#op theory
midnight-in-town · 5 months
My take on Sir Crocodile's past, including the possibility of the CrocoParent theory
(Because I can't help thinking about it, in the midst of Kuma and Bonney's heart-wrenching flashback...)
Crocodile is one of the few Warlords we still hardly know anything about, but we're bound to know about his past at some point (same for Mihawk with whom he's currently working, as well as Moria who stole like half (?) of the Rocks Pirates' corpses), starting with the panel that launched all the theories, back in Impel Down :
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Thanks to Kuma's flashback, we know Ivankov used to be a slave to the Celestial Dragons up until God's Valley. As for what happened at God's Valley, we don't know the full story yet but what we know is that...
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...the Rocks Pirates were defeated and disbanded by the alliance between Garp and Roger. Some (?) of them were cloned by MADS (like Stussy for a still unknown reason) and Roger then became the next biggest threat of piracy.
Their leader's name was Xebec and other people have already explained that it possibly is related to Sebek/Sobek, an ancient Egyptian deity represented either in its form or as a human with a crocodile head. And, as we all know thanks to the Alabasta arc, Sir Crocodile is strongly associated with Sobek/Sebek too.
From there, it's not a stretch to imagine that Sir Crocodile is Rocks D. Xebec's child and was also present on God's Valley, which is how Crocodile and Ivankov possibly first "met". Ivankov witnessed Rocks' defeat as well as his child's survival...
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...probably thanks to Whitebeard. Because, considering how the government tracked Ace and Luffy because of their dads, it's clear that any child of Xebec would be hunted by the government just as much and, like he did for Ace, Whitebeard probably saved and offered shelter to Xebec's kid for a while.
Whitebeard saving Croc as a child on God's Valley could be the reason why Croc seemingly hated Whitebeard so much : Whitebeard saving him instead of avenging Rocks, his captain, on God's Valley and then later probably defeated Crocodile, when Croc decided to become a pirate and went after the One Piece, could explain the animosity that we saw during Marineford.
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Anyway, because of God's Valley, this could be the secret Iva knows about Croc: he's the surviving child of Rocks D. Xebec, thanks to Whitebeard.
Whitebeard choosing to save him rather than his Captain and then later defeating him could also explain why Croc has strong issues when it comes to trusting others :
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Another hint that Croc is related to Rocks is Blackbeard. A popular theory/understanding in the fandom is that, while Luffy inherited Roger's Will, Blackbeard inherited Rocks' (leading to the idea that Rocks vs Garp & Roger will be paralleled with Blackbeard vs Luffy & Koby). This is especially interesting, considering that Blackbeard replaced Croc as a Warlord after he was defeated and sent to Impel Down, which is when they met :
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Crocodile also has a lot of "mannerisms" hinting he's a D. He's strongly interested in the Void Century, poneglyphs and the ancient weapons.
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Additionally, upon learning during Marineford about Ace's and Luffy's being hunted by the Government because of their fathers, he intervened to protect them...
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These acts, outside of the CrocoParent theory (see below), can be explained by Croc's own experience of being hunted because of who his father was, but also by what Ivankov said to Law, who's also a D :
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To conclude, I'm a strong advocate that Sir Crocodile is actually Rocks D. Crocodile and he obviously couldn't keep his father's name, in order to avoid being hunted during his entire life by the Government.
But what about the CrocoParent theory?
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Well, as much as I'm an immense and dedicated fan of this theory (full explanation here), a part of me doesn't trust Oda to be brave enough to go down that road, even if I'm also eagerly waiting for him to. :D
Whether Croc was afab or amab though, the theory that he's Rocks' kid still applies. The only difference is that, if Croc was afab, then on top of knowing about who his father was, Iva also helped Croc with transitioning, thanks to their devil fruit.
Of course, it's probably through meeting Iva that Croc then came to meet some members of the Revolutionary Army, like Dragon. He gave birth to Luffy, transitioned afterwards with Iva's help and his actions at Marineford (protecting both Ace and Luffy) are not only because he used to be hunted as Rocks' kid, but also because he just learnt that Luffy is Dragon's son and thus his own child. :))
After all, to quote Dragon in the latest chapter of Kuma's flashback...
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... "a child is their parents' weak spot" seems to ring to the same bell as Croc's "if you want to protect something, do it right" (like giving up on raising Luffy and leaving him in a remote village of East Blue, to avoid him being hunted by the World Government).
Anyway, long post, sorry about it! I hope we'll know soon about Croc's past. Let me know if I missed some hints ! :D
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breakonthroough · 3 months
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I keep wondering why Doflamingo fired such a horrifyingly large number of bullets at his own brother? After all, it is unlikely that this was caused solely by his extreme irritation, resentment and anger at Rocinante.
I think if Doffy had the chance, he would have fired all 16 (sacred) shots at Corazon, knowing the Heavenly Demon's obsession with everything related to the Tenryubito and their traditions. However, his Flintlock is presumably only a six-shooter. And since Doflamingo prefers to kill his enemies in the same way as any tenryubito, with a pistol, he most likely emptied the entire clip into his brother.
It is logical to assume that he did this because he wanted to kill Rocinante. And kill for sure.
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We do not yet know anything about the true strength of the Celestial Dragons or their abilities, but we can say with confidence that they definitely have stamina, endurance and are very tenacious of life. The following examples are worth remembering:
Saint Charlos, who received a terrifying punch from Luffy, a club blow from Mjosgard, and a combined attack from Sai and Leo that few would have survived.
Doflamingo himself, steadfastly withstanding Luffy's powerful blows and even deadly gamma-knife attacks from Trafalgar Law.
The already mentioned Donquixote Mjosgard, the only survivor and practically unharmed after a shipwreck off Fish-Man Island. His brutal public execution was carried out personally by Figarland. He was shooted.
