#<- couldn’t tell u what a motherboard is
afterthefeast · 5 months
im researching gaming pcs and i keep having to remind myself that im the most mid level gamer out there. “this pc isn’t great for intensive high-end multitasking” oh no i probably shouldn’t get that then <- has never and will never stream in their life
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gallifreyan-writer · 4 years
Doctor Who x Reader - A Not So Lost Love
Authors Note: It may or may not be 5 in the morning but that’s when I do my best writing. I have been on the internet for hours trying to find a way to watch episode 9 of Doctor Who and at the same time not see any spoilers and I didn’t want to wait 14 hours for it to be available to stream on BBC America’s website but looks like I’m gonna have to... fuck. Thank you to @lostshadow12 for the amazing request! Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Request: Can u please do 13th doctor x fem timelady reader x(older brother) Dhawan Master where 13th doctor meets the reader again after many years of thinking she was dead and she realises that she still have a crush on reader(just like all her previous incarnations)and The Master not being so amused when the doc flirts with his little sis(cue annoying yet lovable overprotective brother)but he tolerates her just because he sees how happy reader is with the Doctor and allowing her to go of with the Doc but only if reader promise him to visit him and never forget him.
Warning(s): Angst, fluff
Pairing(s): 13th Doctor x reader, Dhawan!Master x Sister!Reader
“Doctor!” A voice that the Doctor knew and loved echoed followed by the mechanical voice, “you will be upgraded.”
“(Y/n)!” The Doctor yelled as he appeared at the end of the hallway. He stood frozen with shock and his eyes widened. There at the of the corridor he saw her as cold, metal fingers gripped her tightly. He could see the fear in her eyes as a single tear ran down her cheek, but through everything, she stood strong.
“Get out of here!” Her voice ripped through her voice caring to the Doctors ears, at this point, his eyes were filling with tears as well.
“I’m not leaving you!” He replied but knew that it was useless, her mind was made up.
“I’ve got this, but you have to get out, this place is going to blow and the world needs you, the universe needs you.”
“Just as much as it needs you. I need you.” His voice cracked at the end.
“I will always be with you. Now go!” She was dragged away with the metalic “Delete, delete.” The Doctor was frozen for a few seconds until he turned away and ran in the other direction not turning around to see her, to see the women he loved. The women that he spent the days with under the twin suns on Gallifrey, on the orange grass. He had lost her once during the time war, but she somehow was able to find herself back to him, against all odds. He knew that this would be the last time that they would see each other, there were no more miracles. If he were to turn and look at her, in that moment he knew that he would stop in his tracks, turn around and risk not only his life but hers and everyone else’s. All that the Doctor could do at this time, was pray that she would beat all odds, but he knew that he was asking too much from the universe, even if he saved it a few thousand times.
As the Doctor finally made it out, within seconds the building that he had escaped, burst into a fiery explosion. There was no way that (Y/n) would’ve made it out alive. He sunk to his knees looking up as the flames felt hotter and hotter against his skin but he didn’t move, he simply looked down on the silver engagement band on his finger. Any pain that the fire could’ve caused couldn’t compare to the pain in his hearts. He had lost his everything that day.
That was a thousand years ago and time has not healed the wounds that still lay deep within. The Doctor never lost hope of finding (Y/n) again but with the years coming and going, it seemed to slowly fade away. The Doctor had few regrets in her life but there was one that stuck with her, she never told (Y/n) how she felt about her, how she truly and deeply loved her. She looked up slightly at the photo of (Y/n) that was sitting on the council. She didn’t always keep it out though as it reminded her of what she lost but she liked looking at it every once in a while. (Y/n)’s soft smile could get the Doctor through anything it seemed, no matter how terrible the time.
“Who is that, Doc?” Graham asked from behind her, Ryan and Yaz standing by his sides.
“What? Oh, no one.” The Doctor quickly replied, putting the photograph out of sight from the others.
