#< she's transfem and uses any pronouns + i also hc her as autistic and mdd with anxiety and b///pd
jasontoddssuper · 1 year
I'm the biggest Percy fucker ever and multiship him most of the time(never with Annabeth though,that shit ain't right)but i can't take content where he's potrayed as a horndog seriously because i know in my heart that he's demisexual(and i have some canon evidence for this)and dresses like this
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officialspec · 3 months
can you pleeeeease post your dm sexuality/gender hcs on here.... 🥺 i don't have a twitter but i wanna know. it's like a pandora's box to me now i'm like scratching at the door. let me in
heres the link 2 the thread (mild spoilers btw) ill post a transcript under the cut for ppl who dont have twitter
first off i think laios relationship to sex is super removed for like 50 reasons without even getting into his actual sexuality
he grew up in a place with very repressed ideas about sex and has a lot of fear about asserting his presence in situations
his special interest takes precedent over any social interactions he has and the level of closeness he feels towards people
he has a hard time figuring out his feelings towards other people both bc hes autistic and bc he has freaky deviantart fetishes that make sex in his mind a very abstract concept <- this one is me projecting mostly
that aside, i feel like gender-wise hes attracted to ppl so infrequently it may as well be entirely case-by-case
the idea of him being gay appeals to me from the 'raised with traditional values he Does Not fit into/hasnt begun to question it yet' perspective, i lauve characters who put a lot of stock into performing a role thats expected of them and fail miserably for unknown (gay) reasons
from his perspective tho i dont think he would ever really label himself anything. hes going to pride parades in the shirt+shorts Ally Fit to clap for his friends
hes also 'cis by indifference' imo... i love tmasc laios hcs it just doesnt mesh w his personal history to me. i do think hes got some kind of therian gender thing going on (not trans or nb but a secret third thing) but i cant see him changing anything abt his appearance/pronouns to accommodate that post-canon. hes just doin his thang
falin is in a similar boat for gender. i LOOVE tfem falin but the village repression thing has been bugging at me so i dont think i subscribe to it anymore (canon purist sorry) BUT if u hold that hc i am clapping and cheering regardless
instead i was propagandised to a while back and i LOVEEE the idea that being fused w a male dragon and the residual traits she has after being revived have given her a type of gender euphoria she didnt realise she was missing. a little boygirl swagger if u will
sexuality-wise i also dont think she would care to label herself, shes a lesbian by virtue of only being interested in One woman and zero other people. without marcille i do think shes still exclusively attracted to women, and i like to imagine she might experiment around a bit during her travels post-canon (pre-relationship). hearing abt it might put marcille on the news though
marcille is very simple That is a transfem lesbian. she cant get pregnant, shes obsessed w being femme and all that combined w her half-tallman struggles to be seen as 'properly feminine' by elf standards reads very transfeminine to Me. also her bookboy crush REEKS of comphet its not subtle
i think a more comfortable marcy might have the space to experiment w being elf butch like her manga boys but thats mainly self indulgence for me. utena could have saved her
senshi is gay his whole thing is abt not being able to perform dwarven masculinity to a proper standard (soft hearted, not as strong or rugged as his peers) which is like gaycoding 101. also hes a bear. homosexuality be damned by boy can work a grill
adding onto this i rly think senshi got some type of euphoria from being an elf in the changeling chapters. he was feeling himself so much i think he was using it as an outlet to have fun being a little fem and fruity without needing to justify it. do u understand
i dont have any particular opinions abt him gender-wise beyond that. his bulge is an essential part of his character design but i also saw a transmasc senshi a couple days ago that made me nod my head thoughtfully so i could go either way
chilchuck is cis and bisexual this is just canon. not even just his old man crush on senshi altho i do think thats very funny but they put his ass on a cover themed like hes in a dating sim with all the men and women in the cast and then slapped it in front of a chapter called "bicorn". i simply cant pass up that kind of overt signaling. its so fucking funny what else is there to say truly
izu to ME is a transmasc aroace lesbian (this one has the least basis in canon i just know it to be true) shes a little genderfluid with it nd uses he/she i think. i like to imagine she consistently uses masculine personal pronouns to refer to herself either way tho (boku, ore)
i think izutsumis gender/sexuality is entirely secondary in priorities to her body dysphoria. she has a lot of learning and acceptance 2 do before that kind of self discovery is on the docket and in my mind eschewing gender on some level is part of that. get sillay
shuro is cishet but at least he feels bad about it. next
