mechadeimos · 2 months
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myonbl · 4 months
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四角や丸の幾何的な花を針金のような茎でつないだ模様 唐草模様を超現代的にしたような不思議な柄
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第10話「夢」/ The Dreamシーズン 1, エピソード 10 次回放送日: 2024/02/25(日)26:00〜 富豪のベネディクト・ファーリー氏からポワロに1��の手紙が届く。ポワロはファーリー氏を訪ね、彼から、毎晩同じ時間に自分を銃で撃つ夢を見る。既に医者 には相談している。君の意見が聞きたい、と相談を受ける。翌日、ファーリー氏が夢の話しの通り遺体で発見される。自殺か?他殺か?
第1話「エンドハウスの怪事件」/ Peril at End Houseシーズン 2, エピソード 1 次回放送日: 2024/03/03(日)16:00〜 ポワロとヘイスティングスは、海辺の町セント・ルーにやってくる。ホテルの庭で二人は岬にそびえる古い館エンドハウスの主ニックと知り合う。彼女は最近三度も事故にあって命拾いしていたが、今度はポワロの目の前で事故が起きた。
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moderndays · 6 months
京都市役所 ☆ 旧七夕会池坊全国華道展@家元道場・華道家元池坊 鑑賞 きょうのおかず 限定お昼ごはん(野菜せいろとだし巻き)
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tsugu京都三条 ☆ 顕道会館 ☆ kanra lounge(ホテルカンラ京都)
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旧七夕会池坊全国華道展@大丸ミュージアム 鑑賞 SOUSOU ☆…京都モダン建築祭 1Dayパスポート使用
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sou-tokyo · 2 years
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【日本の四季を美しく表現した丗SOUの東京茶】 皐月 vol.3 〜五月晴れ〜 「摘-tsumu-」(香茶) どこまでも清々しく天高い五月晴れ。 心が洗われるような自然光のきらめきに 生き生きと輝くのは人間も茶樹も一緒でしょうか。 今回ご紹介をするのは、丗SOUの「摘-tsumu-」(香茶)です。 丗SOUの「摘-tsumu-」(香茶)は「さやまかおり」という品種を使用しており 爽やかな香りが特徴の一番茶を贅沢に使用した緑茶です。 丗SOUの「摘-tsumu-」(香茶)は爽やかな香りに加えて 緑茶らしいフレッシュな味わいが特徴。 とっておきの「さやまかおり」の一番茶で豊かな時間をお過ごしください。 二煎目以降、変化が欲しいなという時は・・・ ・ティースプーン1杯程度の炒り玄米を加え、贅沢な玄米茶に ・ドライのバラの花びらを浮かべて など、高品質な東京茶のアレンジを愉しめます。 タイプ:ミドルボディ 旨味★★★ 香り★★★ 渋味★ インスタよりオンラインショップでお求め頂けます。 一袋 3TB入り 540円(税込)/3TB×3袋 1,640円(税込) 丗SOU-tealler 泉月 #皐月 #煎茶 #摘 #tsumu #さやまかおり #tealler #五月晴れ #玄米茶 #バラの花びら #アレンジティー #新茶 #新緑 #丗SOUチャンネル #ギフト #プチギフト #ギフトボックス #新宿 #東京 #丗SOU #tokyocha #丗 #東京茶 #japanesetea #greentea #tea #お茶 #日本茶 #shinjuku #Tokyo #umudesignInc https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDIsfprzdV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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minyare2906 · 2 months
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Title: Hanakoi Tsurane | Dance of Love | 花恋 つらね
Author/Artist: Natsume Isaku Rating: +18
Summary: The self-destructive type, Sougorou is the heir of one of the well-known families in the Kabuki world. He has no interests in other actors his age with the exception of Gensuke who he recognizes as his rival and never wants to lose no matter what. However, fate plays a cruel trick on him and the two of them end up as classmates… How will their relationship develop…?!
Chapter 65 Download/Read online: Here
Note: Good morning!!How are you today?
