spiritualpath2015 · 2 years
The formless you!
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Blessings to you all. In love and unity.
You are formless in your being. Your spirit knows only this state of unity. The ego and perception creates the boundaries of being separated from Prime Creator. A veil so to speak. See yourself as that formless creation of pure love. Open yourself to this feeling of vastness. If only for a moment as you read this. See there are no obstacles, only those in your perception of awareness. Using your imagination create this space around you , then imagine that you are connected to it all. When you can see this in your mind it all begins to be enveloped into unity. You see through your heart the connectedness of all things known. If you take it one step further, see that all beings, planets, universes are emanating from that primal force that we all take our form from.
In love and unity, blessings to you.
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spiritualpath2015 · 2 years
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
Anne Herbert (via listentothestories)
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spiritualpath2015 · 2 years
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spiritualpath2015 · 2 years
Spiritual Remembering!
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I thought now would be a good time to expand on the question asked about spiritual awakening.
I would like to call it Spiritual Remembering. A remembering of how to access that connection to our soul essence.
Let's start by naming some truths that we all must agree on before we move on.
We have a soul. This soul is having a Human Experience in which we live.
This soul is our connection to Infinity/God.
There is a higher power no matter the name we give it, in which we live.
The mind/Ego helps us to navigate the 3D world and is the receptor of the senses/body.
The Emotions/Heart is a bi-directional link to Spirit
 Mind= In this new age we attempt to label something so that our ego and intellectual mind can't comprehend the non-physical. It has been called the seat of god. But is it really? Do you think and say that you love someone, or do you feel it 1st? That right there is the description of how the mind/ego sees reality. It is trying to interpret our emotions and doing a poor job at that. Again, the ego is our defensive mechanism and the part of us that wants to KNOW something and give it a label.  
 Body=  We view our lives through the senses of the Body which relay the data to the mind. If we can't use the senses to validate the existence of the object or thought in question, it does not exist. We must be taught either by instruction or life experience on how to navigate this intangible thing we call a soul.
 Spirit= This should be something we know instinctually, even if there is no tangible truth. The Spirit circle has its ties to the Body and Mind, via the energy and sub-conscious. The energy is the vibration in which we "feel" others. It surrounds us. A good example is a magnet with iron shavings. That is the field around us. Via the sub-conscious we re-program ourselves on a daily basis with what we intake from the Body and Mind.
 OK let's tie this all together now. The Body tells us of the world around us. The mind attempts to explain it. The Emotions we have is the key to Awareness and the bi-directional link to Spirit. PHEW that’s a mouthful!
 Question- How is spirit/soul bi-directional and how can you access it? Close your eyes and feel your heartbeat, feel the breath entering and exiting, be aware of your surroundings. Then expand that awareness as far as you can. Let your mind feel the emotions and let the heart intercept and interpret it. From the diagram we can see that the Emotions is the connection to Awareness and a direct link to Spirit. Via our emotional body we can know and feel the divine.
 SO ….how does one on the path know that they have this connection? Well ….. It's there all the time! We are clouded by the mind/ego. Clouded by daily activities. Clouded by social media. We can even use the phrase that we are behind the veil. A perfect analogy is in the Bible when Jesus ripped the veil in the temple. This was more than physical but an allegory that there is NO veil. We in fact have free will to be as open or close minded as we in fact desire it to be. "For the kingdom of God is within us all"
 There is no easy button, but a lifestyle that is totally worth the effort. Being mindful of your actions and feelings daily. Living in the moment of now & NOT letting your mind take you down the rabbit hold of "What if..". Keeping a journal and writing into existence what you want for yourself. These are all steps to knowing yourself and your soul.
 We all start out with a golf ball awareness. Golf ball understanding. Golf ball view of life. Over time we expand that awareness and our connection to Infinity. The daily practice in which we train the sub-conscious to create new habits. We utilize the energy from Spirit to raise our physical vibration through act of loving. This process enables the remembering of how to access that feeling of eternal love from above. You can access it at any time, even right now if you give it a moment. If flows over and through us all. Only the heart can understand while the mind reels at this unknown feeling it's trying to describe. Time passes and your awareness expands as you access that Infinite energy via your daily life. More love, more awareness, more understanding leads to an already accessible pool of energy we call God/Prime Creator.
 We are but a ripple in the calm ocean of creation. We are all connected in this ocean of the Prime Creators beingness, yet we assume we are singular and separated from each other. We do this to have a life experience to know what the Creator is by knowing what the Creator is not.  
 Now is the time to take action.
 Now is time to remember that connection to Prime Creator.
 Now is the time to access what we already have and what we already are a part of.