Finally, Rocinante himself. After all, his acquaintance with Law begins with the fact that an angry boy delivers a potentially fatal blow with a knife to the offender’s chest, in close proximity to the heart. After which Corazon, as if nothing had happened, again sat next to his brother, showing almost nothing about the severity of his wound. He later received multiple bullet wounds from the Barrel's Pirates and was severely beaten by Vergo and members of the Donquixote family. And after all this, he was still able to stand on his feet. Here it should be remembered that he himself told Law directly (unless, of course, he was lying to calm the child) that such a small thing (as a few bullets in vital organs) would not kill him.
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In general, Doflamingo most likely knew what he was doing, and carried out the execution of his brother who was disappointed him with the cold blood. However, rather than a quick death — his “forgiveness” — in the form of a bullet in the head, which he loves to rant about so much, Doffy still preferred for the person who was so close to him six (?) shots to the chest. And terrible slow death from bleeding and cold. God, what a sad fact is this!
Well, I won’t hide the fact that I still desperately want to believe that Rocinante, with his stamina and endurance, was quite capable of surviving the shooting (I believe in the One Piece tradition of bringing characters back to life!) Perhaps, having lost his memory, he is alive and still continues his journey, at least in the ranks of the Revolutionary army. But that's a completely different theory :)
Russian translation below
Мне все не даёт покоя мысль, почему Дофламинго выпустил такое ужасающе большое количество пуль в своего родного брата? Ведь вряд ли это было связано исключительно с его чрезвычайной раздраженностью, обидой и злостью на Росинанта.
Думаю, если бы у Доффи была возможность, то он бы выпустил в Коразона все 16 (священных) пуль, зная одержимость Небесного демона всем, что связано с тенрьюбито и их традициями. Однако, его флинтлок, предположительно, всего лишь шестизарядный. А так как убивать своих врагов Дофламинго предпочитает таким же способом, как и любой тенрьюбито, из пистолета, он, скорее всего, разрядил в брата всю обойму.
Логично предположить, что сделал он это потому, что хотел убить Росинанта. И убить наверняка.
Мы пока что ничего не знаем ни об истинной силе Небесных Драконов, ни про их способности, однако, можно с уверенностью утверждать, что стойкости, живучести и выносливости им не занимать. Стоит вспомнить следующие примеры:
Святой Чарлос, получивший ужасающий удар кулаком от Луффи, дубинкой от Мьёсгарда и комбинированный удар от Сая и Лео, после которого мало кто бы выжил.
Сам Дофламинго, стойко выдерживающий мощные удары Луффи и даже смертельные атаки гамма-ножом от Трафальгара Ло.
Упомянутый уже Донкихот Мьёсгард, единственный выживший и практически не пострадавший после кораблекрушения у острова Рыболюдей. Его жестокая казнь была осуществлена лично Фигарлендом, посредством публичного расстрела.
Наконец, сам Росинант. Ведь его знакомство с Ло начинается с того, что разъяренный пацан наносит потенциально смертельный удар ножом в грудь обидчика, в непосредственной близости от сердца. После чего Коразон, как ни в чем не бывало, снова сидит подле брата, почти ничем не выдавая тяжести своего ранения. Позднее он получил множественные пулевые ранения от пиратов Баррельса и был жестоко избит Верго и членами семьи Донкихот. И после всего этого он все еще был способен стоять на ногах. Тут следует вспомнить, что он и сам сказал непосредственно Ло (если конечно не соврал, чтобы успокоить ребенка), что подобная мелочь его не убьет.
В общем, Дофламинго, скорее всего знал, что он делает, и убил разочаровавшего его брата хладнокровно и продуманно. Однако, быстрой смерти- "прощению" в виде пули в голову, о котором он так любит разглагольствовать, Доффи все же предпочел для самого родного ему человека 6(?) выстрелов в грудь и медленное умирание от кровотечения и холода. Боже, какой же это печальный факт.
Что ж, не стану скрывать, мне по-прежнему отчаянно хочется верить в то, что Росинант, со своей стойкостью и выносливостью, вполне был способен пережить расстрел (я верю в традиции One Piece возвращать персонажей к жизни!). Возможно, потеряв память, он жив и все ещё продолжает свой путь, хотя бы, в рядах Революционной армии. Но это уже совершенно другая теория :)
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sashi-ya · 6 months
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𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲: 𝐒𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐞 & 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞
I just realized something about Bonney and her illness: So, it is probable that she got the "Sapphire Scale" from her Tenryuubito blood since Ginny didn't show any sign of that illness throughout the years.
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So, there are some things to consider this being the case:
Tenryubitos my be from "different" races than humans
Tenryubitos CAN'T mix their blood with other humans, because this illness will appear. Plus the fact that Bonney can't expose her skin to the sunlight or moonlight, reminds me of Nika the Sun God being the CD's main enemy...
There has to be a connection between Law's Amber Lead disease (yet another metal/stone) and Bonney's Sapphire Scale. Even if it's not strictly related, this information is probably well known by Tenryuubitos. Thus, the cure is possibly achieved by consuming a devil fruit... by now you should understand where I am trying to go: CORA, a former CD, BELIEVED THE CURE FOR THE AMBER LEAD DISEASE HAD TO BE SIMILAR TO THE SAPPHIRE SCALE, THAT'S WHY HE IMMEDIATLY THOUGHT OF THE OPE OPE NO MI! Perhaps, we thought it was just because of the "skills" to remove the lead from Law's liver... but what if it's not the case?
WHAT IF, and this is purely based on how Oda has been working with the concept of racism throughout the years in the universe of OP, from the Gyojin race to Bucaneers, TENRYUUBITOS NAMED DEVIL FRUITS BECAUSE OF THEY WERE CONSUMED BY "IMPURE CELESTIAL DRAGONS" to get rid of the shameful disease?
