#!! personal opinion incoming !!
i have no one to talk to irl about this race right now (everyone in the house has gone to sleep it’s 3am here) so im sorry in advance for dumping this on here but this is a warning for the tag vent(that i will definitely be deleting soon) because i love u all and care about your dash experience so if you don’t want to witness a disjointed minor breakdown look away lmao
#i’m pretty keyed up and#i’m pretty devastated#my only two good things from this race: max and lando absolutely bossing this race#and im v happy about them#but im so upset about carlos#personal opinion incoming#but carlos’ race was as sexy as his quali and the fia and the stewards and whoever the fuck else can eat a brick#my brown eyed boy deserves the world after that race he put his whole pussy into this weekend#like he was having such a good race despite ferrari doing their best to fuck it up there for a second#and the handling of this race by the governing body was such a clusterfuck#im so frustrated that he has come away with nothing#max lando carlos and seb are the drivers that are close to my heart and with seb gone i am holding on hard the the others and i am just#upset about carlos lmao idk what else to say#i just need to vent it#i try and usually succeed in never letting what people say about my boys (especially max lando and carlos) get to me#they are drivers people just love to hate#but i was just so happy with how this race was going for my three faves on the grid#especially carlos cause i have to constantly filter and block the shit that gets thrown at him by the fans of his own team and teammate#and i love charles too he’s the only other driver on the grid right now that comes close to my ride or dies#but i hate the way a chunk of his fans treated seb like seb was a shit teammate and shit driver and they do the same to carlos#and i just don’t see how carlos is any more of a shittier teammate than charles could be considered to be#and i know hypocrisy is kinda the name of the game as a sports fan lmao i am as guilty of it as anyone else at times#u kno the whole it’s okay of my fave does it but not yours#and i do support my boys rights and wrongs and i understand it’s the same for others#i try to approach things with nuance and not hold resentment but sometimes i fail lol#and this is probably getting disorganized and#i guess i am just upset and i want to feel better#the sleep deprivation probably doesn’t help lmao#anyways i am so sorry about this if u r actually reading it and got here so#<3 KISSES and i hope your day/night is going good
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 2 months
i think the most annoying part of amatonormativity is that not only do you NEED to feel love, and not only is there an order your relationships must follow (romantic/sexual partnership above all, then family, then friends) but the fact that other people HAVE to be your top priority. like even if you feel all kinds of attraction, if you dare put anything else above your relationships they consider you evil. god forbid you enjoy your hobbies more than being around your friends even though how much you care about something is completely outside of your control. it's the worst.
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eiilese · 1 year
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done with whole cake island!!!
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dailyrickastley · 2 months
Once upon time in 1987...
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burningflash · 1 year
Sick of the ‘old money’ discourse on tiktok. Sophia Richie’s wedding was not ‘stealth wealth’, ‘quiet luxury’ whatever. It was literally in Vogue! She posted tiktoks about it! No amount of cable knit vests, tennis skirts or ‘elegance’ will get you into those circles. They are hundreds of years old, built on the backs of slavery and exploitation and they don’t need an aesthetic to recognise each other because old money knows old money. You cannot replicate it and you look stupid trying. I understand liking the aesthetics of polo shirts, but is that whole world what we’re striving for? What happened to ‘eat the rich’? 
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silly-mode-cilia · 4 months
ive been playing a lot of hades recently and I think that zagreus should have the option to hit on achillles in some way. regardless of whether achilles politely shoots him down or he enters a polycule with achilles and patroclus. fishing about to see how achilles feels about nonmonogamy. It would be fun to watch him be so awkward about it
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magentagalaxies · 5 months
been getting email notifications of people donating to the buddy cole documentary all day which is really amazing to see and i appreciate it so much but also i just got a notification that someone bought a shirt from the mouth congress merch store (that i also run and get to keep the proceeds from) and was like "oh shit right that's still a thing!!!"
anyway here's the links if people want to support me!!
link to the buddy cole documentary indiegogo page
link to the mouth congress merch store
makes great holiday gifts!!
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storiedhistories · 1 year
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Am I still pretty much on hiatus? Yup. But right now, I need to write something to get the feelings out, SO.