“Well obviously she’s someone.” Ryan spoke up.
“Ryan.” Yaz said in a hushed tone as she smacked him on the arm as hard as she could without leaving a mark.
“I just meant that she was obviously someone special to the Doctor, that’s all.” Ryan said, trying to defend himself.
“She was.” The Doctor spoke up, turning to face all three of them, her voice wasn’t as strong as it normally was, she was hurting. “She was brilliant, we grew up together, traveled all of time and space together, and then lost each other once. But, we found one another and started traveling again.” She gave a small smile, thinking back on all the good times.
“That sounds wonderful, what happened?” Yaz asked, trying to sound as comforting as possible but wanting answers.
“She’s gone.” The Doctor said simply looking down at the ground not wanting to see the pity in the eyes of her companions, her smile gone. She didn’t want them to feel bad for her, that was the last thing she wanted.
Some time passed and everything went back to the normal shenanigans, that was until their fun came to a quick halt as the dinner party that they were attending in a Victorian castle during the 10th century became over ran with cybermen.
“What are those things?” Ryan asked as all the dinner guests ran in different directions.
“Cybermen, I’ve had a few run ins with them.” The Doctor said frantically looking every which way.
“So you know how to stop these things?” Yaz asked. The four of them were all hiding behind a table that way knocked over in all of the caos.
“Yes, but we need to get the three of you out of here and into the TARDIS.” The doctor said standing up motioning them to follow her.
“We’re not leaving you Doc, we can help fight.” Graham spoke up.
“There won’t be much of a fight.” The Doctor tried to stay calm, she’s always felt on end whenever she runs into the cybermen, ever since that day. Whenever she sees them, she is haunted by that memory, the memory that plagues her dreams to this day.
“Well there must be something that we can do.” Yaz said as they all followed the Doctor back to the TARDIS.
“There is, stay in the TARDIS.”
“But,” Ryan tried to speak but was quickly interrupted by the Doctor.
“But nothing, I have lost too many to those things. I refuse to lose anyone else.” She spun around to face them before stepping into the TARDIS, everyone else following suit.
“That’s how you lost her wasn’t it, the girl in the photo?” Yaz asked, sorrow in her eyes. The Doctor just looked down, it answered Yaz’s question simply enough.
“She was taken and I couldn’t save her, instead she saved me. I was there when the cybermen took her and there was nothing that I could do. I was useless and now she’s gone.” Tears started filling her eyes as frustration entered her blood stream. “I’m going, and you’re staying here.” With that the Doctor fled out of the TARDIS and used her sonic to lock the doors from the outside so that they couldn’t get out, she knew that it was risky but it was the only way to keep them safe.
The hallways were starting to get harder and harder to navigate through all the twists and turns of this seemingly never ending castle, cybermen were littered everywhere. After some time she came up with a plan but that plan came to a screeching halt when the Doctor came face to face with multiple cybermen when she turned a corner. She tried to turn and run in the opposite direction but her path was blocked by more coming in and surrounding her. Her ears were filled with horrible sounds of metal clanking against the marble floors with their screams of “delete” that have haunted her for so many years. She held them off as much as she could with her handy sonic screwdriver until it short circuited.
“Stay away from her!” A voice that she never thought that she would hear again filled her ears and echoed down the corridor. The next thing she knows the heads of the cybermen around her start exploding one after the other in a beam of blue light. When all was said and done, the Doctor looked up from the chaos and saw her face, the face she had longed to see in person for longer than anyone could imagine.
“(Y/n)?” The Doctor asked not believing her eyes, tears quickly filling them.
“Doctor.” (Y/n) said letting out a sigh of relief seeing her. She ran up to her and wrapped her arms tightly around her. She then took a slight step back and continued, “you’re a woman, I like it.” She said with a laugh, the Doctor laughed too.
