · 2 years
who: @gcuienveres​ where: the lannister apartments of white harbor when: the night of daemon targaryen's death, tyland and guinevere's last interaction
fury; it was all tyland lannister could think of, the colour red was all he could contemplate - the feeling of his pride, his kingdom being so utterly exposed by she, who was supposed to be one of their own. had he not given her all he could muster, anything worldly she could ever want, ensure none would dare question or harm her again for the wrath of her brother? his wrath was dangerous, in turmoil; and aimed directly at the sight of the lioness stood before him, as though he were judge, jury and executioner all at once. it were as though, in the numbing shock of all that had occurred, how one moment he were ready to start a war to ensure she and jason would leave the room unharmed, and then...
how many times had she accompanied her brothers to breakfast, as though she had not been in the bed of the man who had slain her own some years earlier? the thought of it sickened him, the notion that veins carrying the royal blood that was his own had been so slandered, so tainted, and so undone before the entirety of the court; and perhaps was infuriated him more, was the fact it was she who had uttered the truth. broken, feeble, exhausted from the lies she had learned to bare the brunt of upon her shoulders; it took all in his control to ensure he did not strike her then and there himself, disgusted by the mere sight of her.
it was control he needed, more than anything else; the ability to spin this narrative to one that would benefit his throne, his kingdom, and further weaken his enemies. it was this control he pondered on as he fixed a dangerous, emerald gaze upon her; lannister guards stood against the woman that was now a traitor to the eyes of the court in terms of the law. his sister had turned from a golden beauty to a stranger, with as much honour and dignity for herself as a common whore to allow herself into bed with a man who would have killed her own family, who allowed those iron born savages to ransack and loot their way through their city...it disgusted him. she disgusted him.
control, he needed control; of his fury, that seemed to grow increasingly one moment, before flattening in another. he would have control in some way, of what became of his little sister for her disgusting transgressions; their brother would be broken by this news, the look on his face was one of a man that had the world slipped from under his feet. and whilst tyland knew, whilst it may not be this night, some night he would mourn; in this moment, he cared little for it. there was silence, a golden head bowed before a throne; how vindictive he was toward her, how much he wished to make her regret such a move to ever cross him.
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for she had crossed him; and whilst he would make sure she would regret it, he would ensure rowan arryn regretted it first. that smug bastard; the mere thought of the man's dark, brooding features was enough to cause the lion king to suddenly rise from his throne, a blaze of thunder and fury as his voice suddenly bellowed across the wall. "i tell you now, you are lucky to be leaving this chamber free of shackles, seeing sunlight once again with your head upon your shoulders."
she was not family to him; not anymore - she was as good as dead in his own orbs, gods know the thought of his little sister had long since withered and crumbled away to dust the minute the falcon king's hands had found their way onto her. it was a slight to him, his brother, his men who had died to ensure the kingdom she called home did not fall to those men who fought under a black banner. control, control tyland.
"if you wish to visit your mother's tomb once again whilst you draw breath, you will tell the world that this was forced upon you and you had no choice. some targaryen plot, which rowan arryn agreed to, as he always does; i will deal with the high septon to get this fucking elopement wiped away, and you will be grateful to see sunlight once again after crossing me."
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tuesday again 10/5/21
this particular tuesday holds many problems for me but that’s enough about that! it’s media time!
listening two wildly different songs!
cairo by san fermin. this is inextricably linked with like the first ten days of the pandemic, where all i really did was go for extremely long rambles at godawful hours around campus so as not to interact with anyone else. but! i was driving to go check out a big free pile and it was soft and lovely out by the connecticut river, and it reminded me of [REDACTED FORMER HOUSE VERY FAR AWAY] in a way that didn’t hurt, and this song came on, and my brain just shut itself off for a bit. your own personal mileage with this song may vary.
simping for the villain by boy jr. this is another song i found bc my sister curates the best tikkety tocks for me and i think this young lady is simply delightful!
reading kenobi by john jackson miller. so i draft these posts on sunday night so i can think about filling any holes/let things percolate over the next day or so, and my one note here was “kenobi UGH”. i don’t care about these main characters who are not Obi-Wan and who are callously cruel for the hell of it and have nearly no redeeming qualities. how the fuck am i supposed to relate to these embittered people when you have no shown me how they got to be the way they are, JJM??? they’re just bad parents bc the desert made them do it?
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the contrast of the Tusken parent is interesting bc she is a sympathetically flawed figure- a tactical genius struggling to hold together the last of her tribe but also consumed by revenge. however, JJM really trips and falls face first into also making her a noble savage as opposed to the rest of her simpleminded crew, bc she received the touch of genius from a jedi and that’s why she’s smart or whatever. terrible. also, Tusken culture and traditions as presented in this book are…not how any real people in our world live bc it simply isn’t sustainable. people have been caring for disabled people as long as there have been people. people are still useful even if they can’t hold a melee weapon. also, incredibly secondary complaint, an absolute dearth of the beautiful north african/afghan/vaguely arab-flavored flintlock-inspired rifles from the films.
this book lifts Quite a lot from jack schaefer’s Shane and the film The Searchers (1956, dir. Ford). this is essentially (from the first half) Shane rewritten with occasional deeply upsetting interludes by Obi-Wan, who apparently picked his name off a map when he (checks notes) legally registered his home.you are UNDERCOVER, my guy!!! there are very few bits from Obi-Wan’s perspective but the bits we do get of him trying to talk to Qui-Gon and failing are deeply upsetting, he’s such a gregarious person and exiling himself as self-flagellation for failing Anakin is very hard to watch. put more of that in instead of this banal will-they-won-’t-they subplot-that’s-a-main-plot between a widower and a divorcee. 
JJM has had a terrible sense of pacing in everything i’ve read from him- infamously, The Lost Tribe of the Sith doesn’t really get going until three-quarters of the way through.i am not a particular fan of his prose, although i can’t really say any of the star wars books are enjoyable as a pure standalone product. you have to Really like star wars to read these fucking books. i do feel like this has made my own writing slightly better bc it is now easier to see certain pitfalls in my own shit. deeply embarrassing tho.
watching escape from new york (1981, dir. Carpenter). sometimes a woman simply wants to get weirdly faintly homesick for the big apple and see kurt russell pout and have a terrible horrible no good very bad day. i cannot tell you why my brain is this way, merely link you to where i privateered the film.
playing fallow week bc i don’t want to talk about genshin in depth beyond: i finally got the mean ice pikewoman. thank u october
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making rejiggering the kitchen. i am the person who uses the kitchen the least but somehow i am putting all of my effort into making that the most functional room in the apartment right now. hm. anyway bc three people (one of whomst is very into various sandwich toppings) all using one fridge is not a very good time, we now have a minifridge EXCLUSIVELY for condiments. it feels decadent and bourgeoisie in a way i cannot describe
oh also repainted this shelf i got off the side of the road, to live in this weird nook by our radiator/where the fireplace got ripped out when my landlord renovated. it has will have marble contact paper on the actual surface of the shelves bc tbh even after wire brushing the living hell out of it, the spray paint did not cover enough sins. pots and pans and things the radiator will not melt are going to live on here i think.
before/where it is now/from the kitchen door (condiment mini fridge on the left under the counter). that’s such a fucked up little corner, my god, also WOW the lighting in there is very yellow huh
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nothing says “baby’s first apartment where it came unfurnished and she isn’t subletting” like some repurposed garage shelves i guess
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
Ateez: Their Little Sister Is A Popular Idol
Kim Hongjoong:
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Hongjoong and you debuted roughly around the same time, and fans lived for your sibling interactions because they were just outright hilarious. You would always end up yelling at each other or having cute little banters.
One day, you were both invited on a special sibling episode of Weekly Idol with other idols, such as Jessica and Krystal, Izone's Chaeyeon and Itzy's Chaeryeong, Oneus' Xion and Onewe's Dongmyeong and Ex Boyfriend's Youngmin and Kwangmin. It was filled with competitions and Hongjoong and you just seemed to struggle to work together. It was especially hilarious when you two played the 'Shout In Silence' game.
"Knock Out!!" You shouted once you saw the word, which was coincidentally your debut song.
"Huh?!" Hongjoong couldn't really understood what your lips formed.
"Knock Out!" You repeated, louder this time.
"Blocked cow?!" He asked, unsure of his answer.
"Stop messing around Kim Hongjoong! Think! My debut song! Knock Out!" You were getting desperate.
"Wait what!" Hongjoong asked.
"My debut song!!!"
But Hongjoong stayed silent, his brain trying to think.
"Didn't you watch it?! Knock Out!!!" You hollered even louder.
"Jumped Out?!" He tried answering.
"Kim Hongjoong I will knock you out if you don't get it!!! Knock Out! Knock Out! Ugh! Stupid!" Your voice was hurting at this point.
"Hey!!! I understood 'stupid'!!! I'm older than you!" He warned you.
Yeah, you had the entire set laughing.
Park Seonghwa:
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As your older brother, Seonghwa was extremely protective of you growing up and that didn't change even after you debuted. In fact, his desire to protect you intensified. You often complained about it, hating how he was always fussing over you, reminding you to eat healthy and annoying you at times.
Seonghwa lived for it though. His members were even surprised by how soft he turned for you only. And of course fans thought you two were so adorable. Atinys often liked to tease him about it, often asking him about what he'd do when you started dating. That always seemed to annoy him.
"She's not allowed to date until I'm dead." Was his response every time.
Being Seonghwa's sister, of course you were beautiful, and a lot of idols had their eyes set on dating you. But of course, Seonghwa was always there to cockblock them. Even on tv, he had no chill when telling them to back off.
"Seonghwa have you heard the news?" The tv host asked.
"What news?" He asked.
"Well, with your sister acting in the new web drama, there's rumors going around that she's dating her co-star."
Seonghwa's eye twitched at that, and the other members started laughing.
"I don't think he likes that idea." Yunho chuckled.
"Any words about the situation or to her co-star?" The host asked.
Seonghwa looked to the camera for a few seconds before holding his microphone up.
"Over my dead body." He responded causing the members to go into chaotic mode over his response.
Jeong Yunho:
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Yunho was the most supportive brother and he often said he was your biggest fan. Any chance he got, he'd promote you and your group, and was always dancing around to your songs. He'd even post dance covers of them, just to show his support. Every interaction you had, whether at music shows, ISAC or variety shows, he was your personal cheerleader.
He was also extremely clingy towards you, often hugging you, tangling his long limbs over your tiny body.
"Let go Yunho! You're squishing me!" You often told him.
"No! Let me love you!" Your protests would only encourage him to squish you even tighter.
Of course, the dancing genes ran strong in your family. Fans often praised your dancing abilities and were often wondering if you two would ever collaborate together to come up with a choreography. That's exactly what they asked Yunho one day when he was reacting to your comeback music video.
"Wow! As usual, Y/N slays the dance. She's getting better than she already was."
He looked at his phone, reading the fan's comments and landed on a particular question everyone was wondering.
"Would we ever create a dance together? Hmmm."
He thought about it for a moment.
"Honestly, I'd love to do it. What do you say baby sis? Wanna help your Oppa create a choreography? Just us two?"
He snickered when he thought about what you'd say when you saw his VLive.
"She's probably going to say no, tell me I'm annoying and to get lost. She has such a temper........"
He paused before smirking.
"You know what they say. Tiny creatures are more feisty cause their tiny bodies can't hold a lot of rage."
"She's going to kill you when she finds out you said that." Yeosang said from behind the camera.
"Probably. She hates being called tiny." Yunho agreed.
Kang Yeosang:
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Although Yeosang was super proud of you for debuting, he kept the fact you two were siblings a secret for a long time and honestly you liked it that way too. You were both introverts and preferred to lay low.
Fans of your groups often compared you two, saying how similar you looked, how you were both the savage ones of your groups, even your little habits and love for chicken was extremely similar. Of course, both of you saw their posts and videos comparing you two, and you both cringed when some thought you'd be cute together. That's when you two stepped in and clarified you were siblings. Now it was fan's turn to be shook at the revelation.
