#🍓.berry's headcanons
berrymoos · 2 years
i'm not currently creating for the spiderbros (peter 1, peter 2, peter 3), but i would still like to say they all regress – they're all flips, actually!! i've had this in my head for a while now ;-]
peter 1 is more of a regressor-leaning flip – bc peter 1 baby rights hehe
peter 2 is a cg-leaning flip – he's the oldest of the trio & he gives suuuch cg energy when he's around them
peter 3 is rlly just a 50 / 50 split helrhwkdjw – he gives off big brother energy w peter 1 but come peter 2 & he's just a little guy hahshrved
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plutos-dying-star · 9 months
🪶head cannons
(Fringe, 2008)
🦋I am getting so excited about age regression head cannons! Like, kicking my feet and jumping around type of happy! Eeee!!
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cerezzzita · 8 months
Hi, i saw you have your request open so here i go, requesting some hcs for Dante, Vergil and Trish having a short sweet-toothed s/o who also loves to bake.
notes: heeey there, anon! In advance sorry for the waiting, it took long enough but at least here we are! I hope you like it, because I surely did loved writing these headcanons, and with Trish being included? Better than ever!
Enjoy the reading and thanks for requesting! <3
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⠀🍓 ˖ . ᵎᵎ Dante, Vergil & Trish with a short sweet-toothed S/O
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♡ tags: gender-neutral reader, no use of pronouns (you/yours only), no description of reader's appearance, short!reader, use of petnames, three devils being soft af, Vergil and Trish might have been sorta ooc pardon in advance.
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
Perfect match, to be honest.
Calls you "shortcake" or "shortie" most of the time and if you're annoyed by that… he'll keep doing it, sorry. He loves you enough to annoy you as well. 
Being as sweet-toothed as he is, no wonder he'll ask you constantly to make some desserts with strawberries or red fruits in general such as raspberries or cherries. 
And please don't let Dante get one inch near the kitchen, this man will eat as many of the berries plus he's catastrophic at cooking.
At least let him add some of the ingredients and mix them together here and there, he'll be satisfied and happy enough. 
He'll eat the batter when you're not looking, by the way. 
Still on the ingredients topic, doesn't this bitch (affectionately) loves when you ask him for help to reach something you can't? He's all smugly smirks, towering you with that huge figure of his and in the best of the cases, lifting you so you can reach it by yourself. 
Dante's personal favorite dessert made by you became The Devil's Cake, but instead of being fulfilled of chocolate only, there's lots and lots of strawberry jam and fresh strawberries on top of it. 
Late night munchies are a must! You two can and will be watching whatever series or movies while cuddling and devouring almost all of a whole damn bakery because Dante has a black hole instead of a regular stomach. 
Saw a recipe for dessert pizza once, got obsessed with it, asked you to make it, you made it, he's even more in love with you. 
"Babe, you're a sweetheartie. A candy angel, I love you so much," said Dante, mouth full of sweet pizza and eyes full of tears of joy and passion. 
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
Vergil strikes me as a cinnamon roll enjoyer. That's it, that's the post. 
But really, I don't think he has a sweet-tooth or enjoys sugary foods that much. He likes it, sure, but at moderate bits. 
Unlike Dante, he does not make fun of your height… Yet he finds it quite endearing. 
Calls you "little bird". Let me have him be affectionate and lovely for a sec, okay? 
Vergil also gets worried by the amount of sugar you consume. 
"You'll get plenty of cavities if you keep eating desserts at that level." 
He helps you with your recipes too. I'm kinda sure that Vergil knows a thing or two in the cooking field, correct me if I'm wrong (I am wrong). 
As previously said, he likes more, hm, refined flavors, such as cinnamon and vanilla and if you're baking cinnamon rolls, count him on it! 
Don't ask Vergil to chop the ingredients unless you want him to put on a show about it. 
If you like drinking tea, you better prepare a bunch of sweet treats because you're having regular, calm silent tea evenings ft. Vergil and his poetry book. 
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
Oh my, what can I say about Trish?
She's not a sugary-sweet person. Instead, she's mostly on sour candies and neutral fruits field. 
With that being said, I hope you're ready to constantly bake lemon pies and banana cakes. 
