Action: We Got That White Supremacist--Now Compel His Arrest (From Shaun King)
I will just reproduce the relevant part of his e-mail below. 
“Due to our efforts, an arrest warrant has been issued for the white supremacist Dennis Lloyd Mothersbaugh who assaulted a woman in Charlottesville. We did that! However, Virginia has not yet requested extradition. Police in Indiana have told me that they are ready to arrest the man, but have to get the order for Virginia first. That order must come from the Commonwealth Attorney's Office. Call them @ (434) 970-3176 Be respectful and ask why they are not requesting the extradition of Motherbaugh. Ask to speak to or leave messages for: Commonwealth's Attorney: Warner D. "Dave" Chapman Assistant Commonwealth's Attorneys: Elizabeth V. Killeen Joseph D. Platania Areshini Pather Nina-Alice Antony“
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Action: Kill TrumpCare (Graham-Cassidy) Again (Script and More)
With no CBO score out, we already know that Graham-Cassidy guts Medicaid, makes everything from rape to anxiety a pre-existing condition, and if you want to really see why it’s so fucked up, click here to read all Indivisible knows about it.  At the bottom of that page is a sample call script. Go here to see how your rep is prepared to vote on it, and what some governors are saying. 
Finally, click here to call or find your rep with Planned Parenthood, and check out their script as well.
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Donate: Keep Abortion Access Available to Harvey & Irma Victims
From Jen Hofmann: 
“I believe in a woman’s right to safe, affordable reproductive care.
Action: Support women who choose to abort after losing everything to natural disaster.
Donate to transportation services and clinics:
Houston area: Clinic Access
Florida’s hard-hit areas: Broward Women’s Emergency Services 
 Women’s Emergency Network 
 Planned Parenthood of SW & Central Fla.”
Here’s a little overview, from me: 
Clinic Access offers ride sharing and more so people can get to their abortions and have additional assistance, financially or otherwise, throughout the process.
Broward secures funds for low-income people to have abortions. 
Women’s Emergency Network also ensures women who cannot afford it have access to abortions. From their site: “Because of WEN support, clients report that they are able to finish school, leave an abusive partner, secure work, resolve a health problem, overcome trauma, and take care of a family that already depends on them.”
Any of these are worthy causes!
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Action From Shaun King: Ensure The Arrest of a Violent White Supremacist
I’m going to let Shaun King do all the talking here. He has put in the work, and nothing I can say about it will add anything. Just a bit of context may help: Since Charlottesville, King has been engaged in identifying and advocating for the arrest of three particularly violent marchers who assaulted peaceful protesters. From King’s e-mail (action items at the end):
“GOOD NEWS! At almost 2am this morning we properly identified Dennis Lloyd Mothersbaugh - a  lifelong white supremacist and skinhead - as the man who violently assaulted a non-violent woman in Charlottesville. This is him. We traced his criminal history back nearly 20 years. He has been convicted for violent hate crimes in Portland, Oregon and has served time for dozens of arrests and convictions in at least three different states. He has open cases right now. This makes him the third white supremacist we have identified. The other two, Dan Borden and Michael Ramos, have already been arrested. Now, we need make sure authorities arrest Dennis Lloyd Mothersbaugh. Now, we need you to contact authorities to make sure that he is properly arrested. We've done this before, and it worked, now we must do it again. Here are your action steps: Here is the information you need: His Dennis Lloyd Mothersbaugh, age 38, of North Vernon Indiana. He violently assaulted this woman in Charlottesville - wearing weighted gloves - which is a felony. He is a convicted felon - with a violent past - including hate crimes - and nearly 30 arrests around the country. 1. Call the Charlottesville Police Department @: (434) 970-3280. Email the Chief of Police @ [email protected] 2. Call the North Vernon, Indiana Police Department @: 812.346.2345 and email Chief James Webster @ [email protected]. If you have time, contact their entire staff here. 3. Contact this FBI tip line by phone and web. It was created for Charlottesville. 4. Write this post on Twitter and Facebook and consider embedding the photo of Dennis Mothersbaugh: --- Dear @TerryMcAuliffe, We have identified Dennis Lloyd Mothersbaugh as a violent bigot from Charlottesville. Please ensure his arrest.”