 Now is the time to bring our fragment of the Prime Creator and let the loving embrace wash over us.
 Good luck and blessings in your journey.
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spiritualpath2015 · 2 years
Soul Existence
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~Excerpt from the Kolbrin Bible 
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spiritualpath2015 · 2 years
Woodland spring, early May. Good time to take a deep breath.
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spiritualpath2015 · 2 years
How do I begin my spiritual awakening?
By the simple act of asking. Follow the desire of learning. When you ask for the teachers .. in time the teacher will come. You just need to be aware. Open yourself to what can be. What is possible. We are already spiritual. We just forgot how to tune into it. Might I suggest daily meditation, doesn't have to be hours with singing bowls, insense and a foil hat. It can just be 3 min a day where you just close your eyes and focus on your heart. You my friend have already begun. Just don't get hung up on catch phrases or new age jargon. Just find yourself. Good luck
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spiritualpath2015 · 2 years
Do not think like a human. You have the ability within you to create anything you wish. Truth is, you are highly powerful entities, walking on this planet as simple biological beings and the disguise fools everyone… even yourself.
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
Tell me three things true ??
We are all loved by Prime Creator.
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.
We have the power to create the reality around us. 🙂
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
This is an amazing representation of the ego. I agree that we should not try to eliminate the ego as some “gurus” might have said. The ego will only fight back. I feel it takes on what I would say is mind/ heart balance. The “seed” which gives birth to the Heart Chakra. This illustrates that we can balance the lower triad of the survival aspect of being into a higher one. 
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The Ego is a vital part of who we are and without it we wouldn’t survive.  The issue is not the elimination of ego but rather the balancing of it. This chart shows what a balanced Ego looks like in conjunction with the lower triad of chakras.
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
Perfect creation in the mind of God
We are all spirit in nature, God given spark of divinity experiencing the physical separation in which we have chosen. It is time for us to remember our true nature. Take a moment to listen to this and be open to receiving your birthright from the first spark from the Devine source. We are all one humanity not a division of race, color or creed.      
With Peace and Love 
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
Edit 2021
Spiritual Alchemy :pt 4 Polarity
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~~Edit 2021~~
Excerpt from The book of Lambspring 
“The Sages do faithfully teach us That two strong lions, to wit, male and female, Lurk in a dark and rugged valley. These the Master must catch, Though they are swift and fierce, And of terrible and savage aspect. He who, by wisdom and cunning, Can snare and bind them, And lead them into the same forest, Of him it may be said with justice and truth That he has merited the meed of praise before all others, And that his wisdom transcends that of the worldly wise.”
This represents the polarity of male and female. The lion was connected to the sun representing the strength and power. Here we see the male and female lion with paws raised. Taking from the Kabbalistic meaning the left side is the feminine aspect, right male aspect. The author is stating that the two must become one, “leading them into the same forest.” It is the union of both energies. This is also true of the previous emblem of the Unicorn and the Stag.
Polarity is all around us. This is a basic foundation of our reality. Hot/cold, up/down, left/right. The Hermetic teachings state that when the Source of All things came into/created this reality, to have the ability to have experiences, The All must split its unity into duality. This is where we get the Holy Trinity. The One/All/Source/God-Head (Father) splits into the male (Son) and female (Holy Spirit) aspects of energy.
Jesus/Buddah was sent to help us understand how to join these polarities. Through the love of the heart. Not the worship of man made religions or dogma. The path to heaven is living every moment with love. Living the Golden Rule… treat others as you would like to be treated.  
I know that I bounced from Alchemy to Hermetic to Christianity to Kabbalistic teachings. I did this to illustrate that everything is intertwined. Jesus knew the Kabbalah. This was the Law of Abraham that he speaks of. These are the teachings that he spoke of to his disciples. “..for you I give the truth, to the other I give parables…”. 
The alchemic parable above also speaks of “..lead them into the same forest..”. How does one lead these principles of duality into singularity? Master the mind heart connection. The journey along the path of understanding must take all of these truths and meld them with personal experience to see the whole picture that dogma only provides a fraction.
Mind & heart? Yes. The mind can never understand the feeling of the heart. It can only “try” to interpret the feeling. With a clear mind and one that is aware in the moment we can all get a clear picture of what the heart has to say. Within this heart feeling, is the presence of The Creator. To have a true heaven on Earth is to live in the heart.
I implore you to seek out the hidden knowledge that is now at our fingertips. Go deeper and ask questions. For the act of asking will bring the truth to you.
How else to keep occult knowledge from us…hide it in plain sight. It is time to uncover the truth of you. 
May the Great Creator guide you.
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
Edit for 2021. As I grow I wanted to circle back on some old posts.
