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We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” — Native American Proverb
Earth Day is an annual event created to celebrate the planet’s environment and raise public awareness about pollution. The day, marked on April 22, is observed worldwide with rallies, conferences, outdoor activities, and service projects. Earth Day is a time of the year to reflect on how your life impacts the planet. On this day, people think about new ways to reduce their carbon imprint and improve water quality. They get together to get their hands dirty and make earnest strides towards making the Earth a better, and healthier, place to live. Earth Day is an important day for people to take time out of their busy lives to consider the impact that humanity has on the environment and for taking steps to minimize these impacts. As a result, we all can live happier and healthier lives in tune with nature. While it would be nice if we all lived as if every day was Earth Day, this holiday serves as a friendly reminder each year, to respect the Earth and to show a little gratitude to Mother Nature.
Started as a grassroots movement, Earth Day created public support for the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and contributed to the passage of the Clean Air Act, the Water Quality Improvement Act, the Endangered Species Act, and several other environmental laws. The idea for Earth Day was proposed by then-Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who died in 2005. The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970, a monumental day that is widely credited for launching the modern environmental movement. 20 million Americans from all walks of life participated in the very first Earth Day. Twenty years later, Earth Day went global, mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage.
Earth Day is a time to reflect and be thankful for everything the Earth does for us. It is also a time to strengthen our relationship with nature, to give back, and to think of ways we can work to better support the Earth for future generations. This year the theme for Earth Day is Protect Our Species. Nature’s gifts to our planet are the millions of species that we know and love, and many more that remain to be discovered. Unfortunately, human beings have irrevocably upset the balance of nature and, as a result, the world is facing the greatest rate of extinction since we lost the dinosaurs more than 60 million years ago. But unlike the fate of the dinosaurs, the rapid extinction of species in our world today is the result of human activity.
This year, Earth day hits especially close to home for Fannin Tree Farm as it is focused on climate change. Trees curb climate change directly by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Through the process of photosynthesis, forests offset 10 to 20 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions each year. Additionally, trees help protect against climate impacts such as flooding, which is getting worse with more locally heavy precipitation. By catching rainwater, reducing erosion, and creating more permeable soils, trees help prevent nearly 400 billion gallons of runoff annually in the continental U.S., which is enough water to fill about 600,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Trees are equally crucial for water and air quality, as over half of Americans depend on forests to capture and filter their drinking water. Tree leaves also absorb airborne pollutants and intercept particulate matter, helping reduce the throat irritation, asthma, and even premature death that these pollutants may cause. By annually removing over 35 billion pounds of these pollutants in the continental U.S., trees prevent over half a million cases of acute respiratory symptoms each year.
Not surprisingly, areas with more trees provide more benefits, like in the Southeast and Pacific Northwest. However, some benefits are higher in urban areas, which often have higher air pollution and flood risks. Trees in urban areas can also reduce the urban heat island effect and lower air conditioning needs as much as 30 percent by providing a natural shade. Urban trees reduce U.S. energy bills by over $5 billion each year. And since lower energy consumption means fewer carbon dioxide emissions, planting trees can contribute to a healthier planet while improving our daily lives.
What can we do: Here at Fannin we are always looking for ways to lighten our carbon footprint. We re-use all of our plastic container buckets for growing trees. We stopped buying plastic water bottles for our staff and gave everyone a Fannin Tree Farm bottle. We installed a water cooler that purifies the tap water. We eliminated 100’s of plastic bottles a month.
Earth Day Activities for Kids Kids are a lot of fun on Earth Day: they have a natural instinct for conservation and preservation, they like to get their hands dirty, and they love any kind of celebration. Planning Earth Day activities for kids is easy; you should start by asking kids what they would want to do to help the Earth. This brainstorming session will help you decide what sorts of things you and your kids can do to help the Earth. Here are some suggestions:
Plant a tree or a group of trees to beautify your neighborhood, provide shelter and food for birds, and prevent soil erosion. In honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day, you can pick up a tree to plant at your home for 40% off. Have a recycling party where friends and neighbors gather recyclable materials and turn them in for prizes Gather a group of kids and clean up garbage at a local park, beach, or other public area
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“Difficult relationships come into our lives for a reason. No one would choose them, certainly. But if we let them, they can teach us how to be flexible with others and more forgiving.”
