#(bought it for my siblings to play) (I can't play video games)
the-meme-monarch · 4 months
went out and bought a video game today (<- will never play it)
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mykey-and-bobby-koopa · 5 months
A Little Crossover
| Versión en español |
 ((This is a small crossover between my versions of the koopalings and the versions of @thekoopalingsandstuffs. My kids will be highlighted in purple and hers will be in pink. I hope you like it. The drawings are made by me))
Bowsy: hey, hi, you must be like me, great!!
Junie: Hello, how are you? I'm Bowser Jr., but you can call me 'Junie'
Bowsy: nice to meet you, you can call me 'Bowsy'
Junie: cute nickname
Bowsy: thank you, that's what one of my friends nicknamed me and I really liked it.
Junie: They must be good friends.
Bowsy: oh yeah! Of course, my brother Larry is the one I spend the most time with, and even though we get into arguments, we get along very well in general.
Junie: how envious! My stepbrother Larry can't stand me, as do some of my other stepbrothers.
Bowsy: oh, really?
Junie: yep. But luckily I get along well with others. Ludwig was the first to give me a chance, as was Lemmy, being the one I had the best time playing with, It's fun. Roy and Iggy like me too
Bowsy: well, it's something (giggles) I like you, I don't understand how anyone could hate you
Junie: Thanks, Bowsy.
Bowsy: (giggles) Hey, would you like to play something? What do you like to play?
Junie: I like ‘Battle Ship’, I play that a lot with Lemmy
Bowsy: great!! Dad just bought me that a few days ago, do you want to play?
Junie: Sure.
Bowsy: and then we could go to my workshop to draw and color. My friend Mykey got me some very beautiful colors and I want to try them out
Junie: I would love to!! Although I'm not good at drawing, I find it fun (giggles)
Bowsy: That's the spirit, Junie (giggles) By the way, how old are you?
June: 6 years old
Bowsy: aww so cute, I'm 11
Junie: Wow, you're bigger even though we're almost the same height.
Bowsy: (putting his right hand on his back and raising his left arm) If it's any consolation, I'm taller than Lemmy (giggles)
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Larry: so you're like me. I am 12 years old and you?
Larry: 10
Larry: tell me, do you like video games?
Larry: even the question offends, of course it does!! And let me tell you that I am very good at Fortnite
Larry: oh yeah, I've heard that game, but it doesn't catch my attention
Larry: really? And what games do you like?
Larry: Super Strike Bros.
Larry: I've never heard that one, what's it about?
Larry: oh my, my… you're missing out on something really good. Let me show you what it's all about…
(Moments later)
Larry: and what did you think?
Larry: Looks amazing!! Maybe later I'll give it a chance.
Larry: yes, yes!!
Larry: okay, okay. Only where I'm from that game doesn't exist.
Larry: well come over here and play it with me
Larry: I'd like to
Larry: I like that game because I can also play it with my best friend, Bobby, and my younger brother, Jr.
Larry: at least you have someone to play it with. Of my siblings, almost no one wants to be with me
Larry: any reason?
Larry: I don't know, everyone ignores me except Morton, he's very cool, the ONLY cool one of them all
Larry: I used to admire my brother Ludwig, but now I hate him
Larry: what a coincidence! I hate my brother Ludwig too, all because he chose my favorite color wand.
Larry: In my case it's because he caused me to fracture my wrist.
Larry: oh! Many people make bad jokes on me. I once had my butt set on fire, that's why I have a scar there.
Larry: oh wow...
Larry: It wouldn't be the only time. Many times they put pins in my chair, or glue, paint… or even burning ash… you can't imagine how much that hurt. I'm already used to it and that's why I prefer to be alone in my room playing
Larry: It's bad that you go through that, but you know? If you want you can come here and play with me, not only video games, also tennis
Larry: I… I’d love that very much.
Larry: and if you want we can play Fortnite a little, it is better to play in a group than alone
Larry: It's a deal, but know that I'm very good, and if I win I'll do the dance
Larry: whatever you say, but in SSB I will beat you without a doubt (putting both hands on his neck)
Larry: we'll see, it's a challenge (pointing up)
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Morton: (seeing someone enters the door) WELCOME... (notes little visiting Morton) HELLO! (whispers) oh, right… hello, nice to meet you. This is Morton (covers his mouth)
Morton: what? I can’t hear you
Morton: (uncovering his mouth and whispering) it's just that... Morton screams and doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
Morton: don't worry, it doesn't bother me
Morton: I will. Thank you very much
Morton: (offers some cookies with jam to his partner) THESE ARE MY FAVORITES, I HOPE YOU LIKE THEM
Morton: thanks (eats them) oh, wow... that's where they come from
Morton: Yes, occasionally I and my siblings get these cookies in the mail. They are delicious
Morton: great! I like to eat, so much so that I have learned to cook many things. My brothers like my preparations
Morton: yes, they gave me some, but… it's not like I can use them
Morton: THAT’S WHY?
Morton: (he puts his hands on his back looking down) ……. I have dyslexia
Morton: in short, it is difficult for me to read and write, I am 12 years old and it is too difficult for me, my brothers or someone else helps me with that...
Morton: then we are not that different
Morton: (giggles) you’re very nice.
Morton: Well, I like to paint landscapes. At home I have some very nice canvases that I have painted.
Morton: Yes, I would like to, but where do I get a canvas and paint?
Morton: DON'T WORRY, I'LL BE CONCERNED (giggles and leaves)
(After a moment, Morton arrives with painting materials)
Morton: Wow, that's great!
(After a while, the Morton painter finishes and raises his brush)
Morton: how is it going?
Morton: (thumbs up while he eats cookies) IT LOOKS AMAZING
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Wendy: Hello, dear. Welcome
Wendy: hello, how are you?
Wendy: Fine. So you are like me
Wendy: It seems so. Well, we both look divine
Wendy: we agree on that. I'm the only girl here; you already know how difficult it is to find a moment of peace
Wendy: you’re right. Almost all of my brothers are a pain, especially Iggy, but luckily I put them in their place when they get on my nerves, which would be almost always.
Wendy: and what do you do about it?
Wendy: I kick them “there”, you know, although more with Roy, Iggy and Larry, the others make me feel a little sorry, I'm not such a beast
Wendy: if I'm honest, sometimes I would like to fix everything with violence, but my nails would be ruined, with how difficult it is to maintain them
Wendy: good point.
Wendy: you know? It's nice to talk to someone who listens.
Wendy: yeah, don't get used to it; it's not that I'm very sociable so to talk. I prefer to be on my cell phone
Wendy: yes, I understand you. Would you like something to drink?
Wendy: since you mention it, I’d like strawberry lemonade, very acidic the way I like it.
Wendy: okay, give me a moment. Feel comfortable
(Ten minutes later)
Wendy: (taking a sip) and as I said, at 13 and a half years old I have hit Roy more than a hundred times, it is very de-stressing
Wendy: (taking a sip of her blackberry lemonade) and how did you do that?
Wendy: because he told me that men are stronger than women, but I proved to him that a man cannot bleed for seven days in a row unlike us (laughs) so I kicked him “there” and it's not like he resisted any longer ten minutes with the pain. Since then he stopped being so stupid with me.
Wendy: I guess that was a good lesson. I am very polite and feminine, but if someone gets on my nerves, I get angry and attack. At 14 I already give myself respect.
Wendy: you tell them, sis (giggles)
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Iggy: so we are equivalent, huh?
Iggy: I guess so, but you're taller. You are older?
Iggy: I guess. I’m 14
Iggy: so, you're younger, I'm 15
Iggy: well you don't look that old, but at least we are similar
Iggy: It doesn't matter how old we are, at least I found someone just as crazy as me
Iggy: what do you mean?
Iggy: you know, like a mad scientist and with the strangest occurrences
Iggy: well, something like that.
Iggy: do you like energy drinks? I do and I drink them at night before sleeping next to Roy
Iggy: no, they make me sick. I drank one as a child and didn't stop feeling sick to my stomach for three days. I usually drink more coffee
Iggy: oh well
Iggy: but at least I still like to get into mischief
Iggy: oh, and what kind of mischiefs? I feel curious
Iggy: nothing, mostly creating bombs and traps mechanisms, and sometimes my siblings fall into it, Ludwig and Roy more. Lemmy is the one who falls the most (laughs)
Iggy: ow, I thought you would be more daring
Iggy: for example...?
Iggy: I don't know, that you had an affair with a boy, things like that
Iggy: nah, I like girls, and I already had a bad experience because of one of my brothers. I take things easy
Iggy: meh, how boring. I am gay and I am excited to meet more people. Right now I'm with someone, but things haven't progressed much. We even went to a funeral together and there was nothing, it was the most boring
Iggy: What did you expect?
Iggy: well… nah, forget it. What else do you have? Do you have a pet? I have an adorable girl called Nibbles, the cutest Chain Chomp there is.
Iggy: I also have a pet Chain Chomp, he is male and his name is Charlie
Iggy: that's great, if he had known he would have brought my girl so they could meet
Iggy: It would be a good idea, bring it next time. She is welcome. Do you know how to behave?
Iggy: of course, he only has “accidents” if he hears loud noises
Iggy: I understand
Iggy: well, how about we go find a boy? (stands on one foot in a feminine manner and moves his tail, placing his hands in a heart shape)
Iggy: I'll accompany you, but I don't promise to find anything interesting (shrugs and sticks out his tongue)
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Roy: oh, here we have another guy with good taste in fashion
Roy: oh, hello!
Roy: how are you? (hugs his counterpart) oh, sorry, it was unintentional...
Roy: nah, it doesn't bother me. I find it very adorable. My brothers usually hug me too, other kids too.
Roy: I imagine you are very lovable
Roy: You have no idea. Many girls have fallen for my charms, but there is one who has left me in awe, a bunny named Harriet... but lately things haven't been going very well. On the other hand, her brother has comforted me like a great friend.
Roy: friend? Maybe it's something more than that
Roy: I don't think so; I'm straight, as far as I know (looks away confused)
Roy: (shrugs) you would be surprised, but don't worry, I know how insecure you can feel, you know, things in life.
Roy: It's true. I'm almost out of school and I still don't know what to do with my life.
Roy: there are two of us now. Wait a minute, are you almost done with school? Well, how old are you?
Roy: already 18 years old, you?
Roy: fifteen
Roy: oh wow, I thought you were the oldest of all just like me, because of how strong you look
Roy: oh, well thanks but no. I'm one of the oldest, so I got in shape to protect my brothers
Roy: Indeed. I already left my time as a bully behind, now I want to be the example to follow, even if Wendy continues to hit me “there”, you know…
Roy: ouch... well, I was a bully too, I felt insecure about what others thought of me, but now I'm different, more or less, because according to Jr.'s words, I'm still a mastodon, but one in which can trust (laughs)
Roy: well, I barely know you, but I feel like I can trust you
Roy: thanks, I say the same about you
(both do a fist bump)
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Lemmy: oh, another Lemmy
Lemmy: What's up?
Lemmy: everything is calm, and you?
Lemmy: I don't know. I got here. I guess we are the same
Lemmy: apparently yes. Tell me what you like?
Lemmy: I like movies in Russian, bats and knives, in fact I have a lot of these
Lemmy: oh my, that sounds interesting, scary and curious
Lemmy: a little, and what about you?
Lemmy: I like rainbows, balloons, circus shows, but most of all big rubber balls. I like to climb on them to feel high
Lemmy: Yeah, I guess they're great when you're a kid. I'm 6 years old, but I find that a little corny.
Lemmy: (shrugs) there are those who enjoy it regardless of age. I'm 15 years old and I still like childish things.
Lemmy: that's what I'm talking about, only children enjoy that and... w-wait... y-you're 15 years old??!! Really??
Lemmy: yes, I'm serious. I love these things, no matter how “corny” they may sound.
Lemmy: oh… I didn't expect that, but you don't look like a teenager even though you're my brother Iggy's age.
