#’fucked up??!!’ and it’s stuff that literally happened to enslaved people already. I realized after reading the book
starredforlife · 1 year
read the deep by nick cutter and tender is the flesh by agustina bazterrica. I think some of y’all are lying abt which books are good. Not for squeamish reasons bc the horror was the best stuff from both the books !! just because um. the writing is either not good or the message is super straightforward. idk idk
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Hi there.
There is so much wrong with nearly every recent post you’ve made. Let’s list them:
1: You publicly insult someone’s innocent headcanons by screenshooting them and not including them in the post.
2: When people call out your problematic behavior, you find ways to defend yourself when it’s behavior that’s super bad.
3: You continue to harass people when they again, call you out on horrible behavior.
I used to be a fan of ours. You were a bit assertive, but it wasn’t that bad. When I realized how you act toward to other people, I realized I can’t associate myself with someone who’s a real jerk toward other people.
If you don’t like a headcanon, don’t interact with it. If you do, don’t shame them for thinking differently than you. Instead, if you do interact, say you don’t agree, give your own headcanon on the subject, and say you respectfully disagree. That’s how it’s supposed to be. It would be boring if people thought the same way. I’ve seen a ton of headcanons I disagree with, and I’m still respectful toward the creator.
More than likely your blog will be one of the first people discover when they get into the fandom. I know this because this happened to me. Your behavior will paint the image that the entirety of the Ben 10 fandom are all jerks
Also, this whole “racist” this is total BS. I can’t even understand how you came up with that statement. You do realize that cracker means a bragging liar? Literally no idea where you came up with that.
I’ll end this with a question. Do you really want to be known as the “Ben 10 Diva?” Because that’s what everyone I’ve interacted with knows you as.
I really hope you realize what you’re doing is wrong, because, as I said before, I really was a fan, but I just couldn’t continue after I realized what an awful person you are. Same goes with your friend @xcatxgirlx. Seeing how nasty you two are to other people just really sat wrong with me.
Thank you.
Lmao. What.
Cracker was CLEARLY used in a racial manner by @littlemisstfp she literally has a history of using race in front of shit as if it makes her remarks any more cutting.
Cracker is a slur too don't try to act ignorant.
Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a white person in the South, especially a poor white living in some rural parts of the southeastern U.S.
I wouldn't call any headcanons that support anti LGBTQ+ views for a peacekeeping organization innocent neither of ones that paint a whole species as bigots that practically enslave another race (one they created no less) when both views would NECESSITATE the person headcanoning it to cherry pick disjointed evidence, ignore or straight up make up context, and purposely act like said conclusions are Obviously Right™.
I've literally already explained what the screenshots are for multiple times, which YOU'D KNOW if you actually read my posts.
Here let me quote one instance lmao.
"Also I've said it before but screenshots are for preservation purposes and context clarification so no party can say the things said weren't said."
Lmao oh yes clearly @xcatxgirlx and myself are the nasty ones not the racists that randomly call people slurs or continually insult other people or pile up on you when you disagree with the absurd delusional notion that all of a given media is Copoganda. Cleeeeeeeeearly.
I quite frankly don't give a single fuck what people refer to me as. You can hate me to your dying breath and I wouldn't give a single shit nor lose any sleep over it.
Also thanks for reminding me people might stumble upon my blog first when looking up Ben 10 stuff! I'll pin this post now so people can see my views and how I don't tolerate shit like racism.
Since as I've said before calling them out for being racist IS NECESSARY. No one should be unaware of terrible shit like this and if you disagree you're LITERALLY part of the problem and how shit like racism spreads.
Also it's hilarious you think MY behavior will do that when a prolific Ben 10 writer has straight up said she is thinking about leaving due to the toxic views of a small minority.
My behavior has never been the problem and neither has @xcatxgirlx or @noctisimperialistic. It's a small echo chamber that gangs up on people and propagates bs and pedals it as Obvious Facts™.
I'm editing this post to further shine a light on the racists, racist apologists, and general deniers of white people being able to be targets of racism/cracker being a slur. I would link to specific posts but that's too much effort on my part. Considering a number of them have started to try and Kung Pow Penis troll me I really don't think they deserve the effort if they can't even troll me with honest effort. I'm sure more are to come out of the woodworks though so this list will definitely be updated in the future.
To those below and those that agree with any of their racist sentiments.
All racism is just as bad as any other, no matter the race it's pointed at. Just like all sexism is equally bad. Just like how all agism is equally bad.
YOU DON'T GET TO CHERRY PICK CAUSES AND THINGS THAT "ACTUALLY HURT" BECAUSE THE WORLD DOESN'T END WITH YOU. To say otherwise is fucking disgusting and shows a complete lack of empathy and care for your fellow human beings.
A showcase of how terrible @transwiththeplans really is, lightyears ahead of anyone else on that list
For any if you complaining about being put on the list or viewing it as harassment (lmao) let me enlighten you on how being guilty by association works
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woulddieforloki · 3 years
Imagine if WandaVision, FATWS, and Loki all just had one mega crossover episode - all I ask for is just one episode with all of them together, don't even care if it makes sense, I just think they would all either have fun or blow up a continent and either way I would watch it
- Loki and Sylvie don't go find Kang and instead accept Miss Minutes's proposition to go find their own place on the timeline doing whatever the fuck they want, but instead of doing something evil or nostalgic or whatever Miss Minutes expects them to, they just grab Mobius and B-15 (and maybe Casey loml) and move into a little house in a little town and live their little lives as normal little people in the 21st century
- The town they choose just happens to be Westview, New Jersey
- After a month or two, they get stuck in Wanda's accidental bullshit, but it doesn't work on the two Lokis because, like, they're Lokis. they're practically immune to bullshit at this point.
- Loki and Sylvie can't figure out who caused any of this or how to free their friends, so they do a bit of exploring. They end up leaving the Hex and running into everyone hanging out there, and they all get to be confused together.
the rest is under the cut so it's not too long
- Hayward wants nothing to do with them because duh he knows who Loki is as does literally everyone who was alive in 2012 but they just happens to leave the Hex on Darcy's lunch break and she and Loki hit it off surprisingly well considering what happened in New Mexico (which is probably where the conversation started tbh) and she realizes that they want to solve this mystery just as much as SWORD does, if not more. SWORD is just trying to do their job and save the innocent civilians, but Loki and Sylvie have an actual stake in this. Their friends are in there and they want them back. When Hayward realizes they're going to try to stop this Hex anyway, he reluctantly decides to let them help, because he'd rather have two Lokis on his team than working against him.
- I don't know why Sam and Bucky show up but they do. Maybe they just heard the rumors that Loki was there and even though they've never met him, they've both heard the stories and they wanted to see for themselves.
- Hayward also tells them to fuck off, but Loki, Sylvie, Darcy, Jimmy, and Monica had already told them what was going on and because they know Wanda it's decided that they may be of more use here.
- Somehow, between the seven of them, they manage to talk some sense into Wanda (it probably helps that the Lokis are immune to Wanda's magic and can go in and out as they please, though that obviously pisses Wanda off because that's not how this is supposed to work)
- Idk how it ends though. Maybe she just takes down the Hex without any real SWORD involvement. I feel like Loki and Sylvie could reason with her. SWORD is never going to want to let her go, but Loki and Sylvie, despite being two of the least-liked people in the room rn, have a lot of pull, and they promise her a safe passage to anywhere else.
- I choose to think they still have a TemPad because reasons so maybe they give it to her and she goes off to an abandoned planet where she can bring her own little reality to life without hurting anyone
- They all go their separate ways. Wanda is in another galaxy; the Loki series friends are still living in their house; Sam and Bucky go on to do their FATWS stuff on their side of the country; Darcy, Monica, and Jimmy are off doing god-knows-what. But they can't pretend they didn't kind of enjoy each other's company, so they still keep in touch. They have a group chat (that Loki, Sylvie, and Bucky could not figure out how to use to save their lives; thank god they have smart friends) that they send things in sometimes. You know what they say: friends who help friends un-enslave entire towns together stay together!
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theseerasures · 4 years
Frozen 2 Reaction Post
this is 5000% because i don’t wanna do other stuff, but is it not poetic justice that i should come back to the tumbls for Frozen 2: Elsa Runs Away Some More
i’m gonna prologue this by saying that by and large i enjoyed the film tremendously; of course since this is 2019 i would have enjoyed anything that didn’t end with Elsa committing nonsensical war crimes before being put down like Old Yeller or pulling a no-homo to transcend time and space (that’s right, i’m hip enough to know about TWO of the biggest media fiascos this year, you jelly?), but the film was enjoyable even beyond that, mostly in how it affirmed my own opinions about the universe
HOWEVER, there were also huge problems that really have to be addressed, and we’re gonna start with those
cut for length and a truly immense amount of spoilers
things i didn’t like:
so the Iduna being Sami All Along thing was, um. bad! it was bad, and really reads like the team trying to cover their asses after the blowback from the first movie. why was it such a big deal for ~a Northuldran to love an Arendellian~ when Arendelle was 100% at fault in the conflict? were the spirits just like “oh the indigenous tribe that has cared for us and lived alongside us for centuries are fine i guess but OH LOOK the whitest among them just made googly eyes at the son of the guy who wants to colonize and enslave us, let’s root for those crazy kids and make their firstborn the avatar”
making Iduna a White Sami and leaning on the excuse that in real life the Sami people are linguistic and ethnically diverse and some of them can pass as white would have been fine if they didn’t EXPLICITLY RACIALIZE EVERY OTHER TRIBE MEMBER ON SCREEN. come on guys, just admit you liked Last Samurai but knew that that exact premise wouldn’t fly anymore
why couldn’t it be just a nice person who saved Agnar? why did we get yet another version of the old Pocahontas fetish?
why did Iduna being Northuldran REMAIN such a big deal to the point that she never told her kids about it and she and Agnar had to tell separate but equal bedtime stories about the same event??
whew i’m so glad this all happened so Elsa, the whitest non-anthropomorphic-snowman character in the movie, could save those savage natives with spears! They Needed Her Guidance
the songs this time mostly...felt like they didn’t really want this movie to be a musical but were contractually obligated to write songs for Disney until the heat death of the universe
case in point: Some Things Never Change was going for the Happily Ever After vibe that the Steven Universe movie had, but it...didn’t really feel earned. we obviously needed a place-setter song, but it didn’t really establish anything about what the characters have been up to or what might be still bothering them, because apparently everything is great! this worked for Steven Universe because it came off of five SEASONS of character development, but Elsa’s last big character revelation that we the audience saw was “wow guess i’m not the worst scum on earth after all.” the timeskip can only do so much, is what i’m saying
Kristoff got NOTHING to work with. i’m not like, horribly broken up about it since i know they had to keep it tight for the kids, but fucking OLAF got a heavier arc than he did, and it feels like a missed opportunity that they didn’t link HIS backstory to the Northuldrans, what with him being orphaned/abandoned/raised by trolls already set up. it doesn’t have to siphon into the White Savior main story at all, just have--i dunno, a few more scenes with the Northuldrans and him realizing that he’s probably descended from refugees who got cut off from the forest
the proposal thing was cute until i realized that they were going to just hit the same beats over and over again with each scene. it should have been resolved in act 1 instead of Kristoff disappearing for half the movie and then tacking on the proposal at the very end. not every subplot has to be stretched out to the end! in this case i feel like stretching it out actually REGRESSED aspects of Kristanna, since it relied on Anna misreading so many signals that it strained believability even for Anna. we’re supposed to think they’ve NEVER talked about this, despite having dated for 3 years and consistently trading off on being the most Extra person in the room?
the confirmation that Olaf’s fingers can wiggle will haunt my dreams
me when the stone giants interrupted Elsa’s conversation with Honeymaren: yOU COCKBLOCKERS
i find myself growing increasingly weary of the now token Disney Wink at Camera, and Elsa rolling her eyes and her past self doing Let It Go was probably the apex of that particular antipathy. showing that you’re so Over the song that made you billions in a movie that you’re shilling to the EXACT SAME CROWD is the most obnoxious humble-flex i can think of
as much as i liked Elsa jumping into the Pit of Past Misdeeds and freezing to death, i think the scene happened waaaaaayyyy too fast, especially if you compare it to how long it took for Anna in the first movie. she’s not really given any time to process what’s happening, and it kind of lessens the emotional impact.
