#« high key & low key as hell. » jordan (likes)
thirdpowersa · 1 year
tag drop — jordan.
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existslikepristin · 2 years
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It has been too long since I've posted an actual story, so I got super impatient and am posting this with no editing. Please forgive the low quali— holy shit this was supposed to be a quickie…
Tags: NSFW, TheLounge, Lovelyz, Pixy, Weki Meki, Sujeong, Sua, Rina, Male reader, A FUCKIN FOURSOME, it's a damn free-for-all, blowjobboes, butt stuffoes, eating cum out of pussoes, something more, if you figure out the title no you didn't, pretending to be in multiple simultaneous relationships you aren't in, weird plot stuff, don't be scared you love it
Bare Attack
Thank fuck you live so close to this place. You can get home before your coffee cools off and enjoy your work-from-home day with the top tier flavor of The Lounge fresh on your tongue.
You make your way through the door and onto the street, where the morning sun warms you a bit less quickly, but more completely than your eco-friendly mug. And wouldn't you know it, you see three idols coming your way, in the midst of conversation. How… serendipitous and convenient to your story or whatever.
"Please? You're so good at it!"
"We've never asked you for a favor before."
Sujeong is tailed by two other girls you're a little less familiar with. You at least remember their names are Sua (looks like she's still blonde) and Rina (her hair is a lot longer than you recall). All three are dressed snugly in thick coats, as is fitting for walks in the brisk winter morning air. Sujeong carries a close-eyed look of dismissive pride, dark hair in a high ponytail, smirking and shrugging.
"Yeah, why not show us on him?" Sua points at you, and Sujeong opens her eyes. She freezes in place, which is odd because it's not that cold.
You wave. Sujeong flinches and poses like she's ready to turn around and run.
"Uh, Sujeong?" Rina asks, looking from her to you and back, "You good?"
After a moment of hesitation, Sujeong slowly pulls out of her flight stance and waves back at you. "Heeey. How's it going?"
You wave again. Shit, that was awkward. You didn't need to do that. "Pretty good. How about you? Rina, and… Sua, right?"
Sua's eyes scan you and she opens her mouth in the way people do when they remember your face but not your name. "Yyyup! Doing good! It's a good morning."
You pause for her to say something else. When she doesn't, you remind her of your name. She smacks her forehead. "Oh! Duh! Sorry. It's been a minute eh?"
"Haha. Yeah, it has."
Sujeong cuts in before you can address Rina. "You don't remember me?"
You blink. "What? No, I remember you Sujeong. We hung out just like five months ago. Board game night with Ryujin and Chel." Maybe it was more than five months ago. Oops. What was it? Seven months? Seven for some, five for others. Well, five and a half to seven and a half. Yeah, that's it.
"With Ryujin and Chaeryeong? Not… with…" Sujeong is clearly trying to get more out of you, but you can't figure it out.
"I was on set on the Obliviate video too... Went to dinner with you and Kei..."
Honestly, does she think you don't remember the salmon filet? It was fucking delicious.
"And that's it?"
"Um… yeah I think so…"
Sua butts in. "Are you two fuck buddies or not?"
Rina blushes furiously. Sujeong's eyes grow huge. You raise an eyebrow. Sua shrugs. "What? It'd be helpful to know."
You look at Sujeong. She's staring at you like a deer in the headlights. It's not that you hadn’t ever thought about Sujeong like that before. She's hot as hell. You've even felt slightly… compelled? Is that the right word? No time to think about it. She looks super hecking embarrassed. You can practically see the beads of sweat forming on her brow.
"Nnno," you say, waving the question away, "It's not like that."
There's a strange release of tension in the air, but then Rina squints, dips her head forward, and speaks through gritted teeth. "Dooo you want to be?"
Your eyes meet Sujeong's. She looks like any second now, she'll turn into the Sweating Jordan Peele meme.
** ** **
Well, you're home. You're comfortably seated on your couch. You have your coffee. It's still hot.
But it seems work is going to have to wait.
Sujeong is between your legs, kneeling on the floor. She, you, and Rina and Sua, who are now seated on either side of you, have shed your coats. And your pants. And your shirts. Really just all of your clothes, except Rina who left her socks on because she said she was chilly. She's got a decorative throw blanket thing wrapped around her shoulders for the same reason.
"When you asked if we wanted to be fuck buddies," you reiterate, "I didn't know you meant to include yourself and Sua."
Rina blushes and tightens the throw around her arms. "I didn't, um, mean we would be friends with benefits. Unless, uh…"
Sua pops up to her knees and presses her chest against your shoulder. Her eyes are wide, hungry. She bites her lip before and after each sentence. "Oh that's okay. If you don’t want more fuck buddies, I can be your girlfriend!"
You laugh and rub your elbow on her shockingly solid abs. "Suuure, sure. Ten minute girlfriend, right."
She laughs too, kissing your temple and wiggling her breasts against you.
"You're not really his girlfriend, Sua." Sujeong shoots down Sua's fun. That's strange. She's normally more cheerful. Maybe it's something you did. You remember washing yourself properly before you left for The Lounge. Your dick can't smell that bad, right? Great. Now you're thinking about it. Self-conscious with a super hot naked idol's face mere centimeters away from your cock.
Sua pouts and sits back on her heels. It's adorable, frankly. You pat her on the head. "No, let's go with it. Seems fun!"
She smirks and cuddles you again. "I agree. I'm your girlfriend for the day. Sujeong is your fuck buddy. How about Rina?"
You skip over Sujeong's grimace to look at Rina. She shrinks into the throw. "I-I’m okay with being a fuck buddy too."
Sua whines and love taps Rina's arm. "Oh come on. You write sexy novels! You can think of something!"
You raise an eyebrow. Rina writes what now?
Rina's blush intensifies. "S-Sua! Don't t-tell..."
"It's okay," you say, "I heard nothing."
"Heard nothing the same way you don't remember me, right?"
You and the other current couch dwellers look down at Sujeong. Her emotions are showing all over her face, but you have no idea what emotions they're supposed to be. Confusion, concern, consternation, condescension? What the hell is she talking about? "Sujeong, I, uh, definitely remember you. Are you okay?"
Sujeong's eyes flick back and forth between the three of you. She scoffs. "Yeah. Yeah! I'm totally fine. Why wouldn't I be? I've got this nice, juicy cock here to… um…" She suddenly engulfs your dick with her lips, taking you halfway down in an instant. Sure, it's very weird, but the sensation is fantastic and you sure aren't going to stop her. You'll get an explanation later when you're seeing fewer stars. Probably.
"Sooo," Sua asks, "Whatcha gonna be, Rina?"
You tear your eyes from the blowjob to see what Rina thinks. You watch her stare, beet red, at the fellatio for several seconds before she tears her eyes away too. "Right! Oh. I can… be… your… wife…?"
You're about to comment on the lack of legal representation available in the moment that can make that happen, but Sua speaks first. "Oooh, that's so cute! Awesome! Thanks for sharing your husband with us today, wifey."
Rina shoots her gaze down to her socks. She looks thoroughly embarrassed now. You wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her into a side hug. "She's right! It's cute. I got a new friend with benefits today, then a girlfriend. Never expected I'd get married too."
Her shoulders bounce under your arm a little as she chuckles. "Yeah. Same. Um, how's the blowjob, h-honey?"
"It's excellent. Thanks for inviting my fuck buddy over, sweetheart."
Rina covers her mouth to contain a snort. She looks at you out of the corner of her eye and the ends of her lips rise.
"Hey! Girlie friend over here deserves a cute nickname too, eh?" Sua shakes your shoulder.
You laugh and capture her under your other arm, the more you feel of her, the more impressed you are with how strong she seems to be.
"Of course, babe."
You'd say more, but she squeals and jerks forward to give you a thorough taste of her raspberry chapstick. And with that, it seems that the foursome is beginning in earnest. Sujeong takes your breath away metaphorically with the blowjob, Sua takes your breath away literally with the kiss, and Rina takes your hand underneath the blanket to sit on.
Your fingers get to work automatically on Rina, inching as far into her as they can get while restricted by her weight. She bites her lip and shudders, grinding down against them, which is cute but ultimately unhelpful. Not that you currently mind.
Speaking of minds, Sujeong is blowing yours. And your dick, but you've been over that and you're sure you got the point. For someone acting so strangely, she's putting in a truly Herculean effort down there. You don't even have to break away from Sua to picture what Sujeong is doing. In fact, it's very clear in your mind's eye. Suspiciously clear. The way she tilts her head side to side, the way her tongue curls around you, the way Rina leans in for a closer look and strokes Sujeong's hair, and the way Sujeong strokes herself up and down with her fingertips. With your eyes open, you see Sua's enthusiastic face, panting every dozen seconds when you both take a moment for air. But when your eyes are closed, it's like you're watching a porn, camera circling around the action, with Sujeong as the main star.
You're snapped out of it by your wife's shifting. Rina gets up her knees like Sua, but dips down, giving the bottom half of your cock a short lick. Sujeong wordlessly backs off, letting Rina take over entirely. Again, your dick is engulfed, but from a different angle.
Rina is much more timid, but no less physically sensational. She's subtler, trailing her tongue along the side and lightly peppering your cock with kisses, seasoning you to perfection. You're moderately disappointed that she still has the blanket on, because with the way it sticks up behind her you're sure you're missing out on a wonderful sight. Nothing wrong with seeing by touch though.
Having a hand under the throw already got you acquainted with Rina's burning hot core, so you explore her shell. For how thin she is, she's got incredibly soft curves. The expanse of her back is like a warm, silken sheet. Small waves crest and fall along it as she engages her whole body in your pleasure.
The romance of Rina's performance is undercut by Sujeong climbing over the top of her (shoving her further down your dick in the process, resulting in a muffled "hurg" noise), pulling your face away from Sua, and staring into your eyes. It's a hell of an intense glare, like she's trying to find Waldo in your skull.
Simultaneously, you and Sua say, "Um."
Sujeong slowly backs away without a word. The suspicious look on her face shifts to a softer expression the further away she gets.
Rina pushes herself off your dick with a gasp and a cough. "Sujeong! What the fuck?!"
"Sorry Rina. I just had to be sure."
"Sure of what?!"
The last of Sujeong's glare fades and she smiles with her eyes. Suddenly, she looks like the same girl you played Betrayal at the Mansion on the Mountain with. "Nothing! It's fine. Super good blowjob by the way! You're doing great!"
Glancing at Sua, she seems as unsure as you are about how to proceed. Thankfully it seems Rina is undeterred.
"Thanks… I guess?" she says before dipping down again to hesitantly wrap her lips around your tip.
This time, Sujeong doesn't do anything weird (in the context of group sex). Instead, she runs her fingers through Rina's hair and licks around the base of your shaft. You can't quite tell from above, but as Rina continues to hesitate, you think she may still be giving Sujeong some side eye. You hope nothing else unusual will happen for the remainder of the foursome.
Sua doesn't give you any more time to think about it. She stands up and plants one foot on either side of you and crouches just enough to touch her clit to your lips. The message is brutally clear, so you open and re-close your mouth over her pussy, getting an immediate taste of her enjoyment and flicking your tongue out for more. You can appreciate the positioning too. Sua has to flex slightly to hold herself in place, so you can look up at her bitten lip through the valley of hard abs and cute tits.
Again, the third person vision of what's happening around your dick comes into focus every time you shut your eyes. Sujeong guides your cock with her fingertips into Rina's mouth and back to hers. Each swap is accompanied by a quick, perhaps apologetic kiss between them. Rina tends to use her lips more, rubbing and twisting. Sujeong uses her tongue more, swirling and pulling. The rhythm is uneven, but hypnotic nonetheless. It helps that you're still physically feeling it and not just watching, and Sua’s wetness is like alcohol, dulling your higher thought processes while leaving sensation and instinct intact.
Sujeong gently lifts Rina back to an upright kneel. You continue to watch the movie with Sua's clit as your popcorn. Rina watches too, as Sujeong straddles your lap and rolls her hips in exactly the right way to capture your dick in her pussy with practically no effort. Your hands are drawn to her slim waist, and you squeeze unconsciously but noticeably.
Her body is curvaceous, honed, incredible, just like the way she moves. It's like she was drawn by a pinup artist and studied as a porn star's apprentice before completing her masterwork and this analogy is too long. She bounces and grinds at the same time. Her legs are a mechanical and visual marvel. As are her feet (you're sure that they'll come up when Yerin finishes telling you her story about the Feet the Good Feet rally, but it's nice to be "seeing" them for yourself)!
For just a moment, you open your eyes again. Sua's face is contorting in beautiful agony and her abs wave as she takes shallower and shallower breaths. And then, her eyes shoot open. Her thighs tense. Sujeong's chin touches yours. You don't have to close your eyes to confirm that Sua is being treated to a double oral performance.
Your eyes are drawn shut again, compelled to watch as your brunch partner digs into her half of the meal. You may have some sort of omnivision right now, but you still can't see the lower half of Sujeong's face through Sua's ass cheeks.
Sua's orgasm comes out of nowhere. Your blood pressure goes up while her thighs smash your face. Thankfully there are three people to hold her upright, since her falling over with your head in a vice grip would presumably be a bad time.
"Fuck!" She squeaks.
Once you're allowed to breathe air again, Sua panting in a heap next to you, you're treated to a heated make out with Sujeong and Rina. They pull you back and forth, sharing your lips and tongue between them. Your cock still belongs entirely to and inside Sujeong though.
"How you feeling so far?" Sujeong asks without skipping a beat on your lap.
"Not bad," you say with what you hope is a cool smirk.
Rina frowns. "Not bad? But Sujeong is…" She hesitates, but continues before you can question it. "Really good at this!"
Can't argue with the facts. Not that you have a reason to. You hiss between Sujeong's thrusts. "Yeah, I'm just being facetious."
Sujeong puts a hand on Rina's cheek, drawing her into a brief kiss. "You're so cute. Would you please eat his cum out of me?"
The very slight offense you feel over the maybe-inadvertent comment on your stamina is not enough to change the fact that you definitely feel your orgasm coming. And Rina begging Sujeong for your cum doesn't help.
"Yes, please! I would love to eat all of his cum out of you! Please let me…" She slows down, you assume because she realized it might take a moment longer to actually happen. "Um. Please? I'll slurp it out... of… your deliciou—”
Sujeong yanks her in again, tying up her tongue with something other than words. Rina submits and shuts up immediately, thoroughly entranced. Not to be outdone by Sujeong (because you suddenly, distinctly recall the way she betrayed your trust when she fed you to a nightmare just because she wanted your spear card, not that you’re going to remind her of that indignity), you pull Rina closer to you by the hips and wrap your arm around her underneath the blanket, feeling more of her and dipping your fingers inside her.
Warmth surrounds you as Rina swings the blanket around you. You get the tiniest glimpse of her petite body before you’re enveloped in darkness and met with her oh holy shit you’re cumming.
Just like the way Sua’s orgasm struck without warning, yours does too. It’s like your mind goes entirely blank. Less like bliss and more like you’re gone, literally. Like you go somewhere else to masturbate off-screen. And when you come back, you’ve cum deep inside of Sujeong and the pleasure you’d normally have felt during the earthquake instead hits you a moment later as a tsunami. You still can’t breathe underwater.
Sujeong falls off of you and drapes over Sua. Rina dives for her thighs, but is blocked by Sujeong’s hand.
“You want this cum?” Sujeong’s voice drips something viscous… and white.
“Mhm!” Rina hums back.
“Will you take his cock in your ass first, please?”
You blink. Did you just hear what you think you heard or are you still in that weird void state?
No. No you definitely heard that right. Or you and Rina just hallucinated the same sentence, because she maneuvers around to your front, facing away, and drops the blanket. Before you can even mentally comment on her figure, she guides your cock into her ass.
You drop your head back against the couch. This is just one of those very good mornings, apparently. Both in the sense that you're having a foursome, which is pretty cool in and of itself, and because your cock seems adamant to become any less adamantine. Maybe it has something to do with your out-of-body orgasmic experience.
Rina’s voice isn’t a whisper, but it’s very breathy, like she’s trying to speak through a wistful sigh. “Oh fuck. It already feels so good in my butt.” And she’s right. “[Your dick] feels so good in [her] butt.” Unless of course she’s implying the way that she feels, not you, but you’re not her dialogue editor so you decide to leave it up to interpretation.
You already got a head start on feeling her up, but now that it’s combined with a visual medium, you can’t help yourself. Your hands travel up and down her body, not in any sort of attempt to assist her clumsy bounces, but just to admire and physically experience the intimacy she radiates. The way her ass grips and yet glides on you is merely a bonus. She seems to have a similar idea, putting her hands on your knees initially for balance, but shortly transitioning to padding them up and down your thighs when she hits her stride.
“Do you work out?” she asks in that same, breathy way.
“Not exactly by choice, but yeah,” you respond through clenched teeth, trying not to shout “fuck” every time her ass cheeks tap your legs.
“Can I join?” Sua chimes in. Seems she’s recovered from her double oralgasm.
“I mean, it’s a personal, private gym I go to, but I could totally ask.”
Sua giggles. “No, silly, I meant what you’re doing right now. The sex.”
Interesting point she brings up. How exactly does foursome etiquette work? Is one allowed to simply exit and rejoin at any given moment? Assuming so, does the event still count as a foursome in the interim?
Rina takes the initiative while you question your knowledge base and rearranges herself, going from standing in front of you to planting her feet on the couch on either side of you. “Here?” she asks.
Sua gets between her (and your) legs, standing over the two of you and leaning down, taking Rina’s chin in her hands. The pervert in you (which is just you) wants to say, “Now kith,” but it seems that was Sua’s plan all along. She closes the gap and kithes—kisses—Rina deeply, pressing her onto you with considerable force.
It doesn’t take long for the pressure to subside though. Sua crawls down Rina’s body, kithing—kissing—along the way. She slows to suck and grope at Rina’s tits, but only stops when she’s got her face pressed against Rina’s pussy.
