drlei-tw · 3 months
🌿 鼠尾草長效保濕乳液 🌿
🍃 7 種天然植物萃取物,一起為你的肌膚加油!從大自然的寶庫中取得的精華,讓你的肌膚感受到最天然的呵護。讓我們的乳液成為你肌膚的私人護理師,為你的肌膚打造一個健康、水潤的環境。
💧 ECOCERT 有機認證保濕因子,讓你安心使用!我們的乳液經過嚴格的有機認證,絕不含有害物質,給予你最純淨的呵護體驗。對於追求自然、追求健康的你,這可是一個不可錯過的選擇!
🌈 讓你的肌膚變身為水亮女神!不再是乾燥肌,而是水嫩、有光澤的肌膚。和我們的鼠尾草長效保濕乳液一同迎接每一天,讓你的肌膚散發自信光芒!
🎉 快來加入我們的大家庭,和更多愛護肌膚的朋友分享你的使用心得吧!一起在社群中創造更多美麗的瞬間,讓肌膚成為你最自信的資產!
【Line官方帳號】 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40jgk0510z
【YouTube連結】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvki73Mb7aX4eATgBgB9Hg
【🔗官方連結】 https://www.dr-lei.com/
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onpointbible · 5 months
談天說道 之 小禮物大改變  助孩子打破貧窮枷鎖
「我給你們一條新命令,就是要你們彼此相愛;我怎樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣彼此相愛。如果你們彼此之間有愛,所有人就會認出你們是我的門徒。」(約翰福音第十三章34-35節《環球聖經譯本》) 文、圖:香港世界宣明會 根據聯合國資料顯示,全球仍有近一成人口生活在極端貧困之中,他們對醫療、教育、用水和衞生設施等最基本的需求仍然無法獲得滿足。要改善貧困孩子和家庭的環境,可以透過一點支援和小禮物,例如一頭山羊、雞、鴨、牛,也能帶來意想不到的改變和祝福,幫助他們打破貧窮的枷鎖。 喪父難民男孩獲贈山羊 …
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metal-cn · 13 days
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cozroom · 4 months
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haylei-w · 1 year
極萃精華 Essentia/全植萃精華油保養分享-乳香緊緻油與極萃持潤精華液兩相搭配完美實現鎖潤修護、抗皺緊實等保養需求,適合偏乾膚質或是熟齡肌膚於秋冬護理肌膚使用,幫助強化油水平衡使肌膚維持柔軟彈嫩的健康狀態!美容保養/日常護膚/肌膚保養/秋冬保養/冬季肌膚護理產品推薦/冬天護膚/藍子愛保養
極萃精華 Essentia/全植萃精華油保養分享-乳香緊緻油與極萃持潤精華液兩相搭配完美實現鎖潤修護、抗皺緊實等保養需求,適合偏乾膚質或是熟齡肌膚於秋冬護理肌膚使用,幫助強化油水平衡使肌膚維持柔軟彈嫩的健康狀態!美容保養/日常護膚/肌膚保養/秋冬保養/冬季肌膚護理產品推薦/冬天護膚/藍子愛保養 本文網址 …
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lovecathcatherine · 1 year
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#有一種重量叫輕盈 純粹自然。輕盈無重飄逸秀髮 每日最享受嘅時刻就喺沖涼🚿 將一日嘅辛勞沖走 沖完涼洗完頭就會好Relax 最鍾意日本研發嘅Essential Purify鎖水淨化系列 🔹清爽防油光洗髮露 🔹清爽防油光護髮素 Essential Purify鎖水淨化系列嘅清爽防油光,零矽水漾,集中深層潔淨過盛油脂,4倍鎖水高度保濕,讓我嘅頭皮頭髮同時回復水油平衡,不再癢癢,保持清爽。頭頂不黏笠之餘髮尾不會乾旱,時刻水潤順滑, 易梳易打理, 重新感受有一種重量叫輕盈嘅感覺! 依家係HKTVmall都有得買啦:https://bit.lv/3basHch #EssentialHK #EssentialPurify #鎖水淨化系列 #清爽防油光 #日本研發 #天然修護 #有一種重量叫輕盈 @essential_hk #haircare #haircaretips #hkinfluencer #hkkol #hkigers (在 荃灣西約體育館) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkgFQpyJBHp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shoui950911 · 2 years
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回望來時路 總有默默守候的身影 S925純銀裸練陪妳長長久久 商品傳送門: https://www.shoui.com.tw/product_detail.php?id=4628 #銀鍊 #裸鍊 #鎖骨鍊 #S925 #可洗澡碰水 #抗敏抗氧 粉絲頁留言https://www.facebook.com/shoui.com.tw 超低優惠卷請留言 📌#我要好康折扣 🔖就能獲得好康折扣碼喔 批發請留言 📌 #批發入群 📝 https://reurl.cc/60gAW5 (在 守億飾品批發) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj4zvWmvI9_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tinihuang · 2 years