Trish does not know how to cook for her dear life, she prefers watching you instead and maybe teasing you along with it.
"Trish, I could use a little hand." "Pardon me if I can't help but think you're all cute on your own, sugar."
Speaking of teasing, this devil surely knows how to make you fluster with her little comments about your height, but of course, always keeping it comfortable enough to not get you mad or sad. 
"Need some help there, honeypie?" "My, if you ever get trouble reaching that shelf, you need to wear some of my heels."
And although Trish is not your sous chef, she is certainly your personal tasting critic, which is an advantage mostly to her. 
"So, what do you think?" "Hm, I liked the caramel on top of the fruit, and it's sour just in the way I love. It's a ten out of ten, honey." 
Brought you some silly clothes like sweaters and shirts with some candy motif and oh, sure, fruity flavored lip gloss. 
Anything for her honeybun~
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cerezzzita©, 2023 · all rights reserved ⓘ do not edit, copy, steal or claim as yours | reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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vlada-slavik · 4 months
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Made more because it's fun <3 leg's pattern is based off my uni headcanon redesign ( might post later or never ) ;
Once again, original is by kneeby/kittycorn, and if kit wants me to delete the post, then I will be fine with doing it
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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delopsia · 4 months
del 🌼🍰🩷🌷💓 (i’ll let you decide if you’d like to include why or any headcanon-y tidbits that pop into your lovely noggin) 💐 but if you had to assign one for each man (hawthorn au rhett & robby)…
hotdog / hamburger 
pancakes / waffles (or a secret third thing, french toast)
onion rings / french fries
milkshake / soda float 
autumn / spring
cake / pie
usually in a hat / almost never in a hat (cowboy or ballcap)
chocolate flavored treat / fruit flavored treat
cats / dogs
most likely to text / most likely to call
(in the event of needing only one vehicle) who’s driving / who’s riding shotgun
big spoon / little spoon
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Omg hello 🌷🍓💕
hotdog / hamburger Bobby is absolutely a hotdog kind of guy; he's the primary reason they appear at every Dagger Cookout. He can find Hamburgers near every fast food chain, so when he gets the chance, he'll absolutely go for a hotdog, but that's only if they're pan-fried or off the grill. They've gotta be a little bit charred.
Rhett loves to give him trouble for the amount of toppings he'll put on them, too. It's a remnant from when he was in college; his momma got him one of those indoor grills, and the only thing he could really afford to grill was hotdogs. At some point, he got bored of the flavor and learned to experiment 🌭
Rhett is the hamburger guy; it's just something he's learned to appreciate after a lifetime of raising beef cattle. He's pretty damn good at finding the good stuff, too, and fortunately enough, he's decently handy at operating a grill. It's the one thing he can cook, and he's damn proud of it.
pancakes / waffles (or a secret third thing, french toast) Rhett's heavily on the side of waffles; he likes that they're crispier than pancakes. Sometimes, he'll add chocolate chips or eat 'em plain without syrup; it depends on what he's craving.
Bob though? Die-hard french toast lover. Especially when he can add berries to them. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, together or individually. He'll even add some banana every now and then. Momma Floyd used to make them every Saturday morning, and they never fail to take him right back to his childhood.
Until Rhett drives by and steals a bite, at least.
onion rings / french fries A part of me likes to reckon that Rhett was the french fry lover until Bob finally convinced him to give them a second try. Come to find out, not every onion ring tastes like the vile ones he got from that Wabang gas station. Now you've got to beat him back with a broom to keep him from stealing one or three.
milkshake / soda float  Bobby adores his milkshakes, especially if there's a cherry involved 🤍 but he's been known to lean over and steal some of Rhett's beloved rootbeer float every now and again.
autumn / spring Rhett's an autumn soul. It's the prime season of his favorite sport, that time of year when his flannel and jeans aren't too hot or too cold. He's been known to come in with a leaf clinging to the brim of his hat as well 🍁
Bobby is spring. His allergies absolutely hate the season to its core, but he loves to venture out and see all the new flowers. You've gotta be careful with him because he'll go out and buy a bunch of flowers to plant in the garden, and he'll be sick before he's even got them out of the truck 🌷
cake / pie Pie and cake is a funny thing in this house. Rhett adores ice cream cake, but if it's not that, then he'll tell you that he likes pie (it's because Bobby makes them). Robby enjoys both, but he leans toward fruit-flavored pies. Now if you pull out a cake with fruit in/on it...
usually in a hat / almost never in a hat. Rhett has to be pried out of his hat; it's a little bit ridiculous. He's so used to needing one around the ranch that he just? Doesn't? Know how to act without one? He feels naked if he steps outside without one. And then there are the days when he's so tired that he walks into the house and forgets to take it off...
