crowties · 2 years
i. legit never thought about how old sin was sorry hg hu gfg. bronya seele r babies but for sone reason i never considered sin. how old are Roza and Lilia btw? for some reason they both call eachother adults at the same time they get called kids
i’m not gonna hold it against you man… hi3 sin mal was written to be a bully, and it’s natural to not like someone who does the things she did. i’m just happy that we can come to an agreement that there was definitely a lot more depth to sin’s situation. also to answer your question. roza and lili are also roughly the same age as the orphanage kids, their comments about being adults are just them being silly aspiring idols!
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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[ — Mafia AU!]
i said i'll draw some canon characters x roza mafia au interactions and here we are ! first one is roza and malleus.
as for the second one, it's lilia/roza, however; while i started to draw it with the intent of it being for the mafia au, it ended up being more non-au. nonetheless ! yume has some headcanons for diasomnia/roza mafia au !
just like how i had mentioned in the previous mafia au posts, roza's father hired the mafia; in this case, he turned to the diasomnia sector for aid
malleus is the boss, but for a busy leader, he keeps especially an eye on roza. at first, it really was because of the deal made, but soon it was much more than that.
i imagine lilia is a sort of instructor for newbies, if not occasionally someone who helps out the doctors; because of roza learning how to defend herself, fight and thus ultimately be part of the mafia, he ends up becoming sort of a mentor but also the first person to welcome her fully.
sebek has been extremely on the fence about roza, ever since her arrival; she's obstructing his task of protecting the boss - as he had been assigned to act as a senior for her, to guide her but also make sure to protect her. however, i'd like to think his own walls start to crumble and he grows fond of her, even if he won't admit it.
and lastly! as for silver, for him it had been just another job to take care of. protecting members of his mafia isn't too unusual for him, so he also had been tasked with basically the same job as sebek, except he was also in charge to teach her much more physical defense. they have a bit of rivalry, especially noticeable when they train, but it's... kind of endearing.
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randomikemendegen · 4 years
Hello ! I don't know if you are still doing the OC ask but... 2) With Viviane and Samara and 12) for Cirnu please !
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(Mun Yasu: I’m gonna be combining both of these asks since they start out the same ahahahaha- sdkjsadslakjda)
2. What would (Samara) have to do to befriend (Viviane)? 
Oh Samara, babby, you don’t have to do much because Viviane will be the one who most likely initiate the friendship uwu!! 
The albino 2nd-year has ZERO fear and will approach almost anyone (which is why she gets along with almost everyone). The friendship would probably 100% be instantaneous, honestly, with how both girls act and how very friendly they are. (If they become closer friends, then Levi just might also watch over Samara as well since she’s Vivi/Lorey’s friend)
If Vivi wants to be your friend, then she’ll keep approaching you no matter what even if you try to scare her away~. After all, she believes that no one wants or deserves to be truly alone.
12. If (Cirnu) was forced to adopt someone's ocs as their child, who would it be? Why?
Bro if I told you everyone in Cirnu’s “forced”(you mean, WILLING) adoption list, we’d be here all day lolol— but for question’s sake, I’m gonna be listing a handful down below:
( @prometheanglory )Penn & Nik: The moment Cirnu just sees the twins, she just instantly says, “How cute~.”, and instantly pats them both on the head. She feels a bit sad when the two seem to flinch from her touch as she didn’t mean to frighten the two lads.
( @the27th )Pleiade & Samara: She already dotes on Pleiade quite a lot (helping with the fact that they’re both from Diasomnia) and finds her enthusiasm quite cute. With Samara, Cirnu finds her to be even cuter and even comments how lucky she is to have Pleiade and Kalim as her parents.
( @minoux-x )Nyx: Cirnu just sees Nyx for one second and immediately tries to give him candy; he’s too cute to resist. Plus, Nyx reminds her of one of her little brothers; they’re twins btw, and Nyx specifically reminds Cirnu of the younger twin, who is a bit more quiet and aloof but can be rather cute and sweet especially when wanting attention from the family. 
