#[ yoona ;; interactions. ]
just-leon · 5 months
Yoona x wonyoung is everything as miu miu girls
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uroborosymphony · 2 months
i’ve been so worried about you! ( Yoona at Ara;; hER IDOL who she hates a teeny bit because she envies her so much but also lowkey loves her because THAT’S MOTHER… BLACK FANG’s MOMTHER….. 🥺🖤 )
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Ara glances over her shoulder as soon as the door opens. Her who hoped to not cross a single soul when taking the risk to come back in here. Here, the first floor of the garage, a place that used to be her home too, a place that seems to have been deserted little by little. A month now passed ever since the Taiyang and Ara decided to take different paths or well, ever since he took that decision for the both of them. The vengeress did not want to cross paths with him nor with the rest of the gang, truly. All dressed in black, a tight tech attire, bulletproof, far away from her usual latex, leather, fur and jewelry. 30 days have passed since she has not heard Yoona's annoying voice, and even though a part of her wanted to tell her to fuck off, to go away, the shut up, to leave her alone, the words the other spoke did touch her. "Have you?" Questions the ex leader, emptying the cabinets from what to seemed to be silencers for guns that she waited long enough to come and collect. If the Quinn has fallen deep in sadness and despair for days, slowly it has been replaced by something else, something that has been crippling under her mind, waiting to break through her skin. "Thought you would be happy to know the crazy bitch making your life a nightmare would be gone, Doll." A sardonic laughter escapes from her mouth. A laughter from a voice that seemed to have dropped a few octaves than usual, ever deeper, raunchier, on the edge and yet every single one of her gestures were controlled. Her features, if anybody would look from too closed, seemed disturbed as well. Not in a manic phase type of way, but as if this dormant pain has suddenly marked her features harsher and harsher. No red lipstick, no loop hearings. Turning around, the vengeress clocks the silencer on the gun in the fast mechanic move of an assassin ready to execute her target. Ara did not want to stay, actually on her way to a mission, her own missions now. Many would think she did drop the vigilante life not having the gang by her side : well, quite the opposite, The Quinn has become entirely something else, an entity amputed from her minions and wealth, radical, extremist, one who did not come to play nor negociate. The moon is reflecting on the disturbing lines of half of her face, the other hidden in the shadowss she now faces Yoona from afar. "Haven't you heard? I am absolutely Fine. The voices in my head are so loud, apparently everyone can fucking hear them now. Isn't that beautiful?" Ara explains pointing at her own forehead, her eyes widening with a grin as she taps against her skull a few times to indicate her brain. " So why would you be worried huh? I have never felt so free." Her words sound like relailed bike, a rusty chain, a mechanic doll on repeat. We are free, we are free to do as we please, the voices were right all along, we are going to set everyone else free, nobody is going to stop us, they are all so close minded, they were just slowing us down. "You. You okay?" The gun is shoved down the pocket by her thigh. The question is harsh, but meant. Yoona and Ara used to spend their days together, besides their complicated relationship, Yoona became someone to her, someone she has been deprived of when having to cut herself off the gang.
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lovcscene · 1 year
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✨ 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠-𝐲𝐞𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐚, 25 años, hija adoptiva de soohyun y subin. estudiante de biología marina. obsesionada con las sirenas desde que tiene memoria. amante de que la traten como princesa y que la consientan en todo. [ cestlavie 2nd gen. ]
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leaving-fragments · 11 months
also ppl in the tags of that post saying junho and yoona have such good chemistry... idk where they're getting that from, they're both very pretty but there's no like... energy flow between them
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Snsd reaction
To you being there younger boyfriend please
Hi Anon, thank you for your request. I slightly changed the plot, opting for a neutral gender reader, to be more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone. I hope it's not a problem💙 Also, I'm including Sica in the line-up because I felt so lol
SNSD reaction to the reader being a younger partner
Being the leader and oldest of her group, having a younger sister, being tutor and teacher for a lot of trainee in her agency...having younger people around her was nothing new for Tae. Actually it's something that makes her comfortable, she has that sense of control but without being possessive. Sometimes she needs your help to discover and understand the new trends.
When she left the group, she felt like she didn't have nobody to trust anymore...but then you suddendly appeared, overcoming her coldness somehow. You were so fresh in your attitude and behaviour, and maybe even a bit immature, that it was refreshing for Sica having you around. Also, you were still kinda innocent and that was really important for her to give you a chance. She never regretted it.
Often you look more like a couple of siblings bickering more than a dating couple. Or better, sometimes you two are so funny together that from outside you two look like a comedy duo. Your chemistry in the jokes and the sense of humor was something that Sunny couldn't find in partner of her same age or older. But now there's no a day where she can go to sleep without having a great laugh.
She's such a soft person, always smiling and kind with everyone...but with you? She reaches a new level: always so delicate and careful, almost being afraid of breaking you. She's calling you "baby" at 100%, because you're indeed her baby and be sure that she would spoil you so much. Also, she kinda fell in love when, despite being younger, you were so much attentive to her needs in her moments of down.
This agent of chaos will have fun messing up with you. We know she's the most serious during practice, but she's also a goofball in her daily life, so she will definitely playing with you using her duality. Be ready to be called "dummy" day and night, even if she does that out of love. Also, be sure to have a suitcase always ready, because she's taking you with during her travel to work as dj.
Dramas, movies, tv shows... she's always so busy and that really influenced her romantic life. She was successful but lonely...until she met you. Being young you had the perfect mentality to understand her schedules, not making her feel guilty about not interacting too much sometimes. But, oh boy, when she is free, she's spending all her time with you, cuddling her baby that she missed so much.
Bruh, why is your girlfriend roasting you? Like, there's no need to be that savage😭 But hey, you knew from the beginning what you were getting into. Sometimes she can come out as rude or indelicate, but it's just her way to worry about you. She's honest till to the end, making her look like a firm teacher(the hot one 👀)
Now, who's the youngest between you two? Because she's always acting like a child around you💀 Sometimes she can be a tease, some prank always ready for you. You are starting to think you're a babysitter more than her partner, but you know it's just her playful side and that if things get serious, her adult side will come out(and that's kinda scary).
The national maknae being the oldest in a relationship? It was a dream to her. She really likes this dynamic in which she has the opportunity to be seen like an actual adult. It was like you really understood her persona. Despite that she would still your full attention like a real maknae lol. But in general she would be great help in your difficult moments, always supporting you in taking decisions.
I hope you liked it, Anon. Thank you again for requesting 😄💙
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the-roo-too · 1 year
Can I request a Sullyoon fic where it’s a fake dating au where they both start dating to get the two people they like to be jealous for the reader and Sullyoon to simultaneously fall for each other while fake dating
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real you -> bandmate! seol yoona
-haewon keeps choking, kyujin gets to play a detective, it seems you and sullyoon are causing quite the commotion at nmixx dorm.
warnings: fake dating 🧀, reader has a crush on bae (same), sullyoon prefers lily over y/n at first (…also same), kyujin is the actual smart one
genre: fluff; crack; social media?
notes: sorry for the long wait 😺 hope you like it bestie 🫶 | this is kinda the first official request 🤭🤭
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
“hello nswers!” your leader greeted the live cheerfully (or as cheerfully as haewon gets). the rest of you clapped along, smiling to the camera as some displayed the comment section on their phones. sullyoon, who was sitting next to you, had one device on her lap.
“what are they saying, unnie?” you asked the older girl in a hushed tone. she smiled in response, showing you the chat which consisted mostly of the nswers sending their greetings.
the seating arrangement was jiwoo, bae, kyujin, you, sullyoon, lily, haewon. jinsol- much to your dismay- wasn’t sitting next to you, but you tried not to seem bummed out on camera. it would seem suspicious, and it’s not like anyone knew about your small crush on your band mate.
you couldn’t even try to interact with bae, as she was occupied with the two youngest, the trio goofing around. they were clearly having fun so you decided to leave the younger girls alone.
you turned your head to look at the three unnies you had on your left. lily and haewon were quite busy (the leader was making fun of lily’s accent), which left sullyoon to entertain you.
to be honest, you never really interacted much with her. despite being of similar age, the two of you didn’t have much topics to talk about besides work related stuff. maybe this fairly busy live was your sign to make better friends with the other girl?
a shiver went down your back. you glared at the window, which jiwoo insisted needed to stay opened. she said something about fresh air, but now you were becoming fresh ice cube.
“you okay, y/n-ah?” you met sullyoon’s eyes and shook your head sideways with a small pout.
“i’m cold, unnie.” you whined as a giggle escaped her lips.
“come here, you little baby.” the older girl draped a arm over your shoulder, hogging you a bit closer.
„just don’t close the window!” you threw a playfully glare at jiwoo.
“yeah, fresh air. i remember.”
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
“ah, you guys were so cute today! yoona why aren’t you babying me like that too~!” jiwoo fake cried after the live has ended. she was pouting at pointing at the couple comments that nswers left in the chat. most of them pointed out your little interaction with sullyoon and how ‘cute’ it was.
“i’m just less annoying than you, jiwoo.” you stuck your tongue at the younger girl.
“yah! unnie, she’s bullying me!”
“i don’t know which side to pick.” jiwoo looked ridiculously at haewon, who just shrugged her shoulders with a awkward smile.
“y/nnie? your phone keeps buzzing.” taking a glance in yoona’s direction, you could see your phone in her hand, the screen lighting up every couple seconds. the older girl passed you the device as you clicked on the notification banner.
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“oh god, it’s the manager.” you said with a worried look on your face. “he says he has some news?”
everyone in the room turned to look at you, some with equally surprised looks, others almost pitying.
“what does it say exactly?” asked sullyoon, leaning closer to you to take a look at the screen.
“he wants to talk with you and me before he goes back to the ceo.”
“text him back, see what’s going on.”
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you looked hesitantly at sullyoon. a awkward silence enveloped the room.
“is everything fine, y/n?” finally your leader spoke up.
“yeah, everything’s good.” you felt yoona look at you weirdly, but she didn’t speak a word. at the same time, bae finally stopped focusing on the two youngest members and directed her attention to the two of you. a small lightbulb appeared above your head. you glanced at the messages and back at sullyoon. “it’s great even.”
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
“oh god.” that’s the first thing sullyoon said after the group went to get ready for nighttime, leaving you alone.
you just finished talking with the manager on your phone. he called shortly after the exchange of the texts.
“yeah. unnie, manager said the rest shouldn’t know it’s a fake relationship.”
“but they know us! not to be rude, but outside of being band mates, you aren’t the person i interact with the most.” you sighed, nodding your head. out of everyone in nmixx, yoona definitely wasn’t your closest friend.
“we could make it like love at first sight thingy?” thinking about it again, you cringed. “this sounds wrong.”
“it’s the best option we have, i guess. so what’s the story?”
“let’s say we interacted now, i guess we got closer during the live. there was a spark, boom. the statement should be released somewhere around the comeback so we have roughly one week to make a believable lie.” sullyoon nodded along, taking in your speech. she then looked you in the eyes, her face suddenly serious.
“before anything starts, i need to clarify one thing with you, y/n. there is someone among the group that i’m interested in. i don’t know if that makes our situation awkward.” a look of surprise flashed on her face when you visibly brightened at her news.
“no unnie, it makes everything easier!i like bae, you like someone, no hard feelings. we can try to keep this thing for some time, maybe they’ll react somehow, we break it up after the promotions and everything falls in place.”
“okay, i like that plan. it’s a deal?” you took sullyoon’s outstretched hand in yours, shaking it lightly.