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Actions: Stand Up For Sexual Assault Survivors & Trans People
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The National Center For Transgender Equality has been working overtime this week. That’s because 45′s administration is forcing their hand--our collective hand. 
First, we’ve got Betsy DeVos gleefully trying to take away Obama-era protections for survivors of sexual assault on college campuses. They want to give the power to the perpetrators, and keep us in these dark ages where rape cases put the victim on trial. This is packaged along with taking away anti-discriminatory protections for trans students. Add to that that 47% of trans people have been through some kind of sexual assault (NCTE), and the dire need to fight back becomes terribly clear. Click here to send a form letter to urge DeVos to commit to protecting these vulnerable students, as well as for her to meet with some. 
Second, a democrat and a republican teamed up to create a bipartisan defense amendment that would allow transgender people to serve. Click here to get started sending a message to congress that you support this and you need them to as well. Also, learn about how the military has concluded trans people should be more than welcome. 
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Actions: Get Active in Your School District!
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Thanks to My Civic Workout for these two quick actions!
Education is one facet of socioeconomic and racial justice. School districts get money through property taxes, so if your properties aren’t expensive enough--if they’re all three bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, one-story houses, like in my hometown--you’re not getting a damn thing from the state. And guess the demographics of the people I went to school with? That’s right: Over two thirds were people of color. 
First, My Civic Workout invites you to go find out about school board elections (which, they say, happen in state and federal election off-years). This is so important if you have kids in school. School districts across the country are losing teachers due to mismanaged funds that don’t go to paying teachers. Teachers can’t afford to live in or near their school districts. And superintendent’s are ridiculously overpaid. I have a story about why this is so important. I have been out of high school for eight years. My senior year, after covering budget cuts that had been hammering the district and the gross and flagrant mishandling of funds (my poor little school district had a rich-ass superintendent who did not want to give money to schools), I and a couple friends started a walk-out and march that lasted all day and went from my high school to the district office. As I said, it is eight years later, and nothing has changed. Something that I didn’t know would have really helped, instead of my yelling at the board every meeting where I had the chance, would have been to elect people to the school board who wanted the money to go to enriching the students. They had set up academies, or smaller, more specialized learning communities like tech and medicine, to get grants from the government. However, for the third of us who were not in academies, absolutely no money came our way. We started losing our best teachers, who couldn’t afford to work in our district and live in the bay. It is eight years later and I’m still reading stories about teachers leaving. Five years later, they were still protesting, but this time the parents were involved. 
My point is this: Go find out who’s in charge of your school district. One of your kids’ favorite teachers has probably already left or started driving Uber on the weekends, at the very least. 
Go here to learn all about the open seats, state by state. This is a great resource. Once you’ve informed yourself, you can figure out how you want to affect change in your kids’ (or your) school district during the 2017-18 school year. Throw your weight behind a progressive candidate. Attend the school board meetings and speak out. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Advocate for your child. 
Second: From My Civic Workout: “Are you a parent with a school-aged child? Look through the articles on the Zinn Education Project’s “If We Knew Our History” page, which features articles that dig more deeply into mainstream K-12 history textbooks and teaching practices. Does an article like “Time to Abolish Columbus Day” catch your eye? Email it to your school’s listserv, or if your kid is older, propose sending a joint email to their teacher. If you’re not a parent, forward this workout to someone who is.” 
Woke-up your school by going to the Zinn Education Project here. 
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This is through Act Blue, and these charities are endorsed by at least Daily Kos. So, what I’m saying is, you know where you’re money’s going. 
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Action: Pledge To Boycott The NFL
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Shaun King has done it again. In this article he outlines the reasons for boycotting the NFL (there is a real rationale, which I will summarize).
If you already know why we should boycott the NFL, click here to pledge to boycott. I just did and I feel great. (I will admit I don’t love Football in the first place, though I do enjoy the occasional Sunday game.)