“I don’t understand, the cybermen, I thought that you were dead, I thought I lost you.” The Doctor’s hand came up to (Y/n)’s face.
“I told you that I would always be with you.” She placed her hand on top of the Doctors, kissing the inside of her palm.
“You don’t think that I would let my little sister die, would you?” Behind (Y/n) stood the master. “Believe it or not but I care deeply about my family, so I put a failsafe in the motherboard all the way back to the first cyberman. Pretty much when they scan the DNA and if it matches close enough the entire system will shut down.”
“Wow, how generous of you.” The Doctor said sarcastically.
“You have to get out, I will be fine, I just need to know that you’re safe.” (Y/n) said directing all of her attention to the Doctor.
“No, I’m not leaving you.”
“I will be fine, go to the TARDIS, everything will be fine.”
“No, I can’t do that!” The Doctor’s tone shifted slightly and raised to almost a shout as the two started arguing back and forth.
“And why not?!”
“Because I love you and I can’t lose you again!” The Doctor finally said. “I went on for so long thinking that you were dead and that I would never be able to tell you how I felt and losing you was the worst pain imaginable.”
(Y/n) didn’t know what to say, her mouth just hung open as she processed everything. Suddenly she just grabbed the Doctor’s face and kissed her. During this exchange, the Master stood next to them awkwardly not knowing what to do.
“Okay that’s enough.” He finally said breaking the two of them up, big brother mode kicking in. “Just go, both of you, I know how to stop this once and for all.”
“What do you mean?” (Y/n) asked, not knowing what her older brother was saying.
“I’m saying that you two belong together, I mean you keep an old photo of her, well him, in your pocket at all times. Just promise you’ll come visit me.” He gave the pair a soft smile.
“Of course, I mean where would I be without you.” (Y/n) walked up to him and gave him a small hug before turning away and running off with the Doctor.
The two quickly got to the TARDIS before turning to one another.
“You ready to travel all of time and space?” The Doctor asked.
“Of course.” (Y/n) replied, grinning ear to ear.
“Brilliant, there’s some people I would like you to meet first.”
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softerhaze · 4 years
hey nova!! those pics of ur new pc looked stunning! would u be comfy telling us what the setup is??
hey, you can actually check out all the parts i used right here! the only difference is i used the max/gaming version of the b450 motherboard but couldn’t find that part in the list while i was planning. it’s basically the same though!
also to the other anons! i’m recording with nvidia’s geforce experience 
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prorevenge · 5 years
Don't fuck with my money! How I got my revenge on a boss that didn't pay me.
I was working for a local computer build company back in the 90's. The owner (let's call him George) was a bit of a douche that liked to party. He struggled to get his business off the ground and took the lion's share of the profits made once it did. All that is to be expected. You take the risk you take the rewards.
I came on and ended up the best tech he ever had in the shop. He paid me fairly well but not enough for what I was doing. I finally started doing on-site work for a substantial amount more and we were both happy. I got 30% of the on-site fee per hour and he got 70%.
Now, during this time the computer industry was tightening up and profit margins had shrunk. The owner decided to do some shady things. One time George replaced name brand motherboards in the computers I sold to a customer for a network with generic crap. Half of them failed during install. Since I had listed a name brand motherboard on the invoice I took them all back and forced him to replace them! Otherwise it would have been fraud. All he had to say was "But I make another $40 per workstation if I use the cheaper part."
The next thing that happened was I made a ten computer plus server sale for a new network. I hadn't worked in the build shop for a few months and noticed that they were cloning drives to speed up the build process. Not a big deal normally but I lost a client due to the owner's shady practices. He cloned the drives then failed to put the certificate in the customer package for the OS and Office! He couldn't get around the server license so at least the client had that. Every time the client called about the key codes he'd tell them they were on back order. He was cloning pre-loaded and pre-ACTIVATED drives with Windows and Office!