And that became the topic when your groups were invited on a variety show. At one point, Ateez was complaining how Yeosang roasts them so much that they're scared of him and can't ever say anything back. You burst out laughing at that.
"He may be my older brother, but I'm not scared of his sharp tongue." You bravely admitted.
That's when the hosts suggested you expose something about your brother, like he did to his members on Weekly Idol. All of Ateez were super excited about the suggestion.
"Try your best. I'm not scared." Yeosang said confidently, but you knew deep down he was nervous about what you would say.
You couldn't help the smirk on your face as you thought about how to embarrass him.
"So my Oppa here, in front of cameras and with his members, likes to be cold and aloof, hating aegyo and skinship......not wanting Seonghwa or Wooyoung to baby him.......but it's a lie."
Everyone gasped at that.
"Cause at home, our parents are always babying him and he basks in their affection. He's always doing aegyo for them too. Atinys don't be fooled. Kang Yeosang is a literal baby."
Everyone started laughing at that, San and Wooyoung standing up and exclaiming that he was such liar and fake.
For once, Yeosang was so flustered at getting exposed, by none other than his little sister. He was speechless.
"Finally! The great Kang Yeosang had a taste of his own medicine!" Mingi exclaimed, having been Yeosang's constant victim.
No one had the power to make Yeosang scared like you did.
Choi San:
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Your number 1 hype man, your caring brother, your part time manager, your personal photographer, and your cuddle bug, there's nothing Choi San wouldn't turn himself into for you. Would legit run a fan blog dedicated to you if he could. Is always praising you and saying the sweetest things about you.
Tries to get you to show off more of your skills and talents. You're shy and somewhat quiet, so people tend to look more at the other members, that's why San is always promoting you and encouraging you to not be afraid to show your true colors.
If you two are in public together, he's always holding your hand or holding you close. Yeah, definitely wants pics of you two to circulate the internet. Spoils you to no end. And he enjoys having you spend time with the other members. They adore you as well.
"Isn't she the cutest? The most adorable thing you've ever seen?" He gives you endless aegyo constantly.
"Did you just call me a thing?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
But you can't stay mad at him, not with that sad pout.
That being said, sometimes you do feel embarrassing by him. You're more reserved and somewhat conservative and so used to seeing cute San, that whenever he turns into demon San you're covering your face or screaming loudly.
"Aaahhh! What the heck San!!! What was that? Oh my god!" You screeched one day when you were reacting to one of his fancams.
"What happened to my older brother?! The one that carries Shiber around everywhere?! What have you done to him?!"
You grabbed your bottle of water dramatically and pretended to throw some at the screen.
"Be gone unclean spirit! Off with you!"
That's the one thing you two have in common: you're both super dramatic and so extra over the smallest of things.
Song Mingi:
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He's the older one? Really? That's what everyone was thinking when you confirmed you were siblings. It's not that you looked older or him younger, no. It was your personality. You were extremely mature for your age and were often captured taking care of Mingi or scolding him. Naturally, people thought you were the older one.
Mingi honestly didn't mind. He often joked that he was indeed the baby and you were the older one. Every time you got asked why you babied him, it was the same thing.
"Have you seen him? He'd be dead if it wasn't for me. I'm the reason he's alive."
Mingi actually didn't mind you saying those things.
"That's how she shows her love. She knows she enjoys my company."
It was extremely hilarious for fans to see you guys spend time together. You two once did a VLive collaboration and it became a trending topic for days because it was extremely chaotic and funny.
"Mingi! I told you to flip the eggs!" You shouted at him.
"I tried! But it was stuck!" He tried to excuse himself.
"You're just a scaredy cat! Afraid of getting burnt!" You told him as you turned off the stove.
You immediately grabbed a kitchen towel and started fanning it over the smoke that accumulated in the kitchen.
"God! Mingi I know for a fact you have brain cells.....so fucking use them!"
Mingi gasped at your words.
"Y/N! There's a camera!" He reminded you.
You went wide eyed and panicked. Mingi began laughing at your reaction.
"Oh my god! You cussed live in front of fans!"
Mingi was cracking up so hard at what happened. You were so embarrassed by your mistake. You banged your head on the counter.
"Kill me now." You groaned.
Mingi came up behind you and hugged you.
"Hey don't worry little sis. At least now they know not to mess with you."
Finally, Mingi showed that he was indeed your older brother who was always there to comfort you when you needed it.
Jung Wooyoung:
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"You're Ateez' Wooyoung's younger sibling right? What's he like as your brother?"
You often got asked that question and it was always accompanied by you sighing.
"Honestly.....he's a pain. I love him, but he's too much."
Yes Wooyoung loved you as well, but he was super annoying and his past time was teasing you to no end. Even if you threatened to smack him, which you did, or threatened to tell your parents, he'd still keep going.
"And here we see our tiny main vocalist getting ready, and like most females, she's going to take an hour on just her hair then spend 45 minutes on foundation, then-"
"Moooom! Wooyoung is narrating my life again!" You interrupted his narration.
"Snitch! Don't you know that snitches get stitches?" Wooyoung exclaimed, pushing the camera he was holding closer to your face.
"Bitches get stitches too.....Bitch!" You glared at him.
"Oooh! You! I should upload this to the internet and let all your fans know their sweet honey vocalist cusses like a sailor." Wooyoung threatened you.
"Do it no balls! Just remember who taught me those words in the first place." You smirked at him.
"......Shit! Why'd you have to inherit my blackmail skills?" Wooyoung said as he finally stopped recording.
Wooyoung was always reacting to your content though, often making fun of you, but he wasn't mean all the time. He often complimented you on your singing abilities. He was always saying you had the voice of an angel. And if there was something he was extremely vocal about was about any hate comments you got. He was quick and eager to call haters out.
"Dying dolphin? Who you calling dying dolphin? Have you even heard a dolphin dying? This is what it sounds like."
Suddenly Wooyoung began screeching at the top of his lungs, startling the member in the next room.
"What the hell are you doing on your VLive Jung Wooyoung?!" Seonghwa called out.
"I'm showing some bastards the difference between a dying dolphin and an angel singing so they can stop saying bullshit!"
Choi Jongho:
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Jongho hates people acting cute, doesn't react to his Hyungs doing aegyo, and is never soft with anyone.....except you, his little sister. It was extremely surprising, even for the members of Ateez. You were the complete opposite of Jongho: you were tiny, cute, adorable, full of aegyo and were not afraid to show it off any chance you got. Loona's Chuu and Lovelyz' Kei had nothing on you in cuteness.
It never failed to amaze people how he smiled that bright gummy smile he had every time you did aegyo for him. The first time you did it was during an episode of Idol Room. It was a game of trying to get Jongho to smile, laugh, react to anything and all of the Ateez members failed. Then you came up with your pigtails and bright smile.
"Oppa! Why so angry? Can't you smile for me?"
The whole room burst into screaming and groaning when Jongho immediately smiled for you and patted your head.
"What the heck!" "That's impossible! He hates aegyo!" "This is rigged! That's sibling privilege!" "What the hell did I embarrass myself for?!"
Anytime anyone mentioned you, he'd immediately light up. He was so soft for you.
"Isn't my sister the cutest?"
Don't push him though. He's also very overprotective of you. Anytime he sees an idol staring at you too much, he flexes his muscles. Anytime the members said you looked cute or pretty, he'd warn them he'd split them like apples if they got too close.
Jongho nearly had a heart attack when he was watching your group's comeback with the other members. And it was because your group suddenly changed your cute concept for a more mature and sexy concept. He was flipping tables, literally.
"What did they do to my little sister?! What happened to her space buns and oversized sweaters?! Why is she wearing that short skirt?! Why are you guys staring?! Stop looking at the screen!!"
The others were cracking up at him as he tried to cover the screen with his body.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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Chapter 3
Characters: Angel Reyes x Black Reader
Summary: You return to Santo Padre after being gone for nearly 15 years. Your life and also others will change. Affecting everything you hold dear including your Mayan MC Family.
Warnings: Swearing, Unprotected Sex, and bodily fluids (Male and Female)  Sex/Oral Sex Female  and Male Receiving
Pic Credit @angels-reyes​
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Angel finally lets you come up for air after eating you out again. As you two hop in the car to head over to hospital to spend some time with Mama Sadie. You sit back and watch Angel and your grandmother laugh and carry on for what seems like forever. He even takes her out for a walk during her physical therapy time which melted your heart and defenses even more. You loved his laugh as he enjoyed the dirty jokes your little slip of a grandmother was telling a man who was twice her height and weight. As you watch them interact you receive a call from Bishop.
“Hola Obispo. Is everything okay? You need to speak with Angel? I’ll get him if you need me too”, you ask.
“No sweetheart actually if he hasn’t told you I gave him the next 2 days off to keep you company” smiled Bishop.
“Oh, as in baby sit me right?” you ask.
“No not to babysit. He’s not your daddy Y/N”, says Bishop as you laugh to yourself because as of last night and this morning you’ve been calling Angel daddy non-stop.
“Actually to keep you busy because we have a surprise for you and it won’t be here until two days from now”, says Bishop as your interest is now piqued with curiosity of what it could be.
“Oh, Bishop can I have a guess pleeeeease”, you ask jumping up and down as Angel watches you looking curious.
“No mi amor. We all want to see the look on your face when you see what you have coming”, chuckles Bishop.
“Okay Bishop. So, I can’t ask Naomi about it?”, as you hear Bishop sigh heavily on the phone.
“Did I say something wrong by mentioning Naomi just now?” you ask with concern.
“Uhh no sweetheart no at all. I just think that I’m too old for her” as anxiety rises in his voice.
You had a look of apprehension on your face as your mind went back to the night before. Because from what you witnessed between Bishop and Naomi it was cute, adorable and at times very sexy and most definitely absolutely mutual. Even the phone conversation that he interrupted between you and Naomi to get her off made you feel that they would hit it off.
“So, are you wanting to stop getting to know her because of certain “Differences” you two have?”, you say as Bishop can tell that you’re getting a bit upset.
“No pequeno, that’s not what I want to do with Naomi. I mean I’m feeling her a lot. I mean she’s beautiful, smart, sexy and she funny too”, as he sounds anxious.  
It shocked you that the Bishop you heard about while you were growing up was all about his business, ruthless and cut throat at times. But, as you take in this conversation he seemed vulnerable about your good friend Naomi. It almost broke your heart to hear Bishop worrying if he can keep your friend happy.
“Bishop I don’t think you have anything to worry about. My homegirl digs you and you’re all she talks about. To me things can go nowhere but up. And also I don’t want to hear you two having sex on the phone anymore”, you say causing Bishop to bellow with laughter as a clear sign that he feels better after speaking with you.
“Thank you, baby girl for talking me down from that ledge.”
“No problem Bishop. Can you give me a hint of my surprise now?”
“Nope. Nice try novia” says Bishop.
“Can’t blame a girl for trying”, as you two say your final goodbyes.
“Everything alright bonita” says Angel as he walks back with your grandmother.
“Yes, it is. Just got off the phone with Bishop. He needed some advice about something that’s all”.
“So grandbaby been curious to know if have you and this tall strapping young fellow had sex yet?” as Angel goes off with the biggest laugh you’ve ever heard. All you wish is for the ground below to swallow you up as you to run and hide front this conversation.
“I take that back grandbaby”.
“Good. Thank you Mama Sa-”
“He looks more like a big eater to me. Maybe he’d tell you what you taste like too”.
“That I did do Mama Sadie”, as Angel is laughing non-stop now as you stomp off mad.
“Awwww grandbaby come back” says Sadie as she sits back into the wheelchair as Angel pushes her back to the hospital laughing his head off still at you demise.  
“Come on Colibri. Baby, Mama Sadie was just messing around” as your granny joins in laughing with Angel all the way back to her private room.