Olaf is gone!! he’s gone, i miss him so much!! i cry myself to sleep!!!! OLAFFFFFFF!!! false. i do not miss him
i distinctly recall liking Olaf just fine in the first movie and actually found him tolerable here too, but wow i was not happy when they resurrected him, even though i knew it was a sure thing
maybe it’s because NOTHING had consequences in the end and even Arendelle, the place that all the characters have been treating like a thoroughfare for two movies, had to get saved at the last second!! Arendelle the place??? we were supposed to care enough about that to want it to be saved?? it’s not the fucking GALACTICA guys! there weren’t even any people left in the town! it’s bizarre that they tried to go so hard in the reparations route and then swerved at the last second. let Arendelle drown you cowards! let the Northuldrans offer help in solidarity if you really wanted the “bridge between worlds” angle, but come the fuck on! didn’t something like this happen with Life Is Strange already?
why didn’t Elsa go to her sister’s coronation is it just like a thing now for her to miss the major life events of her family members
the statues they unveiled at the end were horrifying
things i liked:
a lowkey thing that i’ve always appreciated about the first movie was its willingness to Go There when it came to depicting well intentioned parents who are still mired in various character flaws and wound their kids deeply, so it was nice to see that return and get expanded with parents who had Lives separate from their kids which made them That Way, and the consequences of those Lives often come back to influence subsequent generations no matter how much they try to keep it contained. it’s a good, logical extension from what happened with Elsa in the first movie.
and it’s another Steven Universe vibe, but they can go further with it faster because Elsa and Anna are the hegemony in this movie. they’re the history-makers, so their family drama very easily becomes political, and the lessons they pick up from family memories immediately end up changing the fantasy history landscape. it’s dope
baby Anna’s lil feetsies
Anna wanted to marry everyone and Elsa thought kissing was gross
everyone does feel palpably older! the first movie had a very teen feel insofar as everything was We Have to Do This or We Will All Die Immediately, but this time around all the characters feel much more comfortable in their own skin throughout the movie
everyone getting more than two outfits and all wearing pants
the revelation after so many headcanons of Elsa being a ruthless pragmatist, Elsa always being two steps ahead politically, Elsa being a literal and metaphorical chessmaster that Elsa is...actually just kind of spacey and weird was for me extremely welcome. i think part of this was done in service of Anna becoming queen at the end, but it makes sense. “attack it with ice powers” and “run away” are still pretty much the only two strings to Elsa’s bow. this is not to say that she was a bad queen, or that she didn’t try her damndest to be a fair and just ruler--when it comes down to it i think Elsa still knows more Facts about how to rule a kingdom than Anna ever will, it’s just that she’s also horribly averse to conflict and “pacing in place while blaming herself” is pretty much the extent of her productivity under serious pressure.
what sets Elsa apart (other than the ice powers) isn’t that she’s prodigiously talented, but that she’s kindhearted and extremely sensitive to the emotions and fates of others. (she’s the one who asks what happened to the spirits when Agnar is done with his half of the story.) she agonized over hurting Anna one way vs. hurting Anna another way for THIRTEEN YEARS and still couldn’t make up her mind until she was literally backed into a corner, and even that decision was “run away but FARTHER.” Anna wanting to reconcile with Elsa even after thirteen years wasn’t just because Anna’s love eclipses all; Elsa also left that door open for her, because she could never be quite as ruthless or even SELFLESS as to send her sister away for good. (”then leave! actually jk i’ll leave instead”)
but Anna wasn’t ever the exception for Elsa, either. Anna wasn’t the only corner of Elsa’s heart that she left open--Elsa’s like that with EVERYONE, even people she just met, or disembodied voices in the wild. Elsa can never do quite as many Right Things as she thinks she should, she can never be quite as driven, as strong, as single-minded as she thinks she needs to be, to fully commit to making decisions for other people. she feels too deeply and wants too much, even after all those years of trying to scour herself out with a lathe. it’s what ruins and saves her.
Anna and Elsa being horrible at charades in diametrically opposite ways was the most life affirming thing to happen to me this year
Elsa couldn’t act out ice
the two of them had MULTIPLE conversations with each other that didn’t immediately result in mortal peril!!! what a world guys
Into the Unknown fucking slaps but i’m now REALLY confused about the diegesis of the songs in this movie. i’d assumed they were all happening in story, what with the Voice and the multiple references to Let It Go, but Elsa literally bays at the moon in the middle of the night here and no one woke up??? maybe they’re all just really heavy sleepers who knows
or maybe the staff just take it in stride at this point--oh, Her Majesty is singing and crying again
Kristoff and Anna CANONICALLY FUCK, and not even in the typical cartoon “look they have kids, they canonically fuck” way in the “hey my sister and her snowchild that we’re all coparenting together are asleep on the sled, shall we fuck a mere three feet away without even putting up a divider or something” way
gotta give Jen Lee kudos for making the “Elsa has ice powers because she’s the fifth spirit” retcon make thematic sense. the most obvious way to go about this WOULD have been the avatar direction, but Elsa isn’t the union of the four elements but the union of the spirits and humanity, which is to say that she witnesses them and keeps their memories, bringing them to life and solidifying them with her powers. she’s obviously the best person for the job, since y’know. she spent thirteen years on one memory alone.
wait does this mean Elsa is basically the Resurrection Stone?? buhhhh i don’t wanna think about it
of course Anna’s sword just came from her grabbing it from an ice statue i don’t know what else i expected
i laughed at both of Olaf’s reenactments i don’t know what to tell you
i feel...Some Kinda Way about the discourse saying that Mattias being black is problematic because it suggests black collusion in indigenous genocide, but it’s not my place to comment on that, so i’ll just say that it was a pleasure to see Sterling K. Brown having fun in a role instead of his usual gravitas and misery
Elsa first making eye contact with the icemander, or Two Feral Creatures Recognize Each Other As Such--i can’t believe i thought Hiccup would be the weirdest horse girl i’d ever encounter in fiction when it’s OBVIOUSLY Elsa
what a novel concept to have Elsa charging forward while Anna tries to pull her back, telling her to slow down, that she’s climbing too high
appreciated the subtle seeding they did of Anna’s political savvy, what with her actually talking to the lost Arendellian soldiers and restraining herself from making outlandish promises to everyone she meets
Kristoff made a friend!
Elsa met one (1) girl that wasn’t her sister and immediately decided she had to live in the woods forever
Tribe Leader Lady’s reaction to Kristoff’s proposal
can’t believe Lost in the Woods invented cinema and music videos
the sisters at the shipwreck is hands down the best scene in the entire movie, aided by the drastically different palette they used to color this scene--all grays, browns, and blacks, even the surrounding environment, like Agnar and Iduna’s despair polluted the whole landscape. Elsa and Anna look horribly out of place here, like they can’t possibly be real in a world that looks like this.
it really snuck up on me how much this scene is a pivot for both of their characters: Anna’s instinct here is to look forward, to find clues that will point them to the next step; Elsa’s instinct is toward grief and, after the reveal, self-blame. for all her growth there’s still a part of Elsa that sees her existence as the catastrophe that keeps hurling the wreckage of the world at her feet. it’s something that i don’t think she’ll ever be able to completely move past.
Elsa, looking at Anna like she’s the only real thing in the world as Anna tells her that she believes in her, more than anyone or anything
“i just don’t want you dying trying to be everything for everyone else!” jesus fucking CHRIST guys
Olaf’s growing up crisis was mostly just...kinda there for me, but i will say the cut to his horrified expression when Anna said the word “dying” really did get to me
Anna switching between a Formal Court hairstyle and an Athleisure hairstyle is Bi Representation, Elsa getting increasingly more disheveled over two movies is Lesbian Representation
do i Get horse movies now
Elsa happy crying when she sees her mother in the cave made ME incredibly happy--her face is so much more dynamic this time around!
i wanna make fun of her for her stupid Dance Dance Revolution ice magic during Show Yourself but honestly..........fucking superb you funky little lesbian
aw Elsa you stood up to...an ice hallucination of your racist grandpa! in another three years (six years in production) you might be ready for Thanksgiving dinner
Elsa in the last movie: i’m never going back, the past is in the past!!!!
Elsa in this movie: brb gotta go hurl myself into a Pit of Past Misdeeds and turn myself into one of the embodied memories
Anna immediately understanding what went down at the forest before and that even if she wasn’t directly complicit in the violence she benefits from it every day, deciding to rip down Imperialism Dam without hesitation
The Next Right Thing didn’t really do it for me musically but as a core concept for Anna’s character and ethos it fucking ROCKS (pun obviously intended). i was so worried going in that they wouldn’t know what to do with Anna after the first movie other than give her powers, but instead we got confirmation that this IS her superpower: her ability to forge ahead with whatever life has given her has ALWAYS been her greatest strength.
this also explains why she felt so aimless and intent on protecting Elsa and nothing else before this point; Anna isn’t interested in delving deeply into the past, not when every other member of her family was consumed by it. with this she’s finally able to convert memory into action, and she shines.
(of course she couldn’t have GOTTEN to this point if Elsa hadn’t been so convinced that the past was worth pursuing, confirming my belief that the two of them share exactly one brain cell)
OBVIOUSLY action for Anna translates into “make myself bait for stone giants and STAND ON THE VERY DAM I WANT THEM TO RIP APART” Anna you fucking walnut
Anna threw the first brick at Imperialism Dam, actually
the understated moment when Kristoff just pushes aside his own insecurities and just asks Anna what she needs
the shot of Elsa falling into the water after she’s thawed nearly did me in
Elsa horseback riding over the water is. wow it’s the gayest thing i’ve ever seen
Anna’s coronation outfit made me kinda wistful. she looks so grown up! she looks like her mother
(i mean she always looks like her mother they literally have the same face but whatever you know what i mean)
me on my deathbed: eLSA COuldN’T aCT oUt ICE
stray observations:
is Arendelle just a tourist town where one day the guy who owned the largest house was like “this is a KINGDOM NOW I’M THE KING” and the 50 other townies who lived there were just too polite to argue
i mean it’d explain why the queen, her heir, and the heir’s consort could just waltz out of there for a week long trip and leAVE THE TROLLS IN CHARGE
when they first started getting chummy with the Northuldrans i lost my god damn mind and was like “are they gonna give Kristoff a boyfriend and Anna a girlfriend what’s happening”
is it required that female Disney protagonists have to go to a blue tinted place to realize that the magic answer was in them all along now the same exact thing happened to Moana and Rey
Elsa’s ice creations are confirmed to fade away if she dies, which...is a confirmation we needed i guess
why didn’t Mattias and Yelana fall in love to make the Chosen One instead, they had chemistry
(i mean. i know why)
i hope Anna got to yell at Elsa for at least five minutes and maybe slug her for pulling that “i’m going to Mordor alone!!!” bullshit
for a second at the end i was like “are they gonna do the HTTYD thing where we flash forward to ten years later and Anna and Kristoff take their kids to visit Elsa IS KRISTOFF GONNA GROW A DAD BEARD” but no we just had lesbian wind and origami instead
whatever your take on the movie i think we can all agree that the scene where Olaf calls the Irish “a plague on this planet which is slowly rotting it down to the rind and which must be excised” was NOT okay
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
It’s 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢, y’all.
Well hey there, stranger! My name's Samvs and I'm kind of in the market for a new writing partner or two. Let me save you some time and give you the important deets up front:
⭐ 21+
⭐ M/M
⭐ Multi-Para / Novella
⭐ Modern or Premodern Fantasy/Horror
⭐ Discord and/or Email
⭐️ EST (if that matters? I guess?)
