#<- The son with the Magic 8 Ball
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Meme made by @emiko-chan-is-here
Thanks. Love ya, lol.
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malachite-iiarie · 1 year
My DnD notes from last nights session because it was an emotional rollercoaster:
In prison cells and fell through the cell floor
More dark room, slanted down from a cave in, chains surround it and some look like they were out there after the cave in
Trevor hits his head on the door because he won’t stop discussing females
Didn’t get far and Trevor is being sexist again
Doorway into “Not Darkness”
Coat hanger miracle
But before that a large cozy room with a carpet, chairs, and an explosive barrel
I shoot the demon rug and get shot with a lightning bolt in return
Double 7’s at advantage
Alexa, self destruct
Trevor is dead, I’m down, the child is down
Trevor’s last words “I have a good feeling about this” before he entered the room
He’s a zombie, I’ll still date him
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you” Zombie Trevor before being dusted RIP
The gates of Elysium are locked to Trevor, he lived a hard life, but no the right one. He gets some final moments with his dead family who live there. Behind him is Hades where he will pay for his life of debts. “Know this, I will come out of Hades, I’ll come back stronger, and I’ll give you the protector you really needed, just give me a moment, ok?” And he turned his back to his family one last time.
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grapehyasynth · 4 months
young royals fic rec, 20/?
i’m (slowly) working my way through the wilmon tag on ao3 and thought that as i go i might shout out some fics i enjoy along the way! i've tagged authors where i knew their tumblr url, but please feel free to tag folks or dm me if you know ones i've missed!
1. sending you this christmas card (to say it’s nice to have you here) by @angelbabysimon - Wille and Simon are neighbours. Wille loves Christmas, Simon hates it. Can I make it any more obvious?
2. not if it's you by @prince-simon - A Hallmark-esque Christmas AU in which Simon is a nanny for the Crown Prince's son.
3. at the right time, in the right surroundings by @waiting-star - The morning after Wilhelm’s speech, Simon makes up for lost time.
4. Never thought you'd fuck with my brain by Canterloop - "I can't stop loving him. Just like I couldn't make myself love you."
5. Red by @hilliska - After breaking up with Marcus, Simon returns to Wille's room. After all, they do have the day off - or do they?
6. Confess your truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters by @sunshine-rudberg - Simon couldn’t care less about Hillerska’s centuries old traditions. He especially doesn’t care about Saint Valentine celebrations and a masquerade ball, of all things. But he might just change his mind when he finds an anonymous note in his locker with one of the boys declaring his love for him.
7. Heirloom by tesorino - Young royals with a soulmate/magic powers au twist, following canon and beyond.
8. Study of a Prince in Pink by SkuldTheNorn - Simon Eriksson does not have a crush on Wilhelm. Because Wilhelm is a goddamn Prince of Sweden and also, in all likelihood, straight. Right? So of course he doesn't. Except he's totally lying to himself. And maybe there's hope after all.
Full list of rec lists
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 8
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Renarin Kholin- The Stormlight Archive
Renarin is canonically autistic and gay (or at least MLM).
He's canonically autistic + has epilepsy, and he's been confirmed to be gay and have a crush on a male character (which will.be explored more in future books)
Canonically gay as confirmed by word-of-god; canonically autistic and has anxiety.
Renarin is canonically autistic and gay.
Renarin is one of few characters in epic fantasy literature who's canonically neurodivergent or queer - it's rare enough to just see one of those things! He is also the best, just all around. He is so reckless and has such a strong moral compass: like he ran to help fight a giant crab monster with no weapons, no armor, and no training; he jumped into a 4vs1 duel to help his brother, with no armor, no training, and a sword that deals him psychic damage anytime he holds it.
He's autistic and gay; disability is a big part of his story; he's so much of an outcast that he was the first person to join his world's extra-marginalized order of sinister-but-not-evil magic users; and while he's quiet and self-contained, he's full to the brim with suppressed rage. Sidelined second son and quasi-cursed prophet. I fully believe he can take this tournament by storm.
Renarin is autistic, epileptic, and queer as the day is long. As a kid, he struggled to win his dad's approval due to his inability to fight as well as his abled brother -- but these days his dad's wised up and realized that Renarin actually kicks ass. When Renarin gets magic powers, he isn't "cured"; he's still epileptic, he's still autistic, and he still has a crush on the strapping young alien lad in his squad. Not only does he break down class barriers by hanging out with ex-slave humans (he's the prince of a major kingdom), he breaks racial barriers by dating an alien who's entire race was, until recently, enslaved by humans. Overall, he's a complete badass who is getting more confident, more appreciated, and more gay with every book in the series.
Loam Arnault-Entropic Float
she canonically has arthritis and chronic fatigue, and is canonically bisexual and omnigender (using all pronouns)
They're chronically disabled (dont remember their condition :() omnigender, and pan!
i don’t remember what it is (or if that’s even said) but his disability gives her trouble walking some days and on others makes it so they can’t get out of bed. bisexual &nonbinary omnigender!
Canonically disabled, nonbinary omnigender and bisexual
listen. i love him. oh my god i love aer. their disability and queerness are both central to the narrative. due to it being disabled, she is not taken seriously where he comes from. xe has given up on insisting on its gender being respected - every time thon tries, its taken as a sign he is having a bad day symptoms wise, which in turn is taken as though she has never grown up past being eight years old. through the game proper, it hides hir disability most of the time. to ask for help is to let someone know. and throughout their entire life, everyone who knew has treated him as stupid - perhaps not always, but everyone has. this is why she doesnt really want to get out of the anomaly; this is the first time fae has had friends who dont know, and therefore dont have "a reason" to infantilize it. star hides everything behind a chipper demeanour. well, that demeanour isnt entirely a lie; she is really silly and pleasant - one of my favourite things he says in the entire game is "isnt blue super bad for computers? like blue balls of death or something?". upon being asked "where do you come from that computers have balls?", they respond "well, how do they reproduce if they dont?" in conclusion. Loam my beloved.
silly guy... oh he's a lil bit fucked up actually
I’m disabled and queer and Loam makes me feel so seen. He’s an incredible character, I love her dearly, I need everyone to understand how incredible they are.
The qualifications and propaganda correspond, @prinxe-with-no-crown is the first submitter @mythologeekwriter is the fourth and there were two others.
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drarryspecificrecs · 10 months
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2023.07 ~ Top 8 longest fics posted on AO3
1. In the Blood by BiscuitBrunch [E, 225k]
►Harry Potter thinks Draco Malfoy is a slimy git of a defense lawyer, who couldn't care less about doing the right thing. Draco Malfoy thinks Harry Potter is a filthy pig of an Auror, who couldn't care less about doing the right thing. They fight, fuck, fall in love, and fight some more. When they're on the brink of getting their shit together and starting a family, a blood curse surfaces that threatens the lives of Draco and their unborn child.
2. Bewildered by SparrowGrim [E, 147k]
►"Harry. My name is Harry Potter." James fell back against the floorboards, casting one last frantic glance at the boy who claimed to be his son, before shaking his head. "That isn't possible."
3. Harry Potter and the Power of Reverse Psychology by the_sentient_duck [T, 147k]
►[...] where Harry faces down that Machiavellian scoundrel Albus Dumbledore, learns he's the heir to more houses than he can shake a stick at, discovers he's been manipulated all his life, and starts taking control of his own destiny. Or so it would appear. But looks, especially when magic is involved, can be deceiving.
4. Little Lamb Gone to Slaughter by @charlottewritesall [T, 89k]
►Harry doesn’t think much about the Triwizard Tournament beyond being relieved that he won’t have anything to do with it at all. It seems like he might finally have a quiet, peaceful year. So, of course, his name ends up coming out of the Goblet of Fire despite the fact that he would never in a million years enter this death tournament willingly. [...]