Now that the end of Hanakoi is approaching, I feel appy and sad at the same time. Happy because the end will not be excessively stretched and sad because, well, it's the end, I'm gonna miss those stupid lovebirds!!
Well, 4 chapters to go, let's enjoy them. I know that chapter 65 took a while, because of health problems among the crew. But it's finally here. Chapter 66 is in the proofreading state and I'm cleaning chapter 67, so, if there are no more problems, you'll have more chapters quite soon.
There's a cute love declaration from Gen and from Sou in this chapter that all of us have fallen in love with, hope you like it too because, believe, what lies ahead won't be so peaceful. So brace yourselves and enjoy the chapter!
Thanks a lot to Quietus for the raws and to Adamay and Toshirodragon for being the best companions for this journey, I couldn't ask for anyone better!
See you in chapter 66!! Have a great Sunday!
@cm-scans - @ikahomine
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rimicchan · 2 months
Your Melody & hanakotoba (language of flowers)
during the voice drama watch party livestream, hyuga (rimicha's seiyuu) mentioned the meaning of the sunflowers in the pv and how they may relate to his feelings for kirimi-chan. knowing that (and that hanakotoba seems to have some differences here and there) i decided to go down the rabbit hole
disclaimer: i don't know anything about flowers and guessed for some of them, also most of the sources (listed at the bottom of the post) seem to be wikis of sorts run by either a single person or a small group of people
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Sunflowers (ヒマワリ/himawari): As mentioned by Hyuga in the voice drama watch party livestream, they tend to mean "I'm looking at only you" and symbolise "longing".
Strelitzia reginae/bird of paradise flowers (極楽鳥花/gokuraku chouka): Pretty hard to translate, but according to my sources, it carries a negative connotation. The best it can probably be translated as is "a love which you are trying to show yourself bigger and better", according to my sources. (To be clear, what's being translated is 気取った愛, which the machine translation didn't give any clues for what it might mean, and a dictionary was somehow even more confusing.)
Oxalis corniculata/creeping woodsorrel (カタバミ/katabami): I honestly don't know if these are the right flowers, but they're the best guess I have for the small yellow flowers at the base of the bouquet. It seems to symbolise "a shining heart" and mean "to be with you".
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Geraniums (ゼラニウム/zeraniumu): I can't tell what type of geraniums they could be, but that doesn't seem to matter in hanakotoba anyways. Red geraniums in particular can represent "friendship", "determination", and "solace", and can carry the meaning "happiness when you're there".
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White roses (白いバラ/shiroi bara): Generally represents "purity" (in the "innocent" sense) and "heartfelt respect". It can have the meaning "I am suitable for you", but it seems it can also mean something like "beauty is your only appeal", which is... interesting.
Pink roses (ピンク色のバラ/pinku iro no bara): Seems to represent meanings like "kind heart", "satisfaction", "promising" (in the sense that one could have a "promising future"), and "elegance". It can also mean "first love" or "to be deeply moved".
White lilies (白いユリ/yuri): Again can represent "innocence", but can also represent "unmarked beauty" or "magnificence". It can also mean "a noble personality". (As a sidenote, I think people generally assume you mean a white lily if you just say "yuri".)
Pink lillies (ピンク色のユリ): Much easier than the above, but funnily enough can mean "insinuations" or "words or behaviour that hints at a deeper meaning​", and "vanity".
Asters (アスター/asutaa): White asters tend to represent "change" or "reminiscing", and can also mean "a heart that has faith".
Lupinus (ルピナス/rupinasu): They seem to represent "the (power of) imagination" or "being greedy", which is an interesting difference. They can also mean "always content" or "you are my comfort". The last one's kanji can also mean "peace of mind" or "tranquility", so that's what "comfort" means there.
Calluna vulgaris/heather (カルーナ/karuuna): My best guess for the smaller, darker pink long flowers. This one doesn't have many sources for hanakotoba I can find, so the meanings are probably nonexistant, but a few sites I can find are claiming it can mean "self-reliance", "integrity", and "departure".
