#<- thats probably not the quote but u get the idea
dreamsy990 · 6 months
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good thing sora doesnt ask questions
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viir-tanadhal · 1 year
genuinely do not understand people's preoccupation with the idea that johnny and morrissey's friendship could have at all been long-lasting
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lumalalu · 1 year
i rlly wanna buy a . thrifted “wedding” dress to fuck around with but i have so many other projects i havent even STARTED lol.
#wedding is in quotes bc i refuse to buy anything over $25 MAYBE over $50 if its genuine#so a lot of what shows up r like bridesmaids dresses n things that r just white and lacey#i saw a train on ebay tho#so like. a fake wedding dress. a wedding dress bc thats what it was listed as#at the thrift store they had a few out but obv they were still expensive#i get like the concept i understand why but if im shopping for a wedding dress at a thrift store youd think theyd go. Oh... :( well i want u#r day to be special and will give this to you for 10 dollars.#nothin sad abt thrifting but do u get what i mean?#the monetary value should not reflect the 'specialness' of the occasion the thing was made for#ykwim?#like it just leaves a yucky taste in my mouth#someone donated that to you and you decided to put a $200 price tag on it.#like im not gonna spend $200 at a thrift store when i could probably find something new for the same price#get it together#the only things that made sense at such a high price were like the furniture#like $140 for an ugly kitschy couch? fuck yeah man#(it was plaid)#(and beautiful)#anyways my idea is: instead of spikes i would put like irregular spiky pearls on it#the train would be attached with safety pins#not that i found any long cheap dresses that would suit a train but actually ykw that doesnt matter#turn the train into like a weird overskirt thing#call it a day#dye it dark purple and then splatter black on it so its all uneven#isnt it crazy theyre making safety pin earrings and people r buying them?#like if u rlly r scared abt puncturing ur ears u can like#fix the safety pin to make it less sharp right? like you know u can just make it blunt right?#i dont fit in my corset anymore for whatever stupid fucking rwason so my shirt project is on hold :( im rlly sad abt this like#its a cheap fucking corset but i rlly wanted to make a silly little fairytale princess lookin setup for renfaire#and now i cant even wear the centerpiece
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nxrdamp · 2 years
I’m having a huge Arven moment so I decided to ask for something cute and a little funny ☺️
Maybe Arven’s mabosstiff dislikes the reader’s dachsbun for awhile, until they just turn into inseparable best friends 😭 I love dogs and these two canine dog Pokémon stole my heart!!
Arven x Gn! Reader - Puppy Love
A warm sunny day in Paldea, something that was no rare occurrence. Nevertheless still enjoyed. Especially enjoyed by one little Dachsbun. (Y/n)’s Dachsbun was currently frolicking in the fields surrounding their picnic, playing with the (orange/purple) ball.
“Wow little buddy” Arven said while finely chopping basil for the sandwich,”Your Dachsbun there sure loves the outdoors. Cant say the same for ol’ Mabosstiff here.”
Mabosstiff, who was currently curled up underneath the fold out table, ruffed in annoyance.
“Awww” (Y/n) said, crouching to be eye to eye with Mabosstiff,”You don’t like the sun, do ya bud?”
He shook his head in response, but only to be interrupted by the other dog-like pokémon running over towards the table to eat the scraps of ham that fell from the sandwich, much to Arven’s complaints.
Mabosstiff growled defensively, making poor Dachsbun quiver and run behind (Y/n)‘s legs.
“Yeah don’t eat that- Hey, Mabosstiff” Arven said, placing his hands on his hips in a very motherly fashion,”Don’t be rude to their pokémon!…well maybe except (Koraidon/Miraidon)”
“Hey!” (Y/n) protested,”(Koraidon/Miraidon) is important too!”
Arven only looked over to them and gave them a “really?” look as the legendary was currently trying to steal Dachsbun’s sandwich.
(Y/n) only sighed, walking over to Dachsbun’s abandoned sandwich, and grabbing it to give it to the scared pokémon.
“Now Dachsbun, eat this and leave poor Mabosstiff alone. He doesn’t wanna play right now.”
The puppy pokémon looked up, her sad puppy dog eyes threatening to spill tears, and slowly took the sandwich and trotted away to a secluded place by the rocks.
Arven sadly sighed, seeing the pitiful sight before him,”Maybe I can do some convincing to Mabosstiff, to, ya know, be friends with Dachsbun. Poor girl is eating all alone.”
“Yeah.” (Y/n) replied, crossing their arms over their chest,”So much for a picnic. It seems to be more of a drama fest than anything.”
“I agree” Arven said,”This definitely is no where near the Lady and the Tramp. No spaghetti scene for these two, it appears.”
(Y/n) snorted in response, causing Arven’s heart to swell. No one laughs at his corny jokes, especially that not quote “bothersome student council girl”.
“It seems like we’re gonna have to be together a lot more to make them be friends. It’s a win-win” (Y/n) said, causing Arven to blush and hide his face in his hair.
“U-Um okay. Cool. Cool. I’ll uhh I’ll see you tomorrow! Make sure to bring Dachsbun and NOT (Koraidon/Miraidon).
(Y/n) kept the promise they’d heard, and brought Dachsbun and (Koraidon/Miraidon).
Over the span of the next week, every day they tried to get Mabosstiff and Dachsbun closer together.
And every day they failed.
“Damn it.” Arven said, looking at Mabosstiff who was currently kicking Dachsbun off of (Y/n)’s couch,”Why don’t they get along?”
“Maybe they just don’t share experiences with each other” (Y/n) suggested,”Like we battled through hell at Area Zero, and they kinda didn’t together. That’s probably why we’re so close and they’re not.”
“Not close enough…” Arven muttered under his breath, low enough where (Y/n) couldn’t hear
“Maybe we should go on a trip!!” (Y/n) said,”Why not to Kalos? It’s right on the edge of Paldea!”
“Hmmm. Thats a good idea, actually, thanks little buddy!” Arven said, attempting to give a “friendly” shoulder pat.
“Why do you call me little buddy? I feel like we’re more than ‘buddies’.”
Arven coughed, trying to fight a loosing battle against the blush creeping onto his face,”W-What?!?”
“Yeah! We’re the best buddies ever! Best friends!” (Y/n) said, giving Arven a hug.
‘I don’t even care I was just friend-zoned, I love this’ He thought to himself
“All right then, (Y/n), let’s-“
“(Y/n)?” They asked,”Just plain old (Y/n)? Do I mean that little to you?”