5. Denial and its Side Effects by A_MX [T, 81k]
►Shortly after returning to Hogwarts to complete his education, Harry begins to suffer from nightmares. At the same time, he begins to form some sort of friendship with Draco Malfoy, the disgraced heir of the Malfoy family. His friends don't approve of this, but Harry insists that everyone deserves a second chance.
6. What He Stirs Up In Me by Casually_cultured23 [M, 78k]
►Draco Malfoy is a Gryffindor, Harry Potter is a Slytherin.
7. To Love You Well by Scarlette890 [E, 61k]
►In which Harry Potter has that impending sexuality crisis, completely fucks up his relationship with his son, and utterly ruins Draco Malfoy's peaceful life.
8. A Shift in Perspective by @beauregardstaxicab​ [T, 59k]
►The Ministry hosts a winter ball and Harry is invited, along with Malfoy and his friends. What he figures will be a doomed evening turns out to be enchanting instead, and Harry discovers sides to Malfoy that he wouldn't have thought possible. As other revelations are made, along with a few life lessons, it takes Harry's story on a different trajectory.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 10k
※ Word count: 10k ~ 40k
Being Robin Gives Me Magic by CheatsatUNO [T, 15k]
Charity Work by corazon_san [T, 22k]
footage of a vampire (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!) [720p] by cyupids [T, 15k]
Hope is the thing with feathers by @kriskrakel [T, 21k]
In between, everything is still by MsRyanWrites3 [T, 20k]
Night Dragon, Dawn Bird by Xenjn [M, 19k]
A Saviour’s Guide to Manners and Decorum by @wolfpants [E, 13k]
Sometimes, What You're Searching For... Has Been There All Along by @orpheous87 [T, 14k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
Drarry Disability Fest 2023 | @drarrydisabilityfest
HD Wireless 2023 | @hd-wireless​
Harry James Potter Week 2023 | @harryjamespotterweek
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life-winners-liveblog · 5 months
Story time? Story time! The translation might be a little off but the singing flower is an interesting one, I promise
A king had two children, a boy and a girl. Since he was old, one day they told them "to the one that will bring me the golden ball I'll give my kingdom".
The two kids left and arrived at the woods. There, they saw two roads; the little boy took the one to the right and the little girl the one to the left.As they already looked for some time, the boy having found nothing but the girl found the golden ball.
They came back to where the road forked and the boy was jealous of the luck his sister had.
"Give me the golden ball" said the boy
"I cannot"
"Give it to me or I'll kill you"
"You will not get it"
Then the boy killed his sister, dig a hole and put her in it. He took the golden ball and brought it to his dad.
"Where is your sister" asked the king.
"I don't know, she stayed in the wood" lied the boy.
But on the little girl's grave grew a rose bush with a pretty bush. A shepherd, going this way, take the flower and put it in his pocket. The rose began to sing.
"Shepard, shepard
It's my brother that killed
To get the golden ball
It's my brother that killed me
To get the golden ball"
The shepherd got scared and brought the rose to the king. The shepherd took the rose in his mouth and it began to sing. The king did it too, and the rose again began to sing.
"Father, father.
It's my brother that killed me
To get the golden ball
It's my brother that killed me
To get the golden ball"
The king called his son and made him put the rose in is mouth too.
"Brother, brother
It's you that killed me
To get the golden ball
It's you that killed me
To get the golden ball"
And the king understood everything . He asked the shepherd to guide him where he found the rose, and began to dig the grave. But, as soon as he began, the little girl was alive again. The king was happy to see his daughter again and put his son into a bag, throwing him alive to the water.
- General
Scott: I did not expect that ending... It's surprising.
Grian: Guess It's time for another story?
Scott: I've done 2nd reign then 4th reign, I think we could do some 3rd reign literature...huh
Grian: Is there a problem?
Scott: 3rd reign literature tends to be poetry so I don't know what stor- wait nevermind, I know just the one! Once upon a time there was a wise king, the king on birthday made an announcement: he invited the 10 strongest and most powerful witches of the land to prove their worth in front of his court and him and the winner would become the kings personal spellcaster granting them riches and resources others wouldn't even dream of.
Scar: Ohhhhhh! Magic battle!
Scott: The 10th witch, powerful in the arts of the flame, never arrived to the challenge thinking herself above such competitions, and the 9th felt too insecurr to partecipate, leaving 8 witches to compete-
Grian: Stupid decision really.
Scott: The first challenge was easy, the witches had to find a diamond needle in a muddy plain. The 8th witch, the witch of ice and snow appalled by the tought of reaching into the mud quit the competition, while the 7th witch, the witch of the deserts, was incapable of finding the needle in the mud and was eliminated.
The second challenge was slightly more complicated, around the forest were scattered magical items that had to be found. The 6th witch, surrounded by the power of the sea barged into the forest without plan and was never seen again, the 5th witch covered by the smell of dark magic and undead attracted the attention of the forests spirits and was eaten by the forest itself.
The time for the third challenge came, the witches had to convince the kings daughter of their worthyness trough speech alone, the sound of ticking clocks that accompanied the 4th witch annoyed the princess and she was denied, the 3rd witch covered in vines and blooms was also denied for her fake flattery had enraged the princess.
The fourth challenge was the biggest, two dragons had been terrorizing the kingdom and had to be slayed. The 2nd witch armed with the gift of lightning attacked the dragon head on and managed to defeat it but her brash actions left her wounded and poisoned to die little time later. The last witch however was full of wisdom and she had known the dragon was not attacking the village for evil, but only because of a curse, so instead of slaying the beast she freed it from the curses influence and the dragon indebited swore his loyalty to the kingdom. The Witch was immediately made the kings spellcaster for she had not only accomplished the tasks but she had also gained the kingdom a powerful ally.
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small-sinclair · 6 months
Can you do more slasher band au headcanons for bug infested bodies???
PSA: Never watched the movies or know who they are, but looked and fanart and fics to get personality.
Au by: @arkunder
Jesse Cromeans and Asa Emory as “Bug Infested Bodies”.
Jesse doesn’t drink water. No one knows why. Asa has to force him to drink water.
Asa has a collection of ski masks that are all different. One has a lot of eyes, one looks like a disco ball, and another is white.
Asa’s fans like to give him crow gifts. Buttons, pins, coins, acorns, leaves… it’s kinda out of control.
Whenever Asa is stuck on a question, he likes to rub Jesse’s head, saying, “Magic 8 Ball, Magic 8 Ball. What should I do?” Then Jesse would answer, “Whatever and whoever the hell you want.”
Asa has a PhD in bugs and science. He could be a professor if he wanted but he likes writing music more.
The band was made by accident. Jesse was playing music one day in a bar and Asa told him he sucks. So, Asa got on stage with him and did a song together.
Asa and Jesse have a bro-mance. They’ll fight and throw hands one moment then hug it out the next.
Jesse has a photo of him at the beach with his adopted daughter and son in his wallet and back pocket when he performs. (Yeah, he has a family)
Jesse loves making the music videos and Asa makes the props.
Asa’s dogs do come on stage from time to time and the crowd goes nuts. They have merch and a fan base around them. They’re also featured on some songs, too, like barking, howling, and panting.
Asa is good friends with Lester Sinclair. Jonesy and Asa’s dogs have play dates on the road while the Sinclairs, Asa, and Jesse do a LIVE Jam on social media while raising money for an animal shelter.
They like to do backflips on stage.
Due to Asa’s resting bitch face, it’s hard to show his emotions. When he does smile and show joy, he brightens up the room.