kabru is a transmasc bisexual this is also practically text. his whole thing of being treated like a doll by milsiril to put in pretty dresses, plus i think it would be pretty easy for him to stealth in the west since tallmen are seen as inherently more masculine than elves
(i also think changing genders is just more common for elves. theyre androgynous enough that it wouldnt be hard and like who in their right miiiiind would be the same gender for 500 years. dwarves too)
i think he started presenting as male socially in the west but didnt need to consider medical transition until he moved to a more mixed culture where other races might see him as a woman
i dont have to explain the bisexual part. have u seen him
namari is a butch bisexual this is just canon straight up. shes not transmasc but i think the default settings for dwarven women is like 4 years of T regardless. shes a hit at all the local cruising spots despite her renfaire nerdisms i know this
and just bc im thinking abt em kiki and kaka are identical and kiki is tfem :} theyre both attracted to women but kaka is a sub so i forgive him
THATS ALL 4 NOW theres a lot of characters so i cant have thoughts abt all of them at once but i hope this was good. im right about everything forever as per usual
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trans starship anon here im going into specifics
bug: nonbinary but masc presenting. they/he technically but he truly doesn't care, gender doesn't exist on bug world in the same it does to humans. also aroace(spectrum) (buguary qpr realness) and bi
february: straight trans girl!! buguary is also t4t suprise! i think her parents were really supportive growing up, and shes just unapologetically feminine i love her for it
taz: kind of nonbinary kind of gender fluid she doesnt care whats in her pants? a knife. also butch lesbian because i love her. i dont think they've ever been in a relationship really (shes a 16 year old leutenant i dont think shes had that much free time) but if they were to be it would NAWT be a man
up: genders a bit wobbly but mostly masculine. he/him but doesnt really care about pronouns, i think pre-injury he was pretty hegenomic - and also very unconfident in his masculinity. but after his recovery, and after his talk with bug, hes kinda found himself out! Technically cis but literally who cares. also i think hes gay
specs: transfem nonbinary i have never seen a cisgender computer programmer/j. any pronouns but primarily they/she. i think growing up they always had really long hair so people kept mistaking them for a girl and eventually she just stopped correcting people lmaoo. also silly hc: specs was a nickname given as a kid because of their glasses that just kinda stuck. also aroace. maybe lesbian.
krayonder: trans man for sure, he/him. kind of an unrelated headcanon but i think he wears alot of stupid fucking graphic tees (alpha wolf howling at the moon, galaxy space pizza cat etc) and cargo shorts and its horrifying for everyone involved. also bisexual (damn son you get no bitches for real)
tootsie: trans man, he/him but honestly he doesnt give a shit hes just here for a good time. to me, farm planet is actually really accepting gender wise it was pretty chill ! doesnt really label his sexuality at all but i do think hes been attracted to men in the past
mega-girl: technically sexless but uses she/her, im not sure if that counts as being trans but shes gender enough so it counts. surprise tootsie&megagirl are ALSO t4t(ish) get hit with my beam. i think genders a little weird for her because while she "is not a woman" (her words) she is a megaGIRL unit so. im not sure if that means shes programmed with gender or not, either way she is comfortable with she/her pronouns so Shrugs. also sexuality wise she doesnt really label but Technically pan
junior: honestly, token cis man. im sorry hes awful /LH I LOVE HIM. tbh i think he would have to take ALOT of introspection and alot of therapy to even BEGIN to be thinking about his gender. embodiment of that "i might be nonbinary but i have a job so idc about that rn" tweet. he/him but with a bit of self care he/xe 😈 hes also gay but he has a job so he dc about that rn
im normal about starship. theyre also all autistic
yes yes to all of it
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juannaflippa · 6 months
random total drama reboot sexuality headcanons (made these while listening to laufey)
priya is pan, she just kinda knew she loved any and all genders. demiromantic, falls in love at first sight but always thinks twice about if its a crush or not (it never is). uses she/they. scared to tell her parents
millie gives lesbian tbh, never felt attraction to a guy. had crushes on girls and always brushed them off until she was like wait. holy darn i'm gay what the flip okay. also demiromantic, just like, never has crushes but knows she can
julia's bi. idk she just like, likes girls. she's never dated a girl but she lowk wants to, never told anyone
hear me out. mk, aromantic. always joked about how she was too busy with her tech to be into romance, then she realized she wasn't joking. also lesbian and nonbinary
nichelle is THE closet lesbian my god, straight on air but lesbian off set. got caught on a date with a girl once and literally had to make a whole 10 page insta slide explanation (everyone skimmed it, no one even cared, literally everyone still thought she was still straight UNTIL she made the post.)
