#;; if this flops it never happened
pricklepearbloom · 8 months
Late for Dinner
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, this is my first fic ever so be kind lmao, not beta read so if you find mistakes keep them to yourself
Pairing: Azriel x OC Louella (Lou)
Word count: 3.3K
The comforting smell of freshly baked cookies enveloped the air as Lou bustled through the kitchen preparing for the night ahead. A buzzing sizzled through her veins centered around her middle as she glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time that late afternoon. 5:15. She could get it all done, she reassured herself mentally going through the checklist of things she needed to prepare for tonight. Tonight, she decided, would be the night that she finally accepted the mating bond with Azriel.
She met Azriel months ago while she was on a date with a male at a small coffee shop around the corner from her home. Her date was droning on and on about himself not bothering to notice that he had yet to ask her anything about herself. She knew she would not be going out with him again as she watched the dark sweet liquid in her drink swirl around in her mug. Having rarely gone out with males she was incredibly disappointed with the outcome of the date that her friend had set her up on. After one too many failed relationships this date was the first after a very long break from males. A name cut through the white noise of the coffee shop- her name.
“Louella? Louella? Hello?” Crap. It was her date. Her eyes locked onto his as she zoned back into the present to see his face contorted with his eyebrows scrunched together and a slight frown on his small pale lips. “Have you even been listening to a word I was saying?” No. “Yes of course, sorry I must have zoned out.” Lou lightly laughed to ease some tension “It’s just been one of those days I suppose.” “Well as I was saying…” her date that she couldn’t even be bothered to remember the name of continued to drag on about whatever he had been talking about.
A soft jingle caught Lou’s attention and she glanced to see a tall dark figure enter the coffee shop. Lou briefly analyzed his figure from the shoes up not thinking much of it. Dark laced boots, black form fitting trousers with a dark shirt partially tucked in the front. What really caught her attention were the dark wings that were attached to this male with the impressive figure. Behind broad shoulders were thin, membrane like wings that blocked out all of the sunlight streaming into the café. Her eyes trailed up his figure until they hit his face and she let out a small intake of breath that caught his attention snapping his gaze over to hers.
A feeling of warmth and wholeness extended from her chest reaching out to the male. Mate. She couldn’t draw her eyes away from the male, locked in a staring battle with one of the most dangerous men in all of Prythian. The night court shadowsinger. She couldn’t tell what he was feeling, his face betraying nothing but his eyes on hers felt so intense she knew he felt it too. A hand on her arm had her eyes clipping back to her date. “Are you okay?” A low snarl could be heard from directly behind her and she froze not daring to look behind her.
“Remove your hand or I will remove it for you.” A deep voice graveled out. Her date looked shocked with wide eyes staring up at the shadowsinger. The smell of his fear and faint scent of urine hit her nose as her date shot out of his seat with his hands up practically running for the door stuttering out an apology. Louella couldn’t help but let her mouth gape open as she looked up at the shadowsinger who looked even larger than life standing above her gazing down at her. The coffee shop had gone silent as all eyes were on them. Embarrassment burned through Louella as she stood toe to toe with him.
The magnetism that connected Lou to the shadowsinger was tangible. Her entire body urging her closer to his, eager to be wrapped up in his embrace. Her mind, however, felt differently. Her eyes narrowed at the male and she saw him swallow, the only indicator of his nerves. “Don’t you at least want to know my name before you chase off my date?” She said through clenched teeth. The shadowsinger clenched his hand in a nervous tick unsure of how to proceed. The moment he had been waiting for his entire life was finally here and he was frozen. Stuck in his head as his eyes stayed glued to the most beautiful female he had ever laid eyes on. And she was his. His shadows swarmed around him and one errant one was circling the ankle of his mate. His mate. Who was glaring at him? By cauldron she was beautiful when she was mad. It made a grin tug up the right side of his mouth and he watched her gaze soften a fraction.
“Hi” he ground out the lump in his throat the size of his fist. Lou’s mouth twitched and she felt her entire body clench in anticipation. “Hi.” She said softer than before watching his lips slide into an unsure soft smile. She glanced away with a warm tight feeling in her chest making her jittery.
“Louella.” She stuck out her hand “you can call me Lou though if you’d like.” His eyes softened, his shadows practically singing with joy over the sound of their mate’s voice. He slid his hand into her, engulfing hers completely. She seemed so small compared to him and a small fear shot through him that he would hurt her. No. He pressed mentally; he would never dream of hurting her. “Azriel,” he replied finally. Her heart skipped a beat at the warmth emanating from his hand into hers letting it warm her from her hand to the rest of her body. He glanced down at their hands shaking up and down for much longer than necessary and he couldn’t help his grin, he couldn’t wait for the rest of his life with this beautiful creature.