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上次四人合體外宿 已經是兩年前的事了😅 時間過得真的好快~ 這次的輕旅行 歡笑淚水是少不了但卻也很豐沛 同時一起共同解鎖不少成就🔓 感謝你們的這兩天的陪伴💕 希望下次見面合體的時候 我忙都可以更快樂更幸福👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 #實踐四人團 #久違的外宿旅行 #有淚水有汗水也有喜悅 #一起成為更好的自己 #台中 #大學同學 #成就解鎖 #輕旅行 #閨蜜 #bff #trip #taichung #gathering #yolo #life #cheers #goodvibes (at 台中巿) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci74xqvPxji/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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funatsumieko · 2 years
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ココナッツミルク🥥餅 残暑お見舞い申し上げます ココナッツミルクといえば 濃厚な甘さが唐辛子の辛さを マイルドに包み込むタイ🇹🇭の グリーンカレー🍛が有名ですが 効能が凄くて食べて 健康に良いスーパーフードです 今回はコーンスターチや豆乳 てんさい糖を加えて練り上げた トロピカルな甘さとモチモチな 食感が癖になるスイーツに🍨 🥝&🥭&黒蜜をかけて召し上がれ💕 #ココナッツミルク #ココナッツミルク餅 #グリーンカレー #免疫力アップ #ラウリン酸が豊富 #風邪予防 #抗酸化作用 #アンチエイジ効果 #中鎖脂肪酸 #糖尿病予防 #血糖値抑制 #コーンスターチ #豆乳 #てんさい糖 #黒蜜 #精進料理 #楓 #水巻町 (at Home made 精進 楓) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chwj_Lfvkti/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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x751206 · 2 years
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兵沒當過一天、槍沒拿過一天、手榴彈沒丟過一天。只會在推特上找台灣人打嘴砲,講不過就封鎖。 你國可真是武德充沛。:)
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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Fukuro mono (嚢物) purses and bags, chart by Nadeshico Rin.
Kimono don’t have pocket in the Western sense, and the easiest way of carrying something is to tuck it into your tamoto (袂, dangling pocket-like part of a kimono sleeve). But people also used many types of pouchesand cases to carry their trinkets, here are some which were used by Edo period city-deller women:
Kakemamori (懸守) amulet case, made from a cylindrical pouch slipped on a cord. In Middle Age, those pouches were put around the neck by pilgrims, mostly women, to carry gofu (talisman). Temples and sanctuaries sold amulets to facilitate childbirth, and counteract menstruation impurity (月水を穢), which was (still is nowadays) a big taboo in Japanese society. Other amulets existed, for example to protect one’s safety, or to ward off disasters. Kakemamori went through style changes but their use remained late into Meiji era.
