ourotps · 2 years
This is not a request, this is more of a question 😅
You have planned more parts for your story Fear? I really loved this story and the dynamics between the reader and Tommy. I will love to see more
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Sorry, I think I won't do a Fear pt 3. But I say this now and then I may be struck with a story idea. But as of now I feel like I'm happy with only two parts.
But thanks for the question and I'm really happy that you liked it!
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ourotps · 2 years
Fear Part 2
Thomas Shelby x reader
Words: 3k
Summary: Part 2 of Fear. Being married to Thomas Shelby isn’t as fun as it seems (or it’s exactly as it seems). 
Part 1
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Thomas stood at the end of the shotgun without fear really, but more like dread. Maybe a little regret if he was honest with himself. He was never afraid of dying, it would be a sweet release at this point. But standing as the nuzzle of the gun pushed into his head he was left wondering about his spouse. Their face flashing in the back of his mind. Their smile, their eyes, their face when they were mad, all came to mind. He feared that they would never truly know that he indeed loved them. He never was good at showing it. As the safety clicked, he wondered if they knew.
The trigger was pulled, and the shot rang out. Blood dripped down Thomas' face and clothes. He opened his eyes to see a figure standing above him drenched in blood.
Your heart was pounding as you pulled the trigger in time. You gave the man a second to look back, but nothing more as you shot him to save Thomas.
"Oh, thank god," you breathed out in relief. You rushed to Thomas' arms. In his daze he opened his arms and embraced you back. He kissed your forehead. He was silent.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" You quickly asked, your hands rushing to his cheeks down to his chest.
"No, I'm fine." He finally found his voice.
Gently placing your hands on his cheek, you promised, "They'll pay for this. I'll not let someone walk over the Shelby name."
You had traded in your name for the Shelby name with a great fight. Your marriage to Tommy secured the deal between your families but it was hard to lose your name.
At first the marriage amounted to little other than sex. You and Thomas had no issue consummating the marriage, but everything else was a struggle. You fought left and right about everything, and you didn't see each other that much. You were often away with your family, and he was away with his. But on nights when you found yourself talking with him, it felt like he was your only friend. Maybe you didn't tell him everything, and he certainly didn't tell you everything, but the secrets you kept between the two of you were sacred.
"We're going home." You declared. You helped Thomas' to the car. He was silent on the way back to the house.
Entering the great house, you called for the head housekeeper. She was the only staff you actually trusted. Pulling Thomas to your shared bedroom, she met you there.
"Tell everyone, they're dismissed until further notice, except for yourself. Don't worry there will not be extra work for you. Please call Ms. Ada Shelby Thorne." You ordered.
"That's not necessary." Thomas mumbled. You shot him a look. The housekeeper didn't question anything but did as you said.
"To bed." You ordered Thomas pointing towards the bed.
"Also, not fucking necessary."
"Do I look like I care?" You closed the doors to your room.
"I need to tell you something."
Ignoring him, you ordered, "Take off your clothes." You grabbed the wash pot and a rag.
"Let a man breathe. I almost got shot!" Thomas yelled. He went to light a cigarette. He poured himself a double. Oh, he was so infuriating sometimes it made you want to shake him. You were trying to help him.
"Thomas fucking Shelby. Take off your goddamn bloody clothes and get in bed!" You yelled, literally stomping your foot down. You stared at him, and watched him run through all the scenarios in his head. He knew you well enough to know that if he didn't do what you wanted, he'd never hear the end of it.
He took off his jacket, tie, and vest. You handed him a clean shirt. "Now sit." You told him. He took a seat on the bed. You finally approached him and cleaned up the blood on his face. He watched you silently as you cleaned him up.
Once he was clean, you kissed his cheek. "Get some sleep." You gently said. You ran a hand through his hair. He relaxed into your touch.
"I'm not tired." He replied looking up at you. Your thumbs carefully traced patterns on his cheeks. He brought your hand to his lips kissing it.
"Wasn't asking if you were. And I don't believe you for one second." The dark circles under his eyes betrayed him. His hands came to your waist holding you close. "There's no point in lying to me. At this point I know you better than yourself."
"That's a lie." Thomas huffed sitting back on his pillows. He sat there and smoked for awhile watching you clean up yourself. He wondered when and if he could ever tell you that he'd fallen in love with you.
"Please rest." You pleaded sitting on the bed next to him. "This happened because you're spreading yourself too thin. You will rest for 2 days."
He opened his mouth to say something.
"2 days Thomas Shelby!"
"You'll not tell me what to fucking do."
"The hell I will. You sit your ass back down and get under the covers." He waited awhile before listening. "Now Thomas!" You yelled.
He sat back down and put the covers over himself. Walking to the door, you grabbed the tea the housemaid left for you. It was drugged with your sleeping medicine. Your housemaid and you had a code for when you wanted it.
"Now drink some tea and go to sleep."
"I know this is drugged." Thomas mentioned before taking a sip.
"It wasn't much of a secret Detective."
He finished the tea and placed it on his nightstand. Pointing at you he stated, "Now before I fall asleep against my will, you will stay here. I'll not let you wonder any streets at night. And when I wake up in the morning you will also be here and we will figure this out tomorrow, and not a day later. I'll not take 2 fucking days off, I'm not some child that needs a holiday. And I'll not put up with you ordering me around like you're a royal."
"Are you quite done?" You replied glaring at Tommy. "Because I don't think I've ever heard such self-righteousness. You were almost shot fucking dead! You can take a break. And I told you what I think of you and your fucking mouth. You can't go bossing me around, I'm not one of your bookies. That's not how this goes."
If Thomas could rip all his hair out, he would have. You were single handily the most infuriating person he had ever met, and he fucking married you. And he loved you even though all you made him want to do was scream. "Just sit." He quietly demanded.
"Fine," you huffed sitting down next to him on the bed. You two laid there quietly, nothing else to say.
"See, we can compromise." You whispered.
"It's like you want to kill me." He groaned. The irony didn't go unnoticed.
"Shut up and go to sleep."
"You promise you'll stay?" He asked quietly rolling over to look at you. As much as he hated when you were yelling at him or annoyed with him, he had to admit that your angry face was one of his favorite looks on you. He liked that he made you as crazy as you made him. Everything with you two was always going at the speed of 100, and was always red. 
"No. But I'll be here when you wake up." You promised, kissing his forehead.
"(y/n) I need to tell you something." He mumbled tiredly. His eyes already closed.
"You can in the morning. Sleep love." You whispered kissing each cheek.
After Thomas was passed out, you had no idea when he would wake. It was an extra-large dose, and the man hadn't slept in awhile. Ada was waiting for you in the living room of the great house.
"Thanks for coming out. I hope you and Karl can stay for a day. Thomas was almost killed today. I need to watch the house. Nobody except for the housemaid should be here. Anyone that comes in that's not me is to be shot dead. Including his brothers. They are not to come in. He needs his rest."
Ada nodded her head in agreement. "Tommy needs his rest too. I'll see that he's taken care of. But my brothers won't listen to me."
"They'll listen to me." You stated confidently. You handed her a gun and walked out the door.
Walking into the Garrison you searched for Tommy's brothers. You found them in their usual drinking spot. "Perfect you're both here." You stated interrupting Arthur and John.
"Thomas was almost killed today. He's currently asleep and on orders to rest. Before you start your war path, I want the papers Tommy's been asking for on Polly's desk at 9 o'clock sharp. And then I'll tell you who did it and you can burn them to the ground."
John and Arthur looked at each other unsure what to say.
"Just tell us now." John finally quipped.
"No. I can't. Not until everything is ready."
"You and Tommy with your fucking plans." Arthur spat.
"Listen at 9 I'll be seeing you two. And then I'll tell you what you want. I'm sure you two don't want Peaky Blinders to look like a fool when someone was seconds away from assassinating Thomas."
"Fine, fine." Arthur surrendered. "I can't believe I'm taking orders from the Tommy's spouse now."
"Don't let it rack your poor head." And with that you left to visit London. If Thomas were to wake in the morning you'd still be gone, breaking your promise but you promised Arthur and John answers that you didn't have.
You worked through the evening and into the morning. You were a little late to meet Arthur and John but it didn't matter to them when they saw you dragged the culprits back to Birmingham tied up.
"Here you go boys. But not a scratch." You stated showing them to the stalls you kept the man. "I'm sure Thomas would like his own words with him."
"So let's do it the (l/n) way." John mentioned looking at you. Your family had a reputation of tying up people and letting them slowly bleed out in the longest ways possible.
"Fine tie him up. Usually the calf goes first. Don't get to his stomach before Thomas wakes. He's to be alive."
"Deal." Arthur agreed dragging the man out.
Walking back into the house, you dealt with Thomas' business issues, as you sat next to him as he slept. It wasn't that you didn't know everything Thomas wanted to achieve with the cards in his hand, but looking at all of this you realized you knew him a lot better than you thought. All of this slowly twisted itself into Thomas' ultimate goal, and you knew him well enough to know which turns he anticipated and which he carved out himself.
On the third morning you became worried. It wasn't until later in the morning when he woke. "Good morning Thomas." You whispered looking down at your husband who finally woke up. He hummed and stretched. You had food and water ready for him.
"Cigarette." He whispered. You rolled your eyes before handing him a smoke and lighting it. He smoked quietly.
"What time is it?"
"10 o'clock. But Thomas you've been asleep for three days. Yesterday you were awake for a few random hours but you probably don't remember. You barely ate or drank. You'd just go piss and fall back asleep."
Startled he sat up. He got up from the bed. Stretching some more he rushed to put on some clothes. "That's the last fucking time I'm letting you drug me."
"Doubt it'll be the last time though." You shoved a glass of water in his hands and a piece of bread in another grabbing his cigarette. He quickly ate and drank.
"I need to make some phone calls."
"I moved all of your phone calls till tomorrow. I didn't know when you'd wake up."
"Oh, okay that's fine. I need to post some stuff too." He added taking his cigarette back.
"I had Polly post everything. All the bills are caught up. And all the taxes, and reports have been sent out accordingly." You mentioned. Thomas stood there silent. He poured himself another glass of water.
