#(like everyone else
resiliencewithin · 1 year
These are the ones speaking to me right now. What about you?
Leave an affirmation
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trashfangirlsworld · 4 months
I wonder... do you think richas feels guilty about killing qtubbo? Or is he trying to not pay it any mind? We know richas is the egg known to have no self preservation at all, he's displayed downright suicidal tendencies multiple times and death has never scared him, so do you think he's treating tubbo's death the same way he talks about his own? Or is he in denial still? I'm very interested to know what is going through his mind rn
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spacecasey · 4 days
i’m sooooooooo sorry i cannot stop thinking abt like. reverse stalker simonxreader. i think ghost is soooo suited for the stalker role but sometimes i want to put him in a Situation just to see him squirm :)
like the 141 is together, at a pub, minding their business. pints all around, bowls of popcorn and peanuts scattered about, raucous laughter filling the air.
that very same laughter draws you in, laser focused on the one in the mask. the one whose breathy, barely-there chuckle creeps into your cerebellum and imbeds itself like a burr into wool.
and it hits you like a freight train, like a tube sock full of locks, like god almighty— that one’s yours now. you’ve decided.
so you follow him home, you watch him come and go (painful lack of social outings, this one), his trips to tesco, to the park, the library. you savor any taste of him, no matter how diluted; nose and lips buried into his returned books for the barest traces of his greasy fingerprints. buying the crisps he buys, imagining his oily thumb pad holding your tongue still in your mouth. drunk on the very same beer he likes– you’re buying the same toilet roll at this point, for fuck’s sake.
and then it escalates. you can’t help yourself :( you just wanna know what he smells like and how soft his sheets are or what *those* smell like and how much of his hair is coiled in his shower drain and what he’s got in his cupboard. so you’re in his home :) you’re on his sofa :) waiting patient and sweet for him to come Home :) he instantly has you in a headlock, pinned to the floor in front of his tv, and if you let a moan slip (a loud one) (a very nasty one, from the root of your self) well that’s one thing, and if he’s finds himself a little into that.. well. that’s another ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
that’s where the idea ends oops maybe i’ll put this in my wip folder soon lmao
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korperlos · 8 months
look, every day in public transport and in both my jobs and uni i come across so many good looking people. not even good looking in a beauty kind of way, but in a way that makes them seem like an actual person to me. a (self-)confident, deliberately acting person. an actual human being with all that it takes. a person i can picture interacting with someone else and acting all by themself. a person i can picture being with someone else. and on their own. good looking as in being themself and nothing else. i've been told repeatedly at work that i seemed like a particularly nice or friendly person. people approach me to ask me things, both at work and in public sometimes. this means something. they wouldn't do it if it wasn't for a reason. in their eyes, i appear to be one of those people i see every day. but it clashes so hard with my own self-perceiption. i feel nothing like them. there's no confidence in me, no wholeness as a human being. i feel like a dressed up puppet or alien or whatever picture works. my movement doesn't feel natural. my posture doesn't. and neither does my face or anything else about this body. it's there, it kinda does its job and lets me perceive things physically, but that's about it. my body is a tool and i am not a whole person, body and mind. i'm just inside of this thing. whenever i see myself being part of a crowd (in a reflection or on a picture or anywhere else) i feel like i don't belong. others must see this. they must notice. i do not belong. it sounds ridiculous, but i get imposter-syndrome by merely being human. i try so hard to picture me as an actual person. an individuum so to say, a unity of body and mind and just like anyone else. but it's so difficult. it kinda works on some days, but most of the days are just like today. i struggle and i despair and it makes me so inherently sad. i can be around the best people that love me dearly, people can tell me otherwise as much as they like. there's nothing i want more than to internalize it, but i just keep failing at it.