Sage tabako ire (提げ煙草入れ) hanging tobacco pouch, put on by tucking the netsuke (根付 decorative toggle) into the obi, and adjusted with ojime (緒締, decorative closing bead). They were paired with kiseru 煙管 pipes, put away in tsutsu 筒 cases. Those pouches were used by men and women alike.
Tamoto otoshi (袂落とし) pocket sleeve pouches, put on around the neck over the underlayer, and accessed through the kimono sleeves openings. Several types existed, like kamiire ( 紙入れ small handbag, wallet), or straps holding handy tenugui towels. Those convenient pouches were used by men and women alike.
Kagami ire (鏡入れ) make-up pouch, often decorated with a hana kusari (華鎖, dangling charm), and holding several portable items: hake (刷毛, make-up brush), beni fude  (紅筆, lipstick brush​), beni ita (紅板, lipstick palette, the green hue is the mark of true safflower), oshiroi (白粉, face powder), tekagami (手鏡, handmirror), etc. Tbh, I found hard to distinguish modern kagamiire from hakoseko without being able to open them and check to content, especially as they can be a bit of both ^^;
Hakoseko (箱迫) women billfold-like clutch, slipped into the futokoro (bosom collar fold when a kimono is worn, just above a woman obi). Made from heavily decorated brocade, those were first used by women of the samurai class to carry kaishi (懐紙, tissue paper) and other small items like birabira kanzashi (びらびら簪, dangling hairpin) or nioi fukuro (匂い袋, perfume bag). Nowadays, those are mainly used for wedding or shichigosan attires.
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drlei-tw · 4 months
🍃 **ECOCERT有機認證** - 我們的保濕因子是由大自然的恩賜提煉而成,確保你使用的每一滴都是來自純淨綠意的愛護。放心使用,成就美麗肌膚的同時也愛護地球!
🌿 **鼠尾草的神奇魔法** - 鼠尾草,是大自然的保濕精靈,蘊含豐富的維生素和礦物質,能夠深層滋潤肌膚,讓你的肌膚回復彈性,散發健康光采。
✨ **長效保濕** - 乳液輕盈易推開,質地柔軟,迅速被肌膚吸收,持久鎖住水分,讓你一整天都擁有水潤明亮的肌膚。
【Line官方帳號】 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40jgk0510z
【YouTube連結】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvki73Mb7aX4eATgBgB9Hg
【🔗官方連結】 https://www.dr-lei.com/
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splatoonreblogger · 3 months
SRL Tourist Advisory Board with a heads-up from Mincemeat Metalworks:
"Thank you for your interest in our facilities. The metalworks will be closed from 1/22 at 4PM PT until 1/24 at 4PM PT for inventory and on-site inspection. We look forward to hosting you in the future."
「平素は格別のご高配を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。機材棚卸および場内設備点検のため、1/22(月) 午前9時から1/24(水) 午前11時の期間、作業場を閉鎖いたします。何卒ご理解ご協力の程、よろしくお願い申し上げます。」
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luminouslumity · 2 years
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Here's the backstory of the Pilgrims in accordance to the novel. Because at this point, I might as well!
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The monkey, the myth, the legend himself!
On the continent of East Pūrvavideha in the country of Àolái (傲來) atop Huāguǒshān (花果山)—Flower-Fruit Mountain—there lived monkey who hatched from stone, and being the only one in his troop to be brave (or impulsive) enough to rush through the local waterfall—what would become Shuǐlián Dòng (水帘洞), or Water-Curtain Cave—he's subsequently made the Hóuwáng (猴王), or Monkey King.
