#(but I don't have good video editing software)
diseasedcube · 1 year
I forgot I made this actually
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lu-sn · 2 years
ok who is going to make the vegaspete edit to evanescence's bring me to life
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roboromantic · 4 months
*forcibly reinstalls windows movie maker 2012*
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fatpinkbitch · 7 months
If anyone wants to make a sad edit of Good Omens clips to the Buddy Holly song "Raining in My Heart" that'd be dandy
And by dandy I mean soul shattering
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comicaurora · 3 months
Hey, Red!
I'm sorry to ask an OSP-related question on your comic blog, but this is something I'm struggling with and maybe you can help. Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna answer.
I'm curious what editing software you use in your videos. I want to make videos similar to your style of presentation. I have fully recorded audio (audacity) and complete drawings (csp), but now I'm struggling with how to put them together to actually make a video.
I'm certain you've answered this question before- probably several times- but I cannot for the life of me find the answer.
If you're kind enough to answer that question, could you also tell me if there is anything else I should keep in mind during this process? I've posted things online before and have a rough idea of where to set my expectations (low), but posting new stuff on new platforms is always intimidating.
Sorry for the long ask. I hope it's not a bother. Thank you!
I use Final Cut Pro for my editing! It's very intuitive drag-and-drop for editing, and it's quite easy to layer visuals and audio together using it, although it is a bit pricey.
When it comes to video-making, I'd say the most important thing is to make sure you're creating something you enjoy creating. It can't just be Content and it can't just be fun for you when you receive external validation in the form of comments or likes etc - if you don't enjoy the process itself on some level, it's gonna become soul-crushing and draining. And on that note, don't be afraid to try new things or change old formulas. You're refining the process by figuring out what you like doing. It's good to experiment and to just let yourself have fun with it.
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actual-changeling · 9 months
if god did not want me to over-analyse a two second video clip she would not have given me video editing software, so welcome back to alex's unhinged meta corner with me, alex, as your host.
we're going off the deep end with this one.
let's have a look at a. well, you cannot really call it a scene at this point. more of a collection of frames - aziraphale's face right after crowley leaves but before the bell above the door rings. this has been on my list of metas to write anyway, but someone kindly pointed it out which gave me incentive to make this post.
now, my leading theory is that much like his mouth movement before saying "i forgive you", which looked and sounded a lot like the beginning of "i love you", aziraphale is mouthing a silent "don't". presumably, the complete sentence would have been "don't leave".
first things first, why do i think he would say it? well, if you look back at their breakup in the park in season one, aziraphale calls him back when he says he will leave.
"you can't leave, crowley, there isn't anywhere to go".
then, after the fucking mess that is "nothing lasts forever", aziraphale also calls out. "come back". it is also perfectly in line with his previous behaviour to try and keep crowley from leaving again. especially because he almost tells the metatron he will stay just a few minutes later.
some other important things to keep in mind: aziraphale is shaking and about to cry, and also probably still in shock. so his face is doing a number of things and any words he may or may not mouth are slightly skewed due to that.
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the first few frames are him taking a breath, so far so good.
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this is the part where it looks like he is about to say something and silently begins to mouth don't. if you pay very close attention to his lips, you can see that they get pushed forward just a little bit as one does when saying "do".
you can try it yourself to confirm, i certainly did several times while rewatching the same two seconds like an absolutely sane person.
the last few frames are him closing his mouth again and breaking off whatever he was going to say, but in my opinion, you can still see the ending of that "don't".
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alex, you might ask, how do you know that's what he was trying to say? i don't, although i hope once the strike ends someone will ask michael sheen some much needed questions. however, i wouldn't be a scientist if i didn't have evidence to present nevertheless.
i compared two of the frames from above, one from the "do" part and one from the "nt" part with another instance of michael/aziraphale saying "don't" - "i don't think you understand what i'm offering you".
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the mouth shape and the movement of his facial muscles looks very similar even taking the whole sobbing and crying business into account.
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interestingly enough, once the bell does ring, signaling that crowley has left the store, he not only closes his mouth but also physically steps back even more. he almost says "don't leave", restrains himself by physically pulling back, and then inches even farther from the door.
that is also when his face shifts from completely openly heartbroken to angry/spiteful and heartbroken.
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the camera angle changes a little bit but not enough to explain the discrepancy, so yes, he steps backward before turning away and touching his lips. that pillar is honestly a very helpful point of reference. also completely unrelated but the face he makes at the end cracks me up it is LITERALLY >:(
to summarize: someone get michael sheen on the fucking phone before i lose my mind. also you can pry this meta from my dead, cold hands, he almost said "don't leave" and i will die on this hill.
lastly, said two second clip at half speed if you want to have a look for yourself.
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linkyu · 5 months
tell me about your defense contract pleage
Oh boy!
To be fair, it's nothing grandiose, like, it wasn't about "a new missile blueprint" or whatever, but, just thinking about what it could have become? yeesh.
So, let's go.
For context, this is taking place in the early 2010s, where I was working as a dev and manager for a company that mostly did space stuff, but they had some defence and security contracts too.
One day we got a new contract though, which was... a weird one. It was state-auctioned, meaning that this was basically a homeland contract, but the main sponsor was Philip Morris. Yeah. The American cigarette company.
Why? Because the contract was essentially a crackdown on "illegal cigarette sales", but it was sold as a more general "war on drugs" contract.
For those unaware (because chances are, like me, you are a non-smoker), cigarette contraband is very much a thing. At the time, ~15% of cigarettes were sold illegally here (read: they were smuggled in and sold on the street).