"And how did you know which to post and where to send?" He tested
"Well I can read the contents. And this might shock you, but I do have the ability to think."
"So books were balanced?"
"Yes. Bills were posted."
"Reports were sent to the licensing boards?"
"Arthur and Johns reports on their ventures are on my desk?"
"Blood hell. How the fuck you got them to do that. I've been asking for months." A smile cracked on your face. Thomas sat down in awe. He didn't need 100 men when he had you.
"I persuaded them."
"Why do I keep all these idiots on my payroll when I could just mention it to you?"
"There's one more thing. And you're going to yell at me for it." You admitted.
"There's someone in the stalls waiting for you." You watched as Tommy's mind did the math. You waited for the inevitable yelling to start.
"I told you to fucking wait! I told you to not go anywhere!" He yelled.
"You knew that any minute we let them go unanswered for this would make things worse. I promised the Shelby name wouldn't be walked upon." You defended yourself.
Thomas put a hand to his forehead. "Do you know could have fucking happened."
"Of course I do."
He slammed his hand down on his dresser. He turned to point to you. "No you fucking don't. You could have died when I was fucking asleep. They could have killed you."
"I'm better than that Tommy and you know it. You're not the only one who can shoot someone in the face here. And you're not the only snake who can sell an apple here. I expect you to put some fucking respect on my name." You argued back.
"Aren't you tired of yelling at me? Did you just marry someone to yell at them? Give me some fucking credit Thomas. I'm not a fucking idiot. You act as if you're the only one burdened with a fucking brain." You wanted to scream and shake him. Part of you wanted to slap him. It was odd that he was the only one who could make you go insane.
You expected him scream back at you, or storm out of the room. You'd probably get the silent treatment for the rest of the day. You expected him to throw a fit in his Thomas manner. You watched as he sat down on the bed.
"I'm sorry (y/n)." He said giving you a heart attack. He's never said he's sorry about anything before, and certainly not to you.
You were speechless. So he continued on. "Look I know I don't treat you as well as I should. I have no excuse. You just push and push. And I've never met anyone as fucking infuriating. God gave me a piece of my own medicine, I know. And the hard thing is, you annoy the fucking daylight out of me, but I love you. And I didn't think I'd ever love you, or really anyone. When I thought I was going to die, I could only think of you. If the rest of my life is spent fighting with you, I think it could be a life well spent. I know you don't love me. But I wanted you to know."
The honesty shocked you. You sat down next to him. You couldn't even look at him. Even when you said your vows, to the first time he kissed you, you never thought you'd hear him say he loved you.
"I guess if I want you to shut up I'll just tell you I love you." He joked lighting a cigarette. "I'm going to the office."
He got up and kissed you on the forehead. You grabbed his wrist. "Sit, please."
"(Y/n) you don't have to say nothing."
"I know. I'm just a little shocked. I never thought you would say that. Or that you'd feel it. I want you to know I've never been in love. I don't know what it's like. But Thomas' when I saw you with a gun to your head it felt like I saw standing over a cliff with a gun to my own head. It felt like the world fell under my feet. I couldn't imagine my life without you. Who would I fight with? Who would I prod and joke with? Who would hold me in the middle of the night whispering secrets in my ear?"
A smile spread across his face. "For the rest of my life, I'll make sure you know exactly what love feels like (y/n). I want you to remember this too. As many rows as we get into, I want you to know I think of you as my equal. You've always been my equal and that scares me. I don't want to lose you. Life wouldn't continue."
Thomas remembered all the women who whispered in his ear at night that he made them feel alive. And he never understood the feeling because nothing made him feel alive. That was until you came along, and then all the sudden life was at least somewhat interesting to him. But living was always harder than dying.
"Thomas Shelby are you afraid of me?" You giggled curling into his side.
"Don't repeat it." He shyly smiled. Polly once told you to keep a tight rope on Tommy because every other person in the world was attracted to his magnetic energy. She said that people come to him to feel alive. You never needed anyone to make you feel alive. But you’ve never had someone to make the pain of being alive less sharp. 
"It would be truly boring to have everyone agree with you wouldn't it." You matched his smile. "But fear not Thomas Shelby, for the rest of your life you'll have my loud mouth yelling your ear off."
Pressing a kiss to your forehead he smiled. "A fearful thought isn't."
"You know," he smirked, "you haven't given your poor husband a proper kiss in three days."
Sharing a smile, "how will you survive? It was awfully terrible of me. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" You whispered as you kissed him. His hands slid around you pulling you onto his lap. He pulled at your shirt lifting it off of you.
As he pressed kisses down the column of your throat you murmured. "What about you work?"
"You really want me to stop?" He muttered continuing to kiss you.
"Of course not."
"We finally agree." He replied as you helped him slip off his shirt. Your ran a hand down his chest and to his trousers. "Tomorrow, we'll kill the bastard in the barn, and get you a job in the company. But today I'm spending the day showing you how much I love you."
"Say it again." You whispered tracing his jaw. "I want to hear you say it again and again."
"I love you (y/n). And I'll love you for as long as I breathe. And one day I'll hear you say it back." And one day you would say it back.
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ourotps · 2 years
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Words: 3.2k
Summary: Reader is also in a gang and meets Thomas Shelby for the first time in Birmingham. 
Part 2
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Dawn was a time that no one in Birmingham should be walking at. Your mother wanted to remind you that you were a guest in Birmingham. Your family was a clan in the south of England, your home was far away and far different from this city. The reason for your staying in Birmingham was to meet with the Peaky Blinders. Your family took somewhat of a long business tour meeting with other gangs to strengthen their relationships with them. Birmingham was one of the last stops and one of the most important ones as the Peaky Blinders were quickly growing in power. Your father was eager to get a new ally or learn a new enemy.
The only reason you were walking so early in the morning was to get an extra jug of Milk as your younger brothers spilled the first one. Turning the corner of an ally way you heard the undeniable sound of a gunshot. Quickly turning back and hiding behind the wall you peaked back.
Standing over a body was a man in a flat cap. He was a Peaky Blinder.
"Clean this up." He ordered some men standing behind him. You watched as two men quickly peeled the body up from the ground. The man might be a Shelby if he could give orders. It was a bad idea to be hanging around. You definitely didn't want to meet a Shelby without your family.
You were about to turn away to backtrack and find another route back to the Hotel, when a voice yelled at you. "And you behind the corner, show your face."
You sucked in your breath and pushed yourself further into the wall hoping you'd become a brick yourself.
"I know you're there. Come out before I also blow your brains out."
With your hands up you came around the corner to see the Peaky Blinder standing there with a gun pointed to you.
"What are you doing?" He asked. His eyes were piercing blue. He looked unamused and honestly annoyed that this was taking up his time. Behind him the men were still dragging away the body. You tried not to look at the scene behind the man.
"I was just taking a short cut to get back to my hotel." You answered truthfully.
"Don't you know it's not a proper time to walk around here?" His brow lifted. His gun was still up but there was less of a chance he'd shoot you at this time.
"Obviously not if I'm sleeping in a hotel." You bit back a little too harshly for your position. Holding your tongue was not your strength. The man didn't say anything to you, he just stared back. His face was hard to read, you couldn't tell if you just fucked yourself over. The worst feeling about being under his unwavering gaze was that it felt as if he was reading the contents of your mind and pouring over the dreams in your soul and you could do nothing about it.
It was unwise to let such a man have time to do such things.
"Are you a whore?" He blatantly asked surprising you.
"Maybe in your dreams." You shot back. He didn't say anything but stared blankly at you.
"May I please pass." You asked a little quieter and a little nicer.
He nodded his head. "Yes, since you asked so nicely. But don't let me ever catch you again."
You nodded and walked past. "I hope you don't think I'm afraid of you Mr. Shelby. That'd be embarrassing for you." You casually and stupidly reminded him. You turned back turned to squarely meet his eyes. Of course, you were terrified of a Shelby man. But pride was one thing, and you were told never to let a threat go unanswered.
"Everyone is afraid of me." He flatly stated as if his ego wasn't wrapped up tightly in the statement. He said it as if he were stating that the sky was blue. He fiddled with a cigarette in his hand as you continued to meet his eye contact. The look he gave said you were pushing your luck. But living in this world meant you were used to pushing your luck.
"Well, my name isn't everyone. It's (y/n)." You stated sticking your noise straight in the air. Wincing you realized how stupid you sounded. You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose.
The man's eyes flashed with amusement. A smile almost ghosted his lips. "It's (y/n) is it now." He smirked leaning a bit towards you on the ball of his feet.
"Yeah, (y/n) (n/l)." You smirked back at him. His amusement quickly dropped. He had heard the rumors your family was traveling up England and that they might stop in his city. He also heard about your family's rumored arrival but had yet to meet any member.
"What are your lot doing over here?" He quickly questioned, lighting the cigarette that he had been playing with. The lightness in his eyes quickly drained away and a serious somber facade took its place.
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"Yes, love, that is why I asked the fucking question." He mumbled his reply.
"We'll let you know when you need to know." You answered knowing that a man like him would hate the answer. He seemed like the person who always had the answer and never needed to wait for one.
"Is that so?" He said clearly irked by the answer. But yet you didn't feel like you were in any danger after mouthing off every chance you got.
Switching tones and demeanors, you politely asked, "Where can we reach you. Mr. Shelby?"
"My name is Thomas Shelby." He answered. "And why don't you meet me at the Garrison tonight. 6 o'clock to talk details." Good lord, you had stumbled upon Thomas Shelby, the leader of the Peaky Blinders.
"Sure, details." You hesitantly repeated not believing a single intention.
"So, I'll see you then?"
"No." You truthfully answered. "I met you maybe 3 minutes ago. You're a dangerous man asking me out to a pub he owns."
"Sounds like you're just afraid." He pointedly said to annoy you. It was as if a knife came straight for your heart. No one calls a (l/n) coward.
"Fine, Mr. Shelby, but I'll not be alone. My father will be happy to meet you and know why his milk went sour."
"I'll apologize for you then."
"For me?" You asked shocked. The absolute audacity that Thomas Shelby had.
"If you weren't peaking around the corner, you wouldn't be late." He confidently said, now stomping out his cigarette.
