#'often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly'
sporesgalaxy · 1 year
me looking at the ADHD diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5-TR since I have access to it for a school paper and being reminded of every weird and annoying thing I do
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megashadowdragon · 4 months
sanjis promise to kuma
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Back in chapter 485, Sanji interrupted Zoro and Kuma as they were about to make a deal in exchange for letting Luffy go free. In this moment, Sanji swore that one day, he would be the one to cause the most trouble for the Navy and the World Government.
Ever since Bonney commented on Vegapunk turning Kuma in to a cyborg in chapter 1062, I have been wondering if this promise will come full circle in this arc. Oda has been slowly building on the parallels between Sanji and Kuma. But why?
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Chapter 485 was titled for Zoro, and it led to the 'nothing happened' moment. Given how iconic and significant that has become, don't you think it's also significant that it's here that Sanji stepped in?
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Could it be that Oda is preparing to give Sanji a moment that will parallel Zoro's 'nothing happened'? Is this how Sanji will fulfil the promise that he made to Kuma at Thriller Bark? Will his words to Zoro from Wano come around again?
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Sanji has often before gone on solo missions and risked his own life in order to sabotage the enemy's plans. In Little Garden and Alabasta, he tricked Crocodile; and at Enies Lobby, he stole the cuff keys from Jabra, and sabotaged the Buster Call.
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Now that Kuma has arrived at Egghead, and another Buster Call as been initiated, it seems like the perfect time for Sanji's promise from Thriller Bark to come full circle. But what role will he play? And how will it explain his parallels to Kuma?
Speaking of the parallels between Sanji and Kuma, this is a good time to mention 'the power of love.' What does Oda mean by this? And how does it connect to Kuma being able to maintain a fragment of his humanity?
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This may explain why Kuma's instinct to protect his daughter was able to override or delay the process of his humanity being erased. I believe it also explains the significance of Sanji's parallels to Kuma, and how he will fulfil his promise from Thriller Bark.
The significance of the parallels between Sanji may be leading toward Sanji taking the risk of losing his humanity again. But how will we get to that? Before we get that far, how will Oda set it up?
When I was planning this thread, I wondered what moments from the past that Oda might parallel here. To start with, I believe Sanji will steal Kizaru's, just as he stole the keys from Jabra back at Enies Lobby.
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Once Sanji has stolen Kizaru's intercept Transponder Snail, he will be able to listen in on and discover the enemy's plans. Sanji could even speak directly with the other Gorosei. Just as he did with Crocodile in Little Garden and Alabasta.
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niji and the other vinsmokes had the ability to mimic other people's voices ( shown in wci) so sanji could mimic kizaru or saint saturns voice to obtain this info like how he pretended to be mr3
Just as Sanji sabotaged Enel's Ark Maxim in Skypiea, Sanji may also sabotage and destroy the Mother Flame power station. The parallels would even extend to Sanji addressed "God," and the theme of "a light."
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Could Oda be building up to Sanji putting himself in front of a blast from the Mother Flame in oder to destroy it manually and prevent it from being fired again? It would continue the parallel of Sanji taking a direct hit from Enel after sabotaging the Ark Maxim.
How could Sanji survive such a thing? This would be where his genetic augmentations and altered Lineage Factors come back in to it. The enhanced durability and regeneration in particular would be relevant here. 'A step into the realm of Godhood.'
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It's worth remembering that it was the discovery of Lineage Factors that led the World Government to arresting Vegapunk in the first place. They felt threatened by it. We've surely not yet seen the maximum potential of the Lineage Factor augmentations.
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Speaking of the full potential of Sanji's power, I have spoken before about how I believe this progression and the attack names will be themed around the life cycle of a star.
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I believe that this is how Sanji will fulfil his promise to Kuma from Thriller Bark, and become the one who causes the most trouble for the World Government. Sanji will risk his life and his humanity to destroy the Mother Flame power station, and sabotage the "Great Cleasing."
The key to Sanji's survival will likely be his genetic augmentations, but the key to him not losing his humanity in the effort is in the "Primal Desires." and the "Undying power of love."
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut! (As in, an entire DSM-V diagnosis xD)
Submitter provided the following diagnosis:
HC, there is a beautiful analysis by @rena-rain as well as many posts all over the internet; over all it is a common headcanon in the fandom. out of the dmsv traits she displays:
a. Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or during other activities (e.g., overlooks or misses details, work is inaccurate).
b. Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities (e.g., has difficulty remaining focused during lectures, conversations, or lengthy reading).
c. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly (e.g., mind seems elsewhere, even in the absence of any obvious distraction).
d. Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., starts tasks but quickly loses focus and is easily sidetracked).
e. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities (e.g., difficulty managing sequential tasks; difficulty keeping materials and belongings in order; messy, disorganized work; has poor time management; fails to meet deadlines).
f. Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (e.g., schoolwork or homework; for older adolescents and adults, preparing reports, completing forms, reviewing lengthy papers).
g. Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., school materials, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, papenwork, eyeglasses, mobile telephones).
h. Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli (for older adolescents and adults, may include unrelated thoughts).
i. Is often forgetful in daily activities (e.g., doing chores, running errands; for older adolescents and adults, returning calls, paying bills, keeping appointments).
a. Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet or squirms in seat.
b. Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected (e.g., leaves his or her place in the classroom, in the office or other workplace, or in other situations that require remaining in place).
c. Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is inappropriate. (Note: In adolescents or adults, may be limited to feeling restless.)
d. Often unable to play or engage in leisure activities quietly.
e. Is often “on the go,” acting as if “driven by a motor” (e.g., is unable to be or uncomfortable being still for extended time, as in restaurants, meetings; may be experienced by others as being restless or difficult to keep up with).
f. Often talks excessively.
g. Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed (e.g., completes people’s sentences; cannot wait for turn in conversation).
h. Often has difficulty waiting his or her turn (e.g., while waiting in line).
i. Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations, games, or activities; may start using other people’s things without asking or receiving permission; for adolescents and adults, may intrude into or take over what others are doing).
Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms are present in two or more settings (e.g., at home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities).
D. There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with, or reduce the quality of, social, academic, or occupational functioning.
only feature not shown is evidence of it happening before 12 YO since the show starts when she's 13 i think?
in addition she also presents a classic case of limerance towards adrien prior to actually falling in love with him, and on-screen hiperfocus episodes, as well as a hiiiigh possibility of comorbid GAD (analysis also by gentil-minou) and a few signs that could point towards comorbid ASD
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blackjackkent · 4 months
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Jaheira rubs a cloth from her pack slowly along the sleek blade of one of her scimitars and examines its edge with an appraising eye. For a little while she pretends to ignore the small shape creeping around the edge of the fire towards her, but eventually Boo is sitting almost at her knee and she gives the hamster a sidelong glance.
"What is it then, small one?" she says dryly, the pale green pulse of an animal speech spell flaring around her body.
Boo perches up on his back legs and peers up at her with that beady, unreadable stare. Jaheira looks back thoughtfully, raising one eyebrow.
She reflects, not for the first time, that for all that Minsc often seems mad, it is hard to ignore that there is something about the little beast that is more than bestial. The little dark eyes shine with intelligence, and he is the only creature she has ever attempted to speak to with aid of magic that has deliberately not deigned to speak back.
And it is no different today. Boo ignores the spell and simply squeaks once, loudly, then turns and looks back across the fire towards the bedrolls of the camp. Jaheira follows his gaze, and has to resist the urge to smile. Minsc is peering around the edge of one of the tents with an air of stealth that would be more appropriate if he were about half the size that he is.
She has not spoken to him since their argument when they first arrived back from the sewers, and though Boo offers no words, the message is clear. You have grieved him. Will you not clear the air?
"He does not need to hide," she tells Boo softly. "You may tell him so."
Boo squeaks again and scurries off into the shadows.
She returns to the care of her weapons and does not look up when she hears the Rashemaar's heavy footfalls at her side.