— Joan Bauer
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Umbrella Garden
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“And if you call me at 4 am, too sad to even say hello, I will listen to your silence until you fall asleep.”
— Unknown
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So, you’ve narrowed your travel list down and finally booked your next trip. With all the arrangements made, your bags are figuratively packed. 
Now there’s only one thing standing between you and the world: actually packing. For many, it’s the most stressful part of trip preparations. But it doesn’t have to be.
Pre-Departure Checklist
Don’t leave home without getting the essentials in check. Here are some of the things that should be on your pre-departure checklist.
Your passport
Ok, you’ve probably thought of this one already, but check the expiration date. Some countries require at least six months’ validity. And if you have to renew, make sure you leave plenty of time, especially during peak vacation periods. Visa requirements can also change over time so don’t assume it’s the same arrangement as before if returning somewhere familiar. You can check if a visa is required at www.iatatravelcentre.com
Pre-book and save
Often booking in advance can save you money —and that includes booking things like parking before getting to the airport. Even if you do so on the morning of your trip you may save. The same is true for ordering currency in advance. If picking up pre-booked currency, take the card you booked with and take note if you have to go to a particular pickup point to get your cash.
Get insured 
Travel insurance is an important part of your packing routine. Provisions for trip interruption, baggage delay or trip cancellation can help protect your travel investment should your trip get disrupted. 
A major part of travel insurance is health insurance. Don't assume your coverage in your home country will apply when you are traveling abroad.  As for cost, expect it to increase as you approach retirement age. For the policy to be effective, every pre-existing condition must be declared, otherwise your policy could be worthless and you could end up with a very large bill. Also check that any activity you’re planning on undertaking will be included in the price.
Medical Matters
Start with a checkup at your doctor’s and dentist – it’s far easier to deal with any potential issues before you hit the road. Try to go as far in advance as you can in case you need to take full courses of immunizations before you travel. You can usually get any necessary vaccinations at your local health clinic, though specialist travel health clinics can also be found in major cities around the world.
Discount and membership cards
If you’re eligible, obtaining an International Student Identity Card (ISIC) or International Youth Travel Card (IYTC) before you go will save you money all over the place. Travelers of any age will benefit from Hosteling International membership (www.hihostels.com). Senior travelers also qualify for travel discounts with some airlines and for ground transport in many countries. Sometimes flashing an ID is enough, sometimes you need to use a local scheme.
Five tips for packing light
Doug Dement, author of OneBag.com, gives his advice for reducing baggage bulge:
There’s only one real ‘secret’ to traveling light: a proper personal packing list. It’s a contract you make with yourself, a personal pledge that you will never pack anything that isn’t on your list. And for most people, such a list needn’t include more items than will fit in a single, carry-on bag and is able to accommodate destinations ranging from India to Inuvik.
Learn about luggage. Most bags on the market are designed to sell easily, rather than facilitate lightweight travel. So learn about design (shapes, configurations) and construction (fabrics, zippers). You may even discover that the primary function of a wheeled bag is to support itself, not efficiently transport anyone’s belongings!
Avoid liquids; they are the bane of the light traveler. Liquids (and gels) are heavy, bulky, prone to leakage (particularly on planes), and suspicious to security. Did I mention heavy?
Plan to do some laundry. This needn’t be onerous: done properly, and regularly, it should be more like brushing your teeth. With the right gear (travel clothesline, powder detergent, universal sink stopper), three pairs of underwear will take you anywhere.
Coordinate your colors. An excellent way to derive maximum use from a modest amount of clothing is to ensure that every item goes with every other one.