Loropetalum chinense (白いトキワマンサク/shiroi tokiwamansaku): The best guess I have at the little white flowers with slim petals. This is another one where I had to go digging for other sources for the hanakotoba, so it might just be all made up. Anyway, it can represent "inspiration" or "mysterious powers", or mean "good luck charm" or "I want to love you" (not entirely sure about the last one).
Gypsophilia/baby breath (かすみソウ/kasumi sou): The very small white flowers (notable at the bottom of the bouquet). This is a later edit because someone I know figured it out. Anyway, white baby breath represent "a calm heart" or "a pure heart".
Specific sources for calluna vulgaris:
Specific source for loropetalum chinense:
Other sources for translation help:
Literally just a Japanese person I know
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souwoup · 8 days
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Sou's Ouji Record Blouse : Princess Loily Unnamed Size : Free Vest : Ugly.OV Size : Free Belt : 樱花家族 魔法研究学院 【Academy of Magic Research】 Size : S Shorts : 是只猫原创设计 玫瑰执事 【Rose Butler】 Size : M Wristcuffs : Pumpkin Cat 南瓜猫 Size : S (Cut from coat) Jabot : Thriftflipped
Personal Measurements as of time of photo : Shoulder : 35cm Waist : 65 cm Hips : 92 cm Height : 158 cm Weight : 49.8 kg
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ririya-translates · 10 months
Pixiv for Beginners
(Note: I wrote this for finding Jack Jeanne art but most of it is usable for finding Japanese fan art in general, including for other otome series)
Pixiv is a website primarily for Japanese speakers for both fan art and fanfic, both of which generally fit under the umbrella of "doujinshi" (同人誌). This word sometimes has connotations of being nsfw (r18) but there’s a lot of content that is cute fluff and all-ages (全年齢). 
While most of the content on the site is in Japanese, the site interface has an English version that makes it pretty easy to sign up and use. You can find the English site here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/
Mobile users can also find an app version: iOS | Android
Make an account like you would with any other site. Pretty standard.
Once you’re registered and logged in, you can start searching. For Jack Jeanne art, good tags to start with are ジャックジャンヌ and JACKJEANNE (all caps). You can choose to limit results to all ages, r18 only, or both. 
The ‘top’ tab gives you some of the best entries in the tag. Illustrations are likely the most useful category for non-Japanese speakers. Manga is, well, manga (machine translating these would require some sort of OCR program) and novels is the category it uses for fanfiction. The text is readable by browser machine translators and is compatible with automatic JP-EN dictionary lookup apps like Yomichan. Unfortunately, the pixiv search and tag features are not on the level of depth of something like AO3 but you can search for ship tags or specific character names. 
You can like and follow both creators and works both publicly (short click/tap) or privately (click/tap and hold).
The most popular JJ ships are between the main LIs + Kisa in the following order: Neji, Fumi, Mitsuki, Sou, Kai, Suzu (see previous post of JP ship names). But all of the characters have decent followings so you can usually find things, even for the side characters. I’ll attach the full list of character names in Japanese under the read line since this post is already pretty long. You can search for any of these on pixiv or even just Google and will likely find something. Here is a character list with images (JP).
Generally, you can find character name lists by searching the name of the game in Japanese (Wikipedia or VNDB can help you out) + キャラ一覧.