If Thomas Shelby wasn't the most infuriating man. You huffed and answered back, "Well if you weren't...." You didn't dare finish the sentence.
"If I weren't what?" He challenged his eyebrow lifting a bit. He knew he caught you in a bind and was amused to put you in the situation.
"If you didn't air out your business everywhere, then I wouldn't have been late." You replied standing up to his challenge. You crossed your arms and took a step forward.
"I see the rumors about you (l/n)s are quite true. Stubborn and quick to anger. You don't know when to be quiet." He stated licking his lips. His eyes bore into yours.
"I see the rumors are true about you too Thomas Shelby. A prick at most." You snapped before thinking. A thought crossed your mind that your family would never know that the only reason a Shelby killed you was because you couldn't shut your fat mouth.
"Careful." He sang, clicking his tongue. He took a step forward. Now he was certainly too close. You could feel his breath on your skin as you continued to meet his eyes.
"I'll look forward to meeting you tonight." He whispered. Your heart picked up a pace as his voice echoed in every chamber of your body.
For the first time you could say nor think of nothing. You nodded. As you turned away from him, he winked. Trying hard not to let him notice your smile you quickly turned and left him standing in the alley.
Of course your clan was more than nervous to go to the Garrison as it wasn't much of a neutral setting. But your father was ready to speak to the Peaky Blinders and understand what kind of organization they were.
Only you and your father and older brothers went to the Garrison. Everyone was on orders to stay out of the pub and be about a block away. Everything was packed up in case there needed to be a quick exit. Like always, you were armed to the teeth with two knives and a gun. There was hope you wouldn't need it, but always a chance.
Entering the Garrison, there was a small crowd. They all turned towards your family, noticing them as newcomers.
Standing at the bar you asked the bar tender, "Where is Thomas Shelby?"
He stopped what he was doing and nodded his head to a room next to the bar. He went to the window. "Mr. Shelby you have a guest."
The door opened and Thomas Shelby stood there in the doorway with a cigarette in his mouth. He nodded and you and your father went in. Your brothers waited outside the room. Along with Thomas was what you assumed were his brothers.
"Cigarette?" One of them offered your father. He took it without saying anything. They poured both of you a drink.
"So, what brings you to our part of town?" Thomas started. He was not one to beat the bush. He took slow drags of his cigarette. You tried to look anywhere except at him.
"Simply meeting with some folks." Your father answered.
"And are we meeting?" One of the brothers asked leaving the implication on the table.
"I certainly hope so." Your father replied openly. The brothers looked at each other.
"We know what you (l/n)s are about. But how could we trust you being so far." The third brother said. He was the tallest of them all, and almost seemed the most relaxed.
"The telephone does exist now. You can always shoot us a call." You quickly answered before you could think. Your father nudged your leg under the table as a warning.
Thomas' poker face showed no emotion. "No, my brother is right. We're here to meet and figure something out. But there is a question of trust, why should we give you lot a fucking minute?"
"There's always a question of trust, and on our behalf too. We heard about Kimber."
"Do they do all the talking?" The second brother asked your father.
"Yes, when they want to." You fired back glaring at the brother. The second brother huffed and said something under his breath.
"Here's what we want, we want access to the racetracks, a couple of wins. And we know what kind of moves you're making in London. If we get you elected, we want access to Parliament. You will also get you some access to our enterprises." Your father finally announced.
"What makes you think you'll get us elected into Parliament?" The second brother tossed. "You all are a quiet lot. Barely hear anything fucking worthy about you."
"We have friends everywhere of all kind. We have Lords and Ladies that listen. We also have the Irish and the communists that will listen. That's one thing the Peaky Blinders sure don't have is friends." You answered pushing your luck. But quite frankly you weren't impressed with the Peaky Blinders. The rumors were true they were a gang of pricks every one of them especially their leader. It would be much more enjoyable to fight them then join them.
The third brother stood up.
Before Thomas could put up his hand to stop his brother you calmly said, "I sure hope it doesn't take a petty joke to set you lot off. Surely it wouldn't be embarrassing for you all to get angry and everything and anything. Why don't you take a seat."
The third brother slowly sat down.
"Good." Your father agreed "So do we have a deal?" He asked looking at Thomas.
Thomas sat back in his chair finishing up his cigarette. He looked at his brothers. "I think we could come to an agreement." He sat up looking at your father. "But every agreement needs consideration."
"I quite agree." Your father nodded.
"Something that makes this bond strong as our relationship will ensure a foothold in the North for you and one in the South for us."
"Agreed. I will offer a marriage." Your father stated. You kicked your father in the leg. But your father was no idiot and saw how Thomas Shelby looked at you.
"Accepted. Tomorrow we will negotiate properly." Thomas stated holding out his hand for your father to shake. As he shook your hand it lingered a bit, enough for your father to notice. Thomas lifted up his drink. You were forced to toast your own doom. The men sat by and drank happily.
"I'll get us some more." You told your father. You stood up and walked out of the room. Your brothers were eager to hear what went on. You stood at the bar waiting for a bottle to be brought up as you told them the details.
"Excuse me." A voice said behind you. Your brothers parted and there was Thomas Shelby. He walked in between you and your brothers to stand next to you.
"Put the bottle on us." He told the bartender as your order was placed in front of you.
"Of course not." You said trying to dig up some money.
"I didn't fucking ask." He answered as if it was the end of discussion. If there was ever a more entitled man. "You're soon to be family." You didn't say anything. You had nothing nice to say.
"Thank you Mr. Shelby." You gritted fisting the bottle in your hand.
"You can call me Tommy." He allowed, placing a hand on yours that held the bottle.
"Thomas will do." You answered leaving him.
And in a second, the doors burst opening and gun fire rained down. Taking your gun out, you stood up to shoot back. Thomas moved in front of you firing as well.
"Move." You huffed, jumping into the bar fight. Thomas watched as you took a knife and slashed some poor chap's leg up. He watched as you grabbed a cap from his fellow mate and slashed some man with it, with precision Arthur barely had. As he punched some lad that you held down for him, he decided then and there you were going to marry him.
And it wasn't that you were as violent as he and his family was. It wasn't that maybe you enjoyed a good fight, verbal or physical. It was because he saw for the first time an equal. He saw someone who could deal with him and shake the Earth as they moved.
"Are these the fucking friends you have?" You sarcastically ask stepping on some guy before shooting him. You shoved another man his way. He quickly disposed of him.
"You better watch that mouth." He grabbed a man behind you smashing his face across the bar.
"Or what?" You asked turning to him as the fight finished.
"Or what?" He repeated as if he's never heard anyone tell him that before. He was definitely going to marry you, for your smart mouth and everything that came with it.
"Might I remind you, I'm not afraid of you Thomas Shelby." You let out a smile.
"You're going to get me into a lot fucking trouble with that mouth of yours."
"So you like this mouth of mine? You keep mentioning it." Thomas Shelby stood there in front of you shocked. No one on Earth prodded him as much as the person standing in front of him. All his bullshit seemed to hit a wall to be returned with fire from you.
"I don't want to hear a word from you for the rest of the night." He ordered pointing a finger at you. He wiped blood off his hands. He offered you the handkerchief. His hands lingered on yours.
"You're certainly not in the position to tell me what to do." You replied your eyes meeting his as he wiped some blood from your face.
"I'm a Shelby."
"And I'm a (l/n)."
"One day you'll be a Shelby." He stated like it was a fact he read in the newspaper this morning.
Blushing you quickly replied, "Even I was a Shelby there's no position in which you can go around ordering me to do things." His body moved closer until the only thing in the world centered on him, until all you could feel was him.
"Are you sure there's no position?" He whispered carefully into your ear. Heat spread down your body. In this hushed moment between the two of you the world died around. Everyone was too worried about themselves to notice you two.
"I guess we'll have to at least try to find some kind of compromise." You hummed lifting your face to his.
"I don't compromise..." The last of his sentence trailing away. And the most shocking part of the night, even more so than the agreement and the fight, was that Thomas was standing there with a smile. It was a warmer smile than you imagined he could even give.
"But for me?" You asked sharing his smile.
"For you, I could compromise."
"You're so brave. A hero. Truly" You sarcastically joked. Lifting your lips up to his, he gently pressed a kiss so light it felt as if you imagined it. It should have been no shock to you, but the gentleness in which he touched you was rather startling.
"You're going to be the death of my Thomas Shelby." You wrapped your arms around his neck.
With a smirk, "Darling I was just thinking the same thing." And this time he really kissed you.
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ourotps · 5 years
Back To You
Steve Rogers x Reader
Endgame spoliers
A/n: I’m not in love with this one shot, but here we are. Hopefully you guys will like it.
"So, I don't know how to put this." You began as you crawled into bed with Steve for the night. "But I um...when are you taking the stones back?"
"As soon as a portal is constructed. It's almost done. Probably in a day or two." He answered half paying attention to you as he finished a page in his book. You watched as he put his bookmark in his book and put it down.
He frowned as he noticed how upset you seemed. "Hey, what's going on? Are you okay?"
No. What you were about to suggest was wild, but right. If you didn't suggest this, there was a possibility of you always feeling guilty. You truly wanted what was best for Steve and if he felt like you weren't 100% sure of what you were suggesting, he would never actually consider it.
Taking his hand in yours, you couldn't even look him in the eyes. "I know you love me. You tell me that everyday. And you know that I love you more than anything in the world."
You gave a gentle smile as you finally lifted your eyes to meet his blue ones. You had to be brave enough to lose him. His face was full of concern as he tightened his hand around yours. Taking a deep breath you finally dropped the bomb.
"But everyone deserves to be with their soulmate. You can time travel, Steve. If you go back and live another life...I'll be just as happy for you. Truly, if you feel like you belong there with her? Go. I love you so much, and I know you love me. But it's also okay to love her and it's okay to go there if that's your home. I just want you to be happy okay?"
Steve's mouth dropped open. He was at a loss of words. What do you say to that? You smiled a sad smile before kissing his cheek. You laid down and turned off your side of the light. Silently you were hoping Steve would tell you that you were it. But he didn't. Instead, he sat there frozen still sitting up. His light was still on as you drifted off to sleep. He didn't move for almost an hour. The idea of him failing you echoed over and over in his mind.