Like this post for a positive paternal starter from one of the many dads I have! That would be: Adama, The Doctor, Goliath, Macbeth, Tom Dupain, Hades, Hank, Kratos, Thor, or Joel.
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makabray · 2 months
yknow i'm gonna be honest, whenever i see people saying to post your art in the lowest possible resolution, and/or to put large and obnoxious watermarks all over it to discourage ai art programs from stealing your stuff, i kinda have to wonder what point there is to sharing your art publicly in the first place? like i understand that people rightfully don't want their art used without their consent, but i feel as though sharing your art online has always meant that you accept the risk of someone stealing your work (which was a problem even before the advent of ai), so like to actively degrade the quality of your own work for the sake of preventing theft just feels somewhat pointless (especially since ai art programs are constantly implementing new ways to circumvent the anti-theft measures people take anyways).
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merry-the-cookie · 7 months
also i can finally look at tumblr lol i didnt wanna get spoiled on the show and setlist and ykno what im super glad i wasnt
excited and also ScaredTM to see soundcheck this weekend
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xxlovelynovaxx · 10 months
Thinking more about the rude anons lately and just... what kind of person do you have to be to go to a random stranger's inbox, assume you know enough about them to tell them they're crazy, or that they need therapy because you disagree with them saying "actually, you should listen to marginalized people about their own oppression and experiences", or that they're a pick-me for using microlabels well-accepted and defended by the community they belong to, or...?
What kind of convoluted reasoning do you have to have, what kind of self-awareness do you have to lack, to think you're somehow doing justice by saying that psych should be used as a tool by majority society to force conformity on anyone who harmlessly annoys you or makes you uncomfortable, and yet not see that historically that's how it's been and continues to be used (in ways that likely actively harm them too)?
How little do you know about psychiatry to not understand that very little of it actually overlaps with neurology, both being infant sciences, and that psychiatry as its intended separate from ableism and capitalism is simply the science of listening to people's internal thoughts and emotions and recording commonalities?
Or to not understand that since its conception, psychiatry has had a proud and storied tradition of able-minded and able-bodied neurotypicals patronizing and infantilizing us and encoding their biases on our perspectives into diagnostic manuals that they then used to imprison, torture, and kill us and other marginalized people? And then to not recognize that doing so as a neurodivergent disabled person only aids and upholds that institution?
On the other hand, what kind of justifications does one have to make to themself to say "actually, this other part of this marginalized community is the only authority on this because they are the only ones really oppressed. It's definitely not circular logic to say that all of your claims of oppression are wrong because you're not oppressed and people who are not oppressed can't claim they're oppressed"?
Plenty of these anons have been so vague I don't even know what they're annoyed about. I know the aphobic one was about a microlabel (and a fairly well known one at that, so probably your average mogai-hater guy) but the others?
"Get help" so you endorse coercive enforcement of a consensus standard of normalcy even when the deviancy you so violently despise, in your own words, is merely annoying?
"I'm just concerned, you're out of touch with reality, spend less time online", somehow you managed to hit ableism, sanism, and some pretty wild assumptions about who I am as a person when you yourself admit you came from a random reblog of mine, all at once! Like truly, what gives you the gall to presume you know anything about my life?
I'd even be willing to extend good faith and say it's reasonable to assume honesty of everyone you meet on the internet. Even with that...
Do I buy my food at a farmer's market or a local employee owned chain grocery store or a supercorp and would that last option be out of ignorance, apathy, or living in a food desert? How often do I go to the local library, what do I do there, and do I get there by bus, uber, a friend driving me, or walking/biking?
What organizations do I volunteer with, and in what capacity/doing what tasks? If I tell you that I volunteer primarily in an online capacity, is it because I'm immunocompromised and no one masks at the physical locations anymore, because my doctor is refusing to provide a mobility aid that I desperately need, because public transport is sensory and chronic pain hell, because public transport here requires a four hour round trip just to get to the Walmart seven miles away, because the primary international org I support doesn't have US locations, because we're in a heat wave that is exponentially deadly to me due to my disabilities, or because I'm simply too sick to leave the house at all most days?