“Yes! Just like that, Sua, yes!” Rina slows down her pumping significantly, likely to avoid giving Sua a bloody nose, which is admittedly a pretty good reason. Her ass clenches around you in an off-kilter rhythmic way, probably matching the pattern of whatever Sua happens to be doing with her tongue. You get a view of the action when Rina reaches an arm back around your neck. Her nails rake your upper arm.
“Is it nice for you too?” she asks, sounding a little more out-of-breath than intentionally breathy now. Of course, the question clears up her prior grammatical snafu, but really, she shouldn't have made the initial sentence so ambiguous.
You pull her head down and strain your way up to meet her. Her mouth tastes like raspberries. Whether it’s residual from making out with Sua or they shared some chapstick in the moments before everyone undressed, you may never know.
"It's great. Thanks for asking, honey." You're physically rocked by the shivers that run through Rina's spine as soon as you use the very appropriate pet name. And you get another similar reaction when you reach around with both hands to cup her fun-size boobs.
Next to you, Sujeong stands up and grins. "Aw, look at you. You make such a good couple...s. Couples? Trio? Menage? I know there's a word."
She steps over Rina, straddling the two of you with her exceptionally long legs, one hand still pressed between her legs. "Come on now, cutie. Say 'Ah.'"
As there was already plenty of cum eating talk, not even all that long ago, and preceding your orgasm, you feel slightly cheated out of the shock of seeing Rina open her mouth to accept your cum straight from the twat-tap when it could have been foreshadowed so much more subtly. They could have "shared a knowing look" or… something. Rina surely could have done better.
Not that it matters once you're enraptured by your cum flowing from Sujeong's pussy to Rina's tongue. The ways Sujeong curls her fingers into Rina's hair, Rina swallows like a connoisseur, and Sua’s tongue keeps catching the base of your cock are starting to overwhelm you. You've been in the center of some wild scenarios, ranging from a public threesome to backstage sex to an actual Christmas carol-themed orgy, all with some of the world's most desired people. Through all of that, you've kept your cool (technically, and don't ask Eunbin to confirm that), but for the briefest moment, here, pinned underneath three idols you have mostly only had passing interactions with, pretending to have more developed relationships, dick in one of their butts, on your own couch, you feel a pin prick of subtle panic at the back of your mind.
But immediately after you feel it, it fades. It seems that your fuck buddy, girlfriend, and wife all missed your confused expression.
Sujeong steps off and slumps down next to you when nothing is left to drip from between her legs. She brings you back to your proper senses with a kiss at the corner of your mouth. You hadn’t realized that you'd lost so much focus as to barely register the intermittent pressure of Rina's ass pumping.
"Throuple, I think," Sujeong whispers, running a hand over your shoulder.
You blink. "What?"
She smiles. "I think 'throuple' is the word I was looking for. It's like 'couple' but with three people. Like a polyamory thing. Or 'triad,' but I'm not an expert. I don't know which is more app---"
"C-cumming." Rina interrupts. "I'm… I'm…"
True to the words she seems incapable of organizing into a proper structure, Rina reaches her peak. She wraps her hands over yours and squeezes down on her tits. Her eyes scrunch up and her tongue peeks out from between her lips in one of the most adorkable orgasmic expressions you've ever witnessed.
A solid thirty seconds of stillness later, Rina goes limp, feet sliding off the couch and hanging to either side of yours. She's already dead weight on your lap and chest, but is pressed even harder against you by Sua's body colliding against hers. Rina's butt tightens around your dick.
Sujeong speaks softly, but close enough to your ear that you can hear her over the sounds of vigorous post-orgasm make outs. "Not to be a party pooper, but I've got a shoot to get to. I wouldn't feel bad if the three of you kept going without me though, just saying."
And without waiting for anybody to reply, she stands up and gets dressed.
There was something you wanted to ask her though. It's on the tip of your tongue. Maybe it's got something to do with Rina continuing to grind her asshole on your dick. Maybe it's Sua's needy moans. Maybe you're distracted by Sujeong’s killer body. What the fuck were you going to ask?
Rina moans back. She's getting needy too. Her arms constrict Sua in closer, pinning your hands between their breasts. They're both so soft. You could stay that way forever. Right? Couldn't you? Won't you?
You can feel Sua's fingers on the opposite side of Rina's inner walls against your dick. Rina clenches down on you like she's expecting another orgasm from the fingering. Sujeong is smiling at the whole affair, zipping up her coat. Are you going to cum? You probably could. You could cum again and again and again. It doesn’t matter so much where. Rina's ass. Sua's. Their pussies, their mouths, their feet, their faces, their tits, their hands. They could collect pools of it just to lick it up. They could swap it back and forth between them while you build up to the next load. Sujeong is walking to the door. They could please you. Forever. Do you want another blowjob?
"Sujeong! Hold up!" Your sudden shout startles Sujeong, if the way she jumps is any indication. Sua and Rina are far too engrossed in devouring each other's faces to have noticed.
"Uh. Yeah?"
"What were you supposed to show them, 'on me?'"
Sujeong blushes and breaks eye contact. "Just, um, my blowjob technique."
"Is that it?" you ask, doing your best to ignore the gyrating women on top of you.
"Yeah, totally. I was bragging about it in a group chat and, yeah."
Silence (besides the gasping and moaning).
"Ummm, yeah. So like." Sujeong rubs her neck. "Ask them if they liked my blowjob technique for me? Go ahead and text me what they think. You have my number, right?"
You nod. "Sure. Yeah, I'll ask."
Sujeong grins. It looks fake. "Cool, thanks. I'll see you again soon, kay? Tell the girls I said they're hot as hell, and, um, bye!"
She's out the door. The brief, cold draft generated by the door may be what snaps Sua and Rina out of their fervor. Sua backs off and Rina partially follows, releasing the pressure from your chest. You weren't exactly dying for air, but a full breath is very refreshing, and any worries you may have just had drift away. Worries? You had worries? What would there be to worry about?
Sua strokes your balls with the tips of her fingers, though not especially gently. Based on the reaction, she must be doing something similarly rough to Rina too. You laugh and give her a light swat on the arm.
"You have to work soon, right, babe?" Sua asks, already pouting without even having an answer. "Think we could stick around for a bit longer if your wife makes us some lunch?"
"W-what?!" Rina whines. "Me?"
"No. His real wife."
Rina's face drains of color. She slowly turns to stare at you. "You're… you're actually married?"
You smirk and shrug. Immediately, Rina leaps off of your lap and dives underneath the discarded blanket again. Her voice comes out muffled. "Shit! I'm sorry! This is m-my fault! I'm sorry!"
It seems she's taking a lot more of the blame than is really her share, if there were blame to go around in the first place, so once you and Sua get the last of your giggles out at her expense, you lift one of the blanket corners. "I'm kidding. I'm not married. Well, except to you."
Rina peeks out from the blanket. "Don't freak me out like that."
More giggles. You stand up from the couch for what feels like the first time in an eternity and stretch your legs. "Well, if you do want to stick around for lunch, I'm definitely hungry, and I can take care of—"
Sua wraps her fingers around your still-hard shaft, staring up at you with enormous eyes. "If we can stay… does that mean it's my turn for butt stuff?"
You sigh with a smile. You've got a feeling that it'll take a while to get your work done.
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mauesartetc · 2 years
This is so underwhelming.
[Got an ask regarding what I thought of Alastor’s “redesign” (anon’s quotes, not mine). Fully intended to answer it directly. But of course Tumblr wigged out on me and wouldn’t let me edit the draft. So let’s try this again.]
Here's the thing: Viv Medrano didn't explicitly say there'd be big, exciting changes with Alastor, but hyped him up for days as if this were HUGE, even reminding folks of the big reveal mere hours before it dropped.
I was hoping they'd at least ditch the monocle and stripes, make his antlers more prominent, and give him a more period-appropriate hairstyle. That wouldn't have been so hard. Instead, they changed practically nothing. I get Viv wouldn't want to alter Al's design too much as it might turn off some fans, but really? You couldn't even let go of the stupid monocle that was already way out of fashion in his time period? And then you got our hopes up for... this?
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Let's talk about managing expectations for a sec.
There's this Conan clip with Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele that's always stuck with me. The two guests discuss the concept of "dropping a dook" (at 1:04-1:46):
Basically, be humble and keep expectations low so your audience will be pleasantly surprised. Raise them too high, and they'll inevitably be disappointed.
That's what I am. Not mad, just disappointed. I'm glad they streamlined the pinstripes and cut back on the red somewhat, but they could've easily changed more without causing an outcry.
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Literally all I did in the above image was remove the monocle and enlarge the antlers. If any part of a 2D character is so tiny it barely registers from a distance, why’s it even here? Those puny prongs don’t make him look intimidating, either; it’s like he’s a fawn rather than a full-grown buck. And I know I keep harping on the monocle, but seriously, would anyone miss it? Pretty sure the animators wouldn’t.
(”But Maue, didn’t you see Alastor use the monocle like a radio dial when he was about to sing in the pilot?” Yeah, but I’d argue the round part of his bow tie would fit that function better. Its location around his neck actually makes more sense that it’d control his voice, as it’s more likely to have a direct connection to the voice box. Or drive-thru speaker, or whatever he’s got in there. It’d be kinda hilarious if the dial gave him different voices like Dug from “Up”.) 
And just for fun, I made his hair opaque and drew in some separation between the cheekbone and brow ridge.
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Al’s eyes are so huge, we don’t need to see his eyebrows in order to read his expression. These are relatively minor changes, but they bring about huge improvements.
I find it odd Viv released Charlie’s new design (which features major changes) without telling a soul she was going to, only to promote the hell out of an Alastor design that looks practically the same as the previous one. It would’ve been better to release this one without warning as well, and do the same for the remaining characters. Like Key and Peele said, drop a dook. Don’t overhype stuff, and your audience will thank you for it.
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shanitani · 3 years
table of contents
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👩🏽‍💻: lol did y’all miss me? im still on hiatus for maybe a good two weeks until summer srry<\3. but to make up for it I made this chapter hella long.
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“Damn their water pressure is good.” You mumbled softly, turning off the faucet. The boy had a cleaner bathroom than you had expected, in comparison to the ones in America - he was almost cleaner than yourself. You wiped the fog from the glass admiring your damp face for a moment, fully indulging in the fact that you were really in Japan.  
You slipped on your pajamas, the bottoms hugged at the figure well and unfortunately so did the tank top Mitsuki put out for you. You had no problem wearing it around by yourself, but you had to take into account there was a boy you had never met before living there as well. It didn’t help that Midnight never gave you any descriptions about the boy as well, so it was obvious how high alert you were.
You grabbed your belongings, turning the music down to a soft hum in volume before turning off the bathroom light. The cold air hit your damp warm one before clearing your vision to see the teenage boy you had been wondering about the day you got your acceptance email. You both stared in awe, you took in his muscular arms due to training, the light ruffle of his blonde hair, his mouth fixated in a frown, and his piercing red eyes.
It wasn’t as if he wasn’t looking at you either, your skin glistening under harsh light, your hair lightly tied back with a hair tie, the familiar smell he smelt minutes before now more concentrated and easier to name. He dared not to look at your figure-hugging the waistband of the pajamas, trying to rip his glare away fast enough. He grunts, beginning the doorknob, “You better have had left my bathroom the way you saw it.”
You frowned furring your brows, “Duh I did. And hello to you too.” you scoffed looking down at your phone in an attempt to make the situation less awkward. The blonde boy let out a groaned out “hey” before opening his door, and closing it in the same breath. “Rude ass,” you mumbled under your breath before heading downstairs back to your room. 
“You met him?? TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED” Imani squealed putting her elbows on her crisscrossed legs looking in awe behind the screen. You smiled at her eagerness to know the boy, though you didn’t think he was all that. “Well he’s pretty muscular, um tall, he’s blonde and rude as fuck.” You rolled your eyes at your last sentence as you simultaneously put your belongings in your new backpack for tomorrow.
“Okayyy he could work! You gotta fierce Lil attitude too so it’ll work out fine.” Imani flashed you a smirk - knowing you couldn’t hit her from Japan. “Oh shut up Mani! you know if I was there I’d slap your ass right now.” you pointed your middle finger towards the camera, giving her a nice view of your white acrylic nails. “Exactly why ima act out now rather than next year.” She huffed, turning off her led lights looking back at her best friend. “I’m gonna miss you tomorrow, school’s gonna be so boring.” You whined thinking about the worst scenario known to come. If they were anything like Bakugo, well you were going to be entirely fucked. “I will too. But stop making me sad about it! We gone see each other soon.” Mani kissed the phone foreshadowing a kiss to your cheek, you smiled doing the same motions as her before ending the call and rolling over to fall asleep.
“I better like these people, Nah they better like me....” you shut your eyes, anxious for your first day to start.
The next day came, as Mitsuki dropped you and Bakugou off. You expected him to at the least show you to where you needed to be - but instead he slung his backpack to the side , not giving you a glimpse of attention your way. “One day im gone beat his ass up.” you took a breathe trying to find the dorm rooms, only to be met with a man right in front of you.
“Hi, [L/N] nice to finally meet you.” The tired-looking man shook your hand motioning you into the dorms. “As you know we enroll all students into the dorms for their safety because of accidents that have happened in previous years.” you nodded looking at the huge building with high ceilings and pillars inside. The man showed you around to the necessities like the gym, commons room, the classrooms, and finally to your dorm room. “I forgot to mention, but you probably know me. I’m Aizawa, and I’ll be teaching you along with class 1A. Today we just want you to prepare your dorm room so you can sleep easy tomorrow - I won’t lie to you, it won’t be easy.” he shrugged giving you the keys to your dorm.
You thanked the man before opening the room, as said in the description - the rest of your belongings were stacked to the side of your room along with your mattress to the right of it and a desk to the left. “Might as well put on music.” you thought to yourself, scrolling through the millions of playlists before finally reaching the one you wanted. 
“Yeah, this will take a while.”
Putting on the comforter of the bed, and adding the last of your pictures on the wall; you flopped onto your bed feeling a slight headache arrive. You groaned wiping your forehead, looking out the window to see the sun almost come to a set. “How long do these children work? Seems like their school hours are a whole part-time job.” before you could laugh at your inner joke, you heard the loud door creak open before the kids voiced roamed the hallways.
You shifted uncomfortably on your bed, knowing that they knew you arrived. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to meet them. You just didn’t want to do the same cycle of meeting new friends again - it was a hassle and you were fine with the ones you had in America. You took a deep breath trying to regain your thoughts, “They won’t even know I’m here. It’s alright.” you repeated to yourself trying to make the anxiety slowly creep up disappear. 
“Yeah she’s here now stop asking me about her, you wanna talk to her go right there.” you heard the familiar huffed voice described as Bakugous. You could tell he pointed towards your dorm the way a teenage girl laughed, hearing the footsteps come closer and closer towards your room. “Shit.” you jumped off the bed, fixing your hair making sure to make a good impression no matter who it may be. That’s when the footsteps stopped, and a light knock was met at your door.
you opened the door to a girl squealing, “Hi!” a curly haired girl engulfed you into a hug making you step back giggling at her eagerness, “Hey! your hair smells nice.” you hugged her back, finally stepping back to get a look of her. Her hair was the same color as her skin - pink, that you could only assume was the cause of her quirk. However, she did have black features that made you believe she was Blasian. 
“Mina stop harassing the new girl! it’s only her first day. Hello I’m Momo!” A black haired girl came waving her hand at you, she looked beautiful - you were almost intimidated by her stunning features feeling a tad insecure once side by side. 
“Oh no worries!” you giggled sitting on the edge of your bed motioning for them to come in more. “How’s your first day been?” Mina sat at the other edge of your bed looking at you with huge eyes, “Honestly, kind of boring. also confusing since this place is huge. Way bigger than the schools in America” you motioned towards out your door foreshadowing the commons room.
“America? that’s where you’re from?” Momo chimed in walking towards your desk chair to sit down. You nodded, “Mhm, California.” Mina gasped - “California! You’re so lucky!” you laughed at her bubbly attitude that was a bit similar to your bestfriends at home. “Trust me you wouldn’t want to be there, I’m here for a reason aren’t I” you smirked nudging her shoulder slightly.
“ Wow, How long will you be staying?” “One year.” you shrugged looking off in your dorm window. “Well I hope you love it here, hopefully become a pro.” Momo smiled at you genuinely, and you couldn’t help but fall in love with her persona. Before you could speak again you heard a knock on your door and small murmurs behind your door, Momo opened the door slightly, only hearing a faint “Yall better not embarrass me. I’m serious” before she opened the door all the way to the boys.
“Shut the hell up Momo.” one yellow haired boy lightheartedly says before leaning on your wall and catching your eyes. “Hey! I’m sero and this is Denki. Nice to meet you.” Sero extended his hand to yours to shake, “Wassup Sero, Hi Denki.” you smiled at the other boy.
“Damn, so this is why Bakugo didn’t want to show you off huh.” Denki came closer to you, taking in your features. “Or he just don’t like me” you scoffed thinking about his arrogant characteristics from Sunday. “Well that’s good, less people to compete against.” Denki sat next to you on the edge of your bed fully focused onto you. You smiled taking observations to his flirtatious personality.
No matter Denki giving you his full and undivided attention, Sero caught your eye the moment he walked in the door. You looked Sero up and down, his outfit caught your full attention. He wore the UA uniform required yet paired with grey Jordans and a silver chain dangling from his neck, it was no understatement that he was a very attractive boy. “Why you standing there all quiet, Sero? you obviously came up here for something.” you jokingly stated - trying to start some conversation with the boy.
“Tried to see if you were really what all the hype was about.” He shrugged coming up near you to overpower your figure, your heart raced as he looked down upon you smirking, he knows he fine chile. “They were definitely right.” He smirked looking at you with low eyes.
“Y’all are the most flirtatious boys I know. Swear I can’t take yall no where.” Momo grabbed the two boys by their collard shirts making them groan in displeasure earning a laugh from you - only to make them groan in embarrassement. 