Colin Kaepernick has been blacklisted for taking a knee during the national anthem to silently, peacefully protest the systemic racism that leaves so many black people impoverished, disadvantaged, and dead at the hands of those who are supposed to protect them. How do we know he has been blacklisted? More than one quarterback with much poorer performance has snagged a spot on a team, and Kaep has not.  As King points out, “Nevermind that no 29 year old quarterback in NFL history had Colin’s stats and success without being on a roster the following year. Nevermind that men who had never completed a single pass in the NFL were brought in from the Arena League for roster spots. Nevermind that career second and third string quarterbacks were brought out of retirement for jobs this season. White supremacy will always contort itself in peculiar ways to justify its existence.”
More from King: “[Kaepernick] has set NFL records. He took his team to the Super Bowl and deep into the playoffs multiple times. None of it matters, though, because teams in the NFL are openly aiming to make an example of him.League executives have openly admitted that they ‘genuinely hate him.’”
And can I just add: There are a number of real criminals in the NFL. Wifebeaters, rapists, drunk drivers, and who can forget Michael Vick and his dogfighting ring? These people are forgiven by merit of their athleticism alone. But Colin Kaepernick’s legal, peaceful means of standing (so to speak) for what is right is unforgivable to fans and management alike. That, I cannot abide. 
Finally, this may be tangential, because it doesn’t relate to social justice, but it does demonstrate how reprehensible the NFL is as it’s default state. They settled for $1 billion a class action lawsuit alleging they were negligent with respect to players’ concussions, causing lasting health problems. And what of the reckless, negligent, criminal over-prescribing of painkillers so that players could participate in games? It’s left so many addicted and others with--say it again--lasting health problems. 
Don’t ignore this gem either: “Please allow me to remind you that at least seven different NFL team ownersgave $1 million or more to Donald Trump’s campaign. No other sports league in the world is even close to that number.”
So pledge here not to attend or watch a single game or highlight. Stop caring. This is a lot more effective than a petition and still all you have to do is sign (and then not do something for a few months). 
Like the Facebook page here. It could definitely use some more committed boycotters! And follow the Twitter to stay tuned for updates. 
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As soon as Trump put word out he was even thinking about DACA, so many organizations and individuals sprang into action. Here, we list several ways you can fight for DREAMers and DACA. Many involve calling–either Paul Ryan, or AGs, or MoCs, etc, etc. I’ll start with the ones that are a little more unique and we’ll work our way to the calls. 
First, a little info. Deporting DREAMers would have a direct impact on the economy, costing us over $400 billion in GDP (CNBC). 
I just want to intersperse a little … we’ll call it knowledge, with the info: Borders are man-made and imaginary, but these immigrants are real, live people who exist. 
Back to the info: 95% of DACA recipients are currently working or in school. Not only that, 63% got a better paying job last year. They’re not just working, they’re working towards a better life. They’re actually an example of the mythical “American Dream.” (Indivisible)
Action 1: From My Civic Workout: Impact Your Community! “Even before today, there were signs that, under Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was not honoring the agreement that DACA participants had with the government. Information is power when dealing with the government, so do your part by printing out 5 copies of this “Know Your Rights” card in a relevant language and putting them up at a coffee shop or library.” 
Get the cards in several languages from United We Dream here.
Action 2: From My Civic Workout as well: Find and call your MoC’s with this script (and rep finder) to urge support for the DREAM Act 2017. This is the first time in 16 years the act has garnered Bipartisan support. 
Action 3: From Indivisible: While you’re there, “Tell Your MoC to Denounce Trump’s Announcement And Protect DACA Recipients.” We need our elected officials to stand for social and racial justice now more than ever, and for the truly aware ones to denounce this as a move that does nothing more than show solidarity with white nationalists and neo-nazis. As Indivisible points out, “The only beneficiary [of eliminating DACA] will be the for-profit private immigrant detention complex and Trump’s runaway deportation machine, which would embark on a new tax-payer funded mission to apprehend, process, detain, and remove these young people.”