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"May Minsc sit?" he rumbles.
She smiles slightly. "You feel you must ask permission?"
He drops down at her side and stares into the slowly dying flames. A silence stretches for a few moments before he says haltingly, "I still do not understand all of your anger, Jaheira. But if Minsc has given offense, then he shall not rest until the offense is eased." A pause. "Minsc has lost too many witches. He does not want to lose you."
Jaheira draws a slow breath, lets it out heavily. "You have not lost me, Minsc," she says quietly. "It was I who almost lost you." She frowns. "And I have also lost too much to suffer that lightly."
Minsc looks at her sideways. "But you will not be my Wychlaran," he says. It is not a question, just a flat, tired statement of fact.
She sighs. "Minsc... do you think I did not listen when you spoke to Dynaheir, to Aerie? It was a bond of trust, entered into willingly by both sides. You cannot claim me in such a bond without my knowledge." A pause. "If you wished a place at my side, you should have asked me. Not claimed space within me like a conqueror."
He considers that in silence. "Jaheira, as always, speaks more wisely than Minsc can even think," he agrees after a little while. His mouth draws into a tight line. Then, in a very low voice, he adds, "Minsc has been afraid."
At that, she does lift her head away from her attention on the blades and looks at him directly for the first time. She knows Minsc well enough to know that this is an admission he would make to no one else.
"So many things have changed, Jaheira. I do not remember my time as a stone, for to Minsc it passed like lightning, like a blink - something and then nothing, and then something again but with more itching. Itching and loneliness. Had I a witch she would have soothed both. But I had none... Dynaheir was dead many a long year, and Aerie so far away that Minsc might never see her again..."
She nods slowly. She still remembers the keen, biting emptiness in her chest in the days after Khalid's death - the knowledge that she had been hurt beyond measure and that the one who would have eased the pain was beyond her reach. "You had only me."
"Yes," he answers, and a little more energy comes back into his voice. "And it seemed to Minsc that you must be my new witch, for you were the only one I trusted so, and a Rashemaar without his witch is like Boo without a bit of grain - quite empty." A pause. "Minsc forgot that for Minsc to have a witch, the witch must also have Minsc."
Jaheira smiles slightly and reaches over to rest a hand lightly on his knee. "I will not call myself Wychlaran - but you have me at your side, no matter the name, Minsc," she says quietly. "I did not travel yet again through the Baldurian sewer muck simply to toss you away."
His shoulders relax a little and she can see the slight curve of his lips back into his more accustomed smile. "Good. Minsc is glad to hear it," he says quietly.
For a little while, they sit in companionable silence, watching as the flames slowly drift lower and lower. Boo crawls back out of the shadows, dragging a carrot from the camp supply sack larger than he is; settling between them, he begins to gnaw contentedly on his prize. Jaheira begins to feel some of the tension that has been her constant companion for so many months beginning to bleed away. So much danger still lies ahead... but her friend, at least, is safe again, and that makes such a tremendous difference. He is not one of those she has lost, not yet.
"So," Minsc says abruptly after a little while. "This new monk you travel with. Hector. Tell me of him."
Jaheira stirs, jarred loose from reverie, and has to take a moment to collect her thoughts enough to answer. "A good man, I think," she says slowly after a little while. "He has seen as much in a few months as we did in all our time in Amn, and still stands as straight as he did the day I met him."
Minsc nods. "Minsc sees Rasaad in him," he says gravely.
Jaheira says nothing for a moment. Then she nods. "He has much the same temperament. He says little and sees much. Even when we were closest, Rasaad often said little of what was in his heart, and I think Hector also holds much he does not reveal."
"And he is not quick to catch a joke," Minsc points out with a sudden broad grin. "He said to Minsc that the bond of a Wychlaran sounded only like friendship. At that Minsc laughed, for such a thing should be laughed at, and said that by such a thought, the whole camp is full of my Wychlarans! But the monk did not laugh in turn; Minsc is not sure he saw the jest."
Jaheira grins crookedly. "Perhaps he did not. Certainly that was also a failing in Rasaad at times; perhaps Selunites are not trained in the art of humor." A long pause. "But I like him, Minsc. He is brave in spite of great fear - and good reason for it. He loves fiercely, friend and lover alike. He kills doppelgangers with only his fists. And there are shades of Caden in him, too; I think he would be kind even though it killed him."
Minsc squares his shoulders stoutly. "Then Minsc and Boo shall see to it that it does not kill him, for they shall kick the butts of all by his side." Boo lifts his head, his cheeks fat with a great mouthful of carrot, and gives a muffled squeak.
Jaheira chuckles. "He is in good hands indeed, then."
"Hands and paws," Minsc amends with a wide grin.
"Of course," she says, and grins back. "How could I forget?"
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houxe · 7 months
Free Palestine
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Listen, I understand that I am just a silly little fanfic creator and my work is often used as an escape for rl problems, but I am also someone who's made my stance on dehumanization and abuse of minorities (even in fictional works) extremely clear and what is currently happening, and has been happening for almost a century, to Palestinians is unacceptable. If there is anyone who follows me, or is in my little community on discord, AO3, whatever, that supports the state of Israel? Lose my account.
This is not a debate. This is not a discussion to be had. I will not be arguing with you in comments.
If you support the state and government of Israel and the war crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and the imprisonment they're committing on the people of Palestine and Gaza, get away from my works, my art, and whatever small community I have made.
These are people. Living, breathing people who had hopes and dreams and futures they wanted to live. Palestinians deserve to live, they've done nothing to warrant the murder and ethnic cleansing of their people.
And the only reason they're facing this is because people think they're inferior. As something not human.
They're human. They're human.
I am not going to explain to you why imprisoning and killing thousands of innocent civilians (mainly children) is bad. Especially when the Israeli government has quite literally been spreading provenly false stories about things like murdered Israeli babies, human shields, and attacks to make themselves seem justified, along with propaganda portraying Palestinians as literal bugs. Calling them animals and dogs and rodents to be 'exterminated', and has been putting them in an open-air prison for years and then turned it into death camp.
It's disgusting, it's evil, is is quite literally a known practice for suppressors to do against their victims as an excuse to murder them.
I should not also have to say that me being pro-Palestine and anti-Zionism does not mean I am anti-Semitic nor do I support Hamas.
That is also propaganda.
I am not anti-Semitic nor do I wish or encourage any harm on Jewish or innocent people, and I do not support Hamas.
Palestinian people are also considered a Semitic people which means some of them are Jewish. Jewish people as a whole are not the Israeli government or state and should not be treated as such. It is blatantly wrong to say being anti-Israel (the state and government of Israel) and anti-Zionism is to be anti-Semitic.
Additionally, not all Jewish people are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jewish people. It's not a religion, it is a political ideology. Many, many Jewish people have spoken up against this and have been protesting against the state of Israel for their genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and for the colonization of their land.
What I am is anti-genocide, Zionism, dehumanization, apartheid states, colonization, literal war crimes, death camps, and ethnic cleansing. Just to name a few.
Again, if you support Israel, lose my account. Stay away from my community and any of my works.
If you'd like to learn more about what is happening in Gaza, the people of Palestine, and ways you can help, your best option is to go to TikTok and find these creators who speak and share videos of what is directly happening in Palestine.
devotedly.yours (this link keeps getting removed)
dianalomani (this link keeps getting removed)
eyes.on.palestine (this link keeps getting removed)
More will likely be added to this list.
Places you can donate:
Lastly, I will leave off with a few videos that should be seen.
Where you can learn specifics on the history and current events of Palestine.
And one specifically for writers of fantasy and sci-fi like me.
Edits: Added more CCs to the list, added a list of places to donate, added more videos, and clarified my wording more. I did take down the comparison just in case, but I'm leaving it to Jewish creators (Redauxdefective) to speak on it. Note, some links to CCs keep getting removed and I'm not sure why.
