misssagescraft · 3 years
You're gonna listen to me, alright?
Take a breath, relax your body, unclench your jaw.
Your witchcraft is beautiful, your magic is valid, your spells are strong, and your rituals are rich.
Now, carry on with your scrolling Witches and Witchlings <3
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misssagescraft · 3 years
The best crystals for... Part 1 🤍
Part 2
Part 3
@lovebyluna on instagram
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misssagescraft · 3 years
🌸 Self Love Jar 🌸
Glass Jar with lid
Whole Cloves - draws in love. Good for divination.
Chamomile Buds - Love, sleep, protection and purification, also reduce stress.
Brown Sugar or Honey – to add a little sweetness (I think we all need to be a little sweeter to ourselves)
Rose petals – not only good for self love but attracting things to you and beauty spells too.
Pink Himalayan Salt – Salt is known for its protective and purifying nature
Lavender – calming and is great for heightening awareness. Also to rid anxiety.
Hibiscus Flowers – perfect for attraction and helping with dreams
Rosemary – this is my go to herb for lots of spells and rituals. A perfect substitute for any herb. Stops gossip and is great for the memory.
Bay Leaves – Write your intentions or mantra on the leaves (I am strong, I am beautiful etc)
Cinnamon – perfect for getting rid of negative energy and ‘warming up’ your own power!
Pink Peppercorns – to give yourself a little kick
Rose Quartz – to help open your heart and create feelings of peace. Raw Rose Quartz for self love in its most natural state.
Pink Candle – To seal the jar.
Light some incense and take a few deep breaths before placing all your items into a jar. The size will depend on how powerful you want it or if you want to carry it with you. I have some teeny little jars that pack just as much punch as the larger ones. It is all about the intention you put into it.
As you add each item say either out loud or to yourself what you hope to gain or are wanting from the item.
‘I add this lavender to help ease my anxiety and give me a sense of calm’
With the bay leaves I like to use a permanent marker and write clear directions.
This sets the intention solidly and you are not asking for permission. The words are declaring that you have got this and it is true!
After all of the items have been added you need to seal the spell. Light the candle and allow the wax to drip down the sides of the jar/bottle to form a wax seal. While still wet I like to place the crystal, in this case rose quartz, into the wax.
Hold the jar in your hands and feel the positivity you just created. Place onto your alter or work desk where you will see it regularly. When you feel the need for a little pick me up, hold it and feel the good vibes flow.
🌸 I am constantly growing, evolving and becoming my best self. I am enough. I am whole. I love myself. 🌸
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misssagescraft · 3 years
✨2021 Moon Phases✨
🌖Full Moons
Jan 28 in Leo
Feb 27 in Virgo
Mar 28 in Libra
Apr 27 in Scorpio - Super Moon
May 26 in Sagittarius - Total Lunar Eclipse
Jun 24 in Capricorn
Jul 24 in Aquarius
Aug 22 in Aquarius
Sep 21 in Pisces
Oct 20 in Aries
Nov 19 in Taurus - Lunar Eclipse
Dec 19 in Gemini
🌘New Moons
Jan 13 in Capricorn
Feb 11 in Aquarius
Mar 13 in Pisces
Apr 12 in Aries
May 11 in Taurus
Jun 10 in Gemini - Solar Eclipse
Jul 10 in Cancer
Aug 8 in Leo
Sep 7 in Virgo
Oct 6 in Libra
Nov 4 in Scorpio
Dec 4 in Sagittarius - Solar Eclipse
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misssagescraft · 3 years
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misssagescraft · 3 years
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misssagescraft · 3 years
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How do you stay grounded? ✨🥰
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misssagescraft · 3 years
Tree Grounding/Rooting
So this is a technique I learned a while ago before I really got into witchcraft. I guess it could considered a mindfulness meditation as well. It doesn’t really matter what you call it. 