Spiritual Alchemy : Polarity pt3
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~~Edit 2021~~
Excerpt from The Book of Lambspring
“ The Sages say truly That two animals are in this forest: One glorious, beautiful, and swift, A great and strong deer; The other an unicorn. They are concealed in the forest, But happy shall that man be called Who shall snare and capture them. The Masters shew you here clearly That in all places These two animals wander about in forests (But know that the forest is but one). If we apply the parable to our Art, We shall call the forest the Body. That will be rightly and truly said. The unicorn will be the Spirit at all times. The deer desires no other name But that of the Soul; which name no man shall take away from it.”
This is a way to create a better understanding of the different parts by breaking them down into smaller components. This emblem is about the differences that is within us all. Lambspring’s view is the stag is our soul and the unicorn is spirit. I feel this is more about the act of thoughts and correlation to higher planes.
Soul & Spirit:
What difference is there between soul and spirit since both are metaphysical? I feel that soul is our higher self. Spirit represents the Source of all things or a higher calling that speaks to soul. The illumed state that on the ladder of becoming one with The All (Source, God) we eventually gain a consciousness that is vast and connects all. The veil that separates us our to our higher self needs to be broken down. I say this because we need to make an effort to live in the moment and be aware of what that our soul is guiding us. That gut feeling that makes you aware of possibilities. We need only be aware in the moment of them and recognize that we are being guided. We have that final decision in that split second to react accordingly for our greater good. 
The forest once again represents our body. Deep with in the forest a stag, represents our mind. It states that man will be happy if he can capture them. You can’t capture thoughts as much as being a watcher of them. This is where effort needs to be applied in order to “catch” what you are thinking. Thoughts manifest into reality when proper intent is placed behind them.
The unicorn represents thoughts in its purest form. White is the process of Albedo. The alchemist has broken the darkness of the ego to let the sharp point of the inner being shine through.
Conclusion: How do we connect with our higher selves? How to we know what direction it wants us to take? I feel that being present in every moment is a start. Be aware of the ideas or feelings that seem to come from nowhere. These are guide stones along the path. During interactions with other beings be aware. We all seem to have these long conversations in our head yet make a final decision in a split second. Take an extra second and respond with love and not anger. Not the feeling of defensive or wanting to strike back. It takes practice at first. In time you will see and feel spirit talking to you.  
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
I have made edits for 2021 on the original post. There has been further understanding of these principles.
Spiritual Alchemy : Polarity pt2
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~~Edit 2021~~
The Knight and the Dark Dragon fight in the forest of the soul. the polarities of ego and will again manifest in this drawing.
This is again illustrating the alchemical process of breaking down the soul into its purest form.
~Excerpt from “The Book Of Lambspring”~
“ The Sage says That a wild beast is in the forest, Whose skin is of the blackest dye. If any man cut off his head, His blackness will disappear, And give place to a snowy white. Understand well the meaning of this head: The blackness is called the head of the Raven; As soon as it disappears, A white colour is straightway manifested; It is given this name, despoiled of its head. When the Beast’s black hue has vanished in a black smoke, The Sages rejoice From the bottom of their hearts. “
Blackness: Head of a raven is the 1st process called Nigredo. This is the beginning of looking into ones soul. The blackness within. The Warrior that fights the Darkness of the Ego. For with all polarities of “good” and “evil” we must fight the darkness within, as the ego never will give up easily, “..any man cut off his head.” As you apply the fire of will and the higher being, focus your attention on the heart, this darkness gives way to “a place that is snowy white”.
White: white in color is the purification process that has broken down the darkness of the ego and let shine the light of the God spark within. This is Albedo. When Earth and Water become Air. Again the Holy Trinity of God head that was split into the male and female energy which makes up the fabric of this physical reality. The 3 are again becoming 1 through the final process.
Red: The Sages rejoice From the bottom of their hearts. This is  Rubedo. Now that the 3 have become one it is now the process of maintaining this divine light. The alchemist as tasted the inner God spark. This in no way means there is nothing to be done once this process is complete. Now comes the test of will. The divine spark will only shine when one applies constant awareness to ones thoughts. Once this effort is put forth then, one is now enlightened as this awareness becomes part of of the physical being.
This path that we are all on is one of our souls purpose. Some choose to stay in the lower 3 chakra of the physical. It is not our job to shake others off their chosen path. They might have karma to deal with and through the ability of free choice have chosen this path. This is not to say that we cant bring ideas to others which at 1st seem shocking. We need  a good jolt to shake us from our comfort zone.
So I share this with all of you. Every race, creed, denomination of being or self orientation.
We are first spiritual beings having a physical experience. Its time to remember who and what we are and how to resolve our inner turmoil so that we can life in the light of the creator. 