After their initial introduction, Lou and Azriel took things slow as per Lou’s request. She didn't want to jump into being mated before she was ready or before they got to know each other. They spent countless hours on dates and spending time at each other’s houses. Sleeping over but never going past heavy petting. Wanting to save their first time for when they accept the mating bond. Azriel would have completed the mating bond the moment they met; Lou knew this. But he was gracious enough to not bring it up often so as to not make her feel uncomfortable. But it was always on her mind and she had recently come to the conclusion that she was ready.
She knew that the mating frenzy would take up a lot of their time, so she made sure to prepare things around the home. The dishes were washed, extra food from the market was stored and put away, all of the extra sheets were washed dried and folded nearby just in case things got messy. Lou blushed at the thought, she had been with a few males before but none of them were her mate. She wanted everything to be perfect and was feeling a bit of pressure as time ticked on and it was getting closer to the time that Azriel said he would come home for dinner. Today marked their sixth month since meeting and courting and she hadn’t been able to see her mate all day. He vanished early in the morning murmuring something about Rhys needing him to take care of a camp before he rushed off promising to be back for dinner at 6:00. Time was ticking faster and faster and Lou rushed to set all of Azriel’s favorite foods out on the table making sure everything looked perfect. Another glance at the clock told her he would be back in twenty minutes and she let out a sound of excitement before calming herself. She glanced down at herself and found trails of various powders and the clinging scent of cleaning products. Setting down her oven mitt and taking off her apron she rushed to the washroom to take the worlds’ fastest shower and put on an outfit that she had been saving for this exact occasion. A deep blue that complimented her olive skin wonderfully, wrapped around her bust snugly before flaring out into a knee-length skirt that seemed to flow like reeds in the wind when she walked.
She painted her eyes and lips lightly then strapped her kitten heels on that she knew drove Azriel crazy. Carefully walking downstairs, she looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly 6:00. Azriel should be home any minute. She sat down at the dining table and lit the last candle that she had set out to make the scene even more romantic. Her hands were buzzing with nerves and excitement, her leg bouncing up and down from all of the energy in her body. Her gaze remained trained on the door waiting for her mate to come through the door.
“He’s just running late” She reassured herself after one hour had past and she remained glued to her seat.
“Maybe Rhys held him up with something,” she said after hour two; the food long gone cold.
“Maybe he got hurt,” she worried glancing as the clock struck four hours past. But she dismissed this immediately because she knew Rhys would inform her if anything were to ever happen to him.
“He forgot.” She said softly resigned after six hours. Waves of disappointment and sadness washed over her as she still sat in her chair at the table shrouded in darkness. Tears rolling down her face unperturbed, numbness and exhaustion taken over her body. She heard a jostling of keys and a soft “shit” followed by a thud against the front door. After a few moments, the door swung open and an obviously inebriated Azriel stumbled in. Having yet to notice her, he takes off one shoe at a time nearly falling over after attempting on one foot. He shucked off his jacket and threw it toward the couch but missed by a long shot ending up on the floor next to the fireplace. Lou’s eyes kept trained on him silent as a mouse, she felt as small as one at the moment, so perhaps it was fitting.
Finally, his gaze landed on her and he grinned, his face spreading into a smile that she usually loved so much. Her face remained neutral as he strode over to her placing a kiss on the top of her head in greeting. “Hi beautiful. I missed you tonight, sorry I missed dinner. Cass wanted to celebrate our successful mission today and I must have lost track of time. I’ll make it up to you, promise.” He said much more breezily than usual, not seeing how still Lou was. Not noticing that she hadn’t returned his greeting or even moved since he entered. He kept walking toward the washroom starting to strip his leathers as he went. “You didn’t have to wait up. I’m just gonna take a shower then I’ll meet you in bed.”
Rising slowly from the chair she had been stationary in for many hours, her joints creaked and popped with the movement. She felt like a ghost. What was supposed to be the best and most important night of her life was forgotten and tossed aside for… for drinking with a male that Azriel saw on a weekly basis? Rage started to build deep in her chest, but she shoved it down not letting it surface. She practically glided to the bedroom, not feeling the coldness of the hardwood beneath her feet. She stood in the bedroom hearing the rushing of water and an out of character humming from the male that had tossed her aside this evening. She stepped out of the dress and laid it carefully on the chair in the corner before tugging on pajamas. The water turned off and Azriel stepped out with only a towel wrapped around his chiseled waist. Quickly drying off he slid on boxers before practically throwing himself onto the bed falling asleep almost instantly. Lou stood staring at the now snoring form of Azriel. She had seen him drunk before but nothing like this and he was never so dismissive of her. She started towards the bed before stopping herself, tears burning in her eyes. She couldn’t bear to sleep in the same bed as him, the crushing disappointment of the night hit her like a tsunami and she quickly made a decision grabbing an empty duffle bag filling it with clothes.