axel is just so lesbian to me idk. her and ripper get together in season two tho so idk but i still live by the lesbian hc tbh
scary girl is just. scary. idk man she's not a girl or boy they are just an essence. unlabeled, asexual, probably uses any pronouns because as long as you're scared she don't care
emma is so transfem to me she is just a trans girl trust me. she's also bisexual and uses she/they. chill about telling people she's bi, but doesn't really bring up that she's trans unless she trusts you
raj is obviously gay. felt more free when he realized. lowk forced himself to have crushes on girls to fit in, like just thought you could choose someone and be like "yup ur my crush now"
wayne is either the BIGGEST straight ally ever or aroace. idk he just gives aroace vibes to me, also faked crushes. raj and wayne would LOWK be jealous of eachother for actually having crushes on girls ☠️
bowies gay of course. always just kinda knew, very very open about it. get's bullied for it sometimes but he doesn't care (the other person always get BODIED by his insults if bowie feels like it)
damien is transmasc and bi, pretty open about it. he doesn't mind telling people cause he doesn't care if they hate him for it. always shocks people when he comes out, he finds it funny
chase is so transmasc oh my god he has literally never told anyone and he is scared to. also the HARDEST bisexual closet case my god
zee idkk like maybe genderfluid bisexual asexual and uses any pronouns.
ripper is an on the low bisexual. wants to held by a MAN
anddd caleb idk probably straight ally
non sexuality related but
emma listens to laufey!
emma and chase havent come out to eachother about being trans. emma told chase about being bisexual and chase just kind of ghosted her for a few days
raj is autistic and wayne has adhd
damien listens to tyler, the creator
axel is def hispanic, she got that puerto rican blood in her i swear
damien got snake bite piercings
chase still payed for all of emmas subscriptions after they broke up ☠️
chase was buying tampons for emma and deadass asked her "babe what size yo pussy". she blocked and ghosted him for a good week
emma is an avid minecraft player, lowk got chase into it (they had a hardcore world for THREE YEARS and chase got them killed by a creeper when they were making a bakery for emma because he SWORE emma was paranoid for wanting to wear armor)
bowie used to be a track kid
emma tried to go vegan for like a week before she quit
damien is probably autistic
chase used to work at one of those kiosks at the mall that sell shitty overpriced sunglasses
priya has watched total drama more times than she can count. her parents didn't let her watch any other shows until she could memorize all the lines to island, action, and world tour if she was LUCKY
chase is a kpop stan
that's it. that's the post. same time next week guys???
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ethereal-nightingale · 11 months
the spiderverse brainrot is real so have some hcs (mainly gender/sexuality but some backstory shit thrown in there)
Miles: thought he was straight but is more bi-curious now
-hes got some pretty serious anxiety/depression stuff going on
-and his parents and friends try to be super supportive
-so he's slowly working through it
Gwen: -she is transfem y'all! her big speeh to her dad was literally in the trans flag colors
-shes also bi!