Lemmy: yeah, many tell me the same thing, they have even told me that I look like the youngest of my brothers. At first that detail bothered me, but over time I started to don't care. Now I am who I am and I enjoy the things that make me happy, just like you with your knives
Lemmy: (takes a knife out of his pocket and looks at it) ………… yes, I understand you
Lemmy: would you like to join me and swing on a rubber ball?
Lemmy: well, I... yeah, why not?
(Both take out their wands and summon a rubber ball, standing up and lifting one foot to balance)
Lemmy: this is so funny
Lemmy: right? The advantage of being light is that you have better balance (he crosses his eyes, looking in opposite directions and sticking out his tongue)
Lemmy: you're right (smiles as he swings)
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Ludwig: okay, you must be the Ludwig from that time. Be welcome to my home
Ludwig: th-thank you, I… I'm very happy to see you again
Ludwig: oh yeah?
Ludwig: yes! You are nice and taller
Ludwig: nah, just a little. I'm 16. When you're older you'll reach this height.
Ludwig: I… I'm 17
Ludwig: oh, really? I did not expect it
Ludwig: (shrugs) things in life, I guess.
Ludwig: well, sorry if that bothered you. The truth is that I have not been very sociable and I still find it difficult
Ludwig: Don't worry, everything is fine. After all, Roy treats me very lovingly. He is one of my favorite brothers
Ludwig: how envious, I used to have a favorite brother, but we fought and now we haven't talked again
Ludwig: oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things work out
Ludwig: (sighs) me too but I can't force it. He told me that he preferred someone more as a brother than me.
Ludwig: yes, I know what you're saying. My brother Larry doesn't want to make peace with me even though I have wanted to get closer to him many times, but nothing. On the contrary, he usually makes fun of me, that I am fat or about my more… personal problems.
Ludwig: Like which ones?
Ludwig: uh…
Ludwig: You can trust me, I won't tell anyone. And if you tell me, I can tell you a secret of mine
Ludwig: o-okay... (takes a deep breath, somewhat nervously) I have problems with urinary incontinence and... (starts to shake a little) it has given me many moments of embarrassment. Everything gets worse when I feel a little nervous or stressed, especially because of a lot of things that have happened in the last two months. Luckily almost all my brothers accept me as I am... except Larry
Ludwig: (sighs) it seems like both Larrys are a complete nuisance (shrugs)
Ludwig: so it's your Larry that you get along with badly?
Ludwig: yes, and he's not the only one, but he's the one who hurt me the most
Ludwig: I understand…
Ludwig: well, I'll tell you a secret, but promise not to tell anyone
Ludwig: musician's word
Ludwig: well... (whispers to him) listen: there is a boy with purple hair who is very friendly, but I am not convinced by his complete friendship and I think he is hiding something...
Ludwig: okay...?
Ludwig: well… I'm having a little crush on him, but I'm not sure. He has me a little confused and it's not supposed to be like that. He is a little older than me and he happens to be your age. This sensation is quite strange and sometimes it doesn't let me sleep.
Ludwig: oh yes. I know that. A year ago I also felt like this, until with the help of my brothers I came out of the closet and declared myself to someone.
Ludwig: and what happened next?
Ludwig: well, first I told him about my problems and even with that he accepted me
Ludwig: I see
Ludwig: don't worry, your secret is safe with me (giggles) but if I'm honest... if you like that boy, you should meet him, spend time with him and leave your prejudices aside. It's just a little advice between Ludwigs
Ludwig: (blushing slightly) y-yes, th-thank you...
Ludwig: in any case, I am not an expert either, but know that you have my support, as they gave me at the time.
Ludwig: I thank you very much. You know? You are quite nice and tender. I would like you to visit me again another time. Maybe there I'll tell you how he went with... what I told you (laughs) although I don't promise that everything will go so well (he places his hands on his waist and smiles slightly)
Ludwig: (blushing with his hands behind his back) whenever you like (giggles)
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((I hope all of you liked it. There will be more projects like this later. There will also be new characters))
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m34gs · 9 months
Alrighty! So, a short while ago I asked @kimium what stuffed toy each Housewarden in Twisted Wonderland would have had as a favourite when they were little (see her answer here!). She prompted me, in her post, to give my answers as well, and I finally have time to do so!
Riddle - Teddy bear. It's basic, I know, but I think Riddle with a stuffed bear is such a cute image and I can't get it out of my head. The bear is black, and it has the cutest little proportions. He would cherish it and take very good care of it at all times. I think Riddle is one who takes very very good care of his belongings.
Leona - A stuffed lion. It's brown with an auburn mane, and it's worn and a little faded from being washed and used prior to when he had it (younger siblings get the hand-me-downs, sorry Leona). He pretends to hate it. He pretends he doesn't like it at all. But he sleeps curled around it and still drags it almost everywhere when he's a child.
Azul - A whale. Not just a little whale stuffie, but a Large one. Like, it is easily half the size of his bed. Azul loves it because he can snuggle right up to it and lean against it when he is studying or playing. It was big enough that when he met the twins, and they would inevitably come over to his home, all three of them could curl up around/on the whale and be very comfortable without feeling crowded.
Kalim - A tiger. Is this because of Rajah from Aladdin? Yes. Yes, it is. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Also, I think tigers are gorgeous, and as a child I wanted one as a friend very much. I think Kalim would also want one, and I think when he was little the closest he could get was a stuffed one because his parents were Not going to add to their stress with a tiger to take care of (I feel you, Kalim. I wanted to have a kangaroo as a friend when I was little, but the most I was allowed was a stuffed animal version. The excuse at the time, because I was a child with very limited understanding of the world, was that Australia was too far away so the "kangaroo would miss it's mommy" if I had a real one come live with me. That made me cry because I didn't want a kangaroo to be sad and miss it's mom).
Vil - A white kitten, specifically a fluffy medium-length haired one. (picture Spud, but white with blue eyes and a dainty pink collar). I think he would really love it and would brush it with a little accessory he bought for it at the toy store. He would sit it on a cushion and treat it as if it was a real pet.
Idia - Idia had one of those octopus plushies; the ones that have an angry face and a happy face, that you can turn inside out to display different emotions. Happy face is pink. Angry face is blue. He loved it as a child and for a while (right up until Ortho's tragic accident) it was permanently on happy and he and Ortho would have it sit next to them while they played video games. After the incident it was rare to see it on happy mode, even if Idia was enjoying himself while playing a video game or talking with the Ortho he created.
Malleus - A stuffed dragon. Malleus went to One(1) toy store with Lilia and saw a stuffed dragon there and went "that's me" and would not stop staring at it. Lilia bought it for him and as a child he brought it everywhere. It's green, with iridescent fabric for the wings and belly. He calls it "Sir". Nothing else, no second part to the name. Just "Sir".
There you go, hope you enjoyed my headcanons! I had a lot of fun writing them out, and thanks so much Kim for prompting me!!!
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14-crush · 2 years
Hi I don't know where to begin I first just want to say I've been following this blog on insta for a very long time and I just love it's so nice and sweet also I really loved your daily sketch account (I didn't really expect an open inbox so I'm just gonna rattle as many question as I can rn I understand if you don't answer them all) Has Agent 3 Modified one of her shoes to have jet boots like shadow yet? maybe 4 helped her out to make it? Does 8 and Ahato borrow each others clothes/ play dress up with each other? or bought each other some plushes? what was 3 and 4 first reactions upon seeing each other for the first time? How would everyone react to seeing the new agent 3/new idols? Would 3 and 4 get 8 and Ahato into sonic? did Ahato and 8 talk to Marina about their experiences in the deep-sea/octarain army?
Ik these were just for the sake of the bit but can 8 summon other things besides a chicken nugget at will? uhh I can't think of anything else atm hope your wrist is better and thank you again for making the blog!
- If Three knew how to do that, they would.
- Ahato gets cold easily so in the winter, she's in a hoodie almost all the time. (Rumor has it that her blue hoodie used to be Eight's but neither of them will confirm or deny this.) As for plushes... maybe! Eight's definitely the type to fall into that trope of "We're at the carnival and my Friend I Have Feelings For made a passing comment of liking the big stuffed animal prize and now it's my life's goal to win it for them" LOLOL
- When they met, Three wasn't that used to socializing, for multiple reasons. But Four didn't really put on the pressure for Three to talk, so she enjoyed the company. They started hanging out regularly after that, and quickly grew to be like siblings. They just understood each other really well.
- Ahato and Four would probably be big Deep Cut fans. No reason in particular I say that, it just sounds right.
- Eight and Ahato don't really understand video games that well so they kinda just let those two infodump from time to time and listen as best they can LOL
- I'm sure at some point, they did. But I think they also had a pretty mutual understanding of wanting to leave the past behind them, so it's not a regular topic, by any means. It's nice to know people that come from a similar situation, though.
- every time i forget about the chicken nugget post someone reminds me of it and every time i'm reminded of it i do not know how to approach talking about it . why did i make that
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teaveetamer · 1 year
"you’re soooo disgusted by incest that you’re willing to harass people who talk about it, but not disgusted enough to stop funding the company that continues producing content you’re supposedly so disgusted by? Miss me with that shit" you forgot that here is the 3dr category, the people who do boycott but bully others for not doing it. Like the people who bullied streamers who bought Hogwarts Legacy (i don't play the game nor care for it but damn)
That asides, Fe incest is limited to subtext between siblings that never go far, incest protrayed as wrong in several games and if it's the Avatar, you have the game's excuse to explain why it technically isnt' because Fe games are targeted at teens so they can't go too far with it, just like they have to be careful with the fanservice within the game.
Also, forgot to say this, but they'd also have to boycott greek mythology or mythology in general. And historical text such as Cleopatra marrying her brother (though t'was political) or the famous rumors about the Borgia family though it turn out to be false but never prevented people to use it in fictions (cough, cough Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas)
Oh boy someone's giving me the opportunity to talk about the stupid wizard game it's my lucky day!
I'm not going to argue that harassment didn't happen to streamers who played the game, but I was pretty deep in the sauce following the fallout for this and 99.9999999999999999999999% of the commentary I saw was just people saying basic shit like "trans rights", telling the streamer that they were disappointed in their decision to purchase and play the game on stream and they would not be watching/following any longer, and pointing out that your $60 to trans lifeline wasn't gonna do jack shit compared to the disgusting amount of influence JK has.
(Just so everyone is clear... I, you know, I agree with these statements. Especially that last point, that "but I donated $60 to trans lifeline!" is a placebo to make yourself feel like you've done something to counterbalance. A dollar in JKR's pocket is worth a hundred in trans lifeline's, because JKR has a fuckton of money she can throw at anything she wants to support or oppose, is friends with people in government who will listen to her, and despite the backlash she's still an incredibly well known, influential person. Streamers and Youtubers are even worse tbh, because not only did they put money in JKR's pockets, they're now actively advertising and profiting off of the game. Why don't you put all of the profits you make from your streams toward trans lifeline too, if you're such an ally?)
And this is not something where I was just going into pro-trans-people-should-be-allowed-to-live circles. I was looking at compilations from supporters of the streamers trying to condemn people for the hate, and this was the kind of thing people were pulling up. Now I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure when you're trying to demonstrate that brutal harassment is happening, you go for the most fucked up shit you can find. Sooooo if that's the best they were coming up with, either their perception of what constitutes harassment is grievously warped, or they genuinely couldn't find anything harder than someone on twit with a trans flag in their display name saying "trans rights". Which is... telling.
I did, however, see a lot of really disgusting harassment from transphobes leaving hateful shit on youtube videos and tweets from trans creators! You can find it pretty easily, actually, it's literally all over any trans creator's videos speaking up about the game. Even chill ones that were like "I'm not saying you're a bad person for buying this game, but you're not my ally" which, you know. Yeah.