Bright light burned through Azriel’s eyes and he groaned instinctively reaching out to the other side of the bed for his mate. Scarred hand brushed over cold sheets and his eyes opened quickly scanning the room for Lou. Azriel shot straight up when his gaze landed on drawers thrown open, various clothes strewn across the room as if left in haste. The alcohol from the previous evening came up to haunt him as a roiling bubbly sensation rumbled through his stomach. He jumped out of bed and threw himself on the toilet to catch the vomit that was currently exiting from his body.
Wiping his mouth with a groan, he slumped over the toilet before his head snapped up remembering the evidence that he saw this morning. With a heave, he brought himself up to standing and rushed into the bedroom seeing clothes all over and one of his bag’s missing. Quick eyes clocked that his clothes were on the ground but most of Lou’s clothes were… missing. Fear shattered through him and he picked up his pace. “Lou?!” he called into the empty air running into the hallway. ‘She’s not here’ his shadows whispered to him which made him even more frantic. All of his insecurities coming to the forefront as he ran down the stairs taking two at a time, practically falling down. His gaze locked onto the dining room, taking in all of the dishes prepared with his favorite foods. He could practically feel his heart drop into the pits of his stomach. Dinner. He fucking forgot dinner. She made him… all of his favorite foods for dinner. The pieces were slowly falling together as Azriel crumpled to his knees, not being able to hold up his body any longer. “Find her,” he choked out to his shadows watching half of them scatter into cracks and crevices leaving him feel even more exposed and vulnerable than he was before.
Lou wasn’t able to sleep last night at all, emotions running through her like a river to an ocean. Anger, sadness, disappointment, anxiety, and guilt for leaving. She absently stirred the untouched tea that she made an hour ago as she gazed out the window that looked out to the forest that surrounded the safehouse cabin Azriel had shown her when they first started courting. He told her to come whenever she needed to get away or was in danger and she definitely needed some space to think… right? A frantic banging on the door caught her by surprise and she carefully walked over to the door peeking out to see Azriel heaving out heavy breaths looking as though he had run there.
Lou took a steady breath taking in the sight of him. Unkempt, hair every which way as if he had been constantly running his fingers through it, his shirt on backwards and two different socks. He was beautiful. “Hello.” She said evenly and Azriel could have cried at the sound of her voice. He swallowed deeply his mind racing wondering where to even begin, “I’m sorry.” He blurted out unable to restrain himself. “I’m so, so sorry Lou.” He panted trying to catch his breath. “For what?” she asked feeling a bit petty for making it lay out his wrongs. His eyes were bouncing back and forth between hers unable to keep still for even a moment. “Missing dinner. Missing the dinner. I’m sorry my love, I should have been there. It was a hard mission and I needed to blow off steam, but I should have talked to you first. I- I made a mistake please don’t leave me. I need you. I need you like I need to breathe please.”
Lou didn’t say anything as her eyes took in his distraught appearance, she merely stepped aside to let him in. Not going to miss an opportunity, Azriel quickly took the invitation and kicked off his boots as Lou shut the door behind him. She started walking to the couch, Azriel following behind her like a kicked puppy. He sat a few feet away from her, trying to respect her space. Lou resented that distance and scooted a bit closer before turning to him. “Az. I know you didn’t know that it was the dinner but… it’s been six months exactly and I put so much effort into the night and when you came home drunk I just… I felt so small and unseen and I’ve never felt like that with you. That’s why I needed some space, I’m not leaving you I just needed some perspective, I guess. I love you and I wanted last night to be special, I was just really disappointed, that’s all.” With every word Azriel’s heart broke more and more. Along with it, his resolve to fix it steeled like the warrior he was. “I will make this up to you I promise. I will never make you feel that way again. You deserve better than that and I’ll give it to you I promise. I love you and I’ll show you.” With that he took her hand and led her to the kitchen. His thumb anxiously trailed over her knuckles before he gently grabbed her waist with both hands, hoisting her up onto the counter. “Az-“ she began before he cut her off “Wait please let me just. Please let me just try to start making it up to you. I don’t care how long it takes, I’m not losing you.”
