#// yes that is indeed a pineapple
redsquidface · 2 months
When informed about your transfer off planet, you were not worried at first. After all, it was a normal practice for The United Earth as a means of cultural exchange with other interstellar civilizations. But then you discovered that you'd be sent to a remote space station, as far away from Earth as possible. When you arrived, you found out that none of that station's inhabitants were humans. Your translator couldn't even fully understand some dialects and accents.
The first time you visited the food court, you were stunned by the variety and foreignness of the presented food. There were kitchens from all across the galaxy, but none familiar to you. 
One of the stands caught your gaze. Mostly because some of the dishes on display were still wiggling and squeaking. Despite everything being overspiced and slimy, it was your best option. For a minute, you braced yourself and prepared to order, but then you noticed a dusty replicator standing in a corner. You have used these machines before and knew that they could create human food or you could teach them how to. Postponing the probe of the alien cuisine, you rushed to the machine, eager to taste the familiar.
The chef of the kiosk, whom you left in a hurry, followed you with the gaze of their red eyes and angrily growled. Their warrior culture saw every aspect of their lives as a battlefield. War, love, sword fighting, sewing, engeniring, cooking - all were competitive and passionate. The fact that you eyed their dishes and not only chose not to buy anything, but rushed away was interpreted as personal defeat of the cook and an insult to their honor. The large alien gracefully hopped over a glass counter and followed after you, furious but collected.
By this time, you had alredy uploaded a human food pack into a replicator, ordered a burger, and paid for it. When the machine dispensed your order, somone quickly took it away. Without wasting a second, alien chef threw your burger into their wide opened maw and began to chew.
"Plane. Too plane. Do you really trade this over my perfectly spiced food?"
"H-hey! I've paid for this!"
"And I will refund your money at my stand tenfold. My food is much better than this replicated crap."
Indeed, the taste of replicated food was always a bit off, but you ware not in a mood for squirmy food. You also weren't eager to argue this day.
"No thanks, I don't like living food."
You pretend to ignore the angry alien and ordered a plate of spaghetti from the replicator. But this portion was also devoured, even with a paper plate. The chef was stubborn and refused to let go of a customer.
As the alien chef was staring you down, you began to get angry. Suddenly, an insidious idea slipped into your mind. You ordered again. This time, it was a big, ripe lemon. Suppressing a giggle, you watched as the rude chef sent the yellow fruit into their mouth and began to loudly chew. As the red eye opened wide and the alien grunted, covering their mouth, you began to regret your little revenge. What if lemon was poisonous for that species? What if the alien is now pissed off even more and will try to kill you?
But when the chef looked at you, in their red eyes were no traces of rage or vengefulness, but only curiosity.
"Do you humans eat this?"
"Really? "
"Yes, but doses are usually smaller."
"And there I thought that your spicies were fragile."
After that remark, you felt obliged to brag. For the next half hour, you were talking about hot papers, acidic pineapples, and poisonous fish dishes, while the alien chef was cooking food for you at their stand, sometimes interrupting you with questions and remarks. They seemed to be at awe of human culinary habits. The chef prepared your dish with extra care, making sure that seasoning is not too intence and all ingredients are dead and fried.
After the chef handed you the finished food you were so hungry that you began to eat without hesitation. Surprisingly, the taste was good.
When you finished eating, you thanked the chef for the food. Approvingly nodding at the site of a clean plate, they said that it was repaiment only for their first theft and invited you in this kiosk again. The alien promised that the next time their menu will include new ingredients from the Earth.
As you both said your goodbyes, you and the alien chef parted ways. You both made a new friend today.
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elbiotipo · 3 months
What would be the main differences between a template forest and a tropical jungle for fantasy? I guess that things like iron armor pieces would never become a thing since historically they weren't popular in other hot climates, winters without snow might be less feared but summers with big floods might be more worrisome? I guess that cuisine and farming would also be massively different although I don't know exactly how.
Out of the top of my head:
Equatorial climates are notoriously stable, since it's always the same day lenght there are no seasons, especially if you live near the ocean which estabilizes the temperature. You will get dry and wet seasons (and sometimes even hurricane seasons) depending on particular geographic conditions
Tropical/subtropical climates often have harsher seasons the farther away from the ocean they are, but never snow (that's the difference actually; temperate climates can get snow, subtropical can get frost but not snow, tropical neither). So yes, in general in a tropical or subtropical the main difference between seasons is rain, and perhaps frost which does play a role in some plants like citrics. Rainforests, of course, get it all year, subtropical forests have dry and rainy seasons. You can see a mixture of both: in my home (Northern Argentina) we do get marked winters with ocassional frost, but the main fact is that they're dry compared to summer.
ANYWAYS. Cultural stuff! Yes, one of the main differences you will find is clothing. It's difficult to make generalizations, but overall, tropical cultures just wear less, if there is armor at all. Don't get mistaken and say that it's because they don't have metallurgy, though, it's just that metal armor is indeed heavy, hot, and not much use if the opponet isn't wearing anything either. At most, you would see padded cloth armor (cotton mostly) or hide/leather at most. If you look at soldiers from, for example, Mesoamerica or Southeast Asia, you will find little armor.
Similarily, while you can go wild with noble clothing and colors, and the preferred materials are indeed cotton or silk, you will find very simple clothes among the general population. To give you an idea, here's a sample of Aztec clothes (including armor!)
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Note how simple and lightweight they are, even for rulers. They are colorful too (the artist, Daniel Parada, has more pictures like this for other cultures based on historical records) but although tropical enviroments might seem to have greater access to dyes, medieval european did also have dyes, often not as vibrant as carmine though.
Farming, of course, affects cuisine. I think that instead of thinking about a "pan-tropical" farming, we could analyze this by centers of origin of crops:
From Southeast Asia we got soy, several types of beans (or Fabaceae if you wanna get technical), all citrics, mango, banana, pear, cherry,, but this pales in comparison to rice, of course. Rice defines the tropical and subtropical diet of Asia, being what wheat is to the Mediterranean. Rice cultivation is particular in that is labor extensive, much more productive by area compared to other crops (so smaller plots) and requires extensive irrigation, resulting in complex managed enviroments.
From tropical America we got manioc, squashes (all sorts of curcubita actually), beans, peppers, pineapples, papaya, so much more, but it's especifically from Mesoamerica we got corn, and from the Andes we got potatoes. Potatoes are key in cold climates. Meanwhile, the corn-beans-squash trio, that is known in North America as "three sisters" and in Latin America as "milpa" is spread all over the continent. These three kinds of plants are very adaptable to tropical and subtropical conditions, and combined are very productive.
I will admit that my knowledge about tropical Africa is less than ideal. There are native species of rice that can be found in Western Africa, Ethiopia has traditionally grown barley and sorghum (and is the home of coffee), and millet, like corn for the Americas, seem to be widespread.
As for spices, tropical areas do seem to be blessed with spices, this is true. I recommend this guy to tell you about it. Hell, I recommend his channel in general.
What IS a common theme, regardless, is that jungles are NOT pristine enviroments or wild enviroments untouched by human activity. Jungles have been managed, in overt ways (like for example, rice cultivation) or more subtle ways (planting domesticated species inside the forest) for thousands of years. This is also done by controlled burns, conscious planting, or even accidental things, like, for example, peoples settling in a place and bringing domesticated plants to that place that then grow semi-wildly.
THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING TO TALK ABOUT BECAUSE EVEN IF I STUDY THIS EXACT THING, I HAVE NO REAL DEFINITION OF IT YOU CAN SEARCH. You can find about this phenomenon of "humans managing and changing forest enviroments" by lots of terms, like agroforestry, silviculture, and so many more. The term I use is "landscape management" (no, not "landscaping") where a "landscape" is a term for an enviroment were both humans and natural factors build it (like I said, there is no thing as "pristine nature" ALL natural enviroments have been managed and modified by humans, and you can find evidence of that in tropical America, Asia, and Africa).
In fact, the reason why those enviroments seem "natural" and unchanged to Western views is precisely, because tropical cultures often use wood and adobe to build structures (if they have them at all), which don'r preserve well at all. But also, jungles are fast growing and often eat everything, remaining, interestingly, these subtle domestication and managment efforts in what once were thriving settlements.
Which doesn't mean you haven't tropical cultures to study. THERE ARE PLENTY. You got, like I said, the whole of tropical America, tropical Africa, and tropical Asia and Oceania. It is getting very difficult to me to generalize, and yet, one can see some similarities.
Since this post is general enough, I encourage you to ask more about what you want. What would you like me to focus on?
oh, and you can throw me a tip, if you want! Sorry for selling out, but I'm living under an insane libertarian president right now, so every bit helps!
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sydflow · 1 year
not rich: HAWAII!?!?
poly!twice x fem!reader
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“Guess who just booked us a trip to Hawaii?” Nayeon burst into the room, phone in her hands showing everyone first class plane tickets.
“Really?!” Sana squealed getting up rushing towards Nayeon followed by everyone else. You however merely pouted, the girls always go on work related trips so it wasn’t anything new for you. You were just saddened by the thought of being alone for the next few days.
Jeongyeon sat next to you, her fingers running through your hair. “Why the long face aren’t you excited?”
You were confused, “of course I’m happy for you girls" you turn on your protective girlfriend mode and give them the same speech before any of their trips.
“make sure to eat and nap between meetings I know how drained you girls get after plane rides. Jihyo make sure not to drink too much you know what happened last time right? and Tzuyu make sure not to stare into the souls of the other people attending the meetings. And Dahyunie please don't get distracted by some candy store. ” you take a deep breathe before wanting to continue but a pair of arms come up from behind you pulling you into a bone crushing hug. And Dahyun stands in front of you Nayeon’s phone in hand.
“I don’t think you understand” Momo huffs into your ear, not planning on letting you go anytime soon. 
And Dahyun shows you the phone screen, “see, there’s ten tickets here not nine, it’s vacation honey not work”
Your eyes widen in realization, “holy smokes”
“Fuck yes indeed! We’re going to Hawaii baby!” Chaeyoung squeals shaking Jihyo by the shoulders.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” You rush towards Nayeon, giving her a tight squeeze, “I’ve never been! Oh we could go to a luau or surfing or jet-skiing or just stuff our faces full of yummy food! Oh god this is going to be so much fun!”
The girls look at you with pure admiration in their eyes as you continue to gush about this upcoming trip.
You’ve never seen first class seats in person and what astonished you was how much leg room you had. You swung your feet as you sat down and just couldn’t keep yourself from peeping into the little compartments of your seat.
You were sat between Tzuyu and Mina, only an aisle separating you from them. You were a giggly mess.
you? in first class? Past you would find it hard to believe that you even had the chance to ride first class. Your smile didn’t waiver, even as the plane took off. Okay Y/N calm down, you took a deep breath, calm down.
She can’t decide whether you’ve noticed, but Tzuyu couldn’t take her eyes off you. Once the plane had stabilized and everyone was free to take their seatbelts off, you were quick to press the button for assistance. Both Tzuyu and Mina noticed this and got worried if something went wrong.
“Baby, is everything okay?” Mina whispered hoping it doesn’t catch the attention of the other girls before all hell breaks loose.
“Is everything okay? Everything is going great!” You give her a sincere smile,
“Then why did you press-“
“Hello ma’am you called for assistance is there anything you need help with?” A flight attendant had cut Mina off, as she walked towards you.
“Yes I need help” You murmur, pulling out a sheet of paper from one of the compartments and showing it to the flight attendant, “which one do you think is better the Pinot Noir or the Cabernet Sauvignon”
Both Tzuyu and Mina’s jaws fell, “They’re both good ma’am but I’d like to point out that the Stella Rosa is a favorite although not as expensive the berry and pineapple flavors are quite tasty”
“Hmm okay, I think I’ll go for the berry flavor, thank you” You hummed to yourself as you waited for your drink to arrive, adjusting the pillow behind you and then the blanket that lazily laid on your lap.
“Baby? Don’t you think it’s a bit early for a drink?” Mina asked she’s not going to force you not to drink but she’s just concerned.
"I wouldn’t have assumed you were the type to drink much" Tzuyu commented.
"There's a lot you don't know about me cuties" You blow a kiss to Mina and wink a Tzuyu. The two look away, a soft blush coating their cheeks. You notice the flight attendant walking dow the aisle towards you, not before stopping at what you presumed Jihyo's seat as she hands a passenger a bottle of soju. "Here you go ma'am, enjoy"
As you take a sip, you let out a sigh of satisfaction, leaning into your seat, putting on some headphones and turning on some titanic. You can't wait for this trip to start.
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draftsandrecs · 8 months
It's a bad idea, right?
Chapter 2: Wet and wanting more
Pairing: Best-friends dad!Dark!Ari Levinson x College!Reader
Summary: Sexual tension builds between reader and Ari. He's soft in this chapter, he manipulates the reader into thinking she has control. But far from it.
Word Count: 2,639
Warnings: 18+ (of course), age gap, oral sex
It’s 10 o’clock in the morning by the time you wake up and roll out of bed. Your body well rested and energy high. Standing up you slide your house shoes on, they look like little bunnies, soft and plush and perfect for cool mornings. You never liked being barefoot especially if the floor was cold. You head into the bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready for the morning. Popping the toothbrush in your mouth you hear Mia before you see her.
“Hey! I thought we could tan and take a dip in the lake. I have a few floaties we can blow up.” Her pitch is chirpy, excited to tell you the plans for the day.
You spit into the sink before answering, “that sounds great. Let me change into my swimsuit and we can head down there.”
Content with your answer she starts picking out clothes for you. As she attends to that you begin to put your hair up, not wanting the water to get it wet. Or else you’ll have to wash it and your hair care routine easily takes up some time. And frankly, you don’t feel like taking time- anytime soon to complete that until necessary. Yes, you can be lazy but hey, its summer, who cares.
“I picked out a couple options. I thought you could just wear your swimsuit today since we’ll be at the lake most of the day.” She says standing by the bed.
You finish your hair and walk over to the options. Two from Aerie and one from Pacsun. You opt for one of the pieces from Aerie, cute and sexy. Perfect combination for anyone. It’s a one piece that is cut out in the back, rides up your cheeks perfectly, and the sides are open that show your plump breasts.
“Ooh okay! She’s feeling flirty and fun today!” Mia says as she sees you in your swimsuit. You do a little twirl for her as you gather your sunscreen, phone, and towel in one hand.
“I can make drinks while you get ready,” you offer as you walk out of the bedroom and towards the other half of the house together. “Yeah, if you don’t mind. I shouldn’t be too long.” Mia thanks you once more before she heads to her room.
You stop in the kitchen and find your way around it. You grab the liquor and other ingredients. Listing the items in your head you make sure you have everything in front of you. Malibu, check. Vodka, check. Peach schnapps, check. Cranberry and pineapple juice, check. Happy with that, you find two glasses and throw some ice in the bottom. You don’t care to measure anything considering that your goal is to get tipsy within the next hour or so.