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you were tying your shoes as yoona got you a matching jacket. the older girl thought that a ‘date’ between the two of you should happen, but the public shouldn’t know yet. so here you were, at 6 am getting ready to leave the dorm in hopes of finding some caffe before the people start coming for breakfast.
just as you were about to leave the dorm, the sound of quiet footsteps made you abruptly stop in your tracks.
“yoona? and y/n? where are you going at-?” haewon had to squint to see the clock in the dimly lit room. “5:10? should we get ready for practice? i thought we had a day off…”
“we’re going out for a coffee, unnie. we should be back before 7!” said yoona. your leader gave her a skeptical glance, then you, then she looked back at the clock.
“next time i see jyp i’ll ask him for a raise. you’re my new main arguments. kyujin burning the oven last week is the second strongest point.” with that, haewon turned on her foot and left back to her room, leaving you and sullyoon in a fit of giggles.
“let’s go, unnie?”
“mhm. i think i know a place.”
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“haewon unnie texted me. she says we should go back, i promised bae breakfast and lily is complaining about some singing.” yoona seemed to perk up at the mention of the aussie singer.
“finish that coffee then, y/n.”
“okay, unnie.” you downed the rest of the drink and stood up. before you could take out your card to go pay, sullyoon was already speed walking towards the counter. she caught your gaze just as she paid for the drinks, sticking out her tongue lightly in a playful manner.
when she came back to collect her jacked, you pouted at her. “i wanted to pay, unnie~!”
she laughed at your whining.
“next time you can try to race me.”
“there’s a next time?”
“yeah, they have great drinks here.” with that, you also threw on your jacket and the both of you left the cozy caffe. it was around 6:30, yet it was very chilly outside.
“i should have worn something warmer…” suddenly, something very side covered your eyes. when you moved it out of sight, sullyoon appeared to be without her hat.
“can’t have you getting sick on me, y/nnie. haewon would kill me.” she laughed, taking your hand. as you walked the way back to the dorm trying not to be spotted, you noticed how pleasantly soft the older girl’s hands were.
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the week passed with you two going on little outings. they were supposed to be pretend dates, to make the situation seem more believable for both your members and the public.
much to your disappointment, after bae nagged you for breakfast, she never had another problem with you going out with sullyoon. on the contrary- most members seemed really happy to see the two of you become closer. most, except for kyujin.
don’t get me wrong, she was happy for her unnies. but still, you could swear she side eyed you both when no one else was looking.
“so, how’s it going for you two, y/n unnie?” she asked during one breakfast. it was a peaceful day, and you didn’t expect the maknae to become suspicious before the news come out.
nervously, you glanced at sullyoon. “in what sense?”
“i just noticed you and yoona unnie got closer after the last live. it’s very cute!” your poor leader choked on the water she was drinking. while she suffered and fought for breath (started barking like a dog), you laughed awkwardly.
“i guess. it’s really fun to hang out with yoona unnie!”
“i know. does that mean you’re dating?” haewon, who was given another glass of water, choked yet again. with a frown on her face and a wet shirt, she looked up at the maknae.
“yah, kyujin. you’re doing the laundry this weekend.”
this time sullyoon spoke up. she played her part, reaching for your hand ever so subtly, but making sure bae sitting next to her could notice the move.
“no, kyujinnie. we’re just friends now.” she threw you a warm glance, which you were sure the maknae noticed.
“okie dokie~ whatever you say, unnies!”
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
march 20 finally arrived. the release of the album and the news about you dating sullyoon. since the mv was already up, you only had to wait. your last ‘date’ the previous day was the confirmation dispatch needed. if your ceo was correct, the article should be up in a couple minutes.
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“haewon unnie is flooding my phone again.” you said, showing the device to sullyoon. the two of you were seated on your bed, while the rest had schedules. if it wasn’t for that, the whole group would probably bother you the moment the news came out.
“the group chat is going wild too. kyujin is sending some weird memes?” sullyoon showed you her phone, the messages flying by so fast you could barely read them.
“should we reply to them, unnie?”
“we’ll see each other in a second during the dance practice recording, i don’t think we should bother now.” the older girl had a point. your manager should arrive in a couple minutes to take you to the studio.
“okay then.” a notification appeared on your phone, showing that your ride was already there.
“let’s go?” yoona stretched her arm towards you to help you get up from the bed. she squeezed your hand gently before the two of you went to meet the manager.
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
“i feel betrayed.” haewon had her arms crossed over her chest as you and sullyoon arrived at the dance studio. there was a small smile on her face, but you could tell she was trying to be intimidating.
a chorus of ‘same’ followed after haewon’s words, making you laugh.
“sorry guys! nobody was supposed to find out, if it makes you feel better.” you looked at sullyoon. as you spoke, she paid you all her attention. the rest rarely did that.
“y/nnie is right. we just weren’t as cautious yesterday as we should’ve been…”
your group talked some more, before the recording could being. what surprised you was that although the girls complained about finding out from dispatch, they were all happy for you.
to some extent, you felt bad about the whole situation.
during the water break, you looked around the room. it was weird. not in the sense that anyone was behaving weirdly. no, it was about you. about how surprised you were when bae stayed unbothered about the news. about how you were even more surprised to notice that you too didn’t care.
you glanced at the girl in question. she was laughing at something kyujin said.
‘i’ve liked bae for some time now…’
your gaze then fell to yoona, who was taking pictures to post later on instagram. she caught your eyes and smiled brightly.
like a switch flipped, you suddenly realised something.
‘but i think i like sullyoon more.’
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
nighttime is the best time to think. sadly, it wasn’t technically nighttime yet. most of the group were already back in their respective rooms. jiwoo just left, making it only you, yoona and haewon in the living room.
the leader looked at you. “as much as i made a fuss… i hope you both know i’m proud of you. this country isn’t the most accepting so coming out must’ve taken a lot of courage.” she nodded to herself after the little speech.
“thank you, unnie. it means a lot.”
“i’ll get going now. someone has to wake up the dorm tomorrow because i don’t trust you all won’t be late on your own. goodnight girls!” haewon went to hug sullyoon. she then came to you and delivered a soft kiss to your forehead.
“goodnight kiss is mandatory for everyone under 19.” saying that, the leader left.
your eyes fell to yoona. she seemed quiet all of a sudden.
“is something wrong?”
“i don’t think i can do this anymore.”
“okay.” you nodded your head. then, a sudden realisation went over you. “wait, what?”
“this whole ‘fake dating’ thing.”
“i don’t understand unnie.” sullyoon looked at you with a unreadable face.
“i screwed this up!” she let out a frustrated sight. you felt something break inside you. she couldn’t even bear fake dating you, how could you think she could like you back.
“i-i don’t think i’m following, unnie…”
“what is there to follow? i fucked up! this- this whole thing is real for me, you know! the hand holding, the ski ship and now haewon unnie! i never felt that jealous of her and lily but with you-“ a smile overcame your face. maybe you worried too much.
“please, just shut up and kiss me.”
“I KNEW IT!” both you and sullyoon jumped up at the sound of someone shouting. you whipped your head, your gaze falling on kyujin. she wore her pyjamas and was holding a glass of water in her hand.
“i heard you a week ago, unnies! fake dating blah blah, you were meant to be! oh my god i should become a cupid i’m so good at this-!”
“yes, unnie?”
“go to sleep before i call haewon.”
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
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cozymoko · 1 year
Hello, since request is open how about gen yandere hc of yoona, son hak and the rest of the dragons?
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Includes: Yona, Son Hak, Ki-Ja, Jae-ha, and Zeno
Format: Headcanons, 2nd person
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, not proofread.
LINKS: Akatsuki No Yona Masterlist
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Manipulative, Dependent, Clingy
You grew up with YONA in the palace and have been by her side since. You being a few years older than her led you to have many responsibilities of your own, leaving you very little time to coddle the young princess. She hated it. Being her elder, you always kept her in check, essentially raising her into the woman she is today and she had fallen for you long ago.
Whenever you left her side it felt like a part of her died. The young princess grew less lively and even snappy to those around her because they just weren’t you. What was the point in trying to be perfect when you were nowhere in sight? How annoying…
YONA will latch onto you like a koala if it means you won't leave her. She’ll kick, scream, and weep if it means you won't leave her. Nothing is off the table if it means you’ll stick close to her; she adores your attention. In her mind, you love hers just as much. But being the spoiled girl she is, I suppose this isn’t too far-fetched.
Despite being shy about it, YONA finds it hard to not have her hands on you in some way, preferably holding your hand. It takes her back to a time when things were simpler, where you were with her and no one else, cooing sweet promises merely to soothe her worries. A princess always gets what she wants, and she'll cut down anyone who gets in her way.
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Possessive, aggressive, protective
As seen in canon, HAK does have a pretty strong jealous side toward Yona. Think of that but times a hundred in your case. It's not hard for him to conceal his distaste for your friendly interactions with others but everyone has their breaking points. When intervening he'll step in front of you, pushing you behind him and out of your "acquaintance's" sight. If you ask him about it later Hak will most likely try to label it as him protecting you.
Being as tall as he is, it's usually easy to keep creeps out of your personal space. After all, who wants to deal with an imposing, scowling man with a Hsu Quandao strapped to his back? But of course, some people still try their luck. Asking you for directions is off limits, let alone allowing a man to speak so familiarly with you. It's always, “Ask me, not them” with Hak.
HAK forever has an arm tossed over your shoulder. He claims it's "to make sure you don't get lost" but the vacant street says otherwise. Leaving the village on your own is forbidden unless you want your neck smothered in deep purple bite marks beforehand. The idea of you completely giving in to his affections makes his heart beat.
If it came down to it, murder isn't something Hak is opposed to. But as a pitiful attempt to keep his reputation, he'll settle for beating them black and blue, until his knuckles are covered in a deep rouge. Jealousy is a terrible disease and once he reaches his limit don't try and stop him.
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Jealous, insecure, delusional (worship)
One of the few good yanderes you could be paired with. Ki-Ja is very attentive to his lover and their feelings no matter what he's doing. The dragon is quick to side with you even over his own master because, in his mind, you're never wrong. Everything you say is law and Ki-Ja follows every command without a second thought.
When he’s jealous it’s so painfully obvious. Ki-Ja’s emotions come in waves so when he dislikes something it's hard for him to bite his tongue. The white dragon practically worships the ground you walk on and follows you every step of the way. His loyalty runs deeper than his own blood so he'd rather not see people referring to you so familiarly. (Is he Yona's dragon or yours atp?)
Your praise is forever rewarding, regardless of how small it may be. Just being by your side is the greatest honor one could have, in his eyes. You could look down on him, subjecting him to being nothing more than entertainment, and he would somehow tie it back to you being a kind person. Ki-Ja sees himself as not only your lover but your loyal companion, prepared to stick by your side no matter what happens.
He would never kidnap you, that's out of the question. The thought of you hating him for his selfish acts submerges him with panic. If you were to leave him, he'd wish for death on the spot. But that's only an IF. And killing would only be justifiable if someone has hurt you.
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Manipulative, Possessive, flirty
Jae-ha flirts solely for his own pleasure. No true feelings lie behind his words no matter how beautiful the individual may be. But with you, he felt like a wild animal chasing a female in heat from the way his eyes followed you. You were beautiful, more than the many others he gave his time to, and he was a bit too determined to make you his.
