smilesastrology · 4 years
The Mercury Retrograde in Libra
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The Mercury Retrograde 🤔 On October 13, 2020- November 3, 2020, the Planet Mercury will be entering Retrograde in the sign of Libra. ⭐ What does Mercury Retrograde mean and How will it effect you based off of your Mercury/Sun Sign? 🤔 The Mercury Retrograde happens a few times a year and when it occurs it can cause a lot of frustrations and struggling times for us in this very busy world. One huge thing that the Mercury Retrograde can teach us, is too slow down and stop to smell the roses and enjoy what life has to offer. The Mercury Retrograde helps us learn how to be more grateful for what we have. Too many of us are constantly looking for more in the world, which is something we have always been taught which is too try and try, but all of that trying will be for nothing if we don't appreciate the journey and the value of our incredible life. Also the trick to surviving Mercury Retrograde is to not be paranoid and feel like the world is against you and to just say, "Oh Well, Not a big deal", ignore it, stay positive and stop to enjoy the sunshine. 😊 ⭐ What can I expect to happen during the Mercury Retrograde? 🤔 During the Mercury Retrograde forms of Communication can be more effected as well as Transportation. Here are some examples: •Cellphones could glitch out. •Wifi could wig out • Stereo system with Bluetooth could malfunction or display a screen error. •Vehicles could have mechanical errors. • Mail deliveries could be delayed or get lost/stolen. • You may feel like your in a mental fog and just sound off or things around you are off. • Other people may act weird or seem like they dont make any sense. • Flights at the Airport could be delayed. • Batteries could die faster than normal • Contracts with others or deals made could suddenly go south. • New Marriages/Relationships during this time could end up going terribly wrong. ⭐ How will your sign be effected by this Mercury Retrograde? 🤔 This Mercury Retrograde will be in the Air sign of Libra. So this retrograde we will see a lot more communication breakdowns especially in our relationships, including more appearances from unhealthy past friends/partners. This is definitely the worst Retrograde to get married and we will see more arguments in married couples during this time as well. As we enter the Fall Season, people begin act more clingy and needy and want more out of their life and they tend to rely and reach out to family more often, which can bring up sooooo many past issues and not only that it can also bring out A TON of emotions and overreactions. Please do your best to keep your emotions under wraps during this Mercury Retrograde. Which is also why it's so important during this Mercury Retrograde to learn to be positive and appreciate what we have that way we don't go so upset we throw our phone because our webpage is just not loading fast enough..or because our crush/family member/friend didn't reply back fast enough. Try and control our 'crazy' behavior! Lol seriously! ⭐ The Sun/Mercury Signs most effected during this period of emotional communication chaos will be: ♍♊Virgo and Gemini- these poor signs will always be affected by this communication struggle, not just 3x-4x a year, but always. It's something they must always learn to work on in order to better themselves and live a stress free life. ♎ Libra- because this Mercury Retrograde will be happening during the time of your sign, you will also deal with this mess brought on by the Mercury. You will also take this a lot more personally then Virgo/Gemini because you are not used to things going bad or having something constant become unreliable. Make sure to keep your emotions under control and watch out not to overreact and accidentally hurt someone you loves feelings. 🏠 Also, if you have a ton of planets in your 3rd, 6th or 7th house, or have a ton of planets in Virgo, Gemini or Libra, You will feel this Mercury Retrograde a lot as well. 🌀 People with a ton of Libra in their chart will definitely notice and feel the Retrograde occuring more than most sign. 🤗 Empaths
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smilesastrology · 4 years
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smilesastrology · 4 years
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smilesastrology · 4 years
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smilesastrology · 4 years
Uranus in the Sign's!
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smilesastrology · 4 years
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Remember the Time? Lol
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smilesastrology · 4 years
Uranus in the Signs!
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smilesastrology · 4 years
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Remember the Time? Lol
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smilesastrology · 4 years
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Get a Love Compatibility Reading with me today at Smiles Astrology! Find your Soulmate!
Astrology 101: Finding your Soulmate in a Synastry Chart 😊😍❤️
When you are looking at the Synastry Chart between 2 people you should look at how many planets are in each other's 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house aka the Asc, IC, Dsc & Mc in the chart.