Years later, due to having an existential crises, he decides to go find the secret to immortality and eventually encounters an immortal named Pútí Zǔshī (菩提祖师), Patriarch Subodhi, whom Wùkōng would train under for ten years. Under his tutelage, the Monkey King received lessons on—among other things—human language and etiquette, calligraphy, philosophy, and magic. It was also Subodhi who gave Wùkōng his name, giving the following explanation:
"Though your features are not the most attractive, you do resemble a pignolia-eating monkey (husun). This gives me the idea of taking a surname for you from your appearance. I intended to call you by the name Hu. If I drop the animal radical from this word, what’s left is a compound made up of the two characters, gu and yue. Gu means aged and yue means female, but an aged female cannot reproduce. Therefore, it is better to give you the surname of Sun. If I drop the animal radical from this word, what we have left is the compound of zi and xi. Zi means a boy and xi means a baby, and that name exactly accords with the fundamental Doctrine of the Baby Boy. So your surname will be Sun."
The Patriarch said, “Within my tradition are twelve characters that have been used to name the pupils according to their divisions. You are one who belongs to the tenth generation."
"Which twelve characters are they?" asked the Monkey King.
The Patriarch replied, "They are: wide (guang), great (da), wise (zhi), intelligence (hui), true (zhen), conforming (ru), nature (xing), sea (hai), sharp (ying), wake-to (wu), complete (yuan), and awakening (jue). Your rank falls precisely on the word 'wake-to' (wu). You will hence be given the religious name ‘Wake-to-the-Void’ (wukong). All right?"
"Splendid! Splendid!" said the Monkey King, laughing. "Henceforth I shall be called Sun Wukong."
Eventually, Subodhi sent Sūn Wùkōng away after the monkey displayed his new transformation powers to his fellow disciples, but not before making him promise to not tell anyone where he had learned his abilities from.
Later, after returning to Flower Fruit Mountain and stopping the demon from further terrorizing their home, Sūn Wùkōng then travels to the East Sea for a weapon. Of course he soon obtains his famous golden staff—Rúyì Jīn Gū Bàng (如意金箍棒)—from Áo Guāng (敖光), but as for the rest of the items, he gets the phoenix-feathered cap—Fèngchìzǐjinguān (鳳翅紫金冠)—from Áo Qīn (敖欽), Dragon of the South, the cloud-stepping shoes—Ǒusībùyúnlǚ (藕絲步雲履)—from Áo Shùn (敖順), Dragon of the North, and the golden chainmail—Suǒ Zi Huángjīn Jiǎ (鎖子黃金甲)—from Áo Rùn, Dragon of the West.
Later, Monkey manages to cheat death itself by scratching out his name as well as those belonging to several other monkeys from one of the ledgers of the dead.
Finally grabbing the attention of the Jade Emperor, Wùkōng gets tasked by Heaven to become their BìMǎWēn (弼馬溫), the overseer of the imperial dragon-horses, in order to keep him out of trouble. And to his credit, he does an excellent job at it; as a result of this position, horses in general end up fearing and respecting him.
But then when Sūn Wùkōng realizes just how low of a position he's actually in, he abandons his post, proclaims himself Qítiān Dàshèng (齐天大圣)—Great Sage Equal to Heaven—and soon enough, he's at war with the entirety of the Celestial Host and later ends up becoming even more immortal than he already was. Long story short, he's soon bested by Buddha and gets trapped under Five Phases Mountain, Wǔhángshān (五行山), for the next five hundred years.
After being freed, he's given the Jīngūquān (金箍圈) to wear on his head to ensure his good behavior.
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Based on a real monk of the same name, Táng Xuánzàng (唐玄奘)—courtesy name Sēng (唐僧)—also called Táng Sānzàng or Tripiṭaka, was born to a man named Chén Guāngruǐ (陳光蕊) and a chief minister's daughter named Yīn Wēnjiāo (殷溫嬌), and even before going on the pilgrimage, this man has never known peace for very long. And neither have his parents.
For starters, in his first life, he was known as Jinchan Zi (金蝉子)—Golden Cicada—the second disciple of Buddha, but was so inattentive towards the lessons that he eventually entered a cycle of reincarnation as punishment; by the time he's born to the Chens, he'd already been through ten previous lives.
And then it gets worse.