And Phillip Morris wanted to stop that. After all, they're only a small company worth uhhh... oh JFC. Just a paltry 150 billion dollars. They need those extra dollars, you understand?
Anyway. So they sponsored a contract to the state, promising that "the technology used for this can be used to stop drug deals too". Also that "the state would benefit from the cigarettes part as well because smaller black market means more official sales means a higher tax revenue" (that has actually been proven true during the 2020 quarantine).
Anyway, here was the plan:
Phase 1 was to train a neural network and plug it in directly to the city's video-surveillance system, in order to detect illegal transactions as soon as they occur. Big brother who?
Phase 2 was to then track the people involved in said transaction throughout the city, based on their appearance and gait. You ever seen the Plainsight sheep counting video? Imagine something like this but with people. That data would then be relayed to police officers in the area.
So yeah, an automated CCTV-based tracking system. Because that's not setting a scary precedent.
So what do you do when you're in that position? Let me tell you. If you're thrust unknowingly, or against your will, into a project like this,
Note. The following is not a legal advice. In fact it's not even good advice. Do not attempt any of this unless you know you can't get caught, or that even if you are caught, the consequences are acceptable. Above all else, always have a backup plan if and when it backfires. Also don't do anything that can get you sued. Be reasonable.
Let me introduce you to the world of Corporate Sabotage! It's a funny form of striking, very effective in office environments.
Here's what I did:
First of all was the training data. We had extensive footage, but it needed to be marked manually for the training. Basically, just cropping the clips around the "transaction" and drawing some boxes on top of the "criminals". I was in charge of several batches of those. It helped that I was fast at it since I had video editing experience already. Well, let's just say that a good deal of those markings were... not very accurate.
Also, did you know that some video encodings are very slow to process by OpenCV, to the point of sometimes crashing? I'm sure the software is better at it nowadays though. So I did that to another portion of the data.
Unfortunately the training model itself was handled by a different company, so I couldn't do more about this.
Or could I?
I was the main person communicating with them, after all.
Enter: Miscommunication Master
In short (because this is already way too long), I became the most rigid person in the project. Like insisting on sharing the training data only on our own secure shared drive, which they didn't have access to yet. Or tracking down every single bug in the program and making weekly reports on those, which bogged down progress. Or asking for things to be done but without pointing at anyone in particular, so that no one actually did the thing. You know, classic manager incompetence. Except I couldn't be faulted, because after all, I was just "really serious about the security aspect of this project. And you don't want the state to learn that we've mishandled the data security of the project, do you, Jeff?"
A thousand little jabs like this, to slow down and delay the project.
At the end of it, after a full year on this project, we had.... a neural network full of false positives and a semi-working visualizer.
They said the project needed to be wrapped up in the next three months.
I said "damn, good luck with that! By the way my contract is up next month and I'm not renewing."
Last I heard, that city still doesn't have anything installed on their CCTV.
tl;dr: I used corporate sabotage to prevent automated surveillance to be implemented in a city--
hey hold on
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well what the fuck was all that even about then if they already own most of the black market???
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tossawary · 3 months
I think SVSSS as a 2D cartoon would be the best moving medium for it imo.
I mean, personally, yeah, that's how I'd enjoy seeing it as well! My ideal slightly pretentiously artsy SVSSS screen adaptation would probably look only a little more detailed than linograph prints (2D or shaded 3D?) (someone hit me up in like two weeks to draw an example of what I mean, if I don't remember on my own, I don't have access to art stuff right now), very stylized and vibrantly colorful, because that's one of the art styles that I particularly enjoy.
I'm not a personally a fan of the 3D SVSSS show because I find the characters a little too doll-like and same-facey for my tastes? It's fine! It works! It's serviceable! It's just all, backgrounds included, a little... safe? I tend to like over-the-top bright colors and intricate details and impractically weird shapes and yet also coherent world production design in my fantasy, which is a lot to demand of any production, perhaps especially with animation productions, which are always squeezed for time and money.
(EDIT: I know the SVSSS show was under heavy constraints and the results are impressive considering their resources; it doesn't change the fact that I just don't like the art style and nevertheless find the results underwhelming. I don't like a lot of "realistic" modeling / rendering styles, not just "anime" ones, even if they are extremely technically impressive. Believe me when I say that I know the vast majority of the entertainment industry is overworked and underpaid and creatively restrained.)
Slightly tangential general note: I don't think 2D is inherently superior to 3D (EDIT: NOT trying to imply asker is saying this, just having some general thoughts), especially because, with the realities of production, each have their advantages. 2D has a lot of stylistic advantages still, but 3D shaders are catching up and doing some incredible things these days! More advanced puppet controls and particle effects and such are doing some beautiful things for 2D shows as well these days. A lot of stuff has been subtly mixed media as soon as 3D became possible. It is potentially possible (note: not saying any studio would actually greenlight this) to do an equally slightly weird and artistically stunning 3D SVSSS show, given the freedom to work. (Good boarding and writing is also sooooo important in both mediums, obviously, it's not just about the art design. You can get away with incredibly limited animation with good boarding, writing, and art design.)
Another slightly tangential ramble: both 2D and 3D have the potential for stiff animation and poor character acting, which also comes down to production limits and animator skills? (I often think of character animators as a type of actor!) There are a lot of 2D shows that I don't really like because I find the animation incredibly stiff, both puppet and handdrawn (there's great 2D puppet stuff out there these days), which pretty much always comes down to production limits (deadlines and budget and software, saving up their animation for the coolest scenes). One of my favorite things about Studio Ghibli films (which as features get a lot more space to focus on art compared to the demands and restraint of television) has always been the squash and stretch in otherwise relatively realistic action, making things like hugs look SO nice for example. But 3D stuff is getting better at that these days! The ways characters slumped into each other in "Nimona" for example was great. And it's just fascinating to look at the elasticity / stylized sculpt of expressions in "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish" compared to the technical limits of the models / rigs in "Shrek" or "Shrek 2".