“Bye boys.” you wave them off as Momo literally kicked them out your dorm, before closing it in front of them. “I like you” you pointed to her, making her eyes widen, while her cheeks grew into a blush before smiling. “Now how did you make a better impression than me and I came here first.” Mina flopped onto your bed frowning. “Don’t worry girl I like you too.” you slapped her thigh in a friendly manner.
“Alright you two enough talking, get back to your dorms. You all have a long day tomorrow.” Aizawa yelled through the door with his usual tired voice before shuffling off to his room closing the door. “Guess I’ll see you tommorow [Y/N]!” Mina skipped off towards your door “Yes! see you tomorrow” Momo opened the door looking back once more “Bye boo’s!” you called out before the closed your door.
You turned on your led lights in substitute for the harsh lighting in your dorm, shuffling off into your bed. you looked off onto your wall looking at the pictures you stuck to them, “Damn, I miss you Imani” your hand grazed upon the picture of you and Imani sticking up the middle finger to a flashing camera with your phones in one hand and a red cup in the other - a party you both went to knowing damn well you weren’t supposed to be there.
You turned towards the other way of your bed shutting your eyes - anticipating for the long day ahead of you, and meeting the rest of your class tomorrow morning.
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👩🏽‍💻: y’all fw y/n being bisexual orrr? or do y’all want scandals? tell me now😁
Tag list(send me an ask to be apart of it)
@quincywrites, @fandomsgotmefucked , @lokis-teseract , @racistareversa,@ladybakugouu, @melanin-baddie , @oookore , @bnhathotty, @bleach-your-panties , @shikamaruhairline, @dilfhwa ,@winxme
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surveyhoursss · 3 years
Bold the ones that you know of!
1.Who Let The Dogs Out? -Baha Men
2. All The Small Things -Blink 182
3. Amazed -Lonestar
4. Oops, I Did It Again -Britney Spears
5. Graduation -Vitamin C
6. Bye, Bye, Bye -N*Sync
7. Independent Woman -Destiny’s Child
8. Let’s Make Love – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
9. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 4000
10. I Turn To You – Christina Aguilera
11. I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden
12. It’s My Life – Bon Jovi
13. Breathe – Faith Hill
14. Shake Your Bon-Bon – Ricky Martin
15. Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65
16. Goobye Earl – Dixie Chicks
17. Let’s Get Married – Jagged Edge
18. The Bad Touch – Bloodhound Gang
19. The Real Slim Shady – Eminem
20. Say My Name – Destiny’s Child
21. It’s Gonna Be Me – N*Sync
22. Party Up – DMX
23. Sexual (Li Da Di) – Amber
24. Country Grammar – Nelly
25. Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) – Aaron Carter
1. Hanging By A Moment -Lifehouse
2. Allin’ -Alicia Keys
3. All For You -Janet
4. If You’re Gone -Matchbox Twenty
5. I’M Real -Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule
6. Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) -Train
7. Let Me Blow Ya Mind -Eve ft. Gwen Stefani
8. Thank You -Dido
9. Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!) -Blu Cantrell
10. Independent Women Part I -Destiny’s Child
11. Again -Lenny Kravitz
12. It’S Been Awhile -Staind
13. Stutter -Joe ft. Mystikal
14. It Wasn’T Me’ -Shaggy ft. Ricardo “RikRok” Ducent
15. U Remind Me -Usher
16. Where The Party At -Jagged Edge With Nelly
17. Angel -Shaggy Featuring Rayvon
18. Ride Wit Me -Nelly Featuring City Spud
19. Peaches & Cream -112
20. Follow Me -Uncle Kracker
21. Drive -Incubus
22. What Would You Do? -Alicia Keys
23. Survivor -Destiny’s Child
24. Lady Marmalade -Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & Pink
25. Ms. Jackson -OutKast
1. A Moment Like This – Kelly Clarkson
2. Hot In Herre – Nelly
3. Complicated – Avril Lavigne
4. Girlfriend – N Sync & Nelly
5. Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne
6. Can’t Fight The Moonlight – LeAnn Rimes
7. Dirrty – Christina Aguilera
8. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton
9. Heaven – DJ Sammy
10. Gimme The Light – Sean Paul
11. The World’s Greatest – R Kelly
12. Jenny From The Block – Jennifer Lopez Featuring Jadakiss & Styles
13. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) – Toby Keith
14. Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch
15. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie Minogue
16. The Game Of Love – Santana Featuring Michelle Branch
17. Young’n (Holla Back) – Fabolous
18. She Hates Me – Puddle Of Mudd
19. Starry Eyed Surprise – Oakenfold Featuring Shifty Shellshock
20. The Middle – Jimmy Eat World
21. Say I Yi Yi – Ying Yang Twins
22. Just A Friend 2002 – Mario
23. Hey Baby – No Doubt and Bounty Killer
24. Work It – Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott
25. U Don’t Have To Call – Usher
1. In Da Club -50 Cent
2. Crazy in Love -Beyonce w. Jay-Z
3. Get Busy -Sean Paul
4. When I’m Gone -Three Doors Down
5. Ignition -R Kelly
6. Baby Boy -Beyonce w. Sean Paul
7. This is the Night -Clay Aiken
8. Bring Me To Life -Evanescence
9. Right Thurr -Chingy
10. Unwell -Matchbox Twenty
11. Picture -Kid Rock w. Sheryl Crow
12. Drift Away -Uncle Kracker & Dobie Gray
13. Get Low -Lil’ John & The East Side Boyz
14. Beautiful -Christina Aguilera
15. I’m With You -Avril Lavigne
16. Miss You -Aalyiah
17. 21 Questions -50 Cent & Nate Dogg
18. Shake Ya Tailfeather Nelly -P. Diddy and Murphy Lee
19. All I Have -Jennifer Lopez & LL Cool J
20. I Know What You Want -Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey
21. Magic Stick -Lil’ Kim w. 50 Cent
22. Bump Bump Bump -B2K and P. Diddy
23. Flying Without Wings -Ruben Studdard
24. Here Without You -3 Doors Down
25. Work It -Missy Elliot
2004 (my birth year !! )
1. Yeah! -Usher
2. Burn -Usher
3. This Love -Maroon 5
4. The Way You Move -Outkast
5. If I Ain’t Got You -Alecia Keys
6. Hey Ya! -Outkast
7. I Don’t Wanna Know -Mario Winans
8. The Reason -Hoobastank
9. Confessions Part II -Usher
10. My Immortal -Evanescence
11. Naughty Girl -Beyonce
12. Let’s Get It Started -Black Eyed Peas
13. My Boo -Usher and Alecia Keys
14. She Will Be Loved -Maroon 5
15. The First Cut Is the Deepest -Sheryl Crow
16. Toxic -Britney Spears
17. Someday -Nickelback
18. I Believe -Fantasia
19. Breakaway -Kelly Clarkson
20. Slow Jamz -Twista
21. Dirt Off Your Shoulder -Jay-Z
22. Freak-A-Leek -Petey Pablo
23. The Way -Clay Aiken
24. Numb -Linkin’ Park
25. Dip It Low -Christina Milian
1. We Belong Together -Mariah Carey
2. Let Me Love You -Mario
3. Since U Been Gone -Kelly Clarkson
4. Hollaback Girl -Gwen Stefani
5. Boulevard of Broken Dreams -Greenday
6. Don’t Cha -The Pussycat Dolls and Busta Rhymes
7. Candy Shop -50 Cent
8. 1, 2, Step -Ciara and Missy Elliot
9. Gold Digger -Kanye West
10. Don’t Phunk With My Heart -The Black Eyed Peas
11. Drop It Like It’s Hot -Snoop Dogg
12. Shake It Off -Mariah Carey
13. Disco Inferno -50 Cent
14. Behind These Hazel Eyes -Kelly Clarkson
15. Beverly Hills -Weezer
16. Just a Lil Bit -50 Cent
17. Lose Control -Missy Elliot
18. How We Do -The Game & 50 Cent
19. You & Me -Lifehouse
20. Soldier -Destiny’s Child
21. Rich Girl -Gwen Stefani
22. Mr. Brightside -The Killers
23. Oh -Ciara and Ludacris
24. Pon De Replay -Rihanna
25. Hate It Or Love It -The Game and 50 Cent
1. Sexyback – Justin Timberlake
2. Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean
3. Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland
4. Everytime We Touch – Cascada
5. Temperature – Sean Paul
6. S.O.S. – Rihanna
7. Beep – Pussy Cat Dolls
8. Waiting On The World To Change – John Mayer
9. Pump It – Black Eyed Peas
10. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt
11. Maneater – Nelly Furtado
12. Single – Natasha Bedingfield
13. What Hurts the Most – Rascall Flatts
14. Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It – Dem Franchise Boys
15. Walk Away – Kelly Clarkson
16. It’s Goin’ Down – Young Joc
17. Dance, Dance -Fall Out Boy
18. Smack That – Akon & Eminem
19. I Write Songs, Not Tragedies – Panic! At the Disco
20. We’re All In This Together – High School Musical Cast
21. Ms. New Booty – Bubba Sparx
22. How To Save A Life – The Fray
23. Rompe – Daddy Yankee
24. Check On It – Beyonce Featuring Slim Thugg
25. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
1. The Sweet Escape -Gwen Stefani & Akon
2. Girlfriend -Avril Lavigne
3. Irreplaceable -Beyonce
4. Before He Cheats -Carrie Underwood
5. Crank Dat -Soulja Boy
6. Rehab -Amy Winehouse
7. Umbrella -Rhianna
8. Hey There Delilah -Plain White T’s
9. Glamorous -Fergie
10. I Wanna Luv U -Akon
11. Bubbly -Colbie Caillat
12. Walk It Out -Unk
13. Don’t Matter -Akon
14. Fergalicious -Fergie
15. Lip Gloss -Lil Mama
16. Candyman -Christina Aguilera
17. Break It Off -Rhianna
18. S.O.S. -Jonas Brothers
19. Stronger -Kanye West
20. Thks Fr Th Mmrs -Fall Out Boy
21. Pop, Lock and Drop It -Huey
22. Shut Up and Drive -Rhianna
23. Because of You -Ne-Yo
24. Home -Daughtry
25. Tattoo -Jordan Sparks
1. So What – Pink
2. Just Dance – Lady Gaga
3. Leavin’ – Jesse McCartney
4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
5. Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects
6. Damaged – Danity Kane
7. Shake It – Metro Station
8. Love Story – Taylor Swift
9. When I Grow Up – Pussycat Dolls
10. I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry
11. Don’t Stop The Music – Rihanna
12. Burnin’ Up – Jonas Brothers
13. Low – Flo Rida featuring T-Pain
14. Calabria – Enur featuring Natasja
15. Love Like This – Natasha Bedingfield and Sean Kingston
16. 7 Things – Miley Cyrus
17. Lollipop – Lil Wayne
18. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield
19. Circus – Britney Spears
20. Summertime – New Kids On The Block
21. Our Song- Taylor Swift
22. All Summer Long – Kid Rock
23. Closer – Ne-Yo
24. Viva La Vida – Coldplay
25. See You Again – Miley Cyrus
1. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas
2. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
3. I Know You Want Me (Calle Oche) – Pitbull
4. You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift
5. Lovegame – Lady Gaga
6. Don’t Trust Me – 3OH3!
7. Please Don’t Leave Me – Pink
8. Right Round – Flo-Rida
9. Poker Face – Lady Gaga
10. Goodbye – Kristinia Debarge
11. Say Hey – Evan Taubenfeld Michael Franti & Spearhead
12. New Divide – Linkin Park
13. The Climb – Miley Cyrus
14. Best I Ever had – Drake
15. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship Featuring Leighton Meester
16. Lucky – Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet
17. Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry
18. Paranoid – Jonas Brothers
19. Wanted – Jessie James
20. Fire Burning – Sean Kingston
21. Not Meant To Be – Theory of a Deadman
22. Love, Sex and Magic – Ciara & Justin Timberlake
23. Use Somebody – Kings of Leon
24. Day N Nite – Kid Cuti
25. Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus (they let us learn the dance at res)
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liam-93-productions · 4 years
Summary of Liam’s episode on Killing It podcast
Note: some of these issues might be triggering so please proceed with caution especially when you listen to the full episode.
Talked about Live Forever music video concept;
Why he wanted to discuss mental health and he mentioned that he went through different therapies trying to find the “key to his happiness”;
Being your own hero is an interesting concept to Liam. Mentioned Matthew Mcconaughey speech on an award show and how his hero was himself after 10 years;
Talked about his journey since he was 14 years old on the X-Factor;
Fun fact: Karen was his chaperone in 2008 at the show;
He did gigs by himself and he shares his bullying experience during those years;
Liam explained why he did go back to the show as “a way to get out of that town” and make his parents proud. Liam liked music at the time and he didn’t think he was that good;
Liam shared that he didn’t have many friends and it was difficult to deal with the 1D boys, with egos and adjusting to each other. Liam felt that at 16 years old, X-Factor that year was his last chance to make it;
The boys knew who he was already from his experience in 2008 and it felt like a “weird atmosphere”;
1D was crazy! Rehearsals, interviews together and separately;
Story: they had to go to a movie premiere and they didn’t want to do it. They wanted them to do interviews and in the end they had to go to the red carpet of the movie premiere;
At first they found it was really “funny” to have all that success. Liam thinks it’s beautiful and lovely, but he can’t understand it sometimes. They slowly spiraled and he thinks they were too tired and that’s why it was over. They were working relentlessly; 
The adrenaline highs were too many and the crashes were hard;
There wasn’t any support from mental health specialists. Liam considers their team was good, but he believes that nobody can experiences the same thing in terms of mental health;
He felt very lonely and he developed agoraphobia. He could do anything, but he didn’t know what to do and he had nobody to do it with;
His brain was good when he was active, but then it would get “really dark really soon”. That’s when alcohol started to be used as a copying mechanism. Liam mentioned it wasn’t healthy;
It was difficult when he didn’t had anywhere to turn to and there was “no stop button”, especially with fame. It’s an ongoing thing;
He felt like the more success they got, the crazier he personally got;
STD happened and he felt weird because he didn’t know what to do with it;
Mentioned that 1D never celebrated their awards after so they started celebrating during. Mentioned the story at the BMAs when they cut him off and he couldn’t finish his speech. Awards became normal. Said that he usually was the one doing the thank you speeches and he felt a lot of pressure;
Considers that 1D were the “boss”. They were too young and listened to the adults that were around. They couldn’t understand it all and didn’t know how to do it;
Liam felt tired being in the band towards the end. He was drunk 90% of the time while he was there. It fel tiring to do the same songs every single night in different places, even though he always thought that this was important for fans as it was “their first time”;
Mentions that he hated singing WMYB by the end of it and he felt like at 22 years old it didn’t make sense to him personally. His idea of love and relationships changed;
He felt relieved during the last two weeks of 1D. Knowing that he didn’t have a schedule. Felt that it was weird after they went on break, like he was retiring. Shared the same story about his dad through his retirement and how he helped him dealing with it by sharing the experience; 
Started working again and it was different to get a different team and label. He has the control, but he doesn’t know what to do with it;
What helped him during his mental health lows: speaking with someone, little role models around, learning to not be afraid to talk to people;
He worked with a psychiatrist and started questioning his decision making process and learnt to trust his own feelings;
A lot of voices questioning everything, but it’s important to know how your brain works. Helped him a lot;
Tried to figure out who he was;
It was important to him going to the gym and defining a goal. It made a lot of difference to him. The physical part helped him with the mental part;
Mentions that he might have gone a little overboard with the training because of the HUGO modeling;
The main goal to Liam is happiness;
Mentions that he usually thinks if he is in the right place in life and if he isn’t he “will get the hell out” to try and control his life;
Advice for a little kid wanting to be in the music industry: be careful to not be too obsessed with it and trying not to paying too much attention;
Dealing with criticism: he tries to tell that he won’t read it, but he will do it anyway. He sometimes go through trolls pages to see how their lives are. You wouldn’t take advice from trolls, but Liam would take criticism from somebody close to him;
Down days: tries not to do too many quick fixes (going out and partying). Good sleep, nice movie and pizza.  Accept that you have bad days, deal with it and sleep on it. Tomorrow is a fresh day. 
Liam feels that he hide so much of his life that he feels like it’s more effort;
Liam mentions that when he was in 1D he was “Mr. Boring/Vanilla” which was funny to him now because his life became a “media circus”. He feels like he is more carefree now and more confident as a solo artist; 
Liam talks about how he writes on his notes what he wants to say to trolls, in extensive detail and then just leaves it; 
When the criticism is about him he doesn’t care much, but when it’s about someone he cares about he gets “bitty”;
Feels like people pick up on different little things he says and looks over his should afraid that a little thing he said might become a big media story and has to deal with it;
Liam shared that he was driving around and listened to a Drake song and related to it;
He feels that it’s important to feel gratitude towards his life. Mentions the “Where We Are Tour” and how Louis used to say “Look around lads, look at where we are”;
Liam doesn’t meditate too much, he uses the gym as his “meditating” mechanism;
When he had a bad day after an interview he just walked home for like an hour; 
Mentions the cast for West Side Story and making the audition for Steven Spielberg; 
Feather tattoo similar to Jordan. Story about his grandmother and him and his mother finding the feather because he always thought it was his granny. 
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idhrenniel · 4 years
why are you here.
➴ Summary: based on mgk’s song “why are you here”, he and the reader end up in the same club after lying to one another, and choose to let the coke speak for themselves.
➴ Pairing: Colson Baker / fem!reader (3rd POV).
➴ Warnings: Angst, 18+: sex and drug use (and abuse).
➴ Wordcount: 2K
➴ Tagged: @angelaiswriting
➴ Author Note: Angie and I dared each other to write a fic based on this song. I like how it came out! Hope you enjoy it.