JJ character names in Japanese sorted by class:
Kisa  立花希佐
Fumi  高科更文
Kai  睦実介
Neji 根地黒門
Mitsuki 白田美ツ騎
Suzu 織巻寿々
Sou 世長創司郎
Otori  鳳京士
Kaidou  海堂岳信
Sugachi  菅知聖治
Kasai  加斎中
Toichi  長山登一
Dante  ダンテ軍平
Tsukasa  忍成司
Minorikawa  御法川基絃
Mare  忍成稀
Yuki  宇城由樹
Eita  鳥牧英太 
Ion   一ノ前衣音
Chuui  田中右宙為
Kamiya  紙屋写
Momonashi  百無客人
Enishi  江西録朗
Nagayama  長山山門
Midori  丹頂ミドリ
Tagane  箍子数弥
Chuza Shuri  中座秋吏
Non-Univeil Characters
Ao  茜あお
Mona  茂成秀吾
Akika  安西アキカ
Tummy  オナカ
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hibikore-archives · 7 months
よしもとかよ「日々是好日」。vol.118 (2023/10/11 + 10/18 )
2023   11th + 18th october  
M1 my love is like a red red rose (Eddi Reader)
  M2 秋 (Szaloki Agi)     M3 my betterhalf (Bobby McFerrin)
  M4 natural affection (Alice Babs)     M5 les feuilles (Austine)     M6 a quoi ca sert? (Francoise Hardy)     M7 an hini a garan (Denez Prigent)       M8 sous les ponts de Paris (Juliet Greco & Melody Gardot)  
< 好日の素…秋バラを愛でること >  
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  いつもは5月に バラの話をしている わたしなのですが、 この秋は 今までになく 庭のバラたちが 元気になっているものですから、 話さずにはいられない!ということで、 秋バラのことをテーマにした次第です。   というのも、 毎年5月のハイシーズンの後は 我が家のバラたちは 病害虫の問題が発生しやすく、 元気に秋を迎える、ということが ほとんどなかったのです。 加えて引っ越しや この夏の大変な暑さで、 期待していなかったところに 復活したものですから…。 つま��、初めての秋バラ!なわけです。   バラはざっくり分けて 5月ごろにだけ咲くものと 繰り返し咲くものがあり、 秋に咲くのは後者。 なんですが、この秋は 季節を間違えて 5月にだけ咲くものが花をつけていたりも。   傷んだ枝を思い切って しっかりめに剪定したり、 鉢の中の除草をこまめにしたり、といった ケアが功を奏した、と言ってもいいのかな。 バラはお世話をしたらしただけ、応えてくれる、という ご近所さんのことばは本当だな、と あらためて感じました。   ひとつ育て始めると その愛らしさとたくましさに ハマってしまい、 ロザリアンになっていく方も 少なくないのでは? 行楽シーズンでもありますし、 バラ園を訪ねてみたり、 園芸店でお気に入りを選んで 育ててみるのもいいかもしれません。      
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *   
< 日々是食べたい! … クイニー・アマン >
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  前回に引き続き こちらもまた 好みのものに出会えていない ジプシー案件なのです、クイニー・アマン。   フランスはブルターニュの 伝統的なお菓子。 ブルトン語で クイニーはケーキ、アマンはバターをさすそう。 その昔、小麦が不足していた時代に パン屋さんの失敗から生まれた おいしいものだとのこと。 
ベーカリーや洋菓子店のものから スーパーマーケットや コンビニで販売されているものまで、 見かけたら買って食べる、を 繰り返しています。 隣県から友人が 買ってきてくれたこともありました。   生地の食感や カラメルの部分のカリカリ感、 ほんのりバターの塩味、 そして ほどよい大きさなど、 好きなあんばいの クイニー・アマンに まだめぐりあえていないのです。   出会えていないなら…と 過去に一度だけ じぶんで作ろうと チャレンジしてみたこともあるのです…! これが、見事に失敗! 以来、買って食べるものの カテゴリーに入っています。   しかし、最近買った古本の フランス菓子のレシピ集に クイニー・アマンのレシピが 載っており… ほら、失敗から生まれたお菓子だって言うし… い、いや、やめておきなさいね、と じぶんを諫めるこの頃です…苦笑。 THE ハイカロリー、ではありますが やっぱり魅力的なお菓子のひとつ。 現地ブルターニュでは プロポーズの際に贈った、というお話も あるそうで、 おいしい上に ロマンチックだなんて!と ますます気になる一品なのです。
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mechadeimos · 6 months
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myonbl · 4 months
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桂文珍 落語「猫の忠信」
初回放送日: 2024年1月14日 桂文珍さんの落語「猫の忠信」をお送りします(令和5年11月9日(木)NHK大阪ホールで収録)【あらすじ】浄瑠璃の師匠・お静の稽古に通う次郎吉。お静と常吉の噂を耳にし、半信半疑で稽古屋をのぞくと二人でいちゃついていた。次郎吉はすぐに常吉の女房・おとわに報告すると、おとわは一瞬腹を立てたが、すぐに冷静さを取り戻す。なんと常吉は奥の部屋で寝ていたのだ。そこで、次郎吉と常吉が稽古屋へ行き、中をのぞくと…。
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aikoalabama · 2 months