Who are my friends and family? When and where and how do I love them? How much time have I spent helping my incredible partner do the hard, hard work of learning to love herself and to heal, and how many infinities more would I pour into it? How often do I play fortnite with our best friend even though I DESPISE fortnite, just because I love him so much? How many times do I use most or all of my spoons for the day fighting executive dysfunction so I can read another of my best friend's amazing fics, sometimes for fandoms I'm not even in, just to leave comments to build them up?
(Is our landlord fucking us over because we're poor, trans, or disabled? Seriously, I'd like to know, because if it's either of the second, we could sue for damages and get the fuck outta here.)
I mean, that's just it. You don't know me, and I don't know how you can convince yourselves that you do enough to waste both our time being - well, an annoyance! Like, this is not a vent post, I've made those already, I just truly don't get it.
I mean, do you get some trivial satisfaction of feeling like you've done your social justice for the day by telling some random stranger that they're "insane"?
Does it make you feel superior to tell said stranger that they think non-aspec queers are "whores" for having sex, ignoring their near-CONSTANT aggressive posting about the importance of sex positivity and the harm of whorephobia, puritanism, culturally christian ideals of sex as "sinful", and how this impacts ace people, aro people, genderqueer people, and people of queer sexualities?
(Seriously, how do you act like you know me when ignoring my entire blog? Are you lost?)
Does it make you feel like a good little activist to tell disabled people to touch grass, and ignore every disabled person saying "uh, hey, you should consider the ableist intent behind that statement, or at the very least the ableist impact it has"?
Are you coming from a place of privilege or hurt? Or a mix of both? Are you someone who is not marginalized who is still dealing with genuine problems that aren't being listened to and addressed by the people in your life? Are you a marginalized person who is caught up in the conflation of privilege and oppression and evil, so you're too afraid to recognize your own privilege because that wouldn't be a morally neutral fact but evidence that you're an irredeemably bad person?
Are you a person with a mix of marginalized and nonmarginalized identities (white and trans, goy and plural, perisex and queer) who isn't able to get enough help with the harm you do face and is worried that you'll receive less help within your community if you're seen as an evil oppressor, not recognizing that there are people already receiving even less help and more hurt in your community due to the opposite?
People can say "it's not that complicated", but the truth is, people don't do things for no reason. They may not be self-aware enough to identify it, the people around them rarely have enough context to guess at it, but it's there.
It could be petty; they don't like us and want to make it our problem out of spite. "You wasted our time and made us moderately annoyed so we wanna do the same to you."
It could be out of some twisted sense of justice. Maybe they truly believe they're doing good. A lot of people do. Hell, I believe plenty of r//adfems actually believe they're fighting for women, and very few actually recognize the fascism in their own arguments, in the ones they ally with, or anything. It's a much more extreme example than some rando on tumblr, but the same could apply at a much smaller scale.
But is there some other motivation I'm missing?
I just - I've sent anons and non-anomymous asks when I didn't understand an argument being made for something. If I disagree with someone on something unimportant, I'll either leave it, reblog a joke about it, or block them if I find them annoying enough. If it's something important that they're approaching in good faith, which I assume to the extent of my ability to do so, I'll try to engage without being an asshole.
If it's important and they're engaging in bad faith, I may either reblog a rebuttal or make my own post, but I'll certainly block them - because what's the point in continuing to argue with someone whose goal is to undermine someone's personhood (or the fee things of similar weight) by any means necessary?
I just truly don't understand. Anyone's welcome to contribute to this, btw.
As an afterthought, this anon hate is bigoted, so I don't want to trivialize it. Ableism, sanism, and aphobia are still a big deal even when they are online microaggressions, not just because they cause harm but because these people exist offline and have a material effect on the physical (and medical/legal/social) world. Even the immediate harm is bad, though!
That being said, I want to recognize that I feel lucky (knock on wood) to not have gotten any of the really nasty shit again yet. I haven't seen any suicide baiting or "Keep Yourself Safe"s. I haven't been sent gore or death or rape threats or fantasies. I haven't had anyone tell me that I deserved the horrible traumas that I've been very open about, that I'm lying about being a survivor of things that are literally against T/OS to mention on here, or that they hoped my disabilities were terminal again.