Colson is used to this pace, this world. It’s where he belongs. For her, she needs an extra help. A bit of stardust to let go and not feel out of place when she feels the blast of music running through her veins and she sits in the laps of men she doesn’t even know for the night. Waiting until morning, when shame creeps up through her spine and shakes her like an infant a doll. It is no use to make up excuses if she can’t even remember what she’s excusing to begin with.
John─Jake, Jordan, whatever his fucking name is─squeezes her side, smiling up at her. Snow, she observes him for a moment, taking him in: tall, even though he’s sitting their height difference is obvious, dark hair and skin so pale she is tempted to call him Dracula. J─at least she’s sure his name starts with a J─is a friend of Colson she had never met before, but hardly as interesting or entertaining as the ones she has, or Colson himself. J is a nice dude, used to a different environment, and she is almost sure it’s the first time in his life he’s done coke.
She almost feels bad for using him. Smiling, she lowers her head until her lips are pressed against his ear and she leaves a soft kiss. As she’s to speak, the words get caught in her throat. Her gaze following someone behind J, walking into the club with a redhead at his side and a blunt hanging from his lips. It’s almost comical how, as if sensing her, he turns his head in her direction. She can see the colour leaving his face, his jaw clenching as the blunt finds home between his fingers and he presses his lips together.
Colson, still grabbing the redhead's side, begins walking towards the lounge she and J are, not once breaking contact with Snow. Though she sees the colour returning to him, the fire that is now starting on his eyes, she feels no shame in her lies as he probably doesn’t on his.
She was supposed to be alone, he was supposed to be at home. Yet here both of them are, not a single soul on the club knowing what’s about to go down.
“Jordan!” Colson’s voice is heard over the music, and Jordan─see? She knew it began with a J─looks up at him, laughing. He stretches his hand, keeping his legs still to balance Snow. Colson shakes it and proceeds to sit on the couch in front of them. His date right on him, even though he isn’t even looking in her direction. Colson keeps on looking at Snow.
Jordan, still with her on his lap (and he seems in no rush to get her to move), lights up a blunt. He nods at Colson, exhaling the smoke with ease. “It’s good to see you man. What’s new?”
Snow becomes bored ten minutes into the generic conversation of two friends who haven’t seen each other in a while but have no actual interest in changing it. So she does what she does best: piss Colson off. Her hands grab Jordan’s hair and shirt and she takes her sweet time murmuring in his ear and making him chuckle. Her lips press against his skin more often than not and from the corner of her eye she can see Colson tensing up.
It’s not wrong to have a little revenge on him, is it? She’s right to be pissed. Yes, she lied as well but, what else was she supposed to do? Their relationship─if she can even call it that─is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, of fighting and laughing, their screaming sometimes mixing in the night and not even themselves can tell if it’s a fight or sex, or both. She wanted a night to herself, to be with someone she doesn’t want to murder and hold at the same time. A night of hectic peace that surrounds her in darkness.
She sighs, defeated. Colson wants the same. It’s becoming too much for them to handle. Yet, it is not in her nature to give up and, given how he follows her movements, neither it’s in his.
“You men are boring,” she speaks over the music, getting up from Jordan’s lap and offering Colson’s date her hand, “let’s dance.”
Eve (Colson’t date) is nicer than she expected her to be when she first saw her. A New Yorker having the time of her life in LA, she moves like the club it’s her natural habitat. Snow has a hard time following, her brain wanting to shut off due the alcohol she had been taking, but as Eve grabs her hips and brings her closer, her hands going down to Snow’s ass, she lets herself go again. She wraps her arms around Eve’s shoulders and follows her movements, turning them around so that she can look at Colson and Jordan, looking at them like hawkes a rabbit. A voice in the back of her mind is telling her to stop, but she can’t. She doesn’t want to. This is the life that’s left for her after all, whether she likes it or not...whether she wishes to not spend it alone or not. She better make the most out of it before it ends.
So she dances: twirls, twerks, jumps, laughs. She has the time of her life while the person she loves sits in a couch observing her, right next to her date. At some point she’s sure she and Eve have made out as well. It’s not long until she needs a refill.
She winks at Eve and, without stopping to tell either Colson or Jordan that she’s leaving, she walks over to the bathroom she knows it’s free─since she’s the only person to have a key���.
The music begins to fade, her thoughts are louder with each step she takes. She has to grab her head and pull on her hair with light force to recover; a loud ring on her right ear makes her want to scream. She sighs. It’s like this all the time: fun to be high until the drugs are wearing off and her brain wants to punish her as much as possible. She knows she deserves it, she’s not going to fight it. Just a bit more to make it through the night, that’s all she needs.
She pushes the door open, walking inside. As she’s going to close it, a hand stops her from doing so. Startled, at first, she pushes harder, until she hears his voice.
“It’s me.”
No. She should tell him no, close the door, do her own business and go back to dancing. It’s the right thing to do, the sane thing to do. But, which one of them is sane? Neither. That might be the fucking thing about them: the craziness, the jealousy, the toxicity that threatens to kill them every day but that both of them hold onto. It’s insane and they love it, and they can’t have enough of it.
So what does she do? She opens the door, lets him in. Watches as he closes the door and turns the lock on. Last thing she sees from the outside is the digital clock in the wall: 12:05.
Colson turns to face her, takes one, two, three steps forward, forcing her backwards until she hits the sink. She feels his hands grabbing the back of her thighs. He lifts her without issue─which, considering his physique it’s surprising─and sits her on the sink. She wraps her legs around his waist, he gets closer. This moment tastes like heaven and hell on Earth and she almost swears she could get high off it alone.
She grabs his chin and he presses their foreheads together, inhaling. His lips are so close she can’t help herself and runs her thumb along them, trembling when Colson catches it on his mouth and sucks. Her womanhood pulsates, sending pleads all throughout her.
“I told him we’re old friends,” Colson whispers, kissing her earlobe.
She laughs, tilting her head to the side. She replies: “We can never be friends.”
Her next words die in her throat, with Colson sucking and biting her neck and his free hand between her legs, she has trouble forming a word, let alone a sentence. Colson understands her like no one has before: he knows where to touch her, when to touch her, if it’s too much or not enough, she never has to tell him (except if he wants her to beg). He knows her limits and she knows his, and this connection is something she needs to live. She needs it─him.
And she needs fucking coke. Right fucking now.
She grabs Colson’s hand from between her legs, “wait, let’s have some first.” And although she can see him swallowing hard, clenching his jaw and the forceful nod that he lets out and is all but convincing, she doesn’t stop.
This thing: snow, coke, Tokyo, flour, it has had so many names she can’t remember them all, it’s fucking her up, but so is this world and she isn’t going to give it up.
Colson takes the bag from his back-pocket. He doesn’t move from between her legs; as he opens it, he looks at her with a worried expression that makes her heart sink.
“It’s the last time.” He’s serious this time. “You don’t need this shit.”
She scoffs, moving to take the bag and stopping dead in her tracks when Colson puts his arm up and the bag out of reach. She looks at him, upset for a second and then...with an unreadable expression that seems to take a toll on him. “Neither do you. Yet here we are.”
“So…” he leans in until his mouth is against her, but he doesn’t kiss her, he goes on: “this is the last time we do this fucking shit, ‘right?”
Nodding, she seals a lie with a kiss. Colson, who knows this isn’t the last time the two are going to find themselves in this situation (and, knowing them, together), opens the bag and dips in, taking a small amount on his finger. He takes it first, with her caressing his hair as he does and kissing his face. He feels the rush less than a second after and her touches become more and more. He repeats his previous acts, this time placing his finger under her nose. He observes as she inhales it, watches as her pupils dilate and the rush kicks in. He closes the bag and discards it somewhere in the ground.
She’s the one to lean in this time, her kiss is harsh and desperate and he wraps his arms around her in an attempt to feel her even more. His hands find trouble getting rid of her corset and she laughs, but he manages to do it. As it falls to the ground, she moves and helps him with his shirt. Then, her jeans, and his, their underwear, and Colson finds himself between her legs: his cock touching her wetness and begging to go in. He’s kissing her neck but she keeps on grabbing his face and forcing her to look at him.
Colson gives her a quick kiss, chuckling when she follows his mouth. He takes a step back, helps her get down the sink and turn around, bending her. There’s confusion in her face for half a second, until he’s back against her and this time he does enter her pussy. She lets out a loud, long moan and grabs the sink until her knuckles turn white.
She feels his fingers tangle in her hair, a soft tug and she’s staring at him through the mirror. He thrusts into her at changing pace, but not once dares to break eye contact. When he goes slow, she wants to cry and scream at him. Yet, when he goes faster, she wants him to slow down and let them savour this moment. He leans in, kissing her neck. She’s tempted to turn her head and kiss him but that’ll anger him.
No, she tells herself, he wants to see her; her tears, her moans, and the ugly face she makes when she cums.
It’s all right for it to happen, so long as it’s the last time.
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iffyswriting · 4 years
Star Quality
Pairing: Pardison Fontaine x Black! Thick! OC
Summary: A story with some smut at the end. May give it a part two, I don't know yet.
I don’t know about y’all but that fine ass man right there got my ovaries on LOCK.
I blame my friend, Dom for this. She encourage the whortivity.
Anyway enjoy,☺🥴
The light shined bright on my face, my eyes slightly blinded. Anxiety rested in my chest as I looked over all the people in the stands. So many of them were screaming, pumped up with excitement. So many were screaming my name.
All these people here just to see lil ole me.
I searched through the crowd, hopeful to see his face but I knew he wasn't going to be here.
I wanted to be wrong but what's true is just what it is.
I blinked back my tears as I began with my first song of the night 'Heartbreak'. I started strong, singing my heart out as things went on my lyrics hitting closer to home.
My mama told me to stay away from the industry niggas.
If we both wanted a career, it'd never work she said. I didn't listen because I figured who better to understand me, than someone with my exact goals- we could be an it couple, we could be successful together.
I should've listened.
The year before.
"And you said we'd be late." I teased, taking my bodyguard, Tommy's hand as I stepped down from the car.
"You took your sweet ass time at the Hotel."
"My makeup is a whole regime- one lash out of place and my whole energy is off." I said matter of factually, pleased when he didn’t reply.
I looked up at the radio station, my heart swelling with happiness. I'd never been invited to do an interview before- I've never been famous before either. This year was full of firsts for me and honestly, I'm ready to accept it all.
"Not nervous- terrifyingly happy, I'll say."
"Those don't go together."
"A lot of things I do don't but I make it work." He chuckled to my side, his laughter easing my nerves. 
Plopping into a chair, I bounced in my seat giving the biggest grin I could to everyone in the room. You could say I was a little too eager.
"We got brand new artist- Sincerity in the building!" He started off cupping his mouth to make an echo effect.
"Wassup y'all!" I said excitedly, my bubbly giggle bursting through.
"I see your animated this afternoon.”
"I'm grateful as hell to be here, that's why."
"We're just as happy to have you." He spoke returning my grin. "Let's talk about your new hit single, Black Jack that just hit number 2 on the top 100 in the U.S. and number 12 worldwide. How does it feel as a new artist to become this popular, this fast?"
"It feels so good and so unexpected. When I recorded it, I had high hopes but they never went up this high."
"I guess that's on me for having such low expectations," I said shaking my head.
"Could you tell me the meaning of the song? Give a little insight."
"Black Jack is about gambling with your life and all the decisions you want to make with so little time. Everything we do feels like we're playing a game of chance and I think my song with its fast-paced beat really gives you that feeling."
"Any inspirations?"
"You'd be surprised to hear this but I had such a huge mixture of music growing up."  "Like from Lauryn Hill to Bjork, I was everywhere and I think that really shows in the songs that I make. I like to be versatile.”
The energy in the room shifted slightly and I braced what was he was going to say.
"So recently you've taken pictures with New York rapper, Pardison Fontaine." Tommy gave me a look and I sat up straighter, paying attention. Nervousness started to run through me because anything I say could be critical to my career.
Junior was a lot like other radio people, messy as hell because that's what people like to hear. They're interested in you but they're more interested in the drama that surrounds you because it creates traction.
My manager, Shanice couldn't come but she prepped me the night before telling me what to do. 
"Yeah, we took them at Meg's birthday party! It was so much fun." I said nodding my head at the memory. " I took pictures with a bunch of other people too."
"But Pardi is in all of them, one way or another."
"We were sitting together. We talked throughout the party."
"About what?" Junior looked me in the eye, his slick smirk making me scoff. He was trying to get into my head but I stayed resilient.
"About business deals and music really," Pausing, I leaned into the mic closer continuing to talk.
"I can admit he cute or whatever," I said with an eye-roll, everyone else laughing with me.
"But there's literally nothing between us, I super duper promise," I say crossing my heart. " We're just friends- friends, who when they cross paths, take a whole lot of pictures and talk."
"That's it?"
"Dassit." I said quickly, laughing afterward. The disappointment in his face spoke volumes and He looked like he wanted to press further but he knew he couldn't. He moved onto the next question, my interview going much smoother.
Finally leaving the radio station, my phone started to buzz in my hands. I already knew he was gonna call me the minute it ended and I took my time to answer letting it ring a little longer.
"You make me sick."
"Now, I know that's a lie." Pardi, or Jordan as I called him said, I could practically see his smirk over the phone.
"You don't know shit."
"So, I'm just cute or whatever?"
"Ain't that what I said?"
"You've said more than that."
"I been lying." I admitted playfully
"That easily? Wowww-" He faked shock and I bit back a smile, scratching at my hand. Despite my dodging, he did make my stomach flip inside out and made me think things I know I shouldn’t have been.
"You seemed to be so tuned into the radio today- I thought you didn't listen unless you were on it?"
"I had to support my girl."
"I'm your girl? That's crazy."
"You always gonna be my girl." I let out a breathless laugh, my heart thumping in my chest like a drum.
"Okay, Jordan."
"Come see me." He said confidently making me raise an eyebrow.
"See you where?"
"At the studio. You know that's my second home." It was mine too and my mama was constantly down my throat about not being stable with my sleeping. 
"Who else gon' be there?"
"Nobody. Just the two of us." Blinking, I opened my mouth trying to find a response. 
"You plotting, you're trying to get me all alone."
"You gonna fall for the trap?"
"Maybe” Feeling frisky, I pushed harder. “I don’t feel so convinced, though.”
"If you come, I'll mix something for you."
"Something new?"
"Brand spanking new, baby." He slapped something for emphasis and I shrugged my shoulders like he could see me. 
"I'm feeling a little persuaded-"
"I also happen to have some new music- you know I trust your judgment." He came to me for a-lot of things, whether it be a critique or some advice we talked about so much. 
"Since you're begging me at this point, I'll show up."
"I can't wait." I could hear his grin and I couldn’t suppress my own anymore, full on biting my lip as a smiled.
"Don't cream your pants, now."
”I won’t even say what I’m thinking,” He chuckled. “See you in a second, Nelle.” 
“Bye, Jordan. “ Clicking off my phone, Tommy stared at me- a smirk on his lips. The kind i absolutely hated. 
"Nose wide open over that boy."
"Just like I told Junior, I'm gonna tell you."
"We're just friends."
Watching intently as his fingers danced over the keys, one by one he let my head lean on his shoulder. He made me feel so comfortable, his shoulder felt like a hard pillow. 
"How long you been playing the piano?"
“A long ass time.”He thought for a second. “My mom’s wanted me to be productive with something and music became that something.” 
"I want a kind of interlude, you know with the piano playing the back. Soften the soul you know?"
“Yeah, I can see it.” 
I opened my mouth to sing a couple of notes as he kept going. He went up higher and I followed suit, going low when he went he low too. He found somewhere steady and I let my voice rest there with him, finishing softly.
The way he looked at me, his eyes trained on my face so hard it's like he was entranced. Being his center of attention made my heart swell.
"I ever tell you, how much I wish I could sing."
"You know how to hold a tune."
"Nah but if I could belt out like I want, I'd be all over the place."
"How you feel singing from your chest." Taking his hand I pressed it right to my breast, and looked him in his eyes.
"It's like grabbing something from within and pushing it out." I took one deep breath and then another his hand rising with each breath I took.
His hand slowly dragged up my neck to touch my cheek. He seemed hesitant at first but I leaned further into his hand, moving in closer.
We kissed softly to test the waters but we weren’t gentle kind of people. The second kiss felt more impassioned and aggressive, as I sighed behind his lips his touches all over my body jolting me.
He placed his hands on my waist pulling me onto his lap. With my legs on either side, I pressed my panties against his clothed shorts grinding on him so he could feel how wet he was making me. 
"What we about to do here?"
“The fuck you think.” I said impatiently, swiping my gloss off his bottom lip even though I was going to stain it some more. 
“I’m just wanna know before, we get too deep.” 
"I know what I want."
"Do you?" Pressing my hand against his chest I started to unbutton his shirt, keeping up eye contact. 
"I do."
Scrunching my dress up around my hips, he pushed my thighs apart pressing his fingers onto my clit. He was gentle swiping against it but I want him to be rougher.
He lined up his tip and slid inside making me gasp. I threw my arms over his shoulder, my fingers becoming entangled in his curls as I bounced on his dick our cum echoing in the room. 
He gripped my ass, making me bounce faster. 
Standing up from the chair, we kissed as he stroked up into me. My back hit the cold glass and something clicked on behind me but with how good he was fucking me I couldn't care less.
"You feel so fucking good-" One of his hands grasped my neck, the other touching the dip of my back to get in deeper. I bit back a smirk, my breasts heaving up and down as he picked up speed.
His deep groans of pleasure, rumbled in my ear and into the pit of my stomach. 
I clenched around him slowing things down, his hand tightening it's grip. He guided my face up, sloppily french kissing me our tongues melding together. He pecked my lips one more time gazing at me.
“You gotta take it.” He mumbled, making me wrap my legs around his waist entrapping him.
I pushed him back onto his chair, plunging him back inside of me. 
“I’m not the one who needs to take it.” I said breathlessly, kissing his neck lining hickies where his tattoos were.