In any case, I am sure we are gonna see more of Cora and Law very soon. Or at least it is a good parallelism :3
(also, now it makes total sense that Bonney is actually called Jewerly Bonney 🙆‍♀️)
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kookoofufu · 6 months
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megashadowdragon · 3 months
sanjis promise to kuma
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Back in chapter 485, Sanji interrupted Zoro and Kuma as they were about to make a deal in exchange for letting Luffy go free. In this moment, Sanji swore that one day, he would be the one to cause the most trouble for the Navy and the World Government.
Ever since Bonney commented on Vegapunk turning Kuma in to a cyborg in chapter 1062, I have been wondering if this promise will come full circle in this arc. Oda has been slowly building on the parallels between Sanji and Kuma. But why?
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Chapter 485 was titled for Zoro, and it led to the 'nothing happened' moment. Given how iconic and significant that has become, don't you think it's also significant that it's here that Sanji stepped in?
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Could it be that Oda is preparing to give Sanji a moment that will parallel Zoro's 'nothing happened'? Is this how Sanji will fulfil the promise that he made to Kuma at Thriller Bark? Will his words to Zoro from Wano come around again?
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Sanji has often before gone on solo missions and risked his own life in order to sabotage the enemy's plans. In Little Garden and Alabasta, he tricked Crocodile; and at Enies Lobby, he stole the cuff keys from Jabra, and sabotaged the Buster Call.
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Now that Kuma has arrived at Egghead, and another Buster Call as been initiated, it seems like the perfect time for Sanji's promise from Thriller Bark to come full circle. But what role will he play? And how will it explain his parallels to Kuma?
Speaking of the parallels between Sanji and Kuma, this is a good time to mention 'the power of love.' What does Oda mean by this? And how does it connect to Kuma being able to maintain a fragment of his humanity?
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This may explain why Kuma's instinct to protect his daughter was able to override or delay the process of his humanity being erased. I believe it also explains the significance of Sanji's parallels to Kuma, and how he will fulfil his promise from Thriller Bark.
The significance of the parallels between Sanji may be leading toward Sanji taking the risk of losing his humanity again. But how will we get to that? Before we get that far, how will Oda set it up?
When I was planning this thread, I wondered what moments from the past that Oda might parallel here. To start with, I believe Sanji will steal Kizaru's, just as he stole the keys from Jabra back at Enies Lobby.
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Once Sanji has stolen Kizaru's intercept Transponder Snail, he will be able to listen in on and discover the enemy's plans. Sanji could even speak directly with the other Gorosei. Just as he did with Crocodile in Little Garden and Alabasta.
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niji and the other vinsmokes had the ability to mimic other people's voices ( shown in wci) so sanji could mimic kizaru or saint saturns voice to obtain this info like how he pretended to be mr3
Just as Sanji sabotaged Enel's Ark Maxim in Skypiea, Sanji may also sabotage and destroy the Mother Flame power station. The parallels would even extend to Sanji addressed "God," and the theme of "a light."
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Could Oda be building up to Sanji putting himself in front of a blast from the Mother Flame in oder to destroy it manually and prevent it from being fired again? It would continue the parallel of Sanji taking a direct hit from Enel after sabotaging the Ark Maxim.
How could Sanji survive such a thing? This would be where his genetic augmentations and altered Lineage Factors come back in to it. The enhanced durability and regeneration in particular would be relevant here. 'A step into the realm of Godhood.'
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It's worth remembering that it was the discovery of Lineage Factors that led the World Government to arresting Vegapunk in the first place. They felt threatened by it. We've surely not yet seen the maximum potential of the Lineage Factor augmentations.
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Speaking of the full potential of Sanji's power, I have spoken before about how I believe this progression and the attack names will be themed around the life cycle of a star.
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I believe that this is how Sanji will fulfil his promise to Kuma from Thriller Bark, and become the one who causes the most trouble for the World Government. Sanji will risk his life and his humanity to destroy the Mother Flame power station, and sabotage the "Great Cleasing."
The key to Sanji's survival will likely be his genetic augmentations, but the key to him not losing his humanity in the effort is in the "Primal Desires." and the "Undying power of love."
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pseudopigeons · 8 months
I came up with maybe not a theory but more of just an observation that the east blue 5 seem to parallel the 5 love languages and it's kinda reframed all of their actions and behaviours towards each other so much for me on my watchthrough. Got brainworms from that one oda interview where he said zoro doesn't like verbally expressing gratitude and prefers to show appreciation through actions and it got me thinking
The 5 languages:
Physical touch - Luffy
Acts of service - Zoro
Quality time - Usopp
Receiving / giving gifts - Nami
Words of affirmation - Sanji
Funnily enough in OPLA we definitely see a lot of physical touch Luffy. He's always playfully punching or hugging crewmates, despite having known the crew for such a short time he's just instantly clingy and physically present around them in east blue.
Zoro is very much an actions person. He's a little emotionally constipated and doesn't verbalise his feelings very much, in fact that seems like the last thing he wants to do, but he will always be looking out for any member of the crew silently, and is almost always the first to spring into action when it's called for. He shows he cares through acts of service and being there for his captain and crew.
Usopps language being quality time is shown pretty well in syrup village with his relationship with Kaya. Kaya is a girl who has everything she could wish for financially, but ussop provides her with a much needed friend, someone to support her and just physically be present and talk to her. He risks so much just to make her smile because being there for his friends is such a crucial and important thing for him.
Nami's love language being giving/recieving gifts means so much to me because it is so often seen as the most shallow of the love languages and I have seen so many poor analysis and digs at Nami's character, reducing her to just being greedy and money hungry. Did they watch Arlong park with their eyes closed??? For Nami, gold or money is a means for her to provide for the people she cares about, to ensure their financial stability and freedom and to keep her crewmates fed and afloat. She spent so long scorned and alone and (believed she was) hated because she created this money hungry persona to save her village and to best Arlong. Every piece of gold she bled to get was meant for that end goal. Nami deserves the financial freedom and gold that being a strawhat pirate could give because for years and years every bit she earned was tucked away for the well-being of others and was then stolen from under her nose. (This paragraph got very long but I'm not sorry I am the captain of the Nami defense squad.)