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aetheternity · 2 years
I find it interesting just how perceptive and intuitive Yanfei is shown to be in this scene and the one before it. Not only did she figure out a way to find Xiao but she also used a bit of Yelan's magic to do so. She also simultaneously figured out how strong of a connection Xiao and Aether posess all on her own. I hope Hoyo uses her more often in the future because she deserves way more attention.
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I wanted to make a post about this scene because my friend kept mentioning how much she loves it but also I think it's probably the best scene to look at when explaining the strength behind Xiao/Traveler's relationship.
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I'm pretty sure Yanfei had been paying attention to the way Aether and Xiao talked to each other and how worried Aether looked when they were trying to get to Xiao.
She says "We're all worried about you." then claims that Aether was tricked into going into a dangerous place instead of saying "we were all tricked into a dangerous place." Because she was listening when Aether explained earlier how he and Xiao have a deal. When Aether's in danger Xiao will come if his name is spoken, it's their spoken contract.
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Cinematography is so beautiful. I couldn't put it in the gif because it was too large for Tumblr but right before this Yanfei and Aether both sink to their knees in front an injured Xiao. But they only show Aether's concerned face and not Yanfei's.
Aether can be seen in this staring at Xiao's injuries the camera cuts right from Aether's face to Xiao's arm and the piece that isn't really noticeable from this angle: The cut on his cheek.
From Yanfei's point of view Xiao might look more exhausted than anything else while Aether is looking directly at the cuts on Xiao's body. Despite how strong Aether knows Xiao is he still seems far more worried about him than anyone else. Itto literally faints and Paimon claims she feels ill and Aether doesn't show nearly the same amount of concern.
And before someone says it i don't think he doesn't care he definitely does but he doesn't rush to Paimon's aid or even Itto's in the same way he did for Xiao here.
Literally in the next scene it starts out with a shot of Aether staring at Xiao and Paimon off to the side by Itto! If you think I'm dragging it Aether leaves Paimon after she says she feels faint to go looking for Xiao with Yanfei and then doesn't leave Xiao's side till he falls asleep.
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Immediately cuts Yanfei out of frame to show Aether watching a very tuckered out Xiao. And neither of them break eye contact until Yelan walks up. INTERESTING.
"Now we can avoid getting split up." Just say let's get married and go, Xiao.
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Another shot of Xiao from Aether's perspective only. Which has Aether watching with concern as Xiao rests. No one else is speaking it's just Aether's thoughts, he finds it astonishing that Xiao can dream and be so at ease while he does so.
Probably because of Xiao's voiceline suggesting that he doesn't need sleep. But I bet he's also thinking that it's weird that Xiao could fall asleep with so many people he doesn't know surrounding him.
Which of course could partially be due to his fatigue from his fight but I also believe he wouldn't have been that at ease if Aether wasn't there at all.
They have such a beautiful relationship I can't wait to see their future progression. Hopefully we'll get a scene where they use Lovers Oath again cause I refuse to believe a game with music as good as this one's can just play that song and have it mean nothing.
Anyway thanks for reading my ramble people, I had to do what most people were scared to.
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juuheizou · 5 months
pssssttttttttt i require,,,,,,,, suzumutsu hcs for my music rivals au mayhaps 🤭🤭🤭
Hopefully these are of use to you, considering I have no idea if you wanted things that directly riff off your AU or fun facts to insinuate into it, but I can never talk/write about suzumutsu enough so just have everything I imagined might be helpful lmao.
Mutsuki is absolutely an indie pop guy in his music taste-- for me at least this is 99% based on the music taste of one of my favorite writers for the pairing who made beautiful tg playlists I revisit to this day, 1% vibes in my head, and trace nostalgia for the og 2010s fandom in general, but yeah. canonverse or any-verse, that is in fact what i see him liking to listen to
You (maybe, who knows what anyone knows about me at this point) know I see Suzuya being a metalhead, but I think he would like anything that makes him want to get up and sing and dance, and after finding a few punk bands I don't actively dislike as research for this ask, I can see him jumping around belting out some punk rock with his heavy metal
Suzuya doesn't strike me as a musician at heart or anything too dedicated, but he does seem like the type to learn an instrument in a weekend just because it's there and he likes experimenting with lots of different hobbies so long as they're fun. I'm 99% sure he got his hands on a flute in one omake, but I think he would also have fun bedecking a guitar in decals and stickers in true punk-without-meaning-to fashion, and there's no such thing as too many thread/string motifs
Mutsuki (canonverse or no special music-related au) strikes me as strictly a shower singer, or anywhere else he can count on solitude and no one hearing him, whereas Suzuya is shameless about vocal stimming be it making noises/humming/singing anytime anywhere to the point of needing to be told to shut up, both of them can sing to some degree though, and when Suzuya finds out Mutsuki can sing he won't stop hounding him to let him hear more
Mutsuki has a deep voice. It's just the vocal cords he was given. Like him, his voice his warm and gentle, and his soft-spokenness lends itself well to indie, so yet another fun little reason I agree with you on that front
Suzuya's voice is like him: agile, bright, and piercing. He uses it in ways that can just as easily be obnoxious as it can be beautiful, whether it be wailing a heavy metal song or belting out some punk rock. Even just singing for fun, he likes to experiment and make noise that isn't quite music yet, who cares how annoying might be to people whose opinions don't matter to him.
Suzuya finds Mutsuki's voice soothing and at least in canonverse Mutsuki would finally cave to his needling to hear him more to help ground Suzuya, help him relax, or even by fully singing him to sleep. Maybe, just maybe, he starts to like the recognition and appreciation from Suzuya and allows him to hear him sing a little more often...
For Mutsuki, however, Suzuya's vocal stimming while he does anything and everything is an acquired taste, but he was nearly moved to tears the first time he caught Suzuya singing what he remembers of some classical piece Madam used to like or had playing at the Restaurant often enough for him to pick it up. Sadly just because he knows it doesn't mean he particularly likes it, so not a lot of in-home operas tend to happen, but he does have a musical sweet side
I think Suzuya's creative process, be it in his artsy hobbies in any universe or an AU where he's actually some kind of creative (such as yours) is messy and chaotic and his ghoul investigator really comes out when he tacks drawings, swatches, lyrics, whatever to his wall, fridge, mirrors, anything while eating, sleeping, and breathing his current project to an obsessed degree. Maybe he still goes full ghoul investigator with a crime board, not that I can in any way vouch for how amazing those things are for getting one's shit together for a project
Not just a headcanon tbh, but Suzuya is the type to go nuclear when someone pisses him off
Actual headcanon: one of his fatal flaws in his relationship with Mutsuki is needling him without meaning to when Mutsuki is upset and he wants to make it better, which can backfire despite genuine good intentions
While they might start liking things they associate with each other once they've been together long enough, without that association neither of them really like each other's taste in music.
Suzuya finds himself understimulated by a lot of the soft stuff and it tends to commit the grave crime of not being very danceable to him, so it just falls short of giving him the happy brain chemicals. Give him someone to dislike within the scene, though, and he might have more scathing things to say about it, even if his disdain is misdirected
Mutsuki is kind and open-minded enough not to act on it, but he finds punk, metal, and such vulgar and abrasive and he privately can't wrap his head around they don't promote morally objectionable shit as cool and sees it being void of any real artistry beyond trying to incite panic and offense for no discernible reason.
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seaprofound · 1 year
Po Has ADHD, Loves. 
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    New year, new major headcanon !! Anyways, it has come to my attention that Po may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—so, I decided to look into it. Since Po was born prematurely—at about seven months to be exact—I first tried to see if there was a connection between premature births and ADHD. Lo and behold, there was. Several studies show a strong positive correlation between premature births and increased risk for childhood ADHD (Lindström et al., 2011; Montagna et al., 2020; Sciberras et al., 2017; Sucksdorff et al., 2015; Thapar et al., 2013). This means that the more premature a child’s birth is, the higher chance that they have of developing ADHD later on in life; contrariwise, this risk factor decreases the closer that a child reaches the expected nine months of development. As stated before, Po was born during the seven month of gestation. This alone increases her odds of having ADHD. Furthermore, Po’s low birth weight—barely three pounds—is also a prominent risk factor. Hatch et al. (2014) report that infants born weighing considerably less than the average birth weight are “3.8 times more likely to meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD” (Introduction). 