His chest rose and he shuddered underneath me, his big hands on my back rolls guiding me clearly as I fucked him into the chair. My thighs clapped together and I moaned quietly stopping in my tracks as my orgasm started to crash onto the horizon.
He pushed my thighs back open, circling my clit so I could cum all over his dick. He pulsated inside me and every movement made me feel more sensitive as minutes ticked on. 
“Gon head and cum.” He teased me, bringing our lips together once more. He swallowed back my moans, easing me into a steady lull of pleasure.
I came seconds later, a trembling mess. His name tumbled from my mouth in repeated chants, his strong arms surrounding my hips to keep me in place. He sat still in me, his own body barely holding on. 
I couldn’t tell if you it was lust, or the fact I had in the palm in my hand but as I ground onto him knowing he was going to cum in me, the power and love I felt was unmatched.
He stopped trying to stop me, relishing in his satisfaction as he painted my walls white. His cum filled me up to the brim and I slid back watching it ooze out a little, the sweat on pooling my forehead sliding between my breasts.
He caressed each part of fat on my body the look in his eyes so intense, my heart barely matched it. He said 4 words that cemented everything and from there I was locked in.
“Let’s do this again.” 
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shawnsassymendes · 5 years
Best Friend’s Brother
a/n: sorry man i just love this trope also aaliyah and reader are in college in this thing but shawns the same age. so the difference between shawn and aaliyah would be like idk 2-3 years?
synopsis: your best friend bails on your movie night, so you end up going with her brother.
wc: 3.2k
{Masterlist in Bio}
You walked up to the front door of your best friend’s childhood home. It was winter break so everyone was back home, leaving a few students at the dorms of the University of Toronto. One of them being you. 
Your best friend of almost 10 years now lived in the suburbs that neighboured Toronto. Only a half hour drive from the dorms. You drove up to Pickering every Wednesday and Saturday during break to have your bi weekly movie night with Aaliyah.
You never minded the drive, of course. She was your best friend and you couldn’t bear staying at your dorm with nothing to do all winter break long. You couldn’t really afford a trip back home right now.
“Liyah, I’m here!” You called out as you unlocked the door. You were given a spare key to the Mendes household as soon as you could drive.
“I’m in my room!” Aaliyah yelled out.
You walked up the stairs and entered Aaliyah’s room. She was slipping on a black silk top over her dark wash high waisted skinny jeans. “A bit much for movie night?” You remarked, plopping down on her bed.
“Movie night?” Aaliyah’s knitted brows slowly rose to her hairline. “Oh my god, movie night! I’m so sorry y/n, I thought it was Friday!” 
You groaned and tipped your head back. “Liyah, what the hell? Please don’t tell me Jordan’s coming.”
Aaliyah’s face became riddled with guilt. “Jordan’s already outside.” She smiled sheepishly, pointing at her boyfriend’s car through the window.
“I fucking hate you. What the fuck am I gonna do with the tickets?” You pulled out the tickets from your purse and waved them in her face.
“You can go alone? You always said you wanted to try that?” Aaliyah said as he adjusted her bra to show more cleavage.
“Not today I don’t! I’m going with your mom, she’s much better company anyways.” You huffed, getting up to go find Karen. 
“Mom’s not here. She’s out with friends.”
“Then who’s home?” You were hoping she would say Manny because movies with him were always entertaining. The answer you really didn’t want her to say was exactly what she did say.
“Just Shawn.” She shrugged before her eyes went wide and a grin spread over her face. 
“Don’t even think about it. I’m not going. I’ll stay here until you come back and we can watch whatever’s on Netflix until sunrise. I’m not gonna go with him.” You crossed yours arms over your chest and sat on her desk chair.
“But you know you wanna.” Aaliyah smirked, pulling you up from the chair. “This crush has been going on for too long. Come on, if you go with him tonight I’ll take you to the fancy French place for dinner. You know the one, Aubergine du Pompadour.” She said the name of the restaurant with the worst French accent you could imagine, replacing every word with whatever sounded like it fit in.
“Auberge du Pommier.” You rolled your eyes, correcting her. “That place is hella expensive, Liyah. We can’t go. You know I can hardly afford gas.”
“Who said I’d let you pay?” She scoffed. “Shawnie boy gave me his card for Christmas. Told me to go crazy. Consider this part of your Christmas present.” Aaliyah grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Were you really considering this? Yes, definitely. You’ve had a crush on Shawn since forever. He was always nice to you, helping you out whenever he could. But you were sure he just saw you as a little sister.
“Okay.” You whispered, head still tilted back.
“Oh my god, really?” Aaliyah squealed.
“Yeah, but only as friends. I’m not gonna try to do anything. We’re just friends. Just my best friend’s brother.” You confirmed, looking Aaliyah in the eye.
“My best friend’s brother, my best friend’s brother. BFB, BFB, my best friend’s brother is the one for me.” Aaliyah sang in a low voice, not wanting her brother to hear.
“Shut it!” You hissed, struggling not to smile.
“Liyah baby, you ready?” Jordan asked as he walked into the room. “Hey y/n!” He shot you a smile.
“Jordan, you are dead to me.” You replied, picking up a pillow from the bed and throwing it at him.
Jordan caught it with ease. “The fuck did I do?”
“Why are you taking her on a date today? It’s movie night!” You whined, incredibly close to jumping up and down like a toddler having a tantrum.
“Oh shit, sorry y/n. Thought it was Friday.” Jordan winced, placing the pillow back on the bed.
You rolled your eyes and shot him a glare. “What the fuck have you guys been smoking, it’s Wednesday.”
Jordan came up behind Aaliyah and pulled her to his chest, wrapping his arms around her torso. “I was telling her, she should go with Shawn.” Aaliyah told her boyfriend, looking up at him.
“Oh, that’s a good idea!” Jordan smiled, looking back at you. “Finally gonna make a move?”
“Not in a million years.” 
“Still thinks he sees her as a little sister.” Aaliyah grumbled.
Jordan chuckled. “Mhm, sure. Let’s pretend you two didn’t make out at that-”
“It was one time!” You cut him off, eyes wide. “Besides, he was drunk. Doesn’t even remember it.”
Jordan raised his brows at you, as if to ask if you were serious. “He told you that?”
“Uh, no. He didn’t say anything after, just assumed he forgot.” Your voice trailed off.
“Pfft, alright whatever. We have a reservation we’re gonna be late for.” Aaliyah piped up, looking pointedly at Jordan.
“Yeah, we do. You want me to drop you off at your dorm or are you going to the movie?” Jordan asked, taking his keys out of his pocket.
“No, I’m gonna see if Shawn wants to go. If he doesn’t, I’ll just go home. Have fun you two. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” You smiled as you handed Aaliyah her coat.
“How about you stay over, eh? We can have a sleepover when we get back.” Aaliyah asked, putting her hands on your shoulders.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” She gave you a kiss on the cheek before she left the room, leaving you to your own devices.
You spread yourself out on the bed, listening to Aaliyah and Jordan drive off while you thought of what to do next. 
You could always just throw the tickets away. Never ask Shawn and stay the night. Tell Aaliyah he said no and that you went alone. But she would definitely ask Shawn why he said no. And he would be as clueless as ever. She would get pissed that you lied. Ugh too much trouble.
You hopped off the bed and headed to Shawn’s room before you changed your mind. You knocked the door three times and stepped back. 
“Coming!” Shawn’s voice could be heard through the door. He opened it and his eyes landed on you, causing a smile to spread across his face. “Hey, y/n. How are you?” He hoped his cheeks weren’t as red as they felt.
“I’m good. How about you? When did you come home?” Small talk wasn’t your favorite, but any words exchanged with Shawn were precious.
“Just a couple days ago. Staying here until Christmas, but then I’m going back to my place. You coming here for Christmas this year?” You were probably just high off of being around him, but it was almost like Shawn sounded hopeful.
“Uh, yeah I am.” You replied, looking down at the carpeted floors. You knew if you explained why, Shawn wouldn’t hesitate to offer you a ticket home and you were in no way going to accept that. So you changed the subject “Listen, I booked two tickets for a movie, but Liyah bailed on me. I was hop-thinking, maybe you would wanna... come with?”
“Of course! I mean uh, yeah sure. When does it start?” Shawn asked, retreating into his room to change out of his sweatpants you assumed. 
“We’ve still got plenty of time. Starts in two hours. Liyah and I usually take the long way to listen to more songs. That’s why I’m here so early.” You explained, wiping your palms against your jean clad thighs.
“No worries.” Shawn smiled, looking you over. He perked up when he saw what you were wearing. “Nice hoodie.” He smirked.
You looked down and saw that you were wearing the Pine Ridge hoodie Shawn had given you ages ago. You hadn’t attended Pine Ridge, so Shawn knew it was his. “Don’t get cocky, now.” You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Who said anything about cocky?” 
“That look on your face says cocky. I’ll be waiting downstairs.” 
Your conversation with Aaliyah and Jordan echoed in your mind as you walked down the stairs. It was like they knew something you didn’t. It was like they knew for certain that Shawn liked you back. But that was impossible. Maybe they were bluffing to get you to act on your feelings. But Jordan... how did Jordan know about the kiss?
Shawn kissed you at his birthday party during the summer. It was so abrupt and sudden and he was pulled away immediately afterwards, leaving you all alone. After Shawn made no attempt to contact you the day after, you kept it a secret for so long. You told Aaliyah a full two months after it happened. She promised she wouldn’t tell anyone, and Aaliyah never breaks her promises. So who the hell told Jordan?
“Your car or mine?” Shawn’s words broke your train of thought, shaking you out of your trance to look at him pulling on his shoes on the staircase.
“Yours, I’m all outta gas.” You chuckled.
“You gonna be okay to go home?” You couldn’t help but feel a few butterflies batting their wings in your stomach at the slight protectiveness you were getting from him.
“I’m staying over, but I’ll figure something out tomorrow. Come on, I have a playlist in mind.” You skipped your way out of the house, scrolling through your phone to find the playlist.
You walked to the passenger side of Shawn’s Jeep, waiting to hear him unlock the car. When you heard the beep, you pulled the car door open only for it to still be locked. You looked up to find Shawn standing near the Tesla and not the Jeep.
“I thought we could take this one for tonight. We always use the Jeep.” Shawn shrugged.
“That’s because I love the Jeep. Come on Shawn, you know I’m not one for fancy shit.” You looked at him and nodded towards the Jeep one more time.
“Whatever you want, honey.” There they were again, those pesky butterflies. 
You climbed into the car and connected your phone to the car bluetooth. You hit shuffle on the playlist you had ready as Shawn buckled up.
“I love this song.” Shawn smiled, head bopping to the melody. Shawn looked at the screen that he had installed where the radio used to be. “Is the playlist called Shawn?”
“Why do you have a playlist called Shawn?”
“I have a playlist ready for anyone I might be in a car with. There’s Liyah, there’s Jordan, there’s Liyah and Jordan. I have their song on there ‘cause the look on their faces when it comes on is so adorable. And one for my mom and your mom and you know, a lot of people.” You scrolled through your playlists, naming them and explaining little things about each one.
“That’s cute.” Shawn pointed out. “The thing about Aaliyah and Jordan. That you know their song. I don’t even know their song.”
“Mm, perks of being the best friend.” 
You and Shawn easily slipped into conversation, stopping every once in a while to sing along loudly to any particular song. You noticed half an hour into the drive that the 15 minute ride to the movie theater was taking much longer than usual. Shawn was taking the long way... 
When you arrived, there was about 10 minutes left before the movie would start. Shawn missed a lot of turns apparently. You walked in and got your snacks and beverages and went to your screen.
You had no clue why you had booked this movie because it was the cheesiest rom-com you had ever seen. It came to the point where it was a full on comedy for you. You were glad Aaliyah hadn’t come with you to see it because she would have hated it. Shawn however, found it absolutely hilarious.
You snickers kept getting you glares and loud hushes to be quiet from the movie goers around you. 
"Hey, you wanna get out of here? The park’s like two minutes away.” Shawn whispered into your ear about halfway through the movie.
“I thought you’d never ask.” You snickered. You let Shawn take your hand and lead you out of the cinema.
You walked in a comfortable silence towards the park nearby, hands still intertwined. But you weren’t the one keeping track.
“We used to come to this park all the time in high school, remember?” Shawn reminisced, holding out a swing for you. You slipped on and nodded for Shawn to get on the one next to you.
“I remember. I miss those nights. We were such kids.” You chuckled, digging your boot covered feet in the snow beneath you.
“Tell me about it.” Shawn scrunched his nose. “I had my first kiss here. I think it was 8th grade.”
“No way, me too!” You smiled, turning to Shawn. “Who was yours?”
“Betty Stevens. You?”
“Jordan.” You grimaced.
“What? No way!” Shawn laughed. “Does Aaliyah know?”
“Of course she does! I would never do that to her. It was spin the bottle back in 9th grade. He was super sweet about it, though.” You smiled, remembering him asking if you were okay with it.
Shawn scoffed. “Why the hell were a bunch of freshmen playing spin the bottle at a public park?”
“I honestly don’t remember.” You laughed. “Remember that bonfire we had at the beach one time. It was a bunch of your friends and Liyah and I tagged along. The one where Brian stripped and jumped into the freezing water. That’s one of my favorite memories, you know?”
“I remember that night. Me too, but the Brian part isn’t what makes it one of my favorite.” Shawn smiled, inching his swing closer to yours.
“Ugh, shut up. You know what I mean.” You rolled your eyes in response, hitting his boot with your own. “That night, when everyone left and it was just you, me, and Liyah. And we just talked all night long. Didn’t come home till the sun was up. I love that memory.”
“My mom got so mad at me that night. For keeping you guys out all night long to watch the sunrise.” Shawn chuckled, his hand now holding one chain from his swing and one from yours.
“You never told me that.”
"It didn’t matter because it was so worth it.” 
“Why is that?”
“Because you love watching the sunrise.”
You and Shawn walked back to the car, hand in hand. The drive home just as long as the drive to the theater, and just as full of butterflies. 
When you got home, you slowly unlocked the front door as to not wake anyone up. Tip toeing up the steps until you reached Aaliyah’s room.
“y/n?” Shawn whispered, taking both of your hands into his. “Do you wanna go on a date?”
“Like a date date?” You whispered back, eyes blown wide.
“Mhm, at the Auberge du Pommier. I know you’ve been wanting to go.” Shawn nodded.
“I have.” You replied.
“Friday at 8. Is that okay with you?” He asked.
“It’s perfect, Shawn. Thank you for coming with me tonight. I had a wonderful time.” You whispered, smile evident in your voice as it was concealed in the darkness.
“Me too.” Shawn leaned down and kissed you lightly on your lips. “Friday at 8. I’ll pick you up.”
And with that he walked down the hall and into his room. You slowly brought your hand up and traced your cupid’s bow. It was like your lips were on fire.
You slowly opened the door to Aaliyah’s room and sat down in her desk chair. You couldn’t believe it. This had to be a dream.
Your phone pinged and you numbingly took it out of your pocket. You had to read the screen a few times before your brain processed what was in front of you.
jordan: how did it go tonight?
you: it was good
jordan: good?
you: fine it was great
you: listen i need to ask you something
jordan: shoot
you: how did you know about the kiss?
jordan: well
jordan: he told me
You put your phone on the charger and began rummaging through Aaliyah’s closet to find something to sleep in.
Shawn told him. That means Shawn never forgot.
You climbed into bed next to Aaliyah, who was fast asleep until you did so. “Hey, you’re back. How did it go?”
“It was good. How about you?” You pulled the blanket Aaliyah was hogging and brought it up to your chin.
“It was really nice. We went to the cutest restaurant and they started playing our song as soon we got in. Felt like it was a sign from the universe.” Aaliyah smiled, eyes closing as she slowly drifted back to sleep.
“Yeah. Listen, if you still wanna go to the Pompadour restaurant, tell me so I can call in advance. You know how busy those types of restaurants get around Christmas.”
“Actually, I’m gonna go with Shawn next Friday.” 
It was like you flipped a switch because Aaliyah’s eyes flew wide open. “What?!”
“Shh, go to sleep. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.”
“You can’t just say that and expect me to fall asleep.” She groaned.
“Goodnight, Liyah.” You grinned.
You tossed and turned all night. Well not literally, otherwise Aaliyah would have murdered you. But you stayed up all night thinking about the kiss Shawn gave you before he went to his room. There was no way you could mistake it any longer. Shawn was definitely into you. You couldn’t believe it. 
You had managed to fall asleep for about an hour before the sun came up. The sunlight filtering in through the window woke you up, making you regret not closing the blinds the night before.
You grabbed your things and trudged downstairs. You grabbed a muffin from the breakfast table where Karen was already sitting. You gave her a hug and a wave goodbye and headed to your car.
As you sat down, you remembered you were almost fully out of gas. No way was the little bit left in the tank from last night going to be able to get you home.
You looked down at the gas gauge only to see your tank was completely full. You looked up and saw a sticky note on the rearview mirror.
figured something out for you -s
part 2
thankyou for reading my lovelies. i thought of this like a day ago or something idk but i also had bfb by victoria justice stuck in my head for a while so this is what came of it. pls dont forget to leave feedback! @shawncxlvins here it is love!
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yiangchen · 5 years
I think what bothers me the most about Jason saying that Bellamy didn’t do everything for Clarke but for everyone is that this is what Bellamy believed throughout s6 for so long. Bellamy was high key in denial about it. First we got Jordan saying he only cares about Clarke and Bellamy’s all like, “That’s not true, but we worry about Clarke first” and then proceeds to leave all of his family behind on the chance that he might save Clarke, to which Josephine calls him out for, saying, “The people you care about are in danger, I guess you just care about her more” and Bellamy being Bellamy tells her to be quiet instead of addressing anything that she just said. I mean, lmfao, Bell. You guys have been arguing this entire time, but it’s that specific line that gets to you? It’s Josephine explicitly stating that you care about Clarke more than anyone that has you telling her to be quiet?? Hm..interesting. 