“N-NO!” Arven said, grabbing their shoulders and looking down to meet their sad eyes,”YOU’RE AMAZING! YOU’RE MY BEST BUD EVER AND I WISH YOU WERE MORE- I MEAN I APPRECIATE YOU BEING THERE FOR ME….haha….ha…..man I screwed up didn’t I?”
(Y/n) looked into his saddened blue eyes, tears threatening to spill,”No! You didn’t Arven, I-“
“You don’t have to say it! I know you hate me now!” Arven said, storming off.
“-feel the same way….” They finished before being blasted by a rush of air across their legs.
Dachsbun ran after Arven, seeking to comfort the crying boy on the doorstep of (Y/n)’s residence.
Mabosstiff perked up, seeing how the normally hyper pokémon was slowly and gently crawling into the lap of Mabosstiff’s trainer, giving him doggy kisses.
Arven starting to laugh through the sniffles of his crying, giving Dachsbun a good belly rub as she flopped down dramatically in his lap.
Mabosstiff then got off of the couch, and went over to (Y/n), who was letting the tears fall on their own face now.
“Hey Mabosstiff…you okay?” They asked, rubbing his head.
He barked in response, nudging their legs in the direction of his trainer.
“You think he’d listen?”
“I take your word for it.”
They patted Mabosstiff on the head one last time before stepping out of the threshold of their home, and sitting beside the boy who was wiping his tears.
“You never let me finish, Arven, I like you back. Have since you told me about Mabosstiff and the Herba Mystica. I really have feelings for you. I’m not ‘just saying that’, I mean it Arven.”
“Ohhhh (Y/n)” He said, bawling his eyes out,”You mean so much to me! I love to hear you say that! Please, hold onto me and never let go”
“Trust me” (Y/n) said, looking into his glassy blue eyes,”I won’t. They apparently won’t either”
Both of their eyes adverted to Mabosstiff and Dachsbun, who were cuddled up beside each other watching the scene between their trainers unfold.
“THEY LIKE EACH OTHER!!” Arven said, crying even more out of joy,”THEY’RE FRIENDS!!!”
(Y/n) laid their head on his chest,”Yeah they are, but we sure aren’t, at least not anymore.”
“What…? I thought you said-“
(Y/n) looked up into Arven’s eyes,”Yeah, we’re more than friends”
Arven, who is now blushing instead of crying, turns his face to hide it in his hair,”Okay. Cool. Cooool. That’s cool.”
“You can be happy Arven, no need to cover it up with your ‘cool guy persona’”
Arven just laughed, resting his chin atop of (Y/n)‘a head,”You’re crazy little buddy”
“Yeah so are you Arvy”
“I like that” He replied,”My (Mom/Dad) never gave me a nickname, so I’m glad it was you”
“It’s my pleasure Arvy”
The two of them sat on (Y/n)‘a doorstep, watching the sun set as the two dogs who once hated each other, played with Dachbun’s toys together.
Word Count: 1177
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 month
i love ur charlos parents au sm!! im not requesting art or anything if u dont feel like drawing (tho youre a phenomenal artist!!), but i was wondering if you wanted to share any more details abt the au? i thinks its so cute haha and would love to know more. also hope ur having a great day!
I LOVE THIS AU TOO i do want to draw more i always have ideas for it.... but i will gladly ramble about my lore ive developed
1. is this an mpreg au even i do not know or care to know. yes these are their biological children who look like them and share their genes but how did we get here ill leave that to you to assume. either way both of them definitely wanted big families and even tho i draw them with 2 kids i think they want at least 4..... charles wants a daughter and carlos says the same but secretly he only wants sons. hes picturing a future football team and also doesn't understand women conceptually
2. i actually think carlos3 was an accident child and charlos get shotgun married over it. its part of the reason why theres a bit of a gap between their first and second child. they had to like reassess and settle stuff after kind of having to get their shit together and make honest men of each other.
3. they get divorced at some point during all this mainly due to SAINZ SENIOR PRESSURE. probably while carlos3 is like highschool age. charles talks so much shit and then proceeds to get emotional like I SHOULDNT TALK ABOUT YOUR FATHER THIS WAY vs carlos like. bro tries to just act like they are normal regular friends now like man thats not how this works....charles always plays cool irl but is annoyed as hell underneath. very good coparents though....always at all the events together. when the kids stay at sainz family evil mansion for the summer they come back to charles so villainous and feral. he has to go supernanny on them...
4. charlos DO get back together after like 10 years of being separated lol. and yeah there were lots of messy nights out and not quite reconciliations throughout that time. very confusing family dynamic but theyre happy at the end
5. carlos3 grows up to be a guy who just kind of piggybacks onto whatever business endeavors his dads are doing. ultimate nepotism hire. hes not bad at what hes doing he just never really found that passion. his passion is like.....posting peaky blinders quotes on instagram. hes kind of a failson but hes also the perpetual baby for charlos so they just...coddled him too much his whole life djhdksndksbs.... younger son herve becomes a FASHION MODEL!!!! hes beautiful gorgeous and also a perfect nepo child so he's ripe for this career....he walks runways in paris
thats all i can think of for now thankssssss ily
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aropride · 10 months
listened to a podcast from tumblr ceo matt mullenweg abt his plans for tumblr and such and wrote down some quotes i found Interesting . (some are not word for word bc auditory processing + memory etc but i tried to stick to what he said as much as i could)
(on being ceo of a social network) "it is as hard as being the leader of a country"
"it needs to do a good job at showing you things you want to see- so both the people you follow but maybe also exposing you to new things you don't know about yet"
"people want their own home on the web, they want it to be something reflects them, not the needs of an advertiser"
"how do we make this amazing and really give the tumblr community what they deserve, and also give the world an alternative from these closed-proprietary advertisement-driven social networks?"
"you can have custom themes, you can customize it every little bit .. what we wanna do is making it be the best of both worlds, giving you the full customization that u currently have on tumblr, that u also have on wordpress, but still provide a streamlined interface, particularly on mobile ... you kind of move in and out of that full customization"
"that's ultimately what we're about, is giving power in the hands of users"
"what people really want isnt what they say they want ... its kind of like expressed preferences vs stated preferences ... thats probably why [other social medias] dont give u total control over ur algorithm"
"i want to have a path where you can start with, call it 'just' a tumblr ... but if you want to turn that into an e-commerce store, or customize it in a different way, or build a newsletter, or a mailing list, or create a membership site- these are all things that are supported by wordpress today"
"tumblr's userbase are primarily young .. more women than men which isnt common in technology .. its a very safe place and vibrant community for lgbt+, i think its over a quarter of the userbase.. kind of a place for art and artists"
"how do we make that a path to the wordpress open source community ... excited about ..bringing a younger demographic into wordpress"
"[the amount of new users from twitter/reddit are] less than you would think in the long term"
(to reddit/twt migrants) "give us feedback! what do you miss from the old thing when you move over?"