Still with me? Rad~
Like everyone else posting on here, I'm a huge nerd, y'all. I'm absolutely the type to make playlists for every character and universe, to make big ass Pintrest boards for muses and locations and pets (its an excuse to look at dog pics, tho, lets be real,) and I absolutely love sharing stuff like that with my writing partners. That being said, if that's not your style, that's totally fine! I'm absolutely cool with most styles of collaboration!
That's really what roleplaying is about for me - collaboration. I love writing SO MUCH, but I'm not the type of person to write out a whole novel on my own, so I absolutely adore ooc chatter about the plot, the characters, the fucking memes they would send each other, whatever it may be!
I swear I won't chew your ear off all the time, but you're cordially invited to fantasize with me ✨
As for content, I’m pretty open. Yeah, there’s those few taboo subjects that most folk agree not to touch, but violence, sexuality and dark themes are the salt and pepper of literature. Gotta have a little darkness in your paintings according to Bob Ross, and his word is law. I don’t make the rules.
I don’t like fading to black unless the scene feels repetitive, and while I don’t have any specific kinks to insert, I can’t imagine most of my characters (or anyone else, tbh,) being solely into vanilla missionary.
This is the part where I admit I'm probably not going to be a good match for you if you crave daily replies. I also crave daily replies, but I literally cannot manage my life, my chores, my job, my stupid needy cat and everything else WITH as much writing as I'd like to do a day. I'd guess my average rate of response is a day to three, but there are going to certainly be times when I can hit you back much faster.
In short, I might need a little patience, but I'm more than happy to extend the same to you.
Speaking of, I'm also really not the type to be too butthurt if you bail. It's nice to get a message, but I mean, that's really awkward and I FULLY UNDERSTAND being overwhelmed and stepping away from writing for a bit. If you wanna come back, but the fire sort of faded for the story, hey, that's fine! I have about a billion plots to launch your way and as long as we get along, I'll be here when you're ready to work on something new!
On to those plots, though, because that's the good shit, right? Like, that's what we HERE FOR. Below you'll find a list of concepts I already have rolled up fairly tight into almost-plots; they're flexible and destructible and if combinable, so if anything really speaks to you in pieces, we can work with that! I’m a huge fan of larger casts, too, so if you’re here for an expanding universe, then I am too! In most of these, I don't have a preference for role, but in those that do I've bolded the role that I would prefer <b>you</b> to play.
<I> As a heads up, I've been listening to a lot of true crime podcasts lately so you might spot a bit of a theme in some of them lmao</i>
⭐ Journalist x <b>Investigator/Retired Officer </b>:
<i>[A little bit like modern D&D.] A charismatic Tiefling crime journalist meets an experienced investigator through work and talks this delightfully rough subject into a series of in-depth interviews. Though they have very little in common aside from an expansive mental catalog of crime scene photography, they find themselves talking long after the recording stops each time they meet. When the journalist finds himself suddenly embroiled in real danger, and without the benefit of being able to take it to the police, he turns to his newfound friend. What seemed like simple violence is only the tip of the iceberg, though, and it's up to the two of them to do what they can to divert the Titanic.</I>
⭐ Professional Witch x Client:
<I> Magic mingles with the mundane, and like with every other aspect of western life, cash is king. As long as you have money, witching agencies will be happy to help you find a mystic solution for your mostly monotonous worries, whether you need to break a curse... or cast one.</I>
⭐️ Werewolf x Dog Lover:
<I> There’s been a big, strange dog laying in the alleyway beside your house all night, and it’s dumping rain. You can’t just leave the poor pooch out there, right? Maybe he needs a home! </I>
⭐️ Drug Dealer x <b>Cop</b>:
<I> There’s a new party drug on the scene, and it’s making habitual users go feral. Literally. The morphing power of the euphoric powder known as Glimmer isn’t intended, however, and when it’s Fae producer is confronted by an officer on the case of a disappeared partygoer, they realize that there’s more going on here than just a little too much Hoovering. Fae politics and human laws have trapped them in a tight labyrinth that they’ll need each other’s help to navigate and survive.</I>
⭐️ Bonus Concepts:
<I> Fae realms, the intersection of fantasy and politics, odd couples, modern adventuring parties with diverse casts, nonhuman subculture </I>
⭐️ Fae x Adventurer
<I> It’s not every day one stumbles upon a mystic being and survives, and it’s even less common to come out on top. When a wandering adventurer finds a Fae trapped in an iron hunter’s snare in the wilderness, he’s wary to wisdom about setting it free. After cajoling and bargaining and begging, the Fae finally strikes a deal with the mortal; freedom in exchange for a wish. The adventurer can’t make a decision, though, and soon realizes that the Fae can’t leave him until he does, bound by the law of his own magic. Desperate to keep the powerful and beautiful creature with him, he stalls as long as he can. Maybe his wish is just not to be lonesome any longer. </I>
⭐️ Witch x <b>Inquisitor</b>
<I>Most villages have themselves a witch or a cunnung woman, a sage whose strangeness is tolerated in exchange for advice, cures and the promise of peace and prosperity through a little magic when the gods aren’t looking. This village happens to have a cunning fellow, who, perhaps unwisely, takes in a burgled and beaten stranger found on the roadside. It’s not until the unconscious man is already in his home that the witch realized he’s carried back a debilitated inquisitor, a stranger who may bring word of such country practices back to his leaders. Afraid that the burning arm of the church might turn towards his home, the witch has to either hide, show the inquisitor that his people are harmless, or... well, the dead don’t talk, after all, even if that does go against the his vow to defend life. What’s a witch to do? </I>
⭐️ Witch x <b>Fae/Demon</b>
<I> Same inquisition, different witch. Captured by the church and set to burn at the stake, there’s little hope for this one. Resigned to die, the witch is more than surprised when an otherworldly creature offers him a chance at freedom. It comes at a cost: he will be bound to the creature, in body and soul. Depending on his chaotic sponsor’s temperament, that could mean a life of learning deeper magics... or a life of torment and enslavement. A bad life is better than being on fire, though, right?</I>
⭐️ Thief x Warlock
<I> What’s shady, nasty, and might dirk you for a copper piece? Well, it’s both of them, actually. Two adventurers squabble over the prize stored in the city auction house, having both decided to steal it on the same night in unfortunate coincidence. One desires it’s power, the other, it’s weight in gold. Neither realize that they’ve both stumbled into an ancient trap until they split the burden of the curse the artifact truly bears. The curse binds them, and they have no choice but to work together to lift it before it claims their lives. Perhaps fate brought them together... or perhaps it was the wicked call of ancient spirits, begging for release. </I>
⭐️ Bonus Concepts:
<I> Dark magic, pacts and promises, curses, metropolitan adventures and sewer spelunking, social inequality based on fantasy aspects.</I>
It’s a lot of shit, I know. I wrote it. On a <I>phone</I>.
If any of that sounds like your jam and you’re interested in writing with me, then hit me up!
Contact me at <b>[email protected]</b> and we’ll talk it out!
8 notes · View notes
kariachi · 5 years
And we’re going to try for another two episodes today, which’ll be the last season 4 ones I have access to in a language I know for a while. So after today we’ll probably be getting breaks of at least a week between liveblogs. But that’s something to worry about then, this is now, and we’re going for What Rhymes With Omnitrix.
There’s poetry in this episode, I love poetry. Ya know before I settled deep into fic I used to mostly do poetry? Anymore I only rarely do, but back in like the sixth, seventh grade? Poetry all over the place. Then I realized I could induce emotion better through narrative prose and dialogue and a true ficcer was born.
Anyway, is another Kevin episode of course, and Charm but who gives two shits about Charm, so let’s get into it! My son and poetry!
They’re just dropping us right in with Charm, who has poetry very blatantly about Gwen and how she hates her. In public. Can’t fault the kid for confidence or dedication.
This girl and Kevin both need therapy, preferably in different cities because last time she and Kev were in the same space he looked this close to killing her and while that would be entertaining to watch, kinda hard to go to therapy when a pissed off tween is carving your bones into parts for his latest piece of tech. Because if anybody would tap into the necromantic arts purely as a fuck you to someone he’d already killed, it’s reboot!Kevin.
‘Ode to Hating Gwen So Much #16′ Charm, kiddo, you need therapy and a hobby. Have you considered felting? Maybe videogames? A couple hours of Terraria would do you good.
Polite people at the (presumably) Amateur Poetry Night.
Oh look, a Kevin. Of course any book you carry around is gonna be black, you aesthetic mess.
Also can I pause a moment here in appreciation for every bathroom we’ve seen so far I think appearing to be unisex? Very nice.
“Conning” and here is where I heave a sigh and my bloodpressure goes up a bit, because what she did to Kevin was not conning in any way, that was clearly and blatantly magical enslavement complete with chains, torture, and mindcontrol. You can’t just downplay that shit like this and expect me to go along with it, not when the sequel series already tended to pull that, especially with regards to Charmcaster doing that sorta shit. You do not get to blatantly show Kevin being forced to do things against his will, being tortured for fighting back, and then try to pass it off as him having been tricked into working with her. What the fuck is with this franchise with having Charm do horribly evil shit and then just waving it off?
At least Kevin still clearly hates her.
Charm trying to play like she’s actually gotten more powerful since they last saw each other and is not, ya know, powerless in front of somebody she literally tortured and who is bigger than her even without his shapechanging watch. At least she’s reacting appropriating even if Kevin isn’t. Laying it on kinda thick though for someone who just ruined her makeup with tears not three minutes ago.
Are these children both trying to outbluff each other? Oh that works. I can totally work with a Kevin who’s kinda scared of Charm after what she did, alongside a Charm that’s definitely scared of Kevin now that she’s powerless and has hurt him so bad. That is something I can enjoy. Not that Kevin does it particularly well, but he’s young yet and anyway he doesn’t need to bluff well to avoid trouble here, he just needs to fall for Charm’s bluff.
And lo, the classic ‘we bumped into each other and dropped our books, then each grabbed the wrong book when we walked away’ trope. Always a good one. I hope they realize they have the wrong books fast though, given they look nothing alike.
Definitely a unisex bathroom, nice.
Charm’s uncle gave her a magic amulet. I’ve seen people theorize this is referring to Hex, but I don’t think that makes sense given what we know of either of them so far so I’m not giving the reboot back those points.
Of course Slam Poetry Night attracts a Rath. Of course. I wondered how they were going to get Ben into this.
Max really needs to stop using slang from any decade. It’s just painful.
Gwen sees Kevin take the stage and just, “oh no”.
So, this is definitely where Kev realizes he has Charm’s book, he’d have to, it’s full of somebody else’s poetry.
Also can I just say 1) I am proud of my baby for going into poetry, it is very good for working through your emotions (am proud of Charm for that too, but, ya know, my son vs Charm) and 2) I am not surprised to see him being into poetry given the sheer number of books we see him owning in other series. Like, at least 65, which doesn’t seem like a lot until you remember he’s probably only been acquiring them over the past few years, if not just over the course of the sequels, and that he’d have to be putting aside time specifically to read them given how much shit he’s shown doing regularly. Basically- my boy is literary and it’s wonderful.
And he has realized this ain’t his book.
Ben no heckling! There are rules and manners to the world you know! Gwen smack him.
And upon being heckled Kevin just tosses the book and decides to freestyle it ‘I came out here to have a good time but bitch if you wanna go I’ll go’ style.
He’s not bad. Especially when you consider he’s, so small. As nix would put it ‘this is a fetus’.
Ben, not happy with getting called out.
Ooo, complete with dropping the mike and walking away, point to Kevin! That is Kevin 1:Ben 0 so far this episode.
Ben just the living embodiment of that Pikachu meme after that.
Climbing on stage to try to win a point for himself in this battle of the wordsmithing. Godspeed, Tennyson.