( @conquer-the-raven )Maple: Shy girl? Cute girl?? Small girl??? Say no more, dark big sis Cirnu is on her way to pat the cute fennec foxgirl on the head (and maybe give her a bit of nudging and confidence to interact more with Jack uwu)
( @oiseaunoir11 )Al: Cute cyborg child/son, she 100% thinks he deserves all the support and love that he gets from his friends and such, and also 1000% supports his and Idia’s relationship~. uwu
( @briarrosescurse )Rozalina: Ah yes, another fellow Diasomnia dorm mate (Cirnu dotes on everyone from the dorm, baring Lilia who’s the only exception; not even Malleus can escape the doting). ANYWAYS— Cirnu  finds Roza’s child-like curiosity, innocence, and cheerful demeanour to be her best traits and finds herself wanting to protect and dote on the blonde girl uwu.
( @piraticusdorm )Tink: They may be of different fairies/fae, but the doting knows no bounds! Watch as Cirnu makes her way over to the Piraticus dorm to try and establish a friendly relationship with Tink, and perhaps also with Conrad and Krok~ (Also if Nyx reminds Cirnu of her younger brother, then Tink reminds her of that same brother’s older twin, if to an extent)
Bonus OCs that are on the adoption list: ( @circuscarnage )Anna, ( @not-twisted-enough )Taniya, ( @ellovett​ )Raven, ( @perawuat​ )Amelie, ( @noahramschakledorm​ )Noah, ( @f55mi​ )Maggie, ( @wilted3sunflowers )Shiloh, ( @permanentlyexhaustedowl )Aya, and SO MUCH MORE~!
11. If (Berebis and Levi) was forced to marry someone's oc regardless of feelings, who would it be? Why?
Bel hates the idea, nay, the mere EXISTENCE of forced marriage. Honestly he’d rather swallow his strongest sleeping(poison) potion than go through with something like this. He might make a few exceptions for some people though, such as @briarrosescurse​‘s Rozalina. She’s not that loud, she’s a really nice person, plus she’s rather interesting so Bel’s fine with her (that and he won’t actually admit it but he genuinely sympathises with her and might even get off his ass and use his lazy genius-ness to its full potential to help her, since he can’t actually let a person like her be.... what? He’s not a complete jerkass; it’s just that Bel himself shut off his speech/attitude filter a long time ago and became rather apathetic and cynical)
On the other hand, Leviotan doesn’t really care much about stuff like these so anyone’s fine (plus he is actually a gentleman after all despite his aloof and rough appearance... he’s gonna end up giving any guy the cold shoulder tho). Anyways— one of he people he probably doesn’t mind being put into a forced marriage with is @hlebkamendraws‘ Crow; he likes her attitude, the fact that she can take care of herself/be independent, but still have some really cute moments that, honestly, he finds a bit interesting and a tiny bit endearing (it helps that Vivi completely accepts any and all partners that Levi can potentially end up with)
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adrianeleuteri · 4 years
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Una flor que roza el cielo tiene restos de sol en sus corolas Tu tierra húmeda   país de mí me sabe a tiempo    a sangre añeja ofrendas carnales de tus templos árbol arterial que se hizo fuego Tu polvo   país de sol chisporrotea en mis manos pero te muerdo y tú    granada te deflagras y caes y te derramas en esquinas    aposentos    y las páginas de la penumbra sangre en el ojo    vena rota que cubre de carmín el horizonte Yo    de niño en las laderas de la sierra con un poema bien clavado entre el pulmón y el corazón herido    muerto en una calle de acuarela y perros vulnerados por la luna Poesía es morir para volver a ser humano    un ángel animal con las alas formidables de un albatros y las entrañas abrasivas de un bisonte ojos minerales de gorrión    de tecolote de ojo de hoja y  huerto de verano y de otoño de pared pintada a los (3) .14, 16     allende el mar un mundo ataros bien al mástil allí están las coordenadas de mi mente los dos radios geométricos y la cabeza atravesada por raíces hasta el nervio occipital pero esa boca es un juguete y doce tomos no me alcanzan para explicar su anatomía que tiene rosas    que tiene frutas que tiene un suave vértigo de muerte cada tarde entre el ocaso y la palabra cincelada en la caliza de los diarios y diarios y diarios de los años que te dicen que en los veintes tuviste como amante a la Revolución entre las sábanas y tu saliva y la memoria te dio para rodar en otros siglos   otros tiempos y lugares y te dio voz para gritar hasta volverte loco de amor     de luz     y libertad Morirás y probarás el barro y la tierra te poblará la piel de hierba y de tu lengua florecerán las pitahayas los xoconostles y las tunas Una luciérnaga     un lago mil libélulas de alas como espejos serán otrora las cenizas de mi cuerpo se corta y abre el aire que devora al haz de tu figura que yo te pinto     Lilia     los pechos la cintura y la noche que te cubre con un beso de tinieblas suavísimas el sexo Yerbabuena    sal    y pan de muerto que me voy      hermano    con un libro bajo el brazo a la batalla ayer ambos     hoy sin ti     mañana juntos que el bautismo de la bala esta noche la gloria nos depara Rabioso de amor loco de amor Loco de amor grité tu nombre país / de sangre y tanta sangre estoy borracho y lloro porque tengo un nombre hecho de mar y espadas y planetas y sirenas y ni con él puedo limpiarte los restos del hastío
Escrito el  28 de julio de 2012
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Chapter 22: Tide
It’s the swelling of the stomach that he recognises. From the villages where the fields had been scorched and the animals slain. Towns where mother’s breasts were sore and dry, and babies didn’t recover from what should have been mild winter colds.