So like, you know, ~cis opinions~ and all, but kiiiiiiiinda feels like maybe one side was blatantly trying to martyr streamers based on some critique they received and maybe a small group of bad actors harassing them to motivate and justify harassment of trans people. Which, you know, if you've ever been a member of a marginalized community, should be an extremely familiar tactic to you by now.
And the thing that really fucks me off is that it's not hard to enjoy the stupid wizard game without putting money into the pockets of someone who literally wants their fellow humans dead. This is a very rare instance in life where you actually can have your cake and eat it too. Just buy it used, I've been saying that for months. The profit from used games go entirely to the store you purchased them from. And hey, another reason to not let physical die out! It requires that someone, somewhere buy it new first, but let's be real we all know that people were gonna buy the stupid wizard game and there was nothing we were gonna be able to do to stop them.
That's what I was going to do if the game piqued my interest (which tbh, the more I saw of it the less interested in actually playing it at some point I got. I mean I like the stupid wizard world as much as the next Zilennial but they aren't selling me shit unless it's a cozy wizard school life sim. There aren't even romance options! That's like half the reason to play a not!Bioware game! And I don't want to play a stupid 15 year old. And I've heard all of the outfits are atrocious and I'm sorry, I'm a fashion over function player.)
Also, while I'm ranting, here's an unpopular opinion for you: the blatant dick sucking by review outlets of one of the most mid looking games of 2023 was excruciatingly painful to watch. Did you see some of those reviews? Fucking ridiculous. "There's only six spells, the texture pop in is godawful, the game runs like shit, the world is boring. 9/10". Like yeah I get that review outlets are naturally going to be biased toward positive reviews so they can continue getting early access and perks, but GOD they could at least pretend. And it'll still probably get GotY because it's the wizard IP you remember from when you were a kid! Member? I member!
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
galex + ducks
The fact is, George knows something is wrong between him and Alex. He knows. He's not stupid. He's the farthest thing away from stupid actually, if he may say so himself. (And he does; often. Just not out loud, and not to other people. His mother told him it makes him look self-conceited, even if it's just facts. Georege's mother is a very smart woman, though, so he figured he should listen to her.)
So he knows something is broken, but he cannot, for the life of him, figure out what exactly it is.
He's tried everything. He went through his memories, went through every single interaction they've had since the beginning of the year. Went through social media, and went through it extensively. Watched all the videos they did together, ever since George's move to Mercedes and Alex's move to Williams. Tried to look at it all objectively, and see if maybe he overstepped at some point, or if he accidentally offended Alex.
(He wonders if he came off too strong. He wonders if his feelings for Alex have become obvious, if he gave himself away, if Alex finally saw what every tease and every touch and every look meant. What it has always meant to George, and what it still means. Sometimes he thinks Alex can't not know how George feels. Sometimes he feels transparent, made out of celophane, his feelings out for the world to observe, and it seems impossible to him that Alex doesn't know. Alex muat know, he thinks. He must. It's obvious. And sometimes that thought hurts so much, he can't breathe.)
"Hey Georgie, what's up?"
George looks at Alex, fist-bumping him automatically. Alex's smile is wide, and beautiful, as it always is. He looks expectant, like he wants to know the answer to his question. Like he cares. George can't take it.
"I have to go feed the ducks," he says. Alex's face scrunches up in confusion, and he looks around to where Charles is just pulling up in his Ferrari, fighting with Pierre about something in the front seat, with Lando and Carlos behind them in a McLaren, everyone congregating to the golf course where they're all supposed to play a game now.
"Georgie, I - what -" Alex stammers, but George can't take it. It feels like he's suffocating, like he can't take a breath that isn't permeated with Alex and with pain and with pure hurt.
"I - ducks - I have to go," he manages to bite out, and turns around, and gets back into his car, leaving a very confused Alex to explain, well. He doesn't know. He can't think about it. He needs to get away.
The fact is, he does actually go to feed the ducks.
It's a thing he's been doing since he was a kid. His older siblings would be made to take him along when they hung out with their friends, and one day one of them bought him a packet of bread and told him to feed the ducks. So he did, and he loved it, he begged to be taken again, and again, and again. It calmed his mind, which was prone to overthinking and overreacting, so now whenever he needed a moment, he'd search for where there are ducks and then go and feed them.
So he sits on the bench, and tears pieces of bread metoculously, and feeds the ducks, and forces himself not to think about anything.
Someone sits next to him. He barely notices. He hopes it's not a fan. He's too tired to play nice, and he will, because he has to.
"Wanna tell me what the fuck that was about, Georgie?"
George closes his eyes. Of course; he should've known. Alex is still his best friend. He still knows George.
He can't speak, so he just shrugs, his gaze firmly on the ducks in the pond. Alex shuffles closer, his thigh close enough that George can feel his body heat.
"Well, I have nowhere else to be, since my partner ditched me right before the game," Alex says conversationally, but there's something deeper underneath his tone. George focuses on tearing up more of the bread. "So I left the lovebirds to demolish each other, and I came to see what it is that's bothering my best friend so much that he has to go dissociate to his happy place with his ducks on a Saturday afternoon."
George's eyes sting. He hates that Alex knows him so well. It hurts, because that's all they are. Best friends. And that is amazing, but George has never known how not to want it all. He's never known how not to want Alex.
They sit in silence. George knows Alex can be patient. It doesn't come easy to him, but he tries. He always tries for George. And George can't - he just can't.
"Georgie, please," Alex says softly. "Just tell me what's wrong. Whatever it is, it's not the end of the world. I promise."
George can't speak. He can barely move. He also can't go on like this. He throws the rest of the bread at the ducks, and they descend on the big piece, and he turns to Alex for the first time since the golf course.
Alex is looking at George softly, only the crease between his brows betrays his worry. He is beautiful, like the sun, and he looks at George with such affection, Gworge thinks he may die of it.
"I want to kiss you," George says, because he can't hold it in any more. "I've wanted to kiss you since you were fifteen, and I can't take this anymore, I can't keep thinking that you know how I feel and are choosing to ignore it, or that you really don't know because it hurts, Alex, it hurts here," he puts a hand on his chest and tries to breathe through the thunder that is his heart. "I need you to know, and I need you to tell me you don't feel the same, because I can't be in this limbo anymore. And if that means we can't be friends anymore, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but I just - I can't live like this anymore."
He looks away feom Alex's face then, scrunched in surprise, a turmoil evident in his expression. He turns away, because he is a coward after all, and he can't look at Alex as he breaks George's heart. He looks at the two ducks fighting over the last of the bread, and hopes the smaller one gets it.
"Come with me," Alex says in an even voice, and grabs his wrist, and pulls. "We can't talk about this in public."
George stands up and follows Alex to his own car, and gives Alex the keys when he asks for them. He feels numb. He sits in the passanger seat and lets Alex drive, not able to concentrate on anything.
The silence in the car is deafening.
Alex drives until he finds a secluded road, and he drives some more until they are parked underneath a sycamore tree. Alex shuts off the car and exits it, and George has no choice but to follow.
Alex is on his side of the car when George gets out, and when he closes the door, Alex crowds him against it.
"Georgie," he says, and his eyes and voice are too gentle, and they cut at George's heart. "You are so stupid sometimes," Alex says, and smiles. He brings his hand to George's cheek, his thumb caressing George's collarbone. "I've wanted to kiss you since I was fifteen, too," Alex says, and George stops in his tracks, and then stops breathing, because Alex leans in and then his lips are on George's.
It's just a peck on the lips, their first kiss. George is frozen. Alex's other hand comes to his hip as he moves a bit away.
"I'm in love with you," Alex says, and George blanches. "And I want to kiss you all the time, and we need to talk about how you absolutely weren't obvious and how I was the obvious one, but right now, I'd like to kiss you properly?"
George doesn't think this is real. He doesn't think he can breathe. He doesn't think he's awake, he must be dreaming, or something equally heartbreaking.
But Alex's hand on his hip is solid, and Alex's thumb is still caressing George's cheekbone, and Alex's eyes are doing that thing where they crinkle around the corners because he is honestly, genuinely happy.
"Alex," George says, and chokes up, because he wants to say Are you serious and Please don't joke with this and Please don't break my heart and I love you, but he can't, so he just repeats "Alex", like a plea, and a promise, and a prayer.
Alex smiles. "I know, Georgie," he whispers, and his lips are so close, George can taste his breath. "Me too."
Their eyes meet, and George swallows, and brings his hands up to touch Alex's hair, and to hold onto his shoulders, and then he nods, and Alex ducks his head a little and then they're kissing, finally, properly.
It's the best first kiss of George's life. Alex steps closer, and George can feel the Mercedes dig into his back, but he doesn't care, can't care, because Alex is right there, and he's kissing George with everything he has, holding him close, so close George can feel his breaths on his own chest.
They kiss for a long time, and then they kiss some more, lips and tongues and teeth, and through it all, their hands find each other and they hold onto each other. They have a lot to talk about, lots of things to clarify and deal with, but for the first time in forever, George doesn't care about the future and what it holds.
Why would he think of the future, when in the present, he is finally kissing Alex, and Alex is holding him like he's somting precious, something to be cherished, and kissing him back?
George knows many things, really. But the thing he is most certain about is that whatever happens, whatever was wrong with him and Alex, after today, it can, and will be fixed.
That's all secondary, though.
Alex sighs into his mouth and kisses his top, then his bottom lip, and George kisses him back and thinks I need to take more bread to the ducks, as a treat, and then Alex pulls him closer, ane George forgets about everything that isn't Alexander Albon, his best friend, and, if he dared say it, probably also the love of his life.
He doesn't dare say it.
At least not yet.
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sushisocks · 7 months
five mutuals i would like to know better 💥
tagged by the ever-lovely @butterballchannie thank u very much <3<3<3
last song I listened to: im listening to music rn and at the time of writing this, the song playing is Superfly by 4 Non Blondes ✨ At the time of posting it's Moderation by Florence + the Machine
favorite content to watch: i swing between a lot of stuff, tbh, I love analytical content that delves into stuff I don't know a lot about, so documentaries are high up there, and I follow a lot of news/political channels on youtube. I watch a lot of content on european & international politics/relations/history, and music videos on there, while tiktok is more for petty drama and pop culture stuff. My favorite tv/movie genre is disaster movies, which comes with a particular love of zombie apocalypses -- I eat that shit up!
favorite games: RDR2(!), the Dragon Age series, and Stardew Valley, and uuuhh does D&D count? I also really like Breath of the Wild, and Assassins Creed: Odyssey.
favorite color(s): Pink and gold, like, unironically.
favorite animal: I'm a dog person through and through! I also really like horses, and I have a tattoo of a hedgehog on my shoulder so I'd say those're pretty high up there too ;p
favorite food: Chicken fried rice!
sweet, spicy, or savory: Savory, then sweet. I can't really have spicy food >>n<<
current obsession: RDR2 (as Im sure all my followers are painfully aware), and D&D, and I guess my own writing. Can I say that? Not obsessed in a 'I think its so good' way, but in a 'I literally cannot stop thinking about these scenarios' way.
last book i read: TECHNICALLY it was a little booklet on dice care that came with the dice jail I bought last week, but prior to that I'm honestly unsure. Might've been Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, or it might've been Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. Idk, I've been on a fanfic kick for months now, not a lot of books read tbh
last thing I googled: "sees no other option synonym" A look behind the curtain for my readers; I google synonyms like a bitch whose first language isn't English lol
fun facts: I have six younger siblings; four brothers and two sisters! Technically they're all my half-siblings but I never got in the habit of calling them that and I probably never will, I love them all very much and they're a big reason behind why I volunteer & work with teens!
no pressure tags: @wilchur @moonlovingvampire @paladin4theright @ithinkthiswasabadidea
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Hello! Hope you are well!
For the little emoji ask game:
Siblings 🦔, Hobbies 🐌, Last thing you bought for yourself 💰
Hello! I'm doing very well I hope you are too!
🦔 I do have siblings! I'm the youngest of four, though my oldest sister is only a half sister, but yeah two older sisters and one older brother!