Rath is being Rath and Kevin is just, not impressed. He knows he’s won, he knows Ben is rising to the bait and can’t do shit.
Kevin glancing out into the crowd like ‘am I the only one seeing him being this... wtf? tell me I’m not, we’re all seeing this right?’
Kevin trying to point out to Rath that he is not rapping, not even close, wtf Tennyson. The best part being, I’m fairly sure he’s offended on behalf of all rap at Rath’s complete failure to even be in the same ballpark.
And Ben times out, thank fuck, maybe we can make some progress here before Kevin kicks his ass just to defend the honor of a whole artistic medium.
Also I’m already counting the above as point 2 to Kev.
He hasn’t even started and I’m in pain.
Not eight words in and already Kevin is even less impressed and I’m in even more pain. Just gonna channel Ben trying to rap when I head into urgent care, that should be enough pain to chill me out.
Not even a verse in and Gwen and Max are this close to skipping town and just, abandoning Ben here. “Tennyson? No, no, we’re the Smith family, never seen that kid before, think he might be delusional.”
Point Kevin. He didn’t even have to do anything for this one, just not be Ben.
So that’s Kevin 3:Ben 0, so far this episode.
“Even your grandpa wants you off the stage.” Which is true, but gets Kevin dive-tackled offstage anyway.
Hello Charm, back again I see.
And now it is your turn to realize you have the wrong book?
Oh gods Kevin put effort into making his alien names cooler than Ben’s. And the early ideas were shit. But it worked in the end, so hey. At least we can assume his band-related naming scheme is deliberate in-character. Good on him, too, for writing everything down, it’s good for reference and can help get thoughts straight. (part of why it’s good for dealing with emotional shit)
Don’t you side-eye the camera, child, you mean to tell me you just jumped straight to Charmcaster without any stupid name ideas along the way?
“You started it!”“No you started it!” Okay boys, take you shoving match elsewhere and also Ben, Kev’s right, you are the one who started it with your heckling.
Charmcaster is just, not for Gwen existing in the same area as her. Gwen, meanwhile, is just surprised to see her.
Charm I don’t know what you’re looking for in there, it’s a tween engineer’s private journal, it’s not gonna have anything you can use against Gwen. Against Kevin, probably, against Gwen, not likely.
Charmcaster you cannot get up anyone’s ass about emo poetry when you recited ‘Ode To Hating Gwen So Much #16′ on stage. Pot, kettle, black.
It’s a poetry powered amulet. Either that or Kevin’s poetry counts as spellwork. I wonder if there’s something specific you have to do to make a poem count as a spell or if it’s just whatever works as long as it’s a magic user reading it aloud? Because Charm clearly ain’t meaning to cast this as a spell, at least at first, and yet. That seems kind of worrying though, if that’s the case. I mean what happens if a warlock tries to read his kid some Shel Silverstein at bedtime?
What happens if a sorcerer recites It’s Raining Pigs And Noodles?
I don’t know whether I’m more concerned to continue listening or for how Kevin’ll react if he notices Charm is reading his poetry aloud. I mean this is sounding like a personal one (and speaking as a former 11yo poet with Issues, I know what that sounds like) and gods if somebody I didn’t like was reading one of mine aloud I don’t know if I’d have broken down or killed them where they stood.
Gods I’m gonna have to rewatch this episode when it ends up on CN’s site so I can get a proper transcript of this, their captioning works right.
Welp. I knew emo poetry was powerful but this takes the cake.
Charm that is not your shit! Go find your book again! Or are you worried your shit isn’t as strong as his? I mean I’m getting more and more convinced this isn’t something he’d have been reading aloud.
Oh gods it does only go for real poetry! She tries to throw in some stuff built for spellcrafting and the amulet nopes right out! ‘Sorry, kiddo, there’s gotta be emotion involved or it’s just not happening’.
Hopefully that answers the Pigs And Noodles question
I’m kinda hoping Charm’s mini reign of terror is ended by a beet red Kevin divetackling her from offscreen and wrenching his journal from her. Bonus points if he gets her upside the head with it.
Gotta love when youtube decides to while you’re trying to pause on a scene.
Meanwhile, the boys have worn themselves out with their fighting and arguing.
Kevin, panicking because Charmcaster has his notebook and is also reading it aloud. As is the only proper response to such things.
Ben- out to stop Charmcaster because she a dangerous badguy Kevin- out to stop Charmcaster because she is reading his poetry aloud AAAAA
Charmcaster pls, stop being an ass for seven seconds
Child you cannot just recruit emo boys to write you sad poetry! Especially not after you just read their poetry aloud without their okay, it’s just not right! Besides, that’s not the look of someone who wants anything other than for you to close the book and forget you ever saw anything that was in there.
Charm: Work with me Kevin: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on
“You two are weak” Chamrcaster you only have power right now because you’re taking it from his poetry. I’m pretty sure that puts him above you on the scale by default.
Kevin, joining Team Tennyson purely to get back his notebook. Again, perfectly valid.
TL;DR: Kevin accidentally wrote a spellbook
I’m still wondering what it is that makes his poems work but not Charm’s actual spells? Is it the emotion behind them? In UAF magic was made of life force, in theory putting enough emotion into your writing could maybe imbue the words with magic? Is the solution to this puzzle that Kevin was feeling so strongly when he wrote this shit that they became magic on their own? Or does the amulet just search for true emotion in words and make it so? How is this all working?
If these boys could stop fighting each other for like 13 seconds we might actually get something done.
Charmcaster sealed Gwen’s voice with poetry. Welp.
Welp, the old ‘everything’s an enemy’ illusion trope. Not an illusion this time, but same deal.
Kevin: *easily sees through the spell because Charmcaster!Humongasaur keeps growing his damn tail* “You’d have to be a complete nincompoop not to see through this, right Tennyson?” Ben: *falls right for the spell*
Damnit Ben, Kevin thought you were better than that.
“I can’t not hit the dweeb now.” These children.
Charmcaster leave the innocent bystanders alone!
It takes Ben hearing himself get called Dweebyson to realize he’s fighting Kevin. Kevin knew the deal from the word go. Have I mentioned which one is my son?
Kevin makes Ben embarrass himself to prove he’s him, even though he already knows. Turns to him for a plan.
Kevin as Darkmatter: Finds Ben not timed in, fiddles with Omnitrix to bring it back up to charge, throws him at Charmcaster
“Stop her before she finishes that poem!” Well I’m concerned now
“I’ll show them all what I can do, I’m much more than a leech, their bodies paralyzed by words, their hearts grow heavy from my speech” Yes yes this was a very powerful verse magically I’ll unpause for the results in a second, do you see that second line? That second line there. Do I have to kill somebody? I have to kill somebody don’t I...
Huh, that verse increased gravity on the target(s).
Charm trying to recruit Kevin again, and he’s still turning her down because fuck her and everyone who looks like her. He looks so small in this frame. Very soft faced, he’s got two years younger from the stress of all this.
Oh and she’s pulling out WIPs to blackmail him into complying. I’m going to guess it’s less emo and more Gwen-focused, because I’ve seen media before in my life and know how that shit works. Would prefer more Kevin inner working stuff, but whatcha gonna do. If it is a love poem it’d knock down the rating though.
Also, when you’re so pissed the animators have to give you sharp teeth to emphasize it.
Okay, Kevin’s doodles are cute.
Also why do you have a note in your notebook denoting the secret shit Kevin? Do you have siblings or something? Who is going through your stuff, or that you’re worried might go through your stuff? Or are you just paranoid? It could be the last one.
Okay, so I’m paused on the poem in question and aww, Kevin’s ‘h’s go directly into his vowels. Yes I am commenting on his handwriting let me live. It’s an emotional poem and I’m working out things to say...
Kevin trying to claw his way forward to shut Charm up, it’s not working but he’s trying
Kevin, wearing a hoodie this episode purely so that during this scene he could drag it over his head to hide his embarrassment at having a poem about caring about Gwen read aloud.
I’m still deducting a point from the episode.
The good news is, the poem restored Gwen’s speech, which, I don’t know what Charm expected to happen there. Of course the semi-positive poem would have a positive effect, come on girl, do you know nothing of magic?
Okay, so, they’re gonna defuse Charm by using her own magic to silence her, via Kevin playing along and writing her a poem that’ll do just that. His improve abilities shall save the day, and what’s left of his pride.
Charm fuck off
Charm, digging your own grave, pls
And Kevin drops the hood when he sees Charm falling hook line and sinker, so proud of himself
Oh that was brilliant darling! “My spells undone, I’m speechless at my own defeat”, two lines and he not only stopped her but undid all the damage she caused! My son! My brilliant, poetic son!
Kevin, so smug
Gwen calling Charm’s ass out on treating people like toys when she of all people should know what that feel like
And not Charm’s amulet responds to her rhymes. Guess it does have to be tied to a proper emotion, rather than just being willy-nilly
Kevin is just happy to get his notebook back.
And Gwen compliments his work which, of course, leads to complete avoidance tactics. I don’t know what you expected Gwen, that last poem was all about him not knowing how to talk to you or even really having a solid hold on how he feels.
And we end with Kevin walking away as Ben disappoints everyone with more horrible rapping.
10/11, the Kevin stuff made up for the Charmcaster bullshit, but we still lose a point for Gwevin as is the rule. I continue to eye Kevin’s backstory with suspicion and suspense.
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drunklander · 5 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 413
I’ve been singing Jefferson’s “The emperor has no clothes.” line from Washington on Your Side all day. Because honestly, that’s basically how I feel about Outlander at this point. Obviously every season when the press tour rolls around the cast and crew are going to talk about how it’s their best season yet and yada yada talking point bullshit. And in the segments after each episode they’re obviously going to pat themselves on the back for being so fucking brilliant. But I have to ask, are they delusional and believe what they’re saying? Or are they self-aware enough to realize that they’ve been putting out a worse and worse product every year but they’re contractually obligated to only say good things about the show? (I’m not stupid, I know that regardless of what they really think about the show they’re putting out, they’re never actually going to say it’s not good. That’s not how this works.) Some, like Balfe, I think are aware that the show isn’t what it used to be. And some, like Matt and Toni, I really think believe they’re doing a good job.
But as long as they keep spouting off the same nonsense about how everything is awesome, a certain segment of the fandom will keep agreeing that the emperor’s new clothes are indeed amazing, while I’m just over here like uh, y’all realize he’s nekkid, right?
Anywho, I’m really looking forward to a very long hiatus.
As much as I tend to not like the title cards anymore, this one included, Otter Tooth being like oh fuck this white kid in his racist costume is valid af.
I do appreciate that they show the Mohawk playing lacrosse in this episode and in 4x12. Because as much as it’s associated with prep school white boys today, it was invented and played by Native American and First Nations tribes, including the Mohawk.
(I signed up to play lacrosse in high school thinking that girls’ lacrosse was like boys’ lacrosse, but it’s not. You can’t check or anything. Lame.)
These fuckers are really bad negotiators. Like hey, we *really* want this guy. Like we’re desperate to get this guy. We didn’t just give you the upper-est of upper hands in this negotiation. Nope.
Tehwahsehwke brushing off the stuff they brought to trade with as just trinkets for Roger gives me life.
Has Claire been wearing this stone all season? You’d think they would have shown her wearing it more or something. But why would they do that when it can just pop up again out of nowhere.
Also, like, why the fuck would you wear a stone you found by the skull you think belongs to a Native American ghost dude who was hatchet’ed in the back of the head to a Native American village. Like, sure she doesn’t know the connection yet, but like, seems like something you’d maybe want to leave at home.
Also who the fuck are you guys, Frasers, refusing to leave someone else’s village when asked? You’re in no position to make demands. I know you want Roger back for some reason that I will never understand, because he’s the worst (only partly being sarcastic), but you’re the fuckers who sold him away so... Just leave and come up with Plan B, don’t make everyone hate you on the way out.
Oh the irony that the racist af term is “Indian giver” when it’s the white folks who go back on their deals...