A lot of my craft focuses on the mind and centering it on what’s going on inside of you and then reaching out to what’s around you. In this particular exercise you dispel negative energy by feeding it back into the earth and then, if needed, draw up neutral energy (because everything that goes into the earth becomes neutral until we do something to change it) back from the earth to recharge yourself. 
To Begin:
I like to start this exercise sitting cross legged on the floor, you can do it outside or in a chair inside-whatever is easiest for you. 
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. See if you can feel the different flows of energy and emotions within your body with each breath.
Visualize yourself as one with the Earth. Realize that despite be physically separate, energetically we all come from the same thing. 
Start to, in your mind’s eye, see your spine/tail bone grow like the base of a tree or a vine, and see yourself being rooted into the Earth itself. 
Visualize your roots going deeper into the Earth, searching for it’s core.
When you’ve found where you feel your roots need to be, stop. Enjoy feeling connected for a moment. Let your mind wander, this is healthy, just remember to come back. 
Feel that energy flowing through you again. Try to separate the negative energy you don’t want out from the rest. 
Give it a color or a form in your mind and try to push it down through the roots into the core of the Earth, asking that she take it into herself and neutralize it where it can no longer harm anyone. 
Once you feel the negative energy fully leave you and your roots, think about how you feel. Do you feel lighter? More calm? A little freer maybe? At this time do you need to recharge with some more neutral energy that you can make positive?
While still connected to the Earth by your roots, if you need to recharge, ask for some neutral energy in return for your offering you have just given. With each breath in feel the energy come higher up the roots and eventually fill you. Allow it to flow through you, knowing that it simply is, and has possibilites to go either way, depending on what you do with it. 
When you are ready you can thank the Earth for helping you and start to pull back your roots with each breath. Once you feel like you have full returned you can open your eyes and evaluate how you feel. 
Hopefully this can help some of you. It doesn’t take super long, although I know it seems to have a lot of steps. I was trying to break it up for readability. I’ve used it before spellwork, tarot readings, seances, and just when I need to cleanse myself of negativity. It can be quite helpful. Let me know what you guys think and your results? 
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misssagescraft · 3 years
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Herbs Masterpost
Valuable information on individual herbs down below! 🌿 
Posted: May 7th, 2018.
Updated: June 12th, 2018.
Acacia: Masculine. Deities; Astarte, Diana, Ishtar, Osiris, and Ra. Element; Air. Planet; Sun. Powers; Psychic Protection and Powers. 
Agrimony: Masculine. Element; Air. Planet; Jupiter. Powers; Protection, banishes negative energy and spirits. Once used to detect the presence of witches.
Alfalfa: Feminine. Element; Earth. Planet; Venus. Powers; Prosperity and Fortune.
Allspice: Masculine. Element; Fire. Planet; Mars. Powers; Fortune, Luck, and Healing.
Almond: Masculine. Deities; Attis, Hermes, Mercury, and Thoth. Element; Air. Planet; Mercury. Powers; Fortune, Prosperity, and Wisdom.
Aloe: Feminine. Element; Water. Planet; Moon. Powers; Protection and Luck.
Althea: Feminine. Element; Water. Powers; Protection and Psychic Powers.
Amaranth: Feminine. Deity; Artemis. Element; Fire. Planet; Saturn. Powers; Healing, Calling the Dead, and Protection. 
Anemone: Masculine. Deities; Adonis, Venus. Element; Fire. Planet; Mars. Powers; Health, Healing, and Protection.
Angelica: Masculine. Element; Fire. Planet; Sun. Powers; Exorcism, Healing, Protection, Visions.
Anise: Masculine. Element; Air. Planet; Jupiter. Powers; Purification and Youth.
Apple: Feminine. Deities; Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Diana, Dionysus, Iduna, Hera, Olwen, Zeus. Element; Water. Planet; Venus. Powers; Love, Healing, Immortality.
Avocado: Feminine. Element; Water. Planet; Venus. Powers; Love, Lust, Beauty.