Roza seems unaffected, though her hands are gentle and her voice quiet as she patters on about other things. Although he knows that Elvira can’t understand a word, she seems to be listening anyway.
“I can’t believe he didn’t tell us.”
It takes a moment for Beka to come back to the conversation.
“I knew.”
Roza turns to him. Her expression is fluctuating, as though she can’t decide whether to be shocked or angry, or whether she should express either in the presence of the girl. A word sits between her lips, but she doesn’t quite manage to get it out.
“It’s one of Lilia’s exercises. He splits his own arrows mid-air. He fixes them instead of wasting them, or making new ones.” Roza gapes, and apparently has no response. After a minute, he adds; “I watched, a few times. He couldn’t explain to me how he did it.”
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promisedfall · 7 years
10 facts about Aisling/Sasha ✨
This was...surprisingly difficult. 1. Aisling has four older full sisters:  I’m actually uncertain of how many half-siblings they have, though probably a fair number (I’m similarly uncertain how many other consorts the Emperor has other than the two obviously known about): that being said, they don’t have anywhere near as many half-siblings as probably expected given that Technomir has been stated to not be “prolific” in the matter of children.
Since we already know Sophia and her relationship with Aisling/Sasha, I’ll talk instead about their other siblings.  Lidiya, Lilia, and Larisa are identical triplets,  who are about ~3-4 years older than Aisling, and all three of them have kind of been overshadowed by their older sister and youngest sibling, for perhaps obvious reasons.
Lidiya is a petty bully, arrogant and loud, and probably embodies all the worst traits of SEE nobility in one small young woman: she is constantly frustrated and has a horrible temper and takes it out on everyone around her, is in a lot of duels because of it and the only reason she isn’t dead yet is because she has the skill to back up her loud mouth (though she’s actually not the best fighter among the triplets, which goes to Lilia) and Larisa’s mediation skills managing to deescalate her duels from “to the death” to “first blood”.  Nobody actually likes her, which she is fully aware of and...makes her temper worse. Aisling did not have much of a relationship with her, primarily because Sophia was protecting them: even Lidiya who pokes at people and things she probably shouldn’t wasn’t stupid enough to go behind her back (mostly) because she knew perfectly well Sophia would probably kill her.  
Lilia, the middle triplet, is soft-spoken and incredibly shy and anxious in social situations to the point where she can be described as a shrinking violet: she took the brunt of Lidiya’s bullying and ended up pretty fucked up by it. Reclusive poet and artist who usually relies on Larisa to share her poetry for her and constantly underestimated by the court, though actually the second-best fighter among Roza’s children.  She also has considerable self-esteem problems, uncertain of her ability to live up to Roza’s impossibly high standards and constantly comparing herself to her mother and Sophia.  Aisling and Lilia ended up spending a fair bit of time together, between Sophia pretty much drafting her to keep an eye on Aisling when she wasn’t able to + Aisling being the least threatening of their siblings, there was a lot of emotional labor involved on Aisling’s part, even as a child, in order to keep her calm.