Murtz being indignant about Bree and Lord John’s engagement makes me mad all over again that we were robbed over his reaction to Jamie marrying Laoghaire.
They’re like really leaning into the benevolent slave owner bullshit, and it’s gross, tbh. Like Bree’s just totally chill being waited on by an enslaved person. This show is killing meee.
Claire making demands and Wahkatiiosta being like “bitch, please” gives me life. Like Claire, you fucking idiot, you’re really not in a position to make demands right now.
Otter Tooth really is a tragic figure. I’d say it’s weird to spend this much time on someone that’s already dead (Just to set up Donner? I’m assuming that’s why they’re doing it?), but honestly, giving the Mohawk something to do that’s not about white people is fine with me.
Really Claire, you have all these opinions about ghosts? Since when?
(Since eventually they need to explain Jamie’s ghost. So why weave in ghost-related mythology organically when you can randomly shoehorn it in with a line that makes everyone scratch their head.)
“Not one of my finer moments.” Understatement of the season, Bree. Seriously, wtaf. And putting in this meta line doesn’t make it better.
“Da told me I should forgive him.” I hate that she was doing things because someone told her she should instead of because she wanted to. Because, again, Bonnet doesn’t deserve forgiveness. Part of forgiving someone, imo, is that they need to be sorry for the thing that needs forgiving. And Bonnet is not. So fuck that guy, he shouldn’t be forgiven.
“I already have.” In this instance, Jamie at least admitted he fucked up and is trying to fix it, but that’s like the first time something like that has happened. And honestly, I’m looking forward to him continuing to try to be worthy of this forgiveness she’s granting him. Because if next season starts with them just being buddy buddy, I’m gonna roll my eyes a lot.
Uh, why *would* this Mohawk dude let you escape with Roger. He owes these white people nothing. Why on earth wouldn’t he raise the alarm. He’s not the bad guy here.
Oh good god it’s not even half over yet.
I should be feeling things about Jamie and Claire possibly being separated again, but the show has managed to make them so meh this season that I really can’t be bothered to give a fuck, tbh.
Also, like, we’ve seen them say goodbye like it might be forever so many times already that like it’s kind of losing its meaning if we don’t also see them being *together* like they’re on borrowed time. Which we haven’t this season.
I miss caring about Claire and Jamie. Make me care about them again, show. This season was supposed to be them building a life together and enjoying finally being married and settled and knowing that every minute together is precious because it’s one they never thought they’d have. And somehow the show instead made them secondary characters in their own story to the point where this moment isn’t even evoking a reaction from me.
Young Ian really hasn’t had much to do all season, but what he has been given has been good and I love him a lot. And major props to him for being like yeah, I fucked up, I’m owning it, I’m gonna apologize and I’m gonna be the one to stay. Take note, literally every other dude in this show, be more like Young Ian.
Although, man, as much as I love the growth Young Ian goes through in the books, it’s gonna be so... problematic, to put it lightly, to have a white kid cosplaying as a Mohawk for the rest of the series when we’ve never had a fully developed Mohawk character.
Murtagh’s whole speech to Jocasta can directly translated to our current trash fire of an administration not being able to grasp what the federal employees they furloughed were going through during the shutdown. But this isn’t a political show. Nope.
Yes, I know that this was all written and shot months ago. But discussing privilege and and using your privilege for good is also political.
Murtagh’s pretty chill about Jocasta owning people for someone who was indentured for years.
As great as Murcasta is as a ship name, I don’t ship it. I’m here for them being inappropriate fuckbuddies, but she’s a fucking slave owner and he’s a Regulator. So hard pass on going full Duncan Innes here.
Also it’s cute that the producers were like this is a brand new idea because in the books, Murtagh’s dead! It’s like guys, you don’t get originality points for giving a canon book plot line to a different character.
Also I swear to fuck, they’d better not do the Jocasta is secretly having a relationship with Ulysses. Because not only is that fucked up on its own, but now if she’s banging Murtz, it makes her even more garbage, because not only does she enslave people, and bangs someone she technically owns, but she’s also a cheater.
Also, is Jocasta only against sex outside of marriage for women who have never been married before? (And I specify women since Murtagh has never been married and she’s not giving him any shit...) Or is she only against it if it results in a pregnancy?
“Jenny will be totally cool with this. Yup. Jenny will totally get it and be absolutely fine with this whole situation.” Are you fucking kidding me?
Jamie deserves all of these punches, but Roger remains the worst.
The difference between Young Ian running the gauntlet and Roger running the gauntlet is striking. Young Ian knows that this is his one chance to prove himself to the Mohawk and he is not throwing away his shot.
Young Ian smiling when the Mohawk accept him is like the only thing in this episode that makes me feel things. Because like this kid is the youngest of a whole squad of siblings and has always been the awkward one who gets into shenanigans accidentally, so like it’s really nice to see him being accepted into a group on his own merits.
“Because she said terrible things and turned ye against me.” Weird way to say “because she told you the truth about how awful I am and made you realize that I am, in fact, the actual worst,” Roger.
He’s never going to apologize, is he. Of course not.
“How could you think such a thing?” “Well, you see, my daughter apparently doesn’t care enough about you to tell me anything about who you are. And you’re enough of a dick that her servant thought you were a rapist. Because, you *are* a dick. And I’m enough of an asshat that I sell into slavery first and never ask questions later because lol toxic masculinity is grand.”
“I left because she told me to go. She actually told me not to come in the first place. And I was an asshole to her in our own time. And then I was an asshole again to her in this time. And really I should just fuck all the way off because I’m the worst and she deserves better and has made it clear that she isn’t down for how I’m treating her. But nope. Why do that when we can forget she ever had any issues with me so I can play the victim card forever and then get welcomed back into her life no problem.”
“But even then, I came back for her. Even though, again, she made it clear she didn’t want me.”
I hate Roger so much. He is literally more worked up over the fact that it was fucking Bonnet who raped Bree and how Bonnet made him sail to Philly than he is about Bree being raped. What the actual fuck, bro.
“Somewhere between here and Fraser’s Ridge. You know, casually somewhere on the eastern seaboard. Really narrows it down.”
“I don’t think you can go through with a child.” They keep saying that but like they have no proof of it? Are they really just saying it so much to set up them doing just that in season six?
In this instant, Frank 2.0 is worse than the OG twatwaffle. Don’t worry, Frank is still the actual worst. He’s an emotionally abusive fuckwad and I hate him with the passion of a thousand fiery suns. But Roger here isn’t dealing with someone who left and fell in love with someone else and is having the child of the love of her life. He’s dealing with someone who was violently raped and is choosing to keep the child and love it on its own merits. And he’s fucking hesitating about whether or not he can live with that?! Are you fucking kidding me? Go fuck yourself, Roger. And then fuck all the way off. Because Bree already deserves better, but the fact that you need to fucking think about it, like she’s somehow not worthy of your love because of what she went through, is fucking irredeemable. 
I. Hate. Roger.
ALSO! Can we fucking talk for a second about how they’re making Bree’s rape and pregnancy about fucking Roger? Not omg is she ok, not omg how is she coping, not omg is she getting the care and support she needs. No, none of that. Instead we get fucking “are you, a man, ok with this.”
But since we’re apparently making this all about good ol’ Rog. He literally two fucking minutes ago called Bree his wife. Like in sickness and health, richer or poorer, no matter fucking what, married. I know he didn’t fucking think he was going to stay in the past forever or to become a parent in this way, but guess what? LIFE IS FUCKING FULL OF SURPRISES. SHIT DOESN’T ALWAYS GO ACCORDING TO PLAN. YOU WANT TO SAY YOU’RE MARRIED TO BREE? THEN NUT UP OR SHUT UP, MISTER “I WANT ALL OF YOU.”
“And we will choose his birthday wisely, but ye can be sure the lad was born in wedlock.” Oh fuck off, Jocasta.
Thank fuck this season is over because the are they/aren’t they married whiplash about the handfasting is annoying af. Literally one scene ago Roger was saying she’s his wife and now they’re lying about birthdays because she’s not married.
Ok this is shallow but did they decide that Sophie could wear makeup this season and Caitriona could only have the bare minimum to try to make the age gap seem bigger? Because honestly, the difference in their faces is quite noticeable. 
Unpopular opinion alert, but I’m totally fine with Claire and Jamie not being there for the baby’s birth. I mean, I’m kind of sad Claire wasn’t there. But she can be there for the next one. But like, Jamie hasn’t earned being with Bree in such a personal moment. Their relationship isn’t at that level.
“We told him everything. But since he’s the worst and loves the *idea* of you and not *you*, the truth was too much for his imaginary version of your relationship so he bounced. Like an asshole.”
We’re gonna be stuck with Bonnet for two more seasons, aren’t we. Ugh. They could have just killed him and been done with it, because honestly he’s not interesting enough to keep around, but the more they keep talking about how he died in the prison, the more it’s basically guaranteed that he’s going to show back up...
I’m glad Claire and Bree get a moment alone, tbh. But Bree will be “surrounded by family” at the Ridge? Really? Because pretty sure it’ll just be you and Jamie now. Since Ian is gone. And Roger went AWOL. And who knows where Murtz is gonna go...
They really love using no dialogue dinners instead of doing actual work on the characters’ relationships with each other this season, don’t they. Le sigh.
Cool that everyone is super down with Jocasta now. Because clearly ep. 4x02 didn’t happen.
Oh ffs. The literally did a running toward each other and meeting in the middle with a hug shot. Fucking kill me.
Ok, so Bree and Roger had a kind of flirty friendship that was basically just based around them both knowing about time travel. And then they sort of did the long distance relationship thing. And then Roger proposed in the most awful way possible, refused to listen to Bree’s very reasonable response, slut-shamed her for being ok with sex before marriage even though he himself had had sex before, was a dick to her when she tried to have another conversation with him, and then he followed her into the past when she expressly said not to and implied that she wasn’t planning to stay in the past permanently. Then we’re somehow expected to just accept that she’s over all of her reservations about marriage and Roger being the worst when she agrees to handfast with him, but then he’s the worst again and she rightly tells him to fuck off. And then he can’t decide if he can accept a woman he “loves” after she’s been raped?! And now we’re supposed to think that they belong together and should get the cheesiest, most cliché shot of all time? Are you fucking kidding me, show? How the fuck are we supposed to ship this?
Roger is the literal worst.
This isn’t earned at all and I hate it.
Also, wtf is up with this ending? Why not end it with Bree and Roger going back into the house?
Although, Claire’s face when Murcasta are forehead fucking is my everything.
Like there’s no reason to end on a cliffhanger that’s not even really a cliffhanger? Because like, we already know that Tryon was eventually going to call in this favor from Jamie? We’ve known this since they accepted the land grant? And like, the tension between Jamie and Murtagh over being a Regulator is already established and clearly Jamie isn’t going to actually kill Murtagh?
This is dumb. This show is bad. Thank fuck it’s Droughlander.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Ehh i think i finally summed up why all of this steven universe diamonds stuff has been so underwhelming.
YES you can redeem a villain
but you have to
Yes you can write a story about the world’s most fuckin horrible person being really actually sad at heart
Yes you can write a story about an abusive parent actually being able to change
Yes you can write a story about some wild genocidal alien civilization of asshole space rocks actually only doing it because something something societal pressure DESPITE BEING THE ONES IN CHARGE WHO SET THE DAMN RULES I GUESS
But fucking hell its not gonna be EASY and you shouldn’t treat it that way.
All of this shit was SO fucking quick?? And everything else WASNT!
You spent SO long hyping up these guys you spent SO long convincing us that they WERE evil and that they had entirey different motives for what they were doing and EVEN WITHIN THIS FUCKING EPISODE you spent more time showing us White Diamond being absolutely ridiculously existentially horrifyingly awful and refusing every offer everyone gave her to help and refusing every chance and fucking fucking goddamn violating people’s entire minds and just.. fuck.
