#not a big fan of the theory that nami will get the soul soul fruit
eiilese · 2 years
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done with whole cake island!!!
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ecassandrae · 7 years
One Piece 854 thoughts
You know when you’re home alone and quarrelling with anybodyand  in the middle of finals and pretty much everything’s going but then THIS
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appears, like a ray of divine light in the midst of stormy clouds poiting right at you and saying: 
Chill out. Take it easy. Be like Zoro. Everything’s gonna be fine.
And the day takes a turn for the better. Honestly, I think Roronoa Natsuki might be my guardian angel, somewhere in the Sunrise Land. 
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This panel doesn’t tell us much that we couldn’t have imagined ourselves, but the fact that the dudes fighting back, in particular the one bottom right, seem like Capone’s men, is rather revelant. Remember all the theories, back then  we last saw the Gangster shooting down Pekoms, that he would betray Big Mom? I’m still a fan of those or, to be more specific, fan o the possibility that Capone is not just simply an underling of Big Mom’s. That would leave us with just three factions: 
the Mugiwaras and affiliates
the Hyperglycemia pirates
the Vinsmokes who, despite having the most massive forces, are pretty much incapacitated rn - So much for the brilliant planning, Judge. 
And it seems a little too simple. 
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Ah. I love the combo Carrot + Bropper. Nami’s faces get better by the day, it’s
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all Luffy’s merit, thank you very much. 
Now basically they all - except for well, Brook, Sanji, Luffy and Luffy’s missing tooth -are safe and sound in the Mirror World. It was already some massive deus ex machina when they used to communicate, figures now...! I wonder it they will do the same with Mont D’Or book world.
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Now we know Jinbei refused to spin the well. The question on everyone’s minds is HOW: when we last saw him he was just in front of Mama and the Wheel, so ... did he just run for it? Did he distract her with a sweet bait? All of these lessen the figure of the only female Yonkou impressively. I didn’t expect her to be incredibly strong or incredibly smart... from her very first introduction in Fishmen Island it was clear. But! A little smarter than this? 
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This proves that Mama’s an unloyal bi ... woman. An unloyal, disrespectful woman. She likes games, tricks, hates the play on the fair side of the board, abd hates to be played. The worst kind of pirate you can find, basically, the one of common culture, not a Shanks or a Whitebeard. And this doesn’t automatically mean she’s more dangerous, but at the very least more unpredictable. 
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They’re like a bus school now, picking up people. Next stop, Luffy, Sanji or Brook? I think none of them. Luffy is outside the castle, not in the vicinities of mirrors; Brook’s with Big Mom and it would be unpleasant to let her or Pudding’s third eye see the merry compagy; Sanji is, HOPEFULLY, coming up with a plan. 
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Poor Brook, it must be terrible to be hold like a keychain. At least he proved his worth fully, he injured Mama’s very soul. Way to go, Bag of Bones! 
And Btw, this arc rules with nicknames. 
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Now: the fact that the signal for the slaughter is the moment Sanji lifts up the veil, makes the very presence of the bride fundamental. The role if the bride fundamental. And why? Mama said she got barmaids to put the Vinsmokes to sleep - in what manners, is left to the reader’s imagination, cause we’re reading something with an audience of minors -, so why not just let something slip in their drinks and kill them a little later? Because she wants the suspense and the surprise. Something very theatrical, extremely dramatic - she lives in a fricking fantasy world, why wouldn’t she? 
But this also makes the role of the bride fundamental. If from under the veil you cannot see a third eye, you cannot see the face. You cannot see the whole bride. So why not putting another bride under that same veil, one that doesn’t fancy becoming a widow shortly after?
Yes, I’m talking about a huge Thriller Bark parallel called Nami
We’ll know soon enough. 
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Now Mama’s clearly understimating the psycho triplets. They don’t need weapons, they are weapons. It is hinted that most of their strenght comes from their Power Ranger battlesuits, but also from their bodies and from the unwavering loyalty of soldiers who literally lay down their lives for them. If Mama intends to shoot them, thei first thing they’ll do is just a couple of soldiers to die - IF there any around, obviously. 
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Kudos to me for reading this splatter stuff and still craving the Cake and Black Tea. It’s starting to remind me of Sweeney Todd, honestly - while Pudding’s all like “Splattered brains and cake, such a lovely wedding.”
While the Nasu guard is sleeping - and continues to sleep, just like me when I’m avoiding my responsabilities - Sanji out there somewhere, and the family is having a meeting. This panel is amazing. 
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We have, from left to right
the former Baron Tamago, now Viscount Chick
a punk dude from the early 2000′s
a ... pumpkin head? 
a miss with her back exposed - is it because of the trend?
a kid with a bowler
an adult with a bowler
two more kids with bowlers
a FRICKING GIANT HEAD with a body attached to it
Mont D’Or, aka the Guy Whose Devil Fruit I’d Kill To Have
Charlotte Galette
Charlotte Amande la Mad Moiselle, aka the Girl Whose Hat I’d Kill To Wear - and that’s probably how she obtained it
a lady with a spiky head
a lady with a laarge head
Opera, aka the Dude Whose Standing Nobody Envies RN
Such a lovely family. And it’s not even all of them.
The fact that Opera is being monitored tells us that Luffy and Nami’s fake deaths will soon be found out, and that Sanji’s UMPTEENTH plan to let them escape easily will be rubbish. All the while Luffy wanders like a lonely dog in the company of a lonely dog. These are the little things that break your heart. Slowly. I can imagine Reiju being reminded of her little brother under the rain many years before as she watches him.
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To makes us feel even worse, Oda switches to Sanji’s interal strifes, as he struggles to understand what do?
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 Nope. as he decides, once again, to sacrifice himself. It’s like the 14th time? 
Also, Sanji’s logic:
I can’t let Reiju die - chapter 853- , but if I die along with her it’s fine -  chapter 854. 
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More of Sanji’s logic:
I will die a pointless death, but after I’ve fed my captain. 
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Countless words have been spent by blogger better than me on the character of Sanji. We get it. He’s willing to die for them, because they are amongst those people who demonstrated to him he deserved to live. But let me point out that this is an extreme sacrifice: if he went along with it, his sister would die too, he wouldn’t be assured of the well-being of the Baratie people, and he wouldn’t even be sure his friends would be safe in the first place, because he knows they have already made Mama way too angry for her to forgive them. He’s being delusional... for those who read it,  he reminds a bit of a certain Kaneki scene in Tokyo Ghoul, when the protagonist lies to himself, saying his friends have already escaped, when he knows perfectly well they haven’t, but is way too disheartened and tired to fight on for either of their sakes. 
And then something shakes him
Oh, food!
Talk about reading the atmosphere, Bobbin -.- but it works. And he won’t let anyone have the food he subconsciously made for his starving captain. 
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So he loses it. And that’s it, before he even realizes all his careful planning went awry: point of no return. 
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Now  you gotta fight, Cook.
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And let me express a fucking liberating
Where he heads? To Luffy, I hope. 
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