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Cherry blossom viewing date with a beautiful legged lady "Stunning Leggy Beauties: Cherry Blossom Date" Description: Dive into the enchanting world of cherry blossoms with our mesmerizing compilation video, "Stunning Leggy Beauties: Cherry Blossom Date." Immerse yourself in the beauty of spring as gorgeous leggy ladies grace the screen, radiating elegance and charm. Join us on a virtual cherry blossom date with these captivating beauties as they stroll through picturesque parks, showcasing their flawless legs and captivating smiles. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the magic of cherry blossoms with our charming companions! Titre : "Belles Jambes Sublimes : Rendez-vous sous les Cerisiers" Description : Plongez dans le monde enchanteur des cerisiers en fleurs avec notre vidéo de compilation envoûtante, "Belles Jambes Sublimes : Rendez-vous sous les Cerisiers." Immergez-vous dans la beauté du printemps alors que de magnifiques jeunes femmes aux jambes sublimes embellissent l'écran, rayonnant d'élégance et de charme. Rejoignez-nous pour un rendez-vous virtuel sous les cerisiers avec ces beautés captivantes alors qu'elles déambulent dans des parcs pittoresques, exhibant leurs jambes impeccables et leurs sourires envoûtants. Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vivre la magie des cerisiers en fleurs avec nos charmantes compagnes ! 标题:《美腿佳人:樱花约会》 描述:通过我们迷人的合集视频《美腿佳人:樱花约会》,沉浸在樱花的迷人世界中。美丽的美腿女士们散发着优雅和魅力,将您带入春天的美丽景象。跟随我们和这些迷人的佳丽一起虚拟约会,她们漫步在风景如画的公园中,展示着完美的美腿和迷人的微笑。不要错过与我们迷人的伴侣一起体验樱花的魔力的机会! शीर्षक: "शानदार पैरों वाली सुंदरता: चेरी ब्लॉसम डेट" विवरण: हमारे मोहक संयोजन वीडियो, "शानदार पैरों वाली सुंदरता: चेरी ब्लॉसम डेट" के साथ चेरी ब्लॉसम की रमणीय दुनिया में डाइव करें। आकर्षक पैरों वाली सुंदरता के साथ, स्प्रिंग की सुंदरता में डूब जाएं। हमारे आकर्षक साथियों के साथ वर्चुअल चेरी ब्लॉसम डेट पर जुड़ें जब वे चित्रस्थल बागों में सैर करते हैं, अपनी दोषहीन पैरों और मोहक मुस्कान का प्रदर्शन करते हैं। हमारे आकर्षक साथियों के साथ चेरी ब्लॉसम की जादू से भरी महसूस करने का मौका न छूटने दें! #LeggyBeauty #HanamiDate #BeautifulWomen #AIphotos #FashionModel #BelleJambes #RendezvousHanami #FemmesMagnifiques #PhotosIA #MannequinMode #美腿美女 #赏花约会 #美女 #AI照片 #时尚模特 #美腿美女 #花見デート #美しい女性 #AI写真 #ファッションモデル
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piatte · 5 months
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Otto mo musuko mo oshuutomesan mo binkosan mo yasashii.
Otto ha hana wo sodate-hajimeta. Chouchou mo sodatete shizen ni kaeshitai sou da.
Kazoku de nemuru koto ga totemo koufuku da.
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thegoldenorb · 11 months
The Kids and Main Pairings in the ‘JGS kicks it’ AU aka Five Weddings and a Funeral
Okay, I haven’t talked about this AU much, but I’ve been writing all day so I thought I’d take a break and tell you a little about it.