As you’re making the first drink, Ari enters the kitchen. You send him a quick smile, “Good morning”, you say before your attention is back to the drinks.
He sets down a few tools that he was holding on the kitchen counter as he says, “Mornin’, you girls are drinking early, aren’t you?” His comment made you laugh.
You knew he was poking fun at you and Mia. “It’s never too early to drink.” You say finishing up the second mixer.
He hums in agreement, his eyes drinking in your figure. Your breasts look amazing from his view, tight against the swimsuit, just begging to be let out.
“Do you want a drink? I can make you something, a mocktail if you prefer.” You say smiling at him.
“Yeah sure, why not.” He smiles back at you. He doesn’t care for a drink; he just wants to see you turn around to get a good look at your ass. And it’s a great look indeed, amazing actually. Your back is turned completely away from him, reaching for another glass. Your swimsuit stretches across your cheeks perfectly. It hardly covers your ass to be honest, but he’s definitely not complaining.
You know he’s staring. What man wouldn’t? You knew wearing this would make him look without fail. You turn around after grabbing the cup, acting like you were taking your time finding another cocktail glass. To be fair you did have to look a little.
“Your swimsuit is very revealing for a one piece”, Ari comments but thankful that you wore it.
You cock your head to the side playfully, “This is hardly revealing, you should see my other swimsuits. One is basically just cloth and string.” You reply as you begin making his drink.
“Yeah? Maybe I should be the judge of that.” His words make you stop making the drink as you stare at him.
You were about to question if he was joking or not but instead say, “You’d like that wouldn’t you.” You reply teasingly, hoping that if it was a joke then you wouldn’t totally make a fool of yourself. Or have your hopes completely crushed.
He stands walking over to you. His stature intimidating you, his energy throwing you off. You can’t tell if it’s good or bad, especially with the butterflies growing in your stomach. You’re now pinned against the counter, you can smell his cologne and body wash, earthy and woody.
Ari is looking down at you with a small smile hanging on his face as he says, “No honey, it wasn’t a question. It was a request.” You feel your confidence subside a little before you confirm that he isn’t joking. He in fact wants you, like how you want him.
Without even thinking you reply, “When and where?” Now it’s your time to smirk, you’re confident again even if your heart is beating 1000 miles a minute it feels like.
Before Ari or you can say anything, else Mia’s footsteps are heard coming towards the kitchen. Ari pulls away walking back to where he was sitting. “Sorry for taking so long. I shouldn’t have bought a swimsuit with all these strings, I had to find a tutorial online.” Mia’s voice is heard walking into the kitchen.
She stops by her dad hugging him briefly before she grabs a glass from the counter. “I’m sorry again. I hope my dad didn’t bore you.” She says jokingly.
You shake your head, “No, actually we bonded a little.” You say before you and Ari share a glance of lust, Mia completely unaware. You two will definitely be getting along really well before the week is over.
It’s 10 at night by the time you and Mia have worn yourselves out. You two spent the day drinking and snacking around the lake, laying out on pool floaties, and even tried paddle boarding. Which you and her were awful at. Reminder that tiktok videos make everything seem easier especially when you’re tipsy. You and her already parted ways, you wanted a few more minutes by the lake and she was too tired to stick around. You don’t blame her though; you were going to turn to bed soon as well.
Standing up from the dock you strip off your bathing suit, so it isn’t dripping when you walk in the house. And you don’t want to be freezing walking in. You grab your belongings and wet suit as you head towards the house. You stop by a chair near the small fire pit, placing your swimsuit on the chair to dry in the warm heat. Your towel is wrapped tight around your body as you walk into the house. It’s quiet, most lights are out except the one illuminating the kitchen. You slowly walk to keep your movements quiet, so you don’t wake anyone up. You shiver a little walking to your room, fantasizing about how warm and great you’ll feel under the blankets. Reaching your room and stepping in your taken aback when you see Ari sitting on the bed.
“How was the lake?” His voice is sarcastic. He’s sitting in the middle of your bed, wearing no shirt and gray sweatpants that don’t hide his length. You avert your eyes quickly, acting like you didn’t notice.
“It was great, though paddle boarding isn’t for me. Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” You tell him not actually caring, as you place your phone and sunscreen on top of the drawer. You make sure to hold your towel, not wanting to lose grip of it as you use the other hand to take your hair down. You turn around and he doesn’t say anything.
“Is there something you want?” you ask, knowing exactly what he’s here for.
“Where’s your bathing suit?” He’s standing now when he speaks to you. One hand meets your waist and the other on your shoulder.
“It’s laying by the water, probably asleep by now.” You joke, as you pat the top of your hair, hoping to smooth out any fizziness. He doesn’t say anything as he moves you towards the bed. He gently pushes you on the bed to sit, making you stare up at him from your position.
“I assume you don’t want to see my bikini then?” You ask smirking a little. He laughs a little at your comment. “As much as I want to see that, what’s underneath this towel is intriguing me more.” He says holding your face now.
“Take it off.” His voice is stern, and you eagerly comply. You stand up, eyes focused on his as you pull your towel off. The cool air hits your body, making your nipples swell instantly. You can feel your wetness increase as you stand there staring at him.
 “On the bed, lie down.” His command is once again met. You find yourself on the bed again, back cushioned by the bed. Even with the warm blankets the anxiousness that fills you still makes you shake. You’re still in disbelief that this is happening.
His knees hit the bed, crawling towards you. He maintains eye contact as he reaches your legs. He begins to kiss your calf, his beard tickling your skin. He makes his way up to your thigh, spreading your legs for better access. He kisses the soft skin, making small nips but enough to sting in the best way possible. He then sucks a little on your inner thigh creating future small bruising no doubt. A wave of shock runs through you with his touch. His lips finally meet your pussy after what feels like eternity.
He kisses your pussy, wetness meeting his lips making him want more. His tongue then meets your attentive clit. He points his tongue licking a few times, mixing his saliva and your wetness together. He rolls his tongue over the hard bud as your heart beats faster. Your hands dig into the bed sheets, grabbing them for leverage. Circling the bud once more he takes it between his lips. He gently sucks on it like he’s nursing it. He applies a little more pressure, as you ride against his face. Creating more pressure against your clit. He grabs your thighs, arms wrapping underneath them to keep up with the pace. You moan as he flattens his tongue against your clit rubbing it with light but firm pressure. Letting you take control of the pace with your hip movements.
He then makes his way to your dripping hole. His tongue circles around it before it dips in. One of his hands finds it way to your clit, rubbing small circles into the bud. The combination of clit stimulation and tongue fucking, erupts a moan from you.
“Fuck, Ari.” You moan as he chuckles beneath you. He grips your thigh as he pulls his tongue out before it finds your other hole. You try to push his head away, but he waves you off.
“Relax.” His voice is rough as you try and do so. You’re in a state of embarrassment and pleasure as he kisses around it. Taking it slow, as slow as he can. His tongue slowly circles it a few times before flattening against it. He uses his tongue to rub against it. The wetness from your pussy creating a lube easier to tongue your hole. He uses up and down movements that make you even more wet. His hand moves back to your clit as he applies a little more pressure to your hole. At this point you’re craving his cock, fingers, anything to fill your needy pussy. His tongue makes its way from your asshole to your cunt, licking at them, creating a wet mess that will for sure cause a need to wash the sheets. His face pulls away from you, briefly looking at you before he kisses you. You taste a mixture of your wetness and mint. You dominate his upper lip as his hand finds its way to your pussy again. He slaps it quickly making you moan into his mouth.