Once a ladies' man always a ladies' man. As I’ve said, he could give two fucks about the women he banters with, they mean nothing to him, but somehow seeing your face contort into a harsh scowl turns him on more than you'd ever know. If looks could kill, he’d be six feet under and he knows that. But I have a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't mind.
However, your talking to another man leaves him quite bitter (hypocrite). The passive aggressiveness this man dishes out is unmatched; he will rip them a new asshole for even breathing the same air as you. None of your friends compare to you and he tells you that every day. Jae-Ha worships the ground you walk on, satisfies and pleasures you every evening so why was your attention elsewhere?
On a regular day, Jae-ha can be seen by your side, trying his hardest to get under your skin. Placing a hand on the small of your back, biting several of the plush areas of your skin that he can reach. He doesn't shy away from PDA. Mainly due to the curious stares you receive from men that pass you by, their eyes hastily lingering on your figure. It vexes him to no end but he won’t bother getting his hands dirty. Perhaps you can help him let off some steam.
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Emotionally attached, clingy, dependent
An attention whore at its finest. But seriously, this man thrives off your love and time. It's like a drug to him and he craves it. Whenever he isn’t tending to Yona he tends to you instead. If he could have it his way, every waking moment would be spent in your arms, sleeping the days away.
He's one of the better yanderes of the dragons due to the many centuries he's lived. Don't get me wrong he's completely infatuated with you and is hung up on every word you speak. But he's not one to control your decisions as long as he gets to tag along. Zeno trusts you with his entirety, he just enjoys invading your personal space.
Zeno gets jealous of people like Hak quite often. He's strong physically and mentally even as a human and as much as Zeno admires his strength, he doesn't need you doing that too. So if you plan on interacting with Hak, be prepared for some pretty embarrassing things. Zeno will place slow, wet kisses on your skin until he has your attention again.
The only real downside of this relationship is his clinginess. He never leaves your side. Oh, you have to get changed? He'll help you. You have to use the bathroom? Cool, he’ll wait ‘till you're done and sit right in front of you. Personal space doesn’t exist in your relationship and at times it gets really suffocating. You couldn’t reject him if you wanted to in fear that his reaction will leave your heart aching in regret.
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wonik1ss · 22 days
✦ 9 lives — ❝ seol sullyoon ❞
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[ you're not for sale, woah-oh-oh ]
synopsis • for 8 lives you and seol yoon a have meet and never interacted, meaning you would die without ever meeting your sole mate until you walked into the pet shop and saw her standing there ( 1.1k ) imagine / fluff a lil sad but happy ending so :) < song : not for sale - enhypen >
a/n : spoiler ! gra gra boom bitch x2
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“in this world if not by your ninth life you find your one.. the one that lights up your life.. makes you happy all the time..!”
“mom the road!”
“will always be here.. but you won’t! just humor your birth giver for a sec kid”
“this ‘kid’ is thirteen.. I’m basically an adult..”
“ya.. so we need to talk about this.. you have eighteen years to find your one before you die..”
“haha.. “
“how will I know though..?”
“your little heart tattoo will go from black to white”
“so was dad like no-“
“he wasn’t but you have me and that’s all that matters”
you sat dazed in your hospital bed while your mom lay dead on the bed over. no sobs, no tears just shallow breathing.
“y/n- is it? your grandparents are here”. looking up your grandma opened her arms and you ran into the bawling. that was the last time you really cried. not over low grades.. boys.. or girls.. not even over your college acceptance letter.
“ooh don’t you look darling..”
“ok I got everything.. so I’ll see you in four months..”. you beamed at your grandma as she fixed your skirt and kissed your cheek.
“go.. go.. the wheel of fortune is on..!”. you laughed as your grandpa hugged you and slid fifteen bucks into your pocket and winked. when you got to college nothing really changed. wake up.. force yourself to get ready.. go to school.. sleep. and repeat. one day though while you sat in the corner of another useless college party you remembered a memory.
so as a drugged up.. thirty year old? tried to hit on you, you ran out and called an uber. getting out at the nearest pet shop. walking in you looked around. what dog did your mom want to get again..
“oh hi I’m trying to buy a-“
“dog! hehe.. we have a range in breed and attitude so-“
“shit sorry I’m off my shift yoona will be here in a minute just wait here..!”
you nodded and looked around. what a small business leaving their customer unattend-
then you saw her.. or maybe him..
a tiny little pup with a gold coat. you opened the gate and stared at.. it? you both tilted your heads and then it jumped into your lap.
“aren’t you a peppy one..”
“ya charlie’s such a cute little girl huh”. you jumped.
“oh sorry I’m sullyoon or seol yoon a..”. you felt a tingle thinking it was your phone you bowed to the girl and went to answer it. but when you pulled your phone out you only saw that your heart was now white..
“ouch..!”. a few minutes later charlie I’m hand you decided to pop the question.
“so do you need anything else..”
“your number..? maybe I mea-“
“it’s on the receipt..”
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“I invite you over and you being a.. record..”
“I swear it’s good !”. sullyoon giggled as she let you in and put the record on.
cheoeum neukkineun feeling
neol mannago jakkuman simjangi isanghae
“so.. who are they”. you sat inbetween the two college beds with the girl as the song went on.
“some old band named enhypen..”
simjangeun for sale (Ooh)
sarangdo for sale
sullyoon sang along and you joined in jokingly. soon you both just blankly stared at eachother. her eyes went down and so did yours. when you locked lips you swore you heard fireworks. with your hands in her hair and hers on your waist you both somehow got up and your back was now on her bed. a door opened and sullyoon threw the covers over you both.
“I’ll be back in five k?”
“ok kyujin.. have fun”. you giggled as you heard the door start to close.
“I new you had a girlfriend !”
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your next proper date want proper at all. you sat on the floor flour dotting your face while sullyoon put out the fire on her stove top.
“It’s fine it’s gone !”. you giggled as you stood up and saw her face. she giggled and grabbed on to your top and tugged you closer.
“what’s so funny?”. you tried to deadpan while sullyoon played with your hair.
“the brownies”
“are burnt”
“then.. I guess I’ll just eat you !”. you ran but she was to fast, sullyoon tickled you while simultaneously kissing your neck.
“sully it stinks !”
“you smell like strawberries !”
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“bobo bear… “
you threw a pillow at the bored girl on your bed.
“what sully?”
“excuse me? this is our.. 1..3.. 6th date! and your studying..?”. your laptop magically closed with sullyoon flipping you onto her lap.
“so you want a dumb girlfriend”. the taller girl took of your glasses.
“no I want a present one.. can we watch rapunzel now?”. as sullyoon cupped your face and got closer you cracked.
“fuck.. fine”. charlie jumped into your lap and you laughed as sullyoon pulled up the movie.
four months you were drunk on the girls love. with out turning a finger you knew when she was the one hugging you. how she always need you around after a test. and how your grandparents loved her. sitting down with charlie in your lap now three times his last size sullyoon walked over.
“thier dead asleep..”
“that’s what happens when your old..”
“k love let’s go.. I wanna get your grandma those strawberry sandwiches she keep raving about”. you nodded and placed down charlie he dropped dead asleep.
putting on your coat you felt a kiss on your cheek.
“le-go girl”
“I told you to get off that ipad..”
“but I’m a minecraft pro girl !”. you giggled as sullyoon flexed her ‘muscles’. then something caught your eyes.
“y/n wait !”
“it’s perfect”
“it’s so cold..”. you lightly punched your the taller girl as you bent down and hit her with some snow.
“abuse !”. sullyoon pouted as you giggled, which slowly faded as you felt snow hit your face. brushing of your clothes you smiled at her.
four months had passed and now you both were in the middle of winter. playing in the snow.
“so would you go with me to the.. lodge.. i kno-“
“I’m your girlfriend ofcourse I would”.
sullyoon giggled ‘your’..
as your crossed the street she kissed you on the cheek and you giggled. so much you didn’t see it coming. and other truck. so you would go out the way your mom did. at least you were in her arms.. maybe your ashes would be for sale at some ju-
“neoraneun jonjaeneun naege isseo
you're not, you're not for sale..”
your eyes slowly opened.
“it’s our song..”. infront of you was a bruised sullyoon still smiling.
“why am I not for sale at some garage sale..”. sullyoon giggled and kissed your lips once again.
“your not for sale..”
pal su eomne
sal su eomne, yeah, yeah, ooh
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vex91 · 10 months
Lily Morrow - Shy
Pairing: Lily Morrow x Female Reader
Fandom: NMIXX
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: may i request for something fluffy w/ lily? like she's all shy n flustered because of reader (who is in itzy or twice) coming to watch their practice !! and in the end gets their number (only because her members kept bugging her to do it)
Summary: What happens when a not shy member of NMIXX who suddenly becomes shy and shy member of Itzy fall in love? Most probably their members ripping their hair off because of how long confessing took for them.
A/N: Omg Lily my love❤ Thank you for requesting for my NMIXX bias🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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3rd's POV
"You're serious?!" Jinsol jumped out of her seat at the sudden scream that Lily did. Turning her head she saw Lily panicking in front of Haewon and Yoona who tried to calm her down "Unnie don't worry, it'll be fine" Yoona rubbed her shoulder trying to reassure the older girl about the whole situation. Jinsol walked over, curiosity filling her whole being "What's happening?" Haewon sighed before looking at the younger girl with a small smile.
"Itzy sunbaenims are going to come over and watch our practice" It didn't took long for Jinsol to understand what the big deal was about. Lily happened to have the biggest crush on Itzy's maknae aka you. She always admired you ever since she was a trainee. When you debuted she became a fan of yours but that admiration quickly turned into something more, especially after she got to know you a little more in private but it was mostly during meetings with your mutual friends, except that you and her weren't the closest friends. That's why Lily never confessed despite her members urging her to do it.
"What if I mess up in front of her?" Lily's mind was racing with everything that could go wrong, her members tried to assure her that it'll be fine. It continued like this until their choreographer came and started their practice. Everything was going fine until your group came. It was a good occasion for a group to let their seniors see their efforts and impress them but all Lily cared about was trying not to mess up under your gaze. For some reason unknown to her you kept watching her and Lily wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing.
For the whole time she managed to not make many mistakes but soon she found herself struggling with one move. No matter how many times she practiced, she just couldn't seem to take a hold of it. Since your group had a similar move you decided to help her after asking her choreographer if it was okay "Okay now put your hand up like this and just swing it this way okay? Then just jump like this and spin it" You explained calmly and despite her nerves skyrocketing because of how close to her you were, she managed to do it with your help.
"Good job, see? I knew you could do it, you are talented after all" She blushed at your sudden compliments "T-Thanks" Her members watched the whole interaction with small smiles. Soon you excused yourself and walked back to your members, teasings came your way when they noticed your flushed expression. As a pretty shy person it wasn't an everyday occurrence for you to help someone so confidently like that, especially a girl you had a crush on. Your members knew about it and tried to encourage you to confess but you were too shy.
Practice went by fast after that small interaction between you and Lily and before you knew it the time for your group to leave came "Thank you so much for watching us today sunbaenims, your advices were very helpful" The younger group bowed to you and your members which you reciprocated and bowed back "Thank you for having us, it was nice to see you guys more closely behind the scenes" Your bid your goodbyes and started leaving until a voice stopped you "Y-Y/N sunbaenim? Can I ask you something maybe?" You turned around to see Lily looking at you, her hands played with her phone nervously.
"Can I get your number? So we can hang out later, like just the t-two of us?" You blushed at what you've heard. Did you hear it correctly? Lily's flushed face was the biggest confirmation that it was indeed real and she was asking for your number "S-Sure" You took it and typed your number in. You gave it back to her with a smile before bowing again and leaving after sending her a wink. A bold move indeed.