Action 4: From Wall-of-Us: Call your Attorney General. Nine attorney generals have co-signed a lawsuit alleging DACA is illegal. With this link from Wall-of-Us, you can find out if your AG is one attacking DACA. If they are, use the script to urge them to rescind their support for the lawsuit. If they aren’t, try to get them to use their influence to persuade one of the nine. Heads up: you have to log in to get all your specific information, but it’s so worth it, as Wall-of-Us does four actions a week. 
Action 5: From DefendDaca.com: Call (then Tweet) Paul Ryan. All from right here!
From DefendDaca.com: “Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, previously promised to Angelica Villalobos, a DACA recipient, on CNN that DACA recipients should not worry. Clearly, he must take leadership now and commit to his promise.”
Call 213-335-2244
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I am calling to demand the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to stand up and come out publicly to support the DACA program. The representative told Angelica Villalobos and her daughter at the town hall to not worry. This program has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of immigrant youth across the country and it must be protected. I demand that Speaker Ryan support the immigrant community and commit to protect DACA.“
And to Tweet him (this has proven to be more effective than calling, in the past), just copy and paste this into your Twitter update box: “.@SpeakerRyan, you said not to worry. Come out publicly to #DefendDACA, #TPS and our immigrant community. We are #HeretoStay”
Bonus: From WeAreHereToStay.org: Here are some potential targets to call, tweet at, do whatever, just get their attention. For six of the biggest targets and opposition members, I’ve included Twitter handles in bold (From Special Snowflake–with love.)
Action 6: From Special Snowflake: Tweet The senators in bold using the handles I provided you. Use any of the info I provided above or that you garnered from other actions. Let’s save DACA!
Republican House of Representatives:
Will Hurd - TX
Devin Nunes - CA @DevinNunes
John Culberson - TX @CongCulberson @JohnCulberson
Steve Knight - CA
Ed Royce - CA
Pete Sessions - TX @PeteSessions
Barbara Comstock - VA
Democrat House of Representatives:
Collin C. Peterson - MN
Henry Cuellar - TX
Peter J. Visclosky - IN
Brian Higgins - NY 
Ron Kind - WI
Republican Senators:
Dean Heller - NV @SenDeanHeller
Susan Collins - ME
Bob Corker - TN 
John McCain - AZ
Marco Rubio - FL @MarcoRubio
Orrin Hatch - UT @OrrinHatch
Lamar Alexander - TN 
Cory Gardner - CO
Democrat Senators: 
Joe Donnelly - IN
Joe Manchin - WV
Claire McCaskill - MO
Heidi Heitkamp - ND
Jon Tester - MT
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As soon as Trump put word out he was even thinking about DACA, so many organizations and individuals sprang into action. Here, we list several ways you can fight for DREAMers and DACA. Many involve calling–either Paul Ryan, or AGs, or MoCs, etc, etc. I’ll start with the ones that are a little more unique and we’ll work our way to the calls. 
First, a little info. Deporting DREAMers would have a direct impact on the economy, costing us over $400 billion in GDP (CNBC). 
I just want to intersperse a little … we’ll call it knowledge, with the info: Borders are man-made and imaginary, but these immigrants are real, live people who exist. 
Back to the info: 95% of DACA recipients are currently working or in school. Not only that, 63% got a better paying job last year. They’re not just working, they’re working towards a better life. They’re actually an example of the mythical “American Dream.” (Indivisible)
Action 1: From My Civic Workout: Impact Your Community! “Even before today, there were signs that, under Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was not honoring the agreement that DACA participants had with the government. Information is power when dealing with the government, so do your part by printing out 5 copies of this “Know Your Rights” card in a relevant language and putting them up at a coffee shop or library.” 
Get the cards in several languages from United We Dream here.
Action 2: From My Civic Workout as well: Find and call your MoC’s with this script (and rep finder) to urge support for the DREAM Act 2017. This is the first time in 16 years the act has garnered Bipartisan support. 
Action 3: From Indivisible: While you’re there, “Tell Your MoC to Denounce Trump’s Announcement And Protect DACA Recipients.” We need our elected officials to stand for social and racial justice now more than ever, and for the truly aware ones to denounce this as a move that does nothing more than show solidarity with white nationalists and neo-nazis. As Indivisible points out, “The only beneficiary [of eliminating DACA] will be the for-profit private immigrant detention complex and Trump’s runaway deportation machine, which would embark on a new tax-payer funded mission to apprehend, process, detain, and remove these young people.”