After all that you cant just fuckin have steven walk up to blue and yellow and say “hey everything you did was bad” and them go “GEE WE NEVER KNEW!” for some reason this time they’re convinced in a single sentence despite it being the same sentence steven said before in every damn episode and pink said to them years before and every person they abused and enslaved and mutilated and KILLED said while they were DYING
And you can’t fucking have white diamond never redeem herself and never change and never admit she’s wrong and steven SOLVE IT WITH FUCKING FIGHTING WHILE SAYING HE DOESNT WANT TO, WHILE THE ENTIRE SHOW TRIES TO CLAIM THE REASON THEY ARE DOING IT THIS WAY IS BECAUSE OF PACIFISM
because seriously he?? just defeated her?? and this made her?? change???
redeeming a villain shouldn’t be easy. redeeming a villain has to have the villain TRY. white diamond has done nothing to prove she really has a heart, prove that she really did all this for sympathetic reasons, prove that she’s able to change, AND ESPECIALLY NOTHING TO MAKE IT UP TO ANY OF THE PEOPLE SHE’S HURT
she just got defeated and basically admitted she’s wrong cos she has no other choice. and i guess her blushing because steven issued a SICK BURN to her is meant to be enough proof that her entire motivation so far has been because of self confidence issues forcing her to put up a false front aka her entire personality we saw so far. If you wanna tell me she’s entirely different to what we saw so far then please could you please give it more screentime than twelve goddamn seconds.
This is like how yellow and blue just suddenly were accepted as part of the family and steven agreed to go with them to homeworld literally just because they realized he “is really pink diamond”. Like they never fucking repented or actually learned to empathise with humans or ever explained why they dont empathise with humans no nope the only answer we got is that they were sad about their sister/daughter/friend dying even though they were already doing all the same evil stuff before that and its what caused her to leave in the first place. no we’re gonna just completely trust them instantly and not even continue making an effort to convince them? we’re gonna trust them so much we’re gonna trust that white diamond will also change just cos we beat her up? COS SERIOUSLY STEVEN FUCKIN DEFEATED BLUE AND YELLOW IN A FIGHT AND THATS THE END OF THEIR ARC, HOW IS THIS PROVING THE POWER OF PACIFISM!! beating everyone up and then saying the same singular sentence again and somehow now it works!! or saying “my mum was pink diamond” and it doesnt convince them but hey if we say it again with magical proof its true then i guess it works now. wow that sure does argue the power of words i guess
everything EVERYTHING they did was just a fuckin misunderstanding cos they dont UNDERSTAND they were doing bad and thus they dont have to face any form of consequences beyond being mildly embarassed i suppose.
if you wanna make that the ending then you need to work to disprove all the hours you spent implying that.. yknow.. they were doing things because they were evil
and even if theyre sympathetic they still did evil things and they still need to work to prove that theyve changed
and ESPECIALLY if you’re making a show very heavy on subjects like LGBT discrimination it shouldnt be FUCKIN WOW UNEXPECTED that the audience would see this plot as a metaphor for stuff like homophobia and abusive parents and.. yknow.. societal oppression in a law system that forces you to live in the closet in constant fear of being discovered and killed. and all the other apparantly accidental undertones of racism and extermination of indigenous people in stolen land which YOU REALLY SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED PEOPLE TO SEE WHEN THE PLOT IS LITERALLY EXTERMINATING PEOPLE TO STEAL THEIR LAND
all of that means you need to do MORE work to prove that that isnt actually what the plot is supposed to be, and more work to redeem villains who are very heavily goddamn triggering to a large part of the vunerable audience YOU SPECIFICALLY MARKETED YOURSELF TOWARDS
this was just so fucking overwhelming and somehow rushed despite being an hour long episode, and i hate it because the show spent so much effort on so much other stuff yet decided to half ass it at the really important part that NEEDED to have thought and time put into it if it was gonna nail the landing
like fucking hell how can you be so tone deaf??? this has been in the planning for so damn long and theyve been working on it forever and THIS is what they chose to rush over? this is the priorities they thought were important? even just within this episode if youre struggling to fit it all in then like seriously cut out some of the stuff like the montage of unseen fusion forms that did basiclaly nothing but a few jokes, and the equally as rushed bad lars and sadie romance resolution. Which is another thing that needed a lot of work to fix when the introduction we got to these two was a really unhealthy relationship and a dude who refuses to change despite being given twelve chances but suddenly changes COMPLETELY on the thirteenth one and i guess cos he died that proves he’s all good now. Except he acts all weird and creepy in the very next episode and endangers his new friends by acting all possessive over sadie again and getting angry that she has other friends????
i hate it because ive had to deal with the fandom telling all the people who were rightfully uncomfortable with how these subjects were handled that oh we’re just overreacting and oh wait and see cos they totally have a big plan for the ending or something that’ll make it all make sense. And comparing people being triggered by child abuse and racism to “huhu those dumb su criticals who hate the art style” or whatever...
god, man, its just a deflection of what the issue really is
“oh youre saying NO VILLAINS can EVER be redeemed and NOBODY can EVER talk about dark stuff in shows without being SECRETLY BAD AND SUPPORTING IT IN REAL LIFE?”
no im not saying that im just saying the subjects are fucking depressing to people who’ve suffered from the real life stuff and the villain redemption should be GOOD and should THINK ABOUT THOSE PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE if it wants to make up for it
like fucking hell look at how much zuko from avatar went through before his redemption. look at how long he struggled with his morality and how long it took him to realise he was wrong. look at how much detail they showed us on all the people who negatively influenced him into making the bad choices he did. look at how much he went through to make up for what he did and apologise to everyone he hurt. look at how everyone he hurt didnt believe him at first and it took a while for everything to work out. look at how sometimes he messed up and took steps backward before getting to where he needed to be. and look at how he actually changed as a person and continued learning and growing and trying to be a good person even far into the future after the story ended.
hell, fuckin look at PERIDOT! peridot had a full goddamn zuko arc! peridot had more screentime than all of the diamonds combined, and it was way better utilized! she had a full process from being introduced as a scary villain BECAUSE OF MISUNDERSTANDING WHO SHE REALLY WAS, then being revealed as having a fully rounded personality, flaws and redeemable traits while still being a villain. and moments of her proving that she did indeed only become a villain because she didnt understand what she was doing was wrong, and a personality that matched with that reveal rather than having NO INDICATION she was like that until it suddenly happened only after she was defeated. and her redemption came slowly through friendship with steven and it had moments of the other characters not instantly trusting her and also of her making mistakes and struggling with believing steven’s philosophy when it went against everything she knew about life. and speaking of which it was established that she had a very different life which had negative influences pushing these ideas upon her, and tough stuff that made her scared and pressured. Not just being in a high position of ruling over a planet in the lap of luxury and ONLY AFTER BEING DEFEATED do we learn that they feel pressured by the societal expectation to be perfect and they actually would have agreed all along with dismantling the system but they were just too afraid to be honest. Or whatever the fuck that rushed ending was trying to go for! And man even after peridot joins the team she’s NOT redeemed yet, she’s initially only halfway doubting herself and only teaming up with steven because they’re both afraid of the cluster. And she messes up and says horrible shit to her new friends and feels the consequences of her actions and chooses to change. And her ultimate choice to switch sides is REALLY hard, she gets so close to going back to the diamonds and its a great personal sacrifice on her part when she chooses to give it all up and make an enemy of the person she was so scared of!
and GAHHH that good redemption is one in a million episodes that really set up the diamonds Being Bad and should have been a goddamn tally in the “effort required in the fuckin ending” chart!
could we not have even just had one ten minute episode of blue and yellow going around earth and experiencing human life and realizing there’s things worth protecting? or a few damn scenes foreshadowing white being actually insecure and lying to protect herself, rather than GENUINELY ABUSIVE BECAUSE SHE’S BAD?
and seriously even if you hurt people because you hate yourself YOU STILL HURT THEM
a sympathetic backstory should be a reason why they COULD be redeemed, not proof that they already are redeemed just because the backstory was stated in words and nothing else has fuckin changed.
imagine if zuko just lost one fight to aang and said “yes but my dad abused me” and aang was like “oh no now lets team up with zuko to beat up his dad” and none of the bad things zuko did were ever mentioned again and also he keeps his season 1 personality throughout the entire series
imagine if peridot fuckin.. just changed sides cos she’s funny and we like her. people wantedher to change sides as soon as she acted funny and likeable but they still made the effort to actually prove she had changed! the diamonds didnt act remotely harmless or remotely good until they just suddenly are in the very last episode.
also why are we constantly just ignoring all these dark things about homeworld? like the episode with holly blue agate and the famethyst slave caste and all the creepy ways the entire place operated. i totally thought thatd.. yknow.. EVER BE REFERENCED AGAIN?? its never even mentioned that anyone even WANTS to go back and save them?? and the human zoo were outright stated to be like.. unsaveable. “oh theyve never known real human life and theyre happy in their slavery so itd be cruel to take them away from it” One off episode, forgotten about. And the creepy as fuck scenes of gems being BUILT INTO THE WALLS AND DOORS AS SECURITY SYSTEMS and the confirmation that more lapis situations are constantly going on yet somehow that singing hairbrush person doesnt get all the sympathy that she did. And steven going daww at the pebbles instead of being horrified that theyre born to work as servants and forced to live in the walls because the noblewomen dont want to look at them? and he asks them to make him a new outfit?? and theres no plot anything involving them except them puttering around in the background outfitting?? like was none of this meant to be seen as PROOF THAT THE DIAMONDS WERE EVIL and PEOPLE WHO NEEDED TO BE SAVED????
please say they were rushed or something please say this is all the faultof being given less time than they expected please say there were other plans for other episodes we didnt see that would have given at least slightly more substance to any of this
also why wasnt this even advertised as the last episode if its the last fuckin episode
hhhh well at least obsidian was a great character design and so were the other fusions and new outfits even if they only appeared for twelve seconds. and white’s whole scary evil mind invasion stuff was really good even if it actually hurt the episode by being good, kinda
man im not even mad or anything i just feel mehh and bored and like im actually glad its over. i never wanted to feel that way about a show that used to be so good. i kinda wish the earliest episodes werent so good if the answers to all those well set up mysteries were gonna have so much less effort than the setup itself
...man i should make a whole post about all the mistaken ways i THOUGHT the show was gonna go that actually would have been way more interesting than the real answer.
i’m just super glad that my last theory was wrong cos wow that would have been the only thing worse than this ending! when white pearl first appeared before we’d actually seen white diamond, and it had all this thing that white diamond hadnt been seen in ages.. well i was worried it was setting up some sort of reverse twist where actually white pearl is bodysnatching white diamond instead of vice versa. So the whole evil empire would actually be run by a member of the slave class that its oppressing, and the diamonds/representative of the upper class would actually be poor victims all along. dear god i am so glad i got that wrong! tho im weirded out by how evil white/pink pearl looked in that first hint that she was originally pink pearl??
anyway basicallly im just so fuckin tired
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rorykillmore · 6 years
this is maybe sad: what are your character's greatest fears that barbas would exploit
barbas has got a lot of work to do!
for lucille he’d probably just have to come up with an illusion of her being back at allerdale. like, telling her that nothing on denny was real, that she hasn’t actually changed, that she’s still stuck in the same place she was and that the only person she cared about is dead and that she’ll never really get out or move on from this. that would pretty easily wreck her
for siobhan the thing she fears most is... losing her soul, or i guess what might actually happen when she does, so barbas would probably just need to show her like. rocket and red dead, and imply that she’s killed them, and failed to break her curse. all of my characters fears are so, like, visceral, i’m sorry all of these are going to be awful,
sara, i think... could probably guess what barbas would show her, which is: herself. but herself as she sees herself when she’s at her very worst, an irredeemable killer, a monster who’s dangerous to everyone around her, etc. on the bright side i think sara is probably one of those people who can overcome barbas, because she’s faced this particular fear (if not quite in such a literal form) many times before. 