Her heart ached with longing and a bit of pain for the male, “Azriel. You won’t lose me.” “I know. And this will ensure it.” He replied as he quickly began preparing her favorite food. After a long silence with only the sounds of Azriel’s cooking filling the space, he served her food on a plate. “I know this isn’t how it’s usually done, but I love you and I want you to know that even if you never accepted the mating bond you would have me for life, beautiful.” A hand caressed her jaw gently, a calloused thumb swiping across her soft cheek. She looked at him with love a burning in her eyes and kept them locked on him as she took a bite. His breath stuttered and his restraint was waning. “Of course, I forgive you. I love you.” She swirled the pasta around her fork before lifting it up to his lips slowly, “Do you forgive me for leaving? I promise next time I’m upset I will stay and talk it out. I won’t leave again.” The sigh of relief that came from Azriel could be felt by all of the animals in the surrounding forest. He stepped in between her legs before closing his lips around the fork, keeping his eyes trained on hers the entire time. The bond felt like it was missing a puzzle piece and it was just found the final one. The urge to take her to the bedroom was insurmountable and Lou could see the need on his face. With a small smile she leaned in and muttered against his lips, “kiss me Az.” And he did.
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mini-minish · 9 days
m9 pirate + essek joins earlier + speedrun any% au 🏝
disclaimer these are just sillies for fun bc i wanted more pirate times please don't think too much about plot divergences; feel free to add your own ideas in the mix!
spoilers for the mighty nein
• fjord becomes a captain earlier
• caleb escapes the prision earlier
• while on the run and covered in tears and mud, he meets beauregard in one of her many cobalt soul escapes
• a lone half-orc captain with a cursed sword but no ship or crew walks into a bar, sees two anxious looking humans in the corner: a scrawny woman with a grumpy face and a scrawnier ginger with a towel to his recently broken nose
• seems easy enough.
• girls night!!! they steal their first boat
• rule #1 of stealing methods of transportation is that you should watch out for blue tieflings stowaways trying to get as far away from a recent problem as possible
• back on land they loose beau (got got by the soul ☝️😔), caleb gets locked up in a shady storage while looking for her and there he meets nott the brave
• fjord's first response upon seeing a goblin following his navigator is to pull the sword on it
• nott's first response upon seeing some green dude shove a sword in her face is to pull her crossbow at him
• they look up and down for beau, but she finds her way back to them eventually
• still, they'll need more hands if they want to keep their totally legally owned ship afloat
• still on land, The Circus Plot happens and they acquire two more crew members 🎉
• molly loves the ocean, yasha likes the wind
• all of them like to go up to the crow's nest and bother caleb, nott more than the others; eventually he stops hiding up there so much
• yasha starts getting anxious about her unfinished business at the same time jester stars getting anxious about their clothes not being pirate-y enough
• they lose their first ship (of pristine papers as long as you don't look at them in the light) and have to travel on land until they manage to borrow a new one without asking it's owner and with promises of never returning it
• they also lose molly :(
• but they get caduceus :) who's not very keen on being in a boat for long periods of time but he'll adjust
• one thing he'll have in common with the cat
• fjord has a problem: The Voices in his head telling him to get back on the water
• jester has a conundrum: they got all of these nice, proper pirate outfits but now they have no ship
• love wins
• she did get frumpkin his very own little coat
• in the night, as the mighty nein crew wispers around two pushed together inn tables, a cloaked figure approaches upon hearing they are in need of help
• dezran, or dez, for short, for friends, an inconspicuous sun elf from, you know, around these parts, who is in dire need of work and oh would your captain be so kind to-
• insight checks fly around the pushed together inn tables
• but all of them know each of them is running from something or someone, and not all of them have a destination in mind, so really it's not like they're going to ask.
• plus nott thinks she saw a really nice boat on the dock with it's lights all out
• welcome aboard!
• cue the guy running from stealing things having to steal things
• cue a disguised drow's inventory slots full of the strongest sunscreen balm he could find this side of the continent
• maybe caduceus or jester finds out first, around when ess- dez, for friends, got a little too reckless and a little too hurt some time or other
• but the wildmother shows caduceus a lonely star when he asks, and artagan hasn't been paying attention, and anyways that's dez, that's right, their friend who has been nothing but helpful and fun, if a little skittish depending on the weather, and who always tries jester's pastries
• besides, far from him being the only person with a fake identity at the function. he's not that special.