He smiles into the kiss before asking, “you like that?” You nod at his comment, and he slaps your pussy again causing you to buck at his touch. His hand no doubt wet from you. The sting against your clit makes you crave more of his touch.
“I want to see you unravel from my fingers.” He says while his fingers rub up and down your clit and cunt. He circles the opening a little, and questions how many fingers will even fit in your little hole.
“Please, please I need it.” You beg staring up at him, holding onto him, gripping his biceps.
He grants your request as you feel two fingers enter you. The intrusion makes you throw your head back in pleasure. You whisper a few cuss words as he begins to thrust them inside you. He quickly finds your g-spot, continuing to aim against it.
“Look at me.” His voice brings you back from your thoughts. You nod as you stare at him, you thrust back on his fingers. You’re whining on his fingers. Wanting, needing more.
“You think you can fit another finger?” he asks tauntingly. You shake your head, no words able to come out.
As a third finger enters your cunt, the stretch is like no other. It’s almost too much and Ari can see that with the little look on your face. “If you can barely take my fingers then my cock won’t even fit in this slutty little hole” His comment makes you moan imagining him fucking you and filling you up. He uses his other hand to rub your clit, creating a slow pace against your nub. The combination making your back arch off the bed.
“I can’t take it.” You say as you try to stop the overstimulation. You try and grip his arm to stop but he shakes his head no.
“You can do this. I want to see you cum undone.” His voice is heavy as he stares at you as he encourages you to continue.
His pace picks up, your clit being abused by his force. Your upper body sat up watching him use your body. His fingers continuing to assault your hole, bringing you closer to orgasm. You close your eyes as you feel yourself cum undone. It feels like too much pressure coming undone. Before you know it, you’re not just cumming, you’re squirting against his hand.
 “Fuck, that’s it.” He says as his fingers fuck you through your orgasm. The look on your face almost makes his cum on the spot. Head thrown back, eyes closed, mouth slightly open.
You moan his name as pleasure rips through you not caring about how loud you may be.
Once you’ve come done from your high, he makes you suck the wetness off his fingers. You tiredly do so, wanting to please him like the slut you are.
He has you exactly where he wants you. Needy, and wanting more.
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racfoam · 1 year
nynn Lily & James survived AU
Post-Dementor attack, after Harry gets the expulsion letter from the Ministry
The furious shriek from her mother aimed at the letter filled the living room. Lily Potter'sred hair looked like crimson fire; Harry stared at her mother in absolute awe.
“I'll go to the Ministry right away —” said James, heading to the hallway, opening the closet, gathering his cloak.
“Expelled?!” shouted Lily again. “For defending herself?!”
“I'm sure Dumbledore is already at the Ministry, dear —” said James, trying to calm Lily down with a gentle smile. Lily, however, was too busy glaring death at the parchment on the floor that delivered the news.
“EXPELLED?! Not my daughter, they don't!” shouted Lily angrily again, and Harry hoped she wouldn't go to the Ministry with dad.
“Wait, James! I’m coming with you!”
Harry’s blood froze over. From the expression of fear on her dad's face, they shared the exact same thought: if mum went to the Ministry, she was going to tear Fudge limb from limb.
Harry and James shivered.
Then, out of nowhere, her mum went rigid, spine stiffening up.
She haved a great, bored sigh edging on disappointment.
“James,” she said, very calmly.
“Yes?” asked James quietly.
“Our daughter's soulmate is trying to break through our wards.”
Harry and James gaped, and their similarities were incredibly noticeable in that moment.
“Lily, what are you doing with that pineapple?”
Oh my God. thought Harry, not knowing whether to be amazed or impressed.
“Lily, no —” said Dad, like that would stop mom from gathering the large pineapples into her hands.
Harry jumped up from the chair and said, “Give me a few, Mum.”
Lily beamed at Harry, multiplying the two pineapples to four pineapples, handing them over to a determined Harry.
James laughed, something between fear and disbelief. He sounded happy, though, and was smiling very broadly, staring at Lily with immense love.
Lord Voldemort thought one of his soulmate's parents sent a yellow curse his way. He successfully blocked it, of course, conjuring the shield. However, what rebounded and fell at his feet was...
A pineapple.
“Aw, he blocked it!”
He looked up to the source of his soulmate’s voice — the rooftop of the house. Indeed, the family of three — Harry and James with their black hair and the vibrant red of Lily’s — was standing atop the rooftop, with a device that reminded Voldemort of a catapult.
The next pineapple came hurtling toward him. Voldemort blocked it again, unable to conceal his surprise. This time, it was James who sent the pineapple projectile.
“Aiming at your son-in-law is rather rude, James,” said Voldemort loudly, enhancing the volume of his voice.
“So is trying to kill my wife and daughter fourteen years ago, but here we are!” James shouted back.
“You’re not my son-in-law!” yelled Lily.
“We're not married!” yelled Harry angrily.
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exodusin · 1 year
"Hi good night or good morning I was just asking if you can do a teen Michael afton with a Jamaican s/o"
( yes am Jamaican and i hope your alright and well :)
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pairing ˖ ݁ ˓ teen michael afton x jamaican!reader drabble + headcanons (both Michael and reader are 18 seniors)
note ⋮sorry if this took long :,) please let me know if any of the following seems disrespectful since I’m not Jamaican, if there is let me know and I’ll fix or take it down, enjoy :D also no bite of 83 here just pure love and Michael just being an idiotic flirtatious teen in love ♡
contains ⋮ fluff, michael is a douchebag but he’s a total flirtatious dorky sweetheart, michael has a mullet, 80s love, pet names, a little tiny bit of spice nothing much
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It all started in early 1984, you were a new student in Hurricane, Utah. A simple girl with a pretty face, minding your own business, doing what you need to do, not a goody two shoes, just a student wanting to get your senior year over with, not expecting excitement until from a certain popular boy changes it all.
Michael tried so hard to not focus since he didn’t want to attach with someone who is new and wants to make them feel like any other nerd.
But he couldn’t because why did you have to be so damn beautiful?
Always looking pretty, being chill, you weren’t to prudy or too rude, you were just a butterfly fluttering around finding sweet nectar.
The way your long locs swayed gracefully as you did P.E, how relaxed you look, being cheerful at times like the world wasn't watching, your warm smile, your dark skin that made him all giddy inside, just YOU. Maybe he’ll cut you some slack and not be asshole just like he did to the other new students.
But that doesn’t mean he won’t mess with you a bit because that’s what he is. A bully
He made his move the next day when you were putting your stuff away in your locker, you turned your head to meet a teen about 18 years old and gave you a smirk with those stupid blue eyes that somehow made your heart flutter, but then you realize it was Michael Afton, the troublesome boy, the bad boy, you looked at him a playful judgmental look at his sudden appearance beside your locker.
“You're the new girl, innit?” he asked, and not in a way to be friendly but to annoy you, you were unbothered since you can do the same, you closed your locker and held your books close you, “Yea? What are you here for? To shove inside my locker as you do to the other kids?” you teased, damn, your voice was attractive as hell, he could just melt in that spot he's standing, his tried to maintain tough in front of you but damn just you existing made him a giddy dork.
Although he didn’t expect you to respond, instead all his cockiness faded, well not all but more than half
“What? No no no, you got it wrong I just...hmph...I, oh shit, you just seem cool and I wanted to introduce myself since you don’t seem nerdy or geeky as the other new students…..” You slowly raised a brow and chuckled a bit, “There’s nothing more cute than seeing a punk get nervous over a girl, how sweet.”