If Jesse has his black jacket off and his back turned, you can see where he got stabbed on his shoulder.
Jesse likes to collect new skull masks from fans. His favorite one he gotten was from a little kid; it has a unicorn and some butterfly sticks.
There’s a segment in the show called “Bug Facts with The Collector”. During this time, a bug comes out and Asa gives a little science lesson about the bug and what it does.
Side note: There was a Boy Scout troop and he invited them on stage so they could get their Bug badge.
They like to perform near museums because they visit the day before the show. They meet fans, take photos, do autographs while looking at historical stuff and the big bug displays.
Jesse has been arrested for public intoxication and assault.
Asa sleep walks.
Jesse screams in his sleep.
Both go to therapy.
When they are on break, Asa likes to guest speak at schools about bugs and shows off his collection. Jesse goes home to his kids and partner; he takes this time to be a father and go to important events like ballet and games.
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illarian-rambling · 2 months
Hello! I heard you like DnD!
What has been your favorite campaign so far? My current friend group is completing a 5e WotC one, but I have also seen some great homebrews done. Do you prefer WotC campaigns, or homebrews? What were some memorable moments? ✨
Oh god, you've got me started, now I'm never gonna shut up >:)
So, I've played in four games and ran one, all homebrew, over the course of my time. My first campaign I was a life cleric with a pet goat that I saved from being a sacrifice. I didn't really know what I was doing, as it was my first game, but I had fun. My second game, I was a rogue snakeoil (and crack) salesman, which started the trend of all my characters selling drugs. Game three, I played an evangelist artificer and fell in love with the class. I adore robots, what can I say? In my current game (which is an original story, but in the planescape setting), I play a barb/fighter hazily struck out of time. She's up to three mystery voices in her head now, one being the sword of Kas, sells drugs via cranium rats, and was in a pro-wrestling tournament.
Probably one of my most memorable moments was perma-killing my artificer, Gillaria. To start, Gillaria was a bit of dunce. She was smart, yeah, but had balls wisdom and even worse charisma. She tried to fly into a portal to hell once on a wooden broom so she could take an energy reading. She got kidnapped in like three separate alleyways and gave her full, legal name to a devil. This is all to preface with the fact that this character didn't make the smartest choices.
The other thing about Gillaria was that she was a priest of Relhan, the setting's god of innovation. She and her two robot buddies, Anatolius and Aenira, would preach the word of this dying god on street corners, since the main temple to him had been destroyed. Usually, given that the highest charisma score between them was an 8, this ended up with tomatoes being thrown.
Anyways, though the campaign was supposed to go a little while longer, our dm got a new job, so we had to end early. The party decided that our last hurrah would be to raid the Golden Trident, a rival faction we'd been eyeing for some time.
One Gillaria project she wanted to get done before the end of the campaign as well was the squirrel laser. The construction of such a laser is as follows:
The druid Awakens 6 squirrels with their magic staff. The squirrels are now sentient.
Our warlock signs these squirrels onto warlock pacts. The squirrels can now cast the cantrip Bonfire.
Gillaria has a Decanter of Endless Water and the spell Magic Mouth
Infinite steam power has been achieved
We did the math and we would've been able to power a railgun with this set-up, so our dm decided, fuck it, campaign's almost over, they can have a death laser. It was decided it would be a DC 16 dex save against being zapped into ash.
Anyways, cut to us raiding the Golden Trident. Our level 10 warlock is being chased by an anctient dragon, our barbarian fell off the airship (We had a dragon ghost powered airship. Long story, also Gillaria's fault) and we're being chased by the enemy's airship.
Gillaria tells Anatolius, her steel defender with an intellect headband that she treats like a son, to point the laser at the enemy skyship, ready to fire once it warms up in four rounds. Gillaria then flies over to the enemy ship, hoping to disable its engines. However, like any good artificer, she's immediately enamored by the engines themselves. At this point, I the player forget I have a four round count down.
Yeah, you can see where this is going... The dm has me pick high or low on a d100 to see what part of the ship my laser hits, and I invariably pick wrong. And that is how Gillaria got blasted to ash by her own automaton, wielding her own laser, atop her own airship. Her final consolation was finding out that her god was not, in fact, dead and being reincarnated into his steel and steam avatar.
This is one of sooo many dumbass stories for this character, she was a piece of work. Thanks for asking though, I love talking about dnd! Feel free to share a story of your own or ask any questions :)
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kylo-wrecked · 6 months
which ORB are you?
modern!ben: the senator's son
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8-ball: riddle me this
dark!ren: the renegade
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blue orb: you are full of great mystery and intrigue
music!ben: nowhere man
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snow globe: the orb of whimsy
quiz found in the magical tumblr wilds
tagging ://
@southern-belle-outcasts ,@cxpperhead,  @brooklynislandgirl, @nightmarefuele
@riiese/@hyperionhandsome, @ofcatnaps, @ofthestcrs, @desireandduty,
@datapadz, @graysistance, @hopegained, @lastxdragon,
@corinnebaileyrp, @mayxthexforce, @smokinmirrors,
@shadowedlights, @etoilebleu, @kyberllcore
@jakkuforce, @madxwonderland, @lightsiided, 
@chromium-siren, @beastbitten, @werspinna/@irrfahrer
@valkxrie, @iomadachd, @positivelybeastly
@silverjetsystm , @ronmanmob , @godresembled
@itmeanspeace, @bewitchingbaker, @protectmypeople
 @babydxhl, @tangleweave. @goodlawman,
@sithsjedi, @smolcuriouskitten, @destincd and you~
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
Falling Away With You | Chapter Index
Sebastian x Reader and M. Rasmodius x Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit | Nsfw chapters labeled with *. See ao3 for more specific tags/warnings!
Summary:  After finding a hefty inheritance letter from your late grandpa, your bleak corporate life in the city comes to an end. Now, you're tasked with learning how to farm, befriending your new neighbors, navigating a surprising quantity of love interests, discovering the existence of the arcane, and possibly having to complete a whole magical girl-esque transformation in order to save the valley.
Please refer to chapter 18 for a visual reference of Ras! I’m not basing him off his vanilla model in my story, but rather a portrait and sprite mod that I use. :)
A/n: While this fic is not on hiatus, updates are currently very infrequent! I’m dealing with some health issues that have made it hard to focus on writing. I’ll do my best to update at least once a month, no promises though :’)
1. Country Roads
2. Stranger Danger!
3. Hot Local Emos
4. Crack On
5. Hot Local Dog Boy
6. Rosebud
7. Waterworks
8. Open Book
9. Haha and then what? bites lip
10. Did you fuck my son?
11. City Skylines
12. Hotline Bling*
13. You sly dog!
14. The "L" Word
15. It's clobberin' time!!!*
16. Mirror, mirror*
17. Sleeping With Sirens*
18. Toil and Trouble
19. A Grand Scheme
20. Hot Local Wizard
21. Abra!
22. Kadabra!
23. Alakazam!*
24. Aftercare
25. Blueberry Cream Pie*
26. Dancin’ in the Moonlight
27. The Ol' Razzle Dazzle*
28. Once Upon a Dream*
29. My Dear
30. One in 8 Billion
31. Reconciliation
32. Weirdass Beans
33. That Blasted Woman
34. Lady Luck
35. Good boy? Gooood fucking girl*
36. Holy Cannoli!
37. Three's Company
38. Mouth Stuff*
39. My Heart*
40. Wizard101
41. Author Update I (Hiatus announcement)
42. Author Update II (Just checking in ^^)
43. Author Update III (LETSA GO)
44. Giddy up!*
45. Partners in Time
46. Eepy time
47. I'm not a hussy!
48. Fuck it, we ball
49. Fantasy RPG lookin' ass
FAWY Minis: One-shots that happen during and alongside the events of FAWY, from the perspective of other characters!