-part of the reason her relationship with her dad was so strained was because he tried to be supportive with her gender identity but they didn't always see eye-to-eye on it at first and she never fully forgave him
-shes also has Some Shit (tm) going on but didn't want to ask her dad for a therapist or doctor, but her friends help <3
Pav: -he/they pronouns because gender! also he's pan because he just. loves. everyone!!
-hes adhd and uses spider-ing as a way to let out energy
-parents just figured he was an active kid before he was bitten but he was struggling to be more "normal" all the time
-part of the reason why being Spider-Man is so great for him is because it actually improved his life a lot more since he can let out his energy now
Hobie: -gay ass right there. but he also uses any pronouns because fuck societal gender norms!
-the others are pretty chill about most stuff but he's reluctant to tell them a lot about his past
-when he was younger he came out to his mom who made his life hell after he told her
-he finally ran away when he was 16 (I hc him to be almost 18 in the movie) but has had trouble finding a place to stay ever since
-sometimes he crashes at HQ although Miguel doesn't know that. if he didn't he would just be on the streets since he doesn't really have any friends other than the spider kids.
-hes also autistic and goes non-verbal sometimes- another reason why he had a hard time (I haven't read his comics so I know jackshit about his past so I'm just headcanoning that his mom was a single mom okay), she didn't have a lot of time so he was kind of just left to do whatever he wanted for a while and it didn't really become obvious until he got older
-he does know BSL for when he goes non-verbal but it's not the most useful since most of his friends are American, so he just tries to hide when it happens and text them instead. he hasn't told them that he goes non-verbal yet
I got some others for Miguel, Gayatri, peni, noir, Margo, etc. but it's late so I'll do them in the morning lmao
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alicethenobody · 5 months
My Infinity Train HCs because I’m bored :3
Tulip: Arospec lesbian and genderqueer (uses she/they pronouns) and I think she’s autistic.
Lake: Bisexual non binary (uses they/them pronouns)
Jesse: Bisexual transfem (uses he/she pronouns)
Grace: Asexual lesbian (uses she/her pronouns)
Ryan: Bisexual non binary (uses he/they pronouns) also I think he’s audhd.
Min-Gi: Gay genderqueer (uses any pronouns) and I think he’s autistic.
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cocajimmycola · 7 months
bennett, chongyun, thoma, diona, keqing, lynette, lynney, freminet, sayu, layla, kaeya, xingqui
(for hc thing)
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Bennet is an abro, ace, demiboy, arospec, girlliker, amab transmasc, pyrocensored guy who has adhd & ocd! he uses he/they pronouns.
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Chongyun is aroace, transfem, cistrans, and autistic. He uses he/him pronouns, but doesn't care much.
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Thoma is bisexual.
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Diona is a genderfluid demigirl, transmasc, mlm/gay, and autistic. He uses He/They/She/Paw/Shrill pronouns. (Please don't argue about her being "too young to know things", i headcanon him as 14, and that they're figuring out their identity.)
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Keqing is a transmasc lesbian with autism. She uses she/her pronouns.
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Lynette is mlm/gay, agender, unfathogirl, kenochoric genderqueer, and has autism and ocd. They use they/them pronouns.
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Lyney is transxenic gay. He uses he/they pronouns.
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Freminet is autistic and unlabelled. He doesn't care for any pronouns.
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Sayu is transmasc and gay. He also has an unlabelled growth disorder.
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Layla is unlabelled and has narcolepsy (I could not find the flag for it), she uses she/her pronouns.
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Kaeya is gay.
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Xinqiu is nonbinary, bisexual, and transmasc. He uses he/they/she pronouns.
yayy! thanks for so many lol these were fun.