"i'd definitely like it to be as big as twitter or instagram"
"for tumblr for example i think [AI] could make our developers a lot more productive, their coding could be checked/tested by ai, .. that'll allow us to do a lot more .. maybe our pace of development could increase."
"ai can be a huge help in assisting on moderation, if it could help flag things before people even report them, that someone could look at and review."
"the algorithm [for the feed/dashboard] is a form of ai- its really machine learning, people use the terms interchangeably- if we could make the feed a lot better, we could tweak it and really learn the things u want to see and the people u want to follow"
"it could provide some really cool tools, when u think of the generative ai stuff, whether its dall-e or midjourney. so much of what people do on tumblr is expressing art and creativity, and theres some people who are resistant to this, but im actually hearing far more artists that are like 'wow! this is another tool in my toolbox!' its not just like using it instead of doing ur work, it's helping with the first draft, or helping u come up with new ideas, or maybe accelerating part of a workflow. so i see it like a new type of paintbrush, or new colors they can use. they see it as a new way to express their creativity. to me that's also the future. .. just like any other tool, like when we moved from typewriters to word processors."
(asked if generative AI worries him) "bad actors using ai to do more bad things .. that's definitely smth that's gonna happen, that's true with any new technology. if u rob a bank before, u used to have to get away on a horse, now you can get away on a car [laugh]. so like, think of it like that. we don't say "oh, banks are gonna be robbed so much more cuz now people can drive away faster". the good guys have cars too, so the police have cars .. it becomes something that is part of society .. there's more good people than bad people"
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crystal-mouse · 1 year
Please, PLEASE I'm begging you for some context for the large ham saga WHAT IS THIS
(i am dying of laughter and i need more)
Large Ham is Large Ham. Large ham is beyond comprehension or words.
And with that said, here's the context (warning this will probably be long) in the most concise way i can explain:
To begin with, we have a server. It's mainly a space where we discuss trek and create (often cursed) memes. Most of us are on very wide timezone differences. So whenever we communicate, somebody somewhere is very likely sleep deprived in one way, shape or form. The collective braincell we have developed gets pinged around like a very confused satnav.
With this in mind: The ham saga.
First, @cursedtrekedits sends a photo of an article about omega glory (TOS 2x23). In this image, Sh*tner is decidedly a 'Large Ham'.
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thus forward, we call him Large Ham.
Meanwhile on a more wholesome note, @frogayyyy and I create Otter spirk. This is relevant for later.
Then, Large Ham takes my quiz, @gayfour creates the image.
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the image is cursed, but there were also other, more cursed, iterations. however, for today, you will be spared their image (these are the less cursed variety).
A few days later, frog drinks an innocent juice, containing on the inside, a quote about buttered otters. This leads to discussing buttered spirk and therefore the idea of buttered sh*tner.
following this, frog searches large ham to create this, but finds that sh*tner appears as the third image when u search large ham. I then posted this discovery.
the image is made into a server emoji.
Smaller Ham takes my quiz, more lore is made. frog creates flat ham.
four creates the he/ham edit.
all is good all is fine, until four forgets the word for squirrel, calling it a snail. Editing the squirrel web page leads to Large Ham web page edit and more hams.
more hams lead to Ham University, created by four. we get masters in cursed memes.
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star trek monopoly leads to talking about bad ham and lucky ham. For our pockets. Frog creates 'pocket meat'. Billy bear is unlucky ham.
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(lunchable ham is lucky meat FYI)
bill hambearger is created. He is cursed. I post him.
four makes ham pride flags. the pride flags look like five guys spirk so large hamdog is created by four. i think he looks like little robots.
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anyway four made a hamclock (its Ham mer time)
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then i made this for unknown reasons
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Anyway, thats all the current lore and context! something something the curse of knowledge, thanks for the ask!
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Omg I’m so happy you replied!! I definitely have more questions.
1. What Cillian character do you like writing about the most and why?
2. What story from your master list are you most proud of?
3. Do you personally have any fic recommendations/ must reads? Other sites included.
4. What gets you inspired to write? Following that question have you ever abandoned a fic?
5. What do you think made you a better writer? If you have any doubts about your work, how do you get past it enough to continue?
6. Is there a Cillian character that you just don’t like, or aren’t interested in watching/ writing about? (Sorry if that’s a loaded question)
omg thank u so much for this!!! i srsly love interacting w u guys, tysm for the thought provoking questions😄🙌
i think i like writing most about robert fischer:) ik it probably doesnt translate considering ive written most for jonathan crane but robert fischer is just such a little sweetheart to me,,, and can go both ways in being a sassy dom douchebag or being a sobbing daddy issues sub darling LOLLL i just think he has a lot of duality to delve into and develop (which ive definitely not done so far☠️) and it helps that his characterization in inception was also very surface level— i have a lot of wiggle room y’know??
i think im most proud of “dine & dash” which im aware probably no-one has read, but getting chris o’doyle’s sassy little dialogue down was like taming a wild beast,,, otherwise, considering my more well-known work, i rly liked writing “honey, i’m home”. i go crazy for the unhinged readers (if u couldnt alrdy tell lmaooo) and seeing jackson get messed with like that was a real treat.
i seriously just recommend anything by @mypoisonedvine,,, they’re literally genius & are the reason i started writing for cillian:)!! other mentions include kitten fics by @pictureinme and, a personal fave, @floralcyanidee’s jackson rippner mile-high club fic!!! these writers are all incredibly talented and im just blown away at their work every single time🫶
my thirst is such a big motivator for writing LMAO😭i wrote “guinea pig” ‘cus i wanted to absolute wreckkk jonathan crane and have him be a sub, and i got a 6.8k words long fic out of said thirst! music & book quotes motivate me a lot too— i spend sm time digging thru my pinterest for a good quote for the beginning of my fic its actually insane☠️and yes,,, im ashamed to say ive abandoned fics numerous times,,, but thats because they were series’, not oneshots. i get bored of series’ pretty quickly, ‘cause i feel kind of trapped by the initial dynamic or mood set in the first chapter. with oneshots, its like writing one long chapter of this trope and this kink or whatever and then its done, and i dont have to exhaust myself going back to tropes or kinks or storylines ive already done.