Adding these side notes because I want to be clear about my respect for both 2D and 3D artistically! A lot of video games are doing cool stuff in 3D that looks very close to 2D with stylized shaders, which you can sometimes spot by the large or small rotations in character action / acting, which is difficult (and therefore often expensive) to do in 2D with all of those extra drawings / angle poses. Also, I think the current push towards funky shaders in 3D is so cool and it's hard not to gush about them!!!
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ave661 · 1 year
👉Watermark Glossary👈
Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok | Tumblr | Patreon | Kofi
Before sending an Ask, please click "keep reading"
360 renders for artists: MW '23 Ghost - cliff cutscene | Urban | Tundra | NVM | Venator Soap - NVM | Tundra | Bravo | Nautilus Price - Tundra Gaz - Tundra Makarov - 'Trojan Horse' mission
MW '22: Ghost - tattoos 1 | tattoos 2 | his mask - old ver, new ver | Senpai | Zombie | Marshal | Gilded Reaper | Classic Soap - his tattoo König - Sinister skin | 'Blood Soaked' skin Valeria tattoos Gaz - Raid skin | Standard Alejandro
MW '19: Ghost - Jawbone skin Price | face Gaz Alex Keller tattoos
Keegan P. Russ
If I didn't answer your question, there's a good chance you'll find the answer below👇
But please do not ask me for 3d models and do not send me requests.
-Do you have other platforms where you post your stuff? Yes I have! Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter and Patreon
-What software are you using to create them? Now Blender 3.5, but i started making them first in Source Filmmaker
-Can I use your renders as banners, pfp? Sure! I do not have a problem with that
-Can I use them in edits, fics etc? Yes, but please give me credits
-What do you think about reposting your work? Do not repost, especially on pinterest. If you like something, you can "reblog" here, "retweet" on Twitter and "repost" on Tiktok.
It's different if you want to use them in a creative form, such as: fanfics, edits, videos, references for drawings - I fully support everything where you give something from yourself! Just give me credits if you don't want to tag me.
But if someone only downloads my renders to post them on their account with 50 hashtags to get as many likes as possible - then no.
-Do you do commissions? Sorry but no. I don't want to treat it as a job, but as a hobby and something that allows me to relax and learn new things. Maybe one day! (i'll do announcement for sure).
-Do you sell your work somewhere? I don't sell my renders anywhere, so if you see them somewhere as posters, t-shirts, stickers etc., please know that they are stolen. I would be grateful for information on this matter so that I could report it.
-What if I want to support you? I have Ko-fi but also Patreon where I post my renders in 4K version. That's where I publish my works first and nsfw content wink wink
-How long does it take you to make renders? Many hours. I am self-taught, I did not graduate from any special school in this field, so I often devote a lot of time to learning, so please respect that. But to answer your question, it depends on the project - sometimes 4 hours, sometimes a week.
It's still fanart after all so sometimes I make mistakes.
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tobyfoxfacts · 6 months
How to compose like Toby Fox
I analyzed Toby's music... here's the backbones to his songs, and various Toby techniques! I included ways to get started with recording your music! Read more to see 👀
Battle themes
For the music Toby uses in his battle themes, he starts with a 1-2 measure long riff. He gradually adds in more instruments, looping the original track from the intro. A simple tune you can hum to. After adding in several instruments, he adds the bridge of the song. He removes the beginning melody and lets the background music continue for a measure. Then he slows down the song and keeps one instrument. After that he adds a buildup and changes the octave, or adds harmony to the final chorus. At the very end, he adds a finale that ties the beginning to the end of the song.
Background music
For the background music during exploring, he makes the songs easily "loopable" so the beginning fades into the end. He uses orchestra sound fonts and ambient noise. During emotional short cut scenes he uses faint opera vocals as well. Don't forget the random wind whooshing sounds.
Instruments used
Undertale mostly focused on chiptune synthesizers and 8 bit sounds. Toby branched out to orchestra instruments in chapter 1 of Deltarune, and emphasized his piano skills. In chapter 2, he fell in love with the harpsichord that he'd romanced many years ago in his homestuck side gig. Thank goodness he left the weird overused synth pitch bending in his past. Good grief, that was... creative. Toby's been experimenting with brass instruments, which makes sense. Toby played trumpet in jazz band during high school. After his work on Pokémon, Toby's music has become diverse, and each song has a unique twist. Working with other artists was definitely a great step for him! Don't be afraid to reach out to other beginner musicians and collaborate!
Making music like Toby
To make music like Toby... experiment! Create a long-term relationship with the harpsichord and mash notes together until you find yourself playing them over and over, nodding your head in satisfaction. You gotta quickly record the track and tweak it later so you remember what it sounds like.
Simple ways to record music
Music professionals will K1LL me for this one. Here's some ways to begin recording music without buying that 1999$ springo bingo synth board with the doodoofart pro vst producing sound bit 2000.
Using these tips, you can record and change sound fonts! Once you record your track, you can mess around with the sound on your recording device! That's how Toby has so many instruments 👀
Look up videos on YouTube about converting music into wav and mp3 files. Toby didn't know what a wav file was when he began music production! Don't be scared of all these fancy weird words. You'll catch on! There's no shame in going on the web for help. Music production can get very complicated with random errors and shit. (I have cried over my piano before) That's what reddit is for! Frustration is inevitable. Just take a deep breath and STAY DETERMINED. Even if you can't play piano? Watch tutorials and practice! Toby is self taught and doesn't write sheet music!