Now when it comes to the important soulmate planets you would primarily look for Moon, Venus and Mars in those houses especially the 4th and 7th, but all the other planets are just as awesome to have in any of those houses.
The 4th house symbolizes Home life and shelter as well as loyalty, companionship and serious relationships.
The 7th house symbolizes Marriage, Balance and Relationships so you can see how having the planets of love(Venus), emotion(Moon), and passion(Mars) in the houses of loyalty, home and marriage (4th/7th) would be extra soulmatey 😊
What I normally do is get another piece of paper when deciphering a Synastry Chart and I tally up how many planets each person has in each other's 1,4,7,&10th houses.
Some people have hardly any and some have a lot.
Also, don't forget to check out the compatibility between these Soulmate Asteroids: Lilith, Vertex, Chiron, Parts of Fortune,
Child, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Ceres, Dejanira, Nessus, and Sedna.😊❤️
One really cool top of the line Soulmate Aspect!:
If you/your partner has Moon/Venus directly on each other's IC (4th house)/DSC (7th house) then You both are truly destined to be together for life and You probably already thought that already lol. But it's pretty bad ass to have the stars also agree 😊I have only seen it so far in 1 couple and they are definitely soulmates 😊
Once purchased, please send You and Your Partner's name, time of birth (it's okay if you dont know) date of birth, place of birth, and Your email address to my email address, [email protected], so I can send you the Reading along with copies of the chart.
Lyndsie Lawry
Head Astrologist at Smiles Astrology
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smilesastrology · 4 years
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Get a Career Reading Today!
Finding Your Career Destiny🌠🌙✨
When it comes to defining your Career through Astrology, these placements in your Natal Chart will help you to shape your future in the work world 😊
The Midheaven aka the 10th House or M.C., is basically how we find our Career Destiny in a Natal Chart. Based off the Astrological Sign our Midheaven is in, the 10th house ruler, we can see what personality traits we have in ourselves that can be used to play a part in shaping our Career Destiny. Each sign has certain traits that can be used too help point us in the right direction and lead us to the career field that we were meant to be in so that way we can live a more happier life.
🌙The MOON:
The Moon is our emotions. It is what guides us to what we love, our passions, and our desires. The Moon is what first attracts us to the Career Destiny that we desire. When we mix the personality traits of the Midheaven, with the emotions of the Moon we can then start to see a bigger more clearer picture of what our Career Destiny could be.
Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion. With the positivity and good vibes that the planet Jupiter can bring us, we can use that positive energy to motivate us to go after our Career Destiny. Jupiter gives us that confidence to take the initiative and obtain our Career Destiny and it also gives us that luck to be successful at our Career Destiny too. 😊
Here is an example of how you can determine your Career Destiny:
Midheaven in Scorpio
Moon in Taurus
Jupiter in Scorpio
This Person has their Midheaven in Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of the more darker, enduring careers. They are all about healing and transformation so what better career path than one that puts the body through endurance and one that always involves helping others in the process. People with their Midheaven in Scorpio would excell greatly in the medical field, the legal system, or the criminal justice system. They would make great nurses, EMTs, paralegals, cops, or private investigators.
This Person also has their Moon in Taurus, Taurus is a sign that loves to be comfortable. So this person's emotions will most likely drive them to a career that involves helping others to be comfortable and by keeping others happy a Taurus Moon will be happy too. A Taurus Moon would enjoy a job in customer service, nursing, or hospitality.
This Person has their Jupiter in Scorpio, and since Jupiter positively expands a person's life, the effects of all that Scorpio stands for will have a greater influence in this person's Career Destiny. Scorpio's are extremely detail-oriented. They notice everything and can put together pieces of a puzzle super fast. They are great at resolving conflict and finding a helpful solution to a problem.
Now with the information we have about this Person's Moon, Jupiter and Midheaven, we can see that this Person would definitely excell in a career as a Nurse, Judge or Guidance Counselor.
This Person's Moon seeks comfort giving them a softer edge than let's say a Moon in a fire or air sign. So even though they have that Scorpio badassery, a career as a cop would be less comfortable and more stressful than a job as a nurse who seeks to keep others comfortable, or a counselor who creates a safe place to help others be comfortable, or a judge who helps others to find a healthy solution.