The next morning the bed was empty when you woke up. It was a somber morning as you got ready for Tony's funeral. You slipped on a black dress and two warm hands zipped it up for you.
"Morning." You whispered.
"Morning." He replied kissing your temple. "You look beautiful."
"I wish I was wearing sweatpants. I wish we didn't have to go."
Steve sadly nodded and looked down at his feet. "I wish that too."
You walked over to grab a necklace, it had a red ruby in the middle for Nat. Steve sat down on the edge of the bed looking at his hands. The conversation from last night was still stale in the air.
"Last night I had a dream and Nat was in it." You told Steve who looked up.
"Um...we were at SHIELD. It was back when we were partners, back when I was running Strike Team Delta instead of you." Steve smiled to himself. You always liked to joke that he took your job.
"I forget what we were talking about, but we were on this crazy mission and we were crawling a lot. At one point we were at my high school. It was crazy." You finished your make up in the mirror. Staring back at your reflection you noticed how hallow you looked. Your eyes were dark with bags under them. Your skin was more leathery. You just felt run down.
"I miss her too (y/n)." Steve said bringing you back to the room. You walked back towards the bed taking a seat next to Steve. "She was the one who gave me you."
"She loved match making, even though we were her only successful couple."
Steve let out a chuckle and shook his head. "Everyday she'd come in with two things. A new fact about you and a date idea. I'm glad I finally took up her offer."
Steve leaned over and kissed you. You hoped that this meant he was going to stay with you, but the sad, empty look he gave you made your stomach drop.
"We should go. We're going to be late." You said patting his leg. He sighed scratching his head.
"We need to talk about last night."
"Do we?" You looked at him pleadingly. There was enough heartbreak to go around. For just today, you just wanted to pretend that you wouldn't lose him too. Steve seemed to get the message and sighed. He stood up offering his hand.
Standing before him, he set a hand on your cheek. He looked so defeated even though he had just saved the world. You couldn't even gather what he was thinking. Was he sad about Tony? Was he going to leave you? Probably both.
He brushed some hair out of your face and kissed your forehead. His warm arms wrapped around you and you fell into his embrace too scared to ask what was on his mind.
During the reception Steve handed you a drink. You stood next to him talking to Bucky and Sam about nothing. The conversations were dull but they were better than silence.
"Cap." Bruce said walking towards Steve. Steve looked over at Bruce. "The portal was finished today. Rocket and I finished it this morning."
"Is everything else prepared?" Steve asked.
Steve sighed looking down at his drink. He looked over at you before telling Bruce. "Okay, tomorrow at nine."
"Okay." Bruce agreed before walking away. Steve gazed down at you. You took his hand in yours and squeezed it.
"It's okay." You mouthed. Bucky and Sam left to give you two privacy. He leaned his forehead to yours.
"It's okay." You promised closing your eyes. "It's okay."
"No. It's not. I feel like I've failed you." He whispered squeezing your hand. You knew then that he was leaving tomorrow for good. Tears threatened to spill down your face. You didn't want to cry for Steve, or for you.
"You could never fail me."
"I have. Your suggestion means I have. Honey, tomorrow when I go I'm—"
"Surprise me okay? I can't hear this now." You shook your head distancing yourself from him.
That night you got Steve's favorite pizza. It was his last night in the future might as well get his favorite food. You actually hated the pizza. But you choked it down for him with a smile.
You had to take some sleeping medicine to knock yourself out that night. You snuggled yourself into bed. Steve's arm wrapped around you as he kissed the back of your neck.
"I love you." He whispered. Tomorrow night, he'd be holding Peggy whispering those same words.
The next morning came too early. Too soon, you, Bucky, Sam, Bruce and Steve were out there. Steve hugged Sam and Bucky. He stopped in front of you with those big blue eyes.
"I'll be alright." You told him
He smirked, "Of course you will. I'll see you soon."
You chuckled, "Yeah, see you later grandpa."
Steve rolled his eyes but sent a confident smile. "Oh, you'll see."
He stepped up onto the portal, his eyes still glued to you as he disappeared. Internally you counted with Bruce as he counted to five to bring him back.
When Steve didn't return, you turned away. You shrugged and looked at Bucky, who set a hand on your shoulder.
"Get him back!" Sam yelled at Bruce. And with a spark, and a mini explosion, Steve returned. He looked the same, he was still wearing his quantum suit. His eyes met yours.
"What are you doing here?"
"What? I'm home." He answered you. He got off the portal and walked towards you. Grinning, he slanted his lips over yours. "I'm sorry, I never made you feel like you weren't the only one. I should have done better. You're my home. I'm always coming back to you. I'm so in love with you."
"Why didn't you just tell me this? I thought I lost you."
"I tried!" He defend himself, "And plus you said to surprise you."
"So you let me eat your nasty pizza in sadness."
"Sorry." He weakly offered you glared at him.
Smacking him in the arm you yelled, "Steven Grant Rogers, you son of a bitch!"
"I love you." He said leaning down to kiss you.
"I love you too."
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ourotps · 5 years
Endgame Spoilers…
So random thought…so if Steve has to replace the stones the second they were taken…does that mean he’s returning the soul stone as Natasha dies. Like exactly when she dies because that’s when the soul stone would become Clint’s. If so…that’s fucked up. Imagine how hard that would be for Steve. He can’t save her, he has to let her die. I’m not exactly a Romanogers shipper, but they were super close friends throught Steve’s time in the modern world.
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ourotps · 5 years
Master Post
Steve Rogers/ Captain America 
Mission Pt 2 
My World 
Cold Pt 2 
Cold Pt 3 
Mr. America 
Hardest of Hearts 
The Freelancer
Start Over 
Steve Rogers/ Natasha Romanoff 
Like They Do
Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver 
On Your Toes 
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier
Roomie Pt 2 
Husband Pt 2 
Nice Play
American Money 
It Feels Right 
It Feels Right Pt 2 
T’Challa/ Black Panther 
The Scientist 
The Scientist Pt 2 
The Scientist Pt 3 
My Masseuse
Under Arrest
Brock Rumlow 
The Wrong Man 
Tony Stark/ Pepper Potts
Dark Side 
Frank Castle/The Punisher
The Assassin and The Punisher
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski
New Girl in Town 
New Girl in Town (pt 2) 
New Girl in Town (pt 3) 
Another Life 
Harry Potter 
Sirius Black 
In 12 Grimmauld Place 
Seeing Green
Remus Lupin
Fred Weasley
A Part of Him  
Dylan O’Brien 
Mets Pt 2 
149 notes · View notes
ourotps · 5 years
Frank Castle x Reader. 
A/N: I’m so sad The Punisher is cancelled. But I hope you enjoy this anyway 
"Look, I can get you something you want more." You pleaded. They had you trapped in your car. The man in charge had a gun to your head.
"What can you offer us other than lies?" He questioned nuzzling the gun to your forehead.
You took a deep breath before you answered, "I can get you Frank Castle." Every gang in New York wanted their hands on Frank. The gang you had sold your soul to was no different. The jobs they had made you do was for repayment. You owed them your life.
"How?" They asked. You raised your eyebrows. They caught the hint.
"You set the terms, just give me a night." You offered tightening your hands on the steering wheel. You didn't tell them the fact that you had been seeing Frank for months. You met him one night standing on the roof of your apartment building a bottle of wine in your hand. Your job for the gang was messy. Your drug deal went sideways and people died. Death burned behind your eyelids. Frank found you there and said he hoped you weren't jumping because the wine wasn't worth spilling. He lived in the same building, just a couple floors down. You almost laughed at his joke before telling him to get lost.
The two of you started talking only because the mutual presence of each other bothered you. Both of you wanted to be alone, and neither was leaving the roof. It started off with a passive aggressive conversation, until it just wasn't one anymore.
"How can we trust you?" 
"My life for his. Okay? I'm serious. But after him I want out. I can't do this anymore." 
When the plan was set you called Frank over. The gang members were outside your apartment building. Some roaming up and down the halls. All exits were covered. Frank wouldn't be able to get out at all. 
"Hey." You smiled opening the door of your apartment. 
"Hey." Frank replied, and for the first time in awhile he didn't have any bruises visible. 
"Look, I know you’re busy. But my uh–sink is leaking. I called the landlord but he's being a dick and you strike me as someone who's good at fixing this shit." 
"Yeah–uh–I can do that." 
"You're the best. I'm getting us pizza!" 
Frank bent down to the sink and grabbed a wrench. "You know," he began, "a do it yourself girl like you are should know how to fix their own sink." 
"Who says I don't. Maybe I just missed you." You replied with a smirk in your voice. You glanced over at Frank who chuckled and shook his head. 
Frank quickly fixed the sink just a little before the pizza came. When the pizza came you set it down on the table. 
"Shit Lombardi's. Break some shit more often." Frank said opening up the pizza box. 
"Only the best for the best. Thanks for fixing the sink." You smiled kissing his cheek. "What to you want to listen to?" 
"Something good." He bluntly replied. You dramatically rolled your eyes as you turned on a classic rock Spotify playlist. 
Frank sat down on the couch and watched you walk to the kitchen to get two beers. He liked how you move. It was smooth, and almost dance like. While there was something inexplicably dark about you, there was something entirely innocent about you too. He couldn't figure out which one stuck out more. 
"So the weather..." you joked sitting down on the couch next to Frank. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. He knew what you wanted to talk about. 
"No. I’m not going out tonight." 
Grinning you turned to him. "Is this the off season?" 
"Crime doesn't have an off season." Frank joked making you both snicker at the terrible cliché line. He took a sip of his beer. 
"Well while you’re taking a vacation, do you want to know what I've been up to?" 
"Dying to." And so you told him about your extremely average life of course leaving out the gang involvement part. 
"I missed you." Frank found himself admitting when you finished. A week without you seemed like twice as long. You didn't know why you two put up with being apart for that long, clearly you two didn’t want to. 
Smiling you reached over and touched his hand. "I missed you too. Maybe you should walk up a few flights of stairs to see me more often." 
Frank leaned closer lifting your chin up. "You could always come down." He teased before kissing your lips. 