If you have an electric piano keyboard, you can hook it up to a computer with a cable that's easily found on Amazon. You can also use an iPad pro, hook THAT up and record it in a program like garage band. I recommend investing in studio one 5 on your computer! If you've got studio one... get a vocaloid software bundle and mess around with piapro studio 👀 add vocals!!! There's some cheap vocaloids out there! Toby's worked with some vocaloid producers in the past! Mess around and have fun!
Get creative!
The keyboard is your playground. Toby says that simplicity is important. He mentioned this in the annotations included on the sheet music that came with the undertale collectors edition. You don't need to go overboard with advanced shit to sound professional. Some of the best songs are simple and catchy!
Toby would want you to be kind to yourself and your hands. Be patient. Music takes time! Make your own songs and follow your own path. Create your own style so when people hear your music they know it's you!
Good luck!
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wonwooridul · 2 years
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HELLO & WELCOME ♡ to an all inclusive giffing guide, which includes: - vapousynth installation on windows / mac - how to source giffable material - resizing / deinterlacing / denoising / sharpening on VS - step by step breakdown of how to use VS - giffing after you've used VS - giffing using only photoshop - simple colouring guide - watermaking and blurring captions
( a better and updated version of the previous one )
VS is free to download and use. it is truly an amazing tool which allows you to resize, denoise, sharpen your gifs all at once and save the output in gifs, frames , mp4 and mov.
You can install vapoursyth from here. The site has download software and installation guide for both MacOs and Windows. Please watch and read the installation guide thoroughly, it is a very well written one and if you follow along, installation will be done easily.
It is best to use a video with minimum resolution of 1080p but a good 720p would work sometimes. This is how gifs look after sharpening a normal 1080p video:
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➞ You can start with downloading a 4K Video downloader. It will allow you to download clean and best available resolution videos from youtube. ➞ If you don't want to download a software, you can use screenrecording. - Windows : windows key + alt +R - MacOs: shift + cmnd + 5 ➞ .TS files - for seventeen .ts files, you can go to rosebay
Tumblr has it own resizing rules so that your gifs aren't blurry after you've uploaded them. Keep this in mind when you're using VS resizing tool.
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After you've installed the VS properly. You'll have a VS script shortcut on which you'll drop your video file for giffing. Once you drop your video file on the VS shortcut, a window like this will pop up:
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After you've put your timestamps and gif duration, a resizer will open up in chrome ( or your default web) along with a VS Script Window (sometimes it’ll take a min to open).
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GIF Size: WIDTH (left space) and HEIGHT (right space). Use the bottom left triangle to adjust you clip. Make sure 'Preprocessor' is set to 'None' and "debilinear'.
Use KNLM for denoising and FineSharp for sharpening by selecting them and ticking the small check box beside them. DONOT mess with the denoise and sharpening cursor on the resizer tab, we'll adjust setting on the VS Script.
There are CCs who use BM3D for denoising but it never worked for me. Always gave me an error. KNLM has worked without an error for years for me.
NOW, there are CCs who like to set frame per second ( qtgmc) on the resizer itself but qtgmc is designed to work with interlaced video. Don’t waste your time with fancams, it won’t do shit.
[ Interlaced content: live performances, variety shows. Typical formats: .ts/.tp/.m2ts Progressive content: fancams, vlive/instagram videos, some variety shows (basically 1080p/720p/480p/…, anything with a p. Typical formats: .mp4/.avi ]
Copy whatever code that comes on the top right.
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First, remove the # on line 9 to increase your cache size so that your VS doesn't slow down or crash. It is already removed in mine, but you'll have to remove the # on the start of line 9.
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Remove everything from line 17 till before "video = core.fmtc.bitdepth(video, bits =16)" and paste the code you copied from the resizer on line 17.
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After you've pasted the code, we put in our denoise and sharpen settings by changing these things. denoise: 2, 6, 4 , 2 finesharp: 2
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Now, Encoding aka Saving the output. Script > Encode Video and another window will pop up which allows you to select in which way you want to save your ouput.
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I would highly suggest using the PNG sequence because it is easily editable and is saved in hd from. GIF output can often be dithered.
Ensure that header in in Y4M mode
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Click on Start to start your encoding process. Don't close any of the window tabs before the encoding is completed.
Your output will be saved under "D:\VapourSynth64Portable(200722)\gifs\output".
Before you start encoding another batch of frames or a gif, please cut and paste the previous output in another folder because each new batch of output gets saved in the same folder with the same name, thus, automatically replacing the files.
after you’re done with accessing your output PNGs, close all the windows and repeat the same for a new set of PNGs for another gif.
If your saving as PNG sequence, you can simply trim your gif by removing the unwanted frames!
If you're saving as a GIF output, after loading your gif and converting it into a smart object, you can cut it using the 'scissors' button on the timeline. Place the cursor thing from where you want to cut the gif from and press the scissors button. It will split the gif in two. Select the unwanted one and press delete.
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To remove flashes in gifs in a simple and easy way is to save them as a PNG sequence. With that you can clearly see which frame has a flash and simply delete that before loading in photoshop as stack.
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Firstly, turn on your timeline mode. WIndow > Timeline
To LOAD GIF FILE IN PS FOR COLOURING File > Open > Select GIF > Enter ( a normal gif output will have a 0.02 FPS delay )
(if you want to sharpen or add any effects to the gif then:) - Click the small button on the left bottom of the timeline to convert into into video timeline.