🐌 Before I hurt my hand it was definitely cross stitching and playing video games, now my hobby is just writing (until I can't move my hand lmao)
💰 Last thing I bought myself was Subway, but if we're going for something that isn't food it would be my ticket to see Imagine Dragons ❤️
Thank you so much for the ask! You're the best 💞
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thirty-and-hurting · 1 year
I created a blog just for this?
I kind of hate my brother.
We were always pretty close when growing up. He's just about a year and a half older than I am. We lived in a pretty rural coastal town (that was a mouthful) and lived a relatively normal life.
Our parents separated when I was just over a year old. We shuffled back and forth between mom and dad every other week.
My brother has had severe anger issues most of his life. At least, that's how I remember it. He's been mad forever, and if you dare cross him when he's in a mood, you're going to get hurt.
Somehow, though, when we were teenagers, we both found ourselves living with our dad, and we became closer than we'd ever been before. We still fought and he still took his anger out on me physically any chance he had, but I always just assumed those were normal sibling things. I think what helped us get so close, is that it felt like it was him and I against the world.
Our dad had a girlfriend back in the day, and they were together for 10 years. They were terrible together. I still to this day don't understand why they stayed together as long as they did. They very obviously hated each other. They would get into screaming matches, and his girlfriend made it obvious that we were not her children and she didn't love us. She was nice to me sometimes, cause I was the quiet child (until I turned into a teen).
Anyway, we fought a lot with her, and it felt like it was just my brother and I against the world. When he graduated high school, he went to college for about half a semester before dropping out and moving to a big city, about 7 hours away. We kept touch almost every day. It was just me alone in that house, and I needed a way out.
I got myself kicked out of school and then he asked me to move with him. I had JUST turned 18 and all my friends were going off to college and I couldn't stand the thought of being stuck in that shit town without any of them, so I packed my bags and moved in with him.
From there, everything was pretty much normal. I think we had a very normal sibling relationship, nothing was really out of the ordinary aside from how verbally abusive he was to his girlfriend at the time.
Fast forward a few years, and he had a psychiatric episode. The doctors called it a drug-induced psychosis, but we're still not entirely sure that they were right. For months after his psychiatric episode, he would still have delusions, which was really fucked up.
He turned into someone I didn't recognize. Borderline homelessness, begging and manipulating everyone into giving him money because he couldn't cook for himself, and all he did was play video games and order food off of uber.
At this point, I also turned into someone I didn't recognize. I was an almost fully formed adult! I had a good job that paid me well, great benefits, I met and married the love of my life, bought a condo, got a dog. Everything was coming up Milhouse. I was proud of myself. I had finally gotten my life back on track after struggling with mental health and addiction issues and I was so excited to share my life's journey with my family over a group messenger chat.
It unfortunately didn't take very long to realize that my brother didn't give a shit. I still can't to this day bring up something positive in his presence that will get an appropriate reaction out of him. He has completely ignored every milestone in my life. Birthdays, anniversaries, homeownership, marriage. Nothing. Radio silence.
There's a lot more to get into here for people to be able to get a fully formed picture of who my brother is at his core and what my issues with him are, perhaps I'll save it for another time, or perhaps I'll just delete this after posting.
TLDR; my brother was my best friends for a good part of my childhood and early adulthood, then shit went sideways and he resents me for no reason
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deckof-dragons · 2 years
Man, I was dead-set on 100%ing Hyper Light Drifter. I'd taken a break from it because I got distracted but I came back to it today, refreshed and ready to continue. I even beat Birdemic hell after only a few tries, accidentally cheesing it but we take victories were we can find them. And turns out I'd been quite close anyway so it was only a matter of time. So I was determined to 100% it but chain dashing sucks absolute ass.
I looked up how to do it and it's, as I'd suspected, a rhythm thing. And there's a reason I haven't bought Crypt of the Necrodancer despite it having one of the best video game soundtracks of all time and rougelites being one of my all time fav genres; my sense of rhythm is utter trash. (I have played Necrodancer though through a sibling's shared Steam library, it pretty much only confirmed my assessment on such matters.) The only rhythm games I can play well are the VR ones like Beat Saber and Pistol Whip and even in those, I'm mostly reacting to the visual and at best only barely aware of the rhythm. And Hyper Light Drifter expects me to keep my own rhythm. Maybe if I was willing to spend a hundred hours on it I could do it but I don't have that kind of time and quite frankly, the game's not good enough to justify even considering it.
It really sucks though because other than all the stuff locked behind dashing bullshit (and something about a dash challenge the vid I watched mentioned that I shudder to even think of) I've been enjoying the game and really vibing with the mood of it and stuff. Also, 100%ing games is just fun and satisfying. I've learned to be more selective about the games I choose to try to 100% to avoid this exact kind of disappointment but I guess sometimes one can't know until late game what kind of utter and complete bullshit a game's got in store for would-be completionists. :(
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zbops · 4 years
Quarantine Bonding Time
Sero Hanta x gn!Reader
It's Sero's birthday, and he, like everyone all across the globe, is stuck at home. But you being the amazing friend you are, bought a new game for the two of you to play online! Sure, you're not great at this genre of gaming, but that's kinda the fun of it, right?
Warnings: mainly sweet but ever so slight hint of spice at the end!
Tagging: @smittenkitten143 because she inspired me to keep working on this <3
The weeks leading up to Hanta's birthday were lackluster at best. Being stuck at home because of the virus was more tiring than he expected. Yeah, he was excited to play video games for a couple weeks, but those weeks rolled into a month, then two, then three. He had to find a way to train without leaving his parents house. This was Hanta's last year at UA! He was supposed to be training with his friends! Not doing lessons online and throwing his tape at his younger siblings. At the very least, he wished he could have been quarantined with Mina or Denki or you. 
Since your first year at UA, Hanta always envied that you lived in your own apartment. Your family lived so far away, you kind of had to. Sharing a dorm at school made it easy to get close to you. Hanta loved getting to hang out during game and movie nights, sharing snacks and laughing far too loudly and inappropriately! The two of you shared several favorite video games!
But now you were back home, on the other side of the country, texting when you could. You always apologized about not being able to play online often because your family's wifi wasn't strong when you were all home.
It didn't matter to Hanta too much though. He knew you'd respond as soon as you were able!
So waking up the morning of his birthday, seeing messages from all your friends, but nothing from you, wasn't exactly a surprise, though it was momentarily disappointing. Everyone else sent well wishes and lots of love~ It was a little bittersweet; Hanta wished he could have his birthday at the dorms with everyone.
A knock came sharp on his bedroom door, "Hanta-chan! Papa and onee-chan have started breakfast! Come down!" His little sibling yelled. 
Hanta grinned and laughed, "I'll be down in a sec!" He could hear footsteps padding quickly on the hardwood floor away from his door. He stretched his arms, and arched his back, then rolled out of bed. The pajama bottoms from the last week were still technically clean, so he slipped them over his boxer briefs, then picked a plain grey shirt from his chest of drawers. He snatched his phone from the bed and slipped it in his pocket.
As bummed as he was, Hanta was actually very excited. Birthdays with his family were always fun: a special birthday breakfast, presents with lunch, and the birthday kid's favorite meal~ They weren't exactly wealthy, but they took care of each other. The entire day was dedicated to the birthday kid, their parent's birthdays included!
Hanta's little siblings met him first in the living room, both hugging him together. "Happy birthday, Hanta!" They sang.
"Happy birthday, darling," his mother said, sneaking a kiss to his forehead while Hanta was distracted.
If his grin could get bigger, it would have. Hanta jokingly wiped the kiss away, giddy laughter bubbling up within him. 
Okay, yeah, he missed birthdays at the dorm, but Hanta missed this too. The little ones separate from their older brother to run into the too-small kitchen. How all six of them fit in this house together, the Sero's couldn't fathom, but they loved it and worked with it. 
Hanta followed the sweet smell of thick, fluffy pancakes and warm, black tea into the kitchen. His father and older sister both greeted him in chorus. 
His father mused, "I can't believe my boy is already a year older," He slid an egg onto a bowl of rice. 
"You say that every year!" Hanta's siblings all said, not at the same time, but in the exact same tone of voice, teasing their aging father. Hysterical laughter followed.
A trill came from Hanta's pajama pocket. He wiped a tear that threatened to fall as he reached for his phone. His heart almost jumped out of his chest! It was you! Finally!!
'BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, go check your console 😘'
'whad u do' Hanta texted back with a soft smile.
He excused himself from the kitchen, taking the steps up to his room two by two. The console turned on with a rolling tune, and after boot-up, Hanta was greeted with a message:
'Happy birthday, Sero! You're finally up here with the other adults! Download this soon so we can play together tonight!'
Attached was the new survival, co-op game: Father Son Bonding. You and a friend will play together as a father and son against the world! Fight bandits and find out what happened to the matriarch of the family! It's time to take this new world into your own hands, and come to understand each other, one Bonding Moment at a time!
Hanta gasped, quickly setting the game to download. 'I cant believe u got me a new game!! Wher did u come up w/ the money??' he texted.
'I did a lot of chores at home since we've been stuck lol text me after dinner so we can play! My parents agreed to take the little ones out to my grandparents house for the night so we can get online!'
Rereading the words over and over, Hanta thought he might cry. Not only did you use your own money on him, but you went out of your way to ask your parents for such a big favor, just so the two of you could spend some time together online for his birthday.
How did Hanta get so lucky to have you in his life? He wanted to kiss you more now than he already did! How could anyone be so sweet?? Hanta thought back to all the days you shared your lunch with him just because he said he missed home cooked meals, he remembered how you would help him cheat during game nights, going so far as to distract Denki with a flirtatious lean to secure Sero's win. The two of you would pair up on the training grounds, you would taunt him with your speed, and he would chase you down, trying to tape you up. Hanta really missed hearing your laugh.
The rest of the day couldn't go by fast enough!! Lunch was amazing, and his homemade presents from his siblings were adorable: his younger siblings having drawn Hanta in his hero suit, his older sibling custom painting a pair of shoes themed after his costume, and his parents having bought him a customized hoodie with his hero name on it. They all caught him completely by surprise! 
Dinner went by both too slowly and too quickly. This was his first birthday with his family since middle school, so of course he wanted to savor it, but he had a video game and a very cute classmate waiting for him! How's a guy supposed to keep from getting impatient?? 
Hanta excused himself from the dining room first, hugging each of his family members and thanking them for such a great birthday. His mother commented on the game he mentioned earlier, saying to tell Kaminari the family said hi, but he corrected her with your name instead. The chorus of 'oh's and 'ah's didn't fail to make him blush. Hanta could hear his older sister ask about you to the rest of the family as he took the stairs to his room. She's missed a lot since she's been in university!
'i j got 2 my room itll j be a sec!' he texted.
'I'm waiting for you bday boi! Send me an invite when you get it open!'
The game started with a cutscene: Father cradles his infant son in his arms. His elderly mother puts her hand on his shoulder and smiles. Through the montage of years to follow, the now Grandmother helps them work together, though the bond is fragile. Father and Son argue much of the time because they can't get on the same page; they are all cramped together in a small bunker. 16 years of storms rage overhead, and on Son's birthday, Grandmother steps out into the storm and isn't seen again. Father and Son live an estranged year together, before Son decides he's had enough and sneaks out of the bunker, fleeing into the night. 
The tutorials start…
"Geez! I should've started out as player 2! At least as the son I'd get to run around outside! You're getting to see the world before me!" Sero laughed into his headset mic, walking the Father into the kitchen to make an apology meal for his Son.
"Don't worry," you sang back, "I'm not seeing much. I'm literally looking for clues in a swamp; there's nothing going on."
Sero was in the middle of a cooking minigame when a scream was heard in-game, cutting his combos short, a split second before- "WHAT IS THAT??" screeched in his headset.
"What happened?!"