• when fjord and beau find out, they're suspicious, but they won't make him walk the plank. there's protocol for that.
• yasha is not one to question someone running from their past
• when nott the brave finds out, she doesn't ask what he really looks like
• when caleb widogast finds out, during a siege on the ship, he grabs essek's arm and sees the drow underneath the disguise, and wants to know who are you, but circumstances are that later, they'll talk about this later.
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a video titled: how to fall down the stairs and not bust your ass
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sheryl-lee · 1 year
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hi everyone!!! i’ve noticed that lately i’ve been struggling with motivation to gif, and generally have been fairly inactive on here and i really want to try to overcome that and start posting more often again. so to celebrate the holiday season and appreciate my followers/mutuals for all of the love and support i’ve received in the past year, i thought i’d do something fun to help engage more with you all and give myself some ideas for gifsets.
with phase 4 of the mcu over, i thought it would be cool to make a poll and let you guys vote for your favorite characters in the phase. (i tried to include as many characters as possible, but i did omit some minor characters and characters that only appear in a post-credits scene.) once voting ends on friday december 23rd, i’ll make a gifset for each of the top 15 results!!!
this is the first of many polls that i plan to make, so stay tuned for more! you can vote multiple times (but try to keep voting to just once a day, to avoid spam voting) and vote for multiple characters at once. 
please like and reblog this post to spread the word! thank you ❤️
vote here
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silaswritesthings · 1 year
POV: Spending new years eve with genshin men.
Summary: Spending new years with genshin men.
Starring: Scaramouche, Kazuha.
Genre: Romance, fluff, soft 
Warnings: Scaramouche curses in his part.
Author’s note: This could be "part one” if it doesn't flop. Personally, the Kazuha one is my favorite. (If there are any mistakes I'm apologize in advance, I feel like my editing isn't as good as I initially thought it was.)
Word count: Definitely more than 3000 words in total.
Meet me by the abandoned sulfuric acid factory. - W
You scoffed at the letter left on your doormat by your best friend before pocketing it. You unlocked your front door and tossed your backpack onto the kitchen floor before closing it.
After locking the door, you made your way to the abandoned factory you usually meet Wanderer at.
You kicked open the door and walked before you scanned the dark room, the faint scent of sulfur from the walls was light in the air as you ventured deeper into the factory. 
Somebody grabbed you from behind and the sting of cold metal on your neck soon followed after that individual wrapped an arm around your body, keeping you in place. 
“Now you die.” Wanderer whispered in your ear, his voice low and steady. You kicked his shin with the back of your boot and stepped away from him with a scoff when he let go of you, knife dropping to the ground. 
You turned to him with a frown. “Save the sadistic games for another night.” You said referring to how every time you meet he attacks you how “any other fatui member would” to assess how good you would be at protecting yourself from potential danger.
This was a given, according to him, because when people figure out the ex-harbinger has befriended a helpless mortal they are bound to use you as a way to get to him.
He turned on a flashlight and flashed it to your face, blinding you for a second and you raised a hand to your face as you turned your head away from the light. “Stop it.” 
You saw him roll his eyes under the dim light. “We do this every night.” 
“Yes but today is special.” You mumbled more to yourself, afraid he would tease you or worse- brush you off. 
“Ah, so you care about that pointless new year’s celebration other humans do?” He stated with nonchalance, figuring out what you were referring to. 
You purse your lips. “Nevermind. Forget I said anything.”
 You began to walk back to the entrance of the factory, you wanted to celebrate the new year and as much as you wanted to spend it with your best friend however you couldn’t force him to if he was uninterested in it.
Wanderer gently tugged at your shirt and this stopped you in your tracks. You turned to face him with your eyebrows raised. “What?” 
He held out his hand. “Give me your hand.” Your heart jumped at the prospect of holding his hand and you unintentionally stepped back away from him.
 He rolled his eyes once again. “There’s no need to be nervous, I’m just taking you to a place I often visit- the scenery is breathtaking. Especially for an event as important as this.” His smile was awkward but endearing.
Though you tried to hide your excitement, Wanderer couldn’t help but notice the way your eyes brightened at his words and he hated the way it made his stomach flutter. He wanted to be the reason you made that expression over and over again and so you both left the factory together and he lead you to behind it where the was a ladder that seemed to be leading toward the top of the fence that boarded the factory territory and a forest. 
"Go first, I wouldn't want you inconveniencing me by failing to keep up." He remarked but secretly he just wanted to keep an eye on you so that if anything happened he would react on time. You rolled your eyes at his insult before making your way up the ladder, your heart racing as you tried to figure out what sort of wonderful scenery would be awaiting you. 