Once purchased, please send your name, place of birth, date of birth, and time of birth to my email [email protected]. Then the email you wish the Reading to be sent too.
Lyndsie Lawry
Head Astrologist at Smiles Astrology
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smilesastrology · 4 years
Quick Transit Chart Guide!
Get a Reading with Smiles Astrology!
Here are the answers to some of the most common questions people have when looking at a Transit Chart or are just learning how to read Transit Charts and want to help others. 😊
❤️Best Times to Fall in Love: When Venus or Mars is Transiting the Natal 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th House.
❤️Best Times to Enter a Serious Soulmate Relationship: When Jupiter transits the 7th house, or is transiting you natal Venus.
❤️Best Times to Get Married: When the Asteroid Juno(found in the additional objects section on Astrodienst) is Transiting the Natal 7th House or 4th House.
🤩Best Times to Start a Career/Open a Business: When Jupiter and/or the Sun is Transiting the Natal 10th House/2nd House.
🤰Best Times to Conceive/Have a Baby: When the Asteroid Ceres and/or Juno(found in the additional objects section on Astrodienst) is Transiting the Natal 4th or 5th House.
🏠Best Time to Buy a House: When Jupiter is Transiting the Natal 4th House or 2nd House.
🤕Best Time to Focus on Dieting/Health: When Jupiter and/or Mercury are Transiting the Natal 6th House. It also helps to have the Moon Transiting the Natal 6th House as well.
🚗Best Time to Buy a Car: When Jupiter is Transiting the Natal 3rd, 6th or 11th House.
😽Best Time to Buy a Pet: When Jupiter, the Moon, and/or Neptune are Transiting the Natal 1st, 4th, 7th and 12th House.
Once purchased, please send your name, time of birth, place of birth, and date of birth to my email [email protected] along with the email you wish to have your Reading sent too.
Lyndsie Lawry
Head Astrologist at Smiles Astrology
You can also purchase here:
Feel free to check out our Facebook Page and give it a Like!
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smilesastrology · 4 years
Interested in a Basic Natal Chart Reading? 😊
I will go over many things including each of the 12 houses in your natal chart and what they mean and how they affect you and your life.
I will discuss planetary placements and the astrological sign associated with it as well as your Midheaven and how is aspects shape your career path and any other interesting information that I find on your astrological discovery through your chart.
As I embark on your natal chart we will also journey and discover how these important asteroids Chiron, Vertex, Part of Fortune, North Node, South Node, Juno, Pallas, Sedna, Nessus, Ceres, Dejanira, Vesta, Lillith and Child and how they play a role in your life. 😊
Once purchased, please send your name, time of birth, date of birth and place of birth to my email [email protected].
Then the email address that you wish to have your Reading sent too.
Lyndsie Lawry
Head Astrologist at Smiles Astrology
You can also purchase here:
Check out our Facebook Page and Give it a Like! :)
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smilesastrology · 4 years
The Sign's & the Moon 🌙
Moon is our emotions. It's what makes us feel comfortable, safe, and it also plays a huge role in our relationships.
♈ Aries Moon- You'll never meet a more hot-headed and fearless individuals than an Aries Moon. They can be selfish and impulsive but will be devoted to you for life if they let you in. They are the leaders of the pack but when stressed out they value their alone time and will shut out the entire world because of it no matter how nice you are. They also have great ideas but sometimes their emotions get in the way of their success. Underneath that hard exterior is a loving gooey sweet center.
♉ Taurus Moon- Give a Taurus Moon comfort, security and yummy food and they will be happy forever. The moon in Taurus is also the best spot for the moon to be in because it's exalted. Taurus moon can be very stubborn and lazy. They love to just lounge around eating cookies and binge watching their favorite show. They love to take care of others. They also have this sixth sense where basically their 5 senses are super charged and they could basically smell a chocolate brownie from a mile away.
♊ Gemini Moon- Gemini Moon's are unfortunately known for being the cheater moon of the zodiac. They can be very detached emotionally and that can cause pain to those around them. On the bright side, they are amazing conversationalists and are the masters at cheering people up especially their friends. They are the life of the party and probably will give you the best gag gifts to make you laugh. And if you ever need someone to find information on the guy/girl who broke your heart a Gemini will totally find out everything and then make them pay just to make you smile.