i think reading made me a better writer. expanding my vocabulary through the words of others was a biggie; seeing something be described in a certain way in someones story had me thinking of out-of-the-box ways to describe another thing (that doesn’t make much sense but lets pretend it does😭). i have many, many doubts about my work, like constantly, but i usually just suck it up. i sound like an attention whore but seeing the reposts & comments & tags on my other work reminds me people like what i’ve written before and certain people will enjoy what ive written now, so i should just finish my work for them. i also take like 100 years rereading my stuff until i think its good enough lmao,,,
ive kinda watched his whole roster of films (atleast ones i could actually find on the internet and not gone missing as a lost piece of media lmao) and i could probably write for any cillian character given i had a good idea and proper motivation. writing for certain characters is definitely harder for me to do though, so its likely i wont write for them/will take a long time to do so. an example is lenny miller— anna was such an insufferable movie to me, and lenny’s screentime wasn’t long at all, atleast not long enough for me to properly grasp his character. he just felt like a horny hardass fbi goof the whole time i could not take his 5’7 ass seriously😭cillian is smexy as hell in anna tho, so we’ll see😈another would probably be robert capa from sunshine,,, hes beautiful and deliciously musty in that but the whole spaceship setting kinda freaks me out (considering i know 0 zilch nada about space, spaceships, or anything of the sort, so it’d definitely be inaccurate). an au with him id definitely do, though! (with that hair of his my mind is already forming a 90s band au, guitarist!capa x singer!reader story…)
again thank u so much for these questions!! i feel like i rarely get to chat to u guys so this was well appreciated😄🫶thank you so much for reading, for sending these questions in, and for being an overall sweetheart, anon!
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omegasmileyface · 11 months
ok hear me out. all these additive/productive phandom events (and isnt that so cool? there are so many!), lets do one on the other side— i suggest an event every year or every two years or smth where we all watch the show again
dont forget how canon goes, good for avoiding echo chamber.... -ization
new idea generation! find details and plot points in episodes you forgot abt or didnt appreciate previously
discussion, theory-crafting, etc.— the point would be, if you want, that if everybody is watching the episodes together, everybody's brains are in similar places at once, and discussion would happen pretty easily and quickly
theres this 2-second clip of kwan ive been trying to find for like a year and i think having lots of eyes looking for it would help :)
get to re-enjoy iconic quotes from the 15% of the show where the writing is suddenly good ("you and what toaster" etc.)
it would work by like.... someone sets up a discord
(i dont like having stuff restricted behind discord servers but i think it would be the best forum for smth like this... maybe a LITERAL forum? but idk where one can MAKE and host a custom forum)
and there are... maybe 6? episodes planned for every week, to keep a rough schedule. and theres a video call
(no voices bc that would get chaotic TOO fast)
where u can watch the episode in sync with other ppl
(it would probably be, like, 2 episodes at a time, hosted by different mods at 3 different times of day for timezone reasons)
or you could also watch them on your own time
(the drive folder would be linked everywhere like usual.. but also there would be backups in case the folder ever gets taken down)
including if you werent on the server. and then both on and off the server, ppl participating would be thinking abt the same couple episodes at a time and have specific, informed convos about em! or just watch funy tv show and thats it !
if this did happen, i wouldnt expect the same ppl to do it every year... watchung an entire tv show annually can get pretty tiring
k thats my idea. The Phant-o-thon or such
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regina-cordium · 11 hours
me? responding to a post i got tagged in? wild!
got tagged by @renninflight
Rules: always post the rules. answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write eleven new ones. tag 11 new people and link them to your post. let them know you’ve tagged them
except. i never know who to tag for these. if u see this tagged ur it. ill put questions at the end
under cut, because as yall know im a Yapper
What's your favorite band/musician? (And tell me why! And if you've seen them live!)
I'm a Hozier girlie thru and thru. he was in boston in march AND HAD NOAH KAHN AND I COULDNT GO AND IM STILL SO DISAPPOINTED. A N D HE WAS AT BOSTON CALLING AND I C O U L D N ' T G O auuuuugh
What's something you're proud of?
i dont mean this in, like, a self deprecating way. but i honestly dont know what to say. i got dean's list a couple times in college. i won some kinda award and now my name is on a plaque in the english department, thats kinda dope (i, to this day, have no idea what it was for)
What's something you like about yourself?
i do tell my parents they overestimate how smart i am, but i will say i am p good with trivia/knowing random things. nothing better than getting most of a jeopardy board right (<- needs to go outside more)
What's something you would like to do, if money weren't an obstacle?
i would literally never leave school. i love learning things (see above)
What's something you do when you're anxious or stressed to calm down and relax?
listen to music, sometimes Very Loudly
Do you have a favorite author? (If so, who?)
im totally blanking, but i dont really think so? theres not really an author that i see and immediately go "oh i gotta read ALL of their stuff RIGHT NOW" yknow?
Do you have a favorite poet? (If so, who?)
emily dickinson. yes, i am gay, how'd you know?
Do you have a favorite artist? (You can probably guess the rest of this question!)
van gogh!!!!!!! i know its such a basic bitch answer, but i L O V E the impressionists
What's a movie or TV show that had a big impact on you? (Could be something you watched growing up, a movie you saw recently that made you emotional, something you've seen a lot, something you quote with friends and family, etc)
i would watch beauty and the beast on vhs CONSTANTLY growing up. tv show wise, definitely buffy and angel and charmed. watched them with ma growing up and they have absolutely shaped my interests since then. also, and i swear im not being sarcastic, supernatural. ma and i watched every goddamn episode together since the pilot and look at me now.
What's something you wish you could forget? (Could be something personal, or it could just be a gross or weird fact)
not to get Very Fucking Morbid, but my dad almost died when i was 12 and i'd super love to forget that, actually
What's something you'd like to change about the world?
I Cannot Emphasize Enough That You Should Care About Other People
okay here're my questions. if u got this far, u are doubly tagged. idk i never know who to tag.
Song you've had on repeat lately?
Favorite play/musical (or both!)?
Book/movie/show you think somebody should read/watch to understand you better?
What's your favorite poem?
What's immediately to your left?
Favorite dessert?
Somewhere you'd love to travel, if money/accommodations were no issue?
Tv show currently/last watched?
Do you think aliens are real?
Do you think ghosts are real?