After reaching the top of the ladder you descended to the ground and asked. "What now?" You looked around at the empty night- while the clear moonless sky was beautiful as it always is, you didn't think it was particularly special enough to celebrate the new year. 
Your disappointment must have shown on your face because Wanderer hit the back of your head before scoffing. "This isn't the place." 
You huffed mumbled, "You didn't need to hit me so hard."
"I will have to cover your eyes." He held up a piece of white cloth as he spoke.
You narrowed your eyes.
"Trust me." He urged.
You sighed and allowed him to blind fold you and lead you into the forest by your hand. You particularly enjoyed holding his hand for it was warm despite the cold air of the night.
At some point the rustling of leaves nearby caused you to jump and bump into him. You expected him to scold you for this but he instead tightened his hold on your hand. Your heart skipped. 
When you finally stopped walking he didnt say or do anything for a few minutes and you had no idea why. Perhaps he was second guessing spending his night with you? Instead, he was pondering whether you would like what he worked so hard to set up for you. Would he be able to make spending your special night with him? He decided to take the leap of faith.
"Stay here." He reluctantly let go of your hand and left you. You got nervous for a moment, was this one of his tricks? Was he planning to give you another lesson on self defence? 'Don't let people lead you into forests while you're blindfolded.'  It seemed to fit well and you hoped to whatever archons were out there that this wasn't what you thought it was. 
You felt hands on the back of your head on the knot of your blind fold. 
"Are you ready?" Wanderer whispered. You held your breath but nodded. He sighed and untied your blind fold and when your eyes opened your breath stuttered. 
You were in the middle of a pathway bordered by trees and everything was engulfed in blues, yellows and reds from luminant plants and lanterns scattered all around you. The sight simply took your breath away.
You turned to look at the reaso behind all this who stood by a set up of blankets and a picnic basket in the middle of the display of lights with his hands behind his back and head turned to the side. You smiled before approaching him. 
"How did you do all this?" You asked, amazed by the scenery. 
He shook his head. "What truly matters is whether you like it or not." You looked at your surroundings once more with a smile and stepped forward. You gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"I love it." You whispered but before you could step away from him, he placed his hand on your cheek and stopped you from moving away. 
"Then I deserve a real kiss as a reward, don't I?" He leaned in. 
You clutched your bag tightly to your side to keep it in place because of the harsh wind that numbed the exposed skin of your arms and face.
Despite the biting chill, your cheeks burned as you thought about the contents of your newest book that was packed safely in your bag. A story between a wandering poet and a novelist- purely inspired by your romantic feelings for the wandering poet, Kaedehara Kazuha, who had caught your heart in his trap of maple leaves and sweet poetry. 
You smiled slightly as you remembered your last encounter, which to your dismay, was over two weeks ago. Kazuha was leaving with the crux and he took your hand before whispering a promise against your skin. 
“I will be back to celebrate the new year with you.” 
Your smile widened when you approached the grand Liyuean open library. You would share your stories anonymously here and you slowly grew in popularity during the past few months which motivated you to continue to write. It was your passion after all. However when you arrived at the library, it was closed. You frowned when you realised they may have closed earlier today because people were preparing for the new years festival.
Tired, you sat on the cement stairs by the entrance of the grand library and took out your book before opening it to your favourite part.
The part where the main character and the character inspired by Kazuha sit by a cliff and watch the sunset and later share a kiss under the starlit sky.
You described the kiss as delicate, soft and magical- all things that reminded you of Kazuha from the way he handles you like a fragile rose petal from the gentle headpats, helping you up boulders and trees while adventuring together (even though you already do all that on your own) to the way he asks you to be careful not to burn yourself when you eat out together. 
The wind seemed to calm before a voice spoke. “I wonder what or who could be the cause of your smile.” 
Your eyes snapped open and before you stood Kazuha as he glowed under the golden fading light of the setting sun.
“Kazuha?” Your eyes were wide as you stared at him speechless. He raised a hand to wave at you but before he could complete that gesture you had already scrambled from where you sat and held him in a tight embrace. His hands wrapped around you, engulfing you in warmth and the scent of cinnamon. 
You smiled against him. “I missed you so much.” 
“And I you.” He replied, “I hope I’m not too late to celebrate with you.” He said which caused you to break the hug to look at him.