Larisa, the youngest, has the most severe “middle child” syndrome: she coped with this by...making a lot of friends, though managing to do it in such a way as to keep herself out of the spotlight. A mediator by nature, she tried to keep things relatively peaceful within their household, at least between keeping Sophia from probably strangling Lidiya at some point (and/or severely maiming her) and trying to keep Lidiya from bullying Lilia too much.  As an adult, she mainly occupies herself by resolving issues and deescalating duels from “to the death” to first blood without putting herself in the spotlight. Aisling and Larisa did not have too much of a relationship since Larisa was always out making friends and wandering around. Occasionally she would drop in and tell Aisling stories about things happening outside or what stupid thing Lidiya did now to try to make them laugh, but other than that, not so much.
2.  In a world where Aisling was never sent to the priesthood and thus none of the events of the game happened to them, they would be miserable. The unwanted, purposeless child of the Emperor, still dying slowly, still isolated: never got to fly, never got to do anything before they inevitably died young, frustrated and lonely.  
3.   Aisling has never really worn a piece of clothing that did not cover them: part of that is that the clothing related to both their stations (as imperial prince and as shrine acolyte) is inherently modest, layered and concealing, and part of that is that they are doubly uncomfortable with showing their body.  (In perhaps related news, Sola’s catsuits are fascinating to them because they’re so different from the clothing Aisling grew up around and wears.)
4. As a young child, they were given a little black kitten as a gift from one of their mother’s cousins: specifically the runt of the litter, which Roza took exception to, but Aisling loved the cat (and the cat was affectionate towards everyone).
5. While Aisling will probably never conceptualize being sent to the priesthood as something other than their mother abandoning them unless they somehow hear that it wasn’t from Roza’s own mouth and will not make peace with it on that front, they’ve come to terms with it in their own way and forgiven her.
6.  Technomir was a shitty, distant, neglectful father- because what else could he be, as the Emperor?- but as Joyeuse was a good uncle, and that is, at the core, why Aisling is angry at him: ultimately, if he’d been a terrible,distant uncle as well,  they wouldn’t be upset.  
7.  Aisling is actually fairly talented at singing and ritual dance: they don’t have the stamina to be a good performer, since they can’t keep up either for long, and they don’t have any idea how to do any kind of secular dance, but they’re good at performing sacred rituals and the like.  
8.  By SEE beauty standards, Aisling is considered beautiful, but they occupy a weird space with it: they’re considered beautiful but the kind of transient beauty that poetry is written about, not the kind that is *actually* desirable given that they look frail and are frail, not the kind that anyone would actually want.  They know that they’re beautiful - and know the privilege that goes along with it- but the idea of actually being an object of desire would confuse them to no end.
9.  Their favorite flowers are white roses.
10. Aisling hopes that this time, when they are actually gone, that Sophia will actually be able to let them go.
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ninaivanenko-blog · 7 years
a/n: sorry it’s a bit choppy, especially at the end, but enjoy anyways!
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Pinnipeds are a clade of carnivorous, fin-footed, semi aquatic marine mammals. There are currently 33 species and 50 extinct species that have been described from fossils. Most species prefer the colder waters of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. They spend most of their lives in the water, but come ashore to mate, give birth, molt or escape from predat-
I’m interrupted by a knock on the door. My cousin, Imogen, strides in and takes a seat on my bed, next to my hedgehogs.
“How’s your essay going?”
I drop my pencil and bang my head on the table in frustration. I continue to slide onto the floor, faced down and groan.
“Does this answer your question?” I ask with a muffled voice, still lying on the cold, bare ground.
“Let’s give a round of applause for that dramatic performance to Nina Ivanenko! You should drop out of marine biology and go into acting school” Imogen said sarcastically as she attempted to pull me up.
This is my cousin, Gen. You may know her as Imogen Bezrukova. She’s a well known model in Illéa, who happens to be my best friend, cousin, and roommate all in one.
“Hilarious,” I said, rolling my eyes. “How was your trip?”
She just came back from a modelling shoot in Angeles. I usually went with her to these things but unfortunately, I had to spend the day writing an essay for school. One thing that you should know about me; My life revolves around animals. I’m currently studying at the University of Columbia for my Masters degree in Marine Biology, while I have a part time job at the aquarium.