You sit in a chair next to her bed with a pouting look on your face as Angel wheels in your grandmother. Angel helps sit her back into her bed comfortably. You couldn’t help but, pay attention to his attentiveness and caring nature for Mama Sadie. If you’re not mistaken seeing him this way kind of got you all hot and bothered turning you on. Especially since you two haven’t had vaginal sex yet. Hell, you might just ride his dick later on tonight due to the way he took care of your grandmother. You gotta admit that it did upset you a bit how he openly admitted to eating your pussy to your to Mama Sadie. But, in retrospect he is not ashamed to admit his sexual nature out in the open when it comes to you. I’m mean you are so confident of yourself thinking you’ll be able to hold your own against the great Angel Reyes but, you’d hate to be proven wrong again.
After spending pretty much of the day with Mama Sadie Angel waited outside in the car as you were at home packing a bag to spend at Angel’s for the next of days. Heading out to the front door to the car you notice Angel being nosy attempting to open a package.
“Hey, excuse you!! Gimme that Angel right now”, as Angel holds the package up in the air over his head as you try your damnest to get it from him. He laughs at you as he keeps it away from you. You pout as you stop jumping hoping he lets his guard down. Right on time as he does you playfully punch him in the stomach. He keels over as you grab it from him to inspect the contents as you sit the package on the trunk of the car as you attempt to open it as Angel presses his body against yours. Having curiosity of what’s in it. He kisses you on top of your head and wrapping his tatted arms around your shoulders as you take a closer look.  
“Here take my knife”, as Angel offers you his.
“Oh, I got my own”, as you pull it from your purse and shake it open as Angel’s eyes bulge wide.
“Fuck girl, where the did you get this fucking knife from?”, as he inspects it.
“My mama got it for me”, as you take it back putting it away.
“Should I be worried?” asks Angel.
 “Do you want to find out?”, as Angel raises his hands in protest taking a step back as you laugh at him.
You finally open the box and curious to try to figure out why were sent this package.
“SAVAGE FENTY by Rihanna?” you both say at the same time as you notice a notice inside.
“To my beautiful and gorgeous grandbaby. Also, baby-girl you’re not getting any younger either. Wouldn’t mind that you and that tall drink of water Angel give me some beautiful grandbabies”, you read as Angel laughs under his breath.
“Uggghhhhh Mama Sadie”, you say as you look to the sky wanting to scream as you take a deep breath.
“Fuck girl are those crotchless?”, as Angel attempts to look at what’s in the box but, you snatch it away.
“If you behave Angel Reyes I may do a fashion show for you”, you say as Angel’s face grows dark but, your phone rings as it’s a call from Scarlett.
“Hey honey what you doing right now?”, she asks.
“Trying to tame Angel right now because of a package Mama Sadie sent me”.
“Whoa wait I was sent one too” says Scarlett looking out of the corner of her eye as Riz is anxious for her to open it.
“So basically my grandmother is pimping us to Mayans with sexy lingerie” you say as Angel can’t help but laugh.
“Has Danielle and Naomi called at all?”, asks Scarlett.
“Girl please I’m sure Naomi is walking around at home crotchless for El Presidente right now and as for Danielle EZ is probably enjoying the view or she’s hip deep full of baby brother right now.”
“Say Colibri you know I can hear you right?” says Angel as Scarlett laughs on the phone.
“My bad Daddy” as you blow him a kiss and he laughs rolling his eyes.
“Well I was calling to see if we all could meet up for dinner with the fellas tonight”.
“Sure sounds good to me Scarlett”, we’ll see you in a few.
“And wear something nice please”, she shouts before hanging up with you.
Later that evening Angel dropped you off at a local restaurant as the guys had to handle some quick business at the clubhouse. You met your best friends at the bar having drinks and catching up. Your friends teased and razzed you because what you told them about Mama Sadie embarrassing you and Angel going right a long with it. Especially he openly admitted to her what you tasted like. Oh you were further embarrassed now that your girls are aware of it too.
“Excuse me ladies these are from the gentlemen over there” says the bartender as he pointed towards a table of 4 very attractive men as they all hoisted their glasses in you and your friends direction. You all gave them a kind nod as you all went back to talking.
“Good thing the fellas aren’t here to see this. Especially Bishop”, says Naomi gyrating her hips.
“That hickey on your neck says it all honey. Along with how you walked in here”, says Danielle as you all laughed and howled.
“Scarlett are those Riz’s leather bracelets he always wearing?” Naomi ask while grabbing her wrists for a closer look.
“Yes sugar, Poor baby lost them in a strip poker game we were playing last night”, as you all laugh at her flexing playfully.
“Danielle you been quiet and all googly eyes since we got here tonight” you asked as she jumped being snapped back to reality.
“Huh, What you say?”, she asks looking guilty as he mind been wondering on and on about EZ.
“I can’t help it y’all. EZ has had me scaling the walls away from him last night, this morning and this afternoon. I don’t know what it is that he can’t get enough of”.
“Girl that Punani of yours”, says Naomi as you all clink glasses taking another sip laughing out loud.
Not even a minute later you all were approached by the gentlemen from the table earlier.
“Now why is that we see 4 beautiful ladies all alone”, says the leader of the group as his eyes are fixated on you flashing a big smile as you roll your eyes.
“Actually we are not alone just waiting on our daddies”, says Naomi as you choke on your drink from the surprise comment she just made as if she just read your mind as Scarlett is rubbing your back.
“Well we’ll keep you company until your DADDIES ARRIVE”, as the men attempt to invade you and your girls personal space.
“That won’t be necessary vato”, as everyone turns around seeing Bishop and Riz as Scarlett and Naomi approach them giving them passionate hugs and kisses.
The two other guys step away from you and Danielle not realizing that Angel and EZ are on the 6 as Bishop and Riz watch what is about to unfold in front of them with smiles on their faces and their arms around their ladies.
“BOO!!!”, yells Angel as the two men are startled as EZ laughs at his older brother taunt.
The dudes suddenly notice the Leather Kuttes with the words “MAYANS MC” all four of them are wearing which gives them second thoughts to want to challenge them
“Oh hey guys sorry the interrupting the lovely ladies evening” says the head one as he hurry to pay the tab as they all leave in a hurry.
“Hey thanks man” says Ez as he gives the bartender a tip for the heads up.
“Sorry we’re late. Got a bit hung up at with club business” says Angel pulling you close kissing your lips as you nibble on his bottom one.
You all vacate the bar and sit down to dinner which was a nice change for once. Everyone chimed in on conversations once in a while but, you all were too busy eating in hushed tones and being close to your Mayan men. Angel had his hand on your thigh making lazy circles while whispering sweet nasty Spanish in your ear making you warm around your neck and pool between your legs as you try to feed each other a slice of Chocolate Cake.  You hate that you decided to wear a pair of those crotchless panties as you regret it now. Because you swear you can feel your juices running down your thighs as Angel dark brown eyes were watching you. You didn’t want to make it obvious that you were horny and wet as fuck. You wish you could live out that fantasy of you riding his dick while others watch you come apart all over him.
“Hey let me use the Ladies room baby” as you excused yourself in a hurry hoping he doesn’t see anything.
Too bad all seeing eye Angel noticed that the cloth napkin and the seat were both wet as he watched you heading in the direction of the women’s restroom.
“Ladies will you join me please”, as you call your girls to join you but, you couldn’t help notice that smack on the ass Naomi got from Bishop as she giggled. To that passionate hand kiss from Riz to Scarlett’s hand and the ear bite EZ gave Danielle as she laughed running away.
As you used the restroom freshening yourself up you heard your phone chime as Danielle was holding it for you as you flush the toilet fixing your dress.
“Hey Y/N want me to check your phone for you?” Danielle asks you and you say yes with any hesitation assuming it would be something random or regarding Photography inquiries.
“I don’t think it was a good idea Colibri to be wearing crotchless panties when my pussy is wetting up the seat and this napkin you were sitting on”, reads Danielle as you bust out of the stall.
“Damn say what”, says Naomi and Scarlett simultaneously as you try to grab you phone from Danielle as another chime comes in.
“Girl this muthafucka sent pics too”, laughs Danielle out loud as you finally snatch your phone back seeing the second message.
“Damn querida I hope when you get on my dick tonight it gets the same treatment as these two” as you see a picture of the wet seat and cloth napkin as your face warms up.
“HA!!!! I know Angel stretching you out tonight” purrs Scarlett as the others laugh leaving the restroom ahead of you.
Angel pays along with his fellow brothers as you all leave the restaurant. Outside you all make small conversation as you all say your goodbyes.
“Well Naomi and I have an engagement that needs to be sought out”, says Bishop wrapping a strong arm around her keeping her close.
“Sounds more like an Entanglement to me”, you say as she pops you on your ass as you laugh making her blush.
“Is everything good with you two” you ask Bishop as he hugs you.”
“It is sweetheart. I’m sorry for calling you frantic like that the other day. Maybe I got all nervous because I can see myself with her in the end pequeno”, as he watches her laughing at Angel and EZ tease one another.
“No problem Obispo. Glad that its going good for you both” as you kiss him on the cheek while Angel comes up behind you kissing your neck.
“You ready carino?” asks Angel as EZ with Danielle along with Riz and Scarlett leave as you two are alone.
You hesitate as you see Angel’s motorcycle which you haven’t taken a ride on it yet.
“What’s wrong mi amor?” as Angel sees your doubt written all over your face.
“Hey its safe baby. Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you. Just hold on. I want to see my beautiful Mujer Fenomenal ride with me” begs Angel as he flashes you those puppy brown eyes as you cave in.
“Okay Angel” you say as he hands you a helmet as he kicks the stand upright.
You finally climb on situating yourself firmly resting your small body against Angel’s tall one as he gives his bike a good rev as the vibration courses through your body as a moan escapes your lips as smirks as he pulls off. You grab his waist tighter as he speeds up as he laughs at you. He comes to a stop light as he rests his gloved hand on your thigh giving it a gentle squeeze sending chills through your body sending your senses into overload. You two don’t notice but, there are two vehicles flanking Angel’s motorcycle. One is of a couple and the second car is full of females. Of course, wearing the panties coupled with the revving of his massive motorcycle between your legs and Angel’s touch is driving you insane. All you want to do literally is just get on your knees and suck Angel off until he shoots his seed to the back of your throat swallowing every drop of him.
“Hmm I gotta get you home baby. So I can wear you out all night long. But, first I must do this”, as Angel turns one of the handles to rev up his motorcycle.
“I need you nice and wet for me when I get you home mi amor”, as he revs it again as the people notice your body starting to shake.
“Bitch are you all seeing this shit”, says one chick with all her friends watching and gasp as is Angel getting you off in front of them as you grab onto his Leather Kutte as a smile is plastered all over Angel’s face.  
“Damn you see that? He got her coming all over his seat”, says the man in the other car as his female grips the door handle and crossing her legs.
Angel switches the rev pattern as it becomes short and fast as your breathing turns to short gasps. The light hasn’t changed yet as people are walking the cross walk smiling and blushing as your openly reaching your orgasm openly.
“That’s it baby. Come on daddy seat”, says Angel as you pull his body to yourself as he cheers you on.
With one hand he continue to rev the bike and with his other gloved hand he reached around dipping two fingers inside of you.
“Oh shit did he just dip in her pussy just like that?”, says one female in the car with her friends.
“Who want to bet that this muthafucka lick his glove after” says another female as there’s a wager raised.
“Your breathing harder now as the revs come faster as you rock back and forth on his seat behind him as his smirk turns into a full evil smile”.
Too bad you didn’t even notice your homegirls and their Mayan lovers pull right behind you both as they watch you unfold as their men are smiling shaking their heads and your girls are shocked by your unbashful moans as you rock your body against your man not giving one fuck whose watching you.
“I know your so close baby. Ven por papi, Ven por papi, Ven por papi”, as Angel gives his bike a long rev that sends you over the edge.
Finally tight corded rope pops inside you as you let out the loudest orgasmic scream. All the women gasp by covering their mouths as the men looking can’t do anything but smile as Angel removes his fingers tasting you as your body falls against his catching your breath.