    Having ADHD also increases one’s odds of developing comorbidity. In psychology, comorbidity refers to the presence of two or more mental conditions in a person. For example, it is quite common for ADHD to show comorbidity with learning disorders such as dyslexia (Thapar et al., 2013). Another commonality is mood disorder comorbidity. In Po’s case, she has the latter comorbidity (i.e., comorbidity with a mood disorder) since she also lives with cyclothymic disorder (cyclothymia). Cyclothymia is marked by emotional highs and lows that are not as extreme as the ones found in either bipolar I or II disorder (Mayo Clinic, 2022, Overview). This makes it a relatively mild disorder in comparison. Despite this, though, Mayo Clinic (2022, Overview) stresses the importance of learning how to manage it because cyclothymia can still make one’s life more difficult than it has to be—especially if its symptoms are left untreated because untreated cyclothymia can increase the risk of one also developing either bipolar I or II disorder. 
    Now that the background information has been covered, here is the list of criteria for ADHD (as cataloged by the fifth edition of the DSM-5):
Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or with other activities.
Often has trouble holding attention on tasks or play activities.
Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.
Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., loses focus, side-tracked).
Often has trouble organizing tasks and activities.
Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to do tasks that require mental effort over a long period of time (such as schoolwork or homework).
Often loses things necessary for tasks and activities (e.g. school materials, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, eyeglasses, mobile telephones).
Is often easily distracted Is often forgetful in daily activities.
    Hyperactivity and Impulsivity:
Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet, or squirms in seat.
Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected.
Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is not appropriate (adolescents or adults may be limited to feeling restless).
Often unable to play or take part in leisure activities quietly.
Is often “on the go” acting as if “driven by a motor”.
Often talks excessively.
Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed.
Often has trouble waiting their turn.
Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games)
    ADHD comes with a host of common misconceptions: one) only young boys can develop it, two) it is only a childhood disorder, and three) people with ADHD are always hyperactive. These myths could not be further from the truth. People of any age and of any gender can have ADHD. Also, ADHD is not something that simply goes away. Children with ADHD become adults with ADHD. Moreover, sometimes a person with ADHD may not get diagnosed with ADHD when they were a child. Instead, they may get diagnosed later on in life. That is perfectly normal and it can happen for a variety of reasons. Lastly, while there is, indeed, a predominantly hyperactive-impulsive subtype, it is not the only way in which someone’s ADHD may present itself. There is also the predominantly inattentive subtype and the combined subtype (i.e., both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive).
    Po falls into the predominantly inattentive subtype because she meets most of the criteria for inattention—there is a reason why I fondly call her both a “space cadet” and an “absentminded professor"—but doesn’t meet enough of the criteria for hyperactivity-impulsivity, thus, disqualifying her from the combined subtype. When Po was young, she tried to mask this part of herself because she feared that it would make her seem incompetent and, therefore, useless. She did not have a healthy way of managing her neurodivergencies at all essentially. The high-stress situation of being thrust into a war that she was not prepared for did not help matters because she worried that her side’s alliances were only conditional (along with a host of other worries). As Po aged, though, she gradually learned that suppressing the parts of her that are “not normal” were only causing her unnecessary grief. With the help of her support group, she learned to manage not just her ADHD but also her other mental conditions. Nowadays, she has made peace with her ADHD and no longer cares if she comes across as unusual to others—in fact, she revels in being seen as unusual. The way that she sees it is that “normal” is nothing more than another myth—and to suggest otherwise is an exercise in futility because one’s “normal” will always be another person’s “strange and unusual.”
    EDIT: Please keep in mind that ADHD is a spectrum and that, therefore, things like severity and experiences will be different for every person with ADHD. Po is no different. She has a relatively mild case of ADHD and her experiences are, by no means, expected to be universal. 
Hatch, B., Healey, D. M., & Halperin, J. M. (2014). Associations between birth weight and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom severity: indirect effects via primary neuropsychological functions. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 55(4), 384–392. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.12168
Lindström, K., Lindblad, F., & Hjern, A. (2011). Preterm birth and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in schoolchildren. Pediatrics, 127(5), 858–865. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2010-1279
Mayo Clinic. (2022). Cyclothymia (cyclothymic disorder). https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cyclothymia/symptoms-causes/syc-20371275 
Montagna, A., Karolis, V., Batalle, D., Counsell, S., Rutherford, M., Arulkumaran, S., Happe, F., Edwards, D., & Nosarti, C. (2020). ADHD symptoms and their neurodevelopmental correlates in children born very preterm. PloS one, 15(3), e0224343. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0224343
Sciberras, E., Mulraney, M., Silva, D., & Coghill, D. (2017). Prenatal Risk Factors and the Etiology of ADHD—Review of Existing Evidence. Curr Psychiatry Rep 19(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11920-017-0753-2
Sucksdorff, M., Lehtonen, L., Chudal, R., Suominen, A., Joelsson, P., Gissler, M., & Sourander, A. (2015). Preterm Birth and Poor Fetal Growth as Risk Factors of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics, 136(3): e599–e608. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2015-1043
Thapar, A., Cooper, M., Eyre, O., & Langley, K. (2013). Practitioner Review: What have we learnt about the causes of ADHD? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54: 3-16. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-7610.2012.02611.x
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ofdarklands · 2 years
6 / 9 / 10 / 16 / 21 / 27 / 56 for mitr'a! 👁👁
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here we go:
6. What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
despite what he may look or act like he is actually almost always open for cuddles or communal napping, since that’s one thing i headcanon miqo’te societies do a lot. from what he had observed however, people living outside the traditional tribes and from other races don’t seem to do that at all, so he didn’t mention it, even though he DID miss it...
after papalymo’s death though he went ‘fuck it’ and just dragged the twins and tataru to make a cuddle pile, which was a surprising success once alisaie stopped trying to escape. they just need to see the light apparently! they don’t know! the twins have been getting the brunt of this, and have managed to actually get somewhat used to it, even if they find it a bit embarrasing...
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
giving: a mix of both actually. for example he will let the twins fight and fail and make stupid mistakes as long as there was no damage done, but when he saw them again in the First he also gave them a crushing hug that lifted them off the ground and purred their ears off in public. he will give thoughtful gifts that must have taken very long to make with no comment, and risk his life for people he likes without batting an eye while also poking fun at them constantly, but just saying words directly would however never occur to him
receiving: if he likes you he will take your fond gestures and touch with no problem, but would feel very taken aback over receiving sincere spoken declarations of affection and would really prefer if you would not say that kind of thing out loud. what’s wrong with you *flees*
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
someone: *explaining something* mitr’a: oh so like [highly disturbing/niche nature/mineral reference that remains unclear in how it relates to the situation at hand]. interesting someone: what
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
people who ask for his help in whatever capacity and then don’t listen to his professional advice tend to get long, furious internal rants. yes ma’am i promise you that ‘cat’ was indeed a coeurl that will eat your face off in a few years no i am not *grits teeth* making it up. yes. yes. i see. die then.