It's uh, obviously coming from a place of trauma to have that as my baseline of "really bad". It's why I respond to anon asks to vent (via screenshotting), why I so vehemently defend the boundaries I set by blocking - not just that I have a right to, but am justified in doing so - why, when I get a fee asks like this in quick succession, and one mentions a reblog, my first thought is "how much worse is this gonna get?"
I know I'm making myself vulnerable by even talking about this. I guess I just hope if this doesn't get through to them, anyone who genuinely thinks this has even a lottery's chance of changing a random stranger's mind about anything will get over that. It's not "there's a tiny, one in a trillion chance". It's not even zero. By doing this, you are actively entrenching anyone, of any belief, further against yours. You are working counter to your own goals.
Hell, it's part of why I'm so block happy. I'm not trying to change the minds of the people I refute. I'm just trying to counter their misinformation, logical fallacies, and emotional manipulation to anyone else who may see the posts.
But also... consider maybe just... not. Sending rude anonymous asks to someone already so sensitized by horrific harassment campaigns that at best they'll block and vent about you and move on and at worst you'll trigger them. I mean, maybe that's the goal of some of you? But if so, why not come in guns blazing with the suibaiting? Why even pretend to be a good person to yourself?
I don't get it.
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busylilbee · 1 year
The benefit of providing childcare for a well-off family who pays you well and uses your services a lot: Money!
The Sad: Fucking T a x e s
#based on how much i made this month i am DEFINITELY going to hit the rax threshold#like...within another month.#i am very happy to be eadning income#i am less happy that despite earning a livable wage i am still required to fill out multiple forms and do hool hopping#like bruh i am a full time fucking study please have mercy#this is my side gig#why is the tax threshold for babysitting fucking $2600 in a YEAR#WHY DO YOU NEED MY MONEY#THATS LESS THAN $3000 YOU BITCH#it is my personal opinion that if you make less than like...idk $15k-20k in a year in total you should not need to pay taxes#thats not livable!!#if some poor bitch (me) is making like $10k a year from a part time job while going to school uncle sam should fuck off#go tax the fucking billionaires PLEASE#they do NOT need all that money!!#people are out there earning MAYBE $40k while providing for multiple children and Suffering#and then theres the pigs who have private jets#anyways#personal#i really love the family i work for though theyre so good#they pay me well and theyre PLEASANT and the kids are a hoot#like i actually feel for once that i am being paid equivalent to my value#which is a shock#the last 2 jobs i had steadily sucked the will to live out of me as i was severely underpaid for the work i did#and i still had to pay fucking taxessssssssssssssssssssssss#even though i didnt make nearly as much as i am with this family#i hate money shit i wish i lived on a self sustaining farm in a small village with a doctor and a cobbler or something#jm so tired
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
This Is Just To Say...
I found an old Word Doc from one of my college Creative Writing classes, and it brought up an old rant/thought process in my brain that I never really got to voice. (I tended to be rather quiet in my classes.) So I’m gonna do it here. If you like literary debates/thoughts/rants, feel free to click the “keep reading” and add your two cents, or if you’re not so inclined, ignore this and have a lovely day. No matter what, stay civil, please. And stay hydrated, fed, rested, and take your meds where applicable! ✨
A little background:
The course was just your basic, average Creative Writing class. The prof was nice, about mid-thirties, in the midst of getting a book published, and he was a PhD student. He was not an arrogant man. He was knowledgeable, and when his book came out, I read it happily. It was objectively very good and made me stop to think about things more deeply. I give you this bit of background so that you can understand that he, as a person, was not what I had a problem with.
What I did take issue with was something that he’d been taught and that he tried to teach us: That the highest form of creativity in writing - the only form worthy of attention - was that of the most mundane things being transformed into the art of literary fiction. 
Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying that turning situations and experiences into art isn’t valid. Point in case, “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri (there are tons more examples, but I’m currently drawing a blank because low caffeine). I am, however, saying that this is not the only form of writing that is worthy of attention. My professor had been taught that fiction that has some basis in unreality - the things that can never be (vampires, supernatural entities, unicorns, etc.) - wasn’t as elevated or as high-brow as “literary fiction.” Because he was going through the effort of attempting to complete his PhD program, he had to accept this as a universal truth in order to force his own efforts in the direction that his own professors would expect.