And the game was off! Sero's character ran outside to aid his Son, the two fought off an oversized, mutant crocodile, and made a pact to go out and find Grandmother. Father was clearly skeptical, but couldn't let his Son go alone!
The next five hours were spent fighting off bandits, rescuing you when you wandered off, and Hanta being made inventory manager. Each quadrant of the map was separated into level caps, and the two of you tried to stay in your lane, but it was hard when you wanted to check out new landmarks! And you weren't exactly great at these kinds of survival/first person shooter games…
But it was still fun! Listening to you freak out when you were surprised by enemies, hearing your silent gasps at new environments; Hanta didn't play with you for the achievements, but for the story and the entertainment. Playing games with you was about enjoying each other's company, and he'd be lying if he said it didn't take him a while to come to terms with that. He's ashamed to say it used to infuriate him that he had to babysit you in more intense games.
Playing games with you was a different kind of fun that he had come to appreciate.
As the two of you stared out into the ruined expanse of what was once a bustling city, you gasped, "YO, I see a tank!!" You said, guiding Son down the hill to jump atop the hulking, metal, rust-bucket. 
"Dude, that is a tank! How long do you think this was sitting here before it rusted over like this? Yo, it's not even falling apart! Do tanks just not fall apart?"
"I don't know! We should totally look it up when we get done,"
"We're gonna forget,"
"Yeah, you're right!"
You continue to bounce around the top of the tank, looking desperately for any sort of use function attached to it while Hanta checks the map. "Looks like we're close to the settlement just up the street. We can save and sell inventory stuff we don't need."
"Go on ahead," you said, "I'm working on finding a way to get into this tank!"
"You can't get in it," Hanta laughed, "this game doesn't have mounts."
"I'mma trick the system!"
"No you won't!"
"I will, watch me!"
"There's no mounts in this game! Let's just go save!"
"Nah, nah, nah! I'm gonna cheat the system and get a tank!"
"Get off the tank, and let's go!"
"No! You're not my dad, and you can't make me!" You cackled, firing off your pistol bullets into the air.
"I am literally your dad! Get off the tank!" Hanta could barely enunciate through his laughter as he watched your character turn to face his, silence over the headset.
You suddenly laughed harder, a loud and hearty sound, like it came from deep within your soul. It filled Hanta's brain, coating his heart in sweet honey. Had your laugh always been this filling? He sees your avatar bounce between standing and crouching, "Alright, Dad, gawd!" You drawled, dipping your voice into as low a tone as you could muster, following it with a breathy chuckle, trying to calm your laughter.
The two of you swapped giggles back and forth as you ran down the dilapidated street. 
Finally reaching the settlement, the two of you watched a short cutscene before exploring the ruins and talking to citizens. You'd often interrupt Hanta with teases of 'Oh, Dad, look at this!', 'Hey, Dad, I found something you're gonna like!', and 'Dad, this guy just gave me a quest! Let's do it soon!'
While Hanta worked on selling product to an NPC, he saw Son run by his screen. "Hey, what're you doing? I still need to go through your inventory,"
"I'm just gonna check stuff out for a sec."
"Stay in town," he said, going back to the NPC.
It didn't feel like it'd been much more than a minute that passed when he heard you gasp over his headset. 
"What'd you find?"
You exhaled a slow breath, "Just the most beautiful canyon ever."
"I'm gonna go look around for a sec."
Hanta quickly exited the screen he was in to pull up the map screen. You were already so far away! How did you get so far ahead of him? "Hey, whoa, I told you to stay in town!"
"It's ok! This area looks abandoned," you replied, not helping your friends nerves at all. "Oh, I found a note!"
Your character must have said something because Father was automatically prompted to respond: "To think this mine was running great just a few years before you were born, and now it's like this..."
"I'm gonna go check it out,"
Hanta wanted to scream, but he couldn't take the chance of freaking his family out, not this late at night! "Don't! Don't go in! At least let me get to where you are!" He's already started running toward your marker.
"It's okay, the place is abandoned! It's probably for a later quest,"
As you walked into the old mine, Hanta was racing through respawning hoards of monsters and bandits. He's amazed you made it through, but he has to use two of his health kits by the time he covers half your route.
"I found something," he hears you say. "It's a weapon and a note! Want me to read it to you?"
"How did you get there with all of these mobs??"
"Very carefully," you teased. "Actually, I'll read it when you get here. The weapon is cool though! I don't have the right ammo for it, but you probably do."
"You picked them up??"
"Yeah, it's all good!"
He sighs, "Just come outside. We'll walk back to town and save." Hanta heals himself after a fourth mob battle, seeing the canyon coming up in the distance.
"Alrighty, Dad, you got it!" You laugh.
There's silence as the two of you walk toward the opening of the mine. "I'm almost there," the birthday boy says, leisurely looking around the canyon himself. You were right, there were no enemies at all in the canyon. Some old mining tracks lead into a small tunnel, an old rusted cart, empty, lays on its side where it'd had been toppled over by the 16-year storm. Hanta could see the love that the developers put into the visuals, because you could actually see tracks in the rocks and dirt where water would have rushed by. The textures were top notch!
"Very funny, Dad."
Hanta paused, confused, he just set his controller down to text Kaminari back. "What's funny?"
"You put the bridge up, har har, come back and pull the lever."
"Bridge? Is there a bridge in there?" 
"Yes, there's a bridge. The canyon cuts into the mine, like you've clearly seen. So let down the bridge,"
"I'm still outside, checking out the old buildings,"
You gasp, "Oh crap! I heard voices!"
"What?? Are there bandits in there after all??"
"Talk to me! What's going on?!"
"IT'S AN AMBUSH!" Your voice was raised, trying not to scream. "They hit me with a grenade! Dad! HELP!"
Sero tossed his cell phone behind him into his bed, snatching up his controller, "I'll be there in a sec! Take a health kit!"
"I used up all my health kits!!"
Hanta ran into the mine, meeting with a group of seven bandits. They had much more powerful weapons than you and he did! Hanta had to be strategic and slow as he fought back, moving further and further into the dark tunnel. 
"I found somewhere to hide!"
"Good! Just stay there!" Hanta yelled into his mic. "Don't let them down you until I get closer! We didn't save at that town!"
Hanta was sweating in his desk chair! These guys were clearly not supposed to be messed with yet! Why couldn't you have stayed closer to town? 
He checked his map, you were down a winding path not too far from him! It shouldn't take long to get to you; you just had to defend yourself for a little bit longer. He picked up one of the downed enemy’s rifles, equipped the more powerful weapon and continued. 
"I see the bridge! I'm lowering it now! It'll just be another minute."
"Hurry!" You cried, Hanta could hear a barrage of gunshots ahead. "They're getting really close to my hiding spot! I've only got 13 health left!!"
Five enemies greeted Hanta at the bridge. Even with the new gun, they were still more powerful. The battle was hard fought, and he took some serious injuries, but one of the body's dropped grenades!
"Hurry! DadDY, HURRY!!" You sounded at the verge of tears! "DADDY PLEASE!" You whined.
Your tone sent a chill down Hanta's spine, his crotch tingling, reliving the moment in his mind. He wiped sweat from his forehead, licking his lips. "I got you, baby, hang on." 
His voice came surprisingly deep, and he heard your breathing hitch.
Rounding the corner to your tunnel, Hanta threw a grenade at the mob of 10 dudes you accrued. This took out 2 guys nearest you, he had to assume you'd burned most of their lifepoints down before he showed up. The second grenade took the next five down, and the two of you together decimated the last three. Your health was barely up at 2 when Father approached you, dropping two health kits at Son’s feet.
The two of you breathed heavily in each other's headsets, as if you had fought the mob yourselves. You took the kits and began healing yourself, a breathy chuckled passed your lips, "Point taken: I won't be going that far away again," 
Hanta could hear you, but his vision was far away, imagining standing next to you instead of Son. The way you would look up into his eyes from under your lashes, a sheen of sweat across your cheeks. 
"You saved our entire game, Sero," your breathing finally regulated to where he couldn't hear it anymore. "But at least this was good and exciting, right?"
The birthday boy shared a chuckle with you, "It was very exciting." He could feel the strain in his pants he was all too familiar with. "Let's get back to town so we can save and go to bed." Hanta adjusted his pajamas before running ahead of you toward the mine entrance.
"Yeah, let's do that," you agreed. "I'll ask my parents tomorrow what I can do for us to be able to play again!"
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randomminer · 5 years
Some More Hogwarts Mystery Asks: MC & Jacob
1) How did you come up with you MC’s name?
-Heard the first name in the background of a video game some years ago. I thought it sounded cool and remembered it when I had to name my MC.
-Then I tried to decide what muggle last name Svari would be drawn to. Sally Ride kept popping into my head, probably because it sounded so similar to Svari. After doing some research, I found out that Sally Ride did actually go into space the year before our MC went to Hogwarts. So naturally, Svari would have recently heard of her and maybe even started to idolize her. To the point she chose Ride as her last name.
-Svari's middle name was the first name of her paternal grandmother, Isobel McGonagall.
2) How did you come up with your MC and Jacob’s backstory (family, where they’re from, their relationship with each other, etc.)?
-I'd been playing around with Potter head cannon for as long as I've read the books. But when JK Rowling started giving very detailed backgrounds of her characters, I really liked McGonagall's story. Her mother leaving the wizarding world for love, her father loving his wife and accepting her background even though he was some sort of priest, excelling in Hogwarts, sadly breaking a muggle man's heart so she could stay in the wizarding world, getting a career in law enforcement and then teaching, eventually marrying but keeping her maiden name, loosing her husband, and just being an icon.
Anyway, I knew I wanted my MC to be connected to McGonagall somehow. And while McGonagall's story was very detailed, there wasn't much on her two brothers' lives other than they both had at least one child and the youngest of the two was killed by Death Eaters. I adjusted Svari's story to fit into all that.
Jacob was just a surprise 😂. I didn't know we'd be having an older sibling thrown into this. I had already thought up Svari's twin cousins, Mary and Garrett, and didn't want to get rid of them, so Malcolm McGonagall got an unexpected third child.
3) How did you come up with your version of Jacob?
-I've had to build Jacob's story off of what I'm learning about him in the game. He would be older than Svari, they were close, and she was obviously hurt when he disappeared. For the most part, I've just built Jacob based on the kind of cousin Svari would love to be around.
4) How does your MC cope with everything they’ve endured with Jacob, R, and the Vaults?
-Svari has had to deal with a lot of stuff in her short life. Her father is dead, her mother and cousin have disappeared, she's been sent away from her original family (the peri flock), she is constantly bullied for her non-human features, she has to be mindful of herself so she doesn't accidentally transform, and to top it all off, the freaking vaults!
It's enough stress to make anyone develop anxiety and want to live in solitude. But I think Svari takes her weaknesses and uses them for strength.
For example, a person may be to anxious to make a face to face order from a McDonald's cashier for themselves. But if a friend of theirs admitted they were also too scared to order, you can bet your ass that person will suddenly have the courage to step up and order McDonald's for themselves AND their friend.
Something about not wanting your loved ones to experience the same bad feelings you do makes people brave enough to do what needs to be done.
In Svari's case, she meets and befriends other magical outcasts like her. People who are half human, who have been turned, who are seen as lowly because of their differences. Wanting to spare them from the same feelings of inadequatacy, hopelessness, and shame gives Svari the will to get up and endure another day.
In turn, her human friends at Hogwarts, who see Svari for who she is and love her anyway, help her to see humanity isn't a heartless race. But rather is made up of individuals, some for good, some for I'll, and some who don't fit a category.
6) How does your Jacob cope with Duncan’s death?
-I haven't really developed Jacob's character much. I worry about making it match with the future plans of the game. But I imagine Jacob changed after Duncan's death. Probably started to withdraw from others, including Svari. He may have had a guilty outburst at some of them just before disappearing. I've tried to think of the possible outcomes JamCity could have in mind for Jacob. If he is in hiding or being held prisoner, I imagine he feels on some level he deserves the misery. Or if he is in a state of suspended animation, he probably doesn't feel anything. I don't know.