he does also speak out loud sometimes when alone to sound out ideas... though less lately with all these fucking peepers everywhere
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
superfluous titles. if he can’t call someone by their name (if he likes them) or their actual job (if he doesn’t), then he avoids addressing them at all. in stories titles are good and fine, but he’s not wasting brain cells on remembering some irrelevant noble’s ten titles they may or may not deserve when he could spend them on anything else. this does mean he speaks to people like the Actual Sultana with ‘You’ and ‘Nanamo’ which has caused some incidents. the accent does sometimes help as a ready excuse of being ~foreign~
the fact he actually uses the crystal exarch’s complete title (with faintly noticeable glee even!) made urianger’s eyebrow wiggle and IS making y’shtola’s paranoia rise to new heights. what does it mean
(as an addendum, he also tries to avoid saying most ishgardian names as often as he can because he simply can’t pronounce them correctly. this includes the twins’ surname)
27. What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
why does everyone keep giving him mammets of dead people in remembrance? what is he supposed to do with them? is it disrespectful if he never activates them? is it disrespectful if he does? where does he put these now. he might have buried them in some remote hideout so he could stop thinking about it
so those scenes were just him smiling stiffly at urianger and count edmont, and putting this down under ‘ritual purposes(insane?)’ in his mental notes
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
his usual reaction to fear is to fight, so comfort is not exactly high in the list of priorities at those times. slower, more insidious fears tend to worsen his mood for lack of a better way to deal with them. curling up somewhere safe and dark may be required until they pass or he can work through them
thing is, the relationship he has with the scions (about 3 years now in shadowbringers) and the people of the botanist guild (5 years) are the longest constant connections he’s had since he was 14 and left his original clan to wander on his own permanently. it’s not like he lost all contact with his family or didn’t make friends in other clans, he saw them a couple times a year at least while he made his rounds! but it just isn’t quite the same. due to this he doesn’t expect comfort from anyone, beyond maybe the comfort he has discovered that comforting others gives him.
so, for wants... who, really?
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aurevell · 2 years
another silly love song
Sterek | 2.7k | T Prompt: Annoying Neighbor
Summary: Derek’s having a hard time sleeping in his new apartment. His next-door neighbor, who always seems to be talking or singing, is surprisingly helpful with that problem.
There’s no way in hell Derek can ever let his family find out how shitty his apartment is.
After spending months campaigning for more open-mindedness over letting him move out—not that they could technically stop him, but he’d hate to leave without their blessing—he can’t let them know where he landed. Not yet. It’s not like anyone thought he was going to move directly into a penthouse after college, but he’s guessing this isn’t exactly what they wanted for him either.
Lucky for him, it looks fine on paper. Or more importantly, in the shitty webcam of his laptop. It’s a cheap one-bedroom, sure, with greying wallpaper and a single grimy window, but that’s nothing unexpected—and given the rents out here in Chicago, he was lucky to snag it. When he does video chats with his mom, the grand tour is quick and hopeful. Even then, he can’t stand the knowing gentleness in her tone.
When he closes his laptop, the story’s different.
His apartment isn’t even pretending to be shifter-friendly. The smell of it is awful in a way it probably wouldn’t be for anyone without a sharp nose. And what his parents don’t know is that he’s two stories above a bakery—which, again, might seem like a great thing on paper. Unfortunately, what it means in practice is that an odd, acrid smell permeates his room at all hours. Worse, with food comes bugs and mice, both of which his landlord promised to address two months ago, but the guy’s probably been promising that to every sucker since the beginning of time. (And none of the pests seem willing to accept Derek as the dominant predator within these four walls.)
Worst of all, it doesn’t smell like pack. Not even a little.
“You can always come back,” his dad tells him quietly over the phone, as if it’s a secret, as if they haven’t been telling Derek that from the jump. Derek listens to his dad’s soothing voice, pressing the phone to his ear in the hopes of drowning out all other sounds.
“No,” he says, “I want to be here.”
Some days, he can’t remember why.
Beacon Hills seemed awfully small when he was in it, its woods narrow and sparse. There seemed to be so much to see out in the world away from his clinging family. Wolves don’t usually venture out this far, enmeshed in their packs as they often are, but it’s normal for other beings. And Derek wants to try normal for a while. When he got offered an internship out here, he jumped at his good fortune. Until he had to scramble for a place to actually live.
The noises are the worst.
Now that he’s out here, Derek’s pretty comfortable saying he grew up sheltered. His house back home, which his grandfather built by hand, has always been upgraded with the best insulation money can buy. The woods around it are quiet.
But no one seems to sleep in Chicago at night.
Outside, the city teems with traffic and honking cars, distant music from weeknight parties, loud laughter from the bar across the street. His upstairs neighbors in thirty-eight are always up to some suspicious ritual chanting, and his next-door neighbors in twenty-nine must be on the verge of divorce for all their shouting matches. (For the record, Derek’s siding with the wife, whose husband may have slept with an incubus “by enchantment” the first time, but probably didn’t need enchanting every time after.) Sharing his other wall, whoever’s in apartment twenty-seven watches movies on repeat half the night, muttering lines aloud as they’re spoken on screen.
Derek hasn’t slept since he got here. Not more than a few hours a night, at least.
His mom would kill him if she knew he was living like this. His dad would offer to pay half his rent at some better place, or at least for Derek to invest in better soundproofing or something. But Derek wants to prove, if only to himself, that he can do this on his own.
For the third night in a row, Derek’s attempt to sleep with earplugs leaves him so tense he gives up after half an hour.
When he finally yanks them out, he spends a minute letting his ears adjust and deciding which is worse, the distant police sirens or the deep muted nothingness of the waxy plugs. Something about being unable to hear always makes him feel exposed and vulnerable.
And then he hears it. Singing.
At first, he thinks someone’s left a television on somewhere, but it rises and falls with the footsteps next door in twenty-seven. It’s lower and more soothing than any of the sounds nearby, if a bit off-key, pausing occasionally as the person putters around their apartment.
Derek can’t quite make out the song. He listens for a few minutes, or what feels like a few minutes, and then he’s waking in the morning sun.
The singing isn’t uncommon, apparently, though it is hard to pick out unless Derek really listens. The cacophony of the rest of the building and the street outside vy for his attention, and the singing—if it’s happening at all—is always low.
It never happens in the mornings, and it rarely comes in the afternoons when Derek gets home from work. His neighbor seems to keep odd hours. In the evening, though—and sometimes even later, when Derek is already in bed—his neighbor comes home and sings or hums his way through his apartment.
On the fourth day, when it starts up, Derek very quietly moves his bed beside the adjoining wall with Twenty-Seven.
He slips under the blankets and falls asleep almost right away.
Here’s what Derek manages to learn about Twenty-Seven through the wall.
He sings a lot, but he talks just as often, a constant rambling accompaniment to the sound of his movements. Which usually happens at a lower register, so Derek can rarely make out the words.
He doesn’t wake in the mornings until Derek’s left for work—and he definitely talks in his sleep.
He has a pet of some kind, though this is just a guess. His words sometimes have the cadence of a conversation—though it could just be himself—and the occasional baby talk to his otherwise silent apartment gives it away.
He has muttered conversations with movies, which he watches at least once a day. The volume is never particularly loud, but Derek can make out the telltale music and explosions of a lot of superhero flicks.
The roaches and mice clearly aren’t limited to Derek’s apartment. Which Derek guesses after an amusing screech early one evening, followed by a flurry of movement and thumping, and a final telling silence punctuated by an “Ew.”
He’s not picky about what he sings. Sometimes, it’s so low Derek can’t make out any of the words, only the tune. But he seems just as likely to butcher Frank Sinatra as he is Lady Gaga. He pulls out power ballads for kitchen cleaning, sings cheery tunes against the patter of water in his shower, and croons slow, unrecognizable lullabies before bed.
It’s not enough to paint a full picture. But when Derek gets home from work, or comes back from a run, or eats sad takeout alone in his apartment, Twenty-Seven is there, a comforting soundtrack to the rest of his day.
On rainy days, Derek’s tiny, cramped apartment begins to feel even more tiny and cramped than usual. It makes his wolf feel restless. And while it’s not like he couldn’t go running in the rain, being damp and cold always makes him feel worse when he gets back.
Today, he’s both longing for and dreading going out, so he strikes an unhappy medium and gets the worst of both worlds by sitting on what he calls, with full irony, “the balcony”.