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spartanguard · 9 months
sons of love and death, 9/13 {CSSNS 23}
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Summary: After the Final Battle, Killian Jones had finally settled into his happily ever after with his wife and family. Until a new foe arrived in Storybrooke: the infamous Dorian Gray, who looks rather familiar—one might say identical—to the pirate, and he’s on a mission: to claim the powers of the Dark One for himself. There’s only one problem: the Dark One no longer exists. What follows is a journey of vengeance, revelations, magic, and finally facing down the darkness within himself that Killian thought he’d finally put to rest. [roughly canon divergent from 5B, though set post-canon] A/N: Things stay a bit steamy this week in my @cssns story...hope you enjoy it! (As always, thanks to the best beta, @optomisticgirl​ !) rated M | 4.7k words | AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
For the first time since Dorian had crashed into their lives, things were suddenly quiet after Killian’s encounter with him on the ship. No one was fool enough to think that meant he was gone—they were still ever on alert—but the reprieve from actively being on the defensive was appreciated. 
Killian still had a few magic lessons, but after his emotional breakdown, he seemed to have made an equal breakthrough when it came to using his powers at will. 
Even in the middle of the forest, he easily extinguished the ring of fire Regina conjured. She waved the subsequent steam away from her face with a wince, but then arched an eyebrow. “That’s the fastest I’ve ever seen magical flames put out. Impressive, pirate.”
He smirked and hoped she attributed the flush in his cheeks to the lingering heat and not the blush it actually was. 
It was mainly his elemental magic that he’d mastered, but he did begin working on testing out some more general magic. Not with much success, but Regina was unusually patient. “You’ve done the hard part; the rest will come with time,” she assured him. 
At least that was going well. He was having less success to adjusting to life without his hook. He’d searched all over the deck of his ship the morning after his confrontation with Dorian, but it wasn’t to be found; he had to assume his arsehole brother had taken it, but couldn’t fathom why (other than to make his life harder). 
He’d had that hook longer than he ever had a hand—it’s what he was accustomed to. 
He did, however, find a burn mark in the railing the size and shape of a cigarette; he was fighting back the part of him that wanted to similarly scar Dorian.
Until he figured something else out, he’d dug his false hand out of storage; it was better than nothing, but not what he’d prefer. It was too bulky and imprecise. But it beat the alternative of nothing, especially given that he wasn’t yet confident enough to go without his brace in public. (Though he had come to appreciate, since they’d begun to cohabitate, the way Emma massaged the blunted end of his wrist after he removed the brace at the end of the day.)
(He also wasn’t going to complain about the way the use of his false hand was apparently reminding Emma of their adventure in the past, particularly the ball, and that she’d taken to slow dancing with him in the evenings while holding tight to it. Or that it inevitably led to a more horizontal form of dance.
Perhaps he’d have to ask Regina if it was possible to learn how to transform clothing, to truly recreate that night—and finally act on the things he’d only imagined doing with her when he held her close in that red ballgown.)
At least now Belle couldn’t admonish his handling (or, rather, potential damaging) of ancient book covers as she once had, though it had long since become a joke. They were still doing research to figure out whatever they could about Dorian and what he hoped to achieve, largely from Gold’s personal collection; he may have given up the Dark One’s powers, but not their library. 
For what it was worth, Killian did also read the novel supposedly written about Dorian, but as its inspiration had said, it appeared to only be very loosely based in truth and while an enjoyable story, was less than helpful. 
They were following any potential lead they could, particularly anything about dark magic, but also whatever they could find about Killian and Dorian’s inherent magic. There was so much Killian didn’t know about his parents and family; if he could learn anything about his background this way, he’d like to. 
During their down time at the library, they worked their way through whichever books Belle had brought from home, if only to take stock of each one’s subject matter even if it didn’t hold any answers. 
Killian was skimming over a volume on magical botany (and quickly losing interest) when he noticed a sudden but well-known change in Belle’s body language as she studied her own tome. First, she leaned closer over the page. Then she followed several lines of text with her index finger. She picked up the whole thing, bringing it close to her nose, eyes darting as she read. 
Then she nearly slammed it back on the table (as carefully as she dared to slam a book that was twice as old as he was—which was saying something) and exclaimed. 
“Holy shit!”
Well, that took him aback; her excited outbursts were usually far less profane. “Language,” he chided, though far from serious. 
She clamped a hand over her mouth, briefly. “Sorry,” she said, sounding anything but, “but I found something big.”
“Something relevant?”
“Yeah—though I’m not sure how you’ll react.”
He quirked an eyebrow, intrigued. “What is it?”
“If I’m translating this correctly—and I’m almost positive I am—it implies that the magic of twins born around Cailleach is connected.”
Killian tilted his head. “How so?” He found that curious, given how long it lay dormant in him.
“Well, it’s anecdotal, but it talks of a set of twins who used their powers together. But then one died unexpectedly—and the other lost the ability to use magic.”
He hummed in thought. “It could have just been due to the loss of their twin, though—that’s a hard emotional hurdle to overcome.” He knew he’d have been unable to use his powers after the loss of Liam—at least, not with any control.
“Perhaps,” she agreed, but her eyes were still on the page. “But it goes on to talk about another pair who had lived apart for decades; their powers never faded, but when one eventually passed, the other’s magic went with it—even before they learned of their sibling’s death.”
“So…” He quickly did the math in his head. “You’re saying the easiest way to stop him…would be my death?”
She gasped at him. “Of course I’m bloody not saying that! I’m saying that if he died, you’d lose your powers.”
“That doesn’t exactly negate my conclusion.” 
She huffed. “I suppose not—but have a little self-preservation, okay?”
“Can’t say that’s something I’m known for,” he quipped back—though it wasn’t far from the truth, given his track record. 
But then he realized— “He likely already knows about that, then.” 
Now it was Belle’s turn to be confused; her brow furrowed, until she apparently remembered. “Oh, right; you died.”
“For a few weeks, if I recall correctly.”
She shrugged. “I kind of lost track of time when I was under that sleeping curse.”
“Fair,” he chuckled (because that was really the only reaction he could have to that entire line of conversation; as Emma frequently said, “What even is our life?”)
“But if he only just found out about you, then he may not have made the connection yet,” Belle pointed out.
“Mm, true.” He thought more about what they knew of Dorian’s plan. “And if he does mean to kill me, then that would be cutting himself off at the ankles before he even got to finish it.”
“...Which would make your death rather convenient,” Belle had to concede.
“Told you,” he teased.
They thought in silence for a moment, Belle staring away in thought and drumming her fingers on the table. “I wonder…” started, then skimmed over the pages again.
“Wonder what?”
She read for a bit more before replying. “I can’t find any specific evidence to support it, but I wonder if simply one twin losing their magic would be enough to cut off the other one.”
He leaned back and considered her hypothesis. It was certainly a safer option, but still had its risks. “Were you thinking him, or me?”
“That’s why I wasn’t sure how you’d react,” she told him.
He studied his hand—which, for once, wasn’t pulsing with blue lights, but he could feel it simmering under the surface. “It’s definitely the easier of the two options.”
“But this is all I have to protect Emma from him. And if it doesn’t work, I lose that.”
“You know she can defend herself,” Belle lectured.
“Oh, I’m fully aware. But for once, I’d like her to not have to.”
Belle gave him a somewhat melancholy smile and placed her hand over his. “Let’s keep it in our back pocket, then, alright? Besides, we don’t even know how to remove your magic anyways.”