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queerkuro · 2 years
trans arankita? 🥺👉👈
send me and bex characters to trans
listen. yall. i've said it so many times but arankita makes me so fucking feral i can go on and on about them i feel like this is gonna get so long too yall are giving me the best reasons to ramble
i know you asked for arankita, but i'll do them separate and together like i did for the others!
so aran!
i fucking love aran and he is so transable. you can really just trans him. he's perfect. i love him. transmasc aran? perfect. transfem aran? perfect. enby aran? perfect.
recently i've been really loving nonbinary aran, but i'm gonna talk in general first. i think he thought a lot about his transition. he did research and tried shit out on his own before he told anyone. not to get too serious, but i am in my psychology research brain today. i do think that he does really have to think about the intersections of being black in general, being black in japan, and being a black trans person. he has to be careful about how he goes about his transition, but i think he has a really good support system, and his family is really supportive of him.
i think transmasc aran gets top surgery as soon as he can, but i've been thinking about afab enby (and/or genderfluid!) aran who doesn't get top surgery but will bind. basically my thoughts on that for aran is they use they/he/she pronouns, but only for other trans people. cis people are lucky to even perceive them so cis people can only use they/them. trans people are also more than welcome to use gendered language with him, because he knows that they know she isn't part of the binary. i also love thinking about aran switching between fem/masc/gnc presenting, or mixing it all up!
i also like to think that aran likes to try different styles with their hair, and will try different styles of braids or other protective styles to see how they can express gender that way, you know?
also, sidenote, the twins (also trans) are so fucking in love with aran, and they think she's SO gender
and speaking of being so gender - kita!
kita is up there with akaashi on being very gender for me. idk what it is about him but he's just...gender.
(one of the very first hq fics i read was about enby kita, and i still think about it a lot)
i tend to lean towards enby kita, but transmasc/transfem kita is amazing too. i loooooove the conversations me and bex have about fem kita
i think kita has to be told by other trans people that cis people don't think about gender like that, and he's just kinda like "oh" and then is trans lmao
no matter which way kita is trans, i don't think they have much dysphoria, but i do think afab kita gets super dysphoric about their period (not projecting at all idk what you're talking about) but it's partly because of trans shit but also because of autism (no i will not be taking criticisms, kita is autistic it's canon...i can also tell yall my autism hcs...)
transfem kita is so fun to write! i think about her a lot. i think she so fun. i think because she works on the farm, she doesn't usually wear revealing clothes, and because of that, no one really sees the changes to her body from hrt (and top surgery lmao) so when she finally wears like shorts and a tank top or something she kills literally everyone that sees her
honestly tho, i love love love any trans kita, but they/them nonbinary kita just really hits for me. i don't have anything else to say about it lmao
moving onto arankita
the reason this whole think started is because i was rambling to @thegaycodedvolleyballhimbos about nonbinary lesbians arankita
i think aran was like "i'm nonbinary" and kita was like oh sick gender and now is also nonbinary lmao. also they are lesbians.
so we were talking about afab aran (they/he/she) and amab kita (she/they) and they're both on hrt but opposite ways
...that's pretty much it. they're nonbinary. they're lesbians. they're in love!
but i do have a hilarious fic idea that i really want to write that i desperately want to share! basically it's transmasc kita, but he's stealth. except he doesn't know he's stealth. he doesn't really think about the fact that no one ever sees him change or anything, and he's just a guy so like. there's nothing to talk about? but then he and aran are making out and getting handsy and aran feels his binder/bra and is confused. so kita tells him he can take it off and aran is like what. and after some confusion kita is like aran. you know what a bra is. and aran is like but???? why are you wearing it?????? and kita is like i'm trans. literally everyone knows this. you know that aran. but aran very much did not know that
anyway this is so fucking long i could keep going about arankita but like my previous responses about this, i will stop here lmao
(reminder while we're here that trans is an umbrella term, nonbinary is under the trans umbrella, and nonbinary is also an umbrella term that covers identities like genderfluid, genderqueer, bigender, etc.)