I finally got tired of it and walked over to where the software was kept and took the licenses to the client. I had noticed the cabinet was unlocked so took matters into my own hand. Client was still so pissed off that he refused to do business with me while I still worked for that company. George saw me and accused me of stealing. I looked at him and said, "I'm getting what the CLIENT paid for and taking it to them. I'll make sure I have them sign a receipt for the software you seem to have forgotten to include in their purchase." After that I started to pay attention to what was going on in the shop. I insisted on software before I even left the building with a client's systems. The piracy got worse and worse.
Now during this time I was making about $50K a year from that 30% so George was clearing at least that much off his 70% even after taxes, etc. One day he comes to me and says, "I think I have to start charging you for your cell phone. This was back in the day when if you really needed a cell phone most companies paid for it. I said, "That's fine George but I'll want 35% of the on-site fees." To which he replied, "I was going to lower it to 25% and make you an independent contractor."
I was honestly left speechless! I just walked over to the bar in the shopping center and sat down and drank beer for the better part of two hours. It was the end of the day and I didn't have a late client so no worries there. I sat for another two hours after that just drinking water and thinking. I made the decision to go my own way. If I was going to have to pay both sides of my social security then fuck George! I'd do it ALL myself
The next day I drove around to several of my clients. I didn't want to call them on my soon to be former company phone. I secured a dozen that said they would stay with me. After all, as one of my clients told me, George wasn't the one that showed up at 5AM before the restaurant opened when their point of sale system crashed, I was.
When George's shop opened I walked in with my phone, charger, etc. found George, placed it all in his hands, said, "I quit." and walked out. I went and got a phone and called the clients I had spoken with and gave them my new number.
Payday came around the next day and I was expecting a bit over $2K in the check. George had called payroll in several days earlier as always. Well, low and behold, no check. When I confronted him he cussed me out and told me he owed me nothing. I used the same type of line that I used with the guy at the ski manufacturer (my first ProRevenge post). I calmly told him, "Are you sure? I'll cost you a hell of a lot more than $2K if you refuse to pay me what I earned." He just told me to get out and I did.
Well, I knew I had just cost him at least $5K a month because nobody in the shop had a clue what to do with networks. I started my own company and grew my client base. Even after having to pay all my taxes, self employment tax, and expenses I was clearing about $45K a year! I was going to leave George alone until I got word he was badmouthing me around the city. He was saying I used pirated software and cheap parts. Things I knew he had done and was still doing. I would have let it all go. When he badmouthed me I went scorched earth on his ass!
I contacted BSA. I gave names, dates, processes, practices, and more. Everything I could remember about clients that had cloned drives and withheld software. About a year later I was reading my local news when George's company was in an article. It seems secret shoppers went in from Microsoft and bought some of his computers. In the end they hit him with charges that he made hundreds of illegal copies of Office by cloning hard drives. This was back when once activated Office stayed activated and didn't check again.
The end result was he had three stores and ended up with only one store along with having to pay a $1,000,000 fine.
(source) story by (/u/cds8745)
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soldrawss · 5 years
whats the story of wolf 359??? im curious and i really really wanna get into it but the first podcast always bored me whenever i tried :(( would it be ok for u to give a run down of the plot so i can get a jumpstart in getting interested???
*Cracks knuckles* OK BABES let’s get down to the nitty gritty on why I love this podcast so friggen much and why it’s completely taken first place in my podcast heart. (Yes, I know, above TAZ, which is blasphemy but listen there is definitely a reason for this)
OK so a quick rundown of the basis of the show from the podcast’s website:
“Life’s not easy for Doug Eiffel, the communications officer for the U.S.S. Hephaestus Research Station, currently on Day 448 of its orbit around red dwarf star Wolf 359. He’s stuck on a scientific survey mission of indeterminate length, 7.8 light years from Earth. His only company on board the station are stern mission chief Minkowski, insane science officer Hilbert, and Hephaestus Station’s sentient, often malfunctioning operating system HERA. He doesn’t have much to do for his job other than monitoring static and intercepting the occasional decades-old radio broadcast from Earth, so he spends most of his time creating extensive audio logs about the ordinary, day-to-day happenings within the station. But the Hephaestus is an odd place, and life in extremely isolated, zero gravity conditions has a way of doing funny things to people’s minds. Even the simplest of tasks can turn into a gargantuan struggle, and the most ordinary-seeming things have a way of turning into anything but that.”