Bob isn't a fan of wearing them because they tend to mess up his hair, but sometimes Rhett will notice him squinting in the sunlight and offers up a spare. However, he isn't above stealing Rhett's cowboy hat in the privacy of their own home. Sometimes, Rhett will be sitting on the couch, and he'll see his own hat pass by in the corner of his eye.
chocolate flavored treat / fruit flavored treat Fruit and Bobby go together way too well; if the name mentions fruit, then he's more than likely gonna reach for it. Rhett? Cannot be separated from chocolate. Cheap, expensive, obscure, it doesn't matter. Their tastes collide for chocolate covered fruits 🍓
cats / dogs Cats are universally loved, but Bob is the true cat guy. He can walk into a room, and every cat in the vicinity will wind up in his lap. Likewise, Rhett can take a nap in the barn and more often than not, wakes up to a barn kitty on his chest. But he's truly a dog person; he's found half a dozen strays and converted them to ranch puppies.
most likely to text / most likely to call Bob is the texter. He's not all that great at filling the silence during phone calls. He just can't think of anything to say, you know? Unfortunately for him, Rhett has big thumbs and sometimes struggles to type on that tiny little screen, so he just calls without warning.
who’s driving / who’s riding shotgun Rhett loves to be the driver, given that he's in a semi-rural area/not in a city. The winding roads unravel all the worries that have collected up in his head. Robby loves riding shotgun; getting to lay back and gaze out the window is one of his favorite parts of being in the truck. There are so many things you don't notice when you're doing the driving! But he will get motion-sick if you put him in the backseat, so his riding options are somewhat limited.
big spoon / little spoon Big spoon Bobby! It's his favorite thing. He doesn't get to feel "big" a lot in his life, he's never been noticeably muscular or had a presence that fills the room before he enters. In fact, he didn't experience it a whole lot until Rhett and Reader wandered into his life.
He's obsessed with the feeling it gives him, like a pillar in the wind, warding off anything that could ever hurt whoever is snuggled into his arms. Rhett, in particular, triggers a sort of protectiveness Bob didn't realize he had. This massive, tough-as-nails cowboy trusts him this much? Ugh.
Likewise, Rhett adores being able to exchange his strength for vulnerability. It's nice to feel protected, especially when he's spent so much of his life being the protector. He's funny when he gets to fall into that role because he loves to snuggle his head over Bob/Reader's chin. He can and will fall asleep like that. Rough and tumble cowboy by day and oversized cuddle bug by night?
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randoimago · 1 year
Good day! If it can be requested, I have a sweet date idea for Maruki - picking strawberries! 🍓
Picking Strawberries Together
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Goro Maruki
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Oh this is super cute!!
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Oh he loves the date idea. Getting to be outside with you and picking strawberries just feels very cute and he likes the fact that he can eat the berries with you too.
I can see him finding one that looks yummy and he wants to share it with you but it ends up not being ripe and he has to try to keep a smile on his face despite how gross it is.
Maruki makes lots of suggestions of what can be done with the strawberries too. After they're washed and cleaned, he'd love to bring some with him to school. Fresh strawberries would be a great snack and also on the healthy side for his kids.
Or he'd love to learn to make jam or even make a cake with you. He just loves this date and thinks it could lead to many more cute dates.
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dollystuffs-chiori · 22 days
🍓 - What's your headspace like, if you have one? Does your headspace have any lore to it?
It 's basically Penacony!! We 've got the Dreamscape Reverie, Dreamflux Reef, and a bunch of other fun Penacony mechanics such as the gravity modifiers!!
🍌 - What's a funny moment you witnessed or were a part of, whether in our out the headspace?