The single window in his apartment has a protruding stone ledge of a little over a foot or so, ostensibly for flowers if you have any. (Derek doesn’t, and usually the only thing on the balcony are bones from fried chicken the crows keep leaving scattered all over.) With the window fully open, he can carefully sit on the outdoor ledge, his back to the inside frame of the window, and look out over the street below. Perching his laptop with care, he can do his work with a bit of a cool, fresh breeze.
Usually, it’s a place he can sit for peace and quiet. Today, he glances over to find a startled face looking at him. Well, half of one, given the wall between them.
“Oh. Hey,” says Twenty-Seven. The angle is a bit awkward, with both of them perched with care on their respective “balconies,” but he shifts to one side to get a better look at Derek, curling long fingers over the ledge for support. He’s probably either in his late teens or just out of them, with dark hair that tufts messily upward in the middle. “You’re the neighbor. The new one, I mean.”
Still recovering from his surprise, Derek just grunts.
Twenty-Seven doesn’t take this the wrong way, and—as Derek might have expected, if he ever imagined what an actual conversation with the guy might be like—he instead starts to fill the silence with words. “Cool. Changing apartments, or did you just move to the city, or…?”
“Just moved.”
“Right on. How do you like it so far?”
Derek readjusts his computer on his lap, deliberating about how much of the truth to say. It’s awful isn’t the kind of conversation starter most people are looking for. “It’s…different.”
It sounds lame and obvious when he says it, but the stranger only nods solemnly. “Sure. Different from wherever you used to be?”
“I’m from a small town.”
“Oh. Yeah. I get that.” The neighbor snorts. “When I moved here—that was a couple months ago now—it was hard to get used to. Everyone talks about the music scene and the nightlife and stuff. But I’m from a small town, too. You know the kind of place, where nobody’s super rigorous about warding their doors, everyone knows everyone, the town feels dead by eight at night, the whole thing. So it’s weird to have so much happening all up in your face at all hours. Including stuff like crazy all-nighters at the bar across the street. Or that druid circle upstairs setting off the fire alarm with their candles twice in the same month.”
Derek winces. He’s lucky he missed that.
“Hey, what’re you doing here, if you don’t mind me asking? Working, school?”
“Nice. What do you do?”
“Software developer.” An intern, he should add, but doesn’t.
“Oh, cool. Yeah, I guess this is a good place to do tech stuff, supposedly. You don’t see too many shifters doing work like that, stuff that isn’t hands-on—or so my friend says, although he’s a bitten one.”
Derek must look startled—the guy doesn’t smell like a shifter from here, and he looks human, so Derek’s not sure how he’d guess what Derek is.
His neighbor adds sheepishly, “I’m not like, stalking you. I’m just chatty with the super.” Derek can buy this. It’s hard to imagine him not being chatty with anyone.
“It’s not typical,” Derek admits. And probably for good reason. Derek’s not sure how much of it he likes—the puzzle of coding used to appeal to him, and on good days it still does. But right now, as trapped as he feels in this place, all he wants is to do something outside. To be a forest ranger like his uncle, maybe, or a mail carrier like his aunt, or a landscaper like his dad.
If the guy expects more of a response, he seems to take the lack of elaboration in stride. “Well, how are you liking the apartment, anyway?”
“It’s awful,” Derek replies, before his brain catches up.
His neighbor belts out a laugh. “It’s a literal dumpster fire, isn’t it? Pretty sure we’re all here because we have to be, not because we want to be. At least the rent isn’t a full cut of my paycheck like the other places around.” He squints at Derek. “Tell me you have mold in your place, too, and it’s not actually something I’m doing wrong.”
“I scrubbed it out twice,” Derek confirms. “The smell of the cleaner was almost worse than the mold itself.”
“Oh. Yeah, gotta be rough on a shifter nose.” He scrunches up his own nose at the idea, and Derek realizes he has a few speckled moles across it. “Actually, fuck that, this entire place has to be rough on a shifter nose. Can’t even imagine what it must smell like to you. God, the bakery downstairs alone—”
“What’s that smell?” Derek demands, leaning forward.
“Lye,” his neighbor pronounces grimly. “For the bagels. Yeah, I had no idea it smelled like that either. Like a fucking litter box. Believe me, I’ve complained. My complaining knows no bounds. Didn’t do a thing.”
Derek stares, despondent.
“But it’s not like, hopeless,” Twenty-Seven adds hastily. “My dad got me this little air filter thing, which helps a lot. It has a charcoal filter or something. You should totally look into them.”
“I…might do that.”
“Anyway, I’m sure you’ll get used to being in a new place, or whatever. It won’t be all bad forever.”
“Yeah. It’s just that the walls are really thin here,” Derek adds. “Really thin.”
He means to point out the noise levels of their other neighbors, but he realizes too late that it might sound a little creepy, bringing this up with someone who can probably guess that he, as a shifter, has caught all of Twenty-Seven’s little performances. But his neighbor’s expression morphs from comprehension to mortification in under a second.
“Oh. Oh. I can totally keep the singing thing down, dude. And the talking. And the—you know. Everything.”
“That’s not really—”
“Or I’ll try to. It’s a force of habit at this point. But I can stop. Sorry about that.”
“No, it’s—nice,” Derek replies hurriedly, sensing the only small source of comfort he has possibly disappearing on the horizon. “I don’t mind it at all. It wasn’t directed at you.”
“Right. Okay.” The guy smiles weakly, hunching over to peer at the phone cradled in his palm. Derek kicks himself. “Anyway, I should…” he makes a vague gesture with his phone, a sweeping motion toward the inside of his apartment. “So I guess I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah. See you.”
He slips off the ledge and out of view, but Derek can hear that he hasn’t moved far into his apartment. After a moment, he sticks his head back out of it. “Hey, I just realized I don’t know your name. I’m Stiles, by the way.”
“Derek.” He smiles. “Okay. See you around, Derek.”
Stiles disappears again, and this time, Derek can hear him wrestle the window back down. That went pretty badly, Derek decides.
Stiles doesn’t launch into his normal singing for the entire rest of the day. Actually, for a full night and the whole next day, Stiles doesn’t make much noise at all.
Warming a late dinner, Derek can hear him shuffling around in the quiet of his apartment. He squanders what little he has in his bank account and orders a charcoal filter online, keeping an ear out for a single sound, but there’s nothing: no movies, no singing, no humming..
It’s just when Derek starts to think he accidentally fucked up the one thing he had going for him that he hears quiet muttering. Stiles is in his kitchenette, if the clink of pots and plateware are any suggestion, and though the words start out almost inaudible, they grow a little louder over time, like Stiles maybe can’t help himself.
It makes Derek let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
At night, Stiles’s low, crooning voice flows through the thin wall. Derek curls up in bed, seizing onto it, following its peaks and valleys, each note to the next, until sleep finally takes him.
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aw-tysm · 4 months
ADHD symptom - "c. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly (e.g., mind seems elsewhere, even in the absence of any obvious distraction)."
As an autistic, I don't really make eye contact. I look elsewhere to help me focus. Sometimes there's too much happening around me for me to be able to process what's being said.
Often, I'm either caught up in something that was already said and am trying to make sense of it. Or I'm running through my script, trying to interpret body language, tone of voice, what emotion a person might be feeling, and trying to understand what I should do or say next and end up not listening to everything that's being spoken.
Am often a one track mind. Can't really multitask so if you throw in too much information, go to fast, then I have to mentally try and process and understand what is happening. And at that point I just give up because I become too overwhelmed.
Either that, or you've put too much nonsense in whatever you're telling me, haven't gotten to the point, and I just don't see the point in the conversation because I just don't understand where it's going.
That and depending on the topic, I just don't really care about what someone else is talking about. It took me a long time to work out that I still need to listen when someone talks about their day or their problems and that I can't just always talk about mine. (which for autism can be put down to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, along with absence of interest in peers, which are things I do struggle a lot with).
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aooo · 4 years
The Gap in between
It's 3 am, fueled by green tea, and I'm looking back on what went wrong. I guess I need to write it down.