7) Describe your MC in 5 words or less &/or using 5 or less gifs
8) Does your MC have any sentimental items?
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-Svari has three items she would hate to loose:
- the woven leather bracelet her mother gave her before she left for Hogsmead
- the fang necklace her Uncle made for fun and gave to her before his death
- her leather jacket, the first item she bought for herself
9) Describe your Jacob in 5 words or less &/or 5 or less gifs
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10) Does your Jacob have any sentimental items?
-Jacob's mom, Teresa McGonagall, is a muggle born originally from a ranch in Texas, USA. Every Christmas and birthday, Garrett, Mary, and Jacob could always expect Texas themed gifts from Pop Pop and Nana (by muggle mail). Nana would go all out and send belt buckles, pecan candy, crosses made out of horse shoes, the Texas state flag printed on coffee mugs, spicy and BBQ flavored everything. But Pop Pop preferred to make the grandkids gifts, usually a little somethingthing made out of carved wood or knotted rope. The year after the twins would start Hogwarts, Pop Pop passed away from a sudden heart attack. While everyone was devastated, Jacob had been closest to his grandfather. That Christmas, Nana sent her usual gifts, but for Jacob, she also sent his grandfather's old bolo tie. Jacob never wore it himself, but it always had a place of honor hanging on the living room wall under Pop Pop's smiling portrait (the unmoving muggle kind). From the day he got it until the day he disappeared, Jacob would always give the bolo a quick touch as he was heading out the door.
11) What is your MC’s favourite store to shop at?
-Svari isn't one for retail therapy, but she loves window shopping in old book stores and antique shops. I think she may have also enjoyed visits to Honeydukes, Zonkos, and Weasleys with her friends.
12) What is your Jacob’s favourite store to shop at?
-I think of Jacob as interested in the secrets of the magical world. So he probably would have liked book stores or connections like Jae and Dung.
13) What is your MC’s favourite thing from Honeydukes?
-Svari likes the prank and sour candies
14) What is your Jacob’s favourite thing from Honeydukes?
-Jacob loves Chocolate Frogs and has quite the card collection.
15) Which Marauder is your MC most like?
-Svari would probably be most like James post Hogwarts. She looks out for the weak, is brave, smart, willing to give her life for others, and keeps her emotions in check. Something Sirius wouldn't do.
16) Which Marauder is your Jacob most like?
-Jacob is most like Remus, but not as sickly or submissive. He is very intelligent, has seen some shit, keeps to himself, but is kind.
17) Something your MC and Jacob like to tease each other about and use to embarrass each other?
-Svari and Jacob each have one parent from outside of the UK. Teresa McGonagall is from Texas and Roxanna is from the Middle East. The cousins both some times accidentally slip into that parent's accent. When they catch each other doing so, it causes roars of laughter between them.
18) A headcanon about your MC?
- loves muggle sci-fi tv (very much a Trekie)
- doesn't like wearing dresses or the color white (makes her afraid to move because she's worried she'll get it dirty)
- can brew potions in Acceptable to Outstanding grade levels, but can't cook to save her life
19) A headcanon about your Jacob?
- his patronus is an armadillo
- can play guitar, banjo, piano, and harmonica
- allergic to bee stings
20) A song for your MC and Jacob?
- probably something by Journey
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sweatblvvdtears · 6 years
Mostly , I only playing AC(s)or MGR (Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance) or few v'games at this Cyber Cafe (Almost like computer center that provides free internet and games but to use it , it must be paid through hours using money (cash) only) . Now , when I already bought for myself , it already becoming huge blocks for me till I can't sleep anymore much even I'm already tired or something during evening or night or midnight . I used v'games as distractions to lifted up my low moods or dark vibes or negativity most of the days and whenever I'm in pain or stressed a lot or under distressed due to real life problems issues etc , you know it lol , so much depends on days but I think it's becoming pretty bad for me . :'/ I've lose my sleeps a lot . During days , I was going out for businesses and also doing house chores and during night , I didn't even sleep at all . Probably just one hour or 2 sleep . Sometimes , none . Becoming like a "night owl" myself . Stayed awoke nights . Then I had to get up and started all over again . Morning ? Make breakfast for siblings and parents and around 9 or 10 AM had to go out again and usually going back at home around 4 PM + or 3 PM + or sometimes till 5 PM . Doing house chores and etc till 8 PM or 7 PM + , sometimes over 9 PM + . Night or around evening ? Awake till MORNING for few hours and repeats . If I don't play v'games , I'll sleep but mostly awake . Less sleep . Distressed a lots . Stressed a lot . Even in around v'games hours too I am in stress 😧💢 . All stress . Nothing never goes stress . Either stress to really stress and very painfully stress . Not that stable actually . Trying to be okay but it's a what ever . Just don't give any fucking shits . Ended up failed most of the times . Stuck in darkness phases most of the times and issues . I just tend to keeps myself busy most of the times even when I playing YouTube or my personal music playlist via my goddamn phone here , usually I overworked myself behind the situations . Keeps on rolling the music or videos when I'm doing things behind . Almost goes full under automatic or just shuffled my music playlist or just keeps it playing and skipped the tracks and leave the phone away all over again so I can hear it while doing tasks lmao my god my life sucks most of the times or whenever I'm walking out on my way to somewhere else , I probably will put my personal music via non-internet into earphone mode lol and play it as I walking to somewhere else either to work or etc . I'm tired and under pain a lot most of the times lol . 💔 Plus , I already typing way too fast most of the timea and mostly on this hell websites most of the times using via phone only . So less on via desktop options lol 😧 My fucking god wtf , I irritated myself annoyingly + hurtingly a lot .
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lightsorigins · 3 years
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 When he opened his eyes, Malden remained as straight as a board. He stared at the bedroom ceiling for a few seconds before turning his head to the window. The shutters were wide open. Yet he remembered that Kieran had closed them the night before. It didn't matter. He stood up slowly and felt the icy cold of the systemic dawn make him shiver. It was around nine o'clock, the sun was rising. Even slower than he was, he thought. Malden knew that it was not easy to be more phlegmatic than he was.
      - Except you, Mr. Sun," he murmured, still leaning out the window.
      He lost himself in his thoughts for a few minutes. Now that he'd had a good time with his friend, he'd have to think about going home and face his mother's wrath for allowing himself to leave the day before. What an idea to get up so early! He remembered very well that sleep had come late, and fatigue would quickly overcome him during the day. Malden turned and saw Kieran lying on his back, his blanket over part of his body diagonally. He was sleeping with his mouth open and snoring so loudly he could have woken a dragon. The sight made him chuckle.
      Discreetly, he collected his things, put on his shoes, and left the apartment without waking anyone. He put on his headphones and played "How Long Can I Go" by "Sam Celentano". Once outside, several options came to mind. There was a park north of Lausya, where he often went to play sports. He also had a painting he had started and wanted to finish. However, the longer he stayed outside, the more problems he would have to deal with when he returned.
      - It's up to me. I can go to the park and do push-ups. Take up my painting, knowing that I might run into mom. Maybe I can give Sylva a call and see if I can't come over early. I could have stayed at Kieran's, but now that I'm out, I'm not going to wake him up to come back... And seeing as he's asleep, he won't wake up, that's for sure, he concluded by putting his hand on his face.
      Malden suddenly noticed that he had a few unread messages. Naturally, these were from his mother. The most important one was this:
"I don't appreciate your attitude lately. We'll have a discussion as soon as you get home. You know there are rules to follow in this house, and they apply to everyone, even you! »
      The first response that came to mind was "You never liked my attitude, and you never understood me. "But he found it too tiring to get into a conflict with her. It was better not to escalate the situation. Akane, his mother, had been an adventurer during her youth. During certain periods, it happened that she went on adventures for a few weeks with her old group of friends. She is a Gial (Earth) atmologist, focused on the Veltôs (Control) path, and her atmology is an ochre red. At a very young age, Akane received a strict and hard education, and also underwent many hazing which forged her character for sure. She has never been an example of softness. This hard and uncompromising character made communication with Malden particularly complicated over the years.
      It didn't matter in the end. Malden decided to get on his way and go home. He might as well face Mother Dragon as quickly as possible to put out the flames. Unfortunately, it didn't take much for his mood to be affected. These expressions from his mother reminded him how lonely he felt in his family, despite the good relationship he had with his sister Sawako, and his brother Hayate. He always ended up being seen as too intense, too whiny or touchy and moody. When he thought about it, however, Malden knew that factually he lacked nothing. He was a healthy, rather good-looking young man, good at a few subjects, athletic, with a group of sympathetic and understanding friends, a certain amount of freedom in his personal life, and so on. However, it seemed that something was missing.
      It was as if there was a void somewhere. A fear of not living up to his own image, or of failing at what he could do. He was so special that he could be admired for the strangeness of his thoughts and artistic productions, but also stigmatized, and found "weird", or "unapproachable", to use terms he had heard about himself. Yet he longed to be accepted for who he was, without becoming like everyone else.
    When he opened the door to the apartment, he expected to find his mother getting ready for work. Instead, he found Sawako sitting in the kitchen. She was having breakfast: a glass of hot delicatessen milk with a little pethmergale sugar. The whole thing made the milk look dark and creamy. She was reading a manga while smoking a cigarette.
      - Hi! he said. I didn't think you'd be here at this hour. I thought I'd find Mom instead.
 -      Nah, she left pretty early this morning to buy some stuff. I don't think she's gonna be back for a while. Where did you go anyway? Kieran's?
      - Yeah. We wanted to watch "Alvist Wars" quietly, but Isaac had come into my room yesterday to snoop on something. I yelled at her, she got involved and... well, you know mom.
      - Yeah, I know what you mean. Well, she wasn't too happy about it. In fact, she was angry that you broke like that. I understand, but you could have avoided it, or told me about it. I would have tempered the situation a bit, you know how I usually do.
      - I know, but Kieran kind of rushed me, I didn't have much time to make my decision. I've done this plenty of times before, but it seems like yesterday was worse than usual. Why is that?
      - Didn't Mom tell you what we have to do tonight?
      - No?
      - Okay, too weird. Well, actually we're supposed to go to Welliyo with Dad, Mom and Helen to see Melva. Maybe there's some news about her memory, but nothing transcendent you know.
      Malden hiccupped in surprise and recoiled slightly. He felt stupid, but also excluded for not having been kept in the loop.
      - Is she serious? Why didn't she tell me?
      - I think she was going to propose to you yesterday.
      - Suggesting me the day before for the day after? What if I had something to do? Yes, I would have canceled. I would cancel anything to go see Melva, but still.
      - Anyway, chances are that's why she's so upset about your escapade yesterday. You should just apologize and tell her you'll be there tonight, if you want to be safe. I'll cover for you, but do what I say. I mean, I'll figure out how to fix it, I'll improvise.
      - And you think you can get Isaac to stop making my life miserable?
      - Don't worry, I'll work it out by ruining his. There are a few things he and I need to discuss. He's still asleep, but I'm setting him up for a real wake-up call.
      - You're handling it, thanks. I have to go see Sylvania this afternoon. Do you think you can handle that too?
      - Consider it done," Sawako replied, winking at him. 