Once Chiori was looking in a full-length mirror in a bathroom and out of nowhere Aventurine yells "MY BALLS HURT" and Chiori goes "😰WE DON 'T HAVE THOSE"
🍏 - What's your favorite thing about being plural? If you don't have a favorite/don't enjoy being plural, use this as a free space to gush about whatever you'd like!
I personally really like being able to distribute tasks somewhat evenly :3 Furina is our resilient queen and takes on most migraines and breakdowns 🫡
🥒 - What's your favorite activity to do with your headmates whenever possible?
Ohhh Sparkle likes to tease Aventurine by reading Aventurine x reader smut while he's in co-con (and he complains the whole time). We really like scrolling through source tags, though, overall. It's especially funny/interesting to find headcanons that don't line up with introjects :3
🍇 - Does your system have varying tastes in music, food, etc? If so, what is everyone's favorites?
Ohhh very much so. The music tastes isn 't a problem because we can just make playlists on Spotify. FOOD HOWEVER. Our father complains a lot about how "I never know what you 'll want to eat" we don 't either SHFKDH
Most of the dissociative ones (such as Jingliu, Ganyu, Acheron, and Hanya) prefer berries and frozen sweets such as popsicles cus they have high sugar content and are low-effort snacks.
Furina and Columbina like baked goods and hot cocoa along with fruity/floral teas, served hot or cold. They 're particularly fond of croissants and cookies with chocolate in them. Or any pasties with raspberry, strawberry (and/or rhubarb), or cherry fillings. (Baked goods/pastries are a shared positive trigger for both of them! Oftentimes even the offer of one will spring one of them to front.)
I (Kitty/Kirara) like chicken and savoury foods and often am the best at restaurants >:3 I 'm not super picky but I need sauce with my meat or so help me /silly
Firefly likes salads a lot!! As well as fruits that aren't berries, like cherries, oranges/tangerines, and peaches!
Sparkle likes foods that are sweet with a bit of kick to them. Sweet and salty, sweet and spicy, sweet and sour...
Aventurine likes spicy and savoury!! One of our friends once called him gay Jesus but that 's off topic-
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ghostsxagain · 10 months
@mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
6 berries means 6 compliments! LEGGGOOOOOO!!
it feels right to start by complimenting your WRITING. jesus fuck dude, you blow me away every single time you post a reply. there's so much thought and care behind it all. you also have such creative ideas? and you're always willing to hear me out and indulge me?? I found my writing soulmate, no doubt about it.
speaking of writing, your muses are top tier. they come to you quickly but they never come out half assed or partially baked. nope, it's clear you love your muses - the passion is gorgeous and gets me hype. I could listen to you talk about them for hours (and I do lol). due to your hard work, I end up loving every single one INSTANTLY and they've got a place in my heart with my own kids ha.
your ENERGY is delightful!!!! I love getting spammed with pics of our stuff. I love headcanons. I love random starters/texts. You're always giving me 100 - please never dull your light.
you're an amazing listener. people can come to you with anything and know that you'll do your best to be supportive because that's the kind of person you are. truthfully the best friend anyone could ask for. an EXCELLENT sounding board who cares a lot.
this kinda matches the last one but wow your heart is so good? so kind? so loving? I'm in AWE of you constantly & regularly get warm fuzzies just talking to you or watching you interact with others? the goodness seeps outta you and douses all it touches.
you're hot as fuck, sorry not sorry. face card never declines. as stunning externally as you are internally.