There were times in my life, particularly in one specific area, that felt like a void. That time I lost everything and just lived paycheck to paycheck. After I gave up, I had nothing else I ever wanted. I kept blaming myself - if I'd only been more consistent, then this wouldn't have happened. I knew the very reason I felt like giving up on life was that particular situation.
But even when I gave up, God didn't. It turned out that my favorite senior at work was a Christian, and our night shifts felt like profound conversations about life itself. This made me realize I was wasting time and needed to grow. So, I decided to look for another job that would give me a fresh start and allow me to attend church services. I also started listening to preaching podcasts again, which really helped me. I can truly say that the grace of God never fails.
As Christmas approached, my high school friends decided to plan a get-together. I decided to go, unaware of what was about to unfold. At this point, I still felt regretful about not being consistent in the past, about taking too much time for myself back then. But something changed that day. It felt like a rare chance was given to me.
She was invited as well, of course. They always invited her to these gatherings, but she typically declined, preferring to distance herself from the group.
That last day in the office, fortunately a day shift, happened to coincide with the day of our get-together. N sent me a text saying, "Since I'm free, I'm visiting P at her home and then we'll go to J's house together. Would you like to join?" I was going to decline, but I knew that if I stayed at the office, they would force me to extend my shift. So, I told our team head I had an emergency and was able to leave after lunch. I then told N I would join them.
I was incredibly nervous at that time. I kept debating whether to join or not, but then I just closed my eyes and went straight to P's house. It had been a while since I was there, and I could feel my heart racing. I texted N, "I'm at the door," and P opened it. The atmosphere was awkward. Ten minutes passed, and I still hadn't spoken a word. I just sat in the corner, observing. Thankfully, N broke the ice, and I was finally able to join the conversation. We talked for a while, and it felt so natural, as if nothing had ever happened between us. We even outshone N in the conversation, who just sat back and watched us talk. And then, we decided to tease N – it was fun! The traffic was terrible, so we continued our usual tradition of having a walking race to J's house. During that get-together, it felt like we were back in high school.
After that, I was able to continue talking to P. We even planned to attend church services together. I was even able to help her with the showroom project she was working on. I spent a night helping with the interior design and was there with her the following morning. Come to think of it, that was her last showroom before we stopped talking.
Even though it wasn't directly, she encouraged me to become part of the local community church she also attended every Saturday night. I was able to make connections there too. It felt like God was leading me through other people at that time. And I realized that I still wanted to express my intentions to her.
Fast forward, I did talk to her and her mother. At first, everything seemed good. I was consistent and trying to keep things balanced. But then, she suddenly started avoiding me. This frustration eventually led me to give up on pursuing her after ten years. We never had any closure; I just ended things after our last chat, simply asking if we could talk and catch up.
I feel like she's going through something she doesn't want me to be a part of. I know her well enough to know that she does this often, especially when it comes to family matters.
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roshmedia · 7 months
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults, though it's often diagnosed in childhood. ADHD is characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It's worth noting that everyone might experience some of these symptoms occasionally, but in individuals with ADHD, they are more severe and persistent and can interfere with daily functioning.
Signs of ADHD can be categorized into two primary domains: Inattention and Hyperactivity-Impulsivity.
1. Inattention:
Forgetfulness in daily activities: Forgetting to do chores, losing items regularly, or forgetting appointments.
Easily distracted: Has trouble sustaining attention in tasks, conversations, or reading. Might be sidetracked by unrelated thoughts or stimuli.
Difficulty organizing tasks and activities: Challenges in managing sequential tasks, keeping materials and belongings in order, messy work, poor time management.
Avoidance of tasks that require sustained mental effort: Such as schoolwork, preparing reports, completing forms, or reviewing lengthy papers.
Makes careless mistakes: Overlooking or missing details in schoolwork, at work, or in other activities.
Does not seem to listen: When spoken to directly, might seem to be elsewhere with their thoughts.
Doesn't follow through: Has trouble with finishing schoolwork, chores, or tasks in the workplace.
Loses necessary items: Frequently misplacing tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, eyeglasses, or mobile telephones.
2. Hyperactivity-Impulsivity:
Fidgeting: Tapping hands or feet, squirming in their seat.
Inability to stay seated: In situations where remaining seated is expected, such as in the classroom or office.
Runs or climbs in inappropriate situations: In adults, this might manifest as restlessness.
Unable to play quietly: Often seen in children where they seem to be "on the go" or act as if "driven by a motor".
Talks excessively: Often more than the situation calls for.
Blurts out an answer: Before a question has been finished or completes other people's sentences.
Difficulty waiting their turn: Such as when in line or during games.
Interrupts or intrudes: Might butt into conversations, games, or activities. In adults, this might manifest as taking over what others are doing.
It's essential to understand that not all individuals with ADHD will exhibit all the symptoms, and the severity and combination of symptoms can differ widely among individuals. Additionally, symptoms can evolve or manifest differently as a person progresses from childhood to adulthood.
Diagnosis: A thorough assessment by a qualified professional (such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or pediatrician) is necessary to diagnose ADHD. This usually involves obtaining a detailed history, observing behaviors, and often using standardized questionnaires or rating scales. It's important to differentiate ADHD from other conditions that can have similar symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, certain types of learning disabilities, or other medical conditions.
Treatment: Treatment typically involves a combination of behavioral interventions, educational support, and medication. The exact approach will vary based on individual needs, age, and the severity of symptoms.
If someone suspects they or their child might have ADHD, they should consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate interventions.
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gracedenton · 9 months
Zappelphilipp (Fidgety Phil) by Heinrich Hoffman, 1844
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An illustration created in 1844, thought to be ab early depiction of ADHD in literature.
Image courtesy of New York Public Library Digital Collections
"In 1844, the German physician Heinrich Hoffmann created some illustrated children’s stories including “Fidgety Phil” (“Zappelphilipp”), who is nowadays a popular allegory for children with ADHD. Hoffmann was born in Frankfurt/Main in 1809. He studied medicine in Heidelberg, Halle, and Paris (Herzog et al. 1995). In 1835, he became a general practitioner and obstetrician in Frankfurt/Main (Herzog et al. 1995). In 1851, he was employed at the mental hospital of Frankfurt (“Anstalt für Irre und Epileptische”) and became a successful psychiatrist (Herzog et al. 1995). Hoffmann rejected the common opinion of his time that psychiatric patients were obsessed or criminal, but rather regarded mental disorders as medical issues (Thome and Jacobs 2004). In 1861, he founded a new and very advanced hospital in Frankfurt. He was head of this institution until his retirement in 1888 (Herzog et al. 1995; Thome and Jacobs 2004) and was known for his revolutionary efforts to improve the conditions of psychiatric patients (Thome and Jacobs 2004)."
"In the story of Fidgety Phil, Hoffmann illustrates a family conflict at dinner caused by the fidgety behavior of the son and culminating in his falling over together with the food on the table. This can be interpreted as an early case of ADHD. At the beginning of the story, the father asks “in earnest tone” (Hoffmann 1846, English edition): “Let me see if Philip can be a little gentleman; Let me see if he is able to sit still for once at table” (Hoffmann 1846, English edition). The initial statement suggests that the father had anticipated some misbehavior of his son at table, indicating that this was no singular or occasional event. It is a first hint at the presence of an underlying persistent disorder. The DSM-IV-TR currently postulates that, for a diagnosis of ADHD, the symptoms “have persisted for at least 6 months” (American Psychiatric Association 2000). Subsequently, Hoffmann describes symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity in Philipp. The boy’s reaction to his father’s admonition reads in the original German text as follows: “Doch der Philipp hörte nicht, was zu ihm der Vater spricht” (Hoffmann 1948), which, literally translated, means “but Philipp did not listen to what the father was saying to him”. This behavior represents explicit symptoms of inattention. The DSM-IV-TR describes that the patient “often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly” and “often does not follow through on instructions (…) [what is] not due to oppositional behavior” (American Psychiatric Association 2000). Instead of following his father’s request, Philipp “wriggled and giggled, and then, I declare, swung backward and forward and tilted his chair” (Hoffmann 1846, English edition). This description can be interpreted as symptoms of “motoric overactivity” (Burd and Kerbeshian 1988) and is close to the first symptom of hyperactivity characterized in the DSM-IV-TR: “often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat” (American Psychiatric Association 2000). Hoffmann depicts Philipp’s motor activity as being excessive enough that “his chair falls over quite. Philip screams with all his might, catches at the cloth, but then that makes matters worse again. Down upon the ground they fall, glasses, bread, knives forks and all” (Hoffmann 1846, English edition). The fact that Philipp’s parents become very angry in the story (Hoffmann 1948) may hint at another DSM-IV-TR criterion, i.e. the behavior of children suffering from ADHD often causes conflicts and a “significant impairment in social (…) functioning” (American Psychiatric Association 2000)."