♋ Cancer Moon- This is also a good spot for the moon to be in because Cancer is ruled by the moon. These people will have the biggest hearts out of anyone you will ever meet. They are cautious to let you in to their life but once your in their life you will have a loyal companion forever. They are genuine people who will never hurt you. They may cry a lot but hey that's what tissues are for right?
♌ Leo Moon- You know that person who is constantly complimenting you and also sharing the latest trends with you? That's a Leo Moon. They are the models of the group. They love to look good and also can be very vain and opinionated. Although sometimes selfish, they are extremely loyal to they're friends and followers. They also are known for surprising you with cool gifts.
♍ Virgo Moon- These are the most giving and kindest people you will ever meet. A Virgo Moon will gladly give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. They can get stressed out and overwhelmed very easily and snap under pressure. They function well off of routine and cleanliness. These people will also stay up for days on end with no problem just to help those they love or for another good cause. Not many people are as bad ass as a Virgo Moon.
♎ Libra Moon- You'll never find a more devoted friend than a Libra Moon. They will be there by your side through the good and the bad trying to better your life. They are also unfortunately ranked #2 on the cheater moon list. They can be extra clingy and a little too dramatic at times. They are excellent advice giver's and also great marriage counselors. These people also love to watch soap operas as well as enjoy a nice glass of wine.
♏ Scorpio Moon- If you have your Moon in Scorpio, you probably could seduce a saltine cracker because you exhale sexiness without even trying. Scorpio Moons have this magnetic affect on people and even though they love to be alone, they attract so many people. They love the color black and are probably still living out their Emo phase. They do get jealous super easily and can be obsessive towards people. They also have a tendency to investigate and stalk others just for fun.
♐ Sagittarius Moon- This Moon ranks #3 on the cheater moon list unfortunately. This 'hakuna matata' Moon is constantly traveling through life with a huge smile on their face and is more likely to be into polygamy. They love to travel and learn about everything and anything with curiosity looming in their wide eyes. They are also extremely positive people who can find the silver lining in anything. They also can be very popular and have a ton of friends. These people are also incredible comedians.
♑ Capricorn Moon- You'll never find a more responsible person than a Capricorn Moon. They are extremely hard workers and are very disciplined. They can be too harsh and over the top at times. They are extremely reliable and efficient. They also love money and will be the friend who always has money saved up for their future.
♒ Aquarius Moon- You know the quiet, nerdy person who is incredibly smart but would rather not brag about it? That's an Aquarius Moon. They are highly intelligent and also love to give back to the world. They love learning about things like ghosts, sasquatch and aliens. They can be impulsive and clumsy and narrow-minded. They are the underdogs that surprise the world.
♓ Pisces Moon- These people are the kids-at-heart with dreams as big as the sky. They see the world in rose colored glasses. They are very empathetic people who love animals and nature. They do have a huge tendency to make others feel bad for them to get what they want. They are the type of people to cry over dropping their ice cream cone and then be unnecessarily mean at the ice cream man for not replacing it for them. They are great with kids and make excellent parent's. They are also super creative and artistic.
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smilesastrology · 4 years
Stelliums ✨
A Stellium is 3 or more planets in the same sign and in the same house.
Whatever sign your Stellium is in, You will relate too it a ton. Sometime even more than your Sun Sign. Basically whatever sign your Stellium is in, take the traits of that sign and amplify it by a lot, and then add those traits to your DNA make up lol Because this sign is a part of you now forever! 😊
Each House that Your Stellium is in will have huge signficance for you and play an important role in your life and you will most like excell in everything this house stands for.
Depending on what planets you have in that house, they will tweak your characteristics a bit but nonetheless will give you an awesome positive edge 😊
If you have a Stellium in...