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
i need to stop thinking about cuddling scara bc i could write hours and hours of paragraphs and like ;; yeah ;; also need to stop about him returning your kisses bc i bet that stupidly phisically perfect man has just the softest lips sigh
also yes! cosplaying my boy was so much fun! unlike him i would totally let you hug me all you want tho lol but i don't think you could give many headpats to my xiao friend bc she's super super tall lol
and yes! lots of fotografie! this last few days my friends and i decided today would have been my wedding day (long story) so we threw like, three bachelor parties and we took pics like we were trying to make a wedding album. it was oh so much fun especially for my friends who we hadn't let in in the joke and who were just confused lol
[also your daily word is mostra, which means exhibition (of like, paintings), bc i went to one today. not to confuse with mostro, which means monster lol]
aaaa i've shoved itto's artifacts on albedo and so far he truly hasn't disappointed. i still need to farm the husk domain bc, well, my itto needs some artifacts back, and i'd love to go with you! the only thing is, for some reason i can't find you anymore in my friend list ;;;; i was trying to look for you a few days ago but i couldn't find you anywhere, i don't know what happened but ;; yeah
also! catzuha headcanons coming in! i feel like kazuha would be the type of cat to purr shamelessly. you touch his ears? he'll lean into your head and lets you cuddle him all you want. aside from that, though, i think he's pretty quiet. doesn't scratch your sofa, doesn't break havoc, will just follow you quietly and maybe bother you only if he's really hungry. also i think he'd like if you helped him brush his hair!! one of my friends cat absolutely melts when you brush her, idk why i feel like he'd love that too. also, i feel like kazuha Is a great mood picker and would just kinda be a good listener. if he feels you're sad he'll just cuddle close to you and let you vent while you stroke his fluffy ears, or maybe will act like he wants more attentions to take your head off things. fantastic companion 120% would recommend.
lots of love bunny!! no matter what goes on with your life, hopefully i'll be able to cheer you on
- 🍓
Dearest I’m so, so sorry for leaving things this late;;;
I am incredibly stressed nowadays and you don’t seem to be online on genshin when I am, and if you are the messages don’t even show up OTL
omg you’d let me hug you as scara? (,: you’re getting the biggest hug of a lifetime !! It’s okay, I’ll stand on a step ladder if they’re comfortable with it lmfao
That sounds like so much fun and I’m so glad you had a nice day, you’d make a vvv pretty bride/groom (whichever you’d prefer)
monstra - sounds like a place that would be a perfect date for albedo to take you to mm hm
I’ve already explained the reason so I’ll skip over this for now (and bc I also helped you grind that domain too hehe)
Oh absolutely he’s the type to shamelessly purr, he’s the type to nudge your phone out of your hand with his head to get you to cuddle him. He just stares at you, purring loudly with a teasing smile on his face. He completely melts when you touch his ears, head flopping down on your shoulder or chest depending on where he is. And absolutely he’s a good mood picker, he’s a very nice cat boy to have around. He most likely cleans while you’re out and cooks dinner for you, instead of you pampering him sometimes it’s the other way around. But then there are other times where he needs your cuddles and won’t stop pestering you until he gets them - and that’s usually when you’re upset or sick. He just wants you to feel better <33
ti voglio bene berry, I’ve missed you dearly and I’ll answer your other ask soon <33
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hb-writes · 2 years
all the food and drink emoji questions for clara <3
Hey there. Took me a minute to get through these. 😅 Thanks for participating in the celebration! ❤️
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
First off, Clara loves breakfast. I think she'd eat breakfast for every meal if they'd let her. Her comfort breakfast is actually the Shelby family Christmas breakfast (famously cooked by Polly). Clara always consumes more cake and biscuits on Christmas morning than any actual breakfast food, but they always negotiate at least a single egg to go on her plate.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Clara was born in the early morning hours of February 10, 1908 (and Finn was born in the late evening of February 9th). I do think Clara enjoys celebrating. Clara loves cake, remember? I also just have a little headcanon that Finn and Clara are always together and celebrate at midnight in-between their birthdays.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Pretty much anything sweet and sugary, though I think she's most commonly enjoying biscuits. Anything with chocolate.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Clara enjoys being in the kitchen. Polly's taught her to bake. And she's actually learned a lot about cooking from John (he's quite good at it though he feigns incompetence sometimes because he's lazy). Once she moves to Arrow House, there's not much opportunity and she's not exactly encouraged to spend time with the cooks in the kitchen (Mary has a big problem with the impropriety of it all), but Clara always makes friends with the chef both to ensure access to sweets and to get them to teach her a bit. Having access to a chef, she's pretty indifferent to eating out in a restaurant unless there's live entertainment of some type involved.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Clara loves a hot beverage. Tea is her favorite. And whiskey is her preferred adult beverage. 🫖🥃
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
Clara loves her sweets, but she has no qualms about eating her vegetables. She loves her decadence, but she's reasonable about eating balanced meals. She doesn't have a favorite vegetable. She sees them more as a mere necessity, but she loves fruit, especially berries.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
Clara is generally an equal opportunity enjoyer of cakes, but her favorite cakes always have chocolate in the recipe.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Clara keeps plenty of little treasures - like all of the things in the box mentioned in Easier to Bear and Tommy's old pocket watch in Things They Left Behind. Tommy also bought Clara several Beatrix Potter books when she was very young (not all at once, but he’d buy them as the money was saved). They’re well-worn by the time she’s reading them to Charles and Ruby, but she very much treasures them and keeps them with her books and revisits the stories as a teen/ adult. The older she gets, the more she realizes how great of a sacrifice Tommy made to always buy her books and instill in her a love of learning. She'd be devastated if she lost any of her special little trinkets. They all hold a lot of history and love and meaning to her.