Keep reading
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misssagescraft · 3 years
witch self care masterpost!✌️🌿
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✌️🌿what to do if witchcraft drains you
✌️🌿self care magic
✌️🌿🔮 spoonie witch tips 🔮
✌️🌿magics for self love
✌️🌿self-care tips masterpost
✌️🌿✨an altar to yourself ✨
✌️🌿self care: witch style
✌️🌿witchy emergency masterpost
✌️🌿witches with depression
✌️🌿self care tarot routine
✌️🌿self care spell jar
✌️🌿self love spell jar
✌️🌿emoji spell for peace
✌️🌿witch tip : computers
✌️🌿witch tip : dishes
✌️🌿simple self love spell
✌️🌿tasks for the tired witch
✌️🌿gentle reminders
✌️🌿witchy reminders
✌️🌿self care stretch
✌️🌿witchcraft for the grieving
I will be updating this whenever I find anything new!
✨disclaimer // none of these belong to me! all credit goes to the creators! never listen to just one source, do you own research! ✨
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misssagescraft · 3 years
🌺Crystals that should NOT be left in the sun🌺
Like many people I love charging and cleansing my crystals in the natural sunlight. However, over the years I have learnt that there are many crystals that you should not leave in the sun for extended periods of time. This is especially important if you live in a hot climate.
Amegreen - The colour will fade when in sun too long
Amethyst - Colour will fade in the sun since the colour comes from the iron in it.
Ametrine - The colour will fade when in sun too long. Made up of amethyst and citrine.
Apatite - The colour will fade in the sun.
Apophyllite - Can become brittle in the sun and colour can fade.
Aquamarine - Direct sunlight will fade the blue to white if kept too long.
Aventurine - A member of the quartz family and can fade in colour.
Beryl - Can fade and get brittle in the sun.
Calcite - Can fade and get brittle in the sun.
Celestite - The blue will turn to white in the sun and get brittle and possibly break.
Chrysoprase - Can fade or get brittle and crack.
Citrine - It will fade to a clear colour within 4 hours in the sun
Clear Quartz - Can only withstand about 2 hours in the sun. Can get brittle and crack or break.
Fluorite - No more than 15 minutes in the sun. Gets very hot.
Hiddenite - The colour will fade.
Kunzite - Will fade to white if kept in the sun too long.
Opal - Will lose its colour in the sun.
Prasiolite - This is a green amethyst, and the colour will fade.
Rose Quartz - Will fade in colour in the sun.
Sapphire - Will lose whatever colour sapphire it is.
Smokey Quartz - Loses its colour to become grey or brown
Super Seven - Will fade in color.
Topaz - The colour will fade when kept in sun for more than 8 hours. A yellow topaz will turn brown and a deeper colour topaz will turn maroon.
Turquoise - colour can fade in the sun
As always you should do more research for each crystal you get to ensure you look after it as best you can and don’t accidentally damage it!
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misssagescraft · 3 years
Magic to Replenish Energy
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(Had to make a new version because tumblr messed with the gif on the original and won’t let me edit my own posts…)
As a spoonie witch, using magic to help regain my mental and physical energy has been extremely helpful. I decided to compile some resources to make life easier!
Mental reboost tea spell
Easy energy tea spell
Energy boost tea
Energy spell
Rejuvenating tea
Morning coffee spell
Lemon cayenne wakefulness potion
*resources for herbal interactions*
Spoonie spell for energy + Spoons spell
Rain energy spell
Electric charge spell (storms)
Solar charged spell
Energy boost spell
Pick me up energy spell
Full bloom spell
Odds and ends:
Energy bath
Energy shower scrub
Recharge yourself (with crystals)
Sun meditations
Motivation charm bag
Spell jar/sachet for energy
“I Shouldn’t Be Awake But I Have to Be” Jar Spell
Sigils for energy: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Related resources:
What to do when witchcraft drains you
Spells and sigils for energy
Witchy things to do when you’re low on spoons
Simple spell work for low energy days
You may also like:
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Spoonie witch masterpost
Bedridden witchcraft series
Sick witchery
How to return to the craft
Links updated February, 2020 (please inform me of broken links via askbox)
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misssagescraft · 3 years
college witch tips!