"I feel like this might be a better thank you." You mentioned setting yourself on Frank's lap. He looked up at you with an amused smirk. You leaned down and pressed your lips to his. He instantly responded slipping his fingers through your hair pulling you closer. One of his hands trailed further and further down your body. Pulling away to catch your breath you glanced down at Frank who was staring up at you. 
"What are you thinking?" You whispered kissing his nose and jaw. 
"You're beautiful." He answered in his usual brutish way. 
You laughed tossing your head back. "You're contractually obligated to say that." 
"Doesn't mean it's any less true." Frank reached up and pulled you back down to him. He kissed you a little more dirtier than the last time. His warm hands slipped under your shirt. You sat up and pulled it off before connecting your lips back together. Frank undid the clasp of your bra. Your heart started beating faster and faster with anticipation. His large hands cupped your breast. His callused fingers brushed your nipples making you shudder. He let out a chuckle before leaving wet kisses down the column of your neck. 
You closed your eyes trying to just take in the moment. Gripping his shoulders you sighed in contentment. He always did like the little noises you made. 
"Let's go to bed." You suggested in a gasp. Frank lifted you up and took you down the hall. His lips found yours again in a battle of dominance that you let him have. Frank laid you down on the bed. His lips trailed down you body. Wet kisses were pressed all the way down your body. 
"Frank," you whimpered. All you wanted was to forget. And Frank was on the fast path of making that happen. He peeled away your shorts and panties. Your heartbeat heightened with anticipation as his hand traveled further down between your legs. Cupping you there, his hand slid between your legs. You were unable to contain your moan as he brushed your opening. 
"Oh god Frank," You moaned grabbing the blankets as his soft fingers found your clit. Slowly working you, he slid a finger in. Then two. His other hand came around you holding you as you bucked your hips in need. You cried out loud as he pumped his fingers in and out. As he flattened a tongue to you, you squeezed you eyes shut. Hands flew to his hair pulling and tugging. A quick hot white flash shook your body. He continued until you almost had to swat him away. Catching your breath you pulled him back up to kiss him. Your tongues mixing together, and the taste of you still on him. 
Kissing him you pulled at his shirt. Lifting it off your hands smoothed down his muscular chest. You flipped the two of you over. He laughed as you took control. Unbuckling his belt you slid his pants off. Taking him into your hand you slowly stroked him. You swallowed his groan as you attached your lips back together. Straddling his waist, you lined yourself up with him. Slowly sliding down and taking a deep breath as he filled you. It didn’t matter how many times you’ve been together like this, it always felt as breathless as before. It was kind of like your body needed his as much as his needed yours. 
"You feel so good." Frank whispered bringing your mouth to his. 
"Frank." You gasped as you started to move. Frank watched you and he couldn't help but reach out for you. "Frank, Frank, Frank." 
He pulled you closer, leaving wet kisses on your breasts. His tongue swirled around your sensitive nipple. You let out a moan that sounded absolutely filthy to the both of you. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He kissed your neck and jaw. Taking you by the waist, he laid you down on the bed and took control quickening the pace. 
"Fuck!" You cried out as he sped up. You gasped as he found your clit. His arms came up around you caging you in under him. And it was like being in his arms was the only place you ever wanted to be. You always felt safe with him. Your hands scratched at his back and hair. He shifted and hit that spot that made you see stars. 
"I'm so close." You panted pulling him closer. 
"Come on. C'mon." He grunted. You pulled him down bringing him into a kiss burying both of your moans. You trembled under him as you came. Your walls fluttering around him. He groaned feeling you fall apart under him. 
Holding him, “I’ve got you, Frank. Frank, let go.” You chanted in a haze. He came with a groan spilling himself into you. You gasped at the sensation. Both of you were breathless and stated. Frank leaned down, placing both hands on either side of your face he kissed you. He was heavy in your arms. 
He laid down in the bed next to you. “Goddamn.” He breathed out making you laugh. You rolled over and set your head on his sweaty chest. He kissed your forehead. A hand slid up and down your back lulling you to sleep. 
For a while you two did sleep. But sometime later into the night you both woke. And with a sweet kiss it was all over again, only this time it was different. He kissed you differently like he was trying to tell you something. Something that he couldn’t describe. 
“What is it?” You asked breathlessly a hand placed on the base of his neck. He looked up at you his eyes almost glossy. 
“It’s okay.” You whispered. “It’s okay, Frank.” He nodded and pulled you back down for a searing kiss. And momentarily you wondered if Frank Castle could ever love again. Or if he already was. 
When Frank fell asleep the second time, you grabbed a shirt and shut yourself in the bathroom unable to figure out what to do. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub you started to cry. All those nights together, all those late night confessions and laughs. Those secret touches. The thought of him sometimes got you through the day. You had made a pact with the devil, but why drag him into it. Crying harder you knew what you had to do. You had always known. You didn't know if this was love or just loyalty. But what was the difference anyway? How could you betray a man who the universe had already spat on? How could you hold him in your arms and know you were going to kill him? How could you look in the mirror knowing you had killed him? 
Frank woke up to you crying in the bathroom. Knocking on the door he asked, "Hey (y/n), are you okay? Did I hurt you? Let me in." 
You wiped your tears. "Yeah come in. I'm fine." 
Frank walked in and kneeled in front of you taking his hands in his. He kissed them making you almost laugh. He was quite the gentleman when he wanted to be. "What's going on you can tell me. What’s going on?” 
Setting a hand on his cheek you stroked it. His skin tough under your thumb. His eyes were always gentle looking, even though they oversaw the violence his hands caused. “You have to go." 
He stood up. You stood with him. "Frank, Frank look at me. Look at me." You set a hand on his jaw. He finally looked you in the eyes. 
"There are some very bad people here. They want you dead. All exits are covered. I'm going to set off the fire alarm. That's your only chance. Don't try to fight please." You pleaded. "Do not fight. Promise me you won't. For once in your life just run. For me." 
"What did you do?" He asked
"Enough." He moved out of your grasp. Swallowing you left the bathroom. With tears in your eyes you slipped some shorts on. 
"Let me help you." Frank argued. 
"Put on some clothes Frank." You told him throwing his clothes at him. He hastily put on his clothes and zipped up his boots. 
"Wait a goddamn minute (y/n). Let me help you. I can take care of this." Frank repeated louder this time. You stopped what you were doing turning to face him.
Placing a hand on his chest you sighed, "No. You can't. You can't, Frank. And that's okay. Not everyone in this world needs saving, or even needs avenging." 
"I don't want to loose you." Frank whispered leaning his forehead to yours. 
"I'm so sorry," You swallowed, tears reforming in your eyes. "This was my fault. And I wish I could take it back for the world. For once just let me take care of you. Let someone take care of you." 
"I don't deserve it." He kissed your forehead and squeezed your hip. 
You smiled despite the falling tears. "And I don't deserve saving. Please, this is my choice. To me you're worth it. You've always been worth it all to me Frank. So please, go. I'm begging." 
"Okay." Frank breathed out. 
"Okay." You agreed you turned away but Frank pulled you back slanting his lips over yours in a desperate haze to memorize what it felt like to be with you. 
As fire alarms went off the building evacuated. They lost Frank in a haze since they were too busy chasing after you since they thought you were trying to escape. The harrowing sound of a gun shot reverberated off of the building but Frank felt the sound waves deeper than just in his ear drums.
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ourotps · 5 years
The Assassin and The Punisher
Frank Castle x Reader
So I recently got into The Punisher on Netflix...and this idea just popped into my head. I definitely have a parts 2, and maybe 3, so if this does well I’ll put them out. 
You could have only hoped he showed up. You had been taking cases around the New York area killing the same type of people that were really his M.O. You had some news for him you were sure he'd want to know.
When your mission went to shit by another player you knew it was him. Quickly getting out of your captor's hold was too easy. You grabbed for his gun quickly shooting him in the heart with it. Frank Castle had rolled in just seconds after you had killed the target you both shared. Rolling behind a crate you ambushed him as he came closer to the dead target to get a better look. You kicked his rifle out of his hands. He kicked it into gear grabbing his knife. You had to admit his punches hurt. But it was fun to keep catching him off guard as you flowed through a couple combinations effectively landing him on his ass, and throwing his knife out of his grasp You had trained for close quarters. Frank was a Marine trained to kill before seeing the white in their eye. You battled hand to hand for no reason other than for fun, you finally pinned him down.
"Hey, I'm (y/n)." You panted with your knee to his throat. You pulled down your hood so he could get a better look at you. His eyebrow raised as you introduced yourself. "Can I trust you not to kill me if I let you go?"
"Who are you?"
"I just told you my name was (y/n)." You decided to let him go.
"What do you want?" He asked studying you.
"Look, I'm here on a debt. I've been looking around for you."
"Well you found me."
"There's a kill order out for you and a couple friends. Well, it hasn't technically gone out yet. But I know they're preparing one."
"Who are you again?"
"(Y/n), did I hit your head too hard?" 
"How are you involved with this?"
"I'm an ex-SHIELD operative. Lately I've been doing some freelancing of my–uh–skills."
"So you're an assassin."
"Yeah. Now can we go so I can actually talk to you somewhere private that smells better?" He agreed to let you follow him to the van that his friend was waiting in.
You walked up to the drivers side sneaking up to the window. "Boo." You said tapping on the glass. The driver jumped making you laugh. Frank tried to hide a smile as David crawled out of the car.
"Jesus Christ." He gasped setting a hand on his heart. "Who's she."
"(Y/n)." You answered reaching out your hand.
"David." He replied eyeing Frank.
"She's got some info for us about a kill list I'm on."
"Oh fuck."
"Are you guys going to take you to your secret lair?"
"Why should we trust you?" Frank asked staring at you.
"Uh–Because I'm saving your life?" You answered shooting them a look. Wasn't it pretty obvious you were on their side.
Their base was a nerd cave if you ever saw one. It was dusty, dirty and gross. There were mysterious stains that you did not even want to guess what they could be.
"How do you guys not go bat shit crazy?"
"Who says that we're not." David mumbled walking by.
"(Y/n) talk." Frank ordered walking towards the back of the room. Clearly he was an all work kind of man. You could work with that, tease him and see what happens. Could be possible leverage if needed be.