Send in an ask to celebrate 4 years with Miss Clara Shelby!
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berrymoos · 2 years
small steven & layla, who can talk endlessly about their interests, their hands waving around as they talk & bouncing up & down, showing just how excited & passionate they are about whatever topic it may be / small marc, who takes some encouragement to get him to even babble a short sentence about his interests & prefers listening to his brother and his small significant other talk / caregiver jake, who has since learned to decode any babbling that could come from any of them & responds with "oh, is that so? i never knew that; you're so smart, penqueñ[o/a]!"
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irxnmaiden · 2 years
Charti. Share a headcanon about [Steel Types] // Chilan. If you were in the Pokemon world, what kind of trainer class would you be–or want to be? // Pinap. What Pokemon would you like to see have a Regional Variant form, and what would it be like (what new type, features, design, etc.)?
~Berry-themed Munday 🍓 [asks]
Charti. Share a headcanon about [Steel Types]
One specific kinda thing I like alluding to is how otherworldly steel-types are; many are quite alien in design, and the dex entries seem to back some of these theories up (Magneton’s for example: “many mysteriously appear when more sunspots dot the sun”, what’s up with that?). I like to imagine the various odd ways in which they communicate with each other, and how drastically different it must be compared to Pokémon of other typings.
Chilan. If you were in the Pokemon world, what kind of trainer class would you be–or want to be?
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Considering I like playing competitively, I’d probably be an Ace Trainer or a Veteran bc I am old, buuut I think being a Ranger would be awesome. Using instinct and skill to assist others would definitely be how I’d want to utilize my knowledge! It’d also be really cool constructing a well-balanced team that’d work against the elements.
Pinap. What Pokemon would you like to see have a Regional Variant form, and what would it be like (what new type, features, design, etc.)?
I’ve actually designed a regional variant for my fan region of Bellossom! I’ve been leaning on making them Grass/Psychic, but nothing is set in stone ofc. They’re based off the protea pinwheel, I’ll include a scribble I made of them below a read more (lol). I’m also conceptualizing fan region variants of Carbink, Torkoal, Alomomola, and Fearow, but they haven’t come to me yet.
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this is like the one and only doodle I’ve done of them, but I think it gets the idea across enough!