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being a witch and living in a tiny dorm or apartment is a hassle… but here’s some (cheap and easy) tips to make your life a lot easier coming from a college witch!
quick note: if you are a student, you can get six months free of amazon prime with a student email account, and from then on out prime is only $50 instead of $100! amazon is a great place for tons of cheaper witchy resources (and really worth it for textbooks).
💎 crystals! whether you’re sharing a room with someone or in a room by yourself, plenty of people collect and use crystals. check for local flea markets or see if there is an occult shop in your area, there’s bound to be some there. great starter crystals are clear quartz (an essential crystal), amethyst, and rose quartz!
📚 the library! your school library will have some sort of resources. also don’t worry about people thinking you’re strange for checking out books on magick… i promise they don’t care!
🕯 candles and incense! when i lived in a dorm, i hated not being able to light candles and burn incense. invest in some battery powered candles! you can get packs at local dollar stores or walmarts. as for aroma related magick, purchase some oils and mix them with some salt water and spray them around your room! oil warmers or wax warmers are also wonderful alternatives. 
📖 a grimoire/book of shadows! i highly suggest keeping a personal book. no, you don’t have to get some elaborate leather bound book that came straight out of hocus pocus for it to be legit. you could find a sketchbook somewhere, use a three ring binder, or buy a hardback book at a thrift store and paint over the pages! your book is what you make of it. it is your own novel of personal magical experiences and knowledge, so make it your own!
🌵 plants! invest in cacti and succulents especially if you are a beginner or live in a tight space, they’re easy to manage throughout the rough mishaps and late nights of school work. cacti are great for protection and banishing negativity, where succulents bring love and healing. both plants can represent the ability to survive through conditions others cannot. if you have a balcony, take advantage!
⚗️ jars! now is a great time to collect containers from thrift stores, gather old pickle jars, and look for sales and coupons craft stores may have since most of them will have all sorts of neat jars.
🔮 an altar! if you don’t have a roommate to worry about, great! do your thing. if you do (and the don’t exactly seem cool with the whole witch thing), you can make a subtle altar of candles, crystals, and some plants or flowers. they don’t have to be elaborate. you could keep a small altar in a shoe box or draw one in your bos/grimoire! get creative!
✍️ sigils! use sigils. abuse sigils. put them everywhere. write them in binders or on your skin, write them on sticky notes or ripped paper and put them places you’ll see them or bury them outside. sleep with a protective one under your pillow. there’s so many things to do and its so easy to use them!
🎨 get creative! you can make crystals out of salt (another thing you should invest in), learn how to read playing cards if you can’t afford a tarot deck, and never forget you can find the coolest things at thrift stores. paint can be your best friend!
☕️ tea and coffee! a keurig is a wonderful investment. whether you like coffee or tea, it gives you boiling water fast without leaving a dorm. enchant your keurig and remind yourself of the properties in your drink to help you learn.
✨ decorating! take advantage of things like twinkle lights and washi tape! if you don’t know about washi tape, its a decorating tape that does not damage walls. create constellations or sigils with washi tape on your walls! amazon also sells many cheap tapestries. give yourself a comfortable and pleasant space to live and work!
⏳ plan! enchant your planners to help you remember due dates, and while you’re at it, keep track of moon phases and other events! many calendars will tell you when full moons are.
⚖️ meditate! this is something i find very important to stay sane during hard semesters. if you have a roommate, maybe meditate in the morning or late at night laying in bed. you could also meditate when they have classes. its okay if you cant every day, but its important to remember to save time for you.
🏃‍♀️ walks! if you live in a dorm there’s a big chance you’ll be walking to class. enjoy these walks with nature, read outside every now and again, but make sure that you are always safe.