i think at this point bramblestar’s worst fear manifested would be like, tigerstar ruling tigerclan and lionclan in some kind of horrible bloodclan scenario. because bramblestar has a lot of fears related to his dad, and right now the deepest of them is this kind of... uncertainty about how much to let himself have hope for tigerstar. like what if he’s wrong? and what if it costs him everything? so... yeah
badgerstripe's would probably be being confronted with a vision of her brother, frost. he turned traitor against riverclan when she’s was a lot younger, and i think not only does she deeply fear him (and more specifically, seeing what he’s become for herself) but... she’s afraid that what happened to him is all her fault. so just him confronting her, and telling her as much, would do it
dolores has already had the pleasure of meeting barbas! so we know what her’s is. the total loss of agency and the idea that the entire host revolution meant nothing and that delos is just going to sweep them all under the rug. pleasant!
as for sophie-anne’s, uhh... honestly maybe russell. for as much as she sulks about him, she became deeply afraid of russell once she realized that his entire plan was  ‘overthrow the vampire government and enslave all of humanity’, and being married to him was especially Not Fun after that point. so. 
poor camille is just like, i mean, barbas can take his fucking pick. i don’t know if like... maybe not like, just adora by herself, because i think camille is more angry at her than afraid of her, but some embodiment of the helplessness adora has always inflicted on her. like having to watch her tend to marian, or amma, or... something like that. 
honestly though in some ways. if there’s a character i admire most on my roster, camille is in the running. i think she is incredibly brave. so she’s another candidate for ‘probably could overcome barbas’, as many issues as she has
sly’s is... an easy one, clockwerk! i mean first off, who wouldn’t be afraid of the giant robotic death owl who devoted his immortal life to wiping out your family line just because he hated them that much. sly is so smooth and confident that there’s really not a lot that gets under his skin, but he is... really scared of clockwerk. one of the only times you see him just panic in the games is in the second one when he realizes arpeggio’s plan is to revive clockwerk.
nightcloud’s... would be breezepelt dying, probably? i mean i hate to waste this answer on BREEZEPELT but i think with any parent who genuinely loves their child, one of their greatest fears is going to be losing that child or outliving that child. We Must Keep Breezepelt Alive For Nightcloud’s Sake.
susie i can probably kind of opt out of an answer for; i’m not sure if barbas’ abilities would even... work on her. if they did, it’d probably be something startlingly simple, like dead loved ones. she doesn’t really have much else in the world to fear except those complicated, deep attachments she has, but... most of them are already gone
and then cordelia.... well! she’s kind of already watched the world blow up, and the people she cares about and feels responsible for die, and all that fun stuff. so i think the obvious thing that’s left is she’s still quietly, deeply afraid of becoming her mother. cordelia is a person prone to a lot of self-blame and at times self-loathing and as a result what she fears most is failing other people, especially since she hated fiona’s behavior and how it affected the coven so much, and comparisons between them are kind of inevitable when they’re mother and daughter and when cordelia directly succeeded fiona as supreme. we all know that she couldn’t be less like fiona, but some things you can’t shake,
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Thank you for the question!  While I disagree that it’s just ‘human nature’ to always misuse power over others*(1), it is still a good premise in general and definitely something that is  necessary to think about. (answer is under the read more )
I guess I’ll just do a bullet point list since I'm trying to keep this as a short casual answer and not be too lengthy with it (it probably won't be since that's impossible for me but, I'm making, An Attempt). Here’s all the stuff I can recall off the top of my head  that would generally prevent something like people who can use magic just rising up to take over the world or whatever : 
They really have no reason to — Like I explain in the side note at the end of this post, I don’t think people inherently by nature must grab for power just because it’s possible for them to do so. Additionally like I’ve mentioned before, the supernatural realm is incredibly diverse and isolated, people are usually living in their own pocket societies and could care less what happens next door, especially people with magic (magic capable species often have much longer life spans, which probably helps with the kind of, maybe seemingly odd lack of conflict in most areas. But like.. after you’ve been fighting with the same exact fucking dude for 2,000+ years with nothing changing, don’t you eventually just work it out? You either get over it , fix it, or destroy yourselves trying and don’t get to that old age in the first place). Most species in Nanyevimi are existing on wildly different time scales from one another.. If you and all your people are like 800+ years old and some 30 year old comes to try to wreck your stuff, hopefully you have the knowledge and experience at this point to just look at them like a weird little baby and not engage with it .. I would have trouble believing there are many  1,000 year olds out there that are still trying to beat the shit out of everyone who vaguely challenges them and pick petty political fights with all their neighbors. Not to say they all have to be peaceful, there are plenty of ancient societies with ages old beef that may be bitter, but you’ve got to kind of mellow out at some point and realize when large scale conflicts just aren’t worth it lol, leading to significantly more unwillingness to start conflicts, and only having them when you must, and even then to probably give them so much consideration the conflict is over before you’ve decided what to do about it, choosing inaction in most ways. I’d think that most societies where people often live over 500+ years old end up naturally adopting more detached, isolating, and conflict avoidant views, since after a while it’s just not worth it anymore.. like imagine being at war for like 8,000+ years with the same exact people? Again, there are plenty of longstanding conflicts or minor political things like mistrusting another group based on history or etc. etc., but in terms of really SERIOUS like, currently active forms of violence like trying to take down an entire society or invading lands or etc?? A majority of magical/longer living groups wouldn’t even bother.  Most  frequently warring/conflict heavy societies I think would be more like humans and elves and other generally shorter lived individuals (creatures below the 300 year lifespan threshold or so, at least when thinking about Nanyevimi I usually follow the ‘the older you are the more chill you must have gotten’ rule, with a few exceptions here and there. Since again, after about 700 years of watching history repeat itself I feel like a person or people would eventually either find a different solution or just drop the conflict and self isolate or something.. You can only have the same argument so many times before both sides just give up. Ancient peoples no longer have bloody wars and devastating invasions, merely a few delicately placed resentments and many tightly locked doors.). And even if most magical groups weren’t more chill due to other factors about them,  what extra resources or technology or anything would they stand to gain from attacking a group of non magic users in the next village over? If anything the non-magic users are the ones who stand to benefit from allying with or exploiting people who can use magic (which is attempted on occasion), not the other way around. And very rarely do non-magic users ever try to get involved with them like to oppress them or try to attack them or regulate magic or something, so why would magic users have anything against like, regular non-magic people who aren’t doing anything to them? That’s not to say that conflict never happens, obviously in a world that vast there are plenty of land disagreements and etc. but for the most part, magical species and cultures just really don’t stand to gain anything from destroying the entire world anyway, even if they could , which brings me to one of the main reasons they couldn’t … 
People who can use magic are not a unified force — it’s not like all the magical people in the world can just band together under one cause. Magic users are a slight majority in Nanyevimi, which means that’s still like… a LOT of people.. All of whom come from entirely different cultures, species, religions, climates, ways of life, speak different languages, have entirely different views on magic and it’s use and significance, etc. (again, in a pretty vast and generally isolated realm, hardly anything is ever uniform). Even if some wild world-ending apocalypse event were to occur that could only be fixed by all magical individuals working together, they still probably wouldn’t be able to cooperate lol, it’d just be too many entirely different groups to really orchestrate well together, let alone trying to get them all to work together just to do something meaningless like kill off all non-magical species or something.  They all have vastly different , usually even opposing, motivations and societal attitudes. Which is one reason why .... 
Magic capable groups usually regulate other magic capable groups on their own — There would basically never be a situation where it’s split evenly between inherently magical beings and non-magical beings, especially since most species and societies that are magic capable are like.. generally cooperative? Most recognize the position they’re in and make significant efforts to regulate their own communities and even outside of those. Again, it’s not like the non-magic groups are attempting to stifle the magic groups or doing anything else that would give them motivation to rebel, if anything it’s usually magical people mostly trying to have control of other magical people, since they know they’re the only ones with the ability to. I think I’ve mentioned stuff before about like magical task forces that go around to help non-magical groups with any magical folk that are causing them trouble, and stuff like councils of mages that exist to regulate what is taught and used in magical schools, and the variety of groups that exist in Nanyevimi to add balance and mediate any magic vs. non-magic conflicts, and organizations that do stuff like heavily monitor passage into the human realm or other non-magical areas, etc.  Even if one group of magic users were like dead set on enslaving all non-magical beings or something, there’d probably be just as many equally powerful magical groups out to break their isolation and get involved to quickly stop them. They’re not uniform, and their motivations are always going to be unique and even contrasting, there will probably always be plenty of magical beings out there monitoring others of their own kind, especially since a negative view of magic is not helpful for anyone.  Even if not morally motivated by saving non-magic folk, plenty of magical groups would see it practical for a variety of reasons to get involved in whatever nonsense misuse of magic would be going on at the time, if the active groups that exist SOLELY to take care of that sort of thing hadn’t done something about it already. Though I also don’t want to understate the concept that there are bad magic users, there are definitely people out there who do some wild shit and really try to cause conflicts, but just in terms of any large scale efforts to like, significantly harm the non-magical population or etc., there’s too much self regulation and lack of unity for that to really be something that would take off. Even most of the lone assholes or tiny cults operating on a small scale end up getting thwarted by other magic users. If anything “magic capable group vs. magic capable group” is a MUCH more common and significant conflict than “magic capable group vs. non magical group”. [( Especially since they’re often pretty culturally divided and hardly even exist in the same world as one another (again, elite mage societies full of 9,000 year old ethereal beings are not going to wake up one day and be like "Hey lets go like.. start a fight with that random farming village of non-magical humans that would probably just shoot a few arrows at us before dying of shock the second we whip out a spell because they’ve never seen magic before".  Groups in Nanyevimi can sometimes be so varied that they just literally.. could not give less of a shit about each other lol, they’re out of each other’s scope, not even on each other’s radar. Though obviously there are places where magic users and non-magical folk interact with each other and are close enough to understand each other well (like a group of magical elves that has a 150 - 200 yr lifespan  and a group of non-magic humans that has an 80 - 100 yr lifespan aren't really that far apart enough for that to be a huge source of cultural divide), a lot of the time it's like.. a group of non-magic humanoid animal forest folk who only live to 50 yrs. that spend their days collecting berries or singing and a group of 5,000 year old blind cave dwellers that spend their days using reality magic to craft realms inside their own minds and travel through them are like... going to be on such different levels culturally that they barely exist to one another. The way that magic typically impacts lifespan (and the way that both magic and lifespan impact the culture of a people) usually creates enough of a divide between magic & non-magic people that they wouldn't even consider each other as an option to war with or etc. )] Organizations that seek to regulate certain things and prevent crimes (like the magical groups mentioned above), international organizations that seek to aid people with stuff like travel and education (like having language translators or cultural experts positioned at popular travel hubs or etc.), the rare Global City areas, and occasional necessary trade of resources between neighbors or outside groups, are really some of  the only things in  Nanyevimi that give any semblance of connection and cohesion to the groups there.  Otherwise, some of the species and cultures and etc. may as well be living on entirely different planets. Without the few global councils and organizations and etc.,  most of the realm would have nothing to do with one another. Especially magical groups and non-magical groups, who are usually, at the least, on a pretty different life timescale from one another, if not entirely different in many other ways, to the point of both not having much of an interest in the other positively or negatively (or avoiding the other out of fear, or out of elitism, just out of self-absorption with ones own society over others, etc.)