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caelcstis · 7 months
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emoji headcanons. // @r3dblccd all the food and drinks questions + 😨 FEARFUL, 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL &💌 LOVE LETTER (for Raph)
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🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
raph likes a more heartier breakfast to keep his energy going, especially if he has to be forced into his human form during the day - it still eats at his magic no matter how little it is. he likes a nice soft omelet with maybe some ground, seasoned sausage or bacon next to it. a biscuit or a scone will be nice to him as well, heavy carbs to keep him full. he'll also have tea with to wash it down. of course going through the process of making all that food can be a little tedious, so more often than not he'll be found with a biscuit and some jam or honey to spread or dip into before he's getting to his duties.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
birthdays are kinda obsolete?? at least to an angel as old as he is - but i celebrate his birthday on September 9th, he's a virgo. because they're obsolete to him, he doesn't really celebrate it - nor do the others really. maybe he'll get a small gift from one or two angels - or homemade crafts from his fledglings, but he doesn't really go out of his way to make it a big deal. he'd rather people not bring it up only because he isn't entirely comfortable with attention on him like that. he doesn't like being taken care of despite he needs it.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
gods, he's another foodie of mine. raphael has a more decadent palette. still probably not going to gravitate towards fattier things but he will try them and eat them if they're there. i feel like if anything's gonna get him, it's a good cobbler. the berries or fruits mixed in with that batter is just so fulfilling to him. it's also just?? warming to him if that makes sense. it's comforting, it warms him inside out and if it's a damn good cobbler, you will know. when he's happy with food - which doesn't take a lot on his end, his cheeks will flush a little and he won't even talk while he eats because he's just enjoying it.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
now in recent more modern times, i can't say raph hasn't tried takeout, street food, fast food, all that and has enjoyed it - but he will always cook first. he has cottages, he has gardens. he has the resources to make things fresh even now. and damn is he good at cooking. there's very little at his age that gives him a hard time in the kitchen. doesn't matter if it's cooking or baking.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
he's grown up on tea and water p much, so he is a little fond of warmer drinks. he loves a nice herbal tea, but as hot cocoa came around he found himself enjoying that too. he can have it with some cayenne in it, or maybe some peppermint instead depending on his mood - but he's gotta have whipped cream on top of it witch extra chocolate shaved on top.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
he does eat them - again, never really been picky with any of it - but out of rule of thumb, he can habitually stray away from apples. he'll touch them and make them for your muse if they like them, but he doesn't really partake in eating them, more from heaven's influence. if he had a favorite fruit, it'd probably be pineapple or cherries. the tartness of a cherry and the variety of them are nice to both snack and bake with. pineapple because he is a fan of citrus, and it's refreshing to him. as for veggies, he likes leafy veggies?? like spinach, lettuce, it's a very nice base for him to use in cooking often and sometimes when the man just wants a quick an easy salad: clean it, throw it together with other shit.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
honestly start the debate but he likes cheesecake the most lmao. raph amongst his sweet tooth has a very big palette for that sour along with some heat in his food. so cheesecake gets him a little weak tbh, put some compote or macerated fruit on there and he's down. but if you want a real cake and not a torte or a pie, however it's labeled as - a nice slice of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting will make him happy too. the warm spices and the sourness of the cream cheese just leaves him in heaven.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
idk about childhood but raphael was still pretty young at the time when he lost ipos and orobas, and he was planning on giving the boys new cloaks as they were learning under his care and going through forests to forage for herbs and take care of humans - he wanted them warm and protected against the elements. he was never really capable of giving them to the boys, so he still has them: one white and threaded with gold, the other a deeper grey threaded with silver. they were also lined with thick wool for the colder seasons as they were approaching, something he took extra care into sewing together for them to not ruin the patterns he embroidered in them. they still hang in one of his wardrobes in his chambers in the throne - no one knows they're there, and he won't ever tell anyone. he doesn't want a certain angel finding them and would wreck havoc and his own sanity if he ever found them.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
idk if raph really goes into either?? he won't fight or get ready to fight if he's scared, but he won't run either. his instinct is going to protect if he's around someone, or if by himself, he'll either cover or brace himself. but he tries to assess his situations and always tries to deescalate. he did even when lucifer fell and was scared watching michael and him fight, he tried to calm them both and to stop it - and wound up being blasted by both of them and two of his wings were broken, one sprained, in the process. it's just that pacifist in him. he'd rather let something bad happen to him than to cause more of an issues for others later. he just takes it.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
his raw anger. raphael has only ever been so angry in his life that it costed him: and that was ipos and orobas who were wrongly accused of sin in their young age. he had become so angry that he fought hand to hand with gabriel before he could touch orobas after orobas had pushed ipos out of heaven's gates before punishment could be dealt on his side. even being older, he was made weaker physically and was quickly held down by gabriel's angels. still angry, raphael fought against all their holds on him and dislocated his shoulder - but he never cared, he wanted to protect that boy. in the end he couldn't and had to watch his wings be ripped from his back, had to hear him scream and cry, something he never heard that boy do in all his life. the events caused him to fight with michael, they fell out for a while - raphael calling michael spineless, a coward, and he refused to follow an angel like that anymore. anything to break michael, and it did - but michael never revealed it to him, and in the end it broke raphael more. he stayed away from other angels as he healed and even a while after because he was angry, his trust was broken between two of his trusted brothers, his two angels in his care - he didn't know were alive or dead being so young. he never wanted to become so wrapped up in his anger and his wrath again, so his smile quickly became a mask for everything: his anger, his pain, his sorrow, his boredom. only he ever sees his emotions when he's alone.