HE’S JUST SO IN DENIAL. Like, at the start he’s so fucking confident around Josephine while they’re chained up in the cave too, talking all about this great plan he has for making peace with Russell, but then Josephine starts mocking his relationship with Clarke and you can see that it bothers him, but he’s trying to be low key about it, but he really can’t not be vulnerable once he learns that Clarke can hear them, meaning he could talk to her right now, and when he does, his face gets all soft in the way he only is with Clarke as he tells her, “I won’t let you die,” and there’s this moment where time essentially stands still for both him and Josephine before he turns away and goes back to being in denial, and it’s not until--flash forward to after he’s saved Clarke--she wakes up and she’s okay that it finally hits him, both the realization that he did all of this for her and the guilt that he left everyone behind. 
When Clarke says, “You saved me,” his response is “So, how do we save everyone that I left behind?” so I’m just???? The whole point of Bellamy’s arc was him going insane lengths for Clarke that he’s not willing to go to for anyone else and endangering everyone else in the process and being in denial about it until Clarke is okay and he’s able to think clearly again and realizes that everyone else he loves is in danger because of this and he’s like oh fuck. HE LITERALLY HAS SO MANY OH SHIT MOMENTS. First it’s the guilt he has for leaving everyone else behind, then it’s the look on his face when Murphy tells him E/cho is in trouble and that he’ll try to keep her alive or something (I forget the exact line) and Bellamy’s face quite literally screams Oh my god, my girlfriend. How did I forget about my girlfriend? Why do I always forget about my girlfriends when Clarke’s life is in danger????
I just don’t understand what Jason’s intentions are behind saying this story was misinterpreted by the audience when the story he wrote was Bellamy being in denial and thinking he was doing this for everyone, only to realize in the end that he was actually doing this for Clarke and only Clarke. Jason has never made sense, but this is just ridiculous. There’s no way he actually believes what he’s saying here. He knows the story he wrote, he’s just claiming we misinterpreted it anyways for...reasons I guess?? Like, we talk about what his reasons are all the time, but at this point, I’m less interested in what those reasons are and more interested in why the hell he is prioritizing anything over I don’t know maybe not doing a disservice to the story he wrote by undermining it in an interview that even Bob Morley himself thought was so ridiculous that he not so subtly tweeted about it.
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fllmetalheart · 4 years
i won’t share the photos of me with the 100 cast (at least not yet ...) because i want to treasure them and also revealing my face to tumblr is something i need to gain the courage to do still but here are my experiences with the cast:
- shannon kook (jordan) gives the best hugs ever. i mean it.
- my friend and i met sachin (erik jackson)for the first time on an empty stairwell while we walking up and he was walking down. he stopped for a few minutes to chat after he told us he wanted to talk since he wasn’t in a rush. he was so kind and real and probablyyy heard me whisper “oh my god he’s so hot” when we were walking awa 🙈
- shannon’s table was empty for a while when i went up, and we talked about our love for Avatar The Last Airbender, his role in the conjuring series & HE REFERRED ME TO THIS SCHOOL FOR SCREENWRITING. he also wrote that i’m “rad sauce” on the autograph and that beats anything anyone has ever called me ever.
- bob & eliza (bellamy and clarke) are two of the most open and kindest people out there and i say that honestly. the amount of crap they must deal with from some fans, but for them to still remain strong and kind and paitent even after sharing heavy news to a huge crowd is so inspiring and increased my love and respect for them even more, if possible. (and yes, i’m still freaking out that i met my two heroes for the last few years ...) (also my pic with bob was sooo awkward because i was high key freaking out but trying to stay calm and cool but it showed in the photo 😂 but i could care less tbh because i’m gonna treasure that photo forever)
- j.r. bourne (russel) did an auction and raised $7,300 for the grace rose foundation (a charity for cystic fibrosis to support people like his niece who have it, to work on meditation, therapy, creative outlet opportunities for those in hospitals) and for australia!!!!!!!!!
- chelsey reist (harper !!) walked by us so many times while we walked around the vendors and she always smiled and was so bubbly and went “hi!!” which made my friend melt cause she’s her hero
- tati (gaia) let me pet her dog when he stopped by my feet to sniff my shoes!!!!
- he’s only been in three episodes so far but lee majdoub (nelson, a leader of the children of gabriel) IS SUCH A COOL FUCKING PERSON. y’all ... he came up behind my friend and i while we were at some vendors for a fan artist and stickers. he helped my friend and i pick out stickers cause we were conflicted (“ooooh look at this harper sticker! you said you like harper, right? you should get it!” “oh man, tHEY DONT HAVE A STICKER FOR ME! oh well ... this one is amazing though!” 😂❤️) and then he did a super funny but low key awkward self timer photo with us cause there was no one else around to take it and none of us have long enough arms. AND THEN, he asked if either of us wanted an autograph and i was like “yeah! you’re super cool! the only thing on me to autograph is my book though!” (i brought my copy of the first 100 book for bob and eliza to sign) and he was like “absolutely! i wasn’t in it, but let’s do it!” but i forgot i didn’t have a pen on me but he said “you don’t have a pen? i’ll find you a pen!” and full on BOOKED it back to the vendors to find a sharpie, ran back to us and sat on the floor to sign in the back of the book “i know i’m not in the book but ... death to primes!” and my friend told him how i want to be a screenwriter and he was like “you write?! please write me a book! or write a story about nelson, there aren’t any about nelson!” (looks like i know what my next project is gonna be!) we saw him around several times after that, and every single time he was like “oh hey again, you guys!” and even from far away, we would shout “death to primes!” and he’d be like “hell yea! death to primes!” 😂😂😂 also, he talked to us about his role in the new sonic movie. go support my man lee majdoub on february 14!
- during a photo op with sachin, i was sooo nervous. but he hugged me and was like “what do you want to do?” and i was like “i’m not sure. what do you want to do?” him, mirroring my pose so we were both doing this funny awkward thing: “hmm something weird? something normal?” me: “what are you comfortable with??” him, excitedly: “I CAN PICK YOU UP !!” me: okay! and then he swooped me up and it was honestly my favorite photo out of all them. the lady taking the picture was grumpy but sachin took his time to chat and make it count even if it was supposed to be quick and that was so sweet!
- lindsey moran (raven’s actress) ran into me and my friend while we were in the empty bathroom. i didn’t even realize it was her until after though. but i was fixing my hair and i was asking my friend if i looked okay when lindsey came up beside me and said “you look BEAUTIFUL!” and i was like “omg so do you!” and then my friend was losing her mind, going “that was raven!!! she called you beautiful!” i’m all about women boosting each other’s confidence, so i’m still so excited that one of my favorite actresses did that
you guys, this really is the best cast. i shared these expiernces from Unity Days not to boast or to help feed content, but because i want to show how kind and cool and caring towards their fans and normal they are. they would be the ones to walk up to us even if they weren’t doing autographs or selfies and be the ones to start conversations. they were so nice and they treat each other like they’re family. the cast of this show really goes to show how important community is and i think that’s beautiful. people say to never meet your heroes, but i did and it only made me admire and respect them more ❤️
this weekend was so surreal and amazing. these experiences honestly don’t even feel real because i’m still in shock but damn, what a weekend. so much love for this cast!
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
(Slightly NSFW ) ..JUST A LIL
Mkay ..disclaimer this is all in good FUN, I’m also a fellow 94 liner, so if the boys were in the US, we would’ve been in HS together!
This is Obv very Westernized and I’m writing this as if they aren’t the art school AU’s people typically write
(EDITED 8/5/2020)
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-A whole thot thot, I mean don’t get me wrong he’s a total sweetheart but he’s still a walking  thirst trap, no cap, no filter! He’s kinda ”famous” on social media(Prob like 15-20k) Snap, IG, FB, you name it...for some reason he always seems to work out shirtless. LOVES to take pics so you KNOW he worked out shirtless!
-Please don’t let any form of R&B play at a party...It’s a wrap, what you tryin to see? Some grind work? A little hip roll action? You want a lap dance? Tongue out and all! The Asian alllll the black girls girls love(Obviously not just black girls but lets be real..it takes a certain...appeal..and Jimin has it!) 
- Gives off that whole “My dad owns, about 5 nail salons and beauty supplies in the hood” kinda vibe! (Meaning hes comfortable around different walks of life,he doesn't feel out of place easily, hes the type of person that everybody can gravitate towards) The boy has swag and he knows it…got everybody from Megan to Brian thirsty as all hell! 
-Will win best hair his senior year..without a doubt, well if he doesn't fry it first!... Looks like a walking Pantene commercial, yes, more so because he can’t go two seconds without running his fingers through his scalp!
-KING of subtle shade...knows all the tea but acts like he doesn't as he slowly sips his Starbucks. The type to honestly forget he’s told 3 different girls they could wear his jersey/Letterman jacket! Until they all text him Thursday night ....
-A jock that’s cool with everybody! The type to cuss out his fellow athletes that are total dick wads and bully people... I feel like he’d be a damn good running back, he has the right height a muscle build up for it. 
-Owns a pair of buffs, don't lie to yourself you know you could see it too...wears skinny jeans with Timberland's 😒, still wears 3878374 rings. Believe it or not he gives me like Tilly’s/Zumiez/PacSun vibes!
-Drives a red obnoxiously loud scat pack that’s tinted way past the legal shade! He drifts on the weekends. Jimin would be your local plug IDC,IDC,IDC...LOL I said what I said, got a whole eighter hiding in a fake bottle of orange juice!
- Just flirting his way through high school living his best life… will fuck someone up if need be, has a slight temper, sassy as hell, can roll his eyes with the best of them. ”Would it be ...too extra if I changed outfits and dates during the dance?..Serious question guys! ” 
- He’d be the one that all the girls say gives the best head ...I mean..those lips..that tongue..HELLO! Stroke game on point...I feel like he’d have no filter when it comes to talking about sex publicly. No shame, loves to tease you, at the worst times, down to sneak off to the bathroom, or the janitors closet! Will bend you over behind the bleachers after they win a football game...if your down...gang, gang!
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-An Asian with light skin tendencies ...the one that low key may think he’s black (I’m joking!! lmao,,,maybe) 
-He’s that one person that legitimately everyone likes...no matter how hard you may try..you just can’t dislike him! 
-He actually is class president!
-Hangs out with all the basketball players and has the freshest Jordans..but can’t hoop! He’s on the school newspaper..writes the sports column...is still that free spirit telling you to live your best damn life.  
-Either looks like he’s going to a business meeting or like he just picked out damn near everything from Champs there’s no in between! 
-Makes and sells beats on the side, would also have a strong social media presence! He’s be the type to have a ton of followers on Sound Cloud and Spotify!
-The type to try and talk is way into and or around everything “I understand hats are against the wardrobe but I’m just trying to express myself and I think it’s right to give everybody self expression” Wears glasses, though none of us really know if he needs them forreal forreal…. Wears a snowman on his wrist (A big iced out watch). 
-Drives a white BMW 430, puts cones around his car in the parking lot..Yoongi and Jimin kick the cones...faithfully..everyday!
-Don’t let his niceness fool you, will cook your ass in the blink of an eye if need be! Prefers a good verbal situation though, the king of a good word battle will have you all types of trying to check the dictionary to understand what he just said! Got you standing there like a misplaced student in honors English… 
- If shit get’s physical well..we can’t let the president fight soo...he’ll call Yoongi or Jimin to handle it for him…. Because...well his Jay’s are brand new..and only 10 other people have them...sooooo..OR maybe it’s lowkey because he can’t fight all that well...baby’s not coordinate OKAY!? Don’t @ me! 
-Oophfff daddy long leg! Lmao nah but you know he’d be the one...the one that every girl says he’s packin..and he is...He’d be little more reserved..and modest when it comes to his skills but he’s damn sure not shy! Would deff skip lunch, for a quickey at the park..yes the park.....would leave for lunch in a suit...come back in some joggers....real subtel....
Yoongi -
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-The unexpected jock ...the one who can kick your entire ass in basketball, one of the stars on the team! Shooting Guard, has a championship ring from every year he’s played!
-Picks and chooses when he wants to be social. Just judge his mood based on his  face that day!
-DJ’s every party and school event. Often gets into trouble for not playing the clean versions of songs!
-He’s on the morning broadcast with Jimin and Jin...also forgets to censor himself. I.E “Peter Pan opened last night and it sucked actual ass!” 
-Lowkey highkey funny AF, king of sarcasm and one liners!
-Purposely owns an old school Chevelle instead of a new car, also drifts on the weekends.
- Lives in like the flyest loungewear...joggers, hoodies,Jays..doesn't look like he tried but still looks bomb AF. 
-Another one that will creep up on you when it comes to his skill in bed, the one that girls say there surprised with how passionate and attentive he is! In contrast to how  hard his exterior can be, the type to take his time and make sure your more than satisfied….
 -Always, ALWAYS has his headphones in, lives and breathes music! He raps on the side, competes in underground competitions, and win’s without even trying! Refuses to ever participle in the schools talent show because he can’t swear therefore they are hindering his creative flow! 
-Constantly looks like he’d rather cut his own testie off than be “here” right now. 
-Will walk out if you don't let him go to the bathroom when he feels like it, actually he’ll just walk out period…”Yoongi where are you going!?” . 
“Oh I need another espresso shot before I sit through this extremely falsely sugarcoated reality of how Columbus “discovered”  a place that was already there!” 
Jimin: “Aww man, sit down I got you! I was just about to have Pizza Hut sent to the office, you wanna add into my postmates order!!?” 
😩😂😂😂...I canttttt ..maybe I’ll do the other four!? Again all in good fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I often wonder what the boys would be like if they were born in the states. Then I realize the lack of filter they’d all have especially JIMIN and I’m grateful for the cultural differences that come with them being Korean born !
UPDATE- 7/29...I think I might turn these headcons into a lil sum sum...writing these reminded me that I actually enjoyed HS (For me my “shitty” period was like elementray and part of middle school) But I made HS my bitch, and had so much damn fun lol !
7/30- PART 1
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ieatsurveys · 4 years
Popular Songs of the Early 2000s [xspinningisfun – keep tag on <3]
Bold the ones that you know of!