Now, what MY rundown of the show, is this: Its basically about Doug Eiffel, who is the unluckiest SOB in the known universe and everything bad that ever happens usually ends up happening to him. He’s a quick witted, hilariously lazy, 31 yo man who’s sorta horrible at his job and gets into the most insane situations mostly because he just… doesn’t want to do his job….
If you like aliens, space ghosts, government conspiracies, witty fucking banter and lovable as all hell I-WOULD-DIE-FOR-THESE characters, then this podcast is definitely for you! I like to think of it as Doctor Who and The Adventure Zone had a weird Welcome to Nightvale-esque baby. Literally, this show has everything. Comedy, angst, suspense, SPACE. You name it, it’s there, all in the form of 4 wacky kids on the U.S.S Hephaestus. 
The first season (around 12 episodes, usually all under 20 minutes) starts off a little slow but is probably my favorite season cause there’s not a whole lot of plot. It’s kinda just random episodes that are there to get you used to how the characters think and act and get you attached to all their wonderful quirks while also getting you used to the idea that shit is wack in space and not everything is what it seems. (Again, I’m talking aliens, space ghosts, and weird fucking monsters man)
The second season is where it really starts to kick off, and man, every episode will leave you wanting more and keep your mind racing with the what ifs! I’ll tell you right now, this show is hard to predict. Every time I THINK something is going to happen, BOOM, this podcast whiplashes me and sends me flying in a whole new plot direction that I didn’t even think was possible and I LOVE it.
You fall in love with every character you meet, even the villans, and they’re all so unique and mind-blowing with all the different levels of personality and backstory they have, it’s really addictive. I finished this podcast in 3 days because I couldn’t put it down, I was SO invested in these characters.
But enough of my hyping, you want a rundown, so here it is. 
During the first episode, Doug hears a weird transmission coming through the static that he’s used to hearing for almost a year now. His mission is to find alien life by this particular Red Dwarf, and he thinks he may have found it with this transmission. However, when familiar classical music is the only thing he hears, he thinks it’s just a long lost earth transmission that’s just been bouncing around the stars for a while before finding him. However, that is NOT the case, and while spaceship shenanigans ensue, he, with his strict but fair (and badass) commanding officer Renee Minkowski (Min-KOV-skee), Medic and crazy (evil???) scientist Dr. Alexander Hilbert and lovably loyal and sarcastic best friend A.I motherboard Hera, they discover that not only the transmission, but also their entire mission and who they’re working for and with, and not at all what they seem to be~~~
Fair warning. Most of the characters go through so much grief and loss and a lot of them don’t exactly get a happy ending. (The main 4 especially) It can get a little dark and even though Doug is great at making the mood light and funny with all this pop culture references and witty backtalk, this show can bring you down. Note how you fair with getting too attached with characters and make sure your mental health can take the beating these poor kids undertake. 
With that being said though, it is, again, my absolute favorite podcast I’ve listened to and I may just listen to it again because it’s that good. I highly recommend you get through at least season 1 before deciding if you want to continue or not, because then the plot really starts to pick up and it’s amazing how they fit so much gold into 61 episodes and 20+ fun mini episodes and specials. 
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loveisfriendship · 6 years
Movie night 2
Requested by @black-ink-everywhere: You should continue this story with what comes next and how they look at u now for example: The next morning everyone is having breakfast and Bucky still won’t look at you and Steve is acting shy then tony makes a taunting joke towards Steve and Steve blushes then you laugh . Vision then joins the conversation saying “it’s obvious you have some human emotion towards the two of them (Steve and Bucky). One would you choose?” You then reply “W-What?” “To have sexual relations with?” Everyone one goes wide eyed now curious for an answer.