Lily stood there frozen before screaming and jumping back to her members who were ready to celebrate, feeling so happy for their oldest who could finally start doing something more about her feelings for you because now she had hope that you indeed shared the same feelings for her like she had for you.
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spadesolace · 11 months
polaroid love - bonus 2.0. dinner with newjeans
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Dice promotions ended later than yn expected.
All she wanted to do was lie down on her bed and sleep. It felt like everything was collapsing on her, especially after finding out that Wonyoung had liked her. Music Bank was a bit awkward to say the least, especially how her own bandmates were teasing her on how dense she can be that the 4th Gen IT girl had a thing for her.
“Past is past.” is what she would always reply, she never liked wonyoung that much to make a move. She valued their friendship more than the what ifs. Although she still had those lingering thoughts where if she would have made a move. Then again, she sort of dated Chaewon for a short time until they both decided to just be friends and not let anyone know they actually dated. That’s a story for next time. 
With the promotions done, YN is looking forward to see newjeans again, the last time they saw each other was when she visited Hybe. Although this entire dinner was solely for your members to meet your new friends, there is a part from the management that would want the press to use this to promote the group. Lowkey, YN wasn’t having it for the management to take advantage of your friendship but, if it means helping the group, possibly stop some fanwars, then sure, she’ll accept it.
“Eunchae mentioned to me there’s someone in NewJeans that’s also ‘06.” Kyujin was one of the excited members, let alone she hasn’t made that many friends in the industry except for Eunchae.
“That’s Haerin, she’s a bit introverted like Yoona but you’ll get along just fine.” Slowly the group got excited, YN could only talk about how each and everyone would get along with the monster rookie group. 
“YN-UNNIE!” A loud scream, one can feel the energetic vibes coming from that sweet voice, knowing fully well, its-
“EUNCHAE!” Kyujin was faster in registering that Lesserafim was on the premises. Sakura had then explained that management was the one that decided to have a change of plans and invited Lesserafim to their dinner with Newjeans in which the entire group was fine with. They’ve interacted before, especially the two ‘06 liners and adding to their group is Haerin. 
“YN!” YN could only slowly turn around, seeing Chaewon again after the whole crush and confession thing within Iz*one. They’ve talked about it before but after a year, things were a bit awkward, but it wasn’t the leader of Lesserafim that caught her attention, no. The group behind them, NewJeans oldest members, Minji and Hanni. She swore something about them made her feel things, maybe it was admiration of their capabilities in the industry, or their face card, or their talents, let alone their personalities already made an impact on her. 
Waving at the two, Yoona took note of her facial features. YN’s subtle smile, faint blush, fixing her hair like tucking it by her ear, and being shy which is a bit rare. I think someone has a crush. 
The entire dinner, Sullyoon could only observe her best friend, interacting between the two groups and their own. More so, her attention was solely focused on the two oldest members of NewJeans. YN did mention to her before how she’s more fond of them due to being the same age. There was no harm in having more friends but what was suspicious was the way she acted.
“Yoona, YN will melt if you keep looking at her like that.” Jinni had to try her best to make Sullyoon stop observing one of her best friends but even Jinni had to admit, there was something about you during that dinner that had a different glow.
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taglist [CLOSED]:
@lesbianslovesminji @sserajeans @trsrina @invusblog @haerinstolemyhrt @txtbrainrot @ddenoudepression @cfvgbhndun-new-blog @lcv3lies @rd0265667 @somsomishy @dream-chasers-things @captivq @limbforalimb @dmndtears @buuhsworld @oshyci @ksnu @falling-intoo-deep @sserafimez @hyukasverse @forever-in-the-sky2 @cixl-writes @wolfimini @j-wyoung @jisooftme @justme-idle @myahwritesss @paranoxic @edamboon @iluvhanni1
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uroborosymphony · 11 months
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A night of Celebration. Quinn's goal was clear from the start : for it to be even bigger than the coronation of the King of the United Kingdom himself. The club is booked and private entirely until dawn and of course, decorated in the Black Dang colors : red, black, and gold. The lights, the music, the fever were intoxicating through the night, in an atmosphere of luxury, opulence and euphoria. Taiyang's birthday. Her King's special day. A time more private was on the list as well, one she decided to keep for later, just the two of them. But Quinn, despite wanting him all for herself knew his special day was an important one to celebrate with the gang, their found family. The members loved and cared for their leader, it was important for them to be here, to honor him, to thank him. Along with the members of Black Fang, friends along with allies from the underground scenes were here as well ; all united, in their fanciest, most expensive Armanis, suits and gowns, finest brands of jewerly on their wrists and necks, and in their hands : stacks on stacks on stracks, down tables for bets and business fun. This world that was reeking of crime and glamourous, of mobsters and schemes and traffics yet wrapped in a crazy festive and celebrating spirit : their world. The main booth was right in the middle of the club under the lights, cushions made of black leathers around the main table where a gigantic cake is being brought, to which everyone is already agitating and gathering around for. And here they were, Taiyang, sitting down the main couch with Quinn, as usual on his lap, her body glued to his the way they always aere - as usual, private conversations in the ear with his arm is wrapped around her waist, mixed with drinking along with the seconds in Black Fang who are sitting with them ; while the rest of the gang and guests gravite around. When the cake is finally put down, it's time for Quinn to stand up. Before doing so she places a kiss on Taiyang's temple, escaping from his grip and finally ready for her speech. Finding herself in the center of attentions, the queen raises her glass to make everyone focus, she does not have to speak nor raise voice as they all keep quiet and listen. Quinn is in her usual apparel, a Prada red dress and her black hair cascading down her shoulders ; Vivienne Westwood around her neck, jewelry gifted by him for Valentine's day.
            for @velvetineblue
"Well, Well, Well," She starts as the music is also turned down to minimum. "I feel like we haven't been reunited like that since we got arrested after the Shinhan heist, God." Quinn announces, which makes the assemblee laugh out loud - she is refering to of course another successful operation of theirs, meanwhile the authorities knew they did it, it was impossible for them to arrest the Gang : they all got freed in less than a few days but Oh, it was fun. "We are gathered here today, Black Fang and friends, criminials and associates, to celebrate the birth of our beloved Leader." She then says, loud, to which everyone around cheers, makes noise and whistles for before calming down again. During the agitation, Quinn's eyes remain on Taiyang, and her smile, so wide. It is rare to witness a Quinn in such a state of happiness and euphoria - she of course is carrying herself as usual : almighty and cunty, but clearly enjoying herself, relaxed, excited to celebrate his birthday, far from the Quinn who is usually Oh so serious and bossing everyone around. Organizing this night for him took her weeks and weeks, to make sure all their olds friends could attend, some even flying on purpose from Taiwan and NYC for him. There is an outrageous mountain of presents too, on a table a little meters furthur, luxury gifts for the King that were occupying all the space, all over the top. "Isn't it funny? Last year I remember celebrating his birthday and it was just the two of us. In that little restaurant we love to go to." Quinn then keeps going, her voice light as she starts pacing around, in order to now look at everyone, share her speech to everyone. "Yeah.. twelve months ago, we were still discussing weither or not to take the lead of the gang. We were nobodies, you know, just two rascals wanting to risk it all by following his legacy, wanting to change the scene, wanting to change this World. And we are doing it, people. Together, we are fucking doing it. Twelve months later, the gang has prospered and is now one of the most respected, most talked about, most uncatchable and most FEARED name on the scene!" Quinn keeps on saying, almost shouting the last words that makes the club go crazy another time, banging down the ground and cheering. Once they are calm again, her steps, in her high black heels bring her back to her initial spot, her eyes going back no Taiyang, watching him. "And it's all thanks to him. Taiyang changed Black Fang. With his passion, with his understanding, with his diligence, he made us a family. He has changed me, into a better version of myself. He has changed as well, into a man I hope he is proud of, the way I've always been proud of him. The Love of my life, right here. " Of course to this line, spoken on a more emotional tone, many many awwwws escape from the crowd which makes Quinn laughs softly, almost gigglish out of sudden timidness, perhaps showing a side of her she never shows to them all. "Alright. Alright. Shut up." She adds on a sharp tone, yet impossible for her to hold her smile, causing them all to laugh in a gentle way. "It's just the beginning you all know that. What's waiting for us tomorrow is bigger than what we have today. Let's thank our leader for that, our Taiyang. Well actually- Mine, I will slice any of you open if you ever call him Yours let's be clear, I'm just being polite here." Another rounds of laughters come along with her lines as they know the Queen is teasing, messing with them. "Especially you Yoona, yeah you think I don't see you over there? Just stop looking at him like that I got a knife of my garter." Quinn then adds on a snap, glaring at the said Yoona who is known to have her eyes lingering on him all the fucking time - which makes the crown let some saucy " wooooos " out, obviously taking Quinn's side on this one, nobody wanted to be in Yoona's stop right now, the poor girl looking down.
"Happy Birthday to you Taiyang." Quinn then says, ending her little speech by raising her speech as she is mirrored by everyone around, raising their drinks as well.
They all shout as they clap, cheer and stand up, loud - the club on fire as they all chant for him. Quinn hurries back to Taiyang in little steps in her heels, not sitting down but right in front of him, placing her hands down his thighs as she leans down to give him a kiss. A passionate and wild birthday kiss, the type that ends up making her catch his jawline for grip with one hand, and pull him into the kiss deeper, her grin enable to be tamed down against his lips, to which the others keep on cheering for. "Happy Birthday my Everything." Quinn whispers agains his lips, her smile impossible to contain. "Mm I wanted to jump out of that cake for you to devour me but I figured that should come for the After party." She speaks on her usual seductive tone, her fingers catching his collar to pull on it, her eyes filled with mischief, always linked with his as her nose is pressed against his. "How about you get the knife out of my garter and slice the cake? I can take care of Yoona another day. I want to share a slice with you."
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lovcscene · 1 year
✨ @perffvme​
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“¿me ayudas a alcanzar ese, por favorcito?” pregunta a quién tiene cerca, sus labios forman un leve mohín y sus ojos que asimilan en ternura a los de un cachorrito observan atentos a rostro impropio. “es que no lo alcanzo.” puede encaramarse en el estante para alcanzar el peluche en forma de estrella de mar que quiere pero claro, prefiere que alguien más lo haga por ella. está acostumbrada a ser consentida. “mmm, y te doy una recompensa.”
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soshiharin · 5 days
better than this
summary: in which harin has her first solo concert
set: 23 feb 2024
word count: 2.4k
warnings: mention of food
an: words in bold are english. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
harin’s masterlist
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“Thank you for coming, my darlings,” Harin spoke into the microphone as the band continued playing the instrumental of Underwater. “Bye,” she sang, waving goodbye as the hydraulic stage lift went down.
When she reached the bottom, she hopped off the lift, taking out her in-ears. She could still hear the crowd cheering as she was guided backstage by a staff member. Upon reaching her dressing room, her team started chanting her name over and over.
“Oh, stop, no,” she pleaded, covering her face in embarrassment. “Please, no. My ears are ringing.”
“Congratulations, noona,” her manager, Iseul, said, passing her a bottle of water. “I’ve been monitoring reactions, and everyone only has positive things to say. They said it was really warm even though the temperature was in the negatives.”
“Oh, really? That’s a relief.” She nodded, taking a sip of her water. “It’s a bit cold today. I told them to dress warmly,” she said, referring to her fans, “but some of them prioritise their outfits over their safety.”
