#⭐ 〈  PSA.
xxlordalexanderxx · 3 months
Shipping with Alexander moving forward..
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After all that has gone down in the rpc these past two days I'm def going to be super super selective with who I ship with, chemistry or not. The first sign of you taking a ship we have too seriously to the point that you're treating it as if we are actually in a relationship, I'm taking my boy, and peacing out.
Also aside from what I've already got going down with friends I'm no longer going to be entertaining marriage and the possibility of children with Alexander. So anyone who I have already establish stuff like that is fine, we can still go along with our plans but any future possibility of that with new folks is very very slim to not happening.
The fact that one of my good friends nearly got bullied out of the community over a fucking fake relationship with characters that don't exist was enough to traumatize me into no longer wanting to do these things with others anymore.
They can date, they can fuck, they can be cozy, but no more marriages ( other than what I have potentially in the future with another muse) and def no biological kids with anyone, unless Alexander adopts a kid muse of yours and if that kind of dynamic develops.
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liightaga · 4 months
Plotting call!
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This is the perfect chance to interact with Sora if you want to! I'm capping at 3 so make sure to get a heart in!
With a threat on the rise in his new home, the Keyblade's Chosen will put himself out on the line to assist in any way possible. Expect him to be helping with evacuation and helping others identify any problem or solution to this outbreak.
Sora will 100% be infected with the moss and although he knows it's creeping up on him, he wants to make sure he can help others and keep others safe before he figures himself out first.
With his friends always being on his mind, both the good and the bad will creep up on him. Be wary if you and Sora grow attached. It may not end well for Keyboy...
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shimmeringopulence · 4 months
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Just a heads up, as along as I don't got the go ahead to have Alexander do anything explicit with your character aka fuck them and anything along those lines? I will only default to fading to black or keeping things suggestive. I'm fine with going all out but only if I got permission too. So just ask, a closed mouth will not get fed.
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hazyaltcare · 9 months
HAHC Mods' Requests
Yes, you read that right - some of the mods would love to do specific kinds of requests, so please send them in! ;3c
Mod Haze: Color-picked flags, name suggestions, sprite edits
Mod Vintage: Drawings
(other mods, feel free to add)
Mod Vintage (⭐)
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praemoniitus · 9 months
tag dump III
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pomplalamoose · 9 months
⭐Luke Skywalker Masterlist⭐
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Requests for any kind of Luke headcanons and ideas are currently closed⭐
find the updated psa regarding this here
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Counting Stars
Luke and gentle dominance
headcanons and ideas
let me fall asleep in your arms
waning dreams
a problem difficult at night
two possibilities (smut)
Master Luke Skywalker
to love from afar & bonus chapter
Dilf Luke - modern day AU
headcanons / story draft
story draft part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
spending a December with Luke
Mistletoe Misery
a relationship's development
✨asks, requests, ideas, etc.✨
relationship / x reader headcanons
pre ANH Luke: x reader hc's
ANH Luke: x reader hc's
ESB Luke: relationship hc's
ESB Luke: x reader on Hoth
ROTJ Luke: relationship hc's
post ROTJ Luke: x Force sensitive!reader
post ROTJ Luke pt. 2
post ROTJ Luke pt. 3
TboBF Luke: dating hc's
Sith!Luke: x reader hc's (slightly nsfw)
Dilf!Luke x reader fluff: hc's & a drabble
general Luke headcanons
ANH Luke after joining the rebellion hc's
Endor Luke hc's
random Luke hc's (slightly nsfw)
random Luke hc's pt. 2 (slightly nsfw)
random Luke hc's pt. 3
fluffy, lighthearted Luke hc's
domestic Luke hc's
Sith!Luke and the light side
Dilf!Luke thoughts
nsfw Dilf!Luke hc's
Luke x a reader with mental health issues 1 & 2
Luke with a neurodivergent reader
Luke with a mute reader
situational Luke requests
making out with Luke
teasing Luke by obviously flirting with him (nsfw)
you're stuck on a tropical planet (smut)
enemies to lovers hc's
friends to lovers hc's: rebel pilot!reader
Luke's reaction to you wanting a child
Luke with a partner on their period 1 & 2
Luke being clingy after your first time
wearing Luke's shirt hc's (slightly nsfw)
spending your honeymoon with Luke
Dilf!Luke dreams of you (smut)
Dilf!Luke being jealous
breaking down in front of Luke
Dilf!Luke being your work husband
resting your head on Luke's shoulder
Dilf!Luke: what if...?