"So there's a company named Anvil. There's a new guy running it. He's sending the money to people."
"About how much?"
"5 million each."
"Fuck." Frank breathed out.
"You have any beer?" You asked opening the fridge. You grabbed the first one opening it with your tooth. It was a fun party trick that made you look badass if anything. At least Frank got a kick out of it.
"I got a lot of other tricks I can do with my mouth." You mentioned to Frank walking past him. He didn't say anything but by the way he straightened up, you certainly had his attention.
Coming up with an attack plan was easy enough. All you had to do was infiltrated the company building one night and kill the bosses. But there was something more you wanted.
"You know Anvil's been a pain in all of our asses." You mentioned sitting back in your chair measuring Frank and David's reactions. Frank was a blank slate, but David agreed with you. "What if we ended the company?"
"And how do you pose we do that?" Frank asked sarcastically, throwing away your idea.
"Well, I was trained to infiltrate and take apart from the inside."
"Lovely." David mumbled.
"If we kill the head, it's over."
"Clearly not Francis" Frank shot you a death glare, which only intrigued you more. You always wondered which hits would land. "You killed Billy and here Anvil is again. If you cut off one head, two more shall take it's place."
"Jesus Christ, tell me you're not part of HYDRA."
"I'm not." You promised but Frank still gave you a suspicious stare. "You don't trust me very well do you Frank? Mr. Punisher."
"Don't take it personally princess."
"Oh so now we're on nickname basis, asshole?" You shot back and for a second you imagined the corners of Franks lips lifting. "Look I've got an interview with Anvil. I have someone on the inside. I'm going through their selection process. I have an in. I want to kill every head."
"Why do you spies always have to go undercover."
"Because we're good at it."
"Oh I'm sure you are."
"Actually I'm great at it." You said staring at Frank. "I'm great at a lot of things." David cleared his throat and started to type something in.
A week passed before you saw the boys again. You were passing Anvil's selection process with flying colors. You and Frank were gearing up to take down the company. You came to their little "lair" baring gifts.
"Look I have some supplies that I know you two will find interesting." You said opening the trunk of your car to show them the shit ton of weapons you had in there. David raised an eyebrow as he pulled out a sword. "Thank you gift. Take what you want."
David picked up a shiny silver handgun examining it. "Except (y/n) that's my favorite."
"You named a gun after yourself?" David asked
"Yeah first off it's a man killer. Secondly it's quick and efficient." You smirked winking at Castle who was watching you.
"Laying it on a bit thick." David mumbled
"It's a disarming technique. She was trained to be a pretty face with a smart mouth." Frank stated reaching over you to grab a rifle. He was correct, but it didn’t mean that the technique wasn't working on him at all. 
"I'm glad you think I'm pretty. Maybe we can go a few rounds." You flirted stepping up a bit staring him back in the eyes. His eyes flicked to yours and down before he stepped back. Clearing his throat he walked away.
"Eh, you're not really his type." David said grabbing a handgun with a silencer. "He likes the soft ones."
"And am I not soft?"
David looked you up and down before gulping. "No."
"So what's your story (y/n), why are you doing this? I don't trust someone doing this for fun." Frank asked sitting down on a counter. His arms were crossed as he stared at you. You had admitted that voice of his was a turn on. Ugh, it was so gravely and low. Turning to face him you put your hand on your hip.
"I told you, I'm kinda in debt. Well, technically not. It really is just a thank you."
"To who."
Meeting his eyes you answered, "You." It was an answer he didn't expect. He shifted uncomfortably looking at his feet.
"One of my friend's boyfriend was a gang member you had killed. He was extremely abusive. I didn't know until she was able to get out of the house. I never got to kill him, but I'm glad you did. You gave her another chance. She was so sure that one day he'd snap and kill her. So thank you."
"How is she now?"
"I–uh–moved her across the country to keep her safe. She'll be okay."
"Where are you from."
"I move around a lot. I try not to stay for longer than a couple months." 
"How'd you get involved with SHIELD?"
"They recruited me. I don't know why." You shrugged, but Frank understood perfectly why. You were smart, quick, and had this easiness to you. Frank knew you'd be the type of be calmer in chaos. He could see you lived in it, and you loved it. He admired how easily you had gotten inside his head even though he loathed how much of his thoughts consisted of you. 
David pulled up the video cameras of the Anvil building to go over the format of the building.
"Everyone there is a vet. Well, except me."
"It's a military contracting group of course they are."
"Why do you guys always walk around like you have sticks up your ass." Frank scowled at you making you shrug.
"Sorry not all of us can do gymnastics."
"I bet you're so tight you can't even touch your goddamn toes." Frank glared at you and bent down to touch his toes just to spite you.
"Wow Castle, should I slip a dollar in." You laughed as his ass was in the air. Surprisingly he laughed, he shook his head and tried hiding a smile. Oddly his laugh made you feel this warm feeling spread through you.
"Can you guys focus." David muttered and you both turned to the monitor.
Later that night you sat on the counter of the dinky kitchen chugging water. Sweaty and exhausted you sighed.
"I'm surprised you kept up." Frank mentioned gulping down some water himself. You two had worked out and had a few rounds on a mat.
"Really?" You asked raising an eyebrow. Did he really underestimate you that much?
"No." Frank smirked, "Actually I didn't think I would be able to keep up with you."
Smiling you leaned back as he came around to face you. "Not a lot of guys can go at the same pace as this." You mentioned dramatically waving a hand motioning to yourself.
"I'm sure there's not a boring moment with you (y/n)." Frank admitted making you smile. You felt yourself blush and hoped he didn't notice.
"Wouldn't you like to know." You teased making him roll his eyes. "How long will it take you to trust me Castle?"
He gave you a look that clearly meant he didn't want to go down this road. "Till you earn it." He replied, his voice hoarse and gravelly.
"And what does that require? Killing the Pope? Because I can probably do that."
"Where are you off to next after this?"
"I don't know yet. Depends on how this job goes. If there's more to clean up, I'll stay. I've got enough money to tie me over a few months anywhere until I need a new assignment so...I don't know." You shrugged.
"Do you like traveling around?"
"Uh–yeah. Sometimes it's hard. But the world is just so big, and Frank, it's so beautiful. Sometimes I just take a moment and breath it all in and just enjoy it. I have no home, and yeah, that takes a toll, but I'm free. Don't you ever dream of just leaving?"
Frank shrugged and looked down at his empty glass of water. "There's no place for me to go."
"There's no place for me to return to. Sometimes you just got to go. Speaking of leaving, I should do that. We've got a big night tomorrow, you know, killing people." You mentioned hopping off the counter. You placed a hand on Frank's shoulder lightly squeezing before you left.
The next day shit hit the fan. It was a blood bath. Two of the main targets were down and that's what mattered. The last one had you held there at gun point. Sighing you waiting for Frank to be brought in with your hands up.
"Oh, Mr. Castle!" The director grinned as Frank was brought in my two people. He dropped the gun on you but kept a knife to your rib so Frank couldn't see you were being held hostage.
"I'm so glad we finally got him, right?" He said pressing the blade into your skin breaking it. You said nothing.
"I hope you didn't get too attached to dollface. They helped bring you in Castle. Jeez and to think I would have had to pay five million to kill you when I paid her one to bring you here and do it myself."
"I don't believe you." Frank grunted, blood and bruises covered his face painting it a different tint. "I trust her." And Jesus, if there was ever a worst time to catch feelings it was then.
Shifting your eyes to his, you gave him a look. You shifted your weight and elbowed the director. Grabbing his knife you stabbed him a couple times. Frank flew into action and half a minute later five man were dead on the floor.
"Let's get out of here." You whispered, helping Frank up who was exhausted and probably wounded on every part of your body.
It took him almost an  entire day to feel good enough to meet you somewhere. He knew as well as you did this was goodbye. And hell, if he'd miss that.
"You asked where I'm off, and it turns out, Atlantic City." You mentioned sitting down on the roof of his apartment complex.
"Oh, I heard how gorgeous New Jersey can be." He teased making you shove him.
"Shut up. I'm hiding in a casino."
"I hate gambling."
"You sure do a lot of it."
"What do you mean?"
"You gamble with your life. Frank you must have a death wish."
"No more than you."
"Touché." You agreed looking down at your hands. You sighed glancing back at Frank who was admittedly studying you. "Do you want a picture for when you're lonely?"
"Shut up." He said bringing his lips to yours. His hand slid to your cheek caressing it. He had such a soft touch it was surprising. You smiled kissing him back. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder bring you closer. Cupping the back of his head you deepened the kiss. Pulling back you grinned leaning your forehead to his.
"You know, I could kill you seven ways in this hold." You whispered making him laugh. It was a nice sound.
"You're killing me anyways."
"Dear Frank, no one ever died by too much kissing. But we can certainly try."
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ourotps · 5 years
A Part of Him
Request: Hi there :)  May I please request a Fred Weasley imagine about being his girlfriend and finding out you're pregnant after the war? And like how does everyone react to that?  Thankyou in advance :) xo 
The bed dips down of the weight of a man you knew too well. Smiling to yourself you rolled over to see Fred Weasley laying down his hands resting behind his head.
“Get your shoes off the bed, Fred.” You warned staring down at his brown shoes. Fred playfully rolled his eyes and kicked off his shoes.
“Much” You smiled leaning in and kissing him. He hummed against your lips as you kissed him. His wrapped and arm around you pulling him closer to you.
“How was work?” You asked resting your head on his chest.
“Fine.” He dryly answered. “How was your day?”
“Tiring, lately I’ve been so tired I just come home and take a nap.”
“Are you not sleeping well at night? Because I can think of something that will certainly tire you out.” He teased wiggling his eyebrows. Sharing a laugh with him, you leaned over and kissed him.
Setting a hand on his cheek you whispered, “I love you,”
“I love you too (y/n).” He said squeezing your hip. 
The bed dipped down as someone sat down on the edge of it. Waking up from your dream, you clutched the blankets a little harder to your chest.
“Hey (y/n) how are you doing?” Ginny asked glancing over at you. You didn’t answer, talking was too hard. “I’m always here for you, (y/n).”