“Good girl”, he whispers as he rubs your thigh again as the light turns green as he burns rubber blasting down the street.
But, of course the lady with her man had to light a cigarette while the car full of chicks had to pay the one female that made the wager of Angel sucking your juices off his leather covered fingers. Your girls were all now horny as hell as their Mayan men had to make haste to take them home to find the first available flat surface to put them on.
You both finally arrive at Angel’s as he had to carry you inside his house because of your wobbly legs.
You grab his keys as you unlock his door as he still holding you as he kicks the door closed.
He sits you down as you see his house is dark to only see candles are lit all over and there’s a trail colorful rose petals leading to his bathroom and beyond to his master bedroom.
“Angel when did you have time to do all this baby”, you ask as you can’t believe what is in front of you.
“You have to give thanks to Danielle and the prospect for all this”
“You like it querida”, asks Angel walks up behind you slowly unzipping your dress while removing your heels as he kneels in front of you. His dark brown eyes are fixated on you as he removes your bra and panties. Now you return the favor as you slowly undress Angel removing his leather kutte first. Followed by his shirt and dark jeans. You couldn’t help but, not notice Angel’s upper body as you circle him slowly tracing your finger-tips along his tatted and tanned skin. You wanted to run your tongue along his flex pecs, chiseled abs and those sexy veins popping out on his arms and chest. He kicks off his boots and socks as you remove his boxer briefs revealing his beautiful and heavy dick you haven’t had the opportunity to feel inside you yet as you nervously bit your bottom lip. You hop into his arms as he takes you to his bathroom to see a warm bath was also drawn for the both of you surrounding by tea lit candles. He pins up your hair as he helps you climb in first as he rests his body against yours. The only sounds that are heard are the splashes of water and the rising and fall of each other’s chest as  you both bath one another in a comfortable and romantic silence. After you’re both wrapped in towels as Angel walks you to his Master bedroom following the rose petal trail and more candlelight everywhere. You sit on the bed facing him as you pull off his towel grabbing his dick as he hisses through his teeth. The girth and length of his beautiful dick is astounding as you softly grab onto his balls as you give them each a soft kiss as Angel gets antsy. You flick your tongue at the mushroom shaped head of his dick as you lick the pre-cum that comes out as you circle your tongue taking it all. He grabs your hair as you take him deep into your mouth.
“FUCK GIRL!!”, shouts Angel as you start a rhythm taking him in and out of your mouth as saliva runs and your eyes water.
“Mierda. For a person who hasn’t really had sex or sucked some dick you sure is sucking me off like a fucking porn star Colibri” as his words spur you on.
You moan as you suck him faster as you flatten your tongue taking a bit more of him in as you feel Angel starting to tense up as he’s getting close.
“You fucking love sucking daddy’s fat dick like the sweet good slut that you are huh?” as his nasty words had you pooling between your legs again.
His stomach muscles tightened as he let out a deep-rooted guttural groan as hot shots filled your mouth.
“You better catch every fucking drop Cochina”, he says as he catches his breath.
Before you know he has you pinned onto your back as he kisses you deeply. Sending shockwaves through you causing your toes to curl. Flicking his tongue on your neck as he licks a trail around your breasts as he sucks on a nipple as you moan arching from his bed. He pulls you up into his as he lines his dick up to your center. He enters you slowly as the air was suck out of your lungs as you spasm trying to adjust to his size as you squeeze your eyes close.
“Open your eyes baby. Look at daddy as you ride this dick girl”.
You slowly move back and forth against him as you take him one inch at a time.
“Remember keep those beautiful eyes on me baby as you take my dick. Don’t fucking make me repeat again you hear me”, commands Angel as he smacks you on the ass spurring you on to ride him faster as begin to bounce on him as you shove his upper half onto the bed.
“That’s it carino. Ride the shit out this dick like it’s yours baby”, as Angel sits up making sure you keep your eyes on him as the first colliding wave of an orgasm washes over you.
“Yes. Oh fuck yes that was a good one. Keep coming on daddy’s dick” as you almost close your eyes due to that orgasm almost wiping out all your energy. Angel flips you on your back spreading your legs as he fills you up again as you grab his bed sheets.
“Fuck your tight Colibri”, as he starts to move inside of you again as his strokes were connecting with your g-spot as you moan and mewl as he stretches out to his liking as he whispers to you.
“You belong to me Y/N. These beautiful eyes. These soft lips (he kisses them). These long legs and soft arms. These cute toes and soft feet. They belong to me. Your heart. Your mind, soul and body all belong to me querida. You’re mine my love. No other man can make you feel like the way I do. Come like how I do”, whispers Angel as a second orgasm comes as you whisper to Angel.
“Then take it all my Angel. Take all of me daddy. I want you to have all of me”, as you cry out as Angel strokes faster as you dig your nails into his back.
“Fuck me harder my Angel”, you demand as he placed your legs on his shoulders as digs into you pounding you into the mattress as he grabs another orgasm from you as your eyes see pops and bursts of fluorescent lights of the heavens. The headboard bangs the wall harder as he pulls back to back orgasms. You are placed on all fours as Angel lines you up filling you in again burying his dick inside of you as you stiffen up. He fucks you into oblivion as he grabs your hair as skin on skin claps fill his bedroom as he strokes another one from you as tears fall as your crying his name over and over like a rehearsed line in your head over and over. He finally follows you as he grabs your neck pulling you towards him as he empties his essence inside of you as you both tumble onto the bed. His heavy body is on you as you feel satisfied, satiated and sore all at the same time. Angel finally rolls off of you as he grabs a washcloth to clean you up and covers your body in the black silk sheets that are on his bed. He puts on his boxer briefs back on as he returns with cold wine for you and beer for himself as he rolls a blunt to share with you.
He lights the blunt as he takes a hit first and passes it to you. He watches you as you take a pull from it with expertise as you finally expel the smoke. His back is to you as he sits on the floor at the bottom of the bed. You watch the flickering candles against his beautiful tatted skin as you run your fingers through his mane as you kiss his neck. He turns to face you ask he kisses you.
“Hey I want you to wear this mi amor”, says Angel as he removes his golden necklace.
“Whoa Angel I can't wear that. It belongs to you. Also, I notice Ezekiel has the same one”, you say in protest.
“Yeah the same one that Danielle is now wearing around her neck” says Angel as he gets up to sit down in the middle of his bed pulling into his lap as you face him. You notice that the candlelight dances in his beautiful brown eyes as you can’t help but, smile down at him. You have accepted that Angel Ignacio Reyes has to be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. You felt in your heart that he wouldn’t hurt or take advantage of you as those walls you built guarding your feelings, emotions and heart no longer existed as you gave in to him. He places the necklace around your neck.
“Eres mia Y/N. Te Quiero Mi Reina”, whispers Angel resting his forehead against yours.
“Te Amo Mi Rey”, you whisper to Angel as he slowly removes the bed sheet from you body.
He takes your body again and again through out the night. Sending your body and soul to heightened places its never been and what assumed never existed. Losing count of how many orgasms you both accomplished you both fell asleep holding each other close.   @lauraashley93 @claytoncardenasbabymama @sesamepancakes @pananegra
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belfrygargoyles · 3 years
I Answer Questions I Get About Star Wars Fanfiction
So, when I made this post a while back, I did end up getting quite a few people coming to me for advice!
And while I was happy to give what help I could through tumblr DMs, there was also quite a bit I was realizing was a bit Much to be conveyed just through the DM format.
So, while this is by no means a catch-all, comprehensive list of what to do and what not to do, I thought I’d make a post going into a bit more detail! I’ll specifically be addressing questions/concerns that have been brought to me, mostly
Because of the specific subject matter of the original post, most of the question askers were white/cis/het women, so much of what I cover will be directed at authors of that specific demographic.
The brunt of the post is about writing reader-characters of different demographics and why “gender-neutral” reader-inserts tend to fail to reach that mark, but the first two points I address are related to racism and fetishism in writing. Because of this, I want to preface: I am White, and I will never be an authority on what is or is not racist or fetishistic. These are questions I, specifically, have received, and needed more space to elaborate on. Everything I say, I have learned by listening to fans of color speaking out about the ways they and characters of color are treated and by doing my own research into the subject- my experience and advice is not exhaustive, I cannot cover every important facet, and my word should never, ever come before that of a person of color speaking about the same subject.
If while reading, you come across something that is not true, is offensive, harmful, or otherwise just not good advice for me to give, please contact me and I will remove or edit as needed.
I’m a White, cishet woman, and I like to write fanfiction about characters I find attractive who are men of color. How can I avoid writing fetishistic or racist stereotypes? 
To recognize fetishism, you first need to understand racial stereotypes and why they’re harmful, even if they’re “positive.”
First thing’s first: there is no such thing as a positive stereotype. All stereotypes bring with them the very real potential to harm people, demean or belittle them, isolate them, impact their social life, work environment, and how they interact with the world and the people around them, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, or body type.
It is very important that you seek out and listen to the word of these people themselves. Understand why it is harmful to write a story about a “savage” tribal man seducing a White colonizer (and why “savage” is a terrible word to use to describe someone in the first place). Understand why it is suspicious to be obsessed with the sexual prowess of dark-skinned men. Understand why the common tropes and stereotypes you see associates with people of color are harmful, and understand that this is not about you. This is not about what you want to see as a reader, this is not about the specific fantasies you want to write out with a certain character, this is not about your fulfillment and enjoyment, because you are the person writing and putting your writing into the world for others to see and consume. The way you portray your characters and the situations they are in is important.
Second: you need to learn how to step back and examine your own thoughts and behavior for bias, conscious and subconscious.
Would you think the same way about a character if they were a woman? Would you write a character with the same personality if they were White? Would you think two characters have the same romantic tension and chemistry if they were different genders?
For example: In the game Subnautica: Below Zero, the player character is Robin, a Black woman. At some point in the game, she expresses defensiveness in response to unintentionally rude remarks about the human body, from a source that would have no idea that it was rude. Her offense and defensive tone is not at all unwarranted or unreasonable, nor does she hold a grudge, but upon first playthrough I found myself thinking, “man, Robin’s kind of a bitch.”
Then I remembered the fact that Black women are frequently seen as aggressive, rude, and “pushy,” and that Black women in media are commonly seen by (White) fans as “mean” in comparison to other (White) characters who act the same way, if not worse. I realized that at no point in the game does Robin ever act spiteful, cruel, selfish, or vindictive towards the source of the offending comments. She was someone who was proud of her physical capabilities and the hard work she put into her body’s fitness, and she was not in the wrong for getting offended at the implication that her body was flawed or inefficient. Throughout the game, Robin is patient, driven, compassionate, and forgiving, and expresses grief, frustration, offense, and anger as is appropriate for the situations she finds herself in.
What I had done was subconsciously put Robin in a set box of character traits based off of racist stereotypes and characterizations frequently seen in media and fanworks. I didn’t realize I was doing it in the moment, and had to take a step back to examine the source media and my own behavior, and realized I was projecting a completely false idea of what Robin, a Black woman, should be like as a character.
That is an example of subconscious racial bias. Subconscious racial fetishism can look more like...
- Believing male characters of color all have insatiable sexual appetites and massive penises
- Automatically headcanoning characters who are large, burly, strong, or aggressive as Black or dark-skinned
- Putting East Asian women on a pedestal for being beautiful, pure, innocent- or, on the flip side, as beautiful and “please queen roundhouse kick me” treating her as “beautiful but fierce.”
These examples, alone, in singular instances, aren’t fetishism- headcanoning a single man of color as sexual and being well-endowed isn’t fetishism alone, headcanoning a single physically large and strong character as Black isn’t fetishism, thinking an East Asian woman is exceptionally beautiful and elegant isn’t fetishism.
It’s how you do it in relation to how you interact with other characters. Do you only ever write about a male character of color in a highly sexualized context or only ever talk about how big his penis is and what you want him to do to you? Is that large and forceful character the only one you headcanon as having dark skin? Do you fawn over East Asian women as beautiful goddesses and “dragon ladies” but never actually explore them as anything else but just being there for decoration?