 Malden knew he could always count on her in many circumstances. At 27 years old, she was the oldest of her siblings, and therefore the one with the authority right after her parents. And fortunately, Sawako had a lot in common with Malden. Both of them were very sensitive and attached to their deepest values, but Sawako tended to be more withdrawn and passive than her brother. She was a specialist in the art of running away and saying nothing, letting go, sleeping and lazing around. Beyond her studies in water atmology, she loved to write poetry, fiction, and play video games with horror, romance, and role-playing themes. At least that's what her mother told her. Malden, on the other hand, was much more active and enjoyed going out, shopping and discovering more about the world around him. With his pocket money, he bought a lot of things like incense, posters and an infinite amount of clothes that he could wear according to his moods. Besides,
    since he would have to go back to Sylvania in the afternoon, he started looking for different clothes to change into after his shower. Leaving his hair down, Malden put a diamond-shaped earring in his left ear, as well as a golden pendant with a small sphere. He put on a gray sweater with "N.O.T.H.I.N.G." in bright green letters. Further down, in small print, it read "Nobody On This Healthiest Irrelevant Narrow-minded Globality. ». Malden liked to wear this sweater when he wasn't sure how he felt. He often hoped that those closest to him would be able to decode this information and understand how he was feeling by carefully observing how he dressed. But it never worked.He went to his room to finish getting ready. After putting on his black shorts and sneakers, the same green as his sweater's typography, he heard his mother coming back to the apartment. Sawako immediately struck up a conversation with her. Malden reached out to listen.
      - Malden is back to the point.
      - Is he in his room?
      - Yeah, but I think it's best to leave it alone for a bit today.
      - Oh no! Have you seen how he's acting right now? I have to talk to him, this is too much. And he doesn't answer the messages I leave! That's not an attitude!
      - I know, I know mom. But he's a teenager, so you have to imagine that he's going to do a few more silly things like that.
      - Sawako, do you defend your brother when he takes the wrong path? Do you think you're helping him to act that way?
      Akane spoke loudly and raised her voice with every sentence. She was panting, exhausted from bringing all the groceries alone from the store. Despite her intensive training as a fighter, she was much less active since she had built her family life, and was therefore much more quickly tired for actions that, in her youth, were just a walk in the park for her.
 -      Plus no one helped me with the groceries today! I have to do everything alone in this house, it's not possible! Call your father for me, so he can come and help me clean up instead of sleeping again!
      - Mom, I'm not defending Malden, but I think you're overreacting a bit. He just went to Kieran's. He wanted to watch "Alvist Wars" and he came home early. He's doing well in school and he doesn't have bad company. Don't you think you should leave him alone for a while and deal with Suzanne and Hayate, who are always provoking him?
      - Yes, yes it's good. Okay, I'll leave it. Let him do. Call your father now. Is Malden coming tonight so we can go visit Melva, yes or no?
      - It will be there.
      Malden smiled broadly and clenched his fist in victory. What could he do without Sawako? He felt himself growing wings. The weekend would probably be much more enjoyable than he had imagined. Grabbing his cell phone, he decided to send a message to Sylvania.
      "Hi Sylva 😊! Do you think we could eat together this lunch? Like, at a snack bar not too far from your place, and then we spend the afternoon together like we said? »
      Every time he took the time to send her a message, Malden's hands were shaking and sweaty. Would he choose the right words? Was he being pushy? Or too weird? Did she realize how he felt about her? And even worse: did he really feel something for her? And this something, was it love? It was so complex for him to understand, so difficult to be totally sure, considering the particular situation. Didn't she just remind him of his sister, who is now in the hospital and he misses her so much? Malden didn't know. He always came to the conclusion that it was probably best to let it go and see where it would take him.
      His phone vibrated. It was her. She had just answered! He hurried to open the message.
      "Hi Malden! That's a really cool proposal. Where do you want to eat? And what do you want to eat? Something usual and not too far away, just to do it quietly? »
      "Noon, at the pizza place across the street from you? »
 "Perfect! See you later! »
      Since everything was already planned, all he had to do was spend the time he had left doing something he liked. So he threw himself into the painting he had started a few days ago. Malden was fond of searching for photographs of various places in the Mysticiën, and recently his attention had been drawn to pictures of the Omaltäb Forests in Almarosa territory to the south. He was busy redrawing the trees with pink, dark blue, green or even black foliage that could be found there. The simple fact of smelling the paint in the room made him feel a certain fullness that nothing else could give him. After taking care to lock the door of his room so as not to be disturbed, he painted for a long time and moved forward on his canvas. If for some reason he couldn't become an alvist or a martial artist, Malden knew he would become a painter and would do everything he could to fulfill that dream. And even if he did become an alvist and a martial artist, he would be a painter too! With his savings, he vowed to buy a high performance camera and take photographs from original angles and then redesign and paint unusual places in the country, giving them a special interpretation with special color schemes. This was how he would communicate to the world the way he perceived and felt the universe. This idea excited him.
      Shortly before the appointment time, Malden rushed to the front door to get going. When he opened it, he passed the kitchen, where he saw his parents preparing dinner. While he was already on the landing, he heard his mother's authoritative voice.
      - Be back by five o'clock, we'll go see Melva. We won't wait for you forever.
      - Uh, yes, Mom. See you tonight!
      - That's it," she said dismissively.
      The sun was shining on Lausya, accompanied by a rather strong wind. A gust of wind blew straight towards Malden, removing his hood and messing up his hair. He who wanted to be elegant for Sylvania, it was from now on lost pain. He sighed discreetly while putting back his hood. That was not going to dry his good mood found. He was now listening to "Apricot" by "Sam Celentano". Malden could already imagine himself with Sylvania teaching him some scales and making him listen to her melodies. Her calmness, her kindness and her rigor were for him like nectar and ambrosia. He admired her terribly, and these sentimental questions about her were very recent. But he had known her for a few years already.
      After a few minutes, Malden reached the main square where Sylvania and her mother lived. There was a fountain in the center, and some stone slabs decorated with flowers tended by the city's gardeners. A few people were there, including groups of children who had come to buy pancakes or ice cream, despite the cold season. Sitting under a white umbrella at one of the many tables of the local pizzeria, Sylvania was waiting patiently, her phone in hand. She had let her long red hair down, was wearing a white dress with blue polka dots and a small silver necklace and a pair of simple earrings of the same complexion. When she saw Malden, she waved at him.
      - Hi! How are you? I'm so hungry! I've already reserved a table for the two of us, so what should we order? Asked she, cheerful.
      - I'll probably have a salad with a slice of pizza. I'm not very hungry, but it'll do for me!
      - Are you sure you'll have enough energy to listen to my news and convince me to join your group if you don't eat enough? She joked.
      - Don't worry about it. I want you to join us enough, I don't need a pizza to help me!
      After they had actually placed their order, the two young people ate together and talked about the rain and the weather. Malden admired the way Sylvania spoke about her extracurricular activities, but also her involvement in various social struggles. She was already very active on Signold - a well-known social network on Elzetarân - and shared many videos about animal causes and ecology. Sylvania already seemed to be a big shot and followed very closely the actions of the Renovators' Guild. It was a group of atmologists and adventurers of all kinds, formed several decades ago. They were in charge of monitoring the development of the ecosystems and biomes of Elzetari after certain confrontations, whose damage could have seriously damaged various places and destroyed the fauna, as well as the flora.
      Time passed without them noticing. Soon enough, they finished their meal and went to Sylvania. Coming from a well-to-do family, they lived in a large residence where the richest inhabitants of Lausanne were to be found. The mayor, Oscar Fanghël, lived nearby with his wife and son. Malden was always impressed when he set foot in Sylvania's house: everything was always so clean! The living room seemed huge and everything he saw seemed to be priceless. The marble walls of a very light and sober
grey were decorated with paintings showing fantastic scenes. One could see atmological warriors fighting carniocs and wild creatures in the skies, unleashing various elemental forces.
      - Every time you come over, you can't help but leave your eyes glued to the picture in the living room. You know I'm going to end up asking my mom if I can give it to you, right?
      Malden flinched and blushed. He had never realized how much these paintings could absorb him. The idea that he might be seen to be lusting after them embarrassed him.
      - Oh no, not at all! It's just... I really wish I had a talent like that. You know, I see how well the color scheme is mastered, it drives me crazy! There is the light, so well reflected, and the contrast between the atmos used by the fighters on the painting, the expression of pain on the creatures, and even the effects of the wind that blows even though we don't see it. It's beautiful. Every time I see it, I feel like it's the first one.
      - I think it was Cleora Stolteïska who made this painting. I would have to see it again with my mother. And it seems to me that she is still alive. Maybe one day, if you meet her, you can ask her how she did it?
 Malden's eyes seemed to light up. He began to do some research on his cell phone and found more of the painter's work.
 -      Wow, she's so good... If I met her, I wouldn't even know how to ask her questions. Well, anyway, I'll deal with that when I get home. For now, I have someone else talented to admire on her compositions, right?
      - Don't overdo it! I'm just getting by on my mom's classes when it comes to reproducing classics. For my creations, it remains to be seen... I'm not very comfortable with the idea of doing new things, that go out of the box, I'm afraid it won't be very pleasant to the ear, also because...
      - Hey, Sylva! he interrupted her. It's not serious, you have to try in life. Let me listen!
      - But if you think it's ugly, you probably won't want me in your group.
      - Does this mean that you want to join our group so badly that I don't actually need to convince you?
      She hiccupped with surprise and put her hands in front of her mouth. Sylvania had tricked herself. She was more interested in the idea of being part of this music group that was forming than anything else, but she didn't want it to be so obvious. She would still be seen as the girl with no friends, who craved acceptance from others.
      - It's true," she sighed. Well, enough wasted time. Sit down on the couch. I'll play you this little piece. I was inspired by "rocking horse" by "Etolica. ».
      Without adding a word, Malden settled comfortably on the black velvet sofa. Sylvania took her turn on the small purple seat where she sat to play the piano. She had her back to him, slowly positioning her fingers on the keys. The girl took a deep breath before starting to play the first notes of her composition. The start was awkward but soon she gained confidence and began to play with more assurance. The notes flowed together with a certain smoothness.
      To Malden, it was as if a beautiful story was being told. He was so impressed by her dexterity that he wanted to get closer to her to better admire her performance. However, for fear of distracting her, he preferred to stay behind and come without making any noise. She was in front of the large window, giving on a great part of the city. He admired the view as he listened to the soft melody played by his friend, while he imagined how these notes would blend with Teano's expertise on the guitar, Kieran's voice and his drumming.
      The listening went on for almost three minutes, during which time Malden was totally transported. He found himself re-admiring the painting by Cleora Stolteïska that hung on the living room wall. This creation and Sylvania's composition went so well together that he imagined one day he would be a painter of masterpieces and she a professional pianist, creating melodies around his world-renowned paintings. An exciting future, from which he exited as soon as Sylvania gave the last note of her essay. A few seconds were necessary for her to come back to reality. She took again a big inspiration, then she got up and turned slowly towards her friend. The window was left open, and a cold breeze crossed the room and shook her long dress as well as her hair. An image that stuck in Malden's mind and he swore to himself that he would paint this scene.
      - There, now you know my little music. I know it's probably too soft for what you're doing, but it's the best I have in stock right now.
 -      Sylvania, it's really beautiful. It's probably silly and simple as an opinion, but I don't know what else to add... Then, I don't play the piano, so I imagine that there are things to be revised, it's possible. But anyway, I really liked it. You know Kieran, he likes it when it moves a little bit more, but then Teano will be over the moon, you can believe me!
      - Do you think so? She asked hesitantly, as she nervously played with her fingers.
      - I don't think so: I know so! Will you show me some other things? Songs you learned with your mother for example, maybe we could rework some of them and see how to create other songs together from that!
      - It's a good idea. So, let's see...
      All afternoon long, Sylvania and Malden discussed and studied in detail different compositions, some of which they took care to select to present to Malden and Teano. Gradually, more than his ambiguous attraction to Sylvania, it was his passion for art and music that took over. He was very curious and concentrated in these tasks, as she was too.
      Since the time for him to be reunited with his family was fast approaching, Malden prepared to leave to avoid being late. But just before he left, Sylvania received a phone call that seemed to puzzle her.
      - An unexpected call? he asked.
      - Well... It's Annabelle. You know, the girl in Sara's class.
      He looked at her with a puzzled look.
      - Maybe it's her mother calling? I think she works with yours, right?