You knew he liked- well had a crush on you- but Michael didn’t like the slow chemistry going on so he followed his instincts and confessed to you about his feelings, you weren’t going to lie, he was attractive and treated you like a queen more than he did with his friends, plus he was really to fun to hang out with and you were indeed catching feelings.
That night, you two were just cuddling in the back of car and he whispered sweet nothings in your ear, his thumbs softly rubbing your cheek, he so wanted to kiss those plump lips of yours that seem to have pineapple lipgloss but you decided to tease him and kiss him on the cheek instead, payback for the bullying he does towards his little brother and the nerdy freshman.
“Drive me home, pretty boy. I’m tired, it was nice today, thank you.”
Poor boy didn’t get his kiss, karma tho.
Anywho- headcanons!
Sometimes when it’s night time in Friday nights Michael would visit you outside your balcony, just seeing you dance to a childhood reggae song or any other music that you like.
“Nice moves, babydoll.”
Yup, babydoll is the special nickname he has for you.
He came back that night just to get his kiss, you found it silly but still, you couldn't resist it, you so wanted to kiss him back, and damn it sent him to the moon.
The kiss was romantic, slow, and passionate and when I say after that kiss, Michael will buy you loads of lipgloss for those perfectly shaped lips of yours, you just look so darn beautiful in them, he wants to claim you in every shape, way, or form.
He wants to learn how to do your hair and doesn't want to mess it up, if you ever ran out of the shampoo that is needed for your texture he will buy it in a second, need new bonnets? He will buy the finest ones on earth.
If he messes up the slightest on styling your hair he’d cursed himself while you just laugh at him and just teach him the basics.
He LOVES laying between your pillowy thighs, the way the lamp reflects your dark skin is like an image the gods sent him. Double pointers if you play with fluffy mullet while he rests his head between your thighs giving them butterfly kisses.
If you were to sleep over at his house he would lend you an oversize band shirt, he definitely didn't hide your pajamas just so he could get away with seeing you with his shirts.
The days you doll yourself up, with cute clothes that fit your curves perfectly, your hair either styled in long locs, braids with beads, or an afro with flower decorations, Michael will do everything in his power to hold you by the waist, a sign to show others your his.
He gets more possessive when the tormentors from his friend group flirt with you, like for instance, Jeremy Fitzgerald (freddy mask) once said-
“You and I will get married one day ;)”
Sorry this silly punk British boy loves you so much, he can’t help it.
But you return your love and reassure his by kissing him all over his face with your plump lips, his grin turns idioticly boyish.
He’d love your parents and how they embrace their culture, your dad having records of popular 60s-70s reggae artists in the living room like Bob Marley and The Wailers, Toots & The Maytals, Horace Andy, etc.
Your mother gave you the idea to invite Michael over for dinner to meet him, and Michael was more than happy because the food tasted like he's got a piece of what heaven is like, the dinner was a Jamaican dish called Fish Escovitch along with fried plantains as a side snack.
William didn't know how to cook for shit, and the poor boy had to eat it because as much as he'd rather starve he knew he couldn't.
But with this food your mother served, he was finally satisfied but had to maintain proper, despite him being a dirtbag that has no shame slamming geeks into the lockers and mercilessly beating them up.
When school was finally over for the summer, you invited him to Jamaica for two weeks of the summer, a town called Falmouth.
And you in your emerald bikini and beach skirt that fitted your dark skin is so beautiful, he always asked himself how he got so lucky to have someone like you, a piece of the heavens sent for him ignoring his aggressive persona of a bully, because, despite all that, the heavens new Michael Afton would treat you like a queen.
It was like you were made of stars instead of atoms.
In the lagoon, at night, Michael would place a Hibiscus flower behind your ear, place you on his lap and kiss your face and run gently his pale fingers onto your wet locs and whisper-
“I love you F/N, only you, and forever be, even in the afterlives, there will be no existence where me and you aren’t together.”
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likenapple · 9 days
opinions about fertilizer and pesticide?
Is cow dung a good fertilizer for growing pineapples?
Well, PERSONALLY, I LOVE both fertilizer and pesticide. I always hated it when a stupid little bug or something got on my leaves. And I'm pretty sure all my other pineapple friends hate it too.
And yes, good fertilizer for pineapples is indeed cow dung. (I still use it if my leaves are looking dry)
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beccaboo2000 · 20 days
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More Charlastor? Yes. Yes, indeed 😜
The fact that these two love pineapple pizza warms my heart ❤️❤️😍
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helenvader · 3 months
Making Money really has Vetinari smiling a lot. And he beams twice.
Also, this whole exchange is hilarious.
‘I see the Times has put colour on the front page again. The front and back of the one-dollar note.’
‘Yes, sir. Very nice.’
‘Actual size, too,’ said Vetinari, still smiling. ‘I see here that this is to familiarize people with the look of the thing. Even now, Drumknott, even now, honest citizens are carefully cutting out both sides of this note and gluing them together.’
‘Shall I have a word with the editor, sir?’
‘Don’t. It will be more entertaining to let things take their course.’ Vetinari leaned back in his chair and shut his eyes with a sigh.
‘Very well, Drumknott, I feel strong enough now to hear what the political cartoon looks like.’
There was a crackle of paper as Drumknott found the right page.
‘Well, there is a very good likeness of Mr Fusspot.’
Under Vetinari’s chair the dog opened his eyes at the sound of his name. So did his new master, with more urgency.
‘Surely he has nothing in his mouth?’
‘No, sir,’ said Drumknott calmly.
‘This is the Times of Ankh-Morpork, sir.’
Vetinari relaxed again. ‘Continue.’
‘He is on a leash, sir, and looking unaccustomedly ferocious. You are holding the leash, sir. In front of him, and backing nervously into a corner, are a group of very fat cats. They are wearing top hats, sir.’
‘As cats do, yes.’
‘And they have the words “The Banks” on them,’ Drumknott added.
‘Subtle indeed!’
‘Whilst you, sir, are waving a handful of paper money at them and the speech bubble says—’
‘Don’t tell me. “THIS does NOT taste of pineapple”?’
‘Well done, sir. Incidentally, it does so happen that the chairmen of the rest of the city banks wish to see you, at your convenience.’
‘Good. This afternoon, then.’
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kayssweetdreams · 10 months
A "Perfect" Vacation Ch 28
"Leo?...What happened?" The blonde haired boy nearly chocked on his breath when he heard his mom, now snapped out of it, ask what was going on. "MOM!! You're OK!" He shouts, launching himself onto her and giving the biggest hug he could "Oh Leo. Of course I'm OK." Alice said, embracing her son.
The kids quickly embraced their families as well, while Aria and Lora went to help the inhabitants...of course, The Brand Family immediately noticed that their daughter was amiss. "Where's Yuri?" Ren asked, looking around for his purple haired sister. "If she's not here, then Prim has something to do with it." Emma said, worry in her voice. "Well, on the bright side, at least the cure worked. On the not so bright side, we don't have the cure anymore." Mei said, looking at the now empty vial in Balan's hands.
"Well, That's not an excuse to give up for, we can just make some more." Balan stated. "How? We don't even know HOW to remake that cure. Or even what was in it." Lora points out. "Well, Given our situation, and information is what we need. Nothing a little 'Persuasion' won't fix indeed." Lance says, a somewhat crazed smile appearing on his face. "Lance. Don't do anything too drastic, we need to make sure Prim doesn't know that we're free." Aria said. "Oh don't worry. Attention is not my speed. And besides...only ONE that knows the cure is what we need." The negative maestro says.