...he was happier and less traumatized
...his child was much younger than you
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enruiinas · 4 months
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⭐ RANDOM PSA / QUESTION FOR MUTUALS that's been on my mind: ⭐
I know a lot of my mutuals I chat ooc with regularly are okay with multiple ongoing projects and have the same "if you want to send the thing, send the thing" mindset, but a lot of the times when I'm in my meh places and can't find my words I still want to send out memes/unprompted things or approach people about potential interaction ideas. If you have any thoughts to share on this I'd love to hear them, but this is basically my way of asking (for my reference):
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xxlordalexanderxx · 3 months
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Just a heads up my activity will be spotty this week, just busy with work and kinda sorta a second passive job I've picked up as well. Not to mention two games I'm waiting for to drop this week. I'll mostly be working through the queue if I have energy to write. For now I'll only answer short form stuff when I have the time and spoons.
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liightaga · 7 months
Tag Dump!
⭐ooc. / mun. || ⭐ask. / wonders. || ⭐open starter. / side quest. || ⭐starter call. / main quest || ⭐meme. / fun and games. || ⭐psa. / hey guys! || ⭐aes. / poupu and seashells || ⭐queue. / gummy ship adventures. || ⭐ic. / keyblade's chosen. || ⭐crack. / aww come on! || ⭐hc. / heart of light. || ⭐thread. / closed || ⭐thread. / open || ⭐musings. / a scattered dream. || ⭐dash comm. / freeing hearts.
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noszle · 10 months
Pinned Post~
Hey I'm Noszle! Howdy 👋
I'm a hobby artist and post a variety of things, but these days I post a lot of Character/NPC art that I create for the table top games that I run.
PSA - If you want to use a particular character(s) in your own game PLEASE ASK first! (In a message, ask, email, etc.)
In most cases it is alright with me, however some of these characters are either Player Character's art that I've done for my players OR an NPC that is very important to one of my Player's Characters. And in these cases I ask that you don't use them.
If people are interested in the NPC art I draw, I may consider selling them in Packs on Gumroad or opening a Patreon
⭐Thank you for reading! ⭐
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I hope you have a lovely day 💚🍵
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pumpkzsafeplace · 9 months
anon questions 💌: agere friendly fitness <3. - someone asked about agere and fitness, so i thought i'd make a little list of agere friendly fitness types! let's go! <3
psa: fitness is a choice! do what makes you happy! <3
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walking mv's. ⭐
walking mv's are one of my favourite things to do! especially if it's windy! you bascially create like a 'main character' playlist & just become the main character for a moment on your walk. play around with your friends, or even rock the carpet solo as you become the main character in your made up world! <3
❀•°❀°•❀ colour treasurehunt.🌙
colour treasurehunt is something that i saw on tiktok and looks super duper fun! (so credit to them) you bascially get an egg carton and colour it in with a range of different colours, then you go outside and collect plants that match those colours! you can play some music, take some pictures of cute flowers and just enjoy the moment and nature <3
❀•°❀°•❀ put on a show. ⭐
dance like nobody is watching, just let your body move to the groove of the music in it's own way. it doesn't need to be perfect! art is subjective so move and dance however you want- this usually helps me after a particularly bad epsiode. i'll just put on a playlist and become a performer hehe <3
❀•°❀°•❀ do what's comfortable to you 🌙
fitness (in my eyes) should be all about you. do what you can do and do what you find enjoyable. don't do it because other people force you too, create your own path & enjoy every minute of it <3.
and for those who dont work out every day or can't due to other circumstances, don't worry about it okay? you're doing the best you can. you don't need to work out every day to be perfect- do what makes you happy <3.
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gif isn't mine
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iamtheweirdomister · 6 months
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PSA the more you know 🌈⭐ This way I can always find it when some idiot is like FREE SPEECH. Fuck cancel culture, yada yada yada. Yes, please, say how you really feel so that it's abundantly clear where you stand. Then watch the consequences.
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simonsnowsfreckles · 10 months
⭐ psa! ⭐
i am going to take a short break from Tumblr as i start as a transfer student at a university! im quite busy with getting ready for classes, so ill be less active on here.
love you all, wish me luck! 🤞🏼🍀
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grumpytrans · 10 months
⭐ psa! ⭐
hello my friendlies ❤️
i am going to take a short break from Tumblr as i start as a transfer student at a university! im quite busy with getting ready for classes, so ill be less active on here.
love you all, wish me luck! 🤞🏼🍀
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pomplalamoose · 3 months
⭐quick psa⭐
Hello lovely people!!! I thought about addressing this for quite some time now because I was and am still not sure how to say this best BUT here we are, so let's get it over with:
Recently life has not been kind to me and it really is a lot to deal with
Still I'm seeing your requests and am working on those I haven't answered yet as I appreciate them dearly and I can't wait until I get around to finally posting them. Due to my current state however, I can't say when this will be, especially because I do want to put in the same effort I always do. I trust that you'll understand and bear with me until things get easier again.