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Select all frames on your right and convert them into a Smart Object (select all > right click > covert to smart object)
Add whatever filters you want.
Add your colouring and save.
File > Export > Save to WEB
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File > Scripts > Load into Stack > Browse Browse will open your File Manager. Select the frames you want to be loaded as a stack. Let them load and click OK.
After PS is done loading your frames, Follow these steps:
Click create frame animation. It’s show only one frame so you have to click this ≡ symbol on the top right of the timeline.
Then click Create Frames from layers and it’ll make all frames.
Then click ≡ again and click “reverse frames” because ps loads stacked frames in reverse so you have to un-reverse it.
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4. Most importantly, we need to set frames per second because we didn't set anything on the resizer. Frames per second can make a huge difference in how fast or slow you want your gif to be. 0.05 FPS is just my preferred setting.
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To input your desired FPS settings, select all frame from the timeline, right click on any frame > Other > Input your desired setting. ( anything above 0.08 will make the gif too slow )
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5. Click on 'Create Video Timeline' to turn this into a video timeline. (bottom left of timeline)
i made an action that does all steps from 1 to 5. Download it here <3
6. Then select all your layers from the side panel and convert it into a smart object so that you can sharpen it and add other filters.
7. Add your adjustment layers for colouring and save it!! Saving process as same as before. (File > Export > Save to WEB)
If you don't want to go through hassle of installing and using vapoursynth, you can use this photoshop only method. You can simply cut the video and load them as frames.
File > Import > Video Frames to Layers
A window like this will pop up:
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Use the triangle cursors to set the start and end of your clip. Make sure Make frame Animation is check. Press OK.
IMP: After you frames have loaded, you'll see the frames have loaded at a 0.04FPS. You can change it according to your preference but the speed is different (slower) for these gifs even if they're both at 0.05fps, that is because the number of frames is different than number of frames from a VS png sequence for the same clip.
You can adjust the fps the same way mentioned above.
You can see the difference even with the same FPS settings. The frames in the second gif are VS generated whereas the first one is PS generated.
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After setting you desired FPS, click on the Make Video frame animation button at the bottom left on the Timeline tab,, Select all frames/ layers on the right and convert them into a SmartObject.
Now comes the main part, Resizing the gif according to tumblr. For this, Image > Canvas Size. Input your desired dimentions and press OK.
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Then, Click of CTRL + T (Free Transform) and adjust the gif along the canvas. like this:
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Press Enter. You gif is set. all you need to do is, add your sharpening (filters > smart sharpen).
You can also refer to this amazing tutorial by @jeonwonwoo for photoshop giffing.
For this you only need a gif in a Smart Object, Marquee Tool and Gaussian Blur.
Marquee Tool is the small dotted rectangle tool. Click on it and then make your selection around the caption by clicking and dragging your cursor.
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normal selection
Add to selection (to the normal selection) ( best for multiple captions, it lets you select in multiple places at once) Example:
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after selection, go to Filters > Blur > Gaussian Blue > 3.0
IMP: If you want to add Blur using marquee tool on a smart object that already has a smart sharpen filter (or any filter) on then you need to convert that smart object into a smart object again.
after you've added your colouring adjustment layers, save your gif. File > Export > Save for Web
To make you custom watermark shape, you can follow this wonderful tutorial by @yunaevis
How to set the custom watermark or any watermark, you can follow this tutorial by me. ( bonus: it'll also teach you how to use actions for watermarking)
Start off Curves. Click and drag the curves from the middle to upwards. This will increase the brightness .
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For skin, we begin with Selective colours. Messing with Reds and Yellows, give the skin more even saturation. You can accentuate blacks and increase brightness + contrast too.
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for a detailed basic colouring tutorial, you can follow this tutorial!
DONE AND DUSTED,,,, THANKYOU <333 I hope this was somewhat helpful <3 if anyone has a doubt, they can always contact me!
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goldnhourwrites · 5 months
heartsteel headcanons 2: jobs
this was inspired by a post (and its comments) by @sils-current-hyperfixations about what jobs the heartsteel gang would have if they weren't making music together!
I feel like Yone could have gotten himself into some horrible desk job that he hated. I can envision Yone with a 9-to-5 and a closet full of button down shirts and dress pants. Something where you have to send a ton of emails.
I think if he had the patience for it, Yone would do well as a psychiatrist or therapist - a job where he could help people in a meaningful way.
Sett would enjoy something with physical activity - I think he'd like being a sports coach, athletic trainer, or something along those lines.
He could probably be a professional athlete if he was dedicated enough. His mom would worry about him getting injured, though, so he might settle for just being a coach.
There was a comment on the original post that suggested bartender for K'Sante and I have not been able to get that thought to leave my head.
I also think he'd make a great baker or chef - I think he'd enjoy a creative career, something where he gets to make things while also getting to interact with people.
I think K'Sante could have a little Etsy shop where he does woodworking or pottery or something and it would be cute.
Ezreal loves history. Ezreal loves museums. Ezreal would be some sort of historian, archaeologist, or archivist.
I could also see him as a librarian of some sort - I think he would like working with like classic literature or historical texts/maps/images.
I think Aphelios would enjoy a career in technology. He'd be good at computer science and software development and coding and things like that.
He could be a web developer of some kind, or maybe a game designer. I honestly don't know a whole lot about jobs in the computer science field, so my ideas here are kind of basic, haha.
Kayn could be a good tattoo artist or professional piercer, I think. He'd like the creative freedom (and also he'd just think it was cool.)