“It’s because they know your outfits are always stunning,” her hairstylist, Anna, told her. “Especially when you style them.”
She nodded, accepting the container of fruit that was handed to her. “Well, there’s nothing I can do about that. I’m just a fashionista,” she jokingly complained with a sigh as she opened the container. “But–” she popped a grape into her mouth– “I have to go to the waiting room and go meet people now.” She groaned, shaking her head. “I’m so tired.”
“The dancers are saying they want to go out and drink,” Yujun, her stage manager, said. “Everybody’s thinking of going to a BBQ restaurant.”
Harin stared at him blankly. “Energy… How do you guys still have energy?” She asked, everyone laughing at her reaction. “Aren’t you tired?”
“We’re not that tired. We just want to celebrate the first concert.”
“You guys are so strong, I’ll see how I feel about that after seeing everybody,” she said, “but if I don’t go, then I’ll give you my credit card.”
Everybody cheered at Harin’s offer, causing her to roll her eyes as she left the room. As she walked to the waiting room, she greeted and thanked the staff members that she passed on her way. Walking into the room, she saw her members chatting on the couch.
“Oh, hello,” Harin greeted, pretending to be shocked to see them, putting her container on a nearby table.
Seohyun stood up and started running to her older member. She hugged her tightly, picking her up, and spinning her around. “Unnie!” She cheered, not noticing how Tiffany was recording their interaction. “You’re so pretty,” she complimented after she put Harin down.
“Thank you.” Harin brushed her fingers through her hair.
Yuri snapped her fingers in Harin’s direction. “Why are your outfits so nice? Let me shop in your closet.”
Harin laughed, shocked by Yuri’s request. “No!”
Tiffany nodded, having stopped recording. “You should just arrange a day for us to pick out what we like.”
“When unnie’s on tour, someone will need to watch your closet,” Yoona added, “so, I can keep an eye on it for you. I… will bravely volunteer to take on that burden for you.” She raised her hand as if she were being sworn in, suddenly speaking formally.
“Can you shut up?” Harin politely requested. “You’re not getting a shopping spree in my closet.”
“But, unnie, where did you get the clothes for this concert?” Seohyun asked, playing with Harin’s jacket.
“Uh, I designed the first two dresses, and the others are from different brands,” Harin said. She was known to occasionally design her outfits for music videos and award shows.
“You should design me a new closet, unnie,” Seohyun pleaded, holding Harin’s hand.
“Leave me alone,” Harin groaned. “Just buy nice clothes.”
“Then you have to come with us when we go shopping,” Yuri told her, talking with her hands and causing the paper bag on her wrist to shake.
“Or,” Tiffany began, “just start a fashion brand so we can buy that.”
Harin stared at her members silently. “You guys want me to always be working, jinja.”
“Oh! Unnie’s annoyed,” Yoona teased, pointing at her member. “She’s saying ‘jinja’ now.”
Yuri handed Harin the bag in her hand. “I brought you wine.”
Harin gulped, trying to swallow the wave of nausea that overcame her. “These days, just thinking about alcohol makes me want to throw up.”
“Oh, really? Well, I can take it off your hands seeing as it was so expensive,” Yuri joked, pretending to take the bag. “Just invite me to your house so we can drink it together.”
“Okay,” Harin agreed easily.
“I also brought you something!” Seohyun exclaimed excitedly, rushing to the couch to fetch a white paper bag. “These are so tasty.”
Harin accepted the bag, sighing when she saw what was inside. “I need to stop getting my hopes up when you give me things.”
“Why? What is it?” Tiffany asked, trying to peek inside the bag.
Harin pulled out a packet of dried mango with a straight face. “This… Thank you, Seohyun-ah.”
“You can snack on these after your shows,” the youngest said, tapping the packet. “I bought them according to your tastes.”
“I was expecting junk food.”
Yoona scoffed, crossing her arms. “Why would you expect that from Seohyun?”
“Because I’m an idiot,” Harin said matter-of-factly. “I’m an idiot that forgot Seohyun only eats fruit.”
“But it’s just one packet, so it’s fine,” Yuri commented.
“Yah, this packet is the smallest one here,” Harin told her member. “This packet that’s as big as my chest is the smallest one here.”
“Ah… Seohyun-ah, there’s nothing much I can say.” Yuri shrugged.
“I came empty handed,” Tiffany said with a pout. “I’m sorry. I was going to get flowers, but if I did, I’d run late.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Just you being here is fine,” Harin comforted her.
Seohyun began to rock back and forth on the balls of her feet. “Let’s take photos!” She cheered.
The members then took photos with Harin for the next five minutes, joking in between. A couple of them were chosen to be posted on the members’ social media, only the ones that everyone liked.
“Yoona, your man is here,” Harin told her member as she was gathering her stuff to leave.
“My man? Who?” Yoona asked, putting her jacket back on.
All the members watched as Yoona gasped, basically falling over. “He’s here?”
“The cast of Dune is here, I was told.”
Yoona suddenly got very close to Harin, holding her hands in hers. “Unnie, I’ll never ever again in my life ask you for something, if you can do me one favour. Please get me an autograph, please. I’m begging you.”
“You’re not even on your knees,” Yuri teased.
“Unnie, please.”
“Okay. Now go home,” Harin said.
“I’m trusting you, unnie,” Yoona said as Seohyun began to drag her out.
“Bye, Harin-ah!” Tiffany shouted, ignoring Yoona’s pleads.
Harin waved as they all disappeared behind a corner. “Bye, my loves.”
As she returned her attention to her bowl of fruit, she could still hear the hustle and bustle from the stadium. A lot of staff members were buzzing about, clearing up all equipment so that they could leave.
“Wah, Rinha!”
She heard Jaesuk exclaim from behind her. Turning around, she saw the MC, along with Dongwook, Sangbeom, and Seho.
“Yes,” she simply said.
Sangbeom gave her a hug. “For someone so lazy, you have a lot of stamina.”
“I’m an idol. Didn’t you know?”
“I didn’t,” he teased.
Dongwook hung to the back of the small group, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “It’s so cold,” he groaned.
“You just like to complain,” Jaesuk scolded his member.
Harin nodded along, eating a small piece of pineapple. “That’s true.”
Dongwook chuckled. “You too?”
“Why not?” She shrugged.
They all laughed, Seho’s laughter being stiffer than the others, which Jaesuk noted.
“Why are you so tense?” He asked, pointing at his friend.
“No, no,” Seho denied, “I’m not.”
“Your fist is red from how hard you’re squeezing it,” Dongwook commented, reaching over to steal some fruit from his wife. “Be mindful of your circulation.”
“My circulation is fine, though,” Seho said, flexing his hand and showing it to everyone. His hand was still red, but was slowly going back to its natural colour. “See?”
“Why are we all staring at hyung’s hand?” Sangbeom asked.
“I don’t know either,” Harin said. She clicked her fingers at Dongwook and he passed her the water bottle that he was holding. She took a few gulps as the men continued to talk about Seho’s hands. “Are you still here because you want a photo?” There was no malice behind her question and she knew that they knew, the light chuckles told her everything.
“My daughter said I absolutely needed to take a photo with you,” Jaesuk told her.
“Hyung, why didn’t you bring Naeun with you?” Dongwook asked. “The concert doesn’t even end that late, it’s only–” he checked the time on his phone– “nine o’clock.”
“I was going to bring her with me, I had the tickets already, but she suddenly got sick at the beginning of this week,” he told them. “She was so upset when she realised she wouldn’t be feeling well enough to come.”
“There’s still the next one. At the end of the tour,” Harin mentioned.
“I got tickets for that one!”
“Am I the only one that had a stressful experience getting tickets?” Seho asked, causing Dongwook to laugh. “The tickets flew away so quickly.”
“He texted me, ‘Hyung, has it always been this hard to get tickets?’ and I just replied, ‘How would I know?’” Dongwook said. “It’s not like I regularly go to concerts.”
“You’re a homebody,” Sangbeom commented.
“The two are perfect for each other.” Jaesuk pointed at Harin and Dongwook. “They both like being at home.”
Harin nodded. “So, we’re not taking any photos?”
Jaesuk chuckled, “She’s not interested in this conversation.”
“Hyung, you two are the only ones interested in this conversation.” Sangbeom pointed at him and Seho.
The group took photos with Harin, Seho stiffly took his. Jaesuk clapped his hands.
“Okay, it’s time for me to tell Naeun everything that happened in detail. I should get going now,” he said. “Your performance was amazing. Right, Hose?”
“It showed why she’s the top performer, hyung,” he quickly answered, nodding enthusiastically. “Really. She’s the top class, there’s no one as–”
“This is uncomfortable even for me,” Sangbeom said. “Let’s just say goodnight.”
Dongwook sat down on one of the couches as his friends said their goodbyes, Seho’s being the quickest out of the bunch. They all left soon after, saying another round of goodbyes.
Harin turned her attention to her husband, who was running his hands through his hair.
“You coming home later?” He asked, voice so quiet she could barely hear him.
She nodded. “Everyone wants to go get BBQ,” she told him, “so I think I’ll go with them for a bit and then go home.”
“Okay. I’ll see you later then.” He stood up, squeezing her hand as he left. To others, his behaviour might have seemed cold, but she knew he was acting professional, as they both agreed.
More guests popped in to say hi to Harin after that — some close friends, some acquaintances she’s never really spoken to. Many of them brought gifts with them — most of them brought food, and Harin tried her best to swallow past the lump in her throat that threatened to come out. She accepted each and every one, making sure to thank them for coming.
She was just about ready to leave with the staff when she was informed that she had one more group of guests. Four people timidly walked around the corner – two men and two women.
“Hi,” Harin greeted, getting up from the couch as she smiled politely.
“Hi,” the shortest of the four responded, her voice raspy. “Your concert was amazing!”
“Z kept singing along as if she knew the lyrics,” a scrawny man with dark brown hair told her, pointing at the woman standing next to him.
She watched the brunette woman laugh. “I knew the vibes, I knew the aura, okay?”
“She was adding songs to her playlist during the concert,” the man said.
Harin chuckled, glancing over the group of people. By the power of deductive reasoning, she had already managed to identify them. “Well, thank you.”
“I heard that some of the songs you performed haven’t been released yet. So, I just wanna find out when they will be,” the brunette, Zendaya, inquired.
Harin chuckled. “Um, I don’t know. I’m only performing them to see if I like them enough to release them, so… just cross your fingers.
“Okay, but the song about knowing each other’s love languages, that one’s definitely…?”
“We’ll see.” She shrugged.
“Okay, okay. I respect it!” Zendaya laughed. “I’ll just be patient.”
The man who had been yet to speak, Austin, nodded. “Patience is a virtue.”
“Do you know what I just realised?” The short woman, Florence, asked. “The three of us–” she pointed at herself, Zendaya, and Harin– “were in the MCU. I don’t know anything about our future’s in the franchise, but… fun observation.”
“Lovely.” Harin nodded. “Um, are you– Do you want a photo, or?”
“Oh, of course,” the scrawny man, Timothée, said. “Photo or it didn’t happen, right?”
Austin pulled out his phone and placed it on a table, putting on the selfie timer. Everyone put their arms around each other and smiled as the photo was taken. After their photo was taken, Harin handed Timothée a piece of paper and a pen, asking him to give an autograph for Yoona. When he was done, the Dune cast walked out, saying goodbye and congratulating Harin once more.