“Yes we do,” he quickly reminded her. While he wasn’t the biggest fan of the idea, it was a solid backup plan—and he knew exactly who to talk to.
He probably should have called or texted ahead, but when faced with making such an odd social call, Killian found himself somewhat nervous. He wasn’t even sure how the phone number ended up in his device, as he’d never once used it, nor had they—it was purely for emergencies, which had thankfully been in short supply lately. 
So he figured it might be better to simply show up at the door and see what kind of reception he got. He still hesitated to knock, though; his hand hovered over the weathered wood as he second-guessed this entire meeting. 
Before he wavered any longer, he quickly rapped on the door, firmly and fast. And held his breath. 
It took a moment, but he heard footsteps approach the other side of the door, then saw the lace curtain in the window briefly move aside and fall back. The deadbolt turned, the door swung open—
—And a blade was at his neck. Zelena was holding a kitchen knife to his carotid, her other hand fisted around the open edge of his coat. 
“Which one are you?” she snarled.
“The one with one hand,” he snapped back. “Is this how you treat all unexpected visitors?” (It checked out, if he was being honest.)
“Glamour spells are easy,” she countered. “Prove it’s you: tell me how we escaped from the Dark Swan’s cave?”
He squinted his eyes shut at the memory (and also because he could feel the edge of the knife on his skin). That wasn't a moment he ever cared to revisit; as such, it had stayed private between the two of them. “I had an enchantment in my hook and used it to remove the magic-blocking cuff; you did the rest.”
She stepped back and let go of him, seemingly satisfied. He still checked his neck where the blade had been, but no blood came back.
Zelena leaned out of sight, setting the knife down inside the house, and then crossed her arms as she glared at him. “Well, now that that’s settled, what do you want? Robyn’s asleep so I’ve only got an hour to myself, if I’m lucky.”
“I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but might I come in? I wanted to ask you about something.”
She smirked and raised her eyebrow. “This should be good. Come on in.”
He’d somehow never been inside her farmhouse. It was cozy, if a bit messy, but not any less than the Nolan’s home; he supposed that came with the territory of small children. “I just put some water on for tea; care for any?” she called over her shoulder.
“Depends; is it laced with nightroot? Because we really don’t need another evil version of me,” he couldn’t help but quip.
“Fresh out,” she deadpanned. “I only have green.” 
“How in-character of you.”
They settled at the worn kitchen table and took a few sips from their mugs (it was actually very good tea). But now that he was here, he wasn’t exactly sure how to start the conversation.
Zelena had no such hesitation. “Out with it, then,” she started, setting her mug down. “What is it you come seeking my expert advice on?”
He let a sip of his tea wash down as he debated how to start. “When you gave up your magic, what did it feel like?”
“What, already tired of yours? Regina said you were actually catching on.”
It felt incredibly odd to receive anything resembling a compliment from Zelena. “Not quite, but…it might make things easier.”
“For you, maybe; it wasn’t for me. But you’re already used to doing things manually.”
“That’s it?” he asked, incredulous. “You could no longer wave your hand and have things done for you? That was the only change?”
“Of course it bloody wasn’t!” she said angrily. “It felt like…losing a part of myself,” she admitted. “It wasn’t unlike the emptiness I felt after I gave birth—like there was a hole inside.”
“Do you still?”
She stared at her mug. “Most of the time, no. Just like after I had Robyn, it healed, mostly—but it also left its marks. I still feel the loss sometimes.” She glanced up at him. “A few days ago, your twin was here and I just…handed over my daughter, because I thought he was you. I was so mad at myself. If I still had my magic, I could have sensed that he wasn’t who I thought—that he had his own magic. But what scared me the most was that I couldn’t have protected my child if he’d wanted to hurt her.”
That was a deeper confession than he was expecting. Despite all they’d been through together and the fact there was a tenuous level of trust, they weren’t exactly what he’d call close. But he did come here to seek her advice, right? 
“I appreciate your honesty,” he told her. “And I know how you feel—that’s my greatest concern as well.”
“You have a backup, though,” she scoffed. “You’ve got your sword and years of fighting experience to rely on; I’m not quite so skilled.”
“Those only go so far when your foe has magic,” he countered. “Especially when he’s out for blood.”
“Yeah, Regina told me,” she said. “I assume you think losing your powers would have an effect?”
He explained Belle’s hypothesis regarding the connection of their magic and the possibility of severing it. She listened intently and then sat back, staring up at the ceiling in thought. 
“It’s definitely a valid theory,” she told him. “I mean, that’s essentially what happened when I gave up mine—once that was gone, the Black Fairy couldn’t use those crystals anymore, even though they were more a side effect of my magic than anything.”
“Do you still have that object you used—that heart thing?”
“The Crimson Heart,” she corrected. “And I don’t, but Regina does; she stuck it in her vault for safekeeping, so gods only know where exactly it is in that mess.”
He glanced at the state of Zelena’s living room through the entryway from the kitchen, but made no further comment. 
“I’ll talk to her; we can probably get it out whenever you want. How soon were you thinking about doing this?”
“The sooner, the better,” he decided—not just on when, but that it was the right course of action as well. If it worked, Dorian was so reliant on his magic that its loss would likely render him bereft, and Killian was indeed skilled enough to fend him off. 
“I’ll ask Regina about it tomorrow, then.”
“That works,” he agreed. “Cheers,” he ended, offering his mug in a toast. 
She clinked hers against his and they made small talk as they finished their tea, as if they hadn’t just had a fairly serious conversation. 
Not long after, whimpers came from the baby monitor sitting on the counter. “I’ll leave you to that, then,” he said, intending to excuse himself, and stood up. 
“Oh no you don’t,” Zelena countered. “Robyn is in an intense water phase right now. If you want to return the favor, you’ll flex some of that magic for her before you ditch it.”
He had to smile at that. “Aye, we can manage something.”
Little Robyn was thoroughly entertained by the fountains, splashes, and whirlpools he created in the stoppered basin sink (and, if he wasn’t mistaken, Zelena was impressed, too—though he didn’t miss the bit of melancholy in her eyes, likely from what they’d previously discussed). 
He finally left feeling a bit lighter than when he’d arrived, though still obviously trepidatious. He’d talk it over with Emma, though; she’d either confirm he was doing the right thing, or tell him he was being a bloody idiot. 
“You’re sure about this?”
“It’s the easiest way to ruin his plans. We don’t have a ton of options here.”
Emma had listened to Killian’s explanation of the plan to get rid of his magic, but wasn’t completely sure she was on board, even if it made sense. 
She set her mug of cocoa down on the kitchen table and leaned back in her chair. “I know, but you were there when I tried to give up mine. It might not be the easy way out you think it is.”
“I’m aware,” he acknowledged from his seat adjacent to her. “But we also both know that if I was just doing this because I didn’t want to take ownership of my powers, I’d have pursued this a week ago.”
“Yeah,” she conceded. “And at least it’s not Gold this time.”
She slightly regretted bringing up that memory when Killian shuddered; that whole situation—with the hat and subsequent theft of his heart—had been far more traumatic for him than her, though who knows what would have happened without Elsa’s intervention. 
“Indeed,” he finally said. “If this works the way we think it will, it’ll make sure this whole situation is resolved without any bloodshed—most importantly, yours.”
She rolled her eyes. “Hey—yours too,” she chided. “And what if it doesn’t?”
“Then we come up with a new plan,” he assured her. “And I start wearing my sword belt again.”
She chuckled a bit, if only because she enjoyed the way the leather sat on his hips (though she also admired the fit of a gun holster on his shoulders, even if his stint as deputy was short-lived). But then she sighed. “I meant it when I said I was into the whole power couple thing,” she told him. “I’m gonna miss that.”