I could also see him working at a nightclub? Managing the people, working with performers/bands playing shows, etc.
Alune (because I like her)
I don't know how much (if at all) Alune was canonically involved in the production of the Heartsteel music video, but I think Alune would like film production/editing.
I like the idea of Alune with a big professional camera just stealing the rest of the heartsteel gang and being like "OK POSE". I also think she could be interested in fashion and do like fashion photoshoots with everyone.
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snapscube · 10 months
Hey, I just edited my first ever stream (was Kuu's Colosseum vod) and I used your suggested method!!! it was fun, and I see making more as an inevitability. Thank you! :]
Though there was one question I had, and maybe it's a diff in the software, but it was about the second pass, where you making the rough cuts based on the timestamps recorded but keep the original source unchanged. I assumed this was so that you could go back to the original source and get more or less context to make a transition between clips better.
I've been using Shotcut, and it has the ability to extend a clip back or forwards, re-gaining cut footage, so I effectively have the original video at all times even when I cut it to pieces. Am I misunderstanding the point of keeping the original vod alongside the rough cuts?
Tumblr media
(Included both parts of your ask so I can answer in one, hope you don't mind!) Yeah so let me hit these points beat by beat!
Personally the "two timelines" approach for me is just helpful as a general frame of reference for how much original footage is there, how much I've been able to cut down to, where my clips are on that timeline, AND yes, how much context surrounds each clip that I could either remove or utilize as I edit the rough cut down further. Ultimately it's MOST useful for that last point though, so if something like that Shotcut feature works better for you then 100% feel free to omit my suggestion! Not everything that works for me is gonna work for you and that's totally fine! I just like having a version of the timeline with all my markers lined up to the uncut footage JUST IN CASE, and it's something I'd recommend as people get familiar with the needs of their own workflow and the abilities of the editing suite they use.
When it comes to the video lengths you should be looking at for a final cut, it REALLLY depends on a lot of different things. What's the mission statement of the video, who is the target audience, what are your goals for pacing. Personally, for the main SnapCube channel we like to sit around the 30-60 minute window for edits, give or take depending on how long the original stream was. This is often being cut down from streams around 3-4 hours minimum, so safe to say a LOT of stuff ends up on the cutting room floor. But personally I find that a lot of the biggest time cuts actually end up in the polishing phase after you've already done a rough cut, because that's when we are just completely "butchering" the original pacing of my commentary and bits and story moments to just make everything super snappy (haha), as that's the style we're going for. Ellie in particular does a lot of sentence splicing and rearranging my commentary to fit a smaller amount of footage that communicates the larger idea of a bit or conversation, it's super impressive. I'd say definitely play around with the format and try to take a couple passes to see how much you can get things down while still communicating the original experience well, but OVERALL your style is your style and if long videos are the vibe with the audience you're shooting for, there's no harm in that. You're gonna find a good balance with practice!
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doedipus · 4 months
You really don't need to burn CDs if you want to air quotes own your digital music files. Afaik even iTunes or whatever doesn't enforce any kind of drm besides counting which computers you can download songs from them on, and ofc bandcamp or pirated music doesn't care at all.
My android phone has never spoken to iTunes and has my whole library on it, I have a big external drive with music that I pass between computers as needed and never had any issues, I can use all of them in video or audio editing software directly without doing aux cord tricks
You just have to actually download the files onto a device instead of streaming everything forever is the thing. If you want CDs because they look nice or because you have a car that has a CD drive but no Bluetooth or place to charge your phone (can't you use a lighter adapter?) or you want to send someone a mixtape or whatever, knock yourself out, but otherwise files are good enough
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yooniesim · 7 months
Do you have any tips on how to make CC for beginners? Your stuff has inspired me a lot but idk where to start!! >~<
Hey nonny! I'm so happy you're inspired to make cc.
One of my greatest resources as someone that learns better with written tutorials than videos, is the full index of sims4studio tutorials. It looks a little overwhelming at first, but just take things one link at a time. Also, whenever I have a problem, I usually google whatever my problem is along with "sims4studio", and a helpful thread usually pops up.
The threads I return to very often are:
Weight transfer tutorial
UV_1 tutorial
It's slightly more advanced, but if something's fucky and you can't figure out what, chances are it's the weights or the UV_1. So I would learn about those pretty early on (after looking at the more basic tutorials of course). Also, always remember to remove those doubles! (You'll know what I mean when you follow the tutorials, ha)
Anywho, here's a few more resources that I and others in my discord server have found useful for just starting out:
@thefoxburyinstitute tutorial blog
cc making for beginners video tutorial by @powluna
cc tutorial by @myshunosun
written hair tutorial (part 1/part 2) by @simandy
For general advice, I'd recommend to take things very slowly, one step at a time, one project at a time, until you feel more comfortable. There's a teeny bit of a learning curve at first, if you've never touched blender or any image editing software before- but once you've got the hang of things, you're pretty much golden. Also, it may take a little bit to discover what you like making most. For example, I like making hair a lot, but clothing irks me. Some people love clothing and hate hair lol. So if you start off on one thing and find yourself hating it, don't be afraid to drop it completely and try something else. Every project you try is never a waste, even if you don't finish it, it's all teaching you something and building your familiarity with the process.