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umjamlam · 1 year
since i cant shut up, here's some of my headcanons for my blorbos. also songs that remind me of them :3
abed: bisexual, he/they, dating troy. uses his lava lamp as a visual stim. owns so many tangles and picks each one depending on mood and vibes, likes to pick out a matching tangle for the movie they're watching. maybe might have a service kink 🧍
troy: gay, he/him, dating abed. has a kangaroo plushie named kickpuncher which he sleeps with every night. cries at the end of tangled because its just such a happy ending. used to play drums when he was younger.
annie: lesbian, she/her, dating claire. loves knitting and uses it as a way to relax, she gives away her finished products to the study group. also taught troy and abed to knit. her favorite animal is giant isopods.
britta: bisexual, she/they/he, dating frankie. has a small knitting group with annie, troy and abed where they get together and just knit while listening to music or watching some light hearted romcom. plays the bass in an all female punk band.
jeff: bisexual, he/him, dating craig. takes craig to ballroom dancing classes every other week and they always dress up so they're the fanciest bitches there. didn't realise he was in love with craig until season 6 (oblivious little guy). has bad days where he can barely get out of bed, before he and craig got together abed was usually the one to help him on those days.
craig: queer, any pronouns, dating jeff. worships the ground jeff walks on but is also there for him on his bad days.
frankie: queer, transfem, she/they, dating britta. they have 2 cats together. LOVES making lists and also excel sheets. makes lists of everything ranging from to-do lists to every single book she has ever read to all the lists she has ever written [she's just like me frfr]. usually reads at least 1 entire book every week, on top of the fact that they keep greendale alive. has all her books neatly organised in her bookshelf and finds it endearing whenever britta sneaks one of their own books in there. wanted to be an author when they grew up but preferred writing about mundane things instead of action and adventure so she realised they would never really be able to be one, still writes in her free time though.
ian duncan: bisexual, he/him, dating/hate-fucking/in love with chang. [thats all i got for him rn, he just like me tho]
mythic quest
brad: gay, he/him, dating and/or has a crush on david ♡ [i have so many hcs about brad but they're all so negative im so sorry but he's my broken little blorbo ok]. he owns a little huey plushie that he has on his nightstand so he doesn't need to sleep alone. pulls his hair when stressed or anxious. plays the sims and always try to manipulate the other sims to betray their loved ones. thinks david is cute when trying to be tough (wolf).
david: bisexual, he/they, dating and/or has a crush on brad. also has a huey plushie because it reminds them of brad, he might maybe be cuddling it in his sleep. gets really bad insomnia when stressed. plays the guitar and has tried on more than one occasion to serenade brad. has a tiktok where he does trends and they get a lot of views so they think they're popular but actually everyone's laughing at him :( (brad thinks the vids are cute though, but he'll never admit it)
poppy: aroace, she/they. autistic and has code (and video games) as her special interest. ice cream sandwiches are their safe food. came to america just to take ian's class.
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puyo-fever · 3 years
puyo character queer hcs! I explain some lengthily (mainly the aro hcs) so I’ll put it under a read more.
disclaimer that these are personal hcs for fun and you dont have to take any seriously at all!
ringo-aroflux bisexual
ringo is just kinda confused with her feelings in general but accepts that she’s somewhere on the aro spectrum. well, she knows she probably doesnt like people romantically, but sometimes she just feels things(tm) ya know. she’s been qpps with maguro for a while and sometimes she just has moments where she’s like “do I like him romantically?” but after a few hours or smth it’s back to “yeah he’s my best friend!” and it just. happens sometimes out of the blue and she’s just like okay brain thanks.
in general, she and maguro are pretty affectionate. definitely lots of hand holding, kisses on the cheek etc. but they probably just do it when they’re not around their friends n family bc everyone just ASSUMES stuff and risukuma is the only one who KNOWS knows that they’re qpps and wont make ringo uncomfy by asking if they’re dating.
amitie-genderqueer/trans lesbian
I think trans amitie is a very pog headcanon, but I think genderqueer also fits her very well! she doesn’t wanna be binded to any sort of binary, she just wants to be gender. and the lesbian one is mostly derived from the fact all the characters I ship her with are either girls or charas I hc to be nonbinary, though it’s not a hc I think abt a lot admittedly.
Listen it’s just really funny for satan to simp after her when she’s just not interested in anyone in general.