“Same old, same old…. Did you hear that Prince Dom is finally of age for his selection? We should sign up!”
Living in a palace with 35 girls, hundreds of maids, butlers, and the royal family? No thanks
“I don’t know if you know this, but I don’t like being in places with lots of people. A palace is the least preferable place I’d like to be.”
“Come on, Nine! It’s not like either of us will actually get chosen. And plus, you have to face your fears,“ she protested. “You have to learn how to make more friends, because I’m not always going to be there for you… You can’t stay at home all day with your animals forever.”
“I will have you know that I am perfectly fine with that. Now if you don’t mind, I have to get to work,” I said, slamming the door.
I walked down the street as slowly as I possibly could. My shift wouldn’t start for another hour, but I didn’t want to stay at home with Imogen bothering me more, or else she would probably end up persuading me to sign up. It’s part of her charm. That is partly how I got into some modelling gigs. While Imogen was born into a family of twos, I was a three, so it was a miracle that she could even get me into modelling.
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She’s been there for me through thick and thin ever since my family fell apart. Fun fact about me; I’m a triplet. Or at least I was. Long story short, Lilia and Callum Ivanenko died in a car crash while the I suffered from a coma. As you can all tell, I did eventually wake up. I woke up to a new life without my best friends by my side for the first time in six years. Though I still had a younger sister, named Ayla, I was still absolutely devastated when I learned that they hadn’t made it.
Time passed by as I finally starting coping with the fact that I was now the eldest. Three years later, a miracle happened. Ayla and I had a new baby sister named Roza. We thought that our family was finally healing from the loss. We thought wrong… The following year, my mother, Nadiya, was diagnosed with PPD (Postpartum Depression).
I’ll save you from the gory details. Let’s just say I lost my mother a few months later out of nowhere. Losing so many close family members took a toll on me. I isolated myself from everyone and everything for the longest time. Later that year, Imogen’s family moved over to Columbia from the Ukraine to help us heal. My father ended up marrying another woman and starting a new family, while my two sisters moved in with my aunt and uncle. As for Imogen and I, we moved out when she turned 17.
I turned around to see my friend, Kyomi, running towards me.
“Hey!” She took a breath of air. “You going to work?”
“Yep, just like usual.”
“Are you signing up for the selection by any chance?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Why not, Nina? It would be so fun!”
“I just don’t feel like it.”.
She babbled on and on about the book she was writing, while I was too busy lost in my thoughts. “-ave to go now, but let’s catch up next time!”
We parted ways and I headed went to work.
I unlocked the front door and walked inside, surprised to see papers scattered everywhere. Imogen was sitting in the center of the mess, scrounging through boxes. Maisie, my border collie, made his way over to greet me.
“Oh how are you doing, Maisie?” I scratched her head and turned my attention to the mess. “What’s all this?”
“I FOUND IT!” She screamed, jumping in the air. “HA TAKE A LOOK AT THIS, NINA!”
I took one look at the orange construction paper and groaned. “No. I am not signing up for the Selection because of this… this bet we made when we were five.”
“Read what it says out loud,” Gen responded with a smirk.
I sighed. “I swear that if I don’t get married by the time I am 17, I will do whatever Imogen and Lilia tell me to do.”
“So I guess we’re signing up for the selection!”
“We were five! And this is expired already.”
“There is no expiry date! A bet is a bet, Nina.”
“Come on.”
“I said no.”
“… Do it for Lilia. Remember? She always wanted to sign up.”
She knew this was a touchy subject for me. Bringing up your dead siblings always are.
“Fine. Only signing up. I cannot promise that I’ll get chosen, alright? Are you happy now?”
“I’m absolutely ecstatic!”
Don’t worry. The chance is one in a million, so there is no way you’ll get chosen. It’ll be alright.
I filled in the application form and handed it to Imogen so I wouldn’t throw it away. Truth be told, I had social anxiety, if you couldn’t already tell. I spent the whole night twisting and turning, panicking about what could happen if they picked me.
What did I get myself into?