"O...K...Just be careful Lance." Rebecca says, obviously worried about what the maestro was going to do. That's when Lance slipped into the shadows, and in seconds, reappeared with a very nervous scientist...one that paled at both the maestros, and Jett. "H-How did you...B-But I thought that-!!!" He stuttered "Doesn't matter how I got out. What matters now is you making another vial of the cure to Prim's Pill." Cal said, staring down the jittery scientist. "B-B-But I-I-" he stated, only to be stared down by a angry Skarlett.
"Give. Us. The. Cure." She threatened, grabbing him by the front of his shirt. "W-What I M-Meant to say was. T-The cure is E-Easy to make!" He stuttered. "It is?" Haoyu asked, an eyebrow raised "Y-Yes! The recipe is very simple, The petals from the rainbow flower, some water from the sea, Demon blood, and pineapple juice.!" The scientist explained, sweat pouring out of him. "Um...Demon blood?" Attilio asked, raising an eyebrow "Y-Yes...From them..." The scientist said, pointing towards Jett and Skarlett.
The blue haired boy raised an eyebrow "So THATS why Prim needed my blood..." He muttered, remembering the 'tests' that were done on him. "Y-Yes. His blood is the second key ingredient in the antidote." The panicked scientist said, hoping that he could finally leave. "How do we know you're telling the truth?" Lucy asked. "U-UH!! I WAS THERE WHEN I SAW THE CURE BEING MADE!!" The scientist screamed. The group looked at each other. They 'Had' the cure...But they didn't know if he was telling the truth
"Well then...You can help us make this cure..."
Mei, The Hualings Alice and Harold Craig belong to @sundove88
Rebecca, the Reynolds belong to @thehypercutstudios /@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane, the Postrados, Phil, John, Lila, Clem and Bianca belong to @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Lora belongs to @alex-frostwalker
Jett, Skarlett, Ivy, Piper and Lizz belongs to @jettthespeeddemon
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concoctionboy · 4 months
So, if anyone heard that fresh, uncooked pineapple prevents Jell-O from setting, and wondered if the same applied to semigelatinous entities like, for instance, living potions, I can satisfy your curiosity and tell you that the answer is indeed yes.
I can also tell you that it is really, really hard to type when you're an uncongealed liquid.
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queenharumiura · 3 days
👍ask the mun how they think about your muse/portrayal
[👍ask the mun how they think about your muse/portrayal] ||Accepting|| @whiskeysmulti
Hm… I’ve already spoken at length about your portrayals before and I’d prefer to add on newer content than to repeat old content so… let’s focus on some of your other muses that I didn’t touch on the last time that I feel comfortable in talking about.
Readmore for length... of course.
I personally don’t write with him or send anything to him (as we know), but others do and sometimes you write meta posts for him as well, which I read.
Random trivia is that I worked on this in the opposite order lol so I’m writing this section last and I’m already so tired and my back is PAIN so let’s try to make this less painful for me as I try to be quick about it.
In general, I’ve never threaded with him, but others have sent in things for him or threaded with him. You seem to focus on the more darker and closed off aspect of him, but still balance it out with the fact that he’s willing to put up with things for not only his ideals, but also because of Chrome. His care for Chrome is evident in the fact that he puts up with the Vongola and not actively disparaging them too much for them being Mafia. It’s utterly evident the disdain he has when interacting with other mafia because (as we know) he hates them. So, there are some exceptions that can be made.
He’s an incredibly nuanced and intricate character to understand and write for. I don’t think I’ve noticed much of the creepy-ish aspect of him. Like the shadiness and the intense lengths he’s willing to go to fulfill his goals (ie taking over the body of his friends, taking over the body of a random child, etc). It’s these kinds of actions that really unnerve me and hence I don’t like him because it just creeps me out from a ‘aldksjfalsdfk that’s medium-key scary if you really think about it’ standpoint. I don’t think I’ve noticed the same kind of vibe too much from the interactions you’ve had.
Though, I suppose with TYL, perhaps that was toned down some due to the tools and abilities he has at his disposal now. With Chrome, he’s more or less more human when he’s around her, and the shady, nefarious vibes are less. That’s likely why I haven’t noticed it much. That’s great for me, because I see him doing something shady (I include smirking in this category bc Amano has a way of drawing his smirks in such a way that it unnerves me) and I instantly want to just fly away. I appreciate him as a character, love the way he fits into the story and is such an integral part to the story-telling of KHR… but he makes my jimmies go crazy and I NO LIKE.
For the interactions I’ve seen, I think you’re doing well with him. I can only assume I’d see more of what I deem ‘creepy vibes’ if he were to interact with some other characters, but I’m also the ‘Nope don’t wanna see it, actively will shut off my eyes’… so… yeah. I call it self-preservation instincts. I’m a big pansy, yes. Truly, him shooting himself in the head really cemented him in my heart as: I DO NOT LIKE HIM, HE SCARES ME, HE IS TOO INTENSE FOR MY LIL BABY HEART. DON’T LOOK AT ME SCARY PINEAPPLE MAN.
The only remaining main roster muse I haven’t spoken about yet is Primo Shimon… //quietly sets him aside again and gives him a cookie. Soz, Primo Shimon. M-maybe one day. Maybe you can meet Fiore if G allows it…
Request only muses
Hmm… we don’t interact much with Tsuna and Haru (for reasons that you and I both know), but given what I know, I do think it’s an interesting take for Tsuna in some regards. Like the idea that he did possibly notice Haru, but also pretty much doubt the fact that her feelings were real/would last long. In a sense, she was like a back up almost. An interesting take indeed, and that isn’t to say that I dislike it or anything like that. Just not a take that I think I’ve seen anyone else take so far, which makes it fascinating.
Given some of the instances seen in canon and the little hints of people making references to him taking more interest in her/noticing her, there is some weight to the thought so it’s fun to think about. It sort of works with the fact that he’s so socially ill-adapted due to being so alone for a lot of his formative years, he’s not very good at understanding all of the social aspects or being comfortable in a strong social environment. He’s still pretty young though, so he can learn.
It is that lack in sociability that does hinder some of the way he interacts with people or understands them. I’ve said it before that I personally think that is one of the reasons why he’s never really denied Haru outright in the series or rejected her because he didn’t want to hurt her, he didn’t know how to, and he likely thought that if he avoided the situation altogether, she’d eventually move on anyways. I don’t know if he understood the hurt that may have come along with it, however. We also talked about the hyper-intuition thing, so that’s likely a reason he may not have known, because he didn’t think about it.
So how would he know if he didn’t think to know about it. I do think it’s fascinating how your Tsuna tends to anger Haru somewhat often lol. In some ways it’s unfamiliar, and it may come off as out of character for him, BUT HEAR ME OUT FIRST(!), that I personally think it’s more in line of who Tsuna should’ve been. Hyper-intuition can only help so much, and for a guy who canonically has been stated to have like no friends, and barely talked to any girls up until he talked to Kyoko by sheer coincidence—he really should’ve been making more mistakes when dealing with people, I think.
He should’ve struggled more to pick up on social cues, or misunderstand them. We did see a little bit of that with the Yamamoto roof scene where Tsuna kind of spoke thoughtlessly because he just wanted to say something to Yamamoto, but we know how that turned out. Given his setting, I truly think that there should’ve been a bit more in the realm of Tsuna just messing up with social interactions and bonding with people properly. Perhaps it’s just the fact that he’s the tsukkomi so there wasn’t a need to really showcase that- but we do know he does say some stupid things sometimes because he doesn’t realize how it can come off. ‘dId yOu eAt YaKiSOba?’ << See, he can say stupid shit too and just really get it so wrong from a sociability standpoint.