“You’re far better at it, darling,” he tossed back. “But perhaps if our time is limited in that regard,” he went on, leaning in and looking down coyly, “we make the most of it?”
Now he was glancing up at her through those long lashes of his, a smirk cutting a dimple into his scruff. 
Well. She could never say no to that. 
So she leaned towards his ear and whispered, “Race you to the bathroom.”
(She won, for the record.)
They’d long since mastered the most efficient removal of clothes; the lone perk to Henry being out of the house was that no one was around to judge them for the trail of shirts and underwear left on the stairs and hallway landing.
She may have assisted their water heater in getting the shower up to temp; once it was nice and steamy, she dragged Killian in and wasted no further time in getting on with things. It wasn’t the first time they’d had an encounter in the shower since he’d mastered his magic, but knowing this was the last time, she was impatient to get going (and was going to loathe the end).
As the hot water washed over her, she shivered, both at the heat on her skin and in anticipation of what was to come. Killian, too, was eager, it seemed—both by the way he wasted no time in pressing himself against her back and wrapping his arms around her waist, and by the beginnings of an erection that she could feel against her rear.
She turned in his embrace and similarly placed her arms around him, resting them at the small of his back, and aligning as much of her body to his as she could—even though the initial brush of his chest hair against her nipples made her arch her back. 
He smirked at her reaction, but then it turned into a softer, more intimate smile that she only ever saw come out in these shared moments, and he buried his hand in her wet tresses to press a tender kiss to her lips. 
They took their time, sharing languid kisses, hands gently wandering and gradually building the best kind of tension between them. 
The water continued to rain down on them, drawing meandering paths down their bodies. But…was some of it going backwards?
At first, she thought it was just spray bouncing up at her ankles. But then it felt like droplets were trailing up her back alongside his fingers. 
The sensation continued, swirling subtly up her legs and abdomen; when it eventually traveled over the sensitive area between her legs, she knew exactly what was going on. 
She went up on her toes—partly in reaction, and partly to look him closer in the eye. “I felt that,” she jokingly accused.
“I bloody well hope so,” he countered. “Was wondering when you’d acknowledge that.”
“Maybe I was enjoying it too much to say anything.”
“Then I suppose I better get back to it,” he said, just as she felt simultaneous threads of water swirl around her nipples.
After that, it was like every drop that fell on her had a destination; as much as his fingers drew designs on her skin, the water similarly made patterns all over her body: circling her breasts and navel, spiraling down her thighs, caressing her shoulders and back, even tickling the sensitive spot just under her jaw. (That one may have earned him a similar touch under his arms, making him briefly squirm away.)
She was getting completely lost in the sensation—of him and his magic all around her—when something made her jump. It felt like when Killian went down on her, but he was obviously still fully upright.
She gasped when it happened again—the same gentle but firm touch, right over her clit.
“Oh, that is so not—fair,” she admonished, stuttering as he did it again. Typically, he just raised an eyebrow at her, somehow both in pride and challenge.
Well. She had a few tricks up her sleeve, despite being very naked.
She slipped her hands around his waist and found his lips again, mainly as a distraction. And then she called her magic to her palms, making them tingle with heat and light.
She let her fingers graze over his hips, sparking a bit as they went, then reached down in between them to his hardening cock and gripped it carefully but firmly.
“Fffuck,” he hissed, throwing his head back. She smirked and stroked his length. “Bloody…hell,” he gasped.
“What’s it you say? ‘Turnabout’s fair play’ or something?” She was probably butchering that line but he couldn’t exactly respond when her extra-warm hand had a grasp on his manhood. 
But he could growl, which he did, making tension coil deep in her core. He placed his hand and wrist on her hips and rested his forehead against hers—she thought in bliss at first, as she continued to massage his shaft, but then a mini maelstrom took over their shower stall: droplets began to float and whirl around them, hissing into steam when they hit her overheated skin. 
That was new. To test it, she drew a line with the index finger of her free hand down his bicep; it sizzled the whole way, but left no mark. “Did that hurt?” she asked softly. 
He shook his head. “Not at all.”
She experimented further, letting go of his cock and pressing her palms against his pecs. She dragged her fingers through his chest hair and he sucked in a breath, both at her touch and the ensuing steam. 
His eyes had fallen shut, but he opened them when her hands reached his collarbones—and fire was in his gaze, almost literally given how hazy it had gotten in there. 
He surged forward and grabbed her ass, sliding his hand down her thigh to lift her leg and press his hips against hers. She inhaled sharply at the brush of his erection against her keyed-up clit. 
“Now?” he asked with a further nudge of his hips. 
“Not yet,” she answered; she was probably ready for him, but wanted to play a bit more first. 
She found his lips again and continued to kiss and press herself against him. Her skin was beginning to tingle as water drops continued to evaporate as soon as they hit her; she had to assume his was, too, as her wandering hands still hissed wherever they went, especially when she squeezed his pert, perfect rear end.
Well, that may have been her undoing—or close to it, because when she gripped those firm muscles, it brought them even closer together, making her realize just how much she was aching for him. 
“Okay, now,” she whispered in his ear. 
He didn’t say anything; he didn’t have to. He just carefully guided her to the wall behind her so it would be easier for him to get leverage. Normally, she had to brace herself for contact with the cool tile, but it was unusually warm tonight. 
Killian guided her leg to sit on the footrest she’d put in the shower for this exact reason; between that and the wall, it just made things so much easier. Although her foot slipped the first time she tried to set it down; despite no longer being directly under the shower head, water was still coming down on them, from every direction, it seemed; definitely Killian’s handiwork. 
Once she was in place, he pressed one more kiss to her lips, then gave his cock a couple of strokes (not that it really needed any further priming, but she certainly enjoyed watching). And then he expertly found her entrance and slid in. 
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes at first. “So warm,” he breathed; but she was caught up as ever in how perfectly they fit together. 
But now that he was inside, she craved friction; she moved a bit to let him know, and he took the hint. With the way they were positioned, it’d be more him than her in action, but she wasn’t worried about not finding her own release. 
(Not that she ever was, but there again was a stream of water gently circling her clit that probably meant she’d be coming sooner than anticipated.)
He pulled back and pressed forward, languid at first but then picking up the pace. She met him on each press as best she could, but now there was water on her breasts again—still all over both of them—and she was getting a bit overwhelmed as she quickly approached her peak. 
He noticed, like he always did. “How close?”
“Pretty damn.”
“Aye.” And then he increased his speed as much as he could, given the awkward angle, and it felt like her clit was going to drown, if that was possible, with the sudden whirlpool it suddenly was at the center of. 
She tried to hold out as long as possible—to revel in this experience—but—but—
“Let go,” he murmured—and she did. 
Her release crested over her much like the falling water had, until she was entirely awash in it. Killian came just a bit later; she could tell not only from his actions, but also because the constantly moving water suddenly stopped like it had been instantly frozen, sitting still on her skin. 
It wasn’t long until he pulled out and the water trailed away like it was supposed to, falling off their bodies to the tile below. He took her hand and led her back to the space under their shower head, letting it take care of the clean up. 
“That. That is what I’m gonna miss,” she told him as she curled into his chest. 
He placed a kiss on her temple. “Then we best make the most of this, eh?”
They certainly did, not fully crashing until a couple hours later. She made a point to memorize every detail of that night; hell, she was debating preserving it in a dreamcatcher. 