2000 1.Who Let The Dogs Out? -Baha Men 2. All The Small Things -Blink 182 3. Amazed -Lonestar 4. Oops, I Did It Again -Britney Spears 5. Graduation -Vitamin C 6. Bye, Bye, Bye -N*Sync 7. Independent Woman -Destiny’s Child 8. Let’s Make Love – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill 9. Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 4000 10. I Turn To You – Christina Aguilera 11. I Knew I Loved You – Savage Garden 12. It’s My Life – Bon Jovi 13. Breathe – Faith Hill 14. Shake Your Bon-Bon – Ricky Martin 15. Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65 16. Goobye Earl – Dixie Chicks 17. Let’s Get Married – Jagged Edge 18. The Bad Touch – Bloodhound Gang 19. The Real Slim Shady – Eminem 20. Say My Name – Destiny’s Child 21. It’s Gonna Be Me – N*Sync 22. Party Up – DMX 23. Sexual (Li Da Di) – Amber 24. Country Grammar – Nelly 25. Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) – Aaron Carter
2001 1. Hanging By A Moment -Lifehouse 2. Allin’ -Alicia Keys 3. All For You -Janet 4. If You’re Gone -Matchbox Twenty 5. I’M Real -Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule 6. Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) -Train 7. Let Me Blow Ya Mind  -Eve ft. Gwen Stefani 8. Thank You  -Dido 9. Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!)  -Blu Cantrell 10. Independent Women Part I -Destiny’s Child 11. Again  -Lenny Kravitz 12. It’S Been Awhile  -Staind 13. Stutter  -Joe ft. Mystikal 14. It Wasn’T Me’  -Shaggy ft. Ricardo “RikRok” Ducent 15. U Remind Me  -Usher 16. Where The Party At  -Jagged Edge With Nelly 17. Angel  -Shaggy Featuring Rayvon 18. Ride Wit Me  -Nelly Featuring City Spud 19. Peaches & Cream  -112 20. Follow Me  -Uncle Kracker 21. Drive  -Incubus 22. What Would You Do?  -Alicia Keys 23. Survivor  -Destiny’s Child 24. Lady Marmalade  -Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya & Pink 25. Ms. Jackson  -OutKast
2002 1. A Moment Like This – Kelly Clarkson 2. Hot In Herre – Nelly 3. Complicated – Avril Lavigne 4. Girlfriend – N Sync & Nelly 5. Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne 6. Can’t Fight The Moonlight – LeAnn Rimes 7. Dirrty – Christina Aguilera 8. A Thousand Miles – Vanessa Carlton 9. Heaven – DJ Sammy 10. Gimme The Light – Sean Paul 11. The World’s Greatest – R Kelly 12. Jenny From The Block – Jennifer Lopez Featuring Jadakiss & Styles 13. Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) – Toby Keith 14. Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch 15. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie Minogue 16. The Game Of Love – Santana Featuring Michelle Branch 17. Young’n (Holla Back) – Fabolous 18. She Hates Me – Puddle Of Mudd 19. Starry Eyed Surprise – Oakenfold Featuring Shifty Shellshock 20. The Middle – Jimmy Eat World 21. Say I Yi Yi – Ying Yang Twins 22. Just A Friend 2002 – Mario 23. Hey Baby – No Doubt and Bounty Killer 24. Work It – Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott 25. U Don’t Have To Call – Usher
2003 1. In Da Club -50 Cent 2. Crazy in Love -Beyonce w. Jay-Z 3. Get Busy -Sean Paul 4. When I’m Gone -Three Doors Down 5. Ignition -R Kelly 6. Baby Boy -Beyonce w. Sean Paul 7. This is the Night -Clay Aiken 8. Bring Me To Life -Evanescence 9. Right Thurr -Chingy 10. Unwell -Matchbox Twenty 11. Picture -Kid Rock w. Sheryl Crow 12. Drift Away -Uncle Kracker & Dobie Gray 13. Get Low -Lil’ John & The East Side Boyz 14. Beautiful -Christina Aguilera 15. I’m With You -Avril Lavigne 16. Miss You -Aalyiah 17. 21 Questions -50 Cent & Nate Dogg 18. Shake Ya Tailfeather Nelly -P. Diddy and Murphy Lee 19. All I Have -Jennifer Lopez & LL Cool J 20. I Know What You Want -Busta Rhymes & Mariah Carey 21. Magic Stick -Lil’ Kim w. 50 Cent 22. Bump Bump Bump -B2K and P. Diddy 23. Flying Without Wings -Ruben Studdard 24. Here Without You -3 Doors Down 25. Work It -Missy Elliot
2004 1. Yeah! -Usher 2. Burn -Usher 3. This Love -Maroon 5 4. The Way You Move -Outkast 5. If I Ain’t Got You -Alecia Keys 6. Hey Ya! -Outkast 7. I Don’t Wanna Know -Mario Winans 8. The Reason -Hoobastank 9. Confessions Part II -Usher 10. My Immortal -Evanescence 11. Naughty Girl -Beyonce 12. Let’s Get It Started -Black Eyed Peas 13. My Boo -Usher and Alecia Keys 14. She Will Be Loved -Maroon 5 15. The First Cut Is the Deepest -Sheryl Crow 16. Toxic -Britney Spears 17. Someday -Nickelback 18. I Believe -Fantasia 19. Breakaway -Kelly Clarkson 20. Slow Jamz -Twista 21. Dirt Off Your Shoulder -Jay-Z 22. Freak-A-Leek -Petey Pablo 23. The Way -Clay Aiken 24. Numb -Linkin’ Park 25. Dip It Low -Christina Milian
2005 1. We Belong Together -Mariah Carey 2. Let Me Love You -Mario 3. Since U Been Gone -Kelly Clarkson 4. Hollaback Girl -Gwen Stefani 5. Boulevard of Broken Dreams -Greenday 6. Don’t Cha -The Pussycat Dolls and Busta Rhymes 7. Candy Shop -50 Cent 8. 1, 2, Step -Ciara and Missy Elliot 9. Gold Digger -Kanye West 10. Don’t Phunk With My Heart -The Black Eyed Peas 11. Drop It Like It’s Hot -Snoop Dogg 12. Shake It Off -Mariah Carey 13. Disco Inferno -50 Cent 14. Behind These Hazel Eyes -Kelly Clarkson 15. Beverly Hills -Weezer 16. Just a Lil Bit -50 Cent 17. Lose Control -Missy Elliot 18. How We Do -The Game & 50 Cent 19. You & Me -Lifehouse 20. Soldier -Destiny’s Child 21. Rich Girl -Gwen Stefani 22. Mr. Brightside -The Killers 23. Oh -Ciara and Ludacris 24. Pon De Replay -Rihanna 25. Hate It Or Love It -The Game and 50 Cent
2006 1. Sexyback – Justin Timberlake 2. Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean 3. Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado featuring Timbaland 4. Everytime We Touch – Cascada 5. Temperature – Sean Paul 6. S.O.S. – Rihanna 7. Beep – Pussy Cat Dolls 8. Waiting On The World To Change – John Mayer 9. Pump It – Black Eyed Peas 10. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt 11. Maneater – Nelly Furtado 12. Single – Natasha Bedingfield 13. What Hurts the Most – Rascall Flatts 14. Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It – Dem Franchise Boys 15. Walk Away – Kelly Clarkson 16. It’s Goin’ Down – Young Joc 17. Dance, Dance -Fall Out Boy 18. Smack That – Akon & Eminem 19. I Write Songs, Not Tragedies – Panic! At the Disco 20. We’re All In This Together – High School Musical Cast 21. Ms. New Booty – Bubba Sparx 22. How To Save A Life – The Fray 23. Rompe – Daddy Yankee 24. Check On It – Beyonce Featuring Slim Thugg 25. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol
2007 1. The Sweet Escape -Gwen Stefani & Akon 2. Girlfriend -Avril Lavigne 3. Irreplaceable -Beyonce 4. Before He Cheats -Carrie Underwood 5. Crank Dat -Soulja Boy 6. Rehab -Amy Winehouse 7. Umbrella -Rhianna 8. Hey There Delilah -Plain White T’s 9. Glamorous -Fergie 10. I Wanna Luv U -Akon 11. Bubbly -Colbie Caillat 12. Walk It Out -Unk 13. Don’t Matter -Akon 14. Fergalicious -Fergie 15. Lip Gloss -Lil Mama 16. Candyman -Christina Aguilera 17. Break It Off -Rhianna 18. S.O.S. -Jonas Brothers 19. Stronger -Kanye West 20. Thks Fr Th Mmrs -Fall Out Boy 21. Pop, Lock and Drop It -Huey 22. Shut Up and Drive -Rhianna 23. Because of You -Ne-Yo 24. Home -Daughtry 25. Tattoo -Jordan Sparks
2008 1. So What – Pink 2. Just Dance – Lady Gaga 3. Leavin’ – Jesse McCartney 4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz 5. Gives You Hell – All-American Rejects 6. Damaged – Danity Kane 7. Shake It – Metro Station 8. Love Story – Taylor Swift 9. When I Grow Up – Pussycat Dolls 10. I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry 11. Don’t Stop The Music – Rihanna 12. Burnin’ Up – Jonas Brothers 13. Low – Flo Rida featuring T-Pain 14. Calabria – Enur featuring Natasja 15. Love Like This – Natasha Bedingfield and Sean Kingston 16. 7 Things – Miley Cyrus 17. Lollipop – Lil Wayne 18. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield 19. Circus – Britney Spears 20. Summertime – New Kids On The Block 21. Our Song- Taylor Swift 22. All Summer Long – Kid Rock 23. Closer – Ne-Yo 24. Viva La Vida – Coldplay 25. See You Again – Miley Cyrus
2009 1. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas 2. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas 3. I Know You Want Me (Calle Oche) – Pitbull 4. You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift 5. Lovegame – Lady Gaga 6. Don’t Trust Me – 3OH3! 7. Please Don’t Leave Me – Pink 8. Right Round – Flo-Rida 9. Poker Face – Lady Gaga 10. Goodbye – Kristinia Debarge 11. Say Hey – Evan Taubenfeld Michael Franti & Spearhead 12. New Divide – Linkin Park 13. The Climb – Miley Cyrus 14. Best I Ever had – Drake 15. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship Featuring Leighton Meester 16. Lucky – Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillet 17. Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry 18. Paranoid – Jonas Brothers 19. Wanted – Jessie James 20. Fire Burning – Sean Kingston 21. Not Meant To Be – Theory of a Deadman 22. Love, Sex and Magic – Ciara & Justin Timberlake 23. Use Somebody – Kings of Leon 24. Day N Nite – Kid Cuti 25. Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus
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cheeri0-queeri0 · 4 years
(“And they were roommates” fic)
The universe had a twisted sense of humor, and it had decided Alex was it’s new punchline.
Her trip was...headache-inducing. To the extent that Alex had wanted to lose herself in the drive, she guesses that she succeeded. But, fuck. A flat from the construction on the nearest on-ramp, delaying her until right smack in the middle of rush hour? Being in a pissy mood to finally, finally, get out of the city only to immediately have the low fuel light come on? And then when she yanked her phone out of the center cup holder, to have her frayed charging cord snap?
Yeah, it was a long nine hours.
Alex lets out a weary sigh when the sign for Bensley Lake comes into view. In her chest is a tangle of emotions she doesn’t even try to unknot.
“It’s just a landing place,” she whispers, stopping at the familiar main intersection where on the other side the lake stretches into the horizon. A sharp pang needles her heart. Her grip around the steering wheel tightens, knuckles paling.
A landing place. Somewhere to get her head on straight.
“Fuck.” Alex flips on the radio, her phone dead in her backpack on the passenger seat. She doesn’t quite remember the stations, so she flips through at random. News, no; country, no; current top hits, no --
“--Lake’s Trudges, your favorite oldies-but-goodies station! Next up - ”
Her dad’s favorite. He had always had this station on, in his truck where he’d belt out whatever lyrics were on, or in the cabin, head bobbing along as he read a book in the living room, each page taking him a distracted five minutes.
Alex turns it over to static.
The wandering way to the cabin has her skirt the edge of town. Blue’s Scoops has gone out, replaced by a Starbucks. Stupid, Alex scoffs. Would she kill for an iced coffee right now? Sure, but what the hell does coffee have on Paulie’s homemade ice cream and his obnoxiously loud macaw?
Besides likely higher ratings on its health inspections.
The old park that marks their side street sits empty, the playground mulch overtaken by green. It’s roped off, some sign staked out that she passes too fast to read.
And then, impossibly, she’s here.
It’s like the place has sprung into being directly from her memory. The horseshoe gravel driveway curves towards the olive-green cottage style home. Maple trees dot the yard, while dogwoods stand flowering sentry closer to the cabin.
The only thing out of ordinary are the glaringly fuchsia planter boxes that hang from the front porch railing, marigolds and snapdragons poking their heads out.
Alex pulls into the driveway (she’s long since thrown away the garage remote) and shuts the car off, but it’s as if she’s been glued to her seat.
It’s dissonant. As a kid, this was her favorite spot in the world, a dreamy sanctuary with a never-ending yard to roam and trees tall as turrets to climb. As a teen, it was a backwater place she was dragged back to every other year for a happy family appearance for the neighbors.
Now - it’s just a house. Smaller than those right on the lake and even several on the block, with a sloping yard that must’ve taken her dad half a day to mow. It’s cute, perfect for a couple, but a two bedroom one bath with a thin-walled open concept and a rambunctious child? Yikes.
Our special place, her dad had called it one summer evening when they’d all been out having a picnic by the lake. One of the last times they had. You know I used to come here when I was your age, kiddo? It looked a lot different then -
Were there dinosaurs? Alex had impishly asked, and her dad had thrown his head back and laughed, her mom even chuckling --
Alex rakes a hand through her blonde hair, then shakes herself out of her stupor. Hoisting her backpack onto her shoulder, she gets out and treks up. The keys shake in her hands.
For one horrible second the key catches in the lock, unmoving, but then it turns.
Alex lets out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.
The house smells fresh; her mother must have left a window open the last time she was here. It’s a weird first thing to notice, but it’s as if...as if she has to inhale it, to liven the breathless past she’d swept aside when she’d left home.
The layout is familiar - the door opens into a liminal space between the kitchen on the left and the living room on the right. Straight ahead is a hall that leads to the sliding glass door to the back porch, as well as her old bedroom. At the farthest right of the house is the bathroom and master bedroom.
Alex ignores her gurgling stomach and opts for the living room with a yawn.
Her mother has updated the furniture in the cabin. Alex shouldn’t be surprised - it has been ten damn years, after all. But it looks so… homey and eclectic and welcoming, with an overstuffed couch and evergreen fake plants and landscapes hung in bright bold frames.
Her mother’s dating someone new then. Someone she likes enough to let decorate.
Probably rich, Alex thinks as she shrugs of her bag and kicks of her shoes. Accidentally so, if his taste is anything to go on. Her mom wouldn’t date someone down to earth otherwise, god forbid.
She puts a hand on the back of the couch and leaps over, sinking into the cushions with a groan. Her muscles are tense from the drive, and it feels so good to just...relax.
Alex’s eyes droop, but her thoughts chase through her head too furiously to allow her to drift off.
Now that she’s slinked off to this far away corner, she starts to second guess herself. What was she thinking, coming here? Did it matter? Wasn’t it all pointless, anyway? It’s an embarrassment, really, running when all she needs to do is stand still and buck up.
Alex throws an arm over her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. Her heart races relentlessly on.
She loses track of time lying there. Alex refuses to be so yuppie as to call it meditation - a forced chill out. Or something.
“Uhh...make yourself...comfortable…?”
Alex jolts at the voice, releasing a sound from the back of her throat that she definitely never wants to repeat. She’s on her feet in an instant, whirling as the blood rushes to her head and her vision fades back in.
A young woman stands in the hall entryway. She seems to be in the ballpark of Alex’s own age, dark hair in a sloppy high ponytail, a brow arched in bewilderment. She’s dressed in an orange sports bra and black leggings, a small towel slung over her shoulder, sweat beading on her skin. And she’s got a death grip on a sturdy-looking water bottle, holding it upside-down, ready to slug Alex’s head like a softball if she needs to.
Alex sure as hell isn’t gawking, but holy shit.
“Who the fuck are you?” she snarls, hands balling into fists.
The woman blinks slowly, frowning. “...I live here, robber extraordinaire.”
Alex’s stomach sinks, an icy chill settling in her veins. “This is my family’s cabin,” she protests heatedly. Her mother wouldn’t - would she? This had been her dad’s, for christ's sake!
“Listen,” the woman holds up her hands placatingly, eyeing Alex warily. “I’ve been renting this place from Mrs. Raisson for three years, I don’t know what to tell you --”
She would, then.
Alex grinds her teeth. “Mrs. Raisson, huh.”
The woman’s brows furrow, and then, suddenly, her blue eyes widen. “Wait…” Before Alex can react, she’s scampering around the corner into the kitchen. From over the half-wall bar top separating them, she watches as she takes a business card off the fridge, scrutinizing it and looking up to Alex. “Are you...shit, are you her daughter?”
Alex shrugs, on edge. “Technically.”
The woman just gazes at her for a drawn out moment, crossing her arms. Then, “That’s rough. She’s a bitch, dude.”
Alex is so startled that she can’t stop the laughter that bubbles out of her.
The woman cracks a smile, tossing the card on the counter and stepping up to the bar. “Mackenzie Jordan,” she greets, offering her hand.
Alex hesitates. “...Alexis Raisson. Alex.” She gives her hand a brief shake, dropping it quickly. The pit returns to her stomach, and she chews her lip nervously. “I’ll- I’ll get out of here.”
And go where? The campground, maybe, she can sleep in her car and figure out what she wants to do.
Mackenzie clicks her tongue, a glint in her eye that Alex can’t decipher. “Uh, you’re my hardass landlord’s daughter. I kind of have to grill you. Otherwise I’m passing up potential intel that could help convince her to allow me to have a dog. Stay for supper at least?”
Alex shakes her head. What kind of weirdo invites a trespasser over?
“I have beeeer,” Mackenzie offers with a lopsided, hopeful grin.
Well...shit. What can it hurt?
“Fine. One drink.”
Mackenzie pumps a fist in the air, grin growing. “Hell yeah! Just lemme…” she pivots, bounding over to the fridge and opening it with a flourish. She piles tupperware in her arms. “Meet me at the patio- you know your way around? I’ll grab everything.”
Alex watches her a second, then pulls herself away, shuffling down the hall.
What has she agreed to?
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massmurdera · 4 years
2019 & 2010s Best/Worst
Because I like lists and cataloguing the dumb shit I cared about. As my brother once said after seeing and reviewing NOW YOU SEE ME on a lazy Sunday, ‘Some would say it was a waste of time, others might say it was a colossal waste of time.’     
I’ll admit, it’s a bit over-the-top. Particularly including the Pats, but yeah, in the Tom Brady era that started when I was 14 as a Freshman in high school to 33 years old now and wrapping up soon-ish (?), there’s not a chance in hell I’ll care as intimately about this shit. I grew up with it at just the right time.