(Warning for the next paragraph: intersex fetishism, racist tropes in Star Wars fandom)
Something I commonly see in the Star Wars sphere of fandom is, particularly with the clones, use of the word “savage” or “feral.” For the sake of not singling anyone out, I won’t use URLs, but an example I recently saw firsthand was a prompt about Stewjonis (e.g. Obi Wan) all being intersex and “fertile” and as such exceptionally desirable to the clones, described as having a “hunger” and having “savage, animalistic instincts,” including having a violent, animalistic rage they unleash when they think the White man they think they own is in danger.
The author is fetishizing intersex people (making Obi Wan, a White man being paired with brown men, intersex for the sole purpose of making him “fertile” and able to be impregnated for the sake of a breeding kink- he’s not written as intersex just to be intersex representation, he’s written as an idealized fantasy of intersex for the sake of keeping him “male” but also able to get pregnant to fulfill the author’s bioessentialist fantasies of aggressive, animalistic cis men of color inherently desiring and being unable to help their “instincts” around a “fertile mate.”) and using a common racist stereotype for brown men: that they are “savage,” “animalistic,” sexually aggressive, sexually driven, violent, and sexually dominating over “smaller” (Ewan Mcgregor is 5′10, Temuera Morrison is 5′7. Even if you headcanon the clones as 6′0, as Wookieepedia defaults every adult male human to, that’s still only two inches of difference) light-skinned love interests (who have a vagina).
At a very, very basic level, I can get why the idea of such a dynamic might be appealing: the idea of someone finding you desirable and protecting you/fighting for you without reservation, the idea of “instincts” showing someone’s true feelings they can’t fight for you, etc. etc.. When that’s what you’re going for, it’s a case of you really, really needing to think long and hard about the characters you’re using and how you’re portraying them. I mean, you need to really think about it.
And I get it if it’s a trope you really like or a dynamic you really want to write, but I repeat: this isn’t about you. It’s about the image and stereotypes you may or may not be reinforcing about people of color, men of color, and intersex people to yourself and your readership.
This is the best advice I can give you: Take a step back. Check yourself. Check the way you think about a character, the way you write them, and the way they are portrayed in canon. Think about why you want to write the situation you want to write. Think about how you are portraying the character, and how it might be interpreted by people who aren’t in your brain. Ask yourself if you really think the character would act that way, or if that’s just how you think they should act, and then ask yourself why.
If you find that what you are writing might be falling into fetishistic or derogatory tropes or stereotypes, that’s where you stop. Identify what, specifically, about the situation or scenario appeals to you. Identify why the characters appeal to you. See if you can use those elements in a way that doesn’t reinforce those stereotypes.
2. When does a smut fic involving a man of color become fetishistic? What if an author is simply exaggerating pre-existing character traits for the sake of a smut scenario? Is writing characters partaking in specific kinks or tropes fetishism by default because they’re played by men of color?
I’ll go down the line:
- The short answer: when you use fetishistic tropes. The longer answer: when you use tropes in a context that could be considered fetishistic, and do nothing to add depth to the situation. Show that you put thought into your decisions, and show us why you believe the character would do/act/think that way. If you can’t because it doesn’t make sense and it’s just something you want to happen to engineer a specific trope (E.X. Clones never getting any sex ed ever and freaking out at the thought of a vagina), don’t do it. Are you focusing on a character as a dominant party in bed? Then analyze how you’re portraying that, if you’re using animal comparisons, references to how small and petite his submissive partner is, if you’re portraying it as a healthy sexual relationship or if you’re implying that he’s always possessive, domineering, and intimidating towards his partner- it very much helps to have beta readers.
- Then the author needs to put effort into the scenario they’re writing and really examine why those are the character traits they’re exaggerating in a character of color. Why, of all the character’s traits, are you choosing to play up his strength, size, and aggression in the way that you are? If you still really want to write it: write the characters discussing it as a BDSM roleplay scene or show aftercare that tells us that’s not what the character is normally like, but was an act he was putting on in a pre-agreed scenario. Oftentimes, the issue can be that the author makes no effort to show that this isn’t how the character acts outside of the bedroom, or even erases that line completely by showing no difference between how the character treats his partner in day-to-day life and in bed.
- Not at all. You can write Boba Fett being a Dom and having kinky sex all you want- but it needs to make sense. By that I mean-  writing OOC, shallow smut isn’t a sin, but when it involves men of color, especially in situations where they have already been highly sexualized and fetishized, you, as an author have to think about how you’re writing them. You have to think about if you’re just using them as sockpuppets to write out a dom fantasy you already had pre-engineered, and you need to think about why, exactly, you want to use that specific character in that specific role. Are you writing about the character, or are you using their name and face as a prop to play out the fantasy?
3. I’m White/cis/het/female and I write reader-insert fanfiction, I...
a. ...try to keep my readers ambiguous, but I think I still mess up.
First: Accept that some measure of character description is needed for your readers to not feel like they’re inhabiting the fictional body of a ghost. You’ll never be able to be 100% ambiguous, and that’s okay. Parts of who we are and the way we experience the world will always leak into our writing, and that’s just part of the experience. What’s important is that you’re able to recognize where your experiences are not universal, and decide on if that’s something you can change in your writing.
Next: Some basic tips for common whoopsies that are easy to overlook.
- Hair length, color, and texture
Instead of saying something that implies a particular hair type, such as the way it blows in the wind or how the reader-character brushes or styles it, you can reference that they just have hair without going into detail, such as:
“He found himself unable to sleep that night- normally, he would count the rivets in the ceiling until they blurred together, but now he had a new distraction catching his eye. Your hair against his pillow was new, novel- he found his eyes tracing the strands from root to tip, the way the dim light catching on the strands almost hypnotic, and before he knew it he was delicately tracing his fingertips along a patch near your ear that had grown in what was, to his sleep-deprived mind, an utterly fascinating whorl.” Vs. describing a character running his fingers through the reader’s hair.
- Body type
I will say: sometimes, it makes a reader-insert infinitely more engaging if we have just scant details about the reader character, but that’s usually if the details are uncommon in the genre. By this, I mean: if a reader-insert specified that the reader-character was actually buff and very tall, I would already be more invested, because I never see reader-characters like that.
This being said, when you want ambiguity, when it comes to body type avoid referencing the reader’s weight, size, musculature, height, and build- nothing about curves, nothing about hips, nothing about stomachs.
Again, you can reference that the reader has these things, but without specifying that their stomach is flat or their hips are curvy or that they look small and delicate compared to the love interest. What I see the most of is references to the reader being notably shorter, lighter, or weaker than other characters. If someone is targeting the reader over, say, Din, because they look like they’d be an easier target, instead of saying that it’s because the reader is the smaller, “weaker-looking” target, make note of it being because of some other vulnerability- armor, lack of visible weaponry, hands aren’t free, distracted, because they saw the reader choke on an apple seed in the market earlier and it made them think they were incompetent and easy to take out, etc.
- Skin color
This one is the most basic, but also easy to mess up. Along with things like hair type being correlated with race (ie if you describe a reader-character with long, fine, straight hair, you are excluding the possibility of the reader-character being Black), something that can be easy for lighter-skinned authors to forget is that blush, flush, sunburn, and pallor aren’t easily visible on all skin colors.
If you want to write things like that but don’t know how to portray them without indicating skin tone, try instead using temperature. Reference the reader feeling heat rise to their cheeks, or the uncomfortable warmth radiating from a minor burn, or how cold and clammy their skin feels.
- Unnecessary references to the reader’s gender (E.X. gendered bathrooms, dressing rooms, calling the reader-character things like “the girl” or “the woman”)
If you’re writing a fic with a gender-neutral reader, you do not need to use any of those in the story. I promise, you don’t. If you have to, either find a way around it or just... don’t. If you want to make the reader gender-neutral, you don’t need these. I promise.
If you’re writing a gender-neutral but explicitly AFAB reader: also don’t use these, because it defeats the purpose of you saying the reader is supposed to be gender-neutral. In fact, make the reader’s gender the absolute LAST thing you put in the fic. Write the whole thing as if the concept of gender doesn’t exist.
- Typically gendered characteristics such as voice pitch and tone, face shape, chest, hips, hands, height
See above. The thing is, none of these things are inherently indicative of gender, but for many people, they are. If you say you’re writing a gender-neutral reader, but include reference to very feminine-associated traits, you’re telling the reader that you wrote the reader-character as essentially Girl Lite.
Something not enough people realize is that there are AMAB nonbinary people, there are cis AFAB women who are very masculine, and so on. “Gender-neutral” shouldn’t mean “Female 2″ or “tomboy.”
- And think to yourself: Would I write a male character acting this way?
This is... self-explanatory. And also very important. And why I say to make gender the absolute last thing you put in the fic. I’ll talk more about this specifically at the end!
Something important to note: Nonbinary is not the same as gender-neutral!
Nonbinary specifically refers to the gender identity in which you are neither strictly male nor strictly female- your gender identity exists outside of the male-female binary.
Gender-neutral means that references to the reader’s gender are removed and it can be read by someone of any sex or gender without being taken out of the experience by gendered traits or situations.
...want to start writing readers who aren’t like me, but don’t know where to start.
Just do it, really. That’s the best way to do it. You don’t have to make it a major part of the fic!
I can only really speak on the experience of being nonbinary and reading fics written by cis authors, and again, at the very end I’ll go more into personal feelings and experience, but I really do mean just write it. Get a beta reader, or friends to look it over. Ask people from different reader demographics what they want to see. It doesn’t have to change the entire course of your writing.
...am afraid of writing a different kind of reader-character and getting something wrong.
It happens! No one can know every experience under the sun, and if you’re not writing from experience, you’re bound to get one or two details wrong.
But! That shouldn’t stop you from doing it! This is where getting a beta reader or having a discord server really helps, you can get viewpoints from people with different experiences to tell you what does and doesn’t work.
At the end of this post I’ll talk about things I, specifically, would like to see as a trans person, and how being nb affects the way I see things.
4. What’s wrong with dysphoria fics?
from here on out is personal conjecture
Nothing. I just don’t like them because, well.
They’re basically the only time I ever see fics with an explicitly trans reader, and they all follow the exact same formula: Someone or something triggers reader’s dysphoria, the reader is sad and having a bad time, the love interest comes in and validates the reader’s gender and it’s all better.
One: I’ve never seen this done with a trans woman reader.
Two: It’s... tiring, having the only representation you ever see of yourself being about dysphoria. A lot of the fics are written as personal comfort fics or were requested by a trans person with dysphoria, and that’s fine, but I want to see a grand, multi-chapter fic with an engaging plot and reader-character engagement that just... has a trans reader. It’s not a thing, they just are, because trans people’s lives don’t constantly revolve around how trans they are.
There are more “nonbinary” reader fics than there are fics about trans men or trans women. And all the nonbinary readers are AFAB- I have not seen a SINGLE AMAB nonbinary reader-insert in the Star Wars fandom.
It’s just one of those things that is just... it’s not bad, it’s just kind of exhausting? I’m the kind of person who wants to see stories of people like me just on adventures, not more about how miserable we are because our bodies are wrong or something.
I don’t speak for every trans person, I don’t and I never will. But I think a lot of the people who request dysphoria fic... don’t actually want to read about that. Body dysphoria is touted as the defining trans experience, and a lot of people genuinely believe you have to be dysphoric to be trans. Not only is this not true, but it’s also harmful. Hating your body sucks. Hating your body specifically because you know people use it to judge how to treat you super sucks. Thinking you have to hate your body or else you’re not really trans and are just pretending? Ultra suck.
I’m nonbinary, my partner is a trans man. I’ll paste his thoughts on the matter (minor edits to punctuation and paragraph breaks):
“But in all honesty it’s very very tiring, I think the majority of people asking for a dysphoria fic don’t actually realise they want something else. Many trans people feel dysphoria, myself included, but not all of them do, and it doesn’t make them any less trans, but the overall focus on dysphoria has made it this be all end all thing in and out of the trans community. It’s what people often think of when they think of trans people and while it’s certainly a thing, I think the focus has become entirely too toxic. I think newer trans people tend to internalise dysphoria a lot, especially if they don’t experience it to an extent which is ‘acceptable enough to be considered trans’.