Backpacker’s packing list
Ensure nothing gets left behind with our handy checklist
Boarding Passes
Foreign cash
Credit/ATM cards
Guidebook material
First aid kit
Travel insurance documents
Repeat and travel medication
Folder for all documents
Large backpack
Small combination lock
Camera and charger
Mobile phone and charger
Tablet and charger
Plug adapters (see below)
Headtorch and batteries
Waterproof pocket camera
Back-up hard drive
Light jacket
Waterproof coat
Light jumpers
Thin hoodie
Casual shirts
Vest tops
Loose trousers
Trainers/comfortable shoes
Thin socks
Sun hat/cap
Hidden zipper belt
Sunscreen and aftersun lotion
Body lotion/moisturizer
Insect repellent
SPF lip balm
Razor and shaving cream
Shampoo and conditioner
Soap/body wash
Make-up and remover
Hair products
Disposable wipes
Sanitary products
Nile file/clippers
Bug spray
Laundry kit: travel detergent, braided clothesline, sink-stopper
Hand sanitizer
Dental floss
Small tubes for liquids
Contact lenses and solution
Travel journal and pen
Waterproof watch
Beach towel/quick-dry towel
Waterproof bag
Water purifying bottle
Sleep sack
Refillable bottles
Travel neck pillow
Playing cards
Pocket sewing kit
Sleeping bag
Portable stove
International Plug Sockets
Here's a run-down of some of the world's plug sockets and fittings. Along with a converter, you can also get individual plugs. For instance, instead of using a converter to charge your iPhone, buy the country-specific plug (often available through sites like Amazon or a store in country) and just rotate it out. 
Hoping these instructions are gonna make your next journey extra professional and easier.
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how you love yourself is
how you teach others
to love you”
― Rupi Kaur
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Self-love describes how you feel about and treat yourself.  Self-love involves being able to appreciate your own value and worth. It also involves taking steps to optimise your happiness and wellbeing. So, nurturing self-love means taking steps to work on your relationship with yourself.  As you begin practising self-love you may start to celebrate yourself and your strengths more, take more time to listen to and honour your needs and to do more things for your happiness and good health. 
However, when you start nurturing more self-love, this can a ripple effect throughout your life.  Suddenly as you are feeling better about yourself and taking care of yourself, your professional life can improve, you may dedicate more time to hobbies and passions and your relationships with friends, family members and partners can improve too. So, self-love can actually bring you more love and joy in all of your relationships.
Here are some ways in which self-love can improve your relationships: 
So many people go through life feeling bad about themselves and being very harsh on themselves and often experience low confidence levels as a result.  This low confidence then affects their interactions with others.  They may doubt or second guess themselves and come across as nervous or uncertain, they may be embarrassed to just be authentically themselves and they may always put others first, sacrificing their own needs. However, when you love yourself, you appreciate your value and your worth. When you love yourself, you are able to interact with others from a place of confidence, from a place of knowing how much you bring to the relationship and therefore from a place of feeling secure about yourself.  All of this means that you are able to show up more in these relationships and just be yourself.
Often when you aren’t feeling very confident or good about yourself, you can end up putting other people’s needs before your own.  This can mean that you end up feeling very resentful in that relationship. Whether it always doing what your friend wants to do (rather than what you want to do) when you meet up; only meeting the person you are dating when he/she is free and has some time (rather than when it is convenient for you); or feeling obliged to do things for family members even though you are feeling down and tired, all of these things can make you feel very resentful and angry at the other person. However, as you start practising more self-love, you can set stronger boundaries in your relationships. You may start saying “no” to things that you don’t feel comfortable with and prioritising “me-time” and your needs over the needs of others. Whilst this may seem selfish, it is actually both good for you and for others too. Often people will respect others that set boundaries more than those that just say “yes” to every whim and demand. Setting stronger boundaries will also mean that you bring your happiest, best-self to each relationship and that your relationships are more balanced.
How you treat yourself sets a precedent for how you expect other people to treat you. If you never listen to your own wants and needs, how can you expect others to even know what these wants or needs are? If you never allocate any time to take care of yourself or your wellbeing others may also think that you don’t need or appreciate that time that they may want to look after or take care of you. If you want others to talk to you and to treat you in a certain way, one of the best ways to achieve this, is to start treating yourself this way first. By prioritising yourself and your needs and by treating yourself with the utmost care and respect, you show others that they too need to do this to remain in your life. 
When we don’t feel very good about ourselves, we can often rely on other people to make us happy.  As we are not taking the time to do things we enjoy or dedicating time to our own needs and interests, we rely a lot more on what other people say and do to feel good.  However, as we practice self-love, we take our happiness into our own hands.  We value ourselves and we also know that we are worth spending time on our passions and interests.  We invest in ourselves and our wellbeing. As a result of loving ourselves and investing in our own happiness, we are not relying on what other people say and do to make us happy.  Either they add to and supplement our lives or they don’t but we aren’t completely dependent upon them to feel good about ourselves and our lives. 