Like, I expected more things where he says something, intending something, but someone else takes it the wrong way. Idk SOMETHING but it really felt more like… he just assimilated so quickly to having friends and accepting them into his life so quickly. Sure, he did have moments where he’d doubt the friendship (ie ‘Gokudera-kun is going to be so disappointed in me now’) but it was really a lot less than I expected.
Before anyone says it, NO, I did not expect for Tsuna to go second guessing all of his friendships or anything, but it really felt like the fact that he was a loner for so long got overlooked and glossed over. I suppose we can try to chalk it up to quick adaptability and hyper-intuition.
ESSENTIALY!!! I actually kinda find it refreshing that Tsuna does mess up with Haru and sometimes give off the wrong meaning because he’s just --- dumb, socially. He’s learning, it’s a learning curve. Like, he clearly meant well by congratulating Haru on her relationship with Dera, but the way he went about it, just sparked her ire because it’s like read the room, did you really have to say it like that? It just feels more organic with the way he messed up because it shows better how it didn’t occur to him how it could’ve hurt her the way he went about congratulating her as her first failed love. Some of these things come with experience of dealing with people.
Sure, he has a lovely way of pissing her off in a lot of interactions, but it’s kinda fun. It feels a lil different from Tsuna canonically, but I do think it feels more organic and real- which is what I like. So, I like the way you go about writing him.
I haven’t really seen all that much of him, but I have seen a small bit here and there, especially with the guest appearance in the ‘arranged au.’ I’ve noticed you tend to stick with his more serious and calm side than some of his more troll tendencies. By no means is that a bad thing, just an observation that I made.
In other words, you focus on the more serious side of him, where it gives the feel of staying truer to the mafia-aspects of things rather than the more troll anime-mafia kinda vibe that Amano gave off, which is fun. He’s still very serious about training Tsuna, molding him to be the best boss that he can be, and he takes good care of Tsuna’s circle. No matter how useful or important in the grand scheme of things someone may or may not be to the Vongola 10, he will look out for them and ensure they’re okay because that’s what Tsuna would want.
I think that was handled well in that thread, especially with how it was Reborn that was giving Gokudera the warning to treat her well and to not do something stupid, else he’ll regret it. Tsuna of course cares for his friends and would exact revenge should anything happen to any of them, but he’s also not the one to openly and so bluntly threaten/warn someone if they hadn’t given any reason to make him be wary of them. Out of fighting mode, he does usually retain the passive attitude, so he wouldn’t have been the one to give a warning, but Reborn who knows him well and knows his stance was the one to issue the warning.
It may seem like a minor detail, but it’s very in line with their dynamic. Not sure if you did it that way on purpose or not, but I liked that touch for that reason. Him walking off right after that warning/threat was also just very like him. It feels more poignant when you threaten and then leave. It’s a more lasting impression that way, I feel as it gives the feel of ‘I’m done here so I am just going to go regardless of how you may be feeling at the moment. It gives very little in the ways of showing Gokudera if his answer was satisfactory or not, gives everyone in the room little time to process the exchange between the two as he just leaves them- which is a lowkey power move. Shows who has the upper hand as he’s the one who chose to end the conversation right then and there and no one could argue against him. No one tried to make him stay or anything.
That shows just how much respect he commands within the Vongola 10 and how strong an influence he is. He did more of the talking than Tsuna did perhaps, given the way that the thread was structured at the time, which would lead me to believe that perhaps this was a lil show for Tsuna to show him how to handle such situations like these moving forwards. To Gokudera’s point, it would be a show of that ‘he may be a tutor, but he commands a lot of sway within the Vongola 10. He is able to dictate the conversation and help with the decision-making. Tsuna hasn’t argued against him or anything, so it shows how much trust he has in Reborn and that is a well-orchestrated and silent display of their dynamic.
It's in the action and the words that really spell out how you view the dynamic between the two and I think it’s a pretty good fit for how they are in canon. I mean, whether or not these were conscious decisions or were coincidental circumstance is irrelevant. Either way, it worked out well and is a very convincing portrayal. Look at me, sometimes I go off by puuuureee instinct and there’s nothing wrong with that.
TLDR: You’re doing great.
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stargazer-sims · 5 months
Christmas With the Okamoto-Nelson Family (part two)
click for part one
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While Caroline was in another room, Victor gave Yuri the surprise he'd been saving for last.
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Yuri: Victor! Is this a plane ticket?
Victor: It's two plane tickets. How does March break in Sulani sound to you?
Yuri: It sounds wonderful, but what about Caroline?
Victor: Mom and Julian have it all worked out. They're taking Caroline, Nora and Elliot for the week, and it sounds like they've got a zillion fun things planned. Who wouldn't want a fun week with the grandparents?
Yuri: So it'll just be the two of us?
Victor: The two of us, and all the pineapple, sandy beaches and romantic sunsets you could ever wish for. The only obligatory thing is going to be my meeting with the people from the nurse exchange program.
Yuri: You picked Sulani?
Victor: Wouldn't you like to live in Sulani for six months or a year?
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Yuri: Yes! Yes, I would!
Victor: It wouldn't be until next autumn. That'll leave time for Caroline's adoption process to go through and for her to get a new passport, so it should all work out.
Yuri: Thank you! This makes me so happy.
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Victor took great pride in preparing Christmas dinner for his family.
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He got interrupted by his step-sister Ellie constantly texting him, asking him whether or not she was doing things right. Neither Ellie nor Leo are particularly good cooks. They usually eat out for Christmas dinner, but decided to stay in for a family Christmas at home this year with their children, Nora and Elliot.
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Even though he didn't need to check on the roasting turkey every fifteen minutes, Victor checked it anyway, mostly because he was impatient to eat it. Anyone who knows Victor, knows he loves food.
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The dinner table looked wonderful.
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Finally, it was time to sit down to a lovely dinner. Before they took their first bite, they went around the table and told each other what they were thankful for during the past year.
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Caroline felt like a real grownup because Yuri let her drink her fruit punch from a wineglass. Victor was drinking his fruit punch from a wineglass too. Yuri was having strawberry wine, and Caroline thought her and Victor's juice looked a lot like that.
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Victor: Ahh... a fine vintage of fruit punch, don't you think, Caroline?
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Father Winter turned up while the boys were having seconds. They had to call Caroline back to the dining room to meet him.
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Father Winter: You must be Caroline Nakamura. I knew I'd find you here. This is a special gift just for you!
Caroline: Thank you!
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Father Winter: Here's one for your dad. You can be my helper and pass it to him.
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Father Winter: Of course I didn't forget you, little Yuri!
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In the evening, Caroline and Victor opened Christmas crackers. Caroline was scared of the noise at first, but she felt better once she realized there were little surprises inside the paper.
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These exhausted boys finally found their way to bed. Victor's happy that Christmas Eve was the last day of this rotation and that he'll have three days off before he has to go back to work. Yuri's happy too. Tomorrow, Caroline is going to spend the day with her grandparents, Grace and Julian, so Victor and Yuri are going to have a special day of fun and romantic alone time.
If anyone were to ask them, they'd say the day was a success. It was indeed a very Merry Christmas.
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mcrdvcks · 21 days
Darkness - Chapter 2: Family: The Greatest Gift of All
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Chapter Summary: Pepper and Tony finally get married.
Word Count: 540
AO3 Link For Chapter
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June 22, 2004
It was clear that Anna was indeed a Stark. She had already built an engine that she claimed would “help DUM-E move better.” But Tony didn’t want to change anything about his old friend. He was impressed by Anna’s engineering prowess, which he constantly told Rhodey.