She feels sexual attraction, but is still unsure of where it’s directed towards, as she hasnt had a chance to explore it. so for now she’s fine with not id-ing it.
schezo-aromantic bisexual
-I don’t think he’s into romance. could be qpps with arle? idk, but he and rulue and friends with benefits, it’s just casual though
rulue-trans het
we all know rulue likes satan men but I think she’s also transfem.
she and lidelle are girl liker sibling solidarity. like, cmon, she seeks out cute girls to compete with them?? and keeps calling them pretty so
I’m not too sure how canon those old games are with her lore but I do like that tidbit abt her having a crush on either arle or schezo at some point.
maguro-nonbinary bisexual
Nonbinary (afab) is because of kin reasons. He’s masc leaning but is fine with some feminine terms (uses he/she/they pronouns). Bi is bc he just gives off the vibes.
Not much to say here. He’s not sure about how he handles romantic feelings himself so he doesnt label it, and he simply doesn’t feel sexual attraction.
feli-genderqueer demi
(Would like to make clear by demi I mean both demiromantic and demisexual)
Demi is because. Well, minus the whole lemres thing she takes a while to be trusting of others in general. Really doesn’t start to feel things until well into a friendship/relationship.
klug-nonbinary bisexual
Have you seen ppt2 and the 20th anni cutscenes. Peak Bisexual disaster.
Anyways he/him nonbinary just feels right for klug.
sig-nebularomantic greysexual
(quick explanation for those unfamiliar with the term: identity under the aromantic spectrum that’s defined as mixing up/not being able to separate romantic and platonic feelings due to being autistic)
This is one of those “oh that seems kinda obvious” hcs that I’m attached to anyways. I’ve always seen sig as autistic and in general uninterested in romance, though he is in a romantic relationship. I personally think he DOES sometimes get those feelings he simply doesnt act on them unless he knows his partner wants him to.
Also a personal headcanon is that lemres helped sig out in figuring out a label for him, as they talk about aromanticness a lot.
I just think that pansexual makes sense for raffina? not much to say here.
again, not much to say here. lidelle girl kisser, I can’t see her with boys at all.
lemres-non binary aroace
nonbinary is bc of kinnie reasons again so lets skip over that.
for lemres. he’s like, repulsed at the thought of being in a romantic relationship in general! whenever his parents would bring up the idea of a suitor he’d be pretty uncomfy. he was never interested in it, probably tried it once when he was asked out by someone after he ran away and went “nah”. while he’s fine with compliments sent his way in a fun matter (like being called a wife) he’s pretty offput by people who try to pursue a relationship with him. he’s really patient with feli bc she’s young and he doesnt wanna be rude by saying her fortune telling skills are wrong but man can she not take a hint.
As for sexual attraction, while he doesn’t feel it, he isnt repulsed by it like he is with romantic relationships.
tee-trans asexual
transmasc tee just..makes sense to me? I cant really explain why but he 100% wears a binder.
Tee is sex repulsed. not much to say. Hasn’t figured out his romantic orientation.
ess-trans bi
as with tee, trans ess just makes sense. transmasc and transfem solidarity.
bi isnt for any particular reason, she just feels like she’d be bi ya know.
jay and elle-demigender
they both aren’t very attached to the concept of gender. but also they are. yes. no. it’s complicated.
he’s the token cis of the tetra crew but also the token mlm nerd.
ecolo-agender aromantic
oh ecolo. funky blob guy. they’re 100% not giving a shit about gender and all those concepts, ecolo is just ecolo.
ecolo isn’t really romance repulsed per se, but they prefer friendships over romantic relationships, and cant see themselves in a relationship. wants to be qpps with ringo but she’s not that certain about the idea. doesn’t know what sex is.
*points* guy kisser.
*points* girl kisser.
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genderstitch · 3 years
As I wait for hcs, I'm gonna post my Puyo Puyo mogai headcanons + some miscellaneous ones too!
(Pretty long. Under the cut because I'm not sure if everyone wants to read what I think. As usual don't tag as cringe and check BYR. Puyo Quest hcs will come when I feel like it.)
