philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
“The ego wants to want, more than it wants to have.”
— Eckhart Tolle
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
Foods that are packed with vitamins and nutrients that help with your body and mind's health (which includes your mood):
Chicken/ Pork/ Beef
Tuna/ Salmon / Shellfish
Lentils/ Beans
Dried fruit
Spinach/ Leafy greens
Whole, unprocessed carbohydrates (brown bread/rice/pasta)
Cocoa (without sugar. Dark chocolate is good)
Sweet potato
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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Express yourself, tell your loved ones if you're not well, otherwise they will never know.
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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As a side note-- with all mental illnesses, it is good to understand them, but do not ever let them define who you are. You are not your problems. You are not your thoughts. You are not your feelings. You are not any label that you can think of. Who you are cannot ever be described in words and labels. Yes, you might have depression, but you are not depression. You are you, and that you changes every second of every day. You control who you are, nothing else.
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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Anything that isn't affecting you right now should not make you worry. All you can do now for your future is prepare for it. There's no need to worry about something you can't change, or that hasn't happened yet. Do what you can right now. That's all you can do.
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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The ways that have helped me the most (and my own interpretation of the above):
1) Water (or also juice/tea)
2) Balanced diet/reduce sugar, caffeine and foods that I'm sensitive to (lactose in my case)
3) Neurobics= do something calming that doesn't require much thought (jigsaw puzzle, drawing, listening or playing music, dance etc.)
4) Positivity /Acceptance of things as they are
5) Focus on your body, the empty space around you, the sounds and silence, all your senses; just be present in the moment
6) Express yourself, your thoughts and feelings, your passions; show your pain and happiness
7) Write down things that people have told you recently that remind you they care and love you, because you are worth all their love, so you should learn to love yourself more (this is something I did which really helped me)
8) Change your surroundings and the way you do things; if you're bored, go out to a different place, or at least get out of your room even if that just means sitting in the living room
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
There are times when you will feel bad and there are times when you will feel good.
Both emotions are valid, both emotions are worthy. Let yourself feel them, accept them and let them pass through you.
Negative emotions are a result of disruptions in your mind or body. If there is something not working properly then it makes sense for you not to feel well. These disruptions need to be expressed somehow, they need an outlet. If you push them away the moment they arise then it will only make the pain you feel worse and worse.
Accept these emotions, let yourself feel them and tell yourself that it's okay not to be okay for a bit. These emotions exist but they are not you, they are only something passing through you.
Nobody enjoys the feeling of pain (except perhaps masochists) but that doesn't mean it isn't necessary. Instead of blaming yourself and your emotions for the pain, start changing your life style. Where does this pain come from? Non-acceptance? Not eating properly? Unhealthy relationships?
Find the cause, accept it, then act.
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
Do not look outside yourself for validation and pleasure. All you ever need is your own love, your own self worth, in this moment. Having people to love you is great, but you don't need them to be able to be at peace and love yourself. All you ever have is yourself in the moment. Cherish it.
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
real self care is:
knowing your limits
doing hard things that will pay off in the long run
saying no to things that will be bad for you
saying yes to things that will be good for you 
making good habits to replace the old bad ones
making an effort to change for the better
taking that shower when it seems like too much energy
celebrating the little things
actively trying to be better
talking about your feelings
getting help
knowing that you have people to reach out to
have a lovely day!
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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Accept what happened in the past and move on. You cannot go on with life when you cannot forgive yourself. You cannot change the past, all you can do is change how you deal with things now in order to have a brighter present and future.
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
“If you could look inside the heart of any and every single human being, you would fall in love with them completely. If you see the inside as it really is and not as your mind projects it to be, you would be so purely in love with the whole thing.”
— Mooji
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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--The Minds Journal
The familiar way is not always the right way.
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philosophicalbean27 · 4 years
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Let go of the people who poison you, of the ones who do not show you they care. They are not worth sacrificing yourself over.
The only one you cannot afford to ever lose is yourself. This is not called being selfish, it is called self preservation.
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