And finally Sanji reflects words of praise as a love language. I think it's the most clear to see with how Sanji is so quick to praise any female character he comes into contact with, especially Nami, but I think it also reflects his strained relationship with zef while working at the baratie. Zeff is always verbally critical of Sanji as a way to rile him up and to encourage him to leave the restaurant. Zef weaponises what makes Sanji tick to antagonise him and tries to get him to leave that way, but Sanji is far too stubborn and feels too great a debt to leave.
I think east blue definitely shows the 5 dynamics in a pretty clear way and kinda helped me understand what makes the characters tick. Also why some of the characters end up butting heads or getting into arguments. They all show and recieve love in different way, sometimes there are misunderstandings or clashes but at the end of the day they all trust each other with their lives and it's such a strong bond.
Anyways I'll eventually draw some more OP but I'd love to hear any thoughts or other people's ideas if they have any on the matter. Sometimes I get analysis brainworms, and I first shared the idea on discord, but figured why not post it to Tumblr too
ALSO please if anyone has examples from the series that fit the love languages PLEASE share it, makes my heart oougggghhghg.
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yamat0 · 5 months
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winds huh…………. so he’s definitely got a wind/hurricane/storm devil fruit 👀
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latinokokonoi · 15 days
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maybe i’m exaggerating but i thought shanks’ face looked like makino’s son in the requested drawing for chapter 862 (it’s the eyebrows, nose and big-ass mouth)
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asura22zoro · 6 months
saturn is bonney's father /responsible for her illness
Bonney seems to have some specific hatred towards Saturn, and it’s a particularly cruel twist of the knife that the man who turned Kuma into a cyborg is the man who raped Kuma’s one love in life.
It would also explain why Saturn is so insanely soft on Bonney. Telling the marines to spare her because she’s ‘just a girl’. Right after going on a rant about how all humans are worthless insects.
Additionally (not as sure about this) but Whitebeard’s and Roger’s mysterious disease that manifests later in life could be connected to their time at god valley. Saturn was there, maybe he gave them this illness too?
comment ( also its possible he knew about kuma and ginny's connection so he hurt ginny because that would hurt kuma far more then anything he could do to kuma personally
my addition from wiki:
Mie Prefecture The ushi-oni is considered to curse the Mie Prefecture. It is said that there was once an ushi-oni in the caves of Gokasho-ura, Minamiise, and when the lord of the Gokasho castle, Aisu Shigeaki shot it with a bow, the seishitsu (lord's wife) fell sick with an incurable illness due to the curse. Because of this, Shigeaki distanced himself from the seishitsu, and developed an infatuation for a shirabyōshi (dancer) who came from the capital. As a result, the seishitsu's parents, Kitabatake, came to have bad relations with the Aisu, and ended up ruining the Aisu.[1]
source : www . reddit . com/r/Piratefolk/comments/17py40p/saturn_is_bonneys_father/
plus as bingus35 pointed out there is a connection between sapphire and saturn
blue sapphire is ruled by/associated with saturn
its saturns gem
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midnight-in-town · 11 months
Finally caught up with One Piece
Because I have many many thoughts, here are some theories the latest parts of the story made me think of ! Please note that I totally need to reread a few things in order to be certain of what I’m hypothesizing about here.
Also, sorry if people already mentioned these possibilities, I really just caught up (and i need to empty my mind or i won’t be able to sleep). :))
1) The Five Elders realized the truth about Luffy’s devil fruit during Wano, because Shanks tipped them off.
Tbh it bothered me that the WG suddenly realized during the battle against Kaido that Luffy had the Nika fruit, precisely as it awakened. 
However, during the Reverie arc (which takes place at the same time as Wano), Shanks requested a meeting with the Five Elders, to speak about “a certain pirate” though the rest is currently unknown. Additionally, thanks to Jinbe fighting Who’s Who, we found out that Shanks stole that fruit from a government ship, so it’s likely that Shanks knew exactly what kind of devil fruit it was when he stole it.
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As for why Shanks told the WG the truth about Luffy... maybe to stall him from getting to the One Piece? or for some other grand scheme we likely can’t figure out for now. :))
2) Seraphims were made after people who are of different races persecuted by the World Government
On Egghead, we discovered Seraphims & Pacifistas made after Kuma (whom Bonney said at the beginning of the arc was “from a different race”) and Jinbe (who’s a Fishman). Also we learnt that their “green blood” is actually Lunarian blood (gotten from King/Alber, who was experimented on at Punk Hazard and later saved by Kaido). 
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This could mean that the Seraphims are made after Hancock (who was sold into slavery as a child, with her sisters, with the mark of the Celestial Dragons on their back forever showing that “they are less than humans”) and Mihawk (history completely unknown but there’s that line from Zoro “you’re a little more human than him”, when fighting against the Mihawk Seraphim) because these two are also of different races? 
3) King Im/Imu has been alive ever since the Void Century because someone who once ate the Op Op fruit during this era gave him immortality.
Very clearly, the latest chapters revealed that Im/Imu knew Nefertari D. Lili who lived during the Void Century, so they gotta be immortal at this point.
Additionally Doflamingo blackmailed the WG, because he had leverage over them, which is how he became a Warlord and Dressrosa’s king.
We never really had a confirmation as to what it was, but I’m guessing that’s because he found out about Im/Imu and also about that special property of the Op Op fruit, which is why he was seeking it with so much intensity and was so furious when Cora gave it to Law.
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4) Maybe Dragon left Luffy with Garp as a baby, because Luffy’s mom is from a different race as well, so he thought Luffy would be safer with Garp, who was the hero of the navy and already hiding Roger’s son, Ace?