“Of course not, I was waiting for you.” You cleared your throat after that confession and began to pace the pathway in front of the stairs. “But we need to act fast, the harbour usually gets crowded at some point so we need to secure a spot where we can see the fireworks clearly.” You turned to look at him but the look of concentration on your face morphed to one of horror when you realised Kazuha was holding your novel and scanning over the pages, his eyes narrowed in amusement. 
“This wandering poet sounds oddly familiar.” He teased. Those words were enough to get you out of your stupor and you swiftly skipped down the few steps between you two and grabbed your book from him before stuffing it into your bag. 
Kazuha pouted. “You wound me, I was enjoying myself reading that.” 
You huffed at him before looking away from him, you couldn’t look him in the eye after such an embarrassing moment. “You can read it with everyone else once it’s released.” 
Kazuha chuckled before taking your hand in his, hence bringing your attention back to his crimson eyes. An ever warm smile that you were well acquainted with graced his face and he pulled you toward him. “Instead of troubling ourselves with looking for a spot to witness the fireworks like you’ve done all these years, why don’t we do something different?”
 You tilted your head to the side. “What do you mean?” 
Kazuha held up a bunch of keys that you definitely didn't see him holding when he arrived and a tag that dangled along with the keys read ‘the grand library’.
 You gasped. “How did you-“ You yelped when Kazuha grabbed your hand and rushed up the stairs with you in tow. You both stopped by the grand doors of the library and Kazuha hummed an unfamiliar tune as he tried out different keys until he found the correct one. You looked at him in awe the entire time.
When Kazuha unlocked the door he gave you a smile before taking your hand once again and leading you into the library. 
When you stepped inside you both admired the giant book shelves that seemed to go on forever. Your footsteps echoed against the marbel floor as you walked further into the library.
You made your way up the stairs to the floor with the fictional books and Kazuha had begun to hum another unfamiliar tune with your hands held firmly together while your heart skipped in your chest with each passing second. 
You finally made it to the floor and looked for your pen name together. Once you found it and placed the book in its place. Kazuha cleared his throat.
"You have chocolate smeared on your face." 
"Huh." You blinked. You had what? 
Kazuha stepped toward you and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and proceeded to wipe "chocolate" off the side of your lips. 
"Of all the people I've come across during my travels, you are certainly the most strange yet entertaining." You put away the handkerchief before he replaced it with his hand and caressed your cheek with the tips of his fingers. "I ought to keep you in a box, for is that not where people keep their entertainment?" He gave you a knowing smile.
Your eyes widened when you realised he was reciting the words of the love interest in your book before your favourite kiss scene. "Is that all I am to you? Your entertainment?" You said softly as you leaned into his touch. 
"You're my muse." He said as he gazed warmly into your eyes. 
"The subject of my affections." Kazuha's attention shifted from your eyes to your lips and he leaned in.
"Will you allow me to express my affections to you?" He whispered against your lips. You nodded.
When his lips fully met yours, your breath stuttered. All you could feel was Kazuha. His lips, his breath, his fingers as they gently held your face, his body pressed against you as he deepened the kiss. It was perfect and all you could do was melt into him and so you did. 
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spidervee · 11 months
here’s something fun. i will write the first tasm!peter request that lands in my inbox. it will be the first thing i write in ages but i have a hot minute this weekend so let’s.
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hrtzbeat · 1 year
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never beating the ace lover allegations
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jordli · 7 months
let’s consider this a… starter call.
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axnrxn · 1 year
If it’s not listed, you can always send me a request!
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Thank you for being such a sweet and welcoming community!
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
Q&A post bc I'm bored - ask me things!
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Hi! I noticed that I passed 600 followers recently and I wanna talk to y'all more outside of just requests ( and I need to force myself to take a break from writing lol.)
You can ask me about:
♡ spiderverse opinions / theories
♡ literature stuff / writing / fanfic in general
♡ fics I've written that you have questions about
In general pls be respectful and all that! And as usual direct all your questions to my inbox 🫶🏾
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mcondance · 10 months
all my fontaine babes. . what’s the one little line from fontaine that just get you goin? a line that most people may have missed, a line that seems like every other line, but to you it’s a line that’s worth rewinding over and over for?
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killerbananas · 2 years
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Write Your Own Adventure:
Erwin, Miche
🔞 Warnings: flirting, lap grinding in public, jealousy, other warnings in reblogs!
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Imagine working Erwin into a positive fucking tizzy because you keep playing off your innocent flirty behavior as just that: innocent. It's anything but. He can feel the plush curve of your ass on his lap every time you wiggle around. He's groaning, biting back a moan when you have to push your shoulders to his chest as someone in your friend group passes before you. He's aching hard in an instant while you're giggling like a loon, making him grip the dense muscle in your thigh. That devious grin breaks your mouth for Miche to see across room. He's so vividly jealous and headed your way...