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
raph does love those kinds of things because it's just those physical acts of affection for him that make him weak. words of affirmation on top of it? he's melting. they will also leave some in return, his are often more playful and lighthearted though. say if he's to be gone for a while, his partner can expect to find little stickies in places he knows they use a lot around the house; just asking if they're thinking of him bc he knows he's thinking of them, or maybe little puns to make them smile (or cringe beforehand), or wishing them a good day/good night and sweet dreams - and he'll meet them there if they do.
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tonberry-yoda · 10 months
Hi berry!! How was your day?
I spent my day making fun of my nuclear waste of an ex, and day dreaming about gojo while listen to TSwift's Lovers album. And lemme tell you the combination of these make me reach the point of delulu where i think if i could isekai into jjk i would definitely able to make gojo fall for me. The confident boost was astronomical.
Did you do anything fun today? I love the geto and gojo friendship headcanon btw
Much love,
🍓 anon
OMFG HI! that literally sounds like an amazing day!! literally I need gojo to fall for me too so I'm glad we can be confident and crazy together knowing that he will love us 💀
as for me I just woke up, but yesterday was alright! I watched one piece and finished up a project for my summer class. and thank God it's getting a bit cooler out it's been hot as actual hell I swear
and thank you so much! those were super fun headcanons to write and I've been getting good feedback on them. I just know y/n met gojo in his lil prick era first and they fell for each other down the road.
also season 2 of jjk is so good so far but so sad?!???! 😭 obsessed with it tho
hope you have a great day! sending lots of love ❤️❤️
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circussyrup · 11 months
Do you have any voice headcanons for your OCs?
(Sorry for the late reply!! I've been very busy with work! Thank you for my very first ask!)
I do indeed have some voice claims!! They'll be below the cut!
Beaux 🐝:
Rainbow Quartz 2.0 voiced by Alastair James! I adore his playful tone so much and I feel it really suits Beaux!
Gavin 🌧️:
He sounds like Rudolph from the Masquerade episode of Dangerously Yours! I pictured a noir-esque character when designing him!
Comet 🐏⭐:
Definitely Marshall Lee! I had Marceline in mind initially but decided to give them a deeper voice later on! It just seemed like a better choice!
Jackal 🐰🍈:
Loved Pina's VA and couldn't think of anything that suited Jackal better! Absolute sass in every line!
Berri 🐰🍓:
I was torn between this one and Pinkie Pie but when Cherry Blossom cookie gets angry all I can think of is Berri!
(Lots of voice claims haha! I think about my OCS all day everyday ajejdjdkdh)
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payaso-affairs · 2 years
Some food headcanons for Mr. Wolf 👀👀
Doesn't seem like a sweet tooth or sour man, probably prefers umami flavors
To go with the umami vibe, i think Wolf would like charcuterie boards
Cheeseburgers too. Sometimes you just need a good cheeseburger and he looks like he knows the best spot in town
T-bone steak ofc, we had him at the beginning with only the bone on it
Soft serve vanilla ice cream
if Wolf were to buy someone a ice cream cone he'd eat the swirly bit off as a harmless prank jdkdkskd
He'll pretend to hand it to you and pull it away last minute and go "Ah, ah, remember the swirly bit fee?" And munch
Berry pie.... He just strikes me as a berry man! Mostly blueberries. Like the image of his tongue being super purple afterwards dkfkskd
I would bet hard money that as a teen he stole pies off window sills
If feel like he'd eat dog biscuits like chips as a guilty pleasure
Wolf doesn't always fall for it but sometimes you can shut him up with a spoonful of peanut butter. He'll be at it for a solid half an hour and hate you just a little bit afterwards (soften the blow with a glass of milk and he'll think about forgiving you)
Just him with a mouthful of PB glaring daggers at you skdkskdk
Mildly related to food, if Wolf catches you cooking there'd a 50/50 chance he'll come up and yoink some food without you noticing
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