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elcorreografico · 7 years
Vidal en la Convención Nacional de la Unión Cívica Radical realizada en La Plata
@mariuvidal en la #ConvenciónNacional de la #UniónCívicaRadical @UCR realizada en #LaPlata
La gobernadora de la provincia de Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal, aseguró  que “la marcha del sábado nos hizo sentir que no estamos solos” y que “somos millones los que queremos un cambio profundo en la Argentina”, al participar de la Convención Nacional de la Unión Cívica Radical, realizada en la ciudad de La Plata. Durante su discurso ante los integrantes de la Sesión Constitutiva de la UCR…
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nadziej-a · 7 years
Tulipan, malwa, roza,lilia, dalia + milego dnia :)
Tulipan- JulkaMalwa- Kilka lat temu w lutymRóża- bezgranicznie w @koszmaryniedowiary​Lilia- nie wiem czy mogę nazwać to hobby, ale bardzo lubie się malować i chodzić na siłownie ;)Dalia- raczej nie mam
Miłego dnia kochanie :*
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ao3feed-yurionice · 6 years
Epilogue: Peace and Private Wars
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zXaTvT
by Linnet
The war is over, but the dust hasn't settled yet.
"Oh, there are some stories I haven’t told Otabek yet. Just in case Yuri really pisses me off sometime," Mila says.
“Okay,” Sara grins, slyly. “Maybe that part of having siblings is kinda fun.”
Words: 5075, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Prince Yuri of Rusiki
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Mila Babicheva, Sara Crispino, Roza Altin, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Georgi Popovich, Yakov Feltsman, Lilia Baranovskaya, Nishigori Yuuko, Lee Seung Gil
Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, fae, Mages, Magic, Arranged Marriage, Weddings, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Epilogue
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zXaTvT
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ao3feed-victuuri · 6 years
Epilogue: Peace and Private Wars
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zXaTvT
by Linnet
The war is over, but the dust hasn't settled yet.
"Oh, there are some stories I haven’t told Otabek yet. Just in case Yuri really pisses me off sometime," Mila says.
“Okay,” Sara grins, slyly. “Maybe that part of having siblings is kinda fun.”
Words: 5075, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Prince Yuri of Rusiki
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Mila Babicheva, Sara Crispino, Roza Altin, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Georgi Popovich, Yakov Feltsman, Lilia Baranovskaya, Nishigori Yuuko, Lee Seung Gil
Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, fae, Mages, Magic, Arranged Marriage, Weddings, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Epilogue
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zXaTvT
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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“A cat’s life comes just once, so live it to the fullest!”
just your regular refined house cat and playful stray falling in love!╰(*´︶`*)╯ (pic without the border under the cut)
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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a doodle from a while back ! lilia and roza ♡
im gonna be honest with u, i Do pair roza up with the entirety of diasomnia bc ngl i cannot Resist the self-indulgence so ! more ship art to come oops
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briarrosescurse · 3 years
Rozalina’s Birthday Celebration - Personal Story
9th of May
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(it's roza's birthday, happy day of borth my sweet angel... also my first attempt at imitating the ssr birthday cards, i hope it turned out okay?? hopefully i can catch up with everyone else too who i missed out on 😭 you can find roza’s personal story under the cut, i’d love it if you’d give it a read!)
NRC Newspaper
Birthday Interview - Rozalina Edition
Part 1
Diasomnia Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Yuu: Happy Birthday!
Roza: Hehe, thank you so much...! This is all so exciting, I just cannot keep sitting still any longer!
Roza: This is my second birthday that I am spending at Night Raven College and I wish to make it a grand celebration with everyone~!
Yuu: You seem to enjoy birthdays quite a lot.
Roza: How could I not? A day where everyone gets together to celebrate and honor the date you have been born on... A day of appreciation but also a day that goes to show just how much you have grown up! It is the most fun with friends though, really...
Yuu: What were your birthdays like before?
Roza: Hmm... truthfully, up until last year, I never have looked forward to my own birthday. Usually, on my birthdays, I would be spending it on my own, because my father and mother are quite the busy people...
Roza: They always have tried to at least spent a few hours with me, but with every year, it feels like less and less time...
Yuu: Were you not able to spend it with anyone else?
Roza: Uee... N... Not really. My wetnurses would try to spend time with me, but it would just feel like any other day...
Roza: Do not make that face!! ... I guess that was not what you were asking for... Ummm...