When the students in my class challenged this statement, I will always remember the way he paused and blinked behind his glasses. It was obvious that he wanted to argue the point, but something won out in him that allowed him to ask us why we believed what we did. (He was infuriatingly reasonable, despite the absolutely elitist position that he’d been taught to accept - which is perhaps the reason I always liked him. He was always willing to listen to positions other than his own before responding.)
After several minutes of statements back and forth, he explained to us that in the higher-level Creative Writing courses that he’d gone through and was going through at that time, it was commonly accepted that fiction in the realm of sci-fi, fantasy, magic, etc. was less elevated - less sophisticated - than that of “literary” fiction. He claimed the elements contained in those books were excuses for poor writing.
I recall raising my hand and asking “What about Tolkien? He’s considered a literary genius, but he wrote about magic rings and elves.”
He looked at me as if I’d sprouted two heads. After a rather lengthy pause, he said that Tolkien was an exception. It was a followup question from another student about why Tolkien would be exempt from these almighty rules that convinced our prof to consider allowing us to study/write fantasy short-stories.
Throughout the semester we’d elaborate and expand on this debate between “literary” fiction and “common” novels, as the supposed literary powers that be determined that they should be called. And I still have a lot to say on the subject to this day.
The thought that literary fiction is more “elevated” and “sophisticated” than that of other forms of fiction begs the question of why it is considered to be so, and who makes that oh-so-crucial judgment. The answer to both questions, of course, is the socially elite - the Harvard/Yale/Ivy League academics who are so engrossed in their own superiority that they consider more accessible fiction to be less important or impactful simply because it is more easily approached by those whom the elite consider the “Common Folk.”
The authors who attempt the monumental task of writing such “elevated” fiction tend to put out long-winded essays with no more meaning beyond a few sentences. They can go on for pages at length about why they opened a door - the meaning behind it, their motivations, and the possible impacts. There’s a certain introspectiveness in that level of detail and examination that is hard to obtain and even more difficult to get a reader invested in. I acknowledge that the struggle to do so is ultimately an integral part of that particular art form. At no point, however, do I deny its validity or the author’s skill in doing so. Rather the opposite - people who can do this have excellent command over language and diction and should be commended for their persistence and skill.
As it is unfair to accuse a literary fiction author of waffling on in dryness without content or point, it is equally unjust to accuse a fantasy writer of utilizing the tools at their disposal to gloss over a lack of skill and effort in their craft. The magnitude of asking a reader to suspend their disbelief long enough to allow themselves to be drawn into a completely fictional world that could never possibly exist is enormous. The fantasy author creates beings/places/items that have no more or less meaning than they themselves assign, and they ask their readers to accept their meanings and metaphors, creatures and characters in a leap of faith - an act of trust that the author is a master of their world and knows exactly what they’re doing. Such an exercise, surely, cannot be ignored. For authors of the elevated fiction that started this whole rant, they work within set parameters in a world where meanings have already been assigned - which I grant is incredibly difficult for someone who wants to stand out. But this struggle is one that has been accepted by the author.
The struggle to articulate these things - these everyday things made extraordinary - is why they do what they do, just as creating whole new worlds to convey messages in a new and exciting way is why fantasy authors do what they do. Surely there shouldn’t be this divide, this conflict between the two viewpoints? I’m aware this argument is old - many times my own age - and that people have been coming down on one side or the other since the advent of fiction. My own position that both forms are equal, passionate as it may be, is not new. It’s highly unlikely that I’ve even presented it in a new or original fashion. But I still think it’s important to put forth the idea that all creativity is valid, every once in a while, lest it be forgotten in the jungle of academia.
This is just to say, that by the end of our semester in that Creative Writing class, we - the less-educated, common group of students - had convinced our professor that maybe “common,” fantasy-type fiction wasn’t so low-brow after all.
Beyond conveying my thoughts and personal opinion on this phenomenon of contention between the genres, I really had no end goal. If perhaps one person who believes that fantasy is “low-brow” gives it a second, objective chance, no matter what their findings, I’ll be content.