Action 4: From Wall-of-Us: Call your Attorney General. Nine attorney generals have co-signed a lawsuit alleging DACA is illegal. With this link from Wall-of-Us, you can find out if your AG is one attacking DACA. If they are, use the script to urge them to rescind their support for the lawsuit. If they aren’t, try to get them to use their influence to persuade one of the nine. Heads up: you have to log in to get all your specific information, but it’s so worth it, as Wall-of-Us does four actions a week. 
Action 5: From DefendDaca.com: Call (then Tweet) Paul Ryan. All from right here!
From DefendDaca.com: “Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, previously promised to Angelica Villalobos, a DACA recipient, on CNN that DACA recipients should not worry. Clearly, he must take leadership now and commit to his promise.”
Call 213-335-2244
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I am calling to demand the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to stand up and come out publicly to support the DACA program. The representative told Angelica Villalobos and her daughter at the town hall to not worry. This program has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of immigrant youth across the country and it must be protected. I demand that Speaker Ryan support the immigrant community and commit to protect DACA.“
And to Tweet him (this has proven to be more effective than calling, in the past), just copy and paste this into your Twitter update box: “.@SpeakerRyan, you said not to worry. Come out publicly to #DefendDACA, #TPS and our immigrant community. We are #HeretoStay”
Bonus: From WeAreHereToStay.org: Here are some potential targets to call, tweet at, do whatever, just get their attention. For six of the biggest targets and opposition members, I’ve included Twitter handles in bold (From Special Snowflake–with love.)
Action 6: From Special Snowflake: Tweet The senators in bold using the handles I provided you. Use any of the info I provided above or that you garnered from other actions. Let’s save DACA!
Republican House of Representatives:
Will Hurd - TX
Devin Nunes - CA @DevinNunes
John Culberson - TX @CongCulberson @JohnCulberson
Steve Knight - CA
Ed Royce - CA
Pete Sessions - TX @PeteSessions
Barbara Comstock - VA
Democrat House of Representatives:
Collin C. Peterson - MN
Henry Cuellar - TX
Peter J. Visclosky - IN
Brian Higgins - NY 
Ron Kind - WI
Republican Senators:
Dean Heller - NV @SenDeanHeller
Susan Collins - ME
Bob Corker - TN 
John McCain - AZ
Marco Rubio - FL @MarcoRubio
Orrin Hatch - UT @OrrinHatch
Lamar Alexander - TN 
Cory Gardner - CO
Democrat Senators: 
Joe Donnelly - IN
Joe Manchin - WV
Claire McCaskill - MO
Heidi Heitkamp - ND
Jon Tester - MT
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As soon as Trump put word out he was even thinking about DACA, so many organizations and individuals sprang into action. Here, we list several ways you can fight for DREAMers and DACA. Many involve calling--either Paul Ryan, or AGs, or MoCs, etc, etc. I’ll start with the ones that are a little more unique and we’ll work our way to the calls. 
First, a little info. Deporting DREAMers would have a direct impact on the economy, costing us over $400 billion in GDP (CNBC). 
I just want to intersperse a little ... we’ll call it knowledge, with the info: Borders are man-made and imaginary, but these immigrants are real, live people who exist. 
Back to the info: 95% of DACA recipients are currently working or in school. Not only that, 63% got a better paying job last year. They’re not just working, they’re working towards a better life. They’re actually an example of the mythical “American Dream.” (Indivisible)
Action 1: From My Civic Workout: Impact Your Community! “Even before today, there were signs that, under Trump, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was not honoring the agreement that DACA participants had with the government. Information is power when dealing with the government, so do your part by printing out 5 copies of this “Know Your Rights” card in a relevant language and putting them up at a coffee shop or library.” 
Get the cards in several languages from United We Dream here.
Action 2: From My Civic Workout as well: Find and call your MoC’s with this script (and rep finder) to urge support for the DREAM Act 2017. This is the first time in 16 years the act has garnered Bipartisan support. 