Do you have overly specific requirements for a room when you're trying to sleep?
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thatbitchsimone · 1 year
I literally can’t stop feeling embarrassed in public. Do u have any advice on not caring what people think about u? It’s so exhausting walking around feeling like I have to be seen as ‘perfect’ or to impress literal strangers!!! Like I just wanna live life and not feel like I have to perform at every moment I’m in the company of others. Pls help xox
these random ppl are literally barely even noticing ur existence. and i dont mean that in a bad way or in a way that reflects on u, im just saying that we are all in our own heads and not paying that much attention to strangers in our day to day life. no one is analysing ur every movement. it might feel like it but u know deep down they arent and that its just ur anxiety playing with ur head.
also a good thing to keep in mind whenever u get that anxious feeling that u might have ”embarrassed urself” or ”looked weird” or whatever is that none of these strangers have any idea who u are. they dont even know ur name. u will most likely never see any of these ppl ever again and if u do neither of u will remember each other anyways lol. their perception of u has literally zero impact on ur actual life. maybe u tripped while walking past some random stranger and they saw u trip, sure in the moment u might feel a little embarrassed and awkward about it, but then what? u know this stranger wont even remember it like 10 minutes after bc it was an extremely minor incident that u know their brain barely even registered for more than 3 seconds. u also know that u wont even remember it urself tomorrow, it has zero impact on ur life. like just tell urself ”whatever these ppl have no idea who i am and will probably never even see me again anyways so it doesnt even matter what they think bc we are no one to each other” and then just tell urself to let it go and shift ur focus to something else. bc u know that this is just ur anxiety and insecurity gnawing at u and this is a fleeting feeling and moment anyway.
id also like to add that, assuming ur a woman, ur not alone in struggling with this. ALL women experience these thoughts and feelings to some degree bc we are all conditioned to take up as little space as possible and to always have other ppls (specifically men, but not exclusively men) perception of us in mind. google that male gaze quote right now babe. the margaret atwood one and the john berger one. it will help u see this phenomena more clearly and u will relate to it and maybe gain some insight into how u percieve urself and how what these feelings and insecuritites are rooted in and u will be like u know what? fuck that. like ur approach to this will start to change once u have gained this perspective and might even make u feel like rebelling against it which might help u to free urself from this.
u dont need to be perfect. i want u to be free and messy and loud. i want u to be imperfect. imperfection is peak beauty. women are wild and messy. thats the beauty in us. its the rawness and realness in the most gorgeous form. embrace it. be free and carefree and do u. love u queen <3 if i saw u literally laughing hysterically to urself in public i would be like oh she gets it shes the vibe i love her so much like BE FREE GIRL LET GO LET GO
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💛RE anon, here. I mean, I was gonna just say that names fine, but then I read your whole reply and started vibrating into another dimension and muffling my screams because OK OMG OK jealous Blackie, right?! I had this thought the other day. So, this is, again, entirely your fault because even though Freddy turns up in my dreams with…slightly alarming frequency and I’ve written myself so many self-indulgent things in other fandoms over the years, the Robert parts of my brain have been sadly neglected for some time.
Anyway anyway anyway: you know that part where the creepy sheriff is hitting on Fay just before Blackie pays the bribe and does that cute little “I’d like to strangle him” claw thing? The sheriff is being too familiar with the reader/oc or what have you while Blackie is at the register and clear as day I’ve got the image of him coming over and clapping the sheriff on the shoulder a liiiiiiiiittlle too hard. Laughter just a bit forced. Teeth gritted. Nearly growling. “Now, sheriff…reckon you oughta be a little more RESPECTFUL to my wife.” He does the claw while the sheriff gives an oily apology, she feels a sudden pressure on her hand at the same time, looks down to see a ring. The matching one is on the hand Blackie was resting on the counter. Cue the eyebrow raise but she’ll call him on that, later, if he’s through dancing around it.
But, no, he’s not admitting anything. Not Mr nonchalant “oh, I was having so much fun watching you all run I wished you were here. Iced tea?” It goes about like the “you think I’m gorgeous” scene in Miss Congeniality. You know, one with the candy bar of rejection? Rings disappear. He was just being nice because she was uncomfortable. She’s very annoyed. And kinda hurt.
Post attempted firing squad, when he was clearly keeping her behind him, she gets up the nerve again and with the close call it goes like the second “you think I’m gorgeous scene.” With the smooch.
So, after that possibly unhinged digression…which should probably be a warning that when I have time to turn up I’ve been writing too many headcanons…you may also call me the madly inspired anon, if you like. (PS, feel free to answer this on whichever blog you’d prefer. I’ll definitely be checking both.) And for now, I’ll say goodnight 🙋🏼‍♀️
💛 Madly Inspired Anon!! Thats a beautiful name actually, I'll use that one so long as you like it too! ^^
Y E S Jealous Blackie XDD For my own ideas, I've been on and off considering a fic where reader is another cook or waitress, or maybe a dishwasher or a cleaner, or something at the cafe, and she l i k e s Blackie. Right? And he knows it- she doesn't make any attempt to hide it. She's trying to get him, and he's acting like he's not interested (because, immortal trauma)... b u t, whenever a visitor gets too comfortable with Y/N (And maybe she's liking it- enjoying the attention she's not getting from Blackie) he always swoops in and ruins it for her. And she gets s o f r u s t r a t e d by him she ends up confronting him about it like 'you are acting like my boyfriend but without any of the benefits. if you want me, tell me. if you dont- leave me alone!'. I just cant figure out where that quote comes from though 😅 I know the first part did not come from my head but I cant remember what I scooped it from and I must give credit!!
ANYWAY though- your idea is way better XD And- y e s I know that claw thing XD Here:
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I do that myself all the time XD 😂😭 He is my spirit animal.