If that was the last night they’d have like that, then at least it was a perfect one. She smiled to herself, thoroughly content, as she drifted off in his embrace. 
thanks for reading! tagging some peeps (let me know if you do/don’t want a tag!) @kat2609 @xpumpkindumplingx @shipsxahoy @mryddinwilt @cocohook38 @annytecture @shireness-says @ohmightydevviepuu @wistfulcynic​ @pirateherokillian @colinoeyebrows​ @wingedlioness​ @word-bug​ @thisonesatellite @killianmesmalls @thejollyroger-writer @ineffablecolors​ @ive-always-been-a-pirate @nfbagelperson @stubblesandwich @phiralovesloki @athenascarlet @kmomof4 @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose @snowbellewells​ @idristardis @scientificapricot @searchingwardrobes​ @donteattheappleshook @jrob64 @the-darkdragonfly @stahlop @klynn-stormz​ @resident-of-storybrooke @bluewildcatfanatic
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
'The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook' Moodboards (Revamped)(Part 4);
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Liberty Edith Titan.
Age 15 years old.
Daughter of Arges the Cyclops and .
Cyclops and Back Up Carpenter of The Storm Bringer.
Family: Arges the Cyclops (Father),
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Wood carving, bug/insect collecting, painting, embroidery art, metal working, arson, playing games, playing ball, taking care of animals, weapon making, listening to music, fruit picking, dumpster diving, treasure hunting, carpentry, hunting, running, hiking, climbing, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Wooden Club.
She doesn't have magic but she does have inhumane strength and she's strangely good at mimicking people's voices.
Theme Song: "Roar."
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Michelle 'Misty' Del Rey-Silver.
Age 16 years old.
Daughter of John Silver and Marina Del Rey.
Mermaid and Diver of the Storm Bringer.
Family: John Silver (Father),
Marina Del Rey (Mother),
Shania Silver (Sister).
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Dumpster diving, treasure hunting, diving, swimming, playing the bongos, swimming with the sharks, smoothie making, jellyfish catching, fishing, water fights, sea shell collecting, sand sculpture building, listening to music, dancing, exploring, playing games, Whale baiting, Jewelry making, sculpting/carving, tattooing, scavenging, racing, knitting, and story telling.
Weapon of Choice: Harpoon.
She has mermaid powers but not magic.
Theme Song: "Just the Way I Am."
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D.E Anonymous.
Age 12-15 years old.
Daughter of Unknown.
Anonymous Helper of the Storm Bringer.
Family: Unknown.
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Singing sea shanties, dancing, parkour, hide n' seek, reading, playing cards, embroidery, sewing, writing, art, self designing, spying, babysitting, climbing, swimming, pickpocketing, and crocodile wrestling.
Weapon of Choice: Slingshot, Catapult, Canon, and Rocks.
It is unknown whether they have any magical abilities or powers. Oc is based on @dragoneyes618 .
Theme Song: "Secret."
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Shan Bri.
Age 13 years old.
Daughter of Shan Yu and Xianniang.
Back Up Kid Wrangler of the Stormbinger Crew.
Family: Shan Yu (Father),
Xianniang (Mother),
Shan Desiree and Shan Deja (Sisters),
Shan Simon, Shan Shing, and Shan Shiro (Brothers).
Pet(s): Fernando (Succulent).
Hobbies: Archery, gardening, cooking, baking, various forms of art, sparring, playing games, wrestling, swimming, playing with fire, sword fighting, learning languages, surfing the web, horseback riding, rat trapping, hunting, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow & Butterfly Knife.
It is unknown whether they have any magical abilities or powers. Oc is based on @mysticfables .
Theme song: "Warriors."
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Tiger Khan.
Age 14 years old.
She was found and adopted by Shere Khan for unknown reasons, learned to talk from other isle kids, and was simply known by Tiger.
Translator of the Stormbringer Crew. 
Family: Shere Khan (Father).
Pet(s): None.
Hobbies: Drawing, Embroidery, Hunting, fishing, writing, reading, watching tv, vandalism, graffiti, dancing, swimming, parkour, climbing, cooking, sailing, photography, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Bone Knife and Knife Gloves.
They have no magic. Oc is based on @panthera-tigris-venenata .
Theme Song: "Welcome to the Jungle."
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Fiona Freelend Foundling.
Age 8 years old. Abandoned/orphaned fairy child with dark wings that just popped up on the isle out of nowhere. No one knows who she really is.
She is the look out of the Stormbringer Crew.
Family: None/Unknown.
Pet(s): Bagul (Skunk).
Hobbies: Dancing, drawing, collecting stuffed animals/creepy things/bugs/silly bands/slap bands, acting , sewing, coloring, having tea parties, listening to music, trick or treating, playing dress up, knitting, meteorology, creative writing/poetry, arts and crafts, catching fire flies, acting, learning, and gardening.
Weapon of Choice: Bat Handled Sword.
They have fairy powers.
Theme song: "Hide and Seek."
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Noah Sage Napoleon Bradford Aoratos.
Age 8 years old.
Son of Persephone and Hades.
Prince of the underworld and cabin boy of the Storm Bringer.
Family: Hades Aoratos (Father),
Persephone Athanasiou (Mother),
Melinoë and Makaria Athanasiou and Skia Aoratos (Full Blooded Sisters), 
Zagreus Athanasiou (Full Blooded [allegedly] Brother),
Hadie Aoratos (Twin Brother),
Treycor Fae-Aoratos, Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (Half Brothers),
Darcy Aoratos (Half Sister).
Pet(s): Cerberus the dog.
Hobbies: Playing in Haul's band, hide and seek, dress up, tye dying things, making flower crowns, playing house, running errands, braiding hair, making plants grow, watching cartoons, coloring, gardening, listening to music, singing, dancing, treasure hunting, dressing up his stuffed koala, tea parties, building minatures, collecting stuffed animals/bugs/silly bands/slap bands, acting, etc.
Weapon of Choice: Stygian Iron Sword.
He has demigod powers, can see ghosts/the dead, and has Persephone's abilities.
Theme Song: "I'm Just A Believer."
7 notes · View notes
northwindow · 2 years
random acts
a chaotic, uncertain, and disorderly syllabus [x]
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why fish don't exist & “the eleventh word” by lulu miller
book and essay by npr journalist lulu miller on the search for order in a world of chaos. miller was inspired by the story of naturalist david starr jordan, whose collection of carefully classified and labeled fish specimens was scrambled in an earthquake in 1906. while researching his quest to rebuild his life's work she discovers surprises about his life that yield insights about her own search for order and meaning. “the eleventh word” follows her family after the onset of the covid-19 pandemic and the publication of why fish don’t exist, when her young son learns the very word “fish” that she attempts to complicate in her book.
chaos: the making of a new science by james gleick
the first popular science book on chaos theory aimed at non-physicists and non-mathematicians, published in the 1980s by science reporter james gleick. presented chronologically, chaos begins with the story of meteorologist edward lorenz's experiments with a weather simulator and expands to cover the ubiquity of chaos in fields like astrophysics, ecology, economics, geometry, and biology; as well as the ways the study of chaos has altered scientific paradigms.
"the lava lamps that help keep the internet secure" by tom scott
video in which youtuber tom scott visits the web security company cloudflare, where a camera photographs the changing patterns in a row of lava lamps to generate unpredictable values for their cryptography. in another office, a receipt printer generates outputs such as magic 8-ball responses, mazes, and sudokus from their random data.
"just randomness" by michael marder
essay in real life magazine by philosopher michael marder about ethics and algorithmic decision-making, in which he argues that algorithms should not recuse us from making fundamental decisions about justice. by trying to use randomness to create fairer systems, marder writes that we are prone to the pitfalls of perceived randomness-- particularly at the hands of the learned gender, race, and class biases absorbed by artificial intelligence.