⏱ take your time! you do not have to collect all of these things in a week, month, or even year. witchcraft is all about intent and energy. you hold the power, the items are only there to help. manifest your own power, collect at your own pace.
🔎research! always research properties of things. buy cheap dried herbs from grocery stores and work with them, figure out what to put in your coffee to help you with your day, and learn how to enchant crystals to help you feel a little more confident about your studies. most importantly, learn to balance your studies and your witchy research, and don’t let witchcraft get in the way of your schoolwork. school should come first always!
i hope this helped some of you college witches, new and experienced! i am always open to answer questions! happy casting!
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misssagescraft · 3 years
🌄Morning Witchcraft☀️: how to connect to the elements
These are some of my tips for connecting to the elements in the morning before school, work, busy days, or just a day at home. It’s also handy for witches like me who prefer to work in the morning and daytime 🌞
💨wake up at dawn if you can (dawn is the time that correspondes with air)
💨pick a perfume that correspondes with your intent for the rest of the day
💨listen to some music to set intent for the day and energize yourself
💨get some fresh air and let the crisp morning air invigorate and center you
💨light incense that correspondences with your intent of the day
💨enjoy the morning bird chirping
💨do a daily divination reading to get a feel for what to expect for the rest of the day
💨incorporate almonds, honey, strong scented herbs like dill, or eggs in your breakfast
💧have a cup of tea or some water when you wake up
💧take a shower or bath and let it cleanse you
💧take a morning swim if you can
💧moisturize with lotion that correspondes with your intent for the day
💧make a water bottle of infused water (with the herbs/fruits of your intent) to carry around and keep you hydrated for the day
💧collect morning dew
💧pick a seashell that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry around with you
💧sing! (to connect to mermaids and warm up your voice for the day)
💧incorporate apples, berries, salt, fish, or avocado in your breakfast
🌿take a walk or jog
🌿do some yoga
🌿pick a crystal that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry with you
🌿ground yourself
🌿take care of your plants (water them, talk to them, etc.)
🌿do a prosperity spell for the day
🌿spend time with your pets
🌿use plant based products or make your own if you can (like shampoo, soap, makeup, etc.)
🌿incorporate nuts, beans, roots (like ginger), and greens (like spinach and kale) in your breakfast
🕯light a candle to set your intent for the day
🕯enjoy the morning sunshine, feel it’s warmth
🕯do some makeup or fashion magic when you’re getting ready
🕯meditate with the Sun
🕯take vitamins and/or medications
🕯stay warm with hot teas, hot showers, blankets, etc. (the morning can be a bit chilly)
🕯use the sunshine as a positivity and happiness spell and let it charge you for the day
🕯carry a tealight with you (you never know when you’ll need one)
🕯incorporate citrus and spices (like cinnamon, peppers, etc) into your breakfast
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misssagescraft · 3 years
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Rain from a lightening storm
this has the greatest energy
used in a bath to re-energize your being and aid in a ritual of clearing and cleansing your energies of negativity by soaking in it
used to clear and cleanse an object or area 
store in a white glass bottle
Rain from thunderstorms, tornadoes or hurricanes
Used to empower spells for moving things forward such as letting go of the past and moving forward in life
used to help move a project forward and get beyond current blocks in life
used to change a pattern or habit you don’t like
store in a blue glass bottle
Sun and Rain
Used to balance energies when feeling weighed down
helps gather your thoughts when they are flighty and scattered
store in a dark green bottle
Hail storm
collect in a metal bowl but dont let it sit in the bowl for more than 6 hours
allow the hail to melt before bottling it
store in a black or dark brown bottle
used to dispel psychic attacks or negative energies
best used for black magic to get rid of your enemies or negative forces that stand in your way
Spring Rain
used to empower new ventures such as new relationships, new business ventures, a new job