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💚 What happens next: you tell us! WYOA stands for write your own adventures. We aren't fucking around anymore. We're writing our favorites in the scenarios we'd die to dream vividly. Join and support us in this revelry, you dirty devils✨
💚 Writers: Reblog or link back to this post with a continuation of your own from the above start! (Traditional request of pls use a readmore and tag your content appropriately.) No word min or max requirements. Just make it passionately your choice representation. Love what you write like you'd drown in it. Do. not. hold. back. Life is too short for that.
💚 Readers: Reblog the post with your favorite version from the notes (dark content could lie ahead; mind writers warning tags, dnis) and support your local writers showing off their fun colors for everyone's communal enjoyment! Adding tag of a keyboard smash or a favorite detail or line from a piece jacks our praise kinks out of the stratosphere.
Thank you for your help keeping fanfiction alive. Please be respectful. Golden rule. New writers welcome. MINORS DO NOT.
Have fun 🔥🧡
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silaswritesthings · 1 year
A silent night with a fallen knight
Summary: You and Dainsleif spend another quiet night together while you contemplate over the actions you are willing to take in the name of love and hatred
Starring: dainsleif, a sleeping Paimon, Abyss twin (unspecified)
Genre: Romance, angst (I think), lots of thinking
Warnings: Reader cusses once at the very beginning, implied mentions of murder
Author’s note: I don’t even know what this is, I was just in a contemplative mood and wrote this on a whim. This is vaguely (very very very vaguely) a Dainsleif character study. Emphasis on vague. Likes, reblogs, comments and new followers are always welcome :)
Word count: 505 words
“Fuck you world” You muttered at the stars, moon shining bright and proud along with those very same stars you cursed above them. The silence between you and the night was heavy but not heavier than the hatred burning in your chest toward… everything. Nothing could drag you lower than yourself.
“Are you not too old for teenage angst?” Dainsleif muttered from where he sat across from you in the temporary camp you had set up for the night.
“One can never be too old for rumination.” You answered back, managing a smile on your face. It was pathetic and frail just as your attempts at finding your twin but it held some reminesance of the hope that shined through you at the beginning of your journey. You’d hoped that this little light within you would be enough to drive you forward. If not, you shall force your way forward with sheer absolute rage for that was something you had in abundance for the beautiful world of Teyvat. How could you not when it was the causation of all your tragedies?
“Rumination?” Dainsleif bought you out of your thoughts once again. He tended to do that quite often the many times your paths crossed. “Is that what you’re calling it?” You sighed as you turned to face your temporary companion. Your warm gaze brushed over a sleeping Paimon momentarily before you locked eyes with Dainsleif who, as you had expected, had his blue gaze fixed on you already. As it always was.
“Do not act as if you are incapable of hatred, Dainsleif.” You said airily, the exhaustion from your daily adventures had caught up to you and left your mind in a dreamy state as your eyes fluttered in a poor attempt at keeping the tiredness at bay.
“Everyone is capable of hate, but it’s not a permanent emotion. I wouldn’t dwell on such if I were you.”
“Why?” You suddenly felt more awake as curiosity flooded your gaze that was still on the strange man.
“Saviors should neither discriminate nor hate.” He said without hesitation. You sighed, rolled your eyes and sat up. The cold still air shifted into a gentle breeze, the biting cold carrying away any desire for slumber.
You glanced at the stars once more.
“I’m no savior.”
Dainsleif sighed. “Do get some adequate rest, you will need it for tomorrow.”
You laughed but it was soft, quiet and bitter. “I doubt anybody's savior would have the heart to rest the night before their twin’s life is to fall by their hand.”
Dainsleif hummed from where he sat before glancing at the night sky as if it held answers unseen by anyone but him.
“You're ambitious, traveler. I’m sure you’ll find a way.”
“And you’re a cruel man.” You whispered before lying down and facing away from the man that you’ve allowed yourself to love and love so hard you’re willing to sacrifice the one who abandoned you for the world he’d lay his cursed life for in a heartbeat.
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i'm 99% sure someone's already done this but im curious. pls reblog once you've answered!
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cheollipop · 1 year
I've never done this before but... send hard hours pls 👉🏼👈🏼
I might end up writing some out if I find the time this week,, but I mostly just need the motivation to do something other than watch lectures and stare at walls.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Oh you know i love stealing games from twt
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Those who dk, how tall do you think i am? <3
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