I know this one might seem completely random at this point, but hear me out : 
In Vegapunk’s flashback about Ohara, Dragon was said “to hate war”, was already a “freedom fighter” and was apparently not yet affiliated with either Kuma or Iva and that was before Luffy’s birth. 
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It’s too early to tell since Bonney isn’t done checking Kuma’s memories, but imo Kuma probably agreed to become a pawn of the WG in order to save his kid, Bonney, from living through the same horrors he lived through as a kid. 
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But before that, Kuma started the revolutionaries with Dragon soon after the Ohara genocide, so I could see a similar motivation fueling both men back then (i.e dads wanting to fight for worldwide freedom but also to protect their kid from the WG).
Also considering the newly found Cross Guild putting bounties on navy and government men (a brilliant idea btw), it’s interesting it’s made of 
Buggy who used to be a part of Roger’s crew, a man who was one of the biggest thorns in the WG’s back, 
Mihawk whose past is unknown, but who, according to Croc, is highly distrustful of others & maybe of a different race (see previous point) 
Crocodile : past unknown, but highly distrustful of others as well, wanted Pluton to fight against the WG, and mostly has a connection to Ivankov, who founded the revolutionaries with Dragon & Kuma and who knows Croc’s “secret”, implying Iva probably used their powers on Croc at some point (absolute fan of the Crocomom theory btw)
All I’m saying is that two of the Cross Guild founders might be not be estranged to the whole “previously being persecuted because of their origins by the WG”, especially considering that Crocodile is the one who sought Mihawk for this partnership in the first place (and Buggy is included for the symbolic of the threat Roger used to represent, on top of wanting to compete against Shanks for the One Piece). 
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5) The last road poneglyph is held by “the man with the burn scar” aka Jaguar D. Saul.
When Wano ended, Shanks said to his crew that they were going to go after the One Piece and the next time we met them, with Kid in hot pursuit, they were on Elbaf. In other words, I think it’s fair to say that the man with the burn scar is/was on Elbaf.
Coincidentally on Egghead, we found out that Jaguar D. Saul survived being frozen by Kuzan during the Ohara genocide and worked with Elbaf Giants to salvage what he could of Ohara’s library. So I think it’s likely that at some point he found out where that last road poneglyph was and possibly acquired it. 
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in that case, yay, because an encounter with Robin will prove to be both very emotional and immensely fruitful. :D 
Can’t wait to see where the story is going hehehe!! ^3^
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breakonthroough · 3 months
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I can't stop thinking about this scene. I still feel like there's something more here. That Cora didn't just lie to Law to calm the child. After all, it was already obvious that the boy had long guessed who his savior really was.
And Cora may have meant that he is NO LONGER a Marine because he decided that he would not return to either the Marines or the Donquixote family. Or.. (this is my next theory🙃) he could also worked for the revolutionary army. And in this case he was also not fully a marine. I’m really looking forward to some facts from Oda confirming any version. Because I don’t want to believe that it was just a desperate and helpless lie 😭
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐒𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫? [a theory]
⬦ So, as many asked here is my theory! I've been thinking of this since i read Punk Hazard. Law has never been a pirate for me, nor a marine... so there had to be something in the middle and that is SWORD! Let's discuss the reasons! (Also please, be careful this theory is full of spoilers since I added the last pieces of info given in ch. 1080).
⬦ Disclaimer: Please, if you don't agree with any of the points stated we can discuss them but only if you do it respectfully and calmly. This is just my POV and take on the story. I might be wrong, or not. It doesn't matter, it's just a theory!. If you are gonna use this theory anywhere please ask me first. I'm tired of seeing my stuff on twitter gain endless likes for other to take the credit. Also, any other info you can share that you think I might have forgotter will be welcomed! ⬦ tagging: @thepoisonpoison ; @husband-in-law ; @akhlys-san ; @ruby-white-rabbit sorry for the delay! but here it is! :3
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So! As I was waiting for the official release of ch. 1080 I didn’t write the theory sooner! I wanted to check if they had change something, especially the Rocky Port incident part! Apparently is all correct so here we go with my reasons for thinking Law is either a marine or a collaborator from SWORD!
Law was saved by a marine. This seems like a stupid and obvious point BUT is by far deeper than it seems; Cora lied to Law about being a marine because little Law was basically angry at them -but honestly, at everyone and everything in this world, too-. Now, we should recall properly who exactly was the real bastard that let the inhabitants of Flevance get sick and ultimately killed them: THE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Sure, the WG sent presumably marines to destroy the city; but… have you seen them? Cause I honestly we only saw people wearing the masks and suspiciously similar attires (not exactly the same) the guards of Punk Hazard wore (where do we see Law after the time skip? YES, PH. Remember there are no coincidences when it comes to ODA).
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But, why did the WG sent those “marines” to destroy the city? Well, they couldn’t take the blame for exploiting the island for the amber lead KNOWING the people were getting sick because of it. But who cares about Flevance’s lives when such metal is used for… for… FOR WHAT, EXACTLY? Isn’t it toxic to touch? Then why the fuck do you need such metal? Ah… WEAPONS! But… who uses such weapons? For what?. All in all, who is the real bad guy here? the marines or the WG? Yes. Law is by far more intelligent than most of the OP characters, he can understand who to blame. And because of it there is another reason WHY Law would prefer being part of SWORD and it is because -as Kuzan says: Sword members are marines who give up their marine code and do not have to follow protocols nor -this is the most important one- they DO NOT respond to the WG. SWORD is the perfect alternative to both uphold the law while being against the fucking bastards at the same time. (refer to ch. 1080 during the mini flashback of Koby being in front of BB).