Most importantly though: despite everything all of you are always welcome to ask questions, to share your ideas and/or feedback or to simply stop by to say hi. I'm always more than happy to hear from you🩵🩵🩵 MWUAH
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boundless-goodness · 2 years
⬇️ Deep questions ⬇️
PSA: Listen to these for better experience 🎶
🔮 If you could visit the future, when would you go to?
🕰️ If you could visit the past, when would you go to?
👻 Is something else in charge of your mind? /sometimes? /some parts? /who? /what?
🙏 If faced with God right now, how would He judge you?
⚡ What was the most intense emotion(s) you've ever felt all at once? What happened?
🪐 If Earth had to be evacuated, how would you react to living on a different planet?
🌠 What's one thing you want more than anything in the world?
👽 If aliens visited Earth and came to you, what would you tell them about the human race?
❤️ Who is the most important person/people to you? Why?
💔 How would you react to losing them?
🧞‍♀️ Do you believe in ghosts? Or anything else paranormal? Why?
💫 When didn't life feel real? What went down?
💭 What was the weirdest dream you ever had?
✝️ If today was your last day, what would you do?
💪 What or who would/will you fight for until the day you die?
🤷‍♂️ Would it be better to be hated or forgotten? Why?
✨ What's something that somebody said to you that made you feel special?
🔥 How do you deal with anger or sadness?
🍃 If you met yourself, how would you react?
⭐ What are your top 3 priorities in life?
💧 Who would cry most at your funeral?
🙌 Who do you think owes you the biggest apology and why?
🎟️ If you had tickets to see a movie that played the rest of your life in 90 minutes, would you go?
🎈 If you could restart life, would you?
👍 What's the best advice you've ever got?
👁️ Who do you want to see more of? Why?
🏡 Where is your home? (not your house, but your home)
💥 Are humans better at creating or destroying?
⌛ If you died right now, would you have any regrets or grudges?
🍀 Do you think there's anything after death?
🥂 If you could take one person out to dinner and have a long talk with them, who would you choose and why?
😊 What are some little things that make you happy? What are some that make you sad? Angry? Motivated?
🌾 What would you like to experience for the first time again?
🗣️ What's something you've wanted to tell someone but haven't had the courage to? What and to whom?
🧒 What's your most beloved childhood memory?
😱 What's your greatest fear? Has/will it ever come true?
💡 What has life taught you recently?
🦋 Do you believe that you are worthy? Why/why not?
😍 What is the most desirable trait someone can possess?
😓 Who's one person who you would do anything for but you know they wouldn't do the same for you?
🚫 If you died right now, what would you regret not doing?
💞 Do you believe in soulmates? + have you ever had one?
🤔 What's the hardest decision you've ever had to make?
😰 What's the worst decision you've ever made?
🙊 What do you really really regret?
😔 Who do you miss the most?
😖 Are you much too young for what you've gone through?
💢 Have you ever wanted to talk to someone or even just text them but couldn't, because they don't want you anymore?
(that's the worst shi right there 🤜)
Now imagine you're sitting on the side of your bed, face in your hands, elbows on your knees. Your eyes point to the floor but you're not looking at anything in particular.
Your room is dimm, outside is nearly dark. Your mind starts to wander. You imagine people from the past sitting next to you on the bed when in reality you're completely alone in your room.
You wonder what could've been.
What you could've said. How things may have been different if you did.
You reminisce about old times, and then you remember the present.
How things have all changed. Nothing is as it used to be, yet in a way it feels exactly the same.
The person you're imagining next to you is still sitting there, hunched over as are you. Neither of you say a word but there's the noise of a thousand cities in your heads.
You get swings of hope that quickly become unrealistic.
You sit there, unaware of the concept of time. You're just deep in thought, unconsciously tuning out every other sound.
Then, you awake from your trance-like state and look around your room as if gazing upon it for the first time again. All the noise in your head switches off like a light.
You get up and walk out of your room to make a drink, still a bit dazed from your unplanned deep thinking session. You feel none the wiser now than before.
Feel free to anon if you need to vent <3
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