If you have any detailed questions, don't be afraid to come back and ask me! I'll help with whatever I can. Good luck, nonny 💜
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wosomarvel · 9 months
communication - 02
warnings: light angst (idk if this counts as angst or not)
also, i'm so happy vilda is finally out, even if it is disappointing that it took so long. next, rubiales.
contigo jenni
in the few months since sim had started at her new job, she was surprised at how well she'd been able to settle in. she'd gotten her new office set up with the necessary computers and camera equipment. she'd spent a lot of her down time roaming the facility when the girls weren't around. the young girl had filmed enough content to put up several posts on the lionesses' official social media accounts.
so far, the engagement was increasing compared to the content published before her arrival. sim knew better than to take her foot off the pedal, though. her drive to be good enough, to succeed, to be wanted would never let her rest.
that's how she found herself hunched over her laptop in her flat, empty coffee cups littering the desk. the sound of cars passing by outside the flat served as a tempting lullaby. sim's eyes stayed shut a little longer each time she blinked.
she was working on a short video for the lionesses' youtube page, clipping together pictures, short segments of video, and interview-like questions she'd asked the team during the most recent camp.
sim had had a great deal of fun at camp. she'd stayed in the same hotel as the team, which allowed her to catch some golden moments off the pitch that otherwise wouldn't be made public.
over the course of the week and a half she'd spent with the girls, she'd also found herself falling into an easy banter with most of them. she'd become fast friends with ella and alessia, the girls doing their best to bring sim out of her shell. leah had taken more of a watchful role, ensuring the young girl was finding everything okay.
as for the rest of the team, sim found a comfortable balance between friends and coworkers. she was alright with the more professional role she inhabited with them, content to observe and capture their interactions and movements through a lens.
even though it had only been a couple of months at the new job, it made sim uneasy how easy it was to fall into a rhythm with the team. she didn't want to be too much for anyone. she was constantly worrying about overstepping boundaries, or being too annoying. despite the multiple invites to go grab coffee with alessia and some of the other arsenal players since the end of camp, sim found it hard to believe that the girls really enjoyed her company that much.
the sound of her phone buzzing snapped sim out of her trance. she rubbed her eyes, reading over the text she had just received from alessia.
leah, beth and i are grabbing coffee after training later. want to join?
sim sighed, running a hand through the mess of curls on her head. she was reluctant to agree. she wanted to finish her current project and have the video published by wednesday morning. sim's back straightened when she realized that was now tomorrow morning.
another buzz from her phone.
leah says you don't have a choice. we'll pick you up at 3:30 (:
sim's eyebrows furrowed at the small smiley face tacked on to the end of the message, her grip on her phone slackening. she was reluctant to agree to the girl's demands, the self-imposed deadline looming dark.
she scratched at the skin just behind her ear, a nervous habit she'd picked up who knows when. she shot off a simple 'ok' to alessia, knowing her friend was too stubborn to relent. sim set the device down, turning her attention back to the editing software open on her laptop.
4:39 am. sim considered grabbing an energy drink and powering through the assignment in front of her, in the end, deciding against it. if she pushed herself any further, she'd be dead on her feet when she met less and the girls for coffee later.
sim set her computer down beside the bed, finally allowing herself to surrender to sleep for the first time in almost 48 hours.
they were late. very late.
sim was leaning against the cold concrete pillar outside her building, the surface reminding her of the sides of a swimming pool. she might as well be in one, with how hard it was raining.
she glanced at the time blinking on her watch. 4:09 pm. she sighed. she'd only ended up sleeping for 5 hours. she'd woken up to thoughts of the stupid youtube video she was supposed to have uploaded. it seemed as though her brain would not let her catch a break. she couldn't escape her anxiety, even in her sleep.
"oh my gosh, i'm so sorry we're late. we were reviewing film after training and breaking down the next match-"
"less, it's okay." sim cut off the rambling of the forward, allowing herself to be guided into the backseat of the sedan that had just pulled up, with leah driving and beth occupying the front passenger seat.
sim sank into the black leather seats, grateful for the warmth the car provided., setting her crutch sideways on her lap. she watched the city move by through the window, running her fingers over the stitching on the seats. she was still new to the city, not quite acquainted with the packed streets of london. she'd moved down here for her new job with the lionesses.
sim was secretly grateful for the number of women's football teams based in london. despite the size of the city, it was nice that so many of the lionesses played here. it made the weight of the loneliness she felt ease a bit.
"what's your order, then?" asked leah as they stepped into the small coffee shop.
"oh, i'll just order mine separately."
"that's nonsense. i invited you out, i pay," leah asserted. sim let out a long exhale, knowing she wasn't going to be allowed to pay for her own.
"i'll just do an iced coffee with two creams and two sugars. but i've got next," sim replied.
accepting money from others had always made sim feel uncomfortable. it was something that had been drilled into her head growing up, a fundamental piece of punjabi culture. never accept money from others, and always offer to pay. sim decided to forgo the last part. the move to london had almost bankrupted her and while her new wages were certainly a nice increase from the waitressing job she'd worked previously, her bank account wasn't exactly thriving.
"what were you doing up so early this morning?" alessia asked as they settled into a corner booth.
sim raised an eyebrow at the question. "i could ask you the same thing."
"i had an early night and got up early for a run with the team. you still haven't answered my question."
"yeah, at least we know less is sleeping. you on the other hand... you've looked better, i'll leave it at that," beth added with a chuckle.
"thanks, beth, you really know how to make a girl smile," sim said, a smile taking over her face.
"alright, seriously, answer the question now. enough stalling." sim could see the gentle concern behind the smile on leah's face.
she didn't know why leah was so worried. she knew that maybe her sleeping habits were less than healthy, but she couldn't understand why leah cared. they'd known each other for barely three months. that hadn't stopped the defender from taking on a sibling type role in sim's life, though.
she shrugged, sipping on the coffee before setting it back down on the table. "just working on this new video for the youtube. i've gotta have it up by tomorrow morning." sim kept her focus on the surface of the table, and the way the condensation from her cup was pooling around the edge.
eye contact had never been something that came easy to sim.
alessia's eyebrows furrowed. "so you decided you'd pull another all-nighter to get it done?"