Having been made governor of Jiāngzhōu (江州) shortly after the wedding, Chén Guāngruǐ and Yīn Wēnjiāo began to travel to their new home, only for Guāngruǐ to be killed by the boatmen who were supposed to take them there because one of them—Liú Hóng (劉洪)—wanted Wēnjiāo for himself. Fortunately, Guāngruǐ body is found by a yaksha loyal to the local Dragon King of Hóngjiāngkǒu (洪江口), whom Guāngruǐ had previously rescued while said Dragon King had been in the guise of a fish; repaying kindness with kindness, Guāngruǐ's soul was allowed to stay with the king until the time came for it to reunite with his body, which was given a preservative pearl so it wouldn't decay.
Meanwhile, after giving birth to a son, Wēnjiāo sends her baby down the river to save him from being killed by Liú Hóng, having been promised by the celestials that she'd be reunited with her family one day. This son is then found by Monk Fǎmíng (法明) of Jīnshān Temple (金山寺) and given the nickname Jiāng Liú (江流), River Float, as well as the religious name Xuánzàng, and after eighteen years of being oblivious to his true identity, he finally reunites with his mother and grandparents, gets Liú Hóng arrested, and then reunites with his father afterwards.
Anastasia AU, anyone?
Anyway, he's later selected to go on a journey to India, called Tiānzhú (天竺), to retrieve a set of Buddhist scriptures, becomes sworn brothers with Emperor Tàizōng (唐太宗) himself before leaving, and then eventually meets a certain mystic monkey who's been trapped under a mountain for five hundred years.
ÁO LIÈ (敖烈)
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Known as the Third Jade Dragon Prince and the White Dragon Horse, the son of Áo Rùn is never actually given a name in the original novel, but Liè is the most common in adaptations, and that's when he's given a name at all. But no matter what, his story remains more or less the same throughout—due to inadvertently setting his father's pearls and palace on fire, Áo Rùn reported him to the Jade Emperor, who sentenced him to be executed, but not before having Ao Liè lashed three hundred times first.
But of course, Liè was ultimately saved by Guānyīn a few days before he was set to be executed and was then tasked by her to carry Táng Sānzàng to the West before having his horns and scales taken off, only to regain them at the end of the journey. Being the second of the group Táng Sānzàng would meet, the encounter happens due to Liè eating the monk's original horse and a fight with Sun Wukong ensues until the matter gets resolved with Guānyīn's help.
Technically, he's never counted as an official disciple in the original book and neither Zhū Bājiè and Sha Wujing even realize Liè isn't a regular horse until two months after joining the group.
Other than that, Liè doesn't really do much as far as the original book is concerned, save for two instances. One is sometime after Sun Wukong had been banished the first time and everyone else in the group had been indisposed in some way by Huáng Páo Guài (黃袍怪), Yellow Robe Demon.
Everyone, that is, except for Áo Liè!
In order to save Sānzàng from this latest threat, he disguises himself as a palace maiden, tries to stab the demon while performing a sword dance and... loses. To the point of getting his leg injured.
It's okay, he did his best.
So Zhū Bājiè soon finds him hiding out, and after the pig demon attempts to quit the journey altogether, Áo Liè proceeds to give him one hell of a call out while also showing just how much faith he has in Sūn Wùkōng.
Once again, to quote the Anthony Yu translation (side note for those unfamiliar with Yu, Bājiè's name is given a literal translation, hence Eight Rules):
Idiot mounted the clouds quickly and went back to the city; in a little while, he reached the post-house. The moon was bright and people had become quiet at this time, but he searched the corridors in vain to find any trace of his master. All he saw was the white horse lying there: his whole body was soaked and on one of his hind legs was the mark of a bruise about the size of a pan. "This is doubly unfortunate!" said Eight Rules, greatly startled. "This loser hasn’t traveled. Why is he sweating like that, and with a bruise on his leg? It must be that some evil men have robbed our master, wounding the horse in the process."