rain collected on the spring equinox or the first rain after the spring equinox is good for empowering spells for relationships
stored in a light green bottle
Summer Rain
used to encourage growth whether it be personal, spiritual growth or growth of a business venture or relationship
used to break bad habits
great to water indoor plants
rain collected on mid-summers eve and day is especially mystical
store in a sky blue bottle
Fall Rain
used for giving thanks and showing gratitude for the abundance the year has given you
store in an orange or fall colored bottle
Winter Rain
can be used for blessing a person, relationship, family or object
can be used to bless an event such as a birth, wedding or new business venture
to be able to survive the hardships of winter one is able to survive the hardships of life
Full Moon Rain
Used to honor the Goddess
a small glass can be added to a cleansing bath
add a couple of drops to your bath before an important event or ritual
used for a blessing during a full moon ritual
used for blessing a child or pet 
rain collected during the full moon according to that season will have the energies of that moon according to month and season
clean altar spaces and other things by putting an ounce of rain water into your cleaning products
also very good for divination
Waning Moon Rain
good for getting rid of things, banishings, and purging negative energies
used like a banishing oil
also can be added to your bath for relaxation, clarity or promoting self love
use to prepare for lunar rituals
anoint your money with it to increase your wealth 
anoint yourself to increase your psychic awareness
New Moon Rain
good for workings in which something needs to be brought in 
used when starting a new project
Waxing Moon Rain
used to bring in good energies and blessing
used at the start of a new project or a new beginning
Rain collected from trees or roses will have different energies depending on the type of tree or color of the rose you collect it from
Use 1 cup of rain water to 1 tub size of water
For rituals use 1oz of rain water in a glass bowl or cauldron, to add effects to the water pour over crystals energized with your intent
For a spell place all your spell items in your bowl or cauldron and add 1tablespoon of rainwater
For cleansing or anointing ritual take 1/2oz of rainwater into a glass bowl and as you recite your incantation dip your fingers or wand/athame into the water then mark your physical body, the mark can be any spiritual symbol that has meaning to you
To anoint a tool, pout 1oz of rainwater onto the tool as you state your incantation to empower the tool for its intended purpose.
@autumnwitchesx i hope this helps you some!!!
also the bottles you store in dont have to be a specific color unless you want them to be, im all for using what you have first and foremost 
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misssagescraft · 3 years
Oh to be a witch in the woods, with twigs in your hair and magic in your heart.
Oh to be the witch the towns whisper about, a witch they warn about. A witch who is feared.
Oh to be the witch who the feared still come to asking for bottles filled with love, hexes, money and retribution.
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misssagescraft · 3 years
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Persephone 🥀💀
Persephone is the goddess of spring and vegetation, and the Queen if the Underworld. She is the personification of duality, cycles, and changes. She is someone that I have started forming a relationship with in recent months and I wanted to share some information on her.
From Llewellyn’s Book of Correspondences:
Zodiac: Scorpio, Virgo ♏️♍️
Element: Earth 🌏
Solar System: Moon, Pluto 🌕
Celebrations: Lughnasadh, Mabon, Ostara, Twelfth Night 🌱🍂
Trees: Aspen, Cedar, Cherry, Fir, Pomegranite, Poplar (black), Willow 🍒
Herb and Garden: Daffodil, Ivy, Poppy, Vervain
Misc. Plants: Dittany, Grain (corn) 🌽🌾
Animal: Bat 🦇
Bird: Owl (screech) 🦉
From my own communications with Persephone:
Suitable offerings: Pomegranite, Roses, Dead Flowers, Honey, Strawberries (not all the time)
Stones she likes: Ruby, Rose Quartz, Lepidolite, Quartz, Garnet
Will communicate through: Pendulum, Tarot, Bone Casting (haven’t tried yet but she said she would)
Days she likes: Tuesday, Friday
Favorite animal: Dog (Cerberus? 😉)
Place to connect: Cemetery
Let me know in the notes if you have any questions, comments, or anything to add! 🥀💀
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