Enchantments and other stuff make magic accessible to most people, at least in the form of defense against magic — like I may have mentioned before in other places, many non inherently magical people can still utilize magic inventions, and some can even learn magic to some degree (it’s just so much more difficult and limited in scope that most don’t), but enchantments are especially common.  It’s pretty commonly accepted that even in most non-magical areas, many people are going to enchant their homes to make them immune to magical intrusion, have an enchanted amulet they bought from some elven salesman once that allows them to use light healing magic every once in a while (as long as they recharge the enchantment when it runs out), basically every important building you go to (like prisons, banks, schools, etc.) is going to have a high level magic blocking enchantment either throughout the entire building or just at the entrance (meaning if you try to walk in while using shape shifting magics or something in order to pose as someone else, the magic will be cancelled out and you’ll revert back to your normal appearance, etc.). There are plenty of enchantments that can be used that either limit or entirely block magic in a certain area or etc., and though of course these have to be created by magic users, again, there are plenty of magic users who have motivations that would lead them to create that sort of thing, and distribute them to non-magical groups to help them, or just because they’re getting paid to do so. The hiring of magic users to help create technology and enchantments to inhibit and regulate other magic users, or just to create random magic shit that helps people on an individual level (like a ring that puts a temporary barrier around you in combat or etc.) is incredibly common and you see it everywhere. Most non-magical people can access magic in some way, if not extensively in the form of personal enchantments and technological conveniences, at the very least their village leader will usually hire a mage to set up a barrier around important buildings in their town or something (and even if they do none of that, that’s where the magical task forces and stuff come in that help groups who have never heard of magic in their lives but are being bothered by it.)   But for the most part, even a non-magical society, even most societies that actively hate and look down on magic, still are usually at least minorly aware of it’s existence and utilize it in some limited practical everyday applications, at the very least for defensive purposes. Usually it's just stuff like a local group of elves enchanting a few things for some humans, or the leader of a non-magical group venturing out of their isolated forest lands to the nearest travel hub and buying something magical from the market, etc. etc. As most magical and non-magical groups are usually not allied or close friends (again, they mostly mutually ignore each other), it would be rare for a non-magical culture to have like, magic and enchantments and etc. fully integrated into every aspect of their society or something, but a few minor defensive enchantments here and there out of necessity can be pretty common.. Which does present at least some barrier to any magic group that did happen to want to be malicious for whatever reason.  
And, the last and most major point… 
Magic just plain sucks lol— remember that magic is still varied as hell and dangerous and hard to use and people who are genuinely significantly powerful are absolutely the minority. Probably a good 80% of the magic used in the entire realm is just, mundane small scale battle magic (leaning to shoot a tiny bit of fire from your hands to defend yourself while hunting), basic low level enchantments that do stuff like create barriers or help someone’s baking always turn out well, and random little things like people conjuring food for themselves every once in a while when on a trip , using elemental magic to grow plants in interesting ways, magically repairing household items, or levitating a small distance in order to reach something on shelf, etc. etc. Which I talk more about the actual uses of magic in society and who can use magic in my main post about magic in Nanyevimi, but like most people in the realm absolutely don’t have the time, energy, circumstance, motivation, or innate ability set to be able to become like, wildly magical super beings that could group together to create an uprising.   Most magic users are random low level dudes in small villages that occasionally cast enchantments on crops to help their food supply but don’t get any more involved with magical shit than that (not even just because magic itself is generally dangerous, but also over-exertion of magic and draining your energy can have dire consequences, so most don’t use it willy nilly to just do whatever, it’s a high risk limited resource, not a fun happy fix all wave fingers and conjure unlimited sandwiches sort of thing.. even these everyday uses can be detrimental, there's like a 30% chance you'll kill yourself just using a small spell to repair your broken shoes, so even most people who are capable of and trained in magic hardly ever use it for much beyond a few casual low level uses every once in a while when they see it as important enough to risk). Especially since there are different TYPES and levels of magic you can do, and most magic beyond a basic level is fairly inaccessible to a majority of the population, most just sticking within the scope of whatever their species is inherently inclined towards or whatever is relevant to their life/occupation (and still mostly low level within these).   And even if people were capable of all types, most would actually not even have information to access it if they could. I write a lot about things like absorption of souls and creation of pocket realities and illusion magics and etc. just because I find it the most interesting in application lol, but out in the actual realm they’re hardly prevalent and you’re really not going to know about their existence unless it’s the expertise area of your species (like how some groups of Jhevona are naturally inclined towards soul magics and it’s use becomes heavily embedded in their culture, or how Verrucalt are the only known species alive to effortlessly do reality magics from birth, etc.), or you’re someone who specifically spends a lot of time studying magic (like a scholar or teacher), in which case you are probably fully aware of the consequences of magic mis-use and would be terrified to really try the magic yourself beyond studying theory without heavy supervision from an experienced Jhevona or something (who would probably dictate careful cultural rules on how you can use it anyway). So, most people don’t even KNOW about many of the actually truly  dangerous types of magic, and anyone who does know about it is likely  either terrified of it, not terrified of it (meaning they clearly don’t know enough about the consequences of it) and has killed themselves doing a spell, or was raised using it and has a pristine control over it with many culturally imposed limitations in place (usually some of which involve rules like, 'uh hey, don't attack random people, especially not those who can't even use magic to defend themselves'). So in addition to the whole ‘a majority of the population has extremely low level magic skill and can hardly pull off terrifying feats of magic anyway even if they wanted to because they lack the inherent ability necessary just by way of nature’,  there’s also the whole ‘even if most people DID have the ability to do these things, it’d probably extremely hard for them to access information and training’ thing to consider. And then in addition to THAT, even if someone did have informational access AND ability to do all types of magic.... (which again, is pretty much unheard of , even most mage scholars can’t legitimately perform most of the skills they have factual information on.. really only some misc groups of Jhevona and ancient demons that have trained for usually 5,000+ years or more can even gain access to all types of magic, let alone perform them correctly (that’d come around the 10,000 year mark perhaps lol)) .... there would still be the issue of like.. magic being ridiculously costly. The number one cause of death in the realm is literally magic use (which of course varies, some societies that use magic all the time have more bad incidents, non-magical or magic-shunning societies have pretty much zero magic caused deaths a year, etc., I’m talking about like GLOBALLY though, if you combine all causes of death in all of Nanyevimi as a whole to an average) lol. There’s good reason most people would never pursue much higher level magic than what is necessary, and don’t explore out of their inherent inclination (elves who have elemental magic come naturally to them only ever using their base skill and not learning soul magics or something, non-magical people not seeking to learn magic even though they technically could do a few minor types with the right training and specific conditions, etc.).  Even something as simple as conjuring a tiny flame to light a torch can end up killing or seriously injuring you, not even to mention high level stuff like transferring souls or creating massive explosions or etc.  It’s pretty much accepted that like in a mage school with a starting class of 100 students, it’d be fairly regular for 50 to die by the second year, and 100% to receive some form of minor or major injury, usually multiple times (depending on the type and level of magic being taught, but this is more general). It is known: magic will hurt you, it just depends on when and how badly. Rate of death and injury is significantly higher during the initial learning period (obviously), but even like, nearly all-powerful ancient demons who have been studying for 10,000 years will still completely horrifically fuck up from time to time, and in their 10,000 years of experience have probably almost died, mutilated their body, burned down their house, almost fractured their soul, killed someone around them by accident, etc. more times than they could even possibly count. It’s said that without access to healing magic and shape shifting abilities to make up for it, most high level magic users would look like fucking corpses, absolutely covered head to toe with the countless scars from injuries they’ve acquired over the years, disfigured and mangled in various ways to the point of not even looking humanoid anymore. Literally the very first things they have you master in any magic school is healing magic and stuff like the ability to regrow limbs (and ironically, even this, if not used correctly, can kill and injure you lol), so you can have a starting base to more easily recover from your inevitable future life-threatening mistakes.  Magic is generally still not understood despite intelligent humanoid societies existing and studying it in Nanyevimi in some form for the past two million years or so. It’s source, the link it seems to have to souls/blood/etc., how to fully control it, why there’s physical side effects to it’s exposure, etc. none of these things have been worked out, and it’s still a very chaotic and dangerous thing to be messing with in general.   Luckily there are groups who have worked out ways to do certain things safely these days (like elven and Jhevona(demons) societies who have had magic integrated in their culture for millions of years and have evolved detailed customs and etc. to use it most effectively while minimizing harm), and most minor low level stuff can be done without too much consequence (though still, if you don’t  COMPLETELY know what you’re doing, the smallest most baby step day one type of spell can kill you), and things like enchantments have become common place and etc., but magic as a WHOLE, like including all high level stuff and etc., is still broadly inaccessible, misunderstood, and has a ridiculously high death rate among it’s users. So this is probably one of the biggest reasons magic users could never take over the world or whatever, is just .. magic users in Nanyevimi rarely are like, people with some dangerous ultimate power or etc. etc.. A vast majority are merely common people using low level magics very very very carefully to occasionally improve their quality of life or help them with something, or to make enchantments for others or protect their homes from fires or etc, and never messing with it outside of that. While there are some truly formidable groups/individuals out there, and (low level) magic is in some sense very ‘common place’  throughout the realm,  as a whole, magic’s difficulty and mystery and extremely high risk means it’s still something most don’t use excessively or to a dangerous amount. So some sort of thing like ‘an entire country of extremely high level mages rise up to overtake the rest of non-magical  world, muahaha’ is like, functionally impossible, as if there’d ever be an entire country of high level mages in the first place, who can also somehow all get along, not die from magical exertion, share a common goal, and see non-magical groups as worth messing with lmao, etc. etc. 
 But anyway, idk this is kind of disorganized but hopefully it’s outlined reasonably enough lol, I kind of just rambled from one topic to the other but those are all I can think of right now.
  So in summary, magic users don’t rise up and overtake all non magic users because: 
--- they have no reason to do so 
--- (and most non-magic users and magic users are so disconnected from each other they don't care to start conflicts across groups anyway, 'magic vs. magic' or 'non-magic vs. non-magic' conflicts are WAY more common than 'non-magic' vs. 'magic', which legit hardly even exists anywhere)
--- magic users are not a unified force who could coordinate something like that anyway
--- most of them disagree with each other and there are plenty of magical groups in place to keep control over other magic users if they were to act up
--- at the least very basic protection magic is widely available in most places even to non-magic groups
--- and most importantly, magic as a whole is also just sucky and risky, so a majority of frequent users of magic only do low level spells and hardly could accomplish anything on the scale of working to enslave an entire society or something. 
[ side note 1: 
(I put this at the bottom since it's kind of unrelated to anything else) 
I think it’s often just a product of the broader societal norms set up by culture and especially enforced by economic systems, or like individual psychology, but I don’t think antagonistic domination over others is inherent to the nature of humanoid beings, especially since from any sort of actual rational survival standpoint, you’re going to need to cooperate at some point, etc., How in many ways adaptations that help us cooperate can be a lot more essential in survival than those that incline us to be fight each other or whatever. In a majority of situations the skills necessary to cooperate and share will help you survive/give you an advantage more than dominance and antagonism, which while that can be helpful in the short term, usually doesn't aid in long form survival, especially if everyone around you is the same way. Even if you're thinking in the most selfish terms possible, adapting to cooperate and share with others at least to some degree is going to be the most advantageous for you if you really think about it and the long term set up and etc. (getting group protection, sharing labor, sharing resources, collective knowledge pool, etc. (which would become dysfunctional and limited if everyone just stole from each other or killed everyone else or tried to hoard resources. etc.)) And looking at the variety of cultures and philosophies and etc. out there, again I think it's just more conditional/individually psychological/cultural than it is like, literally just some ingrained unchangeable permanent way that all humans inherently must be like, etc. etc.  If nothing else, humans are very malleable, and can adapt to all different societal organizations and lifestyles. 
And also, a majority of the population of Navyete is not human, though I have stated in the past they have pretty humanoid brain structure and likely function similarly in the sense of what cognitive biases and mental things they’re prone to, I could have some merit to argue that even if humans are just Like That, maybe elves or jhevona or etc. are  cognitively different somehow, though that’s still more of a cop out and my main answer is still ‘no, humans need not inherently be Like That in the first place’ lol ]
But anyway, idk this is kind of disorganized but hopefully it’s outlined reasonably enough lol, I kind of just rambled from one topic to the other but those are all I can think of right now.  Thank for the question, hopefully this was organized enough!!! ghh
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