Nodding you closed your eyes again and willed yourself to dream of him again. How do you come to terms with loosing someone? How do you move on, and find peace? He was killed. A flash was the last thing he saw. And it stole his breath, and the light in your life. How can the world keep turning, when it’s lost its light? Even taking a deep breath was difficult, pain weighed down your chest, suffocating, and torturing you.
Running to the bathroom to throw up had become a daily occurrence. And so had crying while being bent over puking your guts out.
“Oh dear. Oh dearie.” Mrs. Weasley whispered finding you sitting on the bathroom floor crying. She bent down and hugged you. “Sh, it’ll be okay.” She whispered rocking you. Crying harder you held on to her. She had noticed these daily occurrences.
“You need to go to the doctor (y/n).”
“It’s not true. It can’t be.” You cried. “They won’t even have a father.”
“But they’ll have a whole family to love it.”
“I can’t do it without him.” You whispered
“You won’t be alone. And truly (y/n) is there anything you can’t do?”
You and Mrs. Weasley kept the secret between you two a little longer. You wanted to wait till after the all the funerals. Part of you found comfort in the idea that Fred wasn’t truly dead, part of him would always live in your child. One day Ginny caught you checking out your stomach in the mirror trying to see if you could see a bump.
“Uh (y/n), what are you doing?” She cautiously asked walking into your room. You couldn’t suppress a smile as you looked down at the floor. Ginny squealed jumping up and down.
“I’m going to be an Aunt!” She yelled making you laugh.
“Hey! Quiet! I haven’t told everybody, just your mom knows.”
Ginny nodded furiously trying to keep quiet. “Do you know if it’s a girl or a boy yet?”
“Can I go to your next doctor’s appointment?”
“Doctor’s appointment? (Y/n) are you sick?” Ron asked walking into the room eating an apple.
“Ron, you just heard wrong. Maybe you shouldn’t listen to conversations that don’t involve you.” Ginny commented crossing her arms at her brother.
“Maybe you shouldn’t yell I’m going to be an Aunt and then expect no one to hear you.” He pointed out smiling at the both of you. “Congrats (y/n).” He patted your back and smiled at you.
“Ronald do not tell anyone yet.” You ordered him pointing a finger at him.
“Deal. But you should probably do it soon, I’m terrible at secrets.” He said taking a bite of his apple.
“You should do it tonight (y/n)!” Ginny encouraged. “I’ll help you.”
“Fine” You agreed.
That night with Ginny’s help you made a cake for dinner tonight. Mrs. Weasley helped you make dinner and ordered that everyone come down and have dinner with them. The dinner went easy, you found yourself laughing even.
“I made a cake for tonight.” You commented getting up.
“I’m full. I don’t think I want any.” Mr. Weasley commented rubbing his stomach.
“Shut up, you’re eating some.” Mrs. Weasley demanded pointing her fork at her husband.
You set the cake down on the table in front of Mr. Weasley.
“Why does it say Congratulations? Did I do something?” He asked looking up at you.
“Well, you’re going to be a grandfather so I thought you might want a cake to celebrate.”
“Oh, well that’s very nice.” He said, the idea of him being a grandfather not sticking. He cut into the cake as everyone looked around wondering if they had heard you right. “Wait! I’m going to be what!”
“I’m pregnant.” You said grinning. The whole room cheered. Mrs. Weasley got champagne out for everyone. Congratulations flew around the room, and everyone celebrated. George cried as he brought you in for a tight hug.
“Oh (y/n) I’m so happy with you.” He said squeezing you.
“I miss him so much George.”
“I miss him too. But he’d be so proud, and so happy.”
“I wish he knew.”
“He loved you more so much (y/n).”
“I know.” You smiled. Even though your child would never truly know his father, he would always have a family who loved him unconditionally. He would always be part of the Weasley clan.
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ourotps · 5 years
Seeing Green
Sirius x Reader with a special power
You were a very special witch. One that only came once every couple centuries. In fact the last one like you was simply a rumor.
You were given a very special gift, or maybe a curse. As you touched someone you were able to see how they died. You were able to see how anyone in this world died. When you were little this was terrifying and to be honest you had a very dark childhood, you were hyper aware of everything. You were always scared that tomorrow your visions would come true. But as you had grown older you had realized that these scenes were in the future, and in some cases a far off future. You wrote down your visions as you met people and were careful not to touch to many people.
At Hogwarts your gift was hidden, no one knew. You never let anyone touch you, because you were scared to see them die. You couldn't stop them from dying, it was the future. You had tried to intervene once or twice but they faced the same destiny.
"(Y/n)" a voice called slinging an arm around you. You carefully shrugged your shoulder making his arm slip off of you. When his hand accidently brushed yours, you saw a veil flap again.
"Sirius," you  quietly greeted the fellow Gryffindor keeping your head down.
"How are you doing my dearest (y/n)?" He asked happily.
"I'm fine, what's got you in such a good mood Sirius?" You inquired 
"Well, when I looked on the calendar I realized a certain Hogsmeade trip was coming up this weekend and I couldn't help but think of a beautiful young lady who I'd love to go with me."
"And who's that lucky girl Sirius?" You asked sarcastically.
"Well dearest (y/n), it's you of course!" He boasted trying to slip the same arm around you. His hand brushing past your neck and you saw a green flash. You gasped stopping in your tracks. He was going to be killed!
"Sirius—Siri—I can't. I'm so sorry, you must know how hard this is for me." You said stepping away from him.
"(Y/n), you know I'm crazy for you." You knew, oh merlin you knew. It was in the way he looked at you, in the ways he said your name and cared for you. It was in everything he did that you knew.
"Sirius, I know, I just don't feel that way." You lied unable to look him in the eyes. You couldn't get close and see him die every time he touch you. You wanted so much to touch him and but you couldn't because you'd just see him die.
"I know, and you know I respect that. But a man can dream."
"Tell me what's going on, you seem so down." Sirius asked noticing your glum mood. 
"Nothings wrong, Sirius. I'm just tired. I'll see you after class." You promised slipping out of his sight. He sighed as you left. You were always so close but so far.
"Hi, Lily," you greeted your best friend as you took a seat next to her in divination, a class you of course excelled at.
"Oh hey, (y/n)" Lily said. She smiled happily and you noticed the green of her eyes was the same green as the flash that would kill her, James, Sirius, and Remus. All of them were to be killed and it was something only you knew.
"This class is so boring," she mumbled as the teacher went on.
"Yeah, I don't really like it either," you whispered back
"But you're probably the best in our year,"
"It's luck Lily," You mumbled. The teacher partnered you off with a new Hufflepuff student. You were forced to do a palm reading of course. As he touched your hand you saw it. He was sick in the hospital. It was a muggle hospital too. His wife presumably was next to him holding his hand. He was old, his hair grey and missing. His children, were next to him. He was going to die an old man. One with a beautiful family. You almost cried tears of joy.
A war was coming, you had long known it was on its way, perhaps before Dumbledore himself. So many people you had met, died with green flashes, it was a sign of a war coming.
When class was over you made sure of copy down the boy's name and his death scene. You had done this for everyone, you couldn't tell anyone so you wrote it down in a journal. It helped you cope. Walking out of the class you were met with Sirius who always waited outside your class for you. He was sweet alright.
"My sweet (y/n)," Sirius greeted taking a step next to you like always.
"My dear Sirius, how can I help you?"
"Hogsmead," he said wiggling his eyebrows
"Nope," you replied smiling and shaking your head. At this point it felt like a game. How many times would he ask you, and how many times would you reject him.
"Marry me," Sirius joked taking a seat out in the courtyard.
"Can't do that one either," You answered laughing a bit. Sirius' acted fake hurt he clutched his head and fell to the floor acting like he was dying.
"Oi, (y/n) only your sweet lips can save me!" He cried dramatically fake dying on the floor
"Well,  I guess I'll see you in the afterlife." You tell him dramatically stepping over him to sit on the bench. The two of you sat and talked until dinner. When you got up to leave you carelessly left your journal behind. It was a careless stupid mistake that you would regret. 
"Hey (y/n) I believe this is yours." Sirius said dropping a journal on your lap. You looked up surprised from your textbook. You hadn't even thought that the journal was missing.
"Sirius! Wow! Thank you so much!" You replied relieved to have this back in your possession.
"Ummm...did you read this?" You asked worried suddenly.
"No, don't worry (y/n). I knew it was yours, you always have this bloody thing with you. It's private and I didn't want to intrude." He answered sweetly and he started to walk away. He was telling the truth and it nice that he didn't read your journal. He had the power to know your deepest secrets but respected you enough to not intrude.
"Sirius, wait." You called surprised at yourself. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. You patted on the empty space next to you for him to take a seat next to you. He did so quickly noticing your glum state.
"What is it?" He asked worried
"Sirius, I really appreciate that you didn't read this. I—I want you to know why I can't go out with you. I do like you Sirius, and I think you know that." Your cheeks heated up at the last sentence. Sirius laughed and nodded. "But I can't, and I feel like I owe you an explanation."
"You don't owe me anything." His hand reached for yours. You heard a scream of a young boy, you shivered. You quickly moved it away.
"No, Sirius, please. I want you to know. I trust you." You placed the journal in his hands.
"Read this, and know everything in here is true. Read this and get back to me okay?" You bravely told him giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. You saw the boy now, with a lightning scar. You left the common room and went up to your dorm.
There was a feeling of relief you felt.  Someone would know your secret now. Someone you loved. Someone you trusted, someone who would never hurt you. You felt such relief and fear. After a few hours you heard a soft knock on your door.
"(Y/n)" Sirius had red lined eyes. He'd been crying.
"Sirius," You wanted to cry too.
"Darling, I really want to hug you right now, but I know it'll just make it worse." Sirius said laughing with wet eyes. Breaking one of your biggest rules you ran into his arms hugging him. You saw Remus holding back the boy. Remus looked older, Sirius still had time. Remus had time. You started balling, when you heard your own cry. You were going to be there when he died.
"Shhhh, (y/n), it's okay. It'll be okay," Sirius whispered holding you as you saw the veil flap again.
"I can't keep seeing you die. I can't do it, I can't keep seeing the person I love the most die every time he touches me Sirius," you cried out.  His lips kissed your forehead.