"what does chaos theory have to do with art?" by dean wilcox
paper by culture writer dean wilcox on the connections between chaos theory in physics and image/process-driven work in art. wilcox uses the plays of robert wilson and the films of david lynch, both of which eschew predetermined narrative structures, as artistic corollaries for chaos science. for an analysis on art and entropy focusing on the work of many 1960s artists and architects, see robert smithson's "the new monuments and entropy." (thank you to @vis-uh-vis for the suggestion!)
"divination and game theory" by john henrich
short section of evolutionary biologist john henrich's book the secret of our success, which as a whole explores various ways that cultural evolution may advantage the human species. he touches on several examples of how random divination techniques, such as augury or osteomancy, are an evolutionary boon in situations where random decisions are valuable. for more thoughts see "paul the octopus' death and other thoughts on animal oracles" by alice dos reis from the dutch socio-political research project, schemas of uncertainty (many other interesting pieces here too!)
"the elusive apple of my i," "consciousness = thinking", "a courteous crossing of words," & the final pages of i am a strange loop by douglas hofstadter
a selection from cognitive scientist douglas hofstader's book on consciousness, i am a strange loop. these parts are dedicated to pondering how our coherent sense of self is established in spite of the chaotic "mass of seething and churning” at the level of cellular structures or subatomic particles. (note: brief references are made to concepts from elsewhere in the book, notably epi from ch. 7 and careenium from ch. 3 in the full text. thanks to @calliopecantaloupes for pointing me to this!)
alan watts on the myopic view of the world
lecture by theological writer and speaker alan watts on the common western perception of the universe as chaotic, alien, and unsympathetic. he explains how we might expand our "myopic" view of life, which focuses on our individual egos and voluntary actions, to see a larger order of magnitude in which the self and environment depend harmoniously on each other.
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celestialcrowley · 4 months
Ello, ello, ello!
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I’m late (fashionably) to the party, but…
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I’ll start off by saying how awful I am at tagging my moots when it comes to ask games, but know that I love all of you. Please never hesitate to pop into my inbox anytime for a chat. 💚
For everyone who has become invested in my Good Omens fanfiction, thank you for your patience. I promise I am working on chapter two. I’ve only recently returned to my normal work schedule. I have been getting overtime since October.
Alright, let’s gooo!
I was tagged by: @paperclipbean — thank you so much!
1. Were you named after anyone?
🪐 Not that I’m aware of, and hardly anyone calls me by my actual name. It’s usually either Ginger, Khasper the Spicy Ghost (affectionate) or Pippin.
2. When was the last time you cried?
🪐 I don’t exactly remember, but maybe a month ago. I miss my girl. My dog. She lost her battle with arthritis at 13.5 years old. The anniversary of her death is coming up in February. I can’t believe it’s almost been a year.
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And now you know what the hobbit behind this tumblr looks like.
3. Do you have kids?
🪐 I don’t, but my best friend has two wonderful sons, and I see them as my own. If I actually had a child, just picture Louise from Bob’s Burgers.
4. What sports do you play or have you played?
🪐 I currently don’t play sports, but I used to partake in tennis, badminton, wall ball, basketball, volleyball and gymnastics.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
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🪐 Not really, but it does also depend on if something is said that warrants the use of sarcasm.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
🪐 Personality. I am good at reading people. I may not always talk. I observe. I’m neutral on most everything, but — well, if someone has a bad personality or is mean to animals, that’s a no go for me.
7. What color are your eyes?
🪐 Nothing fancy. Green.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
🪐 I am the spooky connoisseur.
9. Do you have any talents?
🪐 I suppose if reading books, writing fanfiction and reading people count as talents.
10. Where were you born?
🪐 I am a born and raised Florida bean.
11. What are your hobbies?
🪐 Writing, drawing, stand up paddle boarding and listening to true crime podcasts. I can recommend a good one if that’s anyone’s thing.
12. Do you have any pets?
🪐 Thing One Mycroft and Thing Two Patch
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13. How tall are you?
🪐 So tall. I’m 5’5’’.
14. What is or was your favorite subject in school?
🪐 It was history and science.
15. What is your dream job?
🪐 The one I have now. I am a kennel technician responsible for the care of police and military canines.
No obligation tags: @ineffabildaddy @sad-chaos-goblin @skinnyscottishbloke @peregrintook @ritz-writes @bildads-shoes @peachworthy @phoen1xr0se @shadesofdeviant @scarecrowcloud @tragic-cosmic-magic @pretendygood @notagoodlad @ineffablemiscreant @ineffablemoist @azirapalalalala @crowleysgoat @justtofollowgaiman @xxxtosoxxx
[shouts like michael sheen] OPEN TO ALL!
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simslegacy5083 · 5 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 174: A Quiet New Years
Not long after Peachy switched careers New Years Eve rolled around, and for little Luigi it was a very un-merry New Years indeed.
He awoke with his mouth and head both feeling like they were quite literally falling apart, suffering from a loose tooth and classic Bloaty Head symptoms. He stumbled down the hall in search of his dads. Surely, they’d know how to help!
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Dada Peachy listened patently to his saga of aches and pains and then wrapped his hurting little man into a giant, careful hug.
He coaxed Luigi into laying on the sofa and closing his eyes to rest while he went to check with Jack about the best medicines to soothe the symptoms of their poor sick son. The two dads found something that would help him rest and left him right there on the couch where they could keep watch.
Once he’d drifted off to sleep, they called Chance to bow out of the New Year’s Eve party they’d planned to attend at his place that evening.
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Luigi woke from his nap to find Valentina quietly reading beside him. When he said that his head felt a bit better, but his tooth was wiggling worse than ever, the experienced mom suggested that he might prefer to help that along rather than suffer it indefinitely.
When she was his age she’d hated the feeling of loose teeth too, and she’d always wiggled them like crazy until they popped out. It hurt a little bit more right afterwards but still felt better than trying to eat or talk with the shaky tooth still in there poking and aching randomly.
Luigi was willing to try anything and worked on that unstable incisor until it popped free at last! The gaping hole it left behind did ache and bleed a little bit, but it soon felt much better and stopped being a distraction on top of his more serious health issue.
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Bloaty Head was no joke. Despite the medicine and nap, Luigi’s headache lingered on, joined by intermittent waves of dizziness.
Valentina kept him entertained with a story while Jack headed into the kitchen to cook up a big pot of his matzo ball soup and Peachy cleared space for the folding table in the magic room right down the hall from their loopy little trooper.
While they ate, they talked about their goals for the new year. Peachy was aiming to build enough respect for his comedy at work that he could leave the music angle out of his acts. Luigi and Jack were excited about llama scouting, skill building, and some upcoming video games. As for Valentina, she wanted to improve her overall health and intended to turn her focus to healthy eating habits and exercise for both her and her kids.
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After another long nap, this time with Papa Jack keeping him company, Luigi woke up feeling just a bit better than last time.
While they were resting Valentina had left to see her family and Peachy had transformed the spare bedroom with some old treasures from the attic.
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All rested up, the trio played videogames until the all-important countdown at midnight, ringing in the new year merrily after all!
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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kingarthurtournament · 11 months
🎉The Children ⚔️DOOM⚔️ Corner🎉
While the adults discuss serious matters at the Round Table they need to keep the children entertained!
So all the under 13 are left unsupervised around foam swords, plastic shields and helmet and a ball pit full of projectiles: what could possibly go wrong?
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No pre prepared propaganda for this one or the post would never end: you vote like when you had a passionate debate at recess about who would win a fight between Batman, Master Yoda and Son Goku.
And thank you to @thefreewillagency for submitting today's special guest: the British little girl who ALSO found a sword in a lake!
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