halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 2 years
iā€™m alive & ok
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
happy halloween & happy birthday to me šŸ–¤
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
opening up my own metaphysical, crystal, jewelry shop soon!! i hope this is a place i can share āœØšŸ–¤
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
must be the season of the witch...
i preformed the crossroads ritual & devoted my practice to Hekate on that night. i heard her canines howl in the moonlight as i walked away & never looked back. & as i felt her magic run through my veins & soul my power was never the same.
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
litha, summer solsticešŸŒžšŸŒž
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oh my goodness itā€™s here litha , also known as Midsummer Nights Eve. As on Samhain the veil between this world & others is really thin so protect & ward & be safe!! Itā€™s the night to celebrate the sun & light. Traditionally bonfires were lit & herbs were tossed onto the flames to honor the Sun God & Queen Mab. This is also a very important night to the faeries as well.
litha correspondences:
symbolism: abundance, empowerment, energy, fertility, growth, harvest, health, honoring, light, love, nurturing, sun god energy
colors: gold, green, orange, red, yellow, sky blue, white
crystals: carnelian, citrine, diamond, emerald, jade, periodt, tigers eye
herbs: chamomile, cinnamon, fox glove, lavender, meadowsweet, mistletoe, mugwort, rosemary, st. johnā€™s wort, vervain, yarrow
deities: sun god/desses, Apollo, Amaterasu, Hestia, Aten, Horus, Lugh, Ra, The Green Man
animals: bee, butterfly, cow, horse, eagle, lion, lizard, moth, hawk, bull
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
scorpio full moon
yā€™all. let me tell you. my chart is 64% water i have no fire in me (except pluto sag) iā€™m mainly scorpio in my chart & this full moon has been driving me crazy lmaooo. so many past traumas coming up. me not wanting my relationship anymore. me literally starting my period randomly when i shouldnā€™t have on the scorpio full moon. not cool lol. it has definitely brought what it has been told to bring thats for sure.
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
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when life goes crazy i turn to my cards & all they do is remind me how crazy my life is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH but no for real though they give me some great advice & courage to get through shit so shoutout to them.
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
what is the deck you used in your ostara post?
itā€™s a super cheap deck from spencerā€™s gifts ! it was only $8-$9. it was my very first deck & i love it
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
happy ostara!
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sorry i havenā€™t posted in a while iā€™ve been busy & unmotivated but nows the time for me to change my ways & get back into a more productive & healthy mindset.
the spring equinox is one of my favorite times of year, itā€™s when the earth just comes back to life, the celebration of the balance of dark & light. i wanted to share ways i have been spending my ostara & just share experiences.
ive rearranged my altars & cleaned up myself & my space spiritually & physically. iā€™ve been going on tons of nature walks & looking for all the signs of spring & just how beautiful the earth is. i want to start a herb garden sometime soon as well. but now iā€™ve been just trying to work on myself. iā€™ve been doing divination & all signs point to change & transformation which iā€™m not afraid of, iā€™m very excited for it.
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ostara correspondences
symbolisms: rebirth, new life, new beginnings, resurrection, fertility, balance, youth
colors: any pastels but mostly green, yellow, & pink, grass green, gold
crystals: jasper, emerald, amethyst, aquamarine, rose quartz, moonstone, bloodstone, clear quartz
herbs: early spring flowers, acorn, celandine, crocus, daffodil, dogwood, easter lily, ginger, hyssop, linden, honeysuckle, iris, jasmine, narcissus, peony, rose, violets, woodruff, forsythia, lavender
deities: Eostre, Ostara, Aphrodite, Athena, Cybele, Gaia, Isis, Persephone, Venus, Maiden, Pan, Cernunnos, Green Man, Adonis, Mars, Osiris, Thoth
animals: rabbits, hares, chicks, robins, lambs, snakes, unicorns, dragons
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
Idk a lot about paganism but one of my friends is a witch and I want to give them some lavender. I donā€™t want it to seem like iā€™m pandering to her or something so I guess what iā€™m asking is
1. is lavender a good gift to give her?
2. if it is is there a special way I should give it to them?
I donā€™t want to appropriate their culture either. I couldnā€™t directly message you cause tumblr wouldnā€™t let me sorry.
thank u for asking luv , as a witch i would totally love lavender as a gift! lavender is associated with peacefulness, happiness, psychic abilities, & many more properties. i would put it in a jar for them & just say you think they could use that in their craft! thereā€™s no problem in that at all iā€™m sure they will love it
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
donā€™t have a bath for ritual baths? me too :(
but itā€™s ok u can do this!
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add ur herbs & essential oils to a wash cloth! i used lavender, rose, chamomile, & lavender essential oil. you can choose whatever youā€™d like
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then tie it up, get it a little wet, & put it in the corner of ur shower & enjoy
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
i sat on the street & cried to the moon tonight
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
my new halloween tarot deckšŸ–¤šŸŽƒšŸ‘»šŸ˜ˆšŸ¦‡
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i picked out some of my favorite cards (i know itā€™s like half the deck LOL) but i wanted to show them off theyā€™re rly fucking cuteee, iā€™ve wanted them for a while
& donā€™t you just love the little black cat that follows you around in every card!! šŸˆā€ā¬›
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
my new altar set up šŸ–¤šŸøšŸŒž
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the first pic is basically all my crystals, gems, stones, geodes, jars, & my tarot cards (iā€™m doing a separate post abt my halloween tarot cards)
the second pic is my hekate altar , i have put many crystals, (black tourmaline, onyx, black&snowflake obsidian, striped agate, hematite, garnet, citrine, tiger eye, chrysoprase, & quartz) herbs (sage, rose, lavendaer, mandrake) ,incense, keys, candles (a black candle for she is a night deity, the guardian of crossroads, goddess of the undead, a red candle to represent the blood of life death & rebirth, a blue candle as she is the goddess of the seas, a yellow candle for she wore gold on her cloak, & a white candle to represent the light within her as well) my spell jars, personal items, seashells, & dog pictures/plushie
the third picture is all my books, herbs, lighters, my mortar & pestle, & my little froggie glass piece that i use for incense
iā€™m rly happy with how it all turned out šŸ„°šŸ„
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halloweenwitch1031 Ā· 3 years
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this made me giggle but we survived! šŸ„²
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