The white horse recognized that it was Eight Rules; assuming human speech suddenly, he called out: "Elder Brother!" Idiot was so shaken that he fell on the ground. Pulling himself up, he was about to dash outside when the white horse caught hold of the monk’s robe by his teeth, saying again, "Elder Brother, don’t be afraid of me."
Idiot was so shaken that he fell on the ground. Pulling himself up, he was about to dash outside when the white horse caught hold of the monk’s robe by his teeth, saying again, "Elder Brother, don’t be afraid of me."
"Brother,' said Eight Rules, still shaking, "why are you talking today? When you talk like that, it has to mean that some great misfortune is about to befall us."
The little dragon said, "Did you know that Master had landed in a terrible ordeal?"
"No, I didn’t," said Eight Rules.
The little dragon said, "Of course, you didn't! You and Sha Monk were flaunting your abilities before the king, thinking that you could capture the demon and be rewarded for your merit. You didn't expect that the demon was so powerful and you were the ones no doubt who were beaten. At least one of you could have returned to give us the news, but there was not one word from either of you. That monster-spirit had changed himself into a handsome scholar and broken into the court to present himself to the king as an imperial relative. Our master was changed by him into a ferocious striped tiger, who was then taken captive by the officials and locked up in an iron cage in one of the palace chambers. When I heard how Master suffered, my heart felt as if it had been stabbed by a sword. But you were gone for nearly two days, and I was afraid that any further delay might mean that Master would be killed. So I had no choice but to change back into my dragon body to go and try to rescue him. When I reached the court, I couldn't find Master, but I met the monster in the Silver Peace Palace. I changed into the form of a palace maid, trying to deceive him. He asked me to do a sword dance, during which I tried to slash him. He escaped my blow and defeated me instead with a candelabrum. I tried desperately to hit him when I threw the sword at him, but he caught it instead and gave me a blow on my hind leg with that candelabrum. I dived into the imperial moat and saved my life; the bruise on my leg was caused by the candelabrum."
When Eight Rules heard these words, he said, "Is that all true?"
"You think I'm deceiving you?" said the little dragon.
Eight Rules asked, "What are we going to do? What are we going to do? Can you move at all?"
"If I can," said the little dragon, "what then?"
"If you can move at all," said Eight Rules, "move into the ocean then. Old Hog will pole the luggage back to the Old Gao Village to pick up my wife again."
When the little dragon heard this, he clamped his mouth onto Eight Rules's shirt and refused to let go. As tears fell from his eyes, he said, "Elder Brother, you mustn't become indolent."
"Why not?" said Eight Rules. "Brother Sha has already been caught by him, and I can't beat him. If we don't scatter now, what are we waiting for?"
The little dragon thought for some time before he spoke again, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Elder Brother, don't mention the word scatter. If you want to save Master, you have to go and ask a person to come here."
"Who is that?" asked Eight Rules.
The little dragon said, "You'd better hurry and mount the clouds to go to the Flower-Fruit Mountain, so that you can invite our Big Brother, Pilgrim Sun, to come back. Most certainly he has dharma power great enough to subdue this fiend and rescue Master, avenging at the same time the shame of our defeat."
"Brother," said Eight Rules, "let me go ask someone else. That monkey and I are not on the best of terms, you know. When he killed that Lady White Bone back there on the White Tiger Ridge, he was mad at me already for wheedling Master into reciting the Tight-Fillet Spell. I was just being frivolous, and I didn’t think that the old priest would really recite it and even banish him. I don't know how he hates me now, and I'm certain also that he won’t come back. Suppose we have a little argument then: that funeral staff of his is pretty heavy, you know. If he doesn't know any better at that moment and gives me a few strokes, you think I'll be able to live?"