Also, Cora-san wasn’t probably part of sword (maybe it didn’t exist back then, this is my guess. In fact I believe it was formed right after Marineford) because he still used his marine code (01746). HOWEVER… DID HE GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE PROTOCOLS? NOPE, HE DIDN’T CARE, HE WENT AND STOLE THE OPE OPE NO MI FOR LAW! Law has learnt a great example of real justice from a very young age.
2. The relationship with Koby and the Rocky Port Incident. What the actual fuck happened at the “Rocky Port”? we don’t know exactly, but Oda has given us 3 important pieces of information: 1. Law was the mastermind behind the RPI. 2. Koby became a marine hero after such incident. 3. Law became a Shichibukai after (do you believe in this? I don’t, exactly) giving 100 hearts from pirates to the marine. Who the fu- why? So, there is for sure a previous encounter -or a connection at least- in between Koby and Law. Koby, is with no doubt part of SWORD. Keep this in mind for later, we are gonna go back at this point but first let’s start back at Sabaody, please! Let’s go to point 3:
3. The relationship Law has with X-DRAKE (past and present) Who else connects with Koby? Yes, X-DRAKE!. Now, let’s go a little bit deeper (I know you, stop) about X-Drake and Law’s rs. If we go back in time to Vol. 51, chapter 498 “The Eleven Supernova” where we got introduced to them officially. First panel we see with Law:
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So the first time we saw Law he is directly referring to Drake who -as many believe- he has left his spot at the Marine to become a Pirate. Interesting how Oda decided to introduce such important characters this way, right? Is not exactly that he is trying to portray a connection between them… 🤭
Good, good! Let’s go a little bit back in time now. Do you remember who Cora stole the Ope Ope no mi from? X-DRAKE’S DAD. Who at the time was the captain of a stupid ass pirate crew (Barrels pirates) that decided to sell the Ope Ope no mi to the Marine.
Uhum… yes. So, after the raid, both Cora and Doffy made a little bit of ruckus and ultimately the Donquixote family ended with Drake dad’s life. Little dino daddy (aka Drake) was able to scape just in time so he saved his life. AND Law’s life, too. Why? Because he was the kid Tsuru found and that was what the DQF heard through the radio! “a Kid had been found crying by the Marine” so, while Law was able to scape thanks to the sacrifice of Cora, he also got lucky that they found another kid. But, if it had been Law the one found by the marine… he would have been raised as one (as happened to Drake).
So, maybe at this point Drake didn’t know exactly who the other kid was, but, since he was raised by Sengoku and Tsuru* (*who now we know has a grandaughter that’s part of SWORD too) he probably learnt the real identity of Law back (or even before the introduction Oda give us at Sabaody).
UGH THERE IS A LOT, BUT WAIT WAIT, THERE IS MORE. And this is the main point: their interaction at Wano: WHEN DID LAW AND DRAKE SPOKE WHEN LAW WAS SENT TO JAIL TO TRADE HIS LIFE FOR BEPO, PEN AND SHACH’S LIFE WITH HAWKINS? Because BOTH fooled Hawkins into thinking Law was going to be in jail with no way of scaping. MANGA DOESN’T SHOW IT. ANIME EITHER. There is something previous hidden that has to be shown at some point! In Wano we have confirmation that Drake is no other than Koby’s superior in SWORD. Do I have to explain ANY FURTHER?
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(also, I love Law but it was hella funny how XDrake to keep with the act hit the hell out of our poor doctor. We can say he is finally relieved of punching Law after what happened in the past)
4. Now, back to the Rocky Port Incident: IT HAPPENED AT DAMN HACHINOSU. This was only shown 3 days ago! While I was reading I passed the page and had to come back like WAIT… WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Cause LORD! Can you see the relationship? It’s crazy! For how long has Oda been cooking this? Isn’t a LOT of coincidences that Law didn’t know anything and was a simple pirate when he planned the “incident”??  which at this point -in my opinion- is no other than a lie they decided to show the world to undercover such growing Supernova! I strongly believe that Law had been contacted by either Drake or someone close to him to be part of SWORD and together they worked to bring the RPI alive. Now, we can either think 2 possibilities: 1. Law has already been at the New World (even before Luffy) because Hachinosu is there (and pretty close to Laugh Tale I might say) or 2. Because it is only stated as “the masterMIND of the RPI” he wasn’t there, but, he had planned it from somewhere else. I think both are interesting, both in any case had to be done with the help of others; aka SWORD or Marine. This has yet to be shown by Oda at some point for sure.
I’m sorry I can’t give more info about what exactly happened there because there isn’t any more than what I’ve already discussed.
5. PUNK HAZARD, Smoker and Aokiji.
Do you remember when Luffy was getting closer to PH that they received a call from marines asking for help? Do we have that clarify? Who the fuck called the Sunny? We don’t exactly know. And you won’t know until Law’s true nature is shown. What a coincidence… right? Law encountered Luffy and proposed an alliance right in the island where he was staying and to where Luffy was called in the middle of their route by random marines… 👀👀 INTERESTING, a shichibukai on an island that belong to the WG… Sure, he was there to start his plan to avenge Doffy, that’s clear. But I think there is more than we can already tell.
For me PH is no other than the first clear showing of the cooperation of 3 main forces in the universe of one piece (that sets precedent for future wars): MARINES (smoker), PIRATES (Luffy) AND… LAW’S SIDE: SOMETHING THAT’S IN BETWEEN: at that point he wasn’t a marine, but he was a pirate protected by the marine. Sounds familiar? Yes, pretty similar to SWORD. ➡ this is pure personal analysis of Oda’s writing style.
Please don’t forget Law telling Smoker about Green Bit! – this leads us to a new probable member of SWORD too! Smoker is a vice admiral who is kinda rebellious if you think about it! He wants to uphold the law and always be on the justice side… but is the WG always the “justice” side? Nope. (Smoker worked with Luffy twice)
The appearance of Kuzan – he was the one who saved Smoker from the sharp threads of Doffy’s attack. And Kuzan has been a repetitive character that’s -at least for me- appeared in very important moments of the story. Is not a coincidence that he appears at PH after Law tells Luffy to hurry the fuck up with the banquet.