      - Not anymore. They kept in touch but... Well, wait. "Hello?" She says.
      "Yes, Sylvania? It's Annabelle. Sorry, we haven't talked in a while, but I've been trying to reach Sara and even her brother but no one answers! »
      "No worries Anna. But do you need anything? »
      "This will probably sound weird to you, but my grandfather came back from a long trip a few days ago. And you'll never guess: he brought back with him a Phelidus Tenebris! »
      As Sylvania turned on the speaker phone, Malden also heard the news. He struggled to keep his astonishment from being heard. The Pelidus, whatever their nature, were extremely powerful creatures and known to be dangerous.
      "A Phelidus? " Sylvania repeated, worried. "It's still very dangerous! Do the authorities know that this creature is here, in Lausya? What do you want us to do for you? »
      "She's dying and has little ones... six to be exact. That's a bit long, and I don't have much time. Listen, I wish you could come to my house together as soon as possible, you and Sara and the others. Grandpa will be there, he'll be able to explain. »
      "I... well, okay Annabelle. I hope it's nothing serious anyway. I'll see what I can do to keep them updated and get back to you! »
      "Thank you Sylva! »
      She hung up her phone and looked at Malden, stunned.
      - A Pelidus with babies... How often do you hear such stories?
 -      Even the participants of "War of the Alvists" don't have Pelidus! Malden added. The thing I remember is that his grandfather must be really good. Renyu says you can only find them at Failghost Manor. And do you know what they say about that manor?
      - Yeah, that it's haunted or something... We'll talk about it again, I should let you go before your mom gives you a hard time for being late. It's already a miracle my mom wasn't there today and we got to see each other, might as well not ruin the end of the day!
      - You're right, I'm leaving. I forgot one thing! I think you're meeting Teano later on, right?
      - Yes, and he has to spend the night at Renyu's house right after.
      - You can tell him that I did some research the other day, and I found a luthier that might be of interest to him, since he wanted to try his hand at the electric guitar.
      With that, Malden and Sylvania parted ways. He walked through the spacious corridors of the building before finding himself outside, taken by the temperature which seemed to have dropped a few degrees compared to the early afternoon. Happy with this exciting afternoon, he then thought about what he would learn when he arrived at the hospital with his family. If Melva remembered him, at least for a few seconds during the visit, nothing could make him happier. But Malden refused to deny it. With his headphones in, he shuffled along, his imagination conjuring up the worst scenarios about his sister's shattered memory. His mood wavered again.
      When he arrived home, his parents were getting ready to leave. Sawako was already ready, a long dark blue leather coat on her back and her black hair done up in a neat bun. Aware of her brother's difficulty in dealing with this situation, she simply patted him on the shoulder and gave him a hug.
      - Don't worry Maldou, she'll remember us one day. The more we go to see her, the more it will help her.
0 notes
l-ucidgh0u-l · 5 years
Date of updating this: 30/10/19
200: My crush’s name is: Irl i don't have one now but, celebrity crushes? A bunch. Obsessed w/ Alice Pagani at the time being.
199: I was born in:
- Terribly hot but diverse in culture.(🇲🇾)
198: I am really:
- Just sad, angry & confused.
197: My cellphone company is:
- Samsung.
196: My eye color is:
- Dark brown
195: My shoe size is:
194: My ring size is:
193: My height is: 5'0
192: I am allergic to: Seafood, fine particles of dust tba.
191: My 1st car was:
190: My 1st job was: Administrator for a pre-school / kindergarten.
189: Last book you read: *still reading :
188: My bed is: a divine combo w/ my aircond. My safe place @ home.
187: My pet: Tabby cats, 1-yearold Latte & Mocha.
186: My best friend: from highsch Alicia.
185: My favorite shampoo is: Random i switch. Don't really have a salloon brand shampoo.
184: Xbox or ps3: Playstation all the way.
183: Piggy banks are: non-existent & should start one.
182: In my pockets: Nothing.
181: On my calendar: *in my phone, that's rarely used.
180: Marriage is: Terrifying. Sometimes i feel like i don't want to be wed.
179: Spongebob can: throw me a krabby-patty party.
178: My mom: I love her with my entire being and soul but she's beastly.
177: The last three songs I bought were? None.
176: Last YouTube video watched:
- Juice WRLD "Fast" lyrics.
175: How many cousins do you have?
- Too many.
174: Do you have any siblings?
- 4 inc me. I'm the eldest, a younger sister + 2 younger brothers.
173: Are your parents divorced?
- No, thankfully.
172: Are you taller than your mom?
- Same height.
171: Do you play an instrument?
- No but i wish i could. A guitar most likely.
170: What did you do yesterday?
- Played games on the phone, cleaned the house & binge netflix on tv.
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: Yes but can only work with physical appearance Personality wise, it's a must to sit down and have a conversation. Takes a month or two to see if we vibe. Comfortably (a day or two..i could tell.)
168: Luck: Maybe? but I don't think i'm lucky.
167: Fate: Absolute yes, what goes around comes back around. Our lives revolves around the Him, universe and people. We can't change fate but we could alter our desicions.
166: Yourself: Yes but sometimes no. As much as i believe in myself. I have low confidence in believing myself.
165: Aliens: No.
164: Heaven: Yes yes yes.
163: Hell: Absolute yes.
162: God: Ultimately yes.
161: Horoscopes: Are you kidding me? Of course. Yes.
160: Soul mates: Maybe..but Big. Fat. "?"
159: Ghosts: Yes.
158: Gay Marriage: Neutral thoughts but No w/ my religion.
157: War: Yes...
156: Orbs: Science? Yes.
155: Magic: Dark sorcery..maybe.
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: Why not both?
153: Drunk or High: Uh..high..
152: Phone or Online: BoTh
151: Red heads or Black haired: Not a problem w/ both. Depends on person.
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.
149: Hot or cold: Cold.
148: Summer or winter: Both.
147: Autumn or Spring: Both but gravitating towards Autumn.
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanillaaaaaaa!
145: Night or Day: Night.
144: Oranges or Apples: Apples, bcus of it's tart-ness.
143: Curly or Straight hair: Both, depends on person.
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McD.
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate-
140: Mac or PC: Both.
139: Flip flops or high heels:
- High heels are gorgeous but i can't stand them. Flip flops for comfort!
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:
137: Coke or Pepsi:
136: Hillary or Obama:
135: Burried or cremated:
134: Singing or Dancing:
133: Coach or Chanel:
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks:
131: Small town or Big city:
130: Wal-Mart or Target:
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler:
128: Manicure or Pedicure:
127: East Coast or West Coast:
126: Your Birthday or Christmas:
125: Chocolate or Flowers:
124: Disney or Six Flags:
123: Yankees or Red Sox:
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War:
121: George Bush:
120: Gay Marriage:
119: The presidential election:
118: Abortion:
117: MySpace:
116: Reality TV:
115: Parents:
114: Back stabbers:
113: Ebay:
112: Facebook:
111: Work:
110: My Neighbors:
109: Gas Prices:
108: Designer Clothes:
107: College:
106: Sports:
105: My family:
104: The future:
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone:
102: Last time you ate:
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile:
100: Cried in front of someone:
99: Went to a movie theater:
98: Took a vacation:
97: Swam in a pool:
96: Changed a diaper:
95: Got my nails done:
94: Went to a wedding:
93: Broke a bone:
92: Got a peircing:
91: Broke the law:
90: Texted: hour ago
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most:
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
87: The last movie I saw:
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most:
85: The thing im not looking forward to:
84: People call me:
83: The most difficult thing to do is:
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket:
81: My zodiac sign is:
80: The first person i talked to today was:
79: First time you had a crush:
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from:
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking:
76: Right now I am talking to:
75: What are you going to do when you grow up:
74: I have/will get a job:
73: Tomorrow:
72: Today:
71: Next Summer:
70: Next Weekend:
69: I have these pets:
68: The worst sound in the world:
67: The person that makes me cry the most is:
66: People that make you happy:
65: Last time I cried:
64: My friends are:
63: My computer is:
62: My School:
61: My Car:
60: I lose all respect for people who:
59: The movie I cried at was:
58: Your hair color is:
57: TV shows you watch:
56: Favorite web site:
55: Your dream vacation:
54: The worst pain I was ever in was:
53: How do you like your steak cooked:
52: My room is:
51: My favorite celebrity is:
50: Where would you like to be:
49: Do you want children:
48: Ever been in love:
47: Who’s your best friend:
46: More guy friends or girl friends:
45: One thing that makes you feel great is:
44: One person that you wish you could see right now:
43: Do you have a 5 year plan:
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die:
41: Have you pre-named your children:
40: Last person I got mad at:
39: I would like to move to:
38: I wish I was a professional:
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy:
36: Vehicle:
35: President:
34: State visited:
33: Cellphone provider:
32: Athlete:
31: Actor:
30: Actress:
29: Singer:
28: Band:
27: Clothing store:
26: Grocery store:
25: TV show:
24: Movie:
23: Website:
22: Animal:
21: Theme park:
20: Holiday:
19: Sport to watch:
18: Sport to play:
17: Magazine:
16: Book:
15: Day of the week:
14: Beach:
13: Concert attended:
12: Thing to cook:
11: Food:
10: Restaurant:
- Italianies. But there's waaaay too many fine restaurants with endless cuisines.
9: Radio station:
- Hitz.fm / Spotify playlist.
☆ 8: Yankee candle scent:
7: Perfume:
Jo Malone / scents of warm vanilla, nutty-spice.
6: Flower:
- Baby's breath, roses & i just love flowers.
5: Color:
- Black, a spectrum of blue/red/green, silver - metallics and pastels.
4: Talk show host:
- Jimmy Fallon!
3: Comedian:
- I don't have one. Love jokes though.
2: Dog breed:
- Siberian huskies / Huskies all the way.
1: Did you answer all these truthfully?
- Yes.
0 notes
I still dream about my late uncle and grandma; even if they’re not present in the dream, I’ll mention them, or something will be about them; or I’ll be at their house; even when it’s not the same, I’ll be at their house; which was sadly torn down just a few weeks ago. My uncle passed in ‘15, only in his early 60s, and grandma in ‘17, a well-lived 94; but the rest of my grandparents have also passed. However, my maternal grandma and my uncle (her son) I see/hear about most often in my dreams; and I know it’s probably because I have memorabilia and a photo of my grandma, as well as my uncle’s collectibles and art displayed in my room that I see them more often. They were such a huge part of my life as a kid and teenager, and I miss them dearly. I wouldn’t be who I am today without their influence.
#I do have more uncles and aunts#Sadly I haven't seen many on my mom's side#since grandma passed I've only really seen two of my mom's other 7 siblings and one was helping clean out the family house#Another uncle that lived in the same house with grandma is in the nursing home#I really need to visit him#my mom's siblings are all scattered#I wish my family was closer a lot#we joke about being antisocial and trust me I really really am#but I wish my mom's side was a bit more tight knit#things really were better when I was a kid#grandma was the core of the family#for holidays and taking care of things when we needed her help#and Jerry was the best uncle a kid could have#video games and cartoons#and art supplies galore (that you weren't allowed to touch!!!!!!!)#but he did try his best to keep us involved and didn't hesitate to give us a bit of tough love when we needed it#but was also chill and goofy and excited to show off a new show or game he found#he's the reason why I love Tomb Raider so much#and I bought a rare game from Half Price Books just because it was one of his favorites#I shilled out $50 for a PS1 game I currently can't play and I have 0 regrets#grandma never got to return to England#and spend most of her time raising her kids and then helping with grandkids#and she never never never reacted out of any kind of anger or spite#but she was tough and hardy and no nonsense and told you to shape up if she needed to#and YOU DID WHAT GRANDMA TOLD YOU#but she also made sure everyone was fed and taken care of and content#and I'm still learning about her to this day#I've learned more about her after her passing than when she was alive and it's been really bittersweet#ugh I could go on forever#I just miss them
0 notes