✨ House 1- You will have an extraordinary personality and loveee the spotlight. You will be a great leader. You will love to take charge and help others take charge of their life as well 😊 You are an incredible motivator and love to help other's see how amazing they are and all the incredible things they can do with their life. You are also great with children and love to help kids grow into amazing adults. You also probably love to do mechanical work or just do anything with your hands and then show others how much handywork can help ease the mind and help create a positive world for those to live in 😊
✨ House 2- You will be the one to make sure everyone is taken care of, including yourself. You will make sure everyone is comfortable, fed, and curled up in their beds all comfy. You will always make sure your house is standing strong and that nothing will come in the way of you and your family's love nest being torn down. You built a strong home and will do anything to keep it on a happy firm ground. Not even a bulldozer could go through you! 😊
✨ House 3- You will be a world class social healer. You will know the in's and outs of everything and be amazing at helping others who are shy come out of their shell. You will have street smarts and book smarts too 😊 If there was ever a debacle I the street, you would stop that conflict immediately and help both parties come to an understanding. You are the kind soul looking to help people be themselves and never settle to be anything less than that. 😊
✨ House 4-
Your life will be filled with nothing but love and comfort! You are a huge 'mama/papa bear' stereotype that just loves to keep everyone feeling protected and loved. You are someone who constantly opens up their arms, their heart and their home to give not just those you love, but anyone in need, and help them grow as a person positively and help them to get back on their own too feet. You're an extremely kind and caring individual and have one of the biggest heart's around 😊
✨ House 5- Oh My! You are probably one of the most fun, entertaining people to be around 😊 You are someone who will always make sure those around you are laughing and smiling from ear to ear. You are also the type of person who will drive 20 miles away just to buy that specific type of candy bar in order to cheer up your friend who is having a bad day. You are a huge sweetheart 😊
✨ House 6- Don't let anyone stop this hardworker from accomplishing their dreams and from helping everyone around them accomplish their dream's as well 😊 Because they love to help others! They will go the distance for everyone then help themselves. They are one of the most generous people that you will ever meet! They are the type of people who will take care of you, spend money on you to make you feel special and important (money is just money to them and not a big deal), and then send you home with a big smile on your face, feeling like you can conquer the world. These people are truly incredible 😊
✨ House 7- Ever had a midnight crisis and didn't know who to call?? Lol Well these awesome people will be there at your side in a jiff with tissues, junk food, alcohol, a warm blanket, humor and who knows what else. These people will always stand by you and will always make sure you are taken care of and feeling better emotionally. They are the types of people who will take you somewhere when you're upset and let you scream at the top of your lungs so you won't bottle up your pain anymore. They also will spoil you rotten and make you feel good about yourself in ways no one else can. 😊 This is one of the most dependable person you'll ever meet.
✨ House 8- This is one of the most loyal person you will ever come across 😊 They will go to the ends of the earth for others and expect nothing in return. They will help bring you out of your depression and make you see why life is so good to begin with. They are also very detail-oriented and will sit and are incredible listeners who will sit silently for hours while you vent to them. They are wonderful people who truly care about the well being of others. They are also the type of person who after not seeing or hearing from for years, will still stand up for you and be there for you if you need them no matter what 😊
✨ House 9- These people will blow your mind with how much they know. But they won't be a know-it-all about it either, instead they will share awesome facts tailored special just for you to make you smile. They will also stay up all night with you trying to make you laugh and have a good time. They will tell you the best jokes and will remember your inside jokes forever so years later you will be reminded of something that made you laugh and feel good. They also will constantly compliment you and will notice your new shirt when no one else did and make you feel like a million bucks 😊 These people are one of the happiest, sweetest peopl you'll ever meet.
✨ House 10- These are one of the most respectful and kind people that you will ever meet 😊 They love to make you feel important and to help you make all your dreams come true. They are go-getters and also have incredible endurance. They can persevere through anything and will build you up to do the same. They are extremely motivated and want those they love to see how much awesome potential they have and to show the world how much of a badass they are by successfully obtaining their dreams.
✨ House 11- These people will take you on a beautiful adventure of a lifetime. They will make you feel number 1 and will be loyal to you forever. They are huge sweethearts who love to show others how rare they are individually. They will share with you each awesome rare unique fact about you that makes you one of a kind in all the world. They also love to do things with their hands and will create awesome things made specifically to make you smile 😊
✨ House 12- You are one of the most kindest people to ever exist. You love to go out of your way to make others happy. You are very intuitive and empathetic and love to help create a positive, harminous, balanced environment for those you love to be in. You are the person everyone goes to when they need help solving their problems and when they just need a non-judging environment that lets them feel free and happy so that they can be themselves again. You create love and harmony in a way no one else can that is truly remarkable and somewhat magical as well. 😊 You are the vibrant peacekeeper and love it.
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