Harin sighed as she walked back to her changing room. She changed out of her concert outfit and into sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“Are we all ready to go?” She asked Iseul when she emerged from her changing room.
He nodded, handing her a bottle of water. “Yes. They’re already at the restaurant.”
“Okay. Let’s go.”
Harin spent forty minutes with everyone, celebrating the first day of the tour. She made sure to pay for everything they had ordered — and everything they would possibly order after she had left. She took a taxi home and just about melted into her bed when she got under the covers.
“Congrats on your concert,” Dongwook sleepily mumbled.
Harin chuckled lightly. “Thank you.”
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tagging: @lyskooluv [send an ask or dm to be added or removed from the taglist]
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©️ jang harin
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pinkbrries · 11 months
[a/n: i only added the most notable relationships!! this doesn’t mean hannah doesn’t get along with other sm artists! she just has a closer bond with these groups/artists]
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besties with all of them<3 during trainee days you’d always find her around her unnies and following them like a duckling, especially with irene. they would always comfort her and baby her (since hannah and yeri are the same age).
she’s always sitting with them during isac’s or walking with them during ending stages at events/concerts.
irene is her mom and is always beside her, if she sees a male idol looking at her baby she instantly gives them the /deadly stare/ she usually makes every time men are around😭
wendy is always vibing or laughing with her, joy is the one that always gives her advice, seulgi is the one looking after her and yeri and hannah share the chaotic siblings energy
yeri: i remember the first time i saw hannah, she was as tall as my waist / hannah: what are you even talking about😭 you’ve always been shorter than me
they’re always laughing, spilling the tea or taking pics together. they all have such a wholesome relationship:’)
like the little social butterfly hannah is, she connected immediately with sehun and chanyeol. one day they were total strangers, and at the next day you’d find them laughing their ass off because of the most random thing😭 the shared brain cell goes strong here
there would be times that hannah would always be around the pair even during their practice (because they would invite her) that junmyeon didn’t have any other choice but to adopt the neo (adding one more parent to hannah’s list rip)
eventually she became close with minseok, jongdae, yixing and kyungsoo too, the aforementioned even having a tiny soft spot for the girl even if she’s loud af<3
the way the exos hyped her up during that sm family collaboration interview 😭 she breathed on the mic and you could hear suho saying “wah hannah so cool!!” and baekhyun screaming “hannah swag!” ASDJJFA
and after superm happened? she’s besties now with jongin and baek<33
member she’s the closest with: baekhyun, kai, chanyeol, sehun.
the first member she became close is key, so hannah is kibum’s adoration. literally. one day he saw the girl and went like that's it, i found my favorite neo
he is always roasting and teasing her tho😭 fans say it’s like a “fresh breath of air” seeing them together because it’s always hannah roasting the neos so they really enjoy keyXhannah interactions ASFKLJFS
*during an instagram live* hannah: any positive aspects about the military? / key: i could use my phone whenever i want / hannah: oppa? then why you didn’t answer calls!! / key: yah! you only invited me to complain about me???
taemin and her became besties because of superm, she became close to minho since they acted on a drama together and jinki and jonghyun eventually joined the club because they would always see her around the other members 🤝 that’s when hannah realized that shinee are, indeed, the most chaotic people she has ever met😭 (in a good way tho, she loves them<3)
they’re the only ones that have the “oppa” privilege ajslask😭
member she’s the closest with: taemin, kibum.
big sisters energy<33
the way all of them have always hyped her up since always, everytime they would have the chance they'd go “hannah cute!” or “hannah you got this!”
hannah was almost tears when she met some of them when she moved agencies,,, wtf this is literally her childhood idols??
tiktok challenges? you bet hannah is the first one that gets the invitation to join
hannah thinks all of them are probably the most lovable ppl ever, fr
hyoyeon and hannah became closer because of mnet’s “good girl” and since then, hyo is always so excited whenever they have the opportunity to spend time together
taeyeon is also another member she became really close with,,, no one knows how it happened but everyone loves the interactions so !!
yoona and sunny are such supportive sunbaes with her too:((
oh man, she's even close with jessica and tiffany (we love our foreign girlies) like,,, hannah you'll always be famous DKSJDK
all the snsd always look at hannah with proud eyes<3
always giving her advice or looking up after her. hannah knows she can really trust them🥺
member she’s the closest with: taeyeon, hyo, tiffany (former)
she met winter, ning ning and karina when she started training under sm
she’s now the big sister figure for the aespa girls
has the softest spot for ning ning, but can you blame her? she’s so cute
pls they sometimes talk in tiny with her and hannah goes 🥺 these are my girlies
always hypes them up and she’s their #1 fan now
member she’s the closest with: ning ning.
oh man,,, she was SHAKING when she first met her
not a joke, even johnny always teases her about that encounter DSKJDKS
but hannah realized that boa is a humble queen,,, and hannah couldnt help but ask for an autograph for her mom HELP
the way she got invited several times by her to eat,, everyone was impressed when hannah referred to her as "unnie" like,,,, hannah you're literally so slay
boa has referred to hannah as very dear dongsaeng to her
"Hanan is such a talented, charismatic and hard working girl. She's the perfect example of what an idol should be" (deserved honestly)
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littlewolfieposts · 9 months
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word count: 751
pairing: idol!hyunjin x idol!oc (named Yuna)
summary: being an idol doesn't take the human out of a person. They want to love and be happy just like anyone else. The difference is that she wants to love Hyunjin in a more unique way.
warning: none
disclaimer: just something that was sitting on the drafts as rant thoughts that I decided to actually finish. Lunar is the name of OC's fandom
'@ user4356_ she looks tired, hope everything is okay '@ luvhyunnie Hyunjin deserves so much better. Stop forcing yourself on him, it's sad' '@ yoonamarryme are you and hyujin dating?' '@ user09239 you look pretty! can you say hi to Germany?' '@ staaay_jinnie STAY AWAY FROM HYUNJIN YOU S*l**!!!!!!!'
Scanning the commentary section, Yoona felt her heart drop. Doing live all by herself these days has become harder without her teammates filtering most of the harsh comments directed towards her.
It only took one innocent interaction with him at the Versace event in France for the internet to go into a frenzy of speculations and numerous theories about their relationship. Old clips of quick glances, group interactions, and what they believed were matching jewelry joined in compilations of videos were shared over and over again around the fandoms.
Yoona glanced at the staff behind her, watching as they monitored the comments and shook their heads at her. She bit her lip, pondering for a moment before she averted her eyes back to the camera.
"Guys..." she sighed, laying her chopsticks down next to the bowl of her half-eaten food. Closing her eyes for a moment, she tried to recollect herself.
It's just too much. She could only take too much.
"You know I'm human, right?" she questioned softly. Staring at the camera as if she was staring right into their eyes. "I am 26 now. I'm an adult. I have experienced, seen, and heard a lot of things, and I still will experience many more. I have feelings, just like everyone else. I feel happiness, sadness, frustration, anger… Sometimes I'm jealous, sometimes I'm insecure, other times I'm really confident... I feel everything you feel, and I want to be able to feel them." She nodded, ignoring the upcoming comments and the staff's concerned gazes from behind the camera.
"I am going to be honest with you. To me, love is the end goal. When I'm no longer 'pretty enough' to be an idol, when I'm old and grey I really want to be able to sit back and say 'I'm happy. I did everything I wanted to do and shared it with the people I loved the most and I know they loved me too.' That's what I want the most. Is it wrong for me to want to love and to be loved by someone? Do I not deserve this as a human being?" her eyes glazed with emotion.
"Today I know I have my family, friends, and Lunar's pure love. And I love you so so much. But I want to have a partner in life someday. Someone that is very dear to me and makes me happy, someone that makes me love in a different way. Is it really that selfish of me?..." Her head tilted to the side in wonder. 
She pondered for a moment and took a deep breath, nodding her head as she said, "I guess, sometimes we can be selfish like this."
"I still don't have this person, but I hope I can be with them soon. I hope to have a beautiful love and be really happy! And when I do, I want to be able to share it with the people I love the most, and I can only hope to have their support and respect back." she smiled hopefully.
"To finish this monologue that has been long," she laughed quietly, "Please remember that, at the end of the day, we, idols, are human beings just like you. We want to be happy just like you, and words hurt us just like it does... to you. Please always be kind and respectful to people, okay?" 
Yoona decided to end her live not long after, wishing lunars a goodnight and to stay healthy before closing the app. 
Thanking the staff, she waited for them to leave the room before she unlocked her phone, a smile blossoming on her face at the text waiting for her reply.
from jinnie <3 the sky looks beautiful tonight reminded me of you and now I’m missing you let’s watch the stars tonight
Yoona didn’t lie when she said she didn’t have her person yet, technically. She and Hyunjin weren’t official, but were rather enjoying the phase of slowly getting to know each other and the little things that made them feel butterflies fluttering on their stomach.
Right now, sitting by the Han river, sharing a blanket and secret kisses with him sounded like paradise to her
To jinnie <3 let’s go
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gamerwoo · 2 years
[SVT Imprinted] Mingyu: Change of Heart (Part 3)
Anonymous asked: can you do another part for mingyu where bomi has to face yoongi? we never found out what happened with the hunters
Anonymous asked: it would be cute to show more of the friendships among the pack!!! even if its just a little bit. i just really like how they interact
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Characters: Mingyu x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, angst, drugging and kidnapping, mentions of torture/abuse, slapping, comfort/fluff at the end, a lil suggestive at the end too, if i missed anything lmk!!! (this was also originally mingyu x oc so if i fucked up editing im sorry lmao)
Word count: 5,106
Summary: Things had been quiet for too long, and the pack thinks that your past has just forgotten about you. But werewolf hunters don’t forget, and they don’t usually let go of grudges. Unfortunately, though, one of the pack ends up getting sucked into your problems.
Tags: @psshwa @uglyratlmao @brokenbutchocolate @shra-vasti @killcomet @brattybunfornct @shuabby1994 @henloiamaweirdobye @anissanightyoung @babyminghao  @minluvly @honeyylin @miki-chi @heemingyu @noraehey​ (if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please fill out this form!!!)
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This was probably the most uncomfortable thing the pack had to witness. Nobody was even sure why they had to witness it when it didn’t involve any of them.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it...” Junhui mumbled, staring at the floor instead of at anybody.
“I know, Jun,” Minghao sighed, “it’s okay.”
“Say it like you mean it,” Seungcheol ordered.
Junhui finally lifted his head, but only to glare at the alpha, “I do mean it!”
The whole Jun-saying-he-hates-Minghao thing was something was obviously creating tension in the pack, but that didn’t mean any of them wanted to be involved in the apology. They figured Junhui, Minghao, and Yoona would eventually talk it out on their own. But instead, Seungcheol called a ‘family meeting’ and was making Jun do it publicly in front of everyone.
“Cheol, it’s seriously fine,” Minghao insisted.
“No it’s not,” he stated. “What Junhui said was out of line.”
“And why does it concern us?” Joshua asked boredly from where he was leaning against the doorframe to the living room where everyone was gathered.
“Yeah, last time I checked, I’m not the one who ruined Jun’s life,” Areum deadpanned.
Most of the pack glared at her for joking about it. Some of them seemed surprised she’d said that, and two snickered at the comment.
“What?” she asked the alpha defensively. “I’m just pointing out how it doesn’t include me.”
Jun was a little immature when it came to his emotions. He didn’t really know how to express them without acting out, but he eventually came around and apologized. He actually was pretty easy to come around, but because Seungcheol was basically embarrassing him in front of the pack, he was doing so begrudgingly.