Author’s Note: Thank you for submitting this! This is hilarious. And sorry that it took me so long.
So Enjoy!
Movie Night
Warnings: talk of sex
 The movie night ended even better than expected. No, sadly there was no sex with Bucky. Not yet anyway.
But the certain two super soldiers did land in your room afterwards somehow. Wanting to know more of course, causing both of them to blush the whole time once you actually told them how this stuff works.
It didn’t help that you three fell asleep and they both left your room early in the morning. Of course this didn’t go unnoticed by Nat and Wanda and both of them stormed into your room and asked for details. It was hilarious to watch how disappointed they got once you told them what happened.
“Anyway, let’s go get breakfast.” You say, clapping your hands. You smelled Sam’s pancakes for a while now and couldn’t wait any longer.
Arriving in the kitchen, everyone was already seated and a plate of pancakes was waiting on you at your usual seat. Sitting down between Steve and Bucky you smile and wish everyone a good morning digging into your pancakes.
“So.” Tony starts.
“No, Tony, I will not tell you how many movies I did.” You say, rolling your eyes, making the others chuckle.
“I didn’t want to ask that. More importantly why does FRIDAY not tell me! What did you do?” he asks, getting really desperate. Everyone laughs and you smile at him.
“I only told her once to make sure nobody finds out..” you say, glaring at Wanda and Nat, who just give you an innocent smile, “that I will work a little magic on her motherboard. And as she knows that I know what I’m doing, she listened.” You explain.
“So you scared my AI?!” Tony exclaims.
“Basically, yes.” You answer and chuckle, standing up and putting away you dishes, returning and giving Tony a hug from behind.
“Don’t worry Tones. The one you saw, was the only good one I made. At least that’s what the critics told me.” You explain and leave a kiss on his cheek.
“That’s not true. I found the other ones very endearing.” Vision says from behind you and makes you jump.
“For heaven’s sake, Vision! Stop creeping up on people and especially me!” you scold him, holding a hand over your heart.
“Sorry, Miss (Y/N).”
“Yeah yeah. You saw her other movies, Vis?” Tony asks excited.
“All 12 of them.” He answers and you glare at him.
“I should stop talking.”
“Yeah, you should, Vis.” You grumble.
“Whatever. Probably better that we didn’t see them. The grandpa’s over there would have to move out, because they wouldn’t be able to be around you anymore.” Tony teases and Steve starts blushing whereas Bucky just focuses on the food on his plate again. You laugh and sit back down between them, grinning.
“Well, obviously, Miss (Y/N) has some form of human emotion towards both of them as well. But which one do you chose?” Vision explains, causing everyone to fall into a shock.
“Wha- What?” you stutter. Some start choking on their food or drink as others, Steve and Bucky, just blush and you can’t even look at anyone anymore.
“To have a sexual relationship with?”
“Vision.” You groan.
“I would just be interested in which one you would choose as I find it fascinating that you like them both.” He continues and now everyone is curious about your answer as well.
“Yes, (Y/N/N). Tell us who you would choose to have a sexual relationship with.” Sam joins in, grinning like an idiot. You groan and throw your head back.
“Vision, this is not a question you ask.” Wanda interjects.
“Oh, sorry. Too personal?” he asks and everyone nods.
“Still, (Y/N) you owe us an explanation.” Tony adds.
“Okay, I think tha-..” Steve starts but is interrupted by you.
“Both.” You answer, taking as sip of your coffee. If something would be your super power, it would be making everyone choke or spit out whatever they have in their mouth.
“What?” Sam croaks, hoarse from the cereal he choked on.
“Both.” You repeat, shrugging your shoulders.