2019 MOVIES  TOP TIER 1) Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 2) Uncut Gems 2nd TIER 3) Knives Out 4) Parasite 5) Little Women 6) Midsommer 3rd TIER 7) John Wick III 8) Ready or Not 9) Marriage Story 10) Joker 11) Irishman 12) Shazam! 13) Us UNDERRATED Ready or Not TOO LONG John Wick III; Irishman SOLID El Camino GOOD BAD 6 Underground OK 21 Bridges; Avengers: Endgame; Dolemite is my Name; Dragged Across Concrete; Fighting With My Family; Hustlers; Knock Down the House; Longshot; the Report; Two Popes MEH Always Be My Maybe; Death of Dick Long; High Flying Bird; Spiderman: Far From Home; Standoff at Sparrow Creek DISAPPOINTING Hobbs & Shaw; Toy Story 4; Triple Frontier SUCK Laundromat; Under the Silver Lake OVERRATED Ad Astra; Booksmart; the Farewell FUNNIEST SCENE Dicaprio flipping out in movie trailer BEST CLIMAX/ENDING Once Upon a Time; Uncut Gems HAVEN’T SEEN 1917; Apollo 11; Beach Bum; Dark Waters; Ford vs Ferrari; Honey Boy; Jojo Rabbit; the Lighthouse; Star Wars 2019 TV  TOP TIER 1) Succession 2) Fleabag 3) Watchmen 2nd TIER 4) When They See Us 5) Barry 6) Unbelievable 7) Chernobyl 8) Sex Education DAMN GOOD Big Mouth; the Boys; Brockmire; Derry Girls; Euphoria; Loudest Voice; Mindhunter; Pen15; Righteous Gemstones; Veep WATCHABLE Atypical; Bosch; Dark; Goliath; Karate Kid; Kominsky Method; Mandalorian; Mr Robot; Mrs Fletcher; Russian Doll; Warrior HIGH/LOW I Think You Should Leave SHIT END FOR ALL-TIME GREAT Game of Thrones HALF-WATCH Living With Yourself; Raising Dion; the Society NOT UP TO STANDARD Stranger Things; GLOW; Killing Eve; True Detective BAD Luther; Shameless; Silicon Valley; SNL SUCK 13 Reasons Why; Big Little Lies; the Witcher FUNNIEST Desus & Mero DOCS 1) Fyre: both  2) Ted Bundy Tapes 3) American Factory 4) Leaving Neverland STAND-UP SPECIALS 1) Burr 2) Chappelle 3) Jeselnik 4) Birbiglia 5) Gulman BEHIND ON SHOWS I DIG Brooklyn 99; Catastrophe; Corporate; Expanse; Good Place; It’s Always Sunny; Letterkenny 2010s TV  DRAMA 1) Breaking Bad 2) Game of Thrones 3) Justified 4) Mad Men 5) Hannibal 6) Banshee ANTHOLOGY/LIMITED SERIES 1) Fargo SII 2) True Detective SI 3) When They See Us 4) People Vs OJ Simpson 5) Chernobyl 6) Show Me a Hero 7) the Night Of 8) Honorable Woman COMEDY 1) Atlanta 2) Fleabag 3) Veep 4) Big Mouth 5) Parks & Rec 6) Rick & Morty 7) Nathan for You 8) Review 9) American Vandal HIT/MISS Black Mirror OVERRATED Boardwalk Empire; House of Cards; Peaky Blinders; Westworld UNDERRATED Banshee; Brockmire; Hannibal FUN HATE-WATCH Newsroom DOWNHILL Homeland; How I Met Your Mother; Legion; Sons of Anarchy HATED Girls; Leftovers; Rectify UNWATCHABLE Twin Peaks BEST ENDINGS Breaking Bad; Justified; Fleabag; Parks & Rec DUMBEST ENDING Dexter; Sons of Anarchy LATE NIGHT Desus & Mero POLITICAL John Oliver 2010s MOVIES 2010 Social Network Animal Kingdom; the Fighter; Four Lions; Inside Job; Jackass 3; MacGruber; Shutter Island; Toy Story 3; True Grit; Winter’s Bone 2011 the Raid Descendents; Drive; Fast Five; the Guard; Mission Impossible 4; Take This Waltz; Warrior 2012 Magic Mike 21 Jump Street; Argo; Cabin in the Woods; Chronicle; Django Unchained; Goon; Looper; Queen of Versailles; Silver Linings Playbook; Skyfall 2013 Wolf of Wall Street Before Midnight; the Conjuring; Gravity; Her; Inside Llewyn Davis; Prisoners; Short-Term 12 2014 John Wick the Drop; Edge of Tomorrow; Gone Girl; the Guest; Lego Movie; Nightcrawler; the Raid 2; Whiplash 2015 Mad Max 7 Days in Hell; Big Short; Brooklyn; Creed; Ex Machina; Fast 7; It Follows; Logan; Magic Mike XXL; the Martian; Me and Earl and the Dying Girl; Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation; Sicario 2016 the Nice Guys Deadpool; Edge of Seventeen; Everybody Wants Some!; Green Room; La La Land; Manchester By the Sea; Moonlight; OJ: Made in America; Popstar; Sing Street; Weiner 2017 Get Out Blade Runner 2049; Coco; Dunkirk; Lady Bird; Logan; Thor Ragnorak; Tour de Pharmacy 2018 Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse BlacKKKlansman; Den of Thieves; Hereditary; If Beale Street Could Talk; Minding the Gap; Sorry to Bother You
THE BEST Mad Max BEST DOC OJ: Made in America FUNNIEST DOC Tickled UNDERRATED DOC Weiner HORROR Hereditary FAVORITE/FUNNIEST PERFORMANCE Ryan Gosling (Nice Guys) DESERVED 5 SEQUELS the Nice Guys SUPERHERO Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse WAR Dunkirk BEST FIGHT SCENES the Raid UNDERRATED any Lonely Island project NICE TRY Dark Knight Rises; Inception; Interstellar; Widows STAND-UP 2010s FAVORITE Bill Burr NEXT BEST Ali Wong; Anthony Jeselnik; Kyle Kinane; Bert Kreischer; Marc Maron; John Mulaney; Patton Oswalt; Rory Scovel; Tom Segura COMEBACK Chappelle DOWNFALL Louis CK DIED BEFORE PRIME Patrice O’Neal, Greg Giraldo UNDERRATED Joe Derosa MUST-SEE LIVE Robert Kelly  PODCASTS 2010s  BEST/FUNNIEST/UNDERRATED Walking the Room RUNNER-UP 600 Dollar Podcast ONE-MAN RANT Bill Burr Monday Morning Podcast SPORTS Pardon My Take RIFFING Bodega Boys HISTORY/COMEDY Dollop HISTORY DEEP DIVE Hardcore History MOVIES Rewatchables HATE-WATCH CRITICISM West Wing Thing POP CULTURE/FILM Frotcast MIXED Revisionist History GOOD/BAD Joe Rogan: GOOD: propping up comic friends; BAD: useful idiot for propping up bad faith fascists who should be put out to pasture INTERNET CURIOSITY Reply All LEFTIST POLITICS Chapo Trap House TRUE CRIME In the Dark ADVICE Don’t Take Bullshit From Fuckers LAME Pod Save America OVERRATED Missing Richard Simmons DIDN’T LIKE S-Town SERIAL Season 3>Season 1 TRUMP Trump, Inc SPORTS SCHAUDENFREUDE Fuck the Chargers OKAY Bill Simmons WTF WITH MARON good when he talks to comics MURDER My Favorite Murder OTHER GOOD ONES Hound Tall; Press Box
2010s MUSIC  FAVORITE anything Brian Fallon ROCK BAND Menzingers SONG Robyn-‘Dancing On My Own’ POP-PUNK BAND Wonder Years LIVE ALBUM Horrible Crowes-‘Elsie’ HEAVY BAND Every Time I Die ELECTRONIC Chvrches SOLO Rihanna COVER ALBUM Dustin Kensrue-‘Thoughts on a Different Blood’ GO-TO AT GYM Story So Far OFF THE INEVITABLE & IRRECOVERABLE DEEP END Kanye KIND OF LIKE THE MUSIC/HATE THE PERSON: LIKE KANYE Taylor Swift, Bieber THOUGHT I’D HATE BUT DOES NOT SUCK Lana Del Rey; Post Malone OTHER FAVES 1975; Arctic Monkeys; Beach Slang; Black Keys; Bon Iver; Carly Rae Jepsen; the National; Thrice MIXED Chance the Rapper; Kendrick Lamar I’ll be honest I spent far more time listening to podcasts nearly all the time and just listened to mostly the same couple of things I liked. 2010s PATRIOTS  2010s BEST GAMES 1) Seahawks Super Bowl 2) Falcons Super Bowl 3) Ravens 2015 Divisional 4) Chiefs 2019 AFCCG UNDERRATED CLASSIC Ravens 2015 Divisional BRADY/GRONK GO DOWN LIKE CHAMPS 1) 2018 Eagles Super Bowl 2) Broncos 2015 AFCCG: Brady’ offensive line was a sieve EITHER WAY Giants Super Bowl: game changed when Brady’s shoulder got fucked up by Tuck FAVORITE PLAYER TB12 MOST FUN/DOMINANT Gronk HEART OF TEAM Edelman BELOVED Wilfork ROCK SOLID 1) Hightower 2) McCourty 3) James White 1st BALLOT HALL OF FAMERS 1) Brady 2) Gronk 3) Revis LATER BALLOT 1) Edelman 2) Scarnecchia 3) Welker 4) Wilfork 5) Slater MAKING AN ARGUMENT Gilmore PATS HALL ONLY 1) McCourty 2) Hightower 3) Mankins 4) White 5) Gostkowski 6) Mayo 7) Chung UNDERRATED/GOOD VALUE 1) Amendola 2) Vollmer 3) Ninkovich 4) Chung 5) Woodhead DESERVED BETTER Welker UNSUNG Slater OVERRATED 1) Solder 2) Brandin Cooks NO-SHOWS Dolphins (Dec ’19); Jets Divisional (Jan ‘11) BEST REGULAR SEASON WINS 1) 2013 Broncos 2) 2017 Steelers 3) 2013 Saints BEST REGULAR SEASON LOSSES 1) 2012 49ers 2) 2016 Seahawks 3) 2014 Packers 4) 2015 Broncos LOL Miami Miracle: saved by winning Super Bowl LEAST TALENTED TEAM 1) 2013 by a mile 2) 2010 3) 2011 4) 2018 BEST TEAM 1) 2014  2) 2016 BEST PLAYS (NON-GRONK) 1) Butler INT Seahawks 2) Edelman TD pass vs Ravens 3) Buttfumble Jets 4) Edelman catch vs Falcons 5) Walk-off TD vs Falcons 6) Dan Connolly kick return 7) Brady TD pass to LaFell 2015 Divisional POUNDED TABLE TO DRAFT 1) Lamar Jackson 2) Kittle 3) AJ Brown 4) Honey Badger 5) Stefon Diggs WANTED BUT OUT OF REACH 1) Aaron Donald 2) Quenton Nelson 3) Derwin James 4) Hopkins 5) TJ Watt 6) Saquon 7) Keenan Allen 8) McCaffrey 9) Gurley WOULD’VE WON IT ALL IF NOT FOR INJURIES 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017. That’s football HEALTHIEST SEASON 2018 ROPE-A-DOPED/GOT BY ON VETERAN GUILE 2018: Belichick’s best coaching FAVORITE PICKS AT THE TIME OF GUYS I WANTED 1) Gronk 2) Hightower/Chandler Jones 3) Shaq Mason MOVES I HATED THAT I WAS WRONG ABOUT 1) Stephon Gilmore 2) trading Jamie Collins MOST IMPROVED Marcus Cannon BEST FIND Kyle Van Noy MOVE I LOVED getting Blount back the 2nd time IF BUTLER WASN’T BENCHED, DO THEY BEAT THE EAGLES? Yes 100%. If only because, if nothing else, he can tackle BUTLER’s INT KILLED THE ‘LEGION OF BOOM’ SEAHAWKS WOULD-BE DYNASTY Yes DRAFT REACH THAT MADE NO SENSE Jordan Richards: Tavon Wilson 2.0 BAD DRAFT MOVES 1) Dominique Easley 2) Cyrus Jones 3) Dobson 4) Mallett DIRTY SECRET Belichick sucks at drafting in 2nd round WOULD HAVE BEEN GOOD IF HE STAYED HEALTHY Malcolm Mitchell HATE TO SEE WALK BUT COULDN’T AFFORD 1) Trey Flowers 2) Chandler Jones 3) Jimmy G 4) Talib 5) Akiem Hicks DEFLATEGATE fraud/power trip job by Goodell/owners BRADY OR BELICHICK MORE VALUABLE Brady 100% DISAPPOINTING/GAMBLES 1) Ochocinco 2) Michael Bennett: got him 2 years too late 3) Fanene signing 4) Haynesworth BEST SHORT-TERM 1) Martellus Bennett 2) Chris Long 3) Revis 4) Brian Waters SUSPECT CHARACTERS/EDGY PERSONALITY MACHINES Brandon Spikes; Brandon Browner…SERIAL KILLER Aaron Hernandez PERSONALITY DISORDER DISASTER Antonio Brown: bad signing/unexpected HOW THE FUCK DID WE LOSE TO THAT GUY? Eli Manning/Nick Foles LIFESAVER Scarnecchia MCDANIELS Frustrating—but continuity matters REFS FUCKED OVER Gronk  MISCELANNEOUS 2010s GOOD/ENJOY Bernie Sanders/AOC: people who actually want to get good done that’s long overdue…Lebron James; Stephen Curry; Kawhi; Zion Williamson; Luka Doncic...Lamar Jackson; Pat Mahomes; JJ Watt; Marshawn Lynch…Coach Ed Orgeron...David Ortiz…2011 Bruins…memes…Don Winslow crime novels…David Roth writing on Trump…David Grann non-fiction…’Book of Mormon’ DID NOT ENJOY Kyrie Irving…Deflategate…LeBron on the Heat…Bobby Valentine DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE LIKE ‘Between the World and Me’…Elon Musk…Lin Manuel-Miranda/’Hamilton’ INDEFENSIBLY AND INFURIATINGLY BAD THE MORE YOU LOOK AT IT Facebook…Obama Presidency/Democratic Party Leadership EVERYDAY DISASTER Media: CNN; Fox; MSNBC; NY Times Op-Ed…Trump/Republicans: Trump presidency was basically 2010s 9/11 for inevitable disastrous fallout & consequences my generation will never recover from…Grifters Trojan horsing way in shamelessly (Trump administration; Ben Shapiro; Alex Jones; Milo; Jordan Peterson, Tomi Lahren, etc.) and no repercussions...Republican Party basically one goal: to troll libs even with shitty ideas that suck FAVORITES WHO DIED Bourdain; Elmore Leonard; Garry Shandling; Muhammad Ali; Robin Williams; Tom Petty BEST TALENT CUT SHORT Philip Seymour Hoffman SHITTIEST PEOPLE WHO DIED Antonin Scalia; George HW Bush; John McCain; Osama; Steve Jobs; Whitey Bulger I FORGOT THAT SHIT HAPPENED Charlie Sheen loses it JEFFREY EPSTEIN did not kill himself WHAT DEFINES 2010s Amazon/Bezos…Climate Change/Gun Violence inaction…Journalism being taken over by Bane Capital-esque vultures/local places dying...one-sided Class War by the uber-rich…#MeToo…Netflix…Opioids…Outrage/Cancel culture…Police Injustice…Silicon Valley…Social Media…Superhero shit…Your mom
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283livesforone · 5 years
I have never been so mad for such a long period of an episode of anything ever.
*also this is the first time I’m writing this as I watch it so watch me be 1773917391 times more intense than normal*
1. It starts off soft. Here I am all happy and shocked that none of my stans are being tourchered...
2. Diyoza talking to her daughter is the cutest thing we love a dedicated bad ass mother
3. Okay so this is getting low key flame-cult-ish again....
4. Delilah and Jordan are absolute cute softies look who’s taking after his parents footsteps in being the softest ship alive!!
4b. My boy moves fast though... damn...
5. Hey moderately cute doctor guy... stop flirting with my gal Clarke!
5b. Oof I think he’s actually being an interlectual human and trying to help??
6. Okay they’re DEFINITELY spitting an A.I in someone.
7. Lol why are spacekru so awkward, watch Clarke and Jordan happily skip off to make new friends while them three awkwardly stand and try not to look defensive
8. Raven. I hate you.
8b. No like seriously.
8c. You used to compete with Clarke for my favorite character and you were very much one of my all time favorite females but now-
8d. Leave.
9. High key wanted Clarke to remind Raven about how they also left her behind to die and it was just god damn lucky she had night blood and there was such a slim chance of that even working but she still sacrificed herself because that’s what the real hero of this story does.
10. You have no idea how badly I want Madi to go to school. That hurt.
11. Echo calling Murphy out on being an alcoholic mess. An icon.
12. The last few episodes echos been growing on me more an more. I’m happy with this.
12b. I never said be cho was though!
13. That whole opening ceremony thing on the balcony was high key disturbing... they are definitely doing some weird A.I shit
14. That one guy who low key seemed to be helping Octavia kinda reminds me of Lincoln. I don’t know how I feel about that. This better not be another love interest I’m sorry but she has such an important plot line as it is Jason’s really going overboard with the new ships at the moment and it’s too freaking much.
15. Octavia looks more like old O and I’m living for it.
16. Ouchy. Forgiveness bellarke content. This hurts. Woah. I miss you. *bellamy’s face when Clarke calls him family hehe*
17. Is it just me or was that the weirdest bellarke hug ever. The way the just pulled apart as if they wanted nothing more than to not be touching was really weird and kinda uncomfortable to watch. I do not approve. It seems forced. Nope. *jason trying to convince us bellarke isn’t real by making the hug short*
18. But I must say I’m really enjoying all these bellarke x sharing parenting tips scenes
19. So at this point I’m only 18 minutes in and my blood is already boiling. Can’t get much worse. Oh wait-
20. If this is another Raven love interest I am suing. I’m sorry Jason but. There. Is. A. Point! You can’t just keep throwing more and more ships at us till we like one! It doesn’t work that way!
21. Low key seeing some old Raven here. I like that. Maybe she can be redeemed after all. Maybe.
22. Ughhh I do not want another Clarke love interest! You cannot mention lexa every other episode, give her a child who is the most important person in her life, put her in the position of trying to fix countless old relationships and give her a new one entirely! It’s. Too. Much.
23. We see you Jordan. *fetus meets his first female he’s not related to* -five minutes later- *has lost his V, is in a physical and emotional relationship, thoroughly taking part in the whole pda thing*
24. Oof... becho fight.... trouble in paradise? What. A. Shame.
25. Octavia and Rose make me so happy. I see some real Octavia slipping through the cracks!! Hope is not lost!
26. DONT KILL THE SMALL HUMAN! Well great. The one good thing Octavia does and you take it away from her. You will be hearing from my lawyers Jason!
27. Diyoza and Octavia is a duo I am living for.
28. Woah Clarke!
29. She is definitely getting an A.I.
30. Don’t make my boy Jordan sad! Not allowed!
31. Ah... so doctor guy is the spy. Okay I get this now. Low key creepy that he has to have drawings of everyone it would be a much better use of his time to just write their names but you do you I guess
33. Oh damn... she doesn’t even know who Jordan is anymore....
34. This is the becho I can deal with. Give me actual development like this and I’ll learn to live with it I guess
35. I do like echo a lot more now though.
36. I’m mad. I���m mad. I’m really mad.
37. Okay so while I’m not okay with the whole putting an A.I with Josephine I’m it inside Clarke and everything but we all know she’ll be okay in the end so here’s a big thing to make space kru actually realise Clarke needs their freaking help not just their complaining and hate. Let them get worried about her for once. Let someone have to save her for once. Let them see how hard she’s worked saving their asses for so long. Let. Them. Miss. Her.
38. *Josephine looks down towards Clarke’s cleavage* “I can work with this” I CANT DEAL THIS IS HILARIOUS I STAN.
Okay so all in all this is my favorite episode so far. For once a lot actually happened and I finally watched an episode on the day it cake out. I spent most of it superrrr mad but if Raven gets her head out of her ass, Bellamy and Octavia sort out their problems and Clarke gets some appreciation I’ll be fine
*watch none of that ever happen*
Feeling: stressed, impatient for next week, full of love for Clarke and Jordan, mad at Raven.
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