Given that context I think that what a lot of people are looking for when they ask writers for dysphoria fics is actually validation and gender euphoria. They want validation of their gender identity because they’ve recently experienced dysphoria and are looking for escapism. It’s something I myself have only come to realise recently despite being out as trans for a considerable amount of time. I don’t expect cis writers to fully understand the intensely personal and nuanced relationship every trans person has with gender and identity, nor do I blame them for using dysphoria as a go-to, especially when the request was for a dysphoria fic. I am however asking writers to instead try more validation and less focus on the bad aspects of being trans such as dysphoria and discrimination.
Again, this is a very complicated subject, and I am only one trans person and one opinion. However I do believe people get stuck in that focus on dysphoria, and it’s not a healthy mindset to be in. For cis writings including trans people in their reader inserts, I’d recommend making them explicitly trans, whether it be male/female/nb, because you cannot have gn pronouns and call it a day, especially not if it’s an nb person because it’s simply not the same as gn pronouns in a fic. Cis writers tend to have a stereotype when it comes to trans people, especially on tumblr where trans men are always seen as soft twinky UwU Bois and it gets real old real fast. I cannot name a single fic I’ve read that’s had a trans reader not in a binder or on hrt. You don’t have to transition to be trans, but it would be nice to see some variation and have some guys only have top surgery or only have bottom surgery or have no surgery and be okay with it. Medically transitioning is by no means the be all end all but every trans experience is unique and it’s very bland to see the same trans story every time you read a reader insert. I am of course speaking from the point of view of a trans man, I can’t imagine what it must be like for trans women because those fics are even less common!“
5. Okay what was it you said earlier about stuff you’d come back to?
Glad you asked!
Look, I’ll be straight up and honest, this is something that’s hard to put into words because it’s such a nebulous experience, and I don’t know how to describe it to cis writers but.
Sometimes the way gender neutral, nonbinary, and trans male readers are written really comes across like the author wrote a female reader and just went back to change the pronouns.
The reason why it’s hard to explain at times is because there’s nothing overt, but there are specific patterns in the way authors write reader characters and their love interests, like... female-coding.
The way the reader-character interacts with the world, the way they’re written interacting with characters, the way characters are written viewing them, the way their body language is described- things that, if you take a step back, you’d realize “oh, I wouldn’t write a cis male character like this.”
Again, it’s... really, really hard to put into words, but it’s a pattern my partner and I have both noticed that’s made it hard to enjoy a lot of trans/nonbinary reader fics. The issue isn’t that the reader-character is feminine in any way, the issue is that that’s all anyone ever writes them like.
Reader-insert fics already have a very homogenized experience of “reader-character is extremely passive in their narrative and has little agency in their story other than to exist alongside a canon character for him to eventually fall in love with.” Even in fics where the reader is explicitly a cis woman, there are these... unnecessary references to her being female that, to me, just seem to serve no purpose.
This is. Incredibly just Me saying this here. But it’s genuine, from someone who hasn’t actually Had A Gender in over a decade now: Is... being a woman really that prominent in cis women’s lives? Is it really that big a part of who you are? I want to know, because it’s so wildly different for me, and if I’m going to give advice on how to write reader-characters of other genders, I kind of. Really need to have that one ironed out.
If your gender plays a large role in who you are and your perception of yourself: that’s great, chase your bliss, it’s good to know who you are and what you’re comfortable with! It’s just a theme I keep seeing in reader-inserts that... takes me out of it? Someone whose gender is featured so heavily in their identity and the way they interact with the world might not realize that, say, a nonbinary person, just... has a completely different relationship with gender.
And I’ll say this, too: Trans men’s experiences and relationships with their gender is also wildly different to that of a cis woman. There is overlap in some places, yes, but it is still a completely different relationship, and cannot be treated as the same.
I think this is where the problem lies, and why I never see trans woman readers or AMAB nonbinary readers: consciously or not, cis female writers write what they know, and are applying their experiences and relationship with gender to trans AFAB readers assuming it will be the same or similar enough.
I will say, as a general rule of thumb: it really is not. Do not treat it like it is, please. This is why I say to write as if gender doesn’t exist. Just write the character, write the story, and then worry about their pronouns. Don’t even think about what they look like or their voice if you find that stopping you.
Write the reader as a character, not as a woman.
Now that that’s out of the way.
6. How can I make my reader-insert stand out?
I’ll let my partner, Felix, take over for this one again:
“People write what they know so expand your knowledge by talking to others.
Reader inserts are often very passive, too. Try to have your reader become the driving force instead of letting plot happen around them. For example, try to imagine why the reader and the characters would have a reason to talk/bond, what would be reasonable motivations for the reader? Why would the characters care about the reader?
Easy ways to do this include having an already established relationship between the reader and character that you can draw from, the reader has to accompany the characters for an amount of time on a joint goal, anything other than ‘reader is sexy lamp and characters like reader because reader is sexy.’ If you’re gonna write about a one night stand, then write about a one night stand, but don’t try to shoe horn in a whole relationship.
if you’re gonna write tropes then you have to:
1) Make it your own. “School for superpowered kids” is the core of several IPs: my hero academia, Harry Potter and xmen, but all of them are very different to each other. If you’re writing for reader inserts, a common trope is ‘reader whisked away by character to start a new life.’ This trope is everywhere, and it’s fine, but art is all about that execution.Think more about why these things are happening; why is the reader being whisked away, why does the character care about them, why would they stay together after the initial danger has passed? Don’t explain it to me either, show me the events leading up to the scene you want. Don’t tell me ‘ever since character rescued reader he’s been in love with them,’ show me those events, show me the lead up, show me why I should give a damn. If the fanfic wasn’t specifically reader insert, would it still be interesting?
2) Execute your tropes well. Execution is the most important thing when it comes to art. You can have the most brilliant idea in the world but if you don’t execute it properly it’s worth about as much as dirt. A movie can have a great idea, but if the pacing is off or the lighting bad or the sound design shit it’s not gonna work is it? Best example are the original Star Wars trilogy vs the prequels, I could go on for ages about the differences between them and the behind the scenes, but the gist is that during the filming of the og trilogy Harrison Ford, Carrie fisher and mark Hamill were constantly rewriting the script during scenes to flow better and sound better, Lucas’ wife was the editor and was the reason we have those great scenes that are seared into the memory of our society.
With the prequels many people had credited Lucas as being the sole reason the og trilogy was so successful, therefore he had more free reign and bogged down the movies with things that, yes, might have been interesting lore wise, but served no purpose for the actual story. His execution was bad. Your execution of your fic doesn’t have to be on the grand scale of a million dollar budget movie, but you do have to make the effort if you want to make a good story. You wanna write a horny smut fic? Power to you, do research into bdsm and healthy safe sex practices. Go into depth about how that makes the characters feel and how it connects to them as people. You can do a fantastic character study just from bdsm practices because of how personal and intimate that situation can be. Even without hard smutty stuff you can still write a deep and personal fic about a character falling in love with the reader if you just take the time to actually develop the relationship between them.”
Phew, that was a lot. Those were really the Main Big Questions I hopefully answered to a satisfactory degree. Ask box is always open, though!
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
Oof! I love that new Lilia fic! But isn't such a delicious idea if Lilia from this fic is the same Lilia in Malleus fic? Can you imagine, Reader from the Malleus fic(MC) being dragged to the Valley of thorns and meeting Lilia's darling? Just sharing my thoughts, I hope you don't mind, hehe
Anonymous asked :
“Hello yume! I loved the new sinfic? But i have a question, is it on the same universe? Is it on the same universe as the Malleus one? Because just imagine the wonderful family bonding time if malleus does his darling besides Lilia as he takes care of his own.”
As much as I want to lie and say “YuP! ٩( ᐛ )و iT’s aLL plaNNEd! HaHahAHA yume’s sUcH bIG bRAIn!” but nope lol I didn’t write both fics with them having the same universe in mind, I never even intended for these two to have the same universe lol but now that I thought about it, I’m considering. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It is indeed very spicy and delicious to think of Malleus bringing home his Brainwashed Darling and meeting Lilia’s Adopted Darling~! Both men would be pleased since their Darlings have each other’s company now and they wouldn’t be as lonely as they were before~! It’s cute, friendship would definitely be formed between these two Darlings! Being victims of the two fae’s breeding kink and all...
A-Darling might feel a little envious of B-Darling’s situation at first.
Unlike her, who is timid because she had never interacted with another human before, B-Darling is a lot more relaxed, comforting like that of a big sister. She also seems to be really happy with her relationship with Malleus, which A-Darling could only dream of feeling the same way in her own personal relationship with Lilia. She wished that she could be so much more accepting, she was once a young hirl who dreamt of romance after all. But to think that the prince she was looking for would be her own fath- no—would be Lilia, it’s just really difficult to take in. Especially when she’s basically being forced to take this relationship with a grain of salt.
Yeah, B-Darling is probably everything that A-Darling wanted to be, kind but strong. She’ll be envious of that sweet, romantic relationship she has with Malleus and will probably be their biggest supporter. As expected of the Prince of Fae, picking a human girl who is clearly ready and is the perfect fit to become the queen who will stand alongside with him. A-Darling would probably squeal at some point of how adorable the contrast is as a way to distract herself from her own situation.
...However, looking close at B-Darling’s appearance, A-Darling does have to take notice of those little bruises and bite marks she had on her arms, neck, and legs. She was familiar with them since it was awfully similar to the ones that Lilia often inflicts on her. But what A-Darling had were forced marks, something that she was unwilling to have and further observation suggests that somehow...B-Darling’s marks tells the same story. It was as if she even fought Malleus during all of it, since some marks closely resembles a scar, like sharp teeth grazing them as they were still dug inside.
The thought makes A-Darling shiver, that doesn’t sound like a likely story at all. B-Darling is always smiling, if you ignore all those injuries, not a trace of abuse can be seen in her expressions at all. She was probably the most honest and cheerful person she ever met, well— the only other human she ever met but still! Those bruises might’ve been from something else, Malleus-sama is not a violent person...At least from that’s what A-Darling observed during all those years, this was the same person who roleplayed as a dragon during her childhood years!
A-Darling had almost convinced herself that B-Darling was having the time of her life being pampered to death by Malleus. She refrained herself from asking about the bruises to the other human, since it really might’ve just been really, really savage love bites. A-Darling would’ve ignored everything else and stay a stranger to the truth...Until she took another look at B-Darling’s eyes.
...It looked dead.
It was still as beautiful as the first time seeing them, but it was a devoid of life, as if the very essence of her soul wasn’t in there at all. Just when A-Darling had almost convinced herself that she was fine too, that B-Darling aren’t as ruined when compare to her but she was stand corrected. It’s just like what Lilia taught her from long ago— “Looks could be deceiving” B-Darling’s smiles are not as real as she thought them to be after all.
This lead A-Darling to want to gain more information just by spiking up a conversation with her and soon led her to notice one peculiar thing. For one, B-Darling was utterly forgetful, being able to forget specific details on what happened during her first date with Malleus and even the reason why she fell in love with him in the first place. That’s definitely something no ordinary people could just forget about. No matter how weak your mind may be, something as important as that could not just be erased that easily. It’s very, very weird to think about and honestly had A-Darling deeply concerned.
“Oh, Sweetheart...I know you’re happy that you have a friend to spend time with now, but asking her too much personal questions might just stress her out.”
...But before A-Darling could even come as close to the truth, Lilia slipped out of her mind in that moment, only to haunt her back in the most crucial of times. Of course, his presence still had her freezing like a deer in the headlights, she can’t even talk when he’s around. Forcing herself to do so just results terrifying flashbacks from when she tried to defy him once.