This post is mainly about the kids, but the gist of the AU is that Jin Guangshan dies after the Flower Banquet under ~mysterious~ circumstances and then it’s canon divergence everybody lives from there babyyyy.
The story will be seven arcs over 35 chapters. And there are five main pairings and a bunch of side pairings.
It’s not posted anywhere yet, and tbh I have no idea when it will be. I want to finish it before I start posting it, and my estimates say I’m only about a quarter of the way finished.
Anywho, this AU has a lot going on, and one of those things is all the OC children I created for everyone (No Mpreg. Y’all know I’m a sucker for adoption).
I made so many and some of them literally don’t show up until the epilogue. They’re not the most important part of the AU, but they are one of the things I had the most fun with.
If anyone wants full profiles of anyone, I love talking about all of them, so I’d be more than happy to oblige. Or if you have questions about the AU, feel free to shoot me an ask.
🟣 Adopted Child
🔵 Biological Child
The kids under each pairing are listed in age order, starting from the oldest, and the Jin daughters are twins.
Arc One: Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao
♂Lan Fan (蓝反 / "Blue," "Contrary"), future courtesy name, Jingyi (景仪 / "Scenery," "Appearance")
Arc Two: Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan
♂Jin Ling (金凌 / "Gold," "To Rise Above"), future courtesy name, Rulan (如兰 / "Like an Orchid")
♀Jin Zhu (金珠 / "Gold," "Pearl"), future courtesy name, Rumeng (如夢 / "Like a Dream")
♀Jin Yu (金玉 / “Gold,” “Jade”), future courtesy name, Ruhuo (如火 / “Like Fire”)
Arc Three: Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing (Queerplatonically)
♀Jiang Fei (江飛 / "River," "To Fly"), future courtesy name, Haoyue (皓月 / "Bright Moon")
♂ Jiang Yun (江雲 / "River," "Cloud"), future courtesy name, Luori (落日 / "Setting Sun")
Arc Five*: Nie Mingjue/Qin Su
♂ Nie Xiao (聂瀟 / "To Whisper," "Sound of Beating Wind and Rain"), future courtesy name, Yuhuo (雨后 / "Rain," "After")
♀ Nie Sou (聂飕 / "To Whisper," "Sound of Wind"), courtesy name, Fenglang (风浪 / "Stormy Waves")
Arc Six: Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
♂ Wen Yuan (温苑 / "Lukewarm," "Park"), future courtesy name, Wei Sizhui (魏思追 / "Tower Over a Palace Gateway; From Radicals 鬼 'Ghost' & 委 'To Entrust'," "To Recollect and Long For")
♀ Liu An (柳暗 / "Willow," "To Eclipse"), future courtesy name, Wei Huaming (魏花明 / "Tower Over a Palace Gateway; From Radicals 鬼 'Ghost' & 委 'To Entrust'," "Flower," "Light"). Her name comes from the Chinese idiom, 柳暗花明 (liǔ àn huā míng), meaning "the willow trees make the shade, the flowers give the light," or "at one's darkest hour, a glimmer of hope."
♀ Yue Qiang (樂薔 / "Melody," "Wild Rose"), future courtesy name, Wei Zaoxia (魏早霞 / "Tower Over a Palace Gateway; From Radicals 鬼 'Ghost' & 委 'To Entrust'," "Vibrant Clouds at Dawn")
♂ Qiu Ju (秋菊 / "Autumn," "Chrysanthemum"), future courtesy name, Wei Aoshuang (魏傲霜 / "Tower Over a Palace Gateway; From Radicals 鬼 'Ghost' & 委 'To Entrust'," "To Defy," "Frost"). His name comes from the Chinese idiom, 秋菊傲霜 (qiū jú ào shuāng), meaning "the autumn chrysanthemum braves the frost," referring to the strength one gains from adversity.
*Arc Four has no main pairing. Arc Seven is hard to explain, and doesn’t have any OC kids.