You've given me so much material for before-sleep fictional man fantasies XD
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bringbacktim · 11 months
idk if u saw my req abt fairy!reader but im feeding into that idea 😜
hes doing a vlog where hes in the forest, camping- not without making manyyy logan paul jokes. when he wakes up, hes in an unfamiliar den, filled with flowers and mushrooms "oh! you are up!" says a silky voice- he turns his head to his abductor.. the most gorgeous woman hes ever seen, silky hair, abnormal skin color, wings, and clothing made of leaves.
thats all i can write because im not as talented as u but i tried! i hope you can fill in the blanks :3
She bangs like a fairy
This was such a challenge, but it was so fun to write something completely different
I honestly have no idea how to write an x fairy reader, but I tried my best so I hope this is what you hoped it would be like
Credits to you cause I basically quoted what you wrote
Synopsis:she bangs like a fairy on acid by elita
Wc:686 words
Not edited or proofread
In the forest, there's a fairy
Admittedly he didn't know yet that there was anything else in the forest with him
He was just doing a camping vlog , he thought he was alone because there had been no audible reactions to any Logan paul jokes he had made
She waits for me
Technically she waited until nightfall so no one would notice a pink woman with wings that strictly wore leaves and petals as clothing
She tells me if I hurry
My dreams will come true
Obviously she didn't directly contact to him and speak, but did start to make the lavender grow where he was to hopefully lull him to into a deep slumber
I guess there's nothing I can do
"Sorry for the short first day, I'm just so tired tonight" he said getting ready in his tent to go to sleep for the night
But listen to the fairy in the forest
When he woke he was in an unfamiliar den filled with filled with bright beautiful flowers and mushrooms
"Oh good , you're awake" the abductress said in a silky smooth angelic voice
As he turned his head to where the voice came from , his eyes met with the most beautiful creature he's ever seen : long flowing hair, the perfect shade of pink skin, the most incredible wings that looked like an intricate stained glass window, and clothes made from leaves and petals
She tells me that she wants it
It was more a show less of a tell as she looked at him with such hunger and desire in her eyes as she flew over to him
So I started to kiss her lips
He stood up and closed the gap between them , not caring if this was real or a dream . He was having the time of his life either way
Milk and honey drips
He swore there was milk and honey dripping from somewhere and it heroine wishes it was as strong and addictive
We're naked on the ground
Both of them were laying on the ground of this den , breathless covered in a leaf blanket shocked and happy at the love they must made
The creatures gather round
Soon all of these fairest , pixies , and a galore of mythical creatures started to enter the den and just go about their day, not without questioning who this new creature was doing on the floor first
A mushroom to my right
I smile and take a bite
Everything was so hypnotic and he never wanted to leave and go back to streaming minecraft
Petals melt off her skin
My head, it starts to spin
Spin in a good way , like when you're so in love with someone or something that it all gets a bit too much and you feel dizzy
A mushroom to my right
I smile and take a bite
This forest was enchanting and he never wanted to leave
In the forest, there's a fairy
She waits for me
"I'll be here if you ever want to come back" she told him secretly hoping he wouldn't leave
She tells me if I hurry
My dreams will come true
She promised him as he got re dressed that if he stayed even one more day they wouldn't leave the bed and he would probably never sleep with anyone ever again
I guess there's nothing I can do
It was a pretty easy decision
But listen to the fairy in the forest
She tells me that she wants it
"I want you and I want this forever"she said kissing him so forcefully he fell back onto the makeshift bed on the ground
So I started to kiss her lips
Milk and honey drips
As he started to kiss back he let the addictiveness (is that even a word) of her kiss surround him
I guess there's nothing I can do
He continued kissing her not caring about his old life
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baconcolacan · 1 year
Having claimed that both tom and tord arent kin to spicy food, but would still eat it out of spite makes me imagine them getting into a competition with eachother, probably young and stupid, i wonder who'd be the first to give up
I was re-reading the small stay oneshot u wrote (where tord found tom sleeping in his office after overworking himself) and i couldn't help but question, at the moment where tord whined and i quote "my love i am so sorry for neglecting you!! please let me still call you my love" (While tom kept worrying over someone seeing them) how would paul and pat react, hearing their leader saying such things were they somehow still there, worse yet, what if they went to investigate?What would Tom do had he seen them via camera/VR?
Hey bud! Sorry I took a while to get to this but I'll answer them under the cut as some of the questions have fic spoilers ^^ Starting with the asks here Here we go!
Tord would be the first to give up. He grew up with a more salt-savory oriented palette while Tom at least had to try out a few spicy foods due to his mom being fond of them. So Tom doesn't like it out of experience and Tord doesn't like them for lack thereof.
IF Paul or Pat heard that they would DEFINITELY think that Tord was in some sort of secret relationship. Knowing protocol, they would try to get as far away as possible because its a safety measure, at this point Tord's paranoia would have rubbed off on them, so they would immediately go for plausible deniability. BUT if they only heard his distress and couldn't make out the exact words, therefore leading to them investigating. If Tom saw them approaching on the cams, he would immediately shut Tord up with a kiss, and use his momentary placation to say 'Sorry love' and kick him off him with all his strength. This would most likely lead to Tord getting thrown into a wall well before Paul or Pat gets to Tom's office. "Red Leader?! THOMPSON?! What the hell happened!!" "We got into a fight." "THIS EARLY?!" They leave it at that, albeit frustrated that the two of them had one of their daily squabbles at 2 in the morning.
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Hilarson would probably try but he wouldn't have his resources or allies at that point. He would panic of course, as his charge had been taken to the very place they spent so much time and effort getting him away from. He'd probably find a way to get to him, maybe even meet with the Odense rebellion.
Hmmm, well, this wouldn't be realistic as why would they both be there? But I would assure you that they'd be a bit scared and panicked for Tom, both would probably try to stop him from hurting himself, but at this point, Tom would have been too out of his mind to recognize them, so it would end up really bloody for everyone.
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The cancer thing actually didn't happen in Stay ^^ Tom loses his eyesight as a result of the bomb that caused Tord to also lose his arm. The explosion really fucked up all four of them, but Tord had thought that Edd had died, and so only saved Tom and Matt. Though, during Tom's recovery stages, Tord had cried his heart out asking for his forgiveness behind closed doors. He spent a lot of time in Tom's hospital room, just holding his hands.
This is a funny story actually. I was well into getting back into EW around this time, so it was occupying most of my thoughts. Then I had a, lets say, unfortunate maybe supernatural maybe might not be experience while I was away at college. My father used to say that our family was cursed, and that he brought it with him when he moved to where we live now, and that I had to always be careful because things liked to latch on to our clan. So anyway thats where the idea came from lmao, I was getting my monthly haunting and I just figured I'd write about a story like that for a fandom I liked.
Oh and AHAHHA NAWW THANK YOU, I dont get tired of hearing it, and while that sounds like a massive ego trip, I just really REALLY appreciate the kind words you all seem to never stop giving me ^^ Though dont idolize me too much lmao, Im really just a sleep deprived artist rotting in my work desk.