“We’re a family,” Seungcheol sighed. “When two of us are fighting, it affects all of us.”
“Like I said...” Areum trailed off, rolling her eyes.
“Okay,” you stood up with a breath and looked straight at Seungcheol, “I’m leaving. This is weird and they can figure it out. Last time I checked, I’m not their fourth, so.”
Seungcheol gave her a stern look, “No, you can’t leave a family meeting.”
Areum stood as well, shrugging, “I’ll risk the consequences.”
“Sounds good to me,” you decided, and the two of you squeezed by your mates, brothers, and sisters to get to the door.
“Hey!” Seungcheol called after the two of you. “If you leave, you’ll be punished later!”
But his threats fell on deaf ears as you and Areum left the house anyway, hoping Junhui and Minghao could fix their beef on their own -- or at least not while you had to witness the awkward conversation.
“You ever been one one of the bikes before?” you asked.
Areum’s eyebrows raised, “You know how to drive them?”
You scoffed, “One of them is mine, my grandparents gave it to me. Want a ride?”
So you secured a helmet onto Areum’s head before putting on yours. You got on the bike before Areum got on the back and wrapped her arms around your waist. And then the two of you were off. Areum didn’t have a preference of where to go, as long as she was out of that house. She didn’t even live there but she happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and got sucked into the awkward encounter.
You ended up pulling up at the mall, not knowing where else to kill a few hours. You parked toward the back where it was more secluded with less cars. You were admittedly a little nervous somebody would hit your bike with their car.
“So what do you think this punishment is gonna be?” Areum asked as she got off the bike and hung it from one of the handlebars, clearly not afraid of whatever Seungcheol was threatening.
After yours was off, you replied, “Can’t be any worse than watching that shit show.”
“It’s probably gonna be somethi--”
Before Areum could finish her guess of what the alpha had planned, she suddenly cut off with a very short screech. You whipped your head around to see Areum staring back at you with fear in her eyes, her mouth and nose covered by a cloth. Your eyes followed the hand holding the cloth and saw a masked man standing behind her. Before you could react, you had the same thing happen to you, but you tried her best not to breathe in.
You watched as Areum’s eyes slipped shut, and the man started dragging her away. You didn’t want to scream to waste air, so you tried to watch where they went, but your head was suddenly yanked back by your hair, causing you to inhale sharply. You were staring up at a man with his nose and mouth covered by a black mask, but you would know those cold eyes anywhere. They belonged to your former best friend, after all.
“You thought we’d forgotten about you, huh?” he smirked as your thoughts started to get cloudy, and your eyelids began to feel heavy. “It’s unfortunate your friend had to get sucked into it, but nobody can know what happened to you.”
Yoongi removed the cloth and began dragging your body toward where Faye had gone. You tried your best to articulate words, but it was just a stuttered, mumbled mess. The blonde-haired boy chuckled, tossing you into the back of a van.
“You always were stubborn, _____. Guess that’s why I got along with you so well,” he told you. “Just stop fighting it and go to sleep.”
As Aya parked beside your bike, Mingyu flung the door open before the car was even stopped and ran to the abandoned motorcycle. Areum’s small backpack was left on the ground, and your phone had either been dropped, fallen out of your pocket, or intentionally left behind by whoever took you. But it was clear somebody had taken the two of you. He had a very bad feeling as soon as it happened, and he knew Chan must’ve felt the same thing. But he didn’t have time to call the youngest who was stuck in class because his first priority was to follow your scent to the scene of the crime.
“_____,” Aya called out as her, Seungcheol, and Soonyoung got out of the car. “Areum?”
They heard a buzzing noise coming from Areum’s bag, so Mingyu picked it up and unzipped it. Her phone was lit up by Chan’s name and a picture of the couple.
He answered it with a stressed, “Hey.”
“Chan?” Aya guessed.
Mingyu nodded.
“Oh, thank god someone answered!” he breathed. “Are you with Areum? Where are you? I have a really bad feeling and--”
“I’m not with her,” he finally managed to cut in. "I had the same feeling about _____ and they were together. I found her bike but both of them are gone and their stuff was left behind.
“Fuck,” Chan hissed.
“Who would’ve taken them?” Soonyoung wondered, looking between the three wolves.
Mingyu let out a short, dry laugh, “I can think of a couple people.”
Seungcheol suddenly took the phone from Mingyu, “Chan, I want you to go back to the house and get as many of the pack to go with you as you can. Follow the pull and we’ll meet you there.”
“We won’t let anyone touch Areum, I promise. Just do what I tell you.”
And then he hung up.
Despite being incredibly groggy when you came to, you knew exactly where you were. You’d seen plenty of werewolves and those who protected them be dragged into the room. Nobody ever heard of them afterwards, so you knew what was coming next.
“Good morning,” Yoongi’s voice was too sweet to be sincere, and you scowled. “How’d you sleep?”
“Cut the shit, asshole,” you snarled. “Where’s the other girl?”
“Oh, you mean your sister? From your new family, you fucking traitor?” Yoongi asked, his voice angry and harsh as he gripped your hair and forced your head back. Clearly, he wasn’t over you just randomly abandoning the hunters for Mingyu and his pack without a word. “She’s being taken care of. You’re more than welcome to see her, though, if you’d like.”
You could only imagine what Chan’s mate looked like now. You knew exactly what they did to people when they were brought here, and you knew there was a strong chance that Areum would have been humiliated, beaten, shocked, and possibly even had any marks on her body removed somehow.
Despite being one of the tougher and snarkier of the mates, you knew she didn’t stand a chance trying to protect herself against werewolf hunters. Maybe Eunmi, but Areum? You were genuinely worried for the state your sister must’ve been in now. You hoped that just maybe Areum was still passed out.
“It is a shame that she had to be dragged into this,” Yoongi said in a soft tone, pulling you from your thoughts. “If only we could’ve caught you alone. But if anybody knew what happened to you… Well, that just can’t happen. We’ve gotten into enough trouble trying to tie up loose ends, but this is one we can’t just leave alone. You really fucked us over, _____, you know that? You fucked me over!”
The group you used to work for was thorough, and you knew that well. Whenever they had to get rid of somebody, they always made sure nobody else knew. That was partly why you fucked up so badly when you were sent to take out Chan – Mingyu had shown up, and that was just another werewolf you’d have to kill so nobody would know what happened. If any of the other girls were around when you were kidnapped, they would’ve met the same fate.
You knew she had to get out, find Areum, and help her escape. How you would do that, though, was lost on you. You knew your old group wouldn’t let you go that easily, even if you had a history. The only time they let someone go was when Jungkook had a falling out with his adoptive sister, but that almost ended differently -- and they had to make a treaty, which Namjoon rarely agreed to.
Your thoughts were suddenly cut through by a shrill scream. Your head lifted as you fought against your restraints, afraid that the scream belonged to Areum. All Yoongi did was chuckle at your useless struggles.
“You know you can’t get to her,” he pointed out as he slowly paced in circles around you. “Just give up, it’ll make things easier.”
“I swear to God, Yoongi, if you let anybody touch her–”
“You’re not in a position to threaten anybody,” he cut you off, gripping your jaw harshly. “Neither of you are getting let go, so I suggest you don’t piss off anybody.”
“_____!” Areum shrieked.
“Yoongi, please!” you begged with desperation in your voice, feeling helpless. You knew you couldn’t do anything while you were trapped like this, but you had to do something. It frustrated you to a point where you just wanted to cry. “She’s–”
Yoongi just smacked you face away from him and walking away, not letting you finish. He left the room, leaving you alone to just listen to the screams and cries of your sister, not knowing what was happening to her.
With Yoongi gone, you maneuvered your handcuffed wrists from behind you to in front of you by popping out your shoulders and moving your arms above your head. It was something you learned to do when you were younger and in training – you had always been one of the sneakiest of the hunters due to your flexibility and knowledge of how to get out of situations, maybe second to Elsie – and it finally came in handy.
With your hands in front of you, you reached into you hair for a bobby pin to unlock your handcuffs. Getting out of handcuffs was something you were trained to do, but you weren’t like the others who just carried little pins in their back pockets or whatever just in case. You definitely made it a little difficult for yourself for never doing things ‘just in case’ but you managed, like you did now.
Once your wrists were free, you untied your ankles and booked it for the door. You recalled the override keycode for the door, hoping they didn’t change it. When it slid open, you poked your head out, checking out both ends of the hallway before you tried to figure out where the screams were coming from. You did see somebody open a door, come out, and close it, so you decided to go down that way first.
You sprinted to the door and pressed your ear against it. Sure enough, you heard whimpering and heavy breathing that sounded female. You put her hand on the keypad…
Suddenly, hands gripped your shoulder’s. You gasped and immediately spun around, kicking your leg out to kick the side of whoever had grabbed you. They were sent backwards, their back hitting the wall behind you before you pressed your forearm against their chest roughly. That was when you finally realized who had touched you.
“Ow…” Mingyu groaned softly.
You let out a breath of relief, letting your arm down, “Jesus Christ, Gyu; you scared me.”
Mingyu just pulled you into his arms tightly, resting his cheek against the top of your head, “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“Keep your voice down,” you instructed in a whisper. You let him hold you for a few seconds, but you pushed him away urgently. “They took Areum; we have to find her.”
The rest of the pack – save for a few – were with him. You took note of the fact Chan’s eyes were blood red, and he was sniffing around the door that you were just standing at. However, he just backed away and started walking further down the hall.
“Chan!” Aya whispered harshly, but the younger wolf kept walking.
“Follow him,” you instructed, grabbing Mingyu’s wrist and tugging him along.
Chan used the pull, as well as his nose to find his mate. He stopped in front of a room at the end of the hall that you recalled was pretty infamous. It was essentially where all of the most awful torture happened, but you didn’t have the heart to tell any of them. They did hear you gulp, though, when Chan stopped at the door.
“What’s in there?” Seungcheol asked slowly.
“Hopefully nothing bad right now...” you replied in a shaky voice.
“Wait,” Hansol spoke up as Chan put his hand on the door, making the tense werewolf growl lowly, “we can’t just…kidnap them back and leave. We need to make sure these hunters leave us alone.”
You nodded as Joshua spoke, “He’s right. A small group should stay with Areum and get her out. The rest of us will–”
“Us?” Mingyu quizzed, raising an eyebrow. “_____, you’re leaving with Areum. We’ll take care of everything else.”
You turned to face your mate, giving him an incredulous look, “I’m the only one who knows their way around this place; I’m helping.”
“Alright, alright,” Seungcheol cut in with a sigh, “calm down. _____ has a point, so Chan, Aya, and Jeonghan will bring Areum back the way we got in. The rest of us stay here and end this. There’s fear in numbers, and we have one of their own.”
All you did was stick your tongue out at Mingyu, who just huffed with a pout on his face.
A sudden cry from the other side of the door brought all attention back to the room you stood in front of.
“No, no, no, no! Stop; please stop!” Areum begged in a loud sob.
A loud growl ripped through Chan’s chest like you’d never heard, and he forcefully pushed opened the door with a metallic crunch. There, kneeling in the middle of the floor, blindfolded, was Areum. You recognized the person standing beside her with a hot iron near her neck as Jin, who was arguably the most sadistic of the group. Jin stopped what he was doing just as Chan ran as fast as he could to his mate. However, instead of going straight to Areum, he found it best to just get rid of the danger first. He gripped Jin’s collar in both hands, causing the hunter to drop the iron to the floor.