And it’s not a coincidence that he has left the marine because of fighting against Akainu. WHY DID THEY FIGHT? Because IT’S CLEAR that both have different visions of justice. While Akainu believes justice is to be purely with the WG and hate pirates, Kuzan probably believes that justice is not about who you have on your side but to do the right thing. (Garp, KNOWN now as a member of SWORD did exactly that during God Valley)
This being said, let’s go for the next point:
6. Is Kuzan really a member of Kurohige’s crew? Is he a double agent?
Isn’t it quite sus that Kuzan is part of the BB crew and SOMEHOW Law encountered BB on the route he chose? (YES, LAW CHOSE THAT ROUTE. He used the lack of neurons of Kid and Luffy to make them pick the other two routes. Now, the fact that Kid encounter Shanks and it wasn’t Luffy is just for the sake of the plot, we know it Oda)  
My guess is that Aokiji is a double agent from SWORD acting like Cora with Doffy. BB is a stupid guy, he doesn’t even know shit about what sword is, so I strongly believe he doesn’t suspect anything. So, maybe, the plan was simple (sounds simpler than it’s done): Kuzan informed SWORD about BB setting sail with some of his generals from Hachinosu, leaving the island alone with a couple of them (Vasco shot, Shirui, Pizarro); Law will encounter BB and fight while Garp and part of Sword goes to rescue Koby at Hachinosu. (Don’t underestimate Law, so many people downgrade his powers when it’s not the case at all) – this is pure theory, of course.
7. DRESSROSA & SENGOKU. Besides the emotional panel of Sengoku teaching Law not to look for more reasons for love but just love, I am sure there has to be something else hidden. In any case, it is super important to address the way Law acts towards Sengoku (in manga, not so much in the anime); he is being absolutely respectful (and not “mean” like he is used to be with anyone) and I believe Law wanted to search for Sengoku for 2 reasons: one, the one we explicitly read: asking about the “D”. And, 2, to tell this man, who represented a paternal figure for Cora, about how and why Law’s saviour died. However… Why and how does Law know Sengoku was like a dad for Cora? HERE is the key. Who told Law such information? Law didn’t know exactly who was the man Cora spoke to through the den den mushi before going to find the ope ope no mi. (He only knew it was a marine, cause baby Law was pretty intelligent). Perhaps is a very VERY small detail, BUT, what if he knew because of Koby and SWORD? Wouldn’t be surprising, Law needs information and he gets it from somewhere we haven’t seen yet where.
8. Law’s character and backstory. This last point is more of a personal analysis about his personality and real intentions:
Law hates, despises chaos. He upholds the Law. (not a coincidence he is called this way)
Law never EVER shown desires to find the One Piece. Not even when he first set sail. In One Piece Novel: Law (canon) he states the purpose of his journey: avenge Cora-san. Law couldn’t stand staying at Mr. Wolff’s home without doing nothing to end with Doffy. When his trauma had been resolved (but not over) and he started trusting people again, he began learning more about surgery while gathering money and resources with Shachi, Penguin and Bepo at the city. Once he turned 15, Mr. Wolff gave him not only Kikoku, but also the Polar Tang…
The Polar Tang: NOT A PIRATE SHIP. HIS JOLLY ROGER HAS NO SKULL! Law is not a pirate like the rest, he is not ruled by piracy aesthetics.
His name has had already a lot of hints, let me show you: TRAFALGAR – Battle of Trafalgar: Britain vs Spain. SPAIN LOST – dressrosa/doffy lost. WATER LAW / WATERLOO – battle of Waterloo: last battle of NAPOLEON – Napoleon is Big Mom’s sword – who won against BM? Law (and Kid). WATER’S LAW – Who are the ones who uphold the law in the seas (waters)? Yes. Marines.
Bepo, Shach and Pen’s way of referring to Law: CAPTAIN! *use the marine sign* *all of them wear hats like marines* *all of them wear uniforms like marines*
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Law’s “disgust towards pirates” in Wano, after stealing food for the people of Okobore town he says: “Pirates shouldn’t do such a good deed!” BUT LAW… YOU ARE A PIRATE, YOU ARE A DOCTOR, YOU HELP PEOPLE!
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And, maybe, a lot more that we might have missed or aren’t still fully shown! I will add them here! :3
But all in all, I do believe he is in the middle; not a marine, not a pirate either. That’s why I think SWORD fits him best. We will see what Oda has in store for the next few years! I hope that it’s even more exciting than this theory!
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kookoofufu · 5 months
There's lots of fanart of Crocodile without his hook because we all assume it's a detachable prosthetic, right? But have we considered that the hook isn't detachable? Maybe it wasn't confiscated at Impel Down because it's literally a part of his body they would have to chop off. He permanently attached it to himself because he's so angry and distrustful and paranoid after losing his hand that he refuses to drop his guard for a second. Even if it's inconvenient, he will never let anyone feel safe around him again because he never feels safe.
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frankencanon · 8 months
Alt. Crocodile Theory: Crocodile and Dragon are Brothers.
Garp named one kid "Dragon"—who's to say he wouldn't name his other kid "Crocodile"? They're both big lizards, afterall.
And it's not unusual that Garp wouldn't've mentioned having another kid considering Luffy didn't even know he had a dad (much less who his dad was) until Garp mentioned it offhand—by accident—when Luffy was already seventeen years old. Garp's simply not the kind of person to really talk about this sort of stuff.
Additionally, it's also possible that Garp doesn't even know that Crocodile is his son. How would that work? Trans Crocodile Theory.
If Crocodile changed both his name and appearance then it's possible that Garp might not've even recognized him... Especially when combined with the large facial scar and hook.