His ever so mocking boyish chuckles, Lilia had already caught A-Darling back in his grasp. “Come on now...You and I have something else to do, don’t we~?”
Whisking her away, B-Darling was left in her own accordance with just an awkward goodbye from her friend and the elder fae. Although Malleus had told her about A-Darling’s relationship with Lilia, she couldn’t help but notice how quiet and scared she gets when the fae is at by her side. Maybe she was just nervous, A-Darling’s history does tell her that it was her first relationship and she was isolated from the world for many years. The poor girl must be wondering how to function in a relation and that may be the reason why B-Darling suddenly feels so protective of her.
...But somehow, B-Darling was sympathizing with A-Darlinh, like she already knew why she’s so scared to be held against the arms of a powerful fae, never to be released again. It was as if he body was speaking out for her, desperately telling her how familiar A-Darling’s situation should be for her...All because of the distant feeling of experience that she had walked in the same shoes before.
But no—This was just a feeling, right? B-Darling shouldn’t really doubt her relationship with Malleus, her memory tells her how much of a sweetheart he has been! He had never forced her to do anything she didn’t like and had never been scared of him, so what gives...? What is this overwhelming doubt and fear wrapping around her chest, like something had torn a piece of her heart away?
“...How did you fall in love with Malleus-sama?”
That question A-Darling asked a few moments ago, why did it leave B-Darling’s mind blank? She knew it was a question that she was excited about in their little Girls’ Talk and yet...Her mouth was not able to let out any words. How did she fell in love with Malleus? It was a mystery, she should’ve been able to answer it so easily but why...?
All these speculation had successfully made B-Darling’s head ache, her heart was beats faster and her mind swirled in anguish. The worst of all is the fact that she doesn’t even know why this is all happening. A-Darling’s questions really made her realize how unusually empty her head is, all the memories that she could remember suddenly felt so artificial. Just what was going on here?
...Maybe when Malleus comes back, she’ll ask him about it and maybe he can help.
The use of italics and bold letters in this crumbs is just lol Yume was going to make this crumb longer but then I remembered...This is a Yume Crumb (΄◉◞౪◟◉`) It doesn’t have to be long
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hey! I love your matchups and I really want one with on the black butler characters.
I am ISTJ and even though I was born in America I come from a Mexican family. So I am fluent in Spanish and English. Along side of Mandarin Chinese (still learning) and Japanese (still learning)
Appearance wise, I have olive skin, long wavy/curly hair that reaches my tailbone (i like putting it in side braid). I also have long bangs that quite often fall over my glasses. And just too lazy to move them. I also have dimples when I smile. I will bite anyone who try poke them.
Personality: I can get hard to know at first because I have trust issues (my heart has been broken okay) . Not too mention people don't try to get know me because of my major Resting Bitch Face. They think I am judging them or that I am scary. But I am not... I am attentive so I will stand up for myself and anyones else. I am patient. Also, after you get to know me you will realize I am a chaotic crackhead with a melodramatic persona. Like "your star is here!" "The stage is calling for me. Move out of my way" "the spotlight is on me so could you move you crusty face?" I like to tease and flirt with the people I am close to. I zone out or daydream a lot. And in the worst times. It could be a serious meeting and I am chuckling because of something in my head. Which have scared people. It could be during a conversation and I will stop listening. But I will always feel bad and apologize.
I also like to scare people. Like tell them the unsolved cases or horrific cases that I know (I love unsolved cases) . This is also why my little siblings hate me. Turns out talking kids murder cases and disapperinv cases was not appropriate for bed time story... woops.....
I like to pop out of nowhere and either flick or playfully punch my friends and say boo. I do accidentally roast people. I don't think before I say things. And don't realize until hours or days later. And I am like "shit"
I am sarcastic and that has gotten me in trouble before. My friend asked for my advice and I didn't know she was being serious. So I gave her a sarcastic advice and she came back to me mad. I was like "shit you believed me?"
Likes/hobbies: i like my anatomy class and I like to read, write, meditate (because I get stressed a lot). I really like to dance and listen to music. Which my music taste is everywhere: Kpop, classical music, jazz, jpop, Spanish songs, rock, metal. Every music genre except for country. I like to play the violin.
My passion lies in the arts and crafts. I would like to do illustration and photography. More specifically street fashion photography and and event photography. Like weddings and funerals. Yes funeral photography does exist and I will like to do it. Since it is also special event. I draw a lot of portraits and landscapes. I have been told that my art is either scary or mysterious. Though I can get a little caught up with my passion. I practice to get better with no rest.
Flaws/toxic traits: I am not empathetic or sympathetic. People always thought I didn't care about my friend's issues. I do i just don't understand them. My compassion does make up for this and will give advice. My other flaw, is the high walls I build to protect myself. I am there for other people. But people were never there for me. People have manupliated me and that cause me trust issues. I don't know how to handle negative emotions like depression, anxiety, self doubt, procrastination. So I just isolate myself in these moods. They really take a toll on me and make me think I can't do my passions. I am afraid of commitment because of toxic relationships i had before.
Love language: I am not obvious with affection. (Because no one ever gave me it). I show it through my teasing and flirting. My love language is however Act of Service. I will help my s/o with anything they need. Chores, work, advice, etc. Sort of the mom of my friend group. But a Savage mom as I have been told. "Stop crying, here I made you a cookie" "do I need to hurt someone" "don't worry I can get coffin with a lock in it". I am also an aggressive supporter. Like "No YOU are beautiful. YOU are gorgeous!" (This happened when someone gives me affection and time try to turn the attention to them as way to hide my fluster)
I will call my s/o like "stupid" "idiot" but in a endearing way. Okay. Occasionally I will use "beloved" and "Cariño/cariña"
I am not good receiving verbal affection or physical affection. I was never given affection so I am not used to it. I will start blushing and stop working. I will also probably say "idiot" or turn the attention to them like "no.. u" but I think fails because I am terrible at hiding my blush. I get easily flustered with affection okay. But I won't ever admit that I like it. Though it is obvious.
Sexuality: i am bisexual so it doesn't matter what gender I am paired up with.
Funt fact i guess?: I love small plants, plushies, and banana milk. Like I have hundreds of different kinds of plants and they each have their own name. Like GGmo, Lily, Melody, Edward. I love Banana milk as I said. I drink it every evening. It always get me happy so when I am sad or had a bad day. I drink banana milk and I am happy. It is also to make up for my coffee addiction. I am addicted to coffee. My friends said no coffee and I was like fine banana milk then :)
This is getting long now... bye.
I'm glad that you like my matchups, I'm trying my best tbh😅 I match you with:
Sebastian Michaelis
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Sebastian is very curious in nature, so he definitely wants to know what you're really like, not the front you put on.
He's also very charming when he wants to, he makes it very easy to open up to him and get comfortable around him.
Sure, he, as a demon, doesn't really care much for humans, so when he doesn't have to play the polite, kind butler, he probably has a RBF as well, however, I think that changes when he's interacting with someone he loves.
His sweet words may have been a mask at first, so he could see the real you, but the closer you two become, the more he means every word of praise, encouragment or comfort he utters.
He would most certainly be amused by your crackhead self once you do get comfortable around him, but it's not really his vibe. He wouldn't scold you for being loud, brash or inapropriate, like he does the other servants.
If he's in a really good mood or when the situation calls for it, he can be dramatic as well. Sometimes he'd do it just to get on Ciel's nerves XD
One big pro of being with Sebastian is that he lets you off the hook a lot. If he was talking to anyone else and they'd space out, oh honey, he would stare them down so hard, it's sending chills down my spine just thinking about it. But if it's you it's like a complete 180, Sebastian can't possibly be mad at you, everyone spaces out sometimes, those things just happen.
The other servants make sure to be on your good side so that you could intercede with him on their behalf.
You can't scare him with your true crime stories, but you sure as hell can scare the others. And you can bet your ass Seb's gonna help! The plan is: You tell the story and then he's gonna pop up out of nowhere behind them, giving them mini heart attacks.
If you try to scare him though, you'll need to be on guard 24/7 until he gets you in return. And even if your on guard all the time, he finds a way to scare the life out of you.
Your humor is practically the same, I mean, Sebastian is great at off handed remarks/roasts and sarcastic comments that you have to look for to really see them. You two could be talking shit about anyone and everybody would be like "Oh yeah, normal conversation, yes"
Sebastian would love to dance with you. And trust me when I say this, he is good at any type of dance. If you two are ever at a ball, prepare your feet, because he's not gonna let go of you the whole night (unless his master is in danger of course).
He would be your #1 supporter, he'd go with you out to take photos, and if you asked him to look at some, he'd take a good long look at each and every one of them and describe in detail how he feels about them. Also would go to any art shows you'd host if it came to it.
When it comes to sympathy and empathy, Sebastian also has a hard time showing these feelings. He's been alive for far longer than any human on Earth and he's a demon. He's never had any of the problems humans have, so naturally he doesn't kniw what it feels like to have them. Plus, before you came into his life, he didn't care much for them either.
However, he's gonna be there for you whenever you need him, emotionally or practically, even though he doesn't get your feelings.
You both have walls put up, you because of bad past experiences, him because as a demon, he has major issues with being vulnerable in any way. And I'm not talking just emotionally here, but demons are almost undestroyable, yet they have very few weaknesses that they just need to hide away.
It's rare Sebastian has a problem, but even if he had, you wouldn't know, because he thinks you, as a human, wouldn't understand and so he won't burden your mind with it. However, he's very perceptive and so if your behaviour changes, be it due to anxiety or a depressive episode, he'll know.
Now, he's not the type of person to try and break down your walls by force, but in situstions like these, where he's not sure how to help, you gotta talk to him and he won't leave you alone until you tell him how he can help.
He's not above carrying you around and doing everything for you until you're embarassed enough to tell him
He is very appreciative of your help around, since the other servants are good at everything but what they're supposed to do.
You with your tough love and Sebastian with his teeth rotting compliments and affection, it'd be honestly really funny to watch. He adores how you show affection, because it's different from most people he's known. But on the other hand, you can't expect him not to spoil you afte all the hard work you do every day?
He would really shower you in love and affection, because you deserve it and because it makes you flustered XD
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loyaloutwear-a · 6 years
@tiimepiece // sc. 
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                    ❛ when are we running away? stephen’s being a party pooper again.❜
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baejl · 4 years
Jade’s relationship with TWICE
twice 10th member au
masterlist 👽 requests are open
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If there’s someone that really respects Jihyo, this someone is Jade. Even though Jade tend to be really talkative, it only takes one look from Jihyo and she'd definitely stop talking. Not for fear but for respect. Every time Jade needs some advice, she doesn't think twice before going to Jihyo for that. Jihyo is always trying to contain Jade when it comes to answering questions in interviews, lives, etc because you never know when Savage Jade will come out.
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Jade is Naeyon's number one fan and you can't deny it. If not the biggest, one of the biggest Jade's victim but truth be told, that's how they show their love for each other. If one of them is tired, you only have to put them close. But, if there's something Jade CAN NOT handle, is Naeyon doing aegyos. Jade is often seeing wearing Naeyon's clothes and vice versa. Sisters goal.  
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Jeongyeon's favourite daughter. The two have a mother and daughter relationship that's almost unbelievable. They are either mocking or loving each other at the same time. There's even this viral video of Jeongyeon telling Jade to be quiet and to not talk with strangers while she was going to buy some ice cream.
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Dance buddies. Momo's biggest nightmare. They never really interacted before Sixteen because Jade was always unsure about the cultural differences and that she might say something that would make Momo sad or anything like that. But when they first started to get closer, they knew they were going to be best friends. Jade was the first one to know about Momo and Heechul because of her ‘contacts’ in SM, if you know what I mean.
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Jade’s baby (1\2). Jade and Sana are best friends since their trainee time and are inseparable. They also have a strong chemistry on stage, like, they can't work without each other. To Jade, physical contact is a big no but if it's Sana, it's okay. If you want to find them, you only have to search for two people screaming.