Action 3: From Indivisible: While you’re there, “Tell Your MoC to Denounce Trump’s Announcement And Protect DACA Recipients.” We need our elected officials to stand for social and racial justice now more than ever, and for the truly aware ones to denounce this as a move that does nothing more than show solidarity with white nationalists and neo-nazis. As Indivisible points out, “The only beneficiary [of eliminating DACA] will be the for-profit private immigrant detention complex and Trump’s runaway deportation machine, which would embark on a new tax-payer funded mission to apprehend, process, detain, and remove these young people.”
Action 4: From Wall-of-Us: Call your Attorney General. Nine attorney generals have co-signed a lawsuit alleging DACA is illegal. With this link from Wall-of-Us, you can find out if your AG is one attacking DACA. If they are, use the script to urge them to rescind their support for the lawsuit. If they aren’t, try to get them to use their influence to persuade one of the nine. Heads up: you have to log in to get all your specific information, but it’s so worth it, as Wall-of-Us does four actions a week. 
Action 5: From DefendDaca.com: Call (then Tweet) Paul Ryan. All from right here!
From DefendDaca.com: “Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, previously promised to Angelica Villalobos, a DACA recipient, on CNN that DACA recipients should not worry. Clearly, he must take leadership now and commit to his promise.”
Call 213-335-2244
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I am calling to demand the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to stand up and come out publicly to support the DACA program. The representative told Angelica Villalobos and her daughter at the town hall to not worry. This program has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of immigrant youth across the country and it must be protected. I demand that Speaker Ryan support the immigrant community and commit to protect DACA."
And to Tweet him (this has proven to be more effective than calling, in the past), just copy and paste this into your Twitter update box: “.@SpeakerRyan, you said not to worry. Come out publicly to #DefendDACA, #TPS and our immigrant community. We are #HeretoStay”
Bonus: From WeAreHereToStay.org: Here are some potential targets to call, tweet at, do whatever, just get their attention. For six of the biggest targets and opposition members, I’ve included Twitter handles in bold (From Special Snowflake--with love.)
Action 6: From Special Snowflake: Tweet The senators in bold using the handles I provided you. Use any of the info I provided above or that you garnered from other actions. Let’s save DACA!
Republican House of Representatives:
Will Hurd - TX
Devin Nunes - CA @DevinNunes
John Culberson - TX @CongCulberson @JohnCulberson
Steve Knight - CA
Ed Royce - CA
Pete Sessions - TX @PeteSessions
Barbara Comstock - VA
Democrat House of Representatives:
Collin C. Peterson - MN
Henry Cuellar - TX
Peter J. Visclosky - IN
Brian Higgins - NY 
Ron Kind - WI
Republican Senators:
Dean Heller - NV @SenDeanHeller
Susan Collins - ME
Bob Corker - TN 
John McCain - AZ
Marco Rubio - FL @MarcoRubio
Orrin Hatch - UT @OrrinHatch
Lamar Alexander - TN 
Cory Gardner - CO
Democrat Senators: 
Joe Donnelly - IN
Joe Manchin - WV
Claire McCaskill - MO
Heidi Heitkamp - ND
Jon Tester - MT
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The Trump admin has asked for over 1 million IP addresses of protesters who visited an anti-Trump organizing website, with respect to the protests on inauguration day. This is the fascism we have been afraid of. This is an egregious violation of the first amendment. This is a violation of what it means to be American. We have the right to protest peacefully. That’s all these 1 million people were doing, some just commiserating online. Fascist, fascist, fascist. Not in my America, dammit. 
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Action: Designate Neo-Nazis as Terrorists
This is the action I’ve been looking for for a week! The wonderful Jen Hofmann (she’s really like the only other single person active as I am, and she’s way more active.) Subscribe here! 
Illinois introduced legislation last week that designates white supremacist and neo-nazi groups as terrorists. I want your state to do the same! Callmycongress.com to find your MoC. Here’s the script from Jen Hofmann:
Action: Advocate for your frightened neighbors and oppose domestic terrorism.