Roza: I did not have any friends my age for most years, so I was not having a party with anyone outside my immediate family or employees, if that was what you were curious about.
Yuu: What kind of people are your family? Please tell me about them.
Roza: My family... I think most people would call them strict and serious. My mother does not particularly enjoy taking the lead, therefore my father makes a majority of the decisions.
Roza: My mother is a rather gentle soul... She always used to spoil me quite a lot with sweets behind my father's back. I remember her signaling to not say a word when my father asked me if I had stolen one of the plates full of baked goods that one time, hehe.
Roza: My father... A lot of people call him scary. He has always such a serious face, his eyebrows being furrowed and all - wargh, he is gonna get even more wrinkles, at this point! - but he is very loving towards me.
Roza: Even though I know this had been for my own sake, I am not... particularly happy about how overly protective he is. This includes me not being allowed to have friends outside of our family's home.
Roza: Reading about all those fun and lively birthday parties in novels... I felt quite jealous that I could not experience those myself...
Roza: But it cannot be helped any more, I suppose, so no point in crying over it~
Part 2
Yuu: Are you very close to your wetnurses?
Roza: Absolutely! They have been my best friends for so many years now.
Roza: Hehe, if there ever was a problem or a concern, I was always able to rely on them... I know this is not something to be expected, so I am quite grateful.
Yuu: Please tell me more about them.
Roza: They are quite the... interesting trio, I must admit. Unlike the majority of the employees back home, they are fae folk.
Roza: I have always been a little curious as to why fae folk would decide to work for human nobles when there are plenty more fae noble to serve, but I never really had the chance to ask them.
Roza: One of the wetnurses is like a 'headmaid' of the bunch... She takes the control of majorities of things and is always able to come up with a solution!
Roza: The second one is a rather playful lady... She is always very lax about the rules. It's impressive how she manages to stand her ground if her attitude conflicts with the headmaid.
Roza: And then we have the youngest of the three! She is... always in her own world, her head in the clouds, but her dreamy nature had been a relief from the busy every day life.
Yuu: What kind of presents did you get so far?
Roza: Oh, oh! The most exciting part...! Silver had been the first to congratulate me today, he gifted me a portable sewing kit, embellished with typical materials from the Valley of Thorns.
Roza: Our dorm leader gave me an... encyclopedia about gargoyles... Uwergh... He said it would be useful for our club activities, but I read one single page and fell asleep right away.
Roza: I appreciate the... attempt though.
Roza: Uuuhh... right, then there were Sebek and Lilia! Sebek did not appear too joyous to bring me a gift, but Lilia gave him the right push forward! A blue, towering cake!
Roza: The candles almost dropped on Sebek's head, haha! Thankfully though, Lilia was able to stop them.
Roza: I am feeling a little nauseous at the thought of trying Lilia's baking, but a gift is a gift!
Yuu: Your dorm mates really seem to care for you.
Roza: Mhm! I firmly believe the greatest gift anyone could ask for are loyal, caring friends.
Part 3
Yuu: You mentioned you grew up really sheltered... What's the biggest lesson you learned during your time at Night Raven College?
Roza: E-Eh? That is quite the big question... Umm... Let me think...
Roza: For as long as I can remember, I always used to think that maintaining a proud image of a proper lady is what should be valued the most.
Roza: I always looked up to heroines that feel into that category... Benevolent, kind, generous, composed and all that - flawless, really.
Roza: But... I grew to understand that this is not all what should be aimed for in life... Or rather, this was never really something I desired.
Roza: That is why I appreciate today quite much - as it reminds me of how I grew, but also of that, which I treasure the upmost.
Roza: The connections I made here, all good and all bad.
Roza: Coming into contact with people alike you and unlike you, you grow to understand new perspectives and discover parts of yourself you had not known of before.
Roza: ... That is what makes growing up so fun yet scary, I think.
Yuu: That is quite the mature lesson.
Roza: Waa-wahaha, you think so? I-I was just saying whatever felt right, really...
Roza: ... Unless you were asking about school lessons?!
Roza: N-Nonetheless... I think what we may able to take away is that... All those connections should not be forgotten. When you lose sight of the brighter days, remember the kind hands that reach out to you and take them.
Roza: ... Even if you are thrust into an unkind fate from birth on.