Rhodey adored Anna, so as Tony and him were getting ready for the wedding, they realized that they weren’t getting anything done having Anna in the room. Rhodey walked over to the room where Pepper was getting ready and knocked. “Hey Pepper, mind taking your daughter?”
“Yes, just give me a second Rhodey!” She opened the door and found Anna in the arms of Rhodey, and the two of them not ready yet. “Weren’t you supposed to be getting ready? And why isn’t Anna wearing her dress yet?”
“Well me and Tones got distracted, so we thought it’d be better if she came over here.”
“Uncle Rhodey and daddy wouldn’t stop talking! They also are terrible at doing my hair!”
Pepper looked at her daughter in awe. Anna inherited her brown eyes and brown hair from Tony, but her Asian eyes, Indian nose, and brown skin came from her mother. While Anna had deduced on her own a few months ago that Pepper was not her birth mother, Anna still loved her as her own.
“Okay, Anna. Come to mommy.” Pepper lifted her up and thanked Rhodey as she closed the door. “You and mommy are going to get ready for the wedding, okay?”
“Yep! Only if it means I get to stand by daddy at the altar.”
Pepper chuckled, “yes you can stand by daddy at the altar. But first things first, lets get ready!” As someone finished her makeup, Pepper started to curl and pin Anna’s hair. Finally, after an hour and a half, the girls were ready.
Tony and Rhodey started walking to the alter, it isn’t a big wedding with only 25 people attending.
“So, Tones you ready?”
“Yeah, I think I am. I mean I love Pep, and she’s been a great mother to Anna even when I wasn’t.” Tony still felt regret for not caring for Anna for the first month she was there. All he wants is for her to grow up with loving parents; a loving father like he never had.
“Hey, it’s okay. To be honest I never thought you would get married, or even have a child,”
“Well I can be very surprising Rhodes.”
Once the wedding and reception was over, the newlyweds and Anna got on a private jet for a trip. Pepper told Tony that Anna would be fine with a babysitter, but Tony insisted that she came along.
“Mommy, daddy, can we watch a movie?”
“Sure kiddo, what do you want to watch.”
“Um, I want to watch The Empire Strikes Back!”
“Fine, but let’s ask mommy. Pep! Star Wars!?”
“Sure honey!” Pepper was getting all of them drinks, they made sure to get juices for Anna, specifically a pineapple orange juice that she loved.
As Pepper sat down with all their drinks, they started to watch the movie. Thirty minutes in Anna had fallen asleep in between her parents, with her head leaning against Tony’s arm.
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Chapter 7
Bound into insanity — Bound into eternity
Sneak peak:
“Let me tell you something, Riddle,” she growled, clenching her fists. “You're not as magnificent as you think you are. If you could only see anything beyond the tip of your nose, you'd notice that you're not the only one getting outstanding grades in Potions. And maybe if you hadn't been climbing deeper and deeper up Slughorn's arse at every opportunity, perhaps he would have noticed it too! But no, you give him candied pineapples, pretend you're the perfect prefect, a polite boy, and he eats it up. Sometimes I think that if you were to spit into the cauldron before his very eyes, he'd consider it a pioneering idea worthy of a future Potions Master!” Riddle had acknowledged almost all of Myrtle's monologue with a pitying look through which he let her know that she was mentally challenged, but the last sentence made him raise an eyebrow. His eyes went hazy, as if he was picturing the scene described, and - to Myrtle's surprise - he burst out laughing.
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“Quite plausible these theories of yours,” he admitted, though not without a shadow of ridicule. He repositioned his body, thrusting his hips forward slightly and stroked his imaginary beach-ball shaped belly. “Unconventional, Tom, unconventional, but very interesting indeed,” he mimicked Slughorn's voice, which would have turned out better had they been in their proper bodies. He added in his usual manner: “I'm sure I could do a lot more with the cauldron, and the old fool wouldn't have said anything.” Myrtle blinked, shocked. She was floored and hoped that she would not only rub his nose in it, but make him realise that he was not as good of an actor as he thought he was. Instead of being surprised and appalled by her words, what she received was another round of ridicule. “Now I'm going to tell you something, Warren,” he said with an unpleasant smile. “I don't pay attention to people who don't deserve it. Clearly you are jealous of me, but the truth is that you are a plain idiot. Yes, an idiot,” he repeated as Myrtle's jaw dropped. “You've got good grades, so if you wanted to, you could win Slughorn over. You know that candied pineapples and kind words work, but instead of participating in the game, you'd rather act like you're above it. You think you should get recognised because you're so magnificent, don't you? As magnificent as me? More magnificent?” He laughed unpleasantly. “And who's got an inflated ego here, huh? I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty in order to get what I want. You think you deserve the attention just because you're a tad better at cramming than the rest of that bunch of idiots that roam around Hogwarts.”
Read Chapter 7 here.
Read from the beginning here.
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victorluvsalice · 1 month
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-->And then it was time for everyone to converge on the greenhouse and help out Victor – specifically, by doing some targeted harvesting while he finished up his tending! I had Alice return to normal and rush in there to pick the coconuts, the pineapples, the soy and black beans (and evolve a couple of plants while she was at it), while Smiler picked a bunch of their herbalism stuff (with a focus on stuff like the noxious elderberries and poison fireleaf I didn’t have before). Smiler then dusted Victor’s bees with mite treatment, fertilized their noxious elderberries so they could evolve them up to nice level, and headed upstairs to have a nice bath –
-->And Alice got sent to the kitchen to make some more food for the food stand, using her new appliances! :D Because if we’re going to have a food sale, we need to have food to sell! She’d already made a garden pizza last playsession while at the store, which was already in the stand – I thus had her make a fresh batch of dough in the stand mixer, then bake up some banana split waffles, a loaf of artful focaccia, some minty mocha cupcakes (in the oven! :D), and a pineapple pizza! Yes, I was thinking a bit about food that Smiler would probably like, as they were the one who was going to be running the stand – sometimes I regret that they’re a vampire who can’t eat regular food in this save, as I know any human Smilers would be all over banana split waffles and pineapple pizza. In another save, Smiler, I promise! I’ll fudge things a bit in my potential future Valicer In The Dark save! XD
-->While Alice was getting her cooking on, Victor and Smiler were keeping busy with the last of the farm chores (while the chickens were keeping busy with a fox – I gotta get some more livestock upgrade parts). Victor FINALLY finished the tending (and deactivated poor Elmer to stop the bot from constantly trying to weed a glitched plant) and got the initial batch of super-selling done, then left Smiler to finish off selling everything while he cleared out the cow shed (and once again dropped the results on the ground next to said cow shed – I just had him put the trash in his inventory for later recycling). Smiler got Gardening skill 9 from all the super-selling (and harvesting the lemon tree in the corner that had gotten skipped in all the super-sell batching), which pleased me greatly –
And then I realized “wait a minute. Isn’t it supposed to be New Skill Day? Where’s the holiday thing?” Concerned, I checked the calendar, and confirmed that it was indeed a holiday – but that I didn’t have the overlay for it in the corner of my screen. Uh-oh. That DEFINITELY seemed like a sign the save file was on its way out. I decided not to worry TOO much about it at the moment, as New Skill Day is just a pop-up holiday, and not a particularly important one, and instead Alice box up the final pizza, slapped all the food in the foot stand, and had Smiler grab said food stand and gather everyone up to bring them to the Brindleton Bay Pawspital –
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