"technically, it wasn't an all-nighter because after i got your text, i went to bed," sim mumbled, swirling the ice around her cup. she used the sleeve of her sweater to wipe at the pool of water on the table.
leah frowned. "what do you mean, another all-nighter?"
sim groaned. leah was like an annoying, overbearing parent. she was only 5 years older than sim, which only frustrated the girl even more.
"sim, i know you're worried about keeping the job, but running yourself into the ground won't do you any favors. i've heard some of the higher-ups talking, and they're already impressed. it sounds like we've already got some new sponsorships coming through. take care of yourself, alright? ease up."
sim looked up to meet leah's eyes. she saw the worry reflected in the tightness of leah's eyebrows, the way her eyes roved over her own face, taking in the bags under sim's eyes and then down to the hunch of her shoulders.
"we've got tomorrow off as a rest day. why don't you come by my place? i'm having some of the girls come around for a movie marathon," alessia offered.
a smile graced sim's face. she ignored the way her heart leaped at the chance to spend time with alessia, labelling it as friendly excitement.
"i'll be there."
"you're a good kid, sim. you work hard, but remember to rest sometimes too," beth said softly, putting an arm around sim's shoulder and squeezing gently.
sim allowed herself to lean into the comfort. she was exhausted. and technically, she reminded herself, the video didn't actually have to be up until saturday. as much as she wanted it up early to impress her superiors, she knew the girls were right.
sim let herself enjoy the rest of the afternoon with her friends, joining in on the laughter and jokes, letting herself get carried away in conversation. it didn't hurt that at some point, alessia had reached across the table and taken sim's hands in her own, playing with her fingers as the day progressed.
sim missed the knowing looks leah and beth exchanged after glancing down at hers and alessia's hands.
"are you going to introduce us to your girl or what?" the voice of one kim little rang out as everyone got settled onto the sofas in alessia's living room.
a red flush took over sim's face. sim had been ignoring the way alessia made her feel when they were inhabiting the same space.
she found herself naturally drawn to alessia's blonde hair and blue eyes, to the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled, to her eyelashes and her smile and the soft skin of her hands and the warm embrace of her body. she made sim feel safe and free from judgement.
sim ignored the feeling of warmth she experienced at even the slightest touch from the footballer. she ignored the feeling of satisfaction whenever she managed to make alessia laugh. she brushed all those feelings aside, pushed them down until they were nothing more than a quiet voice at the back of her mind. after all, they'd only known each other a few months and there was no way alessia russo would reciprocate. she was way out of sim's league.
"she's not my girl, but fine. guys, this is sim, she works in media for the national team. she's also a dear friend, so be nice." sim knew her blush would only have gotten worse with the arm alessia had slung over her shoulder. she was grateful that the lights were already dimmed in preparation for the movie marathon, or she would have to deal with relentless teasing from leah and beth. knowing them, they would've roped in lotte as well.
sim waved shyly to the room. most of the team, she'd never met. she'd met lina in passing once at london colney when alessia had asked for a ride after training. the short-haired girl had simply waved at the two before getting into her own car and driving away.
"well, sim, don't just stand there. come make yourself comfortable," leah teased. "and don't worry," she addressed the rest of the team, "once she gets comfortable she's not nearly as quiet."
sim moved to take the open spot next to leah on the ground, leaning against the couch, alessia settling in on her other side.
by the end of the first movie, sim was trying and failing to keep from falling asleep. even worse, every time she nodded off, her head ended up resting on alessia's shoulder.
the 6th time it happened, alessia had had enough. she wrapped her arm around sim's body and pulled her closer, tugging the blanket they were sharing up to cover their shoulders.
sim relaxed slightly, appreciating the warmth surrounding her. if she'd been more alert, she would've had the sense to feel embarrassed. instead, the next time she nodded off, she stayed sleeping.
alessia stilled, not daring to move a muscle in case it woke the younger girl up.
"let her sleep," leah whispered softly. "she's earned it."
alessia nodded in agreement. she brought a hand up to sim's curly hair, carding her hands through in an attempt to keep her sleeping.
while the two shared this peaceful moment, beth leaned off of the couch above them, stretching to grab a photo before sending it to the lioness's group chat.
alessia glanced at the notification on her phone but couldn't bring herself to care for the remarks the rest of her national teammates had already starting making. not with sim's warm body curled up against hers under the blanket. she only hoped the teasing wouldn't scare her away.
alessia was determined to bring sim out of her shell, to find out why the younger girl was trying so hard to keep the team at such a distance.
the team had taken a liking to sim, immediately accepting her as a part of the family. they'd never done so with a member of staff before, but they couldn't help enjoying the time sim spent with them. she did her job with such care and respect for their privacy that they'd wanted to look out for her even without their coach's request.
sim made sure to get their approval before posting something online, wanting to make sure she wasn't crossing boundaries or sharing information that the girls weren't comfortable with having public. she reminded them to rest and recover properly. she never asked questions that made the team uncomfortable. she was so easy to work with and the team had taken her in without hesitation, wanting to return the kindness she was so intent on showing to them.
they would let sim fall asleep on their shoulders any time, anywhere, if it meant the girl got some rest.
leah smiled softly as she watched alessia press a gentle kiss to sim's hair before quietly asking the rest of the team what movie they should play next. the gunners took care to make sure they wouldn't wake anyone up.
sim didn't know it, but she'd found herself a family.
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