Roza: All dreams can become more than 'just a dream' with the right attitude~!
Yuu: Thank you for talking to us about so much.
Yuu: Again, happy birthday.
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
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briar prickler! a fae noble, hailing from the valley of thorns, with a gentleman-like exterior.
he is a 3rd year in diasomnia and relatively fairly well acquainted with malleus and lilia.
despite briar's composed nature - many deem him to be the gentleman of the dorm - he is rather... prickly, ironically enough. kind of a foulmouthed and arrogant guy, who thinks that his old age makes him wiser, a bit of a smartass and brutally honest - but he is also rather dedicated and a good guard to malleus
strangely enough, he seems to know roza very well - despite her not knowing him. he acts rather strange around her.
fun fact: he helps out in the infirmary rather often
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briarrosescurse · 3 years
Any Briar-related trivia, please? Thanks! :)
WAASRGH IM SO LATE, SORRY, but !! here we go !! briar lore time !!
at first glance, briar is really your usual grumpy old grandpa. he is moody, feels awfully arrogant and superior, and seems to be rather hateful towards naive younglings who don't know how to handle themselves... specifically human ones.
as a fae who has lived for quite a long time, briar accumulated quite some experience and knowledge. fairy tales and legends that are told to children within the valley of thorns nowadays are stories he witnessed with his own eyes.
that being said, he actually has been quite familiar with lilia for a long time - even serving under him when lilia was a war general. you could... most definitely say that lilia had a hand in shaping his attitude.
"but how so?" you may wonder "briar is so prickly." and that is a very good point ! only known to briar and lilia, briar used to be a whole let less... adverse towards anything touch, relationship and friendship related. he got around, so to say. but he always has been quite the cocky man, that one thing remained the same.
while briar is not an untalented man - he is in diasomnia, after all - his confidence often feels painfully... out of place, you could say. his confidence often results in usually putting anyone that is in sight and in reach down. he enjoys antagonizing people for the sake of it - perhaps it's a morbid curiosity for how a human brain will respond. or perhaps it's just him being plainly nihilistic and sadistic.
it's really as if he picks a victim, wraps his thorns around them and squeezes them brutally out.
i would definitely say that, out of everyone, he is the guy who is just pure cruelty. chanyu? his cruelty is usually is founded in something well-meaning, but twisted in a way. draco? he never has any particular motives, all his decisions are on a whim, so much that he contradicts himself even - but he has no ill intentions, usually. but briar? briar is cruel because he can. that's about it. simply... scummy.
despite that though, a somewhat redeeming quality are his manners and composed nature (when needed) - he still is a gentleman and abides to the unspoken rules he as the heir of his family has to follow. his dedication lies with his noble status, after all.
his hobbies include gardening and medicine related things!
while his um is not particularly outstanding, it's quite versatile and gets the job done. he had been somewhat shamed for the simplicity of his um in the past (since a noble should be able to display more power than that), but briar has very much proven himself to be worthy as a heir. a lot of pressure lies on his shoulders.
roza's and briar's relationship is rather strained, but mainly due to briar. they have been in contact before nrc, even.
i particularly like their contrast tho 🥴 hardworking lady, who wants achieve freedom, freeing herself from the shackles that her family heritage has put on her and a hardworking gentleman, who wants to achieve full power instead, consumed by the shackles that his family heritage has put on him.
if i had to pin down his character themes, it'd be pretty much. responsibility. honor and shame. self-destructive pride. intolerance. that kinda stuff. i have no idea if i'm getting his character vibe across but. u know.
i feel like one of his big problems, he is painfully unaware of, is the fact how deep his head is in this whole nobility and status thing 🤸‍♂️ pushing and working towards a high position in a society that works rather different than a human one, perhaps even stricter, without a sense of guilt.
aware of the power he has and willing to abuse it to his personal benefit.
ANYWAYS. I THINK THAY SUMS IT UP FOR NOW. DAS IT FOR FAKE WOKENESS. i don't know if i will change up his character any time soon, but if i'll do, u'll notice
random fact before i vanish, picking a voice actor for briar is giving me a major headache. the voice i imagine is so awfully specific
absolutely capable of using technology just fine, but he simply refuses to because he is so sure pure magic is superior.
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