Anyway, I’ll shut up now. *tosses this into the void of tumblr dot com*
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meaganfoster · 2 years
extremely annoying how i have a hyperspecific set of standards in my head that i not only need to match but also surpass before i consider myself "worthy" of certain friendships/relationships . best (worst) kind of self sabotage
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chaoswithcausation · 4 months
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thoughtportal · 3 months
Opinion Here’s how to get free Paxlovid as many times as you need it
When the public health emergency around covid-19 ended, vaccines and treatments became commercial products, meaning companies could charge for them as they do other pharmaceuticals. Paxlovid, the highly effective antiviral pill that can prevent covid from becoming severe, now has a list price of nearly $1,400 for a five-day treatment course.
Thanks to an innovative agreement between the Biden administration and the drug’s manufacturer, Pfizer, Americans can still access the medication free or at very low cost through a program called Paxcess. The problem is that too few people — including pharmacists — are aware of it.
I learned of Paxcess only after readers wrote that pharmacies were charging them hundreds of dollars — or even the full list price — to fill their Paxlovid prescription. This shouldn’t be happening. A representative from Pfizer, which runs the program, explained to me that patients on Medicare and Medicaid or who are uninsured should get free Paxlovid. They need to sign up by going to paxlovid.iassist.com or by calling 877-219-7225. “We wanted to make enrollment as easy and as quick as possible,” the representative said.
Indeed, the process is straightforward. I clicked through the web form myself, and there are only three sets of information required. Patients first enter their name, date of birth and address. They then input their prescriber’s name and address and select their insurance type.
All this should take less than five minutes and can be done at home or at the pharmacy. A physician or pharmacist can fill it out on behalf of the patient, too. Importantly, this form does not ask for medical history, proof of a positive coronavirus test, income verification, citizenship status or other potentially sensitive and time-consuming information.
But there is one key requirement people need to be aware of: Patients must have a prescription for Paxlovid to start the enrollment process. It is not possible to pre-enroll. (Though, in a sense, people on Medicare or Medicaid are already pre-enrolled.)
Once the questionnaire is complete, the website generates a voucher within seconds. People can print it or email it themselves, and then they can exchange it for a free course of Paxlovid at most pharmacies.
Pfizer’s representative tells me that more than 57,000 pharmacies are contracted to participate in this program, including major chain drugstores such as CVS and Walgreens and large retail chains such as Walmart, Kroger and Costco. For those unable to go in person, a mail-order option is available, too.
The program works a little differently for patients with commercial insurance. Some insurance plans already cover Paxlovid without a co-pay. Anyone who is told there will be a charge should sign up for Paxcess, which would further bring down their co-pay and might even cover the entire cost.
Several readers have attested that Paxcess’s process was fast and seamless. I was also glad to learn that there is basically no limit to the number of times someone could use it. A person who contracts the coronavirus three times in a year could access Paxlovid free or at low cost each time.
Unfortunately, readers informed me of one major glitch: Though the Paxcess voucher is honored when presented, some pharmacies are not offering the program proactively. As a result, many patients are still being charged high co-pays even if they could have gotten the medication at no cost.
This is incredibly frustrating. However, after interviewing multiple people involved in the process, including representatives of major pharmacy chains and Biden administration officials, I believe everyone is sincere in trying to make things right. As we saw in the early days of the coronavirus vaccine rollout, it’s hard to get a new program off the ground. Policies that look good on paper run into multiple barriers during implementation.
Those involved are actively identifying and addressing these problems. For instance, a Walgreens representative explained to me that in addition to educating pharmacists and pharmacy techs about the program, the company learned it also had to make system changes to account for a different workflow. Normally, when pharmacists process a prescription, they inform patients of the co-pay and dispense the medication. But with Paxlovid, the system needs to stop them if there is a co-pay, so they can prompt patients to sign up for Paxcess.
Here is where patients and consumers must take a proactive role. That might not feel fair; after all, if someone is ill, people expect that the system will work to help them. But that’s not our reality. While pharmacies work to fix their system glitches, patients need to be their own best advocates. That means signing up for Paxcess as soon as they receive a Paxlovid prescription and helping spread the word so that others can get the antiviral at little or no cost, too.
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