i got into super auto pets and so i was like why don’t i try tft nope what the hell is this game i don’t know what’s going on help me what why how ??????????
Why is there no tutorial i am suffer
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Does anyone else revisit a song that you overplayed to the point of annoyance 4-5 years ago and re-realize why the song is so great and start playing it again only to get annoyed at the song again and-
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I like to eat frozen burritos with a knife and fork and dip it in mango pickle. 
I can’t eat regular burritos like this.
My friend thinks this is weird. Is it?
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fishing in video games is weirdly entertaining
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Just finished re-watching ATLA on Netflix
send help my heart is empty now
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Reasons why y’all should stan Shoffy
1) He has the best song lyrics 
“Why did I spend 2 years learning calculus and I still don't know how to do my taxes?“
“I do like grown up lunchables though, damn delicious Who's down for some charcuterie?”
they’re part of the same song btw.
2) He has a soothing voice. If you like almost lofi and electro-R&B you’ll like his music. If you only like heavy metal, dubstep, and scream-rap...maybe you won’t like this kind of music..but you can always try new things?
3) Seems to be a nice dude
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4) You read this whole thing so might as well listen to some of his songs...
Cool Again
Almost Dead
I Can’t Help ft Sarcastic Sounds
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I aspire to have friendship as great as Bill and Will the Krill in Happy Feet 2
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So I have a dumb challenge idea
What if there was this challenge where two people had to switch off every 45 minutes of the console/pc and pick up where the other person left off. But, the twist is that one player is a master level player while the other is an absolute noob and has never played the game before. The two people cannot communicate with each other. The master level player cannot give advice, but they can watch the noob play, but the noob cannot watch the master play or talk to the master player at all, absolutely no interaction can be initiated. The objective is to finish the game.
Imagine this with a game like Zelda where the master level player had just cooked a ton of food in preparation for a battle. They switch off and the noob player just eats all of the food because they got in a fight with a bokoblin and link is in the middle of a random field trying to tame a horse when the master switches back. I think it would be hilarious.
Or they’re playing fire emblem on hard mode, the master switches off and comes back to find their whole team has been killed except for the old man character.
Has somebody already came up with this idea because if so i’ll just delete this post lol.
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Michael Reeves is a McTsundere
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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Bald Schlatt
Made by the YouTube channel GalexTime
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The Three Step Guarenteed Process on How to Make a New Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Step One: Go to a public bathroom and sit in one of the stalls
Step Two: In your worst Yoda impression, say loudly, "I am the bathroom goblin. I am here to goblin the bathrooms."
Step Three: Whoever responds is your new friend :)
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Just saw a Youtube comment that said that they shipped Lily Pichu and Micheal Reeves until they just realized that they were just attracted to both of them and honestly mood
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my hobby is finding fanfiction that misspell wanton as wonton
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So I found this Instagram account and I thought people should really know about it
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It’s just a ship account for Ruby from Love Live and Bakugo from My Hero Academia.
It’s glorious.
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So evil
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The meme has increased by tenfold:
None of these videos are mine but I just thought everyone needs to know about this.
1) sweet dreams but i put kahoot music over it
2)“sweet dreams but i put kahoot music over it” but I fixed the tempo
3) “"sweet dreams but i put kahoot music over it” but I fixed the tempo" but I added Joker’s gun 
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None of these videos are mine but I just thought everyone needs to know about this.
1) sweet dreams but i put kahoot music over it
2)"sweet dreams but i put kahoot music over it" but I fixed the tempo
3) ""sweet dreams but i put kahoot music over it" but I fixed the tempo" but I added Joker's gun 
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