“Why choose, if you can have both?” you smirk, standing up and throwing everyone a wink.
“See you later, people.” you wave while leaving as everyone else starts to question Steve and Bucky. Even though you felt a little bit bad to leave the two of them alone, the smile on your face remained.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
(RF) Emulation
Simone Williams knew what she wanted from her life since the beginning of her realization of it – to be useful. She figures wherever she is needed, she will not be discarded. Her consciousness of being required is the shape of everything.
The Arranged Marriage System came in perfect alignment with Simone. To her, a world with arranged marriages as the norm is not an unusual one because she never contemplates beyond what is presented to her. Her pending marriage is a way for her to sustain her future, so she partakes, without a complaint. She doesn’t remember creating a profile and it is very likely that one was created for her. She can’t think of which picture was on display for her potential suitors the day that she and Miles were linked. She remembers Miles’ profile though: in the one-hundred and nineteenth percentile of the intelligence quotient, his face seventy-five percent symmetric, a high paying job, plenty of hobbies. His profile contained the perfect ingredients that were encouraged for people to go after – Miles is the perfect recipe that Simone will consume in her favor, for the time being.
Miles Hayes
The fireplace is crackling in their contemporary-styled home just how it should as Miles Hayes and Simone Williams sit and take a break from picking out a wedding venue. Miles is looking into Simone’s dark pupils and recalling the first time he’d seen her profile. He strokes the nape of her neck and tells her that she was and still is the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Simone braces herself and childishly clutches the crimson throw pillow that rests between her legs, as she is uncomfortable with compliments due to never knowing how to form a reply. Even with Miles, even when she was first looped into his compatibility pool and even when he had first messaged her the exact words he’d just said.
Love: Type 1
Miles’ love for Simone survives off one sole reason: she is beautiful. His interest in marriage stems from tradition and the hope and dream to procreate with a beautiful woman, to ultimately have spectacular looking children. Finally getting to the process of booking a wedding venue excites Miles, for he’s one step closer to his ultimate dream.
Emoticon, also Love: Type 2
Simone doesn’t know whether she loves Miles or not, this isn’t a factor for her. She loves stable environments, and he provides that for her. Well, he and the Arranged Marriage System that was put into place.
“Voluntarily or enrolled?” Miles asked on their first date.
“Voluntary because I was enrolled.” She’d answered before wiping her mouth with an overly soft handkerchief. She had disapprovingly stared down at the now lipstick-stained cloth, agitated that a restaurant would use them instead of something safer and more disposable. She tried to pinpoint this distress towards the handkerchief, but the source had no recognizable origin.
Miles questioned her statement, but only in his mind. He’d decided to compliment her hair, noting how her dysfunctional curls, although in sync, took on a new hue under the light.
He’d taken the handkerchief from her hands and left it on the table as they abruptly left. Miles wanted to get her picture outside before the sun set.
That night, Cain Pierce was on a first date as well – forced and unnatural, out of sorts. If only he had landed that job he dreamed of, he would have put plenty of use to his brain, his hobbies would have been bountiful. But he had none of those three. Cain was beat by only three points when it came to overall proficiency for the job, which forced him to apply for others that he felt were beneath him. This alternative put him in the lower bracket of the Arranged Marriage System, and Cain had almost gotten over this betrayal of life until he was at the dinner table that night. He’d seen Miles Hayes, the man that bested him, on a date with a woman who Cain felt was better suited for himself. Watching them interlace their fingers and walk out into the golden, orange stream of the setting sun, Cain began to contemplate.
I should mention something about the Arranged Marriage System. Of course a system is no good if its components lack in what the structure is all about. This was among some of the earlier complaints. Nobody felt like they were getting matched with partners that were up to par with themselves. So, with a few tweaks and reproductions, the marriage system hasn’t had complaints since then.