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skyburger · 2 months
lately ive been going through my google history when im bored (which is so incredibly entertaining btw. highly recommend) and apparently, after double-checking my camera roll that date & finding proof to support this theory, i did indeed first watch hlvrai on november 4th of 2020. absolutely insane. i thought i hadnt seen it until mid-2021 at LEAST.
shoutsout to my friends who i watched it with at the time half of which i dont talk to anymore... i owe u for getting me into funny half-life series. thank you oomf
WARNING !!! below the read more is a long fucking list of funny* things i found in my camera roll from the week i first watched hlvrai. like not the images themselves just me talking about them. i dont know why i thought that was a good idea but alas i already spent 90+ minutes writing that all out and tbf i did have a good laugh looking at that shit. anyway the warning is because its long as fuck and i'm willing to bet not at all interesting to anyone who isn't me. i think if i talk any more i will ramble for fucking ever so ill shut up. WARNING OVER !!! miami make some fucking NOISE. dj tsumugi.
*please note these were funny to both me in late 2020 (age 15) and me now (older but not at all wiser). what im trying to say is read at your own risk because 90% of this is unfunny as fuck but it could be worse. it could be shit from when i was 12. That would be really bad i think
anyway here are some highlights from my camera roll from like the day before, the day of & the day after "the incident" (me watching hlvrai):
a ridiculous amount of terezi pyrope pictures. i had not (and still have not) ever read homestuck
at least 30 pictures of hugh o'conner. probably more if im being honest with myself
the same few pictures of kokichi ouma? for some reason?
like a lot of pictures of nagito komaeda. there is at least one screenshot where my discord pfp is nagito. Something Happened
vriska and nepeta also make an appearance. the former more so but not nearly as much as terezi for some reason
a lot of screenshots of discord convos involving various hughdebeste aus. some favorites are the homestuck au, the peabody & sherman au(???), the meet the robinsons au(??????), splatoon au
blu and red scout tf2 they have taco bell and kfc shirts respectively?
professor sycamore from pokemon and professor sycamore from layton. there are multiple images of each and theyre right next to each other
screenshots of the homestuck wiki. Concerning
a screenshot of an email i got from nintendo about the special edition fortnite switch releasing
like a lot of screenshots of alfendi layton from when i was playing lbmr. not surprising but theres kind of a ridiculous amount
a picture of alvin (the chipmunk) that just says "WE DID IT"
screenshots of me talking in ridiculous 13375P34K on twitter and being accused of kinning from homestuck. quite frankly? i deserved that
hatsune miku makes a few appearances
many tumblr post screenshots. However i did not take these myself i just saved them from reddit. really ashamed to admit i did this for literal years even when i used tumblr at the same time
picture of professor layton standing in that one pose in that one picture i dont know how to describe it. the "you know i had to do it to em" one
that one bugs bunny suit meme and it says "i wish all boobed men a very pleasant evening". this was apparently important enough for me to save twice like an hour and a half apart
many screenshots of me on discord AND twitter posting quotes from hlvrai as i watched it. this includes on my masked disciple roleplay account
a picture of my danganronpa trilogy for ps4 copy. but its one of those live pictures so when i click on it i get attacked (i had the flash on because i took this picture in the dark)
that one really terrible picture of tommy coolatta thats like the first non-fanart picture of him on google images. thrilled to announce i think thats been the only image on his wiki page for years now
picture of hime & mikoto meika's mmd models. i think they had recently released or been announced at this point
catboy apollo justice & wolf boy klavier gavin gacha life gifs. i think my friend made this (if it was in fact my friend and not someone random this was the same friend who streamed hlvrai and thus changed my life forever btw)
that old meme about not passing [xyz] the aux because theyll play [abc]. it says "Do NOT pass the kinnie the aux / They'll just playin 'Alvvays - Archie, Marry Me (Official Video)'"
screenshots of calendar events i set up celebrating the anniversary of two dgs characters' deaths (genklimt fans rise up!)
screenshot of my real kinlist on my real carrd from 2020. i can tell it was just edited because this screenshot has scribbles on it (i circled the latest addition to my kinlist which is in fact "dr. coomer")
screenshots of me and my oomfs on this one specific anime rp roblox game that i WISH i could remember the name of. it let you import pngs of any character you wanted so we had pictures of ace attorney guys hanging out with madoka girls at some point. this specific instance includes klavier gavin, baby trucy wright, rosie from animal crossing & a blue orb thing(??). we are all incredibly small for some reason
john cena suit gangnam style depression. this is saved multiple times. does anyone else remember this post i used to be obsessed with it for some reason
picture of a historical moment in my life (the day i changed my ps4 username to "TheKokichiOuma" which i have regretted for years now. in my defense it did actually use to be worse than that im so serious. 2018 was a dark time why did i pick the name "DabWeebPolics". Horrific!
screenshot of a string of tweets between me and a friend at the time. the tweets arent actually important except for the first one which reads "these gummy bears taste british i cant explain it". this is only important because i remember these fucking gummy bears and they DID taste british in like the same way heathrow airport feels british you know
this one picture of my chemical romance in a forest(?) but bob looks like my fucking dad at a quick glance and it scares me every time i see it. i saved this multiple times over the course of that day
various pictures my friend made of jove justice being set on fire
the really short businessman with the fuckass bob from the lorax but my oomf edited him to look like kazuma asougi
picture of byakuya togami which is only funny because it has text on top of him that says "I. DO. NOT. GEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
a single screenshot of a tumblr post about the events of That Day (destiel putin election day.) the only other thing referencing this in my gallery is a screenshot of the trending tab on twitter (the trends are, in order. 1. #TrumpMeltdown 2. destiel 3. #ElectionResults2020)
two paper mario character pngs followed by that one misha collins picture. you know the one
various screenshots of a mishapocalypse happening on twitter
more super paper mario pngs
im going through pictures slightly further out from nov 4th now (i think after i look at nov 2nd & nov 6th ill call it quits). first image i see is that "gay people i respect vs. gay people i dont respect" image and i dont know why i saved that nevermind i scrolled and immediately found i made a dgs meme out of that
phoenix wright BASED ON GAY MANGA?
went through the ace attorney mamboleo person's deviantart that day i think so i have various funny works of theirs saved. i think the average person actually would know them as the stamp on the ground animation person so. Thats them too. on a side note watching that video after you got into metal gear is fucking insane
that mom against cat boys tshirt
a lot of unnoteworthy professor layton & ace attorney & dgs images
ben shapiro on the ace attorney witness stand?