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shades-o-grey · 29 days
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Exposing my Notes App
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xxlovelynovaxx · 4 months
I Don't Know How To Explain To People That It's Not Derailing To Talk About Physically Disabling Neurodivergence On A Post About Physically Disabling Conditions
I Don't Know How To Explain To People That It's Not Derailing For Physically Disabled Neurodivergent People To Talk About Similarities Between Their Experiences Being Disabled By Physical Disability And Neurodivergence
I Don't Know How To Explain That When You Discuss Something That Affects All Disabled People In The Exact Same Way But Pretend It's Exclusive To You That It's Not Derailing To Talk About How You're Wrong About It "Not" Affecting Others And Erasing Ableist Violence Against An Already Erased Group (And This Goes Both Ways Because All Disabled People Deal With Erasure)
I Don't Know How To Tell You That Being In A Community Means Opening Doors Not Building Walls
I Don't Know How To Explain "United We Stand, Divided We Fall". We Need Community To Achieve Liberation
Remember Who The Real Enemy Is
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emmettland · 2 months
i feel like total crap yall...my period came so damn early. i usually don't get it until near the middle of the month, but it always finds a way to surprise me.
i couldn't get to bed until 7 AM while waiting for the Advil to kick in. and then my body forced me to get up at 12:30 PM, so i'm running on like, four hours of sleep. trying to eat something right now because i've gone too long without eating, keep getting hot flashes, and of course Mr. Still Fucking Unemployed (me) is home alone while everyone works, so i gotta suck it up and take care of Peggy.
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kaileighblue · 1 month
You know your blorbos are niche if you wait for people to gif them, because they seem to gif nearly everything...
but they never do.
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k-she-rambles · 2 years
I had to read the "hello lover" scene multiple times, because there was so much going on and I wasn't really getting it. Clarity came a few chapters later, when Laurent expressed wonder that Damen trusts him, despite what Kastor did. Not Laurent. Kastor.
Laurent does not expect Damen to forgive him for missing the rendezvous.
Laurent himself is not a forgiving person. He certainly hasn't forgiven Damen. Laurent's preteen betrayals have prevented him from trusting other people. Not to mention that in his experience, once the precise conditions that attracted your lover fundamentally shift, once they get out of you all that they wanted, that's it. The relationship is over. You are replaced.
Betrayals are final. Replacement is inevitable. You can only play pretend at what you used to have, even if you hate who or what you used to be.
He does not expect Damen to forgive him
But he still needs the alliance, still needs Damen to set aside their previous dynamic and act like a king, act like a stranger, think in terms of power, borders, war. And because he doesn't expect understanding or trust, he banks on making Damen angry. Makes it personal. Tries to get his fingers into the wound of the betrayal and push.
He miscalculates.
Damen is angry. But Damen doesn't believe him. Doesn't believe that he missed the rendezvous on purpose, doesn't believe that Laurent is untouchable. He knows, intimately, that Laurent is not. He doesn't drop people even when he should.
And turnabout is...not fair play, but Damen knows Laurent well enough to fight back the way Laurent fights. The best way to get Laurent off balance or do something he doesn't want to do is (a) make HIM angry and (b) make it PUBLIC...
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1o1percentmilk · 9 months
i can sexualize that old man in ways u guys can't even comprehend
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Ok so i’m pirating the Percy Jackson series and can i just say, i really like the way Sally Jackson is characterized. Like, she’s not the perfect mom who’s always happy, but instead she’s insecure and reactive. She yells sometimes, she cries sometimes, and she gets upset when Percy keeps pushing her buttons. and the best part is, the show doesn’t try to blame anyone for this. It’s not her fault for yelling at Percy, and it’s not Percy’s fault for making her yell. And despite it all, they still love each other so much.
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levana-stark · 1 year
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He has not let go of Leo since last game (fact)
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 9 months
if you stomp on the back of my seat i will stomp on the back of your head 👍
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no-context-nonsense · 1 month
I'm crying because of my talented friends. All I can do is make them gifs about their writing ❤️
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waugh-bao · 1 year
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catinsatintrousers · 7 months
So I made a secondary blog because I've sauntered vaguely downwards into the world of Good Omens and its taken over my life. For those who would like, come follow me @sixespresso !
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