Arle Nadja is a transfem butch lesbian who uses she/her, flame/flames and magic-related neopronoun, who's best friends with Carbuncle, who's agender and uses he/him, it/its and they/them pronouns! Carbuncle was once owned by Satan, who also goes by the Dark Prince, a pansexual demongender who uses he/him and dem/demon pronouns! He is on very negative terms with Schezo Wegey, a gay man who uses he/him and sha/shad/shadowself pronouns! Rulue, a bisexual demigirl who uses she/her pronouns, has a crush on Satan, and is Arle's self-proclaimed "rival"! Arle's other "rivals" are Witch, a bisexual stargender magicgender woman who uses she/her, xe/xem and wish/wishself pronouns, and her girlfriend Draco Centarous, a bigender gendercute futch lesbian who uses she/her, he/him, cute/cutes and dra/dracoself pronouns!
Arle is either friends with or on good/neutral terms with: Serilly, a demiromantic omnisexual aquagender woman with anxiety that uses she/her and aqua/aquaself pronouns, Harpy, a pansexual musicgender audiogender that uses she/her and music related neopronouns, Lagnus the Brave, a polysexual man that uses he/him, ligh/light self and kni/knightself pronouns, Incubus, a bicurious man who uses he/him pronouns, Suketoudara, a dancegender bisexual that uses he/him pronouns, Kikimora, an aroace woman who uses she/her pronouns, Panotty, an autistic omnisexual musicgender boy that uses he/him and tu/tune pronouns, Archan, a demiboy who uses she/he pronouns, and Chico, a femme he/him lesbian that uses he/she pronouns!
Amitie is a pansexual pupgender girl that uses she/her and pup/pups pronouns, and her brother Klug (Not actually canon but I think they're siblings!) is a bisexual transmasc that uses he/him pronouns! Their friends are Raffina, a bisexual girl who uses she/her pronouns, Sig, an aromantic buggender demiboy that uses he/him, they/them and bug/bugs pronouns, and Lidelle, a gendercute weathergender demiromantic bisexual with anxiety that uses she/her, bre/breeze, bird/birds and wind/winds pronouns! The group's (Minus Sig) teacher Ms. Accord is a bisexual woman that uses she/her pronouns, and her friend (or "puppet"?) Popoi is magicgender and uses he/him pronouns!
Klug has a clashing relationship with Feli, a gothcoric bisexual demigirl that uses she/her, dark/darks, hex/hexes and 🔮/🔮's pronouns! Her dog Baldanders is aroace and uses he/him, but doesn't mind any pronouns being used for him! Both Klug and Feli have crushes on Lemres, a bisexual trans cakegender candyic bakerycoric polyamorous man that uses he/him, cand/candy, su/sugar and 🍭/🍭's pronouns!
Sig's other half is Ayashii, a bisexual demongender chaosgender demiboy that uses it/its, they/them, dem/demon and he/him pronouns! Sig is also friends with the Ocean Prince, who also uses the name Salade, a princegender aromantic that uses he/him pronouns, who's adoptive father is Otomo, a gay caregender polyamorous man that uses he/him and ca/care pronouns! The Primp Kids also are on good terms with Yu, ghostcoric kidcoric hallowgender ghostgender ghost that uses she/her or no pronouns, and her sibling Rei, a non-binary ghostgender that uses they/them or no pronouns!
Arle and Amitie are close friends with Ringo Ando, an agender puyogender* pansexual with adhd that uses puyo/puyos pronouns! Puyo is best friends with puyo's classmates Maguro Sasaki, a catgender gamegender bisexual that uses he/him and nya/nyan pronouns, and Risukuma, a pansexual agender sciencegender squirrel-bear(?) that uses he/him, xe/xem, they/them, cub/cub, sciencegender related pronouns and 🧪/🧪's pronouns! The trio are on mixed to negative terms with Ecolo, who's genderfluid chaosgender and uses they/them, that/thats, he/him and it/its pronouns!
(Puyogender doesn't have rlly good sources to link, but they're genders connected to Puyo Puyo!!)
A shorter part two with the remaining characters is coming soon :D
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