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
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February was busier than January (how can it possibly be busier? ^^), but having habits in place makes it easier to study Japanese daily. I tried focusing on Reading skills in January and Listening skills in February, and I enjoyed having a specific area to focus on, so I think I will continue to focus on a specific skill area each month.
My 2023 Goals Progress
I laid out some broad goals for my Japanese study in my 2023 Japanese Language Goals post, so here I will update my progress towards these goals.
1. Read one page a day of 日本の歴史366 (にほんのれきし366) everyday in 2023.
Going very well! I have been keeping up (I fell behind once and it took a while to catch back up after only 2 days) and I take notes on vocabulary I don't know.
2. Finish 日本語総まとめ N3 (にほんごそうまとめ N3) workbooks.
I haven't had as much time to go through the Sou-matome N3 workbooks as I would like, but I hope that once work calms down in mid-March I can make more progress on them.
3. Review and learn the first 6 levels of the 常用漢字 (じょうようかんじ), specifically the 教育漢字 (きょういくかんじ) up to grade 6.
I haven't been tackling the Joyo Kanji as much as I had hoped, and instead I have been working with kanji from my readings, so I will again try to bring this goal to the forefront for my March studies.
4. Read at least one book every two months.
I definitely took on too many books in January, and in February I still struggled to get through them. I haven't finished any of the books I wanted to, but I also haven't picked up any new books. One of the books I have been going through and recording the vocabulary I don't know page-by-page, so that is taking up a lot of time. I hope to finish it by April, and perhaps take some time to read manga (and not vocabulary-mine) in between.
5. Improve my speaking and writing by finding a tutor.
This goal is still on hold until April due to work. I am trying to write in the meantime though, and then I hope to search for a tutor on italki and make a weekly tutoring schedule.
6. Study Japanese for at least 10 minutes a day.
Going strong! Having a 10 minute goal often leads to a jumping-off point where I spend more time than I had intended on studying Japanese. This isn't a bad thing, but I find that I am more often actively studying Japanese in place of watching shows or consuming other media, and sometimes I need to remind myself to take a break ^.^
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February Study Log
Compared with January, my study time with each skill area hasn't varied too greatly. That being said, I spent relatively less time with vocabulary and kanji, and more time with reading, grammar, writing, and speaking.
Vocabulary & Kanji - I am still going strong with vocabulary and kanji, thanks to flashcards and vocabulary mining from reading.
Vocabulary & Kanji flash cards (renshuu.org)
言葉で遊ぼう (Japanese wordle)
Reading - I have started off strong with reading, although I've probably taken on more reading material than I have time for. Books I am currently reading:
コンビニ人間 - started in December 2022 (22% done - currently on pause)
満月珈琲店の星詠み - started Jan. 1st (23% done)
花野井くんと恋の病 (manga) - started Jan. 1st (30% done - currently on pause)
Listening - I focused on listening to podcasts in February, especially during my commute. I have done JLPT-focused listening practice a couple of times this month and will try to do one JLPT listening practice a week going forward.
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Going Forward in March
Study 常用漢字 more frequently and purposefully
Focus on my Writing in March by writing one sentence every day (and getting them corrected at the end of the week)
Try out a new app - I've downloaded a few different apps that I would like to try out in some detail
Read 満月珈琲店の星詠み to the halfway point
I feel like this year is already flying by, so I am trying to be very mindful and conscientious of what I am studying. I am trying to keep my goals manageable for the time I have available and the things that I want to accomplish. Working towards what you want to accomplish is important, but don't forget to take time to do something fun and take a break every once in a while!
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souwoup · 11 days
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Sou's Ouji Record Blouse : ZJ Story 龙骨墓园 【Graveyard of the Dragons】 Size : M Vest : Ugly.OV Size : Free Belt : 樱花家族 魔法研究学院 【Academy of Magic Research】 Size : S Shorts : 是只猫原创设计 玫瑰执事 【Rose Butler】 Size : M
Personal Measurements as of time of photo : Shoulder : 35cm Waist : 65 cm Hips : 92 cm Height : 158 cm Weight : 49.8 kg
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