Call: Your state legislator (lookup).
Script: I am a constituent in [town] and inspired by the new legislation passed in Illinois classifying neo-Nazis as terror organizations. I would like [name] to author legislation like this in [state]. While I respect the right to free speech and assembly, our neighbors are terrified to walk down the street. [Name] can stop this. Would you like me to send the full text used in Illinois? Thank you.
Why should we do this? Most terror attacks in America are perpetrated by white men. It’s great to protect ourselves from terror threats from over sees, but we have plenty of terrifying people in America to tackle as well! 
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There are six in Cali alone, and hundreds in other states. This list from The Southern Poverty Law Center contains so much vital information, and holds a lot more than just information about monuments. It lists schools, municipalities, streets, and high ways named for the confederacy. Then, it gives you several different ideas to take action in your community. I’d suggest getting the Stance app to leave a message to your MoC. They also mention sending letters to the editor, contacting city council members, and more.
Talking points? I mean, my God, what can i say? I don’t care, mention Dylan Roof, mention that Germany’s ashamed of the Holocaust and we show no shame about slavery, mention that Heather Heyer died because white nationalists wanted to protect a symbol of our nations’ shame and racist roots that have grown branches, mention that these confederate symbols are being co-opted by nazis, who we fought a war with the world over. 
But let’s arm ourselves with knowledge and then speak up! 
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Day of Action: Stand Up For Immigrants August 15, 2017
Indivisible and United We Dream have partnered together to commemorate the Five year anniversary of the implementation of DACA with a day of action for immigrants. Click here to find a rally or event near you. Or click here to host an event! There will be a range of different events going on across the country: rallies, marches, press conferences, etc. 
A second way you can help, if you cannot attend a rally, is to help inundate your MOC with messages letting them know that the “vocal majority” supports immigration and immigrants! Specifically, let them know you support these two bills. In that link is your Indivisible guide with everything you need to know to speak our truth to their power. And as always, callmycongress.com to find your MOC. 
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Action: Defend Women’s Right To Choose!
Two awful anti-abortion bills have been introduced, one already having passed the house. H.R. 7 stops any government funding for abortion, and S. 231 redefines life as beginning at conception. For all their rhetoric about how oppressive Islam is, “Christians” (self-proclaimed, remains to be seen) and Conservatives in government sure do like to try to oppress. 
Find your rep here.  Write them or leave them a message using this script from Jen Hofmann’s Action Check List. 
Script: I am calling from [ZIP] to express concern about two anti-abortion bills. H.R. 7 has just passed in the House and moves to the Senate to pull all funding for legal abortion in the US. Secondly, S. 231 would modify the 14th Amendment and define life as beginning at conception. I strongly oppose both of these bills and want [name] to do the same.
Thanks to Jen Hoffmann for this action!
I would add why you oppose the bills. I would add that there’s already been a resurgence of the home abortion, especially in Texas where there was a law passed attempting to restrict abortions in 2013. I would mention separation of church and state, and I would rhetorically ask what the secular reasons for restricting abortion are. 
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Action: Defend Women’s Right To Choose!
Two awful anti-abortion bills have been introduced, one already having passed the house. H.R. 7 stops any government funding for abortion, and S. 231 redefines life as beginning at conception. For all their rhetoric about how oppressive Islam is, “Christians” (self-proclaimed, remains to be seen) and Conservatives in government sure do like to try to oppress. 
Find your rep here.  Write them or leave them a message using this script from Jen Hofmann’s Action Check List. 
Script: I am calling from [ZIP] to express concern about two anti-abortion bills. H.R. 7 has just passed in the House and moves to the Senate to pull all funding for legal abortion in the US. Secondly, S. 231 would modify the 14th Amendment and define life as beginning at conception. I strongly oppose both of these bills and want [name] to do the same.
Thanks to Jen Hoffmann for this action!
I would add why you oppose the bills. I would add that there’s already been a resurgence of the home abortion, especially in Texas where there was a law passed attempting to restrict abortions in 2013. I would mention separation of church and state, and I would rhetorically ask what the secular reasons for restricting abortion are. 
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