oh im finding out i got really fucking mad at william petenshy that day. iirc i got so fucking annoyed at this case i didnt even finish it i just. skipped it. i wasnt even playing it i was just watching it???
one of those "tag yourself / which mutual am i" posts but all the options are characters from my kinlist. one of the titles is a jfk clone high reference
screenshots of dms to klimt van zieks begging him to drop a kinlist
a screenshot of a friends reply to my tweet (hi doop) which did just remind me of my "damon gant is apollo justice's grandpa" theory. this tweet manages to tie yanni yogi into the family tree
screenshot of a discord music bot playing a youtube video (remember when they could do that?). the video is titled "henry ledore does his taxes for 10 minutes asmr"
apparently i looked at characters i share a mbti with that day. highlights include souseki (the dgs guy. no idea about the real one), ron delite, flora reinhold, pyro tf2, agent 8 (splatoon), n harmonia & my goat DERPY HOOVES
screenshot of part of twitter's trending page. it says that trending in the united kingdom, with at least 3,610 tweets, is "Homosexuals"
screenshots of multiple tweets in a row from me. they all involve me frantically talking about how i really want to kin nagito komaeda even though i know fuck-all about him
various pictures of markiplier (both in real life & in fma)
real screenshot of me unironically saying "mental illness innit" in reference to myself. this was in my twitter dms with my friends klimt van zieks roleplay account which is even worse
original gina lestrade & egg benedict image made by me. if you know the apollo gant image its basically that
okay i lied i went back to nov 1st and i think i'll check nov 7th afterwards. one full week of nonsense. this proved to be a good idea because i immediately found a screenshot of a text to my mom asking her if she kinned gnomeo from gnomeo and juliet. she said yes
possible origin of why i own a boss baby poster: oomf kin-assigned me the boss baby
possibly my favorite example of the twitter feature where it shows you the original tweet and then the last two replies on a long thread of replies to that post. the original tweet is me saying in all caps "i care him so much he is so small" about luke triton (what a 2020 sentence!). the last two replies are from me and then my oomf but i think only the first of the two needs recounting. it says "do you really want to explain vore to your teachers". i know i say i want context a lot but i genuinely do really want context for this what the fuck happened here
oh good! boss baby update: theres a screenshot of my ebay purchase of "BOSS BABY Poster A5"
im on pictures from november 7th now. i think i went through a figures bot that day because i have a frankly ridiculous amount of figures (mostly nendoroids. mostly miku nendoroids.) there's also the default hime & mikoto png in the middle of these
twitter notification screenshot. apparently kristoph gavin ace attorney followed me that day
i think i went and looked through a christian memes subreddit or twitter account or SOMETHING i dont know where else these all came from. this is followed by a staggering amount of facebook minion memes
side note: does anyone else remember the aatwt (ace attorney twitter) & puyo puyo twitter crossover event in the michael's customer service chat incident? that feels like a different universe
this one is really nothing compared to any of this other stuff but i do have proof of me saying "pog" unironically
grand finale to this saga is actually from a couple days after (nov 9th 2020) but after seeing the staggering amount of death the kid images i had saved over like two days (i had watched a couple episodes of soul eater with my pals) i felt compelled to dig up my "death the kid get wifi anywhere you go" fancam. i might post it later cause its a classic (only to me)
thank you all so much for watching remember to like and subscribe and whatever. thank you for reading this if you read it for some fucking reason. i spent just over an hour and a half looking through this shit & typing this but it was a nice walk thru memory lane tbh! im gonna shut up now before i start rambling. feel free 2 ask for the images or context to any of these i literally love rambling. peace and love on planet earth. LOVE YOU ALL!!! GOODNIGHT NEW YORK CITY
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gayshitinfinite · 1 year
16, 20, 23, 25 🌷
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
one of the smartest, coolest people i know (like go through their blog SERIOUSLY). she's really funny and well-versed in her memes ( i have no idea how u possess the talent to think/find those things and edit so quickly. like how????? the talont, the skills, i could never).
finder of cursed emojis and maker of the cutest crocheted (crocheyed?) baymax plushie, i bow down to you. i admire your strength to keep going no matter how long it takes. thank you for every time you've listened to my problems and for sharing (and for "bringing me" ramen soup (i hope they make a kanji one soon.... or not. the ramen one is really good too), you are a good friend<3333
16.what do you want most in the world right now?
self control?(......that sounds so bad dude). to be more conscious of whats happening instead of just letting things happen (u ever wanna get out of your body and shake yourself by the shoulders and scream 'bitch u have agency, u can make decisions, u can make actions. u r not some character doomed by the narrative or something'). motivation. i'd really like some motivation abt now. god i just wanna do something. anything really. just start something, or pick up something i left off, or idk finish things.
i really want to scream 'stop leaving shit and stop being scared of trying or doing something all the time. GOD' at myself
do something. yeah i really wanna do something ( she sounds like she cud be talking abt drugs. she is not. she's talking abt painting a mushroom (the fungus), 2 girls kissing,funny pictures of cats. binding a book, making funny/cute earrings (or just fucking completing her eng h.w for god's sake)
i'd really like to do things again. i miss it so badly u have no idea. i no longer want to pretend to be cool and mysterious and like, its hard to make me smile or amuse me. i wanna feel joy like that again. i wanna love passionately. i just want to learn and create something. i want to practice a skill and see it's effects bear fruits, uk. im so tired of laying around watching time pass me by and feeling regretful and disappointed and so so guilty for no reason. like can u do something different for MY sake plsss. im so tired and i dont wanna rest. im so tired of resting. i'd really like to stop being paralyzed and overwhelmed by the things i want to do. and instead just start something. or complete one thing i left off. just pick it up again. one thing. one thing for now.
so.. yeah, get my shit together and do something. thats what i wud like to do
23.favorite piece of clothing?
a frilly (kind of) white shirt with little bit lace on it that makes me feel like a pirate. a blue jacket (actually a hand-me-down-shirt), a handme down tshirt.
25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.?
honestly, i really love hugs. getting hugs or holding hands with people i love and care abt. but i guess that's not a 'personal gift'.
i really love notes or like letters. like write me something stupid and I would probably keep it forever.
i love being send memes, or articles or quotes or poetry(esp. if it like breaks something in me and puts me back together or something for a sec). ig i like getting written stuff. huh thats something i havent noticed abt myself.
i also like getting music recs or cute jimkis(jhumkis) or hanging earrings.
thankyou sumi for the ask<33333( calling you sumi without chechi added feels weird. should i call u chechi?)
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