A lot of people base how they feel about themselves on what other people think of them. So, they will only feel good about their appearance on days that someone compliments them, they will only feel proud of their work or art if someone else likes it or they will only feel confident in their outfit if a friend is wearing something similar.  This means that they are very reliant upon external validation (or the approval of others). However, when you practise self-love, you learn to value and appreciate yourself, your choices and your worth irrespective of what other people think. This can really help your relationships as you aren’t constantly seeking out the approval and validation of others and you can instead just enjoy the other person’s company.  For example, you won’t need constant validation from your partner that you look good and you won’t need regular reassurance from your friends that they still like you. Once you love yourself, all that validation and approval comes from within you and you can just get on with enjoying the company of those you love and care about.
One of the biggest benefits of self-love is that it can mean that you walk away from or change the dynamic in relationships that don’t serve you and your life. As you appreciate your worth, you also know when other people don’t.  You have high standards for how you should be treated and what or who you will accept into your life. You begin to realise that you only want in your life those relationships where there is mutual trust and respect, where you both care for each other and where you are uplifted and inspired by your interactions. Self-love allows you to choose your relationships wisely and to create a life full of meaningful and uplifting bonds.
So yes, self-love is about your relationship with yourself and how you feel about and treat yourself.  However, practicing self-love can bring you the most powerful love, respect and care that you have ever had in all of your other relationships too.
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Its undeniable that Jules Verne's classic science fiction novel, 20,000 leagues under the Sea (1870),has influenced the steampunk movement. It tells that the story of captain Nemo and his advanced submarine, the Nautilus is the journey where several octopuses encountered by the captain Nemo and his crew.
the movement of an octopus is powered by water, not unlike steam vehicle. when octopus' needs a burst of speed to capture a prey or escape from predators, it fills its muscular cavity with water and quickly expels the water through a siphon, called jet propulsion. This makes the octopus cephalopods, the fastest marine invertebrates.
steampunk is about the invention and creation among the most inventive living creatures. for instance, octopuses have been observed collecting discarded coconut shells that is used to create the mobile shelter.
Cthulhu, the fictional monster created by the H.P LOVECRAFT was heavily inspired by the octopuses. Cthulhu was first appeared in the short story THE CALL OF CTHULHU in which he described the chimera of an octopus and the dragon.
In the 19th century, the octopus was as symbol of the railroad and the industrial revolution, which are central to the steampunk culture.
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It's ok to let go........
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes!
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Thank you @greatfuldaze and everyone who got me to 10 reblogs!
Healing up with my broken heart:
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“This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something.” ~Elizabeth Gilbert
A long long time ago one of my closest friends Emily, went through a very terrible life experiencing a relationship, I Emily, went through my last breakup a few years ago. I thought I had paid my dues, cried my share of tears, and dealt with some deep wounds. I thought I was done. I was happy and in love, and talking about moving in with my friend.
One day we took a little vacation. We laughed and explored the desert excitedly talking about our dreams. Three days later I found myself sobbing on the floor of my tub, hot steam clouding around me.
Our breakup was quite beautiful aside from the shock and confusion. We looked into each other’s eyes. We smiled. We cried. We held each other. We said goodbye.
It might sound like we handled this well, and in many ways we did. We always respected one another. We never said anything hurtful or manipulative. I think that shows how much we loved and cared for one another.
But I was still a mess, deeply heartbroken and deeply depressed. It was the deepest depression I’d ever been in. I could do little more than cry and stare at the ceiling. Nothing in me wanted to stay in bed and nothing in me wanted to get out. It felt like torturous limbo with a crushing weight on my chest.
My mind couldn’t comprehend a day when I wouldn’t feel like this. Each night I fell asleep I prayed the morning would be different. But each day I woke up with a pang in my stomach and a heaviness in my heart.
Until one day I didn’t.
It wasn’t a miracle. My pain didn’t disappear in my sleep. But I started to feel better. The first day I was able to eat a little more. The next day I found myself laughing with a friend. I slowly started to be able to sleep longer hours and function more clearly. It was a snail’s pace, but it was progress.
If you’re going through a breakup right now the truth is that it will get better.