The little dragon said, “He won't hit you, because he is a kind and just Monkey King. When you see him, don't say that Master is in peril; just tell him that Master is thinking of him and deceive him into coming. When he gets here and sees what's happening, he will not get mad. He will want most certainly to have it out with the monster-spirit instead. Then the demon will surely be caught and Master will be saved."
"All right, all right!" said Eight Rules. "You are so dedicated. If I don't go, it'll mean that I’m not dedicated. I'll go, and if indeed Pilgrim consents to come, I'll return with him. But if he is unwilling, then don't expect me, because I won't be coming back either."
"Go! Go!" said the little dragon. “He will certainly come."
Clearly the dragon is the true unsung hero of this story.
As for the second instance, long story short, Sūn Wùkōng wanted to make what he ended up calling the Elixer of Black Gold for an ailing king and needed Liè's help—in his horse form—for one of the ingredients.
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Originally holding the Heavenly title of Tiānpéng Yuánshuài (天篷元帅)—Marshall of the Heavenly Reeds—Zhū Wùnéng (猪悟能)—also known as Zhū Gāngliè (猪刚鬛) and Zhū Bājiè, and often given called Idiot, dāizi (呆子), was punished via reincarnation because he'd attempted to seduce the moon goddess Cháng'é (嫦娥), a massive no-no! In certain retellings, such as the 1996 version, this is expanded to him going through many lifetimes of tragic romances. Regardless, his soul eventually passes through the womb of a sow by accident, thus becoming the pig demon we know him as today.
The second of Táng Sānzàng's disciples, Zhū Wùnéng joins the pilgrimage after he kidnaps and marries a young woman from a wealthy family in Gāolǎozhuāng (高老莊) named Gāo Cuìlán (高翠蘭). Disguising himself as Cuìlán, Sūn Wùkōng eventually defeats Wùnéng in battle and he becomes a disciple afterwards, earning the name Bājiè (referring to the first eight of the ten Buddhist commandments) in the process.
Glutenous and selfish, Zhū Bājiè is often at odds with Sūn Wùkōng and also tries to find reasons to quit the pilgrimage on more than one occasion. His weapon is known as jiǔchǐdīngpá (九齒釘耙), the Nine-Toothed Rake.
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And last but not least, Shā Wùjìng! Once Juǎnlián Dàjiàng (捲簾大將), or Curtain-Raising General, in Heaven, Wùjìng was banished after he carelessly broke a crystal cup during the Festival of Immortal Peaches, and as such, was not only banished to the Mortal Realm as punishment, but was also sent flying swords to stab him every week. Growing desperate, he soon starts to eat any traveler who passes by his territory. Taking mercy upon him, Guānyīn tasks him with also accompanying the Táng Monk on his mission.
Eventually, the other pilgrims encounter Wùjìng, Wùkōng fights him for a bit, and then after that gets resolved, our heroes, having finally assembled, are all ready to carry on with their journey to the West. He also carries a staff.
You all know the rest: they traveled for the fourteen years in total (as opposed to the eighteen years it took the real Táng Xuánzàng), got the scriptures, Sānzàng completely forgot his promise to a turtle to ask Buddha about how much longer it would take for him to regain human form and so the Pilgrims were forced to swim to shore after being thrown overboard (no one ever say that older books can't be hilarious), and then they were all granted titles upon returning home: Táng Sānzàng and Sūn Wùkōng are made Zhāntán Gōngdé Fuó (旃檀功德佛) and Dòu Zhànshèng Fó (鬥戰勝佛), or Buddha of Candana Merit and Buddha Victorious in Strife, respectively, Zhū Bājiè is named Jìngtán Shǐzhě (淨壇使者), or Cleanser of the Altars, Shā Wùjìng becomes Jīnshēn Luóhàn (金身羅漢), or Golden-Bodied Arhat, and Ao Liè gets promoted to Bābùtiān Lóngmǎ (八部天龍馬), or Dragon Horse of the Eight Heavenly Sections.
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