"(Y/n) I love you so much. I'm so sorry." He said kissing your face, both wet with tears. He finally let go of you, but you couldn't stop seeing the green flash.
He never touched you again.
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ourotps · 6 years
“There’s nothing more frightening than being vulnerable. And there’s nothing more desperate than loneliness.”
- 1.9.18
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ourotps · 6 years
I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.
Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls (via books-n-quotes)
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ourotps · 7 years
Master Post
Steve Rogers/ Captain America 
Mission Pt 2 
My World 
Cold Pt 2 
Cold Pt 3 
Mr. America 
Hardest of Hearts 
The Freelancer
Start Over 
Steve Rogers/ Natasha Romanoff 
Like They Do
Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver 
On Your Toes 
Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier
Roomie Pt 2 
Husband Pt 2 
Nice Play
American Money 
It Feels Right 
It Feels Right Pt 2 
T’Challa/ Black Panther 
The Scientist 
The Scientist Pt 2 
The Scientist Pt 3 
My Masseuse
Under Arrest
Brock Rumlow 
The Wrong Man 
Tony Stark/ Pepper Potts
Dark Side 
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski
New Girl in Town 
New Girl in Town (pt 2) 
New Girl in Town (pt 3) 
Another Life 
Harry Potter 
Sirius Black 
In 12 Grimmauld Place 
Remus Lupin
Dylan O’Brien 
Mets Pt 2 
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ourotps · 7 years
Remus Lupin x Reader 
Complete fluff…
“Professor Slughorn, I think I finished” you say smiling at your perfectly brewed Amortentia. You could tell from the smell of chocolate, your home, and something very deeply Remus, that the potion was right. You were the only one in the room, since you had skipped class the day that they made this to stay with Remus in the hospital wing after the full moon. You spent the day reading and just simply enjoying each other’s company.  You smelled the potion again, and heat rose to your cheeks. Of course you could smell something very Remus-y in there. Every time he said your name, or touched you, your cheeks got red. The smell was an odd mixture of maybe his shampoo, or maybe his cologne that he sometimes had on.
“Ah, well let me smell it real quick” Slughorn said, he stood over the cauldron and relief washed through his face. He closed his eyes, and smelled it a little longer.
“Yes, Ms. (y/l/n) I think you have quite succeeded. Impressive job too, it took you only half the time it took the class to make this.” He says happily. You smile and start to put the ingredients you used away. You looked into the cauldron once more before you picked it up. You were going to place it on Slughorn’s desk and he would dispose of it anyway he wanted to, he was probably going to use a simple spell. As you carefully walked towards Slughorn’s desk you tripped and ended up spilling the potion all over yourself.
“Ms. (y/l/n) are you okay?” Slughorn asked helping you up from the ground. Your robes were all wet and the potion felt hot on your skin.
“I’m fine, can I go now. I really want to change.” You mutter unhappy with yourself.
“Of course, I’ll see you tomorrow (y/n).” Slughorn said dismissing you. You thankfully grabbed your books and made your way towards the Gryffindor Tower. You opened the door of the potions classroom to find Remus standing by the wall sweetly waiting for you. He smiled his adorable smile when he saw you. His light brown hair unruly like it usually was. It was the perfect messy, he had only a white dress shirt on and some black slacks. His sleeves were carefully rolled up showing only a hint of his scars.
“Hey, (y/n). How was-” He started saying before he looked at your soaked robes. He laughed at bit as he took you in.
“What were you even making in potions? I’m going to Slughorn’s tomorrow to make the class up.” You waited for him to comment on your smell, but he didn’t.
“(y/n) dearest.” A arm slung around your shoulders. You looked up to find a smug Sirius. You were now sandwiched between Sirius and Remus.
“Sirius,” You greet
“You smell weird”
“I know that I spilled Amor-”
“Prongs don’t you think she smells weird?” Sirius interrupted looking over at James who was on the other side of Sirius. James looked over at you and walked up to openly sniff you.
“Oi James, get away” You say pushing him away laughing.
“She just smells like ummm…Whatever my mom uses to do laundry…and” He said taking another big whiff of you.
“Did you use Lily’s shampoo?” He asked confused
“What no- If you gits would let me say something I would tell you that-”
“She clearly doesn’t smell like Lily, but I will agree on the laundry smell. She smells like the outside. She smells more like Marlene. Remus use your wolfish senses and smell (y/n).” Sirius said pushing you to Remus. Remus placed both hands on your arms to steady you.  Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius’ request. Remus tried to be more discrete about smelling you.
“Sorry, mate. She smells like she always does, except like she has chocolate in her pockets.” Your eyes grow wide and a smile slips on your face.
“What! Mooney! She smells like Lily” James exclaimed and you tried to butt in.
“James. She literally smells the same. I think I would know I have the best noise here. She smells like the vanilla stuff in her shampoo. I don’t even smell what you and Sirius are smelling…” The last few words of Remus’ sentence dropped in sound. He looked at you with wide eyes understanding what you had spilled on yourself. You gave a sorry smile and Remus put distance between the two of you.
“What” Sirius said looking at Remus and you.
“I…umm.. spilled some amortentia on myself on accident.” You say sheepishly and all the boys blush. All their secrets out in the open, especially Remus’.
“I’m going to…uuhh…yeah, I’m going to leave now.” You say awkwardly cringing. Your heart beating fast as you turned the corner of the hall.
“I knew you liked her Mooney” You could hear Sirius snicker.
“Oh shut the fuck up, Padfoot.” Remus said with a hint of amusement.
“(y/n)” A voice whispered making you jump.
“Oh, Lily, hey”
“What are you doing? Are you spying on someone?” She whispered amused.
“Oh, no. Not really.”
“Merlin! What do you have all over yourself!” She says looking at your still wet outfit.
“I was working on some potions with Slughorn’s and spilled Amor-”
“You smell like James’ Quidditch gear.” She interrupted.
“What about my Quidditch gear?” James says turning the corner, he had a smirk plastered on his face.
“I was just saying that (y/n) stinks bec-”
“Oh, Lily! We have to go now!” You yell interrupting her before she said something she would regret. She looks at you weird and you elbow her, to tell her to go with it.
“Oh…Okay??” She questioned.
“Mr. Lupin, I’ll see you later tonight? Yes?” You asked looking him in the eyes, hoping he’ll take the hint that you desperately wanted to talk to him.
“Sure.” He said a rosy shade of pink dusting his cheeks.
You pushed Lily further down the hall away from those three goofy boys.
“What was that for?” Lily asked questioning your strange behavior.
“Lily, I spilled Amortentia all over myself today! And you with your big mouth were about to tell James you love him without you even knowing it!” Lily’s mouth dropped wide open.
“I…I do not like..him.. I don’t  like him!”
“Yeah tell that to yourself,” You say finally getting back into the Gryffindor Tower.
“Did he know you spilled that all over you?”
“Yes! That’s why I wanted you to shut up!”
“(y/n), you are the absolute best! I can’t believe that almost happened!!"Lily said taking a deep breath sitting down on your bed.
"You need to figure out your feelings for the poor lad. He’s so crazy for you Lily.”
“I know, but it just…I’m scared.”
“I know, but sometimes you just have to go for it.”
Later that day you met with Remus in the library, your usual meeting place.
“(y/n)” He says greeting you. He pulls up a chair next to you. He looks nervous, but also that he’s trying to hide his nerves. He can’t stop bouncing his leg or running his hand through his bloody perfect hair.
“Moony” You say sweetly. He turns towards you, placing one hand on the back of your chair and one on the table.
“We need to talk.” He says
“I know that’s why I asked you to meet me.”
“I know…Look I’m sorry. Oh, Merlin this is going to be so awkward between us now. I know you don’t like me like that. Can we just for-”
“Remus,” You interrupt, he looks at you hopefully.
“When I made that potion, I knew I made it right, because I could smell you in it. Remus, I do really like you. You’re not just my best friend Remus, you’re so much more.” You admit, and the smile on Remus’ face made you so happy. You remembered all those times next to him laughing, crying, and smiling. You knew Remus more than you probably knew yourself. You knew all his little isms, and quirks.
“Really?” He breathed out unbelieving.
“Of course, what isn’t there to like?” You joke pulling yourself closer to him.
“Don’t even get me started (y/n)” He mumbled, and you could feel his hot breath against your lips. You closed the gap between you two and kissed him. His lips were chapped but soft at the same time. His hand was in your hair keeping you close to him. You moved your lips against his. You slid closer to his body, placing on hand on his bicep and one on his thigh. You leaned over your chair barely sitting on it at this point.
“Oh, bloody hell” He said as you two pulled apart.
“What?” You asked amused your eyes twinkling.
“I’m going to want to do that all the time now.” He joked making you laugh. You close the space between you to again and kiss him, but this time more passionately.
“(Y/n) are you sure about this? I know that my…my condition…It makes..It makes everything harder.” He says scared that all this will come crashing down. Your hand snakes up to his cheek softly rubbing circles.
“Oh, Remus, you know it’s never mattered to me.” You say kissing him again.
“Plus, if I can handle a werewolf outside, I can handle a werewolf in bed.” You whispered in his ear, and you saw his eyes almost pop out of his head. His cheeks turned red making you laugh a bit.
“I think..” He started saying before he cleared his throat.
“I think we should go somewhere else.” He says now abruptly standing up offering you his hand.
“And where should we go Moony?” You asked looking at him suggestively.
“Well lets go see if your werewolf handling skills are as good as you say they are.”
“I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”
“Dear Godric, I hope I am” He says making you laugh as he pulls you out of the library.
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ourotps · 7 years
.. she longed to go alone far into the fields and hear the birds singing, the brooks tinkling and the wind rustling through the corn, as she had when a child. To smell things and touch things, warm earth and flowers and grasses and to stand and gaze where no one could see her, drinking it all in.
Flora Thompson : Lark Rise to Candleford (via pagewoman)
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ourotps · 7 years
I used to say I’d know you anywhere, but it’s getting harder.
Margaret Atwood, “Shapechangers in Winter” from Morning in the Burned House (via 7-weeks)
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ourotps · 7 years
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Happy National Book Lover’s Day!
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