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Jade’s baby (2/2). If I may say, Jade is the only one capable of making Mina scream. As they have two totally different personalities, they show a big contrast inside the group. At first, Jade was always intimidated about Mina but with the time, they learned how to respect their differences and turned into the most beautiful friendship. They are incomplete without each other. 
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′98 LINE! They’re just so extra together that the unnie line just try not to put them close to each other. When they were still on the high school Jade made sure they’d be in the same class just so they could be together all the time. Sometimes, Dahyun shows out of nowhere asking Jade random things in english and even if Jade thinks it’s weird, she loves it. 
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Jade gets so emotional talking about Chae and Tzuyu it makes everyone’s heart warm. Chae is just to greatful about everything Jade has done to her (teaching her more about rapping, dancing, supporting her on all her artistic things, etc) that sometimes she even calls her ‘mom’. But it doesn’t make her immune from Jade’s jokes and teasing. 
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Jade’s biggest invention: Chou Tzuyu. While the unnie line says ‘no’, she looks at Jade and Jade quietly whispers ‘yes’. If you think Tzuyu was that savage before knowing Jade, you’re completely wrong. When it comes to her younger sisters, Jade doesn’t measure any effort. Tzuyu is her bossy baby and that’s the tea. 
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a-dorin · 4 years
in your arms | darth maul
word count: 1,071
warnings: blood, cursing, open wounds, fluff, pet names (angel, my sweet)
prompt: "you’re newest part of under the same stars got me thinking... what about a maul hurt/comfort fic with maul being the one hurt?”
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no matter how strong the zabrak claimed he was, he was delicate. since gaining a lower half that was mainly metal and wiring, it meant that his torso, arms, and head were prone to injury. with no real immune system, there were times in which darth maul suffered from horrific injuries. he always healed, with medical care, along with the help of others.
yet, you couldn’t help but worry as the zabrak laid on your bed, his breathing ragged as he slept, gauze wrapped around his torso, covering the beautiful and intricate tattoos across his chest. you sat on the edge of the mattress, noticing that the blood seeped through the gauze. your concern escalated by the second as maul’s head shook back and forth, his eyes twitching. 
darth sidious, the powerful sith lord, once a mentor to maul, destroyed savage opress, maul’s kin. once sidious murdered the golden zabrak, he used force lightning to torture maul, leaving him on the concrete for dead. 
you noticed the chaos outside your viewport in the sundari royal palace, the way your surroundings were illuminated by a rich, blue hue. maul had informed you to stay inside your quarters, ordering you to not move until he returned. however, it had been hours, and your fears were beginning to gnaw away at you, threatening to consume you whole. 
slipping onto the balcony, your eyes widened with horror as you watched sidious electrocute your beloved, your heart sinking as maul’s screams filled the night air. you felt helpless, tears streaming down your cheeks, splattering against the pavement. 
once darth sidious was out of sight, away from the capital, you immediately rushed to maul’s side, clutching his lifeless body against your chest. painful, torturous wails echoed through the city. you presumed that your love, your soulmate, was dead. 
however, you pressed your head against maul’s chest, listening for a heartbeat, there was a faint thud. the dull, rhythmic beat of two hearts. holding onto any last shreds of hope, you helped maul to his feet, practically dragging him to your quarters. 
from there, you took care of him, applying the ointments, wrapping him in bandages. there were many cuts and scrapes plastered on his chest, shoulders, and abdomen. one of his horns was chipped, the others scratched. even though maul was badly beaten, determined to never admit defeat, you knew in your heart that he was broken. broken that his master abandoned him. broken that his kin was slaughtered. broken that you watched it all transpire. 
for about a week now, you stayed by his side, tending to his every need. already, he was making significant progress, his horns showing signs of restoration, the light shining in his eyes once more. although he was not fully recovered, he was getting there. and you would be there. every step of the way. 
“you have no need to worry,”  maul rasped, his hand reached out, resting on top of yours, “i will be fine.”
taking his hand, you pressed it to your lips, gently kissing each finger, “i can’t help but worry while you fight for your life.”
maul chuckled softly, “my love, you worry too much.”
“i just can’t lose you,” your voice faltered, the words strained. tears began to brim in your eyelids, threatening to spill over, “i almost lost you. i can’t bear that pain. i lost a brother. i can’t lose you too.”
“you could never lose me, my shining star,” maul’s eyes softened, the zabrak’s hand cupping your cheek, caressing your cheekbone, “i would fight until there is nothing left in me, just to stay alive. to stay alive for you.”
“i love you,” the words were laced with nothing but pure adoration and bliss. 
“i love you too, angel,” he murmured, “will you please lay with me?”
“of course,” you slipped into bed, allowing maul to curl up next to you, laying his head on your chest.
“will you sing me to me?” his eyelids fluttered. 
“always,” your lips connected with maul’s temple, the kiss sweet and tender. 
your fingers traced the tattoos on the zabrak’s exposed skin, roaming from the tip of his nose, to his lips, drifting all over the exposed skin on his shoulders, chest and back. maul melted under your delicate touch, a content sigh tumbling from his lips. a warm, cozy feeling spread into his chest, lulling the zabrak to sleep. 
“my love for you reaches beyond the confines of this universe,” maul’s voice was thick with exhaustion, the zabrak slipping into a deep slumber, “i want you to know that, my sweet.”
it was almost as if your heart burst, “i’m not sure what i did to deserve you, maul. i love you endlessly.”
“i can name so many things that you have done,” the words were quiet, barely a whisper, “you are an angel, my love. a gorgeous woman bathed in a pure, radiant light.”
“you’re my everything,” your lips brushed against his forehead once again, “i hope you sleep peacefully. and that you have dreams of nothing but abundant happiness and bliss.”
“why would i dream of that while she’s right next to me?”
a wide grin enveloped your features, “you may be right. i’m right here. i always will be.” 
as you began maul’s favorite lullaby. the sound of your voice was enough to send a wave of comfort crashing over him, the zabrak falling asleep in your embrace. his light snores filled the room, one his hands in yours, fingers intertwined. the other clutched your robes as his arm wrapped around your waist. 
perhaps maul was right. the sight of him in your arms sent bliss rippling through you, your heart elated with joy. as long as you had him, you had everything you ever needed and wanted. you wouldn’t trade your relationship with maul for anyone else in the galaxy. for anything else. you loved him too much for that. 
and you would never let go of maul. not this time, nor any instance in the future. perhaps he was right, maybe you were an angel, a woman who brought a golden light wherever she went. a woman who brought love, laughter, and joy to those she interacted with. a woman who was so pure that even the darkest of creatures could be healed by her presence. 
and perhaps maul was that creature shrouded in darkness, healed by your alluring, radiant, light. 
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Winning at Life
As long-time readers will know, my life has, historically, been something of a car crash. I started writing this blog over a decade ago when I started university- an institution that I expected to be a hotbed of rebellion and independent thinking, but which turned out to be a factory for stamping out interchangeable, social-climbing, affluence-chasing berks. After awhile, I lost any sense of what I was doing there and just sort of drifted. I then spent my twenties pinballing between ill-advised relationships (often in budget hotel rooms) and getting my heart broken. During that time, I also stumbled into three jobs, all of which I hated and quit in spectacular fashion. Online, I spent the majority of time inviting the ire of very large sections of the populations and laughing at their frustration (who remembers that time I pissed off every Beyoncé fan on the planet- that was a personal highlight). I commanded a loyal audience, but beyond that little circle I gloried in being universally reviled. The right-wing hated me because I’m a socialist and generally believe that people deserve better treatment at the hands of their civilisation and because I’m quite liberal and also believe that, outside of supporting the welfare state where possible, people really should just be left alone. Liberals, however, also hated me, because I’ve never had any patience for virtue-signalling or folks who hide behind their oppressed status (real or sometimes imagined) as an excuse for being bullying, shouty cunts- and let’s be honest, modern liberalism is mainly about finding excuses to be cunts. Which seems redundant. The right-wing already have the monopoly on being fucking appalling, despicable people. But I digress.
My point is that I wrote well and entertainingly in large part because my life was kind of a wreck and because I was a belligerent walking anachronism, eternally odds with the society in which I lived. However, the reverse is also true. I have less to write about nowadays because I’m, er, happy. I mean, I’ve never really been unhappy for a sustained period, but my emotional spectrum was delineated by degrees of savage joy and blind fury rather than more normal, humane feelings. Nowadays, things are different. Quite a lot has happened since we last spoke dear reader. Not least, I’m engaged to be married.
I’ll give you a minute to wipe the look of slack-jawed yokel incredulity off your face, then I’ll explain what I’m on about. Done? Okay. Well, between COVID waves, I met an incredible woman- a tremendous geek with a penchant for binge-watching sci-fi nonsense and Agatha Christie’s Poirot; an adventurous soul who wants to take trips with me and see all the strange beauty my native isle has to offer, from the Northern lights playing over the Scottish Highlands to the brilliant blue waters of Cornwall and the hilariously misnamed English Riviera; a clever-clogs with a love of word-games like Scrabble who encourages me to write and improve my own fiction. She’s a joker, she’s a smoker, she’s a midnight toker, and she’s mine. It doesn’t hurt that she’s nearly 400lbs of hotness, either. To cut a long story short, I went up to visit her before I knew that another wave of COVID was going to hit and ended up unable to return home due to transport restrictions. Over a year later, things are finally getting back to normal, but we just work well together- well enough that I want to spend the rest of our lives together and so does she.
Another reason for my unaccustomed happiness is that I’ve now moved out of London to be with her. London was a cesspool and being there meant I was near the epicentre of British culture. Everywhere I looked, I was continually reminded of everything wrong with our dying, lunatic society. Sometimes it was something major: seeing a whole street that was no longer a public thoroughfare but a privatised domain with its own security staff who could move on anyone they didn’t like the look of. Sometimes it was something minor, like spotting Jodie Whittaker’s talentless fucking face adorning a billboard advertising the latest post-shitgate era of the once great Doctor Who (no, I will never fucking drop that). It was like having a splinter in my brain. Everywhere I looked, there was a fresh reason to be angry. I’m currently living in a small town on the edge of the Durham Dales. Nowadays, everywhere I look there’s rolling hills and bleak, barren moors. The sky at sunset here is the purest amber, streaked with pinks and reds. I’m told that, on the clearest, most moonless nights, I should be able to see the Milky Way, not just a scattering of individual stars. Here, I’m reminded that the stupid, mean-spirited, lowest-common denominator bullshit of the human race really doesn’t matter. Nature doesn’t give a fuck and it will remain breathtaking and hostile in equal measure no matter what we do. That soothes my soul in ways I can’t begin to describe. It’s possibly a sign of insanity that I take comfort in the knowledge that if I walked off the road in the wrong direction I could die of exposure before anyone found me, but there’s a rationale at play. I’m not being morbid. Rather, the fact that the landscape is so indifferent to me means that I can be truly isolated if I so choose. I’m not hemmed in by fences and warning signs and the subtle nudges of human expectation. I’m not one to take the foolish risks that would render my environment dangerous, but it’s liberating to know that I could. I may be a socialist who believes that the state should extend a helping hand where required, but I still understand the need not to be taken care of, sometimes.
Of course, there are days when I miss London. I miss its impersonal monumentalism. A curious side-effect of living in a small town is that the few people there are seem to feel more comfortable inflicting their company on me. There seems to be a rule in human nature that the smaller the group, the more it interacts with itself. I sometimes miss being able to walk down a street and not have someone wave to me or strike up a conversation. But I guess that’s what the Dales are for. The mildly annoying friendliness of the locals is a small price to pay for my bride-to-be- my Tess- and my freedom from London and its constant, grating reminders of the dubious achievements of mankind.
I’d like to get into a better schedule for writing and posting blogs, but please don’t be alarmed if some of my fire seems to be extinguished. I haven’t changed my views- they’re no less recondite, complicated and offensive than they ever were- and I make no apologies for the things that I said in anger. It’s just that I’m not angry right now, and so my commentary is liable to be less inflammatory. Until then, bugger off.
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