Both from The history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2010)
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fluentiaacademy · 1 year
Spoken English Online - Learn From the Comfort of Your Own Home
If you want to improve your spoken English skills then you might check out some courses that provide online spoken English education. In order to improve your spoken skills it is important to speak as often as possible with local speakers. Not only will you gain a greater level of fluency but you will also become surer in your own English skills. Books are not as effective for the learning of spoken English so it is important to check what other options are available. Websites specializing in spoken English often use programs that permit you to speak directly with a local speaker teacher.
The importance of speaking with a local speaker when trying to improve your spoken English skills cannot be stressed enough. A local speaker offers insight into a language that somebody who learned it later in life does not have. Their understanding of their own language allows them to listen to a phrase and know whether it sounds right or not. Even things that seem grammatically right can sound strange to a local language speaker. English also has many exceptions to its own grammar rules which take a native speaker to catch. If you do seek english speaking course near me you should check to make sure they have competent native language speakers as teachers.
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The benefit to learn spoken English online is the flexibility. Should you need to travel for business you can still log on to the course website and participate in its offerings from just about anywhere in the world. Many hotels now offer wireless internet access making it even easier to study while on the road. Schedules are often more flexible as well allowing you to study when you have the time as opposed to whenever the class happens to be. You also don't have to drive to some building and try to find parking just to attend the class.
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divergent-one-1984 · 1 year
Organized Crime Ring in Astoria, NY, in a neighborhood under the jurisdiction of 114th PRECINCT and in apartment buildings managed by CENTRAL ASTORIA, LLC. I have been the victim of TARGETED COMMUNITY HARASSMENT SINCE SUMMER 2016 because of my race and gender, I am an African American woman (because of a rumor / gossip mill started by staff at NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION while I was employed there from 2014 to 2016 I was made the victim of targeted psychological harassment). Due to the illegal access and leaking of private, personal, confidential information by wiretapping / cloning / hacking of personal devices and illegal surveillance in my residence. This includes leaking of confidential medical information ((HPV, strains that can cause cervical cancer and an Abortion) - MUSLIM TENANT ABOVE ME DRAGGING HEAVY FURNITURE ACROSS FLOOR AT ABOUT 6:52AM AND AT LEAST ONE TIME PRIOR TO THIS INSTANCE THIS MORNING
This, in concert with NOISE HARASSMENT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW OF WHAT SOUNDED LIKE 2 MALES WITH ACCENTS INDICATING LATINO DESCENT. YELLING OUT "STD" AND "LISA LESLIE" (STD obviously refers to HPV, the Lisa Leslie comment refers to HPV as well, but indirectly, which I will get into details on another post. But the shorter version is Lisa Leslie refers to an ex-friend of mine, someone I have had to cut off because of harassment from her and some of her family members. This ex-friend also has HPV, something the instigators of this harassment most likely obtained from hacking of historical audio conversations on my personal cell phone with this person. During one of our many phone conversations over the years Lisa Leslie was mentioned, the ex-friend told me that a relative of hers made a comment that I looked like / favored Lisa Leslie but was prettier. Me and this ex friend had this specific conversation on my personal cell phone at least 15 years or so ago. Lisa Leslie is a name that the STALKERS / ABUSERS / HARASSERS are frequently yelling out either from surrounding apartments. For those that don't know, Lisa Leslie is a former basketball player.
The first abusers who yelled out "Lisa Leslie" or used her name in a conversation spoken in Spanish were the Latino tenants who were living in the apartment next door where my bedroom aligns with their kitchen, which is now occupied by Muslims.
Or people will yell "Lisa Leslie" out while standing or walking outside my windows, as they did just this morning and have frequently done in the past. "Lisa Leslie" will also be used in conversation, Latinos and Muslims involved in my daily harassment will be having conversation in their native tongue then "Lisa Leslie" will pop up once or multiple times throughout their conversation. This is a psychological tactic referred to as DIRECTED CONVERSATION.
"STD" is also randomly yelled out, the first time I recall this being done it was coming from the Muslim tenants who lived in the apartment on the other side where our living rooms are aligned and where Latino tenants now live. It was actually one of the Muslim families children yelling out into the apartment building common area / hallway "STD", repeatedly.
At this very moment the Muslim tenants above me, the male is talking and laughing so loud and is so clear almost sounds like he is in my apartment. I believe there is the use of sound equipment that can direct and amplify sounds through walls and windows to harass targets because I can often still hear these people clearly when I have the TV on or are listening to music, etc., that does not seem normal even with these thin walls.
In addition, today, my relative who I am caretaker for, has a mammogram appt, which obviously references HPV indirectly and cancer detection directly, because its all related to gynecology.
Since these people know I have to leave the house to today to attend appt with my relative and on top of that its a gynecological related appt, as usual they do alot of harassing to agitate me so that I might have a knee jerk reaction in public in hopes I will have to come on contact with law enforcement, since these people have been trying to fabricate an arrest since my employment at NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, when I realized that after being harassed for months, that was my que to quit, with all their set up scenarios and STREET THEATER psychological tactics.
I would like to talk a bit about how HPV is the most common STD, yet noone knows about it because for someone to do all this to me because of HPV, which I stand by based on my experience and analysis of my experience and because I know the kind of life I have lived and I have never done anything to anyone for this to be a response unless the person is has stalking / psychotic tendencies because it does not take you doing anything to people like this for them to inflict violence on you.
For someone to do all of this to me because of HPV is kind of ridiculous to me because I am informed about it and know how common it is and that condoms will not protect you. You would pretty much need to never start having sex and abstain from sex your entire life to ensure you do not contract HPV.
To address the common occurence of HPV. Thinking about it in respect to my ex friend. If you are friends with someone for many years, what is the probability of the 2 of you, contracting the same STD. 2 people who have never been with each other sexually and as far as I know have not had sex partners in common. Also, as I have expressed in previous posts I have only had 6 partners in my entire life and my first sexual experience was after college, I was 21. This ex-friend shares a similar sexual history as far as first experience being much later than the average age and having a small number of partners. When I got diagnosed I had only had 3 sexual partners prior to, she even less. I think this is a good example to show how common HPV is and noone would be getting bent out shape about it if they are informed, mentally healthy, and emotionally mature.
In addition to the HATE CRIME element to the ongoing stalking and harassment there is a Religious Zealotry / Nuttery / Judgmental / Fundamentalism / Extremism element to my daily harassment as I am being harassed by mostly Muslim and Latino people. Based on facts / my observation, I would estimate that 9 out of 10 people harassing me on a daily basis are Muslim or Latino, with Muslims ranking number 1, Muslims who appear to be from Middle Eastern / Arab countries and countries on the Asian continent. All of the tenants in my apartment building are involved in my daily harassment, especially the 3 apartments surrounding my apartment. 2 of the apartments are occupied by Muslim tenants and the 3rd apartment is occupied by Latino tenants. Out of the 9 apartments in my apartment building. 2 of the tenants, including myself are African American, the remaining 7 apartments are occupied by Latino and Muslim tenants, with the Muslims being in the majority.
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