Love: Type 3
Except for Cain’s case, because his views on marriage were simple – if he liked her enough to love her then marriage would be considered. Putting a ring on a woman’s finger wasn’t necessarily a goal or a plan to Cain, but instead was something that would just come with the flow of things. According to him, the marriage system had ruined his life. He didn’t understand the obsession with it, the stability found in it. Suddenly, Cain felt as if marriage had lost all its value, the allurement gone. He was left to scrape the bottom of the barrel, with every step being counted for him.
I have one job and I do it unremarkably. I left out one small detail from the night of Cain’s first date. As he was leaving, Cain lingered behind and smoothly swiped the used handkerchief that was smeared with Simone’s lipstick. He folded it neatly, as if it were his own, and slid it into his left breast pocket. He had no plans to do anything with the handkerchief except use it as another reminder of the life that he hated – until he saw Miles Hayes for a second time, modeling the life Cain felt belonged to him.
Safe Mode
The first time Cain Pierce saw Miles Hayes was at the job interview, although Cain’s deep-seated resentment hadn’t nestled into his being just yet. Simone was the one to trigger that reaction.
There’s this thing about Simone I briefly mentioned before, she takes what is sat in front of her and makes it her own. She does not create her own reality, but instead builds on what is already in place. Every act of her life is a plan – easy to follow, easy to detect. She goes on jogs because she saw it in a movie, she grocery shops every week because she thinks it’s right. In fact, an anti-cliché advocate would cringe at the long piece of French bread that sticks out of her brown grocery bag after every trip.
Cain picked up on Simone’s lifestyle quickly, given the extremity of her repetitive nature. Soon, he frequented the same store as her, waiting for the perfect opportunity to begin again.
User Interface
“You like French bread, I see.”
Simone looked up from the assortment of cooked dough and into Cain’s eyes. She released a smile and returned her gaze to the bread.
“Hm, it’s okay. It just looks pretty.” Simone stuck the bread into a cloth and into her basket. She paid Cain no attention as she went down another aisle.
Cain, in desperation to make a connect, was eager to prove that he had what it took for a woman, a candidate, like Simone.
“Are you… arranged?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Pending.” Simone said, smiling thinking of her future with Miles.
“Do you love him?”
Simone looked at Cain intensely, eyebrows furrowed, frozen, with not even a blink. Not at his forward question, but because she did not know the answer to it. Simone relaxed herself and smiled. “I’m taken care of, and doesn’t love come with that?”
Love: Type 4
I’m just the narrator, but I have an opinion to offer about this subject of love. Love is a variation of our existence and because each of our existences are ultimately different – love cannot mean just one thing. Variations always offer subjective answers, where a conclusion is rarely necessary.
But Cain would strongly disagree, he felt love stood on its own. No variations, no factors. Wherever it was, it needed nothing to lean on – not even an acknowledgement of its presence. To Cain, that was love’s conclusion.
While talking to Cain in the store, Simone had a recollection of the beginning of her consciousness. This memory was why she’d said yes to going on a date with him, yes to a fourth, and yes to leaving Miles. Cain needed her.
On their sixth date was when Cain revealed the handkerchief to Simone. He recalled the moment he had decided to take it from the table as it fell into Simone’s hands. Smeared with the very lipstick that she was wearing that day – Simone admired how the color remained vibrant. She grazed the stain softly, not to disrupt it.
I think Simone identified with the handkerchief. Yes, she sees herself in this more improved development of a napkin. Less destructible, fancier, than the ordinary. But that’s what they were created for.
Access Point
Simone couldn’t pinpoint her sudden reaction of Cain keeping the handkerchief. She just spun around and laid on a soft plush surface – her surroundings eluded her. She indicated for Cain to unzip her dress, an act she saw on screen. She hadn’t suspected that he would object.
Cain slid the zipper down her back, the sound effect being the only indicator that any of this was real – and noticed a tattoo right in the middle of it. In black and bold ink, branded and thick:
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