I needed to hear this over and over again from other people. When the pain is so intense it takes over everything. It’s very difficult to believe anything will change. I would call my mom in the mornings sobbing into the phone, “It still hurts. It’s not getting any better. Why does it still hurt?”
It’s supposed to hurt. Your heart is broken. You loved deeply, and now it’s over. One side of the coin is that endings are really sad. The other side is that endings are opportunities for new beginnings, and that’s really exciting, even if you can’t feel the excitement right now.
It was difficult for me to see that I was making any progress so I documented my days over those weeks. I found that there were five key things that helped me begin to heal:
I felt all the feelings.
I took advantage of my support system.
I gave myself love and compassion.
I took responsibility for my life.
I focused on me instead of him.
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to allow yourself to grieve when your heart is broken.
Our bodies are intelligent. They can hold trauma for a lifetime. When we sob so deeply our chests heave and the tears fly out, our bodies are purging the pain. Allow this to happen. I was so tired of crying, but I would keep on doing it as I needed. I actually cried a little a few hours ago. It lessens. The pain lessens. I assure you this.
There were two or three people who were my everything during my lowest low. I used their support to get me through all of the times when I just wanted to give up on my life. I talked things through incessantly, something that can help us come to terms with the situation. Our minds need to process the change, especially if it was traumatic or sudden.
It’s really important that these are people who understand you, who are capable of being there for you in this way, and who are nonjudgmental. Someone who is going to say to you, “Honey, I am so sorry you feel like this. My heart breaks for you.” Not all of our friends and family are capable of taking on that role, and that’s okay. You just need one or two.
Through these first two steps I started to gain my own strength and identity back. I got to a point where I knew that only I could pull myself up out of it. I had enough moments of clarity through my pain that I was able to see what I needed to do for myself, and I gave myself so much love.
I honored myself and acknowledged that my heart was broken. I didn’t judge myself for being weak or stress out about being low functioning. I just let myself fall into my own arms.
I treated myself like my own daughter. I asked how I was feeling and listened to the response with compassion. I kept telling myself, “I am here for you. I am always here for you.” This type of love for myself helped the pain dissipate. It helped me to feel worthy of life again.
I am also someone, probably very similar to you, who is always looking to better myself. Nothing in life is isolated—we’re all connected and affected by one another, so I knew there were deep things about myself to look at.
Instead of focusing on my ex and why he left, I began to look at myself. I questioned what I was doing in my life that left me in relationships where men chronically abandoned me.
I didn’t put pressure on myself to figure it all out, but I allowed the question to be there. I invited the answers to come in as they needed to. I knew that whatever was most obvious was probably not the full picture — and it wasn’t.
Through a candid conversation with a very close friend, I began to discover some of my deepest fears. I realized that when I get very close to people I become afraid I will lose them, something that occurred repeatedly in my childhood.
When someone I was close to share a different perspective than mine, on some deep unconscious level I became threatened, and terrified this was the beginning of the end for us. Ironically, my fears of abandonment contributed to my relationship ending.
This kind of revelation is liberating when there is a lack of clarity in a breakup. I saw myself so much more clearly, and then I looked at the relationship from my ex’s perspective. I saw my newfound self through his eyes, and I understood how he felt. It all made sense.
One of the most important things I did that allowed me to heal was to focus on myself each time I thought of him.
This is especially true if you are not the one who wants to break up. I didn’t reach out to him at all. I gave us each space. I knew seeing him show up on social media would increase the pain so I used all my willpower to stay focused on myself. If I felt the urge to check up on him I reminded myself that I didn’t need to feel any more pain. This was enough.
I think now as a mature adult wouldn’t allow any wrong person to destroy my happiness, my success, and most importantly, my peace of mind. Loving somebody perfect is the best thing we can have and it is the best thing that could happen. But with someone who tried to ruin your abilities is not the right one. Girls you are the strongest creatures and the most valuable persons who exist, don’t let anyone bring you down or let your happiness be destroyed. Take a minute and think about who is the right one for you, more power to you guys.
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You are going to be so much more than ‘enough’ for someone someday. Unknown
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"Reality is the canvas upon which we paint our dreams. Go ahead with your imperfections, because you are designed with imperfections perfectly, & these add more beauty to the masterpiece of your life"
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