Then again, maybe Garp is fully aware and just never thought to mention it to anyone. That would be very in-character of him, honestly...
Sengoku: How's your daughter, Garp? I haven't heard you mention her in forever... She's not up to any criminal activities, is she? Like your other spawn...
Garp: What on earth are you going on about, Sengoku? *crunches rice cracker* I don't even have a daughter.
Sengoku: ???!?
Or maybe Crocodile cut off contact with his family around the time Gol D. Roger was executed, and so he didn't even know that his brother had had a kid—that he had a nephew—until it was announced at Marineford, and that's why he suddenly started protecting Luffy...
Not because Luffy is his son, but because Luffy is his nephew.
(A nephew he didn't even know he had...)
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laughingsour · 1 year
The (Laugh?) Sad Tale of Joy Boy
(Spoilers ahead, don’t read if you haven’t caught up with the manga)
This analysis came about from me remembering the ending of Wind Waker and the line from Amphibia’s true colors: “That’s the thing about friends isn’t it? The more you love ‘em the more it hurts when they go”
I don’t think a lot of people have caught on to the truly heartbreaking irony in the title of Joy Boy. That, despite his cheery name, his story did NOT have a happy ending.
We already know that the 20 kings (and Imu, most likely) won 800 years ago and destroyed most of what Joy Boy and his allies and friends accomplished.
This not only means that the many races of the world were doomed to persecution and racism by humans but it also means that the technology of the world was regressed to the point that they can only begin to catch up after 800 years (and largely because the man responsible is said to be 500 years ahead of his time) and the people don’t even know what they have lost.
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Think about it, in the Jaya arc Robin examines a skull from the fallen galleon and deduces that they medically relieved him of a tumor by making a hole in the skull, without anesthesia. It’s a forgotten practice by the present time, but it still proves that medicine had to evolve to resort to less gruesome methods. And in the East Blue they mentioned that scurvy was only recently fully understood. None of these things are an issue for us because of current medical knowledge.
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Of course not every technological advancement is good and some of them have actually caused horrific results both in the One piece world and real life. But people have an unfortunate tendency to take for granted the good things science has given us.
Back to the original topic though, if the Ancient Kingdom had won the One piece world would be unrecognizable to the one we’ve come to known. We don’t know how much for the better, but the 20 kings were very much afraid that such a world could have existed and of a man who‘s implied to have had a pretty innocent dream
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When someone who doesn’t make sense to the rest of the world appears there’s two things that can happen with them. Either the world destroys them and who they are at their core, or the world is forced to change to make sense of them.
Joy Boy was definitely one such person in the past like Luffy is in the present. But unlike Luffy, when met with the violent nature of the world, he couldn’t beat it because of some cruel twist of fate. (Or perhaps betrayal? I think Imu knew the first Joy Boy or they wouldn’t keep the frozen straw hat).
Even if (when) Luffy wins and fulfills the original Joy Boy’s dream, the original Joy Boy didn’t, no matter how hard he tried.
But the 20 king were still unable to destroy who Joy Boy was at his core: a dreamer. The very reason that he had friends who loved him. And because of that, Joy Boy had to dream even further than thought posible and imagine that someone else would appear in the future who was like him. Surprise, surprise, that came true.
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But he still died without fulfilling his promise. And he and his friends, like all people eventually do one way or another, had to part ways.
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But no matter how much Joy Boy may think he failed his friends, they love him no matter what and believe in him. And go on to make sure Joy Boy’s dream of a new person like him appearing comes true. (And adopt the name D. as one of their methods?)
Even so, Joy Boy himself lost and his loss is felt by all who knew him because he is no longer there. Which isn’t the same as the memory of a person. Luffy may be the heir of Joy Boy, but he isn’t Nika (or whatever his real name was).
Imagine if Brook didn’t have the Revive fruit. Laboon would have kept waiting for someone who wouldn’t come back; and even if Luffy gave him a new reason to keep waiting, it still would be a very different person than the perverted-dad (skull?) joke telling-musical gentleman that Laboon knew, wouldn’t it? In this regard Brook is luckier than Joy Boy was.
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That always was one of the most horrible things about the World Government, thinking people are expendable. They are not. Galley-La couldn’t make a new Going Merry even if they had the original blueprints because the crew that sailed her would notice small things that are not there anymore.
Although his memory and dreams for a new Dawn in the world are very much alive, the fact he lost so long ago after giving it his all cannot be undone. Similarly the 800 years of abuse the Government, the Celestial Dragons and Imu have inflicted cannot be undone either and many people who dreamed to see themselves free did not live to see it happen.
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Is it any wonder then that a piece of the Rio Poneglyph, one of the only means of the Ancient Kingdom to communicate and perhaps the most crucial historical document in the One Piece world, is an apology letter from Joy Boy?
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His dream will come true after all in such a way that will be mind-boggling to the point of it being funny, no matter what the world has thrown his way, which may be why Roger laughed.
What I mean to say is that I’m sure Joy Boy’s story will be extraordinarily tragic and yet triumphant somehow. And in line with who Luffy is, he’s not unbreakable.
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But he’s not finished yet.
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yamat0 · 5 months
the only island we didn't see in Kuma's flashback was amazon lily (and maybe Kamabakka Kingdom but i can’t really tell) and i think i might have a theory on why that is
after kuma travels to all the islands he sent the straw hats to he meets up with dragon
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and dragons ship suspiciously looks like a snakes head extremely similarly to the kuja pirates
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my fresh off the presses theory is that luffys mom was the missing empress of amazon lily before boa hancock
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she would be about 40-50 and dragon is 55 currently. they could’ve met fallen in love possibly gotten married she had luffy and then died of the love sickness (aka oda’s favorite imgonnadiebecauseimamomitis) and dragon took her ship and changed the snake figurehead to a dragon
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