~ God Speed ~
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
I edited this for 2021 with new found understanding. This information is for all & and I share this freely.
Peace and Joy to All<3
Spiritual Alchemy : Polarity
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~~Edit for 2021~~
~~This is the 1st in a series of alchemist emblems that I will attempt to explain from my own experience and knowledge. It will focus on polarity and have a common theme. ~~   
Definition: Alchemy -is not the process of turning base metal into gold. It is the process of turning the lead of the ego into the shining gold of a pure soul. To do so takes effort. As I said in previous posts, there is no easy button, but worth every effort.
~Excerpts taken from the Book of Lambspring~
  The Sages will   tell you   That two fishes are in our sea   Without any flesh or bones.   Let them be cooked in their own water;   Then they also will become a vast sea,   The vastness of which no man can describe.   Moreover, the Sages say   That the two fishes are only one, not two;   They are two, and nevertheless they are one,   Body, Spirit, and Soul.   Now, I tell you most truly,   Cook these three together,   That there may be a very large sea.   Cook the sulphur well with the sulphur,   And hold your tongue about it:   Conceal your knowledge to your own advantage,   And you shall be free from poverty.   Only let your discovery remain a close secret.
Two fish swimming in opposite directions in our inner sea. The sea is the body, the two fish are the polarity of physical & non-physical. These two polarities coexist though work in different ways. It is our discernment on what to experience. We can and have the option to experience the physical or spiritual depending on our desire and self mastery.  
The 2 fish are taken from the Zodiac. Pisces. Water is always seen and an element that is movement, so it is fit that this would be the 1st emblem in the series. The movement of 2 opposite ideas. It is the Ying and the Yang of the Oriental tradition. It represents the transition time between the depths of winter and the beginning of spring, when snow turns to rain, and the streams and rivers begin to run again. It is the final sign in the zodiac 12 month period. It would also carry the significance of the beginning of something new.
One must begin the Great Work by examining your inner being. “The two fishes are only one, not two”. One that is spiritual & one that is concerned with the material. The Ego & the soul. Reflection and meditation upon transmuting the desires for the material and instead directing that energy to focus upon your higher self. The text goes on to speak of Sulphur. This alchemic ingredient is is considered to represent the soul. Through the process of refining the soul and taking out the impurities of the ego we become connected to God. We are sometimes at odds with our spirit. It is a conscience decision to accept or ignore that inner feeling guiding us during human interaction. This is what free will is all about. Decisions. We ether align with our soul purpose or not. Once found, keep it to yourself for greater understanding and personal growth.
Conclusion:   Meditate daily. Be the watcher of your thoughts and ego. Transmute what is not in alignment with your true purpose. Only you can know that purpose, but without self examination and connection to your soul you are merely existing instead of living. 
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0gBoV0ygJc)
More proof of vibration & sound effect on our bodies and those around us. How sound creates form. How emotion is a vibration that is felt by others.
This leads to the conclusion that raising your vibration into your heart space and giving off that emotion of love will have a lasting effect on yourself and those around you. Same goes for fear. When we see mass shootings and red flag attacks these feelings produce fear. The fear that we cant do anything or go anywhere because the “boogie man” is going to get us.
Know that whatever happens in the world around us we have the power to create our own reality. Our daily existence is not dictated by pop culture or the media. We have the power to create with the love we have for one another.
Bring forth Love.
Raise your vibration.
Share the love with your fellow man.
With Love <3
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spiritualpath2015 · 3 years
The Ego has dissolved and my experience changes. I can now see others as they experience life, yet not have it interfere with my own.
Once in the moment of stillness and the calm envelopes, there is a sense of uneasy joy. One that I am not accustomed to. The peace of the universe settles on my heart and mind and I don’t want this feeling to end. I accept that the ego will want to be right and classify this experience yet it does not know how. I am left with something unexplained yet familiar.
~If you have ever experienced this unexplained joy and calmness, than you know what it is to be connected to the Prime Creator. ~
Cosmic Being
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I am a fragment of the Source Creator, yet still whole. I am the source awareness. I am the cosmic being experiencing life in this 3d reality. Said experience only reminds me not to associate my physical being with it. Yet driven by the God spark within to return to that internal knowing of oneness. 
The shield of ego and free will has shaped the life that I know, yet does not define me. Sent along a path of remembering as I dissolve past karma. I am no longer tied to deeds of the past but I am freed when I turn inward, accept who I am, and truly release it.
In the moments of stillness I connect with my higher self. In between the breaths of calmness I can see the true me. I am that cosmic being of light and love. I am one with Source ………….. and I am one with you.  
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