While a few members of the pack went to keep Chan from doing anything too drastic, you rushed straight to Areum who was still sobbing on the floor. You removed the blindfold, and Areum immediately tossed her arms around you, crying harder. From what you could tell, Areum hadn’t been touched yet, so she must’ve been crying from threats and just being afraid.
“Shh, it’s okay, you’re safe,” you cooed, rubbing her back. “Chan will take you home, okay? You’ll be safe. I’m so sorry I got you into this…”
Meanwhile, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Soonyoung were trying to pry Chan off of the hunter. Chan’s eyes were turning a brighter red by the second, his claws out, his fangs out over his bottom lip, and he was shaking like he’d shift at any second. But the pack didn’t want Chan killing somebody and making things worse for everyone else.
“Chan, stop,” Seungcheol growled lowly in a stern voice. “Just go take care of Areum; she needs you.”
You and Mingyu helped Areum to her feet – her legs were like jelly and she could barely stand on her own – and brought her toward Chan. Jeonghan and Soonyoung stepped away to let his mate come closer, and Areum immediately wrapped her arms around his waist when she realized it was him. She buried her face in his back and just sobbed, Mingyu still holding most of her wait.
That managed to break Chan from his killing trance, as he released Jin and turned around, gathering his mate in his arms as he shushed her. Seungcheol and Soonyoung grabbed Jin’s upper arms before he could scramble away, and brought him down to his knees.
“Chan, get her home,” Seungcheol ordered. “Aya and Jeonghan, go with him. Everybody else, with us.”
The group of four quickly left the room, Aya leading the way. However, as they reached the door, Jimin threw it open, a gun aimed right at Aya’s chest. The werewolf went stiff as her eyes shifted to red, stepping in front of her sister that was still being held by Chan. At the back of the small group, Jeonghan snarled but didn’t make any sudden movements.
Jin looked absolutely terrified until he realized Jimin has shown up. A smirk appeared on his face as his hair fell into his eyes. “Oh, so the rumors are true, huh? Baby _____ is a wolf’s mate.”
However, your glare was on Jimin, “Leave her alone, Jimin.”
From behind Jimin, walked in the rest of the hunters, all holding various weapons. Yoongi strolled in second to last, smirking at you as he carried a baseball bat wrapped with silver barbed wire -- he always loved to carry the more ‘fun’ weapons, as he called them.
“When have we ever left mates alone, _____?” he asked in a teasing tone. “I called the other units, they should be here soon.”
Your eyebrows raised for a split second, “Wow, you actually managed to make friends?”
Namjoon, the leader, nodded his head toward you, signaling the small group at the doorway back up back over to you. They did as they were told, and Chan put Areum down but continued to keep his arms around her as he tried to comfort her. Jeonghan moved to stand in front of the three, but Aya put herself beside him anyway.
“If you cooperate, maybe we’ll spare this one,” Namjoon smirked, pointing at Areum with his bow. “But...maybe we’ll just kill her instead.”
But you suddenly got an idea. It was a bit of a longshot, but it was the only idea you had. Maybe it would get some of them to show some sort of compassion and humanity. Either way, it was the only idea you had.
“Namjoon, you asshole,” you burst, gesturing stiffly over at Areum, “she’s pregnant! You’re really going to hurt a pregnant girl and her baby? I knew you were heartless, but this is a new low!”
Jimin’s eyes widened as he studied the crying girl, “She’s… But I… I-I didn’t know! Namjoon, we can’t–”
Hoseok walked up beside him and slapped a hand over his mouth, hissing, “Shut up.”
You studied your old partner’s face, as well as your former leaders as the whole group looked over at Areum. She was wearing a baggy sweatshirt today, so it was hard to tell if she was or not. Even still, you could say she wasn’t that far along yet.
Namjoon glanced over at one of the other men, “Tae?”
Taehyung sighed, still looking at Areum, “I have...heard them talk about pregnant mates. Two of them, I think.”
So they had been watching you for a bit. That made sense. They were probably waiting for a good time to strike.
“How far along?” Namjoon asked, his eyes on you now.
“A few months,” you lied easily, trying to play her off as either Yoona or Faye since they were around the same time along. “It’s her first.”
Namjoon stared at Areum as his jaw clenched and unclenched over and over. You could practically see the mental battle he was having in his head. He knew this baby could very well become a werewolf, but it was a baby nonetheless. Could he really hurt not only a pregnant human, but an unborn child?
“Yoongi?” Namjoon asked, wanting his take since this whole plan was originally orchestrated by him, anyway.
Your old partner was stoic, showing no emotion as he stared at Areum. Then his eyes flashed over to you. You stared back at him, not showing what you were thinking or feeling, either. The two of you just had a stare-off, waiting for the other to do or say something.
Finally, Yoongi sighed and dropped his head, “Whatever.”
“But Yoongi--”
“Shut the fuck up, Jin” Yoongi snapped. He looked back up at you, glaring, “Get the fuck out of my sight.”
All eyes were on Yoongi, nobody understanding his order.
“What?” you finally asked.
“The units will be here any minute,” Namjoon said calmly as he took a small knife from his pocket and sliced open his palm. Yoongi turned into a puff of black smoke, disappearing into thin air, “so you better make this treaty before I change my mind and go against Yoongi’s wishes.”
You wasted no time, striding over to Namjoon and holding out your palm for him to cut for you. Then the two of you firmly shook hands once.
“Go,” he stated, nodding his head toward the nearest exit.
Most of the pack wasted no time, getting Areum up and out of the room as fast as possible. you, however, hung back, so Mingyu paused just outside the door, waiting for you. You just looked at Namjoon, not understanding why him or Yoongi decided to let you go when the two of them were some of the most ruthless members. Jimin might’ve, but Yoongi of all of them?
“Don’t look at me like that,” he said. “Yoongi called the shots on this one. And if any of you end up on his radar again, you know he won’t let you go again.”
You just nodded once, “I know better than anyone,” Then, you stepped forward and pressed a chaste kiss to Namjoon’s cheek. “Pass that along to Yoongi for me, will ya?”
You winked playfully, and with that, you fled down the hall, holding onto Mingyu’s hand.
Areum had nightmares almost every night, but she wouldn’t admit it to anyone. Everyone could tell she wasn’t acting the same, though. She was always a little too on-edge when she was at the pack house, so Chan mostly went and hung out at her place instead. Minghao would also leave for a couple hours to see her and keep her company. The two could tell she was afraid of being left alone now. 
You felt awful because you should’ve protected her, but you couldn’t. Everybody could tell you felt responsible. Like Areum, you weren’t acting the same, and you were keeping your distance from just about everybody. The only person you couldn’t stay away from was Mingyu, who glued himself to your side.
“Baby,” Mingyu frowned the seventh night that you just poked around at your dinner, “you can’t keep blaming yourself. Even Areum doesn’t blame you -- she keeps texting you to thank you for helping us get out.”
“Chan says she screams in her sleep for me to help her,” you muttered, your eyes blank as you stared at your food that Mingyu had brought to your shared bedroom. “I know he was trying to keep it from me, but I heard him tell Minghao in the kitchen the other day. And if anyone finds out I lied--”
“But nothing happened, and they’re both okay,” Mingyu reminded you, taking both of your hands in his as he dipped his head to try to look at you. “You saved her from having her mark removed, remember? You managed to get out of your restraints to find her even though it could’ve gotten you killed first. And nobody will know you lied. The treaty’s made and they’re going to leave us alone.”
“No, we only found her because Chan sensed her,” you sniffled, starting to cry like you always did when you thought about it for too long. “I was standing outside the wrong fucking room, Gyu! If you guys hadn’t shown up, I would’ve gotten caught, Areum would’ve gotten burned, and who knows what would’ve happened after that! She’d be scarred for life – and that life would be really fucking short, Gyu!”
“Shh, shh, shh,” Mingyu hushed you, pulling you into his lap and gently rocking you, “those are just what ifs. Both of you are safe, and that’s what matters. If you hadn’t escaped when you did, we wouldn’t have found her in time, either. You helped save her, ____. You’re the one who saved all of us. You stood up to the hunters and got us out.”
You heard a knock, and the two of you looked to the door. 
“It’s me,” you heard Chan’s voice. “Can I come in?”
You nodded, so Mingyu called back, “Yeah.”
Chan opened the door and offered a shy smile before he stepped forward, “Could I…talk with ____ for a second?”
The two of you looked at each other before Mingyu moved and placed you back on the bed. As he exited the room to give you and his brother privacy, he clapped Chan on the shoulder. Chan closed the door and then went and sat at the end of the bed, offering you a soft smile as you wiped under your eyes and tried to collect yourself.
“How’re you feeling?” he wondered.
You shrugged, “Not great.”
“Well,” he began, his golden eyes looking into yours, “I wanted to thank you for sticking by Areum when that happened. We wouldn’t have saved her without you, so…I’m very grateful to you, _____.”
You were pretty surprised by this. Sure, the rest of the pack told you that you were some sort of hero, but Chan had never sat you down and talked to you about it. He was always with Bomi so he never could. You were touched, actually.
“…You are?” you asked, your eyebrows furrowing.
“You risked your life for not only Areum, but the pack,” he continued with a nod, his smile widening in amusement because of how shocked you looked. “The hunters won’t be after us, all because you had a connection to one of them; don’t look so surprised.”
“I thought everyone was just saying that to make me feel better...”
“_____, you don’t really give yourself enough credit,” Chan laughed softly.. “I’m lucky to have you as a sister, and the pack is lucky to have somebody like you in it.”
As you and Mingyu lay in bed that night, you stared up at the ceiling while Mingyu kept his eyes closed despite being awake. He listened to your heartbeat and breathing as you thought, waiting for you to finally fall asleep. When you didn’t for fifteen minutes, he inhaled deeply.
“Are you okay, babe?” he wondered softly.
“Yeah, just thinking again,” you replied, still staring up into the darkness.
Mingyu rolled over and sat up to turn on the lamp on the nightstand before he rested on one arm, looking at you, “Anything you want to talk about?”
“You know, Chan and you talking to me kind of made me realize…I could’ve died. I didn’t even think about that; all I thought about was getting to Areum to save her.”
“You always find yourself in situations where you could get killed,” Mingyu chuckled, shaking his head. “First Chan and I almost killed you, but then you almost killed us. Then Jaehee’s other mate almost killed you, and then Jaehee almost killed you. Then you went to Jinsoo’s, and you could’ve died. Now the hunters almost killed you…”
Mingyu paused as he realized exactly just how much trouble you found your in. His eyebrows furrowed as he spaced out, staring at the bedding, before his golden eyes flickered back to you, “Maybe if I get you pregnant, you’ll behave yourself more like Faye and Yoona.”
You rolled your eyes, gently shoving at Mingyu’s chest, “Yoona always behaves, and the only thing Faye doesn’t do now is climb the ceiling beams.”
“Yeah, but neither of them have done anything to get themselves in trouble like you have,” Mingyu pointed out with a smirk. “Pregnancy is the only way.”
You threw your mate a playful glare, “Don’t even think about it.”
“Alright,” he sighed. But then he suddenly grabbed your waist and rolled himself onto his back, his lips pressing softly to your neck before nipping lightly at your skin. “How about we practice then?”
“Practice having babies?” you snorted.
“No!” he laughed, shaking his head and tickling your skin with his hair. “Practice making them.”
Your hands moved to Mingyu’s hair, carding through it, which sent a content rumble through his chest, “I guess practice makes perfect.”
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